path: root/js/src/frontend/SyntaxParseHandler.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/src/frontend/SyntaxParseHandler.h')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/frontend/SyntaxParseHandler.h b/js/src/frontend/SyntaxParseHandler.h
index 80ca13ce45..f0c4c5b360 100644
--- a/js/src/frontend/SyntaxParseHandler.h
+++ b/js/src/frontend/SyntaxParseHandler.h
// Expressions
ListNodeType newArrayLiteral(uint32_t begin) { return NodeUnparenthesizedArray; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE bool addElision(ListNodeType literal, const TokenPos& pos) { return true; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE bool addSpreadElement(ListNodeType literal, uint32_t begin, Node inner) { return true; }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool addElision(ListNodeType literal, const TokenPos& pos) { return true; }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool addSpreadElement(ListNodeType literal, uint32_t begin, Node inner) { return true; }
void addArrayElement(ListNodeType literal, Node element) { }
BinaryNodeType newCall(Node callee, Node args) { return NodeFunctionCall; }
NullaryNodeType newPosHolder(const TokenPos& pos) { return NodeGeneric; }
UnaryNodeType newSuperBase(Node thisName, const TokenPos& pos) { return NodeSuperBase; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE bool addPrototypeMutation(ListNodeType literal, uint32_t begin, Node expr) { return true; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE bool addPropertyDefinition(ListNodeType literal, Node name, Node expr) { return true; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE bool addShorthand(ListNodeType literal, NameNodeType name, NameNodeType expr) { return true; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE bool addSpreadProperty(ListNodeType literal, uint32_t begin, Node inner) { return true; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE bool addObjectMethodDefinition(ListNodeType literal, Node name, FunctionNodeType funNode, JSOp op) { return true; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE Node newClassMethodDefinition(Node key, FunctionNodeType funNode, JSOp op, bool isStatic) { return NodeGeneric; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE Node newClassFieldDefinition(Node name, FunctionNodeType initializer, bool isStatic) { return NodeGeneric; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE Node newStaticClassBlock(FunctionNodeType block) { return NodeGeneric; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE bool addClassMemberDefinition(ListNodeType memberList, Node member) { return true; }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool addPrototypeMutation(ListNodeType literal, uint32_t begin, Node expr) { return true; }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool addPropertyDefinition(ListNodeType literal, Node name, Node expr) { return true; }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool addShorthand(ListNodeType literal, NameNodeType name, NameNodeType expr) { return true; }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool addSpreadProperty(ListNodeType literal, uint32_t begin, Node inner) { return true; }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool addObjectMethodDefinition(ListNodeType literal, Node name, FunctionNodeType funNode, JSOp op) { return true; }
+ [[nodiscard]] Node newClassMethodDefinition(Node key, FunctionNodeType funNode, JSOp op, bool isStatic) { return NodeGeneric; }
+ [[nodiscard]] Node newClassFieldDefinition(Node name, FunctionNodeType initializer, bool isStatic) { return NodeGeneric; }
+ [[nodiscard]] Node newStaticClassBlock(FunctionNodeType block) { return NodeGeneric; }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool addClassMemberDefinition(ListNodeType memberList, Node member) { return true; }
UnaryNodeType newYieldExpression(uint32_t begin, Node value) { return NodeGeneric; }
UnaryNodeType newYieldStarExpression(uint32_t begin, Node value) { return NodeGeneric; }
UnaryNodeType newAwaitExpression(uint32_t begin, Node value) { return NodeGeneric; }
ListNodeType newStatementList(const TokenPos& pos) { return NodeGeneric; }
void addStatementToList(ListNodeType list, Node stmt) {}
void addCaseStatementToList(ListNodeType list, CaseClauseType caseClause) {}
- MOZ_MUST_USE bool prependInitialYield(ListNodeType stmtList, Node genName) { return true; }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool prependInitialYield(ListNodeType stmtList, Node genName) { return true; }
UnaryNodeType newEmptyStatement(const TokenPos& pos) { return NodeEmptyStatement; }
UnaryNodeType newExportDeclaration(Node kid, const TokenPos& pos) {
Node newOptionalPropertyByValue(Node pn, Node kid, uint32_t end) { return NodeOptionalElement; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE bool addCatchBlock(ListNodeType catchList, LexicalScopeNodeType lexicalScope,
+ [[nodiscard]] bool addCatchBlock(ListNodeType catchList, LexicalScopeNodeType lexicalScope,
Node catchBinding, Node catchGuard, Node catchBody) { return true; }
- MOZ_MUST_USE bool setLastFunctionFormalParameterDefault(FunctionNodeType funNode, Node pn) { return true; }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool setLastFunctionFormalParameterDefault(FunctionNodeType funNode, Node pn) { return true; }
void checkAndSetIsDirectRHSAnonFunction(Node pn) {}
return NodeGeneric;
- MOZ_MUST_USE bool finishInitializerAssignment(NameNodeType nameNode, Node init) { return true; }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool finishInitializerAssignment(NameNodeType nameNode, Node init) { return true; }
void setBeginPosition(Node pn, Node oth) {}
void setBeginPosition(Node pn, uint32_t begin) {}
void setOp(Node pn, JSOp op) {}
void setListHasNonConstInitializer(ListNodeType literal) {}
- MOZ_MUST_USE Node parenthesize(Node node) {
+ [[nodiscard]] Node parenthesize(Node node) {
// A number of nodes have different behavior upon parenthesization, but
// only in some circumstances. Convert these nodes to special
// parenthesized forms.
return node;
template <typename NodeType>
- MOZ_MUST_USE NodeType setLikelyIIFE(NodeType node) {
+ [[nodiscard]] NodeType setLikelyIIFE(NodeType node) {
return node; // Remain in syntax-parse mode.
void setInDirectivePrologue(UnaryNodeType exprStmt) {}