path: root/gfx
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authorMoonchild <>2023-10-30 13:51:08 +0100
committerMoonchild <>2023-11-01 10:31:17 +0100
commit93ddeb613ece2af0e77c295b617c90553d15def2 (patch)
tree07197db5b2ca0d7ad36ffe3e9ebe5345d30e2bb4 /gfx
parent2fae5d3e6ba64821ce3ffeb74ac372d6496f5593 (diff)
Issue #2364 - Optimize the software-based box blur implementation.
Diffstat (limited to 'gfx')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/2d/Blur.cpp b/gfx/2d/Blur.cpp
index d838e182f0..73f09ba1af 100644
--- a/gfx/2d/Blur.cpp
+++ b/gfx/2d/Blur.cpp
@@ -25,159 +25,268 @@ namespace mozilla {
namespace gfx {
- * Box blur involves looking at one pixel, and setting its value to the average
- * of its neighbouring pixels.
- * @param aInput The input buffer.
- * @param aOutput The output buffer.
- * @param aLeftLobe The number of pixels to blend on the left.
- * @param aRightLobe The number of pixels to blend on the right.
- * @param aWidth The number of columns in the buffers.
- * @param aRows The number of rows in the buffers.
- * @param aSkipRect An area to skip blurring in.
- * XXX shouldn't we pass stride in separately here?
+ * Helper function to process each row of the box blur.
+ * It takes care of transposing the data on input or output depending
+ * on whether we intend a horizontal or vertical blur, and whether we're
+ * reading from the initial source or writing to the final destination.
+ * It allows starting or ending anywhere within the row to accomodate
+ * a skip rect.
-static void
-BoxBlurHorizontal(unsigned char* aInput,
- unsigned char* aOutput,
- int32_t aLeftLobe,
- int32_t aRightLobe,
- int32_t aWidth,
- int32_t aRows,
- const IntRect& aSkipRect)
+template<bool aTransposeInput, bool aTransposeOutput>
+static inline void
+BoxBlurRow(const uint8_t* aInput,
+ uint8_t* aOutput,
+ int32_t aLeftLobe,
+ int32_t aRightLobe,
+ int32_t aWidth,
+ int32_t aStride,
+ int32_t aStart,
+ int32_t aEnd)
- MOZ_ASSERT(aWidth > 0);
- int32_t boxSize = aLeftLobe + aRightLobe + 1;
- bool skipRectCoversWholeRow = 0 >= aSkipRect.x &&
- aWidth <= aSkipRect.XMost();
- if (boxSize == 1) {
- memcpy(aOutput, aInput, aWidth*aRows);
- return;
- }
- uint32_t reciprocal = uint32_t((uint64_t(1) << 32) / boxSize);
- for (int32_t y = 0; y < aRows; y++) {
- // Check whether the skip rect intersects this row. If the skip
- // rect covers the whole surface in this row, we can avoid
- // this row entirely (and any others along the skip rect).
- bool inSkipRectY = y >= aSkipRect.y &&
- y < aSkipRect.YMost();
- if (inSkipRectY && skipRectCoversWholeRow) {
- y = aSkipRect.YMost() - 1;
- continue;
- }
- uint32_t alphaSum = 0;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < boxSize; i++) {
- int32_t pos = i - aLeftLobe;
- // See assertion above; if aWidth is zero, then we would have no
- // valid position to clamp to.
- pos = max(pos, 0);
- pos = min(pos, aWidth - 1);
- alphaSum += aInput[aWidth * y + pos];
- }
- for (int32_t x = 0; x < aWidth; x++) {
- // Check whether we are within the skip rect. If so, go
- // to the next point outside the skip rect.
- if (inSkipRectY && x >= aSkipRect.x &&
- x < aSkipRect.XMost()) {
- x = aSkipRect.XMost();
- if (x >= aWidth)
- break;
+ // If the input or output is transposed, then we will move down a row
+ // for each step, instead of moving over a column. Since these values
+ // only depend on a template parameter, they will more easily get
+ // copy-propagated in the non-transposed case, which is why they
+ // are not passed as parameters.
+ const int32_t inputStep = aTransposeInput ? aStride : 1;
+ const int32_t outputStep = aTransposeOutput ? aStride : 1;
+ // We need to sample aLeftLobe pixels to the left and aRightLobe pixels
+ // to the right of the current position, then average them. So this is
+ // the size of the total width of this filter.
+ const int32_t boxSize = aLeftLobe + aRightLobe + 1;
+ // Instead of dividing the pixel sum by boxSize to average, we can just
+ // compute a scale that will normalize the result so that it can be quickly
+ // shifted into the desired range.
+ const uint32_t reciprocal = (1 << 24) / boxSize;
+ // The shift would normally truncate the result, whereas we would rather
+ // prefer to round the result to the closest increment. By adding 0.5 units
+ // to the initial sum, we bias the sum so that it will be rounded by the
+ // truncation instead.
+ uint32_t alphaSum = (boxSize + 1) / 2;
+ // We process the row with a moving filter, keeping a sum (alphaSum) of
+ // boxSize pixels. As we move over a pixel, we need to add on a pixel
+ // from the right extreme of the window that moved into range, and subtract
+ // off a pixel from the left extreme of window that moved out of range.
+ // But first, we need to initialization alphaSum to the contents of
+ // the window before we can get going. If the window moves out of bounds
+ // of the row, we clamp each sample to be the closest pixel from within
+ // row bounds, so the 0th and aWidth-1th pixel.
+ int32_t initLeft = aStart - aLeftLobe;
+ if (initLeft < 0) {
+ // If the left lobe samples before the row, add in clamped samples.
+ alphaSum += -initLeft * aInput[0];
+ initLeft = 0;
+ }
+ int32_t initRight = aStart + boxSize - aLeftLobe;
+ if (initRight > aWidth) {
+ // If the right lobe samples after the row, add in clamped samples.
+ alphaSum += (initRight - aWidth) * aInput[(aWidth - 1) * inputStep];
+ initRight = aWidth;
+ }
+ // Finally, add in all the valid, non-clamped samples to fill up the
+ // rest of the window.
+ const uint8_t* src = &aInput[initLeft * inputStep];
+ const uint8_t* iterEnd = &aInput[initRight * inputStep];
+ #define INIT_ITER \
+ alphaSum += *src; \
+ src += inputStep;
+ // We unroll the per-pixel loop here substantially. The amount of work
+ // done per sample is so small that the cost of a loop condition check
+ // and a branch can substantially add to or even dominate the performance
+ // of the loop.
+ while (src + 16 * inputStep <= iterEnd) {
+ }
+ while (src < iterEnd) {
+ }
- // Recalculate the neighbouring alpha values for
- // our new point on the surface.
- alphaSum = 0;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < boxSize; i++) {
- int32_t pos = x + i - aLeftLobe;
- // See assertion above; if aWidth is zero, then we would have no
- // valid position to clamp to.
- pos = max(pos, 0);
- pos = min(pos, aWidth - 1);
- alphaSum += aInput[aWidth * y + pos];
- }
- }
- int32_t tmp = x - aLeftLobe;
- int32_t last = max(tmp, 0);
- int32_t next = min(tmp + boxSize, aWidth - 1);
+ // Now we start moving the window over the row. We will be accessing
+ // pixels form aStart - aLeftLobe up to aEnd + aRightLobe, which may be
+ // out of bounds of the row. To avoid having to check within the inner
+ // loops if we are in bound, we instead compute the points at which
+ // we will move out of bounds of the row on the left side (splitLeft)
+ // and right side (splitRight).
+ int32_t splitLeft = min(max(aLeftLobe, aStart), aEnd);
+ int32_t splitRight = min(max(aWidth - (boxSize - aLeftLobe), aStart), aEnd);
+ // If the filter window is actually large than the size of the row,
+ // there will be a middle area of overlap where the leftmost and rightmost
+ // pixel of the filter will both be outside the row. In this case, we need
+ // to invert the splits so that splitLeft <= splitRight.
+ if (boxSize > aWidth) {
+ swap(splitLeft, splitRight);
+ }
- aOutput[aWidth * y + x] = (uint64_t(alphaSum) * reciprocal) >> 32;
+ // Process all pixels up to splitLeft that would sample before the start of the row.
+ // Note that because inputStep and outputStep may not be a const 1 value, it is more
+ // performant to increment pointers here for the source and destination rather than
+ // use a loop counter, since doing so would entail an expensive multiplication that
+ // significantly slows down the loop.
+ uint8_t* dst = &aOutput[aStart * outputStep];
+ iterEnd = &aOutput[splitLeft * outputStep];
+ src = &aInput[(aStart + boxSize - aLeftLobe) * inputStep];
+ uint8_t firstVal = aInput[0];
+ #define LEFT_ITER \
+ *dst = (alphaSum * reciprocal) >> 24; \
+ alphaSum += *src - firstVal; \
+ dst += outputStep; \
+ src += inputStep;
+ while (dst + 16 * outputStep <= iterEnd) {
+ }
+ while (dst < iterEnd) {
+ }
- alphaSum += aInput[aWidth * y + next] -
- aInput[aWidth * y + last];
- }
+ // Process all pixels between splitLeft and splitRight.
+ iterEnd = &aOutput[splitRight * outputStep];
+ if (boxSize <= aWidth) {
+ // The filter window is smaller than the row size, so the leftmost and rightmost
+ // samples are both within row bounds.
+ src = &aInput[(splitLeft - aLeftLobe) * inputStep];
+ int32_t boxStep = boxSize * inputStep;
+ #define CENTER_ITER \
+ *dst = (alphaSum * reciprocal) >> 24; \
+ alphaSum += src[boxStep] - *src; \
+ dst += outputStep; \
+ src += inputStep;
+ while (dst + 16 * outputStep <= iterEnd) {
+ }
+ while (dst < iterEnd) {
+ } else {
+ // The filter window is larger than the row size, and we're in the area of split
+ // overlap. So the leftmost and rightmost samples are both out of bounds and need
+ // to be clamped. We can just precompute the difference here consequently.
+ int32_t firstLastDiff = aInput[(aWidth -1) * inputStep] - aInput[0];
+ while (dst < iterEnd) {
+ *dst = (alphaSum * reciprocal) >> 24;
+ alphaSum += firstLastDiff;
+ dst += outputStep;
+ }
+ }
+ // Process all remaining pixels after splitRight that would sample after the row end.
+ iterEnd = &aOutput[aEnd * outputStep];
+ src = &aInput[(splitRight - aLeftLobe) * inputStep];
+ uint8_t lastVal = aInput[(aWidth - 1) * inputStep];
+ #define RIGHT_ITER \
+ *dst = (alphaSum * reciprocal) >> 24; \
+ alphaSum += lastVal - *src; \
+ dst += outputStep; \
+ src += inputStep;
+ while (dst + 16 * outputStep <= iterEnd) {
+ }
+ while (dst < iterEnd) {
+ }
- * Identical to BoxBlurHorizontal, except it blurs top and bottom instead of
- * left and right.
- * XXX shouldn't we pass stride in separately here?
+ * Box blur involves looking at one pixel, and setting its value to the average
+ * of its neighbouring pixels. This is meant to provide a 3-pass approximation of a
+ * Gaussian blur.
+ * @param aTranspose Whether to transpose the buffer when reading and writing to it.
+ * @param aData The buffer to be blurred.
+ * @param aLobes The number of pixels to blend on the left and right for each of 3 passes.
+ * @param aWidth The number of columns in the buffers.
+ * @param aRows The number of rows in the buffers.
+ * @param aStride The stride of the buffer.
+template<bool aTranspose>
static void
-BoxBlurVertical(unsigned char* aInput,
- unsigned char* aOutput,
- int32_t aTopLobe,
- int32_t aBottomLobe,
- int32_t aWidth,
- int32_t aRows,
- const IntRect& aSkipRect)
+BoxBlur(uint8_t* aData,
+ const int32_t aLobes[3][2],
+ int32_t aWidth,
+ int32_t aRows,
+ int32_t aStride,
+ IntRect aSkipRect)
- MOZ_ASSERT(aRows > 0);
+ if (aTranspose) {
+ swap(aWidth, aRows);
+ swap(aSkipRect.x, aSkipRect.y);
+ swap(aSkipRect.width, aSkipRect.height);
+ }
- int32_t boxSize = aTopLobe + aBottomLobe + 1;
- bool skipRectCoversWholeColumn = 0 >= aSkipRect.y &&
- aRows <= aSkipRect.YMost();
- if (boxSize == 1) {
- memcpy(aOutput, aInput, aWidth*aRows);
- return;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aWidth > 0);
+ // All three passes of the box blur that approximate the Gaussian are done
+ // on each row in turn, so we only need two temporary row buffers to process
+ // each row, instead of a full-sized buffer. Data moves from the source to the
+ // first temporary, from the first temporary to the second, then from the second
+ // back to the destination. This way is more cache-friendly than processing whe
+ // whole buffer in each pass and thus yields a nice speedup.
+ uint8_t* tmpRow = new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[2 * aWidth];
+ if (!tmpRow) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint8_t* tmpRow2 = tmpRow + aWidth;
+ const int32_t stride = aTranspose ? 1 : aStride;
+ bool skipRectCoversWholeRow = 0 >= aSkipRect.x &&
+ aWidth <= aSkipRect.XMost();
+ for (int32_t y = 0; y < aRows; y++) {
+ // Check whether the skip rect intersects this row. If the skip
+ // rect covers the whole surface in this row, we can avoid
+ // this row entirely (and any others along the skip rect).
+ bool inSkipRectY = y >= aSkipRect.y &&
+ y < aSkipRect.YMost();
+ if (inSkipRectY && skipRectCoversWholeRow) {
+ aData += stride * (aSkipRect.YMost() - y);
+ y = aSkipRect.YMost() - 1;
+ continue;
- uint32_t reciprocal = uint32_t((uint64_t(1) << 32) / boxSize);
- for (int32_t x = 0; x < aWidth; x++) {
- bool inSkipRectX = x >= aSkipRect.x &&
- x < aSkipRect.XMost();
- if (inSkipRectX && skipRectCoversWholeColumn) {
- x = aSkipRect.XMost() - 1;
- continue;
- }
+ // Read in data from the source transposed if necessary.
+ BoxBlurRow<aTranspose, false>(aData, tmpRow, aLobes[0][0], aLobes[0][1], aWidth, aStride, 0, aWidth);
- uint32_t alphaSum = 0;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < boxSize; i++) {
- int32_t pos = i - aTopLobe;
- // See assertion above; if aRows is zero, then we would have no
- // valid position to clamp to.
- pos = max(pos, 0);
- pos = min(pos, aRows - 1);
- alphaSum += aInput[aWidth * pos + x];
- }
- for (int32_t y = 0; y < aRows; y++) {
- if (inSkipRectX && y >= aSkipRect.y &&
- y < aSkipRect.YMost()) {
- y = aSkipRect.YMost();
- if (y >= aRows)
- break;
+ // For the middle pass, the data is already pre-transposed and does not need to be post-transposed yet.
+ BoxBlurRow<false, false>(tmpRow, tmpRow2, aLobes[1][0], aLobes[1][1], aWidth, aStride, 0, aWidth);
- alphaSum = 0;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < boxSize; i++) {
- int32_t pos = y + i - aTopLobe;
- // See assertion above; if aRows is zero, then we would have no
- // valid position to clamp to.
- pos = max(pos, 0);
- pos = min(pos, aRows - 1);
- alphaSum += aInput[aWidth * pos + x];
- }
- }
- int32_t tmp = y - aTopLobe;
- int32_t last = max(tmp, 0);
- int32_t next = min(tmp + boxSize, aRows - 1);
+ // Write back data to the destination transposed if necessary too.
+ // Make sure not to overwrite the skip rect by only outputting to the
+ // destination before and after the skip rect, if requested.
+ int32_t skipStart = inSkipRectY ? min(max(aSkipRect.x, 0), aWidth) : aWidth;
+ int32_t skipEnd = max(skipStart, aSkipRect.XMost());
+ if (skipStart > 0) {
+ BoxBlurRow<false, aTranspose>(tmpRow2, aData, aLobes[2][0], aLobes[2][1], aWidth, aStride, 0, skipStart);
+ }
+ if (skipEnd < aWidth) {
+ BoxBlurRow<false, aTranspose>(tmpRow2, aData, aLobes[2][0], aLobes[2][1], aWidth, aStride, skipEnd, aWidth);
+ }
- aOutput[aWidth * y + x] = (uint64_t(alphaSum) * reciprocal) >> 32;
+ aData += stride;
+ }
- alphaSum += aInput[aWidth * next + x] -
- aInput[aWidth * last + x];
- }
- }
+ delete[] tmpRow;
static void ComputeLobes(int32_t aRadius, int32_t aLobes[3][2])
@@ -226,8 +335,8 @@ static void ComputeLobes(int32_t aRadius, int32_t aLobes[3][2])
static void
-SpreadHorizontal(unsigned char* aInput,
- unsigned char* aOutput,
+SpreadHorizontal(uint8_t* aInput,
+ uint8_t* aOutput,
int32_t aRadius,
int32_t aWidth,
int32_t aRows,
@@ -274,8 +383,8 @@ SpreadHorizontal(unsigned char* aInput,
static void
-SpreadVertical(unsigned char* aInput,
- unsigned char* aOutput,
+SpreadVertical(uint8_t* aInput,
+ uint8_t* aOutput,
int32_t aRadius,
int32_t aWidth,
int32_t aRows,
@@ -480,7 +589,7 @@ AlphaBoxBlur::Blur(uint8_t* aData)
if (mSpreadRadius.width > 0 || mSpreadRadius.height > 0) {
// No need to use CheckedInt here - we have validated it in the constructor.
size_t szB = stride * size.height;
- unsigned char* tmpData = new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[szB];
+ uint8_t* tmpData = new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[szB];
if (!tmpData) {
@@ -488,8 +597,8 @@ AlphaBoxBlur::Blur(uint8_t* aData)
memset(tmpData, 0, szB);
- SpreadHorizontal(aData, tmpData, mSpreadRadius.width, GetSize().width, GetSize().height, stride, mSkipRect);
- SpreadVertical(tmpData, aData, mSpreadRadius.height, GetSize().width, GetSize().height, stride, mSkipRect);
+ SpreadHorizontal(aData, tmpData, mSpreadRadius.width, size.width, size.height, stride, mSkipRect);
+ SpreadVertical(tmpData, aData, mSpreadRadius.height, size.width, size.height, stride, mSkipRect);
delete [] tmpData;
@@ -508,39 +617,12 @@ AlphaBoxBlur::Blur(uint8_t* aData)
if ((integralImageSize.width * integralImageSize.height) > (1 << 24)) {
// Fallback to old blurring code when the surface is so large it may
// overflow our integral image!
- // No need to use CheckedInt here - we have validated it in the constructor.
- size_t szB = stride * size.height;
- uint8_t* tmpData = new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[szB];
- if (!tmpData) {
- return;
- }
- memset(tmpData, 0, szB);
- uint8_t* a = aData;
- uint8_t* b = tmpData;
if (mBlurRadius.width > 0) {
- BoxBlurHorizontal(a, b, horizontalLobes[0][0], horizontalLobes[0][1], stride, GetSize().height, mSkipRect);
- BoxBlurHorizontal(b, a, horizontalLobes[1][0], horizontalLobes[1][1], stride, GetSize().height, mSkipRect);
- BoxBlurHorizontal(a, b, horizontalLobes[2][0], horizontalLobes[2][1], stride, GetSize().height, mSkipRect);
- } else {
- a = tmpData;
- b = aData;
+ BoxBlur<false>(aData, horizontalLobes, size.width, size.height, stride, mSkipRect);
- // The result is in 'b' here.
if (mBlurRadius.height > 0) {
- BoxBlurVertical(b, a, verticalLobes[0][0], verticalLobes[0][1], stride, GetSize().height, mSkipRect);
- BoxBlurVertical(a, b, verticalLobes[1][0], verticalLobes[1][1], stride, GetSize().height, mSkipRect);
- BoxBlurVertical(b, a, verticalLobes[2][0], verticalLobes[2][1], stride, GetSize().height, mSkipRect);
- } else {
- a = b;
+ BoxBlur<true>(aData, verticalLobes, size.width, size.height, stride, mSkipRect);
- // The result is in 'a' here.
- if (a == tmpData) {
- memcpy(aData, tmpData, szB);
- }
- delete [] tmpData;
} else {
size_t integralImageStride = GetAlignedStride<16>(integralImageSize.width, 4);
if (integralImageStride == 0) {