path: root/dom/interfaces/base/nsIDOMNavigator.idl
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1 files changed, 1 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/dom/interfaces/base/nsIDOMNavigator.idl b/dom/interfaces/base/nsIDOMNavigator.idl
index ff7763339..5fd16b8ae 100644
--- a/dom/interfaces/base/nsIDOMNavigator.idl
+++ b/dom/interfaces/base/nsIDOMNavigator.idl
@@ -7,116 +7,20 @@
interface nsIIdleObserver;
-[scriptable, uuid(b0ccf251-d793-48a1-94aa-cf840fe6639d)]
interface nsIDOMNavigator : nsISupports
readonly attribute DOMString appCodeName;
readonly attribute DOMString appName;
readonly attribute DOMString appVersion;
readonly attribute DOMString language;
- readonly attribute nsIDOMMimeTypeArray mimeTypes;
readonly attribute DOMString platform;
readonly attribute DOMString oscpu;
readonly attribute DOMString vendor;
readonly attribute DOMString vendorSub;
readonly attribute DOMString product;
readonly attribute DOMString productSub;
- readonly attribute nsIDOMPluginArray plugins;
readonly attribute DOMString userAgent;
- readonly attribute boolean cookieEnabled;
- readonly attribute boolean onLine;
readonly attribute DOMString buildID;
readonly attribute DOMString doNotTrack;
- readonly attribute nsIDOMMozPowerManager mozPower;
- boolean javaEnabled();
- boolean taintEnabled();
- /**
- * Pulse the device's vibrator, if it has one. If the device does not have a
- * vibrator, this function does nothing. If the window is hidden, this
- * function does nothing.
- *
- * vibrate takes one argument, which specifies either how long to vibrate for
- * or gives a pattern of vibrator-on/vibrator-off timings.
- *
- * If a vibration pattern is in effect when this function is called, this
- * call will overwrite the existing pattern, if this call successfully
- * completes.
- *
- * We handle the argument to vibrate as follows.
- *
- * - If the argument is undefined or null, we throw
- *
- * - If the argument is 0, the empty list, or a list containing entirely 0s,
- * we cancel any outstanding vibration pattern; that is, we stop the device
- * from vibrating.
- *
- * - Otherwise, if the argument X is not a list, we treat it as though it's
- * the singleton list [X] and then proceed as below.
- *
- * - If the argument is a list (or if we wrapped it as a list above), then we
- * try to convert each element in the list to an integer, by first
- * converting it to a number and then rounding. If there is some element
- * that we can't convert to an integer, or if any of the integers are
- * negative, we throw NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR.
- *
- * This list of integers specifies a vibration pattern. Given a list of
- * numbers
- *
- * [a_1, b_1, a_2, b_2, ..., a_n]
- *
- * the device will vibrate for a_1 milliseconds, then be still for b_1
- * milliseconds, then vibrate for a_2 milliseconds, and so on.
- *
- * The list may contain an even or an odd number of elements, but if you
- * pass an even number of elements (that is, if your list ends with b_n
- * instead of a_n), the final element doesn't specify anything meaningful.
- *
- * We may throw NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if the vibration pattern is
- * too long, or if any of its elements is too large.
- */
- [implicit_jscontext]
- void vibrate(in jsval aPattern);
- /**
- * Navigator requests to add an idle observer to the existing window.
- */
- void addIdleObserver(in nsIIdleObserver aIdleObserver);
- /**
- * Navigator requests to remove an idle observer from the existing window.
- */
- void removeIdleObserver(in nsIIdleObserver aIdleObserver);
- /**
- * Request a wake lock for a resource.
- *
- * A page holds a wake lock to request that a resource not be turned
- * off (or otherwise made unavailable).
- *
- * The topic is the name of a resource that might be made unavailable for
- * various reasons. For example, on a mobile device the power manager might
- * decide to turn off the screen after a period of idle time to save power.
- *
- * The resource manager checks the lock state of a topic before turning off
- * the associated resource. For example, a page could hold a lock on the
- * "screen" topic to prevent the screensaver from appearing or the screen
- * from turning off.
- *
- * The resource manager defines what each topic means and sets policy. For
- * example, the resource manager might decide to ignore 'screen' wake locks
- * held by pages which are not visible.
- *
- * One topic can be locked multiple times; it is considered released only when
- * all locks on the topic have been released.
- *
- * The returned nsIDOMMozWakeLock object is a token of the lock. You can
- * unlock the lock via the object's |unlock| method. The lock is released
- * automatically when its associated window is unloaded.
- *
- * @param aTopic resource name
- */
- nsIDOMMozWakeLock requestWakeLock(in DOMString aTopic);