path: root/browser/devtools/sourceeditor/test/browser_sourceeditor_initialization.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/devtools/sourceeditor/test/browser_sourceeditor_initialization.js')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/devtools/sourceeditor/test/browser_sourceeditor_initialization.js b/browser/devtools/sourceeditor/test/browser_sourceeditor_initialization.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c605f9860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/devtools/sourceeditor/test/browser_sourceeditor_initialization.js
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+"use strict";
+let tempScope = {};
+Cu.import("resource:///modules/source-editor.jsm", tempScope);
+let SourceEditor = tempScope.SourceEditor;
+let testWin;
+let testDoc;
+let editor;
+function test()
+ waitForExplicitFinish();
+ const windowUrl = "data:text/xml,<?xml version='1.0'?>" +
+ "<window xmlns=''" +
+ " title='test for bug 660784' width='600' height='500'><hbox flex='1'/></window>";
+ const windowFeatures = "chrome,titlebar,toolbar,centerscreen,resizable,dialog=no";
+ testWin = Services.ww.openWindow(null, windowUrl, "_blank", windowFeatures, null);
+ testWin.addEventListener("load", function onWindowLoad() {
+ testWin.removeEventListener("load", onWindowLoad, false);
+ waitForFocus(initEditor, testWin);
+ }, false);
+function initEditor()
+ testDoc = testWin.document;
+ let hbox = testDoc.querySelector("hbox");
+ editor = new SourceEditor();
+ let config = {
+ showLineNumbers: true,
+ initialText: "foobarbaz",
+ tabSize: 7,
+ expandTab: true,
+ };
+ editor.init(hbox, config, editorLoaded);
+function editorLoaded()
+ ok(editor.editorElement, "editor loaded");
+ is(editor.parentElement, testDoc.querySelector("hbox"),
+ "parentElement is correct");
+ editor.focus();
+ is(editor.getMode(), SourceEditor.DEFAULTS.mode, "default editor mode");
+ // Test general editing methods.
+ ok(!editor.canUndo(), "canUndo() works (nothing to undo), just loaded");
+ ok(!editor.readOnly, "editor is not read-only");
+ is(editor.getText(), "foobarbaz", "placeholderText works");
+ is(editor.getText().length, editor.getCharCount(),
+ "getCharCount() is correct");
+ is(editor.getText(3, 5), "ba", "getText() range works");
+ editor.setText("source-editor");
+ is(editor.getText(), "source-editor", "setText() works");
+ editor.setText("code", 0, 6);
+ is(editor.getText(), "code-editor", "setText() range works");
+ ok(editor.canUndo(), "canUndo() works (things to undo)");
+ ok(!editor.canRedo(), "canRedo() works (nothing to redo yet)");
+ editor.undo();
+ is(editor.getText(), "source-editor", "undo() works");
+ ok(editor.canRedo(), "canRedo() works (things to redo)");
+ editor.redo();
+ is(editor.getText(), "code-editor", "redo() works");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_Z", {accelKey: true}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), "source-editor", "Ctrl-Z (undo) works");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_Z", {accelKey: true, shiftKey: true}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), "code-editor", "Ctrl-Shift-Z (redo) works");
+ editor.undo();
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_Y", {accelKey: true}, testWin);
+ if (Services.appinfo.OS == "WINNT" ||
+ Services.appinfo.OS == "Linux") {
+ is(editor.getText(), "code-editor",
+ "CTRL+Y does redo on Linux and Windows");
+ } else {
+ is(editor.getText(), "source-editor",
+ "CTRL+Y doesn't redo on machines other than Linux and Windows");
+ editor.setText("code-editor");
+ }
+ // Test selection methods.
+ editor.setSelection(0, 4);
+ is(editor.getSelectedText(), "code", "getSelectedText() works");
+ let selection = editor.getSelection();
+ ok(selection.start == 0 && selection.end == 4, "getSelection() works");
+ editor.dropSelection();
+ selection = editor.getSelection();
+ ok(selection.start == 4 && selection.end == 4, "dropSelection() works");
+ editor.setCaretOffset(7);
+ is(editor.getCaretOffset(), 7, "setCaretOffset() works");
+ // Test grouped changes.
+ editor.setText("foobar");
+ editor.startCompoundChange();
+ editor.setText("foo1");
+ editor.setText("foo2");
+ editor.setText("foo3");
+ editor.endCompoundChange();
+ is(editor.getText(), "foo3", "editor content is correct");
+ editor.undo();
+ is(editor.getText(), "foobar", "compound change undo() works");
+ editor.redo();
+ is(editor.getText(), "foo3", "compound change redo() works");
+ // Minimal keyboard usage tests.
+ ok(editor.hasFocus(), "editor has focus");
+ editor.setText("code-editor");
+ editor.setCaretOffset(7);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey(".", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), "code-ed.itor", "focus() and typing works");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("a", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), "code-ed.aitor", "typing works");
+ is(editor.getCaretOffset(), 9, "caret moved");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_LEFT", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getCaretOffset(), 8, "caret moved to the left");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey(".", {}, testWin);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), "code-ed.. aitor", "Tab works");
+ is(editor.getCaretOffset(), 14, "caret location is correct");
+ // Test the Tab key.
+ editor.setText("a\n b\n c");
+ editor.setCaretOffset(0);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), " a\n b\n c", "Tab works");
+ // Code editor specific tests. These are not applicable when the textarea
+ // fallback is used.
+ let component = Services.prefs.getCharPref(SourceEditor.PREFS.COMPONENT);
+ if (component != "textarea") {
+ editor.setMode(SourceEditor.MODES.JAVASCRIPT);
+ is(editor.getMode(), SourceEditor.MODES.JAVASCRIPT, "setMode() works");
+ editor.setSelection(0, editor.getCharCount() - 1);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), " a\n b\n c", "lines indented");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", {shiftKey: true}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), " a\n b\n c", "lines outdented (shift-tab)");
+ testEclipseBug362107();
+ testBug687577();
+ testBackspaceKey();
+ testReturnKey();
+ }
+ // Test the read-only mode.
+ editor.setText("foofoo");
+ editor.readOnly = true;
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("b", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), "foofoo", "editor is now read-only (keyboard)");
+ editor.setText("foobar");
+ is(editor.getText(), "foobar", "editor allows programmatic changes (setText)");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), "foobar", "Enter key does nothing");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), "foobar", "Tab does nothing");
+ editor.setText(" foobar");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", {shiftKey: true}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), " foobar", "Shift+Tab does nothing");
+ editor.readOnly = false;
+ editor.setCaretOffset(editor.getCharCount());
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("-", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), " foobar-", "editor is now editable again");
+ // Test the Selection event.
+ editor.setText("foobarbaz");
+ editor.setSelection(1, 4);
+ let event = null;
+ let eventHandler = function(aEvent) {
+ event = aEvent;
+ };
+ editor.addEventListener(SourceEditor.EVENTS.SELECTION, eventHandler);
+ editor.setSelection(0, 3);
+ ok(event, "selection event fired");
+ ok(event.oldValue.start == 1 && event.oldValue.end == 4,
+ "event.oldValue is correct");
+ ok(event.newValue.start == 0 && event.newValue.end == 3,
+ "event.newValue is correct");
+ event = null;
+ editor.dropSelection();
+ ok(event, "selection dropped");
+ ok(event.oldValue.start == 0 && event.oldValue.end == 3,
+ "event.oldValue is correct");
+ ok(event.newValue.start == 3 && event.newValue.end == 3,
+ "event.newValue is correct");
+ event = null;
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("a", {accelKey: true}, testWin);
+ ok(event, "select all worked");
+ ok(event.oldValue.start == 3 && event.oldValue.end == 3,
+ "event.oldValue is correct");
+ ok(event.newValue.start == 0 && event.newValue.end == 9,
+ "event.newValue is correct");
+ event = null;
+ editor.removeEventListener(SourceEditor.EVENTS.SELECTION, eventHandler);
+ editor.dropSelection();
+ ok(!event, "selection event listener removed");
+ // Test the TextChanged event.
+ editor.addEventListener(SourceEditor.EVENTS.TEXT_CHANGED, eventHandler);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey(".", {}, testWin);
+ ok(event, "the TextChanged event fired after keypress");
+ is(event.start, 9, "event.start is correct");
+ is(event.removedCharCount, 0, "event.removedCharCount is correct");
+ is(event.addedCharCount, 1, "event.addedCharCount is correct");
+ editor.setText("line1\nline2\nline3");
+ let chars = editor.getText().length;
+ event = null;
+ editor.setText("a\nline4\nline5", chars);
+ ok(event, "the TextChanged event fired after setText()");
+ is(event.start, chars, "event.start is correct");
+ is(event.removedCharCount, 0, "event.removedCharCount is correct");
+ is(event.addedCharCount, 13, "event.addedCharCount is correct");
+ event = null;
+ editor.setText("line3b\nline4b\nfoo", 12, 24);
+ ok(event, "the TextChanged event fired after setText() again");
+ is(event.start, 12, "event.start is correct");
+ is(event.removedCharCount, 12, "event.removedCharCount is correct");
+ is(event.addedCharCount, 17, "event.addedCharCount is correct");
+ editor.removeEventListener(SourceEditor.EVENTS.TEXT_CHANGED, eventHandler);
+ testClipboardEvents();
+function testEnd()
+ editor.destroy();
+ ok(!editor.parentElement && !editor.editorElement, "destroy() works");
+ testWin.close();
+ testWin = testDoc = editor = null;
+ waitForFocus(finish, window);
+function testBackspaceKey()
+ editor.setText(" a\n b\n c");
+ editor.setCaretOffset(7);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_BACK_SPACE", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), "a\n b\n c", "line outdented (Backspace)");
+ editor.undo();
+ editor.setCaretOffset(6);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_BACK_SPACE", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), " a\n b\n c", "backspace one char works");
+function testReturnKey()
+ editor.setText(" a\n b\n c");
+ editor.setCaretOffset(8);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, testWin);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("x", {}, testWin);
+ let lineDelimiter = editor.getLineDelimiter();
+ ok(lineDelimiter, "we have the line delimiter");
+ let indentationString = editor.getIndentationString();
+ is(" ", indentationString, "we have an indentation string of 7 spaces");
+ is(editor.getText(), " a" + lineDelimiter + " x\n b\n c",
+ "return maintains indentation");
+ editor.setCaretOffset(12 + lineDelimiter.length);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("z", {}, testWin);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, testWin);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("y", {}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getText(), " a" + lineDelimiter +
+ " z" + lineDelimiter + " yx\n b\n c",
+ "return maintains indentation (again)");
+function testClipboardEvents()
+ editor.setText("foobar");
+ let doCut = function() {
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("a", {accelKey: true}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getSelectedText(), "foobar", "select all worked");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("x", {accelKey: true}, testWin);
+ };
+ let onCut = function() {
+ ok(!editor.getText(), "cut works");
+ editor.setText("test--");
+ editor.setCaretOffset(5);
+ editor.addEventListener(SourceEditor.EVENTS.TEXT_CHANGED, onPaste1);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("v", {accelKey: true}, testWin);
+ };
+ let onPaste1 = function() {
+ editor.removeEventListener(SourceEditor.EVENTS.TEXT_CHANGED, onPaste1);
+ is(editor.getText(), "test-foobar-", "paste works");
+ executeSoon(waitForClipboard.bind(this, "test", doCopy, onCopy, testEnd));
+ };
+ let doCopy = function() {
+ editor.setSelection(0, 4);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("c", {accelKey: true}, testWin);
+ };
+ let onCopy = function() {
+ editor.setSelection(5, 11);
+ editor.addEventListener(SourceEditor.EVENTS.TEXT_CHANGED, onPaste2);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("v", {accelKey: true}, testWin);
+ };
+ let pasteTextChanges = 0;
+ let removedCharCount = 0;
+ let addedCharCount = 0;
+ let onPaste2 = function(aEvent) {
+ pasteTextChanges++;
+ ok(aEvent && (pasteTextChanges == 1 || pasteTextChanges == 2),
+ "event TEXT_CHANGED fired " + pasteTextChanges + " time(s)");
+ is(aEvent.start, 5, "event.start is correct");
+ if (aEvent.removedCharCount) {
+ removedCharCount = aEvent.removedCharCount;
+ }
+ if (aEvent.addedCharCount) {
+ addedCharCount = aEvent.addedCharCount;
+ }
+ if (pasteTextChanges == 2 || addedCharCount && removedCharCount) {
+ editor.removeEventListener(SourceEditor.EVENTS.TEXT_CHANGED, onPaste2);
+ executeSoon(checkPaste2Result);
+ }
+ };
+ let checkPaste2Result = function() {
+ is(removedCharCount, 6, "event.removedCharCount is correct");
+ is(addedCharCount, 4, "event.addedCharCount is correct");
+ is(editor.getText(), "test-test-", "paste works after copy");
+ testEnd();
+ };
+ waitForClipboard("foobar", doCut, onCut, testEnd);
+function testEclipseBug362107()
+ // Test for Eclipse Bug 362107:
+ //
+ let OS = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime).OS;
+ if (OS != "Linux") {
+ return;
+ }
+ editor.setText("line 1\nline 2\nline 3");
+ editor.setCaretOffset(16);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_UP", {ctrlKey: true}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getCaretOffset(), 9, "Ctrl-Up works");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_UP", {ctrlKey: true}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getCaretOffset(), 2, "Ctrl-Up works twice");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {ctrlKey: true}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getCaretOffset(), 9, "Ctrl-Down works");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {ctrlKey: true}, testWin);
+ is(editor.getCaretOffset(), 16, "Ctrl-Down works twice");
+function testBug687577()
+ // Test for Mozilla Bug 687577:
+ //
+ let OS = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime).OS;
+ if (OS != "Linux") {
+ return;
+ }
+ editor.setText("line foobar 1\nline foobar 2\nline foobar 3");
+ editor.setCaretOffset(39);
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_LEFT", {ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true}, testWin);
+ let selection = editor.getSelection();
+ is(selection.start, 33, "select.start after Ctrl-Shift-Left");
+ is(selection.end, 39, "select.end after Ctrl-Shift-Left");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_UP", {ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true}, testWin);
+ selection = editor.getSelection();
+ is(selection.start, 14, "select.start after Ctrl-Shift-Up");
+ is(selection.end, 39, "select.end after Ctrl-Shift-Up");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_UP", {ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true}, testWin);
+ selection = editor.getSelection();
+ is(selection.start, 0, "select.start after Ctrl-Shift-Up (again)");
+ is(selection.end, 39, "select.end after Ctrl-Shift-Up (again)");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true}, testWin);
+ selection = editor.getSelection();
+ is(selection.start, 27, "select.start after Ctrl-Shift-Down");
+ is(selection.end, 39, "select.end after Ctrl-Shift-Down");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true}, testWin);
+ selection = editor.getSelection();
+ is(selection.start, 39, "select.start after Ctrl-Shift-Down (again)");
+ is(selection.end, 41, "select.end after Ctrl-Shift-Down (again)");