path: root/browser/devtools/scratchpad/test/browser_scratchpad_bug650345_find_ui.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/devtools/scratchpad/test/browser_scratchpad_bug650345_find_ui.js')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/devtools/scratchpad/test/browser_scratchpad_bug650345_find_ui.js b/browser/devtools/scratchpad/test/browser_scratchpad_bug650345_find_ui.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81e45aeef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/devtools/scratchpad/test/browser_scratchpad_bug650345_find_ui.js
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+function test()
+ waitForExplicitFinish();
+ gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
+ gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function browserLoad() {
+ gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", browserLoad, true);
+ openScratchpad(runTests);
+ }, true);
+ content.location = "data:text/html,<p>test the Find feature in Scratchpad";
+function runTests(aWindow, aScratchpad)
+ let editor = aScratchpad.editor;
+ let text = "foobar bug650345\nBug650345 bazbaz\nfoobar omg\ntest";
+ editor.setText(text);
+ let needle = "foobar";
+ editor.setSelection(0, needle.length);
+ let oldPrompt = Services.prompt;
+ Services.prompt = {
+ prompt: function() { return true; },
+ };
+ let findKey = "F";
+ info("test Ctrl/Cmd-" + findKey + " (find)");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey(findKey, {accelKey: true}, aWindow);
+ let selection = editor.getSelection();
+ let newIndex = text.indexOf(needle, needle.length);
+ is(selection.start, newIndex, "selection.start is correct");
+ is(selection.end, newIndex + needle.length, "selection.end is correct");
+ info("test cmd_find");
+ aWindow.goDoCommand("cmd_find");
+ selection = editor.getSelection();
+ is(selection.start, 0, "selection.start is correct");
+ is(selection.end, needle.length, "selection.end is correct");
+ let findNextKey = Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin" ? "G" : "VK_F3";
+ let findNextKeyOptions = Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin" ?
+ {accelKey: true} : {};
+ info("test " + findNextKey + " (findNext)");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey(findNextKey, findNextKeyOptions, aWindow);
+ selection = editor.getSelection();
+ is(selection.start, newIndex, "selection.start is correct");
+ is(selection.end, newIndex + needle.length, "selection.end is correct");
+ info("test cmd_findAgain");
+ aWindow.goDoCommand("cmd_findAgain");
+ selection = editor.getSelection();
+ is(selection.start, 0, "selection.start is correct");
+ is(selection.end, needle.length, "selection.end is correct");
+ let findPreviousKey = Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin" ? "G" : "VK_F3";
+ let findPreviousKeyOptions = Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin" ?
+ {accelKey: true, shiftKey: true} : {shiftKey: true};
+ info("test " + findPreviousKey + " (findPrevious)");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey(findPreviousKey, findPreviousKeyOptions, aWindow);
+ selection = editor.getSelection();
+ is(selection.start, newIndex, "selection.start is correct");
+ is(selection.end, newIndex + needle.length, "selection.end is correct");
+ info("test cmd_findPrevious");
+ aWindow.goDoCommand("cmd_findPrevious");
+ selection = editor.getSelection();
+ is(selection.start, 0, "selection.start is correct");
+ is(selection.end, needle.length, "selection.end is correct");
+ needle = "BAZbaz";
+ newIndex = text.toLowerCase().indexOf(needle.toLowerCase());
+ Services.prompt = {
+ prompt: function(aWindow, aTitle, aMessage, aValue) {
+ aValue.value = needle;
+ return true;
+ },
+ };
+ info("test Ctrl/Cmd-" + findKey + " (find) with a custom value");
+ EventUtils.synthesizeKey(findKey, {accelKey: true}, aWindow);
+ selection = editor.getSelection();
+ is(selection.start, newIndex, "selection.start is correct");
+ is(selection.end, newIndex + needle.length, "selection.end is correct");
+ Services.prompt = oldPrompt;
+ finish();