path: root/browser/devtools/debugger/test/browser_dbg_propertyview-08.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/devtools/debugger/test/browser_dbg_propertyview-08.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 244 deletions
diff --git a/browser/devtools/debugger/test/browser_dbg_propertyview-08.js b/browser/devtools/debugger/test/browser_dbg_propertyview-08.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c050676ab..000000000
--- a/browser/devtools/debugger/test/browser_dbg_propertyview-08.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
- * Make sure that the property view displays the properties of objects.
- */
-const TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "browser_dbg_frame-parameters.html";
-var gPane = null;
-var gTab = null;
-var gDebugger = null;
-function test()
- debug_tab_pane(TAB_URL, function(aTab, aDebuggee, aPane) {
- gTab = aTab;
- gPane = aPane;
- gDebugger = gPane.panelWin;
- testFrameParameters();
- });
-function testFrameParameters()
- gDebugger.addEventListener("Debugger:FetchedVariables", function test() {
- gDebugger.removeEventListener("Debugger:FetchedVariables", test, false);
-{ run: function() {
- var frames = gDebugger.DebuggerView.StackFrames.widget._list,
- localScope = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Variables._list.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[0],
- localNodes = localScope.querySelector(".variables-view-element-details").childNodes,
- localNonEnums = localScope.querySelector(".nonenum").childNodes;
- is(gDebugger.DebuggerController.activeThread.state, "paused",
- "Should only be getting stack frames while paused.");
- is(frames.querySelectorAll(".dbg-stackframe").length, 3,
- "Should have three frames.");
- is(localNodes.length + localNonEnums.length, 12,
- "The localScope and localNonEnums should contain all the created variable elements.");
- is(localNodes[0].querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), "[object Window]",
- "Should have the right property value for 'this'.");
- is(localNodes[8].querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), "[object Arguments]",
- "Should have the right property value for 'arguments'.");
- is(localNodes[10].querySelector(".value").getAttribute("value"), "[object Object]",
- "Should have the right property value for 'c'.");
- let gVars = gDebugger.DebuggerView.Variables;
- is(gVars.getScopeForNode(
- gVars._list.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[0]).target,
- gVars._list.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[0],
- "getScopeForNode([0]) didn't return the expected scope.");
- is(gVars.getScopeForNode(
- gVars._list.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[1]).target,
- gVars._list.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[1],
- "getScopeForNode([1]) didn't return the expected scope.");
- is(gVars.getScopeForNode(
- gVars._list.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[2]).target,
- gVars._list.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[2],
- "getScopeForNode([2]) didn't return the expected scope.");
- is(gVars.getScopeForNode(gVars._list.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[0]).expanded, true,
- "The local scope should be expanded by default.");
- is(gVars.getScopeForNode(gVars._list.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[1]).expanded, false,
- "The block scope should be collapsed by default.");
- is(gVars.getScopeForNode(gVars._list.querySelectorAll(".variables-view-scope")[2]).expanded, false,
- "The global scope should be collapsed by default.");
- let thisNode = gVars.getItemForNode(localNodes[0]);
- let argumentsNode = gVars.getItemForNode(localNodes[8]);
- let cNode = gVars.getItemForNode(localNodes[10]);
- is(thisNode.expanded, false,
- "The thisNode should not be expanded at this point.");
- is(argumentsNode.expanded, false,
- "The argumentsNode should not be expanded at this point.");
- is(cNode.expanded, false,
- "The cNode should not be expanded at this point.");
- // Expand the 'this', 'arguments' and 'c' tree nodes. This causes
- // their properties to be retrieved and displayed.
- thisNode.expand();
- argumentsNode.expand();
- cNode.expand();
- is(thisNode.expanded, true,
- "The thisNode should be expanded at this point.");
- is(argumentsNode.expanded, true,
- "The argumentsNode should be expanded at this point.");
- is(cNode.expanded, true,
- "The cNode should be expanded at this point.");
- // Poll every few milliseconds until the properties are retrieved.
- // It's important to set the timer in the chrome window, because the
- // content window timers are disabled while the debuggee is paused.
- let count = 0;
- let intervalID = window.setInterval(function(){
- info("count: " + count + " ");
- if (++count > 50) {
- ok(false, "Timed out while polling for the properties.");
- window.clearInterval(intervalID);
- return resumeAndFinish();
- }
- if (!thisNode._retrieved ||
- !argumentsNode._retrieved ||
- !cNode._retrieved) {
- return;
- }
- window.clearInterval(intervalID);
- is(".value")
- .getAttribute("value"), "[object Window]",
- "Should have the right property value for 'this'.");
- is(thisNode.get("window").target.querySelector(".name")
- .getAttribute("value"), "window",
- "Should have the right property name for 'window'.");
- ok(thisNode.get("window").target.querySelector(".value")
- .getAttribute("value").search(/object/) != -1,
- "'window' should be an object.");
- is(thisNode.get("document").target.querySelector(".name")
- .getAttribute("value"), "document",
- "Should have the right property name for 'document'.");
- ok(thisNode.get("document").target.querySelector(".value")
- .getAttribute("value").search(/object/) != -1,
- "'document' should be an object.");
- is(".value")
- .getAttribute("value"), "[object Arguments]",
- "Should have the right property value for 'arguments'.");
- is(".variables-view-property > .title > .name")[0]
- .getAttribute("value"), "0",
- "Should have the right property name for 'arguments[0]'.");
- ok(".variables-view-property > .title > .value")[0]
- .getAttribute("value").search(/object/) != -1,
- "'arguments[0]' should be an object.");
- is(".variables-view-property > .title > .name")[7]
- .getAttribute("value"), "__proto__",
- "Should have the right property name for '__proto__'.");
- ok(".variables-view-property > .title > .value")[7]
- .getAttribute("value").search(/object/) != -1,
- "'__proto__' should be an object.");
- is(".value")
- .getAttribute("value"), "[object Object]",
- "Should have the right property value for 'c'.");
- is(".variables-view-property > .title > .name")[0]
- .getAttribute("value"), "a",
- "Should have the right property name for 'c.a'.");
- is(".variables-view-property > .title > .value")[0]
- .getAttribute("value"), "1",
- "Should have the right value for 'c.a'.");
- is(".variables-view-property > .title > .name")[1]
- .getAttribute("value"), "b",
- "Should have the right property name for 'c.b'.");
- is(".variables-view-property > .title > .value")[1]
- .getAttribute("value"), "\"beta\"",
- "Should have the right value for 'c.b'.");
- is(".variables-view-property > .title > .name")[2]
- .getAttribute("value"), "c",
- "Should have the right property name for 'c.c'.");
- is(".variables-view-property > .title > .value")[2]
- .getAttribute("value"), "true",
- "Should have the right value for 'c.c'.");
- is(gVars.getItemForNode(
- "getItemForNode([0]) didn't return the expected property.");
- is(gVars.getItemForNode(
- "getItemForNode([1]) didn't return the expected property.");
- is(gVars.getItemForNode(
- "getItemForNode([2]) didn't return the expected property.");
- is(cNode.find(
- "find([0]) didn't return the expected property.");
- is(cNode.find(
- "find([1]) didn't return the expected property.");
- is(cNode.find(
- "find([2]) didn't return the expected property.");
- resumeAndFinish();
- }, 100);
- }}, 0);
- }, false);
- EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "click" },
- content.document.querySelector("button"),
- content.window);
-function resumeAndFinish() {
- gDebugger.addEventListener("Debugger:AfterFramesCleared", function listener() {
- gDebugger.removeEventListener("Debugger:AfterFramesCleared", listener, true);
- var frames = gDebugger.DebuggerView.StackFrames.widget._list;
- is(frames.querySelectorAll(".dbg-stackframe").length, 0,
- "Should have no frames.");
- closeDebuggerAndFinish();
- }, true);
- gDebugger.DebuggerController.activeThread.resume();
-registerCleanupFunction(function() {
- removeTab(gTab);
- gPane = null;
- gTab = null;
- gDebugger = null;