path: root/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageshow.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageshow.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageshow.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageshow.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0130288e3..000000000
--- a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_pageshow.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-function test() {
- * This test ensures that loading a page from bfcache (by going back or forward
- * in history) marks the window as dirty and causes data about the tab that
- * changed to be re-collected.
- *
- * We will do this by creating a tab with two history entries and going back
- * to the first. When we now request the current browser state from the
- * session store service the first history entry must be selected.
- */
-const URL = "data:text/html,<h1>first</h1>";
-const URL2 = "data:text/html,<h1>second</h1>";
-function runTests() {
- // Create a dummy window that is regarded as active. We need to do this
- // because we always collect data for tabs of active windows no matter if
- // the window is dirty or not.
- let win = OpenBrowserWindow();
- yield waitForLoad(win);
- // Create a tab with two history entries.
- let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- yield loadURI(URL);
- yield loadURI(URL2);
- // All windows currently marked as dirty will be written to disk
- // and thus marked clean afterwards.
- yield forceWriteState();
- // Go back to 'about:robots' - which is loaded from the bfcache and thus
- // will not fire a 'load' event but a 'pageshow' event with persisted=true.
- waitForPageShow();
- yield gBrowser.selectedBrowser.goBack();
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, URL, "correct url after going back");
- // If by receiving the 'pageshow' event the first window has correctly
- // been marked as dirty, getBrowserState() should return the tab we created
- // with the right history entry (about:robots) selected.
- let state = JSON.parse(ss.getBrowserState());
- is([0].tabs[1].index, 1, "first history entry is selected");
- // Clean up after ourselves.
- gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
- win.close();
-function forceWriteState() {
- const PREF = "browser.sessionstore.interval";
- const TOPIC = "sessionstore-state-write";
- Services.obs.addObserver(function observe() {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observe, TOPIC);
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF);
- executeSoon(next);
- }, TOPIC, false);
- Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF, 0);
-function loadURI(aURI) {
- let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- waitForLoad(browser);
- browser.loadURI(aURI);
-function waitForLoad(aElement) {
- aElement.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
- aElement.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
- executeSoon(next);
- }, true);
-function waitForPageShow() {
- let mm = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.messageManager;
- mm.addMessageListener("SessionStore:pageshow", function onPageShow() {
- mm.removeMessageListener("SessionStore:pageshow", onPageShow);
- executeSoon(next);
- });