/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // Constants const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu } = Components; // Match type constants. // These indicate what type of search function we should be using. const MATCH_ANYWHERE = Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.MATCH_ANYWHERE; const MATCH_BOUNDARY_ANYWHERE = Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.MATCH_BOUNDARY_ANYWHERE; const MATCH_BOUNDARY = Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.MATCH_BOUNDARY; const MATCH_BEGINNING = Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.MATCH_BEGINNING; const MATCH_BEGINNING_CASE_SENSITIVE = Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.MATCH_BEGINNING_CASE_SENSITIVE; const PREF_BRANCH = "browser.urlbar."; // Prefs are defined as [pref name, default value]. const PREF_ENABLED = [ "autocomplete.enabled", true ]; const PREF_AUTOFILL = [ "autoFill", true ]; const PREF_AUTOFILL_TYPED = [ "autoFill.typed", true ]; const PREF_AUTOFILL_SEARCHENGINES = [ "autoFill.searchEngines", false ]; const PREF_RESTYLESEARCHES = [ "restyleSearches", false ]; const PREF_DELAY = [ "delay", 50 ]; const PREF_BEHAVIOR = [ "matchBehavior", MATCH_BOUNDARY_ANYWHERE ]; const PREF_FILTER_JS = [ "filter.javascript", true ]; const PREF_MAXRESULTS = [ "maxRichResults", 25 ]; const PREF_RESTRICT_HISTORY = [ "restrict.history", "^" ]; const PREF_RESTRICT_BOOKMARKS = [ "restrict.bookmark", "*" ]; const PREF_RESTRICT_TYPED = [ "restrict.typed", "~" ]; const PREF_RESTRICT_TAG = [ "restrict.tag", "+" ]; const PREF_RESTRICT_SWITCHTAB = [ "restrict.openpage", "%" ]; const PREF_RESTRICT_SEARCHES = [ "restrict.searces", "$" ]; const PREF_MATCH_TITLE = [ "match.title", "#" ]; const PREF_MATCH_URL = [ "match.url", "@" ]; const PREF_SUGGEST_HISTORY = [ "suggest.history", true ]; const PREF_SUGGEST_BOOKMARK = [ "suggest.bookmark", true ]; const PREF_SUGGEST_OPENPAGE = [ "suggest.openpage", true ]; const PREF_SUGGEST_HISTORY_ONLYTYPED = [ "suggest.history.onlyTyped", false ]; const PREF_SUGGEST_SEARCHES = [ "suggest.searches", false ]; const PREF_MAX_CHARS_FOR_SUGGEST = [ "maxCharsForSearchSuggestions", 20]; // AutoComplete query type constants. // Describes the various types of queries that we can process rows for. const QUERYTYPE_FILTERED = 0; const QUERYTYPE_AUTOFILL_HOST = 1; const QUERYTYPE_AUTOFILL_URL = 2; // This separator is used as an RTL-friendly way to split the title and tags. // It can also be used by an nsIAutoCompleteResult consumer to re-split the // "comment" back into the title and the tag. const TITLE_TAGS_SEPARATOR = " \u2013 "; // The default frecency value used when inserting matches with unknown frecency. const FRECENCY_DEFAULT = 1000; // Remote matches are appended when local matches are below a given frecency // threshold (FRECENCY_DEFAULT) as soon as they arrive. However we'll // always try to have at least MINIMUM_LOCAL_MATCHES local matches. const MINIMUM_LOCAL_MATCHES = 6; // Extensions are allowed to add suggestions if they have registered a keyword // with the omnibox API. This is the maximum number of suggestions an extension // is allowed to add for a given search string. const MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_EXTENSION_MATCHES = 6; // A regex that matches "single word" hostnames for whitelisting purposes. // The hostname will already have been checked for general validity, so we // don't need to be exhaustive here, so allow dashes anywhere. const REGEXP_SINGLEWORD_HOST = new RegExp("^[a-z0-9-]+$", "i"); // Regex used to match userContextId. const REGEXP_USER_CONTEXT_ID = /(?:^| )user-context-id:(\d+)/; // Regex used to match one or more whitespace. const REGEXP_SPACES = /\s+/; // Sqlite result row index constants. const QUERYINDEX_QUERYTYPE = 0; const QUERYINDEX_URL = 1; const QUERYINDEX_TITLE = 2; const QUERYINDEX_ICONURL = 3; const QUERYINDEX_BOOKMARKED = 4; const QUERYINDEX_BOOKMARKTITLE = 5; const QUERYINDEX_TAGS = 6; const QUERYINDEX_VISITCOUNT = 7; const QUERYINDEX_TYPED = 8; const QUERYINDEX_PLACEID = 9; const QUERYINDEX_SWITCHTAB = 10; const QUERYINDEX_FRECENCY = 11; // This SQL query fragment provides the following: // - whether the entry is bookmarked (QUERYINDEX_BOOKMARKED) // - the bookmark title, if it is a bookmark (QUERYINDEX_BOOKMARKTITLE) // - the tags associated with a bookmarked entry (QUERYINDEX_TAGS) const SQL_BOOKMARK_TAGS_FRAGMENT = `EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE fk = h.id) AS bookmarked, ( SELECT title FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE fk = h.id AND title NOTNULL ORDER BY lastModified DESC LIMIT 1 ) AS btitle, ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(t.title, ', ') FROM moz_bookmarks b JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON t.id = +b.parent AND t.parent = :parent WHERE b.fk = h.id ) AS tags`; // TODO bug 412736: in case of a frecency tie, we might break it with h.typed // and h.visit_count. That is slower though, so not doing it yet... // NB: as a slight performance optimization, we only evaluate the "btitle" // and "tags" queries for bookmarked entries. function defaultQuery(conditions = "") { let query = `SELECT :query_type, h.url, h.title, f.url, ${SQL_BOOKMARK_TAGS_FRAGMENT}, h.visit_count, h.typed, h.id, t.open_count, h.frecency FROM moz_places h LEFT JOIN moz_favicons f ON f.id = h.favicon_id LEFT JOIN moz_openpages_temp t ON t.url = h.url WHERE h.frecency <> 0 AND AUTOCOMPLETE_MATCH(:searchString, h.url, CASE WHEN bookmarked THEN IFNULL(btitle, h.title) ELSE h.title END, CASE WHEN bookmarked THEN tags ELSE '' END, h.visit_count, h.typed, bookmarked, t.open_count, :matchBehavior, :searchBehavior) ${conditions} ORDER BY h.frecency DESC, h.id DESC LIMIT :maxResults`; return query; } const SQL_SWITCHTAB_QUERY = `SELECT :query_type, t.url, t.url, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, t.open_count, NULL FROM moz_openpages_temp t LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.url_hash = hash(t.url) AND h.url = t.url WHERE h.id IS NULL AND AUTOCOMPLETE_MATCH(:searchString, t.url, t.url, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, t.open_count, :matchBehavior, :searchBehavior) ORDER BY t.ROWID DESC LIMIT :maxResults`; const SQL_ADAPTIVE_QUERY = `/* do not warn (bug 487789) */ SELECT :query_type, h.url, h.title, f.url, ${SQL_BOOKMARK_TAGS_FRAGMENT}, h.visit_count, h.typed, h.id, t.open_count, h.frecency FROM ( SELECT ROUND(MAX(use_count) * (1 + (input = :search_string)), 1) AS rank, place_id FROM moz_inputhistory WHERE input BETWEEN :search_string AND :search_string || X'FFFF' GROUP BY place_id ) AS i JOIN moz_places h ON h.id = i.place_id LEFT JOIN moz_favicons f ON f.id = h.favicon_id LEFT JOIN moz_openpages_temp t ON t.url = h.url WHERE AUTOCOMPLETE_MATCH(NULL, h.url, IFNULL(btitle, h.title), tags, h.visit_count, h.typed, bookmarked, t.open_count, :matchBehavior, :searchBehavior) ORDER BY rank DESC, h.frecency DESC`; function hostQuery(conditions = "") { let query = `/* do not warn (bug NA): not worth to index on (typed, frecency) */ SELECT :query_type, host || '/', IFNULL(prefix, '') || host || '/', ( SELECT f.url FROM moz_favicons f JOIN moz_places h ON h.favicon_id = f.id WHERE rev_host = get_unreversed_host(host || '.') || '.' OR rev_host = get_unreversed_host(host || '.') || '.www.' ) AS favicon_url, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, frecency FROM moz_hosts WHERE host BETWEEN :searchString AND :searchString || X'FFFF' AND frecency <> 0 ${conditions} ORDER BY frecency DESC LIMIT 1`; return query; } const SQL_HOST_QUERY = hostQuery(); const SQL_TYPED_HOST_QUERY = hostQuery("AND typed = 1"); function bookmarkedHostQuery(conditions = "") { let query = `/* do not warn (bug NA): not worth to index on (typed, frecency) */ SELECT :query_type, host || '/', IFNULL(prefix, '') || host || '/', ( SELECT f.url FROM moz_favicons f JOIN moz_places h ON h.favicon_id = f.id WHERE rev_host = get_unreversed_host(host || '.') || '.' OR rev_host = get_unreversed_host(host || '.') || '.www.' ) AS favicon_url, ( SELECT foreign_count > 0 FROM moz_places WHERE rev_host = get_unreversed_host(host || '.') || '.' OR rev_host = get_unreversed_host(host || '.') || '.www.' ) AS bookmarked, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, frecency FROM moz_hosts WHERE host BETWEEN :searchString AND :searchString || X'FFFF' AND bookmarked AND frecency <> 0 ${conditions} ORDER BY frecency DESC LIMIT 1`; return query; } const SQL_BOOKMARKED_HOST_QUERY = bookmarkedHostQuery(); const SQL_BOOKMARKED_TYPED_HOST_QUERY = bookmarkedHostQuery("AND typed = 1"); function urlQuery(conditions = "") { return `/* do not warn (bug no): cannot use an index to sort */ SELECT :query_type, h.url, NULL, f.url AS favicon_url, foreign_count > 0 AS bookmarked, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, h.frecency FROM moz_places h LEFT JOIN moz_favicons f ON h.favicon_id = f.id WHERE (rev_host = :revHost OR rev_host = :revHost || "www.") AND h.frecency <> 0 AND fixup_url(h.url) BETWEEN :searchString AND :searchString || X'FFFF' ${conditions} ORDER BY h.frecency DESC, h.id DESC LIMIT 1`; } const SQL_URL_QUERY = urlQuery(); const SQL_TYPED_URL_QUERY = urlQuery("AND h.typed = 1"); // TODO (bug 1045924): use foreign_count once available. const SQL_BOOKMARKED_URL_QUERY = urlQuery("AND bookmarked"); const SQL_BOOKMARKED_TYPED_URL_QUERY = urlQuery("AND bookmarked AND h.typed = 1"); // Getters Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Preferences", "resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Sqlite", "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "OS", "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PromiseUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PromiseUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ExtensionSearchHandler", "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionSearchHandler.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task", "resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider", "resource://gre/modules/PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesRemoteTabsAutocompleteProvider", "resource://gre/modules/PlacesRemoteTabsAutocompleteProvider.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "BrowserUtils", "resource://gre/modules/BrowserUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "textURIService", "@mozilla.org/intl/texttosuburi;1", "nsITextToSubURI"); /** * Storage object for switch-to-tab entries. * This takes care of caching and registering open pages, that will be reused * by switch-to-tab queries. It has an internal cache, so that the Sqlite * store is lazy initialized only on first use. * It has a simple API: * initDatabase(conn): initializes the temporary Sqlite entities to store data * add(uri): adds a given nsIURI to the store * delete(uri): removes a given nsIURI from the store * shutdown(): stops storing data to Sqlite */ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "SwitchToTabStorage", () => Object.seal({ _conn: null, // Temporary queue used while the database connection is not available. _queue: new Set(), initDatabase: Task.async(function* (conn) { // To reduce IO use an in-memory table for switch-to-tab tracking. // Note: this should be kept up-to-date with the definition in // nsPlacesTables.h. yield conn.execute( `CREATE TEMP TABLE moz_openpages_temp ( url TEXT PRIMARY KEY, open_count INTEGER )`); // Note: this should be kept up-to-date with the definition in // nsPlacesTriggers.h. yield conn.execute( `CREATE TEMPORARY TRIGGER moz_openpages_temp_afterupdate_trigger AFTER UPDATE OF open_count ON moz_openpages_temp FOR EACH ROW WHEN NEW.open_count = 0 BEGIN DELETE FROM moz_openpages_temp WHERE url = NEW.url; END`); this._conn = conn; // Populate the table with the current cache contents... this._queue.forEach(this.add, this); // ...then clear it to avoid double additions. this._queue.clear(); }), add: function (uri) { if (!this._conn) { this._queue.add(uri); return; } this._conn.executeCached( `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO moz_openpages_temp (url, open_count) VALUES ( :url, IFNULL( (SELECT open_count + 1 FROM moz_openpages_temp WHERE url = :url), 1 ) )` , { url: uri.spec }); }, delete: function (uri) { if (!this._conn) { this._queue.delete(uri); return; } this._conn.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_openpages_temp SET open_count = open_count - 1 WHERE url = :url` , { url: uri.spec }); }, shutdown: function () { this._conn = null; this._queue.clear(); } })); /** * This helper keeps track of preferences and keeps their values up-to-date. */ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "Prefs", () => { let prefs = new Preferences(PREF_BRANCH); let types = ["History", "Bookmark", "Openpage", "Searches"]; function syncEnabledPref() { loadSyncedPrefs(); let suggestPrefs = [ PREF_SUGGEST_HISTORY, PREF_SUGGEST_BOOKMARK, PREF_SUGGEST_OPENPAGE, PREF_SUGGEST_SEARCHES, ]; if (store.enabled) { // If the autocomplete preference is active, set to default value all suggest // preferences only if all of them are false. if (types.every(type => store["suggest" + type] == false)) { for (let type of suggestPrefs) { prefs.set(...type); } } } else { // If the preference was deactivated, deactivate all suggest preferences. for (let type of suggestPrefs) { prefs.set(type[0], false); } } } function loadSyncedPrefs () { store.enabled = prefs.get(...PREF_ENABLED); store.suggestHistory = prefs.get(...PREF_SUGGEST_HISTORY); store.suggestBookmark = prefs.get(...PREF_SUGGEST_BOOKMARK); store.suggestOpenpage = prefs.get(...PREF_SUGGEST_OPENPAGE); store.suggestTyped = prefs.get(...PREF_SUGGEST_HISTORY_ONLYTYPED); store.suggestSearches = prefs.get(...PREF_SUGGEST_SEARCHES); } function loadPrefs(subject, topic, data) { if (data) { // Synchronize suggest.* prefs with autocomplete.enabled. if (data == PREF_BRANCH + PREF_ENABLED[0]) { syncEnabledPref(); } else if (data.startsWith(PREF_BRANCH + "suggest.")) { loadSyncedPrefs(); prefs.set(PREF_ENABLED[0], types.some(type => store["suggest" + type])); } } store.enabled = prefs.get(...PREF_ENABLED); store.autofill = prefs.get(...PREF_AUTOFILL); store.autofillTyped = prefs.get(...PREF_AUTOFILL_TYPED); store.autofillSearchEngines = prefs.get(...PREF_AUTOFILL_SEARCHENGINES); store.restyleSearches = prefs.get(...PREF_RESTYLESEARCHES); store.delay = prefs.get(...PREF_DELAY); store.matchBehavior = prefs.get(...PREF_BEHAVIOR); store.filterJavaScript = prefs.get(...PREF_FILTER_JS); store.maxRichResults = prefs.get(...PREF_MAXRESULTS); store.restrictHistoryToken = prefs.get(...PREF_RESTRICT_HISTORY); store.restrictBookmarkToken = prefs.get(...PREF_RESTRICT_BOOKMARKS); store.restrictTypedToken = prefs.get(...PREF_RESTRICT_TYPED); store.restrictTagToken = prefs.get(...PREF_RESTRICT_TAG); store.restrictOpenPageToken = prefs.get(...PREF_RESTRICT_SWITCHTAB); store.restrictSearchesToken = prefs.get(...PREF_RESTRICT_SEARCHES); store.matchTitleToken = prefs.get(...PREF_MATCH_TITLE); store.matchURLToken = prefs.get(...PREF_MATCH_URL); store.suggestHistory = prefs.get(...PREF_SUGGEST_HISTORY); store.suggestBookmark = prefs.get(...PREF_SUGGEST_BOOKMARK); store.suggestOpenpage = prefs.get(...PREF_SUGGEST_OPENPAGE); store.suggestTyped = prefs.get(...PREF_SUGGEST_HISTORY_ONLYTYPED); store.suggestSearches = prefs.get(...PREF_SUGGEST_SEARCHES); store.maxCharsForSearchSuggestions = prefs.get(...PREF_MAX_CHARS_FOR_SUGGEST); store.keywordEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("keyword.enabled", true); // If history is not set, onlyTyped value should be ignored. if (!store.suggestHistory) { store.suggestTyped = false; } store.defaultBehavior = types.concat("Typed").reduce((memo, type) => { let prefValue = store["suggest" + type]; return memo | (prefValue && Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete["BEHAVIOR_" + type.toUpperCase()]); }, 0); // Further restrictions to apply for "empty searches" (i.e. searches for ""). // The empty behavior is typed history, if history is enabled. Otherwise, // it is bookmarks, if they are enabled. If both history and bookmarks are disabled, // it defaults to open pages. store.emptySearchDefaultBehavior = Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.BEHAVIOR_RESTRICT; if (store.suggestHistory) { store.emptySearchDefaultBehavior |= Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.BEHAVIOR_HISTORY | Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.BEHAVIOR_TYPED; } else if (store.suggestBookmark) { store.emptySearchDefaultBehavior |= Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.BEHAVIOR_BOOKMARK; } else { store.emptySearchDefaultBehavior |= Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.BEHAVIOR_OPENPAGE; } // Validate matchBehavior; default to MATCH_BOUNDARY_ANYWHERE. if (store.matchBehavior != MATCH_ANYWHERE && store.matchBehavior != MATCH_BOUNDARY && store.matchBehavior != MATCH_BEGINNING) { store.matchBehavior = MATCH_BOUNDARY_ANYWHERE; } store.tokenToBehaviorMap = new Map([ [ store.restrictHistoryToken, "history" ], [ store.restrictBookmarkToken, "bookmark" ], [ store.restrictTagToken, "tag" ], [ store.restrictOpenPageToken, "openpage" ], [ store.matchTitleToken, "title" ], [ store.matchURLToken, "url" ], [ store.restrictTypedToken, "typed" ], [ store.restrictSearchesToken, "searches" ], ]); } let store = { _ignoreNotifications: false, observe(subject, topic, data) { // Avoid re-entrancy when flipping linked preferences. if (this._ignoreNotifications) return; this._ignoreNotifications = true; loadPrefs(subject, topic, data); this._ignoreNotifications = false; }, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([ Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference ]) }; // Synchronize suggest.* prefs with autocomplete.enabled at initialization syncEnabledPref(); loadPrefs(); prefs.observe("", store); Services.prefs.addObserver("keyword.enabled", store, true); return Object.seal(store); }); // Helper functions /** * Used to unescape encoded URI strings and drop information that we do not * care about. * * @param spec * The text to unescape and modify. * @return the modified spec. */ function fixupSearchText(spec) { return textURIService.unEscapeURIForUI("UTF-8", stripPrefix(spec)); } /** * Generates the tokens used in searching from a given string. * * @param searchString * The string to generate tokens from. * @return an array of tokens. * @note Calling split on an empty string will return an array containing one * empty string. We don't want that, as it'll break our logic, so return * an empty array then. */ function getUnfilteredSearchTokens(searchString) { return searchString.length ? searchString.split(REGEXP_SPACES) : []; } /** * Strip prefixes from the URI that we don't care about for searching. * * @param spec * The text to modify. * @return the modified spec. */ function stripPrefix(spec) { ["http://", "https://", "ftp://"].some(scheme => { // Strip protocol if not directly followed by a space if (spec.startsWith(scheme) && spec[scheme.length] != " ") { spec = spec.slice(scheme.length); return true; } return false; }); // Strip www. if not directly followed by a space if (spec.startsWith("www.") && spec[4] != " ") { spec = spec.slice(4); } return spec; } /** * Strip http and trailing separators from a spec. * * @param spec * The text to modify. * @return the modified spec. */ function stripHttpAndTrim(spec) { if (spec.startsWith("http://")) { spec = spec.slice(7); } if (spec.endsWith("?")) { spec = spec.slice(0, -1); } if (spec.endsWith("/")) { spec = spec.slice(0, -1); } return spec; } /** * Returns the key to be used for a URL in a map for the purposes of removing * duplicate entries - any 2 URLs that should be considered the same should * return the same key. For some moz-action URLs this will unwrap the params * and return a key based on the wrapped URL. */ function makeKeyForURL(actionUrl) { // At this stage we only consider moz-action URLs. if (!actionUrl.startsWith("moz-action:")) { return stripHttpAndTrim(actionUrl); } let [, type, params] = actionUrl.match(/^moz-action:([^,]+),(.*)$/); try { params = JSON.parse(params); } catch (ex) { // This is unexpected in this context, so just return the input. return stripHttpAndTrim(actionUrl); } // For now we only handle these 2 action types and treat them as the same. switch (type) { case "remotetab": case "switchtab": if (params.url) { return "moz-action:tab:" + stripHttpAndTrim(params.url); } break; // TODO (bug 1222435) - "switchtab" should be handled as an "autofill" // entry. default: // do nothing. // TODO (bug 1222436) - extend this method so it can be used instead of // the |placeId| that's also used to remove duplicate entries. } return stripHttpAndTrim(actionUrl); } /** * Returns whether the passed in string looks like a url. */ function looksLikeUrl(str, ignoreAlphanumericHosts = false) { // Single word not including special chars. return !REGEXP_SPACES.test(str) && (["/", "@", ":", "["].some(c => str.includes(c)) || (ignoreAlphanumericHosts ? /(.*\..*){3,}/.test(str) : str.includes("."))); } /** * Manages a single instance of an autocomplete search. * * The first three parameters all originate from the similarly named parameters * of nsIAutoCompleteSearch.startSearch(). * * @param searchString * The search string. * @param searchParam * A space-delimited string of search parameters. The following * parameters are supported: * * enable-actions: Include "actions", such as switch-to-tab and search * engine aliases, in the results. * * disable-private-actions: The search is taking place in a private * window outside of permanent private-browsing mode. The search * should exclude privacy-sensitive results as appropriate. * * private-window: The search is taking place in a private window, * possibly in permanent private-browsing mode. The search * should exclude privacy-sensitive results as appropriate. * * user-context-id: The userContextId of the selected tab. * @param autocompleteListener * An nsIAutoCompleteObserver. * @param resultListener * An nsIAutoCompleteSimpleResultListener. * @param autocompleteSearch * An nsIAutoCompleteSearch. * @param prohibitSearchSuggestions * Whether search suggestions are allowed for this search. */ function Search(searchString, searchParam, autocompleteListener, resultListener, autocompleteSearch, prohibitSearchSuggestions) { // We want to store the original string for case sensitive searches. this._originalSearchString = searchString; this._trimmedOriginalSearchString = searchString.trim(); this._searchString = fixupSearchText(this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.toLowerCase()); this._matchBehavior = Prefs.matchBehavior; // Set the default behavior for this search. this._behavior = this._searchString ? Prefs.defaultBehavior : Prefs.emptySearchDefaultBehavior; let params = new Set(searchParam.split(" ")); this._enableActions = params.has("enable-actions"); this._disablePrivateActions = params.has("disable-private-actions"); this._inPrivateWindow = params.has("private-window"); this._prohibitAutoFill = params.has("prohibit-autofill"); let userContextId = searchParam.match(REGEXP_USER_CONTEXT_ID); this._userContextId = userContextId ? parseInt(userContextId[1], 10) : Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.DEFAULT_USER_CONTEXT_ID; this._searchTokens = this.filterTokens(getUnfilteredSearchTokens(this._searchString)); // The protocol and the host are lowercased by nsIURI, so it's fine to // lowercase the typed prefix, to add it back to the results later. this._strippedPrefix = this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.slice( 0, this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.length - this._searchString.length ).toLowerCase(); // The URIs in the database are fixed-up, so we can match on a lowercased // host, but the path must be matched in a case sensitive way. let pathIndex = this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.indexOf("/", this._strippedPrefix.length); this._autofillUrlSearchString = fixupSearchText( this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.slice(0, pathIndex).toLowerCase() + this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.slice(pathIndex) ); this._prohibitSearchSuggestions = prohibitSearchSuggestions; this._listener = autocompleteListener; this._autocompleteSearch = autocompleteSearch; // Create a new result to add eventual matches. Note we need a result // regardless having matches. let result = Cc["@mozilla.org/autocomplete/simple-result;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSimpleResult); result.setSearchString(searchString); result.setListener(resultListener); // Will be set later, if needed. result.setDefaultIndex(-1); this._result = result; // These are used to avoid adding duplicate entries to the results. this._usedURLs = new Set(); this._usedPlaceIds = new Set(); // Resolved when all the remote matches have been fetched. this._remoteMatchesPromises = []; // The index to insert remote matches at. this._remoteMatchesStartIndex = 0; // The index to insert local matches at. this._localMatchesStartIndex = 0; // Counts the number of inserted local matches. this._localMatchesCount = 0; // Counts the number of inserted remote matches. this._remoteMatchesCount = 0; // Counts the number of inserted extension matches. this._extensionMatchesCount = 0; } Search.prototype = { /** * Enables the desired AutoComplete behavior. * * @param type * The behavior type to set. */ setBehavior: function (type) { type = type.toUpperCase(); this._behavior |= Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete["BEHAVIOR_" + type]; // Setting the "typed" behavior should also set the "history" behavior. if (type == "TYPED") { this.setBehavior("history"); } }, /** * Determines if the specified AutoComplete behavior is set. * * @param aType * The behavior type to test for. * @return true if the behavior is set, false otherwise. */ hasBehavior: function (type) { let behavior = Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete["BEHAVIOR_" + type.toUpperCase()]; if (this._disablePrivateActions && behavior == Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.BEHAVIOR_OPENPAGE) { return false; } return this._behavior & behavior; }, /** * Used to delay the most complex queries, to save IO while the user is * typing. */ _sleepDeferred: null, _sleep: function (aTimeMs) { // Reuse a single instance to try shaving off some usless work before // the first query. if (!this._sleepTimer) this._sleepTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); this._sleepDeferred = PromiseUtils.defer(); this._sleepTimer.initWithCallback(() => this._sleepDeferred.resolve(), aTimeMs, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); return this._sleepDeferred.promise; }, /** * Given an array of tokens, this function determines which query should be * ran. It also removes any special search tokens. * * @param tokens * An array of search tokens. * @return the filtered list of tokens to search with. */ filterTokens: function (tokens) { let foundToken = false; // Set the proper behavior while filtering tokens. for (let i = tokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let behavior = Prefs.tokenToBehaviorMap.get(tokens[i]); // Don't remove the token if it didn't match, or if it's an action but // actions are not enabled. if (behavior && (behavior != "openpage" || this._enableActions)) { // Don't use the suggest preferences if it is a token search and // set the restrict bit to 1 (to intersect the search results). if (!foundToken) { foundToken = true; // Do not take into account previous behavior (e.g.: history, bookmark) this._behavior = 0; this.setBehavior("restrict"); } this.setBehavior(behavior); tokens.splice(i, 1); } } // Set the right JavaScript behavior based on our preference. Note that the // preference is whether or not we should filter JavaScript, and the // behavior is if we should search it or not. if (!Prefs.filterJavaScript) { this.setBehavior("javascript"); } return tokens; }, /** * Stop this search. * After invoking this method, we won't run any more searches or heuristics, * and no new matches may be added to the current result. */ stop() { if (this._sleepTimer) this._sleepTimer.cancel(); if (this._sleepDeferred) { this._sleepDeferred.resolve(); this._sleepDeferred = null; } if (this._searchSuggestionController) { this._searchSuggestionController.stop(); this._searchSuggestionController = null; } this.pending = false; }, /** * Whether this search is active. */ pending: true, /** * Execute the search and populate results. * @param conn * The Sqlite connection. */ execute: Task.async(function* (conn) { // A search might be canceled before it starts. if (!this.pending) return; // Since we call the synchronous parseSubmissionURL function later, we must // wait for the initialization of PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider first. yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.ensureInitialized(); if (!this.pending) return; // For any given search, we run many queries/heuristics: // 1) by alias (as defined in SearchService) // 2) inline completion from search engine resultDomains // 3) inline completion for hosts (this._hostQuery) or urls (this._urlQuery) // 4) directly typed in url (ie, can be navigated to as-is) // 5) submission for the current search engine // 6) Places keywords // 7) adaptive learning (this._adaptiveQuery) // 8) open pages not supported by history (this._switchToTabQuery) // 9) query based on match behavior // // (6) only gets ran if we get any filtered tokens, since if there are no // tokens, there is nothing to match. This is the *first* query we check if // we want to run, but it gets queued to be run later. // // (1), (4), (5) only get run if actions are enabled. When actions are // enabled, the first result is always a special result (resulting from one // of the queries between (1) and (6) inclusive). As such, the UI is // expected to auto-select the first result when actions are enabled. If the // first result is an inline completion result, that will also be the // default result and therefore be autofilled (this also happens if actions // are not enabled). // Get the final query, based on the tokens found in the search string. let queries = [ this._adaptiveQuery ]; // "openpage" behavior is supported by the default query. // _switchToTabQuery instead returns only pages not supported by history. if (this.hasBehavior("openpage")) { queries.push(this._switchToTabQuery); } queries.push(this._searchQuery); // Add the first heuristic result, if any. Set _addingHeuristicFirstMatch // to true so that when the result is added, "heuristic" can be included in // its style. this._addingHeuristicFirstMatch = true; let hasHeuristic = yield this._matchFirstHeuristicResult(conn); this._addingHeuristicFirstMatch = false; if (!this.pending) return; // We sleep a little between adding the heuristicFirstMatch and matching // any other searches so we aren't kicking off potentially expensive // searches on every keystroke. // Though, if there's no heuristic result, we start searching immediately, // since autocomplete may be waiting for us. if (hasHeuristic) { yield this._sleep(Prefs.delay); if (!this.pending) return; } if (this._enableActions && this._searchTokens.length > 0) { yield this._matchSearchSuggestions(); if (!this.pending) return; } for (let [query, params] of queries) { yield conn.executeCached(query, params, this._onResultRow.bind(this)); if (!this.pending) return; } if (this._enableActions && this.hasBehavior("openpage")) { yield this._matchRemoteTabs(); if (!this.pending) return; } // If we do not have enough results, and our match type is // MATCH_BOUNDARY_ANYWHERE, search again with MATCH_ANYWHERE to get more // results. if (this._matchBehavior == MATCH_BOUNDARY_ANYWHERE && this._localMatchesCount < Prefs.maxRichResults) { this._matchBehavior = MATCH_ANYWHERE; for (let [query, params] of [ this._adaptiveQuery, this._searchQuery ]) { yield conn.executeCached(query, params, this._onResultRow.bind(this)); if (!this.pending) return; } } // Only add extension suggestions if the first token is a registered keyword // and the search string has characters after the first token. if (ExtensionSearchHandler.isKeywordRegistered(this._searchTokens[0]) && this._originalSearchString.length > this._searchTokens[0].length) { yield this._matchExtensionSuggestions(); if (!this.pending) return; } else if (ExtensionSearchHandler.hasActiveInputSession()) { ExtensionSearchHandler.handleInputCancelled(); } // Ensure to fill any remaining space. Suggestions which come from extensions are // inserted at the beginning, so any suggestions yield Promise.all(this._remoteMatchesPromises); }), *_matchFirstHeuristicResult(conn) { // We always try to make the first result a special "heuristic" result. The // heuristics below determine what type of result it will be, if any. let hasSearchTerms = this._searchTokens.length > 0; if (hasSearchTerms) { // It may be a keyword registered by an extension. let matched = yield this._matchExtensionHeuristicResult(); if (matched) { return true; } } if (this._enableActions && hasSearchTerms) { // It may be a search engine with an alias - which works like a keyword. let matched = yield this._matchSearchEngineAlias(); if (matched) { return true; } } if (this.pending && hasSearchTerms) { // It may be a Places keyword. let matched = yield this._matchPlacesKeyword(); if (matched) { return true; } } let shouldAutofill = this._shouldAutofill; if (this.pending && shouldAutofill) { // It may also look like a URL we know from the database. let matched = yield this._matchKnownUrl(conn); if (matched) { return true; } } if (this.pending && shouldAutofill) { // Or it may look like a URL we know about from search engines. let matched = yield this._matchSearchEngineUrl(); if (matched) { return true; } } if (this.pending && hasSearchTerms && this._enableActions) { // If we don't have a result that matches what we know about, then // we use a fallback for things we don't know about. // We may not have auto-filled, but this may still look like a URL. // However, even if the input is a valid URL, we may not want to use // it as such. This can happen if the host would require whitelisting, // but isn't in the whitelist. let matched = yield this._matchUnknownUrl(); if (matched) { // Since we can't tell if this is a real URL and // whether the user wants to visit or search for it, // we always provide an alternative searchengine match. try { new URL(this._originalSearchString); } catch (ex) { if (Prefs.keywordEnabled && !looksLikeUrl(this._originalSearchString, true)) { this._addingHeuristicFirstMatch = false; yield this._matchCurrentSearchEngine(); this._addingHeuristicFirstMatch = true; } } return true; } } if (this.pending && this._enableActions && this._originalSearchString) { // When all else fails, and the search string is non-empty, we search // using the current search engine. let matched = yield this._matchCurrentSearchEngine(); if (matched) { return true; } } return false; }, *_matchSearchSuggestions() { // Limit the string sent for search suggestions to a maximum length. let searchString = this._searchTokens.join(" ") .substr(0, Prefs.maxCharsForSearchSuggestions); // Avoid fetching suggestions if they are not required, private browsing // mode is enabled, or the search string may expose sensitive information. if (!this.hasBehavior("searches") || this._inPrivateWindow || this._prohibitSearchSuggestionsFor(searchString)) { return; } this._searchSuggestionController = PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.getSuggestionController( searchString, this._inPrivateWindow, Prefs.maxRichResults, this._userContextId ); let promise = this._searchSuggestionController.fetchCompletePromise .then(() => { // The search has been canceled already. if (!this._searchSuggestionController) return; if (this._searchSuggestionController.resultsCount >= 0 && this._searchSuggestionController.resultsCount < 2) { // The original string is used to properly compare with the next search. this._lastLowResultsSearchSuggestion = this._originalSearchString; } while (this.pending && this._remoteMatchesCount < Prefs.maxRichResults) { let [match, suggestion] = this._searchSuggestionController.consume(); if (!suggestion) break; if (!looksLikeUrl(suggestion)) { // Don't include the restrict token, if present. let searchString = this._searchTokens.join(" "); this._addSearchEngineMatch(match, searchString, suggestion); } } }); if (this.hasBehavior("restrict")) { // We're done if we're restricting to search suggestions. yield promise; this.stop(); } else { this._remoteMatchesPromises.push(promise); } }, _prohibitSearchSuggestionsFor(searchString) { if (this._prohibitSearchSuggestions) return true; // Suggestions for a single letter are unlikely to be useful. if (searchString.length < 2) return true; // The first token may be a whitelisted host. if (this._searchTokens.length == 1 && REGEXP_SINGLEWORD_HOST.test(this._searchTokens[0]) && Services.uriFixup.isDomainWhitelisted(this._searchTokens[0], -1)) { return true; } // Disallow fetching search suggestions for strings looking like URLs, to // avoid disclosing information about networks or passwords. return this._searchTokens.some(looksLikeUrl); }, _matchKnownUrl: function* (conn) { // Hosts have no "/" in them. let lastSlashIndex = this._searchString.lastIndexOf("/"); // Search only URLs if there's a slash in the search string... if (lastSlashIndex != -1) { // ...but not if it's exactly at the end of the search string. if (lastSlashIndex < this._searchString.length - 1) { // We don't want to execute this query right away because it needs to // search the entire DB without an index, but we need to know if we have // a result as it will influence other heuristics. So we guess by // assuming that if we get a result from a *host* query and it *looks* // like a URL, then we'll probably have a result. let gotResult = false; let [ query, params ] = this._urlQuery; yield conn.executeCached(query, params, row => { gotResult = true; this._onResultRow(row); }); return gotResult; } return false; } let gotResult = false; let [ query, params ] = this._hostQuery; yield conn.executeCached(query, params, row => { gotResult = true; this._onResultRow(row); }); return gotResult; }, _matchExtensionHeuristicResult: function* () { if (ExtensionSearchHandler.isKeywordRegistered(this._searchTokens[0]) && this._originalSearchString.length > this._searchTokens[0].length) { let description = ExtensionSearchHandler.getDescription(this._searchTokens[0]); this._addExtensionMatch(this._originalSearchString, description); return true; } return false; }, _matchPlacesKeyword: function* () { // The first word could be a keyword, so that's what we'll search. let keyword = this._searchTokens[0]; let entry = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(this._searchTokens[0]); if (!entry) return false; let searchString = this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.substr(keyword.length + 1); let url = null, postData = null; try { [url, postData] = yield BrowserUtils.parseUrlAndPostData(entry.url.href, entry.postData, searchString); } catch (ex) { // It's not possible to bind a param to this keyword. return false; } let style = (this._enableActions ? "action " : "") + "keyword"; let actionURL = PlacesUtils.mozActionURI("keyword", { url, input: this._originalSearchString, postData, }); let value = this._enableActions ? actionURL : url; // The title will end up being "host: queryString" let comment = entry.url.host; this._addMatch({ value, comment, style, frecency: FRECENCY_DEFAULT }); return true; }, _matchSearchEngineUrl: function* () { if (!Prefs.autofillSearchEngines) return false; let match = yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByToken( this._searchString); if (!match) return false; // The match doesn't contain a 'scheme://www.' prefix, but since we have // stripped it from the search string, here we could still be matching // 'https://www.g' to 'google.com'. // There are a couple cases where we don't want to match though: // // * If the protocol differs we should not match. For example if the user // searched https we should not return http. try { let prefixURI = NetUtil.newURI(this._strippedPrefix + match.token); let finalURI = NetUtil.newURI(match.url); if (prefixURI.scheme != finalURI.scheme) return false; } catch (e) {} // * If the user typed "www." but the final url doesn't have it, we // should not match as well, the two urls may point to different pages. if (this._strippedPrefix.endsWith("www.") && !stripHttpAndTrim(match.url).startsWith("www.")) return false; let value = this._strippedPrefix + match.token; // In any case, we should never arrive here with a value that doesn't // match the search string. If this happens there is some case we // are not handling properly yet. if (!value.startsWith(this._originalSearchString)) { Components.utils.reportError(`Trying to inline complete in-the-middle ${this._originalSearchString} to ${value}`); return false; } this._result.setDefaultIndex(0); this._addMatch({ value: value, comment: match.engineName, icon: match.iconUrl, style: "priority-search", finalCompleteValue: match.url, frecency: FRECENCY_DEFAULT }); return true; }, _matchSearchEngineAlias: function* () { if (this._searchTokens.length < 1) return false; let alias = this._searchTokens[0]; let match = yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.findMatchByAlias(alias); if (!match) return false; match.engineAlias = alias; let query = this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.substr(alias.length + 1); this._addSearchEngineMatch(match, query); return true; }, _matchCurrentSearchEngine: function* () { let match = yield PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.getDefaultMatch(); if (!match) return false; let query = this._originalSearchString; this._addSearchEngineMatch(match, query); return true; }, _addExtensionMatch(content, comment) { if (this._extensionMatchesCount >= MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_EXTENSION_MATCHES) { return; } this._addMatch({ value: PlacesUtils.mozActionURI("extension", { content, keyword: this._searchTokens[0] }), comment, icon: "chrome://browser/content/extension.svg", style: "action extension", frecency: FRECENCY_DEFAULT, extension: true, }); }, _addSearchEngineMatch(match, query, suggestion) { let actionURLParams = { engineName: match.engineName, input: suggestion || this._originalSearchString, searchQuery: query, }; if (suggestion) actionURLParams.searchSuggestion = suggestion; if (match.engineAlias) { actionURLParams.alias = match.engineAlias; } let value = PlacesUtils.mozActionURI("searchengine", actionURLParams); this._addMatch({ value: value, comment: match.engineName, icon: match.iconUrl, style: "action searchengine", frecency: FRECENCY_DEFAULT, remote: !!suggestion }); }, *_matchExtensionSuggestions() { let promise = ExtensionSearchHandler.handleSearch(this._searchTokens[0], this._originalSearchString, suggestions => { suggestions.forEach(suggestion => { let content = `${this._searchTokens[0]} ${suggestion.content}`; this._addExtensionMatch(content, suggestion.description); }); } ); this._remoteMatchesPromises.push(promise); }, *_matchRemoteTabs() { let matches = yield PlacesRemoteTabsAutocompleteProvider.getMatches(this._originalSearchString); for (let {url, title, icon, deviceName} of matches) { // It's rare that Sync supplies the icon for the page (but if it does, it // is a string URL) if (!icon) { try { let favicon = yield PlacesUtils.promiseFaviconLinkUrl(url); if (favicon) { icon = favicon.spec; } } catch (ex) {} // no favicon for this URL. } else { icon = PlacesUtils.favicons .getFaviconLinkForIcon(NetUtil.newURI(icon)).spec; } let match = { // We include the deviceName in the action URL so we can render it in // the URLBar. value: PlacesUtils.mozActionURI("remotetab", { url, deviceName }), comment: title || url, style: "action remotetab", // we want frecency > FRECENCY_DEFAULT so it doesn't get pushed out // by "remote" matches. frecency: FRECENCY_DEFAULT + 1, icon, } this._addMatch(match); } }, // TODO (bug 1054814): Use visited URLs to inform which scheme to use, if the // scheme isn't specificed. _matchUnknownUrl: function* () { let flags = Ci.nsIURIFixup.FIXUP_FLAG_FIX_SCHEME_TYPOS | Ci.nsIURIFixup.FIXUP_FLAG_ALLOW_KEYWORD_LOOKUP; let fixupInfo = null; try { fixupInfo = Services.uriFixup.getFixupURIInfo(this._originalSearchString, flags); } catch (e) { if (e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI && !Prefs.keywordEnabled) { let value = PlacesUtils.mozActionURI("visiturl", { url: this._originalSearchString, input: this._originalSearchString, }); this._addMatch({ value, comment: this._originalSearchString, style: "action visiturl", frecency: 0, }); return true; } return false; } // If the URI cannot be fixed or the preferred URI would do a keyword search, // that basically means this isn't useful to us. Note that // fixupInfo.keywordAsSent will never be true if the keyword.enabled pref // is false or there are no engines, so in that case we will always return // a "visit". if (!fixupInfo.fixedURI || fixupInfo.keywordAsSent) return false; let uri = fixupInfo.fixedURI; // Check the host, as "http:///" is a valid nsIURI, but not useful to us. // But, some schemes are expected to have no host. So we check just against // schemes we know should have a host. This allows new schemes to be // implemented without us accidentally blocking access to them. let hostExpected = new Set(["http", "https", "ftp", "chrome", "resource"]); if (hostExpected.has(uri.scheme) && !uri.host) return false; // getFixupURIInfo() escaped the URI, so it may not be pretty. Embed the // escaped URL in the action URI since that URL should be "canonical". But // pass the pretty, unescaped URL as the match comment, since it's likely // to be displayed to the user, and in any case the front-end should not // rely on it being canonical. let escapedURL = uri.spec; let displayURL = textURIService.unEscapeURIForUI("UTF-8", uri.spec); let value = PlacesUtils.mozActionURI("visiturl", { url: escapedURL, input: this._originalSearchString, }); let match = { value: value, comment: displayURL, style: "action visiturl", frecency: 0, }; try { let favicon = yield PlacesUtils.promiseFaviconLinkUrl(uri); if (favicon) match.icon = favicon.spec; } catch (e) { // It's possible we don't have a favicon for this - and that's ok. } this._addMatch(match); return true; }, _onResultRow: function (row) { let queryType = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_QUERYTYPE); let match; switch (queryType) { case QUERYTYPE_AUTOFILL_HOST: this._result.setDefaultIndex(0); match = this._processHostRow(row); break; case QUERYTYPE_AUTOFILL_URL: this._result.setDefaultIndex(0); match = this._processUrlRow(row); break; case QUERYTYPE_FILTERED: match = this._processRow(row); break; } this._addMatch(match); // If the search has been canceled by the user or by _addMatch, or we // fetched enough results, we can stop the underlying Sqlite query. if (!this.pending || this._localMatchesCount == Prefs.maxRichResults) throw StopIteration; }, _maybeRestyleSearchMatch: function (match) { // Return if the URL does not represent a search result. let parseResult = PlacesSearchAutocompleteProvider.parseSubmissionURL(match.value); if (!parseResult) { return; } // Do not apply the special style if the user is doing a search from the // location bar but the entered terms match an irrelevant portion of the // URL. For example, "https://www.google.com/search?q=terms&client=firefox" // when searching for "Firefox". let terms = parseResult.terms.toLowerCase(); if (this._searchTokens.length > 0 && this._searchTokens.every(token => !terms.includes(token))) { return; } // Turn the match into a searchengine action with a favicon. match.value = PlacesUtils.mozActionURI("searchengine", { engineName: parseResult.engineName, input: parseResult.terms, searchQuery: parseResult.terms, }); match.comment = parseResult.engineName; match.icon = match.icon || match.iconUrl; match.style = "action searchengine favicon"; }, _addMatch(match) { // A search could be canceled between a query start and its completion, // in such a case ensure we won't notify any result for it. if (!this.pending) return; // Must check both id and url, cause keywords dynamically modify the url. let urlMapKey = makeKeyForURL(match.value); if ((match.placeId && this._usedPlaceIds.has(match.placeId)) || this._usedURLs.has(urlMapKey)) { return; } // Add this to our internal tracker to ensure duplicates do not end up in // the result. // Not all entries have a place id, thus we fallback to the url for them. // We cannot use only the url since keywords entries are modified to // include the search string, and would be returned multiple times. Ids // are faster too. if (match.placeId) this._usedPlaceIds.add(match.placeId); this._usedURLs.add(urlMapKey); match.style = match.style || "favicon"; // Restyle past searches, unless they are bookmarks or special results. if (Prefs.restyleSearches && match.style == "favicon") { this._maybeRestyleSearchMatch(match); } if (this._addingHeuristicFirstMatch) { match.style += " heuristic"; } match.icon = match.icon || ""; match.finalCompleteValue = match.finalCompleteValue || ""; this._result.insertMatchAt(this._getInsertIndexForMatch(match), match.value, match.comment, match.icon, match.style, match.finalCompleteValue); this.notifyResults(true); }, _getInsertIndexForMatch(match) { let index = 0; if (match.remote) { // Append after local matches. index = this._remoteMatchesStartIndex + this._remoteMatchesCount; this._remoteMatchesCount++; } else if (match.extension) { index = this._localMatchesStartIndex; this._localMatchesStartIndex++; this._remoteMatchesStartIndex++; this._extensionMatchesCount++; } else { // This is a local match. if (match.frecency > FRECENCY_DEFAULT || this._localMatchesCount < MINIMUM_LOCAL_MATCHES) { // Append before remote matches. index = this._remoteMatchesStartIndex; this._remoteMatchesStartIndex++ } else { // Append after remote matches. index = this._localMatchesCount + this._remoteMatchesCount; } this._localMatchesCount++; } return index; }, _processHostRow: function (row) { let match = {}; let trimmedHost = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_URL); let untrimmedHost = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_TITLE); let frecency = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_FRECENCY); let faviconUrl = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_ICONURL); // If the untrimmed value doesn't preserve the user's input just // ignore it and complete to the found host. if (untrimmedHost && !untrimmedHost.toLowerCase().includes(this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.toLowerCase())) { untrimmedHost = null; } match.value = this._strippedPrefix + trimmedHost; // Remove the trailing slash. match.comment = stripHttpAndTrim(trimmedHost); match.finalCompleteValue = untrimmedHost; if (faviconUrl) { match.icon = PlacesUtils.favicons .getFaviconLinkForIcon(NetUtil.newURI(faviconUrl)).spec; } // Although this has a frecency, this query is executed before any other // queries that would result in frecency matches. match.frecency = frecency; match.style = "autofill"; return match; }, _processUrlRow: function (row) { let match = {}; let value = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_URL); let url = fixupSearchText(value); let frecency = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_FRECENCY); let faviconUrl = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_ICONURL); let prefix = value.slice(0, value.length - stripPrefix(value).length); // We must complete the URL up to the next separator (which is /, ? or #). let separatorIndex = url.slice(this._searchString.length) .search(/[\/\?\#]/); if (separatorIndex != -1) { separatorIndex += this._searchString.length; if (url[separatorIndex] == "/") { separatorIndex++; // Include the "/" separator } url = url.slice(0, separatorIndex); } // If the untrimmed value doesn't preserve the user's input just // ignore it and complete to the found url. let untrimmedURL = prefix + url; if (untrimmedURL && !untrimmedURL.toLowerCase().includes(this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.toLowerCase())) { untrimmedURL = null; } match.value = this._strippedPrefix + url; match.comment = url; match.finalCompleteValue = untrimmedURL; if (faviconUrl) { match.icon = PlacesUtils.favicons .getFaviconLinkForIcon(NetUtil.newURI(faviconUrl)).spec; } // Although this has a frecency, this query is executed before any other // queries that would result in frecency matches. match.frecency = frecency; match.style = "autofill"; return match; }, _processRow: function (row) { let match = {}; match.placeId = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_PLACEID); let escapedURL = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_URL); let openPageCount = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_SWITCHTAB) || 0; let historyTitle = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_TITLE) || ""; let iconurl = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_ICONURL) || ""; let bookmarked = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_BOOKMARKED); let bookmarkTitle = bookmarked ? row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_BOOKMARKTITLE) : null; let tags = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_TAGS) || ""; let frecency = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_FRECENCY); // If actions are enabled and the page is open, add only the switch-to-tab // result. Otherwise, add the normal result. let url = escapedURL; let action = null; if (this._enableActions && openPageCount > 0 && this.hasBehavior("openpage")) { url = PlacesUtils.mozActionURI("switchtab", {url: escapedURL}); action = "switchtab"; } // Always prefer the bookmark title unless it is empty let title = bookmarkTitle || historyTitle; // We will always prefer to show tags if we have them. let showTags = !!tags; // However, we'll act as if a page is not bookmarked if the user wants // only history and not bookmarks and there are no tags. if (this.hasBehavior("history") && !this.hasBehavior("bookmark") && !showTags) { showTags = false; match.style = "favicon"; } // If we have tags and should show them, we need to add them to the title. if (showTags) { title += TITLE_TAGS_SEPARATOR + tags; } // We have to determine the right style to display. Tags show the tag icon, // bookmarks get the bookmark icon, and keywords get the keyword icon. If // the result does not fall into any of those, it just gets the favicon. if (!match.style) { // It is possible that we already have a style set (from a keyword // search or because of the user's preferences), so only set it if we // haven't already done so. if (showTags) { // If we're not suggesting bookmarks, then this shouldn't // display as one. match.style = this.hasBehavior("bookmark") ? "bookmark-tag" : "tag"; } else if (bookmarked) { match.style = "bookmark"; } } if (action) match.style = "action " + action; match.value = url; match.comment = title; if (iconurl) { match.icon = PlacesUtils.favicons .getFaviconLinkForIcon(NetUtil.newURI(iconurl)).spec; } match.frecency = frecency; return match; }, /** * @return a string consisting of the search query to be used based on the * previously set urlbar suggestion preferences. */ get _suggestionPrefQuery() { if (!this.hasBehavior("restrict") && this.hasBehavior("history") && this.hasBehavior("bookmark")) { return this.hasBehavior("typed") ? defaultQuery("AND h.typed = 1") : defaultQuery(); } let conditions = []; if (this.hasBehavior("history")) { // Enforce ignoring the visit_count index, since the frecency one is much // faster in this case. ANALYZE helps the query planner to figure out the // faster path, but it may not have up-to-date information yet. conditions.push("+h.visit_count > 0"); } if (this.hasBehavior("typed")) { conditions.push("h.typed = 1"); } if (this.hasBehavior("bookmark")) { conditions.push("bookmarked"); } if (this.hasBehavior("tag")) { conditions.push("tags NOTNULL"); } return conditions.length ? defaultQuery("AND " + conditions.join(" AND ")) : defaultQuery(); }, /** * Obtains the search query to be used based on the previously set search * preferences (accessed by this.hasBehavior). * * @return an array consisting of the correctly optimized query to search the * database with and an object containing the params to bound. */ get _searchQuery() { let query = this._suggestionPrefQuery; return [ query, { parent: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId, query_type: QUERYTYPE_FILTERED, matchBehavior: this._matchBehavior, searchBehavior: this._behavior, // We only want to search the tokens that we are left with - not the // original search string. searchString: this._searchTokens.join(" "), // Limit the query to the the maximum number of desired results. // This way we can avoid doing more work than needed. maxResults: Prefs.maxRichResults } ]; }, /** * Obtains the query to search for switch-to-tab entries. * * @return an array consisting of the correctly optimized query to search the * database with and an object containing the params to bound. */ get _switchToTabQuery() { return [ SQL_SWITCHTAB_QUERY, { query_type: QUERYTYPE_FILTERED, matchBehavior: this._matchBehavior, searchBehavior: this._behavior, // We only want to search the tokens that we are left with - not the // original search string. searchString: this._searchTokens.join(" "), maxResults: Prefs.maxRichResults } ]; }, /** * Obtains the query to search for adaptive results. * * @return an array consisting of the correctly optimized query to search the * database with and an object containing the params to bound. */ get _adaptiveQuery() { return [ SQL_ADAPTIVE_QUERY, { parent: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId, search_string: this._searchString, query_type: QUERYTYPE_FILTERED, matchBehavior: this._matchBehavior, searchBehavior: this._behavior } ]; }, /** * Whether we should try to autoFill. */ get _shouldAutofill() { // First of all, check for the autoFill pref. if (!Prefs.autofill) return false; if (this._searchTokens.length != 1) return false; // autoFill can only cope with history or bookmarks entries. if (!this.hasBehavior("history") && !this.hasBehavior("bookmark")) return false; // autoFill doesn't search titles or tags. if (this.hasBehavior("title") || this.hasBehavior("tag")) return false; // Don't try to autofill if the search term includes any whitespace. // This may confuse completeDefaultIndex cause the AUTOCOMPLETE_MATCH // tokenizer ends up trimming the search string and returning a value // that doesn't match it, or is even shorter. if (REGEXP_SPACES.test(this._originalSearchString)) return false; if (this._searchString.length == 0) return false; if (this._prohibitAutoFill) return false; return true; }, /** * Obtains the query to search for autoFill host results. * * @return an array consisting of the correctly optimized query to search the * database with and an object containing the params to bound. */ get _hostQuery() { let typed = Prefs.autofillTyped || this.hasBehavior("typed"); let bookmarked = this.hasBehavior("bookmark") && !this.hasBehavior("history"); let query = []; if (bookmarked) { query.push(typed ? SQL_BOOKMARKED_TYPED_HOST_QUERY : SQL_BOOKMARKED_HOST_QUERY); } else { query.push(typed ? SQL_TYPED_HOST_QUERY : SQL_HOST_QUERY); } query.push({ query_type: QUERYTYPE_AUTOFILL_HOST, searchString: this._searchString.toLowerCase() }); return query; }, /** * Obtains the query to search for autoFill url results. * * @return an array consisting of the correctly optimized query to search the * database with and an object containing the params to bound. */ get _urlQuery() { // We expect this to be a full URL, not just a host. We want to extract the // host and use that as a guess for whether we'll get a result from a URL // query. let slashIndex = this._autofillUrlSearchString.indexOf("/"); let revHost = this._autofillUrlSearchString.substring(0, slashIndex).toLowerCase() .split("").reverse().join("") + "."; let typed = Prefs.autofillTyped || this.hasBehavior("typed"); let bookmarked = this.hasBehavior("bookmark") && !this.hasBehavior("history"); let query = []; if (bookmarked) { query.push(typed ? SQL_BOOKMARKED_TYPED_URL_QUERY : SQL_BOOKMARKED_URL_QUERY); } else { query.push(typed ? SQL_TYPED_URL_QUERY : SQL_URL_QUERY); } query.push({ query_type: QUERYTYPE_AUTOFILL_URL, searchString: this._autofillUrlSearchString, revHost }); return query; }, /** * Notifies the listener about results. * * @param searchOngoing * Indicates whether the search is ongoing. */ notifyResults: function (searchOngoing) { let result = this._result; let resultCode = result.matchCount ? "RESULT_SUCCESS" : "RESULT_NOMATCH"; if (searchOngoing) { resultCode += "_ONGOING"; } result.setSearchResult(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult[resultCode]); this._listener.onSearchResult(this._autocompleteSearch, result); }, } // UnifiedComplete class // component @mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=unifiedcomplete function UnifiedComplete() { // Make sure the preferences are initialized as soon as possible. // If the value of browser.urlbar.autocomplete.enabled is set to false, // then all the other suggest preferences for history, bookmarks and // open pages should be set to false. Prefs; } UnifiedComplete.prototype = { // Database handling /** * Promise resolved when the database initialization has completed, or null * if it has never been requested. */ _promiseDatabase: null, /** * Gets a Sqlite database handle. * * @return {Promise} * @resolves to the Sqlite database handle (according to Sqlite.jsm). * @rejects javascript exception. */ getDatabaseHandle: function () { if (Prefs.enabled && !this._promiseDatabase) { this._promiseDatabase = Task.spawn(function* () { let conn = yield Sqlite.cloneStorageConnection({ connection: PlacesUtils.history.DBConnection, readOnly: true }); try { Sqlite.shutdown.addBlocker("Places UnifiedComplete.js clone closing", Task.async(function* () { SwitchToTabStorage.shutdown(); yield conn.close(); })); } catch (ex) { // It's too late to block shutdown, just close the connection. yield conn.close(); throw ex; } // Autocomplete often fallbacks to a table scan due to lack of text // indices. A larger cache helps reducing IO and improving performance. // The value used here is larger than the default Storage value defined // as MAX_CACHE_SIZE_BYTES in storage/mozStorageConnection.cpp. yield conn.execute("PRAGMA cache_size = -6144"); // 6MiB yield SwitchToTabStorage.initDatabase(conn); return conn; }.bind(this)).then(null, ex => { dump("Couldn't get database handle: " + ex + "\n"); Cu.reportError(ex); }); } return this._promiseDatabase; }, // mozIPlacesAutoComplete registerOpenPage: function PAC_registerOpenPage(uri) { SwitchToTabStorage.add(uri); }, unregisterOpenPage: function PAC_unregisterOpenPage(uri) { SwitchToTabStorage.delete(uri); }, // nsIAutoCompleteSearch startSearch: function (searchString, searchParam, previousResult, listener) { // Stop the search in case the controller has not taken care of it. if (this._currentSearch) { this.stopSearch(); } // Note: We don't use previousResult to make sure ordering of results are // consistent. See bug 412730 for more details. // If the previous search didn't fetch enough search suggestions, it's // unlikely a longer text would do. let prohibitSearchSuggestions = this._lastLowResultsSearchSuggestion && searchString.length > this._lastLowResultsSearchSuggestion.length && searchString.startsWith(this._lastLowResultsSearchSuggestion); this._currentSearch = new Search(searchString, searchParam, listener, this, this, prohibitSearchSuggestions); // If we are not enabled, we need to return now. Notice we need an empty // result regardless, so we still create the Search object. if (!Prefs.enabled) { this.finishSearch(true); return; } let search = this._currentSearch; this.getDatabaseHandle().then(conn => search.execute(conn)) .then(null, ex => { dump(`Query failed: ${ex}\n`); Cu.reportError(ex); }) .then(() => { if (search == this._currentSearch) { this.finishSearch(true); } }); }, stopSearch: function () { if (this._currentSearch) { this._currentSearch.stop(); } // Don't notify since we are canceling this search. This also means we // won't fire onSearchComplete for this search. this.finishSearch(); }, /** * Properly cleans up when searching is completed. * * @param notify [optional] * Indicates if we should notify the AutoComplete listener about our * results or not. */ finishSearch: function (notify=false) { // Clear state now to avoid race conditions, see below. let search = this._currentSearch; if (!search) return; this._lastLowResultsSearchSuggestion = search._lastLowResultsSearchSuggestion; delete this._currentSearch; if (!notify) return; // There is a possible race condition here. // When a search completes it calls finishSearch that notifies results // here. When the controller gets the last result it fires // onSearchComplete. // If onSearchComplete immediately starts a new search it will set a new // _currentSearch, and on return the execution will continue here, after // notifyResults. // Thus, ensure that notifyResults is the last call in this method, // otherwise you might be touching the wrong search. search.notifyResults(false); }, // nsIAutoCompleteSimpleResultListener onValueRemoved: function (result, spec, removeFromDB) { if (removeFromDB) { PlacesUtils.history.removePage(NetUtil.newURI(spec)); } }, // nsIAutoCompleteSearchDescriptor get searchType() { return Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSearchDescriptor.SEARCH_TYPE_IMMEDIATE; }, get clearingAutoFillSearchesAgain() { return true; }, // nsISupports classID: Components.ID("f964a319-397a-4d21-8be6-5cdd1ee3e3ae"), _xpcom_factory: XPCOMUtils.generateSingletonFactory(UnifiedComplete), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([ Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSearch, Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSimpleResultListener, Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSearchDescriptor, Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete, Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference ]) }; this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([UnifiedComplete]);