/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * Copyright 2015 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "wasm/WasmBinaryToExperimentalText.h" #include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h" #include "jsnum.h" #include "jsprf.h" #include "vm/ArrayBufferObject.h" #include "vm/StringBuffer.h" #include "wasm/WasmAST.h" #include "wasm/WasmBinaryToAST.h" #include "wasm/WasmTextUtils.h" #include "wasm/WasmTypes.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::wasm; using mozilla::CheckedInt; using mozilla::IsInfinite; using mozilla::IsNaN; using mozilla::IsNegativeZero; enum PrintOperatorPrecedence { ExpressionPrecedence = 0, AssignmentPrecedence = 1, StoreOperatorPrecedence = 1, BitwiseOrPrecedence = 4, BitwiseXorPrecedence = 5, BitwiseAndPrecedence = 6, EqualityPrecedence = 7, ComparisonPrecedence = 8, BitwiseShiftPrecedence = 9, AdditionPrecedence = 10, MultiplicationPrecedence = 11, NegatePrecedence = 12, EqzPrecedence = 12, OperatorPrecedence = 15, LoadOperatorPrecedence = 15, CallPrecedence = 15, GroupPrecedence = 16, }; struct WasmPrintContext { JSContext* cx; AstModule* module; WasmPrintBuffer& buffer; const ExperimentalTextFormatting& f; GeneratedSourceMap* maybeSourceMap; uint32_t indent; uint32_t currentFuncIndex; PrintOperatorPrecedence currentPrecedence; WasmPrintContext(JSContext* cx, AstModule* module, WasmPrintBuffer& buffer, const ExperimentalTextFormatting& f, GeneratedSourceMap* wasmSourceMap_) : cx(cx), module(module), buffer(buffer), f(f), maybeSourceMap(wasmSourceMap_), indent(0), currentFuncIndex(0), currentPrecedence(PrintOperatorPrecedence::ExpressionPrecedence) {} StringBuffer& sb() { return buffer.stringBuffer(); } }; /*****************************************************************************/ // utilities static bool IsDropValueExpr(AstExpr& expr) { // Based on AST information, determines if the expression does not return a value. // TODO infer presence of a return value for rest kinds of expressions from // the function return type. switch (expr.kind()) { case AstExprKind::Branch: return !expr.as().maybeValue(); case AstExprKind::BranchTable: return !expr.as().maybeValue(); case AstExprKind::If: return !expr.as().hasElse(); case AstExprKind::Nop: case AstExprKind::Drop: case AstExprKind::Unreachable: case AstExprKind::Return: case AstExprKind::SetLocal: case AstExprKind::Store: return true; default: return false; } } static bool PrintIndent(WasmPrintContext& c) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < c.indent; i++) { if (!c.buffer.append(" ")) return false; } return true; } static bool PrintInt32(WasmPrintContext& c, int32_t num, bool printSign = false) { // Negative sign will be printed, printing '+' for non-negative values. if (printSign && num >= 0) { if (!c.buffer.append("+")) return false; } return NumberValueToStringBuffer(c.cx, Int32Value(num), c.buffer.stringBuffer()); } static bool PrintInt64(WasmPrintContext& c, int64_t num) { if (num < 0 && !c.buffer.append("-")) return false; if (!num) return c.buffer.append("0"); uint64_t abs = mozilla::Abs(num); uint64_t n = abs; uint64_t pow = 1; while (n) { pow *= 10; n /= 10; } pow /= 10; n = abs; while (pow) { if (!c.buffer.append((char16_t)(u'0' + n / pow))) return false; n -= (n / pow) * pow; pow /= 10; } return true; } static bool PrintDouble(WasmPrintContext& c, RawF64 num) { double d = num.fp(); if (IsNegativeZero(d)) return c.buffer.append("-0.0"); if (IsNaN(d)) return RenderNaN(c.sb(), num); if (IsInfinite(d)) { if (d > 0) return c.buffer.append("infinity"); return c.buffer.append("-infinity"); } uint32_t startLength = c.buffer.length(); if (!NumberValueToStringBuffer(c.cx, DoubleValue(d), c.buffer.stringBuffer())) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(startLength < c.buffer.length()); // Checking if we need to end number with '.0'. for (uint32_t i = c.buffer.length() - 1; i >= startLength; i--) { char16_t ch = c.buffer.getChar(i); if (ch == '.' || ch == 'e') return true; } return c.buffer.append(".0"); } static bool PrintFloat32(WasmPrintContext& c, RawF32 num) { float f = num.fp(); if (IsNaN(f)) return RenderNaN(c.sb(), num) && c.buffer.append(".f"); return PrintDouble(c, RawF64(double(f))) && c.buffer.append("f"); } static bool PrintEscapedString(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstName& s) { size_t length = s.length(); const char16_t* p = s.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { char16_t byte = p[i]; switch (byte) { case '\n': if (!c.buffer.append("\\n")) return false; break; case '\r': if (!c.buffer.append("\\0d")) return false; break; case '\t': if (!c.buffer.append("\\t")) return false; break; case '\f': if (!c.buffer.append("\\0c")) return false; break; case '\b': if (!c.buffer.append("\\08")) return false; break; case '\\': if (!c.buffer.append("\\\\")) return false; break; case '"' : if (!c.buffer.append("\\\"")) return false; break; case '\'': if (!c.buffer.append("\\'")) return false; break; default: if (byte >= 32 && byte < 127) { if (!c.buffer.append((char)byte)) return false; } else { char digit1 = byte / 16, digit2 = byte % 16; if (!c.buffer.append("\\")) return false; if (!c.buffer.append((char)(digit1 < 10 ? digit1 + '0' : digit1 - 10 + 'a'))) return false; if (!c.buffer.append((char)(digit2 < 10 ? digit2 + '0' : digit2 - 10 + 'a'))) return false; } break; } } return true; } static bool PrintExprType(WasmPrintContext& c, ExprType type) { switch (type) { case ExprType::Void: return true; // ignoring void case ExprType::I32: return c.buffer.append("i32"); case ExprType::I64: return c.buffer.append("i64"); case ExprType::F32: return c.buffer.append("f32"); case ExprType::F64: return c.buffer.append("f64"); default:; } MOZ_CRASH("bad type"); } static bool PrintValType(WasmPrintContext& c, ValType type) { return PrintExprType(c, ToExprType(type)); } static bool PrintName(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstName& name) { return c.buffer.append(name.begin(), name.end()); } static bool PrintRef(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstRef& ref) { if (ref.name().empty()) return PrintInt32(c, ref.index()); return PrintName(c, ref.name()); } static bool PrintExpr(WasmPrintContext& c, AstExpr& expr); static bool PrintBlockLevelExpr(WasmPrintContext& c, AstExpr& expr, bool isLast) { if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, expr)) return false; if (!isLast || IsDropValueExpr(expr)) { if (!c.buffer.append(';')) return false; } return c.buffer.append('\n'); } /*****************************************************************************/ // binary format parsing and rendering static bool PrintNop(WasmPrintContext& c) { return c.buffer.append("nop"); } static bool PrintDrop(WasmPrintContext& c, AstDrop& drop) { if (!PrintExpr(c, drop.value())) return false; return true; } static bool PrintUnreachable(WasmPrintContext& c, AstUnreachable& unreachable) { return c.buffer.append("unreachable"); } static bool PrintCallArgs(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstExprVector& args) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; c.currentPrecedence = ExpressionPrecedence; if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < args.length(); i++) { if (!PrintExpr(c, *args[i])) return false; if (i + 1 == args.length()) break; if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; } if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintCall(WasmPrintContext& c, AstCall& call) { if (call.op() == Op::Call) { if (!c.buffer.append("call ")) return false; } else { return false; } if (!PrintRef(c, call.func())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" ")) return false; if (!PrintCallArgs(c, call.args())) return false; return true; } static bool PrintCallIndirect(WasmPrintContext& c, AstCallIndirect& call) { if (!c.buffer.append("call_indirect ")) return false; if (!PrintRef(c, call.sig())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(' ')) return false; if (!PrintCallArgs(c, call.args())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" [")) return false; PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; c.currentPrecedence = ExpressionPrecedence; if (!PrintExpr(c, *call.index())) return false; c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; if (!c.buffer.append(']')) return false; return true; } static bool PrintConst(WasmPrintContext& c, AstConst& cst) { switch (ToExprType(cst.val().type())) { case ExprType::I32: if (!PrintInt32(c, (uint32_t)cst.val().i32())) return false; break; case ExprType::I64: if (!PrintInt64(c, (uint32_t)cst.val().i64())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("i64")) return false; break; case ExprType::F32: if (!PrintFloat32(c, cst.val().f32())) return false; break; case ExprType::F64: if (!PrintDouble(c, cst.val().f64())) return false; break; default: return false; } return true; } static bool PrintGetLocal(WasmPrintContext& c, AstGetLocal& gl) { if (!PrintRef(c, gl.local())) return false; return true; } static bool PrintSetLocal(WasmPrintContext& c, AstSetLocal& sl) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > AssignmentPrecedence) { if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; } if (!PrintRef(c, sl.local())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" = ")) return false; c.currentPrecedence = AssignmentPrecedence; if (!PrintExpr(c, sl.value())) return false; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > AssignmentPrecedence) { if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintTeeLocal(WasmPrintContext& c, AstTeeLocal& sl) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > AssignmentPrecedence) { if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; } if (!PrintRef(c, sl.local())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" = ")) return false; c.currentPrecedence = AssignmentPrecedence; if (!PrintExpr(c, sl.value())) return false; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > AssignmentPrecedence) { if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintGetGlobal(WasmPrintContext& c, AstGetGlobal& gg) { return PrintRef(c, gg.global()); } static bool PrintSetGlobal(WasmPrintContext& c, AstSetGlobal& sg) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > AssignmentPrecedence) { if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; } if (!PrintRef(c, sg.global())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" = ")) return false; c.currentPrecedence = AssignmentPrecedence; if (!PrintExpr(c, sg.value())) return false; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > AssignmentPrecedence) { if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintExprList(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstExprVector& exprs, uint32_t startFrom = 0) { for (uint32_t i = startFrom; i < exprs.length(); i++) { if (!PrintBlockLevelExpr(c, *exprs[i], i + 1 == exprs.length())) return false; } return true; } static bool PrintGroupedBlock(WasmPrintContext& c, AstBlock& block) { uint32_t skip = 0; if (block.exprs().length() > 0 && block.exprs()[0]->kind() == AstExprKind::Block) { if (!PrintGroupedBlock(c, *static_cast(block.exprs()[0]))) return false; skip = 1; } c.indent++; if (!PrintExprList(c, block.exprs(), skip)) return false; c.indent--; if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; // If no br/br_if/br_table refer this block, use some non-existent label. if (block.name().empty()) return c.buffer.append("$label:\n"); if (!PrintName(c, block.name())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(":\n")) return false; return true; } static bool PrintBlockName(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstName& name) { if (name.empty()) return true; if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!PrintName(c, name)) return false; return c.buffer.append(":\n"); } static bool PrintBlock(WasmPrintContext& c, AstBlock& block) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; if (block.op() == Op::Block) { if (!c.buffer.append("{\n")) return false; } else if (block.op() == Op::Loop) { if (!c.buffer.append("loop")) return false; if (!block.name().empty()) { if (!c.buffer.append(" ")) return false; if (!PrintName(c, block.name())) return false; } if (!c.buffer.append(" {\n")) return false; } else return false; c.currentPrecedence = ExpressionPrecedence; bool skip = 0; if (c.f.groupBlocks && block.op() == Op::Block && block.exprs().length() > 0 && block.exprs()[0]->kind() == AstExprKind::Block) { AstBlock* innerBlock = static_cast(block.exprs()[0]); if (innerBlock->op() == Op::Block) { if (!PrintGroupedBlock(c, *innerBlock)) return false; skip = 1; if (block.exprs().length() == 1 && block.name().empty()) { // Special case to resolve ambiguity in parsing of optional end block label. if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("$exit$:\n")) return false; } } } c.indent++; if (!PrintExprList(c, block.exprs(), skip)) return false; c.indent--; c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; if (block.op() != Op::Loop) { if (!PrintBlockName(c, block.name())) return false; } if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; return c.buffer.append("}"); } static bool PrintUnaryOperator(WasmPrintContext& c, AstUnaryOperator& unary) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; const char* opStr; const char* prefixStr = nullptr; PrintOperatorPrecedence precedence = OperatorPrecedence; switch (unary.op()) { case Op::I32Clz: opStr = "i32.clz"; break; case Op::I32Ctz: opStr = "i32.ctz"; break; case Op::I32Popcnt: opStr = "i32.popcnt"; break; case Op::I64Clz: opStr = "i64.clz"; break; case Op::I64Ctz: opStr = "i64.ctz"; break; case Op::I64Popcnt: opStr = "i64.popcnt"; break; case Op::F32Abs: opStr = "f32.abs"; break; case Op::F32Neg: opStr = "f32.neg"; prefixStr = "-"; precedence = NegatePrecedence; break; case Op::F32Ceil: opStr = "f32.ceil"; break; case Op::F32Floor: opStr = "f32.floor"; break; case Op::F32Sqrt: opStr = "f32.sqrt"; break; case Op::F32Trunc: opStr = "f32.trunc"; break; case Op::F32Nearest: opStr = "f32.nearest"; break; case Op::F64Abs: opStr = "f64.abs"; break; case Op::F64Neg: opStr = "f64.neg"; prefixStr = "-"; precedence = NegatePrecedence; break; case Op::F64Ceil: opStr = "f64.ceil"; break; case Op::F64Floor: opStr = "f64.floor"; break; case Op::F64Sqrt: opStr = "f64.sqrt"; break; default: return false; } if (c.f.allowAsciiOperators && prefixStr) { if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > precedence) { if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = precedence; if (!c.buffer.append(prefixStr, strlen(prefixStr))) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, *unary.operand())) return false; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > precedence) { if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } } else { if (!c.buffer.append(opStr, strlen(opStr))) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; c.currentPrecedence = ExpressionPrecedence; if (!PrintExpr(c, *unary.operand())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintBinaryOperator(WasmPrintContext& c, AstBinaryOperator& binary) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; const char* opStr; const char* infixStr = nullptr; PrintOperatorPrecedence precedence; switch (binary.op()) { case Op::I32Add: opStr = "i32.add"; infixStr = "+"; precedence = AdditionPrecedence; break; case Op::I32Sub: opStr = "i32.sub"; infixStr = "-"; precedence = AdditionPrecedence; break; case Op::I32Mul: opStr = "i32.mul"; infixStr = "*"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::I32DivS: opStr = "i32.div_s"; infixStr = "/s"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::I32DivU: opStr = "i32.div_u"; infixStr = "/u"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::I32RemS: opStr = "i32.rem_s"; infixStr = "%s"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::I32RemU: opStr = "i32.rem_u"; infixStr = "%u"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::I32And: opStr = "i32.and"; infixStr = "&"; precedence = BitwiseAndPrecedence; break; case Op::I32Or: opStr = "i32.or"; infixStr = "|"; precedence = BitwiseOrPrecedence; break; case Op::I32Xor: opStr = "i32.xor"; infixStr = "^"; precedence = BitwiseXorPrecedence; break; case Op::I32Shl: opStr = "i32.shl"; infixStr = "<<"; precedence = BitwiseShiftPrecedence; break; case Op::I32ShrS: opStr = "i32.shr_s"; infixStr = ">>s"; precedence = BitwiseShiftPrecedence; break; case Op::I32ShrU: opStr = "i32.shr_u"; infixStr = ">>u"; precedence = BitwiseShiftPrecedence; break; case Op::I64Add: opStr = "i64.add"; infixStr = "+"; precedence = AdditionPrecedence; break; case Op::I64Sub: opStr = "i64.sub"; infixStr = "-"; precedence = AdditionPrecedence; break; case Op::I64Mul: opStr = "i64.mul"; infixStr = "*"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::I64DivS: opStr = "i64.div_s"; infixStr = "/s"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::I64DivU: opStr = "i64.div_u"; infixStr = "/u"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::I64RemS: opStr = "i64.rem_s"; infixStr = "%s"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::I64RemU: opStr = "i64.rem_u"; infixStr = "%u"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::I64And: opStr = "i64.and"; infixStr = "&"; precedence = BitwiseAndPrecedence; break; case Op::I64Or: opStr = "i64.or"; infixStr = "|"; precedence = BitwiseOrPrecedence; break; case Op::I64Xor: opStr = "i64.xor"; infixStr = "^"; precedence = BitwiseXorPrecedence; break; case Op::I64Shl: opStr = "i64.shl"; infixStr = "<<"; precedence = BitwiseShiftPrecedence; break; case Op::I64ShrS: opStr = "i64.shr_s"; infixStr = ">>s"; precedence = BitwiseShiftPrecedence; break; case Op::I64ShrU: opStr = "i64.shr_u"; infixStr = ">>u"; precedence = BitwiseShiftPrecedence; break; case Op::F32Add: opStr = "f32.add"; infixStr = "+"; precedence = AdditionPrecedence; break; case Op::F32Sub: opStr = "f32.sub"; infixStr = "-"; precedence = AdditionPrecedence; break; case Op::F32Mul: opStr = "f32.mul"; infixStr = "*"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::F32Div: opStr = "f32.div"; infixStr = "/"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::F32Min: opStr = "f32.min"; precedence = OperatorPrecedence; break; case Op::F32Max: opStr = "f32.max"; precedence = OperatorPrecedence; break; case Op::F32CopySign: opStr = "f32.copysign"; precedence = OperatorPrecedence; break; case Op::F64Add: opStr = "f64.add"; infixStr = "+"; precedence = AdditionPrecedence; break; case Op::F64Sub: opStr = "f64.sub"; infixStr = "-"; precedence = AdditionPrecedence; break; case Op::F64Mul: opStr = "f64.mul"; infixStr = "*"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::F64Div: opStr = "f64.div"; infixStr = "/"; precedence = MultiplicationPrecedence; break; case Op::F64Min: opStr = "f64.min"; precedence = OperatorPrecedence; break; case Op::F64Max: opStr = "f64.max"; precedence = OperatorPrecedence; break; case Op::F64CopySign: opStr = "f64.copysign"; precedence = OperatorPrecedence; break; default: return false; } if (c.f.allowAsciiOperators && infixStr) { if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > precedence) { if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = precedence; if (!PrintExpr(c, *binary.lhs())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" ")) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(infixStr, strlen(infixStr))) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" ")) return false; // case of A / (B / C) c.currentPrecedence = (PrintOperatorPrecedence)(precedence + 1); if (!PrintExpr(c, *binary.rhs())) return false; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > precedence) { if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } } else { if (!c.buffer.append(opStr, strlen(opStr))) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; c.currentPrecedence = ExpressionPrecedence; if (!PrintExpr(c, *binary.lhs())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, *binary.rhs())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintTernaryOperator(WasmPrintContext& c, AstTernaryOperator& ternary) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; const char* opStr; switch (ternary.op()) { case Op::Select: opStr = "select"; break; default: return false; } if (!c.buffer.append(opStr, strlen(opStr))) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; c.currentPrecedence = ExpressionPrecedence; if (!PrintExpr(c, *ternary.op0())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, *ternary.op1())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, *ternary.op2())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintComparisonOperator(WasmPrintContext& c, AstComparisonOperator& comp) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; const char* opStr; const char* infixStr = nullptr; PrintOperatorPrecedence precedence; switch (comp.op()) { case Op::I32Eq: opStr = "i32.eq"; infixStr = "=="; precedence = EqualityPrecedence; break; case Op::I32Ne: opStr = "i32.ne"; infixStr = "!="; precedence = EqualityPrecedence; break; case Op::I32LtS: opStr = "i32.lt_s"; infixStr = " precedence) { if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = precedence; if (!PrintExpr(c, *comp.lhs())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" ")) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(infixStr, strlen(infixStr))) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" ")) return false; // case of A == (B == C) c.currentPrecedence = (PrintOperatorPrecedence)(precedence + 1); if (!PrintExpr(c, *comp.rhs())) return false; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > precedence) { if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } } else { if (!c.buffer.append(opStr, strlen(opStr))) return false; c.currentPrecedence = ExpressionPrecedence; if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, *comp.lhs())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, *comp.rhs())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintConversionOperator(WasmPrintContext& c, AstConversionOperator& conv) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; const char* opStr; const char* prefixStr = nullptr; PrintOperatorPrecedence precedence = ExpressionPrecedence; switch (conv.op()) { case Op::I32Eqz: opStr = "i32.eqz"; prefixStr = "!"; precedence = EqzPrecedence; break; case Op::I32WrapI64: opStr = "i32.wrap/i64"; break; case Op::I32TruncSF32: opStr = "i32.trunc_s/f32"; break; case Op::I32TruncUF32: opStr = "i32.trunc_u/f32"; break; case Op::I32ReinterpretF32: opStr = "i32.reinterpret/f32"; break; case Op::I32TruncSF64: opStr = "i32.trunc_s/f64"; break; case Op::I32TruncUF64: opStr = "i32.trunc_u/f64"; break; case Op::I64Eqz: opStr = "i64.eqz"; prefixStr = "!"; precedence = EqzPrecedence; break; case Op::I64ExtendSI32: opStr = "i64.extend_s/i32"; break; case Op::I64ExtendUI32: opStr = "i64.extend_u/i32"; break; case Op::I64TruncSF32: opStr = "i64.trunc_s/f32"; break; case Op::I64TruncUF32: opStr = "i64.trunc_u/f32"; break; case Op::I64TruncSF64: opStr = "i64.trunc_s/f64"; break; case Op::I64TruncUF64: opStr = "i64.trunc_u/f64"; break; case Op::I64ReinterpretF64: opStr = "i64.reinterpret/f64"; break; case Op::F32ConvertSI32: opStr = "f32.convert_s/i32"; break; case Op::F32ConvertUI32: opStr = "f32.convert_u/i32"; break; case Op::F32ReinterpretI32: opStr = "f32.reinterpret/i32"; break; case Op::F32ConvertSI64: opStr = "f32.convert_s/i64"; break; case Op::F32ConvertUI64: opStr = "f32.convert_u/i64"; break; case Op::F32DemoteF64: opStr = "f32.demote/f64"; break; case Op::F64ConvertSI32: opStr = "f64.convert_s/i32"; break; case Op::F64ConvertUI32: opStr = "f64.convert_u/i32"; break; case Op::F64ConvertSI64: opStr = "f64.convert_s/i64"; break; case Op::F64ConvertUI64: opStr = "f64.convert_u/i64"; break; case Op::F64ReinterpretI64: opStr = "f64.reinterpret/i64"; break; case Op::F64PromoteF32: opStr = "f64.promote/f32"; break; default: return false; } if (c.f.allowAsciiOperators && prefixStr) { if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > precedence) { if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = precedence; if (!c.buffer.append(prefixStr, strlen(prefixStr))) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, *conv.operand())) return false; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > precedence) { if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } } else { if (!c.buffer.append(opStr, strlen(opStr))) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; c.currentPrecedence = ExpressionPrecedence; if (!PrintExpr(c, *conv.operand())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintIf(WasmPrintContext& c, AstIf& if_) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; c.currentPrecedence = ExpressionPrecedence; if (!c.buffer.append("if (")) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, if_.cond())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(") {\n")) return false; c.indent++; if (!PrintExprList(c, if_.thenExprs())) return false; c.indent--; if (!PrintBlockName(c, if_.name())) return false; if (if_.hasElse()) { if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("} else {\n")) return false; c.indent++; if (!PrintExprList(c, if_.elseExprs())) return false; c.indent--; if (!PrintBlockName(c, if_.name())) return false; } if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return c.buffer.append("}"); } static bool PrintLoadStoreAddress(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstLoadStoreAddress& lsa, uint32_t defaultAlignLog2) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; c.currentPrecedence = ExpressionPrecedence; if (!c.buffer.append("[")) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, lsa.base())) return false; if (lsa.offset() != 0) { if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; if (!PrintInt32(c, lsa.offset(), true)) return false; } if (!c.buffer.append("]")) return false; uint32_t alignLog2 = lsa.flags(); if (defaultAlignLog2 != alignLog2) { if (!c.buffer.append(", align=")) return false; if (!PrintInt32(c, 1 << alignLog2)) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintLoad(WasmPrintContext& c, AstLoad& load) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; c.currentPrecedence = LoadOperatorPrecedence; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > LoadOperatorPrecedence) { if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; } uint32_t defaultAlignLog2; switch (load.op()) { case Op::I32Load8S: if (!c.buffer.append("i32:8s")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 0; break; case Op::I64Load8S: if (!c.buffer.append("i64:8s")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 0; break; case Op::I32Load8U: if (!c.buffer.append("i32:8u")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 0; break; case Op::I64Load8U: if (!c.buffer.append("i64:8u")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 0; break; case Op::I32Load16S: if (!c.buffer.append("i32:16s")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 1; break; case Op::I64Load16S: if (!c.buffer.append("i64:16s")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 1; break; case Op::I32Load16U: if (!c.buffer.append("i32:16u")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 1; break; case Op::I64Load16U: if (!c.buffer.append("i64:16u")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 1; break; case Op::I64Load32S: if (!c.buffer.append("i64:32s")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 2; break; case Op::I64Load32U: if (!c.buffer.append("i64:32u")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 2; break; case Op::I32Load: if (!c.buffer.append("i32")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 2; break; case Op::I64Load: if (!c.buffer.append("i64")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 3; break; case Op::F32Load: if (!c.buffer.append("f32")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 2; break; case Op::F64Load: if (!c.buffer.append("f64")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 3; break; default: return false; } if (!PrintLoadStoreAddress(c, load.address(), defaultAlignLog2)) return false; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > LoadOperatorPrecedence) { if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintStore(WasmPrintContext& c, AstStore& store) { PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; c.currentPrecedence = StoreOperatorPrecedence; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > StoreOperatorPrecedence) { if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; } uint32_t defaultAlignLog2; switch (store.op()) { case Op::I32Store8: if (!c.buffer.append("i32:8")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 0; break; case Op::I64Store8: if (!c.buffer.append("i64:8")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 0; break; case Op::I32Store16: if (!c.buffer.append("i32:16")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 1; break; case Op::I64Store16: if (!c.buffer.append("i64:16")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 1; break; case Op::I64Store32: if (!c.buffer.append("i64:32")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 2; break; case Op::I32Store: if (!c.buffer.append("i32")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 2; break; case Op::I64Store: if (!c.buffer.append("i64")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 3; break; case Op::F32Store: if (!c.buffer.append("f32")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 2; break; case Op::F64Store: if (!c.buffer.append("f64")) return false; defaultAlignLog2 = 3; break; default: return false; } if (!PrintLoadStoreAddress(c, store.address(), defaultAlignLog2)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" = ")) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, store.value())) return false; if (!c.f.reduceParens || lastPrecedence > StoreOperatorPrecedence) { if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; } c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintBranch(WasmPrintContext& c, AstBranch& branch) { Op op = branch.op(); MOZ_ASSERT(op == Op::BrIf || op == Op::Br); if (op == Op::BrIf ? !c.buffer.append("br_if ") : !c.buffer.append("br ")) return false; if (op == Op::BrIf || branch.maybeValue()) { if (!c.buffer.append('(')) return false; } if (op == Op::BrIf) { if (!PrintExpr(c, branch.cond())) return false; } if (branch.maybeValue()) { if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, *(branch.maybeValue()))) return false; } if (op == Op::BrIf || branch.maybeValue()) { if (!c.buffer.append(") ")) return false; } if (!PrintRef(c, branch.target())) return false; return true; } static bool PrintBrTable(WasmPrintContext& c, AstBranchTable& table) { if (!c.buffer.append("br_table ")) return false; if (!c.buffer.append('(')) return false; // Index if (!PrintExpr(c, table.index())) return false; if (table.maybeValue()) { if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, *(table.maybeValue()))) return false; } if (!c.buffer.append(") ")) return false; uint32_t tableLength = table.table().length(); if (tableLength > 0) { if (!c.buffer.append("[")) return false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tableLength; i++) { if (!PrintRef(c, table.table()[i])) return false; if (i + 1 == tableLength) break; if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; } if (!c.buffer.append("], ")) return false; } if (!PrintRef(c, table.def())) return false; return true; } static bool PrintReturn(WasmPrintContext& c, AstReturn& ret) { if (!c.buffer.append("return")) return false; if (ret.maybeExpr()) { if (!c.buffer.append(" ")) return false; if (!PrintExpr(c, *(ret.maybeExpr()))) return false; } return true; } static bool PrintFirst(WasmPrintContext& c, AstFirst& first) { if (!c.buffer.append("first(")) return false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < first.exprs().length(); i++) { if (!PrintExpr(c, *first.exprs()[i])) return false; if (i + 1 == first.exprs().length()) break; if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; } if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; return true; } static bool PrintCurrentMemory(WasmPrintContext& c, AstCurrentMemory& cm) { return c.buffer.append("current_memory"); } static bool PrintGrowMemory(WasmPrintContext& c, AstGrowMemory& gm) { if (!c.buffer.append("grow_memory(")) return false; PrintOperatorPrecedence lastPrecedence = c.currentPrecedence; c.currentPrecedence = ExpressionPrecedence; if (!PrintExpr(c, *gm.operand())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; c.currentPrecedence = lastPrecedence; return true; } static bool PrintExpr(WasmPrintContext& c, AstExpr& expr) { if (c.maybeSourceMap) { uint32_t lineno = c.buffer.lineno(); uint32_t column = c.buffer.column(); if (!c.maybeSourceMap->exprlocs().emplaceBack(lineno, column, expr.offset())) return false; } switch (expr.kind()) { case AstExprKind::Nop: return PrintNop(c); case AstExprKind::Drop: return PrintDrop(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::Unreachable: return PrintUnreachable(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::Call: return PrintCall(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::CallIndirect: return PrintCallIndirect(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::Const: return PrintConst(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::GetLocal: return PrintGetLocal(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::SetLocal: return PrintSetLocal(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::TeeLocal: return PrintTeeLocal(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::GetGlobal: return PrintGetGlobal(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::SetGlobal: return PrintSetGlobal(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::Block: return PrintBlock(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::If: return PrintIf(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::UnaryOperator: return PrintUnaryOperator(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::BinaryOperator: return PrintBinaryOperator(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::TernaryOperator: return PrintTernaryOperator(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::ComparisonOperator: return PrintComparisonOperator(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::ConversionOperator: return PrintConversionOperator(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::Load: return PrintLoad(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::Store: return PrintStore(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::Branch: return PrintBranch(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::BranchTable: return PrintBrTable(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::Return: return PrintReturn(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::First: return PrintFirst(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::CurrentMemory: return PrintCurrentMemory(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::GrowMemory: return PrintGrowMemory(c, expr.as()); case AstExprKind::Pop: return true; } MOZ_CRASH("Bad AstExprKind"); } static bool PrintSignature(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstSig& sig, const AstNameVector* maybeLocals = nullptr) { uint32_t paramsNum = sig.args().length(); if (!c.buffer.append("(")) return false; if (maybeLocals) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < paramsNum; i++) { const AstName& name = (*maybeLocals)[i]; if (!name.empty()) { if (!PrintName(c, name)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(": ")) return false; } ValType arg = sig.args()[i]; if (!PrintValType(c, arg)) return false; if (i + 1 == paramsNum) break; if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; } } else if (paramsNum > 0) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < paramsNum; i++) { ValType arg = sig.args()[i]; if (!PrintValType(c, arg)) return false; if (i + 1 == paramsNum) break; if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; } } if (!c.buffer.append(") : (")) return false; if (sig.ret() != ExprType::Void) { if (!PrintExprType(c, sig.ret())) return false; } if (!c.buffer.append(")")) return false; return true; } static bool PrintTypeSection(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstModule::SigVector& sigs) { uint32_t numSigs = sigs.length(); if (!numSigs) return true; for (uint32_t sigIndex = 0; sigIndex < numSigs; sigIndex++) { const AstSig* sig = sigs[sigIndex]; if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("type ")) return false; if (!sig->name().empty()) { if (!PrintName(c, sig->name())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" of ")) return false; } if (!c.buffer.append("function ")) return false; if (!PrintSignature(c, *sig)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(";\n")) return false; } if (!c.buffer.append("\n")) return false; return true; } static bool PrintTableSection(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstModule& module) { if (module.elemSegments().empty()) return true; const AstElemSegment& segment = *module.elemSegments()[0]; if (!c.buffer.append("table [")) return false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < segment.elems().length(); i++) { const AstRef& elem = segment.elems()[i]; uint32_t index = elem.index(); AstName name = index < module.funcImportNames().length() ? module.funcImportNames()[index] : module.funcs()[index - module.funcImportNames().length()]->name(); if (name.empty()) { if (!PrintInt32(c, index)) return false; } else { if (!PrintName(c, name)) return false; } if (i + 1 == segment.elems().length()) break; if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; } if (!c.buffer.append("];\n\n")) return false; return true; } static bool PrintImport(WasmPrintContext& c, AstImport& import, const AstModule::SigVector& sigs) { const AstSig* sig = sigs[import.funcSig().index()]; if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("import ")) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("\"")) return false; const AstName& fieldName = import.field(); if (!PrintEscapedString(c, fieldName)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("\" as ")) return false; if (!PrintName(c, import.name())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" from \"")) return false; const AstName& moduleName = import.module(); if (!PrintEscapedString(c, moduleName)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("\" typeof function ")) return false; if (!PrintSignature(c, *sig)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(";\n")) return false; return true; } static bool PrintImportSection(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstModule::ImportVector& imports, const AstModule::SigVector& sigs) { uint32_t numImports = imports.length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numImports; i++) { if (!PrintImport(c, *imports[i], sigs)) return false; } if (numImports) { if (!c.buffer.append("\n")) return false; } return true; } static bool PrintExport(WasmPrintContext& c, AstExport& export_, const AstModule::NameVector& funcImportNames, const AstModule::FuncVector& funcs) { if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("export ")) return false; if (export_.kind() == DefinitionKind::Memory) { if (!c.buffer.append("memory")) return false; } else { uint32_t index = export_.ref().index(); AstName name = index < funcImportNames.length() ? funcImportNames[index] : funcs[index - funcImportNames.length()]->name(); if (name.empty()) { if (!PrintInt32(c, index)) return false; } else { if (!PrintName(c, name)) return false; } } if (!c.buffer.append(" as \"")) return false; if (!PrintEscapedString(c, export_.name())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("\";\n")) return false; return true; } static bool PrintExportSection(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstModule::ExportVector& exports, const AstModule::NameVector& funcImportNames, const AstModule::FuncVector& funcs) { uint32_t numExports = exports.length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numExports; i++) { if (!PrintExport(c, *exports[i], funcImportNames, funcs)) return false; } if (numExports) { if (!c.buffer.append("\n")) return false; } return true; } static bool PrintFunctionBody(WasmPrintContext& c, AstFunc& func, const AstModule::SigVector& sigs) { const AstSig* sig = sigs[func.sig().index()]; c.indent++; size_t startExprIndex = c.maybeSourceMap ? c.maybeSourceMap->exprlocs().length() : 0; uint32_t startLineno = c.buffer.lineno(); uint32_t argsNum = sig->args().length(); uint32_t localsNum = func.vars().length(); if (localsNum > 0) { if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("var ")) return false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localsNum; i++) { const AstName& name = func.locals()[argsNum + i]; if (!name.empty()) { if (!PrintName(c, name)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(": ")) return false; } ValType local = func.vars()[i]; if (!PrintValType(c, local)) return false; if (i + 1 == localsNum) break; if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; } if (!c.buffer.append(";\n")) return false; } uint32_t exprsNum = func.body().length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < exprsNum; i++) { if (!PrintBlockLevelExpr(c, *func.body()[i], i + 1 == exprsNum)) return false; } c.indent--; size_t endExprIndex = c.maybeSourceMap ? c.maybeSourceMap->exprlocs().length() : 0; uint32_t endLineno = c.buffer.lineno(); if (c.maybeSourceMap) { if (!c.maybeSourceMap->functionlocs().emplaceBack(startExprIndex, endExprIndex, startLineno, endLineno)) return false; } return true; } static bool PrintCodeSection(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstModule::FuncVector& funcs, const AstModule::SigVector& sigs) { uint32_t numFuncBodies = funcs.length(); for (uint32_t funcIndex = 0; funcIndex < numFuncBodies; funcIndex++) { AstFunc* func = funcs[funcIndex]; uint32_t sigIndex = func->sig().index(); AstSig* sig = sigs[sigIndex]; if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("function ")) return false; if (!func->name().empty()) { if (!PrintName(c, func->name())) return false; } if (!PrintSignature(c, *sig, &(func->locals()))) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(" {\n")) return false; c.currentFuncIndex = funcIndex; if (!PrintFunctionBody(c, *func, sigs)) return false; if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("}\n\n")) return false; } return true; } static bool PrintDataSection(WasmPrintContext& c, const AstModule& module) { if (!module.hasMemory()) return true; MOZ_ASSERT(module.memories().length() == 1, "NYI: several memories"); if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("memory ")) return false; const Limits& memory = module.memories()[0].limits; MOZ_ASSERT(memory.initial % PageSize == 0); if (!PrintInt32(c, memory.initial / PageSize)) return false; if (memory.maximum) { MOZ_ASSERT(*memory.maximum % PageSize == 0); if (!c.buffer.append(", ")) return false; if (!PrintInt32(c, *memory.maximum / PageSize)) return false; } c.indent++; uint32_t numSegments = module.dataSegments().length(); if (!numSegments) { if (!c.buffer.append(" {}\n\n")) return false; return true; } if (!c.buffer.append(" {\n")) return false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) { const AstDataSegment* segment = module.dataSegments()[i]; if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("segment ")) return false; if (!PrintInt32(c, segment->offset()->as().val().i32())) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("\n")) return false; c.indent++; for (const AstName& fragment : segment->fragments()) { if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("\"")) return false; if (!PrintEscapedString(c, fragment)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append("\"\n")) return false; } c.indent--; if (!PrintIndent(c)) return false; if (!c.buffer.append(";\n")) return false; } c.indent--; if (!c.buffer.append("}\n\n")) return false; return true; } static bool PrintModule(WasmPrintContext& c, AstModule& module) { if (!PrintTypeSection(c, module.sigs())) return false; if (!PrintImportSection(c, module.imports(), module.sigs())) return false; if (!PrintTableSection(c, module)) return false; if (!PrintExportSection(c, module.exports(), module.funcImportNames(), module.funcs())) return false; if (!PrintCodeSection(c, module.funcs(), module.sigs())) return false; if (!PrintDataSection(c, module)) return false; return true; } /*****************************************************************************/ // Top-level functions bool wasm::BinaryToExperimentalText(JSContext* cx, const uint8_t* bytes, size_t length, StringBuffer& buffer, const ExperimentalTextFormatting& formatting, GeneratedSourceMap* sourceMap) { LifoAlloc lifo(AST_LIFO_DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE); AstModule* module; if (!BinaryToAst(cx, bytes, length, lifo, &module)) return false; WasmPrintBuffer buf(buffer); WasmPrintContext c(cx, module, buf, formatting, sourceMap); if (!PrintModule(c, *module)) { if (!cx->isExceptionPending()) ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } return true; }