/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "vm/RegExpObject.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "mozilla/PodOperations.h" #include "jshashutil.h" #include "jsstr.h" #ifdef DEBUG #include "jsutil.h" #endif #include "builtin/RegExp.h" #include "frontend/TokenStream.h" #include "irregexp/FeatureFlags.h" #ifdef DEBUG #include "irregexp/RegExpBytecode.h" #endif #include "irregexp/RegExpParser.h" #include "vm/MatchPairs.h" #include "vm/RegExpStatics.h" #include "vm/StringBuffer.h" #include "vm/TraceLogging.h" #ifdef DEBUG #include "vm/Unicode.h" #endif #include "vm/Xdr.h" #include "jsobjinlines.h" #include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h" #include "vm/Shape-inl.h" using namespace js; using mozilla::ArrayLength; using mozilla::DebugOnly; using mozilla::Maybe; using mozilla::PodCopy; using js::frontend::TokenStream; using JS::AutoCheckCannotGC; JS_STATIC_ASSERT(IgnoreCaseFlag == JSREG_FOLD); JS_STATIC_ASSERT(GlobalFlag == JSREG_GLOB); JS_STATIC_ASSERT(MultilineFlag == JSREG_MULTILINE); JS_STATIC_ASSERT(StickyFlag == JSREG_STICKY); JS_STATIC_ASSERT(UnicodeFlag == JSREG_UNICODE); JS_STATIC_ASSERT(DotAllFlag == JSREG_DOTALL); RegExpObject* js::RegExpAlloc(ExclusiveContext* cx, HandleObject proto /* = nullptr */) { // Note: RegExp objects are always allocated in the tenured heap. This is // not strictly required, but simplifies embedding them in jitcode. Rooted regexp(cx); regexp = NewObjectWithClassProto(cx, proto, TenuredObject); if (!regexp) return nullptr; regexp->initPrivate(nullptr); if (!EmptyShape::ensureInitialCustomShape(cx, regexp)) return nullptr; MOZ_ASSERT(regexp->lookupPure(cx->names().lastIndex)->slot() == RegExpObject::lastIndexSlot()); return regexp; } /* MatchPairs */ bool MatchPairs::initArrayFrom(MatchPairs& copyFrom) { MOZ_ASSERT(copyFrom.pairCount() > 0); if (!allocOrExpandArray(copyFrom.pairCount())) return false; PodCopy(pairs_, copyFrom.pairs_, pairCount_); return true; } bool ScopedMatchPairs::allocOrExpandArray(size_t pairCount) { /* Array expansion is forbidden, but array reuse is acceptable. */ if (pairCount_) { MOZ_ASSERT(pairs_); MOZ_ASSERT(pairCount_ == pairCount); return true; } MOZ_ASSERT(!pairs_); pairs_ = (MatchPair*)lifoScope_.alloc().alloc(sizeof(MatchPair) * pairCount); if (!pairs_) return false; pairCount_ = pairCount; return true; } bool VectorMatchPairs::allocOrExpandArray(size_t pairCount) { if (!vec_.resizeUninitialized(pairCount)) return false; pairs_ = &vec_[0]; pairCount_ = pairCount; return true; } /* RegExpObject */ /* static */ bool RegExpObject::getShared(JSContext* cx, Handle regexp, MutableHandleRegExpShared shared) { if (regexp->hasShared()) { shared.set(regexp->sharedRef()); return true; } return createShared(cx, regexp, shared); } /* static */ bool RegExpObject::isOriginalFlagGetter(JSNative native, RegExpFlag* mask) { if (native == regexp_global) { *mask = GlobalFlag; return true; } if (native == regexp_ignoreCase) { *mask = IgnoreCaseFlag; return true; } if (native == regexp_multiline) { *mask = MultilineFlag; return true; } if (native == regexp_sticky) { *mask = StickyFlag; return true; } if (native == regexp_unicode) { *mask = UnicodeFlag; return true; } if (native == regexp_dotAll) { *mask = DotAllFlag; return true; } return false; } /* static */ void RegExpObject::trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj) { obj->as().trace(trc); } static inline bool IsMarkingTrace(JSTracer* trc) { // Determine whether tracing is happening during normal marking. We need to // test all the following conditions, since: // // 1. During TraceRuntime, isHeapBusy() is true, but the tracer might not // be a marking tracer. // 2. When a write barrier executes, IsMarkingTracer is true, but // isHeapBusy() will be false. return trc->runtime()->isHeapCollecting() && trc->isMarkingTracer(); } void RegExpObject::trace(JSTracer* trc) { TraceNullableEdge(trc, &sharedRef(), "RegExpObject shared"); } static JSObject* CreateRegExpPrototype(JSContext* cx, JSProtoKey key) { return GlobalObject::createBlankPrototype(cx, cx->global(), &RegExpObject::protoClass_); } static const ClassOps RegExpObjectClassOps = { nullptr, /* addProperty */ nullptr, /* delProperty */ nullptr, /* getProperty */ nullptr, /* setProperty */ nullptr, /* enumerate */ nullptr, /* resolve */ nullptr, /* mayResolve */ nullptr, /* finalize */ nullptr, /* call */ nullptr, /* hasInstance */ nullptr, /* construct */ RegExpObject::trace, }; static const ClassSpec RegExpObjectClassSpec = { GenericCreateConstructor, CreateRegExpPrototype, nullptr, js::regexp_static_props, js::regexp_methods, js::regexp_properties }; const Class RegExpObject::class_ = { js_RegExp_str, JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE | JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(RegExpObject::RESERVED_SLOTS) | JSCLASS_HAS_CACHED_PROTO(JSProto_RegExp), &RegExpObjectClassOps, &RegExpObjectClassSpec }; const Class RegExpObject::protoClass_ = { js_Object_str, JSCLASS_HAS_CACHED_PROTO(JSProto_RegExp), JS_NULL_CLASS_OPS, &RegExpObjectClassSpec }; RegExpObject* RegExpObject::create(ExclusiveContext* cx, const char16_t* chars, size_t length, RegExpFlag flags, TokenStream* tokenStream, LifoAlloc& alloc) { RootedAtom source(cx, AtomizeChars(cx, chars, length)); if (!source) return nullptr; return create(cx, source, flags, tokenStream, alloc); } RegExpObject* RegExpObject::create(ExclusiveContext* cx, HandleAtom source, RegExpFlag flags, TokenStream* tokenStream, LifoAlloc& alloc) { Maybe dummyOptions; Maybe dummyTokenStream; if (!tokenStream) { dummyOptions.emplace(cx->asJSContext()); dummyTokenStream.emplace(cx, *dummyOptions, (const char16_t*) nullptr, 0, (frontend::StrictModeGetter*) nullptr); tokenStream = dummyTokenStream.ptr(); } if (!irregexp::ParsePatternSyntax(*tokenStream, alloc, source, flags & UnicodeFlag, flags & DotAllFlag)) return nullptr; Rooted regexp(cx, RegExpAlloc(cx)); if (!regexp) return nullptr; regexp->initAndZeroLastIndex(source, flags, cx); return regexp; } /* static */ bool RegExpObject::createShared(JSContext* cx, Handle regexp, MutableHandleRegExpShared shared) { MOZ_ASSERT(!regexp->hasShared()); RootedAtom source(cx, regexp->getSource()); if (!cx->compartment()->regExps.get(cx, source, regexp->getFlags(), shared)) return false; regexp->setShared(*shared); return true; } Shape* RegExpObject::assignInitialShape(ExclusiveContext* cx, Handle self) { MOZ_ASSERT(self->empty()); JS_STATIC_ASSERT(LAST_INDEX_SLOT == 0); /* The lastIndex property alone is writable but non-configurable. */ return self->addDataProperty(cx, cx->names().lastIndex, LAST_INDEX_SLOT, JSPROP_PERMANENT); } void RegExpObject::initIgnoringLastIndex(HandleAtom source, RegExpFlag flags) { // If this is a re-initialization with an existing RegExpShared, 'flags' // may not match getShared()->flags, so forget the RegExpShared. NativeObject::setPrivate(nullptr); setSource(source); setFlags(flags); } void RegExpObject::initAndZeroLastIndex(HandleAtom source, RegExpFlag flags, ExclusiveContext* cx) { initIgnoringLastIndex(source, flags); zeroLastIndex(cx); } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsLineTerminator(const JS::Latin1Char c) { return c == '\n' || c == '\r'; } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsLineTerminator(const char16_t c) { return c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == 0x2028 || c == 0x2029; } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool AppendEscapedLineTerminator(StringBuffer& sb, const JS::Latin1Char c) { switch (c) { case '\n': if (!sb.append('n')) return false; break; case '\r': if (!sb.append('r')) return false; break; default: MOZ_CRASH("Bad LineTerminator"); } return true; } static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool AppendEscapedLineTerminator(StringBuffer& sb, const char16_t c) { switch (c) { case '\n': if (!sb.append('n')) return false; break; case '\r': if (!sb.append('r')) return false; break; case 0x2028: if (!sb.append("u2028")) return false; break; case 0x2029: if (!sb.append("u2029")) return false; break; default: MOZ_CRASH("Bad LineTerminator"); } return true; } template static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool SetupBuffer(StringBuffer& sb, const CharT* oldChars, size_t oldLen, const CharT* it) { if (mozilla::IsSame::value && !sb.ensureTwoByteChars()) return false; if (!sb.reserve(oldLen + 1)) return false; sb.infallibleAppend(oldChars, size_t(it - oldChars)); return true; } // Note: leaves the string buffer empty if no escaping need be performed. template static bool EscapeRegExpPattern(StringBuffer& sb, const CharT* oldChars, size_t oldLen) { bool inBrackets = false; bool previousCharacterWasBackslash = false; for (const CharT* it = oldChars; it < oldChars + oldLen; ++it) { CharT ch = *it; if (!previousCharacterWasBackslash) { if (inBrackets) { if (ch == ']') inBrackets = false; } else if (ch == '/') { // There's a forward slash that needs escaping. if (sb.empty()) { // This is the first char we've seen that needs escaping, // copy everything up to this point. if (!SetupBuffer(sb, oldChars, oldLen, it)) return false; } if (!sb.append('\\')) return false; } else if (ch == '[') { inBrackets = true; } } if (IsLineTerminator(ch)) { // There's LineTerminator that needs escaping. if (sb.empty()) { // This is the first char we've seen that needs escaping, // copy everything up to this point. if (!SetupBuffer(sb, oldChars, oldLen, it)) return false; } if (!previousCharacterWasBackslash) { if (!sb.append('\\')) return false; } if (!AppendEscapedLineTerminator(sb, ch)) return false; } else if (!sb.empty()) { if (!sb.append(ch)) return false; } if (previousCharacterWasBackslash) previousCharacterWasBackslash = false; else if (ch == '\\') previousCharacterWasBackslash = true; } return true; } // ES6 draft rev32 JSAtom* js::EscapeRegExpPattern(JSContext* cx, HandleAtom src) { // Step 2. if (src->length() == 0) return cx->names().emptyRegExp; // We may never need to use |sb|. Start using it lazily. StringBuffer sb(cx); if (src->hasLatin1Chars()) { JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; if (!::EscapeRegExpPattern(sb, src->latin1Chars(nogc), src->length())) return nullptr; } else { JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; if (!::EscapeRegExpPattern(sb, src->twoByteChars(nogc), src->length())) return nullptr; } // Step 3. return sb.empty() ? src : sb.finishAtom(); } // ES6 draft rev32 Optimized for RegExpObject. JSFlatString* RegExpObject::toString(JSContext* cx) const { // Steps 3-4. RootedAtom src(cx, getSource()); if (!src) return nullptr; RootedAtom escapedSrc(cx, EscapeRegExpPattern(cx, src)); // Step 7. StringBuffer sb(cx); size_t len = escapedSrc->length(); if (!sb.reserve(len + 2)) return nullptr; sb.infallibleAppend('/'); if (!sb.append(escapedSrc)) return nullptr; sb.infallibleAppend('/'); // Steps 5-7. if (global() && !sb.append('g')) return nullptr; if (ignoreCase() && !sb.append('i')) return nullptr; if (multiline() && !sb.append('m')) return nullptr; if (unicode() && !sb.append('u')) return nullptr; if (sticky() && !sb.append('y')) return nullptr; return sb.finishString(); } #ifdef DEBUG /* static */ bool RegExpShared::dumpBytecode(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleRegExpShared re, bool match_only, HandleLinearString input) { CompilationMode mode = match_only ? MatchOnly : Normal; if (!RegExpShared::compileIfNecessary(cx, re, input, mode, ForceByteCode)) return false; const uint8_t* byteCode = re->compilation(mode, input->hasLatin1Chars()).byteCode; const uint8_t* pc = byteCode; auto Load32Aligned = [](const uint8_t* pc) -> int32_t { MOZ_ASSERT((reinterpret_cast(pc) & 3) == 0); return *reinterpret_cast(pc); }; auto Load16Aligned = [](const uint8_t* pc) -> int32_t { MOZ_ASSERT((reinterpret_cast(pc) & 1) == 0); return *reinterpret_cast(pc); }; int32_t numRegisters = Load32Aligned(pc); fprintf(stderr, "numRegisters: %d\n", numRegisters); pc += 4; fprintf(stderr, "loc op\n"); fprintf(stderr, "----- --\n"); auto DumpLower = [](const char* text) { while (*text) { fprintf(stderr, "%c", unicode::ToLowerCase(*text)); text++; } }; #define BYTECODE(NAME) \ case irregexp::BC_##NAME: \ DumpLower(#NAME); #define ADVANCE(NAME) \ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \ pc += irregexp::BC_##NAME##_LENGTH; \ maxPc = js::Max(maxPc, pc); \ break; #define STOP(NAME) \ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \ pc += irregexp::BC_##NAME##_LENGTH; \ break; #define JUMP(NAME, OFFSET) \ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \ maxPc = js::Max(maxPc, byteCode + OFFSET); \ pc += irregexp::BC_##NAME##_LENGTH; \ break; #define BRANCH(NAME, OFFSET) \ fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \ pc += irregexp::BC_##NAME##_LENGTH; \ maxPc = js::Max(maxPc, js::Max(pc, byteCode + OFFSET)); \ break; // Bytecode has no end marker, we need to calculate the bytecode length by // tracing jumps and branches. const uint8_t* maxPc = pc; while (pc <= maxPc) { fprintf(stderr, "%05d: ", int32_t(pc - byteCode)); int32_t insn = Load32Aligned(pc); switch (insn & irregexp::BYTECODE_MASK) { BYTECODE(BREAK) { STOP(BREAK); } BYTECODE(PUSH_CP) { ADVANCE(PUSH_CP); } BYTECODE(PUSH_BT) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d", offset); // Pushed value is used by POP_BT for jumping. // Resolve maxPc here. BRANCH(PUSH_BT, offset); } BYTECODE(PUSH_REGISTER) { fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d]", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT); ADVANCE(PUSH_REGISTER); } BYTECODE(SET_REGISTER) { fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d], %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, Load32Aligned(pc + 4)); ADVANCE(SET_REGISTER); } BYTECODE(ADVANCE_REGISTER) { fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d], %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, Load32Aligned(pc + 4)); ADVANCE(ADVANCE_REGISTER); } BYTECODE(SET_REGISTER_TO_CP) { fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d], %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, Load32Aligned(pc + 4)); ADVANCE(SET_REGISTER_TO_CP); } BYTECODE(SET_CP_TO_REGISTER) { fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d]", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT); ADVANCE(SET_CP_TO_REGISTER); } BYTECODE(SET_REGISTER_TO_SP) { fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d]", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT); ADVANCE(SET_REGISTER_TO_SP); } BYTECODE(SET_SP_TO_REGISTER) { fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d]", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT); ADVANCE(SET_SP_TO_REGISTER); } BYTECODE(POP_CP) { ADVANCE(POP_CP); } BYTECODE(POP_BT) { // Jump is already resolved in PUSH_BT. STOP(POP_BT); } BYTECODE(POP_REGISTER) { fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d]", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT); ADVANCE(POP_REGISTER); } BYTECODE(FAIL) { ADVANCE(FAIL); } BYTECODE(SUCCEED) { ADVANCE(SUCCEED); } BYTECODE(ADVANCE_CP) { fprintf(stderr, " %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT); ADVANCE(ADVANCE_CP); } BYTECODE(GOTO) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d", offset); JUMP(GOTO, offset); } BYTECODE(ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, offset); JUMP(ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_GREEDY) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d", offset); BRANCH(CHECK_GREEDY, offset); } BYTECODE(LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, offset); BRANCH(LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR, offset); } BYTECODE(LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR_UNCHECKED) { fprintf(stderr, " %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT); ADVANCE(LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR_UNCHECKED); } BYTECODE(LOAD_2_CURRENT_CHARS) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, offset); BRANCH(LOAD_2_CURRENT_CHARS, offset); } BYTECODE(LOAD_2_CURRENT_CHARS_UNCHECKED) { fprintf(stderr, " %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT); ADVANCE(LOAD_2_CURRENT_CHARS_UNCHECKED); } BYTECODE(LOAD_4_CURRENT_CHARS) { ADVANCE(LOAD_4_CURRENT_CHARS); } BYTECODE(LOAD_4_CURRENT_CHARS_UNCHECKED) { ADVANCE(LOAD_4_CURRENT_CHARS_UNCHECKED); } BYTECODE(CHECK_4_CHARS) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 8); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d", Load32Aligned(pc + 4), offset); BRANCH(CHECK_4_CHARS, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_CHAR) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, offset); BRANCH(CHECK_CHAR, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_NOT_4_CHARS) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 8); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d", Load32Aligned(pc + 4), offset); BRANCH(CHECK_NOT_4_CHARS, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_NOT_CHAR) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, offset); BRANCH(CHECK_NOT_CHAR, offset); } BYTECODE(AND_CHECK_4_CHARS) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 12); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d, %d", Load32Aligned(pc + 4), Load32Aligned(pc + 8), offset); BRANCH(AND_CHECK_4_CHARS, offset); } BYTECODE(AND_CHECK_CHAR) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 8); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, Load32Aligned(pc + 4), offset); BRANCH(AND_CHECK_CHAR, offset); } BYTECODE(AND_CHECK_NOT_4_CHARS) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 12); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d, %d", Load32Aligned(pc + 4), Load32Aligned(pc + 8), offset); BRANCH(AND_CHECK_NOT_4_CHARS, offset); } BYTECODE(AND_CHECK_NOT_CHAR) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 8); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, Load32Aligned(pc + 4), offset); BRANCH(AND_CHECK_NOT_CHAR, offset); } BYTECODE(MINUS_AND_CHECK_NOT_CHAR) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 8); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d, %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, Load16Aligned(pc + 4), Load16Aligned(pc + 6), offset); BRANCH(MINUS_AND_CHECK_NOT_CHAR, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_CHAR_IN_RANGE) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 8); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d, %d", Load16Aligned(pc + 4), Load16Aligned(pc + 6), offset); BRANCH(CHECK_CHAR_IN_RANGE, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_CHAR_NOT_IN_RANGE) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 8); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d, %d", Load16Aligned(pc + 4), Load16Aligned(pc + 6), offset); BRANCH(CHECK_CHAR_NOT_IN_RANGE, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_BIT_IN_TABLE) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d, " "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x " "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x", offset, pc[8], pc[9], pc[10], pc[11], pc[12], pc[13], pc[14], pc[15], pc[16], pc[17], pc[18], pc[19], pc[20], pc[21], pc[22], pc[23]); BRANCH(CHECK_BIT_IN_TABLE, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_LT) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, offset); BRANCH(CHECK_LT, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_GT) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, offset); BRANCH(CHECK_GT, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_REGISTER_LT) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 8); fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d], %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, Load32Aligned(pc + 4), offset); BRANCH(CHECK_REGISTER_LT, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_REGISTER_GE) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 8); fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d], %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, Load32Aligned(pc + 4), offset); BRANCH(CHECK_REGISTER_GE, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_REGISTER_EQ_POS) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d], %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, offset); BRANCH(CHECK_REGISTER_EQ_POS, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_NOT_REGS_EQUAL) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 8); fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d], %d, %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, Load32Aligned(pc + 4), offset); BRANCH(CHECK_NOT_REGS_EQUAL, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d], %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, offset); BRANCH(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_NO_CASE) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d], %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, offset); BRANCH(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_NO_CASE, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_NO_CASE_UNICODE) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " reg[%d], %d", insn >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT, offset); BRANCH(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_NO_CASE_UNICODE, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_AT_START) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d", offset); BRANCH(CHECK_AT_START, offset); } BYTECODE(CHECK_NOT_AT_START) { int32_t offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 4); fprintf(stderr, " %d", offset); BRANCH(CHECK_NOT_AT_START, offset); } BYTECODE(SET_CURRENT_POSITION_FROM_END) { fprintf(stderr, " %u", static_cast(insn) >> irregexp::BYTECODE_SHIFT); ADVANCE(SET_CURRENT_POSITION_FROM_END); } default: MOZ_CRASH("Bad bytecode"); } } #undef BYTECODE #undef ADVANCE #undef STOP #undef JUMP #undef BRANCH return true; } /* static */ bool RegExpObject::dumpBytecode(JSContext* cx, Handle regexp, bool match_only, HandleLinearString input) { RootedRegExpShared shared(cx); if (!getShared(cx, regexp, &shared)) return false; return RegExpShared::dumpBytecode(cx, &shared, match_only, input); } #endif template static MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsRegExpMetaChar(CharT ch) { switch (ch) { /* ES 2016 draft Mar 25, 2016 21.2.1 SyntaxCharacter. */ case '^': case '$': case '\\': case '.': case '*': case '+': case '?': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': case '|': return true; default: return false; } } template bool js::HasRegExpMetaChars(const CharT* chars, size_t length) { for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (IsRegExpMetaChar(chars[i])) return true; } return false; } template bool js::HasRegExpMetaChars(const Latin1Char* chars, size_t length); template bool js::HasRegExpMetaChars(const char16_t* chars, size_t length); bool js::StringHasRegExpMetaChars(JSLinearString* str) { AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) return HasRegExpMetaChars(str->latin1Chars(nogc), str->length()); return HasRegExpMetaChars(str->twoByteChars(nogc), str->length()); } /* RegExpShared */ RegExpShared::RegExpShared(JSAtom* source, RegExpFlag flags) : source(source), flags(flags), canStringMatch(false), parenCount(0), numNamedCaptures_(0), groupsTemplate_(nullptr) {} void RegExpShared::traceChildren(JSTracer* trc) { // Discard code to avoid holding onto ExecutablePools. if (IsMarkingTrace(trc) && trc->runtime()->gc.isShrinkingGC()) discardJitCode(); TraceNullableEdge(trc, &source, "RegExpShared source"); for (auto& comp : compilationArray) TraceNullableEdge(trc, &comp.jitCode, "RegExpShared code"); TraceNullableEdge(trc, &groupsTemplate_, "RegExpShared groupsTemplate"); } void RegExpShared::discardJitCode() { for (auto& comp : compilationArray) comp.jitCode = nullptr; // We can also purge the tables used by JIT code. tables.clearAndFree(); } void RegExpShared::finalize(FreeOp* fop) { for (auto& comp : compilationArray) js_free(comp.byteCode); tables.~JitCodeTables(); } /* static */ bool RegExpShared::compile(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleRegExpShared re, HandleLinearString input, CompilationMode mode, ForceByteCodeEnum force) { TraceLoggerThread* logger = TraceLoggerForMainThread(cx->runtime()); AutoTraceLog logCompile(logger, TraceLogger_IrregexpCompile); RootedAtom pattern(cx, re->source); return compile(cx, re, pattern, input, mode, force); } /* static */ bool RegExpShared::initializeNamedCaptures(JSContext* cx, HandleRegExpShared re, irregexp::CharacterVectorVector* names, irregexp::IntegerVector* indices) { MOZ_ASSERT(names); MOZ_ASSERT(indices); MOZ_ASSERT(names->length() == indices->length()); if (re->getGroupsTemplate()) { // If initializeNamedCaptures was previously called for a different CompilationMode/Latin1Chars combination, // the template object is already created and correct. #ifdef DEBUG // In debug builds, verify that. MOZ_ASSERT(re->getGroupsTemplate()->propertyCount() == names->length()); RootedId id(cx); RootedNativeObject groupsTemplate(cx, re->getGroupsTemplate()); Rooted desc(cx); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < names->length(); i++) { irregexp::CharacterVector* cv = (*names)[i]; JSAtom* atom = AtomizeChars(cx, cv->begin(), cv->length()); MOZ_ASSERT(atom); id = NameToId(atom->asPropertyName()); MOZ_ASSERT(NativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(cx, groupsTemplate, id, &desc)); int32_t idx; MOZ_ASSERT(ToInt32(cx, desc.value(), &idx)); MOZ_ASSERT(idx == (*indices)[i]); } #endif return true; } // The irregexp parser returns named capture information in the form // of two arrays. We create a template object with a property for each // capture name, and store the capture index as Integer in the corresponding value. uint32_t numNamedCaptures = names->length(); // Create a plain template object. RootedPlainObject templateObject(cx, NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, nullptr, TenuredObject)); if (!templateObject) { return false; } // Create a new group for the template. Rooted proto(cx, templateObject->taggedProto()); ObjectGroup* group = ObjectGroupCompartment::makeGroup(cx, templateObject->getClass(), proto); if (!group) { return false; } templateObject->setGroup(group); // Initialize the properties of the template. RootedId id(cx); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numNamedCaptures; i++) { irregexp::CharacterVector* cv = (*names)[i]; // Need to explicitly create an Atom (not a String) or it won't get added to the atom table JSAtom* atom = AtomizeChars(cx, cv->begin(), cv->length()); if (!atom) { return false; } id = NameToId(atom->asPropertyName()); RootedValue idx(cx, Int32Value((*indices)[i])); if (!NativeDefineProperty(cx, templateObject, id, idx, nullptr, nullptr, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) { return false; } AddTypePropertyId(cx, templateObject, id, TypeSet::Int32Type()); } re->groupsTemplate_ = templateObject; re->numNamedCaptures_ = numNamedCaptures; return true; } /* static */ bool RegExpShared::compile(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleRegExpShared re, HandleAtom pattern, HandleLinearString input, CompilationMode mode, ForceByteCodeEnum force) { if (!re->ignoreCase() && !StringHasRegExpMetaChars(pattern)) re->canStringMatch = true; CompileOptions options(cx); TokenStream dummyTokenStream(cx, options, nullptr, 0, nullptr); LifoAllocScope scope(&cx->tempLifoAlloc()); /* Parse the pattern. */ irregexp::RegExpCompileData data; if (!irregexp::ParsePattern(dummyTokenStream, cx->tempLifoAlloc(), pattern, re->multiline(), mode == MatchOnly, re->unicode(), re->ignoreCase(), re->global(), re->sticky(), re->dotAll(), &data)) { return false; } re->parenCount = data.capture_count; if (data.capture_name_list) { // convert LifoAlloc'd named capture info to NativeObject if (!initializeNamedCaptures(cx, re, data.capture_name_list, data.capture_index_list)) { return false; } } JitCodeTables tables; irregexp::RegExpCode code = irregexp::CompilePattern(cx, re, &data, input, false /* global() */, re->ignoreCase(), input->hasLatin1Chars(), mode == MatchOnly, force == ForceByteCode, re->sticky(), re->unicode(), tables); if (code.empty()) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(!code.jitCode || !code.byteCode); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(force == ForceByteCode, code.byteCode); RegExpCompilation& compilation = re->compilation(mode, input->hasLatin1Chars()); if (code.jitCode) { // First copy the tables. GC can purge the tables if the RegExpShared // has no JIT code, so it's important to do this right before setting // compilation.jitCode (to ensure no purging happens between adding the // tables and setting the JIT code). for (size_t i = 0; i < tables.length(); i++) { if (!re->addTable(Move(tables[i]))) return false; } compilation.jitCode = code.jitCode; } else if (code.byteCode) { MOZ_ASSERT(tables.empty(), "RegExpInterpreter does not use data tables"); compilation.byteCode = code.byteCode; } return true; } /* static */ bool RegExpShared::compileIfNecessary(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleRegExpShared re, HandleLinearString input, CompilationMode mode, ForceByteCodeEnum force) { if (re->isCompiled(mode, input->hasLatin1Chars(), force)) return true; return compile(cx, re, input, mode, force); } /* static */ RegExpRunStatus RegExpShared::execute(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleRegExpShared re, HandleLinearString input, size_t start, MatchPairs* matches, size_t* endIndex) { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(matches, !endIndex); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!matches, endIndex); TraceLoggerThread* logger = TraceLoggerForMainThread(cx->runtime()); CompilationMode mode = matches ? Normal : MatchOnly; /* Compile the code at point-of-use. */ if (!compileIfNecessary(cx, re, input, mode, DontForceByteCode)) return RegExpRunStatus_Error; /* * Ensure sufficient memory for output vector. * No need to initialize it. The RegExp engine fills them in on a match. */ if (matches && !matches->allocOrExpandArray(re->pairCount())) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return RegExpRunStatus_Error; } size_t length = input->length(); // Reset the Irregexp backtrack stack if it grows during execution. irregexp::RegExpStackScope stackScope(cx->runtime()); if (re->canStringMatch) { MOZ_ASSERT(re->pairCount() == 1); size_t sourceLength = re->source->length(); if (re->sticky()) { // First part checks size_t overflow. if (sourceLength + start < sourceLength || sourceLength + start > length) return RegExpRunStatus_Success_NotFound; if (!HasSubstringAt(input, re->source, start)) return RegExpRunStatus_Success_NotFound; if (matches) { (*matches)[0].start = start; (*matches)[0].limit = start + sourceLength; matches->checkAgainst(length); } else if (endIndex) { *endIndex = start + sourceLength; } return RegExpRunStatus_Success; } int res = StringFindPattern(input, re->source, start); if (res == -1) return RegExpRunStatus_Success_NotFound; if (matches) { (*matches)[0].start = res; (*matches)[0].limit = res + sourceLength; matches->checkAgainst(length); } else if (endIndex) { *endIndex = res + sourceLength; } return RegExpRunStatus_Success; } do { jit::JitCode* code = re->compilation(mode, input->hasLatin1Chars()).jitCode; if (!code) break; RegExpRunStatus result; { AutoTraceLog logJIT(logger, TraceLogger_IrregexpExecute); AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; if (input->hasLatin1Chars()) { const Latin1Char* chars = input->latin1Chars(nogc); result = irregexp::ExecuteCode(cx, code, chars, start, length, matches, endIndex); } else { const char16_t* chars = input->twoByteChars(nogc); result = irregexp::ExecuteCode(cx, code, chars, start, length, matches, endIndex); } } if (result == RegExpRunStatus_Error) { // An 'Error' result is returned if a stack overflow guard or // interrupt guard failed. If CheckOverRecursed doesn't throw, break // out and retry the regexp in the bytecode interpreter, which can // execute while tolerating future interrupts. Otherwise, if we keep // getting interrupted we will never finish executing the regexp. if (!jit::CheckOverRecursed(cx)) return RegExpRunStatus_Error; break; } if (result == RegExpRunStatus_Success_NotFound) return RegExpRunStatus_Success_NotFound; MOZ_ASSERT(result == RegExpRunStatus_Success); if (matches) matches->checkAgainst(length); return RegExpRunStatus_Success; } while (false); // Compile bytecode for the RegExp if necessary. if (!compileIfNecessary(cx, re, input, mode, ForceByteCode)) return RegExpRunStatus_Error; uint8_t* byteCode = re->compilation(mode, input->hasLatin1Chars()).byteCode; AutoTraceLog logInterpreter(logger, TraceLogger_IrregexpExecute); AutoStableStringChars inputChars(cx); if (!inputChars.init(cx, input)) return RegExpRunStatus_Error; RegExpRunStatus result; if (inputChars.isLatin1()) { const Latin1Char* chars = inputChars.latin1Range().begin().get(); result = irregexp::InterpretCode(cx, byteCode, chars, start, length, matches, endIndex); } else { const char16_t* chars = inputChars.twoByteRange().begin().get(); result = irregexp::InterpretCode(cx, byteCode, chars, start, length, matches, endIndex); } if (result == RegExpRunStatus_Success && matches) matches->checkAgainst(length); return result; } size_t RegExpShared::sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) { size_t n = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(compilationArray); i++) { const RegExpCompilation& compilation = compilationArray[i]; if (compilation.byteCode) n += mallocSizeOf(compilation.byteCode); } n += tables.sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf); for (size_t i = 0; i < tables.length(); i++) n += mallocSizeOf(tables[i].get()); return n; } /* RegExpCompartment */ RegExpCompartment::RegExpCompartment(Zone* zone) : set_(zone, Set(zone->runtimeFromMainThread())), matchResultTemplateObject_(nullptr), optimizableRegExpPrototypeShape_(nullptr), optimizableRegExpInstanceShape_(nullptr) {} RegExpCompartment::~RegExpCompartment() { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(set_.initialized(), set_.empty()); } ArrayObject* RegExpCompartment::createMatchResultTemplateObject(JSContext* cx) { MOZ_ASSERT(!matchResultTemplateObject_); /* Create template array object */ RootedArrayObject templateObject(cx, NewDenseUnallocatedArray(cx, RegExpObject::MaxPairCount, nullptr, TenuredObject)); if (!templateObject) return matchResultTemplateObject_; // = nullptr // Create a new group for the template. Rooted proto(cx, templateObject->taggedProto()); ObjectGroup* group = ObjectGroupCompartment::makeGroup(cx, templateObject->getClass(), proto); if (!group) return matchResultTemplateObject_; // = nullptr templateObject->setGroup(group); /* Set dummy index property */ RootedValue index(cx, Int32Value(0)); if (!NativeDefineProperty(cx, templateObject, cx->names().index, index, nullptr, nullptr, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) { return matchResultTemplateObject_; // = nullptr } /* Set dummy input property */ RootedValue inputVal(cx, StringValue(cx->runtime()->emptyString)); if (!NativeDefineProperty(cx, templateObject, cx->names().input, inputVal, nullptr, nullptr, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) { return matchResultTemplateObject_; // = nullptr } /* Set dummy groups property */ RootedValue groupsVal(cx, UndefinedValue()); if (!NativeDefineProperty( cx, templateObject, cx->names().groups, groupsVal, nullptr, nullptr, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) { return nullptr; } // Make sure that the properties are in the right slots. DebugOnly shape = templateObject->lastProperty(); MOZ_ASSERT(shape->slot() == 2 && shape->propidRef() == NameToId(cx->names().groups)); MOZ_ASSERT(shape->previous()->slot() == 1 && shape->previous()->propidRef() == NameToId(cx->names().input)); MOZ_ASSERT(shape->previous()->previous()->slot() == 0 && shape->previous()->previous()->propidRef() == NameToId(cx->names().index)); // Make sure type information reflects the indexed properties which might // be added. AddTypePropertyId(cx, templateObject, JSID_VOID, TypeSet::StringType()); AddTypePropertyId(cx, templateObject, JSID_VOID, TypeSet::UndefinedType()); AddTypePropertyId(cx, templateObject, NameToId(cx->names().groups), TypeSet::AnyObjectType()); matchResultTemplateObject_.set(templateObject); return matchResultTemplateObject_; } bool RegExpCompartment::init(JSContext* cx) { if (!set_.init(0)) { if (cx) ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } return true; } void RegExpCompartment::sweep(JSRuntime* rt) { if (matchResultTemplateObject_ && IsAboutToBeFinalized(&matchResultTemplateObject_)) { matchResultTemplateObject_.set(nullptr); } if (optimizableRegExpPrototypeShape_ && IsAboutToBeFinalized(&optimizableRegExpPrototypeShape_)) { optimizableRegExpPrototypeShape_.set(nullptr); } if (optimizableRegExpInstanceShape_ && IsAboutToBeFinalized(&optimizableRegExpInstanceShape_)) { optimizableRegExpInstanceShape_.set(nullptr); } } bool RegExpCompartment::get(JSContext* cx, HandleAtom source, RegExpFlag flags, MutableHandleRegExpShared result) { DependentAddPtr p(cx, set_.get(), Key(source, flags)); if (p) { result.set(*p); return true; } auto shared = Allocate(cx); if (!shared) return false; new (shared) RegExpShared(source, flags); if (!p.add(cx, set_.get(), Key(source, flags), shared)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } result.set(shared); return true; } bool RegExpCompartment::get(JSContext* cx, HandleAtom atom, JSString* opt, MutableHandleRegExpShared shared) { RegExpFlag flags = RegExpFlag(0); if (opt && !ParseRegExpFlags(cx, opt, &flags)) return false; return get(cx, atom, flags, shared); } size_t RegExpCompartment::sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) { return set_.sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf); } /* Functions */ JSObject* js::CloneRegExpObject(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj_) { Rooted regex(cx, &obj_->as()); // Unlike RegExpAlloc, all clones must use |regex|'s group. Allocate // in the tenured heap to simplify embedding them in JIT code. RootedObjectGroup group(cx, regex->group()); Rooted clone(cx, NewObjectWithGroup(cx, group, TenuredObject)); if (!clone) return nullptr; clone->initPrivate(nullptr); if (!EmptyShape::ensureInitialCustomShape(cx, clone)) return nullptr; Rooted source(cx, regex->getSource()); RootedRegExpShared shared(cx); if (!RegExpObject::getShared(cx, regex, &shared)) return nullptr; clone->initAndZeroLastIndex(source, shared->getFlags(), cx); clone->setShared(*shared); return clone; } static bool HandleRegExpFlag(RegExpFlag flag, RegExpFlag* flags) { if (*flags & flag) return false; *flags = RegExpFlag(*flags | flag); return true; } template static size_t ParseRegExpFlags(const CharT* chars, size_t length, RegExpFlag* flagsOut, char16_t* lastParsedOut) { *flagsOut = RegExpFlag(0); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { *lastParsedOut = chars[i]; switch (chars[i]) { case 'i': if (!HandleRegExpFlag(IgnoreCaseFlag, flagsOut)) return false; break; case 'g': if (!HandleRegExpFlag(GlobalFlag, flagsOut)) return false; break; case 'm': if (!HandleRegExpFlag(MultilineFlag, flagsOut)) return false; break; case 's': if (!HandleRegExpFlag(DotAllFlag, flagsOut)) return false; break; case 'y': if (!HandleRegExpFlag(StickyFlag, flagsOut)) return false; break; case 'u': if (!HandleRegExpFlag(UnicodeFlag, flagsOut)) return false; break; case 'v': if (irregexp::kParseFlagUnicodeSetsAsUnicode) { if (!HandleRegExpFlag(UnicodeFlag, flagsOut)) return false; break; } [[fallthrough]]; default: return false; } } return true; } bool js::ParseRegExpFlags(JSContext* cx, JSString* flagStr, RegExpFlag* flagsOut) { JSLinearString* linear = flagStr->ensureLinear(cx); if (!linear) return false; size_t len = linear->length(); bool ok; char16_t lastParsed; if (linear->hasLatin1Chars()) { AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; ok = ::ParseRegExpFlags(linear->latin1Chars(nogc), len, flagsOut, &lastParsed); } else { AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; ok = ::ParseRegExpFlags(linear->twoByteChars(nogc), len, flagsOut, &lastParsed); } if (!ok) { TwoByteChars range(&lastParsed, 1); UniqueChars utf8(JS::CharsToNewUTF8CharsZ(nullptr, range).c_str()); if (!utf8) return false; JS_ReportErrorFlagsAndNumberUTF8(cx, JSREPORT_ERROR, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_BAD_REGEXP_FLAG, utf8.get()); return false; } return true; } template bool js::XDRScriptRegExpObject(XDRState* xdr, MutableHandle objp) { /* NB: Keep this in sync with CloneScriptRegExpObject. */ RootedAtom source(xdr->cx()); uint32_t flagsword = 0; if (mode == XDR_ENCODE) { MOZ_ASSERT(objp); RegExpObject& reobj = *objp; source = reobj.getSource(); flagsword = reobj.getFlags(); } if (!XDRAtom(xdr, &source) || !xdr->codeUint32(&flagsword)) return false; if (mode == XDR_DECODE) { RegExpFlag flags = RegExpFlag(flagsword); RegExpObject* reobj = RegExpObject::create(xdr->cx(), source, flags, nullptr, xdr->lifoAlloc()); if (!reobj) return false; objp.set(reobj); } return true; } template bool js::XDRScriptRegExpObject(XDRState* xdr, MutableHandle objp); template bool js::XDRScriptRegExpObject(XDRState* xdr, MutableHandle objp); JSObject* js::CloneScriptRegExpObject(JSContext* cx, RegExpObject& reobj) { /* NB: Keep this in sync with XDRScriptRegExpObject. */ RootedAtom source(cx, reobj.getSource()); return RegExpObject::create(cx, source, reobj.getFlags(), nullptr, cx->tempLifoAlloc()); } JS_FRIEND_API(bool) js::RegExpToSharedNonInline(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, MutableHandleRegExpShared shared) { return RegExpToShared(cx, obj, shared); } JS::ubi::Node::Size JS::ubi::Concrete::size(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const { return js::gc::Arena::thingSize(gc::AllocKind::REGEXP_SHARED) + get().sizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf); }