/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "frontend/NameFunctions.h" #include "mozilla/Sprintf.h" #include "jsfun.h" #include "jsprf.h" #include "frontend/BytecodeCompiler.h" #include "frontend/ParseNode.h" #include "frontend/SharedContext.h" #include "vm/StringBuffer.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::frontend; namespace { class NameResolver { static const size_t MaxParents = 100; ExclusiveContext* cx; size_t nparents; /* number of parents in the parents array */ ParseNode* parents[MaxParents]; /* history of ParseNodes we've been looking at */ StringBuffer* buf; /* when resolving, buffer to append to */ /* Test whether a ParseNode represents a function invocation */ bool call(ParseNode* pn) { return pn && pn->isKind(PNK_CALL); } /* * Append a reference to a property named |name| to |buf|. If |name| is * a proper identifier name, then we append '.name'; otherwise, we * append '["name"]'. * * Note that we need the IsIdentifier check for atoms from both * PNK_NAME nodes and PNK_STRING nodes: given code like a["b c"], the * front end will produce a PNK_DOT with a PNK_NAME child whose name * contains spaces. */ bool appendPropertyReference(JSAtom* name) { if (IsIdentifier(name)) return buf->append('.') && buf->append(name); /* Quote the string as needed. */ JSString* source = QuoteString(cx, name, '"'); return source && buf->append('[') && buf->append(source) && buf->append(']'); } /* Append a number to buf. */ bool appendNumber(double n) { char number[30]; int digits = SprintfLiteral(number, "%g", n); return buf->append(number, digits); } /* Append "[]" to buf, referencing a property named by a numeric literal. */ bool appendNumericPropertyReference(double n) { return buf->append("[") && appendNumber(n) && buf->append(']'); } /* * Walk over the given ParseNode, attempting to convert it to a stringified * name that respresents where the function is being assigned to. * * |*foundName| is set to true if a name is found for the expression. */ bool nameExpression(ParseNode* n, bool* foundName) { switch (n->getKind()) { case PNK_DOT: { PropertyAccess* prop = &n->as(); if (!nameExpression(&prop->expression(), foundName)) return false; if (!*foundName) return true; return appendPropertyReference(prop->right()->as().atom()); } case PNK_NAME: case PNK_PRIVATE_NAME: *foundName = true; return buf->append(n->as().atom()); case PNK_THIS: *foundName = true; return buf->append("this"); case PNK_ELEM: { PropertyByValue* elem = &n->as(); if (!nameExpression(&elem->expression(), foundName)) return false; if (!*foundName) return true; if (!buf->append('[') || !nameExpression(elem->right(), foundName)) return false; if (!*foundName) return true; return buf->append(']'); } case PNK_NUMBER: *foundName = true; return appendNumber(n->as().value()); default: /* We're confused as to what to call this function. */ *foundName = false; return true; } } /* * When naming an anonymous function, the process works loosely by walking * up the AST and then translating that to a string. The stringification * happens from some far-up assignment and then going back down the parse * tree to the function definition point. * * This function will walk up the parse tree, gathering relevant nodes used * for naming, and return the assignment node if there is one. The provided * array and size will be filled in, and the returned node could be nullptr * if no assignment is found. The first element of the array will be the * innermost node relevant to naming, and the last element will be the * outermost node. */ ParseNode* gatherNameable(ParseNode** nameable, size_t* size) { *size = 0; for (int pos = nparents - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) { ParseNode* cur = parents[pos]; if (cur->is()) return cur; switch (cur->getKind()) { case PNK_PRIVATE_NAME: case PNK_NAME: return cur; /* found the initialized declaration */ case PNK_THIS: return cur; /* Setting a property of 'this'. */ case PNK_FUNCTION: return nullptr; /* won't find an assignment or declaration */ case PNK_RETURN: /* * Normally the relevant parent of a node is its direct parent, but * sometimes with code like: * * var foo = (function() { return function() {}; })(); * * the outer function is just a helper to create a scope for the * returned function. Hence the name of the returned function should * actually be 'foo'. This loop sees if the current node is a * PNK_RETURN, and if there is a direct function call we skip to * that. */ for (int tmp = pos - 1; tmp > 0; tmp--) { if (isDirectCall(tmp, cur)) { pos = tmp; break; } else if (call(cur)) { /* Don't skip too high in the tree */ break; } cur = parents[tmp]; } break; case PNK_COLON: case PNK_SHORTHAND: /* * Record the PNK_COLON/SHORTHAND but skip the PNK_OBJECT so we're not * flagged as a contributor. */ pos--; [[fallthrough]]; default: /* Save any other nodes we encounter on the way up. */ MOZ_ASSERT(*size < MaxParents); nameable[(*size)++] = cur; break; } } return nullptr; } /* * Resolve the name of a function. If the function already has a name * listed, then it is skipped. Otherwise an intelligent name is guessed to * assign to the function's displayAtom field. */ bool resolveFun(FunctionNode* funNode, HandleAtom prefix, MutableHandleAtom retAtom) { MOZ_ASSERT(funNode != nullptr); RootedFunction fun(cx, funNode->funbox()->function()); StringBuffer buf(cx); this->buf = &buf; retAtom.set(nullptr); /* If the function already has a name, use that */ if (fun->displayAtom() != nullptr) { if (prefix == nullptr) { retAtom.set(fun->displayAtom()); return true; } if (!buf.append(prefix) || !buf.append('/') || !buf.append(fun->displayAtom())) return false; retAtom.set(buf.finishAtom()); return !!retAtom; } /* If a prefix is specified, then it is a form of namespace */ if (prefix != nullptr && (!buf.append(prefix) || !buf.append('/'))) return false; /* Gather all nodes relevant to naming */ ParseNode* toName[MaxParents]; size_t size; ParseNode* assignment = gatherNameable(toName, &size); /* If the function is assigned to something, then that is very relevant */ if (assignment) { if (assignment->is()) assignment = assignment->as().left(); bool foundName = false; if (!nameExpression(assignment, &foundName)) return false; if (!foundName) return true; } /* * Other than the actual assignment, other relevant nodes to naming are * those in object initializers and then particular nodes marking a * contribution. */ for (int pos = size - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) { ParseNode* node = toName[pos]; if (node->isKind(PNK_COLON) || node->isKind(PNK_SHORTHAND)) { ParseNode* left = node->as().left(); if (left->isKind(PNK_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME) || left->isKind(PNK_STRING)) { if (!appendPropertyReference(left->as().atom())) return false; } else if (left->isKind(PNK_NUMBER)) { if (!appendNumericPropertyReference(left->as().value())) return false; } else { MOZ_ASSERT(left->isKind(PNK_COMPUTED_NAME)); } } else { /* * Don't have consecutive '<' characters, and also don't start * with a '<' character. */ if (!buf.empty() && buf.getChar(buf.length() - 1) != '<' && !buf.append('<')) return false; } } /* * functions which are "genuinely anonymous" but are contained in some * other namespace are rather considered as "contributing" to the outer * function, so give them a contribution symbol here. */ if (!buf.empty() && buf.getChar(buf.length() - 1) == '/' && !buf.append('<')) return false; if (buf.empty()) return true; retAtom.set(buf.finishAtom()); if (!retAtom) return false; fun->setGuessedAtom(retAtom); return true; } /* * Tests whether parents[pos] is a function call whose callee is cur. * This is the case for functions which do things like simply create a scope * for new variables and then return an anonymous function using this scope. */ bool isDirectCall(int pos, ParseNode* cur) { return pos >= 0 && call(parents[pos]) && parents[pos]->as().left() == cur; } bool resolveTemplateLiteral(ListNode* node, HandleAtom prefix) { MOZ_ASSERT(node->isKind(PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING_LIST)); ParseNode* element = node->head(); while (true) { MOZ_ASSERT(element->isKind(PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING)); element = element->pn_next; if (!element) return true; if (!resolve(element, prefix)) return false; element = element->pn_next; } } bool resolveTaggedTemplate(BinaryNode* taggedTemplate, HandleAtom prefix) { MOZ_ASSERT(taggedTemplate->isKind(PNK_TAGGED_TEMPLATE)); ParseNode* tag = taggedTemplate->left(); // The leading expression, e.g. |tag| in |tag`foo`|, // that might contain functions. if (!resolve(tag, prefix)) return false; // The callsite object node is first. This node only contains // internal strings or undefined and an array -- no user-controlled // expressions. CallSiteNode* element = &taggedTemplate->right()->as().head()->as(); #ifdef DEBUG { ListNode* rawNodes = &element->head()->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(rawNodes->isKind(PNK_ARRAY)); for (ParseNode* raw : rawNodes->contents()) { MOZ_ASSERT(raw->isKind(PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING)); } for (ParseNode* cooked : element->contentsFrom(rawNodes->pn_next)) { MOZ_ASSERT(cooked->isKind(PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING) || cooked->isKind(PNK_RAW_UNDEFINED)); } } #endif // Next come any interpolated expressions in the tagged template. ParseNode* interpolated = element->pn_next; for (; interpolated; interpolated = interpolated->pn_next) { if (!resolve(interpolated, prefix)) return false; } return true; } public: explicit NameResolver(ExclusiveContext* cx) : cx(cx), nparents(0), buf(nullptr) {} /* * Resolve all names for anonymous functions recursively within the * ParseNode instance given. The prefix is for each subsequent name, and * should initially be nullptr. */ bool resolve(ParseNode* cur, HandleAtom prefixArg = nullptr) { RootedAtom prefix(cx, prefixArg); if (cur == nullptr) return true; if (cur->is()) { RootedAtom prefix2(cx); if (!resolveFun(&cur->as(), prefix, &prefix2)) return false; /* * If a function looks like (function(){})() where the parent node * of the definition of the function is a call, then it shouldn't * contribute anything to the namespace, so don't bother updating * the prefix to whatever was returned. */ if (!isDirectCall(nparents - 1, cur)) prefix = prefix2; } if (nparents >= MaxParents) return true; parents[nparents++] = cur; switch (cur->getKind()) { // Nodes with no children that might require name resolution need no // further work. case PNK_NOP: case PNK_TRUE: case PNK_FALSE: case PNK_NULL: case PNK_RAW_UNDEFINED: case PNK_ELISION: case PNK_GENERATOR: case PNK_EXPORT_BATCH_SPEC: case PNK_POSHOLDER: MOZ_ASSERT(cur->is()); break; case PNK_DEBUGGER: MOZ_ASSERT(cur->is()); break; case PNK_BREAK: MOZ_ASSERT(cur->is()); break; case PNK_CONTINUE: MOZ_ASSERT(cur->is()); break; case PNK_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME: case PNK_PRIVATE_NAME: case PNK_STRING: case PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING: MOZ_ASSERT(cur->is()); break; case PNK_REGEXP: MOZ_ASSERT(cur->is()); break; case PNK_NUMBER: MOZ_ASSERT(cur->is()); break; case PNK_BIGINT: MOZ_ASSERT(cur->is()); break; case PNK_TYPEOFNAME: case PNK_SUPERBASE: MOZ_ASSERT(cur->as().kid()->isKind(PNK_NAME)); MOZ_ASSERT(!cur->as().kid()->as().initializer()); break; case PNK_NEWTARGET: case PNK_IMPORT_META: { MOZ_ASSERT(cur->as().left()->isKind(PNK_POSHOLDER)); MOZ_ASSERT(cur->as().right()->isKind(PNK_POSHOLDER)); break; } // Nodes with a single non-null child requiring name resolution. case PNK_TYPEOFEXPR: case PNK_VOID: case PNK_NOT: case PNK_BITNOT: case PNK_THROW: case PNK_DELETENAME: case PNK_DELETEPROP: case PNK_DELETEELEM: case PNK_DELETEEXPR: case PNK_NEG: case PNK_POS: case PNK_PREINCREMENT: case PNK_POSTINCREMENT: case PNK_PREDECREMENT: case PNK_POSTDECREMENT: case PNK_COMPUTED_NAME: case PNK_ARRAYPUSH: case PNK_SPREAD: case PNK_MUTATEPROTO: case PNK_EXPORT: if (!resolve(cur->as().kid(), prefix)) return false; break; // Nodes with a single nullable child. case PNK_SEMI: case PNK_THIS: if (ParseNode* expr = cur->as().kid()) { if (!resolve(expr, prefix)) return false; } break; // Binary nodes with two non-null children. case PNK_ASSIGN: case PNK_ADDASSIGN: case PNK_SUBASSIGN: case PNK_BITORASSIGN: case PNK_BITXORASSIGN: case PNK_BITANDASSIGN: case PNK_LSHASSIGN: case PNK_RSHASSIGN: case PNK_URSHASSIGN: case PNK_MULASSIGN: case PNK_DIVASSIGN: case PNK_MODASSIGN: case PNK_POWASSIGN: case PNK_COLON: case PNK_SHORTHAND: case PNK_DOWHILE: case PNK_WHILE: case PNK_SWITCH: case PNK_FOR: case PNK_COMPREHENSIONFOR: case PNK_CLASSMETHOD: case PNK_SETTHIS: { BinaryNode* node = &cur->as(); if (!resolve(node->left(), prefix)) { return false; } if (!resolve(node->right(), prefix)) { return false; } break; } case PNK_CLASSFIELD: { ClassField* node = &cur->as(); if (!resolve(&node->name(), prefix)) { return false; } if (ParseNode* init = node->initializer()) { if (!resolve(init, prefix)) { return false; } } break; } case PNK_ELEM: { PropertyByValue* elem = &cur->as(); if (!elem->isSuper() && !resolve(&elem->expression(), prefix)) return false; if (!resolve(&elem->key(), prefix)) return false; break; } case PNK_WITH: { BinaryNode* node = &cur->as(); if (!resolve(node->left(), prefix)) return false; if (!resolve(node->right(), prefix)) return false; break; } case PNK_CASE: { CaseClause* caseClause = &cur->as(); if (ParseNode* caseExpr = caseClause->caseExpression()) { if (!resolve(caseExpr, prefix)) return false; } if (!resolve(caseClause->statementList(), prefix)) return false; break; } case PNK_INITIALYIELD: { #ifdef DEBUG AssignmentNode* assignNode = &cur->as().kid()->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(assignNode->left()->isKind(PNK_NAME)); MOZ_ASSERT(assignNode->right()->isKind(PNK_GENERATOR)); #endif break; } case PNK_YIELD_STAR: if (!resolve(cur->as().kid(), prefix)) return false; break; case PNK_YIELD: case PNK_AWAIT: if (ParseNode* expr = cur->as().kid()) { if (!resolve(expr, prefix)) return false; } break; case PNK_RETURN: if (ParseNode* returnValue = cur->as().kid()) { if (!resolve(returnValue, prefix)) return false; } break; case PNK_IMPORT: case PNK_EXPORT_FROM: case PNK_EXPORT_DEFAULT: { BinaryNode* node = &cur->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(cur->isArity(PN_BINARY)); // The left halves of these nodes don't contain any unconstrained // expressions, but it's very hard to assert this to safely rely on // it. So recur anyway. if (!resolve(node->left(), prefix)) return false; MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!node->isKind(PNK_EXPORT_DEFAULT), node->right()->isKind(PNK_STRING)); break; } // Ternary nodes with three expression children. case PNK_CONDITIONAL: { TernaryNode* condNode = &cur->as(); if (!resolve(condNode->kid1(), prefix)) return false; if (!resolve(condNode->kid2(), prefix)) return false; if (!resolve(condNode->kid3(), prefix)) return false; break; } // The first part of a for-in/of is the declaration in the loop (or // null if no declaration). The latter two parts are the location // assigned each loop and the value being looped over; obviously, // either might contain functions to name. Declarations may (through // computed property names, and possibly through [deprecated!] // initializers) also contain functions to name. case PNK_FORIN: case PNK_FOROF: { TernaryNode* forHead = &cur->as(); if (ParseNode* decl = forHead->kid1()) { if (!resolve(decl, prefix)) return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(!forHead->kid2()); if (!resolve(forHead->kid3(), prefix)) return false; break; } // Every part of a for(;;) head may contain a function needing name // resolution. case PNK_FORHEAD: { TernaryNode* forHead = &cur->as(); if (ParseNode* init = forHead->kid1()) { if (!resolve(init, prefix)) return false; } if (ParseNode* cond = forHead->kid2()) { if (!resolve(cond, prefix)) return false; } if (ParseNode* update = forHead->kid3()) { if (!resolve(update, prefix)) return false; } break; } // The first child of a class is a pair of names referring to it, // inside and outside the class. The second is the class's heritage, // if any. The third is the class body. case PNK_CLASS: { ClassNode* classNode = &cur->as(); #ifdef DEBUG if (classNode->names()) { ClassNames* names = classNode->names(); if (NameNode* outerBinding = names->outerBinding()) { MOZ_ASSERT(outerBinding->isKind(PNK_NAME)); MOZ_ASSERT(!outerBinding->initializer()); } NameNode* innerBinding = names->innerBinding(); MOZ_ASSERT(innerBinding->isKind(PNK_NAME)); MOZ_ASSERT(!innerBinding->initializer()); } #endif if (ParseNode* heritage = classNode->heritage()) { if (!resolve(heritage, prefix)) return false; } if (!resolve(classNode->memberList(), prefix)) return false; break; } // The condition and consequent are non-optional, but the alternative // might be omitted. case PNK_IF: { TernaryNode* ifNode = &cur->as(); if (!resolve(ifNode->kid1(), prefix)) return false; if (!resolve(ifNode->kid2(), prefix)) return false; if (ParseNode* alternative = ifNode->kid3()) { if (!resolve(alternative, prefix)) return false; } break; } // The statements in the try-block are mandatory. The catch-blocks // and finally block are optional (but at least one or the other must // be present). case PNK_TRY: { TryNode* tryNode = &cur->as(); if (!resolve(tryNode->body(), prefix)) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(tryNode->catchList() || tryNode->finallyBlock()); if (ListNode* catchList = tryNode->catchList()) { if (!resolve(catchList, prefix)) return false; } if (ParseNode* finallyBlock = tryNode->finallyBlock()) { if (!resolve(finallyBlock, prefix)) return false; } break; } // The first child, the catch-pattern, may contain functions via // computed property names. The optional catch-conditions may // contain any expression. The catch statements, of course, may // contain arbitrary expressions. case PNK_CATCH: { TernaryNode* catchNode = &cur->as(); if (ParseNode* patNode = catchNode->kid1()) { if (!resolve(patNode, prefix)) return false; } if (ParseNode* condNode = catchNode->kid2()) { if (!resolve(condNode, prefix)) return false; } if (!resolve(catchNode->kid3(), prefix)) return false; break; } // Nodes with arbitrary-expression children. case PNK_COALESCE: case PNK_OR: case PNK_AND: case PNK_BITOR: case PNK_BITXOR: case PNK_BITAND: case PNK_STRICTEQ: case PNK_EQ: case PNK_STRICTNE: case PNK_NE: case PNK_LT: case PNK_LE: case PNK_GT: case PNK_GE: case PNK_INSTANCEOF: case PNK_IN: case PNK_LSH: case PNK_RSH: case PNK_URSH: case PNK_ADD: case PNK_SUB: case PNK_STAR: case PNK_DIV: case PNK_MOD: case PNK_POW: case PNK_COMMA: case PNK_ARRAY: case PNK_STATEMENTLIST: case PNK_PARAMSBODY: // Initializers for individual variables, and computed property names // within destructuring patterns, may contain unnamed functions. case PNK_VAR: case PNK_CONST: case PNK_LET: for (ParseNode* element : cur->as().contents()) { if (!resolve(element, prefix)) return false; } break; // Array comprehension nodes are lists with a single child: // PNK_COMPREHENSIONFOR for comprehensions, PNK_LEXICALSCOPE for // legacy comprehensions. Probably this should be a non-list // eventually. case PNK_ARRAYCOMP: { ListNode* literal = &cur->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(literal->count() == 1); MOZ_ASSERT(literal->head()->isKind(PNK_LEXICALSCOPE) || literal->head()->isKind(PNK_COMPREHENSIONFOR)); if (!resolve(literal->head(), prefix)) return false; break; } case PNK_OBJECT: case PNK_CLASSMEMBERLIST: for (ParseNode* element : cur->as().contents()) { if (!resolve(element, prefix)) return false; } break; // A template string list's contents alternate raw template string // contents with expressions interpolated into the overall literal. case PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING_LIST: if (!resolveTemplateLiteral(&cur->as(), prefix)) return false; break; case PNK_TAGGED_TEMPLATE: if (!resolveTaggedTemplate(&cur->as(), prefix)) return false; break; case PNK_NEW: case PNK_CALL: case PNK_GENEXP: case PNK_SUPERCALL: { BinaryNode* callNode = &cur->as(); if (!resolve(callNode->left(), prefix)) return false; if (!resolve(callNode->right(), prefix)) return false; break; } // Handles the arguments for new/call/supercall, but does _not_ handle // the Arguments node used by tagged template literals, since that is // special-cased inside of resolveTaggedTemplate. case PNK_ARGUMENTS: for (ParseNode* element : cur->as().contents()) { if (!resolve(element, prefix)) return false; } break; // Import/export spec lists contain import/export specs containing // only pairs of names. Alternatively, an export spec lists may // contain a single export batch specifier. case PNK_EXPORT_SPEC_LIST: case PNK_IMPORT_SPEC_LIST: { #ifdef DEBUG bool isImport = cur->isKind(PNK_IMPORT_SPEC_LIST); ListNode* list = &cur->as(); ParseNode* item = list->head(); if (!isImport && item && item->isKind(PNK_EXPORT_BATCH_SPEC)) { MOZ_ASSERT(item->is()); break; } for (ParseNode* item : list->contents()) { BinaryNode* spec = &item->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(spec->isKind(isImport ? PNK_IMPORT_SPEC : PNK_EXPORT_SPEC)); MOZ_ASSERT(spec->left()->isKind(PNK_NAME)); MOZ_ASSERT(!spec->left()->as().initializer()); MOZ_ASSERT(spec->right()->isKind(PNK_NAME)); MOZ_ASSERT(!spec->right()->as().initializer()); } #endif break; } case PNK_CATCHLIST: { ListNode* catchList = &cur->as(); for (ParseNode* catchNode : catchList->contents()) { LexicalScopeNode* catchScope = &catchNode->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(catchScope->scopeBody()->isKind(PNK_CATCH)); MOZ_ASSERT(catchScope->scopeBody()->isArity(PN_TERNARY)); if (!resolve(catchScope->scopeBody(), prefix)) return false; } break; } case PNK_CALL_IMPORT: { BinaryNode* node = &cur->as(); if (!resolve(node->right(), prefix)) return false; break; } case PNK_DOT: { // Super prop nodes do not have a meaningful LHS PropertyAccess* prop = &cur->as(); if (prop->isSuper()) { break; } if (!resolve(&prop->expression(), prefix)) { return false; } break; } case PNK_LABEL: if (!resolve(cur->as().statement(), prefix)) return false; break; case PNK_NAME: if (ParseNode* init = cur->as().initializer()) { if (!resolve(init, prefix)) return false; } break; case PNK_LEXICALSCOPE: if (!resolve(cur->as().scopeBody(), prefix)) return false; break; case PNK_FUNCTION: if (ParseNode* body = cur->as().body()) { if (!resolve(body, prefix)) return false; } break; case PNK_MODULE: if (ParseNode* body = cur->as().body()) { if (!resolve(body, prefix)) return false; } break; // Kinds that should be handled by parent node resolution. case PNK_IMPORT_SPEC: // by PNK_IMPORT_SPEC_LIST case PNK_EXPORT_SPEC: // by PNK_EXPORT_SPEC_LIST case PNK_CALLSITEOBJ: // by PNK_TAGGED_TEMPLATE case PNK_CLASSNAMES: // by PNK_CLASS case PNK_PROPERTYNAME: // by PNK_DOT MOZ_CRASH("should have been handled by a parent node"); case PNK_LIMIT: // invalid sentinel value MOZ_CRASH("invalid node kind"); } nparents--; return true; } }; } /* anonymous namespace */ bool frontend::NameFunctions(ExclusiveContext* cx, ParseNode* pn) { NameResolver nr(cx); return nr.resolve(pn); }