/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * JS bytecode generation. */ #include "frontend/BytecodeEmitter.h" #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" #include "mozilla/FloatingPoint.h" #include "mozilla/Maybe.h" #include "mozilla/PodOperations.h" #include #include "jsapi.h" #include "jsatom.h" #include "jscntxt.h" #include "jsfun.h" #include "jsnum.h" #include "jsopcode.h" #include "jsscript.h" #include "jstypes.h" #include "jsutil.h" #include "ds/Nestable.h" #include "frontend/BytecodeControlStructures.h" #include "frontend/CallOrNewEmitter.h" #include "frontend/DefaultEmitter.h" // DefaultEmitter #include "frontend/ElemOpEmitter.h" #include "frontend/EmitterScope.h" #include "frontend/ForOfLoopControl.h" #include "frontend/FunctionEmitter.h" // FunctionEmitter, FunctionScriptEmitter, FunctionParamsEmitter #include "frontend/IfEmitter.h" #include "frontend/LexicalScopeEmitter.h" // LexicalScopeEmitter #include "frontend/NameOpEmitter.h" #include "frontend/ObjectEmitter.h" // PropertyEmitter, ObjectEmitter, ClassEmitter #include "frontend/Parser.h" #include "frontend/PropOpEmitter.h" #include "frontend/SwitchEmitter.h" #include "frontend/TDZCheckCache.h" #include "frontend/TokenStream.h" #include "frontend/TryEmitter.h" #include "vm/Debugger.h" #include "vm/GeneratorObject.h" #include "vm/Stack.h" #include "wasm/AsmJS.h" #include "jsatominlines.h" #include "jsobjinlines.h" #include "jsscriptinlines.h" #include "frontend/ParseNode-inl.h" #include "vm/EnvironmentObject-inl.h" #include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::gc; using namespace js::frontend; using mozilla::AssertedCast; using mozilla::DebugOnly; using mozilla::Maybe; using mozilla::Nothing; using mozilla::NumberIsInt32; using mozilla::PodCopy; using mozilla::Some; class OptionalEmitter; static bool ParseNodeRequiresSpecialLineNumberNotes(ParseNode* pn) { return pn->getKind() == PNK_WHILE || pn->getKind() == PNK_FOR; } // Class for emitting bytecode for optional expressions. class MOZ_RAII OptionalEmitter { public: OptionalEmitter(BytecodeEmitter* bce, int32_t initialDepth); private: BytecodeEmitter* bce_; TDZCheckCache tdzCache_; // Jump target for short circuiting code, which has null or undefined values. JumpList jumpShortCircuit_; // Jump target for code that does not short circuit. JumpList jumpFinish_; // Stack depth when the optional emitter was instantiated. int32_t initialDepth_; // The state of this emitter. // // +-------+ emitJumpShortCircuit +--------------+ // | Start |-+---------------------------->| ShortCircuit |-----------+ // +-------+ | +--------------+ | // +----->| | // | | emitJumpShortCircuitForCall +---------------------+ v // | +---------------------------->| ShortCircuitForCall |--->+ // | +---------------------+ | // | | // ---------------------------------------------------------------+ // | // | // +------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | // | emitOptionalJumpTarget +---------+ // +----------------------->| JumpEnd | // +---------+ // #ifdef DEBUG enum class State { // The initial state. Start, // for shortcircuiting in most cases. ShortCircuit, // for shortcircuiting from references, which have two items on // the stack. For example function calls. ShortCircuitForCall, // internally used, end of the jump code JumpEnd }; State state_ = State::Start; #endif public: enum class Kind { // Requires two values on the stack Reference, // Requires one value on the stack Other }; [[nodiscard]] bool emitJumpShortCircuit(); [[nodiscard]] bool emitJumpShortCircuitForCall(); // JSOp is the op code to be emitted, Kind is if we are dealing with a // reference (in which case we need two elements on the stack) or other value // (which needs one element on the stack) [[nodiscard]] bool emitOptionalJumpTarget(JSOp op, Kind kind = Kind::Other); }; BytecodeEmitter::BytecodeEmitter(BytecodeEmitter* parent, Parser* parser, SharedContext* sc, HandleScript script, Handle lazyScript, uint32_t lineNum, EmitterMode emitterMode, FieldInitializers fieldInitializers /* = FieldInitializers::Invalid() */) : sc(sc), cx(sc->context), parent(parent), script(cx, script), lazyScript(cx, lazyScript), prologue(cx, lineNum), main(cx, lineNum), current(&main), parser(parser), fieldInitializers_(fieldInitializers), atomIndices(cx->frontendCollectionPool()), firstLine(lineNum), maxFixedSlots(0), maxStackDepth(0), stackDepth(0), arrayCompDepth(0), emitLevel(0), bodyScopeIndex(UINT32_MAX), varEmitterScope(nullptr), innermostNestableControl(nullptr), innermostEmitterScope_(nullptr), innermostTDZCheckCache(nullptr), #ifdef DEBUG unstableEmitterScope(false), #endif constList(cx), scopeList(cx), tryNoteList(cx), scopeNoteList(cx), yieldAndAwaitOffsetList(cx), typesetCount(0), hasSingletons(false), hasTryFinally(false), emittingRunOnceLambda(false), emitterMode(emitterMode) { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(emitterMode == LazyFunction, lazyScript); } BytecodeEmitter::BytecodeEmitter(BytecodeEmitter* parent, Parser* parser, SharedContext* sc, HandleScript script, Handle lazyScript, TokenPos bodyPosition, EmitterMode emitterMode, FieldInitializers fieldInitializers) : BytecodeEmitter(parent, parser, sc, script, lazyScript, parser->tokenStream.srcCoords.lineNum(bodyPosition.begin), emitterMode, fieldInitializers) { setScriptStartOffsetIfUnset(bodyPosition.begin); setFunctionBodyEndPos(bodyPosition.end); } bool BytecodeEmitter::init() { return atomIndices.acquire(cx); } template T* BytecodeEmitter::findInnermostNestableControl() const { return NestableControl::findNearest(innermostNestableControl); } template bool */> T* BytecodeEmitter::findInnermostNestableControl(Predicate predicate) const { return NestableControl::findNearest(innermostNestableControl, predicate); } NameLocation BytecodeEmitter::lookupName(JSAtom* name) { return innermostEmitterScope()->lookup(this, name); } Maybe BytecodeEmitter::locationOfNameBoundInScope(JSAtom* name, EmitterScope* target) { return innermostEmitterScope()->locationBoundInScope(name, target); } Maybe BytecodeEmitter::locationOfNameBoundInFunctionScope(JSAtom* name, EmitterScope* source) { EmitterScope* funScope = source; while (!funScope->scope(this)->is()) funScope = funScope->enclosingInFrame(); return source->locationBoundInScope(name, funScope); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCheck(JSOp op, ptrdiff_t delta, ptrdiff_t* offset) { size_t oldLength = code().length(); *offset = ptrdiff_t(oldLength); size_t newLength = oldLength + size_t(delta); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(newLength > MaxBytecodeLength)) { ReportAllocationOverflow(cx); return false; } if (!code().growBy(delta)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } // If op is JOF_TYPESET (see the type barriers comment in TypeInference.h), // reserve a type set to store its result. if (CodeSpec[op].format & JOF_TYPESET) { if (typesetCount < UINT16_MAX) typesetCount++; } return true; } void BytecodeEmitter::updateDepth(ptrdiff_t target) { jsbytecode* pc = code(target); int nuses = StackUses(nullptr, pc); int ndefs = StackDefs(nullptr, pc); stackDepth -= nuses; MOZ_ASSERT(stackDepth >= 0); stackDepth += ndefs; if ((uint32_t)stackDepth > maxStackDepth) maxStackDepth = stackDepth; } #ifdef DEBUG bool BytecodeEmitter::checkStrictOrSloppy(JSOp op) { if (IsCheckStrictOp(op) && !sc->strict()) return false; if (IsCheckSloppyOp(op) && sc->strict()) return false; return true; } #endif bool BytecodeEmitter::emit1(JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(checkStrictOrSloppy(op)); ptrdiff_t offset; if (!emitCheck(op, 1, &offset)) return false; jsbytecode* code = this->code(offset); code[0] = jsbytecode(op); updateDepth(offset); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emit2(JSOp op, uint8_t op1) { MOZ_ASSERT(checkStrictOrSloppy(op)); ptrdiff_t offset; if (!emitCheck(op, 2, &offset)) return false; jsbytecode* code = this->code(offset); code[0] = jsbytecode(op); code[1] = jsbytecode(op1); updateDepth(offset); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emit3(JSOp op, jsbytecode op1, jsbytecode op2) { MOZ_ASSERT(checkStrictOrSloppy(op)); /* These should filter through emitVarOp. */ MOZ_ASSERT(!IsArgOp(op)); MOZ_ASSERT(!IsLocalOp(op)); ptrdiff_t offset; if (!emitCheck(op, 3, &offset)) return false; jsbytecode* code = this->code(offset); code[0] = jsbytecode(op); code[1] = op1; code[2] = op2; updateDepth(offset); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitN(JSOp op, size_t extra, ptrdiff_t* offset) { MOZ_ASSERT(checkStrictOrSloppy(op)); ptrdiff_t length = 1 + ptrdiff_t(extra); ptrdiff_t off; if (!emitCheck(op, length, &off)) return false; jsbytecode* code = this->code(off); code[0] = jsbytecode(op); /* The remaining |extra| bytes are set by the caller */ /* * Don't updateDepth if op's use-count comes from the immediate * operand yet to be stored in the extra bytes after op. */ if (CodeSpec[op].nuses >= 0) updateDepth(off); if (offset) *offset = off; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitJumpTarget(JumpTarget* target) { ptrdiff_t off = offset(); // Alias consecutive jump targets. if (off == current->lastTarget.offset + ptrdiff_t(JSOP_JUMPTARGET_LENGTH)) { target->offset = current->lastTarget.offset; return true; } target->offset = off; current->lastTarget.offset = off; if (!emit1(JSOP_JUMPTARGET)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitJumpNoFallthrough(JSOp op, JumpList* jump) { ptrdiff_t offset; if (!emitCheck(op, 5, &offset)) return false; jsbytecode* code = this->code(offset); code[0] = jsbytecode(op); MOZ_ASSERT(-1 <= jump->offset && jump->offset < offset); jump->push(this->code(0), offset); updateDepth(offset); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitJump(JSOp op, JumpList* jump) { if (!emitJumpNoFallthrough(op, jump)) return false; if (BytecodeFallsThrough(op)) { JumpTarget fallthrough; if (!emitJumpTarget(&fallthrough)) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitBackwardJump(JSOp op, JumpTarget target, JumpList* jump, JumpTarget* fallthrough) { if (!emitJumpNoFallthrough(op, jump)) return false; patchJumpsToTarget(*jump, target); // Unconditionally create a fallthrough for closing iterators, and as a // target for break statements. if (!emitJumpTarget(fallthrough)) return false; return true; } void BytecodeEmitter::patchJumpsToTarget(JumpList jump, JumpTarget target) { MOZ_ASSERT(-1 <= jump.offset && jump.offset <= offset()); MOZ_ASSERT(0 <= target.offset && target.offset <= offset()); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(jump.offset != -1 && target.offset + 4 <= offset(), BytecodeIsJumpTarget(JSOp(*code(target.offset)))); jump.patchAll(code(0), target); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitJumpTargetAndPatch(JumpList jump) { if (jump.offset == -1) return true; JumpTarget target; if (!emitJumpTarget(&target)) return false; patchJumpsToTarget(jump, target); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCall(JSOp op, uint16_t argc, const Maybe& sourceCoordOffset) { if (sourceCoordOffset.isSome()) { if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(*sourceCoordOffset)) return false; } return emit3(op, ARGC_HI(argc), ARGC_LO(argc)); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCall(JSOp op, uint16_t argc, ParseNode* pn) { if (pn && !updateSourceCoordNotes(pn->pn_pos.begin)) return false; return emitCall(op, argc, pn ? Some(pn->pn_pos.begin) : Nothing()); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDupAt(unsigned slotFromTop) { MOZ_ASSERT(slotFromTop < unsigned(stackDepth)); if (slotFromTop >= JS_BIT(24)) { reportError(nullptr, JSMSG_TOO_MANY_LOCALS); return false; } ptrdiff_t off; if (!emitN(JSOP_DUPAT, 3, &off)) return false; jsbytecode* pc = code(off); SET_UINT24(pc, slotFromTop); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitPopN(unsigned n) { MOZ_ASSERT(n != 0); if (n == 1) return emit1(JSOP_POP); // 2 JSOP_POPs (2 bytes) are shorter than JSOP_POPN (3 bytes). if (n == 2) return emit1(JSOP_POP) && emit1(JSOP_POP); return emitUint16Operand(JSOP_POPN, n); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitUnpickN(unsigned n) { MOZ_ASSERT(n != 0); if (n == 1) return emit1(JSOP_SWAP); return emit2(JSOP_UNPICK, n); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCheckIsObj(CheckIsObjectKind kind) { return emit2(JSOP_CHECKISOBJ, uint8_t(kind)); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCheckIsCallable(CheckIsCallableKind kind) { return emit2(JSOP_CHECKISCALLABLE, uint8_t(kind)); } static inline unsigned LengthOfSetLine(unsigned line) { return 1 /* SN_SETLINE */ + (line > SN_4BYTE_OFFSET_MASK ? 4 : 1); } /* Updates line number notes, not column notes. */ bool BytecodeEmitter::updateLineNumberNotes(uint32_t offset) { TokenStream* ts = &parser->tokenStream; bool onThisLine; if (!ts->srcCoords.isOnThisLine(offset, currentLine(), &onThisLine)) return ts->reportError(JSMSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY); if (!onThisLine) { unsigned line = ts->srcCoords.lineNum(offset); unsigned delta = line - currentLine(); /* * Encode any change in the current source line number by using * either several SRC_NEWLINE notes or just one SRC_SETLINE note, * whichever consumes less space. * * NB: We handle backward line number deltas (possible with for * loops where the update part is emitted after the body, but its * line number is <= any line number in the body) here by letting * unsigned delta_ wrap to a very large number, which triggers a * SRC_SETLINE. */ current->currentLine = line; current->lastColumn = 0; if (delta >= LengthOfSetLine(line)) { if (!newSrcNote2(SRC_SETLINE, ptrdiff_t(line))) return false; } else { do { if (!newSrcNote(SRC_NEWLINE)) return false; } while (--delta != 0); } } return true; } /* Updates the line number and column number information in the source notes. */ bool BytecodeEmitter::updateSourceCoordNotes(uint32_t offset) { if (!updateLineNumberNotes(offset)) return false; uint32_t columnIndex = parser->tokenStream.srcCoords.columnIndex(offset); ptrdiff_t colspan = ptrdiff_t(columnIndex) - ptrdiff_t(current->lastColumn); if (colspan != 0) { // If the column span is so large that we can't store it, then just // discard this information. This can happen with minimized or otherwise // machine-generated code. Even gigantic column numbers are still // valuable if you have a source map to relate them to something real; // but it's better to fail soft here. if (!SN_REPRESENTABLE_COLSPAN(colspan)) return true; if (!newSrcNote2(SRC_COLSPAN, SN_COLSPAN_TO_OFFSET(colspan))) return false; current->lastColumn = columnIndex; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitLoopHead(ParseNode* nextpn, JumpTarget* top) { if (nextpn) { /* * Try to give the JSOP_LOOPHEAD the same line number as the next * instruction. nextpn is often a block, in which case the next * instruction typically comes from the first statement inside. */ if (nextpn->is()) nextpn = nextpn->as().scopeBody(); if (nextpn->isKind(PNK_STATEMENTLIST)) { if (ParseNode* firstStatement = nextpn->as().head()) { nextpn = firstStatement; } } if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(nextpn->pn_pos.begin)) return false; } *top = { offset() }; return emit1(JSOP_LOOPHEAD); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitLoopEntry(ParseNode* nextpn, JumpList entryJump) { if (nextpn) { /* Update the line number, as for LOOPHEAD. */ if (nextpn->is()) nextpn = nextpn->as().scopeBody(); if (nextpn->isKind(PNK_STATEMENTLIST)) { if (ParseNode* firstStatement = nextpn->as().head()) { nextpn = firstStatement; } } if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(nextpn->pn_pos.begin)) return false; } JumpTarget entry{ offset() }; patchJumpsToTarget(entryJump, entry); LoopControl& loopInfo = innermostNestableControl->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(loopInfo.loopDepth() > 0); uint8_t loopDepthAndFlags = PackLoopEntryDepthHintAndFlags(loopInfo.loopDepth(), loopInfo.canIonOsr()); return emit2(JSOP_LOOPENTRY, loopDepthAndFlags); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitUint16Operand(JSOp op, uint32_t operand) { MOZ_ASSERT(operand <= UINT16_MAX); if (!emit3(op, UINT16_HI(operand), UINT16_LO(operand))) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitUint32Operand(JSOp op, uint32_t operand) { ptrdiff_t off; if (!emitN(op, 4, &off)) return false; SET_UINT32(code(off), operand); return true; } namespace { class NonLocalExitControl { public: enum Kind { // IteratorClose is handled especially inside the exception unwinder. Throw, // A 'continue' statement does not call IteratorClose for the loop it // is continuing, i.e. excluding the target loop. Continue, // A 'break' or 'return' statement does call IteratorClose for the // loop it is breaking out of or returning from, i.e. including the // target loop. Break, Return }; private: BytecodeEmitter* bce_; const uint32_t savedScopeNoteIndex_; const int savedDepth_; uint32_t openScopeNoteIndex_; Kind kind_; NonLocalExitControl(const NonLocalExitControl&) = delete; [[nodiscard]] bool leaveScope(EmitterScope* scope); public: NonLocalExitControl(BytecodeEmitter* bce, Kind kind) : bce_(bce), savedScopeNoteIndex_(bce->scopeNoteList.length()), savedDepth_(bce->stackDepth), openScopeNoteIndex_(bce->innermostEmitterScope()->noteIndex()), kind_(kind) { } ~NonLocalExitControl() { for (uint32_t n = savedScopeNoteIndex_; n < bce_->scopeNoteList.length(); n++) bce_->scopeNoteList.recordEnd(n, bce_->offset(), bce_->inPrologue()); bce_->stackDepth = savedDepth_; } [[nodiscard]] bool prepareForNonLocalJump(NestableControl* target); [[nodiscard]] bool prepareForNonLocalJumpToOutermost() { return prepareForNonLocalJump(nullptr); } }; bool NonLocalExitControl::leaveScope(EmitterScope* es) { if (!es->leave(bce_, /* nonLocal = */ true)) return false; // As we pop each scope due to the non-local jump, emit notes that // record the extent of the enclosing scope. These notes will have // their ends recorded in ~NonLocalExitControl(). uint32_t enclosingScopeIndex = ScopeNote::NoScopeIndex; if (es->enclosingInFrame()) enclosingScopeIndex = es->enclosingInFrame()->index(); if (!bce_->scopeNoteList.append(enclosingScopeIndex, bce_->offset(), bce_->inPrologue(), openScopeNoteIndex_)) return false; openScopeNoteIndex_ = bce_->scopeNoteList.length() - 1; return true; } /* * Emit additional bytecode(s) for non-local jumps. */ bool NonLocalExitControl::prepareForNonLocalJump(NestableControl* target) { EmitterScope* es = bce_->innermostEmitterScope(); int npops = 0; AutoCheckUnstableEmitterScope cues(bce_); // For 'continue', 'break', and 'return' statements, emit IteratorClose // bytecode inline. 'continue' statements do not call IteratorClose for // the loop they are continuing. bool emitIteratorClose = kind_ == Continue || kind_ == Break || kind_ == Return; bool emitIteratorCloseAtTarget = emitIteratorClose && kind_ != Continue; auto flushPops = [&npops](BytecodeEmitter* bce) { if (npops && !bce->emitUint16Operand(JSOP_POPN, npops)) return false; npops = 0; return true; }; // Walk the nestable control stack and patch jumps. for (NestableControl* control = bce_->innermostNestableControl; control != target; control = control->enclosing()) { // Walk the scope stack and leave the scopes we entered. Leaving a scope // may emit administrative ops like JSOP_POPLEXICALENV but never anything // that manipulates the stack. for (; es != control->emitterScope(); es = es->enclosingInFrame()) { if (!leaveScope(es)) return false; } switch (control->kind()) { case StatementKind::Finally: { TryFinallyControl& finallyControl = control->as(); if (finallyControl.emittingSubroutine()) { /* * There's a [exception or hole, retsub pc-index] pair and the * possible return value on the stack that we need to pop. */ npops += 3; } else { if (!flushPops(bce_)) return false; if (!bce_->emitJump(JSOP_GOSUB, &finallyControl.gosubs)) // ... return false; } break; } case StatementKind::ForOfLoop: if (emitIteratorClose) { if (!flushPops(bce_)) return false; ForOfLoopControl& loopinfo = control->as(); if (!loopinfo.emitPrepareForNonLocalJumpFromScope(bce_, *es, /* isTarget = */ false)) { // ... return false; } } else { npops += 3; } break; case StatementKind::ForInLoop: if (!flushPops(bce_)) return false; // The iterator and the current value are on the stack. if (!bce_->emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ... ITER return false; if (!bce_->emit1(JSOP_ENDITER)) // ... return false; break; default: break; } } if (!flushPops(bce_)) return false; if (target && emitIteratorCloseAtTarget && target->is()) { ForOfLoopControl& loopinfo = target->as(); if (!loopinfo.emitPrepareForNonLocalJumpFromScope(bce_, *es, /* isTarget = */ true)) { // ... UNDEF UNDEF UNDEF return false; } } EmitterScope* targetEmitterScope = target ? target->emitterScope() : bce_->varEmitterScope; for (; es != targetEmitterScope; es = es->enclosingInFrame()) { if (!leaveScope(es)) return false; } return true; } } // anonymous namespace bool BytecodeEmitter::emitGoto(NestableControl* target, JumpList* jumplist, SrcNoteType noteType) { NonLocalExitControl nle(this, noteType == SRC_CONTINUE ? NonLocalExitControl::Continue : NonLocalExitControl::Break); if (!nle.prepareForNonLocalJump(target)) return false; if (noteType != SRC_NULL) { if (!newSrcNote(noteType)) return false; } return emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, jumplist); } Scope* BytecodeEmitter::innermostScope() const { return innermostEmitterScope()->scope(this); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitIndex32(JSOp op, uint32_t index) { MOZ_ASSERT(checkStrictOrSloppy(op)); const size_t len = 1 + UINT32_INDEX_LEN; MOZ_ASSERT(len == size_t(CodeSpec[op].length)); ptrdiff_t offset; if (!emitCheck(op, len, &offset)) return false; jsbytecode* code = this->code(offset); code[0] = jsbytecode(op); SET_UINT32_INDEX(code, index); updateDepth(offset); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitIndexOp(JSOp op, uint32_t index) { MOZ_ASSERT(checkStrictOrSloppy(op)); const size_t len = CodeSpec[op].length; MOZ_ASSERT(len >= 1 + UINT32_INDEX_LEN); ptrdiff_t offset; if (!emitCheck(op, len, &offset)) return false; jsbytecode* code = this->code(offset); code[0] = jsbytecode(op); SET_UINT32_INDEX(code, index); updateDepth(offset); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitAtomOp(JSAtom* atom, JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(atom); // .generator lookups should be emitted as JSOP_GETALIASEDVAR instead of // JSOP_GETNAME etc, to bypass |with| objects on the scope chain. // It's safe to emit .this lookups though because |with| objects skip // those. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(op == JSOP_GETNAME || op == JSOP_GETGNAME, atom != cx->names().dotGenerator); if (op == JSOP_GETPROP && atom == cx->names().length) { /* Specialize length accesses for the interpreter. */ op = JSOP_LENGTH; } uint32_t index; if (!makeAtomIndex(atom, &index)) return false; return emitAtomOp(index, op); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitAtomOp(uint32_t atomIndex, JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(JOF_OPTYPE(op) == JOF_ATOM); return emitIndexOp(op, atomIndex); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitInternedScopeOp(uint32_t index, JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(JOF_OPTYPE(op) == JOF_SCOPE); MOZ_ASSERT(index < scopeList.length()); return emitIndex32(op, index); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitInternedObjectOp(uint32_t index, JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(JOF_OPTYPE(op) == JOF_OBJECT); MOZ_ASSERT(index < objectList.length); return emitIndex32(op, index); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitObjectOp(ObjectBox* objbox, JSOp op) { return emitInternedObjectOp(objectList.add(objbox), op); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitObjectPairOp(ObjectBox* objbox1, ObjectBox* objbox2, JSOp op) { uint32_t index = objectList.add(objbox1); objectList.add(objbox2); return emitInternedObjectOp(index, op); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitRegExp(uint32_t index) { return emitIndex32(JSOP_REGEXP, index); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitLocalOp(JSOp op, uint32_t slot) { MOZ_ASSERT(JOF_OPTYPE(op) != JOF_ENVCOORD); MOZ_ASSERT(IsLocalOp(op)); ptrdiff_t off; if (!emitN(op, LOCALNO_LEN, &off)) return false; SET_LOCALNO(code(off), slot); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitArgOp(JSOp op, uint16_t slot) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsArgOp(op)); ptrdiff_t off; if (!emitN(op, ARGNO_LEN, &off)) return false; SET_ARGNO(code(off), slot); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitEnvCoordOp(JSOp op, EnvironmentCoordinate ec) { MOZ_ASSERT(JOF_OPTYPE(op) == JOF_ENVCOORD); unsigned n = ENVCOORD_HOPS_LEN + ENVCOORD_SLOT_LEN; MOZ_ASSERT(int(n) + 1 /* op */ == CodeSpec[op].length); ptrdiff_t off; if (!emitN(op, n, &off)) return false; jsbytecode* pc = code(off); SET_ENVCOORD_HOPS(pc, ec.hops()); pc += ENVCOORD_HOPS_LEN; SET_ENVCOORD_SLOT(pc, ec.slot()); pc += ENVCOORD_SLOT_LEN; return true; } JSOp BytecodeEmitter::strictifySetNameOp(JSOp op) { switch (op) { case JSOP_SETNAME: if (sc->strict()) op = JSOP_STRICTSETNAME; break; case JSOP_SETGNAME: if (sc->strict()) op = JSOP_STRICTSETGNAME; break; default:; } return op; } bool BytecodeEmitter::checkSideEffects(ParseNode* pn, bool* answer) { JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, return false); restart: switch (pn->getKind()) { // Trivial cases with no side effects. case PNK_NOP: case PNK_TRUE: case PNK_FALSE: case PNK_NULL: case PNK_RAW_UNDEFINED: case PNK_ELISION: case PNK_GENERATOR: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = false; return true; case PNK_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME: case PNK_PRIVATE_NAME: // no side effects, unlike PNK_NAME case PNK_STRING: case PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = false; return true; case PNK_REGEXP: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = false; return true; case PNK_NUMBER: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = false; return true; case PNK_BIGINT: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = false; return true; // |this| can throw in derived class constructors, including nested arrow // functions or eval. case PNK_THIS: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = sc->needsThisTDZChecks(); return true; // Trivial binary nodes with more token pos holders. case PNK_NEWTARGET: case PNK_IMPORT_META: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->as().left()->isKind(PNK_POSHOLDER)); MOZ_ASSERT(pn->as().right()->isKind(PNK_POSHOLDER)); *answer = false; return true; case PNK_BREAK: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; case PNK_CONTINUE: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; case PNK_DEBUGGER: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // Watch out for getters! case PNK_DOT: case PNK_OPTDOT: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // Unary cases with side effects only if the child has them. case PNK_TYPEOFEXPR: case PNK_VOID: case PNK_NOT: return checkSideEffects(pn->as().kid(), answer); // Even if the name expression is effect-free, performing ToPropertyKey on // it might not be effect-free: // // RegExp.prototype.toString = () => { throw 42; }; // ({ [/regex/]: 0 }); // ToPropertyKey(/regex/) throws 42 // // function Q() { // ({ [new.target]: 0 }); // } // Q.toString = () => { throw 17; }; // new Q; // new.target will be Q, ToPropertyKey(Q) throws 17 case PNK_COMPUTED_NAME: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // Looking up or evaluating the associated name could throw. case PNK_TYPEOFNAME: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // These unary cases have side effects on the enclosing object/array, // sure. But that's not the question this function answers: it's // whether the operation may have a side effect on something *other* than // the result of the overall operation in which it's embedded. The // answer to that is no, for an object literal having a mutated prototype // and an array comprehension containing no other effectful operations // only produce a value, without affecting anything else. case PNK_MUTATEPROTO: case PNK_ARRAYPUSH: return checkSideEffects(pn->as().kid(), answer); // Unary cases with obvious side effects. case PNK_PREINCREMENT: case PNK_POSTINCREMENT: case PNK_PREDECREMENT: case PNK_POSTDECREMENT: case PNK_THROW: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // These might invoke valueOf/toString, even with a subexpression without // side effects! Consider |+{ valueOf: null, toString: null }|. case PNK_BITNOT: case PNK_POS: case PNK_NEG: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // This invokes the (user-controllable) iterator protocol. case PNK_SPREAD: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; case PNK_INITIALYIELD: case PNK_YIELD_STAR: case PNK_YIELD: case PNK_AWAIT: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // Deletion generally has side effects, even if isolated cases have none. case PNK_DELETENAME: case PNK_DELETEPROP: case PNK_DELETEELEM: case PNK_DELETEOPTCHAIN: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // Deletion of a non-Reference expression has side effects only through // evaluating the expression. case PNK_DELETEEXPR: { ParseNode* expr = pn->as().kid(); return checkSideEffects(expr, answer); } case PNK_SEMI: if (ParseNode* expr = pn->as().kid()) return checkSideEffects(expr, answer); *answer = false; return true; // Binary cases with obvious side effects. case PNK_INITPROP: *answer = true; return true; case PNK_ASSIGN: case PNK_ADDASSIGN: case PNK_SUBASSIGN: case PNK_COALESCEASSIGN: case PNK_ORASSIGN: case PNK_ANDASSIGN: case PNK_BITORASSIGN: case PNK_BITXORASSIGN: case PNK_BITANDASSIGN: case PNK_LSHASSIGN: case PNK_RSHASSIGN: case PNK_URSHASSIGN: case PNK_MULASSIGN: case PNK_DIVASSIGN: case PNK_MODASSIGN: case PNK_POWASSIGN: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; case PNK_SETTHIS: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; case PNK_STATEMENTLIST: case PNK_CATCHLIST: // Strict equality operations and logical operators are well-behaved and // perform no conversions. case PNK_COALESCE: case PNK_OR: case PNK_AND: case PNK_STRICTEQ: case PNK_STRICTNE: // Any subexpression of a comma expression could be effectful. case PNK_COMMA: MOZ_ASSERT(!pn->as().empty()); MOZ_FALLTHROUGH; // Subcomponents of a literal may be effectful. case PNK_ARRAY: case PNK_OBJECT: for (ParseNode* item : pn->as().contents()) { if (!checkSideEffects(item, answer)) return false; if (*answer) return true; } return true; // Most other binary operations (parsed as lists in SpiderMonkey) may // perform conversions triggering side effects. Math operations perform // ToNumber and may fail invoking invalid user-defined toString/valueOf: // |5 < { toString: null }|. |instanceof| throws if provided a // non-object constructor: |null instanceof null|. |in| throws if given // a non-object RHS: |5 in null|. case PNK_BITOR: case PNK_BITXOR: case PNK_BITAND: case PNK_EQ: case PNK_NE: case PNK_LT: case PNK_LE: case PNK_GT: case PNK_GE: case PNK_INSTANCEOF: case PNK_IN: case PNK_LSH: case PNK_RSH: case PNK_URSH: case PNK_ADD: case PNK_SUB: case PNK_STAR: case PNK_DIV: case PNK_MOD: case PNK_POW: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->as().count() >= 2); *answer = true; return true; case PNK_COLON: case PNK_CASE: { BinaryNode* node = &pn->as(); if (!checkSideEffects(node->left(), answer)) return false; if (*answer) return true; return checkSideEffects(node->right(), answer); } // More getters. case PNK_ELEM: case PNK_OPTELEM: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // These affect visible names in this code, or in other code. case PNK_IMPORT: case PNK_EXPORT_FROM: case PNK_EXPORT_DEFAULT: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // Likewise. case PNK_EXPORT: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; case PNK_CALL_IMPORT: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // Every part of a loop might be effect-free, but looping infinitely *is* // an effect. (Language lawyer trivia: C++ says threads can be assumed // to exit or have side effects, C++14 [intro.multithread]p27, so a C++ // implementation's equivalent of the below could set |*answer = false;| // if all loop sub-nodes set |*answer = false|!) case PNK_DOWHILE: case PNK_WHILE: case PNK_FOR: case PNK_COMPREHENSIONFOR: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // Declarations affect the name set of the relevant scope. case PNK_VAR: case PNK_CONST: case PNK_LET: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; case PNK_IF: case PNK_CONDITIONAL: { TernaryNode* node = &pn->as(); if (!checkSideEffects(node->kid1(), answer)) return false; if (*answer) return true; if (!checkSideEffects(node->kid2(), answer)) return false; if (*answer) return true; if ((pn = node->kid3())) goto restart; return true; } // Function calls can invoke non-local code. case PNK_NEW: case PNK_CALL: case PNK_OPTCALL: case PNK_TAGGED_TEMPLATE: case PNK_SUPERCALL: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // Function arg lists can contain arbitrary expressions. Technically // this only causes side-effects if one of the arguments does, but since // the call being made will always trigger side-effects, it isn't needed. case PNK_ARGUMENTS: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; case PNK_OPTCHAIN: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // Classes typically introduce names. Even if no name is introduced, // the heritage and/or class body (through computed property names) // usually have effects. case PNK_CLASS: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // |with| calls |ToObject| on its expression and so throws if that value // is null/undefined. case PNK_WITH: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; case PNK_RETURN: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; case PNK_NAME: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; // Shorthands could trigger getters: the |x| in the object literal in // |with ({ get x() { throw 42; } }) ({ x });|, for example, triggers // one. (Of course, it isn't necessary to use |with| for a shorthand to // trigger a getter.) case PNK_SHORTHAND: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = true; return true; case PNK_FUNCTION: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); /* * A named function, contrary to ES3, is no longer effectful, because * we bind its name lexically (using JSOP_CALLEE) instead of creating * an Object instance and binding a readonly, permanent property in it * (the object and binding can be detected and hijacked or captured). * This is a bug fix to ES3; it is fixed in ES3.1 drafts. */ *answer = false; return true; case PNK_MODULE: *answer = false; return true; // Generator expressions have no side effects on their own. case PNK_GENEXP: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->is()); *answer = false; return true; case PNK_TRY: { TryNode* tryNode = &pn->as(); if (!checkSideEffects(tryNode->body(), answer)) return false; if (*answer) return true; if (ListNode* catchList = tryNode->catchList()) { if (!checkSideEffects(catchList, answer)) return false; if (*answer) return true; } if (ParseNode* finallyBlock = tryNode->finallyBlock()) { if (!checkSideEffects(finallyBlock, answer)) return false; } return true; } case PNK_CATCH: { TernaryNode* catchNode = &pn->as(); if (ParseNode* binding = catchNode->kid1()) { if (!checkSideEffects(binding, answer)) return false; if (*answer) return true; } if (ParseNode* cond = catchNode->kid2()) { if (!checkSideEffects(cond, answer)) return false; if (*answer) return true; } return checkSideEffects(catchNode->kid3(), answer); } case PNK_SWITCH: { SwitchStatement* switchStmt = &pn->as(); if (!checkSideEffects(&switchStmt->discriminant(), answer)) return false; return *answer || checkSideEffects(&switchStmt->lexicalForCaseList(), answer); } case PNK_LABEL: return checkSideEffects(pn->as().statement(), answer); case PNK_LEXICALSCOPE: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->isArity(PN_SCOPE)); return checkSideEffects(pn->as().scopeBody(), answer); // We could methodically check every interpolated expression, but it's // probably not worth the trouble. Treat template strings as effect-free // only if they don't contain any substitutions. case PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING_LIST: { ListNode* list = &pn->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(!list->empty()); MOZ_ASSERT((list->count() % 2) == 1, "template strings must alternate template and substitution " "parts"); *answer = list->count() > 1; return true; } case PNK_ARRAYCOMP: { ListNode* list = &pn->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(list->count() == 1); return checkSideEffects(list->head(), answer); } // This should be unreachable but is left as-is for now. case PNK_PARAMSBODY: *answer = true; return true; case PNK_FORIN: // by PNK_FOR/PNK_COMPREHENSIONFOR case PNK_FOROF: // by PNK_FOR/PNK_COMPREHENSIONFOR case PNK_FORHEAD: // by PNK_FOR/PNK_COMPREHENSIONFOR case PNK_CLASSMETHOD: // by PNK_CLASS case PNK_CLASSFIELD: // by PNK_CLASS case PNK_CLASSNAMES: // by PNK_CLASS case PNK_STATICCLASSBLOCK:// by PNK_CLASS case PNK_CLASSMEMBERLIST: // by PNK_CLASS case PNK_IMPORT_SPEC_LIST: // by PNK_IMPORT case PNK_IMPORT_SPEC: // by PNK_IMPORT case PNK_EXPORT_BATCH_SPEC:// by PNK_EXPORT case PNK_EXPORT_SPEC_LIST: // by PNK_EXPORT case PNK_EXPORT_SPEC: // by PNK_EXPORT case PNK_CALLSITEOBJ: // by PNK_TAGGED_TEMPLATE case PNK_POSHOLDER: // by PNK_NEWTARGET case PNK_SUPERBASE: // by PNK_ELEM and others case PNK_PROPERTYNAME: // by PNK_DOT MOZ_CRASH("handled by parent nodes"); case PNK_LIMIT: // invalid sentinel value MOZ_CRASH("invalid node kind"); } MOZ_CRASH("invalid, unenumerated ParseNodeKind value encountered in " "BytecodeEmitter::checkSideEffects"); } bool BytecodeEmitter::isInLoop() { return findInnermostNestableControl(); } bool BytecodeEmitter::checkSingletonContext() { if (!script->treatAsRunOnce() || sc->isFunctionBox() || isInLoop()) return false; hasSingletons = true; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::checkRunOnceContext() { return checkSingletonContext() || (!isInLoop() && isRunOnceLambda()); } bool BytecodeEmitter::needsImplicitThis() { // Short-circuit if there is an enclosing 'with' scope. if (sc->inWith()) return true; // Otherwise see if the current point is under a 'with'. for (EmitterScope* es = innermostEmitterScope(); es; es = es->enclosingInFrame()) { if (es->scope(this)->kind() == ScopeKind::With) return true; } return false; } bool BytecodeEmitter::maybeSetDisplayURL() { if (tokenStream().hasDisplayURL()) { if (!parser->ss->setDisplayURL(cx, tokenStream().displayURL())) { return false; } } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::maybeSetSourceMap() { if (tokenStream().hasSourceMapURL()) { MOZ_ASSERT(!parser->ss->hasSourceMapURL()); if (!parser->ss->setSourceMapURL(cx, tokenStream().sourceMapURL())) { return false; } } /* * Source map URLs passed as a compile option (usually via a HTTP source map * header) override any source map urls passed as comment pragmas. */ if (parser->options().sourceMapURL()) { // Warn about the replacement, but use the new one. if (parser->ss->hasSourceMapURL()) { if (!parser->reportNoOffset(ParseWarning, false, JSMSG_ALREADY_HAS_PRAGMA, parser->ss->filename(), "//# sourceMappingURL")) { return false; } } if (!parser->ss->setSourceMapURL(cx, parser->options().sourceMapURL())) return false; } return true; } void BytecodeEmitter::tellDebuggerAboutCompiledScript(ExclusiveContext* cx) { // Note: when parsing off thread the resulting scripts need to be handed to // the debugger after rejoining to the main thread. if (!cx->isJSContext()) return; // Lazy scripts are never top level (despite always being invoked with a // nullptr parent), and so the hook should never be fired. if (emitterMode != LazyFunction && !parent) { Debugger::onNewScript(cx->asJSContext(), script); } } inline TokenStream& BytecodeEmitter::tokenStream() { return parser->tokenStream; } bool BytecodeEmitter::reportError(ParseNode* pn, unsigned errorNumber, ...) { uint32_t offset = pn ? pn->pn_pos.begin : *scriptStartOffset; va_list args; va_start(args, errorNumber); bool result = tokenStream().reportCompileErrorNumberVA(nullptr, offset, JSREPORT_ERROR, errorNumber, args); va_end(args); return result; } bool BytecodeEmitter::reportError(const mozilla::Maybe& maybeOffset, unsigned errorNumber, ...) { uint32_t offset = maybeOffset ? *maybeOffset : *scriptStartOffset; va_list args; va_start(args, errorNumber); bool result = tokenStream().reportCompileErrorNumberVA(nullptr, offset, JSREPORT_ERROR, errorNumber, args); va_end(args); return result; } bool BytecodeEmitter::reportExtraWarning(ParseNode* pn, unsigned errorNumber, ...) { uint32_t offset = pn ? pn->pn_pos.begin : *scriptStartOffset; va_list args; va_start(args, errorNumber); bool result = tokenStream().reportExtraWarningErrorNumberVA(nullptr, offset, errorNumber, args); va_end(args); return result; } bool BytecodeEmitter::reportExtraWarning(const mozilla::Maybe& maybeOffset, unsigned errorNumber, ...) { uint32_t offset = maybeOffset ? *maybeOffset : tokenStream().currentToken().pos.begin; va_list args; va_start(args, errorNumber); bool result = tokenStream().reportExtraWarningErrorNumberVA(nullptr, offset, errorNumber, args); va_end(args); return result; } bool BytecodeEmitter::reportStrictModeError(ParseNode* pn, unsigned errorNumber, ...) { TokenPos pos = pn ? pn->pn_pos : tokenStream().currentToken().pos; va_list args; va_start(args, errorNumber); bool result = tokenStream().reportStrictModeErrorNumberVA(nullptr, pos.begin, sc->strict(), errorNumber, args); va_end(args); return result; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitNewInit(JSProtoKey key) { const size_t len = 1 + UINT32_INDEX_LEN; ptrdiff_t offset; if (!emitCheck(JSOP_NEWINIT, len, &offset)) return false; jsbytecode* code = this->code(offset); code[0] = JSOP_NEWINIT; code[1] = jsbytecode(key); code[2] = 0; code[3] = 0; code[4] = 0; updateDepth(offset); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::iteratorResultShape(unsigned* shape) { // No need to do any guessing for the object kind, since we know exactly how // many properties we plan to have. gc::AllocKind kind = gc::GetGCObjectKind(2); RootedPlainObject obj(cx, NewBuiltinClassInstance(cx, kind, TenuredObject)); if (!obj) return false; Rooted value_id(cx, AtomToId(cx->names().value)); Rooted done_id(cx, AtomToId(cx->names().done)); if (!NativeDefineProperty(cx, obj, value_id, UndefinedHandleValue, nullptr, nullptr, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) { return false; } if (!NativeDefineProperty(cx, obj, done_id, UndefinedHandleValue, nullptr, nullptr, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) { return false; } ObjectBox* objbox = parser->newObjectBox(obj); if (!objbox) return false; *shape = objectList.add(objbox); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitPrepareIteratorResult() { unsigned shape; if (!iteratorResultShape(&shape)) return false; return emitIndex32(JSOP_NEWOBJECT, shape); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitFinishIteratorResult(bool done) { uint32_t value_id; if (!makeAtomIndex(cx->names().value, &value_id)) return false; uint32_t done_id; if (!makeAtomIndex(cx->names().done, &done_id)) return false; if (!emitIndex32(JSOP_INITPROP, value_id)) return false; if (!emit1(done ? JSOP_TRUE : JSOP_FALSE)) return false; if (!emitIndex32(JSOP_INITPROP, done_id)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitToIteratorResult(bool done) { if (!emitPrepareIteratorResult()) // VALUE OBJ return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // OBJ VALUE return false; if (!emitFinishIteratorResult(done)) // RESULT return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitGetNameAtLocation(JSAtom* name, const NameLocation& loc) { NameOpEmitter noe(this, name, loc, NameOpEmitter::Kind::Get); if (!noe.emitGet()) { return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitGetName(ParseNode* pn) { return emitGetName(pn->name()); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitTDZCheckIfNeeded(JSAtom* name, const NameLocation& loc) { // Dynamic accesses have TDZ checks built into their VM code and should // never emit explicit TDZ checks. MOZ_ASSERT(loc.hasKnownSlot()); MOZ_ASSERT(loc.isLexical()); Maybe check = innermostTDZCheckCache->needsTDZCheck(this, name); if (!check) return false; // We've already emitted a check in this basic block. if (*check == DontCheckTDZ) return true; if (loc.kind() == NameLocation::Kind::FrameSlot) { if (!emitLocalOp(JSOP_CHECKLEXICAL, loc.frameSlot())) return false; } else { if (!emitEnvCoordOp(JSOP_CHECKALIASEDLEXICAL, loc.environmentCoordinate())) return false; } return innermostTDZCheckCache->noteTDZCheck(this, name, DontCheckTDZ); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitPropLHS(PropertyAccess* prop) { MOZ_ASSERT(!prop->isSuper()); ParseNode* expr = &prop->expression(); if (!expr->is() || expr->as().isSuper()) { // The non-optimized case. return emitTree(expr); } /* * If the object operand is also a dotted property reference, reverse the * list linked via pn_left temporarily so we can iterate over it from the * bottom up (reversing again as we go), to avoid excessive recursion. */ PropertyAccess* pndot = &expr->as(); ParseNode* pnup = nullptr; ParseNode* pndown; for (;;) { /* Reverse pndot->pn_left to point up, not down. */ pndown = &pndot->expression(); pndot->setExpression(pnup); if (!pndown->is() || pndown->as().isSuper()) break; pnup = pndot; pndot = &pndown->as(); } /* pndown is a primary expression, not a dotted property reference. */ if (!emitTree(pndown)) return false; while (true) { /* Walk back up the list, emitting annotated name ops. */ if (!emitAtomOp(pndot->key().atom(), JSOP_GETPROP)) return false; /* Reverse the pn_left link again. */ pnup = pndot->maybeExpression(); pndot->setExpression(pndown); pndown = pndot; if (!pnup) { break; } pndot = &pnup->as(); } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitPropIncDec(UnaryNode* incDec) { PropertyAccess* prop = &incDec->kid()->as(); bool isSuper = prop->isSuper(); ParseNodeKind kind = incDec->getKind(); PropOpEmitter poe(this, kind == PNK_POSTINCREMENT ? PropOpEmitter::Kind::PostIncrement : kind == PNK_PREINCREMENT ? PropOpEmitter::Kind::PreIncrement : kind == PNK_POSTDECREMENT ? PropOpEmitter::Kind::PostDecrement : PropOpEmitter::Kind::PreDecrement, isSuper ? PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!poe.prepareForObj()) { return false; } if (isSuper) { UnaryNode* base = &prop->expression().as(); if (!emitGetThisForSuperBase(base)) { // THIS return false; } } else { if (!emitPropLHS(prop)) // OBJ return false; } if (!poe.emitIncDec(prop->key().atom())) { // RESULT return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitNameIncDec(UnaryNode* incDec) { MOZ_ASSERT(incDec->kid()->isKind(PNK_NAME)); ParseNodeKind kind = incDec->getKind(); NameNode* name = &incDec->kid()->as(); NameOpEmitter noe(this, name->atom(), kind == PNK_POSTINCREMENT ? NameOpEmitter::Kind::PostIncrement : kind == PNK_PREINCREMENT ? NameOpEmitter::Kind::PreIncrement : kind == PNK_POSTDECREMENT ? NameOpEmitter::Kind::PostDecrement : NameOpEmitter::Kind::PreDecrement); if (!noe.emitIncDec()) { return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitElemOpBase(JSOp op) { if (!emit1(op)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitElemObjAndKey(PropertyByValue* elem, bool isSuper, ElemOpEmitter& eoe) { if (isSuper) { if (!eoe.prepareForObj()) { // return false; } UnaryNode* base = &elem->expression().as(); if (!emitGetThisForSuperBase(base)) { // THIS return false; } if (!eoe.prepareForKey()) { // THIS return false; } if (!emitTree(&elem->key())) { // THIS KEY return false; } return true; } if (!eoe.prepareForObj()) { // return false; } if (!emitTree(&elem->expression())) { // OBJ return false; } if (!eoe.prepareForKey()) { // OBJ? OBJ return false; } if (!emitTree(&elem->key())) { // OBJ? OBJ KEY return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitElemIncDec(UnaryNode* incDec) { PropertyByValue* elem = &incDec->kid()->as(); bool isSuper = elem->isSuper(); ParseNodeKind kind = incDec->getKind(); ElemOpEmitter eoe(this, kind == PNK_POSTINCREMENT ? ElemOpEmitter::Kind::PostIncrement : kind == PNK_PREINCREMENT ? ElemOpEmitter::Kind::PreIncrement : kind == PNK_POSTDECREMENT ? ElemOpEmitter::Kind::PostDecrement : ElemOpEmitter::Kind::PreDecrement, isSuper ? ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!emitElemObjAndKey(elem, isSuper, eoe)) { // [Super] // // THIS KEY // // [Other] // // OBJ KEY return false; } if (!eoe.emitIncDec()) { // RESULT return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCallIncDec(UnaryNode* incDec) { MOZ_ASSERT(incDec->isKind(PNK_PREINCREMENT) || incDec->isKind(PNK_POSTINCREMENT) || incDec->isKind(PNK_PREDECREMENT) || incDec->isKind(PNK_POSTDECREMENT)); ParseNode* call = incDec->kid(); MOZ_ASSERT(call->isKind(PNK_CALL)); if (!emitTree(call)) // CALLRESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_TONUMERIC)) // N return false; // The increment/decrement has no side effects, so proceed to throw for // invalid assignment target. return emitUint16Operand(JSOP_THROWMSG, JSMSG_BAD_LEFTSIDE_OF_ASS); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitNumberOp(double dval) { int32_t ival; if (NumberIsInt32(dval, &ival)) { if (ival == 0) return emit1(JSOP_ZERO); if (ival == 1) return emit1(JSOP_ONE); if ((int)(int8_t)ival == ival) return emit2(JSOP_INT8, uint8_t(int8_t(ival))); uint32_t u = uint32_t(ival); if (u < JS_BIT(16)) { if (!emitUint16Operand(JSOP_UINT16, u)) return false; } else if (u < JS_BIT(24)) { ptrdiff_t off; if (!emitN(JSOP_UINT24, 3, &off)) return false; SET_UINT24(code(off), u); } else { ptrdiff_t off; if (!emitN(JSOP_INT32, 4, &off)) return false; SET_INT32(code(off), ival); } return true; } if (!constList.append(DoubleValue(dval))) return false; return emitIndex32(JSOP_DOUBLE, constList.length() - 1); } /* * Using MOZ_NEVER_INLINE in here is a workaround for llvm.org/pr14047. * LLVM is deciding to inline this function which uses a lot of stack space * into emitTree which is recursive and uses relatively little stack space. */ MOZ_NEVER_INLINE bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSwitch(SwitchStatement* switchStmt) { LexicalScopeNode& lexical = switchStmt->lexicalForCaseList(); ListNode* cases = &lexical.scopeBody()->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(cases->isKind(PNK_STATEMENTLIST)); SwitchEmitter se(this); if (!se.emitDiscriminant(Some(switchStmt->pn_pos.begin))) return false; if (!emitTree(&switchStmt->discriminant())) return false; // Enter the scope before pushing the switch BreakableControl since all // breaks are under this scope. if (!lexical.isEmptyScope()) { if (!se.emitLexical(lexical.scopeBindings())) return false; // A switch statement may contain hoisted functions inside its // cases. The PNX_FUNCDEFS flag is propagated from the STATEMENTLIST // bodies of the cases to the case list. if (cases->hasTopLevelFunctionDeclarations()) { for (ParseNode* item : cases->contents()) { CaseClause* caseClause = &item->as(); ListNode* statements = caseClause->statementList(); if (statements->hasTopLevelFunctionDeclarations()) { if (!emitHoistedFunctionsInList(statements)) return false; } } } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(!cases->hasTopLevelFunctionDeclarations()); } SwitchEmitter::TableGenerator tableGen(this); uint32_t caseCount = cases->count() - (switchStmt->hasDefault() ? 1 : 0); if (caseCount == 0) { tableGen.finish(0); } else { for (ParseNode* item : cases->contents()) { CaseClause* caseClause = &item->as(); if (caseClause->isDefault()) continue; ParseNode* caseValue = caseClause->caseExpression(); if (caseValue->getKind() != PNK_NUMBER) { tableGen.setInvalid(); break; } int32_t i; if (!NumberIsInt32(caseValue->as().value(), &i)) { tableGen.setInvalid(); break; } if (!tableGen.addNumber(i)) return false; } tableGen.finish(caseCount); } if (!se.validateCaseCount(caseCount)) return false; bool isTableSwitch = tableGen.isValid(); if (isTableSwitch) { if (!se.emitTable(tableGen)) return false; } else { if (!se.emitCond()) return false; // Emit code for evaluating cases and jumping to case statements. for (ParseNode* item : cases->contents()) { CaseClause* caseClause = &item->as(); if (caseClause->isDefault()) continue; ParseNode* caseValue = caseClause->caseExpression(); // If the expression is a literal, suppress line number emission so // that debugging works more naturally. if (!emitTree(caseValue, ValueUsage::WantValue, caseValue->isLiteral() ? SUPPRESS_LINENOTE : EMIT_LINENOTE)) { return false; } if (!se.emitCaseJump()) return false; } } // Emit code for each case's statements. for (ParseNode* item : cases->contents()) { CaseClause* caseClause = &item->as(); if (caseClause->isDefault()) { if (!se.emitDefaultBody()) return false; } else { if (isTableSwitch) { ParseNode* caseValue = caseClause->caseExpression(); MOZ_ASSERT(caseValue->isKind(PNK_NUMBER)); NumericLiteral* literal = &caseValue->as(); #ifdef DEBUG // Use NumberEqualsInt32 here because switches compare using // strict equality, which will equate -0 and +0. In contrast // NumberIsInt32 would return false for -0. int32_t v; MOZ_ASSERT(mozilla::NumberEqualsInt32(literal->value(), &v)); #endif int32_t i = int32_t(literal->value()); if (!se.emitCaseBody(i, tableGen)) return false; } else { if (!se.emitCaseBody()) return false; } } if (!emitTree(caseClause->statementList())) return false; } if (!se.emitEnd()) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::isRunOnceLambda() { // The run once lambda flags set by the parser are approximate, and we look // at properties of the function itself before deciding to emit a function // as a run once lambda. if (!(parent && parent->emittingRunOnceLambda) && (emitterMode != LazyFunction || !lazyScript->treatAsRunOnce())) { return false; } FunctionBox* funbox = sc->asFunctionBox(); return !funbox->argumentsHasLocalBinding() && !funbox->isStarGenerator() && !funbox->isLegacyGenerator() && !funbox->isAsync() && !funbox->function()->explicitName(); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitYieldOp(JSOp op) { if (op == JSOP_FINALYIELDRVAL) return emit1(JSOP_FINALYIELDRVAL); MOZ_ASSERT(op == JSOP_INITIALYIELD || op == JSOP_YIELD || op == JSOP_AWAIT); ptrdiff_t off; if (!emitN(op, 3, &off)) return false; uint32_t yieldAndAwaitIndex = yieldAndAwaitOffsetList.length(); if (yieldAndAwaitIndex >= JS_BIT(24)) { reportError(nullptr, JSMSG_TOO_MANY_YIELDS); return false; } if (op == JSOP_YIELD) yieldAndAwaitOffsetList.numYields++; else yieldAndAwaitOffsetList.numAwaits++; SET_UINT24(code(off), yieldAndAwaitIndex); if (!yieldAndAwaitOffsetList.append(offset())) return false; return emit1(JSOP_DEBUGAFTERYIELD); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSetThis(BinaryNode* setThisNode) { // PNK_SETTHIS is used to update |this| after a super() call in a derived // class constructor. MOZ_ASSERT(setThisNode->isKind(PNK_SETTHIS)); MOZ_ASSERT(setThisNode->left()->isKind(PNK_NAME)); RootedAtom name(cx, setThisNode->left()->name()); // The 'this' binding is not lexical, but due to super() semantics this // initialization needs to be treated as a lexical one. NameLocation loc = lookupName(name); NameLocation lexicalLoc; if (loc.kind() == NameLocation::Kind::FrameSlot) { lexicalLoc = NameLocation::FrameSlot(BindingKind::Let, loc.frameSlot()); } else if (loc.kind() == NameLocation::Kind::EnvironmentCoordinate) { EnvironmentCoordinate coord = loc.environmentCoordinate(); uint8_t hops = AssertedCast(coord.hops()); lexicalLoc = NameLocation::EnvironmentCoordinate(BindingKind::Let, hops, coord.slot()); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(loc.kind() == NameLocation::Kind::Dynamic); lexicalLoc = loc; } NameOpEmitter noe(this, name, lexicalLoc, NameOpEmitter::Kind::Initialize); if (!noe.prepareForRhs()) { // return false; } // Emit the new |this| value. if (!emitTree(setThisNode->right())) // NEWTHIS return false; // Get the original |this| and throw if we already initialized // it. Do *not* use the NameLocation argument, as that's the special // lexical location below to deal with super() semantics. if (!emitGetName(name)) { // NEWTHIS THIS return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_CHECKTHISREINIT)) { // NEWTHIS THIS return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) { // NEWTHIS return false; } if (!noe.emitAssignment()) { // NEWTHIS return false; } if (!emitInitializeInstanceFields()) { return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitScript(ParseNode* body) { setScriptStartOffsetIfUnset(body->pn_pos.begin); TDZCheckCache tdzCache(this); EmitterScope emitterScope(this); if (sc->isGlobalContext()) { switchToPrologue(); if (!emitterScope.enterGlobal(this, sc->asGlobalContext())) return false; switchToMain(); } else if (sc->isEvalContext()) { switchToPrologue(); if (!emitterScope.enterEval(this, sc->asEvalContext())) return false; switchToMain(); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(sc->isModuleContext()); if (!emitterScope.enterModule(this, sc->asModuleContext())) return false; } setFunctionBodyEndPos(body->pn_pos.end); if (sc->isEvalContext() && !sc->strict() && body->is() && !body->as().isEmptyScope()) { // Sloppy eval scripts may need to emit DEFFUNs in the prologue. If there is // an immediately enclosed lexical scope, we need to enter the lexical // scope in the prologue for the DEFFUNs to pick up the right // environment chain. EmitterScope lexicalEmitterScope(this); LexicalScopeNode* scope = &body->as(); switchToPrologue(); if (!lexicalEmitterScope.enterLexical(this, ScopeKind::Lexical, scope->scopeBindings())) return false; switchToMain(); if (!emitLexicalScopeBody(scope->scopeBody())) return false; if (!lexicalEmitterScope.leave(this)) return false; } else { if (!emitTree(body)) return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_RETRVAL)) return false; if (!emitterScope.leave(this)) return false; if (!JSScript::fullyInitFromEmitter(cx, script, this)) return false; // URL and source map information must be set before firing // Debugger::onNewScript. if (!maybeSetDisplayURL() || !maybeSetSourceMap()) return false; tellDebuggerAboutCompiledScript(cx); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitFunctionScript(FunctionNode* funNode) { ListNode* paramsBody = &funNode->body()->as(); FunctionBox* funbox = sc->asFunctionBox(); MOZ_ASSERT(fieldInitializers_.valid == (funbox->function()->kind() == JSFunction::FunctionKind::ClassConstructor)); setScriptStartOffsetIfUnset(paramsBody->pn_pos.begin); // [stack] FunctionScriptEmitter fse(this, funbox, Some(paramsBody->pn_pos.begin), Some(paramsBody->pn_pos.end)); if (!fse.prepareForParameters()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!emitFunctionFormalParameters(paramsBody)) { // [stack] return false; } if (!fse.prepareForBody()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!emitTree(paramsBody->last())) { // [stack] return false; } if (!fse.emitEndBody()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!fse.initScript()) return false; script->setFieldInitializers(fieldInitializers_); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDestructuringLHSRef(ParseNode* target, size_t* emitted) { *emitted = 0; if (target->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)) target = target->as().kid(); else if (target->isKind(PNK_ASSIGN)) target = target->as().left(); // No need to recur into PNK_ARRAY and PNK_OBJECT subpatterns here, since // emitSetOrInitializeDestructuring does the recursion when setting or // initializing value. Getting reference doesn't recur. if (target->isKind(PNK_NAME) || target->isKind(PNK_ARRAY) || target->isKind(PNK_OBJECT)) return true; #ifdef DEBUG int depth = stackDepth; #endif switch (target->getKind()) { case PNK_DOT: { PropertyAccess* prop = &target->as(); bool isSuper = prop->isSuper(); PropOpEmitter poe(this, PropOpEmitter::Kind::SimpleAssignment, isSuper ? PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!poe.prepareForObj()) { return false; } if (isSuper) { UnaryNode* base = &prop->expression().as(); if (!emitGetThisForSuperBase(base)) { // THIS SUPERBASE return false; } // SUPERBASE is pushed onto THIS in poe.prepareForRhs below. *emitted = 2; } else { if (!emitTree(&prop->expression())) // OBJ return false; *emitted = 1; } if (!poe.prepareForRhs()) { // [Super] // // THIS SUPERBASE // // [Other] // // OBJ return false; } break; } case PNK_ELEM: { PropertyByValue* elem = &target->as(); bool isSuper = elem->isSuper(); ElemOpEmitter eoe(this, ElemOpEmitter::Kind::SimpleAssignment, isSuper ? ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!emitElemObjAndKey(elem, isSuper, eoe)) { // [Super] // // THIS KEY // // [Other] // // OBJ KEY return false; } if (isSuper) { // SUPERBASE is pushed onto KEY in eoe.prepareForRhs below. *emitted = 3; } else { *emitted = 2; } if (!eoe.prepareForRhs()) { // [Super] // // THIS KEY SUPERBASE // // [Other] // // OBJ KEY return false; } break; } case PNK_CALL: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Parser::reportIfNotValidSimpleAssignmentTarget " "rejects function calls as assignment " "targets in destructuring assignments"); break; default: MOZ_CRASH("emitDestructuringLHSRef: bad lhs kind"); } MOZ_ASSERT(stackDepth == depth + int(*emitted)); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSetOrInitializeDestructuring(ParseNode* target, DestructuringFlavor flav) { // Now emit the lvalue opcode sequence. If the lvalue is a nested // destructuring initialiser-form, call ourselves to handle it, then pop // the matched value. Otherwise emit an lvalue bytecode sequence followed // by an assignment op. if (target->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)) target = target->as().kid(); else if (target->isKind(PNK_ASSIGN)) target = target->as().left(); if (target->isKind(PNK_ARRAY) || target->isKind(PNK_OBJECT)) { if (!emitDestructuringOps(&target->as(), flav)) return false; // Per its post-condition, emitDestructuringOps has left the // to-be-destructured value on top of the stack. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; } else { switch (target->getKind()) { case PNK_NAME: { RootedAtom name(cx, target->name()); NameLocation loc; NameOpEmitter::Kind kind; switch (flav) { case DestructuringDeclaration: loc = lookupName(name); kind = NameOpEmitter::Kind::Initialize; break; case DestructuringFormalParameterInVarScope: { // If there's an parameter expression var scope, the // destructuring declaration needs to initialize the name in // the function scope. The innermost scope is the var scope, // and its enclosing scope is the function scope. EmitterScope* funScope = innermostEmitterScope()->enclosingInFrame(); loc = *locationOfNameBoundInScope(name, funScope); kind = NameOpEmitter::Kind::Initialize; break; } case DestructuringAssignment: loc = lookupName(name); kind = NameOpEmitter::Kind::SimpleAssignment; break; } NameOpEmitter noe(this, name, loc, kind); if (!noe.prepareForRhs()) { // V ENV? return false; } if (noe.emittedBindOp()) { // This is like ordinary assignment, but with one difference. // // In `a = b`, we first determine a binding for `a` (using // JSOP_BINDNAME or JSOP_BINDGNAME), then we evaluate `b`, then // a JSOP_SETNAME instruction. // // In `[a] = [b]`, per spec, `b` is evaluated first, then we // determine a binding for `a`. Then we need to do assignment-- // but the operands are on the stack in the wrong order for // JSOP_SETPROP, so we have to add a JSOP_SWAP. // // In the cases where we are emitting a name op, emit a swap // because of this. if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) { // ENV V return false; } } else { // In cases of emitting a frame slot or environment slot, // nothing needs be done. } if (!noe.emitAssignment()) { // V return false; } break; } case PNK_DOT: { // The reference is already pushed by emitDestructuringLHSRef. // // [Super] // // THIS SUPERBASE VAL // // [Other] // // OBJ VAL PropertyAccess* prop = &target->as(); bool isSuper = prop->isSuper(); PropOpEmitter poe(this, PropOpEmitter::Kind::SimpleAssignment, isSuper ? PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!poe.skipObjAndRhs()) { return false; } if (!poe.emitAssignment(prop->key().atom())) { // VAL return false; } break; } case PNK_ELEM: { // The reference is already pushed by emitDestructuringLHSRef. // // [Super] // // THIS KEY SUPERBASE VAL // // [Other] // // OBJ KEY VAL PropertyByValue* elem = &target->as(); bool isSuper = elem->isSuper(); ElemOpEmitter eoe(this, ElemOpEmitter::Kind::SimpleAssignment, isSuper ? ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!eoe.skipObjAndKeyAndRhs()) { return false; } if (!eoe.emitAssignment()) { // VAL return false; } break; } case PNK_CALL: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Parser::reportIfNotValidSimpleAssignmentTarget " "rejects function calls as assignment " "targets in destructuring assignments"); break; default: MOZ_CRASH("emitSetOrInitializeDestructuring: bad lhs kind"); } // Pop the assigned value. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // !STACK EMPTY! return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitPushNotUndefinedOrNull() { // [stack] V MOZ_ASSERT(stackDepth > 0); if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) { // [stack] V V return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) { // [stack] V V UNDEFINED return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_NE)) { // [stack] V NEQ return false; } JumpList undefinedOrNullJump; if (!emitJump(JSOP_AND, &undefinedOrNullJump)) { // [stack] V NEQ return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) { // [stack] V return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) { // [stack] V V return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_NULL)) { // [stack] V V NULL return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_NE)) { // [stack] V NEQ return false; } if (!emitJumpTargetAndPatch(undefinedOrNullJump)) { // [stack] V NOT-UNDEF-OR-NULL return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitIteratorNext(ParseNode* pn, IteratorKind iterKind /* = IteratorKind::Sync */, bool allowSelfHosted /* = false */) { MOZ_ASSERT(allowSelfHosted || emitterMode != BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting, ".next() iteration is prohibited in self-hosted code because it " "can run user-modifiable iteration code"); if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ... ITER ITER return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().next, JSOP_CALLPROP)) // ... ITER NEXT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ... NEXT ITER return false; if (!emitCall(JSOP_CALL, 0, pn)) // ... RESULT return false; if (iterKind == IteratorKind::Async) { if (!emitAwaitInInnermostScope()) // ... RESULT return false; } if (!emitCheckIsObj(CheckIsObjectKind::IteratorNext)) // ... RESULT return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitIteratorCloseInScope(EmitterScope& currentScope, IteratorKind iterKind /* = IteratorKind::Sync */, CompletionKind completionKind /* = CompletionKind::Normal */, bool allowSelfHosted /* = false */) { MOZ_ASSERT(allowSelfHosted || emitterMode != BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting, ".close() on iterators is prohibited in self-hosted code because it " "can run user-modifiable iteration code"); // Generate inline logic corresponding to IteratorClose (ES 7.4.6). // // Callers need to ensure that the iterator object is at the top of the // stack. if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ... ITER ITER return false; // Step 3. // // Get the "return" method. if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().return_, JSOP_CALLPROP)) // ... ITER RET return false; // Step 4. // // Do nothing if "return" is null or undefined. InternalIfEmitter ifReturnMethodIsDefined(this); if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ... ITER RET RET return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ... ITER RET RET UNDEFINED return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_NE)) // ... ITER RET ?NEQL return false; if (!ifReturnMethodIsDefined.emitThenElse()) return false; if (completionKind == CompletionKind::Throw) { // 7.4.6 IteratorClose ( iterator, completion ) // ... // 3. Let return be ? GetMethod(iterator, "return"). // 4. If return is undefined, return Completion(completion). // 5. Let innerResult be Call(return, iterator, « »). // 6. If completion.[[Type]] is throw, return Completion(completion). // 7. If innerResult.[[Type]] is throw, return // Completion(innerResult). // // For CompletionKind::Normal case, JSOP_CALL for step 5 checks if RET // is callable, and throws if not. Since step 6 doesn't match and // error handling in step 3 and step 7 can be merged. // // For CompletionKind::Throw case, an error thrown by JSOP_CALL for // step 5 is ignored by try-catch. So we should check if RET is // callable here, outside of try-catch, and the throw immediately if // not. CheckIsCallableKind kind = CheckIsCallableKind::IteratorReturn; if (!emitCheckIsCallable(kind)) // ... ITER RET return false; } // Steps 5, 8. // // Call "return" if it is not undefined or null, and check that it returns // an Object. if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ... RET ITER return false; Maybe tryCatch; if (completionKind == CompletionKind::Throw) { tryCatch.emplace(this, TryEmitter::TryCatch, TryEmitter::DontUseRetVal, TryEmitter::DontUseControl); // Mutate stack to balance stack for try-catch. if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ... RET ITER UNDEF return false; if (!tryCatch->emitTry()) // ... RET ITER UNDEF return false; if (!emitDupAt(2)) // ... RET ITER UNDEF RET return false; if (!emitDupAt(2)) // ... RET ITER UNDEF RET ITER return false; } if (!emitCall(JSOP_CALL, 0)) // ... ... RESULT return false; if (iterKind == IteratorKind::Async) { if (completionKind != CompletionKind::Throw) { // Await clobbers rval, so save the current rval. if (!emit1(JSOP_GETRVAL)) // ... ... RESULT RVAL return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ... ... RVAL RESULT return false; } if (!emitAwaitInScope(currentScope)) // ... ... RVAL? RESULT return false; } if (completionKind == CompletionKind::Throw) { if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ... RET ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ... RET ITER RESULT return false; if (!tryCatch->emitCatch()) // ... RET ITER RESULT return false; // Just ignore the exception thrown by call and await. if (!emit1(JSOP_EXCEPTION)) // ... RET ITER RESULT EXC return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ... RET ITER RESULT return false; if (!tryCatch->emitEnd()) // ... RET ITER RESULT return false; // Restore stack. if (!emit2(JSOP_UNPICK, 2)) // ... RESULT RET ITER return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ... RESULT RET return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ... RESULT return false; } else { if (!emitCheckIsObj(CheckIsObjectKind::IteratorReturn)) // ... RVAL? RESULT return false; if (iterKind == IteratorKind::Async) { if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ... RESULT RVAL return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SETRVAL)) // ... RESULT return false; } } if (!ifReturnMethodIsDefined.emitElse()) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ... ITER return false; if (!ifReturnMethodIsDefined.emitEnd()) return false; return emit1(JSOP_POP); // ... } template bool BytecodeEmitter::wrapWithDestructuringIteratorCloseTryNote(int32_t iterDepth, InnerEmitter emitter) { MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth >= iterDepth); // Pad a nop at the beginning of the bytecode covered by the trynote so // that when unwinding environments, we may unwind to the scope // corresponding to the pc *before* the start, in case the first bytecode // emitted by |emitter| is the start of an inner scope. See comment above // UnwindEnvironmentToTryPc. if (!emit1(JSOP_TRY_DESTRUCTURING_ITERCLOSE)) return false; ptrdiff_t start = offset(); if (!emitter(this)) return false; ptrdiff_t end = offset(); if (start != end) return tryNoteList.append(JSTRY_DESTRUCTURING_ITERCLOSE, iterDepth, start, end); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDefault(ParseNode* defaultExpr, ParseNode* pattern) { // [stack] VALUE DefaultEmitter de(this); if (!de.prepareForDefault()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!emitInitializer(defaultExpr, pattern)) { // [stack] DEFAULTVALUE return false; } if (!de.emitEnd()) { // [stack] VALUE/DEFAULTVALUE return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::setOrEmitSetFunName(ParseNode* maybeFun, HandleAtom name) { if (maybeFun->is()) { // Function doesn't have 'name' property at this point. // Set function's name at compile time. return setFunName(maybeFun->as().funbox()->function(), name); } MOZ_ASSERT(maybeFun->isKind(PNK_CLASS)); return emitSetClassConstructorName(name); } bool BytecodeEmitter::setFunName(JSFunction* fun, JSAtom* name) { // Single node can be emitted multiple times if it appears in // array destructuring default. If function already has a name, // just return. if (fun->hasCompileTimeName()) { #ifdef DEBUG RootedAtom funName(cx, name); if (!funName) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(funName == fun->compileTimeName()); #endif return true; } RootedAtom funName(cx, name); if (!funName) return false; fun->setCompileTimeName(funName); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSetClassConstructorName(JSAtom* name) { uint32_t nameIndex; if (!makeAtomIndex(name, &nameIndex)) return false; if (!emitIndexOp(JSOP_STRING, nameIndex)) // FUN NAME return false; uint8_t kind = uint8_t(FunctionPrefixKind::None); if (!emit2(JSOP_SETFUNNAME, kind)) // FUN return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSetFunctionNameFromStack(uint8_t offset) { // [stack] KEY ... FUN if (!emitDupAt(offset)) return false; // [stack] KEY ... FUN KEY uint8_t kind = uint8_t(FunctionPrefixKind::None); if (!emit2(JSOP_SETFUNNAME, kind)) { // [stack] KEY ... FUN return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitInitializer(ParseNode* initializer, ParseNode* pattern) { if (!emitTree(initializer)) return false; if (!pattern->isInParens() && pattern->isKind(PNK_NAME) && initializer->isDirectRHSAnonFunction()) { RootedAtom name(cx, pattern->name()); if (!setOrEmitSetFunName(initializer, name)) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDestructuringOpsArray(ListNode* pattern, DestructuringFlavor flav) { MOZ_ASSERT(pattern->isKind(PNK_ARRAY)); MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth != 0); // Here's pseudo code for |let [a, b, , c=y, ...d] = x;| // // Lines that are annotated "covered by trynote" mean that upon throwing // an exception, IteratorClose is called on iter only if done is false. // // let x, y; // let a, b, c, d; // let iter, lref, result, done, value; // stack values // // iter = x[Symbol.iterator](); // // // ==== emitted by loop for a ==== // lref = GetReference(a); // covered by trynote // // result = iter.next(); // done = result.done; // // if (done) // value = undefined; // else // value = result.value; // // SetOrInitialize(lref, value); // covered by trynote // // // ==== emitted by loop for b ==== // lref = GetReference(b); // covered by trynote // // if (done) { // value = undefined; // } else { // result = iter.next(); // done = result.done; // if (done) // value = undefined; // else // value = result.value; // } // // SetOrInitialize(lref, value); // covered by trynote // // // ==== emitted by loop for elision ==== // if (done) { // value = undefined; // } else { // result = iter.next(); // done = result.done; // if (done) // value = undefined; // else // value = result.value; // } // // // ==== emitted by loop for c ==== // lref = GetReference(c); // covered by trynote // // if (done) { // value = undefined; // } else { // result = iter.next(); // done = result.done; // if (done) // value = undefined; // else // value = result.value; // } // // if (value === undefined) // value = y; // covered by trynote // // SetOrInitialize(lref, value); // covered by trynote // // // ==== emitted by loop for d ==== // lref = GetReference(d); // covered by trynote // // if (done) // value = []; // else // value = [...iter]; // // SetOrInitialize(lref, value); // covered by trynote // // // === emitted after loop === // if (!done) // IteratorClose(iter); // Use an iterator to destructure the RHS, instead of index lookup. We // must leave the *original* value on the stack. if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ... OBJ OBJ return false; if (!emitIterator()) // ... OBJ ITER return false; // For an empty pattern [], call IteratorClose unconditionally. Nothing // else needs to be done. if (!pattern->head()) return emitIteratorCloseInInnermostScope(); // ... OBJ // Push an initial FALSE value for DONE. if (!emit1(JSOP_FALSE)) // ... OBJ ITER FALSE return false; // JSTRY_DESTRUCTURING_ITERCLOSE expects the iterator and the done value // to be the second to top and the top of the stack, respectively. // IteratorClose is called upon exception only if done is false. int32_t tryNoteDepth = stackDepth; for (ParseNode* member : pattern->contents()) { bool isFirst = member == pattern->head(); DebugOnly hasNext = !!member->pn_next; size_t emitted = 0; // Spec requires LHS reference to be evaluated first. ParseNode* lhsPattern = member; if (lhsPattern->isKind(PNK_ASSIGN)) lhsPattern = lhsPattern->as().left(); bool isElision = lhsPattern->isKind(PNK_ELISION); if (!isElision) { auto emitLHSRef = [lhsPattern, &emitted](BytecodeEmitter* bce) { return bce->emitDestructuringLHSRef(lhsPattern, &emitted); // ... OBJ ITER DONE *LREF }; if (!wrapWithDestructuringIteratorCloseTryNote(tryNoteDepth, emitLHSRef)) return false; } // Pick the DONE value to the top of the stack. if (emitted) { if (!emit2(JSOP_PICK, emitted)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF DONE return false; } if (isFirst) { // If this element is the first, DONE is always FALSE, so pop it. // // Non-first elements should emit if-else depending on the // member pattern, below. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF return false; } if (member->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)) { InternalIfEmitter ifThenElse(this); if (!isFirst) { // If spread is not the first element of the pattern, // iterator can already be completed. // ... OBJ ITER *LREF DONE if (!ifThenElse.emitThenElse()) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF return false; if (!emitUint32Operand(JSOP_NEWARRAY, 0)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF ARRAY return false; if (!ifThenElse.emitElse()) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF return false; } // If iterator is not completed, create a new array with the rest // of the iterator. if (!emitDupAt(emitted)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF ITER return false; if (!emitUint32Operand(JSOP_NEWARRAY, 0)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF ITER ARRAY return false; if (!emitNumberOp(0)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF ITER ARRAY INDEX return false; if (!emitSpread()) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF ARRAY INDEX return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF ARRAY return false; if (!isFirst) { if (!ifThenElse.emitEnd()) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(ifThenElse.pushed() == 1); } // At this point the iterator is done. Unpick a TRUE value for DONE above ITER. if (!emit1(JSOP_TRUE)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF ARRAY TRUE return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_UNPICK, emitted + 1)) // ... OBJ ITER TRUE *LREF ARRAY return false; auto emitAssignment = [member, flav](BytecodeEmitter* bce) { return bce->emitSetOrInitializeDestructuring(member, flav); // ... OBJ ITER TRUE }; if (!wrapWithDestructuringIteratorCloseTryNote(tryNoteDepth, emitAssignment)) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(!hasNext); break; } ParseNode* pndefault = nullptr; if (member->isKind(PNK_ASSIGN)) pndefault = member->as().right(); MOZ_ASSERT(!member->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)); InternalIfEmitter ifAlreadyDone(this); if (!isFirst) { // ... OBJ ITER *LREF DONE if (!ifAlreadyDone.emitThenElse()) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF UNDEF return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_NOP_DESTRUCTURING)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF UNDEF return false; // The iterator is done. Unpick a TRUE value for DONE above ITER. if (!emit1(JSOP_TRUE)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF UNDEF TRUE return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_UNPICK, emitted + 1)) // ... OBJ ITER TRUE *LREF UNDEF return false; if (!ifAlreadyDone.emitElse()) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF return false; } if (emitted) { if (!emitDupAt(emitted)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF ITER return false; } else { if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF ITER return false; } if (!emitIteratorNext(pattern)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF RESULT RESULT return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().done, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF RESULT DONE return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ... OBJ ITER *LREF RESULT DONE DONE return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_UNPICK, emitted + 2)) // ... OBJ ITER DONE *LREF RESULT DONE return false; InternalIfEmitter ifDone(this); if (!ifDone.emitThenElse()) // ... OBJ ITER DONE *LREF RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ... OBJ ITER DONE *LREF return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ... OBJ ITER DONE *LREF UNDEF return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_NOP_DESTRUCTURING)) // ... OBJ ITER DONE *LREF UNDEF return false; if (!ifDone.emitElse()) // ... OBJ ITER DONE *LREF RESULT return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().value, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ... OBJ ITER DONE *LREF VALUE return false; if (!ifDone.emitEnd()) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(ifDone.pushed() == 0); if (!isFirst) { if (!ifAlreadyDone.emitEnd()) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(ifAlreadyDone.pushed() == 2); } if (pndefault) { auto emitDefault = [pndefault, lhsPattern](BytecodeEmitter* bce) { return bce->emitDefault(pndefault, lhsPattern); // ... OBJ ITER DONE *LREF VALUE }; if (!wrapWithDestructuringIteratorCloseTryNote(tryNoteDepth, emitDefault)) return false; } if (!isElision) { auto emitAssignment = [lhsPattern, flav](BytecodeEmitter* bce) { return bce->emitSetOrInitializeDestructuring(lhsPattern, flav); // ... OBJ ITER DONE }; if (!wrapWithDestructuringIteratorCloseTryNote(tryNoteDepth, emitAssignment)) return false; } else { if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ... OBJ ITER DONE return false; } } // The last DONE value is on top of the stack. If not DONE, call // IteratorClose. // ... OBJ ITER DONE InternalIfEmitter ifDone(this); if (!ifDone.emitThenElse()) // ... OBJ ITER return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ... OBJ return false; if (!ifDone.emitElse()) // ... OBJ ITER return false; if (!emitIteratorCloseInInnermostScope()) // ... OBJ return false; if (!ifDone.emitEnd()) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitComputedPropertyName(UnaryNode* computedPropName) { MOZ_ASSERT(computedPropName->isKind(PNK_COMPUTED_NAME)); return emitTree(computedPropName->kid()) && emit1(JSOP_TOID); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDestructuringOpsObject(ListNode* pattern, DestructuringFlavor flav) { MOZ_ASSERT(pattern->isKind(PNK_OBJECT)); MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth > 0); // ... RHS if (!emitRequireObjectCoercible()) // ... RHS return false; bool needsRestPropertyExcludedSet = pattern->count() > 1 && pattern->last()->isKind(PNK_SPREAD); if (needsRestPropertyExcludedSet) { if (!emitDestructuringObjRestExclusionSet(pattern)) // ... RHS SET return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ... SET RHS return false; } for (ParseNode* member : pattern->contents()) { ParseNode* subpattern; if (member->isKind(PNK_MUTATEPROTO) || member->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)) subpattern = member->as().kid(); else { MOZ_ASSERT(member->isKind(PNK_COLON) || member->isKind(PNK_SHORTHAND)); subpattern = member->as().right(); } ParseNode* lhs = subpattern; MOZ_ASSERT_IF(member->isKind(PNK_SPREAD), !lhs->isKind(PNK_ASSIGN)); if (lhs->isKind(PNK_ASSIGN)) lhs = lhs->as().left(); size_t emitted; if (!emitDestructuringLHSRef(lhs, &emitted)) // ... *SET RHS *LREF return false; // Duplicate the value being destructured to use as a reference base. if (emitted) { if (!emitDupAt(emitted)) // ... *SET RHS *LREF RHS return false; } else { if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ... *SET RHS RHS return false; } if (member->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)) { if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(member->pn_pos.begin)) return false; if (!emitNewInit(JSProto_Object)) // ... *SET RHS *LREF RHS TARGET return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ... *SET RHS *LREF RHS TARGET TARGET return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_PICK, 2)) // ... *SET RHS *LREF TARGET TARGET RHS return false; if (needsRestPropertyExcludedSet) { if (!emit2(JSOP_PICK, emitted + 4)) // ... RHS *LREF TARGET TARGET RHS SET return false; } CopyOption option = needsRestPropertyExcludedSet ? CopyOption::Filtered : CopyOption::Unfiltered; if (!emitCopyDataProperties(option)) // ... RHS *LREF TARGET return false; // Destructure TARGET per this member's lhs. if (!emitSetOrInitializeDestructuring(lhs, flav)) // ... RHS return false; MOZ_ASSERT(member == pattern->last(), "Rest property is always last"); break; } // Now push the property name currently being matched, which is the // current property name "label" on the left of a colon in the object // initialiser. bool needsGetElem = true; if (member->isKind(PNK_MUTATEPROTO)) { if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().proto, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ... *SET RHS *LREF PROP return false; needsGetElem = false; } else { MOZ_ASSERT(member->isKind(PNK_COLON) || member->isKind(PNK_SHORTHAND)); ParseNode* key = member->as().left(); if (key->isKind(PNK_NUMBER)) { if (!emitNumberOp(key->as().value())) return false; // ... *SET RHS *LREF RHS KEY } else if (key->isKind(PNK_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME) || key->isKind(PNK_STRING)) { if (!emitAtomOp(key->as().atom(), JSOP_GETPROP)) return false; // ... *SET RHS *LREF PROP needsGetElem = false; } else { if (!emitComputedPropertyName(&key->as())) // ... *SET RHS *LREF RHS KEY return false; // Add the computed property key to the exclusion set. if (needsRestPropertyExcludedSet) { if (!emitDupAt(emitted + 3)) // ... SET RHS *LREF RHS KEY SET return false; if (!emitDupAt(1)) // ... SET RHS *LREF RHS KEY SET KEY return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ... SET RHS *LREF RHS KEY SET KEY UNDEFINED return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_INITELEM)) // ... SET RHS *LREF RHS KEY SET return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ... SET RHS *LREF RHS KEY return false; } } } // Get the property value if not done already. if (needsGetElem && !emitElemOpBase(JSOP_GETELEM)) // ... *SET RHS *LREF PROP return false; if (subpattern->isKind(PNK_ASSIGN)) { if (!emitDefault(subpattern->as().right(), lhs)) return false; // ... *SET RHS *LREF VALUE } // Destructure PROP per this member's lhs. if (!emitSetOrInitializeDestructuring(subpattern, flav)) // ... *SET RHS return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDestructuringObjRestExclusionSet(ListNode* pattern) { MOZ_ASSERT(pattern->isKind(PNK_OBJECT)); MOZ_ASSERT(pattern->last()->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)); ptrdiff_t offset = this->offset(); if (!emitNewInit(JSProto_Object)) return false; // Try to construct the shape of the object as we go, so we can emit a // JSOP_NEWOBJECT with the final shape instead. // In the case of computed property names and indices, we cannot fix the // shape at bytecode compile time. When the shape cannot be determined, // |obj| is nulled out. // No need to do any guessing for the object kind, since we know the upper // bound of how many properties we plan to have. gc::AllocKind kind = gc::GetGCObjectKind(pattern->count() - 1); RootedPlainObject obj(cx, NewBuiltinClassInstance(cx, kind, TenuredObject)); if (!obj) return false; RootedAtom pnatom(cx); for (ParseNode* member : pattern->contents()) { if (member->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)) break; bool isIndex = false; if (member->isKind(PNK_MUTATEPROTO)) { pnatom.set(cx->names().proto); } else { ParseNode* key = member->as().left(); if (key->isKind(PNK_NUMBER)) { if (!emitNumberOp(key->as().value())) return false; isIndex = true; } else if (key->isKind(PNK_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME) || key->isKind(PNK_STRING)) { pnatom.set(key->as().atom()); } else { // Otherwise this is a computed property name which needs to // be added dynamically. obj.set(nullptr); continue; } } // Initialize elements with |undefined|. if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) return false; if (isIndex) { obj.set(nullptr); if (!emit1(JSOP_INITELEM)) return false; } else { uint32_t index; if (!makeAtomIndex(pnatom, &index)) return false; if (obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(!obj->inDictionaryMode()); Rooted id(cx, AtomToId(pnatom)); if (!NativeDefineProperty(cx, obj, id, UndefinedHandleValue, nullptr, nullptr, JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) { return false; } if (obj->inDictionaryMode()) obj.set(nullptr); } if (!emitIndex32(JSOP_INITPROP, index)) return false; } } if (obj) { // The object survived and has a predictable shape: update the // original bytecode. if (!replaceNewInitWithNewObject(obj, offset)) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDestructuringOps(ListNode* pattern, DestructuringFlavor flav) { if (pattern->isKind(PNK_ARRAY)) return emitDestructuringOpsArray(pattern, flav); return emitDestructuringOpsObject(pattern, flav); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitTemplateString(ListNode* templateString) { bool pushedString = false; for (ParseNode* item : templateString->contents()) { bool isString = (item->getKind() == PNK_STRING || item->getKind() == PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING); // Skip empty strings. These are very common: a template string like // `${a}${b}` has three empty strings and without this optimization // we'd emit four JSOP_ADD operations instead of just one. if (isString && item->as().atom()->empty()) continue; if (!isString) { // We update source notes before emitting the expression if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(item->pn_pos.begin)) return false; } if (!emitTree(item)) return false; if (!isString) { // We need to convert the expression to a string if (!emit1(JSOP_TOSTRING)) return false; } if (pushedString) { // We've pushed two strings onto the stack. Add them together, leaving just one. if (!emit1(JSOP_ADD)) return false; } else { pushedString = true; } } if (!pushedString) { // All strings were empty, this can happen for something like `${""}`. // Just push an empty string. if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().empty, JSOP_STRING)) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDeclarationList(ListNode* declList) { for (ParseNode* decl : declList->contents()) { if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(decl->pn_pos.begin)) return false; if (decl->isKind(PNK_ASSIGN)) { MOZ_ASSERT(decl->isOp(JSOP_NOP)); AssignmentNode* assignNode = &decl->as(); ListNode* pattern = &assignNode->left()->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(pattern->isKind(PNK_ARRAY) || pattern->isKind(PNK_OBJECT)); if (!emitTree(assignNode->right())) return false; if (!emitDestructuringOps(pattern, DestructuringDeclaration)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; } else { if (!emitSingleDeclaration(declList, decl, decl->as().initializer())) return false; } } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSingleDeclaration(ParseNode* declList, ParseNode* decl, ParseNode* initializer) { MOZ_ASSERT(decl->isKind(PNK_NAME)); // Nothing to do for initializer-less 'var' declarations, as there's no TDZ. if (!initializer && declList->isKind(PNK_VAR)) return true; NameOpEmitter noe(this, decl->name(), NameOpEmitter::Kind::Initialize); if (!noe.prepareForRhs()) { // ENV? return false; } if (!initializer) { // Lexical declarations are initialized to undefined without an // initializer. MOZ_ASSERT(declList->isKind(PNK_LET), "var declarations without initializers handled above, " "and const declarations must have initializers"); if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) { // ENV? UNDEF return false; } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(initializer); if (!emitInitializer(initializer, decl)) { // ENV? V return false; } } if (!noe.emitAssignment()) { // V return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) { // return false; } return true; } static bool EmitAssignmentRhs(BytecodeEmitter* bce, ParseNode* rhs, uint8_t offset) { // If there is a RHS tree, emit the tree. if (rhs) return bce->emitTree(rhs); // Otherwise the RHS value to assign is already on the stack, i.e., the // next enumeration value in a for-in or for-of loop. Depending on how // many other values have been pushed on the stack, we need to get the // already-pushed RHS value. if (offset != 1 && !bce->emit2(JSOP_PICK, offset - 1)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitAssignmentOrInit(ParseNodeKind kind, JSOp compoundOp, ParseNode* lhs, ParseNode* rhs) { bool isCompound = compoundOp != JSOP_NOP; bool isInit = kind == PNK_INITPROP; MOZ_ASSERT_IF(isInit, lhs->isKind(PNK_DOT) || lhs->isKind(PNK_ELEM)); Maybe noe; Maybe poe; Maybe eoe; uint8_t offset = 1; // Anonymous functions get their inferred name in simple assignments: // x = function() {}; // x.name === "x" // In this case, rhs->isDirectRHSAnonFunction() from parsing the statement. // To suppress this, put the variable in parentheses: // (x) = function() {}; // x.name === undefined // In normal property assignments (`obj.x = function(){}`), the anonymous // function does not have a computed name and rhs->isDirectRHSAnonFunction()==false. // However, in field initializers (`class C { x = function(){} }`), field // initialization is implemented via a property or elem assignment *and* // rhs->isDirectRHSAnonFunction() is set. In this case (detected by `isInit`), // we'll assign the name of the function using the same plumbing as binding assignments. // For PNK_NAME and PNK_DOT, the name is compile-time constant, and is stored in `anonFunctionName`. // For PNK_ELEM, we grab it from the stack before emitting the actual assignment. RootedAtom anonFunctionName(cx); bool inferFunctionName = !isCompound && rhs && rhs->isDirectRHSAnonFunction() && !lhs->isInParens() && (lhs->isKind(PNK_NAME) || isInit); switch (lhs->getKind()) { case PNK_NAME: { noe.emplace(this, lhs->name(), isCompound ? NameOpEmitter::Kind::CompoundAssignment : NameOpEmitter::Kind::SimpleAssignment); if (inferFunctionName) { anonFunctionName = lhs->name(); } break; } case PNK_DOT: { PropertyAccess* prop = &lhs->as(); bool isSuper = prop->isSuper(); poe.emplace(this, isCompound ? PropOpEmitter::Kind::CompoundAssignment : isInit ? PropOpEmitter::Kind::PropInit : PropOpEmitter::Kind::SimpleAssignment, isSuper ? PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!poe->prepareForObj()) { return false; } if (inferFunctionName) { anonFunctionName = &prop->name(); } if (isSuper) { UnaryNode* base = &prop->expression().as(); if (!emitGetThisForSuperBase(base)) { // THIS SUPERBASE return false; } // SUPERBASE is pushed onto THIS later in poe->emitGet below. offset += 2; } else { if (!emitTree(&prop->expression())) // OBJ return false; offset += 1; } break; } case PNK_ELEM: { PropertyByValue* elem = &lhs->as(); bool isSuper = elem->isSuper(); eoe.emplace(this, isCompound ? ElemOpEmitter::Kind::CompoundAssignment : isInit ? ElemOpEmitter::Kind::PropInit : ElemOpEmitter::Kind::SimpleAssignment, isSuper ? ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!emitElemObjAndKey(elem, isSuper, *eoe)) { // [Super] // // THIS KEY // // [Other] // // OBJ KEY return false; } if (isSuper) { // SUPERBASE is pushed onto KEY in eoe->emitGet below. offset += 3; } else { offset += 2; } break; } case PNK_ARRAY: case PNK_OBJECT: break; case PNK_CALL: if (!emitTree(lhs)) return false; // Assignment to function calls is forbidden, but we have to make the // call first. Now we can throw. if (!emitUint16Operand(JSOP_THROWMSG, JSMSG_BAD_LEFTSIDE_OF_ASS)) return false; // Rebalance the stack to placate stack-depth assertions. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; break; default: MOZ_ASSERT(0); } if (isCompound) { MOZ_ASSERT(rhs); switch (lhs->getKind()) { case PNK_DOT: { PropertyAccess* prop = &lhs->as(); if (!poe->emitGet(prop->key().atom())) { // [Super] // // THIS SUPERBASE PROP // // [Other] // // OBJ PROP return false; } break; } case PNK_ELEM: { if (!eoe->emitGet()) { // KEY THIS OBJ ELEM return false; } break; } case PNK_CALL: // We just emitted a JSOP_THROWMSG and popped the call's return // value. Push a random value to make sure the stack depth is // correct. if (!emit1(JSOP_NULL)) return false; break; default:; } } switch (lhs->getKind()) { case PNK_NAME: if (!noe->prepareForRhs()) { // ENV? VAL? return false; } // If we emitted a BIND[G]NAME, then the scope is on // the top of the stack and we need to pick the right RHS value. if (noe->emittedBindOp()) offset += 1; break; case PNK_DOT: if (!poe->prepareForRhs()) { // [Simple,Super] // // THIS SUPERBASE // // [Simple,Other] // // OBJ // // [Compound,Super] // // THIS SUPERBASE PROP // // [Compound,Other] // // OBJ PROP return false; } break; case PNK_ELEM: if (!eoe->prepareForRhs()) { // [Simple,Super] // // THIS KEY SUPERBASE // // [Simple,Other] // // OBJ KEY // // [Compound,Super] // // THIS KEY SUPERBASE ELEM // // [Compound,Other] // // OBJ KEY ELEM return false; } break; default: break; } if (!EmitAssignmentRhs(this, rhs, offset)) // ... VAL? RHS return false; // Assign inferred function name if (inferFunctionName) { MOZ_ASSERT(!isCompound); if (anonFunctionName) { // Name is an atom known at compile time MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!lhs->isKind(PNK_NAME), isInit); if (!setOrEmitSetFunName(rhs, anonFunctionName)) { // ENV? VAL? RHS return false; } } else if (lhs->isKind(PNK_ELEM)) { // offset points to the SP relative to RHS. // [Simple,Super] offset = 4 // Find KEY relative to that. // {offset} THIS KEY SUPERBASE FUN // // [Simple,Other] offset = 3 // // {offset} OBJ KEY FUN MOZ_ASSERT(offset >= 2); if (!emitSetFunctionNameFromStack(offset - 2)) return false; } } /* If += etc., emit the binary operator with a source note. */ if (isCompound) { if (!newSrcNote(SRC_ASSIGNOP)) return false; if (!emit1(compoundOp)) // ... VAL return false; } /* Finally, emit the specialized assignment bytecode. */ switch (lhs->getKind()) { case PNK_NAME: { if (!noe->emitAssignment()) { // VAL return false; } noe.reset(); break; } case PNK_DOT: { PropertyAccess* prop = &lhs->as(); if (!poe->emitAssignment(prop->key().atom())) { // VAL return false; } poe.reset(); break; } case PNK_CALL: // We threw above, so nothing to do here. break; case PNK_ELEM: { if (!eoe->emitAssignment()) { // VAL return false; } eoe.reset(); break; } case PNK_ARRAY: case PNK_OBJECT: if (!emitDestructuringOps(&lhs->as(), DestructuringAssignment)) return false; break; default: MOZ_ASSERT(0); } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitShortCircuitAssignment(ParseNodeKind kind, JSOp op, ParseNode* lhs, ParseNode* rhs) { TDZCheckCache tdzCache(this); // |name| is used within NameOpEmitter, so its lifetime must surpass |noe|. RootedAtom name(cx); // Select the appropriate emitter based on the left-hand side. Maybe noe; Maybe poe; Maybe eoe; int32_t startDepth = stackDepth; // Number of values pushed onto the stack in addition to the lhs value. int32_t numPushed; // Evaluate the left-hand side expression and compute any stack values needed // for the assignment. switch (lhs->getKind()) { case PNK_NAME: { name = lhs->as().name(); noe.emplace(this, name, NameOpEmitter::Kind::CompoundAssignment); if (!noe->prepareForRhs()) { // [stack] ENV? LHS return false; } numPushed = noe->emittedBindOp(); break; } case PNK_DOT: { PropertyAccess* prop = &lhs->as(); bool isSuper = prop->isSuper(); poe.emplace(this, PropOpEmitter::Kind::CompoundAssignment, isSuper ? PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!poe->prepareForObj()) return false; if (isSuper) { UnaryNode* base = &prop->expression().as(); if (!emitGetThisForSuperBase(base)) { // [stack] THIS SUPERBASE return false; } } else { if (!emitTree(&prop->expression())) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } } if (!poe->emitGet(prop->key().atom())) { // [stack] # if Super // [stack] THIS SUPERBASE LHS // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] OBJ LHS return false; } if (!poe->prepareForRhs()) { // [stack] # if Super // [stack] THIS SUPERBASE LHS // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] OBJ LHS return false; } numPushed = 1 + isSuper; break; } case PNK_ELEM: { PropertyByValue* elem = &lhs->as(); bool isSuper = elem->isSuper(); eoe.emplace(this, ElemOpEmitter::Kind::CompoundAssignment, isSuper ? ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!emitElemObjAndKey(elem, isSuper, *eoe)) { // [stack] # if Super // [stack] THIS KEY // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] OBJ KEY return false; } if (!eoe->emitGet()) { // [stack] # if Super // [stack] THIS KEY SUPERBASE LHS // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] OBJ KEY LHS return false; } if (!eoe->prepareForRhs()) { // [stack] # if Super // [stack] THIS KEY SUPERBASE LHS // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] OBJ KEY LHS return false; } numPushed = 2 + isSuper; break; } default: MOZ_CRASH(); } MOZ_ASSERT(stackDepth == startDepth + numPushed + 1); // Test for the short-circuit condition. JumpList jump; if (!emitJump(op, &jump)) { // [stack] ... LHS return false; } // The short-circuit condition wasn't fulfilled, pop the left-hand side value // which was kept on the stack. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) { // [stack] ... return false; } // TODO: Open spec issue about setting inferred function names. // if (!emitTree(rhs)) { // [stack] ... RHS return false; } // Perform the actual assignment. switch (lhs->getKind()) { case PNK_NAME: { if (!noe->emitAssignment()) { // [stack] RHS return false; } break; } case PNK_DOT: { PropertyAccess* prop = &lhs->as(); if (!poe->emitAssignment(prop->key().atom())) { // [stack] RHS return false; } break; } case PNK_ELEM: { if (!eoe->emitAssignment()) { // [stack] RHS return false; } break; } default: MOZ_CRASH(); } MOZ_ASSERT(stackDepth == startDepth + 1); // Join with the short-circuit jump and pop anything left on the stack. if (numPushed > 0) { if (!newSrcNote(SRC_LOGICASSIGN)) { return false; } JumpList jumpAroundPop; if (!emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &jumpAroundPop)) { // [stack] RHS return false; } if (!emitJumpTargetAndPatch(jump)) { // [stack] ... LHS return false; } // Reconstruct the stack depth after the jump. stackDepth = startDepth + 1 + numPushed; // Move the left-hand side value to the bottom and pop the rest. if (!emitUnpickN(numPushed)) { // [stack] LHS ... return false; } if (!emitPopN(numPushed)) { // [stack] LHS return false; } if (!emitJumpTargetAndPatch(jumpAroundPop)) { // [stack] LHS | RHS return false; } } else { if (!emitJumpTargetAndPatch(jump)) { // [stack] LHS | RHS return false; } } MOZ_ASSERT(stackDepth == startDepth + 1); return true; } bool ParseNode::getConstantValue(ExclusiveContext* cx, AllowConstantObjects allowObjects, MutableHandleValue vp, Value* compare, size_t ncompare, NewObjectKind newKind) { MOZ_ASSERT(newKind == TenuredObject || newKind == SingletonObject); switch (getKind()) { case PNK_NUMBER: vp.setNumber(as().value()); return true; case PNK_BIGINT: vp.setBigInt(as().box()->value()); return true; case PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING: case PNK_STRING: vp.setString(as().atom()); return true; case PNK_TRUE: vp.setBoolean(true); return true; case PNK_FALSE: vp.setBoolean(false); return true; case PNK_NULL: vp.setNull(); return true; case PNK_RAW_UNDEFINED: vp.setUndefined(); return true; case PNK_CALLSITEOBJ: case PNK_ARRAY: { unsigned count; ParseNode* pn; if (allowObjects == DontAllowObjects) { vp.setMagic(JS_GENERIC_MAGIC); return true; } ObjectGroup::NewArrayKind arrayKind = ObjectGroup::NewArrayKind::Normal; if (allowObjects == ForCopyOnWriteArray) { arrayKind = ObjectGroup::NewArrayKind::CopyOnWrite; allowObjects = DontAllowObjects; } if (getKind() == PNK_CALLSITEOBJ) { count = as().count() - 1; pn = as().head()->pn_next; } else { MOZ_ASSERT(isOp(JSOP_NEWINIT) && !as().hasNonConstInitializer()); count = as().count(); pn = as().head(); } AutoValueVector values(cx); if (!values.appendN(MagicValue(JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE), count)) return false; size_t idx; for (idx = 0; pn; idx++, pn = pn->pn_next) { if (!pn->getConstantValue(cx, allowObjects, values[idx], values.begin(), idx)) return false; if (values[idx].isMagic(JS_GENERIC_MAGIC)) { vp.setMagic(JS_GENERIC_MAGIC); return true; } } MOZ_ASSERT(idx == count); JSObject* obj = ObjectGroup::newArrayObject(cx, values.begin(), values.length(), newKind, arrayKind); if (!obj) return false; if (!CombineArrayElementTypes(cx, obj, compare, ncompare)) return false; vp.setObject(*obj); return true; } case PNK_OBJECT: { MOZ_ASSERT(isOp(JSOP_NEWINIT)); MOZ_ASSERT(!as().hasNonConstInitializer()); if (allowObjects == DontAllowObjects) { vp.setMagic(JS_GENERIC_MAGIC); return true; } MOZ_ASSERT(allowObjects == AllowObjects); Rooted properties(cx, IdValueVector(cx)); RootedValue value(cx), idvalue(cx); for (ParseNode* item : as().contents()) { // MutateProto and Spread, both are unary, cannot appear here. BinaryNode* prop = &item->as(); if (!prop->right()->getConstantValue(cx, allowObjects, &value)) return false; if (value.isMagic(JS_GENERIC_MAGIC)) { vp.setMagic(JS_GENERIC_MAGIC); return true; } ParseNode* key = prop->left(); if (key->isKind(PNK_NUMBER)) { idvalue = NumberValue(key->as().value()); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(key->isKind(PNK_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME) || key->isKind(PNK_STRING)); MOZ_ASSERT(key->as().atom() != cx->names().proto); idvalue = StringValue(key->as().atom()); } RootedId id(cx); if (!ValueToId(cx, idvalue, &id)) return false; if (!properties.append(IdValuePair(id, value))) return false; } JSObject* obj = ObjectGroup::newPlainObject(cx, properties.begin(), properties.length(), newKind); if (!obj) return false; if (!CombinePlainObjectPropertyTypes(cx, obj, compare, ncompare)) return false; vp.setObject(*obj); return true; } default: MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected node"); } return false; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSingletonInitialiser(ParseNode* pn) { NewObjectKind newKind = (pn->getKind() == PNK_OBJECT) ? SingletonObject : TenuredObject; RootedValue value(cx); if (!pn->getConstantValue(cx, ParseNode::AllowObjects, &value, nullptr, 0, newKind)) return false; MOZ_ASSERT_IF(newKind == SingletonObject, value.toObject().isSingleton()); ObjectBox* objbox = parser->newObjectBox(&value.toObject()); if (!objbox) return false; return emitObjectOp(objbox, JSOP_OBJECT); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCallSiteObject(CallSiteNode* callSiteObj) { RootedValue value(cx); if (!callSiteObj->getConstantValue(cx, ParseNode::AllowObjects, &value)) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(value.isObject()); ObjectBox* objbox1 = parser->newObjectBox(&value.toObject()); if (!objbox1) return false; if (!callSiteObj->getRawArrayValue(cx, &value)) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(value.isObject()); ObjectBox* objbox2 = parser->newObjectBox(&value.toObject()); if (!objbox2) return false; return emitObjectPairOp(objbox1, objbox2, JSOP_CALLSITEOBJ); } /* See the SRC_FOR source note offsetBias comments later in this file. */ JS_STATIC_ASSERT(JSOP_NOP_LENGTH == 1); JS_STATIC_ASSERT(JSOP_POP_LENGTH == 1); namespace { class EmitLevelManager { BytecodeEmitter* bce; public: explicit EmitLevelManager(BytecodeEmitter* bce) : bce(bce) { bce->emitLevel++; } ~EmitLevelManager() { bce->emitLevel--; } }; } /* anonymous namespace */ bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCatch(TernaryNode* catchNode) { // We must be nested under a try-finally statement. TryFinallyControl& controlInfo = innermostNestableControl->as(); /* Pick up the pending exception and bind it to the catch variable. */ if (!emit1(JSOP_EXCEPTION)) return false; /* * Dup the exception object if there is a guard for rethrowing to use * it later when rethrowing or in other catches. */ if (catchNode->kid2() && !emit1(JSOP_DUP)) return false; ParseNode* pn2 = catchNode->kid1(); if (!pn2) { // See ES2019 13.15.7 Runtime Semantics: CatchClauseEvaluation // Catch variable was omitted: discard the exception. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; } else { switch (pn2->getKind()) { case PNK_ARRAY: case PNK_OBJECT: if (!emitDestructuringOps(&pn2->as(), DestructuringDeclaration)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; break; case PNK_NAME: if (!emitLexicalInitialization(&pn2->as())) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; break; default: MOZ_ASSERT(0); } } // If there is a guard expression, emit it and arrange to jump to the next // catch block if the guard expression is false. if (catchNode->kid2()) { if (!emitTree(catchNode->kid2())) return false; // If the guard expression is false, fall through, pop the block scope, // and jump to the next catch block. Otherwise jump over that code and // pop the dupped exception. JumpList guardCheck; if (!emitJump(JSOP_IFNE, &guardCheck)) return false; { NonLocalExitControl nle(this, NonLocalExitControl::Throw); // Move exception back to cx->exception to prepare for // the next catch. if (!emit1(JSOP_THROWING)) return false; // Leave the scope for this catch block. if (!nle.prepareForNonLocalJump(&controlInfo)) return false; // Jump to the next handler added by emitTry. if (!emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &controlInfo.guardJump)) return false; } // Back to normal control flow. if (!emitJumpTargetAndPatch(guardCheck)) return false; // Pop duplicated exception object as we no longer need it. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; } /* Emit the catch body. */ return emitTree(catchNode->kid3()); } // Using MOZ_NEVER_INLINE in here is a workaround for llvm.org/pr14047. See the // comment on EmitSwitch. MOZ_NEVER_INLINE bool BytecodeEmitter::emitTry(TryNode* tryNode) { ListNode* catchList = tryNode->catchList(); ParseNode* finallyNode = tryNode->finallyBlock(); TryEmitter::Kind kind; if (catchList) { if (finallyNode) kind = TryEmitter::TryCatchFinally; else kind = TryEmitter::TryCatch; } else { MOZ_ASSERT(finallyNode); kind = TryEmitter::TryFinally; } TryEmitter tryCatch(this, kind); if (!tryCatch.emitTry()) return false; if (!emitTree(tryNode->body())) return false; // If this try has a catch block, emit it. if (catchList) { // The emitted code for a catch block looks like: // // [pushlexicalenv] only if any local aliased // exception // if there is a catchguard: // dup // setlocal 0; pop assign or possibly destructure exception // if there is a catchguard: // < catchguard code > // ifne POST // debugleaveblock // [poplexicalenv] only if any local aliased // throwing pop exception to cx->exception // goto // POST: pop // < catch block contents > // debugleaveblock // [poplexicalenv] only if any local aliased // goto non-local; finally applies // // If there's no catch block without a catchguard, the last points to rethrow code. This code will [gosub] to the finally // code if appropriate, and is also used for the catch-all trynote for // capturing exceptions thrown from catch{} blocks. // for (ParseNode* scopeNode : catchList->contents()) { LexicalScopeNode* catchScope = &scopeNode->as(); if (!tryCatch.emitCatch()) return false; // Emit the lexical scope and catch body. if (!emitTree(catchScope)) return false; } } // Emit the finally handler, if there is one. if (finallyNode) { if (!tryCatch.emitFinally(Some(finallyNode->pn_pos.begin))) return false; if (!emitTree(finallyNode)) return false; } if (!tryCatch.emitEnd()) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitIf(TernaryNode* ifNode) { IfEmitter ifThenElse(this); if_again: /* Emit code for the condition before pushing stmtInfo. */ if (!emitTreeInBranch(ifNode->kid1())) return false; ParseNode* elseNode = ifNode->kid3(); if (elseNode) { if (!ifThenElse.emitThenElse()) return false; } else { if (!ifThenElse.emitThen()) return false; } /* Emit code for the then part. */ if (!emitTreeInBranch(ifNode->kid2())) return false; if (elseNode) { if (elseNode->isKind(PNK_IF)) { ifNode = &elseNode->as(); if (!ifThenElse.emitElseIf()) return false; goto if_again; } if (!ifThenElse.emitElse()) return false; /* Emit code for the else part. */ if (!emitTreeInBranch(elseNode)) return false; } if (!ifThenElse.emitEnd()) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitHoistedFunctionsInList(ListNode* stmtList) { MOZ_ASSERT(stmtList->hasTopLevelFunctionDeclarations()); for (ParseNode* stmt : stmtList->contents()) { ParseNode* maybeFun = stmt; if (!sc->strict()) { while (maybeFun->isKind(PNK_LABEL)) maybeFun = maybeFun->as().statement(); } if (maybeFun->is() && maybeFun->as().functionIsHoisted()) { if (!emitTree(maybeFun)) return false; } } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitLexicalScopeBody(ParseNode* body, EmitLineNumberNote emitLineNote) { if (body->isKind(PNK_STATEMENTLIST) && body->as().hasTopLevelFunctionDeclarations()) { // This block contains function statements whose definitions are // hoisted to the top of the block. Emit these as a separate pass // before the rest of the block. if (!emitHoistedFunctionsInList(&body->as())) return false; } // Line notes were updated by emitLexicalScope. return emitTree(body, ValueUsage::WantValue, emitLineNote); } // Using MOZ_NEVER_INLINE in here is a workaround for llvm.org/pr14047. See // the comment on emitSwitch. MOZ_NEVER_INLINE bool BytecodeEmitter::emitLexicalScope(LexicalScopeNode* lexicalScope) { LexicalScopeEmitter lse(this); ParseNode* body = lexicalScope->scopeBody(); if (lexicalScope->isEmptyScope()) { if (!lse.emitEmptyScope()) return false; if (!emitLexicalScopeBody(body)) return false; if (!lse.emitEnd()) return false; return true; } // Update line number notes before emitting TDZ poison in // EmitterScope::enterLexical to avoid spurious pausing on seemingly // non-effectful lines in Debugger. // // For example, consider the following code. // // L1: { // L2: let x = 42; // L3: } // // If line number notes were not updated before the TDZ poison, the TDZ // poison bytecode sequence of 'uninitialized; initlexical' will have line // number L1, and the Debugger will pause there. if (!ParseNodeRequiresSpecialLineNumberNotes(body)) { ParseNode* pnForPos = body; if (body->isKind(PNK_STATEMENTLIST)) { if (ParseNode* pn2 = body->as().head()) { pnForPos = pn2; } } if (!updateLineNumberNotes(pnForPos->pn_pos.begin)) return false; } ScopeKind kind; if (body->isKind(PNK_CATCH)) { TernaryNode* catchNode = &body->as(); kind = (!catchNode->kid1() || catchNode->kid1()->isKind(PNK_NAME)) ? ScopeKind::SimpleCatch : ScopeKind::Catch; } else kind = ScopeKind::Lexical; if (!lse.emitScope(kind, lexicalScope->scopeBindings())) return false; if (body->isKind(PNK_FOR)) { // for loops need to emit {FRESHEN,RECREATE}LEXICALENV if there are // lexical declarations in the head. Signal this by passing a // non-nullptr lexical scope. if (!emitFor(&body->as(), &lse.emitterScope())) return false; } else { if (!emitLexicalScopeBody(body, SUPPRESS_LINENOTE)) return false; } return lse.emitEnd(); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitWith(BinaryNode* withNode) { // Ensure that the column of the 'with' is set properly. if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(withNode->pn_pos.begin)) { return false; } if (!emitTree(withNode->left())) return false; EmitterScope emitterScope(this); if (!emitterScope.enterWith(this)) return false; if (!emitTree(withNode->right())) return false; return emitterScope.leave(this); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitRequireObjectCoercible() { // For simplicity, handle this in self-hosted code, at cost of 13 bytes of // bytecode versus 1 byte for a dedicated opcode. As more places need this // behavior, we may want to reconsider this tradeoff. #ifdef DEBUG auto depth = this->stackDepth; #endif MOZ_ASSERT(depth > 0); // VAL if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // VAL VAL return false; // Note that "intrinsic" is a misnomer: we're calling a *self-hosted* // function that's not an intrinsic! But it nonetheless works as desired. if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().RequireObjectCoercible, JSOP_GETINTRINSIC)) // VAL VAL REQUIREOBJECTCOERCIBLE { return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // VAL VAL REQUIREOBJECTCOERCIBLE UNDEFINED return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_PICK, 2)) // VAL REQUIREOBJECTCOERCIBLE UNDEFINED VAL return false; if (!emitCall(JSOP_CALL_IGNORES_RV, 1))// VAL IGNORED return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // VAL return false; MOZ_ASSERT(depth == this->stackDepth); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCopyDataProperties(CopyOption option) { DebugOnly depth = this->stackDepth; uint32_t argc; if (option == CopyOption::Filtered) { MOZ_ASSERT(depth > 2); // TARGET SOURCE SET argc = 3; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().CopyDataProperties, JSOP_GETINTRINSIC)) // TARGET SOURCE SET COPYDATAPROPERTIES { return false; } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(depth > 1); // TARGET SOURCE argc = 2; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().CopyDataPropertiesUnfiltered, JSOP_GETINTRINSIC)) // TARGET SOURCE COPYDATAPROPERTIES { return false; } } if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // TARGET SOURCE *SET COPYDATAPROPERTIES UNDEFINED return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_PICK, argc + 1)) // SOURCE *SET COPYDATAPROPERTIES UNDEFINED TARGET return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_PICK, argc + 1)) // *SET COPYDATAPROPERTIES UNDEFINED TARGET SOURCE return false; if (option == CopyOption::Filtered) { if (!emit2(JSOP_PICK, argc + 1)) // COPYDATAPROPERTIES UNDEFINED TARGET SOURCE SET return false; } if (!emitCall(JSOP_CALL_IGNORES_RV, argc)) // IGNORED return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // - return false; MOZ_ASSERT(depth - int(argc) == this->stackDepth); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitBigIntOp(BigInt* bigint) { if (!constList.append(BigIntValue(bigint))) { return false; } return emitIndex32(JSOP_BIGINT, constList.length() - 1); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitIterator() { // Convert iterable to iterator. if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // OBJ OBJ return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_SYMBOL, uint8_t(JS::SymbolCode::iterator))) // OBJ OBJ @@ITERATOR return false; if (!emitElemOpBase(JSOP_CALLELEM)) // OBJ ITERFN return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ITERFN OBJ return false; if (!emitCall(JSOP_CALLITER, 0)) // ITER return false; if (!emitCheckIsObj(CheckIsObjectKind::GetIterator)) // ITER return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitAsyncIterator() { // Convert iterable to iterator. if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // OBJ OBJ return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_SYMBOL, uint8_t(JS::SymbolCode::asyncIterator))) // OBJ OBJ @@ASYNCITERATOR return false; if (!emitElemOpBase(JSOP_CALLELEM)) // OBJ ITERFN return false; InternalIfEmitter ifAsyncIterIsUndefined(this); if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // OBJ ITERFN ITERFN return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // OBJ ITERFN ITERFN UNDEF return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_EQ)) // OBJ ITERFN EQ return false; if (!ifAsyncIterIsUndefined.emitThenElse()) // OBJ ITERFN return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // OBJ return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // OBJ OBJ return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_SYMBOL, uint8_t(JS::SymbolCode::iterator))) // OBJ OBJ @@ITERATOR return false; if (!emitElemOpBase(JSOP_CALLELEM)) // OBJ ITERFN return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ITERFN OBJ return false; if (!emitCall(JSOP_CALLITER, 0)) // ITER return false; if (!emitCheckIsObj(CheckIsObjectKind::GetIterator)) // ITER return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_TOASYNCITER)) // ITER return false; if (!ifAsyncIterIsUndefined.emitElse()) // OBJ ITERFN return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ITERFN OBJ return false; if (!emitCall(JSOP_CALLITER, 0)) // ITER return false; if (!emitCheckIsObj(CheckIsObjectKind::GetIterator)) // ITER return false; if (!ifAsyncIterIsUndefined.emitEnd()) // ITER return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSpread(bool allowSelfHosted) { LoopControl loopInfo(this, StatementKind::Spread); // Jump down to the loop condition to minimize overhead assuming at least // one iteration, as the other loop forms do. Annotate so IonMonkey can // find the loop-closing jump. unsigned noteIndex; if (!newSrcNote(SRC_FOR_OF, ¬eIndex)) return false; // Jump down to the loop condition to minimize overhead, assuming at least // one iteration. (This is also what we do for loops; whether this // assumption holds for spreads is an unanswered question.) JumpList initialJump; if (!emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &initialJump)) // ITER ARR I (during the goto) return false; JumpTarget top{ -1 }; if (!emitLoopHead(nullptr, &top)) // ITER ARR I return false; // When we enter the goto above, we have ITER ARR I on the stack. But when // we reach this point on the loop backedge (if spreading produces at least // one value), we've additionally pushed a RESULT iteration value. // Increment manually to reflect this. this->stackDepth++; JumpList beq; JumpTarget breakTarget{ -1 }; { #ifdef DEBUG auto loopDepth = this->stackDepth; #endif // Emit code to assign result.value to the iteration variable. if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().value, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ITER ARR I VALUE return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_INITELEM_INC)) // ITER ARR (I+1) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth == loopDepth - 1); // Spread operations can't contain |continue|, so don't bother setting loop // and enclosing "update" offsets, as we do with for-loops. // COME FROM the beginning of the loop to here. if (!emitLoopEntry(nullptr, initialJump)) // ITER ARR I return false; if (!emitDupAt(2)) // ITER ARR I ITER return false; if (!emitIteratorNext(nullptr, IteratorKind::Sync, allowSelfHosted)) // ITER ARR I RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ITER ARR I RESULT RESULT return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().done, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ITER ARR I RESULT DONE return false; if (!emitBackwardJump(JSOP_IFEQ, top, &beq, &breakTarget)) // ITER ARR I RESULT return false; MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth == loopDepth); } // Let Ion know where the closing jump of this loop is. if (!setSrcNoteOffset(noteIndex, 0, beq.offset - initialJump.offset)) return false; // No breaks or continues should occur in spreads. MOZ_ASSERT(loopInfo.breaks.offset == -1); MOZ_ASSERT(loopInfo.continues.offset == -1); if (!tryNoteList.append(JSTRY_FOR_OF, stackDepth, top.offset, breakTarget.offset)) return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_PICK, 3)) // ARR FINAL_INDEX RESULT ITER return false; return emitUint16Operand(JSOP_POPN, 2); // ARR FINAL_INDEX } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitInitializeForInOrOfTarget(TernaryNode* forHead) { MOZ_ASSERT(forHead->isKind(PNK_FORIN) || forHead->isKind(PNK_FOROF)); MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth >= 1, "must have a per-iteration value for initializing"); ParseNode* target = forHead->kid1(); MOZ_ASSERT(!forHead->kid2()); // If the for-in/of loop didn't have a variable declaration, per-loop // initialization is just assigning the iteration value to a target // expression. if (!parser->handler.isDeclarationList(target)) return emitAssignmentOrInit(PNK_ASSIGN, JSOP_NOP, target, nullptr); // ... ITERVAL // Otherwise, per-loop initialization is (possibly) declaration // initialization. If the declaration is a lexical declaration, it must be // initialized. If the declaration is a variable declaration, an // assignment to that name (which does *not* necessarily assign to the // variable!) must be generated. if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(target->pn_pos.begin)) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(target->isForLoopDeclaration()); target = parser->handler.singleBindingFromDeclaration(&target->as()); NameNode* nameNode = nullptr; if (target->isKind(PNK_NAME)) { nameNode = &target->as(); } else if (target->isKind(PNK_ASSIGN) || target->isKind(PNK_INITPROP)) { BinaryNode* assignNode = &target->as(); if (assignNode->left()->is()) { nameNode = &assignNode->left()->as(); } } if (nameNode) { NameOpEmitter noe(this, nameNode->name(), NameOpEmitter::Kind::Initialize); if (!noe.prepareForRhs()) { return false; } if (noe.emittedBindOp()) { // Per-iteration initialization in for-in/of loops computes the // iteration value *before* initializing. Thus the initializing // value may be buried under a bind-specific value on the stack. // Swap it to the top of the stack. MOZ_ASSERT(stackDepth >= 2); if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) { return false; } } else { // In cases of emitting a frame slot or environment slot, // nothing needs be done. MOZ_ASSERT(stackDepth >= 1); } if (!noe.emitAssignment()) { return false; } // The caller handles removing the iteration value from the stack. return true; } MOZ_ASSERT(!target->isKind(PNK_ASSIGN) && !target->isKind(PNK_INITPROP), "for-in/of loop destructuring declarations can't have initializers"); MOZ_ASSERT(target->isKind(PNK_ARRAY) || target->isKind(PNK_OBJECT)); return emitDestructuringOps(&target->as(), DestructuringDeclaration); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitForOf(ForNode* forNode, const EmitterScope* headLexicalEmitterScope) { MOZ_ASSERT(forNode->isKind(PNK_FOR)); TernaryNode* forOfHead = forNode->head(); MOZ_ASSERT(forOfHead->isKind(PNK_FOROF)); unsigned iflags = forNode->iflags(); IteratorKind iterKind = (iflags & JSITER_FORAWAITOF) ? IteratorKind::Async : IteratorKind::Sync; MOZ_ASSERT_IF(iterKind == IteratorKind::Async, sc->asFunctionBox()); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(iterKind == IteratorKind::Async, sc->asFunctionBox()->isAsync()); ParseNode* forHeadExpr = forOfHead->kid3(); // Certain builtins (e.g. Array.from) are implemented in self-hosting // as for-of loops. bool allowSelfHostedIter = false; if (emitterMode == BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting && forHeadExpr->isKind(PNK_CALL) && forHeadExpr->as().left()->name() == cx->names().allowContentIter) { allowSelfHostedIter = true; } // Evaluate the expression being iterated. if (!emitTree(forHeadExpr)) // ITERABLE return false; if (iterKind == IteratorKind::Async) { if (!emitAsyncIterator()) // ITER return false; } else { if (!emitIterator()) // ITER return false; } int32_t iterDepth = stackDepth; // For-of loops have both the iterator, the result, and the result.value // on the stack. Push undefineds to balance the stack. if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ITER RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; ForOfLoopControl loopInfo(this, iterDepth, allowSelfHostedIter, iterKind); // Annotate so IonMonkey can find the loop-closing jump. unsigned noteIndex; if (!newSrcNote(SRC_FOR_OF, ¬eIndex)) return false; JumpList initialJump; if (!emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &initialJump)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; JumpTarget top{ -1 }; if (!emitLoopHead(nullptr, &top)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; // If the loop had an escaping lexical declaration, replace the current // environment with an dead zoned one to implement TDZ semantics. if (headLexicalEmitterScope) { // The environment chain only includes an environment for the for-of // loop head *if* a scope binding is captured, thereby requiring // recreation each iteration. If a lexical scope exists for the head, // it must be the innermost one. If that scope has closed-over // bindings inducing an environment, recreate the current environment. DebugOnly forOfTarget = forOfHead->kid1(); MOZ_ASSERT(forOfTarget->isKind(PNK_LET) || forOfTarget->isKind(PNK_CONST)); MOZ_ASSERT(headLexicalEmitterScope == innermostEmitterScope()); MOZ_ASSERT(headLexicalEmitterScope->scope(this)->kind() == ScopeKind::Lexical); if (headLexicalEmitterScope->hasEnvironment()) { if (!emit1(JSOP_RECREATELEXICALENV)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; } // For uncaptured bindings, put them back in TDZ. if (!headLexicalEmitterScope->deadZoneFrameSlots(this)) return false; } JumpList beq; JumpTarget breakTarget{ -1 }; { #ifdef DEBUG auto loopDepth = this->stackDepth; #endif // Emit code to assign result.value to the iteration variable. // // Note that ES, step 5.c says getting result.value does not // call IteratorClose, so start JSTRY_ITERCLOSE after the GETPROP. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ITER RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ITER RESULT RESULT return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().value, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ITER RESULT VALUE return false; if (!loopInfo.emitBeginCodeNeedingIteratorClose(this)) return false; if (!emitInitializeForInOrOfTarget(forOfHead)) // ITER RESULT VALUE return false; MOZ_ASSERT(stackDepth == loopDepth, "the stack must be balanced around the initializing " "operation"); // Remove VALUE from the stack to release it. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ITER RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; // Perform the loop body. ParseNode* forBody = forNode->body(); if (!emitTree(forBody)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; MOZ_ASSERT(stackDepth == loopDepth, "the stack must be balanced around the for-of body"); if (!loopInfo.emitEndCodeNeedingIteratorClose(this)) return false; // Set offset for continues. loopInfo.continueTarget = { offset() }; if (!emitLoopEntry(forHeadExpr, initialJump)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ITER UNDEF RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ITER UNDEF return false; if (!emitDupAt(1)) // ITER UNDEF ITER return false; if (!emitIteratorNext(forOfHead, iterKind, allowSelfHostedIter)) // ITER UNDEF RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; if (!emitDupAt(1)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF RESULT return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().done, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF DONE return false; if (!emitBackwardJump(JSOP_IFEQ, top, &beq, &breakTarget)) return false; // ITER RESULT UNDEF MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth == loopDepth); } // Let Ion know where the closing jump of this loop is. if (!setSrcNoteOffset(noteIndex, 0, beq.offset - initialJump.offset)) return false; if (!loopInfo.patchBreaksAndContinues(this)) return false; if (!tryNoteList.append(JSTRY_FOR_OF, stackDepth, top.offset, breakTarget.offset)) return false; return emitUint16Operand(JSOP_POPN, 3); // } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitForIn(ForNode* forNode, const EmitterScope* headLexicalEmitterScope) { MOZ_ASSERT(forNode->isKind(PNK_FOR)); MOZ_ASSERT(forNode->isOp(JSOP_ITER)); TernaryNode* forInHead = forNode->head(); MOZ_ASSERT(forInHead->isKind(PNK_FORIN)); // Annex B: Evaluate the var-initializer expression if present. // |for (var i = initializer in expr) { ... }| ParseNode* forInTarget = forInHead->kid1(); if (parser->handler.isDeclarationList(forInTarget)) { ParseNode* decl = parser->handler.singleBindingFromDeclaration(&forInTarget->as()); if (decl->isKind(PNK_NAME)) { if (ParseNode* initializer = decl->as().initializer()) { MOZ_ASSERT(forInTarget->isKind(PNK_VAR), "for-in initializers are only permitted for |var| declarations"); if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(decl->pn_pos.begin)) return false; NameOpEmitter noe(this, decl->name(), NameOpEmitter::Kind::Initialize); if (!noe.prepareForRhs()) { return false; } if (!emitInitializer(initializer, decl)) { return false; } if (!noe.emitAssignment()) { return false; } // Pop the initializer. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; } } } // Evaluate the expression being iterated. ParseNode* expr = forInHead->kid3(); if (!emitTree(expr)) // EXPR return false; // Convert the value to the appropriate sort of iterator object for the // loop variant (for-in, for-each-in, or destructuring for-in). unsigned iflags = forNode->iflags(); MOZ_ASSERT(0 == (iflags & ~(JSITER_FOREACH | JSITER_ENUMERATE))); if (!emit2(JSOP_ITER, AssertedCast(iflags))) // ITER return false; // For-in loops have both the iterator and the value on the stack. Push // undefined to balance the stack. if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ITER ITERVAL return false; LoopControl loopInfo(this, StatementKind::ForInLoop); /* Annotate so IonMonkey can find the loop-closing jump. */ unsigned noteIndex; if (!newSrcNote(SRC_FOR_IN, ¬eIndex)) return false; // Jump down to the loop condition to minimize overhead (assuming at least // one iteration, just like the other loop forms). JumpList initialJump; if (!emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &initialJump)) // ITER ITERVAL return false; JumpTarget top{ -1 }; if (!emitLoopHead(nullptr, &top)) // ITER ITERVAL return false; // If the loop had an escaping lexical declaration, replace the current // environment with an dead zoned one to implement TDZ semantics. if (headLexicalEmitterScope) { // The environment chain only includes an environment for the for-in // loop head *if* a scope binding is captured, thereby requiring // recreation each iteration. If a lexical scope exists for the head, // it must be the innermost one. If that scope has closed-over // bindings inducing an environment, recreate the current environment. MOZ_ASSERT(forInTarget->isKind(PNK_LET) || forInTarget->isKind(PNK_CONST)); MOZ_ASSERT(headLexicalEmitterScope == innermostEmitterScope()); MOZ_ASSERT(headLexicalEmitterScope->scope(this)->kind() == ScopeKind::Lexical); if (headLexicalEmitterScope->hasEnvironment()) { if (!emit1(JSOP_RECREATELEXICALENV)) // ITER ITERVAL return false; } // For uncaptured bindings, put them back in TDZ. if (!headLexicalEmitterScope->deadZoneFrameSlots(this)) return false; } { #ifdef DEBUG auto loopDepth = this->stackDepth; #endif MOZ_ASSERT(loopDepth >= 2); if (!emitInitializeForInOrOfTarget(forInHead)) // ITER ITERVAL return false; MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth == loopDepth, "iterator and iterval must be left on the stack"); } // Perform the loop body. ParseNode* forBody = forNode->body(); if (!emitTree(forBody)) // ITER ITERVAL return false; // Set offset for continues. loopInfo.continueTarget = { offset() }; if (!emitLoopEntry(nullptr, initialJump)) // ITER ITERVAL return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ITER return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_MOREITER)) // ITER NEXTITERVAL? return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_ISNOITER)) // ITER NEXTITERVAL? ISNOITER return false; JumpList beq; JumpTarget breakTarget{ -1 }; if (!emitBackwardJump(JSOP_IFEQ, top, &beq, &breakTarget)) return false; // ITER NEXTITERVAL // Set the srcnote offset so we can find the closing jump. if (!setSrcNoteOffset(noteIndex, 0, beq.offset - initialJump.offset)) return false; if (!loopInfo.patchBreaksAndContinues(this)) return false; // Pop the enumeration value. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ITER return false; if (!tryNoteList.append(JSTRY_FOR_IN, this->stackDepth, top.offset, offset())) return false; return emit1(JSOP_ENDITER); // } /* C-style `for (init; cond; update) ...` loop. */ bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCStyleFor(ForNode* forNode, const EmitterScope* headLexicalEmitterScope) { LoopControl loopInfo(this, StatementKind::ForLoop); TernaryNode* forHead = forNode->head(); ParseNode* forBody = forNode->body(); // If the head of this for-loop declared any lexical variables, the parser // wrapped this PNK_FOR node in a PNK_LEXICALSCOPE representing the // implicit scope of those variables. By the time we get here, we have // already entered that scope. So far, so good. // // ### Scope freshening // // Each iteration of a `for (let V...)` loop creates a fresh loop variable // binding for V, even if the loop is a C-style `for(;;)` loop: // // var funcs = []; // for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) // funcs.push(function() { return i; }); // assertEq(funcs[0](), 0); // the two closures capture... // assertEq(funcs[1](), 1); // ...two different `i` bindings // // This is implemented by "freshening" the implicit block -- changing the // scope chain to a fresh clone of the instantaneous block object -- each // iteration, just before evaluating the "update" in for(;;) loops. // // No freshening occurs in `for (const ...;;)` as there's no point: you // can't reassign consts. This is observable through the Debugger API. (The // ES6 spec also skips cloning the environment in this case.) bool forLoopRequiresFreshening = false; if (ParseNode* init = forHead->kid1()) { // Emit the `init` clause, whether it's an expression or a variable // declaration. (The loop variables were hoisted into an enclosing // scope, but we still need to emit code for the initializers.) if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(init->pn_pos.begin)) return false; if (init->isForLoopDeclaration()) { if (!emitTree(init)) return false; } else { // 'init' is an expression, not a declaration. emitTree left its // value on the stack. if (!emitTree(init, ValueUsage::IgnoreValue)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; } // ES step 2. The initial freshening. // // If an initializer let-declaration may be captured during loop iteration, // the current scope has an environment. If so, freshen the current // environment to expose distinct bindings for each loop iteration. forLoopRequiresFreshening = init->isKind(PNK_LET) && headLexicalEmitterScope; if (forLoopRequiresFreshening) { // The environment chain only includes an environment for the for(;;) // loop head's let-declaration *if* a scope binding is captured, thus // requiring a fresh environment each iteration. If a lexical scope // exists for the head, it must be the innermost one. If that scope // has closed-over bindings inducing an environment, recreate the // current environment. MOZ_ASSERT(headLexicalEmitterScope == innermostEmitterScope()); MOZ_ASSERT(headLexicalEmitterScope->scope(this)->kind() == ScopeKind::Lexical); if (headLexicalEmitterScope->hasEnvironment()) { if (!emit1(JSOP_FRESHENLEXICALENV)) return false; } } } /* * NB: the SRC_FOR note has offsetBias 1 (JSOP_NOP_LENGTH). * Use tmp to hold the biased srcnote "top" offset, which differs * from the top local variable by the length of the JSOP_GOTO * emitted in between tmp and top if this loop has a condition. */ unsigned noteIndex; if (!newSrcNote(SRC_FOR, ¬eIndex)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_NOP)) return false; ptrdiff_t tmp = offset(); JumpList jmp; if (forHead->kid2()) { /* Goto the loop condition, which branches back to iterate. */ if (!emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &jmp)) return false; } /* Emit code for the loop body. */ JumpTarget top{ -1 }; if (!emitLoopHead(forBody, &top)) return false; if (jmp.offset == -1 && !emitLoopEntry(forBody, jmp)) return false; if (!emitTreeInBranch(forBody)) return false; // Set loop and enclosing "update" offsets, for continue. Note that we // continue to immediately *before* the block-freshening: continuing must // refresh the block. if (!emitJumpTarget(&loopInfo.continueTarget)) return false; // ES step 3.e. The per-iteration freshening. if (forLoopRequiresFreshening) { MOZ_ASSERT(headLexicalEmitterScope == innermostEmitterScope()); MOZ_ASSERT(headLexicalEmitterScope->scope(this)->kind() == ScopeKind::Lexical); if (headLexicalEmitterScope->hasEnvironment()) { if (!emit1(JSOP_FRESHENLEXICALENV)) return false; } } // Check for update code to do before the condition (if any). // The update code may not be executed at all; it needs its own TDZ cache. if (ParseNode* update = forHead->kid3()) { TDZCheckCache tdzCache(this); if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(update->pn_pos.begin)) return false; if (!emitTree(update, ValueUsage::IgnoreValue)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; /* Restore the absolute line number for source note readers. */ uint32_t lineNum = parser->tokenStream.srcCoords.lineNum(forNode->pn_pos.end); if (currentLine() != lineNum) { if (!newSrcNote2(SRC_SETLINE, ptrdiff_t(lineNum))) return false; current->currentLine = lineNum; current->lastColumn = 0; } } ptrdiff_t tmp3 = offset(); if (forHead->kid2()) { /* Fix up the goto from top to target the loop condition. */ MOZ_ASSERT(jmp.offset >= 0); if (!emitLoopEntry(forHead->kid2(), jmp)) return false; if (!emitTree(forHead->kid2())) return false; } else if (!forHead->kid3()) { // If there is no condition clause and no update clause, mark // the loop-ending "goto" with the location of the "for". // This ensures that the debugger will stop on each loop // iteration. if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(forNode->pn_pos.begin)) return false; } /* Set the first note offset so we can find the loop condition. */ if (!setSrcNoteOffset(noteIndex, 0, tmp3 - tmp)) return false; if (!setSrcNoteOffset(noteIndex, 1, loopInfo.continueTarget.offset - tmp)) return false; /* If no loop condition, just emit a loop-closing jump. */ JumpList beq; JumpTarget breakTarget{ -1 }; if (!emitBackwardJump(forHead->kid2() ? JSOP_IFNE : JSOP_GOTO, top, &beq, &breakTarget)) return false; /* The third note offset helps us find the loop-closing jump. */ if (!setSrcNoteOffset(noteIndex, 2, beq.offset - tmp)) return false; if (!tryNoteList.append(JSTRY_LOOP, stackDepth, top.offset, breakTarget.offset)) return false; if (!loopInfo.patchBreaksAndContinues(this)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitFor(ForNode* forNode, const EmitterScope* headLexicalEmitterScope) { MOZ_ASSERT(forNode->isKind(PNK_FOR)); if (forNode->head()->isKind(PNK_FORHEAD)) return emitCStyleFor(forNode, headLexicalEmitterScope); if (!updateLineNumberNotes(forNode->pn_pos.begin)) return false; if (forNode->head()->isKind(PNK_FORIN)) return emitForIn(forNode, headLexicalEmitterScope); MOZ_ASSERT(forNode->head()->isKind(PNK_FOROF)); return emitForOf(forNode, headLexicalEmitterScope); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitComprehensionForInOrOfVariables(ParseNode* pn, bool* lexicalScope) { // ES6 specifies that lexical for-loop variables get a fresh binding each // iteration, and that evaluation of the expression looped over occurs with // these variables dead zoned. But these rules only apply to *standard* // for-in/of loops, and we haven't extended these requirements to // comprehension syntax. *lexicalScope = pn->is(); if (*lexicalScope) { // This is initially-ES7-tracked syntax, now with considerably murkier // outlook. The scope work is done by the caller by instantiating an // EmitterScope. There's nothing to do here. } else { // This is legacy comprehension syntax. We'll have PNK_LET here, using // a lexical scope provided by/for the entire comprehension. Name // analysis assumes declarations initialize lets, but as we're handling // this declaration manually, we must also initialize manually to avoid // triggering dead zone checks. MOZ_ASSERT(pn->isKind(PNK_LET)); MOZ_ASSERT(pn->as().count() == 1); if (!emitDeclarationList(&pn->as())) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitComprehensionForOf(ForNode* forNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(forNode->isKind(PNK_COMPREHENSIONFOR)); TernaryNode* forHead = forNode->head(); MOZ_ASSERT(forHead->isKind(PNK_FOROF)); ParseNode* forHeadExpr = forHead->kid3(); ParseNode* forBody = forNode->body(); ParseNode* loopDecl = forHead->kid1(); bool lexicalScope = false; if (!emitComprehensionForInOrOfVariables(loopDecl, &lexicalScope)) return false; // For-of loops run with two values on the stack: the iterator and the // current result object. // Evaluate the expression to the right of 'of'. if (!emitTree(forHeadExpr)) // EXPR return false; if (!emitIterator()) // ITER return false; // Push a dummy result so that we properly enter iteration midstream. if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ITER RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ITER RESULT VALUE return false; // Enter the block before the loop body, after evaluating the obj. // Initialize let bindings with undefined when entering, as the name // assigned to is a plain assignment. TDZCheckCache tdzCache(this); Maybe emitterScope; ParseNode* loopVariableName; if (lexicalScope) { LexicalScopeNode* scopeNode = &loopDecl->as(); loopVariableName = parser->handler.singleBindingFromDeclaration(&scopeNode->scopeBody()->as()); emitterScope.emplace(this); if (!emitterScope->enterComprehensionFor(this, scopeNode->scopeBindings())) return false; } else { loopVariableName = parser->handler.singleBindingFromDeclaration(&loopDecl->as()); } LoopControl loopInfo(this, StatementKind::ForOfLoop); // Jump down to the loop condition to minimize overhead assuming at least // one iteration, as the other loop forms do. Annotate so IonMonkey can // find the loop-closing jump. unsigned noteIndex; if (!newSrcNote(SRC_FOR_OF, ¬eIndex)) return false; JumpList jmp; if (!emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &jmp)) return false; JumpTarget top{ -1 }; if (!emitLoopHead(nullptr, &top)) return false; #ifdef DEBUG int loopDepth = this->stackDepth; #endif // Emit code to assign result.value to the iteration variable. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ITER RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ITER RESULT RESULT return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().value, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ITER RESULT VALUE return false; // Notice: Comprehension for-of doesn't perform IteratorClose, since it's // not in the spec. if (!emitAssignmentOrInit(PNK_ASSIGN, JSOP_NOP, loopVariableName, nullptr)) // ITER RESULT VALUE return false; // Remove VALUE from the stack to release it. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ITER RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; // The stack should be balanced around the assignment opcode sequence. MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth == loopDepth); // Emit code for the loop body. if (!emitTree(forBody)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; // The stack should be balanced around the assignment opcode sequence. MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth == loopDepth); // Set offset for continues. loopInfo.continueTarget = { offset() }; if (!emitLoopEntry(forHeadExpr, jmp)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ITER UNDEF RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ITER UNDEF return false; if (!emitDupAt(1)) // ITER UNDEF ITER return false; if (!emitIteratorNext(forHead)) // ITER UNDEF RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; if (!emitDupAt(1)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF RESULT return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().done, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF DONE return false; JumpList beq; JumpTarget breakTarget{ -1 }; if (!emitBackwardJump(JSOP_IFEQ, top, &beq, &breakTarget)) // ITER RESULT UNDEF return false; MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth == loopDepth); // Let Ion know where the closing jump of this loop is. if (!setSrcNoteOffset(noteIndex, 0, beq.offset - jmp.offset)) return false; if (!loopInfo.patchBreaksAndContinues(this)) return false; if (!tryNoteList.append(JSTRY_FOR_OF, stackDepth, top.offset, breakTarget.offset)) return false; if (emitterScope) { if (!emitterScope->leave(this)) return false; emitterScope.reset(); } // Pop the result and the iter. return emitUint16Operand(JSOP_POPN, 3); // } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitComprehensionForIn(ForNode* forNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(forNode->isKind(PNK_COMPREHENSIONFOR)); TernaryNode* forHead = forNode->head(); MOZ_ASSERT(forHead->isKind(PNK_FORIN)); ParseNode* forBody = forNode->right(); ParseNode* loopDecl = forHead->kid1(); bool lexicalScope = false; if (loopDecl && !emitComprehensionForInOrOfVariables(loopDecl, &lexicalScope)) return false; // Evaluate the expression to the right of 'in'. if (!emitTree(forHead->kid3())) return false; /* * Emit a bytecode to convert top of stack value to the iterator * object depending on the loop variant (for-in, for-each-in, or * destructuring for-in). */ MOZ_ASSERT(forNode->isOp(JSOP_ITER)); if (!emit2(JSOP_ITER, (uint8_t) forNode->iflags())) return false; // For-in loops have both the iterator and the value on the stack. Push // undefined to balance the stack. if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) return false; // Enter the block before the loop body, after evaluating the obj. // Initialize let bindings with undefined when entering, as the name // assigned to is a plain assignment. TDZCheckCache tdzCache(this); Maybe emitterScope; if (lexicalScope) { emitterScope.emplace(this); LexicalScopeNode* scopeNode = &loopDecl->as(); if (!emitterScope->enterComprehensionFor(this, scopeNode->scopeBindings())) return false; } LoopControl loopInfo(this, StatementKind::ForInLoop); /* Annotate so IonMonkey can find the loop-closing jump. */ unsigned noteIndex; if (!newSrcNote(SRC_FOR_IN, ¬eIndex)) return false; /* * Jump down to the loop condition to minimize overhead assuming at * least one iteration, as the other loop forms do. */ JumpList jmp; if (!emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &jmp)) return false; JumpTarget top{ -1 }; if (!emitLoopHead(nullptr, &top)) return false; #ifdef DEBUG int loopDepth = this->stackDepth; #endif // Emit code to assign the enumeration value to the left hand side, but // also leave it on the stack. if (!emitAssignmentOrInit(PNK_ASSIGN, JSOP_NOP, forHead->kid2(), nullptr)) return false; /* The stack should be balanced around the assignment opcode sequence. */ MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth == loopDepth); /* Emit code for the loop body. */ if (!emitTree(forBody)) return false; // Set offset for continues. loopInfo.continueTarget = { offset() }; if (!emitLoopEntry(nullptr, jmp)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_MOREITER)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_ISNOITER)) return false; JumpList beq; JumpTarget breakTarget{ -1 }; if (!emitBackwardJump(JSOP_IFEQ, top, &beq, &breakTarget)) return false; /* Set the srcnote offset so we can find the closing jump. */ if (!setSrcNoteOffset(noteIndex, 0, beq.offset - jmp.offset)) return false; if (!loopInfo.patchBreaksAndContinues(this)) return false; // Pop the enumeration value. if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; JumpTarget endIter{ offset() }; if (!tryNoteList.append(JSTRY_FOR_IN, this->stackDepth, top.offset, endIter.offset)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_ENDITER)) return false; if (emitterScope) { if (!emitterScope->leave(this)) return false; emitterScope.reset(); } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitComprehensionFor(ForNode* forNode) { TernaryNode* head = forNode->head(); MOZ_ASSERT(head->isKind(PNK_FORIN) || head->isKind(PNK_FOROF)); if (!updateLineNumberNotes(forNode->pn_pos.begin)) return false; return head->isKind(PNK_FORIN) ? emitComprehensionForIn(forNode) : emitComprehensionForOf(forNode); } MOZ_NEVER_INLINE bool BytecodeEmitter::emitFunction(FunctionNode* funNode, bool needsProto /* = false */, ListNode* classContentsIfConstructor /* = nullptr */) { FunctionBox* funbox = funNode->funbox(); RootedFunction fun(cx, funbox->function()); MOZ_ASSERT((classContentsIfConstructor != nullptr) == (funbox->function()->kind() == JSFunction::FunctionKind::ClassConstructor)); // [stack] FunctionEmitter fe(this, funbox, funNode->syntaxKind(), funNode->functionIsHoisted()); /* * Set the |wasEmitted| flag in the funbox once the function has been * emitted. Function definitions that need hoisting to the top of the * function will be seen by emitFunction in two places. */ if (funbox->wasEmitted) { if (!fe.emitAgain()) { // [stack] return false; } MOZ_ASSERT_IF(fun->hasScript(), fun->nonLazyScript()); MOZ_ASSERT(funNode->functionIsHoisted()); return true; } if (fun->isInterpreted()) { if (fun->isInterpretedLazy()) { if (!fe.emitLazy()) { // [stack] FUN? return false; } if (classContentsIfConstructor) { fun->lazyScript()->setFieldInitializers(setupFieldInitializers(classContentsIfConstructor, FieldPlacement::Instance)); } return true; } if (!fe.prepareForNonLazy()) { // [stack] return false; } // Inherit most things (principals, version, etc) from the // parent. Use default values for the rest. Rooted parent(cx, script); MOZ_ASSERT(parent->getVersion() == parser->options().version); MOZ_ASSERT(parent->mutedErrors() == parser->options().mutedErrors()); const TransitiveCompileOptions& transitiveOptions = parser->options(); CompileOptions options(cx, transitiveOptions); Rooted sourceObject(cx, script->sourceObject()); Rooted script(cx, JSScript::Create(cx, options, sourceObject, funbox->bufStart, funbox->bufEnd, funbox->toStringStart, funbox->toStringEnd)); if (!script) return false; FieldInitializers fieldInitializers = FieldInitializers::Invalid(); if (classContentsIfConstructor) { fieldInitializers = setupFieldInitializers(classContentsIfConstructor, FieldPlacement::Instance); } BytecodeEmitter bce2(this, parser, funbox, script, /* lazyScript = */ nullptr, funNode->pn_pos, emitterMode, fieldInitializers); if (!bce2.init()) return false; /* We measured the max scope depth when we parsed the function. */ if (!bce2.emitFunctionScript(funNode)) return false; // fieldInitializers are copied to the JSScript inside BytecodeEmitter if (funbox->isLikelyConstructorWrapper()) { script->setLikelyConstructorWrapper(); } if (!fe.emitNonLazyEnd()) { // [stack] FUN? return false; } return true; } if (!fe.emitAsmJSModule()) { // [stack] return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitAsyncWrapperLambda(unsigned index, bool isArrow) { if (isArrow) { if (sc->allowNewTarget()) { if (!emit1(JSOP_NEWTARGET)) return false; } else { if (!emit1(JSOP_NULL)) return false; } if (!emitIndex32(JSOP_LAMBDA_ARROW, index)) return false; } else { if (!emitIndex32(JSOP_LAMBDA, index)) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitAsyncWrapper(unsigned index, bool needsHomeObject, bool isArrow, bool isStarGenerator) { // needsHomeObject can be true for propertyList for extended class. // In that case push both unwrapped and wrapped function, in order to // initialize home object of unwrapped function, and set wrapped function // as a property. // // lambda // unwrapped // dup // unwrapped unwrapped // toasync // unwrapped wrapped // // Emitted code is surrounded by the following code. // // // classObj classCtor classProto // (emitted code) // classObj classCtor classProto unwrapped wrapped // swap // classObj classCtor classProto wrapped unwrapped // inithomeobject 1 // classObj classCtor classProto wrapped unwrapped // // initialize the home object of unwrapped // // with classProto here // pop // classObj classCtor classProto wrapped // inithiddenprop // classObj classCtor classProto wrapped // // initialize the property of the classProto // // with wrapped function here // pop // classObj classCtor classProto // // needsHomeObject is false for other cases, push wrapped function only. if (!emitAsyncWrapperLambda(index, isArrow)) return false; if (needsHomeObject) { if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) return false; } if (isStarGenerator) { if (!emit1(JSOP_TOASYNCGEN)) return false; } else { if (!emit1(JSOP_TOASYNC)) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDo(BinaryNode* doNode) { ParseNode* bodyNode = doNode->left(); ParseNode* condNode = doNode->right(); /* Emit an annotated nop so IonBuilder can recognize the 'do' loop. */ unsigned noteIndex; if (!newSrcNote(SRC_WHILE, ¬eIndex)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_NOP)) return false; unsigned noteIndex2; if (!newSrcNote(SRC_WHILE, ¬eIndex2)) return false; /* Compile the loop body. */ JumpTarget top; if (!emitLoopHead(bodyNode, &top)) return false; LoopControl loopInfo(this, StatementKind::DoLoop); JumpList empty; if (!emitLoopEntry(nullptr, empty)) return false; if (!emitTree(bodyNode)) return false; // Set the offset for continues. if (!emitJumpTarget(&loopInfo.continueTarget)) return false; /* Compile the loop condition, now that continues know where to go. */ if (!emitTree(condNode)) return false; JumpList beq; JumpTarget breakTarget{ -1 }; if (!emitBackwardJump(JSOP_IFNE, top, &beq, &breakTarget)) return false; if (!tryNoteList.append(JSTRY_LOOP, stackDepth, top.offset, breakTarget.offset)) return false; /* * Update the annotations with the update and back edge positions, for * IonBuilder. * * Be careful: We must set noteIndex2 before noteIndex in case the noteIndex * note gets bigger. */ if (!setSrcNoteOffset(noteIndex2, 0, beq.offset - top.offset)) return false; if (!setSrcNoteOffset(noteIndex, 0, 1 + (loopInfo.continueTarget.offset - top.offset))) return false; if (!loopInfo.patchBreaksAndContinues(this)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitWhile(BinaryNode* whileNode) { /* * Minimize bytecodes issued for one or more iterations by jumping to * the condition below the body and closing the loop if the condition * is true with a backward branch. For iteration count i: * * i test at the top test at the bottom * = =============== ================== * 0 ifeq-pass goto; ifne-fail * 1 ifeq-fail; goto; ifne-pass goto; ifne-pass; ifne-fail * 2 2*(ifeq-fail; goto); ifeq-pass goto; 2*ifne-pass; ifne-fail * . . . * N N*(ifeq-fail; goto); ifeq-pass goto; N*ifne-pass; ifne-fail */ // If we have a single-line while, like "while (x) ;", we want to // emit the line note before the initial goto, so that the // debugger sees a single entry point. This way, if there is a // breakpoint on the line, it will only fire once; and "next"ing // will skip the whole loop. However, for the multi-line case we // want to emit the line note after the initial goto, so that // "cont" stops on each iteration -- but without a stop before the // first iteration. if (parser->tokenStream.srcCoords.lineNum(whileNode->pn_pos.begin) == parser->tokenStream.srcCoords.lineNum(whileNode->pn_pos.end) && !updateSourceCoordNotes(whileNode->pn_pos.begin)) return false; ParseNode* bodyNode = whileNode->right(); ParseNode* condNode = whileNode->left(); JumpTarget top{ -1 }; if (!emitJumpTarget(&top)) return false; LoopControl loopInfo(this, StatementKind::WhileLoop); loopInfo.continueTarget = top; unsigned noteIndex; if (!newSrcNote(SRC_WHILE, ¬eIndex)) return false; JumpList jmp; if (!emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &jmp)) return false; if (!emitLoopHead(bodyNode, &top)) return false; if (!emitTreeInBranch(bodyNode)) return false; if (!emitLoopEntry(condNode, jmp)) return false; if (!emitTree(condNode)) return false; JumpList beq; JumpTarget breakTarget{ -1 }; if (!emitBackwardJump(JSOP_IFNE, top, &beq, &breakTarget)) return false; if (!tryNoteList.append(JSTRY_LOOP, stackDepth, top.offset, breakTarget.offset)) return false; if (!setSrcNoteOffset(noteIndex, 0, beq.offset - jmp.offset)) return false; if (!loopInfo.patchBreaksAndContinues(this)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitBreak(PropertyName* label) { BreakableControl* target; SrcNoteType noteType; if (label) { // Any statement with the matching label may be the break target. auto hasSameLabel = [label](LabelControl* labelControl) { return labelControl->label() == label; }; target = findInnermostNestableControl(hasSameLabel); noteType = SRC_BREAK2LABEL; } else { auto isNotLabel = [](BreakableControl* control) { return !control->is(); }; target = findInnermostNestableControl(isNotLabel); noteType = (target->kind() == StatementKind::Switch) ? SRC_SWITCHBREAK : SRC_BREAK; } return emitGoto(target, &target->breaks, noteType); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitContinue(PropertyName* label) { LoopControl* target = nullptr; if (label) { // Find the loop statement enclosed by the matching label. NestableControl* control = innermostNestableControl; while (!control->is() || control->as().label() != label) { if (control->is()) target = &control->as(); control = control->enclosing(); } } else { target = findInnermostNestableControl(); } return emitGoto(target, &target->continues, SRC_CONTINUE); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitGetFunctionThis(ParseNode* pn) { MOZ_ASSERT(sc->thisBinding() == ThisBinding::Function); MOZ_ASSERT(pn->isKind(PNK_NAME)); MOZ_ASSERT(pn->name() == cx->names().dotThis); return emitGetFunctionThis(Some(pn->pn_pos.begin)); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitGetFunctionThis(const mozilla::Maybe& offset) { if (offset) { if (!updateLineNumberNotes(*offset)) { return false; } } if (!emitGetName(cx->names().dotThis)) { // THIS return false; } if (sc->needsThisTDZChecks()) { if (!emit1(JSOP_CHECKTHIS)) { // THIS return false; } } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitGetThisForSuperBase(UnaryNode* superBase) { MOZ_ASSERT(superBase->isKind(PNK_SUPERBASE)); return emitGetFunctionThis(superBase->kid()); // THIS } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitThisLiteral(ThisLiteral* pn) { if (ParseNode* thisName = pn->kid()) return emitGetFunctionThis(thisName); // THIS if (sc->thisBinding() == ThisBinding::Module) return emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED); // UNDEF MOZ_ASSERT(sc->thisBinding() == ThisBinding::Global); return emit1(JSOP_GLOBALTHIS); // THIS } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCheckDerivedClassConstructorReturn() { MOZ_ASSERT(lookupName(cx->names().dotThis).hasKnownSlot()); if (!emitGetName(cx->names().dotThis)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_CHECKRETURN)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitReturn(UnaryNode* returnNode) { if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(returnNode->pn_pos.begin)) return false; bool needsIteratorResult = sc->isFunctionBox() && sc->asFunctionBox()->needsIteratorResult(); if (needsIteratorResult) { if (!emitPrepareIteratorResult()) return false; } /* Push a return value */ if (ParseNode* expr = returnNode->kid()) { if (!emitTree(expr)) return false; bool isAsyncGenerator = sc->asFunctionBox()->isAsync() && sc->asFunctionBox()->isStarGenerator(); if (isAsyncGenerator) { if (!emitAwaitInInnermostScope()) return false; } } else { /* No explicit return value provided */ if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) return false; } if (needsIteratorResult) { if (!emitFinishIteratorResult(true)) return false; } // We know functionBodyEndPos is set because "return" is only // valid in a function, and so we've passed through // emitFunctionScript. if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(*functionBodyEndPos)) return false; /* * EmitNonLocalJumpFixup may add fixup bytecode to close open try * blocks having finally clauses and to exit intermingled let blocks. * We can't simply transfer control flow to our caller in that case, * because we must gosub to those finally clauses from inner to outer, * with the correct stack pointer (i.e., after popping any with, * for/in, etc., slots nested inside the finally's try). * * In this case we mutate JSOP_RETURN into JSOP_SETRVAL and add an * extra JSOP_RETRVAL after the fixups. */ ptrdiff_t top = offset(); bool needsFinalYield = sc->isFunctionBox() && sc->asFunctionBox()->needsFinalYield(); bool isDerivedClassConstructor = sc->isFunctionBox() && sc->asFunctionBox()->isDerivedClassConstructor(); if (!emit1((needsFinalYield || isDerivedClassConstructor) ? JSOP_SETRVAL : JSOP_RETURN)) return false; // Make sure that we emit this before popping the blocks in prepareForNonLocalJump, // to ensure that the error is thrown while the scope-chain is still intact. if (isDerivedClassConstructor) { if (!emitCheckDerivedClassConstructorReturn()) return false; } NonLocalExitControl nle(this, NonLocalExitControl::Return); if (!nle.prepareForNonLocalJumpToOutermost()) return false; if (needsFinalYield) { // We know that .generator is on the function scope, as we just exited // all nested scopes. NameLocation loc = *locationOfNameBoundInFunctionScope(cx->names().dotGenerator, varEmitterScope); if (!emitGetNameAtLocation(cx->names().dotGenerator, loc)) return false; if (!emitYieldOp(JSOP_FINALYIELDRVAL)) return false; } else if (isDerivedClassConstructor) { MOZ_ASSERT(code()[top] == JSOP_SETRVAL); if (!emit1(JSOP_RETRVAL)) return false; } else if (top + static_cast(JSOP_RETURN_LENGTH) != offset()) { code()[top] = JSOP_SETRVAL; if (!emit1(JSOP_RETRVAL)) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitGetDotGeneratorInScope(EmitterScope& currentScope) { NameLocation loc = *locationOfNameBoundInFunctionScope(cx->names().dotGenerator, ¤tScope); return emitGetNameAtLocation(cx->names().dotGenerator, loc); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitInitialYield(UnaryNode* yieldNode) { if (!emitTree(yieldNode->kid())) return false; if (!emitYieldOp(JSOP_INITIALYIELD)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitYield(UnaryNode* yieldNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(sc->isFunctionBox()); MOZ_ASSERT(yieldNode->getOp() == JSOP_YIELD); bool needsIteratorResult = sc->asFunctionBox()->needsIteratorResult(); if (needsIteratorResult) { if (!emitPrepareIteratorResult()) return false; } if (ParseNode* expr = yieldNode->kid()) { if (!emitTree(expr)) return false; } else { if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) return false; } // AsyncGeneratorYield step 5. bool isAsyncGenerator = sc->asFunctionBox()->isAsync(); if (isAsyncGenerator) { if (!emitAwaitInInnermostScope()) // RESULT return false; } if (needsIteratorResult) { if (!emitFinishIteratorResult(false)) return false; } if (!emitGetDotGeneratorInInnermostScope()) return false; if (!emitYieldOp(JSOP_YIELD)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitAwaitInInnermostScope(UnaryNode* awaitNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(sc->isFunctionBox()); MOZ_ASSERT(awaitNode->getOp() == JSOP_AWAIT); if (!emitTree(awaitNode->kid())) return false; return emitAwaitInInnermostScope(); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitAwaitInScope(EmitterScope& currentScope) { if (!emitGetDotGeneratorInScope(currentScope)) return false; if (!emitYieldOp(JSOP_AWAIT)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitYieldStar(ParseNode* iter) { MOZ_ASSERT(sc->isFunctionBox()); MOZ_ASSERT(sc->asFunctionBox()->isStarGenerator()); bool isAsyncGenerator = sc->asFunctionBox()->isAsync(); if (!emitTree(iter)) // ITERABLE return false; if (isAsyncGenerator) { if (!emitAsyncIterator()) // ITER return false; } else { if (!emitIterator()) // ITER return false; } // Initial send value is undefined. if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ITER RECEIVED return false; int32_t savedDepthTemp; int32_t startDepth = stackDepth; MOZ_ASSERT(startDepth >= 2); TryEmitter tryCatch(this, TryEmitter::TryCatchFinally, TryEmitter::DontUseRetVal, TryEmitter::DontUseControl); if (!tryCatch.emitJumpOverCatchAndFinally()) // ITER RESULT return false; JumpTarget tryStart{ offset() }; if (!tryCatch.emitTry()) // ITER RESULT return false; MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth == startDepth); // AsyncGeneratorYield step 5. if (isAsyncGenerator) { if (!emitAwaitInInnermostScope()) // NEXT ITER RESULT return false; } // Load the generator object. if (!emitGetDotGeneratorInInnermostScope()) // NEXT ITER RESULT GENOBJ return false; // Yield RESULT as-is, without re-boxing. if (!emitYieldOp(JSOP_YIELD)) // ITER RECEIVED return false; if (!tryCatch.emitCatch()) // ITER RESULT return false; stackDepth = startDepth; // ITER RESULT if (!emit1(JSOP_EXCEPTION)) // ITER RESULT EXCEPTION return false; if (!emitDupAt(2)) // ITER RESULT EXCEPTION ITER return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ITER RESULT EXCEPTION ITER ITER return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().throw_, JSOP_CALLPROP)) // ITER RESULT EXCEPTION ITER THROW return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ITER RESULT EXCEPTION ITER THROW THROW return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ITER RESULT EXCEPTION ITER THROW THROW UNDEFINED return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_EQ)) // ITER RESULT EXCEPTION ITER THROW ?EQL return false; InternalIfEmitter ifThrowMethodIsNotDefined(this); if (!ifThrowMethodIsNotDefined.emitThen()) // ITER RESULT EXCEPTION ITER THROW return false; savedDepthTemp = stackDepth; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ITER RESULT EXCEPTION ITER return false; // ES 14.4.13, YieldExpression : yield * AssignmentExpression, step 5.b.iii.2 // // If the iterator does not have a "throw" method, it calls IteratorClose // and then throws a TypeError. IteratorKind iterKind = isAsyncGenerator ? IteratorKind::Async : IteratorKind::Sync; if (!emitIteratorCloseInInnermostScope(iterKind)) // NEXT ITER RESULT EXCEPTION return false; if (!emitUint16Operand(JSOP_THROWMSG, JSMSG_ITERATOR_NO_THROW)) // throw return false; stackDepth = savedDepthTemp; if (!ifThrowMethodIsNotDefined.emitEnd()) // ITER OLDRESULT EXCEPTION ITER THROW return false; // ES 14.4.13, YieldExpression : yield * AssignmentExpression, step 5.b.iii.4. // RESULT = ITER.throw(EXCEPTION) // ITER OLDRESULT EXCEPTION ITER THROW if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ITER OLDRESULT EXCEPTION THROW ITER return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_PICK, 2)) // ITER OLDRESULT THROW ITER EXCEPTION return false; if (!emitCall(JSOP_CALL, 1, iter)) // ITER OLDRESULT RESULT return false; if (isAsyncGenerator) { if (!emitAwaitInInnermostScope()) // NEXT ITER OLDRESULT RESULT return false; } if (!emitCheckIsObj(CheckIsObjectKind::IteratorThrow)) // ITER OLDRESULT RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ITER RESULT OLDRESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ITER RESULT return false; MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth == startDepth); JumpList checkResult; // ES 14.4.13, YieldExpression : yield * AssignmentExpression, step 5.b.ii. // // Note that there is no GOSUB to the finally block here. If the iterator has a // "throw" method, it does not perform IteratorClose. if (!emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &checkResult)) // goto checkResult return false; if (!tryCatch.emitFinally()) return false; // ES 14.4.13, yield * AssignmentExpression, step 5.c // // Call iterator.return() for receiving a "forced return" completion from // the generator. InternalIfEmitter ifGeneratorClosing(this); if (!emit1(JSOP_ISGENCLOSING)) // ITER RESULT FTYPE FVALUE CLOSING return false; if (!ifGeneratorClosing.emitThen()) // ITER RESULT FTYPE FVALUE return false; // Step ii. // // Get the "return" method. if (!emitDupAt(3)) // ITER RESULT FTYPE FVALUE ITER return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ITER RESULT FTYPE FVALUE ITER ITER return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().return_, JSOP_CALLPROP)) // ITER RESULT FTYPE FVALUE ITER RET return false; // Step iii. // // Do nothing if "return" is undefined. InternalIfEmitter ifReturnMethodIsDefined(this); if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ITER RESULT FTYPE FVALUE ITER RET RET return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) // ITER RESULT FTYPE FVALUE ITER RET RET UNDEFINED return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_NE)) // ITER RESULT FTYPE FVALUE ITER RET ?NEQL return false; // Step iv. // // Call "return" with the argument passed to Generator.prototype.return, // which is currently in rval.value. if (!ifReturnMethodIsDefined.emitThenElse()) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE ITER RET return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE RET ITER return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_GETRVAL)) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE RET ITER RVAL return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().value, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE RET ITER VALUE return false; if (!emitCall(JSOP_CALL, 1)) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE RESULT return false; if (iterKind == IteratorKind::Async) { if (!emitAwaitInInnermostScope()) // ... FTYPE FVALUE RESULT return false; } // Step v. if (!emitCheckIsObj(CheckIsObjectKind::IteratorReturn)) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE RESULT return false; // Steps vi-viii. // // Check if the returned object from iterator.return() is done. If not, // continuing yielding. InternalIfEmitter ifReturnDone(this); if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE RESULT RESULT return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().done, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE RESULT DONE return false; if (!ifReturnDone.emitThenElse()) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE RESULT return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().value, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE VALUE return false; if (!emitPrepareIteratorResult()) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE VALUE RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE RESULT VALUE return false; if (!emitFinishIteratorResult(true)) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE RESULT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SETRVAL)) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE return false; savedDepthTemp = this->stackDepth; if (!ifReturnDone.emitElse()) // ITER OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE RESULT return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_UNPICK, 3)) // ITER RESULT OLDRESULT FTYPE FVALUE return false; if (!emitUint16Operand(JSOP_POPN, 3)) // ITER RESULT return false; { // goto tryStart; JumpList beq; JumpTarget breakTarget{ -1 }; if (!emitBackwardJump(JSOP_GOTO, tryStart, &beq, &breakTarget)) // ITER RESULT return false; } this->stackDepth = savedDepthTemp; if (!ifReturnDone.emitEnd()) return false; if (!ifReturnMethodIsDefined.emitElse()) // ITER RESULT FTYPE FVALUE ITER RET return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ITER RESULT FTYPE FVALUE ITER return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ITER RESULT FTYPE FVALUE return false; if (!ifReturnMethodIsDefined.emitEnd()) return false; if (!ifGeneratorClosing.emitEnd()) return false; if (!tryCatch.emitEnd()) return false; // After the try-catch-finally block: send the received value to the iterator. // result = iter.next(received) // ITER RECEIVED if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // RECEIVED ITER return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // RECEIVED ITER ITER return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // RECEIVED ITER ITER ITER return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().next, JSOP_CALLPROP)) // RECEIVED ITER ITER NEXT return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // RECEIVED ITER NEXT ITER return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_PICK, 3)) // ITER NEXT ITER RECEIVED return false; if (!emitCall(JSOP_CALL, 1, iter)) // ITER RESULT return false; if (isAsyncGenerator) { if (!emitAwaitInInnermostScope()) // NEXT ITER RESULT RESULT return false; } if (!emitCheckIsObj(CheckIsObjectKind::IteratorNext)) // ITER RESULT return false; MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth == startDepth); if (!emitJumpTargetAndPatch(checkResult)) // checkResult: return false; // if (!result.done) goto tryStart; // ITER RESULT if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) // ITER RESULT RESULT return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().done, JSOP_GETPROP)) // ITER RESULT DONE return false; // if (!DONE) goto tryStart; { JumpList beq; JumpTarget breakTarget{ -1 }; if (!emitBackwardJump(JSOP_IFEQ, tryStart, &beq, &breakTarget)) // ITER RESULT return false; } // result.value if (!emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) // RESULT ITER return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // RESULT return false; if (!emitAtomOp(cx->names().value, JSOP_GETPROP)) // VALUE return false; MOZ_ASSERT(this->stackDepth == startDepth - 1); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitStatementList(ListNode* stmtList) { for (ParseNode* stmt : stmtList->contents()) { if (!emitTree(stmt)) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitStatement(UnaryNode* exprStmt) { MOZ_ASSERT(exprStmt->isKind(PNK_SEMI)); ParseNode* expr = exprStmt->kid(); if (!expr) return true; if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(exprStmt->pn_pos.begin)) return false; /* * Top-level or called-from-a-native JS_Execute/EvaluateScript, * debugger, and eval frames may need the value of the ultimate * expression statement as the script's result, despite the fact * that it appears useless to the compiler. * * API users may also set the JSOPTION_NO_SCRIPT_RVAL option when * calling JS_Compile* to suppress JSOP_SETRVAL. */ bool wantval = false; bool useful = false; if (sc->isFunctionBox()) MOZ_ASSERT(!script->noScriptRval()); else useful = wantval = !script->noScriptRval(); /* Don't eliminate expressions with side effects. */ if (!useful) { if (!checkSideEffects(expr, &useful)) return false; /* * Don't eliminate apparently useless expressions if they are labeled * expression statements. The startOffset() test catches the case * where we are nesting in emitTree for a labeled compound statement. */ if (innermostNestableControl && innermostNestableControl->is() && innermostNestableControl->as().startOffset() >= offset()) { useful = true; } } if (useful) { JSOp op = wantval ? JSOP_SETRVAL : JSOP_POP; ValueUsage valueUsage = wantval ? ValueUsage::WantValue : ValueUsage::IgnoreValue; MOZ_ASSERT_IF(expr->isKind(PNK_ASSIGN), expr->isOp(JSOP_NOP)); if (!emitTree(expr, valueUsage)) return false; if (!emit1(op)) return false; } else if (exprStmt->isDirectivePrologueMember()) { // Don't complain about directive prologue members; just don't emit // their code. } else { if (JSAtom* atom = exprStmt->isStringExprStatement()) { // Warn if encountering a non-directive prologue member string // expression statement, that is inconsistent with the current // directive prologue. That is, a script *not* starting with // "use strict" should warn for any "use strict" statements seen // later in the script, because such statements are misleading. const char* directive = nullptr; if (atom == cx->names().useStrict) { if (!sc->strictScript) directive = js_useStrict_str; } else if (atom == cx->names().useAsm) { if (sc->isFunctionBox()) { if (IsAsmJSModule(sc->asFunctionBox()->function())) directive = js_useAsm_str; } } if (directive) { if (!reportExtraWarning(expr, JSMSG_CONTRARY_NONDIRECTIVE, directive)) return false; } } else { current->currentLine = parser->tokenStream.srcCoords.lineNum(expr->pn_pos.begin); current->lastColumn = 0; if (!reportExtraWarning(expr, JSMSG_USELESS_EXPR)) return false; } } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDeleteName(UnaryNode* deleteNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(deleteNode->isKind(PNK_DELETENAME)); NameNode* nameExpr = &deleteNode->kid()->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(nameExpr->isKind(PNK_NAME)); return emitAtomOp(nameExpr->atom(), JSOP_DELNAME); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDeleteProperty(UnaryNode* deleteNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(deleteNode->isKind(PNK_DELETEPROP)); PropertyAccess* propExpr = &deleteNode->kid()->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(propExpr->isKind(PNK_DOT)); PropOpEmitter poe(this, PropOpEmitter::Kind::Delete, propExpr->as().isSuper() ? PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (propExpr->as().isSuper()) { // The expression |delete super.foo;| has to evaluate |super.foo|, // which could throw if |this| hasn't yet been set by a |super(...)| // call or the super-base is not an object, before throwing a // ReferenceError for attempting to delete a super-reference. UnaryNode* base = &propExpr->expression().as(); if (!emitGetThisForSuperBase(base)) { // THIS return false; } } else { if (!poe.prepareForObj()) { return false; } if (!emitPropLHS(propExpr)) { // OBJ return false; } } if (!poe.emitDelete(propExpr->key().atom())) { // // [Super] // // THIS // // [Other] // // SUCCEEDED return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDeleteElement(UnaryNode* deleteNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(deleteNode->isKind(PNK_DELETEELEM)); PropertyByValue* elemExpr = &deleteNode->kid()->as(); MOZ_ASSERT(elemExpr->isKind(PNK_ELEM)); bool isSuper = elemExpr->isSuper(); ElemOpEmitter eoe(this, ElemOpEmitter::Kind::Delete, isSuper ? ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (isSuper) { // The expression |delete super[foo];| has to evaluate |super[foo]|, // which could throw if |this| hasn't yet been set by a |super(...)| // call, or trigger side-effects when evaluating ToPropertyKey(foo), // or also throw when the super-base is not an object, before throwing // a ReferenceError for attempting to delete a super-reference. if (!eoe.prepareForObj()) { // return false; } UnaryNode* base = &elemExpr->expression().as(); if (!emitGetThisForSuperBase(base)) { // THIS return false; } if (!eoe.prepareForKey()) { // THIS return false; } if (!emitTree(&elemExpr->key())) { // THIS KEY return false; } } else { if (!emitElemObjAndKey(elemExpr, false, eoe)) { // OBJ KEY return false; } } if (!eoe.emitDelete()) { // [Super] // // THIS // // [Other] // // SUCCEEDED return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDeleteExpression(UnaryNode* deleteNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(deleteNode->isKind(PNK_DELETEEXPR)); ParseNode* expression = deleteNode->kid(); // If useless, just emit JSOP_TRUE; otherwise convert |delete | to // effectively |, true|. bool useful = false; if (!checkSideEffects(expression, &useful)) return false; if (useful) { if (!emitTree(expression)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; } return emit1(JSOP_TRUE); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDeleteOptionalChain(UnaryNode* deleteNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(deleteNode->isKind(PNK_DELETEOPTCHAIN)); OptionalEmitter oe(this, stackDepth); ParseNode* kid = deleteNode->kid(); switch (kid->getKind()) { case PNK_ELEM: case PNK_OPTELEM: { PropertyByValueBase* elemExpr = &kid->as(); if (!emitDeleteElementInOptChain(elemExpr, oe)) { // [stack] # If shortcircuit // [stack] UNDEFINED-OR-NULL // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] TRUE return false; } break; } case PNK_DOT: case PNK_OPTDOT: { PropertyAccessBase* propExpr = &kid->as(); if (!emitDeletePropertyInOptChain(propExpr, oe)) { // [stack] # If shortcircuit // [stack] UNDEFINED-OR-NULL // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] TRUE return false; } break; } default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unrecognized optional delete ParseNodeKind"); } if (!oe.emitOptionalJumpTarget(JSOP_TRUE)) { // [stack] # If shortcircuit // [stack] TRUE // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] SUCCEEDED return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDeletePropertyInOptChain( PropertyAccessBase* propExpr, OptionalEmitter& oe) { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(propExpr->is(), !propExpr->as().isSuper()); if (!emitOptionalTree(&propExpr->expression(), oe)) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } if (propExpr->isKind(PNK_OPTDOT)) { if (!oe.emitJumpShortCircuit()) { // [stack] # if Jump // [stack] UNDEFINED-OR-NULL // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] OBJ return false; } } JSOp delOp = sc->strict() ? JSOP_STRICTDELPROP : JSOP_DELPROP; if (!emitAtomOp(propExpr->key().atom(), delOp)) { return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitDeleteElementInOptChain( PropertyByValueBase* elemExpr, OptionalEmitter& oe) { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(elemExpr->is(), !elemExpr->as().isSuper()); if (!emitOptionalTree(&elemExpr->expression(), oe)) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } if (elemExpr->isKind(PNK_OPTELEM)) { if (!oe.emitJumpShortCircuit()) { // [stack] # if Jump // [stack] UNDEFINED-OR-NULL // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] OBJ return false; } } if (!emitTree(&elemExpr->key())) { // [stack] OBJ KEY return false; } JSOp delOp = sc->strict() ? JSOP_STRICTDELELEM : JSOP_DELELEM; return emitElemOpBase(delOp); } static const char * SelfHostedCallFunctionName(JSAtom* name, ExclusiveContext* cx) { if (name == cx->names().callFunction) return "callFunction"; if (name == cx->names().callContentFunction) return "callContentFunction"; if (name == cx->names().constructContentFunction) return "constructContentFunction"; MOZ_CRASH("Unknown self-hosted call function name"); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSelfHostedCallFunction(BinaryNode* callNode) { // Special-casing of callFunction to emit bytecode that directly // invokes the callee with the correct |this| object and arguments. // callFunction(fun, thisArg, arg0, arg1) thus becomes: // - emit lookup for fun // - emit lookup for thisArg // - emit lookups for arg0, arg1 // // argc is set to the amount of actually emitted args and the // emitting of args below is disabled by setting emitArgs to false. ParseNode* calleeNode = callNode->left(); ListNode* argsList = &callNode->right()->as(); const char* errorName = SelfHostedCallFunctionName(calleeNode->name(), cx); if (argsList->count() < 2) { reportError(callNode, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED, errorName, "2", "s"); return false; } JSOp callOp = callNode->getOp(); if (callOp != JSOP_CALL) { reportError(callNode, JSMSG_NOT_CONSTRUCTOR, errorName); return false; } bool constructing = calleeNode->name() == cx->names().constructContentFunction; ParseNode* funNode = argsList->head(); if (constructing) callOp = JSOP_NEW; else if (funNode->getKind() == PNK_NAME && funNode->name() == cx->names().std_Function_apply) callOp = JSOP_FUNAPPLY; if (!emitTree(funNode)) return false; #ifdef DEBUG if (emitterMode == BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting && calleeNode->name() == cx->names().callFunction) { if (!emit1(JSOP_DEBUGCHECKSELFHOSTED)) return false; } #endif ParseNode* thisOrNewTarget = funNode->pn_next; if (constructing) { // Save off the new.target value, but here emit a proper |this| for a // constructing call. if (!emit1(JSOP_IS_CONSTRUCTING)) return false; } else { // It's |this|, emit it. if (!emitTree(thisOrNewTarget)) return false; } for (ParseNode* argpn = thisOrNewTarget->pn_next; argpn; argpn = argpn->pn_next) { if (!emitTree(argpn)) return false; } if (constructing) { if (!emitTree(thisOrNewTarget)) return false; } uint32_t argc = argsList->count() - 2; if (!emitCall(callOp, argc)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSelfHostedResumeGenerator(BinaryNode* callNode) { ListNode* argsList = &callNode->right()->as(); // Syntax: resumeGenerator(gen, value, 'next'|'throw'|'close') if (argsList->count() != 3) { reportError(callNode, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED, "resumeGenerator", "1", "s"); return false; } ParseNode* genNode = argsList->head(); if (!emitTree(genNode)) return false; ParseNode* valNode = genNode->pn_next; if (!emitTree(valNode)) return false; ParseNode* kindNode = valNode->pn_next; MOZ_ASSERT(kindNode->isKind(PNK_STRING)); uint16_t operand = GeneratorObject::getResumeKind(cx, kindNode->as().atom()); MOZ_ASSERT(!kindNode->pn_next); if (!emitCall(JSOP_RESUME, operand)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSelfHostedForceInterpreter(ParseNode* pn) { if (!emit1(JSOP_FORCEINTERPRETER)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSelfHostedAllowContentIter(BinaryNode* callNode) { ListNode* argsList = &callNode->right()->as(); if (argsList->count() != 1) { reportError(callNode, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED, "allowContentIter", "1", ""); return false; } // We're just here as a sentinel. Pass the value through directly. return emitTree(argsList->head()); } bool BytecodeEmitter::isRestParameter(ParseNode* pn) { if (!sc->isFunctionBox()) return false; FunctionBox* funbox = sc->asFunctionBox(); RootedFunction fun(cx, funbox->function()); if (!funbox->hasRest()) return false; if (!pn->isKind(PNK_NAME)) { if (emitterMode == BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting && pn->isKind(PNK_CALL)) { BinaryNode* callNode = &pn->as(); ParseNode* calleeNode = callNode->left(); if (calleeNode->getKind() == PNK_NAME && calleeNode->name() == cx->names().allowContentIter) return isRestParameter(callNode->right()->as().head()); } return false; } JSAtom* name = pn->name(); Maybe paramLoc = locationOfNameBoundInFunctionScope(name); if (paramLoc && lookupName(name) == *paramLoc) { FunctionScope::Data* bindings = funbox->functionScopeBindings(); if (bindings->nonPositionalFormalStart > 0) { // |paramName| can be nullptr when the rest destructuring syntax is // used: `function f(...[]) {}`. JSAtom* paramName = bindings->trailingNames[bindings->nonPositionalFormalStart - 1].name(); return paramName && name == paramName; } } return false; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitOptimizeSpread(ParseNode* arg0, JumpList* jmp, bool* emitted) { // Emit a pereparation code to optimize the spread call with a rest // parameter: // // function f(...args) { // g(...args); // } // // If the spread operand is a rest parameter and it's optimizable array, // skip spread operation and pass it directly to spread call operation. // See the comment in OptimizeSpreadCall in Interpreter.cpp for the // optimizable conditons. if (!isRestParameter(arg0)) { *emitted = false; return true; } if (!emitTree(arg0)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_OPTIMIZE_SPREADCALL)) return false; if (!emitJump(JSOP_IFNE, jmp)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; *emitted = true; return true; } /* A version of emitCalleeAndThis for the optional cases: * * a?.() * * a?.b() * * a?.["b"]() * * (a?.b)() * * See emitCallOrNew and emitOptionalCall for more context. */ bool BytecodeEmitter::emitOptionalCalleeAndThis( ParseNode* callNode, ParseNode* calleeNode, CallOrNewEmitter& cone, OptionalEmitter& oe) { JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, return false); switch (calleeNode->getKind()) { case PNK_NAME: { if (!cone.emitNameCallee(calleeNode->name())) { // CALLEE THIS return false; } break; } case PNK_OPTDOT: { MOZ_ASSERT(emitterMode != BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting); OptionalPropertyAccess* prop = &calleeNode->as(); bool isSuper = false; PropOpEmitter& poe = cone.prepareForPropCallee(isSuper); if (!emitOptionalDotExpression(prop, poe, isSuper, oe)) { return false; } break; } case PNK_DOT: { MOZ_ASSERT(emitterMode != BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting); PropertyAccess* prop = &calleeNode->as(); bool isSuper = prop->isSuper(); PropOpEmitter& poe = cone.prepareForPropCallee(isSuper); if (!emitOptionalDotExpression(prop, poe, isSuper, oe)) { return false; } break; } case PNK_OPTELEM: { MOZ_ASSERT(emitterMode != BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting); OptionalPropertyByValue* elem = &calleeNode->as(); bool isSuper = false; ElemOpEmitter& eoe = cone.prepareForElemCallee(isSuper); if (!emitOptionalElemExpression(elem, eoe, isSuper, oe)) { return false; } break; } case PNK_ELEM: { MOZ_ASSERT(emitterMode != BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting); PropertyByValue* elem = &calleeNode->as(); bool isSuper = elem->isSuper(); ElemOpEmitter& eoe = cone.prepareForElemCallee(isSuper); if (!emitOptionalElemExpression(elem, eoe, isSuper, oe)) { return false; } break; } case PNK_FUNCTION: { if (!cone.prepareForFunctionCallee()) { return false; } if (!emitOptionalTree(calleeNode, oe)) { // [stack] CALLEE return false; } break; } case PNK_OPTCHAIN: { return emitCalleeAndThisForOptionalChain(&calleeNode->as(), callNode, cone); } default: { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(calleeNode->getKind() != PNK_SUPERBASE); if (!cone.prepareForOtherCallee()) { return false; } if (!emitOptionalTree(calleeNode, oe)) { // [stack] CALLEE return false; } break; } } if (!cone.emitThis()) { return false; } return true; } /* * A modified version of emitCallOrNew that handles optional calls. * * These include the following: * a?.() * a.b?.() * a.["b"]?.() * (a?.b)?.() * * See CallOrNewEmitter for more context. */ bool BytecodeEmitter::emitOptionalCall( BinaryNode* callNode, OptionalEmitter& oe, ValueUsage valueUsage) { ParseNode* calleeNode = callNode->left(); ListNode* argsList = &callNode->right()->as(); bool isCall = true; bool isSpread = IsSpreadOp(callNode->getOp()); uint32_t argc = argsList->count(); JSOp op = callNode->getOp(); CallOrNewEmitter cone(this, op, isSpread && (argc == 1) && isRestParameter(argsList->head()->as().kid()) ? CallOrNewEmitter::ArgumentsKind::SingleSpreadRest : CallOrNewEmitter::ArgumentsKind::Other, valueUsage); if (!emitOptionalCalleeAndThis(callNode, calleeNode, cone, oe)) { // [stack] CALLEE THIS return false; } if (callNode->isKind(PNK_OPTCALL)) { if (!oe.emitJumpShortCircuitForCall()) { // [stack] CALLEE THIS return false; } } if (!emitArguments(argsList, /* isCall = */ true, isSpread, cone)) { // [stack] CALLEE THIS ARGS... return false; } ParseNode* coordNode = getCoordNode(callNode, calleeNode, argsList); if (!cone.emitEnd(argc, Some(coordNode->pn_pos.begin))) { // [stack] RVAL return false; } return true; } ParseNode* BytecodeEmitter::getCoordNode(ParseNode* pn, ParseNode* calleeNode, ListNode* argsList) { ParseNode* coordNode = pn; if (pn->isOp(JSOP_CALL) || pn->isOp(JSOP_SPREADCALL) || pn->isOp(JSOP_FUNCALL) || pn->isOp(JSOP_FUNAPPLY)) { // Default to using the location of the `(` itself. // obj[expr]() // expression // ^ // column coord coordNode = argsList; switch (calleeNode->getKind()) { case PNK_DOT: // Use the position of a property access identifier. // // obj().aprop() // expression // ^ // column coord // // Note: Because of the constant folding logic in FoldElement, // this case also applies for constant string properties. // // obj()['aprop']() // expression // ^ // column coord coordNode = &calleeNode->as().key(); break; case PNK_NAME: // Use the start of callee names. coordNode = calleeNode; break; default: break; } } return coordNode; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitArguments(ListNode* argsList, bool isCall, bool isSpread, CallOrNewEmitter& cone) { uint32_t argc = argsList->count(); if (argc >= ARGC_LIMIT) { parser->tokenStream.reportError(isCall ? JSMSG_TOO_MANY_FUN_ARGS : JSMSG_TOO_MANY_CON_ARGS); return false; } if (!isSpread) { if (!cone.prepareForNonSpreadArguments()) { // CALLEE THIS return false; } for (ParseNode* arg : argsList->contents()) { if (!emitTree(arg)) { return false; } } } else { if (cone.wantSpreadOperand()) { ParseNode* spreadNode = argsList->head(); if (!emitTree(spreadNode->as().kid())) { // CALLEE THIS ARG0 return false; } } if (!cone.emitSpreadArgumentsTest()) { // CALLEE THIS return false; } if (!emitArray(argsList->head(), argc, JSOP_SPREADCALLARRAY)) { // CALLEE THIS ARR return false; } } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCallOrNew( BinaryNode* callNode, ValueUsage valueUsage /* = ValueUsage::WantValue */) { /* * Emit callable invocation or operator new (constructor call) code. * First, emit code for the left operand to evaluate the callable or * constructable object expression. * * For operator new, we emit JSOP_GETPROP instead of JSOP_CALLPROP, etc. * This is necessary to interpose the lambda-initialized method read * barrier -- see the code in jsinterp.cpp for JSOP_LAMBDA followed by * JSOP_{SET,INIT}PROP. * * Then (or in a call case that has no explicit reference-base * object) we emit JSOP_UNDEFINED to produce the undefined |this| * value required for calls (which non-strict mode functions * will box into the global object). */ bool isCall = callNode->isKind(PNK_CALL) || callNode->isKind(PNK_TAGGED_TEMPLATE); ParseNode* calleeNode = callNode->left(); ListNode* argsList = &callNode->right()->as(); bool isSpread = IsSpreadOp(callNode->getOp()); if (calleeNode->isKind(PNK_NAME) && emitterMode == BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting && !isSpread) { // Calls to "forceInterpreter", "callFunction", // "callContentFunction", or "resumeGenerator" in self-hosted // code generate inline bytecode. PropertyName* calleeName = calleeNode->name(); if (calleeName == cx->names().callFunction || calleeName == cx->names().callContentFunction || calleeName == cx->names().constructContentFunction) { return emitSelfHostedCallFunction(callNode); } if (calleeName == cx->names().resumeGenerator) return emitSelfHostedResumeGenerator(callNode); if (calleeName == cx->names().forceInterpreter) return emitSelfHostedForceInterpreter(callNode); if (calleeName == cx->names().allowContentIter) return emitSelfHostedAllowContentIter(callNode); // Fall through. } uint32_t argc = argsList->count(); JSOp op = callNode->getOp(); CallOrNewEmitter cone(this, op, isSpread && (argc == 1) && isRestParameter(argsList->head()->as().kid()) ? CallOrNewEmitter::ArgumentsKind::SingleSpreadRest : CallOrNewEmitter::ArgumentsKind::Other, valueUsage); if (!emitCalleeAndThis(callNode, calleeNode, cone)) { // CALLEE THIS return false; } if (!emitArguments(argsList, isCall, isSpread, cone)) { return false; // CALLEE THIS ARGS... } ParseNode* coordNode = getCoordNode(callNode, calleeNode, argsList); if (!cone.emitEnd(argc, Some(coordNode->pn_pos.begin))) { return false; // RVAL } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCalleeAndThis( ParseNode* callNode, ParseNode* calleeNode, CallOrNewEmitter& cone) { switch (calleeNode->getKind()) { case PNK_NAME: { if (!cone.emitNameCallee(calleeNode->name())) { // CALLEE THIS return false; } break; } case PNK_DOT: { MOZ_ASSERT(emitterMode != BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting); PropertyAccess* prop = &calleeNode->as(); bool isSuper = prop->isSuper(); PropOpEmitter& poe = cone.prepareForPropCallee(isSuper); if (!poe.prepareForObj()) { return false; } if (isSuper) { UnaryNode* base = &prop->expression().as(); if (!emitGetThisForSuperBase(base)) { // THIS return false; } } else { if (!emitPropLHS(prop)) { // OBJ return false; } } if (!poe.emitGet(prop->key().atom())) { // CALLEE THIS? return false; } break; } case PNK_ELEM: { MOZ_ASSERT(emitterMode != BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting); PropertyByValue* elem = &calleeNode->as(); bool isSuper = elem->isSuper(); ElemOpEmitter& eoe = cone.prepareForElemCallee(isSuper); if (!emitElemObjAndKey(elem, isSuper, eoe)) { // [Super] // // THIS? THIS KEY // // [needsThis,Other] // // OBJ? OBJ KEY return false; } if (!eoe.emitGet()) { // CALLEE? THIS return false; } break; } case PNK_FUNCTION: if (!cone.prepareForFunctionCallee()) { return false; } if (!emitTree(calleeNode)) { // CALLEE return false; } break; case PNK_SUPERBASE: MOZ_ASSERT(callNode->isKind(PNK_SUPERCALL)); MOZ_ASSERT(parser->handler.isSuperBase(calleeNode)); if (!cone.emitSuperCallee()) { // CALLEE THIS return false; } break; case PNK_OPTCHAIN: return emitCalleeAndThisForOptionalChain(&calleeNode->as(), callNode, cone); default: if (!cone.prepareForOtherCallee()) { return false; } if (!emitTree(calleeNode)) { return false; } break; } if (!cone.emitThis()) { // CALLEE THIS return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitRightAssociative(ListNode* node) { // ** is the only right-associative operator. MOZ_ASSERT(node->isKind(PNK_POW)); // Right-associative operator chain. for (ParseNode* subexpr : node->contents()) { if (!emitTree(subexpr)) return false; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < node->count() - 1; i++) { if (!emit1(JSOP_POW)) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitLeftAssociative(ListNode* node) { // Left-associative operator chain. JSOp op = node->getOp(); ParseNode* headExpr = node->head(); if (op == JSOP_IN && headExpr->isKind(PNK_NAME) && headExpr->as().isPrivateName()) { // {Goanna} The only way a "naked" private name can show up as the leftmost side of an in-chain // is from an ergonomic brand check (`this.#x in ...` would be a PNK_DOT child node). // Instead of going through the emitTree machinery, we pretend that this identifier // reference is actually a string, which allows us to use the JSOP_IN interpreter routines. // This erroneously doesn't call updateLineNumberNotes, but this is not a big issue: // the begin pos is correct as we're on the start of the current tree, the end is on the // same line anyway. if (!emitAtomOp(headExpr->as().atom(), JSOP_STRING)) return false; } else { if (!emitTree(headExpr)) return false; } ParseNode* nextExpr = headExpr->pn_next; do { if (!emitTree(nextExpr)) return false; if (!emit1(op)) return false; } while ((nextExpr = nextExpr->pn_next)); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitLogical(ListNode* node) { MOZ_ASSERT(node->isKind(PNK_COALESCE) || node->isKind(PNK_OR) || node->isKind(PNK_AND)); /* * JSOP_OR converts the operand on the stack to boolean, leaves the original * value on the stack and jumps if true; otherwise it falls into the next * bytecode, which pops the left operand and then evaluates the right operand. * The jump goes around the right operand evaluation. * * JSOP_AND converts the operand on the stack to boolean and jumps if false; * otherwise it falls into the right operand's bytecode. */ TDZCheckCache tdzCache(this); /* Left-associative operator chain: avoid too much recursion. */ ParseNode* expr = node->head(); if (!emitTree(expr)) return false; JSOp op = node->getOp(); JumpList jump; if (!emitJump(op, &jump)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; /* Emit nodes between the head and the tail. */ while ((expr = expr->pn_next)->pn_next) { if (!emitTree(expr)) return false; if (!emitJump(op, &jump)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; } if (!emitTree(expr)) return false; if (!emitJumpTargetAndPatch(jump)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitSequenceExpr(ListNode* node, ValueUsage valueUsage /* = ValueUsage::WantValue */) { for (ParseNode* child = node->head(); ; child = child->pn_next) { if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(child->pn_pos.begin)) return false; if (!emitTree(child, child->pn_next ? ValueUsage::IgnoreValue : valueUsage)) return false; if (!child->pn_next) break; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; } return true; } // Using MOZ_NEVER_INLINE in here is a workaround for llvm.org/pr14047. See // the comment on emitSwitch. MOZ_NEVER_INLINE bool BytecodeEmitter::emitIncOrDec(UnaryNode* incDec) { switch (incDec->kid()->getKind()) { case PNK_DOT: return emitPropIncDec(incDec); case PNK_ELEM: return emitElemIncDec(incDec); case PNK_CALL: return emitCallIncDec(incDec); default: return emitNameIncDec(incDec); } return true; } // Using MOZ_NEVER_INLINE in here is a workaround for llvm.org/pr14047. See // the comment on emitSwitch. MOZ_NEVER_INLINE bool BytecodeEmitter::emitLabeledStatement(const LabeledStatement* pn) { /* * Emit a JSOP_LABEL instruction. The argument is the offset to the statement * following the labeled statement. */ uint32_t index; if (!makeAtomIndex(pn->label(), &index)) return false; JumpList top; if (!emitJump(JSOP_LABEL, &top)) return false; /* Emit code for the labeled statement. */ LabelControl controlInfo(this, pn->label(), offset()); if (!emitTree(pn->statement())) return false; /* Patch the JSOP_LABEL offset. */ JumpTarget brk{ lastNonJumpTargetOffset() }; patchJumpsToTarget(top, brk); if (!controlInfo.patchBreaks(this)) return false; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression& conditional, ValueUsage valueUsage /* = ValueUsage::WantValue */) { /* Emit the condition, then branch if false to the else part. */ if (!emitTree(&conditional.condition())) return false; IfEmitter ifThenElse(this); if (!ifThenElse.emitCond()) return false; if (!emitTreeInBranch(&conditional.thenExpression(), valueUsage)) return false; if (!ifThenElse.emitElse()) return false; if (!emitTreeInBranch(&conditional.elseExpression(), valueUsage)) return false; if (!ifThenElse.emitEnd()) return false; MOZ_ASSERT(ifThenElse.pushed() == 1); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitPropertyList(ListNode* obj, PropertyEmitter& pe, PropListType type) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ size_t curFieldKeyIndex = 0; size_t curStaticFieldKeyIndex = 0; for (ParseNode* propdef : obj->contents()) { if (propdef->is()) { MOZ_ASSERT(type == ClassBody); // Only handle computing field keys here: the .initializers lambda array // is created elsewhere. ClassField* field = &propdef->as(); if (field->name().getKind() == PNK_COMPUTED_NAME) { HandlePropertyName fieldKeys = field->isStatic() ? cx->names().dotStaticFieldKeys : cx->names().dotFieldKeys; if (!emitGetName(fieldKeys)) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ ARRAY return false; } ParseNode* nameExpr = field->name().as().kid(); if (!emitTree(nameExpr)) { // [stack] ARRAY KEY return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_TOID)) { // [stack] ARRAY KEY return false; } size_t fieldKeysIndex = field->isStatic() ? curStaticFieldKeyIndex++ : curFieldKeyIndex++; if (!emitUint32Operand(JSOP_INITELEM_ARRAY, fieldKeysIndex)) { // [stack] ARRAY return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ return false; } } continue; } if (propdef->is()) { // Static class blocks are emitted as part of // emitCreateFieldInitializers. continue; } if (propdef->is()) { // Constructors are sometimes wrapped in LexicalScopeNodes. As we already // handled emitting the constructor, skip it. MOZ_ASSERT(propdef->as().scopeBody()->isKind(PNK_CLASSMETHOD)); continue; } // Handle __proto__: v specially because *only* this form, and no other // involving "__proto__", performs [[Prototype]] mutation. if (propdef->isKind(PNK_MUTATEPROTO)) { // [stack] OBJ MOZ_ASSERT(type == ObjectLiteral); if (!pe.prepareForProtoValue(Some(propdef->pn_pos.begin))) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } if (!emitTree(propdef->as().kid())) { // [stack] OBJ PROTO return false; } if (!pe.emitMutateProto()) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } continue; } if (propdef->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)) { MOZ_ASSERT(type == ObjectLiteral); // [stack] OBJ if (!pe.prepareForSpreadOperand(Some(propdef->pn_pos.begin))) { // [stack] OBJ OBJ return false; } if (!emitTree(propdef->as().kid())) { // [stack] OBJ OBJ VAL return false; } if (!pe.emitSpread()) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } continue; } BinaryNode* prop = &propdef->as(); ParseNode* key = prop->left(); ParseNode* propVal = prop->right(); bool isPropertyAnonFunctionOrClass = propVal->isDirectRHSAnonFunction(); JSOp op = propdef->getOp(); MOZ_ASSERT(op == JSOP_INITPROP || op == JSOP_INITPROP_GETTER || op == JSOP_INITPROP_SETTER); auto emitValue = [this, &propVal, &pe]() { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? KEY? if (!emitTree(propVal)) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? KEY? VAL return false; } if (propVal->is() && propVal->as().funbox()->needsHomeObject()) { FunctionBox* funbox = propVal->as().funbox(); MOZ_ASSERT(funbox->function()->allowSuperProperty()); if (!pe.emitInitHomeObject(funbox->asyncKind())) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? KEY? FUN return false; } } return true; }; PropertyEmitter::Kind kind = (type == ClassBody && propdef->as().isStatic()) ? PropertyEmitter::Kind::Static : PropertyEmitter::Kind::Prototype; if (key->isKind(PNK_NUMBER)) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ if (!pe.prepareForIndexPropKey(Some(propdef->pn_pos.begin), kind)) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? return false; } if (!emitNumberOp(key->as().value())) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? KEY return false; } if (!pe.prepareForIndexPropValue()) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? KEY return false; } if (!emitValue()) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? KEY VAL return false; } switch (op) { case JSOP_INITPROP: if (!pe.emitInitIndexProp(isPropertyAnonFunctionOrClass)) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ return false; } break; case JSOP_INITPROP_GETTER: MOZ_ASSERT(!isPropertyAnonFunctionOrClass); if (!pe.emitInitIndexGetter()) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ return false; } break; case JSOP_INITPROP_SETTER: MOZ_ASSERT(!isPropertyAnonFunctionOrClass); if (!pe.emitInitIndexSetter()) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ return false; } break; default: MOZ_CRASH("Invalid op"); } continue; } if (key->isKind(PNK_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME) || key->isKind(PNK_STRING)) { // EmitClass took care of constructor already. if (type == ClassBody && key->as().atom() == cx->names().constructor && !propdef->as().isStatic()) { continue; } if (!pe.prepareForPropValue(Some(propdef->pn_pos.begin), kind)) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? return false; } if (!emitValue()) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? VAL return false; } RootedFunction anonFunction(cx); if (isPropertyAnonFunctionOrClass) { MOZ_ASSERT(op == JSOP_INITPROP); if (propVal->is()) { // When the value is function, we set the function's name // at the compile-time, instead of emitting SETFUNNAME. FunctionBox* funbox = propVal->as().funbox(); anonFunction = funbox->function(); } else { // Only object literal can have a property where key is // name and value is an anonymous class. // // ({ foo: class {} }); MOZ_ASSERT(type == ObjectLiteral); MOZ_ASSERT(propVal->isKind(PNK_CLASS)); } } RootedAtom keyAtom(cx, key->as().atom()); switch (op) { case JSOP_INITPROP: if (!pe.emitInitProp(keyAtom, isPropertyAnonFunctionOrClass, anonFunction)) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ return false; } break; case JSOP_INITPROP_GETTER: MOZ_ASSERT(!isPropertyAnonFunctionOrClass); if (!pe.emitInitGetter(keyAtom)) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ return false; } break; case JSOP_INITPROP_SETTER: MOZ_ASSERT(!isPropertyAnonFunctionOrClass); if (!pe.emitInitSetter(keyAtom)) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ return false; } break; default: MOZ_CRASH("Invalid op"); } continue; } MOZ_ASSERT(key->isKind(PNK_COMPUTED_NAME)); // [stack] CTOR? OBJ if (!pe.prepareForComputedPropKey(Some(propdef->pn_pos.begin), kind)) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? return false; } if (!emitTree(key->as().kid())) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? KEY return false; } if (!pe.prepareForComputedPropValue()) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? KEY return false; } if (!emitValue()) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ CTOR? KEY VAL return false; } switch (op) { case JSOP_INITPROP: if (!pe.emitInitComputedProp(isPropertyAnonFunctionOrClass)) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ return false; } break; case JSOP_INITPROP_GETTER: MOZ_ASSERT(isPropertyAnonFunctionOrClass); if (!pe.emitInitComputedGetter()) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ return false; } break; case JSOP_INITPROP_SETTER: MOZ_ASSERT(isPropertyAnonFunctionOrClass); if (!pe.emitInitComputedSetter()) { // [stack] CTOR? OBJ return false; } break; default: MOZ_CRASH("Invalid op"); } } return true; } static bool HasInitializer(ParseNode* node, bool isStaticContext) { // For the purposes of bytecode emission, StaticClassBlocks are treated as if // they were static initializers. return (node->is() && node->as().isStatic() == isStaticContext) || (isStaticContext && node->is()); } static FunctionNode* GetInitializer(ParseNode* node, bool isStaticContext) { MOZ_ASSERT(HasInitializer(node, isStaticContext)); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!node->is(), isStaticContext); return node->is() ? node->as().initializer() : node->as().function(); } FieldInitializers BytecodeEmitter::setupFieldInitializers(ListNode* classMembers, FieldPlacement placement) { bool isStatic = placement == FieldPlacement::Static; size_t numFields = classMembers->count_if([isStatic](ParseNode* propdef) { return HasInitializer(propdef, isStatic); }); return FieldInitializers(numFields); } // Purpose of .fieldKeys: // Computed field names (`["x"] = 2;`) must be ran at class-evaluation time, not // object construction time. The transformation to do so is roughly as follows: // // class C { // [keyExpr] = valueExpr; // } // --> // let .fieldKeys = [keyExpr]; // let .initializers = [ // () => { // this[.fieldKeys[0]] = valueExpr; // } // ]; // class C { // constructor() { // .initializers[0](); // } // } // // BytecodeEmitter::emitCreateFieldKeys does `let .fieldKeys = [...];` // BytecodeEmitter::emitPropertyList fills in the elements of the array. // See Parser::fieldInitializer for the `this[.fieldKeys[0]]` part. bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCreateFieldKeys(ListNode* obj, FieldPlacement placement) { bool isStatic = placement == FieldPlacement::Static; size_t numFieldKeys = obj->count_if([isStatic](ParseNode* propdef) { return propdef->is() && propdef->as().isStatic() == isStatic && propdef->as().name().getKind() == PNK_COMPUTED_NAME; }); if (numFieldKeys == 0) return true; HandlePropertyName fieldKeys = isStatic ? cx->names().dotStaticFieldKeys : cx->names().dotFieldKeys; NameOpEmitter noe(this, fieldKeys, NameOpEmitter::Kind::Initialize); if (!noe.prepareForRhs()) return false; if (!emitUint32Operand(JSOP_NEWARRAY, numFieldKeys)) { // [stack] ARRAY return false; } if (!noe.emitAssignment()) { // [stack] ARRAY return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) { // [stack] return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCreateFieldInitializers(ClassEmitter& ce, ListNode* obj, FieldPlacement placement) { // FieldPlacement::Instance // [stack] HOMEOBJ HERITAGE? // // FieldPlacement::Static // [stack] CTOR HOMEOBJ FieldInitializers fieldInitializers = setupFieldInitializers(obj, placement); MOZ_ASSERT(fieldInitializers.valid); size_t numFields = fieldInitializers.numFieldInitializers; if (numFields == 0) return true; bool isStatic = placement == FieldPlacement::Static; if (!ce.prepareForFieldInitializers(numFields, isStatic)) { // [stack] HOMEOBJ HERITAGE? ARRAY // or: // [stack] CTOR HOMEOBJ ARRAY return false; } for (ParseNode* propdef : obj->contents()) { if (!HasInitializer(propdef, isStatic)) continue; FunctionNode* initializer = GetInitializer(propdef, isStatic); if (!ce.prepareForFieldInitializer()) return false; if (!emitTree(initializer)) { // [stack] HOMEOBJ HERITAGE? ARRAY LAMBDA // or: // [stack] CTOR HOMEOBJ ARRAY LAMBDA return false; } if (initializer->funbox()->needsHomeObject()) { MOZ_ASSERT(initializer->funbox()->function()->allowSuperProperty()); if (!ce.emitFieldInitializerHomeObject(isStatic)) { // [stack] CTOR OBJ ARRAY LAMBDA // or: // [stack] CTOR HOMEOBJ ARRAY LAMBDA return false; } } if (!ce.emitStoreFieldInitializer()) { // [stack] HOMEOBJ HERITAGE? ARRAY // or: // [stack] CTOR HOMEOBJ ARRAY return false; } } if (!ce.emitFieldInitializersEnd()) { // [stack] HOMEOBJ HERITAGE? // or: // [stack] CTOR HOMEOBJ return false; } return true; } const FieldInitializers& BytecodeEmitter::findFieldInitializersForCall() { for (BytecodeEmitter* current = this; current; current = current->parent) { if (current->sc->isFunctionBox()) { FunctionBox* box = current->sc->asFunctionBox(); if (box->function()->kind() == JSFunction::FunctionKind::ClassConstructor) { const FieldInitializers& fieldInitializers = current->getFieldInitializers(); MOZ_ASSERT(fieldInitializers.valid); return fieldInitializers; } } } for (ScopeIter si(innermostScope()); si; si++) { if (si.scope()->is()) { JSFunction* fun = si.scope()->as().canonicalFunction(); if (fun->kind() == JSFunction::FunctionKind::ClassConstructor) { const FieldInitializers& fieldInitializers = fun->isInterpretedLazy() ? fun->lazyScript()->getFieldInitializers() : fun->nonLazyScript()->getFieldInitializers(); MOZ_ASSERT(fieldInitializers.valid); return fieldInitializers; } } } MOZ_CRASH("Constructor for field initializers not found."); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitInitializeInstanceFields() { const FieldInitializers& fieldInitializers = findFieldInitializersForCall(); size_t numFields = fieldInitializers.numFieldInitializers; if (numFields == 0) { return true; } if (!emitGetName(cx->names().dotInitializers)) { // [stack] ARRAY return false; } for (size_t fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < numFields; fieldIndex++) { if (fieldIndex < numFields - 1) { // We DUP to keep the array around (it is consumed in the bytecode below) // for next iterations of this loop, except for the last iteration, which // avoids an extra POP at the end of the loop. if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) { // [stack] ARRAY ARRAY return false; } } if (!emitNumberOp(fieldIndex)) { // [stack] ARRAY? ARRAY INDEX return false; } // Don't use CALLELEM here, because the receiver of the call != the receiver // of this getelem. (Specifically, the call receiver is `this`, and the // receiver of this getelem is `.initializers`) if (!emit1(JSOP_GETELEM)) { // [stack] ARRAY? FUNC return false; } // This is guaranteed to run after super(), so we don't need TDZ checks. if (!emitGetName(cx->names().dotThis)) { // [stack] ARRAY? FUNC THIS return false; } if (!emitCall(JSOP_CALL_IGNORES_RV, 0)) { // [stack] ARRAY? RVAL return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) { // [stack] ARRAY? return false; } } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitInitializeStaticFields(ListNode* classMembers) { size_t numFields = classMembers->count_if([](ParseNode* propdef) { return HasInitializer(propdef, true); }); if (numFields == 0) { return true; } if (!emitGetName(cx->names().dotStaticInitializers)) { // [stack] CTOR ARRAY return false; } for (size_t fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < numFields; fieldIndex++) { bool hasNext = fieldIndex < numFields - 1; if (fieldIndex < numFields - 1) { // We DUP to keep the array around (it is consumed in the bytecode below) // for next iterations of this loop, except for the last iteration, which // avoids an extra POP at the end of the loop. if (!emit1(JSOP_DUP)) { // [stack] CTOR ARRAY ARRAY return false; } } if (!emitNumberOp(fieldIndex)) { // [stack] CTOR ARRAY? ARRAY INDEX return false; } // Don't use CALLELEM here, because the receiver of the call != the receiver // of this getelem. (Specifically, the call receiver is `ctor`, and the // receiver of this getelem is `.staticInitializers`) if (!emit1(JSOP_GETELEM)) { // [stack] CTOR ARRAY? FUNC return false; } if (!emitDupAt(1 + hasNext)) { // [stack] CTOR ARRAY? FUNC CTOR return false; } if (!emitCall(JSOP_CALL_IGNORES_RV, 0)) { // [stack] CTOR ARRAY? RVAL return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) { // [stack] CTOR ARRAY? return false; } } // Overwrite |.staticInitializers| and |.staticFieldKeys| with undefined to // avoid keeping the arrays alive indefinitely. auto clearStaticFieldSlot = [&](HandlePropertyName name) { NameOpEmitter noe(this, name, NameOpEmitter::Kind::SimpleAssignment); if (!noe.prepareForRhs()) { // [stack] ENV? VAL? return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) { // [stack] ENV? VAL? UNDEFINED return false; } if (!noe.emitAssignment()) { // [stack] VAL return false; } if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) { // [stack] return false; } return true; }; if (!clearStaticFieldSlot(cx->names().dotStaticInitializers)) return false; auto isStaticFieldWithComputedName = [](ParseNode* propdef) { return propdef->is() && propdef->as().isStatic() && propdef->as().name().getKind() == PNK_COMPUTED_NAME; }; if (classMembers->any_of(isStaticFieldWithComputedName)) { if (!clearStaticFieldSlot(cx->names().dotStaticFieldKeys)) return false; } return true; } // Using MOZ_NEVER_INLINE in here is a workaround for llvm.org/pr14047. See // the comment on emitSwitch. MOZ_NEVER_INLINE bool BytecodeEmitter::emitObject(ListNode* objNode) { if (!objNode->hasNonConstInitializer() && objNode->head() && checkSingletonContext()) return emitSingletonInitialiser(objNode); // [stack] ObjectEmitter oe(this); if (!oe.emitObject(objNode->count())) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } if (!emitPropertyList(objNode, oe, ObjectLiteral)) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } if (!oe.emitEnd()) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::replaceNewInitWithNewObject(JSObject* obj, ptrdiff_t offset) { ObjectBox* objbox = parser->newObjectBox(obj); if (!objbox) return false; static_assert(JSOP_NEWINIT_LENGTH == JSOP_NEWOBJECT_LENGTH, "newinit and newobject must have equal length to edit in-place"); uint32_t index = objectList.add(objbox); jsbytecode* code = this->code(offset); MOZ_ASSERT(code[0] == JSOP_NEWINIT); code[0] = JSOP_NEWOBJECT; code[1] = jsbytecode(index >> 24); code[2] = jsbytecode(index >> 16); code[3] = jsbytecode(index >> 8); code[4] = jsbytecode(index); return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitArrayComp(ListNode* pn) { if (!emitNewInit(JSProto_Array)) return false; /* * Pass the new array's stack index to the PNK_ARRAYPUSH case via * arrayCompDepth, then simply traverse the PNK_FOR node and * its kids under pn2 to generate this comprehension. */ MOZ_ASSERT(stackDepth > 0); uint32_t saveDepth = arrayCompDepth; arrayCompDepth = (uint32_t) (stackDepth - 1); if (!emitTree(pn->head())) return false; arrayCompDepth = saveDepth; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitArrayLiteral(ListNode* array) { if (!array->hasNonConstInitializer() && array->head()) { if (checkSingletonContext()) { // Bake in the object entirely if it will only be created once. return emitSingletonInitialiser(array); } // If the array consists entirely of primitive values, make a // template object with copy on write elements that can be reused // every time the initializer executes. Don't do this if the array is // small: copying the elements lazily is not worth it in that case. static const size_t MinElementsForCopyOnWrite = 5; if (emitterMode != BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting && array->count() >= MinElementsForCopyOnWrite) { RootedValue value(cx); if (!array->getConstantValue(cx, ParseNode::ForCopyOnWriteArray, &value)) return false; if (!value.isMagic(JS_GENERIC_MAGIC)) { // Note: the group of the template object might not yet reflect // that the object has copy on write elements. When the // interpreter or JIT compiler fetches the template, it should // use ObjectGroup::getOrFixupCopyOnWriteObject to make sure the // group for the template is accurate. We don't do this here as we // want to use ObjectGroup::allocationSiteGroup, which requires a // finished script. JSObject* obj = &value.toObject(); MOZ_ASSERT(obj->is() && obj->as().denseElementsAreCopyOnWrite()); ObjectBox* objbox = parser->newObjectBox(obj); if (!objbox) return false; return emitObjectOp(objbox, JSOP_NEWARRAY_COPYONWRITE); } } } return emitArray(array->head(), array->count(), JSOP_NEWARRAY); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitArray(ParseNode* arrayHead, uint32_t count, JSOp op) { /* * Emit code for [a, b, c] that is equivalent to constructing a new * array and in source order evaluating each element value and adding * it to the array, without invoking latent setters. We use the * JSOP_NEWINIT and JSOP_INITELEM_ARRAY bytecodes to ignore setters and * to avoid dup'ing and popping the array as each element is added, as * JSOP_SETELEM/JSOP_SETPROP would do. */ MOZ_ASSERT(op == JSOP_NEWARRAY || op == JSOP_SPREADCALLARRAY); uint32_t nspread = 0; for (ParseNode* elem = arrayHead; elem; elem = elem->pn_next) { if (elem->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)) nspread++; } // Array literal's length is limited to NELEMENTS_LIMIT in parser. static_assert(NativeObject::MAX_DENSE_ELEMENTS_COUNT <= INT32_MAX, "array literals' maximum length must not exceed limits " "required by BaselineCompiler::emit_JSOP_NEWARRAY, " "BaselineCompiler::emit_JSOP_INITELEM_ARRAY, " "and DoSetElemFallback's handling of JSOP_INITELEM_ARRAY"); MOZ_ASSERT(count >= nspread); MOZ_ASSERT(count <= NativeObject::MAX_DENSE_ELEMENTS_COUNT, "the parser must throw an error if the array exceeds maximum " "length"); // For arrays with spread, this is a very pessimistic allocation, the // minimum possible final size. if (!emitUint32Operand(op, count - nspread)) // ARRAY return false; ParseNode* elem = arrayHead; uint32_t index; bool afterSpread = false; for (index = 0; elem; index++, elem = elem->pn_next) { if (!afterSpread && elem->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)) { afterSpread = true; if (!emitNumberOp(index)) // ARRAY INDEX return false; } if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(elem->pn_pos.begin)) return false; bool allowSelfHostedIter = false; if (elem->isKind(PNK_ELISION)) { if (!emit1(JSOP_HOLE)) return false; } else { ParseNode* expr; if (elem->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)) { expr = elem->as().kid(); if (emitterMode == BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting && expr->isKind(PNK_CALL) && expr->as().left()->name() == cx->names().allowContentIter) { allowSelfHostedIter = true; } } else { expr = elem; } if (!emitTree(expr)) // ARRAY INDEX? VALUE return false; } if (elem->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)) { if (!emitIterator()) // ARRAY INDEX ITER return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_PICK, 2)) // INDEX ITER ARRAY return false; if (!emit2(JSOP_PICK, 2)) // ITER ARRAY INDEX return false; if (!emitSpread(allowSelfHostedIter)) // ARRAY INDEX return false; } else if (afterSpread) { if (!emit1(JSOP_INITELEM_INC)) return false; } else { if (!emitUint32Operand(JSOP_INITELEM_ARRAY, index)) return false; } } MOZ_ASSERT(index == count); if (afterSpread) { if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) // ARRAY return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitUnary(UnaryNode* unaryNode) { if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(unaryNode->pn_pos.begin)) return false; /* Unary op, including unary +/-. */ JSOp op = unaryNode->getOp(); if (!emitTree(unaryNode->kid())) return false; return emit1(op); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitTypeof(UnaryNode* typeofNode, JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(op == JSOP_TYPEOF || op == JSOP_TYPEOFEXPR); if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(typeofNode->pn_pos.begin)) return false; if (!emitTree(typeofNode->kid())) return false; return emit1(op); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitFunctionFormalParameters(ListNode* paramsBody) { ParseNode* funBody = paramsBody->last(); FunctionBox* funbox = sc->asFunctionBox(); bool hasRest = funbox->hasRest(); FunctionParamsEmitter fpe(this, funbox); for (ParseNode* arg = paramsBody->head(); arg != funBody; arg = arg->pn_next) { ParseNode* bindingElement = arg; ParseNode* initializer = nullptr; if (arg->isKind(PNK_ASSIGN) || arg->isKind(PNK_INITPROP)) { bindingElement = arg->as().left(); initializer = arg->as().right(); } bool hasInitializer = !!initializer; bool isRest = hasRest && arg->pn_next == funBody; bool isDestructuring = !bindingElement->isKind(PNK_NAME); // Left-hand sides are either simple names or destructuring patterns. MOZ_ASSERT(bindingElement->isKind(PNK_NAME) || bindingElement->isKind(PNK_ARRAY) || bindingElement->isKind(PNK_ARRAYCOMP) || bindingElement->isKind(PNK_OBJECT)); auto emitDefaultInitializer = [this, &initializer, &bindingElement]() { // [stack] if (!this->emitInitializer(initializer, bindingElement)) { // [stack] DEFAULT return false; } return true; }; auto emitDestructuring = [this, &fpe, &bindingElement]() { // [stack] ARG // If there's an parameter expression var scope, the destructuring // declaration needs to initialize the name in the function scope, // which is not the innermost scope. if (!this->emitDestructuringOps(&bindingElement->as(), fpe.getDestructuringFlavor())) { // [stack] ARG return false; } return true; }; if (isRest) { if (isDestructuring) { if (!fpe.prepareForDestructuringRest()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!emitDestructuring()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!fpe.emitDestructuringRestEnd()) { // [stack] return false; } } else { RootedAtom paramName(cx, bindingElement->as().name()); if (!fpe.emitRest(paramName)) { // [stack] return false; } } continue; } if (isDestructuring) { if (hasInitializer) { if (!fpe.prepareForDestructuringDefaultInitializer()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!emitDefaultInitializer()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!fpe.prepareForDestructuringDefault()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!emitDestructuring()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!fpe.emitDestructuringDefaultEnd()) { // [stack] return false; } } else { if (!fpe.prepareForDestructuring()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!emitDestructuring()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!fpe.emitDestructuringEnd()) { // [stack] return false; } } continue; } if (hasInitializer) { if (!fpe.prepareForDefault()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!emitDefaultInitializer()) { // [stack] return false; } RootedAtom paramName(cx, bindingElement->as().name()); if (!fpe.emitDefaultEnd(paramName)) { // [stack] return false; } continue; } RootedAtom paramName(cx, bindingElement->as().name()); if (!fpe.emitSimple(paramName)) { // [stack] return false; } } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitInitializeFunctionSpecialNames() { FunctionBox* funbox = sc->asFunctionBox(); // [stack] auto emitInitializeFunctionSpecialName = [](BytecodeEmitter* bce, HandlePropertyName name, JSOp op) { // A special name must be slotful, either on the frame or on the // call environment. MOZ_ASSERT(bce->lookupName(name).hasKnownSlot()); NameOpEmitter noe(bce, name, NameOpEmitter::Kind::Initialize); if (!noe.prepareForRhs()) { // [stack] return false; } if (!bce->emit1(op)) { // [stack] THIS/ARGUMENTS return false; } if (!noe.emitAssignment()) // [stack] THIS/ARGUMENTS return false; if (!bce->emit1(JSOP_POP)) // [stack] return false; return true; }; // Do nothing if the function doesn't have an arguments binding. if (funbox->argumentsHasLocalBinding()) { if (!emitInitializeFunctionSpecialName(this, cx->names().arguments, JSOP_ARGUMENTS)) // [stack] return false; } // Do nothing if the function doesn't have a this-binding (this // happens for instance if it doesn't use this/eval or if it's an // arrow function). if (funbox->hasThisBinding()) { if (!emitInitializeFunctionSpecialName(this, cx->names().dotThis, JSOP_FUNCTIONTHIS)) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitLexicalInitialization(NameNode* pn) { return emitLexicalInitialization(pn->name()); } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitLexicalInitialization(JSAtom* name) { NameOpEmitter noe(this, name, NameOpEmitter::Kind::Initialize); if (!noe.prepareForRhs()) { return false; } // The caller has pushed the RHS to the top of the stack. Assert that the // name is lexical and no BIND[G]NAME ops were emitted. MOZ_ASSERT(noe.loc().isLexical()); MOZ_ASSERT(!noe.emittedBindOp()); if (!noe.emitAssignment()) { return false; } return true; } // This follows ES6 14.5.14 (ClassDefinitionEvaluation) and ES6 14.5.15 // (BindingClassDeclarationEvaluation). bool BytecodeEmitter::emitClass(ClassNode* classNode) { ClassNames* names = classNode->names(); ParseNode* heritageExpression = classNode->heritage(); ListNode* classMembers = classNode->memberList(); ParseNode* constructor = nullptr; for (ParseNode* classElement : classMembers->contents()) { ParseNode* unwrappedElement = classElement; if (unwrappedElement->is()) unwrappedElement = unwrappedElement->as().scopeBody(); if (unwrappedElement->is()) { ClassMethod& method = unwrappedElement->as(); ParseNode& methodName = method.name(); if (!method.isStatic() && (methodName.isKind(PNK_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME) || methodName.isKind(PNK_STRING)) && methodName.as().atom() == cx->names().constructor) { constructor = classElement; break; } } } // [stack] ClassEmitter ce(this); RootedAtom innerName(cx); ClassEmitter::Kind kind = ClassEmitter::Kind::Expression; if (names) { innerName = names->innerBinding()->as().atom(); MOZ_ASSERT(innerName); if (names->outerBinding()) { MOZ_ASSERT(names->outerBinding()->as().atom()); MOZ_ASSERT(names->outerBinding()->as().atom() == innerName); kind = ClassEmitter::Kind::Declaration; } } if (LexicalScopeNode* scopeBindings = classNode->scopeBindings()) { if (!ce.emitScope(scopeBindings->scopeBindings())) { // [stack] return false; } } // This is kind of silly. In order to the get the home object defined on // the constructor, we have to make it second, but we want the prototype // on top for EmitPropertyList, because we expect static properties to be // rarer. The result is a few more swaps than we would like. Such is life. bool isDerived = !!heritageExpression; if (isDerived) { if (!emitTree(heritageExpression)) { // [stack] HERITAGE return false; } if (!ce.emitDerivedClass(innerName)) { // [stack] HERITAGE HOMEOBJ return false; } } else { if (!ce.emitClass(innerName)) { // [stack] HOMEOBJ return false; } } if (constructor) { // See |Parser::classMember(...)| for the reason why |.initializers| is // created within its own scope. Maybe lse; FunctionNode* ctor; if (constructor->is()) { LexicalScopeNode* constructorScope = &constructor->as(); // The constructor scope should only contain the |.initializers| binding. MOZ_ASSERT(!constructorScope->isEmptyScope()); MOZ_ASSERT(constructorScope->scopeBindings()->length == 1); MOZ_ASSERT(constructorScope->scopeBindings()->trailingNames[0].name() == cx->names().dotInitializers); // As an optimization omit the |.initializers| binding when no instance // fields are present. bool hasInstanceFields = classMembers->any_of([](ParseNode* propdef) { return HasInitializer(propdef, false); }); if (hasInstanceFields) { lse.emplace(this); if (!lse->emitScope(ScopeKind::Lexical, constructorScope->scopeBindings())) return false; // Any class with field initializers will have a constructor if (!emitCreateFieldInitializers(ce, classMembers, FieldPlacement::Instance)) return false; } ctor = &constructorScope->scopeBody()->as().method(); } else { // The |.initializers| binding is never emitted when in self-hosting mode. MOZ_ASSERT(emitterMode == BytecodeEmitter::SelfHosting); ctor = &constructor->as().method(); } bool needsHomeObject = ctor->funbox()->needsHomeObject(); // HERITAGE is consumed inside emitFunction. if (!emitFunction(ctor, isDerived, classMembers)) { // [stack] HOMEOBJ CTOR return false; } if (lse.isSome()) { if (!lse->emitEnd()) { return false; } lse.reset(); } if (!ce.emitInitConstructor(needsHomeObject)) { // [stack] CTOR HOMEOBJ return false; } } else { if (!ce.emitInitDefaultConstructor(Some(classNode->pn_pos.begin), Some(classNode->pn_pos.end))) { // [stack] CTOR HOMEOBJ return false; } } if (!emitCreateFieldKeys(classMembers, FieldPlacement::Instance)) return false; if (!emitCreateFieldInitializers(ce, classMembers, FieldPlacement::Static)) return false; if (!emitCreateFieldKeys(classMembers, FieldPlacement::Static)) return false; if (!emitPropertyList(classMembers, ce, ClassBody)) { // [stack] CTOR HOMEOBJ return false; } if (!ce.emitBinding()) { // [stack] CTOR return false; } if (!emitInitializeStaticFields(classMembers)) { // [stack] CTOR return false; } if (!ce.emitEnd(kind)) { // [stack] # class declaration // [stack] // [stack] # class expression // [stack] CTOR return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitTree(ParseNode* pn, ValueUsage valueUsage /* = ValueUsage::WantValue */, EmitLineNumberNote emitLineNote /* = EMIT_LINENOTE */) { JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, return false); EmitLevelManager elm(this); /* Emit notes to tell the current bytecode's source line number. However, a couple trees require special treatment; see the relevant emitter functions for details. */ if (emitLineNote == EMIT_LINENOTE && !ParseNodeRequiresSpecialLineNumberNotes(pn)) { if (!updateLineNumberNotes(pn->pn_pos.begin)) return false; } switch (pn->getKind()) { case PNK_FUNCTION: if (!emitFunction(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_PARAMSBODY: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("ParamsBody should be handled in emitFunctionScript."); break; case PNK_IF: if (!emitIf(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_SWITCH: if (!emitSwitch(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_WHILE: if (!emitWhile(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_DOWHILE: if (!emitDo(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_FOR: if (!emitFor(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_COMPREHENSIONFOR: if (!emitComprehensionFor(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_BREAK: if (!emitBreak(pn->as().label())) return false; break; case PNK_CONTINUE: if (!emitContinue(pn->as().label())) return false; break; case PNK_WITH: if (!emitWith(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_TRY: if (!emitTry(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_CATCH: if (!emitCatch(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_VAR: if (!emitDeclarationList(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_RETURN: if (!emitReturn(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_YIELD_STAR: if (!emitYieldStar(pn->as().kid())) return false; break; case PNK_GENERATOR: if (!emit1(JSOP_GENERATOR)) return false; break; case PNK_INITIALYIELD: if (!emitInitialYield(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_YIELD: if (!emitYield(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_AWAIT: if (!emitAwaitInInnermostScope(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_STATEMENTLIST: if (!emitStatementList(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_SEMI: if (!emitStatement(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_LABEL: if (!emitLabeledStatement(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_COMMA: if (!emitSequenceExpr(&pn->as(), valueUsage)) return false; break; case PNK_INITPROP: case PNK_ASSIGN: case PNK_ADDASSIGN: case PNK_SUBASSIGN: case PNK_BITORASSIGN: case PNK_BITXORASSIGN: case PNK_BITANDASSIGN: case PNK_LSHASSIGN: case PNK_RSHASSIGN: case PNK_URSHASSIGN: case PNK_MULASSIGN: case PNK_DIVASSIGN: case PNK_MODASSIGN: case PNK_POWASSIGN: { BinaryNode* assignNode = &pn->as(); if (!emitAssignmentOrInit(assignNode->getKind(), assignNode->getOp(), assignNode->left(), assignNode->right())) return false; break; } case PNK_COALESCEASSIGN: case PNK_ORASSIGN: case PNK_ANDASSIGN: { BinaryNode* assignNode = &pn->as(); if (!emitShortCircuitAssignment(assignNode->getKind(), assignNode->getOp(), assignNode->left(), assignNode->right())) { return false; } break; } case PNK_CONDITIONAL: if (!emitConditionalExpression(pn->as(), valueUsage)) return false; break; case PNK_COALESCE: case PNK_OR: case PNK_AND: if (!emitLogical(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_ADD: case PNK_SUB: case PNK_BITOR: case PNK_BITXOR: case PNK_BITAND: case PNK_STRICTEQ: case PNK_EQ: case PNK_STRICTNE: case PNK_NE: case PNK_LT: case PNK_LE: case PNK_GT: case PNK_GE: case PNK_IN: case PNK_INSTANCEOF: case PNK_LSH: case PNK_RSH: case PNK_URSH: case PNK_STAR: case PNK_DIV: case PNK_MOD: if (!emitLeftAssociative(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_POW: if (!emitRightAssociative(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_TYPEOFNAME: if (!emitTypeof(&pn->as(), JSOP_TYPEOF)) return false; break; case PNK_TYPEOFEXPR: if (!emitTypeof(&pn->as(), JSOP_TYPEOFEXPR)) return false; break; case PNK_THROW: case PNK_VOID: case PNK_NOT: case PNK_BITNOT: case PNK_POS: case PNK_NEG: if (!emitUnary(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_PREINCREMENT: case PNK_PREDECREMENT: case PNK_POSTINCREMENT: case PNK_POSTDECREMENT: if (!emitIncOrDec(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_DELETENAME: if (!emitDeleteName(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_DELETEPROP: if (!emitDeleteProperty(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_DELETEELEM: if (!emitDeleteElement(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_DELETEEXPR: if (!emitDeleteExpression(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_DELETEOPTCHAIN: if (!emitDeleteOptionalChain(&pn->as())) { return false; } break; case PNK_OPTCHAIN: if (!emitOptionalChain(&pn->as(), valueUsage)) { return false; } break; case PNK_DOT: { PropertyAccess* prop = &pn->as(); bool isSuper = prop->isSuper(); PropOpEmitter poe(this, PropOpEmitter::Kind::Get, isSuper ? PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!poe.prepareForObj()) { return false; } if (isSuper) { UnaryNode* base = &prop->expression().as(); if (!emitGetThisForSuperBase(base)) { // THIS return false; } } else { if (!emitPropLHS(prop)) { // OBJ return false; } } if (!poe.emitGet(prop->key().atom())) { // PROP return false; } break; } case PNK_ELEM: { PropertyByValue* elem = &pn->as(); bool isSuper = elem->isSuper(); ElemOpEmitter eoe(this, ElemOpEmitter::Kind::Get, isSuper ? ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!emitElemObjAndKey(elem, isSuper, eoe)) { // [Super] // // THIS KEY // // [Other] // // OBJ KEY return false; } if (!eoe.emitGet()) { // ELEM return false; } break; } case PNK_NEW: case PNK_TAGGED_TEMPLATE: case PNK_CALL: case PNK_GENEXP: case PNK_SUPERCALL: if (!emitCallOrNew(&pn->as(), valueUsage)) return false; break; case PNK_LEXICALSCOPE: if (!emitLexicalScope(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_CONST: case PNK_LET: if (!emitDeclarationList(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_IMPORT: MOZ_ASSERT(sc->isModuleContext()); break; case PNK_EXPORT: { MOZ_ASSERT(sc->isModuleContext()); UnaryNode* node = &pn->as(); ParseNode* decl = node->kid(); if (decl->getKind() != PNK_EXPORT_SPEC_LIST) { if (!emitTree(decl)) return false; } break; } case PNK_EXPORT_DEFAULT: { MOZ_ASSERT(sc->isModuleContext()); BinaryNode* ed = &pn->as(); if (!emitTree(ed->left())) return false; if (ed->right()) { if (!emitLexicalInitialization(&ed->right()->as())) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_POP)) return false; } break; } case PNK_EXPORT_FROM: MOZ_ASSERT(sc->isModuleContext()); break; case PNK_ARRAYPUSH: /* * The array object's stack index is in arrayCompDepth. See below * under the array initialiser code generator for array comprehension * special casing. */ if (!emitTree(pn->as().kid())) return false; if (!emitDupAt(this->stackDepth - 1 - arrayCompDepth)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_ARRAYPUSH)) return false; break; case PNK_CALLSITEOBJ: if (!emitCallSiteObject(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_ARRAY: if (!emitArrayLiteral(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_ARRAYCOMP: if (!emitArrayComp(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_OBJECT: if (!emitObject(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_NAME: if (!emitGetName(pn)) return false; break; case PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING_LIST: if (!emitTemplateString(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING: case PNK_STRING: if (!emitAtomOp(pn->as().atom(), JSOP_STRING)) return false; break; case PNK_NUMBER: if (!emitNumberOp(pn->as().value())) return false; break; case PNK_BIGINT: if (!emitBigIntOp(pn->as().box()->value())) { return false; } break; case PNK_REGEXP: if (!emitRegExp(objectList.add(pn->as().objbox()))) return false; break; case PNK_TRUE: case PNK_FALSE: case PNK_NULL: case PNK_RAW_UNDEFINED: if (!emit1(pn->getOp())) return false; break; case PNK_THIS: if (!emitThisLiteral(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_DEBUGGER: if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(pn->pn_pos.begin)) return false; if (!emit1(JSOP_DEBUGGER)) return false; break; case PNK_NOP: MOZ_ASSERT(pn->getArity() == PN_NULLARY); break; case PNK_CLASS: if (!emitClass(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_NEWTARGET: if (!emit1(JSOP_NEWTARGET)) return false; break; case PNK_IMPORT_META: if (!emit1(JSOP_IMPORTMETA)) return false; break; case PNK_CALL_IMPORT: if (!cx->compartment()->runtimeFromAnyThread()->moduleDynamicImportHook) { reportError(nullptr, JSMSG_NO_DYNAMIC_IMPORT); return false; } if (!emitTree(pn->as().right()) || !emit1(JSOP_DYNAMIC_IMPORT)) { return false; } break; case PNK_SETTHIS: if (!emitSetThis(&pn->as())) return false; break; case PNK_PROPERTYNAME: case PNK_POSHOLDER: MOZ_FALLTHROUGH_ASSERT("Should never try to emit PNK_POSHOLDER or PNK_PROPERTYNAME"); default: MOZ_ASSERT(0); } /* bce->emitLevel == 1 means we're last on the stack, so finish up. */ if (emitLevel == 1) { if (!updateSourceCoordNotes(pn->pn_pos.end)) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitTreeInBranch(ParseNode* pn, ValueUsage valueUsage /* = ValueUsage::WantValue */) { // Code that may be conditionally executed always need their own TDZ // cache. TDZCheckCache tdzCache(this); return emitTree(pn, valueUsage); } /* * Special `emitTree` for Optional Chaining case. * Examples of this are `emitOptionalChain`, and `emitDeleteOptionalChain`. */ bool BytecodeEmitter::emitOptionalTree( ParseNode* pn, OptionalEmitter& oe, ValueUsage valueUsage /* = ValueUsage::WantValue */) { JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, return false); ParseNodeKind kind = pn->getKind(); switch (kind) { case PNK_OPTDOT: { OptionalPropertyAccess* prop = &pn->as(); bool isSuper = false; PropOpEmitter poe(this, PropOpEmitter::Kind::Get, PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!emitOptionalDotExpression(prop, poe, isSuper, oe)) return false; break; } case PNK_DOT: { PropertyAccess* prop = &pn->as(); bool isSuper = prop->isSuper(); PropOpEmitter poe(this, PropOpEmitter::Kind::Get, isSuper ? PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : PropOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!emitOptionalDotExpression(prop, poe, isSuper, oe)) return false; break; } case PNK_OPTELEM: { OptionalPropertyByValue* elem = &pn->as(); bool isSuper = false; ElemOpEmitter eoe(this, ElemOpEmitter::Kind::Get, ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!emitOptionalElemExpression(elem, eoe, isSuper, oe)) return false; break; } case PNK_ELEM: { PropertyByValue* elem = &pn->as(); bool isSuper = elem->isSuper(); ElemOpEmitter eoe(this, ElemOpEmitter::Kind::Get, isSuper ? ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Super : ElemOpEmitter::ObjKind::Other); if (!emitOptionalElemExpression(elem, eoe, isSuper, oe)) return false; break; } case PNK_CALL: case PNK_OPTCALL: { if (!emitOptionalCall(&pn->as(), oe, valueUsage)) { return false; } break; } // List of accepted ParseNodeKinds that might appear only at the beginning // of an Optional Chain. // For example, a taggedTemplateExpr node might occur if we have // `test`?.b, with `test` as the taggedTemplateExpr ParseNode. default: { #ifdef DEBUG // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-primary-expression bool isPrimaryExpression = kind == PNK_THIS || kind == PNK_NAME || kind == PNK_NULL || kind == PNK_TRUE || kind == PNK_FALSE || kind == PNK_NUMBER || kind == PNK_STRING || kind == PNK_ARRAY || kind == PNK_OBJECT || kind == PNK_FUNCTION || kind == PNK_CLASS || kind == PNK_REGEXP || kind == PNK_TEMPLATE_STRING || kind == PNK_RAW_UNDEFINED || pn->isInParens(); // https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-left-hand-side-expressions bool isMemberExpression = isPrimaryExpression || kind == PNK_TAGGED_TEMPLATE || kind == PNK_NEW || kind == PNK_NEWTARGET; //kind == ParseNodeKind::ImportMetaExpr; bool isCallExpression = kind == PNK_SETTHIS; //kind == ParseNodeKind::CallImportExpr; MOZ_ASSERT(isMemberExpression || isCallExpression, "Unknown ParseNodeKind for OptionalChain"); #endif return emitTree(pn); } } return true; } // Handle the case of a call made on a OptionalChainParseNode. // For example `(a?.b)()` and `(a?.b)?.()`. bool BytecodeEmitter::emitCalleeAndThisForOptionalChain( UnaryNode* optionalChain, ParseNode* callNode, CallOrNewEmitter& cone) { ParseNode* calleeNode = optionalChain->kid(); // Create a new OptionalEmitter, in order to emit the right bytecode // in isolation. OptionalEmitter oe(this, stackDepth); if (!emitOptionalCalleeAndThis(callNode, calleeNode, cone, oe)) { // [stack] CALLEE THIS return false; } // Complete the jump if necessary. This will set both the "this" value // and the "callee" value to undefined, if the callee is undefined. It // does not matter much what the this value is, the function call will // fail if it is not optional, and be set to undefined otherwise. if (!oe.emitOptionalJumpTarget(JSOP_UNDEFINED, OptionalEmitter::Kind::Reference)) { // [stack] # If shortcircuit // [stack] UNDEFINED UNDEFINED // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] CALLEE THIS return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitOptionalChain( UnaryNode* optionalChain, ValueUsage valueUsage) { ParseNode* expression = optionalChain->kid(); OptionalEmitter oe(this, stackDepth); if (!emitOptionalTree(expression, oe, valueUsage)) { // [stack] VAL return false; } if (!oe.emitOptionalJumpTarget(JSOP_UNDEFINED)) { // [stack] # If shortcircuit // [stack] UNDEFINED // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] VAL return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitOptionalDotExpression( PropertyAccessBase* prop, PropOpEmitter& poe, bool isSuper, OptionalEmitter& oe) { if (!poe.prepareForObj()) { // [stack] return false; } if (isSuper) { if (!emitGetThisForSuperBase(&prop->expression().as())) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } } else { if (!emitOptionalTree(&prop->expression(), oe)) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } } if (prop->isKind(PNK_OPTDOT)) { MOZ_ASSERT(!isSuper); if (!oe.emitJumpShortCircuit()) { // [stack] # if Jump // [stack] UNDEFINED-OR-NULL // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] OBJ return false; } } if (!poe.emitGet(prop->key().atom())) { // [stack] PROP return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::emitOptionalElemExpression( PropertyByValueBase* elem, ElemOpEmitter& eoe, bool isSuper, OptionalEmitter& oe) { if (!eoe.prepareForObj()) { // [stack] return false; } if (isSuper) { if (!emitGetThisForSuperBase(&elem->expression().as())) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } } else { if (!emitOptionalTree(&elem->expression(), oe)) { // [stack] OBJ return false; } } if (elem->isKind(PNK_OPTELEM)) { MOZ_ASSERT(!isSuper); if (!oe.emitJumpShortCircuit()) { // [stack] # if Jump // [stack] UNDEFINED-OR-NULL // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] OBJ return false; } } if (!eoe.prepareForKey()) { // [stack] OBJ? OBJ return false; } if (!emitTree(&elem->key())) { // [stack] OBJ? OBJ KEY return false; } if (!eoe.emitGet()) { // [stack] ELEM return false; } return true; } static bool AllocSrcNote(ExclusiveContext* cx, SrcNotesVector& notes, unsigned* index) { size_t oldLength = notes.length(); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(oldLength + 1 > MaxSrcNotesLength)) { ReportAllocationOverflow(cx); return false; } if (!notes.growBy(1)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } *index = oldLength; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::newSrcNote(SrcNoteType type, unsigned* indexp) { SrcNotesVector& notes = this->notes(); unsigned index; if (!AllocSrcNote(cx, notes, &index)) return false; /* * Compute delta from the last annotated bytecode's offset. If it's too * big to fit in sn, allocate one or more xdelta notes and reset sn. */ ptrdiff_t offset = this->offset(); ptrdiff_t delta = offset - lastNoteOffset(); current->lastNoteOffset = offset; if (delta >= SN_DELTA_LIMIT) { do { ptrdiff_t xdelta = Min(delta, SN_XDELTA_MASK); SN_MAKE_XDELTA(¬es[index], xdelta); delta -= xdelta; if (!AllocSrcNote(cx, notes, &index)) return false; } while (delta >= SN_DELTA_LIMIT); } /* * Initialize type and delta, then allocate the minimum number of notes * needed for type's arity. Usually, we won't need more, but if an offset * does take two bytes, setSrcNoteOffset will grow notes. */ SN_MAKE_NOTE(¬es[index], type, delta); for (int n = (int)js_SrcNoteSpec[type].arity; n > 0; n--) { if (!newSrcNote(SRC_NULL)) return false; } if (indexp) *indexp = index; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::newSrcNote2(SrcNoteType type, ptrdiff_t offset, unsigned* indexp) { unsigned index; if (!newSrcNote(type, &index)) return false; if (!setSrcNoteOffset(index, 0, offset)) return false; if (indexp) *indexp = index; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::newSrcNote3(SrcNoteType type, ptrdiff_t offset1, ptrdiff_t offset2, unsigned* indexp) { unsigned index; if (!newSrcNote(type, &index)) return false; if (!setSrcNoteOffset(index, 0, offset1)) return false; if (!setSrcNoteOffset(index, 1, offset2)) return false; if (indexp) *indexp = index; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::addToSrcNoteDelta(jssrcnote* sn, ptrdiff_t delta) { /* * Called only from finishTakingSrcNotes to add to main script note * deltas, and only by a small positive amount. */ MOZ_ASSERT(current == &main); MOZ_ASSERT((unsigned) delta < (unsigned) SN_XDELTA_LIMIT); ptrdiff_t base = SN_DELTA(sn); ptrdiff_t limit = SN_IS_XDELTA(sn) ? SN_XDELTA_LIMIT : SN_DELTA_LIMIT; ptrdiff_t newdelta = base + delta; if (newdelta < limit) { SN_SET_DELTA(sn, newdelta); } else { jssrcnote xdelta; SN_MAKE_XDELTA(&xdelta, delta); if (!main.notes.insert(sn, xdelta)) return false; } return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::setSrcNoteOffset(unsigned index, unsigned which, ptrdiff_t offset) { if (!SN_REPRESENTABLE_OFFSET(offset)) { parser->tokenStream.reportError(JSMSG_NEED_DIET, js_script_str); return false; } SrcNotesVector& notes = this->notes(); /* Find the offset numbered which (i.e., skip exactly which offsets). */ jssrcnote* sn = ¬es[index]; MOZ_ASSERT(SN_TYPE(sn) != SRC_XDELTA); MOZ_ASSERT((int) which < js_SrcNoteSpec[SN_TYPE(sn)].arity); for (sn++; which; sn++, which--) { if (*sn & SN_4BYTE_OFFSET_FLAG) sn += 3; } /* * See if the new offset requires four bytes either by being too big or if * the offset has already been inflated (in which case, we need to stay big * to not break the srcnote encoding if this isn't the last srcnote). */ if (offset > (ptrdiff_t)SN_4BYTE_OFFSET_MASK || (*sn & SN_4BYTE_OFFSET_FLAG)) { /* Maybe this offset was already set to a four-byte value. */ if (!(*sn & SN_4BYTE_OFFSET_FLAG)) { /* Insert three dummy bytes that will be overwritten shortly. */ if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(notes.length() + 3 > MaxSrcNotesLength)) { ReportAllocationOverflow(cx); return false; } jssrcnote dummy = 0; if (!(sn = notes.insert(sn, dummy)) || !(sn = notes.insert(sn, dummy)) || !(sn = notes.insert(sn, dummy))) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } } *sn++ = (jssrcnote)(SN_4BYTE_OFFSET_FLAG | (offset >> 24)); *sn++ = (jssrcnote)(offset >> 16); *sn++ = (jssrcnote)(offset >> 8); } *sn = (jssrcnote)offset; return true; } bool BytecodeEmitter::finishTakingSrcNotes(uint32_t* out) { MOZ_ASSERT(current == &main); unsigned prologueCount = prologue.notes.length(); if (prologueCount && prologue.currentLine != firstLine) { switchToPrologue(); if (!newSrcNote2(SRC_SETLINE, ptrdiff_t(firstLine))) return false; switchToMain(); } else { /* * Either no prologue srcnotes, or no line number change over prologue. * We don't need a SRC_SETLINE, but we may need to adjust the offset * of the first main note, by adding to its delta and possibly even * prepending SRC_XDELTA notes to it to account for prologue bytecodes * that came at and after the last annotated bytecode. */ ptrdiff_t offset = prologueOffset() - prologue.lastNoteOffset; MOZ_ASSERT(offset >= 0); if (offset > 0 && main.notes.length() != 0) { /* NB: Use as much of the first main note's delta as we can. */ jssrcnote* sn = main.notes.begin(); ptrdiff_t delta = SN_IS_XDELTA(sn) ? SN_XDELTA_MASK - (*sn & SN_XDELTA_MASK) : SN_DELTA_MASK - (*sn & SN_DELTA_MASK); if (offset < delta) delta = offset; for (;;) { if (!addToSrcNoteDelta(sn, delta)) return false; offset -= delta; if (offset == 0) break; delta = Min(offset, SN_XDELTA_MASK); sn = main.notes.begin(); } } } // The prologue count might have changed, so we can't reuse prologueCount. // The + 1 is to account for the final SN_MAKE_TERMINATOR that is appended // when the notes are copied to their final destination by CopySrcNotes. *out = prologue.notes.length() + main.notes.length() + 1; return true; } void BytecodeEmitter::copySrcNotes(jssrcnote* destination, uint32_t nsrcnotes) { unsigned prologueCount = prologue.notes.length(); unsigned mainCount = main.notes.length(); unsigned totalCount = prologueCount + mainCount; MOZ_ASSERT(totalCount == nsrcnotes - 1); if (prologueCount) PodCopy(destination, prologue.notes.begin(), prologueCount); PodCopy(destination + prologueCount, main.notes.begin(), mainCount); SN_MAKE_TERMINATOR(&destination[totalCount]); } OptionalEmitter::OptionalEmitter(BytecodeEmitter* bce, int32_t initialDepth) : bce_(bce), tdzCache_(bce), initialDepth_(initialDepth) { } bool OptionalEmitter::emitJumpShortCircuit() { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::Start || state_ == State::ShortCircuit || state_ == State::ShortCircuitForCall); MOZ_ASSERT(initialDepth_ + 1 == bce_->stackDepth); InternalIfEmitter ifEmitter(bce_); if (!bce_->emitPushNotUndefinedOrNull()) { // [stack] OBJ NOT-UNDEFINED-OR-NULL return false; } if (!bce_->emit1(JSOP_NOT)) { // [stack] OBJ UNDEFINED-OR-NULL return false; } if (!ifEmitter.emitThen()) { return false; } if (!bce_->newSrcNote(SRC_OPTCHAIN)) { return false; } if (!bce_->emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &jumpShortCircuit_)) { // [stack] UNDEFINED-OR-NULL return false; } if (!ifEmitter.emitEnd()) { return false; } #ifdef DEBUG state_ = State::ShortCircuit; #endif return true; } bool OptionalEmitter::emitJumpShortCircuitForCall() { MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::Start || state_ == State::ShortCircuit || state_ == State::ShortCircuitForCall); int32_t depth = bce_->stackDepth; MOZ_ASSERT(initialDepth_ + 2 == depth); if (!bce_->emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) { // [stack] THIS CALLEE return false; } InternalIfEmitter ifEmitter(bce_); if (!bce_->emitPushNotUndefinedOrNull()) { // [stack] THIS CALLEE NOT-UNDEFINED-OR-NULL return false; } if (!bce_->emit1(JSOP_NOT)) { // [stack] THIS CALLEE UNDEFINED-OR-NULL return false; } if (!ifEmitter.emitThen()) { return false; } if (!bce_->emit1(JSOP_POP)) { // [stack] VAL return false; } if (!bce_->newSrcNote(SRC_OPTCHAIN)) { return false; } if (!bce_->emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &jumpShortCircuit_)) { // [stack] UNDEFINED-OR-NULL return false; } if (!ifEmitter.emitEnd()) { return false; } bce_->stackDepth = depth; if (!bce_->emit1(JSOP_SWAP)) { // [stack] THIS CALLEE return false; } #ifdef DEBUG state_ = State::ShortCircuitForCall; #endif return true; } bool OptionalEmitter::emitOptionalJumpTarget(JSOp op, Kind kind /* = Kind::Other */) { #ifdef DEBUG int32_t depth = bce_->stackDepth; #endif MOZ_ASSERT(state_ == State::ShortCircuit || state_ == State::ShortCircuitForCall); // if we get to this point, it means that the optional chain did not short // circuit, so we should skip the short circuiting bytecode. if (!bce_->emitJump(JSOP_GOTO, &jumpFinish_)) { // [stack] # if call // [stack] CALLEE THIS // [stack] # otherwise, if defined // [stack] VAL // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] UNDEFINED-OR-NULL return false; } if (!bce_->emitJumpTargetAndPatch(jumpShortCircuit_)) { // [stack] UNDEFINED-OR-NULL return false; } // reset stack depth to the depth when we jumped bce_->stackDepth = initialDepth_ + 1; if (!bce_->emit1(JSOP_POP)) { // [stack] return false; } if (!bce_->emit1(op)) { // [stack] JSOP return false; } if (kind == Kind::Reference) { if (!bce_->emit1(op)) { // [stack] JSOP JSOP return false; } } MOZ_ASSERT(depth == bce_->stackDepth); if (!bce_->emitJumpTargetAndPatch(jumpFinish_)) { // [stack] # if call // [stack] CALLEE THIS // [stack] # otherwise // [stack] VAL return false; } #ifdef DEBUG state_ = State::JumpEnd; #endif return true; } void CGConstList::finish(ConstArray* array) { MOZ_ASSERT(length() == array->length); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(); i++) array->vector[i] = vector[i]; } /* * Find the index of the given object for code generator. * * Since the emitter refers to each parsed object only once, for the index we * use the number of already indexed objects. We also add the object to a list * to convert the list to a fixed-size array when we complete code generation, * see js::CGObjectList::finish below. */ unsigned CGObjectList::add(ObjectBox* objbox) { MOZ_ASSERT(objbox->isObjectBox()); MOZ_ASSERT(!objbox->emitLink); objbox->emitLink = lastbox; lastbox = objbox; return length++; } unsigned CGObjectList::indexOf(JSObject* obj) { MOZ_ASSERT(length > 0); unsigned index = length - 1; for (ObjectBox* box = lastbox; box->object() != obj; box = box->emitLink) index--; return index; } void CGObjectList::finish(ObjectArray* array) { MOZ_ASSERT(length <= INDEX_LIMIT); MOZ_ASSERT(length == array->length); js::GCPtrObject* cursor = array->vector + array->length; ObjectBox* objbox = lastbox; do { --cursor; MOZ_ASSERT(!*cursor); MOZ_ASSERT(objbox->object()->isTenured()); *cursor = objbox->object(); } while ((objbox = objbox->emitLink) != nullptr); MOZ_ASSERT(cursor == array->vector); } ObjectBox* CGObjectList::find(uint32_t index) { MOZ_ASSERT(index < length); ObjectBox* box = lastbox; for (unsigned n = length - 1; n > index; n--) box = box->emitLink; return box; } void CGScopeList::finish(ScopeArray* array) { MOZ_ASSERT(length() <= INDEX_LIMIT); MOZ_ASSERT(length() == array->length); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length(); i++) array->vector[i].init(vector[i]); } bool CGTryNoteList::append(JSTryNoteKind kind, uint32_t stackDepth, size_t start, size_t end) { MOZ_ASSERT(start <= end); MOZ_ASSERT(size_t(uint32_t(start)) == start); MOZ_ASSERT(size_t(uint32_t(end)) == end); JSTryNote note; note.kind = kind; note.stackDepth = stackDepth; note.start = uint32_t(start); note.length = uint32_t(end - start); return list.append(note); } void CGTryNoteList::finish(TryNoteArray* array) { MOZ_ASSERT(length() == array->length); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(); i++) array->vector[i] = list[i]; } bool CGScopeNoteList::append(uint32_t scopeIndex, uint32_t offset, bool inPrologue, uint32_t parent) { CGScopeNote note; mozilla::PodZero(¬e); note.index = scopeIndex; note.start = offset; note.parent = parent; note.startInPrologue = inPrologue; return list.append(note); } void CGScopeNoteList::recordEnd(uint32_t index, uint32_t offset, bool inPrologue) { MOZ_ASSERT(index < length()); MOZ_ASSERT(list[index].length == 0); list[index].end = offset; list[index].endInPrologue = inPrologue; } void CGScopeNoteList::finish(ScopeNoteArray* array, uint32_t prologueLength) { MOZ_ASSERT(length() == array->length); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(); i++) { if (!list[i].startInPrologue) list[i].start += prologueLength; if (!list[i].endInPrologue && list[i].end != UINT32_MAX) list[i].end += prologueLength; MOZ_ASSERT(list[i].end >= list[i].start); list[i].length = list[i].end - list[i].start; array->vector[i] = list[i]; } } void CGYieldAndAwaitOffsetList::finish(YieldAndAwaitOffsetArray& array, uint32_t prologueLength) { MOZ_ASSERT(length() == array.length()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(); i++) array[i] = prologueLength + list[i]; } /* * We should try to get rid of offsetBias (always 0 or 1, where 1 is * JSOP_{NOP,POP}_LENGTH), which is used only by SRC_FOR. */ const JSSrcNoteSpec js_SrcNoteSpec[] = { #define DEFINE_SRC_NOTE_SPEC(sym, name, arity) { name, arity }, FOR_EACH_SRC_NOTE_TYPE(DEFINE_SRC_NOTE_SPEC) #undef DEFINE_SRC_NOTE_SPEC }; static int SrcNoteArity(jssrcnote* sn) { MOZ_ASSERT(SN_TYPE(sn) < SRC_LAST); return js_SrcNoteSpec[SN_TYPE(sn)].arity; } JS_FRIEND_API(unsigned) js::SrcNoteLength(jssrcnote* sn) { unsigned arity; jssrcnote* base; arity = SrcNoteArity(sn); for (base = sn++; arity; sn++, arity--) { if (*sn & SN_4BYTE_OFFSET_FLAG) sn += 3; } return sn - base; } JS_FRIEND_API(ptrdiff_t) js::GetSrcNoteOffset(jssrcnote* sn, unsigned which) { /* Find the offset numbered which (i.e., skip exactly which offsets). */ MOZ_ASSERT(SN_TYPE(sn) != SRC_XDELTA); MOZ_ASSERT((int) which < SrcNoteArity(sn)); for (sn++; which; sn++, which--) { if (*sn & SN_4BYTE_OFFSET_FLAG) sn += 3; } if (*sn & SN_4BYTE_OFFSET_FLAG) { return (ptrdiff_t)(((uint32_t)(sn[0] & SN_4BYTE_OFFSET_MASK) << 24) | (sn[1] << 16) | (sn[2] << 8) | sn[3]); } return (ptrdiff_t)*sn; }