/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /*global intl_NumberFormat: false, */ var numberFormatCache = new Record(); /** * Format this Number object into a string, using the locale and formatting options * provided. * * Spec: ECMAScript Language Specification, 5.1 edition, * Spec: ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification, 13.2.1. */ function Number_toLocaleString() { // Steps 1-2. Note that valueOf enforces "this Number value" restrictions. var x = callFunction(std_Number_valueOf, this); // Steps 2-3. var locales = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined; var options = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; // Step 4. var numberFormat; if (locales === undefined && options === undefined) { // This cache only optimizes for the old ES5 toLocaleString without // locales and options. if (numberFormatCache.numberFormat === undefined) numberFormatCache.numberFormat = intl_NumberFormat(locales, options); numberFormat = numberFormatCache.numberFormat; } else { numberFormat = intl_NumberFormat(locales, options); } // Step 5. return intl_FormatNumber(numberFormat, x, /* formatToParts = */ false); } // ES6 draft ES6 function Number_isFinite(num) { if (typeof num !== "number") return false; return num - num === 0; } // ES6 draft ES6 function Number_isNaN(num) { if (typeof num !== "number") return false; return num !== num; } // ES6 draft ES6 function Number_isSafeInteger(number) { // Step 1. if (typeof number !== 'number') return false; // Step 2. if (!Number_isFinite(number)) return false; // Step 3. var integer = ToInteger(number); // Step 4. if (integer !== number) return false; // Step 5. If abs(integer) <= 2**53 - 1, return true. if (std_Math_abs(integer) <= 9007199254740991) return true; // Step 6. return false; } function Global_isNaN(number) { return Number_isNaN(ToNumber(number)); } function Global_isFinite(number){ return Number_isFinite(ToNumber(number)); }