/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "GestureEventListener.h" #include // for fabsf #include // for size_t #include "AsyncPanZoomController.h" // for AsyncPanZoomController #include "base/task.h" // for CancelableTask, etc #include "gfxPrefs.h" // for gfxPrefs #include "mozilla/SizePrintfMacros.h" // for PRIuSIZE #include "nsDebug.h" // for NS_WARNING #include "nsMathUtils.h" // for NS_hypot #include "InputBlockState.h" // for TouchBlockState #define GEL_LOG(...) // #define GEL_LOG(...) printf_stderr("GEL: " __VA_ARGS__) namespace mozilla { namespace layers { /** * Maximum time for a touch on the screen and corresponding lift of the finger * to be considered a tap. This also applies to double taps, except that it is * used twice. */ static const uint32_t MAX_TAP_TIME = 300; /** * Amount of span or focus change needed to take us from the GESTURE_WAITING_PINCH * state to the GESTURE_PINCH state. This is measured as either a change in distance * between the fingers used to compute the span ratio, or the a change in * position of the focus point between the two fingers. */ static const float PINCH_START_THRESHOLD = 35.0f; static bool sLongTapEnabled = true; ParentLayerPoint GetCurrentFocus(const MultiTouchInput& aEvent) { const ParentLayerPoint& firstTouch = aEvent.mTouches[0].mLocalScreenPoint; const ParentLayerPoint& secondTouch = aEvent.mTouches[1].mLocalScreenPoint; return (firstTouch + secondTouch) / 2; } ParentLayerCoord GetCurrentSpan(const MultiTouchInput& aEvent) { const ParentLayerPoint& firstTouch = aEvent.mTouches[0].mLocalScreenPoint; const ParentLayerPoint& secondTouch = aEvent.mTouches[1].mLocalScreenPoint; ParentLayerPoint delta = secondTouch - firstTouch; return delta.Length(); } TapGestureInput CreateTapEvent(const MultiTouchInput& aTouch, TapGestureInput::TapGestureType aType) { return TapGestureInput(aType, aTouch.mTime, aTouch.mTimeStamp, aTouch.mTouches[0].mScreenPoint, aTouch.modifiers); } GestureEventListener::GestureEventListener(AsyncPanZoomController* aAsyncPanZoomController) : mAsyncPanZoomController(aAsyncPanZoomController), mState(GESTURE_NONE), mSpanChange(0.0f), mPreviousSpan(0.0f), mFocusChange(0.0f), mLastTouchInput(MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_START, 0, TimeStamp(), 0), mLastTapInput(MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_START, 0, TimeStamp(), 0), mLongTapTimeoutTask(nullptr), mMaxTapTimeoutTask(nullptr) { } GestureEventListener::~GestureEventListener() { } nsEventStatus GestureEventListener::HandleInputEvent(const MultiTouchInput& aEvent) { GEL_LOG("Receiving event type %d with %" PRIuSIZE " touches in state %d\n", aEvent.mType, aEvent.mTouches.Length(), mState); nsEventStatus rv = nsEventStatus_eIgnore; // Cache the current event since it may become the single or long tap that we // send. mLastTouchInput = aEvent; switch (aEvent.mType) { case MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_START: mTouches.Clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < aEvent.mTouches.Length(); i++) { mTouches.AppendElement(aEvent.mTouches[i]); } if (aEvent.mTouches.Length() == 1) { rv = HandleInputTouchSingleStart(); } else { rv = HandleInputTouchMultiStart(); } break; case MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_MOVE: for (size_t i = 0; i < aEvent.mTouches.Length(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < mTouches.Length(); j++) { if (aEvent.mTouches[i].mIdentifier == mTouches[j].mIdentifier) { mTouches[j].mScreenPoint = aEvent.mTouches[i].mScreenPoint; mTouches[j].mLocalScreenPoint = aEvent.mTouches[i].mLocalScreenPoint; } } } rv = HandleInputTouchMove(); break; case MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_END: for (size_t i = 0; i < aEvent.mTouches.Length(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < mTouches.Length(); j++) { if (aEvent.mTouches[i].mIdentifier == mTouches[j].mIdentifier) { mTouches.RemoveElementAt(j); break; } } } rv = HandleInputTouchEnd(); break; case MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_CANCEL: mTouches.Clear(); rv = HandleInputTouchCancel(); break; case MultiTouchInput::MULTITOUCH_SENTINEL: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Invalid MultTouchInput."); break; } return rv; } int32_t GestureEventListener::GetLastTouchIdentifier() const { if (mTouches.Length() != 1) { NS_WARNING("GetLastTouchIdentifier() called when last touch event " "did not have one touch"); } return mTouches.IsEmpty() ? -1 : mTouches[0].mIdentifier; } /* static */ void GestureEventListener::SetLongTapEnabled(bool aLongTapEnabled) { sLongTapEnabled = aLongTapEnabled; } nsEventStatus GestureEventListener::HandleInputTouchSingleStart() { switch (mState) { case GESTURE_NONE: SetState(GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_DOWN); mTouchStartPosition = mLastTouchInput.mTouches[0].mLocalScreenPoint; if (sLongTapEnabled) { CreateLongTapTimeoutTask(); } CreateMaxTapTimeoutTask(); break; case GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_UP: SetState(GESTURE_SECOND_SINGLE_TOUCH_DOWN); break; default: NS_WARNING("Unhandled state upon single touch start"); SetState(GESTURE_NONE); break; } return nsEventStatus_eIgnore; } nsEventStatus GestureEventListener::HandleInputTouchMultiStart() { nsEventStatus rv = nsEventStatus_eIgnore; switch (mState) { case GESTURE_NONE: SetState(GESTURE_MULTI_TOUCH_DOWN); break; case GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_DOWN: CancelLongTapTimeoutTask(); CancelMaxTapTimeoutTask(); SetState(GESTURE_MULTI_TOUCH_DOWN); // Prevent APZC::OnTouchStart() from handling MULTITOUCH_START event rv = nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault; break; case GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_MAX_TAP_DOWN: CancelLongTapTimeoutTask(); SetState(GESTURE_MULTI_TOUCH_DOWN); // Prevent APZC::OnTouchStart() from handling MULTITOUCH_START event rv = nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault; break; case GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_UP: case GESTURE_SECOND_SINGLE_TOUCH_DOWN: // Cancel wait for double tap CancelMaxTapTimeoutTask(); MOZ_ASSERT(mSingleTapSent.isSome()); if (!mSingleTapSent.value()) { TriggerSingleTapConfirmedEvent(); } mSingleTapSent = Nothing(); SetState(GESTURE_MULTI_TOUCH_DOWN); // Prevent APZC::OnTouchStart() from handling MULTITOUCH_START event rv = nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault; break; case GESTURE_LONG_TOUCH_DOWN: SetState(GESTURE_MULTI_TOUCH_DOWN); break; case GESTURE_MULTI_TOUCH_DOWN: case GESTURE_PINCH: // Prevent APZC::OnTouchStart() from handling MULTITOUCH_START event rv = nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault; break; default: NS_WARNING("Unhandled state upon multitouch start"); SetState(GESTURE_NONE); break; } return rv; } bool GestureEventListener::MoveDistanceIsLarge() { const ParentLayerPoint start = mLastTouchInput.mTouches[0].mLocalScreenPoint; ParentLayerPoint delta = start - mTouchStartPosition; ScreenPoint screenDelta = mAsyncPanZoomController->ToScreenCoordinates(delta, start); return (screenDelta.Length() > AsyncPanZoomController::GetTouchStartTolerance()); } nsEventStatus GestureEventListener::HandleInputTouchMove() { nsEventStatus rv = nsEventStatus_eIgnore; switch (mState) { case GESTURE_NONE: // Ignore this input signal as the corresponding events get handled by APZC break; case GESTURE_LONG_TOUCH_DOWN: if (MoveDistanceIsLarge()) { // So that we don't fire a long-tap-up if the user moves around after a // long-tap SetState(GESTURE_NONE); } break; case GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_DOWN: case GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_MAX_TAP_DOWN: case GESTURE_SECOND_SINGLE_TOUCH_DOWN: { // If we move too much, bail out of the tap. if (MoveDistanceIsLarge()) { CancelLongTapTimeoutTask(); CancelMaxTapTimeoutTask(); mSingleTapSent = Nothing(); SetState(GESTURE_NONE); } break; } case GESTURE_MULTI_TOUCH_DOWN: { if (mLastTouchInput.mTouches.Length() < 2) { NS_WARNING("Wrong input: less than 2 moving points in GESTURE_MULTI_TOUCH_DOWN state"); break; } ParentLayerCoord currentSpan = GetCurrentSpan(mLastTouchInput); ParentLayerPoint currentFocus = GetCurrentFocus(mLastTouchInput); mSpanChange += fabsf(currentSpan - mPreviousSpan); mFocusChange += (currentFocus - mPreviousFocus).Length(); if (mSpanChange > PINCH_START_THRESHOLD || mFocusChange > PINCH_START_THRESHOLD) { SetState(GESTURE_PINCH); PinchGestureInput pinchEvent(PinchGestureInput::PINCHGESTURE_START, mLastTouchInput.mTime, mLastTouchInput.mTimeStamp, currentFocus, currentSpan, currentSpan, mLastTouchInput.modifiers); rv = mAsyncPanZoomController->HandleGestureEvent(pinchEvent); } else { // Prevent APZC::OnTouchMove from processing a move event when two // touches are active rv = nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault; } mPreviousSpan = currentSpan; mPreviousFocus = currentFocus; break; } case GESTURE_PINCH: { if (mLastTouchInput.mTouches.Length() < 2) { NS_WARNING("Wrong input: less than 2 moving points in GESTURE_PINCH state"); // Prevent APZC::OnTouchMove() from handling this wrong input rv = nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault; break; } ParentLayerCoord currentSpan = GetCurrentSpan(mLastTouchInput); PinchGestureInput pinchEvent(PinchGestureInput::PINCHGESTURE_SCALE, mLastTouchInput.mTime, mLastTouchInput.mTimeStamp, GetCurrentFocus(mLastTouchInput), currentSpan, mPreviousSpan, mLastTouchInput.modifiers); rv = mAsyncPanZoomController->HandleGestureEvent(pinchEvent); mPreviousSpan = currentSpan; break; } default: NS_WARNING("Unhandled state upon touch move"); SetState(GESTURE_NONE); break; } return rv; } nsEventStatus GestureEventListener::HandleInputTouchEnd() { // We intentionally do not pass apzc return statuses up since // it may cause apzc stay in the touching state even after // gestures are completed (please see Bug 1013378 for reference). nsEventStatus rv = nsEventStatus_eIgnore; switch (mState) { case GESTURE_NONE: // GEL doesn't have a dedicated state for PANNING handled in APZC thus ignore. break; case GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_DOWN: { CancelLongTapTimeoutTask(); CancelMaxTapTimeoutTask(); nsEventStatus tapupStatus = mAsyncPanZoomController->HandleGestureEvent( CreateTapEvent(mLastTouchInput, TapGestureInput::TAPGESTURE_UP)); mSingleTapSent = Some(tapupStatus != nsEventStatus_eIgnore); SetState(GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_UP); CreateMaxTapTimeoutTask(); break; } case GESTURE_SECOND_SINGLE_TOUCH_DOWN: { CancelMaxTapTimeoutTask(); MOZ_ASSERT(mSingleTapSent.isSome()); mAsyncPanZoomController->HandleGestureEvent( CreateTapEvent(mLastTouchInput, mSingleTapSent.value() ? TapGestureInput::TAPGESTURE_SECOND : TapGestureInput::TAPGESTURE_DOUBLE)); mSingleTapSent = Nothing(); SetState(GESTURE_NONE); break; } case GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_MAX_TAP_DOWN: CancelLongTapTimeoutTask(); SetState(GESTURE_NONE); TriggerSingleTapConfirmedEvent(); break; case GESTURE_LONG_TOUCH_DOWN: { SetState(GESTURE_NONE); mAsyncPanZoomController->HandleGestureEvent( CreateTapEvent(mLastTouchInput, TapGestureInput::TAPGESTURE_LONG_UP)); break; } case GESTURE_MULTI_TOUCH_DOWN: if (mTouches.Length() < 2) { SetState(GESTURE_NONE); } break; case GESTURE_PINCH: if (mTouches.Length() < 2) { SetState(GESTURE_NONE); ParentLayerPoint point(-1, -1); if (mTouches.Length() == 1) { // As user still keeps one finger down the event's focus point should // contain meaningful data. point = mTouches[0].mLocalScreenPoint; } PinchGestureInput pinchEvent(PinchGestureInput::PINCHGESTURE_END, mLastTouchInput.mTime, mLastTouchInput.mTimeStamp, point, 1.0f, 1.0f, mLastTouchInput.modifiers); mAsyncPanZoomController->HandleGestureEvent(pinchEvent); } rv = nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault; break; default: NS_WARNING("Unhandled state upon touch end"); SetState(GESTURE_NONE); break; } return rv; } nsEventStatus GestureEventListener::HandleInputTouchCancel() { mSingleTapSent = Nothing(); SetState(GESTURE_NONE); CancelMaxTapTimeoutTask(); CancelLongTapTimeoutTask(); return nsEventStatus_eIgnore; } void GestureEventListener::HandleInputTimeoutLongTap() { GEL_LOG("Running long-tap timeout task in state %d\n", mState); mLongTapTimeoutTask = nullptr; switch (mState) { case GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_DOWN: // just in case MAX_TAP_TIME > ContextMenuDelay cancel MAX_TAP timer // and fall through CancelMaxTapTimeoutTask(); [[fallthrough]]; case GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_MAX_TAP_DOWN: { SetState(GESTURE_LONG_TOUCH_DOWN); mAsyncPanZoomController->HandleGestureEvent( CreateTapEvent(mLastTouchInput, TapGestureInput::TAPGESTURE_LONG)); break; } default: NS_WARNING("Unhandled state upon long tap timeout"); SetState(GESTURE_NONE); break; } } void GestureEventListener::HandleInputTimeoutMaxTap(bool aDuringFastFling) { GEL_LOG("Running max-tap timeout task in state %d\n", mState); mMaxTapTimeoutTask = nullptr; if (mState == GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_DOWN) { SetState(GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_MAX_TAP_DOWN); } else if (mState == GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_UP || mState == GESTURE_SECOND_SINGLE_TOUCH_DOWN) { MOZ_ASSERT(mSingleTapSent.isSome()); if (!aDuringFastFling && !mSingleTapSent.value()) { TriggerSingleTapConfirmedEvent(); } mSingleTapSent = Nothing(); SetState(GESTURE_NONE); } else { NS_WARNING("Unhandled state upon MAX_TAP timeout"); SetState(GESTURE_NONE); } } void GestureEventListener::TriggerSingleTapConfirmedEvent() { mAsyncPanZoomController->HandleGestureEvent( CreateTapEvent(mLastTapInput, TapGestureInput::TAPGESTURE_CONFIRMED)); } void GestureEventListener::SetState(GestureState aState) { mState = aState; if (mState == GESTURE_NONE) { mSpanChange = 0.0f; mPreviousSpan = 0.0f; mFocusChange = 0.0f; } else if (mState == GESTURE_MULTI_TOUCH_DOWN) { mPreviousSpan = GetCurrentSpan(mLastTouchInput); mPreviousFocus = GetCurrentFocus(mLastTouchInput); } } void GestureEventListener::CancelLongTapTimeoutTask() { if (mState == GESTURE_SECOND_SINGLE_TOUCH_DOWN) { // being in this state means the task has been canceled already return; } if (mLongTapTimeoutTask) { mLongTapTimeoutTask->Cancel(); mLongTapTimeoutTask = nullptr; } } void GestureEventListener::CreateLongTapTimeoutTask() { RefPtr task = NewCancelableRunnableMethod(this, &GestureEventListener::HandleInputTimeoutLongTap); mLongTapTimeoutTask = task; mAsyncPanZoomController->PostDelayedTask( task.forget(), gfxPrefs::UiClickHoldContextMenusDelay()); } void GestureEventListener::CancelMaxTapTimeoutTask() { if (mState == GESTURE_FIRST_SINGLE_TOUCH_MAX_TAP_DOWN) { // being in this state means the timer has just been triggered return; } if (mMaxTapTimeoutTask) { mMaxTapTimeoutTask->Cancel(); mMaxTapTimeoutTask = nullptr; } } void GestureEventListener::CreateMaxTapTimeoutTask() { mLastTapInput = mLastTouchInput; TouchBlockState* block = mAsyncPanZoomController->GetInputQueue()->GetCurrentTouchBlock(); MOZ_ASSERT(block); RefPtr task = NewCancelableRunnableMethod(this, &GestureEventListener::HandleInputTimeoutMaxTap, block->IsDuringFastFling()); mMaxTapTimeoutTask = task; mAsyncPanZoomController->PostDelayedTask( task.forget(), MAX_TAP_TIME); } } // namespace layers } // namespace mozilla