/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "WebGLQuery.h" #include "GLContext.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WebGL2RenderingContextBinding.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "WebGLContext.h" namespace mozilla { class AvailableRunnable final : public Runnable { const RefPtr mQuery; public: explicit AvailableRunnable(WebGLQuery* query) : mQuery(query) { } NS_IMETHOD Run() override { mQuery->mCanBeAvailable = true; return NS_OK; } }; //// static GLuint GenQuery(gl::GLContext* gl) { gl->MakeCurrent(); GLuint ret = 0; gl->fGenQueries(1, &ret); return ret; } WebGLQuery::WebGLQuery(WebGLContext* webgl) : WebGLRefCountedObject(webgl) , mGLName(GenQuery(mContext->gl)) , mTarget(0) , mActiveSlot(nullptr) , mCanBeAvailable(false) { mContext->mQueries.insertBack(this); } void WebGLQuery::Delete() { mContext->MakeContextCurrent(); mContext->gl->fDeleteQueries(1, &mGLName); LinkedListElement::removeFrom(mContext->mQueries); } //// static GLenum TargetForDriver(const gl::GLContext* gl, GLenum target) { switch (target) { case LOCAL_GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED: case LOCAL_GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE: break; default: return target; } if (gl->IsSupported(gl::GLFeature::occlusion_query_boolean)) return target; if (gl->IsSupported(gl::GLFeature::occlusion_query2)) return LOCAL_GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED; return LOCAL_GL_SAMPLES_PASSED; } void WebGLQuery::BeginQuery(GLenum target, WebGLRefPtr& slot) { const char funcName[] = "beginQuery"; if (mTarget && target != mTarget) { mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: Queries cannot change targets.", funcName); return; } //// mTarget = target; mActiveSlot = &slot; *mActiveSlot = this; //// const auto& gl = mContext->gl; gl->MakeCurrent(); const auto driverTarget = TargetForDriver(gl, mTarget); gl->fBeginQuery(driverTarget, mGLName); } void WebGLQuery::EndQuery() { *mActiveSlot = nullptr; mActiveSlot = nullptr; mCanBeAvailable = false; //// const auto& gl = mContext->gl; gl->MakeCurrent(); const auto driverTarget = TargetForDriver(gl, mTarget); gl->fEndQuery(driverTarget); //// NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(new AvailableRunnable(this)); } void WebGLQuery::GetQueryParameter(GLenum pname, JS::MutableHandleValue retval) const { const char funcName[] = "getQueryParameter"; switch (pname) { case LOCAL_GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE: case LOCAL_GL_QUERY_RESULT: break; default: mContext->ErrorInvalidEnumArg(funcName, "pname", pname); return; } if (!mTarget) { mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: Query has never been active.", funcName); return; } if (mActiveSlot) return mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: Query is still active.", funcName); // End of validation //// // We must usually wait for an event loop before the query can be available. const bool canBeAvailable = (mCanBeAvailable || gfxPrefs::WebGLImmediateQueries()); if (!canBeAvailable) { if (pname == LOCAL_GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE) { retval.set(JS::BooleanValue(false)); } return; } const auto& gl = mContext->gl; gl->MakeCurrent(); uint64_t val = 0; switch (pname) { case LOCAL_GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE: gl->fGetQueryObjectuiv(mGLName, pname, (GLuint*)&val); retval.set(JS::BooleanValue(bool(val))); return; case LOCAL_GL_QUERY_RESULT: switch (mTarget) { case LOCAL_GL_TIME_ELAPSED_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_TIMESTAMP_EXT: if (mContext->Has64BitTimestamps()) { gl->fGetQueryObjectui64v(mGLName, pname, &val); break; } [[fallthrough]]; default: gl->fGetQueryObjectuiv(mGLName, LOCAL_GL_QUERY_RESULT, (GLuint*)&val); break; } switch (mTarget) { case LOCAL_GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED: case LOCAL_GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE: retval.set(JS::BooleanValue(bool(val))); break; case LOCAL_GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN: case LOCAL_GL_TIME_ELAPSED_EXT: case LOCAL_GL_TIMESTAMP_EXT: retval.set(JS::NumberValue(val)); break; default: MOZ_CRASH("Bad `mTarget`."); } return; default: MOZ_CRASH("Bad `pname`."); } } bool WebGLQuery::IsQuery() const { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsDeleted()); if (!mTarget) return false; return true; } void WebGLQuery::DeleteQuery() { MOZ_ASSERT(!IsDeleteRequested()); if (mActiveSlot) { EndQuery(); } RequestDelete(); } void WebGLQuery::QueryCounter(const char* funcName, GLenum target) { if (target != LOCAL_GL_TIMESTAMP_EXT) { mContext->ErrorInvalidEnum("%s: `target` must be TIMESTAMP_EXT.", funcName, target); return; } if (mTarget && target != mTarget) { mContext->ErrorInvalidOperation("%s: Queries cannot change targets.", funcName); return; } mTarget = target; mCanBeAvailable = false; const auto& gl = mContext->gl; gl->MakeCurrent(); gl->fQueryCounter(mGLName, mTarget); NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(new AvailableRunnable(this)); } //// JSObject* WebGLQuery::WrapObject(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle givenProto) { return dom::WebGLQueryBinding::Wrap(cx, this, givenProto); } NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_WRAPPERCACHE_0(WebGLQuery) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_ROOT_NATIVE(WebGLQuery, AddRef) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNROOT_NATIVE(WebGLQuery, Release) } // namespace mozilla