/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* import-globals-from ../debugger-controller.js */ /* import-globals-from ../debugger-view.js */ /* import-globals-from ../utils.js */ /* globals document, window */ "use strict"; /** * Functions handling the global search UI. */ function GlobalSearchView(DebuggerController, DebuggerView) { dumpn("GlobalSearchView was instantiated"); this.SourceScripts = DebuggerController.SourceScripts; this.DebuggerView = DebuggerView; this._onHeaderClick = this._onHeaderClick.bind(this); this._onLineClick = this._onLineClick.bind(this); this._onMatchClick = this._onMatchClick.bind(this); } GlobalSearchView.prototype = Heritage.extend(WidgetMethods, { /** * Initialization function, called when the debugger is started. */ initialize: function () { dumpn("Initializing the GlobalSearchView"); this.widget = new SimpleListWidget(document.getElementById("globalsearch")); this._splitter = document.querySelector("#globalsearch + .devtools-horizontal-splitter"); this.emptyText = L10N.getStr("noMatchingStringsText"); }, /** * Destruction function, called when the debugger is closed. */ destroy: function () { dumpn("Destroying the GlobalSearchView"); }, /** * Sets the results container hidden or visible. It's hidden by default. * @param boolean aFlag */ set hidden(aFlag) { this.widget.setAttribute("hidden", aFlag); this._splitter.setAttribute("hidden", aFlag); }, /** * Gets the visibility state of the global search container. * @return boolean */ get hidden() { return this.widget.getAttribute("hidden") == "true" || this._splitter.getAttribute("hidden") == "true"; }, /** * Hides and removes all items from this search container. */ clearView: function () { this.hidden = true; this.empty(); }, /** * Selects the next found item in this container. * Does not change the currently focused node. */ selectNext: function () { let totalLineResults = LineResults.size(); if (!totalLineResults) { return; } if (++this._currentlyFocusedMatch >= totalLineResults) { this._currentlyFocusedMatch = 0; } this._onMatchClick({ target: LineResults.getElementAtIndex(this._currentlyFocusedMatch) }); }, /** * Selects the previously found item in this container. * Does not change the currently focused node. */ selectPrev: function () { let totalLineResults = LineResults.size(); if (!totalLineResults) { return; } if (--this._currentlyFocusedMatch < 0) { this._currentlyFocusedMatch = totalLineResults - 1; } this._onMatchClick({ target: LineResults.getElementAtIndex(this._currentlyFocusedMatch) }); }, /** * Schedules searching for a string in all of the sources. * * @param string aToken * The string to search for. * @param number aWait * The amount of milliseconds to wait until draining. */ scheduleSearch: function (aToken, aWait) { // The amount of time to wait for the requests to settle. let maxDelay = GLOBAL_SEARCH_ACTION_MAX_DELAY; let delay = aWait === undefined ? maxDelay / aToken.length : aWait; // Allow requests to settle down first. setNamedTimeout("global-search", delay, () => { // Start fetching as many sources as possible, then perform the search. let actors = this.DebuggerView.Sources.values; let sourcesFetched = DebuggerController.dispatch(actions.getTextForSources(actors)); sourcesFetched.then(aSources => this._doSearch(aToken, aSources)); }); }, /** * Finds string matches in all the sources stored in the controller's cache, * and groups them by url and line number. * * @param string aToken * The string to search for. * @param array aSources * An array of [url, text] tuples for each source. */ _doSearch: function (aToken, aSources) { // Don't continue filtering if the searched token is an empty string. if (!aToken) { this.clearView(); return; } // Search is not case sensitive, prepare the actual searched token. let lowerCaseToken = aToken.toLowerCase(); let tokenLength = aToken.length; // Create a Map containing search details for each source. let globalResults = new GlobalResults(); // Search for the specified token in each source's text. for (let [actor, text] of aSources) { let item = this.DebuggerView.Sources.getItemByValue(actor); let url = item.attachment.source.url; if (!url) { continue; } // Verify that the search token is found anywhere in the source. if (!text.toLowerCase().includes(lowerCaseToken)) { continue; } // ...and if so, create a Map containing search details for each line. let sourceResults = new SourceResults(actor, globalResults, this.DebuggerView.Sources); // Search for the specified token in each line's text. text.split("\n").forEach((aString, aLine) => { // Search is not case sensitive, prepare the actual searched line. let lowerCaseLine = aString.toLowerCase(); // Verify that the search token is found anywhere in this line. if (!lowerCaseLine.includes(lowerCaseToken)) { return; } // ...and if so, create a Map containing search details for each word. let lineResults = new LineResults(aLine, sourceResults); // Search for the specified token this line's text. lowerCaseLine.split(lowerCaseToken).reduce((aPrev, aCurr, aIndex, aArray) => { let prevLength = aPrev.length; let currLength = aCurr.length; // Everything before the token is unmatched. let unmatched = aString.substr(prevLength, currLength); lineResults.add(unmatched); // The lowered-case line was split by the lowered-case token. So, // get the actual matched text from the original line's text. if (aIndex != aArray.length - 1) { let matched = aString.substr(prevLength + currLength, tokenLength); let range = { start: prevLength + currLength, length: matched.length }; lineResults.add(matched, range, true); } // Continue with the next sub-region in this line's text. return aPrev + aToken + aCurr; }, ""); if (lineResults.matchCount) { sourceResults.add(lineResults); } }); if (sourceResults.matchCount) { globalResults.add(sourceResults); } } // Rebuild the results, then signal if there are any matches. if (globalResults.matchCount) { this.hidden = false; this._currentlyFocusedMatch = -1; this._createGlobalResultsUI(globalResults); window.emit(EVENTS.GLOBAL_SEARCH_MATCH_FOUND); } else { window.emit(EVENTS.GLOBAL_SEARCH_MATCH_NOT_FOUND); } }, /** * Creates global search results entries and adds them to this container. * * @param GlobalResults aGlobalResults * An object containing all source results, grouped by source location. */ _createGlobalResultsUI: function (aGlobalResults) { let i = 0; for (let sourceResults of aGlobalResults) { if (i++ == 0) { this._createSourceResultsUI(sourceResults); } else { // Dispatch subsequent document manipulation operations, to avoid // blocking the main thread when a large number of search results // is found, thus giving the impression of faster searching. Services.tm.currentThread.dispatch({ run: this._createSourceResultsUI.bind(this, sourceResults) }, 0); } } }, /** * Creates source search results entries and adds them to this container. * * @param SourceResults aSourceResults * An object containing all the matched lines for a specific source. */ _createSourceResultsUI: function (aSourceResults) { // Create the element node for the source results item. let container = document.createElement("hbox"); aSourceResults.createView(container, { onHeaderClick: this._onHeaderClick, onLineClick: this._onLineClick, onMatchClick: this._onMatchClick }); // Append a source results item to this container. let item = this.push([container], { index: -1, /* specifies on which position should the item be appended */ attachment: { sourceResults: aSourceResults } }); }, /** * The click listener for a results header. */ _onHeaderClick: function (e) { let sourceResultsItem = SourceResults.getItemForElement(e.target); sourceResultsItem.instance.toggle(e); }, /** * The click listener for a results line. */ _onLineClick: function (e) { let lineResultsItem = LineResults.getItemForElement(e.target); this._onMatchClick({ target: lineResultsItem.firstMatch }); }, /** * The click listener for a result match. */ _onMatchClick: function (e) { if (e instanceof Event) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } let target = e.target; let sourceResultsItem = SourceResults.getItemForElement(target); let lineResultsItem = LineResults.getItemForElement(target); sourceResultsItem.instance.expand(); this._currentlyFocusedMatch = LineResults.indexOfElement(target); this._scrollMatchIntoViewIfNeeded(target); this._bounceMatch(target); let actor = sourceResultsItem.instance.actor; let line = lineResultsItem.instance.line; this.DebuggerView.setEditorLocation(actor, line + 1, { noDebug: true }); let range = lineResultsItem.lineData.range; let cursor = this.DebuggerView.editor.getOffset({ line: line, ch: 0 }); let [ anchor, head ] = this.DebuggerView.editor.getPosition( cursor + range.start, cursor + range.start + range.length ); this.DebuggerView.editor.setSelection(anchor, head); }, /** * Scrolls a match into view if not already visible. * * @param nsIDOMNode aMatch * The match to scroll into view. */ _scrollMatchIntoViewIfNeeded: function (aMatch) { this.widget.ensureElementIsVisible(aMatch); }, /** * Starts a bounce animation for a match. * * @param nsIDOMNode aMatch * The match to start a bounce animation for. */ _bounceMatch: function (aMatch) { Services.tm.currentThread.dispatch({ run: () => { aMatch.addEventListener("transitionend", function onEvent() { aMatch.removeEventListener("transitionend", onEvent); aMatch.removeAttribute("focused"); }); aMatch.setAttribute("focused", ""); }}, 0); aMatch.setAttribute("focusing", ""); }, _splitter: null, _currentlyFocusedMatch: -1, _forceExpandResults: false }); DebuggerView.GlobalSearch = new GlobalSearchView(DebuggerController, DebuggerView); /** * An object containing all source results, grouped by source location. * Iterable via "for (let [location, sourceResults] of globalResults) { }". */ function GlobalResults() { this._store = []; SourceResults._itemsByElement = new Map(); LineResults._itemsByElement = new Map(); } GlobalResults.prototype = { /** * Adds source results to this store. * * @param SourceResults aSourceResults * An object containing search results for a specific source. */ add: function (aSourceResults) { this._store.push(aSourceResults); }, /** * Gets the number of source results in this store. */ get matchCount() { return this._store.length; } }; /** * An object containing all the matched lines for a specific source. * Iterable via "for (let [lineNumber, lineResults] of sourceResults) { }". * * @param string aActor * The target source actor id. * @param GlobalResults aGlobalResults * An object containing all source results, grouped by source location. */ function SourceResults(aActor, aGlobalResults, sourcesView) { let item = sourcesView.getItemByValue(aActor); this.actor = aActor; this.label = item.attachment.source.url; this._globalResults = aGlobalResults; this._store = []; } SourceResults.prototype = { /** * Adds line results to this store. * * @param LineResults aLineResults * An object containing search results for a specific line. */ add: function (aLineResults) { this._store.push(aLineResults); }, /** * Gets the number of line results in this store. */ get matchCount() { return this._store.length; }, /** * Expands the element, showing all the added details. */ expand: function () { this._resultsContainer.removeAttribute("hidden"); this._arrow.setAttribute("open", ""); }, /** * Collapses the element, hiding all the added details. */ collapse: function () { this._resultsContainer.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); this._arrow.removeAttribute("open"); }, /** * Toggles between the element collapse/expand state. */ toggle: function (e) { this.expanded ^= 1; }, /** * Gets this element's expanded state. * @return boolean */ get expanded() { return this._resultsContainer.getAttribute("hidden") != "true" && this._arrow.hasAttribute("open"); }, /** * Sets this element's expanded state. * @param boolean aFlag */ set expanded(aFlag) { this[aFlag ? "expand" : "collapse"](); }, /** * Gets the element associated with this item. * @return nsIDOMNode */ get target() { return this._target; }, /** * Customization function for creating this item's UI. * * @param nsIDOMNode aElementNode * The element associated with the displayed item. * @param object aCallbacks * An object containing all the necessary callback functions: * - onHeaderClick * - onMatchClick */ createView: function (aElementNode, aCallbacks) { this._target = aElementNode; let arrow = this._arrow = document.createElement("box"); arrow.className = "arrow"; let locationNode = document.createElement("label"); locationNode.className = "plain dbg-results-header-location"; locationNode.setAttribute("value", this.label); let matchCountNode = document.createElement("label"); matchCountNode.className = "plain dbg-results-header-match-count"; matchCountNode.setAttribute("value", "(" + this.matchCount + ")"); let resultsHeader = this._resultsHeader = document.createElement("hbox"); resultsHeader.className = "dbg-results-header"; resultsHeader.setAttribute("align", "center"); resultsHeader.appendChild(arrow); resultsHeader.appendChild(locationNode); resultsHeader.appendChild(matchCountNode); resultsHeader.addEventListener("click", aCallbacks.onHeaderClick, false); let resultsContainer = this._resultsContainer = document.createElement("vbox"); resultsContainer.className = "dbg-results-container"; resultsContainer.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); // Create lines search results entries and add them to this container. // Afterwards, if the number of matches is reasonable, expand this // container automatically. for (let lineResults of this._store) { lineResults.createView(resultsContainer, aCallbacks); } if (this.matchCount < GLOBAL_SEARCH_EXPAND_MAX_RESULTS) { this.expand(); } let resultsBox = document.createElement("vbox"); resultsBox.setAttribute("flex", "1"); resultsBox.appendChild(resultsHeader); resultsBox.appendChild(resultsContainer); aElementNode.id = "source-results-" + this.actor; aElementNode.className = "dbg-source-results"; aElementNode.appendChild(resultsBox); SourceResults._itemsByElement.set(aElementNode, { instance: this }); }, actor: "", _globalResults: null, _store: null, _target: null, _arrow: null, _resultsHeader: null, _resultsContainer: null }; /** * An object containing all the matches for a specific line. * Iterable via "for (let chunk of lineResults) { }". * * @param number aLine * The target line in the source. * @param SourceResults aSourceResults * An object containing all the matched lines for a specific source. */ function LineResults(aLine, aSourceResults) { this.line = aLine; this._sourceResults = aSourceResults; this._store = []; this._matchCount = 0; } LineResults.prototype = { /** * Adds string details to this store. * * @param string aString * The text contents chunk in the line. * @param object aRange * An object containing the { start, length } of the chunk. * @param boolean aMatchFlag * True if the chunk is a matched string, false if just text content. */ add: function (aString, aRange, aMatchFlag) { this._store.push({ string: aString, range: aRange, match: !!aMatchFlag }); this._matchCount += aMatchFlag ? 1 : 0; }, /** * Gets the number of word results in this store. */ get matchCount() { return this._matchCount; }, /** * Gets the element associated with this item. * @return nsIDOMNode */ get target() { return this._target; }, /** * Customization function for creating this item's UI. * * @param nsIDOMNode aElementNode * The element associated with the displayed item. * @param object aCallbacks * An object containing all the necessary callback functions: * - onMatchClick * - onLineClick */ createView: function (aElementNode, aCallbacks) { this._target = aElementNode; let lineNumberNode = document.createElement("label"); lineNumberNode.className = "plain dbg-results-line-number"; lineNumberNode.classList.add("devtools-monospace"); lineNumberNode.setAttribute("value", this.line + 1); let lineContentsNode = document.createElement("hbox"); lineContentsNode.className = "dbg-results-line-contents"; lineContentsNode.classList.add("devtools-monospace"); lineContentsNode.setAttribute("flex", "1"); let lineString = ""; let lineLength = 0; let firstMatch = null; for (let lineChunk of this._store) { let { string, range, match } = lineChunk; lineString = string.substr(0, GLOBAL_SEARCH_LINE_MAX_LENGTH - lineLength); lineLength += string.length; let lineChunkNode = document.createElement("label"); lineChunkNode.className = "plain dbg-results-line-contents-string"; lineChunkNode.setAttribute("value", lineString); lineChunkNode.setAttribute("match", match); lineContentsNode.appendChild(lineChunkNode); if (match) { this._entangleMatch(lineChunkNode, lineChunk); lineChunkNode.addEventListener("click", aCallbacks.onMatchClick, false); firstMatch = firstMatch || lineChunkNode; } if (lineLength >= GLOBAL_SEARCH_LINE_MAX_LENGTH) { lineContentsNode.appendChild(this._ellipsis.cloneNode(true)); break; } } this._entangleLine(lineContentsNode, firstMatch); lineContentsNode.addEventListener("click", aCallbacks.onLineClick, false); let searchResult = document.createElement("hbox"); searchResult.className = "dbg-search-result"; searchResult.appendChild(lineNumberNode); searchResult.appendChild(lineContentsNode); aElementNode.appendChild(searchResult); }, /** * Handles a match while creating the view. * @param nsIDOMNode aNode * @param object aMatchChunk */ _entangleMatch: function (aNode, aMatchChunk) { LineResults._itemsByElement.set(aNode, { instance: this, lineData: aMatchChunk }); }, /** * Handles a line while creating the view. * @param nsIDOMNode aNode * @param nsIDOMNode aFirstMatch */ _entangleLine: function (aNode, aFirstMatch) { LineResults._itemsByElement.set(aNode, { instance: this, firstMatch: aFirstMatch, ignored: true }); }, /** * An nsIDOMNode label with an ellipsis value. */ _ellipsis: (function () { let label = document.createElement("label"); label.className = "plain dbg-results-line-contents-string"; label.setAttribute("value", ELLIPSIS); return label; })(), line: 0, _sourceResults: null, _store: null, _target: null }; /** * A generator-iterator over the global, source or line results. */ GlobalResults.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = SourceResults.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = LineResults.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function* () { yield* this._store; }; /** * Gets the item associated with the specified element. * * @param nsIDOMNode aElement * The element used to identify the item. * @return object * The matched item, or null if nothing is found. */ SourceResults.getItemForElement = LineResults.getItemForElement = function (aElement) { return WidgetMethods.getItemForElement.call(this, aElement, { noSiblings: true }); }; /** * Gets the element associated with a particular item at a specified index. * * @param number aIndex * The index used to identify the item. * @return nsIDOMNode * The matched element, or null if nothing is found. */ SourceResults.getElementAtIndex = LineResults.getElementAtIndex = function (aIndex) { for (let [element, item] of this._itemsByElement) { if (!item.ignored && !aIndex--) { return element; } } return null; }; /** * Gets the index of an item associated with the specified element. * * @param nsIDOMNode aElement * The element to get the index for. * @return number * The index of the matched element, or -1 if nothing is found. */ SourceResults.indexOfElement = LineResults.indexOfElement = function (aElement) { let count = 0; for (let [element, item] of this._itemsByElement) { if (element == aElement) { return count; } if (!item.ignored) { count++; } } return -1; }; /** * Gets the number of cached items associated with a specified element. * * @return number * The number of key/value pairs in the corresponding map. */ SourceResults.size = LineResults.size = function () { let count = 0; for (let [, item] of this._itemsByElement) { if (!item.ignored) { count++; } } return count; };