/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* global Components, XPCOMUtils, Utils, PrefCache, States, Roles, Logger */ /* exported UtteranceGenerator, BrailleGenerator */ 'use strict'; const {utils: Cu, interfaces: Ci} = Components; const INCLUDE_DESC = 0x01; const INCLUDE_NAME = 0x02; const INCLUDE_VALUE = 0x04; const NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE = 0x10; const IGNORE_EXPLICIT_NAME = 0x20; const OUTPUT_DESC_FIRST = 0; const OUTPUT_DESC_LAST = 1; Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'Utils', // jshint ignore:line 'resource://gre/modules/accessibility/Utils.jsm'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'PrefCache', // jshint ignore:line 'resource://gre/modules/accessibility/Utils.jsm'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'Logger', // jshint ignore:line 'resource://gre/modules/accessibility/Utils.jsm'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'Roles', // jshint ignore:line 'resource://gre/modules/accessibility/Constants.jsm'); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, 'States', // jshint ignore:line 'resource://gre/modules/accessibility/Constants.jsm'); this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['UtteranceGenerator', 'BrailleGenerator']; // jshint ignore:line var OutputGenerator = { defaultOutputOrder: OUTPUT_DESC_LAST, /** * Generates output for a PivotContext. * @param {PivotContext} aContext object that generates and caches * context information for a given accessible and its relationship with * another accessible. * @return {Object} An array of speech data. Depending on the utterance order, * the data describes the context for an accessible object either * starting from the accessible's ancestry or accessible's subtree. */ genForContext: function genForContext(aContext) { let output = []; let self = this; let addOutput = function addOutput(aAccessible) { output.push.apply(output, self.genForObject(aAccessible, aContext)); }; let ignoreSubtree = function ignoreSubtree(aAccessible) { let roleString = Utils.AccService.getStringRole(aAccessible.role); let nameRule = self.roleRuleMap[roleString] || 0; // Ignore subtree if the name is explicit and the role's name rule is the // NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE. return (((nameRule & INCLUDE_VALUE) && aAccessible.value) || ((nameRule & NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE) && (Utils.getAttributes(aAccessible)['explicit-name'] === 'true' && !(nameRule & IGNORE_EXPLICIT_NAME)))); }; let contextStart = this._getContextStart(aContext); if (this.outputOrder === OUTPUT_DESC_FIRST) { contextStart.forEach(addOutput); addOutput(aContext.accessible); for (let node of aContext.subtreeGenerator(true, ignoreSubtree)) { addOutput(node); } } else { for (let node of aContext.subtreeGenerator(false, ignoreSubtree)) { addOutput(node); } addOutput(aContext.accessible); // If there are any documents in new ancestry, find a first one and place // it in the beginning of the utterance. let doc, docIndex = contextStart.findIndex( ancestor => ancestor.role === Roles.DOCUMENT); if (docIndex > -1) { doc = contextStart.splice(docIndex, 1)[0]; } contextStart.reverse().forEach(addOutput); if (doc) { output.unshift.apply(output, self.genForObject(doc, aContext)); } } return output; }, /** * Generates output for an object. * @param {nsIAccessible} aAccessible accessible object to generate output * for. * @param {PivotContext} aContext object that generates and caches * context information for a given accessible and its relationship with * another accessible. * @return {Array} A 2 element array of speech data. The first element * describes the object and its state. The second element is the object's * name. Whether the object's description or it's role is included is * determined by {@link roleRuleMap}. */ genForObject: function genForObject(aAccessible, aContext) { let roleString = Utils.AccService.getStringRole(aAccessible.role); let func = this.objectOutputFunctions[ OutputGenerator._getOutputName(roleString)] || this.objectOutputFunctions.defaultFunc; let flags = this.roleRuleMap[roleString] || 0; if (aAccessible.childCount === 0) { flags |= INCLUDE_NAME; } return func.apply(this, [aAccessible, roleString, Utils.getState(aAccessible), flags, aContext]); }, /** * Generates output for an action performed. * @param {nsIAccessible} aAccessible accessible object that the action was * invoked in. * @param {string} aActionName the name of the action, one of the keys in * {@link gActionMap}. * @return {Array} A one element array with action data. */ genForAction: function genForAction(aObject, aActionName) {}, // jshint ignore:line /** * Generates output for an announcement. * @param {string} aAnnouncement unlocalized announcement. * @return {Array} An announcement speech data to be localized. */ genForAnnouncement: function genForAnnouncement(aAnnouncement) {}, // jshint ignore:line /** * Generates output for a tab state change. * @param {nsIAccessible} aAccessible accessible object of the tab's attached * document. * @param {string} aTabState the tab state name, see * {@link Presenter.tabStateChanged}. * @return {Array} The tab state utterace. */ genForTabStateChange: function genForTabStateChange(aObject, aTabState) {}, // jshint ignore:line /** * Generates output for announcing entering and leaving editing mode. * @param {aIsEditing} boolean true if we are in editing mode * @return {Array} The mode utterance */ genForEditingMode: function genForEditingMode(aIsEditing) {}, // jshint ignore:line _getContextStart: function getContextStart(aContext) {}, // jshint ignore:line /** * Adds an accessible name and description to the output if available. * @param {Array} aOutput Output array. * @param {nsIAccessible} aAccessible current accessible object. * @param {Number} aFlags output flags. */ _addName: function _addName(aOutput, aAccessible, aFlags) { let name; if ((Utils.getAttributes(aAccessible)['explicit-name'] === 'true' && !(aFlags & IGNORE_EXPLICIT_NAME)) || (aFlags & INCLUDE_NAME)) { name = aAccessible.name; } let description = aAccessible.description; if (description) { // Compare against the calculated name unconditionally, regardless of name rule, // so we can make sure we don't speak duplicated descriptions let tmpName = name || aAccessible.name; if (tmpName && (description !== tmpName)) { name = name || ''; name = this.outputOrder === OUTPUT_DESC_FIRST ? description + ' - ' + name : name + ' - ' + description; } } if (!name || !name.trim()) { return; } aOutput[this.outputOrder === OUTPUT_DESC_FIRST ? 'push' : 'unshift'](name); }, /** * Adds a landmark role to the output if available. * @param {Array} aOutput Output array. * @param {nsIAccessible} aAccessible current accessible object. */ _addLandmark: function _addLandmark(aOutput, aAccessible) { let landmarkName = Utils.getLandmarkName(aAccessible); if (!landmarkName) { return; } aOutput[this.outputOrder === OUTPUT_DESC_FIRST ? 'unshift' : 'push']({ string: landmarkName }); }, /** * Adds math roles to the output, for a MathML accessible. * @param {Array} aOutput Output array. * @param {nsIAccessible} aAccessible current accessible object. * @param {String} aRoleStr aAccessible's role string. */ _addMathRoles: function _addMathRoles(aOutput, aAccessible, aRoleStr) { // First, determine the actual role to use (e.g. mathmlfraction). let roleStr = aRoleStr; switch(aAccessible.role) { case Roles.MATHML_CELL: case Roles.MATHML_ENCLOSED: case Roles.MATHML_LABELED_ROW: case Roles.MATHML_ROOT: case Roles.MATHML_SQUARE_ROOT: case Roles.MATHML_TABLE: case Roles.MATHML_TABLE_ROW: // Use the default role string. break; case Roles.MATHML_MULTISCRIPTS: case Roles.MATHML_OVER: case Roles.MATHML_SUB: case Roles.MATHML_SUB_SUP: case Roles.MATHML_SUP: case Roles.MATHML_UNDER: case Roles.MATHML_UNDER_OVER: // For scripted accessibles, use the string 'mathmlscripted'. roleStr = 'mathmlscripted'; break; case Roles.MATHML_FRACTION: // From a semantic point of view, the only important point is to // distinguish between fractions that have a bar and those that do not. // Per the MathML 3 spec, the latter happens iff the linethickness // attribute is of the form [zero-float][optional-unit]. In that case, // we use the string 'mathmlfractionwithoutbar'. let linethickness = Utils.getAttributes(aAccessible).linethickness; if (linethickness) { let numberMatch = linethickness.match(/^(?:\d|\.)+/); if (numberMatch && !parseFloat(numberMatch[0])) { roleStr += 'withoutbar'; } } break; default: // Otherwise, do not output the actual role. roleStr = null; break; } // Get the math role based on the position in the parent accessible // (e.g. numerator for the first child of a mathmlfraction). let mathRole = Utils.getMathRole(aAccessible); if (mathRole) { aOutput[this.outputOrder === OUTPUT_DESC_FIRST ? 'push' : 'unshift'] ({string: this._getOutputName(mathRole)}); } if (roleStr) { aOutput[this.outputOrder === OUTPUT_DESC_FIRST ? 'push' : 'unshift'] ({string: this._getOutputName(roleStr)}); } }, /** * Adds MathML menclose notations to the output. * @param {Array} aOutput Output array. * @param {nsIAccessible} aAccessible current accessible object. */ _addMencloseNotations: function _addMencloseNotations(aOutput, aAccessible) { let notations = Utils.getAttributes(aAccessible).notation || 'longdiv'; aOutput[this.outputOrder === OUTPUT_DESC_FIRST ? 'push' : 'unshift'].apply( aOutput, notations.split(' ').map(notation => { return { string: this._getOutputName('notation-' + notation) }; })); }, /** * Adds an entry type attribute to the description if available. * @param {Array} aOutput Output array. * @param {nsIAccessible} aAccessible current accessible object. * @param {String} aRoleStr aAccessible's role string. */ _addType: function _addType(aOutput, aAccessible, aRoleStr) { if (aRoleStr !== 'entry') { return; } let typeName = Utils.getAttributes(aAccessible)['text-input-type']; // Ignore the the input type="text" case. if (!typeName || typeName === 'text') { return; } aOutput.push({string: 'textInputType_' + typeName}); }, _addState: function _addState(aOutput, aState, aRoleStr) {}, // jshint ignore:line _addRole: function _addRole(aOutput, aAccessible, aRoleStr) {}, // jshint ignore:line get outputOrder() { if (!this._utteranceOrder) { this._utteranceOrder = new PrefCache('accessibility.accessfu.utterance'); } return typeof this._utteranceOrder.value === 'number' ? this._utteranceOrder.value : this.defaultOutputOrder; }, _getOutputName: function _getOutputName(aName) { return aName.replace(/\s/g, ''); }, roleRuleMap: { 'menubar': INCLUDE_DESC, 'scrollbar': INCLUDE_DESC, 'grip': INCLUDE_DESC, 'alert': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_NAME, 'menupopup': INCLUDE_DESC, 'menuitem': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'tooltip': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'columnheader': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'rowheader': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'column': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'row': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'cell': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_NAME, 'application': INCLUDE_NAME, 'document': INCLUDE_NAME, 'grouping': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_NAME, 'toolbar': INCLUDE_DESC, 'table': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_NAME, 'link': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'helpballoon': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'list': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_NAME, 'listitem': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'outline': INCLUDE_DESC, 'outlineitem': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'pagetab': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'graphic': INCLUDE_DESC, 'switch': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'pushbutton': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'checkbutton': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'radiobutton': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'buttondropdown': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'combobox': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_VALUE, 'droplist': INCLUDE_DESC, 'progressbar': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_VALUE, 'slider': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_VALUE, 'spinbutton': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_VALUE, 'diagram': INCLUDE_DESC, 'animation': INCLUDE_DESC, 'equation': INCLUDE_DESC, 'buttonmenu': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'buttondropdowngrid': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'pagetablist': INCLUDE_DESC, 'canvas': INCLUDE_DESC, 'check menu item': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'label': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'password text': INCLUDE_DESC, 'popup menu': INCLUDE_DESC, 'radio menu item': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'table column header': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'table row header': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'tear off menu item': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'toggle button': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'parent menuitem': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'header': INCLUDE_DESC, 'footer': INCLUDE_DESC, 'entry': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_NAME | INCLUDE_VALUE, 'caption': INCLUDE_DESC, 'document frame': INCLUDE_DESC, 'heading': INCLUDE_DESC, 'calendar': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_NAME, 'combobox option': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'listbox option': INCLUDE_DESC | NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'listbox rich option': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'gridcell': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'check rich option': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'term': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'definition': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'key': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'image map': INCLUDE_DESC, 'option': INCLUDE_DESC, 'listbox': INCLUDE_DESC, 'definitionlist': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_NAME, 'dialog': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_NAME, 'chrome window': IGNORE_EXPLICIT_NAME, 'app root': IGNORE_EXPLICIT_NAME, 'statusbar': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'mathml table': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_NAME, 'mathml labeled row': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'mathml table row': NAME_FROM_SUBTREE_RULE, 'mathml cell': INCLUDE_DESC | INCLUDE_NAME, 'mathml fraction': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml square root': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml root': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml enclosed': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml sub': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml sup': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml sub sup': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml under': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml over': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml under over': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml multiscripts': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml identifier': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml number': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml operator': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml text': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml string literal': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml row': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml style': INCLUDE_DESC, 'mathml error': INCLUDE_DESC }, mathmlRolesSet: new Set([ Roles.MATHML_MATH, Roles.MATHML_IDENTIFIER, Roles.MATHML_NUMBER, Roles.MATHML_OPERATOR, Roles.MATHML_TEXT, Roles.MATHML_STRING_LITERAL, Roles.MATHML_GLYPH, Roles.MATHML_ROW, Roles.MATHML_FRACTION, Roles.MATHML_SQUARE_ROOT, Roles.MATHML_ROOT, Roles.MATHML_FENCED, Roles.MATHML_ENCLOSED, Roles.MATHML_STYLE, Roles.MATHML_SUB, Roles.MATHML_SUP, Roles.MATHML_SUB_SUP, Roles.MATHML_UNDER, Roles.MATHML_OVER, Roles.MATHML_UNDER_OVER, Roles.MATHML_MULTISCRIPTS, Roles.MATHML_TABLE, Roles.LABELED_ROW, Roles.MATHML_TABLE_ROW, Roles.MATHML_CELL, Roles.MATHML_ACTION, Roles.MATHML_ERROR, Roles.MATHML_STACK, Roles.MATHML_LONG_DIVISION, Roles.MATHML_STACK_GROUP, Roles.MATHML_STACK_ROW, Roles.MATHML_STACK_CARRIES, Roles.MATHML_STACK_CARRY, Roles.MATHML_STACK_LINE ]), objectOutputFunctions: { _generateBaseOutput: function _generateBaseOutput(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags) { let output = []; if (aFlags & INCLUDE_DESC) { this._addState(output, aState, aRoleStr); this._addType(output, aAccessible, aRoleStr); this._addRole(output, aAccessible, aRoleStr); } if (aFlags & INCLUDE_VALUE && aAccessible.value.trim()) { output[this.outputOrder === OUTPUT_DESC_FIRST ? 'push' : 'unshift']( aAccessible.value); } this._addName(output, aAccessible, aFlags); this._addLandmark(output, aAccessible); return output; }, label: function label(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags, aContext) { if (aContext.isNestedControl || aContext.accessible == Utils.getEmbeddedControl(aAccessible)) { // If we are on a nested control, or a nesting label, // we don't need the context. return []; } return this.objectOutputFunctions.defaultFunc.apply(this, arguments); }, entry: function entry(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags) { let rolestr = aState.contains(States.MULTI_LINE) ? 'textarea' : 'entry'; return this.objectOutputFunctions.defaultFunc.apply( this, [aAccessible, rolestr, aState, aFlags]); }, pagetab: function pagetab(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags) { let itemno = {}; let itemof = {}; aAccessible.groupPosition({}, itemof, itemno); let output = []; this._addState(output, aState); this._addRole(output, aAccessible, aRoleStr); output.push({ string: 'objItemOfN', args: [itemno.value, itemof.value] }); this._addName(output, aAccessible, aFlags); this._addLandmark(output, aAccessible); return output; }, table: function table(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags) { let output = []; let table; try { table = aAccessible.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAccessibleTable); } catch (x) { Logger.logException(x); return output; } finally { // Check if it's a layout table, and bail out if true. // We don't want to speak any table information for layout tables. if (table.isProbablyForLayout()) { return output; } this._addRole(output, aAccessible, aRoleStr); output.push.call(output, { string: this._getOutputName('tblColumnInfo'), count: table.columnCount }, { string: this._getOutputName('tblRowInfo'), count: table.rowCount }); this._addName(output, aAccessible, aFlags); this._addLandmark(output, aAccessible); return output; } }, gridcell: function gridcell(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags) { let output = []; this._addState(output, aState); this._addName(output, aAccessible, aFlags); this._addLandmark(output, aAccessible); return output; }, // Use the table output functions for MathML tabular elements. mathmltable: function mathmltable() { return this.objectOutputFunctions.table.apply(this, arguments); }, mathmlcell: function mathmlcell() { return this.objectOutputFunctions.cell.apply(this, arguments); }, mathmlenclosed: function mathmlenclosed(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags, aContext) { let output = this.objectOutputFunctions.defaultFunc. apply(this, [aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags, aContext]); this._addMencloseNotations(output, aAccessible); return output; } } }; /** * Generates speech utterances from objects, actions and state changes. * An utterance is an array of speech data. * * It should not be assumed that flattening an utterance array would create a * gramatically correct sentence. For example, {@link genForObject} might * return: ['graphic', 'Welcome to my home page']. * Each string element in an utterance should be gramatically correct in itself. * Another example from {@link genForObject}: ['list item 2 of 5', 'Alabama']. * * An utterance is ordered from the least to the most important. Speaking the * last string usually makes sense, but speaking the first often won't. * For example {@link genForAction} might return ['button', 'clicked'] for a * clicked event. Speaking only 'clicked' makes sense. Speaking 'button' does * not. */ this.UtteranceGenerator = { // jshint ignore:line __proto__: OutputGenerator, // jshint ignore:line gActionMap: { jump: 'jumpAction', press: 'pressAction', check: 'checkAction', uncheck: 'uncheckAction', on: 'onAction', off: 'offAction', select: 'selectAction', unselect: 'unselectAction', open: 'openAction', close: 'closeAction', switch: 'switchAction', click: 'clickAction', collapse: 'collapseAction', expand: 'expandAction', activate: 'activateAction', cycle: 'cycleAction' }, //TODO: May become more verbose in the future. genForAction: function genForAction(aObject, aActionName) { return [{string: this.gActionMap[aActionName]}]; }, genForLiveRegion: function genForLiveRegion(aContext, aIsHide, aModifiedText) { let utterance = []; if (aIsHide) { utterance.push({string: 'hidden'}); } return utterance.concat(aModifiedText || this.genForContext(aContext)); }, genForAnnouncement: function genForAnnouncement(aAnnouncement) { return [{ string: aAnnouncement }]; }, genForTabStateChange: function genForTabStateChange(aObject, aTabState) { switch (aTabState) { case 'newtab': return [{string: 'tabNew'}]; case 'loading': return [{string: 'tabLoading'}]; case 'loaded': return [aObject.name, {string: 'tabLoaded'}]; case 'loadstopped': return [{string: 'tabLoadStopped'}]; case 'reload': return [{string: 'tabReload'}]; default: return []; } }, genForEditingMode: function genForEditingMode(aIsEditing) { return [{string: aIsEditing ? 'editingMode' : 'navigationMode'}]; }, objectOutputFunctions: { __proto__: OutputGenerator.objectOutputFunctions, // jshint ignore:line defaultFunc: function defaultFunc() { return this.objectOutputFunctions._generateBaseOutput.apply( this, arguments); }, heading: function heading(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags) { let level = {}; aAccessible.groupPosition(level, {}, {}); let utterance = [{string: 'headingLevel', args: [level.value]}]; this._addName(utterance, aAccessible, aFlags); this._addLandmark(utterance, aAccessible); return utterance; }, listitem: function listitem(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags) { let itemno = {}; let itemof = {}; aAccessible.groupPosition({}, itemof, itemno); let utterance = []; if (itemno.value == 1) { // Start of list utterance.push({string: 'listStart'}); } else if (itemno.value == itemof.value) { // last item utterance.push({string: 'listEnd'}); } this._addName(utterance, aAccessible, aFlags); this._addLandmark(utterance, aAccessible); return utterance; }, list: function list(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags) { return this._getListUtterance (aAccessible, aRoleStr, aFlags, aAccessible.childCount); }, definitionlist: function definitionlist(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags) { return this._getListUtterance (aAccessible, aRoleStr, aFlags, aAccessible.childCount / 2); }, application: function application(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags) { // Don't utter location of applications, it gets tiring. if (aAccessible.name != aAccessible.DOMNode.location) { return this.objectOutputFunctions.defaultFunc.apply(this, [aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags]); } return []; }, cell: function cell(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags, aContext) { let utterance = []; let cell = aContext.getCellInfo(aAccessible); if (cell) { let addCellChanged = function addCellChanged(aUtterance, aChanged, aString, aIndex) { if (aChanged) { aUtterance.push({string: aString, args: [aIndex + 1]}); } }; let addExtent = function addExtent(aUtterance, aExtent, aString) { if (aExtent > 1) { aUtterance.push({string: aString, args: [aExtent]}); } }; let addHeaders = function addHeaders(aUtterance, aHeaders) { if (aHeaders.length > 0) { aUtterance.push.apply(aUtterance, aHeaders); } }; addCellChanged(utterance, cell.columnChanged, 'columnInfo', cell.columnIndex); addCellChanged(utterance, cell.rowChanged, 'rowInfo', cell.rowIndex); addExtent(utterance, cell.columnExtent, 'spansColumns'); addExtent(utterance, cell.rowExtent, 'spansRows'); addHeaders(utterance, cell.columnHeaders); addHeaders(utterance, cell.rowHeaders); } this._addName(utterance, aAccessible, aFlags); this._addLandmark(utterance, aAccessible); return utterance; }, columnheader: function columnheader() { return this.objectOutputFunctions.cell.apply(this, arguments); }, rowheader: function rowheader() { return this.objectOutputFunctions.cell.apply(this, arguments); }, statictext: function statictext(aAccessible) { if (Utils.isListItemDecorator(aAccessible, true)) { return []; } return this.objectOutputFunctions.defaultFunc.apply(this, arguments); } }, _getContextStart: function _getContextStart(aContext) { return aContext.newAncestry; }, _addRole: function _addRole(aOutput, aAccessible, aRoleStr) { if (this.mathmlRolesSet.has(aAccessible.role)) { this._addMathRoles(aOutput, aAccessible, aRoleStr); } else { aOutput.push({string: this._getOutputName(aRoleStr)}); } }, _addState: function _addState(aOutput, aState, aRoleStr) { if (aState.contains(States.UNAVAILABLE)) { aOutput.push({string: 'stateUnavailable'}); } if (aState.contains(States.READONLY)) { aOutput.push({string: 'stateReadonly'}); } // Don't utter this in Jelly Bean, we let TalkBack do it for us there. // This is because we expose the checked information on the node itself. // XXX: this means the checked state is always appended to the end, // regardless of the utterance ordering preference. if (Utils.MozBuildApp === 'browser' && aState.contains(States.CHECKABLE)) { let checked = aState.contains(States.CHECKED); let statetr; if (aRoleStr === 'switch') { statetr = checked ? 'stateOn' : 'stateOff'; } else { statetr = checked ? 'stateChecked' : 'stateNotChecked'; } aOutput.push({string: statetr}); } if (aState.contains(States.PRESSED)) { aOutput.push({string: 'statePressed'}); } if (aState.contains(States.EXPANDABLE)) { let statetr = aState.contains(States.EXPANDED) ? 'stateExpanded' : 'stateCollapsed'; aOutput.push({string: statetr}); } if (aState.contains(States.REQUIRED)) { aOutput.push({string: 'stateRequired'}); } if (aState.contains(States.TRAVERSED)) { aOutput.push({string: 'stateTraversed'}); } if (aState.contains(States.HASPOPUP)) { aOutput.push({string: 'stateHasPopup'}); } if (aState.contains(States.SELECTED)) { aOutput.push({string: 'stateSelected'}); } }, _getListUtterance: function _getListUtterance(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aFlags, aItemCount) { let utterance = []; this._addRole(utterance, aAccessible, aRoleStr); utterance.push({ string: this._getOutputName('listItemsCount'), count: aItemCount }); this._addName(utterance, aAccessible, aFlags); this._addLandmark(utterance, aAccessible); return utterance; } }; this.BrailleGenerator = { // jshint ignore:line __proto__: OutputGenerator, // jshint ignore:line genForContext: function genForContext(aContext) { let output = OutputGenerator.genForContext.apply(this, arguments); let acc = aContext.accessible; // add the static text indicating a list item; do this for both listitems or // direct first children of listitems, because these are both common // browsing scenarios let addListitemIndicator = function addListitemIndicator(indicator = '*') { output.unshift(indicator); }; if (acc.indexInParent === 1 && acc.parent.role == Roles.LISTITEM && acc.previousSibling.role == Roles.STATICTEXT) { if (acc.parent.parent && acc.parent.parent.DOMNode && acc.parent.parent.DOMNode.nodeName == 'UL') { addListitemIndicator(); } else { addListitemIndicator(acc.previousSibling.name.trim()); } } else if (acc.role == Roles.LISTITEM && acc.firstChild && acc.firstChild.role == Roles.STATICTEXT) { if (acc.parent.DOMNode.nodeName == 'UL') { addListitemIndicator(); } else { addListitemIndicator(acc.firstChild.name.trim()); } } return output; }, objectOutputFunctions: { __proto__: OutputGenerator.objectOutputFunctions, // jshint ignore:line defaultFunc: function defaultFunc() { return this.objectOutputFunctions._generateBaseOutput.apply( this, arguments); }, listitem: function listitem(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags) { let braille = []; this._addName(braille, aAccessible, aFlags); this._addLandmark(braille, aAccessible); return braille; }, cell: function cell(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags, aContext) { let braille = []; let cell = aContext.getCellInfo(aAccessible); if (cell) { let addHeaders = function addHeaders(aBraille, aHeaders) { if (aHeaders.length > 0) { aBraille.push.apply(aBraille, aHeaders); } }; braille.push({ string: this._getOutputName('cellInfo'), args: [cell.columnIndex + 1, cell.rowIndex + 1] }); addHeaders(braille, cell.columnHeaders); addHeaders(braille, cell.rowHeaders); } this._addName(braille, aAccessible, aFlags); this._addLandmark(braille, aAccessible); return braille; }, columnheader: function columnheader() { return this.objectOutputFunctions.cell.apply(this, arguments); }, rowheader: function rowheader() { return this.objectOutputFunctions.cell.apply(this, arguments); }, statictext: function statictext(aAccessible) { // Since we customize the list bullet's output, we add the static // text from the first node in each listitem, so skip it here. if (Utils.isListItemDecorator(aAccessible)) { return []; } return this.objectOutputFunctions._useStateNotRole.apply(this, arguments); }, _useStateNotRole: function _useStateNotRole(aAccessible, aRoleStr, aState, aFlags) { let braille = []; this._addState(braille, aState, aRoleStr); this._addName(braille, aAccessible, aFlags); this._addLandmark(braille, aAccessible); return braille; }, switch: function braille_generator_object_output_functions_switch() { return this.objectOutputFunctions._useStateNotRole.apply(this, arguments); }, checkbutton: function checkbutton() { return this.objectOutputFunctions._useStateNotRole.apply(this, arguments); }, radiobutton: function radiobutton() { return this.objectOutputFunctions._useStateNotRole.apply(this, arguments); }, togglebutton: function togglebutton() { return this.objectOutputFunctions._useStateNotRole.apply(this, arguments); } }, _getContextStart: function _getContextStart(aContext) { if (aContext.accessible.parent.role == Roles.LINK) { return [aContext.accessible.parent]; } return []; }, _getOutputName: function _getOutputName(aName) { return OutputGenerator._getOutputName(aName) + 'Abbr'; }, _addRole: function _addRole(aBraille, aAccessible, aRoleStr) { if (this.mathmlRolesSet.has(aAccessible.role)) { this._addMathRoles(aBraille, aAccessible, aRoleStr); } else { aBraille.push({string: this._getOutputName(aRoleStr)}); } }, _addState: function _addState(aBraille, aState, aRoleStr) { if (aState.contains(States.CHECKABLE)) { aBraille.push({ string: aState.contains(States.CHECKED) ? this._getOutputName('stateChecked') : this._getOutputName('stateUnchecked') }); } if (aRoleStr === 'toggle button') { aBraille.push({ string: aState.contains(States.PRESSED) ? this._getOutputName('statePressed') : this._getOutputName('stateUnpressed') }); } } };