path: root/third_party/aom/av1/encoder/pvq_encoder.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/aom/av1/encoder/pvq_encoder.c')
1 files changed, 988 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/aom/av1/encoder/pvq_encoder.c b/third_party/aom/av1/encoder/pvq_encoder.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab63f1b7dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/aom/av1/encoder/pvq_encoder.c
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
+ *
+ * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
+ * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
+ * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
+ * obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
+ * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
+ * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
+ */
+/* clang-format off */
+# include "config.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "aom_dsp/entcode.h"
+#include "aom_dsp/entenc.h"
+#include "av1/common/blockd.h"
+#include "av1/common/odintrin.h"
+#include "av1/common/partition.h"
+#include "av1/common/pvq_state.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/encodemb.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/pvq_encoder.h"
+#include "aom_ports/system_state.h"
+/*Shift to ensure that the upper bound (i.e. for the max blocksize) of the
+ dot-product of the 1st band of chroma with the luma ref doesn't overflow.*/
+void aom_write_symbol_pvq(aom_writer *w, int symb, aom_cdf_prob *cdf,
+ int nsymbs) {
+ if (cdf[0] == 0)
+ aom_cdf_init_q15_1D(cdf, nsymbs, CDF_SIZE(nsymbs));
+ aom_write_symbol(w, symb, cdf, nsymbs);
+static void aom_encode_pvq_codeword(aom_writer *w, od_pvq_codeword_ctx *adapt,
+ const od_coeff *in, int n, int k) {
+ int i;
+ aom_encode_band_pvq_splits(w, adapt, in, n, k, 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (in[i]) aom_write_bit(w, in[i] < 0);
+/* Computes 1/sqrt(i) using a table for small values. */
+static double od_rsqrt_table(int i) {
+ static double table[16] = {
+ 1.000000, 0.707107, 0.577350, 0.500000,
+ 0.447214, 0.408248, 0.377964, 0.353553,
+ 0.333333, 0.316228, 0.301511, 0.288675,
+ 0.277350, 0.267261, 0.258199, 0.250000};
+ if (i <= 16) return table[i-1];
+ else return 1./sqrt(i);
+/*Computes 1/sqrt(start+2*i+1) using a lookup table containing the results
+ where 0 <= i < table_size.*/
+static double od_custom_rsqrt_dynamic_table(const double* table,
+ const int table_size, const double start, const int i) {
+ if (i < table_size) return table[i];
+ else return od_rsqrt_table((int)(start + 2*i + 1));
+/*Fills tables used in od_custom_rsqrt_dynamic_table for a given start.*/
+static void od_fill_dynamic_rsqrt_table(double *table, const int table_size,
+ const double start) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < table_size; i++)
+ table[i] = od_rsqrt_table((int)(start + 2*i + 1));
+/** Find the codepoint on the given PSphere closest to the desired
+ * vector. Double-precision PVQ search just to make sure our tests
+ * aren't limited by numerical accuracy.
+ *
+ * @param [in] xcoeff input vector to quantize (x in the math doc)
+ * @param [in] n number of dimensions
+ * @param [in] k number of pulses
+ * @param [out] ypulse optimal codevector found (y in the math doc)
+ * @param [out] g2 multiplier for the distortion (typically squared
+ * gain units)
+ * @param [in] pvq_norm_lambda enc->pvq_norm_lambda for quantized RDO
+ * @param [in] prev_k number of pulses already in ypulse that we should
+ * reuse for the search (or 0 for a new search)
+ * @return cosine distance between x and y (between 0 and 1)
+ */
+double pvq_search_rdo_double_c(const od_val16 *xcoeff, int n, int k,
+ od_coeff *ypulse, double g2, double pvq_norm_lambda, int prev_k) {
+ int i, j;
+ double xy;
+ double yy;
+ /* TODO - This blows our 8kB stack space budget and should be fixed when
+ converting PVQ to fixed point. */
+ double x[MAXN];
+ double xx;
+ double lambda;
+ double norm_1;
+ int rdo_pulses;
+ double delta_rate;
+ xx = xy = yy = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ x[j] = fabs((float)xcoeff[j]);
+ xx += x[j]*x[j];
+ }
+ norm_1 = 1./sqrt(1e-30 + xx);
+ lambda = pvq_norm_lambda/(1e-30 + g2);
+ i = 0;
+ if (prev_k > 0 && prev_k <= k) {
+ /* We reuse pulses from a previous search so we don't have to search them
+ again. */
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ ypulse[j] = abs(ypulse[j]);
+ xy += x[j]*ypulse[j];
+ yy += ypulse[j]*ypulse[j];
+ i += ypulse[j];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (k > 2) {
+ double l1_norm;
+ double l1_inv;
+ l1_norm = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) l1_norm += x[j];
+ l1_inv = 1./OD_MAXF(l1_norm, 1e-100);
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ double tmp;
+ tmp = k*x[j]*l1_inv;
+ ypulse[j] = OD_MAXI(0, (int)floor(tmp));
+ xy += x[j]*ypulse[j];
+ yy += ypulse[j]*ypulse[j];
+ i += ypulse[j];
+ }
+ }
+ else OD_CLEAR(ypulse, n);
+ /* Only use RDO on the last few pulses. This not only saves CPU, but using
+ RDO on all pulses actually makes the results worse for reasons I don't
+ fully understand. */
+ rdo_pulses = 1 + k/4;
+ /* Rough assumption for now, the last position costs about 3 bits more than
+ the first. */
+ delta_rate = 3./n;
+ /* Search one pulse at a time */
+ for (; i < k - rdo_pulses; i++) {
+ int pos;
+ double best_xy;
+ double best_yy;
+ pos = 0;
+ best_xy = -10;
+ best_yy = 1;
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ double tmp_xy;
+ double tmp_yy;
+ tmp_xy = xy + x[j];
+ tmp_yy = yy + 2*ypulse[j] + 1;
+ tmp_xy *= tmp_xy;
+ if (j == 0 || tmp_xy*best_yy > best_xy*tmp_yy) {
+ best_xy = tmp_xy;
+ best_yy = tmp_yy;
+ pos = j;
+ }
+ }
+ xy = xy + x[pos];
+ yy = yy + 2*ypulse[pos] + 1;
+ ypulse[pos]++;
+ }
+ /* Search last pulses with RDO. Distortion is D = (x-y)^2 = x^2 - 2*x*y + y^2
+ and since x^2 and y^2 are constant, we just maximize x*y, plus a
+ lambda*rate term. Note that since x and y aren't normalized here,
+ we need to divide by sqrt(x^2)*sqrt(y^2). */
+ for (; i < k; i++) {
+ double rsqrt_table[4];
+ int rsqrt_table_size = 4;
+ int pos;
+ double best_cost;
+ pos = 0;
+ best_cost = -1e5;
+ /*Fill the small rsqrt lookup table with inputs relative to yy.
+ Specifically, the table of n values is filled with
+ rsqrt(yy + 1), rsqrt(yy + 2 + 1) .. rsqrt(yy + 2*(n-1) + 1).*/
+ od_fill_dynamic_rsqrt_table(rsqrt_table, rsqrt_table_size, yy);
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ double tmp_xy;
+ double tmp_yy;
+ tmp_xy = xy + x[j];
+ /*Calculate rsqrt(yy + 2*ypulse[j] + 1) using an optimized method.*/
+ tmp_yy = od_custom_rsqrt_dynamic_table(rsqrt_table, rsqrt_table_size,
+ yy, ypulse[j]);
+ tmp_xy = 2*tmp_xy*norm_1*tmp_yy - lambda*j*delta_rate;
+ if (j == 0 || tmp_xy > best_cost) {
+ best_cost = tmp_xy;
+ pos = j;
+ }
+ }
+ xy = xy + x[pos];
+ yy = yy + 2*ypulse[pos] + 1;
+ ypulse[pos]++;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (xcoeff[i] < 0) ypulse[i] = -ypulse[i];
+ }
+ return xy/(1e-100 + sqrt(xx*yy));
+/** Encodes the gain so that the return value increases with the
+ * distance |x-ref|, so that we can encode a zero when x=ref. The
+ * value x=0 is not covered because it is only allowed in the noref
+ * case.
+ *
+ * @param [in] x quantized gain to encode
+ * @param [in] ref quantized gain of the reference
+ * @return interleave-encoded quantized gain value
+ */
+static int neg_interleave(int x, int ref) {
+ if (x < ref) return -2*(x - ref) - 1;
+ else if (x < 2*ref) return 2*(x - ref);
+ else return x-1;
+int od_vector_is_null(const od_coeff *x, int len) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (x[i]) return 0;
+ return 1;
+static double od_pvq_rate(int qg, int icgr, int theta, int ts,
+ const od_adapt_ctx *adapt, const od_coeff *y0, int k, int n, int speed) {
+ double rate;
+ if (k == 0) rate = 0;
+ else if (speed > 0) {
+ int i;
+ int sum;
+ double f;
+ /* Compute "center of mass" of the pulse vector. */
+ sum = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n - (theta != -1); i++) sum += i*abs(y0[i]);
+ f = sum/(double)(k*n);
+ /* Estimates the number of bits it will cost to encode K pulses in
+ N dimensions based on hand-tuned fit for bitrate vs K, N and
+ "center of mass". */
+ rate = (1 + .4*f)*n*OD_LOG2(1 + OD_MAXF(0, log(n*2*(1*f + .025))*k/n)) + 3;
+ }
+ else {
+ aom_writer w;
+ od_pvq_codeword_ctx cd;
+ int tell;
+ od_ec_enc_init(&, 1000);
+# error "CONFIG_PVQ currently requires CONFIG_DAALA_EC."
+ OD_COPY(&cd, &adapt->pvq.pvq_codeword_ctx, 1);
+ tell = od_ec_enc_tell_frac(&;
+# error "CONFIG_PVQ currently requires CONFIG_DAALA_EC."
+ aom_encode_pvq_codeword(&w, &cd, y0, n - (theta != -1), k);
+ rate = (od_ec_enc_tell_frac(&;
+ od_ec_enc_clear(&;
+# error "CONFIG_PVQ currently requires CONFIG_DAALA_EC."
+ }
+ if (qg > 0 && theta >= 0) {
+ /* Approximate cost of entropy-coding theta */
+ rate += .9*OD_LOG2(ts);
+ if (qg == icgr) rate -= .5;
+ }
+ return rate;
+#define MAX_PVQ_ITEMS (20)
+/* This stores the information about a PVQ search candidate, so we can sort
+ based on K. */
+typedef struct {
+ int gain;
+ int k;
+ od_val32 qtheta;
+ int theta;
+ int ts;
+ od_val32 qcg;
+} pvq_search_item;
+int items_compare(pvq_search_item *a, pvq_search_item *b) {
+ /* Break ties in K with gain to ensure a stable sort.
+ Otherwise, the order depends on qsort implementation. */
+ return a->k == b->k ? a->gain - b->gain : a->k - b->k;
+/** Perform PVQ quantization with prediction, trying several
+ * possible gains and angles. See draft-valin-videocodec-pvq and
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * @param [out] out coefficients after quantization
+ * @param [in] x0 coefficients before quantization
+ * @param [in] r0 reference, aka predicted coefficients
+ * @param [in] n number of dimensions
+ * @param [in] q0 quantization step size
+ * @param [out] y pulse vector (i.e. selected PVQ codevector)
+ * @param [out] itheta angle between input and reference (-1 if noref)
+ * @param [out] vk total number of pulses
+ * @param [in] beta per-band activity masking beta param
+ * @param [out] skip_diff distortion cost of skipping this block
+ * (accumulated)
+ * @param [in] is_keyframe whether we're encoding a keyframe
+ * @param [in] pli plane index
+ * @param [in] adapt probability adaptation context
+ * @param [in] qm QM with magnitude compensation
+ * @param [in] qm_inv Inverse of QM with magnitude compensation
+ * @param [in] pvq_norm_lambda enc->pvq_norm_lambda for quantized RDO
+ * @param [in] speed Make search faster by making approximations
+ * @return gain index of the quatized gain
+static int pvq_theta(od_coeff *out, const od_coeff *x0, const od_coeff *r0,
+ int n, int q0, od_coeff *y, int *itheta, int *vk,
+ od_val16 beta, double *skip_diff, int is_keyframe, int pli,
+ const od_adapt_ctx *adapt, const int16_t *qm, const int16_t *qm_inv,
+ double pvq_norm_lambda, int speed) {
+ od_val32 g;
+ od_val32 gr;
+ od_coeff y_tmp[MAXN + 3];
+ int i;
+ /* Number of pulses. */
+ int k;
+ /* Companded gain of x and reference, normalized to q. */
+ od_val32 cg;
+ od_val32 cgr;
+ int icgr;
+ int qg;
+ /* Best RDO cost (D + lamdba*R) so far. */
+ double best_cost;
+ double dist0;
+ /* Distortion (D) that corresponds to the best RDO cost. */
+ double best_dist;
+ double dist;
+ /* Sign of Householder reflection. */
+ int s;
+ /* Dimension on which Householder reflects. */
+ int m;
+ od_val32 theta;
+ double corr;
+ int best_k;
+ od_val32 best_qtheta;
+ od_val32 gain_offset;
+ int noref;
+ double skip_dist;
+ int cfl_enabled;
+ int skip;
+ double gain_weight;
+ od_val16 x16[MAXN];
+ od_val16 r16[MAXN];
+ int xshift;
+ int rshift;
+ /* Give more weight to gain error when calculating the total distortion. */
+ gain_weight = 1.0;
+ OD_ASSERT(n > 1);
+ corr = 0;
+#if !defined(OD_FLOAT_PVQ)
+ /* Shift needed to make x fit in 16 bits even after rotation.
+ This shift value is not normative (it can be changed without breaking
+ the bitstream) */
+ xshift = OD_MAXI(0, od_vector_log_mag(x0, n) - 15);
+ /* Shift needed to make the reference fit in 15 bits, so that the Householder
+ vector can fit in 16 bits.
+ This shift value *is* normative, and has to match the decoder. */
+ rshift = OD_MAXI(0, od_vector_log_mag(r0, n) - 14);
+ xshift = 0;
+ rshift = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+#if defined(OD_FLOAT_PVQ)
+ /*This is slightly different from the original float PVQ code,
+ where the qm was applied in the accumulation in od_pvq_compute_gain and
+ the vectors were od_coeffs, not od_val16 (i.e. double).*/
+ x16[i] = x0[i]*(double)qm[i]*OD_QM_SCALE_1;
+ r16[i] = r0[i]*(double)qm[i]*OD_QM_SCALE_1;
+ x16[i] = OD_SHR_ROUND(x0[i]*qm[i], OD_QM_SHIFT + xshift);
+ r16[i] = OD_SHR_ROUND(r0[i]*qm[i], OD_QM_SHIFT + rshift);
+ corr += OD_MULT16_16(x16[i], r16[i]);
+ }
+ cfl_enabled = is_keyframe && pli != 0 && !OD_DISABLE_CFL;
+ cg = od_pvq_compute_gain(x16, n, q0, &g, beta, xshift);
+ cgr = od_pvq_compute_gain(r16, n, q0, &gr, beta, rshift);
+ if (cfl_enabled) cgr = OD_CGAIN_SCALE;
+ /* gain_offset is meant to make sure one of the quantized gains has
+ exactly the same gain as the reference. */
+#if defined(OD_FLOAT_PVQ)
+ icgr = (int)floor(.5 + cgr);
+ gain_offset = cgr - OD_SHL(icgr, OD_CGAIN_SHIFT);
+ /* Start search with null case: gain=0, no pulse. */
+ qg = 0;
+ dist = gain_weight*cg*cg*OD_CGAIN_SCALE_2;
+ best_dist = dist;
+ best_cost = dist + pvq_norm_lambda*od_pvq_rate(0, 0, -1, 0, adapt, NULL, 0,
+ n, speed);
+ noref = 1;
+ best_k = 0;
+ *itheta = -1;
+ OD_CLEAR(y, n);
+ best_qtheta = 0;
+ m = 0;
+ s = 1;
+ corr = corr/(1e-100 + g*(double)gr/OD_SHL(1, xshift + rshift));
+ corr = OD_MAXF(OD_MINF(corr, 1.), -1.);
+ if (is_keyframe) skip_dist = gain_weight*cg*cg*OD_CGAIN_SCALE_2;
+ else {
+ skip_dist = gain_weight*(cg - cgr)*(cg - cgr)
+ + cgr*(double)cg*(2 - 2*corr);
+ skip_dist *= OD_CGAIN_SCALE_2;
+ }
+ if (!is_keyframe) {
+ /* noref, gain=0 isn't allowed, but skip is allowed. */
+ od_val32 scgr;
+ scgr = OD_MAXF(0,gain_offset);
+ if (icgr == 0) {
+ best_dist = gain_weight*(cg - scgr)*(cg - scgr)
+ + scgr*(double)cg*(2 - 2*corr);
+ best_dist *= OD_CGAIN_SCALE_2;
+ }
+ best_cost = best_dist + pvq_norm_lambda*od_pvq_rate(0, icgr, 0, 0, adapt,
+ NULL, 0, n, speed);
+ best_qtheta = 0;
+ *itheta = 0;
+ noref = 0;
+ }
+ dist0 = best_dist;
+ if (n <= OD_MAX_PVQ_SIZE && !od_vector_is_null(r0, n) && corr > 0) {
+ od_val16 xr[MAXN];
+ int gain_bound;
+ int prev_k;
+ pvq_search_item items[MAX_PVQ_ITEMS];
+ int idx;
+ int nitems;
+ double cos_dist;
+ idx = 0;
+ gain_bound = OD_SHR(cg - gain_offset, OD_CGAIN_SHIFT);
+ /* Perform theta search only if prediction is useful. */
+ theta = OD_ROUND32(OD_THETA_SCALE*acos(corr));
+ m = od_compute_householder(r16, n, gr, &s, rshift);
+ od_apply_householder(xr, x16, r16, n);
+ prev_k = 0;
+ for (i = m; i < n - 1; i++) xr[i] = xr[i + 1];
+ /* Compute all candidate PVQ searches within a reasonable range of gain
+ and theta. */
+ for (i = OD_MAXI(1, gain_bound - 1); i <= gain_bound + 1; i++) {
+ int j;
+ od_val32 qcg;
+ int ts;
+ int theta_lower;
+ int theta_upper;
+ /* Quantized companded gain */
+ qcg = OD_SHL(i, OD_CGAIN_SHIFT) + gain_offset;
+ /* Set angular resolution (in ra) to match the encoded gain */
+ ts = od_pvq_compute_max_theta(qcg, beta);
+ theta_lower = OD_MAXI(0, (int)floor(.5 +
+ theta*OD_THETA_SCALE_1*2/M_PI*ts) - 2);
+ theta_upper = OD_MINI(ts - 1, (int)ceil(theta*OD_THETA_SCALE_1*2/M_PI*ts));
+ /* Include the angles within a reasonable range. */
+ for (j = theta_lower; j <= theta_upper; j++) {
+ od_val32 qtheta;
+ qtheta = od_pvq_compute_theta(j, ts);
+ k = od_pvq_compute_k(qcg, j, 0, n, beta);
+ items[idx].gain = i;
+ items[idx].theta = j;
+ items[idx].k = k;
+ items[idx].qcg = qcg;
+ items[idx].qtheta = qtheta;
+ items[idx].ts = ts;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ nitems = idx;
+ cos_dist = 0;
+ /* Sort PVQ search candidates in ascending order of pulses K so that
+ we can reuse all the previously searched pulses across searches. */
+ qsort(items, nitems, sizeof(items[0]),
+ (int (*)(const void *, const void *))items_compare);
+ /* Search for the best gain/theta in order. */
+ for (idx = 0; idx < nitems; idx++) {
+ int j;
+ od_val32 qcg;
+ int ts;
+ double cost;
+ double dist_theta;
+ double sin_prod;
+ od_val32 qtheta;
+ /* Quantized companded gain */
+ qcg = items[idx].qcg;
+ i = items[idx].gain;
+ j = items[idx].theta;
+ /* Set angular resolution (in ra) to match the encoded gain */
+ ts = items[idx].ts;
+ /* Search for the best angle within a reasonable range. */
+ qtheta = items[idx].qtheta;
+ k = items[idx].k;
+ /* Compute the minimal possible distortion by not taking the PVQ
+ cos_dist into account. */
+ dist_theta = 2 - 2.*od_pvq_cos(theta - qtheta)*OD_TRIG_SCALE_1;
+ dist = gain_weight*(qcg - cg)*(qcg - cg) + qcg*(double)cg*dist_theta;
+ dist *= OD_CGAIN_SCALE_2;
+ /* If we have no hope of beating skip (including a 1-bit worst-case
+ penalty), stop now. */
+ if (dist > dist0 + 1.0*pvq_norm_lambda && k != 0) continue;
+ sin_prod = od_pvq_sin(theta)*OD_TRIG_SCALE_1*od_pvq_sin(qtheta)*
+ /* PVQ search, using a gain of qcg*cg*sin(theta)*sin(qtheta) since
+ that's the factor by which cos_dist is multiplied to get the
+ distortion metric. */
+ if (k == 0) {
+ cos_dist = 0;
+ OD_CLEAR(y_tmp, n-1);
+ }
+ else if (k != prev_k) {
+ cos_dist = pvq_search_rdo_double(xr, n - 1, k, y_tmp,
+ qcg*(double)cg*sin_prod*OD_CGAIN_SCALE_2, pvq_norm_lambda, prev_k);
+ }
+ prev_k = k;
+ /* See Jmspeex' Journal of Dubious Theoretical Results. */
+ dist_theta = 2 - 2.*od_pvq_cos(theta - qtheta)*OD_TRIG_SCALE_1
+ + sin_prod*(2 - 2*cos_dist);
+ dist = gain_weight*(qcg - cg)*(qcg - cg) + qcg*(double)cg*dist_theta;
+ dist *= OD_CGAIN_SCALE_2;
+ /* Do approximate RDO. */
+ cost = dist + pvq_norm_lambda*od_pvq_rate(i, icgr, j, ts, adapt, y_tmp,
+ k, n, speed);
+ if (cost < best_cost) {
+ best_cost = cost;
+ best_dist = dist;
+ qg = i;
+ best_k = k;
+ best_qtheta = qtheta;
+ *itheta = j;
+ noref = 0;
+ OD_COPY(y, y_tmp, n - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Don't bother with no-reference version if there's a reasonable
+ correlation. */
+ if (n <= OD_MAX_PVQ_SIZE && (corr < .5
+ || cg < (od_val32)(OD_SHL(2, OD_CGAIN_SHIFT)))) {
+ int gain_bound;
+ int prev_k;
+ gain_bound = OD_SHR(cg, OD_CGAIN_SHIFT);
+ prev_k = 0;
+ /* Search for the best gain (haven't determined reasonable range yet). */
+ for (i = OD_MAXI(1, gain_bound); i <= gain_bound + 1; i++) {
+ double cos_dist;
+ double cost;
+ od_val32 qcg;
+ qcg = OD_SHL(i, OD_CGAIN_SHIFT);
+ k = od_pvq_compute_k(qcg, -1, 1, n, beta);
+ /* Compute the minimal possible distortion by not taking the PVQ
+ cos_dist into account. */
+ dist = gain_weight*(qcg - cg)*(qcg - cg);
+ dist *= OD_CGAIN_SCALE_2;
+ if (dist > dist0 && k != 0) continue;
+ cos_dist = pvq_search_rdo_double(x16, n, k, y_tmp,
+ qcg*(double)cg*OD_CGAIN_SCALE_2, pvq_norm_lambda, prev_k);
+ prev_k = k;
+ /* See Jmspeex' Journal of Dubious Theoretical Results. */
+ dist = gain_weight*(qcg - cg)*(qcg - cg)
+ + qcg*(double)cg*(2 - 2*cos_dist);
+ dist *= OD_CGAIN_SCALE_2;
+ /* Do approximate RDO. */
+ cost = dist + pvq_norm_lambda*od_pvq_rate(i, 0, -1, 0, adapt, y_tmp, k,
+ n, speed);
+ if (cost <= best_cost) {
+ best_cost = cost;
+ best_dist = dist;
+ qg = i;
+ noref = 1;
+ best_k = k;
+ *itheta = -1;
+ OD_COPY(y, y_tmp, n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ k = best_k;
+ theta = best_qtheta;
+ skip = 0;
+ if (noref) {
+ if (qg == 0) skip = OD_PVQ_SKIP_ZERO;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!is_keyframe && qg == 0) {
+ skip = (icgr ? OD_PVQ_SKIP_ZERO : OD_PVQ_SKIP_COPY);
+ }
+ if (qg == icgr && *itheta == 0 && !cfl_enabled) skip = OD_PVQ_SKIP_COPY;
+ }
+ /* Synthesize like the decoder would. */
+ if (skip) {
+ if (skip == OD_PVQ_SKIP_COPY) OD_COPY(out, r0, n);
+ else OD_CLEAR(out, n);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (noref) gain_offset = 0;
+ g = od_gain_expand(OD_SHL(qg, OD_CGAIN_SHIFT) + gain_offset, q0, beta);
+ od_pvq_synthesis_partial(out, y, r16, n, noref, g, theta, m, s,
+ qm_inv);
+ }
+ *vk = k;
+ *skip_diff += skip_dist - best_dist;
+ /* Encode gain differently depending on whether we use prediction or not.
+ Special encoding on inter frames where qg=0 is allowed for noref=0
+ but not noref=1.*/
+ if (is_keyframe) return noref ? qg : neg_interleave(qg, icgr);
+ else return noref ? qg - 1 : neg_interleave(qg + 1, icgr + 1);
+/** Encodes a single vector of integers (eg, a partition within a
+ * coefficient block) using PVQ
+ *
+ * @param [in,out] w multi-symbol entropy encoder
+ * @param [in] qg quantized gain
+ * @param [in] theta quantized post-prediction theta
+ * @param [in] in coefficient vector to code
+ * @param [in] n number of coefficients in partition
+ * @param [in] k number of pulses in partition
+ * @param [in,out] model entropy encoder state
+ * @param [in,out] adapt adaptation context
+ * @param [in,out] exg ExQ16 expectation of gain value
+ * @param [in,out] ext ExQ16 expectation of theta value
+ * @param [in] cdf_ctx selects which cdf context to use
+ * @param [in] is_keyframe whether we're encoding a keyframe
+ * @param [in] code_skip whether the "skip rest" flag is allowed
+ * @param [in] skip_rest when set, we skip all higher bands
+ * @param [in] encode_flip whether we need to encode the CfL flip flag now
+ * @param [in] flip value of the CfL flip flag
+ */
+void pvq_encode_partition(aom_writer *w,
+ int qg,
+ int theta,
+ const od_coeff *in,
+ int n,
+ int k,
+ generic_encoder model[3],
+ od_adapt_ctx *adapt,
+ int *exg,
+ int *ext,
+ int cdf_ctx,
+ int is_keyframe,
+ int code_skip,
+ int skip_rest,
+ int encode_flip,
+ int flip) {
+ int noref;
+ int id;
+ noref = (theta == -1);
+ id = (qg > 0) + 2*OD_MINI(theta + 1,3) + 8*code_skip*skip_rest;
+ if (is_keyframe) {
+ OD_ASSERT(id != 8);
+ if (id >= 8) id--;
+ }
+ else {
+ OD_ASSERT(id != 10);
+ if (id >= 10) id--;
+ }
+ /* Jointly code gain, theta and noref for small values. Then we handle
+ larger gain and theta values. For noref, theta = -1. */
+ aom_write_symbol_pvq(w, id, &adapt->pvq.pvq_gaintheta_cdf[cdf_ctx][0],
+ 8 + 7*code_skip);
+ if (encode_flip) {
+ /* We could eventually do some smarter entropy coding here, but it would
+ have to be good enough to overcome the overhead of the entropy coder.
+ An early attempt using a "toogle" flag with simple adaptation wasn't
+ worth the trouble. */
+ aom_write_bit(w, flip);
+ }
+ if (qg > 0) {
+ int tmp;
+ tmp = *exg;
+ generic_encode(w, &model[!noref], qg - 1, &tmp, 2);
+ OD_IIR_DIADIC(*exg, qg << 16, 2);
+ }
+ if (theta > 1) {
+ int tmp;
+ tmp = *ext;
+ generic_encode(w, &model[2], theta - 2, &tmp, 2);
+ OD_IIR_DIADIC(*ext, theta << 16, 2);
+ }
+ aom_encode_pvq_codeword(w, &adapt->pvq.pvq_codeword_ctx, in,
+ n - (theta != -1), k);
+/** Quantizes a scalar with rate-distortion optimization (RDO)
+ * @param [in] x unquantized value
+ * @param [in] q quantization step size
+ * @param [in] delta0 rate increase for encoding a 1 instead of a 0
+ * @param [in] pvq_norm_lambda enc->pvq_norm_lambda for quantized RDO
+ * @retval quantized value
+ */
+int od_rdo_quant(od_coeff x, int q, double delta0, double pvq_norm_lambda) {
+ int n;
+ /* Optimal quantization threshold is 1/2 + lambda*delta_rate/2. See
+ Jmspeex' Journal of Dubious Theoretical Results for details. */
+ n = OD_DIV_R0(abs(x), q);
+ if ((double)abs(x)/q < (double)n/2 + pvq_norm_lambda*delta0/(2*n)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return OD_DIV_R0(x, q);
+ }
+/** Encode a coefficient block (excepting DC) using PVQ
+ *
+ * @param [in,out] enc daala encoder context
+ * @param [in] ref 'reference' (prediction) vector
+ * @param [in] in coefficient block to quantize and encode
+ * @param [out] out quantized coefficient block
+ * @param [in] q0 scale/quantizer
+ * @param [in] pli plane index
+ * @param [in] bs log of the block size minus two
+ * @param [in] beta per-band activity masking beta param
+ * @param [in] is_keyframe whether we're encoding a keyframe
+ * @param [in] qm QM with magnitude compensation
+ * @param [in] qm_inv Inverse of QM with magnitude compensation
+ * @param [in] speed Make search faster by making approximations
+ * @param [in] pvq_info If null, conisdered as RDO search mode
+ * @return Returns block skip info indicating whether DC/AC are coded.
+ * bit0: DC is coded, bit1: AC is coded (1 means coded)
+ *
+ */
+PVQ_SKIP_TYPE od_pvq_encode(daala_enc_ctx *enc,
+ od_coeff *ref,
+ const od_coeff *in,
+ od_coeff *out,
+ int q_dc,
+ int q_ac,
+ int pli,
+ int bs,
+ const od_val16 *beta,
+ int is_keyframe,
+ const int16_t *qm,
+ const int16_t *qm_inv,
+ int speed,
+ PVQ_INFO *pvq_info){
+ int theta[PVQ_MAX_PARTITIONS];
+ int *exg;
+ int *ext;
+ int nb_bands;
+ int i;
+ const int *off;
+ generic_encoder *model;
+ double skip_diff;
+ int tell;
+ uint16_t *skip_cdf;
+ od_rollback_buffer buf;
+ int dc_quant;
+ int flip;
+ int cfl_encoded;
+ int skip_rest;
+ int skip_dir;
+ int skip_theta_value;
+ const unsigned char *pvq_qm;
+ double dc_rate;
+ int use_masking;
+ PVQ_SKIP_TYPE ac_dc_coded;
+ aom_clear_system_state();
+ use_masking = enc->use_activity_masking;
+ if (use_masking)
+ pvq_qm = &enc->state.pvq_qm_q4[pli][0];
+ else
+ pvq_qm = 0;
+ exg = &enc->state.adapt->pvq.pvq_exg[pli][bs][0];
+ ext = enc->state.adapt->pvq.pvq_ext + bs*PVQ_MAX_PARTITIONS;
+ skip_cdf = enc->state.adapt->skip_cdf[2*bs + (pli != 0)];
+ model = enc->state.adapt->pvq.pvq_param_model;
+ nb_bands = OD_BAND_OFFSETS[bs][0];
+ off = &OD_BAND_OFFSETS[bs][1];
+ if (use_masking)
+ dc_quant = OD_MAXI(1, q_dc * pvq_qm[od_qm_get_index(bs, 0)] >> 4);
+ else
+ dc_quant = OD_MAXI(1, q_dc);
+ tell = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < nb_bands; i++) size[i] = off[i+1] - off[i];
+ skip_diff = 0;
+ flip = 0;
+ /*If we are coding a chroma block of a keyframe, we are doing CfL.*/
+ if (pli != 0 && is_keyframe) {
+ od_val32 xy;
+ xy = 0;
+ /*Compute the dot-product of the first band of chroma with the luma ref.*/
+ for (i = off[0]; i < off[1]; i++) {
+#if defined(OD_FLOAT_PVQ)
+ xy += ref[i]*(double)qm[i]*OD_QM_SCALE_1*
+ (double)in[i]*(double)qm[i]*OD_QM_SCALE_1;
+ od_val32 rq;
+ od_val32 inq;
+ rq = ref[i]*qm[i];
+ inq = in[i]*qm[i];
+ xy += OD_SHR(rq*(int64_t)inq, OD_SHL(OD_QM_SHIFT + OD_CFL_FLIP_SHIFT,
+ 1));
+ }
+ /*If cos(theta) < 0, then |theta| > pi/2 and we should negate the ref.*/
+ if (xy < 0) {
+ flip = 1;
+ for(i = off[0]; i < off[nb_bands]; i++) ref[i] = -ref[i];
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nb_bands; i++) {
+ int q;
+ if (use_masking)
+ q = OD_MAXI(1, q_ac * pvq_qm[od_qm_get_index(bs, i + 1)] >> 4);
+ else
+ q = OD_MAXI(1, q_ac);
+ qg[i] = pvq_theta(out + off[i], in + off[i], ref + off[i], size[i],
+ q, y + off[i], &theta[i], &k[i], beta[i], &skip_diff, is_keyframe,
+ pli, enc->state.adapt, qm + off[i], qm_inv + off[i],
+ enc->pvq_norm_lambda, speed);
+ }
+ od_encode_checkpoint(enc, &buf);
+ if (is_keyframe) out[0] = 0;
+ else {
+ int n;
+ n = OD_DIV_R0(abs(in[0] - ref[0]), dc_quant);
+ if (n == 0) {
+ out[0] = 0;
+ } else {
+ int tell2;
+ od_rollback_buffer dc_buf;
+ dc_rate = -OD_LOG2((double)(skip_cdf[3] - skip_cdf[2])/
+ (double)(skip_cdf[2] - skip_cdf[1]));
+ dc_rate += 1;
+ tell2 = od_ec_enc_tell_frac(&enc->;
+#error "CONFIG_PVQ currently requires CONFIG_DAALA_EC."
+ od_encode_checkpoint(enc, &dc_buf);
+ generic_encode(&enc->w, &enc->state.adapt->model_dc[pli],
+ n - 1, &enc->state.adapt->ex_dc[pli][bs][0], 2);
+ tell2 = od_ec_enc_tell_frac(&enc-> - tell2;
+#error "CONFIG_PVQ currently requires CONFIG_DAALA_EC."
+ dc_rate += tell2/8.0;
+ od_encode_rollback(enc, &dc_buf);
+ out[0] = od_rdo_quant(in[0] - ref[0], dc_quant, dc_rate,
+ enc->pvq_norm_lambda);
+ }
+ }
+ tell = od_ec_enc_tell_frac(&enc->;
+#error "CONFIG_PVQ currently requires CONFIG_DAALA_EC."
+ /* Code as if we're not skipping. */
+ aom_write_symbol(&enc->w, 2 + (out[0] != 0), skip_cdf, 4);
+ ac_dc_coded = AC_CODED + (out[0] != 0);
+ cfl_encoded = 0;
+ skip_rest = 1;
+ skip_theta_value = is_keyframe ? -1 : 0;
+ for (i = 1; i < nb_bands; i++) {
+ if (theta[i] != skip_theta_value || qg[i]) skip_rest = 0;
+ }
+ skip_dir = 0;
+ if (nb_bands > 1) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ int j;
+ int tmp;
+ tmp = 1;
+ // ToDo(yaowu): figure out better stop condition without gcc warning.
+ for (j = i + 1; j < nb_bands && j < PVQ_MAX_PARTITIONS; j += 3) {
+ if (theta[j] != skip_theta_value || qg[j]) tmp = 0;
+ }
+ skip_dir |= tmp << i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (theta[0] == skip_theta_value && qg[0] == 0 && skip_rest) nb_bands = 0;
+ /* NOTE: There was no other better place to put this function. */
+ if (pvq_info)
+ av1_store_pvq_enc_info(pvq_info, qg, theta, k, y, nb_bands, off, size,
+ skip_rest, skip_dir, bs);
+ for (i = 0; i < nb_bands; i++) {
+ int encode_flip;
+ /* Encode CFL flip bit just after the first time it's used. */
+ encode_flip = pli != 0 && is_keyframe && theta[i] != -1 && !cfl_encoded;
+ if (i == 0 || (!skip_rest && !(skip_dir & (1 << ((i - 1)%3))))) {
+ pvq_encode_partition(&enc->w, qg[i], theta[i], y + off[i],
+ size[i], k[i], model, enc->state.adapt, exg + i, ext + i,
+ is_keyframe, i == 0 && (i < nb_bands - 1), skip_rest, encode_flip, flip);
+ }
+ if (i == 0 && !skip_rest && bs > 0) {
+ aom_write_symbol(&enc->w, skip_dir,
+ &enc->state.adapt->pvq.pvq_skip_dir_cdf[(pli != 0) + 2*(bs - 1)][0], 7);
+ }
+ if (encode_flip) cfl_encoded = 1;
+ }
+ tell = od_ec_enc_tell_frac(&enc-> - tell;
+#error "CONFIG_PVQ currently requires CONFIG_DAALA_EC."
+ /* Account for the rate of skipping the AC, based on the same DC decision
+ we made when trying to not skip AC. */
+ {
+ double skip_rate;
+ if (out[0] != 0) {
+ skip_rate = -OD_LOG2((skip_cdf[1] - skip_cdf[0])/
+ (double)skip_cdf[3]);
+ }
+ else {
+ skip_rate = -OD_LOG2(skip_cdf[0]/
+ (double)skip_cdf[3]);
+ }
+ tell -= (int)floor(.5+8*skip_rate);
+ }
+ if (nb_bands == 0 || skip_diff <= enc->pvq_norm_lambda/8*tell) {
+ if (is_keyframe) out[0] = 0;
+ else {
+ int n;
+ n = OD_DIV_R0(abs(in[0] - ref[0]), dc_quant);
+ if (n == 0) {
+ out[0] = 0;
+ } else {
+ int tell2;
+ od_rollback_buffer dc_buf;
+ dc_rate = -OD_LOG2((double)(skip_cdf[1] - skip_cdf[0])/
+ (double)skip_cdf[0]);
+ dc_rate += 1;
+ tell2 = od_ec_enc_tell_frac(&enc->;
+#error "CONFIG_PVQ currently requires CONFIG_DAALA_EC."
+ od_encode_checkpoint(enc, &dc_buf);
+ generic_encode(&enc->w, &enc->state.adapt->model_dc[pli],
+ n - 1, &enc->state.adapt->ex_dc[pli][bs][0], 2);
+ tell2 = od_ec_enc_tell_frac(&enc-> - tell2;
+#error "CONFIG_PVQ currently requires CONFIG_DAALA_EC."
+ dc_rate += tell2/8.0;
+ od_encode_rollback(enc, &dc_buf);
+ out[0] = od_rdo_quant(in[0] - ref[0], dc_quant, dc_rate,
+ enc->pvq_norm_lambda);
+ }
+ }
+ /* We decide to skip, roll back everything as it was before. */
+ od_encode_rollback(enc, &buf);
+ aom_write_symbol(&enc->w, out[0] != 0, skip_cdf, 4);
+ ac_dc_coded = (out[0] != 0);
+ if (is_keyframe) for (i = 1; i < 1 << (2*bs + 4); i++) out[i] = 0;
+ else for (i = 1; i < 1 << (2*bs + 4); i++) out[i] = ref[i];
+ }
+ if (pvq_info)
+ pvq_info->ac_dc_coded = ac_dc_coded;
+ return ac_dc_coded;