path: root/js/src/tests/non262
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'js/src/tests/non262')
8 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/browser.js b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/browser.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/browser.js
diff --git a/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain-class-heritage.js b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain-class-heritage.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14a99c6392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain-class-heritage.js
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Optional expression can be part of a class heritage expression.
+var a = {b: null};
+class C extends a?.b {}
+assertEq(Object.getPrototypeOf(C.prototype), null);
+if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
+ reportCompare(true, true);
diff --git a/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain-first-expression.js b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain-first-expression.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89912aec4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain-first-expression.js
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// Verify bytecode emitter accepts all valid optional chain first expressions.
+const expressions = [
+ //
+ "this",
+ "ident",
+ "null",
+ "true",
+ "false",
+ "123",
+ "123n",
+ "'str'",
+ "[]",
+ "{}",
+ "function(){}",
+ "class{}",
+ "function*(){}",
+ "async function(){}",
+ "async function*(){}",
+ "/a/",
+ "`str`",
+ "(a + b)",
+ //
+ "a[b]",
+ "a.b",
+ "a``",
+ "super[a]",
+ "super.a",
+ "",
+ "import.meta",
+ "new C()",
+ "new C",
+ "f()",
+ "super()",
+ "a?.b",
+ "a?.[b]",
+ "a?.()",
+ "a?.``",
+function tryParse(s, f = Function) {
+ try { f(s); } catch {}
+function tryRun(s, f = Function) {
+ try { f(s)(); } catch {}
+for (let expr of expressions) {
+ // Evaluate in an expression context.
+ tryRun(`void (${expr}?.());`);
+ tryRun(`void (${expr}?.p());`);
+ // Also try parenthesized.
+ tryRun(`void ((${expr})?.());`);
+ tryRun(`void ((${expr})?.p());`);
+function inClassConstructor(s) {
+ return `class C { constructor() { ${s} } }`;
+for (let expr of ["super[a]", "super.a", "super()"]) {
+ // Evaluate in an expression context.
+ tryRun(inClassConstructor(`void (${expr}?.());`));
+ tryRun(inClassConstructor(`void (${expr}?.p());`));
+ // Also try parenthesized.
+ tryRun(inClassConstructor(`void ((${expr})?.());`));
+ tryRun(inClassConstructor(`void ((${expr})?.p());`));
+if (typeof parseModule === "function") {
+ const expressions = [
+ "import.meta",
+ "import('')",
+ ];
+ for (let expr of expressions) {
+ // Evaluate in an expression context.
+ tryParse(`void (${expr}?.());`, parseModule);
+ tryParse(`void (${expr}?.p());`, parseModule);
+ // Also try parenthesized.
+ tryParse(`void ((${expr})?.());`, parseModule);
+ tryParse(`void ((${expr})?.p());`, parseModule);
+ }
+if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
+ reportCompare(true, true);
diff --git a/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain-super-elem.js b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain-super-elem.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b912a9ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain-super-elem.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Don't assert.
+var obj = {
+ m() {
+ super[0]?.a
+ }
+if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
+ reportCompare(true, true);
diff --git a/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain-tdz.js b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain-tdz.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e12d0fb860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain-tdz.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Test TDZ for optional chaining.
+// TDZ for lexical |let| bindings with optional chaining.
+ assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
+ const Null = null;
+ Null?.[b];
+ b = 0;
+ let b;
+ }, ReferenceError);
+ assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
+ const Null = null;
+ Null?.[b]();
+ b = 0;
+ let b;
+ }, ReferenceError);
+ assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => {
+ const Null = null;
+ delete Null?.[b];
+ b = 0;
+ let b;
+ }, ReferenceError);
+if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
+ reportCompare(true, true);
diff --git a/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain.js b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04e0909359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/optional-chain.js
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+var BUGNUMBER = 1566143;
+var summary = "Implement the Optional Chain operator (?.) proposal";
+print(BUGNUMBER + ": " + summary);
+// These tests are originally from webkit.
+// webkit specifics have been removed and error messages have been updated.
+function shouldBe(actual, expected) {
+ if (actual !== expected)
+ throw new Error(`expected ${expected} but got ${actual}`);
+function shouldThrowSyntaxError(script) {
+ let error;
+ try {
+ eval(script);
+ } catch (e) {
+ error = e;
+ }
+ if (!(error instanceof SyntaxError))
+ throw new Error('Expected SyntaxError!');
+function shouldNotThrowSyntaxError(script) {
+ let error;
+ try {
+ eval(script);
+ } catch (e) {
+ error = e;
+ }
+ if ((error instanceof SyntaxError))
+ throw new Error('Unxpected SyntaxError!');
+function shouldThrowTypeError(func, messagePrefix) {
+ let error;
+ try {
+ func();
+ } catch (e) {
+ error = e;
+ }
+ if (!(error instanceof TypeError))
+ throw new Error('Expected TypeError!');
+function testBasicSuccessCases() {
+ shouldBe(undefined?.valueOf(), undefined);
+ shouldBe(null?.valueOf(), undefined);
+ shouldBe(true?.valueOf(), true);
+ shouldBe(false?.valueOf(), false);
+ shouldBe(0?.valueOf(), 0);
+ shouldBe(1?.valueOf(), 1);
+ shouldBe(''?.valueOf(), '');
+ shouldBe('hi'?.valueOf(), 'hi');
+ shouldBe(({})?.constructor, Object);
+ shouldBe(({ x: 'hi' })?.x, 'hi');
+ shouldBe([]?.length, 0);
+ shouldBe(['hi']?.length, 1);
+ shouldBe(undefined?.['valueOf'](), undefined);
+ shouldBe(null?.['valueOf'](), undefined);
+ shouldBe(true?.['valueOf'](), true);
+ shouldBe(false?.['valueOf'](), false);
+ shouldBe(0?.['valueOf'](), 0);
+ shouldBe(1?.['valueOf'](), 1);
+ shouldBe(''?.['valueOf'](), '');
+ shouldBe('hi'?.['valueOf'](), 'hi');
+ shouldBe(({})?.['constructor'], Object);
+ shouldBe(({ x: 'hi' })?.['x'], 'hi');
+ shouldBe([]?.['length'], 0);
+ shouldBe(['hi']?.[0], 'hi');
+ shouldBe(undefined?.(), undefined);
+ shouldBe(null?.(), undefined);
+ shouldBe((() => 3)?.(), 3);
+function testBasicFailureCases() {
+ shouldThrowTypeError(() => true?.(), 'true is not a function');
+ shouldThrowTypeError(() => false?.(), 'false is not a function');
+ shouldThrowTypeError(() => 0?.(), '0 is not a function');
+ shouldThrowTypeError(() => 1?.(), '1 is not a function');
+ shouldThrowTypeError(() => ''?.(), '"" is not a function');
+ shouldThrowTypeError(() => 'hi'?.(), '"hi" is not a function');
+ shouldThrowTypeError(() => ({})?.(), '({}) is not a function');
+ shouldThrowTypeError(() => ({ x: 'hi' })?.(), '({x:"hi"}) is not a function');
+ shouldThrowTypeError(() => []?.(), '[] is not a function');
+ shouldThrowTypeError(() => ['hi']?.(), '[...] is not a function');
+shouldThrowTypeError(() => ({})?.i(), '(intermediate value).i is not a function');
+shouldBe(({}).i?.(), undefined);
+shouldBe(({})?.i?.(), undefined);
+shouldThrowTypeError(() => ({})?.['i'](), '(intermediate value)["i"] is not a function');
+shouldBe(({})['i']?.(), undefined);
+shouldBe(({})?.['i']?.(), undefined);
+shouldThrowTypeError(() => ({})?.a['b'], 'can\'t access property "b", (intermediate value).a is undefined');
+shouldBe(({})?.a?.['b'], undefined);
+shouldBe(null?.a['b']().c, undefined);
+shouldThrowTypeError(() => ({})?.['a'].b, 'can\'t access property "b", (intermediate value)["a"] is undefined');
+shouldBe(({})?.['a']?.b, undefined);
+shouldBe(null?.['a'].b()['c'], undefined);
+shouldBe(null?.()().a['b'], undefined);
+const o0 = { a: { b() { return this._b.bind(this); }, _b() { return this.__b; }, __b: { c: 42 } } };
+shouldBe(o0?.a?.['b']?.()?.()?.c, 42);
+shouldBe(o0?.i?.['j']?.()?.()?.k, undefined);
+shouldBe((o0.a?._b)?.().c, 42);
+shouldBe((o0.a?._b)().c, 42);
+shouldBe((o0.a?.b?.())?.().c, 42);
+shouldBe((o0.a?.['b']?.())?.().c, 42);
+shouldBe(({ undefined: 3 })?.[null?.a], 3);
+shouldBe((() => 3)?.(null?.a), 3);
+const o1 = { count: 0, get x() { this.count++; return () => {}; } };
+shouldBe(o1.count, 1);
+shouldBe(o1.count, 2);
+shouldBe(o1.count, 3);
+shouldBe(o1.count, 3);
+shouldBe(delete undefined?.foo, true);
+shouldBe(delete null?.foo, true);
+shouldBe(delete undefined?.['foo'], true);
+shouldBe(delete null?.['foo'], true);
+shouldBe(delete undefined?.(), true);
+shouldBe(delete null?.(), true);
+shouldBe(delete ({}).a?.b?.b, true);
+shouldBe(delete ({a : {b: undefined}}).a?.b?.b, true);
+shouldBe(delete ({a : {b: undefined}}).a?.["b"]?.["b"], true);
+const o2 = { x: 0, y: 0, z() {} };
+shouldBe(delete o2?.x, true);
+shouldBe(o2.x, undefined);
+shouldBe(o2.y, 0);
+shouldBe(delete o2?.x, true);
+shouldBe(delete o2?.['y'], true);
+shouldBe(o2.y, undefined);
+shouldBe(delete o2?.['y'], true);
+shouldBe(delete o2.z?.(), true);
+function greet(name) { return `hey, ${name}${this.suffix ?? '.'}`; }
+shouldBe(eval?.('greet("world")'), 'hey, world.');
+shouldBe(greet?.call({ suffix: '!' }, 'world'), 'hey, world!');
+shouldBe({ suffix: '!' }, 'world'), 'hey, world!');
+shouldBe(null?.call({ suffix: '!' }, 'world'), undefined);
+shouldBe(({}).call?.({ suffix: '!' }, 'world'), undefined);
+shouldBe(greet?.apply({ suffix: '?' }, ['world']), 'hey, world?');
+shouldBe(greet.apply?.({ suffix: '?' }, ['world']), 'hey, world?');
+shouldBe(null?.apply({ suffix: '?' }, ['world']), undefined);
+shouldBe(({}).apply?.({ suffix: '?' }, ['world']), undefined);
+shouldThrowSyntaxError('class C {} class D extends C { foo() { return super?.bar; } }');
+shouldThrowSyntaxError('class C {} class D extends C { foo() { return super?.["bar"]; } }');
+shouldThrowSyntaxError('class C {} class D extends C { constructor() { super?.(); } }');
+shouldThrowSyntaxError('const o = { C: class {} }; new o?.C();')
+shouldThrowSyntaxError('const o = { C: class {} }; new o?.["C"]();')
+shouldThrowSyntaxError('class C {} new C?.();')
+shouldThrowSyntaxError('function foo() { new?.target; }');
+shouldThrowSyntaxError('function tag() {} tag?.``;');
+shouldThrowSyntaxError('const o = { tag() {} }; o?.tag``;');
+// NOT an optional chain
+shouldBe(false?.4:5, 5);
+function testSideEffectCountFunction() {
+ let count = 0;
+ let a = {
+ b: {
+ c: {
+ d: () => {
+ count++;
+ return a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ a.b.c.d?.()?.b?.c?.d
+ shouldBe(count, 1);
+function testSideEffectCountGetters() {
+ let count = 0;
+ let a = {
+ get b() {
+ count++;
+ return { c: {} };
+ }
+ }
+ a.b?.c?.d;
+ shouldBe(count, 1);
+ a.b?.c?.d;
+ shouldBe(count, 2);
+// stress test SM
+shouldBe(({a : {b: undefined}}).a.b?.()()(), undefined);
+shouldBe(({a : {b: undefined}}).a.b?.()?.()(), undefined);
+shouldBe(({a : {b: () => undefined}}).a.b?.()?.(), undefined);
+shouldThrowTypeError(() => delete ({a : {b: undefined}}).a?.b.b.c, 'can\'t access property "b", (intermediate value).a.b is undefined');
+shouldBe(delete ({a : {b: undefined}}).a?.["b"]?.["b"], true);
+shouldThrowTypeError(() => (({a : {b: () => undefined}}).a.b?.())(), 'undefined is not a function');
+if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
+ reportCompare(true, true);
+print("Tests complete");
diff --git a/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/shell.js b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/shell.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/tests/non262/expressions/shell.js
diff --git a/js/src/tests/non262/shell.js b/js/src/tests/non262/shell.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/tests/non262/shell.js