path: root/gfx/layers/d3d9/LayerManagerD3D9Shaders.hlsl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 242 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/layers/d3d9/LayerManagerD3D9Shaders.hlsl b/gfx/layers/d3d9/LayerManagerD3D9Shaders.hlsl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f3a812f31..0000000000
--- a/gfx/layers/d3d9/LayerManagerD3D9Shaders.hlsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-float4x4 mLayerTransform;
-float4 vRenderTargetOffset;
-float4x4 mProjection;
-typedef float4 rect;
-rect vTextureCoords;
-rect vLayerQuad;
-rect vMaskQuad;
-texture tex0;
-sampler s2D;
-sampler s2DWhite;
-sampler s2DY;
-sampler s2DCb;
-sampler s2DCr;
-sampler s2DMask;
-float fLayerOpacity;
-float4 fLayerColor;
-row_major float3x3 mYuvColorMatrix : register(ps, c1);
-struct VS_INPUT {
- float4 vPosition : POSITION;
-struct VS_OUTPUT {
- float4 vPosition : POSITION;
- float2 vTexCoords : TEXCOORD0;
-struct VS_OUTPUT_MASK {
- float4 vPosition : POSITION;
- float2 vTexCoords : TEXCOORD0;
- float3 vMaskCoords : TEXCOORD1;
-VS_OUTPUT LayerQuadVS(const VS_INPUT aVertex)
- VS_OUTPUT outp;
- outp.vPosition = aVertex.vPosition;
- // We use 4 component floats to uniquely describe a rectangle, by the structure
- // of x, y, width, height. This allows us to easily generate the 4 corners
- // of any rectangle from the 4 corners of the 0,0-1,1 quad that we use as the
- // stream source for our LayerQuad vertex shader. We do this by doing:
- // Xout = x + Xin * width
- // Yout = y + Yin * height
- float2 position = vLayerQuad.xy;
- float2 size =;
- outp.vPosition.x = position.x + outp.vPosition.x * size.x;
- outp.vPosition.y = position.y + outp.vPosition.y * size.y;
- outp.vPosition = mul(mLayerTransform, outp.vPosition);
- /= outp.vPosition.w;
- outp.vPosition = outp.vPosition - vRenderTargetOffset;
- *= outp.vPosition.w;
- // adjust our vertices to match d3d9's pixel coordinate system
- // which has pixel centers at integer locations
- outp.vPosition.xy -= 0.5;
- outp.vPosition = mul(mProjection, outp.vPosition);
- position = vTextureCoords.xy;
- size =;
- outp.vTexCoords.x = position.x + aVertex.vPosition.x * size.x;
- outp.vTexCoords.y = position.y + aVertex.vPosition.y * size.y;
- return outp;
-VS_OUTPUT_MASK LayerQuadVSMask(const VS_INPUT aVertex)
- float4 position = float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
- // We use 4 component floats to uniquely describe a rectangle, by the structure
- // of x, y, width, height. This allows us to easily generate the 4 corners
- // of any rectangle from the 4 corners of the 0,0-1,1 quad that we use as the
- // stream source for our LayerQuad vertex shader. We do this by doing:
- // Xout = x + Xin * width
- // Yout = y + Yin * height
- float2 size =;
- position.x = vLayerQuad.x + aVertex.vPosition.x * size.x;
- position.y = vLayerQuad.y + aVertex.vPosition.y * size.y;
- position = mul(mLayerTransform, position);
- outp.vPosition.w = position.w;
- = / position.w;
- outp.vPosition = outp.vPosition - vRenderTargetOffset;
- *= outp.vPosition.w;
- // adjust our vertices to match d3d9's pixel coordinate system
- // which has pixel centers at integer locations
- outp.vPosition.xy -= 0.5;
- outp.vPosition = mul(mProjection, outp.vPosition);
- // calculate the position on the mask texture
- outp.vMaskCoords.x = (position.x - vMaskQuad.x) / vMaskQuad.z;
- outp.vMaskCoords.y = (position.y - vMaskQuad.y) / vMaskQuad.w;
- // correct for perspective correct interpolation, see comment in D3D11 shader
- outp.vMaskCoords.z = 1;
- outp.vMaskCoords *= position.w;
- size =;
- outp.vTexCoords.x = vTextureCoords.x + aVertex.vPosition.x * size.x;
- outp.vTexCoords.y = vTextureCoords.y + aVertex.vPosition.y * size.y;
- return outp;
-float4 ComponentPass1Shader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : COLOR
- float4 src = tex2D(s2D, aVertex.vTexCoords);
- float4 alphas = 1.0 - tex2D(s2DWhite, aVertex.vTexCoords) + src;
- alphas.a = alphas.g;
- return alphas * fLayerOpacity;
-float4 ComponentPass2Shader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : COLOR
- float4 src = tex2D(s2D, aVertex.vTexCoords);
- float4 alphas = 1.0 - tex2D(s2DWhite, aVertex.vTexCoords) + src;
- src.a = alphas.g;
- return src * fLayerOpacity;
-float4 RGBAShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : COLOR
- return tex2D(s2D, aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity;
-float4 RGBShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : COLOR
- float4 result;
- result = tex2D(s2D, aVertex.vTexCoords);
- result.a = 1.0;
- return result * fLayerOpacity;
-/* From Rec601:
-[R] [1.1643835616438356, 0.0, 1.5960267857142858] [ Y - 16]
-[G] = [1.1643835616438358, -0.3917622900949137, -0.8129676472377708] x [Cb - 128]
-[B] [1.1643835616438356, 2.017232142857143, 8.862867620416422e-17] [Cr - 128]
-For [0,1] instead of [0,255], and to 5 places:
-[R] [1.16438, 0.00000, 1.59603] [ Y - 0.06275]
-[G] = [1.16438, -0.39176, -0.81297] x [Cb - 0.50196]
-[B] [1.16438, 2.01723, 0.00000] [Cr - 0.50196]
-From Rec709:
-[R] [1.1643835616438356, 4.2781193979771426e-17, 1.7927410714285714] [ Y - 16]
-[G] = [1.1643835616438358, -0.21324861427372963, -0.532909328559444] x [Cb - 128]
-[B] [1.1643835616438356, 2.1124017857142854, 0.0] [Cr - 128]
-For [0,1] instead of [0,255], and to 5 places:
-[R] [1.16438, 0.00000, 1.79274] [ Y - 0.06275]
-[G] = [1.16438, -0.21325, -0.53291] x [Cb - 0.50196]
-[B] [1.16438, 2.11240, 0.00000] [Cr - 0.50196]
-float4 YCbCrShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : COLOR
- float3 yuv;
- float4 color;
- yuv.x = tex2D(s2DY, aVertex.vTexCoords).a - 0.06275;
- yuv.y = tex2D(s2DCb, aVertex.vTexCoords).a - 0.50196;
- yuv.z = tex2D(s2DCr, aVertex.vTexCoords).a - 0.50196;
- color.rgb = mul(mYuvColorMatrix, yuv);
- color.a = 1.0f;
- return color * fLayerOpacity;
-float4 SolidColorShader(const VS_OUTPUT aVertex) : COLOR
- return fLayerColor;
-float4 ComponentPass1ShaderMask(const VS_OUTPUT_MASK aVertex) : COLOR
- float4 src = tex2D(s2D, aVertex.vTexCoords);
- float4 alphas = 1.0 - tex2D(s2DWhite, aVertex.vTexCoords) + src;
- alphas.a = alphas.g;
- float2 maskCoords = aVertex.vMaskCoords.xy / aVertex.vMaskCoords.z;
- float mask = tex2D(s2DMask, maskCoords).a;
- return alphas * fLayerOpacity * mask;
-float4 ComponentPass2ShaderMask(const VS_OUTPUT_MASK aVertex) : COLOR
- float4 src = tex2D(s2D, aVertex.vTexCoords);
- float4 alphas = 1.0 - tex2D(s2DWhite, aVertex.vTexCoords) + src;
- src.a = alphas.g;
- float2 maskCoords = aVertex.vMaskCoords.xy / aVertex.vMaskCoords.z;
- float mask = tex2D(s2DMask, maskCoords).a;
- return src * fLayerOpacity * mask;
-float4 RGBAShaderMask(const VS_OUTPUT_MASK aVertex) : COLOR
- float2 maskCoords = aVertex.vMaskCoords.xy / aVertex.vMaskCoords.z;
- float mask = tex2D(s2DMask, maskCoords).a;
- return tex2D(s2D, aVertex.vTexCoords) * fLayerOpacity * mask;
-float4 RGBShaderMask(const VS_OUTPUT_MASK aVertex) : COLOR
- float4 result;
- result = tex2D(s2D, aVertex.vTexCoords);
- result.a = 1.0;
- float2 maskCoords = aVertex.vMaskCoords.xy / aVertex.vMaskCoords.z;
- float mask = tex2D(s2DMask, maskCoords).a;
- return result * fLayerOpacity * mask;
-float4 YCbCrShaderMask(const VS_OUTPUT_MASK aVertex) : COLOR
- float3 yuv;
- float4 color;
- yuv.x = tex2D(s2DY, aVertex.vTexCoords).a - 0.06275;
- yuv.y = tex2D(s2DCb, aVertex.vTexCoords).a - 0.50196;
- yuv.z = tex2D(s2DCr, aVertex.vTexCoords).a - 0.50196;
- color.rgb = mul((float3x3)mYuvColorMatrix, yuv);
- color.a = 1.0f;
- float2 maskCoords = aVertex.vMaskCoords.xy / aVertex.vMaskCoords.z;
- float mask = tex2D(s2DMask, maskCoords).a;
- return color * fLayerOpacity * mask;
-float4 SolidColorShaderMask(const VS_OUTPUT_MASK aVertex) : COLOR
- float2 maskCoords = aVertex.vMaskCoords.xy / aVertex.vMaskCoords.z;
- float mask = tex2D(s2DMask, maskCoords).a;
- return fLayerColor * mask;