path: root/devtools/server/actors/styles.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commitad18d877ddd2a44d98fa12ccd3dbbcf4d0ac4299 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /devtools/server/actors/styles.js
parent15477ed9af4859dacb069040b5d4de600803d3bc (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/server/actors/styles.js')
1 files changed, 1687 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/server/actors/styles.js b/devtools/server/actors/styles.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdb8128828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/server/actors/styles.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1687 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const {Cc, Ci} = require("chrome");
+const promise = require("promise");
+const protocol = require("devtools/shared/protocol");
+const {LongStringActor} = require("devtools/server/actors/string");
+const {getDefinedGeometryProperties} = require("devtools/server/actors/highlighters/geometry-editor");
+const {parseDeclarations} = require("devtools/shared/css/parsing-utils");
+const {isCssPropertyKnown} = require("devtools/server/actors/css-properties");
+const {Task} = require("devtools/shared/task");
+const events = require("sdk/event/core");
+// This will also add the "stylesheet" actor type for protocol.js to recognize
+const {UPDATE_PRESERVING_RULES, UPDATE_GENERAL} = require("devtools/server/actors/stylesheets");
+const {pageStyleSpec, styleRuleSpec, ELEMENT_STYLE} = require("devtools/shared/specs/styles");
+loader.lazyGetter(this, "CssLogic", () => require("devtools/server/css-logic").CssLogic);
+loader.lazyGetter(this, "SharedCssLogic", () => require("devtools/shared/inspector/css-logic"));
+loader.lazyGetter(this, "DOMUtils", () => Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.inIDOMUtils));
+loader.lazyGetter(this, "PSEUDO_ELEMENTS", () => {
+ return DOMUtils.getCSSPseudoElementNames();
+const XHTML_NS = "";
+const FONT_PREVIEW_TEXT = "Abc";
+const FONT_PREVIEW_FILLSTYLE = "black";
+const NORMAL_FONT_WEIGHT = 400;
+const BOLD_FONT_WEIGHT = 700;
+// Offset (in px) to avoid cutting off text edges of italic fonts.
+ * The PageStyle actor lets the client look at the styles on a page, as
+ * they are applied to a given node.
+ */
+var PageStyleActor = protocol.ActorClassWithSpec(pageStyleSpec, {
+ /**
+ * Create a PageStyleActor.
+ *
+ * @param inspector
+ * The InspectorActor that owns this PageStyleActor.
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ */
+ initialize: function (inspector) {
+, null);
+ this.inspector = inspector;
+ if (!this.inspector.walker) {
+ throw Error("The inspector's WalkerActor must be created before " +
+ "creating a PageStyleActor.");
+ }
+ this.walker = inspector.walker;
+ this.cssLogic = new CssLogic(DOMUtils.isInheritedProperty);
+ // Stores the association of DOM objects -> actors
+ this.refMap = new Map();
+ // Maps document elements to style elements, used to add new rules.
+ this.styleElements = new WeakMap();
+ this.onFrameUnload = this.onFrameUnload.bind(this);
+ this.onStyleSheetAdded = this.onStyleSheetAdded.bind(this);
+ events.on(this.inspector.tabActor, "will-navigate", this.onFrameUnload);
+ events.on(this.inspector.tabActor, "stylesheet-added", this.onStyleSheetAdded);
+ this._styleApplied = this._styleApplied.bind(this);
+ this._watchedSheets = new Set();
+ },
+ destroy: function () {
+ if (!this.walker) {
+ return;
+ }
+, "will-navigate", this.onFrameUnload);
+, "stylesheet-added", this.onStyleSheetAdded);
+ this.inspector = null;
+ this.walker = null;
+ this.refMap = null;
+ this.cssLogic = null;
+ this.styleElements = null;
+ for (let sheet of this._watchedSheets) {
+"style-applied", this._styleApplied);
+ }
+ this._watchedSheets.clear();
+ },
+ get conn() {
+ return this.inspector.conn;
+ },
+ form: function (detail) {
+ if (detail === "actorid") {
+ return this.actorID;
+ }
+ return {
+ actor: this.actorID,
+ traits: {
+ // Whether the actor has had bug 1103993 fixed, which means that the
+ // getApplied method calls cssLogic.highlight(node) to recreate the
+ // style cache. Clients requesting getApplied from actors that have not
+ // been fixed must make sure cssLogic.highlight(node) was called before.
+ getAppliedCreatesStyleCache: true,
+ // Whether addNewRule accepts the editAuthored argument.
+ authoredStyles: true
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Called when a style sheet is updated.
+ */
+ _styleApplied: function (kind, styleSheet) {
+ // No matter what kind of update is done, we need to invalidate
+ // the keyframe cache.
+ this.cssLogic.reset();
+ if (kind === UPDATE_GENERAL) {
+ events.emit(this, "stylesheet-updated", styleSheet);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return or create a StyleRuleActor for the given item.
+ * @param item Either a CSSStyleRule or a DOM element.
+ */
+ _styleRef: function (item) {
+ if (this.refMap.has(item)) {
+ return this.refMap.get(item);
+ }
+ let actor = StyleRuleActor(this, item);
+ this.manage(actor);
+ this.refMap.set(item, actor);
+ return actor;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Update the association between a StyleRuleActor and its
+ * corresponding item. This is used when a StyleRuleActor updates
+ * as style sheet and starts using a new rule.
+ *
+ * @param oldItem The old association; either a CSSStyleRule or a
+ * DOM element.
+ * @param item Either a CSSStyleRule or a DOM element.
+ * @param actor a StyleRuleActor
+ */
+ updateStyleRef: function (oldItem, item, actor) {
+ this.refMap.delete(oldItem);
+ this.refMap.set(item, actor);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return or create a StyleSheetActor for the given nsIDOMCSSStyleSheet.
+ * @param {DOMStyleSheet} sheet
+ * The style sheet to create an actor for.
+ * @return {StyleSheetActor}
+ * The actor for this style sheet
+ */
+ _sheetRef: function (sheet) {
+ let tabActor = this.inspector.tabActor;
+ let actor = tabActor.createStyleSheetActor(sheet);
+ return actor;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the computed style for a node.
+ *
+ * @param NodeActor node
+ * @param object options
+ * `filter`: A string filter that affects the "matched" handling.
+ * 'user': Include properties from user style sheets.
+ * 'ua': Include properties from user and user-agent sheets.
+ * Default value is 'ua'
+ * `markMatched`: true if you want the 'matched' property to be added
+ * when a computed property has been modified by a style included
+ * by `filter`.
+ * `onlyMatched`: true if unmatched properties shouldn't be included.
+ *
+ * @returns a JSON blob with the following form:
+ * {
+ * "property-name": {
+ * value: "property-value",
+ * priority: "!important" <optional>
+ * matched: <true if there are matched selectors for this value>
+ * },
+ * ...
+ * }
+ */
+ getComputed: function (node, options) {
+ let ret = Object.create(null);
+ this.cssLogic.sourceFilter = options.filter || SharedCssLogic.FILTER.UA;
+ this.cssLogic.highlight(node.rawNode);
+ let computed = this.cssLogic.computedStyle || [];
+, name => {
+ ret[name] = {
+ value: computed.getPropertyValue(name),
+ priority: computed.getPropertyPriority(name) || undefined
+ };
+ });
+ if (options.markMatched || options.onlyMatched) {
+ let matched = this.cssLogic.hasMatchedSelectors(Object.keys(ret));
+ for (let key in ret) {
+ if (matched[key]) {
+ ret[key].matched = options.markMatched ? true : undefined;
+ } else if (options.onlyMatched) {
+ delete ret[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get all the fonts from a page.
+ *
+ * @param object options
+ * `includePreviews`: Whether to also return image previews of the fonts.
+ * `previewText`: The text to display in the previews.
+ * `previewFontSize`: The font size of the text in the previews.
+ *
+ * @returns object
+ * object with 'fontFaces', a list of fonts that apply to this node.
+ */
+ getAllUsedFontFaces: function (options) {
+ let windows =;
+ let fontsList = [];
+ for (let win of windows) {
+ fontsList = [...fontsList,
+ ...this.getUsedFontFaces(win.document.body, options)];
+ }
+ return fontsList;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the font faces used in an element.
+ *
+ * @param NodeActor node / actual DOM node
+ * The node to get fonts from.
+ * @param object options
+ * `includePreviews`: Whether to also return image previews of the fonts.
+ * `previewText`: The text to display in the previews.
+ * `previewFontSize`: The font size of the text in the previews.
+ *
+ * @returns object
+ * object with 'fontFaces', a list of fonts that apply to this node.
+ */
+ getUsedFontFaces: function (node, options) {
+ // node.rawNode is defined for NodeActor objects
+ let actualNode = node.rawNode || node;
+ let contentDocument = actualNode.ownerDocument;
+ // We don't get fonts for a node, but for a range
+ let rng = contentDocument.createRange();
+ rng.selectNodeContents(actualNode);
+ let fonts = DOMUtils.getUsedFontFaces(rng);
+ let fontsArray = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) {
+ let font = fonts.item(i);
+ let fontFace = {
+ name:,
+ CSSFamilyName: font.CSSFamilyName,
+ srcIndex: font.srcIndex,
+ URI: font.URI,
+ format: font.format,
+ localName: font.localName,
+ metadata: font.metadata
+ };
+ // If this font comes from a @font-face rule
+ if (font.rule) {
+ let styleActor = StyleRuleActor(this, font.rule);
+ this.manage(styleActor);
+ fontFace.rule = styleActor;
+ fontFace.ruleText = font.rule.cssText;
+ }
+ // Get the weight and style of this font for the preview and sort order
+ let weight = NORMAL_FONT_WEIGHT, style = "";
+ if (font.rule) {
+ weight ="font-weight")
+ if (weight == "bold") {
+ weight = BOLD_FONT_WEIGHT;
+ } else if (weight == "normal") {
+ }
+ style ="font-style") || "";
+ }
+ fontFace.weight = weight;
+ = style;
+ if (options.includePreviews) {
+ let opts = {
+ previewText: options.previewText,
+ previewFontSize: options.previewFontSize,
+ fontStyle: weight + " " + style,
+ fillStyle: options.previewFillStyle
+ };
+ let { dataURL, size } = getFontPreviewData(font.CSSFamilyName,
+ contentDocument, opts);
+ fontFace.preview = {
+ data: LongStringActor(this.conn, dataURL),
+ size: size
+ };
+ }
+ fontsArray.push(fontFace);
+ }
+ // @font-face fonts at the top, then alphabetically, then by weight
+ fontsArray.sort(function (a, b) {
+ return a.weight > b.weight ? 1 : -1;
+ });
+ fontsArray.sort(function (a, b) {
+ if (a.CSSFamilyName == b.CSSFamilyName) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return a.CSSFamilyName > b.CSSFamilyName ? 1 : -1;
+ });
+ fontsArray.sort(function (a, b) {
+ if ((a.rule && b.rule) || (!a.rule && !b.rule)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return !a.rule && b.rule ? 1 : -1;
+ });
+ return fontsArray;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get a list of selectors that match a given property for a node.
+ *
+ * @param NodeActor node
+ * @param string property
+ * @param object options
+ * `filter`: A string filter that affects the "matched" handling.
+ * 'user': Include properties from user style sheets.
+ * 'ua': Include properties from user and user-agent sheets.
+ * Default value is 'ua'
+ *
+ * @returns a JSON object with the following form:
+ * {
+ * // An ordered list of rules that apply
+ * matched: [{
+ * rule: <rule actorid>,
+ * sourceText: <string>, // The source of the selector, relative
+ * // to the node in question.
+ * selector: <string>, // the selector ID that matched
+ * value: <string>, // the value of the property
+ * status: <int>,
+ * // The status of the match - high numbers are better placed
+ * // to provide styling information:
+ * // 3: Best match, was used.
+ * // 2: Matched, but was overridden.
+ * // 1: Rule from a parent matched.
+ * // 0: Unmatched (never returned in this API)
+ * }, ...],
+ *
+ * // The full form of any domrule referenced.
+ * rules: [ <domrule>, ... ], // The full form of any domrule referenced
+ *
+ * // The full form of any sheets referenced.
+ * sheets: [ <domsheet>, ... ]
+ * }
+ */
+ getMatchedSelectors: function (node, property, options) {
+ this.cssLogic.sourceFilter = options.filter || SharedCssLogic.FILTER.UA;
+ this.cssLogic.highlight(node.rawNode);
+ let rules = new Set();
+ let sheets = new Set();
+ let matched = [];
+ let propInfo = this.cssLogic.getPropertyInfo(property);
+ for (let selectorInfo of propInfo.matchedSelectors) {
+ let cssRule = selectorInfo.selector.cssRule;
+ let domRule = cssRule.sourceElement || cssRule.domRule;
+ let rule = this._styleRef(domRule);
+ rules.add(rule);
+ matched.push({
+ rule: rule,
+ sourceText: this.getSelectorSource(selectorInfo, node.rawNode),
+ selector: selectorInfo.selector.text,
+ name:,
+ value: selectorInfo.value,
+ status: selectorInfo.status
+ });
+ }
+ this.expandSets(rules, sheets);
+ return {
+ matched: matched,
+ rules: [...rules],
+ sheets: [...sheets]
+ };
+ },
+ // Get a selector source for a CssSelectorInfo relative to a given
+ // node.
+ getSelectorSource: function (selectorInfo, relativeTo) {
+ let result = selectorInfo.selector.text;
+ if (selectorInfo.elementStyle) {
+ let source = selectorInfo.sourceElement;
+ if (source === relativeTo) {
+ result = "this";
+ } else {
+ result = CssLogic.getShortName(source);
+ }
+ result += ".style";
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the set of styles that apply to a given node.
+ * @param NodeActor node
+ * @param object options
+ * `filter`: A string filter that affects the "matched" handling.
+ * 'user': Include properties from user style sheets.
+ * 'ua': Include properties from user and user-agent sheets.
+ * Default value is 'ua'
+ * `inherited`: Include styles inherited from parent nodes.
+ * `matchedSelectors`: Include an array of specific selectors that
+ * caused this rule to match its node.
+ */
+ getApplied: Task.async(function* (node, options) {
+ if (!node) {
+ return {entries: [], rules: [], sheets: []};
+ }
+ this.cssLogic.highlight(node.rawNode);
+ let entries = [];
+ entries = entries.concat(this._getAllElementRules(node, undefined,
+ options));
+ let result = this.getAppliedProps(node, entries, options);
+ for (let rule of result.rules) {
+ // See the comment in |form| to understand this.
+ yield rule.getAuthoredCssText();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }),
+ _hasInheritedProps: function (style) {
+ return, prop => {
+ return DOMUtils.isInheritedProperty(prop);
+ });
+ },
+ isPositionEditable: Task.async(function* (node) {
+ if (!node || node.rawNode.nodeType !== node.rawNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let props = getDefinedGeometryProperties(node.rawNode);
+ // Elements with only `width` and `height` are currently not considered
+ // editable.
+ return props.has("top") ||
+ props.has("right") ||
+ props.has("left") ||
+ props.has("bottom");
+ }),
+ /**
+ * Helper function for getApplied, gets all the rules from a given
+ * element. See getApplied for documentation on parameters.
+ * @param NodeActor node
+ * @param bool inherited
+ * @param object options
+ * @return Array The rules for a given element. Each item in the
+ * array has the following signature:
+ * - rule RuleActor
+ * - isSystem Boolean
+ * - inherited Boolean
+ * - pseudoElement String
+ */
+ _getAllElementRules: function (node, inherited, options) {
+ let {bindingElement, pseudo} =
+ CssLogic.getBindingElementAndPseudo(node.rawNode);
+ let rules = [];
+ if (!bindingElement || ! {
+ return rules;
+ }
+ let elementStyle = this._styleRef(bindingElement);
+ let showElementStyles = !inherited && !pseudo;
+ let showInheritedStyles = inherited &&
+ this._hasInheritedProps(;
+ let rule = {
+ rule: elementStyle,
+ pseudoElement: null,
+ isSystem: false,
+ inherited: false
+ };
+ // First any inline styles
+ if (showElementStyles) {
+ rules.push(rule);
+ }
+ // Now any inherited styles
+ if (showInheritedStyles) {
+ rule.inherited = inherited;
+ rules.push(rule);
+ }
+ // Add normal rules. Typically this is passing in the node passed into the
+ // function, unless if that node was ::before/::after. In which case,
+ // it will pass in the parentNode along with "::before"/"::after".
+ this._getElementRules(bindingElement, pseudo, inherited, options)
+ .forEach(oneRule => {
+ // The only case when there would be a pseudo here is
+ // ::before/::after, and in this case we want to tell the
+ // view that it belongs to the element (which is a
+ // _moz_generated_content native anonymous element).
+ oneRule.pseudoElement = null;
+ rules.push(oneRule);
+ });
+ // Now any pseudos.
+ if (showElementStyles) {
+ for (let readPseudo of PSEUDO_ELEMENTS) {
+ this._getElementRules(bindingElement, readPseudo, inherited, options)
+ .forEach(oneRule => {
+ rules.push(oneRule);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return rules;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper function for _getAllElementRules, returns the rules from a given
+ * element. See getApplied for documentation on parameters.
+ * @param DOMNode node
+ * @param string pseudo
+ * @param DOMNode inherited
+ * @param object options
+ *
+ * @returns Array
+ */
+ _getElementRules: function (node, pseudo, inherited, options) {
+ let domRules = DOMUtils.getCSSStyleRules(node, pseudo);
+ if (!domRules) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ let rules = [];
+ // getCSSStyleRules returns ordered from least-specific to
+ // most-specific.
+ for (let i = domRules.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ let domRule = domRules.GetElementAt(i);
+ let isSystem = !SharedCssLogic.isContentStylesheet(domRule.parentStyleSheet);
+ if (isSystem && options.filter != SharedCssLogic.FILTER.UA) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (inherited) {
+ // Don't include inherited rules if none of its properties
+ // are inheritable.
+ let hasInherited = [].some(
+ prop => DOMUtils.isInheritedProperty(prop)
+ );
+ if (!hasInherited) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ let ruleActor = this._styleRef(domRule);
+ rules.push({
+ rule: ruleActor,
+ inherited: inherited,
+ isSystem: isSystem,
+ pseudoElement: pseudo
+ });
+ }
+ return rules;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Given a node and a CSS rule, walk up the DOM looking for a
+ * matching element rule. Return an array of all found entries, in
+ * the form generated by _getAllElementRules. Note that this will
+ * always return an array of either zero or one element.
+ *
+ * @param {NodeActor} node the node
+ * @param {CSSStyleRule} filterRule the rule to filter for
+ * @return {Array} array of zero or one elements; if one, the element
+ * is the entry as returned by _getAllElementRules.
+ */
+ findEntryMatchingRule: function (node, filterRule) {
+ const options = {matchedSelectors: true, inherited: true};
+ let entries = [];
+ let parent = this.walker.parentNode(node);
+ while (parent && parent.rawNode.nodeType != Ci.nsIDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
+ entries = entries.concat(this._getAllElementRules(parent, parent,
+ options));
+ parent = this.walker.parentNode(parent);
+ }
+ return entries.filter(entry => entry.rule.rawRule === filterRule);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper function for getApplied that fetches a set of style properties that
+ * apply to the given node and associated rules
+ * @param NodeActor node
+ * @param object options
+ * `filter`: A string filter that affects the "matched" handling.
+ * 'user': Include properties from user style sheets.
+ * 'ua': Include properties from user and user-agent sheets.
+ * Default value is 'ua'
+ * `inherited`: Include styles inherited from parent nodes.
+ * `matchedSelectors`: Include an array of specific selectors that
+ * caused this rule to match its node.
+ * @param array entries
+ * List of appliedstyle objects that lists the rules that apply to the
+ * node. If adding a new rule to the stylesheet, only the new rule entry
+ * is provided and only the style properties that apply to the new
+ * rule is fetched.
+ * @returns Object containing the list of rule entries, rule actors and
+ * stylesheet actors that applies to the given node and its associated
+ * rules.
+ */
+ getAppliedProps: function (node, entries, options) {
+ if (options.inherited) {
+ let parent = this.walker.parentNode(node);
+ while (parent && parent.rawNode.nodeType != Ci.nsIDOMNode.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
+ entries = entries.concat(this._getAllElementRules(parent, parent,
+ options));
+ parent = this.walker.parentNode(parent);
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.matchedSelectors) {
+ for (let entry of entries) {
+ if (entry.rule.type === ELEMENT_STYLE) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let domRule = entry.rule.rawRule;
+ let selectors = CssLogic.getSelectors(domRule);
+ let element = entry.inherited ? entry.inherited.rawNode : node.rawNode;
+ let {bindingElement, pseudo} =
+ CssLogic.getBindingElementAndPseudo(element);
+ entry.matchedSelectors = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++) {
+ if (DOMUtils.selectorMatchesElement(bindingElement, domRule, i,
+ pseudo)) {
+ entry.matchedSelectors.push(selectors[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add all the keyframes rule associated with the element
+ let computedStyle = this.cssLogic.computedStyle;
+ if (computedStyle) {
+ let animationNames = computedStyle.animationName.split(",");
+ animationNames = => name.trim());
+ if (animationNames) {
+ // Traverse through all the available keyframes rule and add
+ // the keyframes rule that matches the computed animation name
+ for (let keyframesRule of this.cssLogic.keyframesRules) {
+ if (animationNames.indexOf( > -1) {
+ for (let rule of keyframesRule.cssRules) {
+ entries.push({
+ rule: this._styleRef(rule),
+ keyframes: this._styleRef(keyframesRule)
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let rules = new Set();
+ let sheets = new Set();
+ entries.forEach(entry => rules.add(entry.rule));
+ this.expandSets(rules, sheets);
+ return {
+ entries: entries,
+ rules: [...rules],
+ sheets: [...sheets]
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Expand Sets of rules and sheets to include all parent rules and sheets.
+ */
+ expandSets: function (ruleSet, sheetSet) {
+ // Sets include new items in their iteration
+ for (let rule of ruleSet) {
+ if (rule.rawRule.parentRule) {
+ let parent = this._styleRef(rule.rawRule.parentRule);
+ if (!ruleSet.has(parent)) {
+ ruleSet.add(parent);
+ }
+ }
+ if (rule.rawRule.parentStyleSheet) {
+ let parent = this._sheetRef(rule.rawRule.parentStyleSheet);
+ if (!sheetSet.has(parent)) {
+ sheetSet.add(parent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (let sheet of sheetSet) {
+ if (sheet.rawSheet.parentStyleSheet) {
+ let parent = this._sheetRef(sheet.rawSheet.parentStyleSheet);
+ if (!sheetSet.has(parent)) {
+ sheetSet.add(parent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get layout-related information about a node.
+ * This method returns an object with properties giving information about
+ * the node's margin, border, padding and content region sizes, as well
+ * as information about the type of box, its position, z-index, etc...
+ * @param {NodeActor} node
+ * @param {Object} options The only available option is autoMargins.
+ * If set to true, the element's margins will receive an extra check to see
+ * whether they are set to "auto" (knowing that the computed-style in this
+ * case would return "0px").
+ * The returned object will contain an extra property (autoMargins) listing
+ * all margins that are set to auto, e.g. {top: "auto", left: "auto"}.
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+ getLayout: function (node, options) {
+ this.cssLogic.highlight(node.rawNode);
+ let layout = {};
+ // First, we update the first part of the box model view, with
+ // the size of the element.
+ let clientRect = node.rawNode.getBoundingClientRect();
+ layout.width = parseFloat(clientRect.width.toPrecision(6));
+ layout.height = parseFloat(clientRect.height.toPrecision(6));
+ // We compute and update the values of margins & co.
+ let style = CssLogic.getComputedStyle(node.rawNode);
+ for (let prop of [
+ "position",
+ "margin-top",
+ "margin-right",
+ "margin-bottom",
+ "margin-left",
+ "padding-top",
+ "padding-right",
+ "padding-bottom",
+ "padding-left",
+ "border-top-width",
+ "border-right-width",
+ "border-bottom-width",
+ "border-left-width",
+ "z-index",
+ "box-sizing",
+ "display"
+ ]) {
+ layout[prop] = style.getPropertyValue(prop);
+ }
+ if (options.autoMargins) {
+ layout.autoMargins = this.processMargins(this.cssLogic);
+ }
+ for (let i in {
+ let property =[i].property;
+[i].value = parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue(property));
+ }
+ return layout;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Find 'auto' margin properties.
+ */
+ processMargins: function (cssLogic) {
+ let margins = {};
+ for (let prop of ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]) {
+ let info = cssLogic.getPropertyInfo("margin-" + prop);
+ let selectors = info.matchedSelectors;
+ if (selectors && selectors.length > 0 && selectors[0].value == "auto") {
+ margins[prop] = "auto";
+ }
+ }
+ return margins;
+ },
+ /**
+ * On page navigation, tidy up remaining objects.
+ */
+ onFrameUnload: function () {
+ this.styleElements = new WeakMap();
+ },
+ /**
+ * When a stylesheet is added, handle the related StyleSheetActor to listen for changes.
+ * @param {StyleSheetActor} actor
+ * The actor for the added stylesheet.
+ */
+ onStyleSheetAdded: function (actor) {
+ if (!this._watchedSheets.has(actor)) {
+ this._watchedSheets.add(actor);
+ actor.on("style-applied", this._styleApplied);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper function to addNewRule to get or create a style tag in the provided
+ * document.
+ *
+ * @param {Document} document
+ * The document in which the style element should be appended.
+ * @returns DOMElement of the style tag
+ */
+ getStyleElement: function (document) {
+ if (!this.styleElements.has(document)) {
+ let style = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "style");
+ style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
+ document.documentElement.appendChild(style);
+ this.styleElements.set(document, style);
+ }
+ return this.styleElements.get(document);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper function for adding a new rule and getting its applied style
+ * properties
+ * @param NodeActor node
+ * @param CSSStyleRule rule
+ * @returns Object containing its applied style properties
+ */
+ getNewAppliedProps: function (node, rule) {
+ let ruleActor = this._styleRef(rule);
+ return this.getAppliedProps(node, [{ rule: ruleActor }],
+ { matchedSelectors: true });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds a new rule, and returns the new StyleRuleActor.
+ * @param {NodeActor} node
+ * @param {String} pseudoClasses The list of pseudo classes to append to the
+ * new selector.
+ * @param {Boolean} editAuthored
+ * True if the selector should be updated by editing the
+ * authored text; false if the selector should be updated via
+ * CSSOM.
+ * @returns {StyleRuleActor} the new rule
+ */
+ addNewRule: Task.async(function* (node, pseudoClasses, editAuthored = false) {
+ let style = this.getStyleElement(node.rawNode.ownerDocument);
+ let sheet = style.sheet;
+ let cssRules = sheet.cssRules;
+ let rawNode = node.rawNode;
+ let classes = [...rawNode.classList];
+ let selector;
+ if ( {
+ selector = "#" + CSS.escape(;
+ } else if (classes.length > 0) {
+ selector = "." + => CSS.escape(c)).join(".");
+ } else {
+ selector = rawNode.localName;
+ }
+ if (pseudoClasses && pseudoClasses.length > 0) {
+ selector += pseudoClasses.join("");
+ }
+ let index = sheet.insertRule(selector + " {}", cssRules.length);
+ // If inserting the rule succeeded, go ahead and edit the source
+ // text if requested.
+ if (editAuthored) {
+ let sheetActor = this._sheetRef(sheet);
+ let {str: authoredText} = yield sheetActor.getText();
+ authoredText += "\n" + selector + " {\n" + "}";
+ yield sheetActor.update(authoredText, false);
+ }
+ return this.getNewAppliedProps(node, sheet.cssRules.item(index));
+ })
+exports.PageStyleActor = PageStyleActor;
+ * An actor that represents a CSS style object on the protocol.
+ *
+ * We slightly flatten the CSSOM for this actor, it represents
+ * both the CSSRule and CSSStyle objects in one actor. For nodes
+ * (which have a CSSStyle but no CSSRule) we create a StyleRuleActor
+ * with a special rule type (100).
+ */
+var StyleRuleActor = protocol.ActorClassWithSpec(styleRuleSpec, {
+ initialize: function (pageStyle, item) {
+, null);
+ this.pageStyle = pageStyle;
+ this.rawStyle =;
+ this._parentSheet = null;
+ this._onStyleApplied = this._onStyleApplied.bind(this);
+ if (item instanceof (Ci.nsIDOMCSSRule)) {
+ this.type = item.type;
+ this.rawRule = item;
+ if ((this.type === Ci.nsIDOMCSSRule.STYLE_RULE ||
+ this.type === Ci.nsIDOMCSSRule.KEYFRAME_RULE) &&
+ this.rawRule.parentStyleSheet) {
+ this.line = DOMUtils.getRelativeRuleLine(this.rawRule);
+ this.column = DOMUtils.getRuleColumn(this.rawRule);
+ this._parentSheet = this.rawRule.parentStyleSheet;
+ this._computeRuleIndex();
+ this.sheetActor = this.pageStyle._sheetRef(this._parentSheet);
+ this.sheetActor.on("style-applied", this._onStyleApplied);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Fake a rule
+ this.type = ELEMENT_STYLE;
+ this.rawNode = item;
+ this.rawRule = {
+ style:,
+ toString: function () {
+ return "[element rule " + + "]";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ get conn() {
+ return this.pageStyle.conn;
+ },
+ destroy: function () {
+ if (!this.rawStyle) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.rawStyle = null;
+ this.pageStyle = null;
+ this.rawNode = null;
+ this.rawRule = null;
+ if (this.sheetActor) {
+"style-applied", this._onStyleApplied);
+ }
+ },
+ // Objects returned by this actor are owned by the PageStyleActor
+ // to which this rule belongs.
+ get marshallPool() {
+ return this.pageStyle;
+ },
+ // True if this rule supports as-authored styles, meaning that the
+ // rule text can be rewritten using setRuleText.
+ get canSetRuleText() {
+ return this.type === ELEMENT_STYLE ||
+ (this._parentSheet &&
+ // If a rule does not have source, then it has been modified via
+ // CSSOM; and we should fall back to non-authored editing.
+ //
+ this.sheetActor.allRulesHaveSource() &&
+ // Special case about:PreferenceStyleSheet, as it is generated on
+ // the fly and the URI is not registered with the about:handler
+ //
+ this._parentSheet.href !== "about:PreferenceStyleSheet");
+ },
+ getDocument: function (sheet) {
+ let document;
+ if (sheet.ownerNode instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLDocument) {
+ document = sheet.ownerNode;
+ } else {
+ document = sheet.ownerNode.ownerDocument;
+ }
+ return document;
+ },
+ toString: function () {
+ return "[StyleRuleActor for " + this.rawRule + "]";
+ },
+ form: function (detail) {
+ if (detail === "actorid") {
+ return this.actorID;
+ }
+ let form = {
+ actor: this.actorID,
+ type: this.type,
+ line: this.line || undefined,
+ column: this.column,
+ traits: {
+ // Whether the style rule actor implements the modifySelector2 method
+ // that allows for unmatched rule to be added
+ modifySelectorUnmatched: true,
+ // Whether the style rule actor implements the setRuleText
+ // method.
+ canSetRuleText: this.canSetRuleText,
+ }
+ };
+ if (this.rawRule.parentRule) {
+ form.parentRule =
+ this.pageStyle._styleRef(this.rawRule.parentRule).actorID;
+ // CSS rules that we call media rules are STYLE_RULES that are children
+ // of MEDIA_RULEs. We need to check the parentRule to check if a rule is
+ // a media rule so we do this here instead of in the switch statement
+ // below.
+ if (this.rawRule.parentRule.type === Ci.nsIDOMCSSRule.MEDIA_RULE) {
+ = [];
+ for (let i = 0, n =; i < n; i++) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._parentSheet) {
+ form.parentStyleSheet =
+ this.pageStyle._sheetRef(this._parentSheet).actorID;
+ }
+ // One tricky thing here is that other methods in this actor must
+ // ensure that authoredText has been set before |form| is called.
+ // This has to be treated specially, for now, because we cannot
+ // synchronously compute the authored text, but |form| also cannot
+ // return a promise. See bug 1205868.
+ form.authoredText = this.authoredText;
+ switch (this.type) {
+ form.selectors = CssLogic.getSelectors(this.rawRule);
+ form.cssText = this.rawStyle.cssText || "";
+ break;
+ // Elements don't have a parent stylesheet, and therefore
+ // don't have an associated URI. Provide a URI for
+ // those.
+ let doc = this.rawNode.ownerDocument;
+ form.href = doc.location ? doc.location.href : "";
+ form.cssText = this.rawStyle.cssText || "";
+ form.authoredText = this.rawNode.getAttribute("style");
+ break;
+ form.encoding = this.rawRule.encoding;
+ break;
+ form.href = this.rawRule.href;
+ break;
+ form.cssText = this.rawRule.cssText;
+ =;
+ break;
+ form.cssText = this.rawStyle.cssText || "";
+ form.keyText = this.rawRule.keyText || "";
+ break;
+ }
+ // Parse the text into a list of declarations so the client doesn't have to
+ // and so that we can safely determine if a declaration is valid rather than
+ // have the client guess it.
+ if (form.authoredText || form.cssText) {
+ let declarations = parseDeclarations(isCssPropertyKnown,
+ form.authoredText || form.cssText,
+ true);
+ form.declarations = => {
+ decl.isValid = DOMUtils.cssPropertyIsValid(, decl.value);
+ return decl;
+ });
+ }
+ return form;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Send an event notifying that the location of the rule has
+ * changed.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} line the new line number
+ * @param {Number} column the new column number
+ */
+ _notifyLocationChanged: function (line, column) {
+ events.emit(this, "location-changed", line, column);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Compute the index of this actor's raw rule in its parent style
+ * sheet. The index is a vector where each element is the index of
+ * a given CSS rule in its parent. A vector is used to support
+ * nested rules.
+ */
+ _computeRuleIndex: function () {
+ let rule = this.rawRule;
+ let result = [];
+ while (rule) {
+ let cssRules;
+ if (rule.parentRule) {
+ cssRules = rule.parentRule.cssRules;
+ } else {
+ cssRules = rule.parentStyleSheet.cssRules;
+ }
+ let found = false;
+ for (let i = 0; i < cssRules.length; i++) {
+ if (rule === cssRules.item(i)) {
+ found = true;
+ result.unshift(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ this._ruleIndex = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ rule = rule.parentRule;
+ }
+ this._ruleIndex = result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the rule corresponding to |this._ruleIndex| from the given
+ * style sheet.
+ *
+ * @param {DOMStyleSheet} sheet
+ * The style sheet.
+ * @return {CSSStyleRule} the rule corresponding to
+ * |this._ruleIndex|
+ */
+ _getRuleFromIndex: function (parentSheet) {
+ let currentRule = null;
+ for (let i of this._ruleIndex) {
+ if (currentRule === null) {
+ currentRule = parentSheet.cssRules[i];
+ } else {
+ currentRule = currentRule.cssRules.item(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return currentRule;
+ },
+ /**
+ * This is attached to the parent style sheet actor's
+ * "style-applied" event.
+ */
+ _onStyleApplied: function (kind) {
+ if (kind === UPDATE_GENERAL) {
+ // A general change means that the rule actors are invalidated,
+ // so stop listening to events now.
+ if (this.sheetActor) {
+"style-applied", this._onStyleApplied);
+ }
+ } else if (this._ruleIndex) {
+ // The sheet was updated by this actor, in a way that preserves
+ // the rules. Now, recompute our new rule from the style sheet,
+ // so that we aren't left with a reference to a dangling rule.
+ let oldRule = this.rawRule;
+ this.rawRule = this._getRuleFromIndex(this._parentSheet);
+ // Also tell the page style so that future calls to _styleRef
+ // return the same StyleRuleActor.
+ this.pageStyle.updateStyleRef(oldRule, this.rawRule, this);
+ let line = DOMUtils.getRelativeRuleLine(this.rawRule);
+ let column = DOMUtils.getRuleColumn(this.rawRule);
+ if (line !== this.line || column !== this.column) {
+ this._notifyLocationChanged(line, column);
+ }
+ this.line = line;
+ this.column = column;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return a promise that resolves to the authored form of a rule's
+ * text, if available. If the authored form is not available, the
+ * returned promise simply resolves to the empty string. If the
+ * authored form is available, this also sets |this.authoredText|.
+ * The authored text will include invalid and otherwise ignored
+ * properties.
+ */
+ getAuthoredCssText: function () {
+ if (!this.canSetRuleText ||
+ (this.type !== Ci.nsIDOMCSSRule.STYLE_RULE &&
+ this.type !== Ci.nsIDOMCSSRule.KEYFRAME_RULE)) {
+ return promise.resolve("");
+ }
+ if (typeof this.authoredText === "string") {
+ return promise.resolve(this.authoredText);
+ }
+ let parentStyleSheet =
+ this.pageStyle._sheetRef(this._parentSheet);
+ return parentStyleSheet.getText().then((longStr) => {
+ let cssText = longStr.str;
+ let {text} = getRuleText(cssText, this.line, this.column);
+ // Cache the result on the rule actor to avoid parsing again next time
+ this.authoredText = text;
+ return this.authoredText;
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set the contents of the rule. This rewrites the rule in the
+ * stylesheet and causes it to be re-evaluated.
+ *
+ * @param {String} newText the new text of the rule
+ * @returns the rule with updated properties
+ */
+ setRuleText: Task.async(function* (newText) {
+ if (!this.canSetRuleText) {
+ throw new Error("invalid call to setRuleText");
+ }
+ if (this.type === ELEMENT_STYLE) {
+ // For element style rules, set the node's style attribute.
+ this.rawNode.setAttribute("style", newText);
+ } else {
+ // For stylesheet rules, set the text in the stylesheet.
+ let parentStyleSheet = this.pageStyle._sheetRef(this._parentSheet);
+ let {str: cssText} = yield parentStyleSheet.getText();
+ let {offset, text} = getRuleText(cssText, this.line, this.column);
+ cssText = cssText.substring(0, offset) + newText +
+ cssText.substring(offset + text.length);
+ yield parentStyleSheet.update(cssText, false, UPDATE_PRESERVING_RULES);
+ }
+ this.authoredText = newText;
+ return this;
+ }),
+ /**
+ * Modify a rule's properties. Passed an array of modifications:
+ * {
+ * type: "set",
+ * name: <string>,
+ * value: <string>,
+ * priority: <optional string>
+ * }
+ * or
+ * {
+ * type: "remove",
+ * name: <string>,
+ * }
+ *
+ * @returns the rule with updated properties
+ */
+ modifyProperties: function (modifications) {
+ // Use a fresh element for each call to this function to prevent side
+ // effects that pop up based on property values that were already set on the
+ // element.
+ let document;
+ if (this.rawNode) {
+ document = this.rawNode.ownerDocument;
+ } else {
+ let parentStyleSheet = this._parentSheet;
+ while (parentStyleSheet.ownerRule &&
+ parentStyleSheet.ownerRule instanceof Ci.nsIDOMCSSImportRule) {
+ parentStyleSheet = parentStyleSheet.ownerRule.parentStyleSheet;
+ }
+ document = this.getDocument(parentStyleSheet);
+ }
+ let tempElement = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div");
+ for (let mod of modifications) {
+ if (mod.type === "set") {
+, mod.value, mod.priority || "");
+ this.rawStyle.setProperty(,
+, mod.priority || "");
+ } else if (mod.type === "remove") {
+ this.rawStyle.removeProperty(;
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper function for modifySelector and modifySelector2, inserts the new
+ * rule with the new selector into the parent style sheet and removes the
+ * current rule. Returns the newly inserted css rule or null if the rule is
+ * unsuccessfully inserted to the parent style sheet.
+ *
+ * @param {String} value
+ * The new selector value
+ * @param {Boolean} editAuthored
+ * True if the selector should be updated by editing the
+ * authored text; false if the selector should be updated via
+ * CSSOM.
+ *
+ * @returns {CSSRule}
+ * The new CSS rule added
+ */
+ _addNewSelector: Task.async(function* (value, editAuthored) {
+ let rule = this.rawRule;
+ let parentStyleSheet = this._parentSheet;
+ // We know the selector modification is ok, so if the client asked
+ // for the authored text to be edited, do it now.
+ if (editAuthored) {
+ let document = this.getDocument(this._parentSheet);
+ try {
+ document.querySelector(value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ let sheetActor = this.pageStyle._sheetRef(parentStyleSheet);
+ let {str: authoredText} = yield sheetActor.getText();
+ let [startOffset, endOffset] = getSelectorOffsets(authoredText, this.line,
+ this.column);
+ authoredText = authoredText.substring(0, startOffset) + value +
+ authoredText.substring(endOffset);
+ yield sheetActor.update(authoredText, false, UPDATE_PRESERVING_RULES);
+ } else {
+ let cssRules = parentStyleSheet.cssRules;
+ let cssText = rule.cssText;
+ let selectorText = rule.selectorText;
+ for (let i = 0; i < cssRules.length; i++) {
+ if (rule === cssRules.item(i)) {
+ try {
+ // Inserts the new style rule into the current style sheet and
+ // delete the current rule
+ let ruleText = cssText.slice(selectorText.length).trim();
+ parentStyleSheet.insertRule(value + " " + ruleText, i);
+ parentStyleSheet.deleteRule(i + 1);
+ break;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // The selector could be invalid, or the rule could fail to insert.
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this._getRuleFromIndex(parentStyleSheet);
+ }),
+ /**
+ * Modify the current rule's selector by inserting a new rule with the new
+ * selector value and removing the current rule.
+ *
+ * Note this method was kept for backward compatibility, but unmatched rules
+ * support was added in FF41.
+ *
+ * @param string value
+ * The new selector value
+ * @returns boolean
+ * Returns a boolean if the selector in the stylesheet was modified,
+ * and false otherwise
+ */
+ modifySelector: Task.async(function* (value) {
+ if (this.type === ELEMENT_STYLE) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let document = this.getDocument(this._parentSheet);
+ // Extract the selector, and pseudo elements and classes
+ let [selector] = value.split(/(:{1,2}.+$)/);
+ let selectorElement;
+ try {
+ selectorElement = document.querySelector(selector);
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check if the selector is valid and not the same as the original
+ // selector
+ if (selectorElement && this.rawRule.selectorText !== value) {
+ yield this._addNewSelector(value, false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }),
+ /**
+ * Modify the current rule's selector by inserting a new rule with the new
+ * selector value and removing the current rule.
+ *
+ * In contrast with the modifySelector method which was used before FF41,
+ * this method also returns information about the new rule and applied style
+ * so that consumers can immediately display the new rule, whether or not the
+ * selector matches the current element without having to refresh the whole
+ * list.
+ *
+ * @param {DOMNode} node
+ * The current selected element
+ * @param {String} value
+ * The new selector value
+ * @param {Boolean} editAuthored
+ * True if the selector should be updated by editing the
+ * authored text; false if the selector should be updated via
+ * CSSOM.
+ * @returns {Object}
+ * Returns an object that contains the applied style properties of the
+ * new rule and a boolean indicating whether or not the new selector
+ * matches the current selected element
+ */
+ modifySelector2: function (node, value, editAuthored = false) {
+ if (this.type === ELEMENT_STYLE ||
+ this.rawRule.selectorText === value) {
+ return { ruleProps: null, isMatching: true };
+ }
+ let selectorPromise = this._addNewSelector(value, editAuthored);
+ if (editAuthored) {
+ selectorPromise = selectorPromise.then((newCssRule) => {
+ if (newCssRule) {
+ let style = this.pageStyle._styleRef(newCssRule);
+ // See the comment in |form| to understand this.
+ return style.getAuthoredCssText().then(() => newCssRule);
+ }
+ return newCssRule;
+ });
+ }
+ return selectorPromise.then((newCssRule) => {
+ let ruleProps = null;
+ let isMatching = false;
+ if (newCssRule) {
+ let ruleEntry = this.pageStyle.findEntryMatchingRule(node, newCssRule);
+ if (ruleEntry.length === 1) {
+ ruleProps =
+ this.pageStyle.getAppliedProps(node, ruleEntry,
+ { matchedSelectors: true });
+ } else {
+ ruleProps = this.pageStyle.getNewAppliedProps(node, newCssRule);
+ }
+ isMatching = ruleProps.entries.some((ruleProp) =>
+ ruleProp.matchedSelectors.length > 0);
+ }
+ return { ruleProps, isMatching };
+ });
+ }
+ * Helper function for getting an image preview of the given font.
+ *
+ * @param font {string}
+ * Name of font to preview
+ * @param doc {Document}
+ * Document to use to render font
+ * @param options {object}
+ * Object with options 'previewText' and 'previewFontSize'
+ *
+ * @return dataUrl
+ * The data URI of the font preview image
+ */
+function getFontPreviewData(font, doc, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ let previewText = options.previewText || FONT_PREVIEW_TEXT;
+ let previewFontSize = options.previewFontSize || FONT_PREVIEW_FONT_SIZE;
+ let fillStyle = options.fillStyle || FONT_PREVIEW_FILLSTYLE;
+ let fontStyle = options.fontStyle || "";
+ let canvas = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "canvas");
+ let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
+ let fontValue = fontStyle + " " + previewFontSize + "px " + font + ", serif";
+ // Get the correct preview text measurements and set the canvas dimensions
+ ctx.font = fontValue;
+ ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
+ let textWidth = ctx.measureText(previewText).width;
+ canvas.width = textWidth * 2 + FONT_PREVIEW_OFFSET * 2;
+ canvas.height = previewFontSize * 3;
+ // we have to reset these after changing the canvas size
+ ctx.font = fontValue;
+ ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle;
+ // Oversample the canvas for better text quality
+ ctx.textBaseline = "top";
+ ctx.scale(2, 2);
+ ctx.fillText(previewText,
+ Math.round(previewFontSize / 3));
+ let dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
+ return {
+ dataURL: dataURL,
+ size: textWidth + FONT_PREVIEW_OFFSET * 2
+ };
+exports.getFontPreviewData = getFontPreviewData;
+ * Get the text content of a rule given some CSS text, a line and a column
+ * Consider the following example:
+ * body {
+ * color: red;
+ * }
+ * p {
+ * line-height: 2em;
+ * color: blue;
+ * }
+ * Calling the function with the whole text above and line=4 and column=1 would
+ * return "line-height: 2em; color: blue;"
+ * @param {String} initialText
+ * @param {Number} line (1-indexed)
+ * @param {Number} column (1-indexed)
+ * @return {object} An object of the form {offset: number, text: string}
+ * The offset is the index into the input string where
+ * the rule text started. The text is the content of
+ * the rule.
+ */
+function getRuleText(initialText, line, column) {
+ if (typeof line === "undefined" || typeof column === "undefined") {
+ throw new Error("Location information is missing");
+ }
+ let {offset: textOffset, text} =
+ getTextAtLineColumn(initialText, line, column);
+ let lexer = DOMUtils.getCSSLexer(text);
+ // Search forward for the opening brace.
+ while (true) {
+ let token = lexer.nextToken();
+ if (!token) {
+ throw new Error("couldn't find start of the rule");
+ }
+ if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "{") {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Now collect text until we see the matching close brace.
+ let braceDepth = 1;
+ let startOffset, endOffset;
+ while (true) {
+ let token = lexer.nextToken();
+ if (!token) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (startOffset === undefined) {
+ startOffset = token.startOffset;
+ }
+ if (token.tokenType === "symbol") {
+ if (token.text === "{") {
+ ++braceDepth;
+ } else if (token.text === "}") {
+ --braceDepth;
+ if (braceDepth == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ endOffset = token.endOffset;
+ }
+ // If the rule was of the form "selector {" with no closing brace
+ // and no properties, just return an empty string.
+ if (startOffset === undefined) {
+ return {offset: 0, text: ""};
+ }
+ // If the input didn't have any tokens between the braces (e.g.,
+ // "div {}"), then the endOffset won't have been set yet; so account
+ // for that here.
+ if (endOffset === undefined) {
+ endOffset = startOffset;
+ }
+ // Note that this approach will preserve comments, despite the fact
+ // that cssTokenizer skips them.
+ return {offset: textOffset + startOffset,
+ text: text.substring(startOffset, endOffset)};
+exports.getRuleText = getRuleText;
+ * Compute the start and end offsets of a rule's selector text, given
+ * the CSS text and the line and column at which the rule begins.
+ * @param {String} initialText
+ * @param {Number} line (1-indexed)
+ * @param {Number} column (1-indexed)
+ * @return {array} An array with two elements: [startOffset, endOffset].
+ * The elements mark the bounds in |initialText| of
+ * the CSS rule's selector.
+ */
+function getSelectorOffsets(initialText, line, column) {
+ if (typeof line === "undefined" || typeof column === "undefined") {
+ throw new Error("Location information is missing");
+ }
+ let {offset: textOffset, text} =
+ getTextAtLineColumn(initialText, line, column);
+ let lexer = DOMUtils.getCSSLexer(text);
+ // Search forward for the opening brace.
+ let endOffset;
+ while (true) {
+ let token = lexer.nextToken();
+ if (!token) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "{") {
+ if (endOffset === undefined) {
+ break;
+ }
+ return [textOffset, textOffset + endOffset];
+ }
+ // Preserve comments and whitespace just before the "{".
+ if (token.tokenType !== "comment" && token.tokenType !== "whitespace") {
+ endOffset = token.endOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new Error("could not find bounds of rule");
+ * Return the offset and substring of |text| that starts at the given
+ * line and column.
+ * @param {String} text
+ * @param {Number} line (1-indexed)
+ * @param {Number} column (1-indexed)
+ * @return {object} An object of the form {offset: number, text: string},
+ * where the offset is the offset into the input string
+ * where the text starts, and where text is the text.
+ */
+function getTextAtLineColumn(text, line, column) {
+ let offset;
+ if (line > 1) {
+ let rx = new RegExp("(?:.*(?:\\r\\n|\\n|\\r|\\f)){" + (line - 1) + "}");
+ offset = rx.exec(text)[0].length;
+ } else {
+ offset = 0;
+ }
+ offset += column - 1;
+ return {offset: offset, text: text.substr(offset) };
+exports.getTextAtLineColumn = getTextAtLineColumn;