.TH CASINFO "1" "April 2009" "casinfo (atarisio 0.30)" "HiassofT Atari 8-bit Tools" .SH NAME casinfo \- Get information on an Atari 8\-bit cassette image file .SH SYNOPSIS casinfo file [file] ... .SH DESCRIPTION For each valid cassette image (CAS file) on the command line, casinfo will display the description (if any), the number of parts (aka load stages), the number of blocks, and the block header information for each block in the file. .PP casinfo takes no options. .PP For a complete specification of the CAS file format, see the documentation for \fBcas2wav\fR, \fBwav2cas\fR, and/or \fBcassio\fR, all available at a web browser near you... .SH AUTHOR Matthias Reichl <\fBhias@horus.com\fR> .PP Man page by B. Watson <\fBurchlay@urchlay.com\fB> .SH SEE ALSO \&\fIatariserver\fR\|(1), \&\fIdir2atr\fR\|(1), \&\fIadir\fR\|(1). .PP AtariSIO home page: \fBhttp://www.horus.com/~hias/atari/\fR