Htscanner allows one to use htaccess-like files to configure PHP on a per-directory basis, just like Apache's htaccess. It is especially useful with fastcgi. Please read the "Description" part of /usr/doc/htscanner-/README after installation. An example [htscanner] block for php.ini is included in /usr/doc/htscanner-/htscanner.ini this can be appended to /etc/httpd/php.ini (after editing to ones preferences). Currently, for example, something like: cat << EOF > /var/www/htdocs/.htaccess php_value register_globals On EOF cat /usr/doc/htscanner-0.8.1/htscanner.ini >> /etc/httpd/php.ini sh /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd stop sh /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd start