The Metasploit Framework is a development platform for creating security tools and exploits. The framework is used by network security professionals to perform penetration tests, system administrators to verify patch installations, product vendors to perform regression testing, and security researchers world-wide. The framework is written in the Ruby programming language and includes components written in C and assembler. This is just a repackaged version of the tarball you get from the Metasploit download page. To succesfully run the framework web interface, install the rubygems package (avalaible on and then get the Ruby On Rails gem via the commannd: # gem install -v=1.2.2 rails If you want to use the Autopwn feature of metasploit, install the PostgreSQL database server (also avalaible on and create a "metasploit3" database. Finally, if you want to run the selfupdate feature, be sure you have subversion installed.