Herrie - interactive music playlist player Herrie is a minimalistic music player that uses the command line. It is written to support a variety of audio subsystems and file formats, including playlists. Herrie has a split-screen user interface, with a playlist at the top of the screen and a file browser at the bottom. Herrie supports XMMS shortcuts for playback control and can play in XMMS mode or "party" mode (which acts as a song queue). Herrie also has some more exotic features, including support for AudioScrobbler and the ability to chroot() itself into a directory. The default options for this Slackbuild are set for no scrobbler, http, nls, modplugin, wave, or XSPF support. ALSA is the chosen sound output and Ncurses (NOT Ncursesw) is the chosen 'gui'. This makes it so the program can be built with the least amount of dependencies (with these options all of them should be included in Slackware 12). See the README in the herrie source for the dependencies needed if you enable these other options. Also see README.SBo for useage and configuration help.