.TH PHALANX "6" "January 2008" "Phalanx XXII" .SH NAME Phalanx \- Chess playing program .SH SYNOPSIS .B phalanx [\fIoptions\fR] [\fI \fR[\fI\fR]] .br .B phalanx [\fIoptions\fR] [\fI\fR] .br .B phalanx \fIbench\fR .br .B phalanx \fIbcreate \fR[\fIoptions\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page documents briefly the .BR phalanx program. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution (but may be used by others), because the original program does not have a manual page. .PP .B phalanx is a chess playing program. It is partially xboard compatible. Under xboard, it can play games, force & undo moves, and show thinking. In this version, you cannot set positions with xboard. .PP It is also possible to run phalanx without xboard. Do .B phalanx -? to get a list of command line options. One important command of phalanx's ASCII interface is .B help. .PP .B phalanx uses (traditional) 10x12 board implementation. There are three often used board implementations: "8x8" (GNU Chess), "bitboard" (Crafty), and "10x12" (Nimzo, Phalanx). In short, "10x12" is easy to implement and the code is small (==fast on PC). Opening book is small, simple, hand-written. .PP .SH OPTIONS \fB\-t\fR .HP \fB\-f\fR .TP \fB\-x\fR <+/-> xboard mode on/off default: on .TP \fB\-p\fR <+/-> permanent brain on/off default: off .TP \fB\-s\fR <+/-> show thinking on/off default: off .TP \fB\-c\fR <+/-> cpu time default: off .TP \fB\-o\fR <+/-> polling input default: on .TP \fB\-b\fR <+/-> opening book default: on .TP \fB\-r\fR default: 0 (no resigning) .TP \fB\-e\fR default: 0 (best play) .TP \fB\-l\fR <+/-> learning on/off default: on .TP \fB\-v\fR print version and exit .HP \fB\-P\fR .HP \fB\-S\fR .HP \fB\-L\fR .HP \fB\-g\fR .PP .SH EXAMPLES phalanx \fB\-c\fR+ \fB\-s\fR+ \fB\-o\fR - \fB\-x\-\fR \fB\-f\fR 60 \fB\-t4000\fR xboard \fB\-fcp\fR "phalanx \fB\-l\fR+ \fB\-r800\fR" .SH "SEE ALSO" /usr/doc/Phalanx-*, .IR xboard(6) .SH AUTHOR Phalanx was written by Dusan Dobes . This manual page was written by Stephen Stafford for the Debian GNU/Linux project, but may be used by others. It was written with the assistance of .IR help2man(1) and then edited slightly to clean it up. Modified by Marco Pessotto.