In order to properly link to the AMD App Stream SDK some environment variables need to be set. These are set by the profile scripts installed in /etc/profile.d: - amd-app-sdk.[c]sh defines the whereabouts of the library and sets the CPPFLAGS accordingly for the compiler to find the header files (these scripts are enabled by default after package installation); - amd-app-sdk-libs[32|64].[c]sh adds to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable the location of the library files included in this package. Before setting these as executable PLEASE READ ON. Given that recent AMD Catalyst/fglrx drivers actually include an OpenCL library that frequently clashes with the one provided by this package, users of those drivers should leave the /etc/profile.d/amd-app-sdk-libs[32|64].[c]sh scripts as NOT executable. Users of other drivers should check first if their drivers already provide an OpenCL library implementation (the library name should be and, if not, should set those additional scripts as executable.