Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* libraries/pangomm: Clarified dep info in READMERobby Workman2010-08-30
* libraries/gtkmm: Clarified dep info in READMERobby Workman2010-08-30
* libraries/lxml: Updated for version 2.2.7.Larry Hajali2010-08-30
* development/ipython: Fixed permissions of docdir contentsRobby Workman2010-08-30
* libraries/libkexiv2: Added (wrapper around Exiv2 library)Giovanne Castro2010-08-30
* libraries/libkdcraw: Added (C++ interface to dcraw)Giovanne Castro2010-08-30
* system/hwinfo: Updated for version 17.3.Heinz Wiesinger2010-08-30
* multimedia/google-talkplugin: Added (Plugin for Google Talk)Erik Hanson2010-08-30
* network/arping: Added (ARP level ping utility)Nilton Moura2010-08-30
* multimedia/dvdrip: Clarified dep info in READMERobby Workman2010-08-30
* development/parrot: Fixed pkgconfig path and typo.dsomero2010-08-29
* office/xournal: Fixed TAG.Erik Hanson2010-08-29
* Public www update: Sun Aug 29 20:36:42 UTC 201013.1-20100829.1Erik Hanson2010-08-29
* system/plan9port: Updated for version 20100825.Antonio Hernández Blas2010-08-29
* system/grub2: Build a graphical terminal font.crocket2010-08-29
* network/spambayes: Miscellaneous cleanups and moved from system.Audrius Kažukauskas2010-08-29
* network/mldonkey: Updated for version 3.0.4.Grissiom2010-08-29
* audio/lash: Updated download link.David Woodfall2010-08-29
* office/impressive: Added (A fancy PDF presentation program)Binh Nguyen2010-08-29
* multimedia/lircaile: Added (LIRC plugin for the Exaile media player)Pablo Santamaria2010-08-29
* libraries/pylirc: Added (Python lirc module)Pablo Santamaria2010-08-29
* development/sqlitebrowser: Added (GUI editor for SQLite databases)Binh Nguyen2010-08-29
* academic/suitesparse: Added (collection of sparse matrix libraries)Pablo Santamaria2010-08-29
* games/freeciv: Updated for version 2.2.2.Niels Horn2010-08-29
* system/pcmanfm: Updated for version 0.9.7.Chris Abela2010-08-29
* system/ser2net: Added (serial to network proxy)Evandro Alves Rodrigues2010-08-29
* system/backintime: Added (simple backup tool)Pierre Cazenave2010-08-29
* system/apache-cassandra: Added (distributed database)Manlio Modugno2010-08-29
* network/zabbix_proxy: Added (Linux proxy daemon for zabbix_server)Niels Horn2010-08-29
* network/w3m: Added (text-mode web browser)Felix Pfeifer2010-08-29
* network/emacs-w3m: Added (simple Emacs interface of w3m)Felix Pfeifer2010-08-29
* libraries/libfm: Added (pcmanfm library)Chris Abela2010-08-29
* development/logisim: Added (logic simulator)GPLeo2010-08-29
* multimedia/llcon: Updated for version 3.1.1.otzy_0072010-08-29
* multimedia/media-player-info: Updated for version 7.Robby Workman2010-08-29
* multimedia/anyremote: Updated for version 5.1.3.otzy_0072010-08-29
* misc/merkaartor: Updated for version 0.16.3.otzy_0072010-08-29
* misc/ibus-pinyin: Updated for version 1.3.10.Grissiom2010-08-29
* misc/ibus-qt: Updated for version 1.3.1.Grissiom2010-08-29
* graphics/inkscape: Updated for version 0.48.0.Robby Workman2010-08-29
* graphics/brlcad: Updated for version 7.16.10.Niels Horn2010-08-29
* desktop/kanyremote: Updated for version 5.11.8.otzy_0072010-08-29
* network/zabbix_agentd: Updated for version 1.8.3.Niels Horn2010-08-29
* network/zabbix_server: Updated for version 1.8.3.Niels Horn2010-08-29
* network/youtube-dl: Updated for version 2010.08.04.GPLeo2010-08-29
* network/sylpheed: Updated for version 3.0.3.GPLeo2010-08-29
* network/btpd: Updated for version 0.16.Nilton Moura2010-08-29
* network/remmina-plugins: Added (Plugins for Remmina)Luis Henrique2010-08-29
* graphics/qcomicbook: Updated for version 0.6.0.Niels Horn2010-08-29
* system/herculesstudio: Updated for version 1.2.0.Niels Horn2010-08-29