Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* python/pyrsistent: Added (data structures).Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* python/PyStemmer: Added (Snowball stemming algorithms).Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* python/imagesize: Added (python library for images).Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* python/htmlmin: Added (An HTML Minifier).Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* python/Flask-Gravatar: Added (Flask extension for Gravatar service).Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* python/Flask-Babel: Added (i18n/l10n support to Flask).Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* python/babel: Update DEP.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-03-05
* python/alabaster: Added (Sphinx theme).Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* python/testtools: Added (Python unit testing framework extension).Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* perl/perl-Sidef: Updated for version 2.36.Edinaldo P. Silva2017-03-05
* perl/perl-Math-BigInt: Updated for version 1.999810.Edinaldo P. Silva2017-03-05
* misc/grc: Updated for version 1.10.1.Edinaldo P. Silva2017-03-05
* python/python-mimeparse: Added (module for parsing mime-type).Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* python/traceback2: Addded (Backports of the traceback module).Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* python/linecache2: Added (Backports of the linecache python module).Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* python/extras: Added (Python bindings for augeas).Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* python/python-augeas: Update DOWNLOAD url.Nikos Giotis2017-03-05
* games/chessx: Updated for version 1.4.4.David O'Shaughnessy2017-03-05
* academic/lapack95: New maintainer.Ekin Akoglu2017-03-05
* network/krb5: Updated for version 1.15.1.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-03-05
* libraries/libseccomp: Updated for version 2.3.2.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-03-05
* system/letsencrypt: Updated for version 0.12.0.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-03-04
* network/weechat: Fix path on x86_64Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-03-04
* network/sslscan: Fix DOWNLOAD url.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-03-04
* Public www update: Sat Mar 4 00:29:15 UTC 2017.14.2-20170304.1Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2017-03-04
* haskell/haskell-cryptonite: Updated for version 0.22.David Spencer2017-03-04
* python/python-autobahn: Updated for version 0.17.2.David Spencer2017-03-04
* python/python-txaio: Updated for version 2.6.1.David Spencer2017-03-04
* gis/josm: Fixed SlackBuild.David Spencer2017-03-04
* network/suricata: Compress manpage.David Spencer2017-03-04
* network/verm: Fixed slack-desc.David Spencer2017-03-04
* perl/perl-Mojolicious: Updated for version 7.27.Andreas Guldstrand2017-03-04
* system/udiskie: Updated for version 1.6.1.Dimitris Zlatanidis2017-03-04
* python/ply: Updated for version 3.10.Dimitris Zlatanidis2017-03-04
* libraries/dropbox-python: Updated for version 7.2.1.Dimitris Zlatanidis2017-03-04
* games/javacpc: Updated for version 2.9.5d.Dimitris Zlatanidis2017-03-04
* ruby/rubygem-gosu: Updated for version 0.11.2.Dimitris Zlatanidis2017-03-04
* office/LibreOffice: Full local help. New JDK optionsChristoph Willing2017-03-04
* multimedia/obs-studio: Updated for version 18.0.0Christoph Willing2017-03-04
* system/virt-viewer: Fixed download link.Matteo Bernardini2017-03-04
* system/targetcli-fb: Fixed download links.Matteo Bernardini2017-03-04
* system/microcode_ctl: Fixed download link.Matteo Bernardini2017-03-04
* system/cronie: Fixed download link.Matteo Bernardini2017-03-04
* python/python3-augeas: Fixed download link.Matteo Bernardini2017-03-04
* python/python-suds: Fixed download link.Matteo Bernardini2017-03-04
* python/python-augeas: Fixed download link.Matteo Bernardini2017-03-04
* desktop/gtk-nodoka-engine: Fixed download link.Matteo Bernardini2017-03-04
* system/osinfo-db-tools: Fixed download link.Matteo Bernardini2017-03-04
* system/osinfo-db: Fixed download link.Matteo Bernardini2017-03-04
* libraries/libosinfo: Fixed download link.Matteo Bernardini2017-03-04