Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Public www update: Fri Dec 23 16:08:11 UTC 201113.37-20111223.1Niels Horn2011-12-23
* desktop/qlandkartegt: Added (Geotiff/Garmin map/OSM viewer)Daniel Stolarski2011-12-23
* academic/treeview: Upgraded to version 0.5.Petar Petrov2011-12-23
* audio/multimidicast: Added (MIDI <--> ALSA layer)Michales Michaloudes2011-12-23
* desktop/synce-kpm: Added (SynCE KDE PDA ManagerMichales Michaloudes2011-12-23
* audio/ices-cc: Added (primary source client for icecast)Antonio Hernández Blas2011-12-23
* academic/staden: Added (DNA sequence assembly, editing, and analysis tools)Petar Petrov2011-12-23
* development/spyder: Added (interactive Python IDE)Larry Hajali2011-12-23
* development/google-appengine-pysdk: Added (Appengine Python SDK)Eric Schultz2011-12-23
* libraries/wxGTK: Added option to build media library.Niels Horn2011-12-23
* development/amd-app-sdk: Updated for version 2.6.Alan Alberghini2011-12-23
* libraries/tamu_anova: Fixed download location.Petar Petrov2011-12-23
* games/yamagi-quake2: Updated for version 4.00.Dugan Chen2011-12-23
* multimedia/2ManDVD: Updated for version 1.7.2.ponce2011-12-23
* multimedia/dvdstyler: Updated for version 2.1b2.ponce2011-12-23
* Public www update: Thu Dec 22 06:04:21 UTC 201113.37-20111222.1Robby Workman2011-12-22
* network/vuze: Added (bittorrent client)Chris Lawrence2011-12-22
* network/sopcast-player: Added (A GUI front-end for SopCast)Binh Nguyen2011-12-22
* python/python-simpy: Added (OO Discrete Event Simulation in Python)John Tyree2011-12-22
* games/prboom-plus: Added (Doom source port)Dugan Chen2011-12-22
* development/schroot: Added (secure chroot utility)Vincent Batts2011-12-22
* development/dfu-programmer: Added (USB programmer for USB AVR chips)Andrzej Telszewski2011-12-22
* games/pcsxr: Fixed a lib path problem.M.Dinslage2011-12-22
* academic/sage: Updated for version 4.7.2.Jack Maddox2011-12-22
* network/nxclient: Updated for version 3.5.0_7.ponce2011-12-22
* network/nx: Updated for version 3.5.0.ponce2011-12-22
* ruby/gem2tgz: Updated for version 1.3.Gwenhael Le Moine2011-12-22
* academic/smath-studio: Changed the license.Fridrich von Stauffenberg2011-12-22
* system/microemulator: Changed the license and minor cleanup.Fridrich von Stauffenberg2011-12-22
* audio/gvolwheel: Added (notification area volume control app)Bojan Popovic2011-12-22
* audio/aqualung: Added (an advanced music player)Bojan Popovic2011-12-22
* system/qtfm: Added (a lightweight Qt-based file manager)Bojan Popovic2011-12-22
* system/amanda: Updated for version 3.3.0.Christopher Walker2011-12-22
* desktop/wminfo: Updated for version 2.5.0.Cezary M. Kruk2011-12-22
* games/ucr: Added (Ultima Classics Revisited)B. Watson2011-12-22
* desktop/razorqt: Added (qt-based desktop environment)Robby Workman2011-12-22
* graphics/yagf: Updated for version 0.8.9.Larry Hajali2011-12-22
* libraries/cuneiform: Updated for version 1.1.0.Larry Hajali2011-12-22
* audio/cmus: Updated for version 2.4.3.ponce2011-12-22
* libraries/allegro: Updated for version 4.4.2.Erik Hanson2011-12-22
* academic/gwyddion: Updated for version 2.26.Daniil Bratashov2011-12-22
* audio/milkytracker: Updated for version 0.90.85 (+new maintainer)Erik Hanson2011-12-22
* development/CVSTools: Moved from System categoryRobby Workman2011-12-21
* system/CVSTools: Changed to a noarch packageChristopher Walker2011-12-21
* academic/copasi: Added (modeling/simulation of biochemical networks)Pedro Mendes2011-12-21
* academic/seaview: Updated for version 4.3.2.Petar Petrov2011-12-21
* system/parallel: Updated for version 20111222.Erik Hanson2011-12-21
* system/makepasswd: Updated for version 0.5.0.Pablo Santamaria2011-12-21
* system/clamav: Hardcode usage of "clamav" user and groupRobby Workman2011-12-21
* academic/lalnview: various build fixes / tweaksPetar Petrov2011-12-20