Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* games/tome: Updated for version v2.3.10_ah, added a startup script.David Melik2012-12-20
* system/clamav: Fix docs folders permissions.Kees Theunissen2012-12-19
* libraries/librasterlite: Updated for version 1.1e.Alexander Bruy2012-12-19
* libraries/libspatialite: Updated for version 4.0.0.Alexander Bruy2012-12-19
* office/treesheets: Added (Free Form Data Organization).Luke Williams2012-12-19
* development/xxdiff: Added (graphical diff).Benno2012-12-19
* academic/wxMaxima: Updated for version 12.09.0, cleanups.Larry Hajali2012-12-19
* system/postgis: Updated for version 2.0.2, new homepageBenjamin Trigona-Harany2012-12-19
* development/php-pinba: Added (Pinba Statistics Server - PHP part).Heinz Wiesinger2012-12-19
* development/mysql-pinba: Added (PHP Statistics Server - DB part).Heinz Wiesinger2012-12-19
* graphics/mftrace: Updated for version 1.2.18, added license.Kyle Guinn2012-12-19
* graphics/makehuman: Added (3D humanoid models generator).Giorgio Peron2012-12-19
* graphics/lilypond: Updated for version 2.16.1, added license.Kyle Guinn2012-12-19
* games/cowsay: Fixed MD5SUM.David Miller2012-12-19
* games/cgmadness: Added (Marble Madness-like game).Zbigniew Baniewski2012-12-19
* academic/avogadro: Updated for version 1.1.0.Larry Hajali2012-12-19
* graphics/luxblend25: Added (luxrender's blender interface).Giorgio Peron2012-12-18
* graphics/luxrender: Added (rendering engine).Giorgio Peron2012-12-18
* system/percona-toolkit: Updated for version 2.1.7.Heinz Wiesinger2012-12-18
* development/spyder: Updated for version 2.1.11.Larry Hajali2012-12-18
* development/jython: Added (python for the java platform).Benjamin Trigona-Harany2012-12-18
* system/innotop: Updated for version 1.9.0.Heinz Wiesinger2012-12-18
* games/foobillard: Added (OpenGL billard).Zbigniew Baniewski2012-12-18
* games/barrage: Added (action game).Zbigniew Baniewski2012-12-18
* network/sieve-connect: Updated for version 0.84.Daniel LEVAI2012-12-18
* perl/perl-YAML-Syck: Renamed yaml to perl-yaml in REQUIRES.Matteo Bernardini2012-12-18
* desktop/qlandkartegt: Updated for version 1.6.0, added license.Daniel Stolarski2012-12-18
* academic/root: Added (data analysis framework).Jože Zobec2012-12-18
* games/stone_soup: Updated for version 0.11.0.David Melik2012-12-17
* libraries/libtifiles2: Added (TI-calculator file format library).JK Wood2012-12-17
* libraries/libticonv: Added (TI-calculator conversion library).JK Wood2012-12-16
* libraries/libticables2: Added (TI-calculator cable library).JK Wood2012-12-16
* academic/tilem: Noted incompat. with libticables2, modified license.JK Wood2012-12-16
* games/PyLotRO: Added (Python launcher of Lord of the Rings Online).JK Wood2012-12-16
* network/sshblock: Added (an SSH dictionary-attack blocker).Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2012-12-16
* libraries/php-imagick: Renamed from imagick, script cleanup.Heinz Wiesinger2012-12-16
* system/hwinfo: Updated for version 20.0.Heinz Wiesinger2012-12-16
* audio/guitarix: Updated for version 0.24.3B. Watson2012-12-16
* libraries/mathgl: Added (scientific data visualization library).Jože Zobec2012-12-16
* multimedia/vitunes-mplayer: Added (mplayer frontend w. vi bindings).B. Watson2012-12-16
* audio/vocoder-ladspa: Added (LADSPA vocoder plugin).B. Watson2012-12-16
* audio/vocoder: Added (standalone JACK vocoder effect).B. Watson2012-12-16
* multimedia/miro: Updated for version 5.0.4.Larry Hajali2012-12-16
* libraries/php-mssql: Added (php MS SQL extension).Trayan Denev2012-12-16
* system/swatch: Added (Simple Log Watcher).Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2012-12-16
* multimedia/bombono-dvd: Added missing patch file.Matteo Bernardini2012-12-15
* network/weechat: Updated for version
* development/avr-gcc: Updated for version 4.7.1.Jasper Klein2012-12-15
* development/ahven: Added (unit test library).Zhu Qun-Ying2012-12-15
* system/bochs: Added (cross platform x86 emulator).Bojan Popovic2012-12-15