Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* libraries/libvdpau: Revert a951d7375f4587879607e5ec6c1beda13478a3d0ponce2012-08-21
* system/clamav: Added a "su" option to the logrotate scriptponce2012-08-21
* development/glm: Added (OpenGL Mathematics).ponce2012-08-21
* multimedia/dvdstyler: Updated for version 2.3rc2.ponce2012-08-21
* libraries/libtorrent-rasterbar: Noted new GeoIP dep in REQUIRESponce2012-08-21
* desktop/lxpanel: Updated for version 20120820_ca772cc.ponce2012-08-21
* system/lxterminal: Updated for version 20120817_49776cd.ponce2012-08-21
* libraries/wxsvg: Updated for version 20120820.ponce2012-08-21
* multimedia/mpgtx: Included some patches from gentoo + small cleanupsponce2012-08-21
* libraries/podofo: Included a patch for gcc-4.7.x.ponce2012-08-21
* libraries/physfs: Fixed build with gcc-4.6 and turned off debug.ponce2012-08-21
* perl/perl-YAML-Syck: Updated for version 1.20.ponce2012-08-21
* perl/perl-Test-Inter: Updated for version 1.03.ponce2012-08-21
* perl/perl-IO-Socket-SSL: Updated for version 1.76.ponce2012-08-21
* system/pcmanfm: Updated for version 1.0.ponce2012-08-21
* desktop/openbox: Added "dbus-launch --exit-with-session" to xinitrcponce2012-08-21
* libraries/openbabel: Fix build with gcc-4.7.x.ponce2012-08-21
* network/nxclient: Changed download location.ponce2012-08-21
* desktop/musca: Added "dbus-launch --exit-with-session" to xinitrcponce2012-08-21
* network/mldonkey: Updated for version 3.1.3.ponce2012-08-21
* multimedia/mjpegtools: Updated for version 2.0.0.ponce2012-08-21
* audio/mixxx: Updated for version 1.10.1.ponce2012-08-21
* multimedia/miro: Updated for version 5.0.2.ponce2012-08-21
* audio/ardour: Updated for version 2.8.14Heinz Wiesinger2012-08-21
* libraries/libgnomecanvasmm: Added (C++ API for libgnomecanvas)Heinz Wiesinger2012-08-21
* libraries/suil: Added (Lightweight LV2 UI library)Heinz Wiesinger2012-08-21
* libraries/lilv: Added (LV2 Library)Heinz Wiesinger2012-08-21
* libraries/sratom: Added (LV2 Serializing to/from RDF)Heinz Wiesinger2012-08-21
* libraries/sord: Added (Lightweight RDF Storing library)Heinz Wiesinger2012-08-21
* libraries/serd: Added (Lightweight RDF syntax library)Heinz Wiesinger2012-08-21
* libraries/libffado: Fixed building with new gccHeinz Wiesinger2012-08-21
* libraries/liblrdf: Updated for version 0.5.0Heinz Wiesinger2012-08-21
* network/midori: Updatedated for version 20120807_364345f.ponce2012-08-21
* libraries/menu-cache: Updated for version 0.3.3.ponce2012-08-21
* games/mednafen: Updated for version 0.9.24.ponce2012-08-21
* multimedia/mediainfo: Updated for version 0.7.58.ponce2012-08-21
* desktop/matchbox-window-manager: Added dbus-launch to xinitrcponce2012-08-21
* multimedia/gst-ffmpeg: Updated for version 0.10.13.ponce2012-08-21
* system/lxterminal: Updated for version 20120809_88c210d.ponce2012-08-21
* system/lxtask: Updated for version 20120812_204b61f.ponce2012-08-21
* desktop/lxpanel: Updated for version 20120808_4496e88.ponce2012-08-21
* audio/lxmusic: Updated for version 0.4.5.ponce2012-08-21
* system/lxinput: Updated for version 0.3.2.ponce2012-08-21
* system/lxdm: updated for version 20120728_102ea5e.ponce2012-08-21
* misc/lxappearance-obconf: Updated for version 0.2.0.ponce2012-08-21
* development/lua52: Updated for version 5.2.1.ponce2012-08-21
* network/lighttpd: Updated for version 1.4.31.ponce2012-08-21
* libraries/libzen: Updated for version 0.4.27.ponce2012-08-21
* libraries/libxml++: Updated for version 2.34.2.ponce2012-08-21
* libraries/libvpx: Updated for version 1.1.0.ponce2012-08-21