Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* system/nvidia-kernel: Updated for version 319.32.Edward Koenig2013-07-14
* system/sakura: Trivial - added "updated" comment to scriptDonald Cooley2013-07-14
* development/glade: Renamed script with correct extension.Niels Horn2013-07-14
* network/shibboleth-sp: Updated for version 2.5.2.Thibaut Notteboom2013-07-13
* libraries/opensaml: Updated for version 2.5.3.Thibaut Notteboom2013-07-13
* libraries/xmltooling: Updated for version 1.5.3.Thibaut Notteboom2013-07-13
* libraries/log4shib: Updated for version 1.0.8.Thibaut Notteboom2013-07-13
* libraries/xml-security-c: Updated for version 1.7.2.Thibaut Notteboom2013-07-13
* desktop/xmms-skins-ater: Added (Ater skins for XMMS)Petar Petrov2013-07-13
* academic/squizz: Added (A sequence/alignment format checker and converter)Petar Petrov2013-07-13
* office/tellico: Updated for version 2.3.8.Gilcio Amaral2013-07-13
* academic/ImageJ: Updated for version 1.47v.Petar Petrov2013-07-13
* games/cgoban: Added (Complete Goban Mark 1)Alexander Söderlund2013-07-12
* office/mu: Updated for version Berntsen2013-07-12
* network/owncloud-client: Updated for version 1.3.0.Christopher Walker2013-07-12
* network/ocsync: Updated for version 0.80.0.Christopher Walker2013-07-12
* graphics/qrencode: Updated for version 3.4.2.Matthew Fillpot2013-07-12
* network/niceshaper: Added (dynamic traffic shaper)Michal Bialozor2013-07-12
* libraries/cfitsio: Updated for version 3.35.Dominik Drobek2013-07-12
* development/blassic: New homepage.Luis Henrique2013-07-12
* network/fail2ban: New download link.Nishant Limbachia2013-07-12
* system/rodent: Updated for version 5.1.0.Roberto Neri2013-07-09
* libraries/tubo: Added (remote process execution library)Roberto Neri2013-07-09
* libraries/dbh: Added (disk based hashtables library)Roberto Neri2013-07-09
* libraries/vte3: Updated for version 0.34.7.Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2013-07-08
* libraries/GeoIP-Python: Updated for version 1.2.8.Dominik Drobek2013-07-08
* python/pysetuptools: Updated for version 0.8.Audrius Kažukauskas2013-07-08
* network/httrack: Updated for version 3.47.21.klaatu2013-07-08
* desktop/screenfetch: Updated for version 3.0.5.Bojan Popovic2013-07-08
* development/google-go-lang: Updated for version 1.1.1.Vincent Batts2013-07-07
* Public www update: Sun Jul 7 12:24:16 UTC 201314.0-20130707.1Niels Horn2013-07-07
* python/feedgenerator: Fixed dep infoRobby Workman2013-07-07
* development/nexus: Rearrange and OCDize some build linesRobby Workman2013-07-07
* development/nexus: Update comments in slack-descRobby Workman2013-07-07
* development/nexus: Trivial fix (whitespace removal)Robby Workman2013-07-07
* development/nexus: Fix VERSION string to not make a broken packageRobby Workman2013-07-07
* development/nexus: Updated for version 2.5.0_04.Giorgio Peron2013-07-07
* academic/jalview: Added (A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer)Petar Petrov2013-07-07
* desktop/j4-dmenu-desktop: Added (dmenu menu generator)B. Watson2013-07-07
* python/pelican: Added (static site generator, written in Python)Markus Reichelt2013-07-07
* python/Unidecode: Added (Python port of the Text::Unidecode Perl module)Markus Reichelt2013-07-07
* python/winpdb: Updated for version 1.4.8.Andrew Rowland2013-07-07
* system/worker: Updated for version 3.0.0.Andrey Maraev2013-07-07
* system/ansible: Added (a ssh based config management framework)Alex Diaconu2013-07-07
* development/glade: Added (GTK+ User Interface Builder)Bart van der Hall2013-07-07
* libraries/libdbi-drivers: Updated for version 0.9.0.Vincent Batts2013-07-07
* libraries/libcec: Updated for version 2.1.3.Larry Hajali2013-07-07
* libraries/mysql-connector-c++: Added (MySQL Connector in C++)Willy Sudiarto Raharjo2013-07-07
* academic/qucs: Updated for version 0.0.17.Fridrich von Stauffenberg2013-07-07
* audio/lmms: Use an improved version of 02-stutter_audio.patchZbigniew Baniewski2013-07-07