Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* academic/clustalw: Added (Multiple Sequence Alignment)Petar Petrov2011-09-02
* academic/EMBASSY: Added (EMBOSS associated software)Petar Petrov2011-09-02
* academic/EMBOSS: Added (European Molecular Biology OSS)Petar Petrov2011-09-02
* network/ipset: Added (administration tool for IP sets)Michal Bialozor2011-09-02
* system/unalz: Updated e-mail mainainer + cleanup script.crocket2011-09-01
* network/rt3xxx: Updated e-mail maintainer + cleanup script.crocket2011-09-01
* development/xvile: Updated for version 9.8e.Wayne Cuddy2011-09-01
* development/vile: Updated for version 9.8e.Wayne Cuddy2011-09-01
* system/p7zip: Updated for version 9.20.1.Heinz Wiesinger2011-09-01
* games/warmux: Updated for version 11.04.1.Heinz Wiesinger2011-09-01
* python/paramiko: Updated for version Wiesinger2011-09-01
* academic/celestia: Updated for version 1.6.1.Heinz Wiesinger2011-09-01
* audio/jack-audio-connection-kit: Updated for version 0.121.2.Heinz Wiesinger2011-09-01
* multimedia/parole: Added (GStreamer based media player)Hans Strijards2011-09-01
* network/cclive: Updated for version 0.7.5.crocket2011-08-31
* network/quvi: Updated for version 0.2.19.crocket2011-08-31
* development/nexus: Updated download location.Niels Horn2011-08-31
* graphics/oyranos: Added (Colour Management System)Diogo Leal2011-08-31
* desktop/xcm: Added (colour management tool)Diogo Leal2011-08-30
* libraries/libXcm: Added (implementation of the net-color spec)Diogo Leal2011-08-30
* system/unhide: Added (utility for discovering hidden processes)Black Rider2011-08-30
* system/oss: Updated for version 4.2.2005.Dugan Chen2011-08-30
* system/freefont: Updated for version 20100919 (+ new maintainer)Matthew Fillpot2011-08-29
* office/nts: Updated for version 82.Jostein Berntsen2011-08-29
* development/tiled-qt: Added (Tiled map editor)Dugan Chen2011-08-29
* multimedia/minitube: Updated for version 1.5./dev/ammo422011-08-29
* network/uwsgi: Updated for version Kažukauskas2011-08-29
* audio/gnomad2: Updated for version 2.9.6.Ron F. DeMoss2011-08-29
* Public www update: Mon Aug 29 00:53:28 UTC 201113.37-20110829.1Niels Horn2011-08-28
* libraries/alsa-plugins: Mark this APPROVEDErik Hanson2011-08-28
* audio/pavucontrol: Fix minor typoErik Hanson2011-08-28
* audio/pulseaudio: Fix minor typoErik Hanson2011-08-28
* libraries/yajl: Updated download location.Niels Horn2011-08-28
* development/love: Added (Lua 2D game development framework)Dugan Chen2011-08-28
* audio/zita-rev1: Added (reverb audio effect)B. Watson2011-08-28
* audio/xsynth-dssi: Added (software synthesizer)B. Watson2011-08-28
* audio/vcf_plugins: Added (LADSPA plugins)B. Watson2011-08-28
* audio/sfc: Added (midi router)B. Watson2011-08-28
* audio/qmidiroute: Added (MIDI router and filter utility)B. Watson2011-08-28
* academic/pianobooster: Added (educational music software)B. Watson2011-08-27
* audio/millenium-plugins: Added (LADSPA audio effects plugins)B. Watson2011-08-27
* audio/jack-tools: Added (tools for jack)B. Watson2011-08-27
* audio/invada_studio_plugins_lv2: Added (Audio plugins for LV2)B. Watson2011-08-27
* audio/horgand: Added (organ sounds softsynth)B. Watson2011-08-27
* audio/ghostess: Added (graphical DSSI host)B. Watson2011-08-27
* audio/fluidsynth-dssi: Added (DSSI plugin wrapper for FluidSynth)B. Watson2011-08-27
* audio/jack-rack: Added (LADSPA effects host)B. Watson2011-08-27
* system/isomd5sum: Added (MD5 checksums within an ISO9660 image)B. Watson2011-08-27
* audio/fantasia: Added (Java-based GUI frontend for LinuxSampler)B. Watson2011-08-26
* system/gphotofs: Added (FUSE filesystem for cameras)B. Watson2011-08-26