path: root/system/localepurge/localepurge.config.diff
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'system/localepurge/localepurge.config.diff')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/system/localepurge/localepurge.config.diff b/system/localepurge/localepurge.config.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 83f0218536..0000000000
--- a/system/localepurge/localepurge.config.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
---- localepurge.conf.orig 2014-02-04 18:17:32.554174127 +0100
-+++ localepurge.conf 2014-02-04 18:21:08.911092875 +0100
-@@ -2,26 +2,11 @@
- set -e
--. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
- # first get all possible locales and create a full list of locale values:
- TEMPFILE="$(mktemp --suffix ".locales")"
- LOCALELIST=/var/cache/localepurge/localelist
--conf_has_key() {
-- local key="$1"
-- if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ] && fgrep --quiet --line-regexp \
-- "$key" "$CONFIG_FILE"; then
-- echo "true"
-- else
-- echo "false"
-- fi
- # for the purpose of presenting a ready made preselection at the very first
- # configuration, include already configured locales from locales package:
-@@ -46,9 +31,7 @@
- # include locales supported by the locales package:
--if [ -f /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED ]; then
-- grep ^[a-z] /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort -u >> "$TEMPFILE"
-+find /usr/share/locale -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "*" -printf "%f\n" | grep "^[a-z]" | cut -d" " -f1 | sort -u >> "$TEMPFILE"
- # include locales from our previous localelist if it already exists:
-@@ -59,8 +42,7 @@
- # include locales from newly added locales:
--if [ -f "$NEWLOCALELIST" ] && \
-- [ $(ps w -p "$PPID" | grep -c dpkg-reconfigure) = "1" ]; then
-+if [ -f "$NEWLOCALELIST" ]; then
- fi
-@@ -79,96 +61,9 @@
- else
- sort -u "$TEMPFILE" > "$LOCALELIST"
--# finally sort and create full list of all collected locale names
--LOCALES=$(sort -u "$TEMPFILE" | tr '\n' ' ' \
-- | sed 's/\ /,\ /g' | sed 's/,\ $//g')
--if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ] ; then
-- # Update the debconf database
-- PRESELECT="$(grep --extended-regexp '^[[:lower:]][[:lower:]]' \
-- "$CONFIG_FILE" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/\ /,\ /g' | \
-- sed 's/,\ $//g')"
-- db_set localepurge/nopurge "$PRESELECT"
-- db_set localepurge/use-dpkg-feature "$(conf_has_key USE_DPKG)"
-- db_set localepurge/mandelete "$(conf_has_key MANDELETE)"
-- db_set localepurge/dontbothernew "$(conf_has_key DONTBOTHERNEWLOCALE)"
-- db_set localepurge/showfreedspace "$(conf_has_key SHOWFREEDSPACE)"
-- db_set localepurge/quickndirtycalc "$(conf_has_key QUICKNDIRTYCALC)"
-- db_set localepurge/verbose "$(conf_has_key VERBOSE)"
-- # sort and create preselection values from "$LOCALEGEN"
-- PRESELECT=$(sort -u "$LOCALEGEN" | tr '\n' ' ' \
-- | sed 's/\ /,\ /g' | sed 's/,\ $//g')
- fi
- # deleting temporary files not needed anymore:
--# now that all locale data is in place let debconf take over:
--db_subst localepurge/nopurge locales "$LOCALES"
--# uncomment for debugging:
--#echo "$LOCALES" > /tmp/locales.list
--db_get localepurge/nopurge
--if [ "$RET" = "" ] && [ "$RET" != "PURGE_ALL" ] \
-- || [ "$RET" = "NEEDSCONFIGFIRST" ]; then
-- db_set localepurge/nopurge "$PRESELECT"
-- db_fset localepurge/nopurge seen false
-- # uncomment for debugging:
-- #echo "$PRESELECT" > /tmp/preselect.list
--db_input high localepurge/nopurge || true
--db_get localepurge/nopurge
--if [ "$RET" = "" ] || [ "$RET" = "PURGE_ALL" ]; then
-- db_input high localepurge/none_selected || true
-- db_go
-- db_get localepurge/none_selected
-- if [ "$RET" = "false" ]; then
-- db_input high localepurge/remove_no || true
-- db_go
-- fi
--db_input high localepurge/use-dpkg-feature || true
--if [ "$RET" = "" -o "$RET" = "true" ] ; then
-- USE_DPKG=yes
-- USE_DPKG=no
--db_input medium localepurge/mandelete || true
--if [ "$USE_DPKG" = "xno" ] ; then
-- # Features incompatible with the dpkg approach.
-- db_input medium localepurge/dontbothernew || true
-- db_go
-- db_input low localepurge/showfreedspace || true
-- db_go
-- db_get localepurge/showfreedspace
-- if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
-- db_input low localepurge/quickndirtycalc || true
-- db_go
-- fi
-- db_input low localepurge/verbose || true
-- db_go