/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Test AudioNode#isSource() */ add_task(function*() { let { target, front } = yield initBackend(SIMPLE_NODES_URL); let [_, nodes] = yield Promise.all([ front.setup({ reload: true }), getN(front, "create-node", 14) ]); let actualTypes = yield Promise.all(nodes.map(node => node.getType())); let isSourceResult = yield Promise.all(nodes.map(node => node.isSource())); actualTypes.forEach((type, i) => { let shouldBeSource = type === "AudioBufferSourceNode" || type === "OscillatorNode"; if (shouldBeSource) is(isSourceResult[i], true, type + "'s isSource() yields into `true`"); else is(isSourceResult[i], false, type + "'s isSource() yields into `false`"); }); yield removeTab(target.tab); });