/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test CSS state is correctly determined and the corresponding suggestions are // displayed. i.e. CSS property suggestions are shown when cursor is like: // ```style="di|"``` where | is the cursor; And CSS value suggestion is // displayed when the cursor is like: ```style="display:n|"``` properly. No // suggestions should ever appear when the attribute is not a style attribute. // The correctness and cycling of the suggestions is covered in the ruleview // tests. const TEST_URL = TEST_URL_ROOT + "doc_markup_edit.html"; // test data format : // [ // what key to press, // expected input box value after keypress, // expected input.selectionStart, // expected input.selectionEnd, // is popup expected to be open ? // ] const TEST_DATA = [ ['s', 's', 1, 1, false], ['t', 'st', 2, 2, false], ['y', 'sty', 3, 3, false], ['l', 'styl', 4, 4, false], ['e', 'style', 5, 5, false], ['=', 'style=', 6, 6, false], ['"', 'style="', 7, 7, false], ['d', 'style="direction', 8, 16, true], ['VK_DOWN', 'style="display', 8, 14, true], ['VK_TAB', 'style="display', 14, 14, true], ['VK_TAB', 'style="dominant-baseline', 24, 24, true], ['VK_TAB', 'style="direction', 16, 16, true], ['click_1', 'style="display', 14, 14, false], [':', 'style="display:-moz-box', 15, 23, true], ['n', 'style="display:none', 16, 19, false], ['VK_BACK_SPACE', 'style="display:n', 16, 16, false], ['VK_BACK_SPACE', 'style="display:', 15, 15, false], [' ', 'style="display: -moz-box', 16, 24, true], [' ', 'style="display: -moz-box', 17, 25, true], ['i', 'style="display: inherit', 18, 24, true], ['VK_RIGHT', 'style="display: inherit', 24, 24, false], [';', 'style="display: inherit;', 25, 25, false], [' ', 'style="display: inherit; ', 26, 26, false], [' ', 'style="display: inherit; ', 27, 27, false], ['VK_LEFT', 'style="display: inherit; ', 26, 26, false], ['c', 'style="display: inherit; caption-side ', 27, 38, true], ['o', 'style="display: inherit; color ', 28, 31, true], ['VK_RIGHT', 'style="display: inherit; color ', 31, 31, false], [' ', 'style="display: inherit; color ', 32, 32, false], ['c', 'style="display: inherit; color c ', 33, 33, false], ['VK_BACK_SPACE', 'style="display: inherit; color ', 32, 32, false], [':', 'style="display: inherit; color :aliceblue ', 33, 42, true], ['c', 'style="display: inherit; color :cadetblue ', 34, 42, true], ['VK_DOWN', 'style="display: inherit; color :chartreuse ', 34, 43, true], ['VK_RIGHT', 'style="display: inherit; color :chartreuse ', 43, 43, false], [' ', 'style="display: inherit; color :chartreuse !important; ', 44, 55, true], ['!', 'style="display: inherit; color :chartreuse !important; ', 45, 55, false], ['VK_RIGHT', 'style="display: inherit; color :chartreuse !important; ', 55, 55, false], ['VK_RETURN', 'style="display: inherit; color :chartreuse !important;"', -1, -1, false] ]; add_task(function*() { info("Opening the inspector on the test URL"); let {inspector} = yield addTab(TEST_URL).then(openInspector); yield inspector.markup.expandAll(); let nodeFront = yield getNodeFront("#node14", inspector); let container = getContainerForNodeFront(nodeFront, inspector); let attr = container.editor.newAttr; attr.focus(); EventUtils.sendKey("return", inspector.panelWin); let editor = inplaceEditor(attr); for (let i = 0; i < TEST_DATA.length; i ++) { yield enterData(i, editor, inspector); yield checkData(i, editor, inspector); } while (inspector.markup.undo.canUndo()) { yield undoChange(inspector); } yield inspector.once("inspector-updated"); }); function enterData(index, editor, inspector) { let [key] = TEST_DATA[index]; info("Entering test data " + index + ": " + key + ", expecting: [" + TEST_DATA[index].slice(1) + "]"); let def = promise.defer(); if (/click_[0-9]/.test(key)) { let nb = +key.split("_")[1]; info("Clicking on item " + nb + " in the list"); editor.once("after-suggest", () => { executeSoon(def.resolve); }); editor.popup._list.childNodes[nb].click(); editor.input.blur(); return def.promise; } if (/(down|left|right|back_space|return)/ig.test(key)) { info("Adding event listener for down|left|right|back_space|return keys"); editor.input.addEventListener("keypress", function onKeypress() { if (editor.input) { editor.input.removeEventListener("keypress", onKeypress); } executeSoon(def.resolve); }); } else { editor.once("after-suggest", () => { executeSoon(def.resolve); }); } EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, {}, inspector.panelWin); return def.promise; } function* checkData(index, editor, inspector) { let [key, completion, selStart, selEnd, popupOpen] = TEST_DATA[index]; info("Test data " + index + " entered. Checking state."); if (selEnd != -1) { is(editor.input.value, completion, "Completed value is correct"); is(editor.input.selectionStart, selStart, "Selection start position is correct"); is(editor.input.selectionEnd, selEnd, "Selection end position is correct"); if (popupOpen) { ok(editor.popup.isOpen, "Popup is open"); } else { ok(editor.popup._panel.state != "open" && editor.popup._panel.state != "showing", "Popup is closed"); } } else { let nodeFront = yield getNodeFront("#node14", inspector); let editor = getContainerForNodeFront(nodeFront, inspector).editor; let attr = editor.attrs["style"].querySelector(".editable"); is(attr.textContent, completion, "Correct value is persisted after pressing Enter"); } }