// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cc = Components.classes; var windowMediator = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator); /* * This indicates from which corner of the screen alerts slide in, * and from which direction (horizontal/vertical). * 0, the default, represents bottom right, sliding vertically. * Use any bitwise combination of the following constants: * NS_ALERT_HORIZONTAL (1), NS_ALERT_LEFT (2), NS_ALERT_TOP (4). * * 6 4 * +-----------+ * 7| |5 * | | * 3| |1 * +-----------+ * 2 0 */ const NS_ALERT_HORIZONTAL = 1; const NS_ALERT_LEFT = 2; const NS_ALERT_TOP = 4; const WINDOW_MARGIN = 10; var gOrigin = 0; // Default value: alert from bottom right. var gReplacedWindow = null; var gAlertListener = null; var gAlertTextClickable = false; var gAlertCookie = ""; var gIsReplaced = false; function prefillAlertInfo() { // unwrap all the args.... // arguments[0] --> the image src url // arguments[1] --> the alert title // arguments[2] --> the alert text // arguments[3] --> is the text clickable? // arguments[4] --> the alert cookie to be passed back to the listener // arguments[5] --> the alert origin reported by the look and feel // arguments[6] --> bidi // arguments[7] --> lang // arguments[8] --> replaced alert window (nsIDOMWindow) // arguments[9] --> an optional callback listener (nsIObserver) document.getElementById('alertTime').setAttribute('value', (new Date).getTime()); switch (window.arguments.length) { default: case 10: gAlertListener = window.arguments[9]; case 9: gReplacedWindow = window.arguments[8]; case 6: gOrigin = window.arguments[5]; case 5: gAlertCookie = window.arguments[4]; case 4: gAlertTextClickable = window.arguments[3]; if (gAlertTextClickable) { document.getElementById('alertNotification').setAttribute('clickable', true); document.getElementById('alertTextLabel').setAttribute('clickable', true); } case 3: document.getElementById('alertTextLabel').textContent = window.arguments[2]; case 2: document.getElementById('alertTitleLabel').setAttribute('value', window.arguments[1]); case 1: if (window.arguments[0]) { document.getElementById('alertImage').setAttribute('src', window.arguments[0]); } case 0: break; } } function onAlertLoad() { const ALERT_DURATION_IMMEDIATE = 4000; let alertTextBox = document.getElementById("alertTextBox"); let alertImageBox = document.getElementById("alertImageBox"); alertImageBox.style.minHeight = alertTextBox.scrollHeight + "px"; sizeToContent(); if (gReplacedWindow && !gReplacedWindow.closed) { moveWindowToReplace(gReplacedWindow); gReplacedWindow.gIsReplaced = true; gReplacedWindow.close(); } else { moveWindowToEnd(); } window.addEventListener("XULAlertClose", function() { window.close(); }); if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("alerts.disableSlidingEffect")) { setTimeout(function() { window.close(); }, ALERT_DURATION_IMMEDIATE); return; } let alertBox = document.getElementById("alertBox"); alertBox.addEventListener("animationend", function hideAlert(event) { if (event.animationName == "alert-animation") { alertBox.removeEventListener("animationend", hideAlert, false); window.close(); } }, false); alertBox.setAttribute("animate", true); if (gAlertListener) { gAlertListener.observe(null, "alertshow", gAlertCookie); } } function moveWindowToReplace(aReplacedAlert) { let heightDelta = window.outerHeight - aReplacedAlert.outerHeight; // Move windows that come after the replaced alert if the height is different. if (heightDelta != 0) { let windows = windowMediator.getEnumerator('alert:alert'); while (windows.hasMoreElements()) { let alertWindow = windows.getNext(); // boolean to determine if the alert window is after the replaced alert. let alertIsAfter = gOrigin & NS_ALERT_TOP ? alertWindow.screenY > aReplacedAlert.screenY : aReplacedAlert.screenY > alertWindow.screenY; if (alertIsAfter) { // The new Y position of the window. let adjustedY = gOrigin & NS_ALERT_TOP ? alertWindow.screenY + heightDelta : alertWindow.screenY - heightDelta; alertWindow.moveTo(alertWindow.screenX, adjustedY); } } } let adjustedY = gOrigin & NS_ALERT_TOP ? aReplacedAlert.screenY : aReplacedAlert.screenY - heightDelta; window.moveTo(aReplacedAlert.screenX, adjustedY); } function moveWindowToEnd() { // Determine position let x = gOrigin & NS_ALERT_LEFT ? screen.availLeft : screen.availLeft + screen.availWidth - window.outerWidth; let y = gOrigin & NS_ALERT_TOP ? screen.availTop : screen.availTop + screen.availHeight - window.outerHeight; // Position the window at the end of all alerts. let windows = windowMediator.getEnumerator('alert:alert'); while (windows.hasMoreElements()) { let alertWindow = windows.getNext(); let alertWindowTime = Number( alertWindow.document.getElementById('alertTime').getAttribute('value')); let windowTime = Number( window.document.getElementById('alertTime').getAttribute('value')); // The time of window creation. // Otherwise calling the notification twice (and more) in a row // does not work. // See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1263155 if ((alertWindow != window) && (alertWindowTime <= windowTime)) { if (gOrigin & NS_ALERT_TOP) { y = Math.max(y, alertWindow.screenY + alertWindow.outerHeight); } else { y = Math.min(y, alertWindow.screenY - window.outerHeight); } } } // Offset the alert by WINDOW_MARGIN pixels from the edge of the screen y += gOrigin & NS_ALERT_TOP ? WINDOW_MARGIN : -WINDOW_MARGIN; x += gOrigin & NS_ALERT_LEFT ? WINDOW_MARGIN : -WINDOW_MARGIN; window.moveTo(x, y); } function onAlertBeforeUnload() { if (!gIsReplaced) { // Move other alert windows to fill the gap left by closing alert. let heightDelta = window.outerHeight + WINDOW_MARGIN; let windows = windowMediator.getEnumerator('alert:alert'); while (windows.hasMoreElements()) { let alertWindow = windows.getNext(); if (alertWindow != window) { if (gOrigin & NS_ALERT_TOP) { if (alertWindow.screenY > window.screenY) { alertWindow.moveTo(alertWindow.screenX, alertWindow.screenY - heightDelta); } } else { if (window.screenY > alertWindow.screenY) { alertWindow.moveTo(alertWindow.screenX, alertWindow.screenY + heightDelta); } } } } } if (gAlertListener) { gAlertListener.observe(null, "alertfinished", gAlertCookie); } } function onAlertClick() { if (gAlertListener && gAlertTextClickable) { gAlertListener.observe(null, "alertclickcallback", gAlertCookie); } window.close(); }