/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); function TCPSocketParentIntermediary() { } TCPSocketParentIntermediary.prototype = { _setCallbacks: function(aParentSide, socket) { aParentSide.initJS(this); this._socket = socket; // Create handlers for every possible callback that attempt to trigger // corresponding callbacks on the child object. // ondrain event is not forwarded, since the decision of firing ondrain // is made in child. ["open", "data", "error", "close"].forEach( function(p) { socket["on" + p] = function(data) { aParentSide.sendEvent(p, data.data, socket.readyState, socket.bufferedAmount); }; } ); }, _onUpdateBufferedAmountHandler: function(aParentSide, aBufferedAmount, aTrackingNumber) { aParentSide.sendUpdateBufferedAmount(aBufferedAmount, aTrackingNumber); }, open: function(aParentSide, aHost, aPort, aUseSSL, aBinaryType, aAppId, aInBrowser) { let baseSocket = Cc["@mozilla.org/tcp-socket;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMTCPSocket); let socket = baseSocket.open(aHost, aPort, {useSecureTransport: aUseSSL, binaryType: aBinaryType}); if (!socket) return null; let socketInternal = socket.QueryInterface(Ci.nsITCPSocketInternal); socketInternal.setAppId(aAppId); socketInternal.setInBrowser(aInBrowser); // Handle parent's request to update buffered amount. socketInternal.setOnUpdateBufferedAmountHandler( this._onUpdateBufferedAmountHandler.bind(this, aParentSide)); // Handlers are set to the JS-implemented socket object on the parent side. this._setCallbacks(aParentSide, socket); return socket; }, listen: function(aTCPServerSocketParent, aLocalPort, aBacklog, aBinaryType, aAppId, aInBrowser) { let baseSocket = Cc["@mozilla.org/tcp-socket;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMTCPSocket); let serverSocket = baseSocket.listen(aLocalPort, { binaryType: aBinaryType }, aBacklog); if (!serverSocket) return null; let localPort = serverSocket.localPort; serverSocket["onconnect"] = function(socket) { var socketParent = Cc["@mozilla.org/tcp-socket-parent;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsITCPSocketParent); var intermediary = new TCPSocketParentIntermediary(); let socketInternal = socket.QueryInterface(Ci.nsITCPSocketInternal); socketInternal.setAppId(aAppId); socketInternal.setInBrowser(aInBrowser); socketInternal.setOnUpdateBufferedAmountHandler( intermediary._onUpdateBufferedAmountHandler.bind(intermediary, socketParent)); // Handlers are set to the JS-implemented socket object on the parent side, // so that the socket parent object can communicate data // with the corresponding socket child object through IPC. intermediary._setCallbacks(socketParent, socket); // The members in the socket parent object are set with arguments, // so that the socket parent object can communicate data // with the JS socket object on the parent side via the intermediary object. socketParent.setSocketAndIntermediary(socket, intermediary); aTCPServerSocketParent.sendCallbackAccept(socketParent); }; serverSocket["onerror"] = function(data) { var error = data.data; aTCPServerSocketParent.sendCallbackError(error.message, error.filename, error.lineNumber, error.columnNumber); }; return serverSocket; }, onRecvSendString: function(aData, aTrackingNumber) { let socketInternal = this._socket.QueryInterface(Ci.nsITCPSocketInternal); return socketInternal.onRecvSendFromChild(aData, 0, 0, aTrackingNumber); }, onRecvSendArrayBuffer: function(aData, aTrackingNumber) { let socketInternal = this._socket.QueryInterface(Ci.nsITCPSocketInternal); return socketInternal.onRecvSendFromChild(aData, 0, aData.byteLength, aTrackingNumber); }, classID: Components.ID("{afa42841-a6cb-4a91-912f-93099f6a3d18}"), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([ Ci.nsITCPSocketIntermediary ]) }; this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([TCPSocketParentIntermediary]);