/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; function test() { let l10 = TiltUtils.L10n; ok(l10, "The TiltUtils.L10n wasn't found."); ok(l10.stringBundle, "The necessary string bundle wasn't found."); is(l10.get(), null, "The get() function shouldn't work if no params are passed."); is(l10.format(), null, "The format() function shouldn't work if no params are passed."); is(typeof l10.get("initWebGL.error"), "string", "No valid string was returned from a corect name in the bundle."); is(typeof l10.format("linkProgram.error", ["error"]), "string", "No valid formatted string was returned from a name in the bundle."); }