path: root/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/source/pkgtools/manpages')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 713 deletions
diff --git a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/explodepkg.8 b/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/explodepkg.8
deleted file mode 100644
index ddc3d47c..00000000
--- a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/explodepkg.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-.\" -*- nroff -*-
-.ds g \" empty
-.ds G \" empty
-.\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half
-.\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent. Tp \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP
-.el .TP "\\$1"
-.TH EXPLODEPKG 8 "21 May 1994" "Slackware Version 2.0.0"
-explodepkg \- Extract the contents of a tar+compression package (such as a Slackware
-software package) in the current directory.
-.B explodepkg
-.BI package
-.BI [
-.BI package2,
-.BI package3,
-.BI ...
-.BI ]
-.B explodepkg
-uncompresses and untars Slackware *.tgz (or .tbz, .tlz, .txz) packages (or any archive
-that was created by
-compressing a tarfile with one of the supported compression utilities) in the current directory. It is not usually
-used to install packages, since it doesn't execute the installation scripts
-in ./install or ./var/lib/pkgtools/setup. The primary use for
-.B explodepkg
-is in package maintenance - exploding a package in a subdirectory, making fixes
-to it or upgrading the software, and then building the updated package with
-.B makepkg.
-Patrick J. Volkerding <>
-.BR tar(1),
-.BR gzip(1),
-.BR installpkg(8),
-.BR makepkg(8),
-.BR pkgtool(8),
-.BR upgradepkg(8)
diff --git a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/installpkg.8 b/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/installpkg.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 204cc841..00000000
--- a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/installpkg.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-.\" -*- nroff -*-
-.ds g \" empty
-.ds G \" empty
-.\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half
-.\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent. Tp \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP
-.el .TP "\\$1"
-.TH INSTALLPKG 8 "22 Nov 2001" "Slackware Version 8.1.0"
-installpkg \- install Slackware packages.
-.B installpkg
-.B \--warn
-.B \--md5sum
-.B \--root /otherroot
-.B \--infobox
-.B \--menu
-.B \--terse
-.B \--terselength <length>
-.B \--ask
-.B \--priority ADD|REC|OPT|SKP
-.B \--tagfile /somedir/tagfile
-.B \--threads <number>
-.BI packagename
-.B packagename2 ...
-.B installpkg
-installs single or multiple *.txz (or .tbz, .tgz, .tlz) binary packages designed
-for use with the Slackware Linux distribution onto your system.
-.B \--warn packagename
-Generate a list of files that would be overwritten to the standard output, but do
-not actually install the package. The list is formatted in a suitable fashion to
-use as a list of files to backup.
-.B \--md5sum packagename
-Record the package md5sum in the metadata written in /var/lib/pkgtools/packages.
-.B \--root /otherroot
-Install using a location other than / (the default) as the root of the
-filesystem to install on. In the example given, use /otherroot instead. Setting
-the ROOT environment variable does the same thing.
-.B \--infobox
-Use /bin/dialog to display an informational dialog as the package is installed.
-Primarily used when installpkg is called from other scripts.
-.B \--menu
-Use /bin/dialog to display a menu asking the user if they would like to install the
-package(s) or not. Generally used when installpkg is called from other scripts.
-.B \--terse
-Install the package displaying only a single description line to stdout.
-.B \--terselength <length>
-Maximum line length of --terse mode output. Default is the number of terminal columns.
-.B \--ask
-Used with -menu mode. When selected, always ask if a package should be
-installed regardless of what the package's priority is.
-.B \--priority ADD|REC|OPT|SKP
-When installing with the \-menu option, package priority levels (found in the file
-"tagfile" in the package directory) are used to automatically install (ADD) or
-skip (SKP) a package, or to suggest recommended (REC) or optional (OPT) to the user
-if a menu is displayed. If a priority is set on the command line, it will override
-the values set in the tagfile for the entire package list.
-.B \--tagfile /somedir/tagfile
-Specify a different file to use for package priorities (in this example, /somedir/tagfile
-will be used). The default is "tagfile" in the package's directory.
-.B \--threads <number>
-For xz/plzip compressed packages, set the maximum number of threads to be used for
-decompression. Only has an effect if a multithreaded compressor was used, and then
-only on large packages. The default for plzip is the number of CPU threads available.
-The default for xz is 2.
-.B Install a font package for X:
-installpkg font-bh-ttf-1.0.3-noarch-1.txz
-Note that if a package is already installed, upgradepkg(8) should be used instead.
-.B Create a backup of the files that would be overwritten if the package is installed:
-tar czvf /tmp/backup.tar.gz \\
- $(installpkg --warn font-bh-ttf-1.0.3-noarch-1.txz)
-Patrick J. Volkerding <>
-.BR makepkg(8),
-.BR removepkg(8),
-.BR explodepkg(8),
-.BR pkgtool(8),
-.BR upgradepkg(8)
diff --git a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/makepkg.8 b/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/makepkg.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 16a98f3f..00000000
--- a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/makepkg.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-.\" -*- nroff -*-
-.ds g \" empty
-.ds G \" empty
-.\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half
-.\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent. Tp \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP
-.el .TP "\\$1"
-.TH MAKEPKG 8 "21 May 1994" "Slackware Version 2.0.0"
-makepkg \- make Slackware packages.
-.B makepkg
-.B -l, --linkadd y|n
-.B -c, --chown y|n
-.B --threads <number>
-.B --compress <option>
-.B --acls
-.B --xattrs
-.BI packagename
-.B makepkg
-creates a new Slackware compatible package.
-The package is constructed using the contents of the current directory and
-all subdirectories. If symbolic links exist, they will be converted to script
-code to recreate them when the package is installed. This code will be
-appended to the primary installation script
-.B ( install/ )
-, or, if that script does not exist it will be created with those contents.
-The package will be written out to the file
-.BI packagename
-which should be the full name, including the extension. This is usually .txz,
-but .tgz, .tbz, and .tlz are also accepted. The proper compression utility
-(xz, gzip, bzip2, or lzip) needs to be installed on the machine.
-.B \-l, --linkadd y|n
-If y, add any symbolic links found to the install script ( and
-delete them. This is the recommended action. If this option is not used,
-makepkg will prompt if symbolic links are found.
-.B \-p, --prepend
-If this option is given, then any symbolic links added to will be
-prepended to the existing script. This is useful for packages that contain
-shared libraries that need to be linked first because programs will use them
-later in the script.
-.B \-c, --chown y|n
-If y, makepkg will reset all directory permissions to 755 and ownership to root:root.
-In general, you should have the permissions and ownerships worked out yourself, so
-relying on setting this option to y is somewhat sloppy. It is not the default. If an
-option is not provided, makepkg will prompt.
-.B --threads <number>
-For xz/plzip compressed packages, set the maximum number of threads to be used for
-compression. Only has an effect on large packages. For plzip, the default is the number
-of CPU threads available. For xz, the default is 2 (due to commonly occuring memory
-related failures on 32-bit with too many threads and multithreaded xz compression).
-.B --compress <option>
-Supply a custom option to the compressor. This will be used in place of the default, which is: -9
-.B --acls
-Support storing POSIX ACLs in the package. The resulting package will not be compatible
-with pkgtools version < 15.0.
-.B --xattrs
-Support storing extended attributes in the package. The resulting package will not be
-compatible with pkgtools version < 15.0.
-There are 3 types of installation scripts supported in the Slackware package
-The first is the
-.B primary
-installation script. This is found in the subdirectory
-.B ./install
-and must have the name
-in order to be recognized. This ( and other install scripts ) should be written
-using the basic Bourne shell syntax recognized by the
-.B ash
-shell, since this is the shell that will be used to execute the script when
-installing from a Slackware install floppy. This is a common trap - beware of
-.B bash
-syntax extensions, because the script will work fine when installed from the
-hard drive, but will bomb out when installed from floppy. If the package is
-for personal use, this isn't a problem. Be careful, though, if you plan to
-share your package with other users. The
-.B primary installation script
-is executed immediately after the package is installed with
-.B installpkg, pkgtool,
-.B setup.
-The second type of script is the
-.B configuration
-script. This is found in the subdirectory
-.B ./var/lib/pkgtools/setup
-and must have a name that starts with
-.B setup.
-in order to be recongnized. An example is the timezone script:
-.B /var/lib/pkgtools/setup/setup.timeconfig.
-These scripts are executed during the
-phase of
-.B setup,
-and are re-executed each time the user runs the
-option from
-.B setup
-from then on.
-Typically, the user will go through this phase of setup following the
-installation of all the packages. Anything that needs to be interactive
-should go in one of these scripts to avoid halting the package installation
-process during
-.B setup.
-The third type of script is the
-.B onlyonce
-script. Like the name suggests, these are executed only once after the package
-is installed, in contrast to the standard
-.B configuration
-script. These scripts are also found in the
-.B ./var/lib/pkgtools/setup
-directory and must have a name that starts with
-.B setup.,
-but in addition the name must contain the string
-.B onlyonce.
-An example might be a script with the name
-.B /var/lib/pkgtools/setup/setup.onlyonce.testscript
-.B makepkg
-uses GNU tar plus GNU gzip to create its packages. A simple way to
-extract the contents of a package (without executing the installation
-scripts, of course) is to use a command like this:
-explodepkg package.tgz
-Or, something like this:
-gzip -dc package.tgz | tar xvvf -
-Patrick J. Volkerding <>
-.BR installpkg(8),
-.BR explodepkg(8),
-.BR removepkg(8),
-.BR pkgtool(8),
-.BR upgradepkg(8)
diff --git a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/pkgdiff.8 b/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/pkgdiff.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d91ac21..00000000
--- a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/pkgdiff.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-.\" -*- nroff -*-
-.ds g \" empty
-.ds G \" empty
-.\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half
-.\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent. Tp \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP
-.el .TP "\\$1"
-.TH PKGDIFF 8 "11 Apr 2018" "Slackware Version 15.0
-pkgdiff \- compare the file contents of two packages.
-.B pkgdiff
-.B \--help
-.B \-c
-.B \-a
-.BI packagename
-.BI packagename2
-.B pkgdiff
-Displays the differences in the files contained in two packages. This works with
-plain .tar, Slackware packages (.tgz, .tbz, .tlz, .txz), .rpm, and .deb. By default,
-the results will be displayed in a tree-style unified diff format.
-.B \--help
-Display help for using the pkgdiff utility.
-.B \-c
-Colorize the tree-style output a-la DIR_COLORS. If piping to a pager such as
-less, you'll need to enable displaying raw data. For example:
-pkgdiff -c package-1.0-i586-1.txz package-2.0-i586-1.txz | less -r
-.B \-a
-Instead of a tree-style output format, generate a simple unified diff of the
-package file lists.
-.B Compare two packages and pipe the result to less:
-pkgdiff package-1.0-i586-1.txz package-2.0-i586-1.txz | less
-Patrick J. Volkerding <>
-.BR makepkg(8),
-.BR removepkg(8),
-.BR explodepkg(8),
-.BR pkgtool(8),
-.BR upgradepkg(8)
diff --git a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/pkgtool.8 b/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/pkgtool.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 56e39217..00000000
--- a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/pkgtool.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-.\" -*- nroff -*-
-.ds g \" empty
-.ds G \" empty
-.\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half
-.\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent. Tp \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP
-.el .TP "\\$1"
-.TH PKGTOOL 8 "24 Nov 1995" "Slackware Version 3.1.0"
-pkgtool \- software package maintenance tool.
-.B pkgtool
-.B pkgtool
-.B --sets #a#b#c#
-.B --source_mounted
-.B --ignore_tagfiles
-.B --tagfile tagfile
-.B --source_dir directory
-.B --target_dir directory
-.B --source_device device
-.B pkgtool
-is a menu-driven package maintenance tool provided with the Slackware Linux
-distribution. It allows the user to install, remove, or view
-software packages through an interactive
-system. Pkgtool can also be used to re-run the menu-driven scripts normally
-executed at the end of a Slackware installation. This is useful for doing
-basic reconfiguration (like changing the mouse type).
-Most users will not want to use any options when running
-.B pkgtool.
-These are generally used only when
-.B pkgtool
-is run during the initial system installation.
-Feel free to try them, but be careful.
-.B \--sets #A#B#C#
-Install the disk sets A, B, C. Seperate the disk set names by '#' symbols.
-.B \--source_mounted
-When this flag is present,
-.B pkgtool
-will not attempt to unmount and remount the source device with each disk.
-.B \--ignore_tagfiles
-When this flag is present,
-.B pkgtool
-will install every package encountered no matter what the tagfiles say.
-.B \--tagfile tagfile
-This flag is used to specify from the command line which tagfile should be
-used for the installation.
-.B \--source_dir directory
-Used when installing multiple packages from disk sets. This is the directory
-in which the subdirectories for each disk are found. This isn't used when
-installing from floppy.
-.B \--target_dir directory
-The directory where the target root directory is located. This is '/' when
-installing on the hard drive, or typically '/mnt' when installing from an
-install disk.
-.B \--source_device device
-The source device to install from. This is not used if you've provided the
-.B \--source_mounted
-flag. It's usually used when installing from floppy, as in:
- \--source_device /dev/fd0u1440
- \--source_device /dev/fd1h1200.
-Patrick J. Volkerding <>
-.BR makepkg(8),
-.BR explodepkg(8),
-.BR installpkg(8),
-.BR removepkg(8),
-.BR upgradepkg(8)
diff --git a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/removepkg.8 b/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/removepkg.8
deleted file mode 100644
index f92ed8c2..00000000
--- a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/removepkg.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-.\" -*- nroff -*-
-.ds g \" empty
-.ds G \" empty
-.\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half
-.\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent. Tp \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP
-.el .TP "\\$1"
-.TH REMOVEPKG 8 "23 Nov 2001" "Slackware Version 8.1.0"
-removepkg \- remove Slackware packages.
-.B removepkg
-.BI packagename
-.B ROOT=/mnt
-.B removepkg
-.B \--copy
-.B \--keep
-.B \--preserve
-.B \--terse
-.B \--warn
-.BI packagename
-.B removepkg
-removes a previously installed Slackware package, while writing a progress
-report to the standard output. A package may be specified either by the
-full package name (as you'd see listed in /var/lib/pkgtools/packages/), or by the
-base package name. For example, the package foo-1.0-i586-1.txz may be removed
-with any of the following commands:
-removepkg foo-1.0-i586-1.txz (also recognized: .tgz, .tbz, .tlz)
-removepkg foo-1.0-i586-1
-removepkg foo.txz
-removepkg foo
-When deleting files,
-.B removepkg
-will analyze the contents of the other packages installed on your system, and
-will only delete the files that are unique to the package being removed.
-Similarly, the installation scripts for all the other packages will be
-considered when deciding whether or not to delete symbolic links from the
-Removing a package (as well as installing one) can be a dangerous undertaking.
-For this reason, there is the
-.B \-warn
-option available. When you use this,
-.B removepkg
-will not actually remove any files or links, but will output a detailed report
-of what it would do if you actually did remove the package. It's suggested that
-you do this (and maybe pipe the output to
-.B less
-) before removing packages to make sure you've backed up anything that might
-be important.
-When removing a package, it's original file index will be moved from
-/var/lib/pkgtools/packages to /var/log/pkgtools/removed_packages. Likewise, its installation
-script will be moved from /var/lib/pkgtools/scripts to /var/log/pkgtools/removed_scripts.
-.B \--copy packagename
-Construct a copy of the package under /var/lib/pkgtools/setup/tmp/preserved_packages/packagename,
-but don't remove it. (same effect as \-warn \-preserve)
-.B \--keep
-Save the intermediate files created by removepkg (delete_list,
-required_files, uniq_list, del_link_list, required_links,
-required_list). Mostly useful for debugging purposes.
-.B \--preserve packagename
-If specified, the complete package subtree is reconstructed in
-.B \--terse
-Remove the package displaying only a single description line to stdout.
-.B \--warn packagename
-Generate a report to the standard output about which files and directories
-would be removed, but does not actually remove the package.
-.SH " "
-It's possible to remove a package from a filesystem
-other than / by supplying
-.B removepkg
-with a
-environment variable:
-.B ROOT=/mnt removepkg package
-Patrick J. Volkerding <>,
-with enhancements by Christian Franke <>
-.BR installpkg(8),
-.BR makepkg(8),
-.BR pkgtool(8),
-.BR upgradepkg(8)
diff --git a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/upgradepkg.8 b/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/upgradepkg.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 757d6003..00000000
--- a/testing/source/pkgtools/manpages/upgradepkg.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-.\" -*- nroff -*-
-.ds g \" empty
-.ds G \" empty
-.\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half
-.\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent. Tp \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP
-.el .TP "\\$1"
-.TH UPGRADEPKG 8 "31 May 2002" "Slackware Version 8.1.0"
-upgradepkg \- upgrade Slackware packages.
-.B upgradepkg
-.B --dry-run
-.B --install-new
-.B --reinstall
-.B \--terse
-.B \--terselength <length>
-.B --verbose
-.BI newpackagename
-.BI [ newpackagename2 ]
-.B upgradepkg
-.B --dry-run
-.B --install-new
-.B --reinstall
-.B \--terse
-.B \--terselength <length>
-.B --verbose
-.BI oldpackagename%newpackagename
-.BI [ old2%new2 ]
-.B upgradepkg
-upgrades a Slackware package from an older version to a
-newer one. It does this by
-the new package onto the system, and then
-any files from the old package that aren't in the new package.
-If the old and new packages have the same name, a single argument is all that
-is required. If the packages have different names, supply the name of the
-old package followed by a percent symbol (%), then the name of the new package.
-Do not add any extra whitespace between pairs of old/new package names.
-Before upgrading a package, save any configuration files (such as in /etc)
-that you wish to keep. Sometimes these will be preserved, but it depends on
-the package structure. If you want to force new versions of the config files
-to be installed, remove the old ones manually prior to running upgradepkg.
-If upgradepkg finds more than one installed package matching the old package's
-name, it will remove them all.
-To upgrade in a directory other than / (such as /mnt):
-ROOT=/mnt upgradepkg package.txz (or .tbz, .tgz, .tlz)
-.B \--dry-run
-Output a report about which packages would be installed or upgraded
-but don't actually perform the upgrades.
-.B \--install-new
-Normally upgradepkg only upgrades packages that are already installed on the system, and
-will skip any packages that do not already have a version installed.
-.B --install-new
-is specified, the behavior is modified to install new packages in addition to upgrading
-existing ones.
-.B \--reinstall
-Upgradepkg usually skips packages if the exact same package
-(matching name, version, arch, and build number) is already installed on the system.
-Use the --reinstall option if you want to upgrade all packages even if the same
-version is already installed.
-.B \--terse
-Upgrade the package displaying only a single description line to stdout.
-.B \--terselength <length>
-Maximum line length of --terse mode output. Default is the number of terminal columns.
-.B \--verbose
-Show all the gory details of the upgrade.
-Patrick J. Volkerding <>
-.BR makepkg(8),
-.BR installpkg(8),
-.BR removepkg(8),
-.BR explodepkg(8),
-.BR pkgtool(8)