path: root/isolinux/sbootmgr/RAWRITENT.DOC
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1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/isolinux/sbootmgr/RAWRITENT.DOC b/isolinux/sbootmgr/RAWRITENT.DOC
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b8dcb38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isolinux/sbootmgr/RAWRITENT.DOC
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+{ This Program is released unter the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL).
+ In short words this means anybody can do anything with it except incorporating it
+ in whole or part into a new application that is sold and/or marketed commercially,
+ without disclosing the sources to the public.
+ For further details, refer to
+ This program has been written by Benedikt Hochstrasser ( or
+ Its purpose is to transfer raw images to diskette, just
+ like the rawrite program supplied with Slackware Linux. The difference is: this is
+ a native Windows NT application.
+ Syntax: RaWriteNT <source image file> <target drive>
+ Use at your own risk. Although that piece of software has been thouroughly tested I
+ am not responsible for any damage resulting in the use of this software. This software
+ will overwrite stuff stored on a direct-access storage device such as a diskette,
+ hard disk, zip drive, LS-120 drive or similar medium. You have been warned.
+ Zurich, Late August 2000. (c) 2000
+program RaWriteNT;
+uses windows;
+{$R *.RES}
+const IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY: Cardinal = $70000;
+type TDiskGeometry = record
+ Cylinders : Int64;
+ Media_Type : LongInt;
+ TracksPerCylinder : Cardinal;
+ SectorsPerTrack : Cardinal;
+ BytesPerSector : Cardinal;
+ end;
+var InFileName, OutFileName: String;
+ Drive: Char;
+ HIn, HOut, BufBytes, FileSize, MediaSize, BlkSize, BlkNum, i: Cardinal;
+ Buf: Array[0..65535] of Byte;
+ DriveGeometry: TDiskGeometry;
+function ExtractFileName(FullName: String): String;
+ { cf SysUtils.ExtractFileName - mimicked here for size purposes }
+ var i, n: integer;
+ begin
+ n := Length(FullName);
+ Result := FullName;
+ for i := n downto 1 do if FullName[i] = '\' then break;
+ if i > 1 then Result := Copy(FullName, i+1, n-i);
+ end;
+function IsWinNT: Boolean;
+ { that should be obvious }
+ var osinfo: TOSVersionInfo;
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ osinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(osinfo);
+ if GetVersionEx(osinfo) then
+ Result := (osinfo.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT);
+ end;
+procedure ReReadDrive;
+ { just invoke a dummy 'get free disk space' to re-initialize the drive after
+ the write }
+ var BytesPerSect, FreeCl, TotCl, SecPerCl: Cardinal;
+ begin
+ GetDiskFreeSpace(PChar(Drive + ':\'), SecPerCl, BytesPerSect, FreeCl, TotCl);
+ end;
+begin { finally. dah main program. }
+ Writeln;
+ { do the copyright messages }
+ Writeln('RaWriteNT 1.0 by Ben Hochstrasser (');
+ { discourage Win9x users }
+ If Not IsWinNT then begin
+ Writeln(ParamStr(0), ' has been tested under Windows NT only. Sorry...');
+ halt(255);
+ end;
+ { get parameters }
+ InFileName := '';
+ OutFileName := '';
+ if ParamCount > 0 then InFileName := ParamStr(1);
+ if ParamCount > 1 then OutFileName := ParamStr(2);
+ if InFileName = '' then begin
+ Write('Source Image File name: ');
+ Readln(InFileName);
+ if InFileName = '' then halt(255);
+ end;
+ if OutFileName = '' then begin
+ Write('Target Drive [A]: ');
+ Readln(OutFileName);
+ end;
+ { check target }
+ if OutFileName = '' then
+ Drive := 'A'
+ else
+ Drive := UpCase(Char(OutFileName[1]));
+ if GetDriveType(PChar(Drive + ':\')) in [DRIVE_FIXED, DRIVE_REMOTE, DRIVE_CDROM] then begin
+ Writeln('Drive ' + Drive + ': does not appear to be a removable (and writable) drive.');
+ Writeln('Hard Disks, Network Drives and CD-ROM Drives cannot be Targets. Sorry.');
+ Halt(255);
+ end;
+ { prepend the NT incantation stuff }
+ OutFileName := '\\.\' + Drive + ':';
+ { try to open devices }
+ if HIn = 0 then begin
+ Writeln('Fatal Error: Cannot open ' + InFileName + ' for read.');
+ Halt(1);
+ end;
+ if HOut = 0 then begin
+ Writeln('Fatal Error: Cannot open ' + OutFileName + ' for write.');
+ CloseHandle(HIn);
+ Halt(2);
+ end;
+ { overwrite 1st sector with 0 };
+ FillChar(Buf, 512, 0);
+ WriteFile(HOut, Buf, 512, BufBytes, NIL);
+ { get target geometry }
+ DeviceIoControl(HOut, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, nil, 0, @DriveGeometry, SizeOf(DriveGeometry), BufBytes, NIL);
+ { determine sizes }
+ MediaSize := DriveGeometry.BytesPerSector * DriveGeometry.SectorsPerTrack * DriveGeometry.TracksPerCylinder * DriveGeometry.Cylinders;
+ FileSize := GetFileSize(HIn, Nil);
+ if FileSize > MediaSize then begin
+ Writeln('Oops - That file is too big for this medium (', FileSize, ' vs. ', MediaSize, ' Bytes).');
+ Halt(3);
+ end;
+ { block size is 1 track }
+ BlkSize := DriveGeometry.SectorsPerTrack * DriveGeometry.BytesPerSector;
+ { round up # of blocks if necessary }
+ BlkNum := (FileSize + BlkSize - 1) DIV BlkSize;
+ Writeln('Transferring ', FileSize, ' Bytes (',
+ (FileSize + DriveGeometry.BytesPerSector - 1) div DriveGeometry.BytesPerSector,
+ ' Sectors) from Image ', ExtractFileName(InFileName), ' to Drive ', Drive, ':');
+ { move file pointers to beginning }
+ SetFilePointer(hIn, 0, NIL, FILE_BEGIN);
+ SetFilePointer(hOut, 0, NIL, FILE_BEGIN);
+ { loop through all blocks }
+ for i := 1 to BlkNum do begin
+ if not ReadFile(HIn, Buf, BlkSize, BufBytes, NIL) then begin
+ writeln('Error ', GetLastError, ' on File Read');
+ break;
+ end;
+ if not WriteFile(HOut, Buf, BlkSize, BufBytes, NIL) then begin
+ writeln('Error ', GetLastError, ' on File Write');
+ break;
+ end;
+ write((100 * i) div BlkNum, '% completed.', #13);
+ end;
+ writeln;
+ { close files }
+ CloseHandle(HIn);
+ CloseHandle(HOut);
+ { re-read target medium information }
+ ReReadDrive;
+ If ParamCount = 0 then begin
+ Writeln;
+ Writeln('(Press any Key) ');
+ Readln;
+ end;