/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef jit_MOpcodes_h #define jit_MOpcodes_h namespace js { namespace jit { #define MIR_OPCODE_LIST(_) \ _(Constant) \ _(SimdBox) \ _(SimdUnbox) \ _(SimdValueX4) \ _(SimdSplat) \ _(SimdConstant) \ _(SimdConvert) \ _(SimdReinterpretCast) \ _(SimdExtractElement) \ _(SimdInsertElement) \ _(SimdSwizzle) \ _(SimdGeneralShuffle) \ _(SimdShuffle) \ _(SimdUnaryArith) \ _(SimdBinaryComp) \ _(SimdBinaryArith) \ _(SimdBinarySaturating) \ _(SimdBinaryBitwise) \ _(SimdShift) \ _(SimdSelect) \ _(SimdAllTrue) \ _(SimdAnyTrue) \ _(CloneLiteral) \ _(Parameter) \ _(Callee) \ _(IsConstructing) \ _(TableSwitch) \ _(Goto) \ _(Test) \ _(GotoWithFake) \ _(ObjectGroupDispatch) \ _(FunctionDispatch) \ _(Compare) \ _(Phi) \ _(Beta) \ _(NaNToZero) \ _(OsrValue) \ _(OsrEnvironmentChain) \ _(OsrReturnValue) \ _(OsrArgumentsObject) \ _(ReturnFromCtor) \ _(BinarySharedStub) \ _(UnarySharedStub) \ _(NullarySharedStub) \ _(CheckOverRecursed) \ _(DefVar) \ _(DefLexical) \ _(DefFun) \ _(CreateThis) \ _(CreateThisWithProto) \ _(CreateThisWithTemplate) \ _(CreateArgumentsObject) \ _(GetArgumentsObjectArg) \ _(SetArgumentsObjectArg) \ _(ComputeThis) \ _(Call) \ _(ApplyArgs) \ _(ApplyArray) \ _(Bail) \ _(Unreachable) \ _(EncodeSnapshot) \ _(AssertFloat32) \ _(AssertRecoveredOnBailout) \ _(GetDynamicName) \ _(CallDirectEval) \ _(BitNot) \ _(TypeOf) \ _(ToAsync) \ _(ToAsyncGen) \ _(ToAsyncIter) \ _(ToId) \ _(BitAnd) \ _(BitOr) \ _(BitXor) \ _(Lsh) \ _(Rsh) \ _(Ursh) \ _(SignExtend) \ _(MinMax) \ _(Abs) \ _(Clz) \ _(Ctz) \ _(Popcnt) \ _(Sqrt) \ _(Atan2) \ _(Hypot) \ _(Pow) \ _(PowHalf) \ _(Random) \ _(MathFunction) \ _(Add) \ _(Sub) \ _(Mul) \ _(Div) \ _(Mod) \ _(Concat) \ _(CharCodeAt) \ _(FromCharCode) \ _(FromCodePoint) \ _(SinCos) \ _(StringSplit) \ _(Substr) \ _(Return) \ _(Throw) \ _(Box) \ _(Unbox) \ _(GuardObject) \ _(GuardString) \ _(PolyInlineGuard) \ _(AssertRange) \ _(ToDouble) \ _(ToFloat32) \ _(ToInt32) \ _(TruncateToInt32) \ _(WrapInt64ToInt32) \ _(ExtendInt32ToInt64) \ _(Int64ToFloatingPoint) \ _(ToString) \ _(ToObjectOrNull) \ _(NewArray) \ _(NewArrayCopyOnWrite) \ _(NewArrayDynamicLength) \ _(NewTypedArray) \ _(NewTypedArrayDynamicLength) \ _(NewObject) \ _(NewTypedObject) \ _(NewNamedLambdaObject) \ _(NewCallObject) \ _(NewSingletonCallObject) \ _(NewStringObject) \ _(ObjectState) \ _(ArrayState) \ _(InitElem) \ _(InitElemGetterSetter) \ _(MutateProto) \ _(InitProp) \ _(InitPropGetterSetter) \ _(Start) \ _(OsrEntry) \ _(Nop) \ _(LimitedTruncate) \ _(RegExp) \ _(RegExpMatcher) \ _(RegExpSearcher) \ _(RegExpTester) \ _(RegExpPrototypeOptimizable) \ _(RegExpInstanceOptimizable) \ _(GetFirstDollarIndex) \ _(StringReplace) \ _(Lambda) \ _(LambdaArrow) \ _(SetFunName) \ _(KeepAliveObject) \ _(Slots) \ _(Elements) \ _(ConstantElements) \ _(ConvertElementsToDoubles) \ _(MaybeToDoubleElement) \ _(MaybeCopyElementsForWrite) \ _(LoadSlot) \ _(StoreSlot) \ _(FunctionEnvironment) \ _(FilterTypeSet) \ _(TypeBarrier) \ _(MonitorTypes) \ _(PostWriteBarrier) \ _(PostWriteElementBarrier) \ _(GetPropertyCache) \ _(GetPropertyPolymorphic) \ _(SetPropertyPolymorphic) \ _(BindNameCache) \ _(CallBindVar) \ _(GuardShape) \ _(GuardReceiverPolymorphic) \ _(GuardObjectGroup) \ _(GuardObjectIdentity) \ _(GuardClass) \ _(GuardUnboxedExpando) \ _(LoadUnboxedExpando) \ _(ArrayLength) \ _(SetArrayLength) \ _(GetNextEntryForIterator) \ _(TypedArrayLength) \ _(TypedArrayElements) \ _(SetDisjointTypedElements) \ _(TypedObjectDescr) \ _(TypedObjectElements) \ _(SetTypedObjectOffset) \ _(InitializedLength) \ _(SetInitializedLength) \ _(UnboxedArrayLength) \ _(UnboxedArrayInitializedLength) \ _(IncrementUnboxedArrayInitializedLength) \ _(SetUnboxedArrayInitializedLength) \ _(Not) \ _(BoundsCheck) \ _(BoundsCheckLower) \ _(InArray) \ _(LoadElement) \ _(LoadElementHole) \ _(LoadUnboxedScalar) \ _(LoadUnboxedObjectOrNull) \ _(LoadUnboxedString) \ _(StoreElement) \ _(StoreElementHole) \ _(FallibleStoreElement) \ _(StoreUnboxedScalar) \ _(StoreUnboxedObjectOrNull) \ _(StoreUnboxedString) \ _(ConvertUnboxedObjectToNative) \ _(ArrayPopShift) \ _(ArrayPush) \ _(ArraySlice) \ _(ArrayJoin) \ _(LoadTypedArrayElementHole) \ _(LoadTypedArrayElementStatic) \ _(StoreTypedArrayElementHole) \ _(StoreTypedArrayElementStatic) \ _(AtomicIsLockFree) \ _(GuardSharedTypedArray) \ _(CompareExchangeTypedArrayElement) \ _(AtomicExchangeTypedArrayElement) \ _(AtomicTypedArrayElementBinop) \ _(EffectiveAddress) \ _(ClampToUint8) \ _(LoadFixedSlot) \ _(LoadFixedSlotAndUnbox) \ _(StoreFixedSlot) \ _(CallGetProperty) \ _(GetNameCache) \ _(CallGetIntrinsicValue) \ _(CallGetElement) \ _(CallSetElement) \ _(CallSetProperty) \ _(CallInitElementArray) \ _(DeleteProperty) \ _(DeleteElement) \ _(SetPropertyCache) \ _(IteratorStart) \ _(IteratorMore) \ _(IsNoIter) \ _(IteratorEnd) \ _(StringLength) \ _(ArgumentsLength) \ _(GetFrameArgument) \ _(SetFrameArgument) \ _(RunOncePrologue) \ _(Rest) \ _(Floor) \ _(Ceil) \ _(Round) \ _(In) \ _(InstanceOf) \ _(CallInstanceOf) \ _(InterruptCheck) \ _(GetDOMProperty) \ _(GetDOMMember) \ _(SetDOMProperty) \ _(IsConstructor) \ _(IsCallable) \ _(IsObject) \ _(HasClass) \ _(GuardToClass) \ _(CopySign) \ _(Rotate) \ _(NewDerivedTypedObject) \ _(RecompileCheck) \ _(UnknownValue) \ _(LexicalCheck) \ _(ThrowRuntimeLexicalError) \ _(GlobalNameConflictsCheck) \ _(Debugger) \ _(NewTarget) \ _(ArrowNewTarget) \ _(CheckReturn) \ _(CheckIsObj) \ _(CheckIsCallable) \ _(CheckObjCoercible) \ _(DebugCheckSelfHosted) \ _(AsmJSNeg) \ _(AsmJSLoadHeap) \ _(AsmJSStoreHeap) \ _(AsmJSCompareExchangeHeap) \ _(AsmJSAtomicExchangeHeap) \ _(AsmJSAtomicBinopHeap) \ _(WasmBoundsCheck) \ _(WasmAddOffset) \ _(WasmLoad) \ _(WasmStore) \ _(WasmTrap) \ _(WasmTruncateToInt32) \ _(WasmUnsignedToDouble) \ _(WasmUnsignedToFloat32) \ _(WasmLoadGlobalVar) \ _(WasmStoreGlobalVar) \ _(WasmReturn) \ _(WasmReturnVoid) \ _(WasmParameter) \ _(WasmStackArg) \ _(WasmCall) \ _(WasmSelect) \ _(WasmReinterpret) \ _(WasmTruncateToInt64) // Forward declarations of MIR types. #define FORWARD_DECLARE(op) class M##op; MIR_OPCODE_LIST(FORWARD_DECLARE) #undef FORWARD_DECLARE class MDefinitionVisitor // interface i.e. pure abstract class { public: #define VISIT_INS(op) virtual void visit##op(M##op*) = 0; MIR_OPCODE_LIST(VISIT_INS) #undef VISIT_INS }; // MDefinition visitor which raises a Not Yet Implemented error for // non-overloaded visit functions. class MDefinitionVisitorDefaultNYI : public MDefinitionVisitor { public: #define VISIT_INS(op) virtual void visit##op(M##op*) { MOZ_CRASH("NYI: " #op); } MIR_OPCODE_LIST(VISIT_INS) #undef VISIT_INS }; // MDefinition visitor which ignores non-overloaded visit functions. class MDefinitionVisitorDefaultNoop : public MDefinitionVisitor { public: #define VISIT_INS(op) virtual void visit##op(M##op*) { } MIR_OPCODE_LIST(VISIT_INS) #undef VISIT_INS }; } // namespace jit } // namespace js #endif /* jit_MOpcodes_h */