path: root/intl/uconv/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'intl/uconv/tools/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/intl/uconv/tools/ b/intl/uconv/tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1394a6bc6..000000000
--- a/intl/uconv/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-$ID = " @ARGV (Time-stamp: <2001-08-08 18:54:54 shom>)";
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# based on CP932.TXT from
-# additional information from SHIFTJIS.TXT from
-# mapping policy:
-# jis0208 to unicode : based on CP932
-# unicode to jis0208 : based on CP932
-# the lowest code is used for dual mapping to jis0208
-# ascii region : based on ISO8859-1 ( same as CP932 ) IGNORE?
-# kana region : based on CP932
-# IBM Ext(0xFxxx>) : premap to NEC region ( mappable to JIS )
-if ($ARGV[0] eq "") {
- print STDERR "usage: SHIFTJIS.TXT <INFILE(ex:CP932.TXT)> [Another check]\n";
- exit 1;
-open (SI, "SHIFTJIS.TXT") || die;
-while(<SI>) {
- ($hi,$lo) = /^0x(..)?(..)\s/;
- if ($lo eq "") { next; }
- if ($hi eq "") { $hi=" " }
- $defined{"0x$hi$lo"} = 1;
-close (SI);
-$src = $ARGV[0];
-$gendir = "$src.d";
-$sufile = "sjis2ucs-$";
-$usfile = "ucs2sjis-$";
-$jufile = "jis2ucs-$";
-$jeufile = "jisext2ucs-$";
-$jaufile = "jisasc2ucs-$";
-$jrkufile = "jiskana2ucs-$";
-$ujfile = "ucs2jis-$";
-$ujefile = "ucs2jisext-$";
-$ujafile = "ucs2jisasc-$";
-$ujrkfile = "ucs2jiskana-$";
-$ibmnecfile = "$gendir/";
-$jdxfile = "$gendir/jis0208.ump";
-$jdxextfile = "jis0208ext.ump";
-$commentfile = "comment-$src.txt";
-open (IN, "NPL.header") || die;
-while(<IN>) {
- $NPL .= $_;
-close (IN);
-foreach $infile ( @ARGV ) {
- open (IN, "$infile") || die;
- while(<IN>) {
- ($from, $to, $seq, $dum, $comment) =
- /^\s*(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)(\+0x\S+)?(\s+\#\s*(\S.*))?$/;
- if ( $seq ne "" ) {
- print "Warning: Unicode Seq:\t$from\t$to$seq\t# $comment\n";
- }
- if ( $from eq "" ) { next; }
- if ( $from =~ /0x(..)$/ ) {
- $from = " 0x$1";
- }
- if ( $fromto{$from} eq "" ) {
- push(@fromlist, $from);
- $fromto{$from} = $to;
- $commentbody{$from} = $comment;
- $commentseq{$from} = $seq
- } elsif ( $fromto{$from} ne $to ) {
- # another mappint SJIS:UCS2 = 1:N
- print "Another map in $infile\t$from\t$fromto{$from},$to\n";
- }
- if ($checkanother==1) {
- next;
- }
- if ( $tofrom{$to} eq "" ) {
- $tofrom{$to} = $from;
- } else {
- if ( $from !~ /$tofrom{$to}/ ){
- $tofrom{$to} = "$tofrom{$to},$from";
- }
- }
- # print "$from $to\n";
- }
- close (IN);
- $checkanother == 1;
-open (COMMENT, ">$commentfile") || die;
-foreach $from (sort(@fromlist)) {
- print COMMENT "$from\t$fromto{$from}$commentseq{$from}\t$commentbody{$from}\n";
-close (COMMENT);
-open(SU, ">$sufile") || die;
-open(US, ">$usfile") || die;
-open(JU, ">$jufile") || die;
-open(JEU, ">$jeufile") || die;
-open(JAU, ">$jaufile") || die;
-open(JRKU, ">$jrkufile") || die;
-open(UJ, ">$ujfile") || die;
-open(UJE, ">$ujefile") || die;
-open(UJA, ">$ujafile") || die;
-open(UJRK, ">$ujrkfile") || die;
-open(IBMNEC, ">$ibmnecfile") || die;
-# print SU "/* generated from $src : SJIS UCS2 */\n";
-# print US "/* generated from $src : UCS2 SJIS */\n";
-print "Generated from $src\n";
-print "Command: @ARGV\n";
-print "SJIS(JIS)\tUCS2\tSJIS\tS:U:S\tSJIS lower\n";
-foreach $i (sort(@fromlist)) {
- $ucs = "";
- $sjis = $i;
- $sjis =~ s/\s+//;
- $jis = sjistojis($sjis);
- print "$i($jis)\t$fromto{$i}\t$tofrom{$fromto{$i}}";
- $ucs = $fromto{$i};
- if ( $i eq $tofrom{$fromto{$i}} ) {
- print "\t1:1:1";
- print "\t$i";
- } else {
- print "\t1:1:N";
- @tolist = split(/,/,$tofrom{$fromto{$i}});
- print "\t$tolist[0]";
- #$ucs = $tolist[0];
- if ( $sjis =~ /0xF[A-D]../ ) {
- $ibmnec{$sjis} = $tolist[0];
- #print IBMNEC "$sjis\t$tolist[0]\n";
- }
- }
- print SU "$sjis\t$ucs\n";
- push(@uslist, "$ucs\t$sjis\n");
- #print US "$ucs\t$sjis\n";
- if ( $jis ne "") {
- #if ($sjis =~ /^0x87../ || $sjis =~ /^0xED../ ) {
- # cp932 ext
- if ($sjis =~ /0x..../ && $defined{$sjis} != 1) {
- # jis not define
- print JEU "$jis\t$ucs\n";
- push(@ujelist, "$ucs\t$jis\n");
- $jisextucs{$jis} = $ucs;
- } else {
- print JU "$jis\t$ucs\n";
- push(@ujlist, "$ucs\t$jis\n");
- $jisucs{$jis} = $ucs;
- }
- #print UJ "$ucs\t$jis\n";
- } elsif ( $sjis =~ /\s*0x([8-9A-D].)/ ) {
- $code = $1;
- print JRKU "0x00$code\t$ucs\n";
- push(@ujrklist, "$ucs\t0x00$code\n");
- } elsif ( $sjis =~ /\s*0x([0-7].)/ ) {
- $code = $1;
- print JAU "0x00$code\t$ucs\n";
- push(@ujalist, "$ucs\t0x00$code\n");
- }
- #print "\t# $comment{$i}\n";
- print "\n";
-print US sort(@uslist);
-print UJ sort(@ujlist);
-print UJE sort(@ujelist);
-print UJA sort(@ujalist);
-print UJRK sort(@ujrklist);
-# make ibmnec mapping
-print IBMNEC $NPL;
-print IBMNEC "/* generated by $ID */\n";
-print IBMNEC "/* IBM ext codes to NEC sel (in CP932) */\n\n";
-foreach $i (0xFA, 0xFB, 0xFC) {
- for ($j=( ($i==0xFA) ? 0x40 : 0x00 ); $j<=0xFF; $j++) {
- $ibm = sprintf("0x%02X%02X", $i, $j);
- $raw = substr($ibm, 2,6);
- if ("" == $ibmnec{$ibm}) {
- print IBMNEC "/* $raw:UNDEF */ 0, \n";
- } else {
- print IBMNEC "/* $raw */ $ibmnec{$ibm}, \n";
- }
- }
-# make jdx
-open (JDX, ">$jdxfile") || die;
-print JDX $NPL;
-print JDX "/* generated by $ID */\n";
-print JDX "/* JIS X 0208 (with CP932 ext) to Unicode mapping */\n";
-for ($i=0; $i<94; $i++) {
- printf JDX "/* 0x%2XXX */\n", ($i+0x21);
- printf JDX " ";
- for ($j=0; $j<94; $j++) {
- $jis = sprintf("0x%02X%02X", ($i+0x21), $j+0x21);
- # get JIS
- $ucs = $jisucs{$jis};
- if ("" == $ucs) {
- # try CP932 ext
- # try jis ext
- $ucs = $jisextucs{$jis}
- }
- if ("" == $ucs) {
- # undefined
- print JDX "0xFFFD,";
- } else {
- print JDX "$ucs,";
- }
- if (7 == ( ($j+1) % 8 )) {
- printf JDX "/* 0x%2X%1X%1X*/\n", $i+0x21, 2+($j/16), (6==($j%16))?0:8;
- }
- }
- printf JDX " /* 0x%2X%1X%1X*/\n", $i+0x21, 2+($j/16), (6==($j%16))?0:8;
-close (JDX);
-# generate uf files
-sub genuf {
- my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;
- my $com = "cat $infile | ./umaptable -uf > $gendir/$outfile";
- print "Executing $com\n";
- system($com);
-genuf($sufile, "sjis.uf");
-genuf($jufile, "jis0208.uf");
-if ( $#ujelist > 0 ) {
- genuf($jeufile, "jis0208ext.uf");
-} else {
- print "Extension is not found. jis0208ext.uf is not generated.\n";
-genuf("$jaufile $jrkufile", "jis0201.uf");
-# genuf($jaufile, "jis0201.uf");
-# genuf($jrkufile, "jis0201gl.uf");
-# generate test page
-sub sjistojis {
- my($sjis) = (@_);
- my($first,$second,$h, $l, $j0208);
- if ( $sjis !~ /^0x....$/ ) {
- return "";
- }
- $first = hex(substr($sjis,2,2));
- $second = hex(substr($sjis,4,2));
- $jnum=0;
- if($first < 0xE0)
- {
- $jnum = ($first - 0x81) * ((0xfd - 0x80)+(0x7f - 0x40));
- } else {
- $jnum = ($first - 0xe0 + (0xa0-0x81)) * ((0xfd - 0x80)+(0x7f - 0x40));
- }
- if($second >= 0x80)
- {
- $jnum += $second - 0x80 + (0x7f-0x40);
- }
- else
- {
- $jnum += $second - 0x40;
- }
- if(($jnum / 94 ) < 94) {
- return sprintf "0x%02X%02X", (($jnum / 94) + 0x21), (($jnum % 94)+0x21);
- } else {
- #return sprintf "# 0x%02X%02X", (($jnum / 94) + 0x21), (($jnum % 94)+0x21);
- return "";
- }