path: root/editor/txtsvc/nsTextServicesDocument.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editor/txtsvc/nsTextServicesDocument.cpp')
1 files changed, 3499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/editor/txtsvc/nsTextServicesDocument.cpp b/editor/txtsvc/nsTextServicesDocument.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0c779683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/txtsvc/nsTextServicesDocument.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3499 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include <stddef.h> // for nullptr
+#include "mozilla/Assertions.h" // for MOZ_ASSERT, etc
+#include "mozilla/dom/Selection.h"
+#include "mozilla/mozalloc.h" // for operator new, etc
+#include "nsAString.h" // for nsAString_internal::Length, etc
+#include "nsContentUtils.h" // for nsContentUtils
+#include "nsDebug.h" // for NS_ENSURE_TRUE, etc
+#include "nsDependentSubstring.h" // for Substring
+#include "nsError.h" // for NS_OK, NS_ERROR_FAILURE, etc
+#include "nsFilteredContentIterator.h" // for nsFilteredContentIterator
+#include "nsIContent.h" // for nsIContent, etc
+#include "nsIContentIterator.h" // for nsIContentIterator
+#include "nsID.h" // for NS_GET_IID
+#include "nsIDOMDocument.h" // for nsIDOMDocument
+#include "nsIDOMElement.h" // for nsIDOMElement
+#include "nsIDOMHTMLDocument.h" // for nsIDOMHTMLDocument
+#include "nsIDOMHTMLElement.h" // for nsIDOMHTMLElement
+#include "nsIDOMNode.h" // for nsIDOMNode, etc
+#include "nsIDOMRange.h" // for nsIDOMRange, etc
+#include "nsIEditor.h" // for nsIEditor, etc
+#include "nsINode.h" // for nsINode
+#include "nsIPlaintextEditor.h" // for nsIPlaintextEditor
+#include "nsISelection.h" // for nsISelection
+#include "nsISelectionController.h" // for nsISelectionController, etc
+#include "nsISupportsBase.h" // for nsISupports
+#include "nsISupportsUtils.h" // for NS_IF_ADDREF, NS_ADDREF, etc
+#include "nsITextServicesFilter.h" // for nsITextServicesFilter
+#include "nsIWordBreaker.h" // for nsWordRange, nsIWordBreaker
+#include "nsRange.h" // for nsRange
+#include "nsStaticAtom.h" // for NS_STATIC_ATOM, etc
+#include "nsString.h" // for nsString, nsAutoString
+#include "nsTextServicesDocument.h"
+#include "nscore.h" // for nsresult, NS_IMETHODIMP, etc
+#define LOCK_DOC(doc)
+#define UNLOCK_DOC(doc)
+using namespace mozilla;
+using namespace mozilla::dom;
+class OffsetEntry
+ OffsetEntry(nsIDOMNode *aNode, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aLength)
+ : mNode(aNode), mNodeOffset(0), mStrOffset(aOffset), mLength(aLength),
+ mIsInsertedText(false), mIsValid(true)
+ {
+ if (mStrOffset < 1) {
+ mStrOffset = 0;
+ }
+ if (mLength < 1) {
+ mLength = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual ~OffsetEntry()
+ {
+ mNode = 0;
+ mNodeOffset = 0;
+ mStrOffset = 0;
+ mLength = 0;
+ mIsValid = false;
+ }
+ nsIDOMNode *mNode;
+ int32_t mNodeOffset;
+ int32_t mStrOffset;
+ int32_t mLength;
+ bool mIsInsertedText;
+ bool mIsValid;
+#define TS_ATOM(name_, value_) nsIAtom* nsTextServicesDocument::name_ = 0;
+#include "nsTSAtomList.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
+#undef TS_ATOM
+ mSelStartIndex = -1;
+ mSelStartOffset = -1;
+ mSelEndIndex = -1;
+ mSelEndOffset = -1;
+ mIteratorStatus = eIsDone;
+ ClearOffsetTable(&mOffsetTable);
+#define TS_ATOM(name_, value_) NS_STATIC_ATOM_BUFFER(name_##_buffer, value_)
+#include "nsTSAtomList.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
+#undef TS_ATOM
+/* static */
+ static const nsStaticAtom ts_atoms[] = {
+#define TS_ATOM(name_, value_) NS_STATIC_ATOM(name_##_buffer, &name_),
+#include "nsTSAtomList.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
+#undef TS_ATOM
+ };
+ NS_RegisterStaticAtoms(ts_atoms);
+ NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsITextServicesDocument)
+ NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIEditActionListener)
+ NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsITextServicesDocument)
+ mDOMDocument,
+ mSelCon,
+ mIterator,
+ mPrevTextBlock,
+ mNextTextBlock,
+ mExtent,
+ mTxtSvcFilter)
+nsTextServicesDocument::InitWithEditor(nsIEditor *aEditor)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISelectionController> selCon;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> doc;
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ // Check to see if we already have an mSelCon. If we do, it
+ // better be the same one the editor uses!
+ nsresult rv = aEditor->GetSelectionController(getter_AddRefs(selCon));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (!selCon || (mSelCon && selCon != mSelCon)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ if (!mSelCon) {
+ mSelCon = selCon;
+ }
+ // Check to see if we already have an mDOMDocument. If we do, it
+ // better be the same one the editor uses!
+ rv = aEditor->GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(doc));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (!doc || (mDOMDocument && doc != mDOMDocument)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ if (!mDOMDocument) {
+ mDOMDocument = doc;
+ rv = CreateDocumentContentIterator(getter_AddRefs(mIterator));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone;
+ rv = FirstBlock();
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
+ mEditor = do_GetWeakReference(aEditor);
+ rv = aEditor->AddEditActionListener(this);
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+nsTextServicesDocument::GetDocument(nsIDOMDocument **aDoc)
+ *aDoc = nullptr; // init out param
+ *aDoc = mDOMDocument;
+ NS_ADDREF(*aDoc);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::SetExtent(nsIDOMRange* aDOMRange)
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ // We need to store a copy of aDOMRange since we don't
+ // know where it came from.
+ mExtent = static_cast<nsRange*>(aDOMRange)->CloneRange();
+ // Create a new iterator based on our new extent range.
+ nsresult rv = CreateContentIterator(mExtent, getter_AddRefs(mIterator));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // Now position the iterator at the start of the first block
+ // in the range.
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone;
+ rv = FirstBlock();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+nsTextServicesDocument::ExpandRangeToWordBoundaries(nsIDOMRange *aRange)
+ RefPtr<nsRange> range = static_cast<nsRange*>(aRange);
+ // Get the end points of the range.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> rngStartNode, rngEndNode;
+ int32_t rngStartOffset, rngEndOffset;
+ nsresult rv = GetRangeEndPoints(range, getter_AddRefs(rngStartNode),
+ &rngStartOffset,
+ getter_AddRefs(rngEndNode),
+ &rngEndOffset);
+ // Create a content iterator based on the range.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentIterator> iter;
+ rv = CreateContentIterator(range, getter_AddRefs(iter));
+ // Find the first text node in the range.
+ TSDIteratorStatus iterStatus;
+ rv = FirstTextNode(iter, &iterStatus);
+ if (iterStatus == nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone) {
+ // No text was found so there's no adjustment necessary!
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsINode *firstText = iter->GetCurrentNode();
+ // Find the last text node in the range.
+ rv = LastTextNode(iter, &iterStatus);
+ if (iterStatus == nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone) {
+ // We should never get here because a first text block
+ // was found above.
+ NS_ASSERTION(false, "Found a first without a last!");
+ }
+ nsINode *lastText = iter->GetCurrentNode();
+ // Now make sure our end points are in terms of text nodes in the range!
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> firstTextNode = do_QueryInterface(firstText);
+ if (rngStartNode != firstTextNode) {
+ // The range includes the start of the first text node!
+ rngStartNode = firstTextNode;
+ rngStartOffset = 0;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> lastTextNode = do_QueryInterface(lastText);
+ if (rngEndNode != lastTextNode) {
+ // The range includes the end of the last text node!
+ rngEndNode = lastTextNode;
+ nsAutoString str;
+ lastTextNode->GetNodeValue(str);
+ rngEndOffset = str.Length();
+ }
+ // Create a doc iterator so that we can scan beyond
+ // the bounds of the extent range.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentIterator> docIter;
+ rv = CreateDocumentContentIterator(getter_AddRefs(docIter));
+ // Grab all the text in the block containing our
+ // first text node.
+ rv = docIter->PositionAt(firstText);
+ iterStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eValid;
+ nsTArray<OffsetEntry*> offsetTable;
+ nsAutoString blockStr;
+ rv = CreateOffsetTable(&offsetTable, docIter, &iterStatus,
+ nullptr, &blockStr);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ ClearOffsetTable(&offsetTable);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> wordStartNode, wordEndNode;
+ int32_t wordStartOffset, wordEndOffset;
+ rv = FindWordBounds(&offsetTable, &blockStr,
+ rngStartNode, rngStartOffset,
+ getter_AddRefs(wordStartNode), &wordStartOffset,
+ getter_AddRefs(wordEndNode), &wordEndOffset);
+ ClearOffsetTable(&offsetTable);
+ rngStartNode = wordStartNode;
+ rngStartOffset = wordStartOffset;
+ // Grab all the text in the block containing our
+ // last text node.
+ rv = docIter->PositionAt(lastText);
+ iterStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eValid;
+ rv = CreateOffsetTable(&offsetTable, docIter, &iterStatus,
+ nullptr, &blockStr);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ ClearOffsetTable(&offsetTable);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = FindWordBounds(&offsetTable, &blockStr,
+ rngEndNode, rngEndOffset,
+ getter_AddRefs(wordStartNode), &wordStartOffset,
+ getter_AddRefs(wordEndNode), &wordEndOffset);
+ ClearOffsetTable(&offsetTable);
+ // To prevent expanding the range too much, we only change
+ // rngEndNode and rngEndOffset if it isn't already at the start of the
+ // word and isn't equivalent to rngStartNode and rngStartOffset.
+ if (rngEndNode != wordStartNode ||
+ rngEndOffset != wordStartOffset ||
+ (rngEndNode == rngStartNode && rngEndOffset == rngStartOffset)) {
+ rngEndNode = wordEndNode;
+ rngEndOffset = wordEndOffset;
+ }
+ // Now adjust the range so that it uses our new
+ // end points.
+ rv = range->SetEnd(rngEndNode, rngEndOffset);
+ return range->SetStart(rngStartNode, rngStartOffset);
+nsTextServicesDocument::SetFilter(nsITextServicesFilter *aFilter)
+ // Hang on to the filter so we can set it into the filtered iterator.
+ mTxtSvcFilter = aFilter;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::GetCurrentTextBlock(nsString *aStr)
+ aStr->Truncate();
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ nsresult rv = CreateOffsetTable(&mOffsetTable, mIterator, &mIteratorStatus,
+ mExtent, aStr);
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ nsresult rv = FirstTextNode(mIterator, &mIteratorStatus);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // Keep track of prev and next blocks, just in case
+ // the text service blows away the current block.
+ if (mIteratorStatus == nsTextServicesDocument::eValid) {
+ mPrevTextBlock = nullptr;
+ rv = GetFirstTextNodeInNextBlock(getter_AddRefs(mNextTextBlock));
+ } else {
+ // There's no text block in the document!
+ mPrevTextBlock = nullptr;
+ mNextTextBlock = nullptr;
+ }
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ // XXX Result of FirstTextNode() or GetFirstTextNodeInNextBlock().
+ return rv;
+nsTextServicesDocument::LastSelectedBlock(TSDBlockSelectionStatus *aSelStatus,
+ int32_t *aSelOffset,
+ int32_t *aSelLength)
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aSelStatus && aSelOffset && aSelLength, NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER);
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone;
+ *aSelStatus = nsITextServicesDocument::eBlockNotFound;
+ *aSelOffset = *aSelLength = -1;
+ if (!mSelCon || !mIterator) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> domSelection;
+ nsresult rv = mSelCon->GetSelection(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL,
+ getter_AddRefs(domSelection));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ RefPtr<Selection> selection = domSelection->AsSelection();
+ bool isCollapsed = selection->IsCollapsed();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentIterator> iter;
+ RefPtr<nsRange> range;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> parent;
+ int32_t rangeCount, offset;
+ if (isCollapsed) {
+ // We have a caret. Check if the caret is in a text node.
+ // If it is, make the text node's block the current block.
+ // If the caret isn't in a text node, search forwards in
+ // the document, till we find a text node.
+ range = selection->GetRangeAt(0);
+ if (!range) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ rv = range->GetStartContainer(getter_AddRefs(parent));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (!parent) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ rv = range->GetStartOffset(&offset);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (IsTextNode(parent)) {
+ // The caret is in a text node. Find the beginning
+ // of the text block containing this text node and
+ // return.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content(do_QueryInterface(parent));
+ if (!content) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ rv = mIterator->PositionAt(content);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = FirstTextNodeInCurrentBlock(mIterator);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eValid;
+ rv = CreateOffsetTable(&mOffsetTable, mIterator, &mIteratorStatus,
+ mExtent, nullptr);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = GetSelection(aSelStatus, aSelOffset, aSelLength);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (*aSelStatus == nsITextServicesDocument::eBlockContains) {
+ rv = SetSelectionInternal(*aSelOffset, *aSelLength, false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // The caret isn't in a text node. Create an iterator
+ // based on a range that extends from the current caret
+ // position to the end of the document, then walk forwards
+ // till you find a text node, then find the beginning of it's block.
+ rv = CreateDocumentContentRootToNodeOffsetRange(parent, offset, false,
+ getter_AddRefs(range));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = range->GetCollapsed(&isCollapsed);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (isCollapsed) {
+ // If we get here, the range is collapsed because there is nothing after
+ // the caret! Just return NS_OK;
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ rv = CreateContentIterator(range, getter_AddRefs(iter));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ iter->First();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content;
+ while (!iter->IsDone()) {
+ content = do_QueryInterface(iter->GetCurrentNode());
+ if (IsTextNode(content)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ content = nullptr;
+ iter->Next();
+ }
+ if (!content) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ rv = mIterator->PositionAt(content);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = FirstTextNodeInCurrentBlock(mIterator);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eValid;
+ rv = CreateOffsetTable(&mOffsetTable, mIterator, &mIteratorStatus,
+ mExtent, nullptr);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = GetSelection(aSelStatus, aSelOffset, aSelLength);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ // Result of SetSelectionInternal() in the |if| block or NS_OK.
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // If we get here, we have an uncollapsed selection!
+ // Look backwards through each range in the selection till you
+ // find the first text node. If you find one, find the
+ // beginning of its text block, and make it the current
+ // block.
+ rv = selection->GetRangeCount(&rangeCount);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ NS_ASSERTION(rangeCount > 0, "Unexpected range count!");
+ if (rangeCount <= 0) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // XXX: We may need to add some code here to make sure
+ // the ranges are sorted in document appearance order!
+ for (int32_t i = rangeCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ // Get the i'th range from the selection.
+ range = selection->GetRangeAt(i);
+ if (!range) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return NS_OK; // XXX Really?
+ }
+ // Create an iterator for the range.
+ rv = CreateContentIterator(range, getter_AddRefs(iter));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ iter->Last();
+ // Now walk through the range till we find a text node.
+ while (!iter->IsDone()) {
+ if (iter->GetCurrentNode()->NodeType() == nsIDOMNode::TEXT_NODE) {
+ // We found a text node, so position the document's
+ // iterator at the beginning of the block, then get
+ // the selection in terms of the string offset.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content = iter->GetCurrentNode()->AsContent();
+ rv = mIterator->PositionAt(content);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = FirstTextNodeInCurrentBlock(mIterator);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eValid;
+ rv = CreateOffsetTable(&mOffsetTable, mIterator, &mIteratorStatus,
+ mExtent, nullptr);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = GetSelection(aSelStatus, aSelOffset, aSelLength);
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ iter->Prev();
+ }
+ }
+ // If we get here, we didn't find any text node in the selection!
+ // Create a range that extends from the end of the selection,
+ // to the end of the document, then iterate forwards through
+ // it till you find a text node!
+ range = selection->GetRangeAt(rangeCount - 1);
+ if (!range) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ rv = range->GetEndContainer(getter_AddRefs(parent));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (!parent) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ rv = range->GetEndOffset(&offset);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = CreateDocumentContentRootToNodeOffsetRange(parent, offset, false,
+ getter_AddRefs(range));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = range->GetCollapsed(&isCollapsed);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (isCollapsed) {
+ // If we get here, the range is collapsed because there is nothing after
+ // the current selection! Just return NS_OK;
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ rv = CreateContentIterator(range, getter_AddRefs(iter));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ iter->First();
+ while (!iter->IsDone()) {
+ if (iter->GetCurrentNode()->NodeType() == nsIDOMNode::TEXT_NODE) {
+ // We found a text node! Adjust the document's iterator to point
+ // to the beginning of its text block, then get the current selection.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content = iter->GetCurrentNode()->AsContent();
+ rv = mIterator->PositionAt(content);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = FirstTextNodeInCurrentBlock(mIterator);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eValid;
+ rv = CreateOffsetTable(&mOffsetTable, mIterator, &mIteratorStatus,
+ mExtent, nullptr);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = GetSelection(aSelStatus, aSelOffset, aSelLength);
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ iter->Next();
+ }
+ // If we get here, we didn't find any block before or inside
+ // the selection! Just return OK.
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ if (mIteratorStatus == nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ switch (mIteratorStatus) {
+ case nsTextServicesDocument::eValid:
+ case nsTextServicesDocument::eNext: {
+ nsresult rv = FirstTextNodeInPrevBlock(mIterator);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone;
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (mIterator->IsDone()) {
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone;
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eValid;
+ break;
+ }
+ case nsTextServicesDocument::ePrev:
+ // The iterator already points to the previous
+ // block, so don't do anything.
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eValid;
+ break;
+ default:
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Keep track of prev and next blocks, just in case
+ // the text service blows away the current block.
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ if (mIteratorStatus == nsTextServicesDocument::eValid) {
+ GetFirstTextNodeInPrevBlock(getter_AddRefs(mPrevTextBlock));
+ rv = GetFirstTextNodeInNextBlock(getter_AddRefs(mNextTextBlock));
+ } else {
+ // We must be done!
+ mPrevTextBlock = nullptr;
+ mNextTextBlock = nullptr;
+ }
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ // XXX The result of GetFirstTextNodeInNextBlock() or NS_OK.
+ return rv;
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ if (mIteratorStatus == nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ switch (mIteratorStatus) {
+ case nsTextServicesDocument::eValid: {
+ // Advance the iterator to the next text block.
+ nsresult rv = FirstTextNodeInNextBlock(mIterator);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone;
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (mIterator->IsDone()) {
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone;
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eValid;
+ break;
+ }
+ case nsTextServicesDocument::eNext:
+ // The iterator already points to the next block,
+ // so don't do anything to it!
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eValid;
+ break;
+ case nsTextServicesDocument::ePrev:
+ // If the iterator is pointing to the previous block,
+ // we know that there is no next text block! Just
+ // fall through to the default case!
+ default:
+ mIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Keep track of prev and next blocks, just in case
+ // the text service blows away the current block.
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ if (mIteratorStatus == nsTextServicesDocument::eValid) {
+ GetFirstTextNodeInPrevBlock(getter_AddRefs(mPrevTextBlock));
+ rv = GetFirstTextNodeInNextBlock(getter_AddRefs(mNextTextBlock));
+ } else {
+ // We must be done.
+ mPrevTextBlock = nullptr;
+ mNextTextBlock = nullptr;
+ }
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ // The result of GetFirstTextNodeInNextBlock() or NS_OK.
+ return rv;
+nsTextServicesDocument::IsDone(bool *aIsDone)
+ *aIsDone = false;
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ *aIsDone = (mIteratorStatus == nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone) ? true : false;
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::SetSelection(int32_t aOffset, int32_t aLength)
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mSelCon && aOffset >= 0 && aLength >= 0, NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ nsresult rv = SetSelectionInternal(aOffset, aLength, true);
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // printf("\n * Sel: (%2d, %4d) (%2d, %4d)\n", mSelStartIndex, mSelStartOffset, mSelEndIndex, mSelEndOffset);
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ return rv;
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ // After ScrollSelectionIntoView(), the pending notifications might be flushed
+ // and PresShell/PresContext/Frames may be dead. See bug 418470.
+ nsresult rv =
+ mSelCon->ScrollSelectionIntoView(
+ nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL,
+ nsISelectionController::SELECTION_FOCUS_REGION,
+ nsISelectionController::SCROLL_SYNCHRONOUS);
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ // We don't allow deletion during a collapsed selection!
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor> editor (do_QueryReferent(mEditor));
+ NS_ASSERTION(editor, "DeleteSelection called without an editor present!");
+ NS_ASSERTION(SelectionIsValid(), "DeleteSelection called without a valid selection!");
+ if (!editor || !SelectionIsValid()) {
+ }
+ if (SelectionIsCollapsed()) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // printf("\n---- Before Delete\n");
+ // printf("Sel: (%2d, %4d) (%2d, %4d)\n", mSelStartIndex, mSelStartOffset, mSelEndIndex, mSelEndOffset);
+ // PrintOffsetTable();
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // If we have an mExtent, save off its current set of
+ // end points so we can compare them against mExtent's
+ // set after the deletion of the content.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> origStartNode, origEndNode;
+ int32_t origStartOffset = 0, origEndOffset = 0;
+ if (mExtent) {
+ nsresult rv =
+ GetRangeEndPoints(mExtent,
+ getter_AddRefs(origStartNode), &origStartOffset,
+ getter_AddRefs(origEndNode), &origEndOffset);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t selLength;
+ OffsetEntry *entry, *newEntry;
+ for (int32_t i = mSelStartIndex; i <= mSelEndIndex; i++) {
+ entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (i == mSelStartIndex) {
+ // Calculate the length of the selection. Note that the
+ // selection length can be zero if the start of the selection
+ // is at the very end of a text node entry.
+ if (entry->mIsInsertedText) {
+ // Inserted text offset entries have no width when
+ // talking in terms of string offsets! If the beginning
+ // of the selection is in an inserted text offset entry,
+ // the caret is always at the end of the entry!
+ selLength = 0;
+ } else {
+ selLength = entry->mLength - (mSelStartOffset - entry->mStrOffset);
+ }
+ if (selLength > 0 && mSelStartOffset > entry->mStrOffset) {
+ // Selection doesn't start at the beginning of the
+ // text node entry. We need to split this entry into
+ // two pieces, the piece before the selection, and
+ // the piece inside the selection.
+ nsresult rv = SplitOffsetEntry(i, selLength);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // Adjust selection indexes to account for new entry:
+ ++mSelStartIndex;
+ ++mSelEndIndex;
+ ++i;
+ entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ }
+ if (selLength > 0 && mSelStartIndex < mSelEndIndex) {
+ // The entire entry is contained in the selection. Mark the
+ // entry invalid.
+ entry->mIsValid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // printf("\n---- Middle Delete\n");
+ // printf("Sel: (%2d, %4d) (%2d, %4d)\n", mSelStartIndex, mSelStartOffset, mSelEndIndex, mSelEndOffset);
+ // PrintOffsetTable();
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ if (i == mSelEndIndex) {
+ if (entry->mIsInsertedText) {
+ // Inserted text offset entries have no width when
+ // talking in terms of string offsets! If the end
+ // of the selection is in an inserted text offset entry,
+ // the selection includes the entire entry!
+ entry->mIsValid = false;
+ } else {
+ // Calculate the length of the selection. Note that the
+ // selection length can be zero if the end of the selection
+ // is at the very beginning of a text node entry.
+ selLength = mSelEndOffset - entry->mStrOffset;
+ if (selLength > 0 &&
+ mSelEndOffset < entry->mStrOffset + entry->mLength) {
+ // mStrOffset is guaranteed to be inside the selection, even
+ // when mSelStartIndex == mSelEndIndex.
+ nsresult rv = SplitOffsetEntry(i, entry->mLength - selLength);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // Update the entry fields:
+ newEntry = mOffsetTable[i+1];
+ newEntry->mNodeOffset = entry->mNodeOffset;
+ }
+ if (selLength > 0 &&
+ mSelEndOffset == entry->mStrOffset + entry->mLength) {
+ // The entire entry is contained in the selection. Mark the
+ // entry invalid.
+ entry->mIsValid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (i != mSelStartIndex && i != mSelEndIndex) {
+ // The entire entry is contained in the selection. Mark the
+ // entry invalid.
+ entry->mIsValid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure mIterator always points to something valid!
+ AdjustContentIterator();
+ // Now delete the actual content!
+ nsresult rv =
+ editor->DeleteSelection(nsIEditor::ePrevious, nsIEditor::eStrip);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // Now that we've actually deleted the selected content,
+ // check to see if our mExtent has changed, if so, then
+ // we have to create a new content iterator!
+ if (origStartNode && origEndNode) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> curStartNode, curEndNode;
+ int32_t curStartOffset = 0, curEndOffset = 0;
+ rv = GetRangeEndPoints(mExtent,
+ getter_AddRefs(curStartNode), &curStartOffset,
+ getter_AddRefs(curEndNode), &curEndOffset);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (origStartNode != curStartNode || origEndNode != curEndNode) {
+ // The range has changed, so we need to create a new content
+ // iterator based on the new range.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> curContent;
+ if (mIteratorStatus != nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone) {
+ // The old iterator is still pointing to something valid,
+ // so get its current node so we can restore it after we
+ // create the new iterator!
+ curContent = mIterator->GetCurrentNode()
+ ? mIterator->GetCurrentNode()->AsContent()
+ : nullptr;
+ }
+ // Create the new iterator.
+ rv = CreateContentIterator(mExtent, getter_AddRefs(mIterator));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // Now make the new iterator point to the content node
+ // the old one was pointing at.
+ if (curContent) {
+ rv = mIterator->PositionAt(curContent);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mIteratorStatus = eIsDone;
+ } else {
+ mIteratorStatus = eValid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ entry = 0;
+ // Move the caret to the end of the first valid entry.
+ // Start with mSelStartIndex since it may still be valid.
+ for (int32_t i = mSelStartIndex; !entry && i >= 0; i--) {
+ entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (!entry->mIsValid) {
+ entry = 0;
+ } else {
+ mSelStartIndex = mSelEndIndex = i;
+ mSelStartOffset = mSelEndOffset = entry->mStrOffset + entry->mLength;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we still don't have a valid entry, move the caret
+ // to the next valid entry after the selection:
+ for (int32_t i = mSelEndIndex;
+ !entry && i < static_cast<int32_t>(mOffsetTable.Length()); i++) {
+ entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (!entry->mIsValid) {
+ entry = 0;
+ } else {
+ mSelStartIndex = mSelEndIndex = i;
+ mSelStartOffset = mSelEndOffset = entry->mStrOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ if (entry) {
+ SetSelection(mSelStartOffset, 0);
+ } else {
+ // Uuughh we have no valid offset entry to place our
+ // caret ... just mark the selection invalid.
+ mSelStartIndex = mSelEndIndex = -1;
+ mSelStartOffset = mSelEndOffset = -1;
+ }
+ // Now remove any invalid entries from the offset table.
+ rv = RemoveInvalidOffsetEntries();
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // printf("\n---- After Delete\n");
+ // printf("Sel: (%2d, %4d) (%2d, %4d)\n", mSelStartIndex, mSelStartOffset, mSelEndIndex, mSelEndOffset);
+ // PrintOffsetTable();
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+nsTextServicesDocument::InsertText(const nsString *aText)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor> editor (do_QueryReferent(mEditor));
+ NS_ASSERTION(editor, "InsertText called without an editor present!");
+ if (!editor || !SelectionIsValid()) {
+ }
+ // If the selection is not collapsed, we need to save
+ // off the selection offsets so we can restore the
+ // selection and delete the selected content after we've
+ // inserted the new text. This is necessary to try and
+ // retain as much of the original style of the content
+ // being deleted.
+ bool collapsedSelection = SelectionIsCollapsed();
+ int32_t savedSelOffset = mSelStartOffset;
+ int32_t savedSelLength = mSelEndOffset - mSelStartOffset;
+ if (!collapsedSelection) {
+ // Collapse to the start of the current selection
+ // for the insert!
+ nsresult rv = SetSelection(mSelStartOffset, 0);
+ }
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ nsresult rv = editor->BeginTransaction();
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPlaintextEditor> textEditor (do_QueryInterface(editor, &rv));
+ if (textEditor) {
+ rv = textEditor->InsertText(*aText);
+ }
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // printf("\n---- Before Insert\n");
+ // printf("Sel: (%2d, %4d) (%2d, %4d)\n", mSelStartIndex, mSelStartOffset, mSelEndIndex, mSelEndOffset);
+ // PrintOffsetTable();
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ int32_t strLength = aText->Length();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> selection;
+ OffsetEntry *itEntry;
+ OffsetEntry *entry = mOffsetTable[mSelStartIndex];
+ void *node = entry->mNode;
+ NS_ASSERTION((entry->mIsValid), "Invalid insertion point!");
+ if (entry->mStrOffset == mSelStartOffset) {
+ if (entry->mIsInsertedText) {
+ // If the caret is in an inserted text offset entry,
+ // we simply insert the text at the end of the entry.
+ entry->mLength += strLength;
+ } else {
+ // Insert an inserted text offset entry before the current
+ // entry!
+ itEntry = new OffsetEntry(entry->mNode, entry->mStrOffset, strLength);
+ if (!itEntry) {
+ editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ itEntry->mIsInsertedText = true;
+ itEntry->mNodeOffset = entry->mNodeOffset;
+ if (!mOffsetTable.InsertElementAt(mSelStartIndex, itEntry)) {
+ editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (entry->mStrOffset + entry->mLength == mSelStartOffset) {
+ // We are inserting text at the end of the current offset entry.
+ // Look at the next valid entry in the table. If it's an inserted
+ // text entry, add to its length and adjust its node offset. If
+ // it isn't, add a new inserted text entry.
+ // XXX Rename this!
+ uint32_t i = mSelStartIndex + 1;
+ itEntry = 0;
+ if (mOffsetTable.Length() > i) {
+ itEntry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (!itEntry) {
+ editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ // Check if the entry is a match. If it isn't, set
+ // iEntry to zero.
+ if (!itEntry->mIsInsertedText || itEntry->mStrOffset != mSelStartOffset) {
+ itEntry = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!itEntry) {
+ // We didn't find an inserted text offset entry, so
+ // create one.
+ itEntry = new OffsetEntry(entry->mNode, mSelStartOffset, 0);
+ if (!itEntry) {
+ editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ itEntry->mNodeOffset = entry->mNodeOffset + entry->mLength;
+ itEntry->mIsInsertedText = true;
+ if (!mOffsetTable.InsertElementAt(i, itEntry)) {
+ delete itEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ // We have a valid inserted text offset entry. Update its
+ // length, adjust the selection indexes, and make sure the
+ // caret is properly placed!
+ itEntry->mLength += strLength;
+ mSelStartIndex = mSelEndIndex = i;
+ rv = mSelCon->GetSelection(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL,
+ getter_AddRefs(selection));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = selection->Collapse(itEntry->mNode,
+ itEntry->mNodeOffset + itEntry->mLength);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ } else if (entry->mStrOffset + entry->mLength > mSelStartOffset) {
+ // We are inserting text into the middle of the current offset entry.
+ // split the current entry into two parts, then insert an inserted text
+ // entry between them!
+ // XXX Rename this!
+ uint32_t i = entry->mLength - (mSelStartOffset - entry->mStrOffset);
+ rv = SplitOffsetEntry(mSelStartIndex, i);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ itEntry = new OffsetEntry(entry->mNode, mSelStartOffset, strLength);
+ if (!itEntry) {
+ editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ itEntry->mIsInsertedText = true;
+ itEntry->mNodeOffset = entry->mNodeOffset + entry->mLength;
+ if (!mOffsetTable.InsertElementAt(mSelStartIndex + 1, itEntry)) {
+ editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ mSelEndIndex = ++mSelStartIndex;
+ }
+ // We've just finished inserting an inserted text offset entry.
+ // update all entries with the same mNode pointer that follow
+ // it in the table!
+ for (size_t i = mSelStartIndex + 1; i < mOffsetTable.Length(); i++) {
+ entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (entry->mNode != node) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (entry->mIsValid) {
+ entry->mNodeOffset += strLength;
+ }
+ }
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // printf("\n---- After Insert\n");
+ // printf("Sel: (%2d, %4d) (%2d, %4d)\n", mSelStartIndex, mSelStartOffset, mSelEndIndex, mSelEndOffset);
+ // PrintOffsetTable();
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ if (!collapsedSelection) {
+ rv = SetSelection(savedSelOffset, savedSelLength);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ rv = DeleteSelection();
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
+ rv = editor->EndTransaction();
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+nsTextServicesDocument::DidInsertNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode,
+ nsIDOMNode *aParent,
+ int32_t aPosition,
+ nsresult aResult)
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::DidDeleteNode(nsIDOMNode *aChild, nsresult aResult)
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // printf("** DeleteNode: 0x%.8x\n", aChild);
+ // fflush(stdout);
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ int32_t nodeIndex = 0;
+ bool hasEntry = false;
+ OffsetEntry *entry;
+ nsresult rv =
+ NodeHasOffsetEntry(&mOffsetTable, aChild, &hasEntry, &nodeIndex);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (!hasEntry) {
+ // It's okay if the node isn't in the offset table, the
+ // editor could be cleaning house.
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node = do_QueryInterface(mIterator->GetCurrentNode());
+ if (node && node == aChild &&
+ mIteratorStatus != nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone) {
+ // XXX: This should never really happen because
+ // AdjustContentIterator() should have been called prior
+ // to the delete to try and position the iterator on the
+ // next valid text node in the offset table, and if there
+ // wasn't a next, it would've set mIteratorStatus to eIsDone.
+ NS_ERROR("DeleteNode called for current iterator node.");
+ }
+ int32_t tcount = mOffsetTable.Length();
+ while (nodeIndex < tcount) {
+ entry = mOffsetTable[nodeIndex];
+ if (!entry) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ if (entry->mNode == aChild) {
+ entry->mIsValid = false;
+ }
+ nodeIndex++;
+ }
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::DidSplitNode(nsIDOMNode *aExistingRightNode,
+ int32_t aOffset,
+ nsIDOMNode *aNewLeftNode,
+ nsresult aResult)
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // printf("** SplitNode: 0x%.8x %d 0x%.8x\n", aExistingRightNode, aOffset, aNewLeftNode);
+ // fflush(stdout);
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::DidJoinNodes(nsIDOMNode *aLeftNode,
+ nsIDOMNode *aRightNode,
+ nsIDOMNode *aParent,
+ nsresult aResult)
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // printf("** JoinNodes: 0x%.8x 0x%.8x 0x%.8x\n", aLeftNode, aRightNode, aParent);
+ // fflush(stdout);
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // Make sure that both nodes are text nodes -- otherwise we don't care.
+ uint16_t type;
+ nsresult rv = aLeftNode->GetNodeType(&type);
+ if (nsIDOMNode::TEXT_NODE != type) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ rv = aRightNode->GetNodeType(&type);
+ if (nsIDOMNode::TEXT_NODE != type) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // Note: The editor merges the contents of the left node into the
+ // contents of the right.
+ int32_t leftIndex = 0;
+ int32_t rightIndex = 0;
+ bool leftHasEntry = false;
+ bool rightHasEntry = false;
+ rv = NodeHasOffsetEntry(&mOffsetTable, aLeftNode, &leftHasEntry, &leftIndex);
+ if (!leftHasEntry) {
+ // It's okay if the node isn't in the offset table, the
+ // editor could be cleaning house.
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ rv = NodeHasOffsetEntry(&mOffsetTable, aRightNode,
+ &rightHasEntry, &rightIndex);
+ if (!rightHasEntry) {
+ // It's okay if the node isn't in the offset table, the
+ // editor could be cleaning house.
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ NS_ASSERTION(leftIndex < rightIndex, "Indexes out of order.");
+ if (leftIndex > rightIndex) {
+ // Don't know how to handle this situation.
+ }
+ LOCK_DOC(this);
+ OffsetEntry *entry = mOffsetTable[rightIndex];
+ NS_ASSERTION(entry->mNodeOffset == 0, "Unexpected offset value for rightIndex.");
+ // Run through the table and change all entries referring to
+ // the left node so that they now refer to the right node:
+ nsAutoString str;
+ aLeftNode->GetNodeValue(str);
+ int32_t nodeLength = str.Length();
+ for (int32_t i = leftIndex; i < rightIndex; i++) {
+ entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (entry->mNode != aLeftNode) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (entry->mIsValid) {
+ entry->mNode = aRightNode;
+ }
+ }
+ // Run through the table and adjust the node offsets
+ // for all entries referring to the right node.
+ for (int32_t i = rightIndex;
+ i < static_cast<int32_t>(mOffsetTable.Length()); i++) {
+ entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (entry->mNode != aRightNode) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (entry->mIsValid) {
+ entry->mNodeOffset += nodeLength;
+ }
+ }
+ // Now check to see if the iterator is pointing to the
+ // left node. If it is, make it point to the right node!
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> leftContent = do_QueryInterface(aLeftNode);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> rightContent = do_QueryInterface(aRightNode);
+ if (!leftContent || !rightContent) {
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ }
+ if (mIterator->GetCurrentNode() == leftContent) {
+ mIterator->PositionAt(rightContent);
+ }
+ UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::CreateContentIterator(nsRange* aRange,
+ nsIContentIterator** aIterator)
+ *aIterator = nullptr;
+ // Create a nsFilteredContentIterator
+ // This class wraps the ContentIterator in order to give itself a chance
+ // to filter out certain content nodes
+ RefPtr<nsFilteredContentIterator> filter = new nsFilteredContentIterator(mTxtSvcFilter);
+ nsresult rv = filter->Init(aRange);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ filter.forget(aIterator);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::GetDocumentContentRootNode(nsIDOMNode **aNode)
+ *aNode = 0;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLDocument> htmlDoc = do_QueryInterface(mDOMDocument);
+ if (htmlDoc) {
+ // For HTML documents, the content root node is the body.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLElement> bodyElement;
+ nsresult rv = htmlDoc->GetBody(getter_AddRefs(bodyElement));
+ bodyElement.forget(aNode);
+ } else {
+ // For non-HTML documents, the content root node will be the document element.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> docElement;
+ nsresult rv = mDOMDocument->GetDocumentElement(getter_AddRefs(docElement));
+ docElement.forget(aNode);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::CreateDocumentContentRange(nsRange** aRange)
+ *aRange = nullptr;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node;
+ nsresult rv = GetDocumentContentRootNode(getter_AddRefs(node));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> nativeNode = do_QueryInterface(node);
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(nativeNode);
+ RefPtr<nsRange> range = new nsRange(nativeNode);
+ rv = range->SelectNodeContents(node);
+ range.forget(aRange);
+ return NS_OK;
+ nsIDOMNode* aParent, int32_t aOffset, bool aToStart, nsRange** aRange)
+ *aRange = 0;
+ NS_ASSERTION(aOffset >= 0, "Invalid offset!");
+ if (aOffset < 0) {
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> bodyNode;
+ nsresult rv = GetDocumentContentRootNode(getter_AddRefs(bodyNode));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> startNode;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> endNode;
+ int32_t startOffset, endOffset;
+ if (aToStart) {
+ // The range should begin at the start of the document
+ // and extend up until (aParent, aOffset).
+ startNode = bodyNode;
+ startOffset = 0;
+ endNode = aParent;
+ endOffset = aOffset;
+ } else {
+ // The range should begin at (aParent, aOffset) and
+ // extend to the end of the document.
+ startNode = aParent;
+ startOffset = aOffset;
+ endNode = bodyNode;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> body = do_QueryInterface(bodyNode);
+ endOffset = body ? int32_t(body->GetChildCount()) : 0;
+ }
+ return nsRange::CreateRange(startNode, startOffset, endNode, endOffset,
+ aRange);
+nsTextServicesDocument::CreateDocumentContentIterator(nsIContentIterator **aIterator)
+ RefPtr<nsRange> range;
+ nsresult rv = CreateDocumentContentRange(getter_AddRefs(range));
+ return CreateContentIterator(range, aIterator);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node(do_QueryInterface(mIterator->GetCurrentNode()));
+ nsIDOMNode *nodePtr = node.get();
+ int32_t tcount = mOffsetTable.Length();
+ nsIDOMNode *prevValidNode = 0;
+ nsIDOMNode *nextValidNode = 0;
+ bool foundEntry = false;
+ OffsetEntry *entry;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < tcount && !nextValidNode; i++) {
+ entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (entry->mNode == nodePtr) {
+ if (entry->mIsValid) {
+ // The iterator is still pointing to something valid!
+ // Do nothing!
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // We found an invalid entry that points to
+ // the current iterator node. Stop looking for
+ // a previous valid node!
+ foundEntry = true;
+ }
+ if (entry->mIsValid) {
+ if (!foundEntry) {
+ prevValidNode = entry->mNode;
+ } else {
+ nextValidNode = entry->mNode;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content;
+ if (prevValidNode) {
+ content = do_QueryInterface(prevValidNode);
+ } else if (nextValidNode) {
+ content = do_QueryInterface(nextValidNode);
+ }
+ if (content) {
+ nsresult rv = mIterator->PositionAt(content);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mIteratorStatus = eIsDone;
+ } else {
+ mIteratorStatus = eValid;
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // If we get here, there aren't any valid entries
+ // in the offset table! Try to position the iterator
+ // on the next text block first, then previous if
+ // one doesn't exist!
+ if (mNextTextBlock) {
+ nsresult rv = mIterator->PositionAt(mNextTextBlock);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mIteratorStatus = eIsDone;
+ return rv;
+ }
+ mIteratorStatus = eNext;
+ } else if (mPrevTextBlock) {
+ nsresult rv = mIterator->PositionAt(mPrevTextBlock);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mIteratorStatus = eIsDone;
+ return rv;
+ }
+ mIteratorStatus = ePrev;
+ } else {
+ mIteratorStatus = eIsDone;
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::DidSkip(nsIContentIterator* aFilteredIter)
+ // We can assume here that the Iterator is a nsFilteredContentIterator because
+ // all the iterator are created in CreateContentIterator which create a
+ // nsFilteredContentIterator
+ // So if the iterator bailed on one of the "filtered" content nodes then we
+ // consider that to be a block and bail with true
+ if (aFilteredIter) {
+ nsFilteredContentIterator* filter = static_cast<nsFilteredContentIterator *>(aFilteredIter);
+ if (filter && filter->DidSkip()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+nsTextServicesDocument::ClearDidSkip(nsIContentIterator* aFilteredIter)
+ // Clear filter's skip flag
+ if (aFilteredIter) {
+ nsFilteredContentIterator* filter = static_cast<nsFilteredContentIterator *>(aFilteredIter);
+ filter->ClearDidSkip();
+ }
+nsTextServicesDocument::IsBlockNode(nsIContent *aContent)
+ if (!aContent) {
+ NS_ERROR("How did a null pointer get passed to IsBlockNode?");
+ return false;
+ }
+ nsIAtom *atom = aContent->NodeInfo()->NameAtom();
+ return (sAAtom != atom &&
+ sAddressAtom != atom &&
+ sBigAtom != atom &&
+ sBAtom != atom &&
+ sCiteAtom != atom &&
+ sCodeAtom != atom &&
+ sDfnAtom != atom &&
+ sEmAtom != atom &&
+ sFontAtom != atom &&
+ sIAtom != atom &&
+ sKbdAtom != atom &&
+ sKeygenAtom != atom &&
+ sNobrAtom != atom &&
+ sSAtom != atom &&
+ sSampAtom != atom &&
+ sSmallAtom != atom &&
+ sSpacerAtom != atom &&
+ sSpanAtom != atom &&
+ sStrikeAtom != atom &&
+ sStrongAtom != atom &&
+ sSubAtom != atom &&
+ sSupAtom != atom &&
+ sTtAtom != atom &&
+ sUAtom != atom &&
+ sVarAtom != atom &&
+ sWbrAtom != atom);
+nsTextServicesDocument::HasSameBlockNodeParent(nsIContent *aContent1, nsIContent *aContent2)
+ nsIContent* p1 = aContent1->GetParent();
+ nsIContent* p2 = aContent2->GetParent();
+ // Quick test:
+ if (p1 == p2) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Walk up the parent hierarchy looking for closest block boundary node:
+ while (p1 && !IsBlockNode(p1)) {
+ p1 = p1->GetParent();
+ }
+ while (p2 && !IsBlockNode(p2)) {
+ p2 = p2->GetParent();
+ }
+ return p1 == p2;
+nsTextServicesDocument::IsTextNode(nsIContent *aContent)
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aContent, false);
+ return nsIDOMNode::TEXT_NODE == aContent->NodeType();
+nsTextServicesDocument::IsTextNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode)
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aNode, false);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content = do_QueryInterface(aNode);
+ return IsTextNode(content);
+nsTextServicesDocument::SetSelectionInternal(int32_t aOffset, int32_t aLength, bool aDoUpdate)
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mSelCon && aOffset >= 0 && aLength >= 0, NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
+ nsIDOMNode *sNode = 0, *eNode = 0;
+ int32_t sOffset = 0, eOffset = 0;
+ OffsetEntry *entry;
+ // Find start of selection in node offset terms:
+ for (size_t i = 0; !sNode && i < mOffsetTable.Length(); i++) {
+ entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (entry->mIsValid) {
+ if (entry->mIsInsertedText) {
+ // Caret can only be placed at the end of an
+ // inserted text offset entry, if the offsets
+ // match exactly!
+ if (entry->mStrOffset == aOffset) {
+ sNode = entry->mNode;
+ sOffset = entry->mNodeOffset + entry->mLength;
+ }
+ } else if (aOffset >= entry->mStrOffset) {
+ bool foundEntry = false;
+ int32_t strEndOffset = entry->mStrOffset + entry->mLength;
+ if (aOffset < strEndOffset) {
+ foundEntry = true;
+ } else if (aOffset == strEndOffset) {
+ // Peek after this entry to see if we have any
+ // inserted text entries belonging to the same
+ // entry->mNode. If so, we have to place the selection
+ // after it!
+ if (i + 1 < mOffsetTable.Length()) {
+ OffsetEntry *nextEntry = mOffsetTable[i+1];
+ if (!nextEntry->mIsValid || nextEntry->mStrOffset != aOffset) {
+ // Next offset entry isn't an exact match, so we'll
+ // just use the current entry.
+ foundEntry = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (foundEntry) {
+ sNode = entry->mNode;
+ sOffset = entry->mNodeOffset + aOffset - entry->mStrOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sNode) {
+ mSelStartIndex = static_cast<int32_t>(i);
+ mSelStartOffset = aOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // XXX: If we ever get a SetSelection() method in nsIEditor, we should
+ // use it.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> selection;
+ if (aDoUpdate) {
+ nsresult rv =
+ mSelCon->GetSelection(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL,
+ getter_AddRefs(selection));
+ rv = selection->Collapse(sNode, sOffset);
+ }
+ if (aLength <= 0) {
+ // We have a collapsed selection. (Caret)
+ mSelEndIndex = mSelStartIndex;
+ mSelEndOffset = mSelStartOffset;
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // printf("\n* Sel: (%2d, %4d) (%2d, %4d)\n", mSelStartIndex, mSelStartOffset, mSelEndIndex, mSelEndOffset);
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // Find the end of the selection in node offset terms:
+ int32_t endOffset = aOffset + aLength;
+ for (int32_t i = mOffsetTable.Length() - 1; !eNode && i >= 0; i--) {
+ entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (entry->mIsValid) {
+ if (entry->mIsInsertedText) {
+ if (entry->mStrOffset == eOffset) {
+ // If the selection ends on an inserted text offset entry,
+ // the selection includes the entire entry!
+ eNode = entry->mNode;
+ eOffset = entry->mNodeOffset + entry->mLength;
+ }
+ } else if (endOffset >= entry->mStrOffset &&
+ endOffset <= entry->mStrOffset + entry->mLength) {
+ eNode = entry->mNode;
+ eOffset = entry->mNodeOffset + endOffset - entry->mStrOffset;
+ }
+ if (eNode) {
+ mSelEndIndex = i;
+ mSelEndOffset = endOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (aDoUpdate && eNode) {
+ nsresult rv = selection->Extend(eNode, eOffset);
+ }
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ // printf("\n * Sel: (%2d, %4d) (%2d, %4d)\n", mSelStartIndex, mSelStartOffset, mSelEndIndex, mSelEndOffset);
+ //**** KDEBUG ****
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::GetSelection(nsITextServicesDocument::TSDBlockSelectionStatus *aSelStatus, int32_t *aSelOffset, int32_t *aSelLength)
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aSelStatus && aSelOffset && aSelLength, NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER);
+ *aSelStatus = nsITextServicesDocument::eBlockNotFound;
+ *aSelOffset = -1;
+ *aSelLength = -1;
+ if (mIteratorStatus == nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> selection;
+ bool isCollapsed;
+ nsresult rv = mSelCon->GetSelection(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL,
+ getter_AddRefs(selection));
+ rv = selection->GetIsCollapsed(&isCollapsed);
+ // XXX: If we expose this method publicly, we need to
+ // add LOCK_DOC/UNLOCK_DOC calls!
+ // LOCK_DOC(this);
+ if (isCollapsed) {
+ rv = GetCollapsedSelection(aSelStatus, aSelOffset, aSelLength);
+ } else {
+ rv = GetUncollapsedSelection(aSelStatus, aSelOffset, aSelLength);
+ }
+ // UNLOCK_DOC(this);
+ // XXX The result of GetCollapsedSelection() or GetUncollapsedSelection().
+ return rv;
+nsTextServicesDocument::GetCollapsedSelection(nsITextServicesDocument::TSDBlockSelectionStatus *aSelStatus, int32_t *aSelOffset, int32_t *aSelLength)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> domSelection;
+ nsresult rv =
+ mSelCon->GetSelection(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL,
+ getter_AddRefs(domSelection));
+ RefPtr<Selection> selection = domSelection->AsSelection();
+ // The calling function should have done the GetIsCollapsed()
+ // check already. Just assume it's collapsed!
+ *aSelStatus = nsITextServicesDocument::eBlockOutside;
+ *aSelOffset = *aSelLength = -1;
+ int32_t tableCount = mOffsetTable.Length();
+ if (!tableCount) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // Get pointers to the first and last offset entries
+ // in the table.
+ OffsetEntry* eStart = mOffsetTable[0];
+ OffsetEntry* eEnd;
+ if (tableCount > 1) {
+ eEnd = mOffsetTable[tableCount - 1];
+ } else {
+ eEnd = eStart;
+ }
+ int32_t eStartOffset = eStart->mNodeOffset;
+ int32_t eEndOffset = eEnd->mNodeOffset + eEnd->mLength;
+ RefPtr<nsRange> range = selection->GetRangeAt(0);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> domParent;
+ rv = range->GetStartContainer(getter_AddRefs(domParent));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> parent = do_QueryInterface(domParent);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(parent);
+ int32_t offset;
+ rv = range->GetStartOffset(&offset);
+ int32_t e1s1 = nsContentUtils::ComparePoints(eStart->mNode, eStartOffset,
+ domParent, offset);
+ int32_t e2s1 = nsContentUtils::ComparePoints(eEnd->mNode, eEndOffset,
+ domParent, offset);
+ if (e1s1 > 0 || e2s1 < 0) {
+ // We're done if the caret is outside the current text block.
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (parent->NodeType() == nsIDOMNode::TEXT_NODE) {
+ // Good news, the caret is in a text node. Look
+ // through the offset table for the entry that
+ // matches its parent and offset.
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < tableCount; i++) {
+ OffsetEntry* entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (entry->mNode == domParent.get() &&
+ entry->mNodeOffset <= offset &&
+ offset <= entry->mNodeOffset + entry->mLength) {
+ *aSelStatus = nsITextServicesDocument::eBlockContains;
+ *aSelOffset = entry->mStrOffset + (offset - entry->mNodeOffset);
+ *aSelLength = 0;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we get here, we didn't find a text node entry
+ // in our offset table that matched.
+ }
+ // The caret is in our text block, but it's positioned in some
+ // non-text node (ex. <b>). Create a range based on the start
+ // and end of the text block, then create an iterator based on
+ // this range, with its initial position set to the closest
+ // child of this non-text node. Then look for the closest text
+ // node.
+ rv = CreateRange(eStart->mNode, eStartOffset, eEnd->mNode, eEndOffset,
+ getter_AddRefs(range));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentIterator> iter;
+ rv = CreateContentIterator(range, getter_AddRefs(iter));
+ nsIContent* saveNode;
+ if (parent->HasChildren()) {
+ // XXX: We need to make sure that all of parent's
+ // children are in the text block.
+ // If the parent has children, position the iterator
+ // on the child that is to the left of the offset.
+ uint32_t childIndex = (uint32_t)offset;
+ if (childIndex > 0) {
+ uint32_t numChildren = parent->GetChildCount();
+ NS_ASSERTION(childIndex <= numChildren, "Invalid selection offset!");
+ if (childIndex > numChildren) {
+ childIndex = numChildren;
+ }
+ childIndex -= 1;
+ }
+ nsIContent* content = parent->GetChildAt(childIndex);
+ rv = iter->PositionAt(content);
+ saveNode = content;
+ } else {
+ // The parent has no children, so position the iterator
+ // on the parent.
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(parent->IsContent(), NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content = parent->AsContent();
+ rv = iter->PositionAt(content);
+ saveNode = content;
+ }
+ // Now iterate to the left, towards the beginning of
+ // the text block, to find the first text node you
+ // come across.
+ nsIContent* node = nullptr;
+ while (!iter->IsDone()) {
+ nsINode* current = iter->GetCurrentNode();
+ if (current->NodeType() == nsIDOMNode::TEXT_NODE) {
+ node = static_cast<nsIContent*>(current);
+ break;
+ }
+ iter->Prev();
+ }
+ if (node) {
+ // We found a node, now set the offset to the end
+ // of the text node.
+ offset = node->TextLength();
+ } else {
+ // We should never really get here, but I'm paranoid.
+ // We didn't find a text node above, so iterate to
+ // the right, towards the end of the text block, looking
+ // for a text node.
+ rv = iter->PositionAt(saveNode);
+ node = nullptr;
+ while (!iter->IsDone()) {
+ nsINode* current = iter->GetCurrentNode();
+ if (current->NodeType() == nsIDOMNode::TEXT_NODE) {
+ node = static_cast<nsIContent*>(current);
+ break;
+ }
+ iter->Next();
+ }
+ // We found a text node, so set the offset to
+ // the beginning of the node.
+ offset = 0;
+ }
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < tableCount; i++) {
+ OffsetEntry* entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (entry->mNode == node->AsDOMNode() &&
+ entry->mNodeOffset <= offset &&
+ offset <= entry->mNodeOffset + entry->mLength) {
+ *aSelStatus = nsITextServicesDocument::eBlockContains;
+ *aSelOffset = entry->mStrOffset + (offset - entry->mNodeOffset);
+ *aSelLength = 0;
+ // Now move the caret so that it is actually in the text node.
+ // We do this to keep things in sync.
+ //
+ // In most cases, the user shouldn't see any movement in the caret
+ // on screen.
+ return SetSelectionInternal(*aSelOffset, *aSelLength, true);
+ }
+ }
+nsTextServicesDocument::GetUncollapsedSelection(nsITextServicesDocument::TSDBlockSelectionStatus *aSelStatus, int32_t *aSelOffset, int32_t *aSelLength)
+ RefPtr<nsRange> range;
+ OffsetEntry *entry;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> domSelection;
+ nsresult rv = mSelCon->GetSelection(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL,
+ getter_AddRefs(domSelection));
+ RefPtr<Selection> selection = domSelection->AsSelection();
+ // It is assumed that the calling function has made sure that the
+ // selection is not collapsed, and that the input params to this
+ // method are initialized to some defaults.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> startParent, endParent;
+ int32_t startOffset, endOffset;
+ int32_t rangeCount, tableCount;
+ int32_t e1s1 = 0, e1s2 = 0, e2s1 = 0, e2s2 = 0;
+ OffsetEntry *eStart, *eEnd;
+ int32_t eStartOffset, eEndOffset;
+ tableCount = mOffsetTable.Length();
+ // Get pointers to the first and last offset entries
+ // in the table.
+ eStart = mOffsetTable[0];
+ if (tableCount > 1) {
+ eEnd = mOffsetTable[tableCount - 1];
+ } else {
+ eEnd = eStart;
+ }
+ eStartOffset = eStart->mNodeOffset;
+ eEndOffset = eEnd->mNodeOffset + eEnd->mLength;
+ rv = selection->GetRangeCount(&rangeCount);
+ // Find the first range in the selection that intersects
+ // the current text block.
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++) {
+ range = selection->GetRangeAt(i);
+ rv = GetRangeEndPoints(range,
+ getter_AddRefs(startParent), &startOffset,
+ getter_AddRefs(endParent), &endOffset);
+ e1s2 = nsContentUtils::ComparePoints(eStart->mNode, eStartOffset,
+ endParent, endOffset);
+ e2s1 = nsContentUtils::ComparePoints(eEnd->mNode, eEndOffset,
+ startParent, startOffset);
+ // Break out of the loop if the text block intersects the current range.
+ if (e1s2 <= 0 && e2s1 >= 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // We're done if we didn't find an intersecting range.
+ if (rangeCount < 1 || e1s2 > 0 || e2s1 < 0) {
+ *aSelStatus = nsITextServicesDocument::eBlockOutside;
+ *aSelOffset = *aSelLength = -1;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // Now that we have an intersecting range, find out more info:
+ e1s1 = nsContentUtils::ComparePoints(eStart->mNode, eStartOffset,
+ startParent, startOffset);
+ e2s2 = nsContentUtils::ComparePoints(eEnd->mNode, eEndOffset,
+ endParent, endOffset);
+ if (rangeCount > 1) {
+ // There are multiple selection ranges, we only deal
+ // with the first one that intersects the current,
+ // text block, so mark this a as a partial.
+ *aSelStatus = nsITextServicesDocument::eBlockPartial;
+ } else if (e1s1 > 0 && e2s2 < 0) {
+ // The range extends beyond the start and
+ // end of the current text block.
+ *aSelStatus = nsITextServicesDocument::eBlockInside;
+ } else if (e1s1 <= 0 && e2s2 >= 0) {
+ // The current text block contains the entire
+ // range.
+ *aSelStatus = nsITextServicesDocument::eBlockContains;
+ } else {
+ // The range partially intersects the block.
+ *aSelStatus = nsITextServicesDocument::eBlockPartial;
+ }
+ // Now create a range based on the intersection of the
+ // text block and range:
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> p1, p2;
+ int32_t o1, o2;
+ // The start of the range will be the rightmost
+ // start node.
+ if (e1s1 >= 0) {
+ p1 = do_QueryInterface(eStart->mNode);
+ o1 = eStartOffset;
+ } else {
+ p1 = startParent;
+ o1 = startOffset;
+ }
+ // The end of the range will be the leftmost
+ // end node.
+ if (e2s2 <= 0) {
+ p2 = do_QueryInterface(eEnd->mNode);
+ o2 = eEndOffset;
+ } else {
+ p2 = endParent;
+ o2 = endOffset;
+ }
+ rv = CreateRange(p1, o1, p2, o2, getter_AddRefs(range));
+ // Now iterate over this range to figure out the selection's
+ // block offset and length.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentIterator> iter;
+ rv = CreateContentIterator(range, getter_AddRefs(iter));
+ // Find the first text node in the range.
+ bool found;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content;
+ iter->First();
+ if (!IsTextNode(p1)) {
+ found = false;
+ while (!iter->IsDone()) {
+ content = do_QueryInterface(iter->GetCurrentNode());
+ if (IsTextNode(content)) {
+ p1 = do_QueryInterface(content);
+ o1 = 0;
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ iter->Next();
+ }
+ }
+ // Find the last text node in the range.
+ iter->Last();
+ if (!IsTextNode(p2)) {
+ found = false;
+ while (!iter->IsDone()) {
+ content = do_QueryInterface(iter->GetCurrentNode());
+ if (IsTextNode(content)) {
+ p2 = do_QueryInterface(content);
+ nsString str;
+ rv = p2->GetNodeValue(str);
+ o2 = str.Length();
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ iter->Prev();
+ }
+ }
+ found = false;
+ *aSelLength = 0;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < tableCount; i++) {
+ entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (!found) {
+ if (entry->mNode == p1.get() &&
+ entry->mNodeOffset <= o1 &&
+ o1 <= entry->mNodeOffset + entry->mLength) {
+ *aSelOffset = entry->mStrOffset + (o1 - entry->mNodeOffset);
+ if (p1 == p2 &&
+ entry->mNodeOffset <= o2 &&
+ o2 <= entry->mNodeOffset + entry->mLength) {
+ // The start and end of the range are in the same offset
+ // entry. Calculate the length of the range then we're done.
+ *aSelLength = o2 - o1;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Add the length of the sub string in this offset entry
+ // that follows the start of the range.
+ *aSelLength = entry->mLength - (o1 - entry->mNodeOffset);
+ found = true;
+ }
+ } else { // Found.
+ if (entry->mNode == p2.get() &&
+ entry->mNodeOffset <= o2 &&
+ o2 <= entry->mNodeOffset + entry->mLength) {
+ // We found the end of the range. Calculate the length of the
+ // sub string that is before the end of the range, then we're done.
+ *aSelLength += o2 - entry->mNodeOffset;
+ break;
+ }
+ // The entire entry must be in the range.
+ *aSelLength += entry->mLength;
+ }
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ return(mSelStartIndex == mSelEndIndex && mSelStartOffset == mSelEndOffset);
+ return(mSelStartIndex >= 0);
+nsTextServicesDocument::GetRangeEndPoints(nsRange* aRange,
+ nsIDOMNode **aStartParent, int32_t *aStartOffset,
+ nsIDOMNode **aEndParent, int32_t *aEndOffset)
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aRange && aStartParent && aStartOffset && aEndParent && aEndOffset, NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER);
+ nsresult rv = aRange->GetStartContainer(aStartParent);
+ rv = aRange->GetStartOffset(aStartOffset);
+ rv = aRange->GetEndContainer(aEndParent);
+ return aRange->GetEndOffset(aEndOffset);
+nsTextServicesDocument::CreateRange(nsIDOMNode *aStartParent, int32_t aStartOffset,
+ nsIDOMNode *aEndParent, int32_t aEndOffset,
+ nsRange** aRange)
+ return nsRange::CreateRange(aStartParent, aStartOffset, aEndParent,
+ aEndOffset, aRange);
+nsTextServicesDocument::FirstTextNode(nsIContentIterator *aIterator,
+ TSDIteratorStatus *aIteratorStatus)
+ if (aIteratorStatus) {
+ *aIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone;
+ }
+ aIterator->First();
+ while (!aIterator->IsDone()) {
+ if (aIterator->GetCurrentNode()->NodeType() == nsIDOMNode::TEXT_NODE) {
+ if (aIteratorStatus) {
+ *aIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eValid;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ aIterator->Next();
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::LastTextNode(nsIContentIterator *aIterator,
+ TSDIteratorStatus *aIteratorStatus)
+ if (aIteratorStatus) {
+ *aIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone;
+ }
+ aIterator->Last();
+ while (!aIterator->IsDone()) {
+ if (aIterator->GetCurrentNode()->NodeType() == nsIDOMNode::TEXT_NODE) {
+ if (aIteratorStatus) {
+ *aIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eValid;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ aIterator->Prev();
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::FirstTextNodeInCurrentBlock(nsIContentIterator *iter)
+ ClearDidSkip(iter);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> last;
+ // Walk backwards over adjacent text nodes until
+ // we hit a block boundary:
+ while (!iter->IsDone()) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content = iter->GetCurrentNode()->IsContent()
+ ? iter->GetCurrentNode()->AsContent()
+ : nullptr;
+ if (last && IsBlockNode(content)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (IsTextNode(content)) {
+ if (last && !HasSameBlockNodeParent(content, last)) {
+ // We're done, the current text node is in a
+ // different block.
+ break;
+ }
+ last = content;
+ }
+ iter->Prev();
+ if (DidSkip(iter)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (last) {
+ iter->PositionAt(last);
+ }
+ // XXX: What should we return if last is null?
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::FirstTextNodeInPrevBlock(nsIContentIterator *aIterator)
+ // XXX: What if mIterator is not currently on a text node?
+ // Make sure mIterator is pointing to the first text node in the
+ // current block:
+ nsresult rv = FirstTextNodeInCurrentBlock(aIterator);
+ // Point mIterator to the first node before the first text node:
+ aIterator->Prev();
+ if (aIterator->IsDone()) {
+ }
+ // Now find the first text node of the next block:
+ return FirstTextNodeInCurrentBlock(aIterator);
+nsTextServicesDocument::FirstTextNodeInNextBlock(nsIContentIterator *aIterator)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> prev;
+ bool crossedBlockBoundary = false;
+ ClearDidSkip(aIterator);
+ while (!aIterator->IsDone()) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content = aIterator->GetCurrentNode()->IsContent()
+ ? aIterator->GetCurrentNode()->AsContent()
+ : nullptr;
+ if (IsTextNode(content)) {
+ if (crossedBlockBoundary ||
+ (prev && !HasSameBlockNodeParent(prev, content))) {
+ break;
+ }
+ prev = content;
+ } else if (!crossedBlockBoundary && IsBlockNode(content)) {
+ crossedBlockBoundary = true;
+ }
+ aIterator->Next();
+ if (!crossedBlockBoundary && DidSkip(aIterator)) {
+ crossedBlockBoundary = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::GetFirstTextNodeInPrevBlock(nsIContent **aContent)
+ *aContent = 0;
+ // Save the iterator's current content node so we can restore
+ // it when we are done:
+ nsINode* node = mIterator->GetCurrentNode();
+ nsresult rv = FirstTextNodeInPrevBlock(mIterator);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ // Try to restore the iterator before returning.
+ mIterator->PositionAt(node);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (!mIterator->IsDone()) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> current = mIterator->GetCurrentNode()->IsContent()
+ ? mIterator->GetCurrentNode()->AsContent()
+ : nullptr;
+ current.forget(aContent);
+ }
+ // Restore the iterator:
+ return mIterator->PositionAt(node);
+nsTextServicesDocument::GetFirstTextNodeInNextBlock(nsIContent **aContent)
+ *aContent = 0;
+ // Save the iterator's current content node so we can restore
+ // it when we are done:
+ nsINode* node = mIterator->GetCurrentNode();
+ nsresult rv = FirstTextNodeInNextBlock(mIterator);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ // Try to restore the iterator before returning.
+ mIterator->PositionAt(node);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (!mIterator->IsDone()) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> current = mIterator->GetCurrentNode()->IsContent()
+ ? mIterator->GetCurrentNode()->AsContent()
+ : nullptr;
+ current.forget(aContent);
+ }
+ // Restore the iterator:
+ return mIterator->PositionAt(node);
+nsTextServicesDocument::CreateOffsetTable(nsTArray<OffsetEntry*> *aOffsetTable,
+ nsIContentIterator *aIterator,
+ TSDIteratorStatus *aIteratorStatus,
+ nsRange* aIterRange, nsString* aStr)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> first;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> prev;
+ ClearOffsetTable(aOffsetTable);
+ if (aStr) {
+ aStr->Truncate();
+ }
+ if (*aIteratorStatus == nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // If we have an aIterRange, retrieve the endpoints so
+ // they can be used in the while loop below to trim entries
+ // for text nodes that are partially selected by aIterRange.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> rngStartNode, rngEndNode;
+ int32_t rngStartOffset = 0, rngEndOffset = 0;
+ if (aIterRange) {
+ nsresult rv =
+ GetRangeEndPoints(aIterRange,
+ getter_AddRefs(rngStartNode), &rngStartOffset,
+ getter_AddRefs(rngEndNode), &rngEndOffset);
+ }
+ // The text service could have added text nodes to the beginning
+ // of the current block and called this method again. Make sure
+ // we really are at the beginning of the current block:
+ nsresult rv = FirstTextNodeInCurrentBlock(aIterator);
+ int32_t offset = 0;
+ ClearDidSkip(aIterator);
+ while (!aIterator->IsDone()) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content = aIterator->GetCurrentNode()->IsContent()
+ ? aIterator->GetCurrentNode()->AsContent()
+ : nullptr;
+ if (IsTextNode(content)) {
+ if (prev && !HasSameBlockNodeParent(prev, content)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node = do_QueryInterface(content);
+ if (node) {
+ nsString str;
+ rv = node->GetNodeValue(str);
+ // Add an entry for this text node into the offset table:
+ OffsetEntry *entry = new OffsetEntry(node, offset, str.Length());
+ aOffsetTable->AppendElement(entry);
+ // If one or both of the endpoints of the iteration range
+ // are in the text node for this entry, make sure the entry
+ // only accounts for the portion of the text node that is
+ // in the range.
+ int32_t startOffset = 0;
+ int32_t endOffset = str.Length();
+ bool adjustStr = false;
+ if (entry->mNode == rngStartNode) {
+ entry->mNodeOffset = startOffset = rngStartOffset;
+ adjustStr = true;
+ }
+ if (entry->mNode == rngEndNode) {
+ endOffset = rngEndOffset;
+ adjustStr = true;
+ }
+ if (adjustStr) {
+ entry->mLength = endOffset - startOffset;
+ str = Substring(str, startOffset, entry->mLength);
+ }
+ offset += str.Length();
+ if (aStr) {
+ // Append the text node's string to the output string:
+ if (!first) {
+ *aStr = str;
+ } else {
+ *aStr += str;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ prev = content;
+ if (!first) {
+ first = content;
+ }
+ }
+ // XXX This should be checked before IsTextNode(), but IsBlockNode() returns
+ // true even if content is a text node. See bug 1311934.
+ else if (IsBlockNode(content)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ aIterator->Next();
+ if (DidSkip(aIterator)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (first) {
+ // Always leave the iterator pointing at the first
+ // text node of the current block!
+ aIterator->PositionAt(first);
+ } else {
+ // If we never ran across a text node, the iterator
+ // might have been pointing to something invalid to
+ // begin with.
+ *aIteratorStatus = nsTextServicesDocument::eIsDone;
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < mOffsetTable.Length(); ) {
+ OffsetEntry* entry = mOffsetTable[i];
+ if (!entry->mIsValid) {
+ mOffsetTable.RemoveElementAt(i);
+ if (mSelStartIndex >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(mSelStartIndex) >= i) {
+ // We are deleting an entry that comes before
+ // mSelStartIndex, decrement mSelStartIndex so
+ // that it points to the correct entry!
+ NS_ASSERTION(i != static_cast<size_t>(mSelStartIndex),
+ "Invalid selection index.");
+ --mSelStartIndex;
+ --mSelEndIndex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::ClearOffsetTable(nsTArray<OffsetEntry*> *aOffsetTable)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < aOffsetTable->Length(); i++) {
+ delete aOffsetTable->ElementAt(i);
+ }
+ aOffsetTable->Clear();
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::SplitOffsetEntry(int32_t aTableIndex, int32_t aNewEntryLength)
+ OffsetEntry *entry = mOffsetTable[aTableIndex];
+ NS_ASSERTION((aNewEntryLength > 0), "aNewEntryLength <= 0");
+ NS_ASSERTION((aNewEntryLength < entry->mLength), "aNewEntryLength >= mLength");
+ if (aNewEntryLength < 1 || aNewEntryLength >= entry->mLength) {
+ }
+ int32_t oldLength = entry->mLength - aNewEntryLength;
+ OffsetEntry *newEntry = new OffsetEntry(entry->mNode,
+ entry->mStrOffset + oldLength,
+ aNewEntryLength);
+ if (!mOffsetTable.InsertElementAt(aTableIndex + 1, newEntry)) {
+ delete newEntry;
+ }
+ // Adjust entry fields:
+ entry->mLength = oldLength;
+ newEntry->mNodeOffset = entry->mNodeOffset + oldLength;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::NodeHasOffsetEntry(nsTArray<OffsetEntry*> *aOffsetTable, nsIDOMNode *aNode, bool *aHasEntry, int32_t *aEntryIndex)
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aNode && aHasEntry && aEntryIndex, NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < aOffsetTable->Length(); i++) {
+ OffsetEntry* entry = (*aOffsetTable)[i];
+ if (entry->mNode == aNode) {
+ *aHasEntry = true;
+ *aEntryIndex = i;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ *aHasEntry = false;
+ *aEntryIndex = -1;
+ return NS_OK;
+// Spellchecker code has this. See bug 211343
+#define IS_NBSP_CHAR(c) (((unsigned char)0xa0)==(c))
+nsTextServicesDocument::FindWordBounds(nsTArray<OffsetEntry*> *aOffsetTable,
+ nsString *aBlockStr,
+ nsIDOMNode *aNode,
+ int32_t aNodeOffset,
+ nsIDOMNode **aWordStartNode,
+ int32_t *aWordStartOffset,
+ nsIDOMNode **aWordEndNode,
+ int32_t *aWordEndOffset)
+ // Initialize return values.
+ if (aWordStartNode) {
+ *aWordStartNode = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (aWordStartOffset) {
+ *aWordStartOffset = 0;
+ }
+ if (aWordEndNode) {
+ *aWordEndNode = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (aWordEndOffset) {
+ *aWordEndOffset = 0;
+ }
+ int32_t entryIndex = 0;
+ bool hasEntry = false;
+ // It's assumed that aNode is a text node. The first thing
+ // we do is get its index in the offset table so we can
+ // calculate the dom point's string offset.
+ nsresult rv = NodeHasOffsetEntry(aOffsetTable, aNode, &hasEntry, &entryIndex);
+ // Next we map aNodeOffset into a string offset.
+ OffsetEntry *entry = (*aOffsetTable)[entryIndex];
+ uint32_t strOffset = entry->mStrOffset + aNodeOffset - entry->mNodeOffset;
+ // Now we use the word breaker to find the beginning and end
+ // of the word from our calculated string offset.
+ const char16_t *str = aBlockStr->get();
+ uint32_t strLen = aBlockStr->Length();
+ nsIWordBreaker* wordBreaker = nsContentUtils::WordBreaker();
+ nsWordRange res = wordBreaker->FindWord(str, strLen, strOffset);
+ if (res.mBegin > strLen) {
+ }
+ // Strip out the NBSPs at the ends
+ while (res.mBegin <= res.mEnd && IS_NBSP_CHAR(str[res.mBegin])) {
+ res.mBegin++;
+ }
+ if (str[res.mEnd] == (unsigned char)0x20) {
+ uint32_t realEndWord = res.mEnd - 1;
+ while (realEndWord > res.mBegin && IS_NBSP_CHAR(str[realEndWord])) {
+ realEndWord--;
+ }
+ if (realEndWord < res.mEnd - 1) {
+ res.mEnd = realEndWord + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Now that we have the string offsets for the beginning
+ // and end of the word, run through the offset table and
+ // convert them back into dom points.
+ size_t lastIndex = aOffsetTable->Length() - 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
+ entry = (*aOffsetTable)[i];
+ int32_t strEndOffset = entry->mStrOffset + entry->mLength;
+ // Check to see if res.mBegin is within the range covered
+ // by this entry. Note that if res.mBegin is after the last
+ // character covered by this entry, we will use the next
+ // entry if there is one.
+ if (uint32_t(entry->mStrOffset) <= res.mBegin &&
+ (res.mBegin < static_cast<uint32_t>(strEndOffset) ||
+ (res.mBegin == static_cast<uint32_t>(strEndOffset) &&
+ i == lastIndex))) {
+ if (aWordStartNode) {
+ *aWordStartNode = entry->mNode;
+ NS_IF_ADDREF(*aWordStartNode);
+ }
+ if (aWordStartOffset) {
+ *aWordStartOffset = entry->mNodeOffset + res.mBegin - entry->mStrOffset;
+ }
+ if (!aWordEndNode && !aWordEndOffset) {
+ // We've found our start entry, but if we're not looking
+ // for end entries, we're done.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check to see if res.mEnd is within the range covered
+ // by this entry.
+ if (static_cast<uint32_t>(entry->mStrOffset) <= res.mEnd &&
+ res.mEnd <= static_cast<uint32_t>(strEndOffset)) {
+ if (res.mBegin == res.mEnd &&
+ res.mEnd == static_cast<uint32_t>(strEndOffset) &&
+ i != lastIndex) {
+ // Wait for the next round so that we use the same entry
+ // we did for aWordStartNode.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (aWordEndNode) {
+ *aWordEndNode = entry->mNode;
+ NS_IF_ADDREF(*aWordEndNode);
+ }
+ if (aWordEndOffset) {
+ *aWordEndOffset = entry->mNodeOffset + res.mEnd - entry->mStrOffset;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::WillInsertNode(nsIDOMNode *aNode,
+ nsIDOMNode *aParent,
+ int32_t aPosition)
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::WillDeleteNode(nsIDOMNode *aChild)
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::WillSplitNode(nsIDOMNode *aExistingRightNode,
+ int32_t aOffset)
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::WillJoinNodes(nsIDOMNode *aLeftNode,
+ nsIDOMNode *aRightNode,
+ nsIDOMNode *aParent)
+ return NS_OK;
+// -------------------------------
+// stubs for unused listen methods
+// -------------------------------
+nsTextServicesDocument::WillCreateNode(const nsAString& aTag, nsIDOMNode *aParent, int32_t aPosition)
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::DidCreateNode(const nsAString& aTag, nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsIDOMNode *aParent, int32_t aPosition, nsresult aResult)
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::WillInsertText(nsIDOMCharacterData *aTextNode, int32_t aOffset, const nsAString &aString)
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::DidInsertText(nsIDOMCharacterData *aTextNode, int32_t aOffset, const nsAString &aString, nsresult aResult)
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::WillDeleteText(nsIDOMCharacterData *aTextNode, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aLength)
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::DidDeleteText(nsIDOMCharacterData *aTextNode, int32_t aOffset, int32_t aLength, nsresult aResult)
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::WillDeleteSelection(nsISelection *aSelection)
+ return NS_OK;
+nsTextServicesDocument::DidDeleteSelection(nsISelection *aSelection)
+ return NS_OK;