diff options
author | Matt A. Tobin <email@mattatobin.com> | 2021-12-04 12:45:34 -0500 |
committer | Matt A. Tobin <email@mattatobin.com> | 2021-12-04 12:45:34 -0500 |
commit | b85c84d1cf9feedf7bbbd99f2d31d14df9191c1f (patch) | |
tree | 1e3725aebb75007f0013c50fa8452bdb1166d1ff /testing | |
parent | 7b24ed38db2bce57686c79648235f17005bcf184 (diff) | |
download | aura-central-b85c84d1cf9feedf7bbbd99f2d31d14df9191c1f.tar.gz |
Issue %3021 - Remove testing/mozharness
Diffstat (limited to 'testing')
387 files changed, 0 insertions, 48916 deletions
diff --git a/testing/mozharness/LICENSE b/testing/mozharness/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index a612ad981..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,373 +0,0 @@ -Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 -================================== - -1. Definitions --------------- - -1.1. "Contributor" - means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to - the creation of, or owns Covered Software. - -1.2. "Contributor Version" - means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used - by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution. - -1.3. "Contribution" - means Covered Software of a particular Contributor. - -1.4. "Covered Software" - means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached - the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code - Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case - including portions thereof. - -1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" - means - - (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described - in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or - - (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of - version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the - terms of a Secondary License. - -1.6. "Executable Form" - means any form of the work other than Source Code Form. - -1.7. "Larger Work" - means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in - a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software. - -1.8. "License" - means this document. - -1.9. "Licensable" - means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, - whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and - all of the rights conveyed by this License. - -1.10. "Modifications" - means any of the following: - - (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, - deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered - Software; or - - (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered - Software. - -1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor - means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, - process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such - Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the - License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having - made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its - Contributor Version. - -1.12. "Secondary License" - means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU - Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General - Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those - licenses. - -1.13. "Source Code Form" - means the form of the work preferred for making modifications. - -1.14. "You" (or "Your") - means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this - License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that - controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For - purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct - or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, - whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than - fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial - ownership of such entity. - -2. License Grants and Conditions --------------------------------- - -2.1. Grants - -Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, -non-exclusive license: - -(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) - Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available, - modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its - Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or - as part of a Larger Work; and - -(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer - for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its - Contributions or its Contributor Version. - -2.2. Effective Date - -The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution -become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first -distributes such Contribution. - -2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope - -The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under -this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the -distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License. -Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a -Contributor: - -(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; - or - -(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's - modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its - Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor - Version); or - -(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of - its Contributions. - -This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, -or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with -the notice requirements in Section 3.4). - -2.4. Subsequent Licenses - -No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to -distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this -License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if -permitted under the terms of Section 3.3). - -2.5. Representation - -Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its -Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights -to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License. - -2.6. Fair Use - -This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under -applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other -equivalents. - -2.7. Conditions - -Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted -in Section 2.1. - -3. Responsibilities -------------------- - -3.1. Distribution of Source Form - -All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any -Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under -the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source -Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this -License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not -attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code -Form. - -3.2. Distribution of Executable Form - -If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then: - -(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code - Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of - the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code - Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more - than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and - -(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this - License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the - license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter - the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License. - -3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work - -You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice, -provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for -the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered -Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the -Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this -License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software -under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of -the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered -Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary -License(s). - -3.4. Notices - -You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices -(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, -or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of -the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to -the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies. - -3.5. Application of Additional Terms - -You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, -indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered -Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on -behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any -such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by -You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any -liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, -indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional -disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any -jurisdiction. - -4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation ---------------------------------------------------- - -If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this -License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to -statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with -the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) -describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must -be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered -Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute -or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a -recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it. - -5. Termination --------------- - -5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically -if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become -compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular -Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such -Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an -ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the -non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have -come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular -Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor -notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the -first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License -from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after -Your receipt of the notice. - -5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent -infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, -counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version -directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to -You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section -2.1 of this License shall terminate. - -5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all -end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which -have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License -prior to termination shall survive termination. - -************************************************************************ -* * -* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty * -* ------------------------- * -* * -* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" * -* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or * -* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the * -* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a * -* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the * -* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. * -* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You * -* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, * -* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an * -* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is * -* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. * -* * -************************************************************************ - -************************************************************************ -* * -* 7. Limitation of Liability * -* -------------------------- * -* * -* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort * -* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any * -* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as * -* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, * -* special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character * -* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of * -* goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any * -* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party * -* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This * -* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or * -* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the * -* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some * -* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of * -* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and * -* limitation may not apply to You. * -* * -************************************************************************ - -8. Litigation -------------- - -Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the -courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal -place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that -jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. -Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring -cross-claims or counter-claims. - -9. Miscellaneous ----------------- - -This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject -matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be -unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent -necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides -that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter -shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor. - -10. Versions of the License ---------------------------- - -10.1. New Versions - -Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section -10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or -publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a -distinguishing version number. - -10.2. Effect of New Versions - -You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version -of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software, -or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license -steward. - -10.3. Modified Versions - -If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to -create a new license for such software, you may create and use a -modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove -any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that -such modified license differs from this License). - -10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary -Licenses - -If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With -Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the -notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached. - -Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice -------------------------------------------- - - This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular -file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE -file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look -for such a notice. - -You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership. - -Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice ---------------------------------------------------------- - - This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as - defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/README.txt b/testing/mozharness/README.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2a2ce60a..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/README.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -# Mozharness - -## Docs -* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozharness_FAQ -* https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReleaseEngineering/Mozharness -* http://moz-releng-mozharness.readthedocs.org/en/latest/mozharness.mozilla.html -* http://moz-releng-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/software.html#mozharness - -## Submitting changes -Like any Gecko change, please create a patch or submit to Mozreview and -open a Bugzilla ticket under the Mozharness component: -https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Release%20Engineering&component=Mozharness - -This bug will get triaged by Release Engineering - -## Run unit tests -To run the unit tests of mozharness the `tox` package needs to be installed: - -``` -pip install tox -``` - -There are various ways to run the unit tests. Just make sure you are within the `$gecko_repo/testing/mozharness` directory before running one of the commands below: - -``` -tox # run all unit tests -tox -- -x # run all unit tests but stop after first failure -tox -- test/test_base_log.py # only run the base log unit test -``` - -Happy contributing! =) - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/docker-worker.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/docker-worker.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1ff1c2ac5..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/docker-worker.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'balrog_servers': [ - { - 'balrog_api_root': 'http://balrog/api', - 'ignore_failures': False, - 'url_replacements': [ - ('http://archive.mozilla.org/pub', 'http://download.cdn.mozilla.net/pub'), - ], - 'balrog_usernames': { - 'firefox': 'ffxbld', - 'thunderbird': 'tbirdbld', - 'mobile': 'ffxbld', - 'Fennec': 'ffxbld', - } - } - ] -} - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/production.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/production.py deleted file mode 100644 index a727f77d1..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/production.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'balrog_servers': [ - { - 'balrog_api_root': 'https://aus4-admin.mozilla.org/api', - 'ignore_failures': False, - 'url_replacements': [ - ('http://archive.mozilla.org/pub', 'http://download.cdn.mozilla.net/pub'), - ], - 'balrog_usernames': { - 'firefox': 'ffxbld', - 'thunderbird': 'tbirdbld', - 'mobile': 'ffxbld', - 'Fennec': 'ffxbld', - } - }, - # Bug 1261346 - temporarily disable staging balrog submissions - # { - # 'balrog_api_root': 'https://aus4-admin-dev.allizom.org/api', - # 'ignore_failures': True, - # 'balrog_usernames': { - # 'firefox': 'stage-ffxbld', - # 'thunderbird': 'stage-tbirdbld', - # 'mobile': 'stage-ffxbld', - # 'Fennec': 'stage-ffxbld', - # } - # } - ] -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/staging.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/staging.py deleted file mode 100644 index 919974122..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/staging.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'balrog_servers': [ - { - 'balrog_api_root': 'https://aus4-admin-dev.allizom.org/api', - 'ignore_failures': False, - 'balrog_usernames': { - 'firefox': 'stage-ffxbld', - 'thunderbird': 'stage-tbirdbld', - 'mobile': 'stage-ffxbld', - 'Fennec': 'stage-ffxbld', - } - } - ] -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/en_us_build.yml.tmpl b/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/en_us_build.yml.tmpl deleted file mode 100644 index 33287b042..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/en_us_build.yml.tmpl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ ---- -metadata: - name: "Beet Mover Manifest" - description: "Maps artifact locations to s3 key names for the en-US locale" - owner: "release@mozilla.com" - -mapping: -{% for locale in locales %} - {{ locale }}: - - {% if platform == "win32" %} - buildinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.json - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.json - mozinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.mozinfo.json - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.mozinfo.json - socorroinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.txt - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.txt - jsshell: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/jsshell-{{ platform }}.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}jsshell-{{ platform }}.zip - mozharness_package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mozharness.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/mozharness.zip - xpi: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.langpack.xpi - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/xpi/{{ locale }}.xpi - symbols: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.crashreporter-symbols.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.crashreporter-symbols.zip - buildid_info: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}_info.txt - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}win32_info.txt - sdk: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.sdk.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}firefox-{{ version }}.{{ platform }}.sdk.zip - mar_tools_mar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mar.exe - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}mar-tools/win32/mar.exe - mar_tools_mbdiff: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mbsdiff.exe - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}mar-tools/win32/mbsdiff.exe - {% endif %} - - {% if platform == "win64" %} - buildinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.json - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.json - mozinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.mozinfo.json - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.mozinfo.json - socorroinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.txt - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.txt - jsshell: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/jsshell-{{ platform }}.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}jsshell-{{ platform }}.zip - mozharness_package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mozharness.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/mozharness.zip - xpi: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.langpack.xpi - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/xpi/{{ locale }}.xpi - symbols: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.crashreporter-symbols.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.crashreporter-symbols.zip - buildid_info: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}_info.txt - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}win64_info.txt - sdk: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.sdk.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}firefox-{{ version }}.{{ platform }}.sdk.zip - mar_tools_mar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mar.exe - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}mar-tools/win64/mar.exe - mar_tools_mbdiff: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mbsdiff.exe - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}mar-tools/win64/mbsdiff.exe - {% endif %} - - {% if platform == "linux-i686" %} - buildinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.json - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.json - mozinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.mozinfo.json - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.mozinfo.json - socorroinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.txt - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.txt - jsshell: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/jsshell-{{ platform }}.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}jsshell-{{ platform }}.zip - mozharness_package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mozharness.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/mozharness.zip - xpi: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.langpack.xpi - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/xpi/{{ locale }}.xpi - symbols: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.crashreporter-symbols.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.crashreporter-symbols.zip - buildid_info: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}_info.txt - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}linux_info.txt - sdk: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.sdk.tar.bz2 - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}firefox-{{ version }}.{{ platform }}.sdk.tar.bz2 - mar_tools_mar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mar - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}mar-tools/linux/mar - mar_tools_mbdiff: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mbsdiff - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}mar-tools/linux/mbsdiff - {% endif %} - - {% if platform == "linux-x86_64" %} - buildinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.json - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.json - mozinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.mozinfo.json - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.mozinfo.json - socorroinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.txt - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.txt - jsshell: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/jsshell-{{ platform }}.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}jsshell-{{ platform }}.zip - mozharness_package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mozharness.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/mozharness.zip - xpi: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.langpack.xpi - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/xpi/{{ locale }}.xpi - symbols: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.crashreporter-symbols.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.crashreporter-symbols.zip - buildid_info: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}_info.txt - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}linux64_info.txt - sdk: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.sdk.tar.bz2 - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}firefox-{{ version }}.{{ platform }}.sdk.tar.bz2 - mar_tools_mar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mar - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}mar-tools/linux64/mar - mar_tools_mbdiff: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mbsdiff - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}mar-tools/linux64/mbsdiff - {% endif %} - - {% if platform == "mac" %} - buildinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.json - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.json - mozinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.mozinfo.json - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.mozinfo.json - socorroinfo: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.txt - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.txt - jsshell: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/jsshell-{{ platform }}.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}jsshell-{{ platform }}.zip - mozharness_package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mozharness.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/mozharness.zip - xpi: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.langpack.xpi - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/xpi/{{ locale }}.xpi - symbols: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.crashreporter-symbols.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/Firefox {{ version }}.crashreporter-symbols.zip - buildid_info: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}_info.txt - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}macosx64_info.txt - sdk: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}-x86_64.sdk.tar.bz2 - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}firefox-{{ version }}.{{ platform }}-x86_64.sdk.tar.bz2 - mar_tools_mar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mar - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}mar-tools/macosx64/mar - mar_tools_mbdiff: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/mbsdiff - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}mar-tools/macosx64/mbsdiff - {% endif %} - -{% endfor %} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/en_us_signing.yml.tmpl b/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/en_us_signing.yml.tmpl deleted file mode 100644 index 54fc2c792..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/en_us_signing.yml.tmpl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ ---- -metadata: - name: "Beet Mover Manifest" - description: "Maps artifact locations to s3 key names for the en-US locale" - owner: "release@mozilla.com" - -mapping: -{% for locale in locales %} - {{ locale }}: - {% if platform == "win32" %} - complete_mar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.complete.mar - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}update/{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.complete.mar - full_installer: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.installer.exe - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/Firefox Setup {{ version }}.exe - {% if "esr" not in version %} - stub_installer: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.installer-stub.exe - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/Firefox Setup Stub {{ version }}.exe - {% endif %} - package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.zip - {% endif %} - - {% if platform == "win64" %} - complete_mar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.complete.mar - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}update/{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.complete.mar - full_installer: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.installer.exe - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/Firefox Setup {{ version }}.exe - package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.zip - {% endif %} - - {% if platform == "linux-i686" %} - complete_mar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.complete.mar - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}update/{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.complete.mar - package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.tar.bz2 - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.tar.bz2 - {% endif %} - - {% if platform == "linux-x86_64" %} - complete_mar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.complete.mar - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}update/{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.complete.mar - package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.tar.bz2 - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.tar.bz2 - {% endif %} - - {% if platform == "mac" %} - complete_mar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.complete.mar - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}update/{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.complete.mar - package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.dmg - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/Firefox {{ version }}.dmg - {% endif %} - -{% endfor %} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/l10n_changesets.tmpl b/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/l10n_changesets.tmpl deleted file mode 100644 index bde4bc8a7..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/l10n_changesets.tmpl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- -metadata: - name: "Beet Mover L10N Changesets" - description: "Maps artifact locations to s3 key names for L10N changesets" - owner: "release@mozilla.com" - -mapping: - all: - l10n_changesets: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/l10n_changesets.txt - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}l10n_changesets.txt diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/partials.yml.tmpl b/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/partials.yml.tmpl deleted file mode 100644 index a97ac42c0..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/partials.yml.tmpl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ ---- -metadata: - name: "Beet Mover Manifest" - description: "Maps artifact locations to s3 key names for partials" - owner: "release@mozilla.com" - -mapping: -{% for locale in locales %} - {{ locale }}: - partial_mar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ partial_version }}-{{ version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.partial.mar - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}update/{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ partial_version }}-{{ version }}.partial.mar - partial_mar_sig: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ partial_version }}-{{ version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.partial.mar.asc - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}update/{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ partial_version }}-{{ version }}.partial.mar.asc -{% endfor %} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/repacks.yml.tmpl b/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/repacks.yml.tmpl deleted file mode 100644 index c275ff3e8..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/repacks.yml.tmpl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ ---- -metadata: - name: "Beet Mover Manifest" - description: "Maps artifact locations to s3 key names for the non en-US locales" - owner: "release@mozilla.com" - -mapping: -{% for locale in locales %} - # common deliverables - {{ locale }}: - complete_mar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.complete.mar - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}update/{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.complete.mar - checksum: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.checksums - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.checksums - checksum_sig: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.checksums.asc - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.checksums.asc - xpi: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.langpack.xpi - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/xpi/{{ locale }}.xpi - - {% if platform == "win32" %} - full_installer: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.installer.exe - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/Firefox Setup {{ version }}.exe - {% if "esr" not in version %} - stub_installer: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.installer-stub.exe - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/Firefox Setup Stub {{ version }}.exe - {% endif %} - package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.zip - {% endif %} - - {% if platform == "win64" %} - full_installer: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.installer.exe - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/Firefox Setup {{ version }}.exe - package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.zip - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.zip - {% endif %} - - {% if platform == "linux-i686" %} - package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.tar.bz2 - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.tar.bz2 - {% endif %} - - {% if platform == "linux-x86_64" %} - package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.tar.bz2 - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/firefox-{{ version }}.tar.bz2 - {% endif %} - - {% if platform == "mac" %} - package: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ app_version }}.{{ locale }}.{{ platform }}.dmg - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}{{ platform }}/{{ locale }}/Firefox {{ version }}.dmg - {% endif %} - -{% endfor %} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/snap.yml.tmpl b/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/snap.yml.tmpl deleted file mode 100644 index afc8f35ce..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/snap.yml.tmpl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- -metadata: - name: "Beet Mover Manifest" - description: "Maps artifact locations to s3 key names for snap iamge" - owner: "release@mozilla.com" - -mapping: - all: - snap: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ version }}.snap - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}snap/firefox-{{ version }}.snap diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/snap_checksums.yml.tmpl b/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/snap_checksums.yml.tmpl deleted file mode 100644 index aa905d38d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/snap_checksums.yml.tmpl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -metadata: - name: "Beet Mover Manifest" - description: "Maps artifact locations to s3 key names for snap checksums" - owner: "release@mozilla.com" - -mapping: - all: - snap_checksum: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ version }}.snap.checksums - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}snap/firefox-{{ version }}.snap.checksums - snap_checksum_asc: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ version }}.snap.checksums.asc - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}snap/firefox-{{ version }}.snap.checksums.asc diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/source.yml.tmpl b/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/source.yml.tmpl deleted file mode 100644 index f991f257c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/source.yml.tmpl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -metadata: - name: "Beet Mover Manifest" - description: "Maps artifact locations to s3 key names for source bundles" - owner: "release@mozilla.com" - -mapping: - all: - source_bundle: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ version }}.bundle - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}source/firefox-{{ version }}.bundle - source_tar: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ version }}.source.tar.xz - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}source/firefox-{{ version }}.source.tar.xz diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/source_checksums.yml.tmpl b/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/source_checksums.yml.tmpl deleted file mode 100644 index 0dd228c24..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/beetmover/source_checksums.yml.tmpl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -metadata: - name: "Beet Mover Manifest" - description: "Maps artifact locations to s3 key names for source bundle checksums" - owner: "release@mozilla.com" - -mapping: - all: - source_checksum: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ version }}.source.checksums - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}source/firefox-{{ version }}.source.checksums - source_checksum_asc: - artifact: {{ artifact_base_url }}/firefox-{{ version }}.source.checksums.asc - s3_key: {{ s3_prefix }}source/firefox-{{ version }}.source.checksums.asc diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/branch_specifics.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/branch_specifics.py deleted file mode 100644 index 43f14c5ad..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/branch_specifics.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,469 +0,0 @@ -# this is a dict of branch specific keys/values. As this fills up and more -# fx build factories are ported, we might deal with this differently - -# we should be able to port this in-tree and have the respective repos and -# revisions handle what goes on in here. Tracking: bug 978510 - -# example config and explanation of how it works: -# config = { -# # if a branch matches a key below, override items in self.config with -# # items in the key's value. -# # this override can be done for every platform or at a platform level -# '<branch-name>': { -# # global config items (applies to all platforms and build types) -# 'repo_path': "projects/<branch-name>", -# 'graph_server_branch_name': "Firefox", -# -# # platform config items (applies to specific platforms) -# 'platform_overrides': { -# # if a platform matches a key below, override items in -# # self.config with items in the key's value -# 'linux64-debug': { -# 'upload_symbols': False, -# }, -# 'win64': { -# 'enable_checktests': False, -# }, -# } -# }, -# } - -config = { - ### release branches - "mozilla-central": { - "repo_path": 'mozilla-central', - "update_channel": "nightly", - "graph_server_branch_name": "Firefox", - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - 'mozilla-release': { - 'enable_release_promotion': True, - 'repo_path': 'releases/mozilla-release', - 'update_channel': 'release', - 'branch_uses_per_checkin_strategy': True, - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - 'platform_overrides': { - 'linux': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux32/release', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'linux64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/release', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'macosx64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx-universal/release', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'win32': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/release', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'win64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win64/release', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'linux-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-asan-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-asan': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-cc': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-st-an-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-st-an': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-tsan': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-add-on-devel': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-st-an': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-st-an-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-add-on-devel': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win32-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win32-add-on-devel': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win64-add-on-devel': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - }, - }, - 'mozilla-beta': { - 'enable_release_promotion': 1, - 'repo_path': 'releases/mozilla-beta', - 'update_channel': 'beta', - 'branch_uses_per_checkin_strategy': True, - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - 'platform_overrides': { - 'linux': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux32/beta', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'linux64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/beta', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'macosx64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx-universal/beta', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'win32': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/beta', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'win64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win64/beta', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'linux-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-asan-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-asan': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-cc': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-st-an-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-st-an': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-tsan': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-add-on-devel': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-st-an': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-st-an-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-add-on-devel': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win32-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win32-add-on-devel': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win64-add-on-devel': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - }, - }, - 'mozilla-esr52': { - 'enable_release_promotion': True, - 'repo_path': 'releases/mozilla-esr52', - 'update_channel': 'esr', - 'branch_uses_per_checkin_strategy': True, - 'use_branch_in_symbols_extra_buildid': False, - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - 'platform_overrides': { - 'linux': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux32/release', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'linux64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/release', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'macosx64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx-universal/release', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'win32': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/release', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'win64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win64/release', - 'force_clobber': True, - }, - 'linux-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-asan-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-asan': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-cc': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-st-an-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-st-an': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-tsan': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-st-an': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-st-an-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win32-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - }, - }, - 'mozilla-aurora': { - 'repo_path': 'releases/mozilla-aurora', - 'update_channel': 'aurora', - 'branch_uses_per_checkin_strategy': True, - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - 'try': { - 'repo_path': 'try', - 'clone_by_revision': True, - 'clone_with_purge': True, - 'tinderbox_build_dir': '%(who)s-%(got_revision)s', - 'to_tinderbox_dated': False, - 'include_post_upload_builddir': True, - 'release_to_try_builds': True, - 'stage_server': 'upload.trybld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - 'stage_username': 'trybld', - 'stage_ssh_key': 'trybld_dsa', - 'branch_supports_uploadsymbols': False, - 'use_clobberer': False, - }, - - ### project branches - #'fx-team': {}, #Bug 1296396 - 'gum': { - 'branch_uses_per_checkin_strategy': True, - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - 'mozilla-inbound': { - 'repo_path': 'integration/mozilla-inbound', - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - 'autoland': { - 'repo_path': 'integration/autoland', - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - 'ux': { - "graph_server_branch_name": "UX", - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - # When build promotion goes live the mozconfig changes are probably better - # expressed once in files like configs/builds/releng_base_windows_32_builds.py - 'date': { - 'update_channel': 'beta-dev', - 'enable_release_promotion': 1, - 'platform_overrides': { - 'linux': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux32/beta', - }, - 'linux-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/beta', - }, - 'linux64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-asan-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-asan': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-cc': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-st-an-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-st-an': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-tsan': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx-universal/beta', - }, - 'macosx64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-st-an': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-st-an-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win32': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/beta', - }, - 'win32-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win64/beta', - }, - 'win64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - }, - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - 'cypress': { - # bug 1164935 - 'branch_uses_per_checkin_strategy': True, - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - - ### other branches that do not require anything special: - 'alder': { - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - 'ash': { - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - 'birch': { - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - # 'build-system': {} - 'cedar': { - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - 'elm': { - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - 'fig': {}, - 'graphics': { - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - # 'holly': {}, - 'jamun': { - 'update_channel': 'release-dev', - 'enable_release_promotion': 1, - 'platform_overrides': { - 'linux': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux32/release', - }, - 'linux-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/release', - }, - 'linux64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-asan-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-asan': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-cc': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-st-an-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-st-an': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'linux64-tsan': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx-universal/release', - }, - 'macosx64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-st-an': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'macosx64-st-an-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win32': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/release', - }, - 'win32-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - 'win64': { - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win64/release', - }, - 'win64-debug': { - 'update_channel': 'default', - }, - }, - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - 'larch': { - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - # 'maple': {}, - 'oak': { - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, - 'pine': { - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - }, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/build_pool_specifics.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/build_pool_specifics.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8559b48b7..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/build_pool_specifics.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -# this is a dict of pool specific keys/values. As this fills up and more -# fx build factories are ported, we might deal with this differently - -config = { - "staging": { - # if not clobberer_url, only clobber 'abs_work_dir' - # if true: possibly clobber, clobberer - # see PurgeMixin for clobber() conditions - 'clobberer_url': 'https://api-pub-build.allizom.org/clobberer/lastclobber', - # staging we should use MozillaTest - # but in production we let the self.branch decide via - # self._query_graph_server_branch_name() - "graph_server_branch_name": "MozillaTest", - 'graph_server': 'graphs.allizom.org', - 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.stage.mozaws.net', - "sendchange_masters": ["dev-master1.srv.releng.scl3.mozilla.com:9038"], - 'taskcluster_index': 'index.garbage.staging', - 'post_upload_extra': ['--bucket-prefix', 'net-mozaws-stage-delivery', - '--url-prefix', 'http://ftp.stage.mozaws.net/', - ], - }, - "production": { - # if not clobberer_url, only clobber 'abs_work_dir' - # if true: possibly clobber, clobberer - # see PurgeMixin for clobber() conditions - 'clobberer_url': 'https://api.pub.build.mozilla.org/clobberer/lastclobber', - 'graph_server': 'graphs.mozilla.org', - # bug 1216907, set this at branch level - # 'stage_server': 'upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net', - "sendchange_masters": ["buildbot-master81.build.mozilla.org:9301"], - 'taskcluster_index': 'index', - }, - "taskcluster": { - 'graph_server': 'graphs.mozilla.org', - 'stage_server': 'ignored', - # use the relengapi proxy to talk to tooltool - "tooltool_servers": ['http://relengapi/tooltool/'], - "tooltool_url": 'http://relengapi/tooltool/', - 'upload_env': { - 'UPLOAD_HOST': 'localhost', - 'UPLOAD_PATH': '/home/worker/artifacts', - }, - }, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_linux_32_builds.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_linux_32_builds.py deleted file mode 100644 index 393cf8983..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_linux_32_builds.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## LINUX GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced with - # releng_base_linux_64_builds.py - - # note: overridden by MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - "buildbot": "/tools/buildbot/bin/buildbot", - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': True, - # mock shtuff - 'mock_mozilla_dir': '/builds/mock_mozilla', - 'mock_target': 'mozilla-centos6-x86_64', - 'mock_files': [ - ('/home/cltbld/.ssh', '/home/mock_mozilla/.ssh'), - ('/home/cltbld/.hgrc', '/builds/.hgrc'), - ('/home/cltbld/.boto', '/builds/.boto'), - ('/builds/gapi.data', '/builds/gapi.data'), - ('/builds/relengapi.tok', '/builds/relengapi.tok'), - ('/tools/tooltool.py', '/builds/tooltool.py'), - ('/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key', '/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key'), - ('/builds/crash-stats-api.token', '/builds/crash-stats-api.token'), - ('/builds/adjust-sdk.token', '/builds/adjust-sdk.token'), - ('/builds/adjust-sdk-beta.token', '/builds/adjust-sdk-beta.token'), - ('/usr/local/lib/hgext', '/usr/local/lib/hgext'), - ], - 'secret_files': [ - {'filename': '/builds/gapi.data', - 'secret_name': 'project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gapi.data', - 'min_scm_level': 2, 'default': 'try-build-has-no-secrets'}, - {'filename': '/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key', - 'secret_name': 'project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key', - 'min_scm_level': 2, 'default': 'try-build-has-no-secrets'}, - {'filename': '/builds/adjust-sdk.token', - 'secret_name': 'project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/adjust-sdk.token', - 'min_scm_level': 2, 'default': 'try-build-has-no-secrets'}, - {'filename': '/builds/adjust-sdk-beta.token', - 'secret_name': 'project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/adjust-sdk-beta.token', - 'min_scm_level': 2, 'default': 'try-build-has-no-secrets'}, - ], - 'enable_ccache': True, - 'vcs_share_base': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': True, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': True, - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 32 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'Linux_%(branch)s', - 'platform': 'linux', - 'stage_platform': 'linux', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': True, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - # 32 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib/ccache:\ -/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:\ -/tools/python27/bin:/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': "/tools/gcc-4.3.3/installed/lib", - }, - 'upload_env': { - # stage_server is dictated from build_pool_specifics.py - 'UPLOAD_HOST': '%(stage_server)s', - 'UPLOAD_USER': '%(stage_username)s', - 'UPLOAD_SSH_KEY': '/home/mock_mozilla/.ssh/%(stage_ssh_key)s', - 'UPLOAD_TO_TEMP': '1', - }, - "check_test_env": { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s/breakpad/linux/minidump_stackwalk', - 'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': '%(base_work_dir)s/minidumps', - }, - 'mock_packages': [ - 'autoconf213', 'python', 'mozilla-python27', 'zip', 'mozilla-python27-mercurial', - 'git', 'ccache', 'perl-Test-Simple', 'perl-Config-General', - 'yasm', 'wget', - 'mpfr', # required for system compiler - 'xorg-x11-font*', # fonts required for PGO - 'imake', # required for makedepend!?! - ### <-- from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'valgrind', - ######## 32 bit specific ########### - 'glibc-static.i686', 'libstdc++-static.i686', - 'gtk2-devel.i686', 'libnotify-devel.i686', - 'alsa-lib-devel.i686', 'libcurl-devel.i686', - 'wireless-tools-devel.i686', 'libX11-devel.i686', - 'libXt-devel.i686', 'mesa-libGL-devel.i686', - 'gnome-vfs2-devel.i686', 'GConf2-devel.i686', - 'pulseaudio-libs-devel.i686', - 'gstreamer-devel.i686', 'gstreamer-plugins-base-devel.i686', - # Packages already installed in the mock environment, as x86_64 - # packages. - 'glibc-devel.i686', 'libgcc.i686', 'libstdc++-devel.i686', - # yum likes to install .x86_64 -devel packages that satisfy .i686 - # -devel packages dependencies. So manually install the dependencies - # of the above packages. - 'ORBit2-devel.i686', 'atk-devel.i686', 'cairo-devel.i686', - 'check-devel.i686', 'dbus-devel.i686', 'dbus-glib-devel.i686', - 'fontconfig-devel.i686', 'glib2-devel.i686', - 'hal-devel.i686', 'libICE-devel.i686', 'libIDL-devel.i686', - 'libSM-devel.i686', 'libXau-devel.i686', 'libXcomposite-devel.i686', - 'libXcursor-devel.i686', 'libXdamage-devel.i686', - 'libXdmcp-devel.i686', 'libXext-devel.i686', 'libXfixes-devel.i686', - 'libXft-devel.i686', 'libXi-devel.i686', 'libXinerama-devel.i686', - 'libXrandr-devel.i686', 'libXrender-devel.i686', - 'libXxf86vm-devel.i686', 'libdrm-devel.i686', 'libidn-devel.i686', - 'libpng-devel.i686', 'libxcb-devel.i686', 'libxml2-devel.i686', - 'pango-devel.i686', 'perl-devel.i686', 'pixman-devel.i686', - 'zlib-devel.i686', - # Freetype packages need to be installed be version, because a newer - # version is available, but we don't want it for Firefox builds. - 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.i686', - 'freetype-devel-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.i686', - 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64', - ######## 32 bit specific ########### - ], - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux32/nightly', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux32/\ -releng.manifest", - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_linux_64_builds.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_linux_64_builds.py deleted file mode 100644 index fe04b73b5..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_linux_64_builds.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## LINUX GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 64 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '64 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced with - # releng_base_linux_64_builds.py - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - "buildbot": "/tools/buildbot/bin/buildbot", - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': True, - # mock shtuff - 'mock_mozilla_dir': '/builds/mock_mozilla', - 'mock_target': 'mozilla-centos6-x86_64', - 'mock_files': [ - ('/home/cltbld/.ssh', '/home/mock_mozilla/.ssh'), - ('/home/cltbld/.hgrc', '/builds/.hgrc'), - ('/home/cltbld/.boto', '/builds/.boto'), - ('/builds/gapi.data', '/builds/gapi.data'), - ('/builds/relengapi.tok', '/builds/relengapi.tok'), - ('/tools/tooltool.py', '/builds/tooltool.py'), - ('/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key', '/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key'), - ('/builds/crash-stats-api.token', '/builds/crash-stats-api.token'), - ('/builds/adjust-sdk.token', '/builds/adjust-sdk.token'), - ('/builds/adjust-sdk-beta.token', '/builds/adjust-sdk-beta.token'), - ('/usr/local/lib/hgext', '/usr/local/lib/hgext'), - ], - 'secret_files': [ - {'filename': '/builds/gapi.data', - 'secret_name': 'project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gapi.data', - 'min_scm_level': 2, 'default': 'try-build-has-no-secrets'}, - {'filename': '/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key', - 'secret_name': 'project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key', - 'min_scm_level': 2, 'default': 'try-build-has-no-secrets'}, - {'filename': '/builds/adjust-sdk.token', - 'secret_name': 'project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/adjust-sdk.token', - 'min_scm_level': 2, 'default': 'try-build-has-no-secrets'}, - {'filename': '/builds/adjust-sdk-beta.token', - 'secret_name': 'project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/adjust-sdk-beta.token', - 'min_scm_level': 2, 'default': 'try-build-has-no-secrets'}, - ], - 'enable_ccache': True, - 'vcs_share_base': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': True, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': True, - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'Linux_x86-64_%(branch)s', - 'platform': 'linux64', - 'stage_platform': 'linux64', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': True, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': "/tools/gcc-4.3.3/installed/lib64", - ## - }, - 'upload_env': { - # stage_server is dictated from build_pool_specifics.py - 'UPLOAD_HOST': '%(stage_server)s', - 'UPLOAD_USER': '%(stage_username)s', - 'UPLOAD_SSH_KEY': '/home/mock_mozilla/.ssh/%(stage_ssh_key)s', - 'UPLOAD_TO_TEMP': '1', - }, - "check_test_env": { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s/breakpad/linux64/minidump_stackwalk', - 'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': '%(base_work_dir)s/minidumps', - }, - 'mock_packages': [ - 'autoconf213', 'python', 'mozilla-python27', 'zip', 'mozilla-python27-mercurial', - 'git', 'ccache', 'perl-Test-Simple', 'perl-Config-General', - 'yasm', 'wget', - 'mpfr', # required for system compiler - 'xorg-x11-font*', # fonts required for PGO - 'imake', # required for makedepend!?! - ### <-- from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'valgrind', 'dbus-x11', - ######## 64 bit specific ########### - 'glibc-static', 'libstdc++-static', - 'gtk2-devel', 'libnotify-devel', - 'alsa-lib-devel', 'libcurl-devel', 'wireless-tools-devel', - 'libX11-devel', 'libXt-devel', 'mesa-libGL-devel', 'gnome-vfs2-devel', - 'GConf2-devel', - ### from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'pulseaudio-libs-devel', 'gstreamer-devel', - 'gstreamer-plugins-base-devel', 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64', - 'freetype-devel-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64' - ], - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/nightly', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/\ -releng.manifest", - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_mac_64_builds.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_mac_64_builds.py deleted file mode 100644 index e6e338ada..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_mac_64_builds.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## MACOSX GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - # 'setup-mock', - 'checkout-sources', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - "buildbot": "/tools/buildbot/bin/buildbot", - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': True, - 'enable_ccache': True, - 'vcs_share_base': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox/x86_64', - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': True, - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'OS X 10.7 %(branch)s', - 'platform': 'macosx64', - 'stage_platform': 'macosx64', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': True, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'CHOWN_ROOT': '~/bin/chown_root', - 'CHOWN_REVERT': '~/bin/chown_revert', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/python/bin:/tools/buildbot/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:' - '/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin', - ## - }, - 'upload_env': { - # stage_server is dictated from build_pool_specifics.py - 'UPLOAD_HOST': '%(stage_server)s', - 'UPLOAD_USER': '%(stage_username)s', - 'UPLOAD_SSH_KEY': '/Users/cltbld/.ssh/%(stage_ssh_key)s', - 'UPLOAD_TO_TEMP': '1', - }, - "check_test_env": { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s/breakpad/osx64/minidump_stackwalk', - 'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': '%(base_work_dir)s/minidumps', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx-universal/nightly', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': 'browser/config/tooltool-manifests/macosx64/releng.manifest', - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_mac_64_cross_builds.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_mac_64_cross_builds.py deleted file mode 100644 index 47738e1ce..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_mac_64_cross_builds.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## MACOSX CROSS GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - - # note: overridden by MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'build', - 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - "buildbot": "/tools/buildbot/bin/buildbot", - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': True, - 'secret_files': [ - {'filename': '/builds/gapi.data', - 'secret_name': 'project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gapi.data', - 'min_scm_level': 2, 'default': 'try-build-has-no-secrets'}, - {'filename': '/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key', - 'secret_name': 'project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key', - 'min_scm_level': 2, 'default': 'try-build-has-no-secrets'}, - ], - 'enable_ccache': True, - 'enable_check_test': False, - 'vcs_share_base': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox/', - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': True, - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'OS X 10.7 %(branch)s', - 'platform': 'macosx64', - 'stage_platform': 'macosx64', - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - ## - }, - 'upload_env': { - # stage_server is dictated from build_pool_specifics.py - 'UPLOAD_HOST': '%(stage_server)s', - 'UPLOAD_USER': '%(stage_username)s', - 'UPLOAD_SSH_KEY': '/Users/cltbld/.ssh/%(stage_ssh_key)s', - 'UPLOAD_TO_TEMP': '1', - }, - "check_test_env": { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s/breakpad/linux64/minidump_stackwalk', - 'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': '%(base_work_dir)s/minidumps', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx64/nightly', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': 'browser/config/tooltool-manifests/macosx64/cross-releng.manifest', - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_windows_32_builds.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_windows_32_builds.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0a6708a1f..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_windows_32_builds.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## WINDOWS GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced with - # releng_base_windows_32_builds.py - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', windows do not use mock - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - "buildbot": [ - sys.executable, - 'c:\\mozilla-build\\buildbotve\\scripts\\buildbot' - ], - "make": [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'build', 'pymake', 'make.py' - ) - ], - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - 'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py' - ], - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': True, - 'enable_ccache': False, - 'vcs_share_base': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': [sys.executable, - 'C:/mozilla-build/tooltool.py'], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': True, - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - 'max_build_output_timeout': 60 * 80, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 32 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'WINNT_5.2_%(branch)s', - 'platform': 'win32', - 'stage_platform': 'win32', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': True, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'BINSCOPE': 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/SDL BinScope/BinScope.exe', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PATH': 'C:/mozilla-build/nsis-3.01;C:/mozilla-build/python27;' - 'C:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/scripts;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'PDBSTR_PATH': '/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.0/Debuggers/x64/srcsrv/pdbstr.exe', - 'PROPERTIES_FILE': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'buildprops.json'), - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - }, - 'upload_env': { - # stage_server is dictated from build_pool_specifics.py - 'UPLOAD_HOST': '%(stage_server)s', - 'UPLOAD_USER': '%(stage_username)s', - 'UPLOAD_SSH_KEY': '/c/Users/cltbld/.ssh/%(stage_ssh_key)s', - 'UPLOAD_TO_TEMP': '1', - }, - "check_test_env": { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s/breakpad/win32/minidump_stackwalk.exe', - 'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': '%(base_work_dir)s/minidumps', - }, - 'enable_pymake': True, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/nightly', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/win32/releng.manifest", - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_windows_64_builds.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_windows_64_builds.py deleted file mode 100644 index ab12fc982..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_windows_64_builds.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## WINDOWS GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced with - # releng_base_windows_64_builds.py - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', windows do not use mock - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - "buildbot": [ - sys.executable, - 'c:\\mozilla-build\\buildbotve\\scripts\\buildbot' - ], - "make": [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'build', 'pymake', 'make.py' - ) - ], - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - 'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py' - ], - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': True, - 'enable_ccache': False, - 'vcs_share_base': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': [sys.executable, - 'C:/mozilla-build/tooltool.py'], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': True, - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - 'max_build_output_timeout': 60 * 80, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'WINNT_6.1_x86-64_%(branch)s', - 'platform': 'win64', - 'stage_platform': 'win64', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': True, - 'env': { - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PATH': 'C:/mozilla-build/nsis-3.01;C:/mozilla-build/python27;' - 'C:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/scripts;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'PDBSTR_PATH': '/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.0/Debuggers/x64/srcsrv/pdbstr.exe', - 'PROPERTIES_FILE': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'buildprops.json'), - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - }, - 'upload_env': { - # stage_server is dictated from build_pool_specifics.py - 'UPLOAD_HOST': '%(stage_server)s', - 'UPLOAD_USER': '%(stage_username)s', - 'UPLOAD_SSH_KEY': '/c/Users/cltbld/.ssh/%(stage_ssh_key)s', - 'UPLOAD_TO_TEMP': '1', - }, - "check_test_env": { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s/breakpad/win64/minidump_stackwalk.exe', - 'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': '%(base_work_dir)s/minidumps', - }, - 'enable_pymake': True, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win64/nightly', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/win64/releng.manifest", - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_artifact.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_artifact.py deleted file mode 100644 index f016d5606..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_artifact.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## LINUX GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced with - # releng_base_linux_64_builds.py - - # note: overridden by MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'sendchange', - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - "buildbot": "/tools/buildbot/bin/buildbot", - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_ccache': True, - 'vcs_share_base': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': True, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - # allows triggering of test jobs when --artifact try syntax is detected on buildbot - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 32 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'Linux_%(branch)s_Artifact_build', - 'platform': 'linux', - 'stage_platform': 'linux', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - # 32 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib/ccache:\ -/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:\ -/tools/python27/bin:/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': "/tools/gcc-4.3.3/installed/lib", - }, - 'mock_packages': [ - 'autoconf213', 'python', 'mozilla-python27', 'zip', 'mozilla-python27-mercurial', - 'git', 'ccache', 'perl-Test-Simple', 'perl-Config-General', - 'yasm', 'wget', - 'mpfr', # required for system compiler - 'xorg-x11-font*', # fonts required for PGO - 'imake', # required for makedepend!?! - ### <-- from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'valgrind', - ######## 32 bit specific ########### - 'glibc-static.i686', 'libstdc++-static.i686', - 'gtk2-devel.i686', 'libnotify-devel.i686', - 'alsa-lib-devel.i686', 'libcurl-devel.i686', - 'wireless-tools-devel.i686', 'libX11-devel.i686', - 'libXt-devel.i686', 'mesa-libGL-devel.i686', - 'gnome-vfs2-devel.i686', 'GConf2-devel.i686', - 'pulseaudio-libs-devel.i686', - 'gstreamer-devel.i686', 'gstreamer-plugins-base-devel.i686', - # Packages already installed in the mock environment, as x86_64 - # packages. - 'glibc-devel.i686', 'libgcc.i686', 'libstdc++-devel.i686', - # yum likes to install .x86_64 -devel packages that satisfy .i686 - # -devel packages dependencies. So manually install the dependencies - # of the above packages. - 'ORBit2-devel.i686', 'atk-devel.i686', 'cairo-devel.i686', - 'check-devel.i686', 'dbus-devel.i686', 'dbus-glib-devel.i686', - 'fontconfig-devel.i686', 'glib2-devel.i686', - 'hal-devel.i686', 'libICE-devel.i686', 'libIDL-devel.i686', - 'libSM-devel.i686', 'libXau-devel.i686', 'libXcomposite-devel.i686', - 'libXcursor-devel.i686', 'libXdamage-devel.i686', - 'libXdmcp-devel.i686', 'libXext-devel.i686', 'libXfixes-devel.i686', - 'libXft-devel.i686', 'libXi-devel.i686', 'libXinerama-devel.i686', - 'libXrandr-devel.i686', 'libXrender-devel.i686', - 'libXxf86vm-devel.i686', 'libdrm-devel.i686', 'libidn-devel.i686', - 'libpng-devel.i686', 'libxcb-devel.i686', 'libxml2-devel.i686', - 'pango-devel.i686', 'perl-devel.i686', 'pixman-devel.i686', - 'zlib-devel.i686', - # Freetype packages need to be installed be version, because a newer - # version is available, but we don't want it for Firefox builds. - 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.i686', - 'freetype-devel-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.i686', - 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64', - ######## 32 bit specific ########### - ], - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux32/artifact', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux32/\ -releng.manifest", - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index 914bfdfe3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - # 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - 'debug_build': True, - 'stage_platform': 'linux-debug', - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 32 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - # 32 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '/tools/gcc-4.3.3/installed/lib:\ -%s/dist/bin' % (MOZ_OBJDIR,), - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux32/debug', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_debug_artifact.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_debug_artifact.py deleted file mode 100644 index 88ff8450a..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_debug_artifact.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## LINUX GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced with - # releng_base_linux_64_builds.py - - # note: overridden by MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'sendchange', - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - "buildbot": "/tools/buildbot/bin/buildbot", - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_ccache': True, - 'vcs_share_base': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': True, - # debug specific - 'debug_build': True, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - # allows triggering of test jobs when --artifact try syntax is detected on buildbot - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 32 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'Linux_%(branch)s_Artifact_build', - 'platform': 'linux', - 'stage_platform': 'linux-debug', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - # debug-specific - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - # 32 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib/ccache:\ -/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:\ -/tools/python27/bin:/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': "/tools/gcc-4.3.3/installed/lib", - }, - 'mock_packages': [ - 'autoconf213', 'python', 'mozilla-python27', 'zip', 'mozilla-python27-mercurial', - 'git', 'ccache', 'perl-Test-Simple', 'perl-Config-General', - 'yasm', 'wget', - 'mpfr', # required for system compiler - 'xorg-x11-font*', # fonts required for PGO - 'imake', # required for makedepend!?! - ### <-- from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'valgrind', - ######## 32 bit specific ########### - 'glibc-static.i686', 'libstdc++-static.i686', - 'gtk2-devel.i686', 'libnotify-devel.i686', - 'alsa-lib-devel.i686', 'libcurl-devel.i686', - 'wireless-tools-devel.i686', 'libX11-devel.i686', - 'libXt-devel.i686', 'mesa-libGL-devel.i686', - 'gnome-vfs2-devel.i686', 'GConf2-devel.i686', - 'pulseaudio-libs-devel.i686', - 'gstreamer-devel.i686', 'gstreamer-plugins-base-devel.i686', - # Packages already installed in the mock environment, as x86_64 - # packages. - 'glibc-devel.i686', 'libgcc.i686', 'libstdc++-devel.i686', - # yum likes to install .x86_64 -devel packages that satisfy .i686 - # -devel packages dependencies. So manually install the dependencies - # of the above packages. - 'ORBit2-devel.i686', 'atk-devel.i686', 'cairo-devel.i686', - 'check-devel.i686', 'dbus-devel.i686', 'dbus-glib-devel.i686', - 'fontconfig-devel.i686', 'glib2-devel.i686', - 'hal-devel.i686', 'libICE-devel.i686', 'libIDL-devel.i686', - 'libSM-devel.i686', 'libXau-devel.i686', 'libXcomposite-devel.i686', - 'libXcursor-devel.i686', 'libXdamage-devel.i686', - 'libXdmcp-devel.i686', 'libXext-devel.i686', 'libXfixes-devel.i686', - 'libXft-devel.i686', 'libXi-devel.i686', 'libXinerama-devel.i686', - 'libXrandr-devel.i686', 'libXrender-devel.i686', - 'libXxf86vm-devel.i686', 'libdrm-devel.i686', 'libidn-devel.i686', - 'libpng-devel.i686', 'libxcb-devel.i686', 'libxml2-devel.i686', - 'pango-devel.i686', 'perl-devel.i686', 'pixman-devel.i686', - 'zlib-devel.i686', - # Freetype packages need to be installed be version, because a newer - # version is available, but we don't want it for Firefox builds. - 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.i686', - 'freetype-devel-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.i686', - 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64', - ######## 32 bit specific ########### - ], - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux32/debug-artifact', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux32/\ -releng.manifest", - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_add-on-devel.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_add-on-devel.py deleted file mode 100644 index 98462a62f..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_add-on-devel.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', -# 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - # 'generate-build-stats', - # 'update', - ], - 'stage_platform': 'linux64-add-on-devel', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'build_type': 'add-on-devel', - 'platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest': False, - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/home/worker/workspace/build/src/gcc/bin:/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/add-on-devel', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_artifact.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_artifact.py deleted file mode 100644 index 5cbc70ade..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_artifact.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - # note: overridden by MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'sendchange', - # 'generate-build-stats', - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - "buildbot": "/tools/buildbot/bin/buildbot", - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': False, - 'secret_files': [ - {'filename': '/builds/gapi.data', - 'secret_name': 'project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gapi.data', - 'min_scm_level': 2, 'default': 'try-build-has-no-secrets'}, - {'filename': '/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key', - 'secret_name': 'project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key', - 'min_scm_level': 2, 'default': 'try-build-has-no-secrets'}, - ], - 'enable_ccache': True, - 'vcs_share_base': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': True, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - # allows triggering of test jobs when --artifact try syntax is detected on buildbot - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'Linux_x86-64_%(branch)s_Artifact_build', - 'platform': 'linux64', - 'stage_platform': 'linux64', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': "/tools/gcc-4.3.3/installed/lib64", - ## - }, - 'mock_packages': [ - 'autoconf213', 'python', 'mozilla-python27', 'zip', 'mozilla-python27-mercurial', - 'git', 'ccache', 'perl-Test-Simple', 'perl-Config-General', - 'yasm', 'wget', - 'mpfr', # required for system compiler - 'xorg-x11-font*', # fonts required for PGO - 'imake', # required for makedepend!?! - ### <-- from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'valgrind', 'dbus-x11', - ######## 64 bit specific ########### - 'glibc-static', 'libstdc++-static', - 'gtk2-devel', 'libnotify-devel', - 'alsa-lib-devel', 'libcurl-devel', 'wireless-tools-devel', - 'libX11-devel', 'libXt-devel', 'mesa-libGL-devel', 'gnome-vfs2-devel', - 'GConf2-devel', - ### from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'pulseaudio-libs-devel', 'gstreamer-devel', - 'gstreamer-plugins-base-devel', 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64', - 'freetype-devel-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64' - ], - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/artifact', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/\ -releng.manifest", - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0f57520b5..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - # 'generate-build-stats', - # 'update', - ], - 'stage_platform': 'linux64-asan', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'build_type': 'asan', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/\ -asan.manifest", - 'platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest': False, - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/nightly-asan', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_and_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_and_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index 4ff6a9d2c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_and_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - # 'generate-build-stats', - # 'update', - ], - 'stage_platform': 'linux64-asan-debug', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'build_type': 'asan-debug', - 'debug_build': True, - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/\ -asan.manifest", - 'platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest': False, - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/debug-asan', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_tc.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_tc.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0f57520b5..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_tc.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - # 'generate-build-stats', - # 'update', - ], - 'stage_platform': 'linux64-asan', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'build_type': 'asan', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/\ -asan.manifest", - 'platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest': False, - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/nightly-asan', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_tc_and_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_tc_and_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index 4ff6a9d2c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_tc_and_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - # 'generate-build-stats', - # 'update', - ], - 'stage_platform': 'linux64-asan-debug', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'build_type': 'asan-debug', - 'debug_build': True, - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/\ -asan.manifest", - 'platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest': False, - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/debug-asan', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_code_coverage.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_code_coverage.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3ab4f25a3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_code_coverage.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - # 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - 'stage_platform': 'linux64-ccov', - 'platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest': False, - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/code-coverage', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index e97c82fcd..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - # 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - 'stage_platform': 'linux64-debug', - 'debug_build': True, - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - # 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '/tools/gcc-4.3.3/installed/lib64:\ -%s/dist/bin' % (MOZ_OBJDIR,), - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/debug', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_debug_artifact.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_debug_artifact.py deleted file mode 100644 index d3a82e476..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_debug_artifact.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - # note: overridden by MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'sendchange', - # 'generate-build-stats', - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - "buildbot": "/tools/buildbot/bin/buildbot", - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - 'enable_ccache': True, - 'vcs_share_base': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': True, - # debug specific - 'debug_build': True, - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - # allows triggering of test jobs when --artifact try syntax is detected on buildbot - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'Linux_x86-64_%(branch)s_Artifact_build', - 'platform': 'linux64', - 'stage_platform': 'linux64-debug', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - # debug-specific - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': "/tools/gcc-4.3.3/installed/lib64", - ## - }, - 'mock_packages': [ - 'autoconf213', 'python', 'mozilla-python27', 'zip', 'mozilla-python27-mercurial', - 'git', 'ccache', 'perl-Test-Simple', 'perl-Config-General', - 'yasm', 'wget', - 'mpfr', # required for system compiler - 'xorg-x11-font*', # fonts required for PGO - 'imake', # required for makedepend!?! - ### <-- from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'valgrind', 'dbus-x11', - ######## 64 bit specific ########### - 'glibc-static', 'libstdc++-static', - 'gtk2-devel', 'libnotify-devel', - 'alsa-lib-devel', 'libcurl-devel', 'wireless-tools-devel', - 'libX11-devel', 'libXt-devel', 'mesa-libGL-devel', 'gnome-vfs2-devel', - 'GConf2-devel', - ### from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'pulseaudio-libs-devel', 'gstreamer-devel', - 'gstreamer-plugins-base-devel', 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64', - 'freetype-devel-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64' - ], - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/debug-artifact', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/\ -releng.manifest", - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_source.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_source.py deleted file mode 100644 index dfc87cdf1..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_source.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'package-source', - 'generate-source-signing-manifest', - ], - 'stage_platform': 'source', # Not used, but required by the script - 'buildbot_json_path': 'buildprops.json', - 'app_ini_path': 'FAKE', # Not used, but required by the script - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'env': { - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/source', -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_stat_and_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_stat_and_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index d4de036de..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_stat_and_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - # 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - 'debug_build': True, - 'stage_platform': 'linux64-st-an-debug', - 'build_type': 'st-an-debug', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/\ -clang.manifest", - 'platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest': False, - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - # 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/\ -debug-static-analysis-clang', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_stat_and_opt.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_stat_and_opt.py deleted file mode 100644 index 496d89f96..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_stat_and_opt.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - # note: overridden by MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - # 'generate-build-stats', - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - "buildbot": "/tools/buildbot/bin/buildbot", - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_ccache': True, - 'vcs_share_base': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': True, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': False, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'Linux_x86-64_%(branch)s_Static_Analysis', - 'platform': 'linux64', - 'stage_platform': 'linux64-st-an', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': "/tools/gcc-4.3.3/installed/lib64", - ## - }, - 'mock_packages': [ - 'autoconf213', 'python', 'mozilla-python27', 'zip', 'mozilla-python27-mercurial', - 'git', 'ccache', 'perl-Test-Simple', 'perl-Config-General', - 'yasm', 'wget', - 'mpfr', # required for system compiler - 'xorg-x11-font*', # fonts required for PGO - 'imake', # required for makedepend!?! - ### <-- from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'valgrind', 'dbus-x11', - ######## 64 bit specific ########### - 'glibc-static', 'libstdc++-static', - 'gtk2-devel', 'libnotify-devel', - 'alsa-lib-devel', 'libcurl-devel', 'wireless-tools-devel', - 'libX11-devel', 'libXt-devel', 'mesa-libGL-devel', 'gnome-vfs2-devel', - 'GConf2-devel', - ### from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'pulseaudio-libs-devel', 'gstreamer-devel', - 'gstreamer-plugins-base-devel', 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64', - 'freetype-devel-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64' - ], - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/opt-static-analysis-clang', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': 'browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/\ -clang.manifest.centos6', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_tsan.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_tsan.py deleted file mode 100644 index ae8ed6278..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_tsan.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - # 'check-test', - # 'generate-build-stats', - # 'update', - ], - 'stage_platform': 'linux64-tsan', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/\ -tsan.manifest", - 'platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest': False, - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/opt-tsan', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_valgrind.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_valgrind.py deleted file mode 100644 index 97ffd84f8..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_valgrind.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -import os - 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'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/buildbot/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/lib64/ccache:/bin:\ -/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/tools/git/bin:/tools/python27/bin:\ -/tools/python27-mercurial/bin:/home/cltbld/bin', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/valgrind', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_add-on-devel.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_add-on-devel.py deleted file mode 100644 index d54c4d3a6..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_add-on-devel.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', -# 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', -# 'sendchange', - 'check-test', -# 'generate-build-stats', -# 'update', - ], - 'stage_platform': 'macosx64-add-on-devel', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'build_type': 'add-on-devel', - 'platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest': False, - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/python/bin:/tools/buildbot/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:' - '/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin', - ## - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx64/add-on-devel', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_artifact.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_artifact.py deleted file mode 100644 index c4d74c145..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_artifact.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## MACOSX GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - # 'setup-mock', - 'checkout-sources', - 'build', - 'sendchange', - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - "buildbot": "/tools/buildbot/bin/buildbot", - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_ccache': True, - 'vcs_share_base': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - # allows triggering of test jobs when --artifact try syntax is detected on buildbot - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'OS X 10.7 %(branch)s_Artifact_build', - 'platform': 'macosx64', - 'stage_platform': 'macosx64', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'CHOWN_ROOT': '~/bin/chown_root', - 'CHOWN_REVERT': '~/bin/chown_revert', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/python/bin:/tools/buildbot/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:' - '/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin', - ## - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx64/artifact', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': 'browser/config/tooltool-manifests/macosx64/releng.manifest', - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index 91cbdb62d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -import os - 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## - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx64/debug', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_opt.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_opt.py deleted file mode 100644 index f29800f14..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_opt.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', - 'build', - ], - 'stage_platform': 'macosx64-st-an', - 'debug_build': False, - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/python/bin:/tools/buildbot/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:' - '/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin', - ## - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx64/opt-static-analysis', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_universal.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_universal.py deleted file mode 100644 index c399b4f4d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_universal.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox/x86_64', - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx-universal/nightly', -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index 374dc12d1..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - 'stage_platform': 'macosx64-debug', - 'debug_build': True, - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/python/bin:/tools/buildbot/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:' - '/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin', - ## - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx64/debug', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_debug_artifact.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_debug_artifact.py deleted file mode 100644 index 937ca1291..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_debug_artifact.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## MACOSX GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - # 'setup-mock', - 'checkout-sources', - 'build', - 'sendchange', - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - "buildbot": "/tools/buildbot/bin/buildbot", - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_ccache': True, - 'vcs_share_base': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': MOZ_OBJDIR, - # debug specific - 'debug_build': True, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - # allows triggering of test jobs when --artifact try syntax is detected on buildbot - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'OS X 10.7 %(branch)s_Artifact_build', - 'platform': 'macosx64', - 'stage_platform': 'macosx64-debug', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - # debug-specific - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - ## 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/python/bin:/tools/buildbot/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:' - '/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin', - ## - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx64/debug-artifact', - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_stat_and_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_stat_and_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6dccae7ab..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_stat_and_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - # 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - 'debug_build': True, - 'stage_platform': 'macosx64-st-an-debug', - 'build_type': 'st-an-debug', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/macosx64/\ -clang.manifest", - 'platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest': False, - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': False, - 'objdir': MOZ_OBJDIR, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': '/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'CCACHE_DIR': '/builds/ccache', - 'CCACHE_COMPRESS': '1', - 'CCACHE_UMASK': '002', - 'LC_ALL': 'C', - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - # 64 bit specific - 'PATH': '/tools/python/bin:/tools/buildbot/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:' - '/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx64/debug-static-analysis', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_add-on-devel.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_add-on-devel.py deleted file mode 100644 index ba108ab1f..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_add-on-devel.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', windows do not use mock - 'build', - 'upload-files', -# 'sendchange', - 'check-test', -# 'generate-build-stats', -# 'update', - ], - 'stage_platform': 'win32-add-on-devel', - 'build_type': 'add-on-devel', - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 32 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'BINSCOPE': 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/SDL BinScope/BinScope.exe', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PATH': 'C:/mozilla-build/nsis-3.01;C:/mozilla-build/python27;' - 'C:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/scripts;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'PROPERTIES_FILE': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'buildprops.json'), - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/add-on-devel', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_artifact.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_artifact.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8bf35fba3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_artifact.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## WINDOWS GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced with - # releng_base_windows_32_builds.py - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', windows do not use mock - 'build', - 'sendchange', - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - "buildbot": [ - sys.executable, - 'c:\\mozilla-build\\buildbotve\\scripts\\buildbot' - ], - "make": [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'build', 'pymake', 'make.py' - ) - ], - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - 'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py' - ], - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_ccache': False, - 'vcs_share_base': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': [sys.executable, - 'C:/mozilla-build/tooltool.py'], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - # allows triggering of test jobs when --artifact try syntax is detected on buildbot - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - 'max_build_output_timeout': 60 * 80, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 32 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'WINNT_5.2_%(branch)s_Artifact_build', - 'platform': 'win32', - 'stage_platform': 'win32', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'BINSCOPE': 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/SDL BinScope/BinScope.exe', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PATH': 'C:/mozilla-build/nsis-3.0b1;C:/mozilla-build/python27;' - 'C:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/scripts;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'PDBSTR_PATH': '/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.0/Debuggers/x64/srcsrv/pdbstr.exe', - 'PROPERTIES_FILE': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'buildprops.json'), - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - }, - 'enable_pymake': True, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/artifact', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/win32/releng.manifest", - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index d9b769505..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', windows do not use mock - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - 'stage_platform': 'win32-debug', - 'debug_build': True, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 32 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'BINSCOPE': 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/SDL BinScope/BinScope.exe', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PATH': 'C:/mozilla-build/nsis-3.01;C:/mozilla-build/python27;' - 'C:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/scripts;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'PROPERTIES_FILE': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'buildprops.json'), - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/debug', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_debug_artifact.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_debug_artifact.py deleted file mode 100644 index ad9b2eeaf..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_debug_artifact.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## WINDOWS GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced with - # releng_base_windows_32_builds.py - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', windows do not use mock - 'build', - 'sendchange', - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - "buildbot": [ - sys.executable, - 'c:\\mozilla-build\\buildbotve\\scripts\\buildbot' - ], - "make": [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'build', 'pymake', 'make.py' - ) - ], - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - 'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py' - ], - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_ccache': False, - 'vcs_share_base': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'tooltool_script': [sys.executable, - 'C:/mozilla-build/tooltool.py'], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - # debug specific - 'debug_build': True, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - # allows triggering of test jobs when --artifact try syntax is detected on buildbot - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - 'max_build_output_timeout': 60 * 80, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 32 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'WINNT_5.2_%(branch)s_Artifact_build', - 'platform': 'win32', - 'stage_platform': 'win32-debug', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'env': { - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'BINSCOPE': 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/SDL BinScope/BinScope.exe', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'PATH': 'C:/mozilla-build/nsis-3.0b1;C:/mozilla-build/python27;' - 'C:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/scripts;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'PROPERTIES_FILE': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'buildprops.json'), - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - # debug-specific - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - }, - 'enable_pymake': True, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/debug-artifact', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/win32/releng.manifest", - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_stat_and_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_stat_and_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index e02703462..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_stat_and_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', windows do not use mock - 'build', - # 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - 'stage_platform': 'win32-st-an-debug', - 'debug_build': True, - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': False, - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/win32/\ -clang.manifest", - 'platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest': False, - 'objdir': MOZ_OBJDIR, - #### 32 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'BINSCOPE': 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/SDL BinScope/BinScope.exe', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PATH': 'C:/mozilla-build/nsis-3.01;C:/mozilla-build/python27;' - 'C:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/scripts;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'PROPERTIES_FILE': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'buildprops.json'), - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/debug-static-analysis', - 'purge_minsize': 9, - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_add-on-devel.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_add-on-devel.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8567c7e72..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_add-on-devel.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', windows do not use mock - 'build', - 'upload-files', -# 'sendchange', - 'check-test', -# 'generate-build-stats', -# 'update', - ], - 'stage_platform': 'win64-add-on-devel', - 'build_type': 'add-on-devel', - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'BINSCOPE': 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/SDL BinScope/BinScope.exe', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PATH': 'C:/mozilla-build/nsis-3.01;C:/mozilla-build/python27;' - 'C:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/scripts;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'PROPERTIES_FILE': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'buildprops.json'), - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win64/add-on-devel', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_artifact.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_artifact.py deleted file mode 100644 index b99ebb6b3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_artifact.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## WINDOWS GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced with - # releng_base_windows_64_builds.py - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', windows do not use mock - 'build', - 'sendchange', - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - "buildbot": [ - sys.executable, - 'c:\\mozilla-build\\buildbotve\\scripts\\buildbot' - ], - "make": [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'build', 'pymake', 'make.py' - ) - ], - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - 'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py' - ], - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_ccache': False, - 'vcs_share_base': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': [sys.executable, - 'C:/mozilla-build/tooltool.py'], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - # allows triggering of test jobs when --artifact try syntax is detected on buildbot - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - 'max_build_output_timeout': 60 * 80, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'WINNT_6.1_x86-64_%(branch)s_Artifact_build', - 'platform': 'win64', - 'stage_platform': 'win64', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'env': { - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PATH': 'C:/mozilla-build/nsis-3.0b1;C:/mozilla-build/python27;' - 'C:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/scripts;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'PDBSTR_PATH': '/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.0/Debuggers/x64/srcsrv/pdbstr.exe', - 'PROPERTIES_FILE': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'buildprops.json'), - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - }, - 'enable_pymake': True, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win64/artifact', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/win64/releng.manifest", - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index e8145dea9..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -import os - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', windows do not use mock - 'build', - 'upload-files', - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', # decided by query_is_nightly() - ], - 'stage_platform': 'win64-debug', - 'debug_build': True, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - #### 64 bit build specific ##### - 'env': { - 'BINSCOPE': 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/SDL BinScope/BinScope.exe', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PATH': 'C:/mozilla-build/nsis-3.01;C:/mozilla-build/python27;' - 'C:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/scripts;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'PROPERTIES_FILE': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'buildprops.json'), - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - }, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win64/debug', - ####################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_debug_artifact.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_debug_artifact.py deleted file mode 100644 index 892a6622d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_debug_artifact.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -MOZ_OBJDIR = 'obj-firefox' - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## WINDOWS GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced with - # releng_base_windows_64_builds.py - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - # 'setup-mock', windows do not use mock - 'build', - 'sendchange', - ], - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - "buildbot": [ - sys.executable, - 'c:\\mozilla-build\\buildbotve\\scripts\\buildbot' - ], - "make": [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'build', 'pymake', 'make.py' - ) - ], - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - 'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py' - ], - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': False, - 'enable_ccache': False, - 'vcs_share_base': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'objdir': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'tooltool_script': [sys.executable, - 'C:/mozilla-build/tooltool.py'], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - # debug specific - 'debug_build': True, - 'enable_talos_sendchange': False, - # allows triggering of test jobs when --artifact try syntax is detected on buildbot - 'enable_unittest_sendchange': True, - 'max_build_output_timeout': 60 * 80, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'WINNT_6.1_x86-64_%(branch)s_Artifact_build', - 'platform': 'win64', - 'stage_platform': 'win64-debug', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': False, - 'env': { - 'BINSCOPE': 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/SDL BinScope/BinScope.exe', - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': 'C:/builds/hg-shared', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': MOZ_OBJDIR, - 'PATH': 'C:/mozilla-build/nsis-3.0b1;C:/mozilla-build/python27;' - 'C:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/scripts;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'PROPERTIES_FILE': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'buildprops.json'), - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - # debug-specific - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - }, - 'enable_pymake': True, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser/config/mozconfigs/win64/debug-artifact', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/win64/releng.manifest", - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_firefox_win32_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_firefox_win32_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index ed53474ad..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_firefox_win32_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## WINDOWS GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced between: - # - taskcluster_firefox_win32_debug - # - taskcluster_firefox_win32_opt - # - taskcluster_firefox_win64_debug - # - taskcluster_firefox_win64_opt - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clone-tools', - 'build', - 'check-test', - ], - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - 'make': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'build', 'pymake', 'make.py' - ) - ], - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'python', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv.py' - ) - ], - 'mach-build': [ - os.path.join(os.environ['MOZILLABUILD'], 'msys', 'bin', 'bash.exe'), - os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'mach'), - '--log-no-times', 'build', '-v' - ], - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': True, - 'enable_ccache': False, - 'vcs_share_base': os.path.join('y:', os.sep, 'hg-shared'), - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join(os.environ['MOZILLABUILD'], 'tooltool.py') - ], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': 'setup.sh', - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - 'max_build_output_timeout': 60 * 80, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 32 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'WINNT_5.2_%(branch)s', - 'platform': 'win32', - 'stage_platform': 'win32-debug', - 'debug_build': True, - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': True, - 'env': { - 'BINSCOPE': os.path.join( - os.environ['ProgramFiles(x86)'], 'Microsoft', 'SDL BinScope', 'BinScope.exe' - ), - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': os.path.join('y:', os.sep, 'hg-shared'), - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PDBSTR_PATH': '/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Debuggers/x86/srcsrv/pdbstr.exe', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - 'MSYSTEM': 'MINGW32', - }, - 'upload_env': { - 'UPLOAD_HOST': 'localhost', - 'UPLOAD_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'public', 'build'), - }, - "check_test_env": { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s\\breakpad\\win32\\minidump_stackwalk.exe', - 'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': '%(base_work_dir)s\\minidumps', - }, - 'enable_pymake': True, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser\\config\\mozconfigs\\win32\\debug', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': 'browser\\config\\tooltool-manifests\\win32\\releng.manifest', - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_firefox_win32_opt.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_firefox_win32_opt.py deleted file mode 100644 index 4a6502dce..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_firefox_win32_opt.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## WINDOWS GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced between: - # - taskcluster_firefox_win32_debug - # - taskcluster_firefox_win32_opt - # - taskcluster_firefox_win64_debug - # - taskcluster_firefox_win64_opt - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clone-tools', - 'build', - 'check-test', - ], - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - 'make': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'build', 'pymake', 'make.py' - ) - ], - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'python', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv.py' - ) - ], - 'mach-build': [ - os.path.join(os.environ['MOZILLABUILD'], 'msys', 'bin', 'bash.exe'), - os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'mach'), - '--log-no-times', 'build', '-v' - ], - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': True, - 'enable_ccache': False, - 'vcs_share_base': os.path.join('y:', os.sep, 'hg-shared'), - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join(os.environ['MOZILLABUILD'], 'tooltool.py') - ], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': 'setup.sh', - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - 'max_build_output_timeout': 60 * 80, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 32 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'WINNT_5.2_%(branch)s', - 'platform': 'win32', - 'stage_platform': 'win32', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': True, - 'env': { - 'BINSCOPE': os.path.join( - os.environ['ProgramFiles(x86)'], 'Microsoft', 'SDL BinScope', 'BinScope.exe' - ), - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': os.path.join('y:', os.sep, 'hg-shared'), - 'MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.mozbuild'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PDBSTR_PATH': '/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Debuggers/x86/srcsrv/pdbstr.exe', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - 'MSYSTEM': 'MINGW32', - }, - 'upload_env': { - 'UPLOAD_HOST': 'localhost', - 'UPLOAD_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'public', 'build'), - }, - "check_test_env": { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s\\breakpad\\win32\\minidump_stackwalk.exe', - 'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': '%(base_work_dir)s\\minidumps', - }, - 'enable_pymake': True, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser\\config\\mozconfigs\\win32\\nightly', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': 'browser\\config\\tooltool-manifests\\win32\\releng.manifest', - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_firefox_win64_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_firefox_win64_debug.py deleted file mode 100644 index 687cf13c6..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_firefox_win64_debug.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## WINDOWS GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 64 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '64 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced between: - # - taskcluster_firefox_win32_debug - # - taskcluster_firefox_win32_opt - # - taskcluster_firefox_win64_debug - # - taskcluster_firefox_win64_opt - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clone-tools', - 'build', - 'check-test', - ], - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - 'make': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'build', 'pymake', 'make.py' - ) - ], - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'python', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv.py' - ) - ], - 'mach-build': [ - os.path.join(os.environ['MOZILLABUILD'], 'msys', 'bin', 'bash.exe'), - os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'mach'), - '--log-no-times', 'build', '-v' - ], - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': True, - 'enable_ccache': False, - 'vcs_share_base': os.path.join('y:', os.sep, 'hg-shared'), - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join(os.environ['MOZILLABUILD'], 'tooltool.py') - ], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': 'setup.sh', - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - 'max_build_output_timeout': 60 * 80, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'WINNT_6.1_x86-64_%(branch)s', - 'platform': 'win64', - 'stage_platform': 'win64-debug', - 'debug_build': True, - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': True, - 'env': { - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': os.path.join('y:', os.sep, 'hg-shared'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PDBSTR_PATH': '/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Debuggers/x64/srcsrv/pdbstr.exe', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - 'XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK': 'stack-and-abort', - 'MSYSTEM': 'MINGW32', - }, - 'upload_env': { - 'UPLOAD_HOST': 'localhost', - 'UPLOAD_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'public', 'build'), - }, - "check_test_env": { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s\\breakpad\\win64\\minidump_stackwalk.exe', - 'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': '%(base_work_dir)s\\minidumps', - }, - 'enable_pymake': True, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser\\config\\mozconfigs\\win64\\debug', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': 'browser\\config\\tooltool-manifests\\win64\\releng.manifest', - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_firefox_win64_opt.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_firefox_win64_opt.py deleted file mode 100644 index ba9cc9350..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_firefox_win64_opt.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -config = { - ######################################################################### - ######## WINDOWS GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES - # if you are updating this with custom 64 bit keys/values please add them - # below under the '64 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this - # code block and also make sure this is synced between: - # - taskcluster_firefox_win32_debug - # - taskcluster_firefox_win32_opt - # - taskcluster_firefox_win64_debug - # - taskcluster_firefox_win64_opt - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clone-tools', - 'build', - 'check-test', - ], - 'exes': { - 'python2.7': sys.executable, - 'make': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'build', 'pymake', 'make.py' - ) - ], - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join( - os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'python', 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv.py' - ) - ], - 'mach-build': [ - os.path.join(os.environ['MOZILLABUILD'], 'msys', 'bin', 'bash.exe'), - os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build', 'src', 'mach'), - '--log-no-times', 'build', '-v' - ], - }, - 'app_ini_path': '%(obj_dir)s/dist/bin/application.ini', - # decides whether we want to use moz_sign_cmd in env - 'enable_signing': True, - 'enable_ccache': False, - 'vcs_share_base': os.path.join('y:', os.sep, 'hg-shared'), - 'objdir': 'obj-firefox', - 'tooltool_script': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join(os.environ['MOZILLABUILD'], 'tooltool.py') - ], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': 'setup.sh', - 'enable_count_ctors': False, - 'max_build_output_timeout': 60 * 80, - ######################################################################### - - - ######################################################################### - ###### 64 bit specific ###### - 'base_name': 'WINNT_6.1_x86-64_%(branch)s', - 'platform': 'win64', - 'stage_platform': 'win64', - 'publish_nightly_en_US_routes': True, - 'env': { - 'HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR': os.path.join('y:', os.sep, 'hg-shared'), - 'MOZ_AUTOMATION': '1', - 'MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT': '1', - 'MOZ_OBJDIR': 'obj-firefox', - 'PDBSTR_PATH': '/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Debuggers/x64/srcsrv/pdbstr.exe', - 'TINDERBOX_OUTPUT': '1', - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - 'MSYSTEM': 'MINGW32', - }, - 'upload_env': { - 'UPLOAD_HOST': 'localhost', - 'UPLOAD_PATH': os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'public', 'build'), - }, - "check_test_env": { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s\\breakpad\\win64\\minidump_stackwalk.exe', - 'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': '%(base_work_dir)s\\minidumps', - }, - 'enable_pymake': True, - 'src_mozconfig': 'browser\\config\\mozconfigs\\win64\\nightly', - 'tooltool_manifest_src': 'browser\\config\\tooltool-manifests\\win64\\releng.manifest', - ######################################################################### -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/developer_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/developer_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index 49ddb6eb7..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/developer_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -""" -This config file can be appended to any other mozharness job -running under treeherder. The purpose of this config is to -override values that are specific to Release Engineering machines -that can reach specific hosts within their network. -In other words, this config allows you to run any job -outside of the Release Engineering network - -Using this config file should be accompanied with using ---test-url and --installer-url where appropiate -""" - -import os -LOCAL_WORKDIR = os.path.expanduser("~/.mozilla/releng") - -config = { - # Developer mode values - "developer_mode": True, - "local_workdir": LOCAL_WORKDIR, - "replace_urls": [ - ("http://pvtbuilds.pvt.build", "https://pvtbuilds"), - ], - - # General local variable overwrite - "exes": { - "gittool.py": os.path.join(LOCAL_WORKDIR, "gittool.py"), - }, - - # Pip - "find_links": ["http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub"], - "pip_index": False, - - # Talos related - "python_webserver": True, - "virtualenv_path": '%s/build/venv' % os.getcwd(), - "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [], - "postflight_run_cmd_suites": [], - - # Tooltool related - "download_tooltool": True, - "tooltool_cache": os.path.join(LOCAL_WORKDIR, "builds/tooltool_cache"), - "tooltool_cache_path": os.path.join(LOCAL_WORKDIR, "builds/tooltool_cache"), - - # VCS tools - "gittool.py": 'http://hg.mozilla.org/build/puppet/raw-file/faaf5abd792e/modules/packages/files/gittool.py', - - # Android related - "host_utils_url": "https://api.pub.build.mozilla.org/tooltool/sha512/372c89f9dccaf5ee3b9d35fd1cfeb089e1e5db3ff1c04e35aa3adc8800bc61a2ae10e321f37ae7bab20b56e60941f91bb003bcb22035902a73d70872e7bd3282", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/disable_signing.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/disable_signing.py deleted file mode 100644 index 77fc85f2d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/disable_signing.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'enable_signing': False, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/qa_jenkins.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/qa_jenkins.py deleted file mode 100644 index 5f6911b81..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/qa_jenkins.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -# Default configuration as used by Mozmill CI (Jenkins) - - -config = { - # Tests run in mozmill-ci do not use RelEng infra - 'developer_mode': True, - - # PIP - 'find_links': ['http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub'], - 'pip_index': False, - - # mozcrash support - 'download_minidump_stackwalk': True, - 'download_symbols': 'ondemand', - 'download_tooltool': True, - - # Disable proxxy because it isn't present in the QA environment. - 'proxxy': {}, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/releng_release.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/releng_release.py deleted file mode 100644 index 28baf6aef..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/releng_release.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -# Default configuration as used by Release Engineering for testing release/beta builds - -import os -import sys - -import mozharness - - -external_tools_path = os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), - 'external_tools', -) - - -config = { - # General local variable overwrite - 'exes': { - 'gittool.py': [ - # Bug 1227079 - Python executable eeded to get it executed on Windows - sys.executable, - os.path.join(external_tools_path, 'gittool.py') - ], - }, - - # PIP - 'find_links': ['http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub'], - 'pip_index': False, - - # mozcrash support - 'download_minidump_stackwalk': True, - 'download_symbols': 'ondemand', - 'download_tooltool': True, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/taskcluster.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/taskcluster.py deleted file mode 100644 index 66fc72935..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/taskcluster.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -# Config file for firefox ui tests run via TaskCluster. - -config = { - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - - "pip_index": False, - - "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/hazards/build_browser.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/hazards/build_browser.py deleted file mode 100644 index a08efe925..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/hazards/build_browser.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'build_command': "build.browser", - 'expect_file': "expect.browser.json", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/hazards/build_shell.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/hazards/build_shell.py deleted file mode 100644 index 16135705a..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/hazards/build_shell.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'build_command': "build.shell", - 'expect_file': "expect.shell.json", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/hazards/common.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/hazards/common.py deleted file mode 100644 index f8d751044..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/hazards/common.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -import os - -HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR = "/builds/hg-shared" - -PYTHON_DIR = "/tools/python27" -SRCDIR = "source" - -config = { - "platform": "linux64", - "build_type": "br-haz", - "log_name": "hazards", - "shell-objdir": "obj-opt-js", - "analysis-dir": "analysis", - "analysis-objdir": "obj-analyzed", - "srcdir": SRCDIR, - "analysis-scriptdir": "js/src/devtools/rootAnalysis", - - # These paths are relative to the tooltool checkout location - "sixgill": "sixgill/usr/libexec/sixgill", - "sixgill_bin": "sixgill/usr/bin", - - "python": "python", - - "exes": { - 'gittool.py': '%(abs_tools_dir)s/buildfarm/utils/gittool.py', - 'tooltool.py': '/tools/tooltool.py', - "virtualenv": [PYTHON_DIR + "/bin/python", "/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py"], - }, - - "force_clobber": True, - 'vcs_share_base': HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR, - - "repos": [{ - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "tools" - }], - - "upload_remote_baseuri": 'https://ftp-ssl.mozilla.org/', - "default_blob_upload_servers": [ - "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com", - ], - "blob_uploader_auth_file": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "oauth.txt"), - - "virtualenv_path": '%s/venv' % os.getcwd(), - 'tools_dir': "/tools", - 'compiler_manifest': "build/gcc.manifest", - 'b2g_compiler_manifest': "build/gcc-b2g.manifest", - 'sixgill_manifest': "build/sixgill.manifest", - - # Mock. - "mock_packages": [ - "autoconf213", "mozilla-python27-mercurial", "ccache", - "zip", "zlib-devel", "glibc-static", - "openssh-clients", "mpfr", "wget", "rsync", - - # For building the JS shell - "gmp-devel", "nspr", "nspr-devel", - - # For building the browser - "dbus-devel", "dbus-glib-devel", "hal-devel", - "libICE-devel", "libIDL-devel", - - # For mach resource-usage - "python-psutil", - - 'zip', 'git', - 'libstdc++-static', 'perl-Test-Simple', 'perl-Config-General', - 'gtk2-devel', 'libnotify-devel', 'yasm', - 'alsa-lib-devel', 'libcurl-devel', - 'wireless-tools-devel', 'libX11-devel', - 'libXt-devel', 'mesa-libGL-devel', - 'gnome-vfs2-devel', 'GConf2-devel', 'wget', - 'mpfr', # required for system compiler - 'xorg-x11-font*', # fonts required for PGO - 'imake', # required for makedepend!?! - 'pulseaudio-libs-devel', - 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64', - 'freetype-devel-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64', - 'gstreamer-devel', 'gstreamer-plugins-base-devel', - ], - "mock_files": [ - ("/home/cltbld/.ssh", "/home/mock_mozilla/.ssh"), - ('/home/cltbld/.hgrc', '/builds/.hgrc'), - ('/builds/relengapi.tok', '/builds/relengapi.tok'), - ("/tools/tooltool.py", "/tools/tooltool.py"), - ('/usr/local/lib/hgext', '/usr/local/lib/hgext'), - ], - "env_replacements": { - "pythondir": PYTHON_DIR, - "gccdir": "%(abs_work_dir)s/gcc", - "sixgilldir": "%(abs_work_dir)s/sixgill", - }, - "partial_env": { - "PATH": "%(pythondir)s/bin:%(gccdir)s/bin:%(PATH)s", - "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "%(sixgilldir)s/usr/lib64", - - # Suppress the mercurial-setup check. When running in automation, this - # is redundant with MOZ_AUTOMATION, but a local developer-mode build - # will have the mach state directory set to a nonstandard location and - # therefore will always claim that mercurial-setup has not been run. - "I_PREFER_A_SUBOPTIMAL_MERCURIAL_EXPERIENCE": "1", - }, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/prod_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/prod_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0d71c1cc3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/prod_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -# This is a template config file for marionette production. -import os - -HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR = "/builds/hg-shared" - -config = { - # marionette options - "marionette_address": "localhost:2828", - "test_manifest": "unit-tests.ini", - - "vcs_share_base": HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR, - "exes": { - 'python': '/tools/buildbot/bin/python', - 'virtualenv': ['/tools/buildbot/bin/python', '/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py'], - 'tooltool.py': "/tools/tooltool.py", - }, - - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub", - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - "pip_index": False, - - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - - "default_actions": [ - 'clobber', - 'read-buildbot-config', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-tests', - ], - "default_blob_upload_servers": [ - "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com", - ], - "blob_uploader_auth_file" : os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "oauth.txt"), - "download_symbols": "ondemand", - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, - "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", - "suite_definitions": { - "marionette_desktop": { - "options": [ - "--log-raw=%(raw_log_file)s", - "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", - "--log-html=%(html_report_file)s", - "--binary=%(binary)s", - "--address=%(address)s", - "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s" - ], - "run_filename": "", - "testsdir": "" - } - }, - "structured_output": True, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/test_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/test_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6a0f3eee3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/test_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -# This is a template config file for marionette test. - -config = { - # marionette options - "marionette_address": "localhost:2828", - "test_manifest": "unit-tests.ini", - - "default_actions": [ - 'clobber', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-tests', - ], - "suite_definitions": { - "marionette_desktop": { - "options": [ - "--log-raw=%(raw_log_file)s", - "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", - "--log-html=%(html_report_file)s", - "--binary=%(binary)s", - "--address=%(address)s", - "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s" - ], - "run_filename": "", - "testsdir": "" - }, - }, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/windows_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/windows_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index 039a459b2..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/windows_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -# This is a template config file for marionette production on Windows. -import os -import sys - -config = { - # marionette options - "marionette_address": "localhost:2828", - "test_manifest": "unit-tests.ini", - - "virtualenv_python_dll": 'c:/mozilla-build/python27/python27.dll', - "virtualenv_path": 'venv', - "exes": { - 'python': 'c:/mozilla-build/python27/python', - 'virtualenv': ['c:/mozilla-build/python27/python', 'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py'], - 'hg': 'c:/mozilla-build/hg/hg', - 'mozinstall': ['%s/build/venv/scripts/python' % os.getcwd(), - '%s/build/venv/scripts/mozinstall-script.py' % os.getcwd()], - 'tooltool.py': [sys.executable, 'C:/mozilla-build/tooltool.py'], - }, - - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub", - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - "pip_index": False, - - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - - "default_actions": [ - 'clobber', - 'read-buildbot-config', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-tests', - ], - "default_blob_upload_servers": [ - "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com", - ], - "blob_uploader_auth_file" : os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "oauth.txt"), - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, - "download_symbols": "ondemand", - "suite_definitions": { - "marionette_desktop": { - "options": [ - "--log-raw=%(raw_log_file)s", - "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", - "--log-html=%(html_report_file)s", - "--binary=%(binary)s", - "--address=%(address)s", - "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s" - ], - "run_filename": "", - "testsdir": "" - }, - }, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/windows_taskcluster_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/windows_taskcluster_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index fe3ed0c62..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/windows_taskcluster_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -# This is a template config file for marionette production on Windows. -import os -import sys - -config = { - # marionette options - "marionette_address": "localhost:2828", - "test_manifest": "unit-tests.ini", - - "virtualenv_python_dll": os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'python27.dll'), - "virtualenv_path": 'venv', - "exes": { - 'python': sys.executable, - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'Lib', 'site-packages', 'virtualenv.py') - ], - 'mozinstall': ['build/venv/scripts/python', 'build/venv/scripts/mozinstall-script.py'], - 'tooltool.py': [sys.executable, os.path.join(os.environ['MOZILLABUILD'], 'tooltool.py')], - 'hg': os.path.join(os.environ['PROGRAMFILES'], 'Mercurial', 'hg') - }, - - "proxxy": {}, - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - "pip_index": False, - - "default_actions": [ - 'clobber', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-tests', - ], - "default_blob_upload_servers": [ - "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com", - ], - "blob_uploader_auth_file" : 'C:/builds/oauth.txt', - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, - "download_symbols": "ondemand", - "suite_definitions": { - "marionette_desktop": { - "options": [ - "--log-raw=%(raw_log_file)s", - "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", - "--log-html=%(html_report_file)s", - "--binary=%(binary)s", - "--address=%(address)s", - "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s" - ], - "run_filename": "", - "testsdir": "" - }, - }, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/buildbot_posix_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/buildbot_posix_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8c30a9f28..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/buildbot_posix_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -import os -import mozharness - -external_tools_path = os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), - 'external_tools', -) - -config = { - "virtualenv_path": 'venv', - "exes": { - 'python': '/tools/buildbot/bin/python', - 'virtualenv': ['/tools/buildbot/bin/python', '/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py'], - 'tooltool.py': "/tools/tooltool.py", - }, - - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub", - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - "pip_index": False, - - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - - "default_actions": [ - 'clobber', - 'read-buildbot-config', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-media-tests', - ], - "default_blob_upload_servers": [ - "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com", - ], - "blob_uploader_auth_file" : os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "oauth.txt"), - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, - "download_symbols": "ondemand", - - "suite_definitions": { - "media-tests": { - "options": [], - }, - "media-youtube-tests": { - "options": [ - "%(test_manifest)s" - ], - }, - }, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/buildbot_windows_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/buildbot_windows_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index 270938378..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/buildbot_windows_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys -import mozharness - -external_tools_path = os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), - 'external_tools', -) - -config = { - "virtualenv_python_dll": 'c:/mozilla-build/python27/python27.dll', - "virtualenv_path": 'venv', - "exes": { - 'python': 'c:/mozilla-build/python27/python', - 'virtualenv': ['c:/mozilla-build/python27/python', 'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py'], - 'hg': 'c:/mozilla-build/hg/hg', - 'mozinstall': ['%s/build/venv/scripts/python' % os.getcwd(), - '%s/build/venv/scripts/mozinstall-script.py' % os.getcwd()], - 'tooltool.py': [sys.executable, 'C:/mozilla-build/tooltool.py'], - }, - - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub", - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - "pip_index": False, - - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - - "default_actions": [ - 'clobber', - 'read-buildbot-config', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-media-tests', - ], - "default_blob_upload_servers": [ - "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com", - ], - "blob_uploader_auth_file" : os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "oauth.txt"), - "in_tree_config": "config/mozharness/marionette.py", - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, - "download_symbols": "ondemand", - - "suite_definitions": { - "media-tests": { - "options": [], - }, - "media-youtube-tests": { - "options": [ - "%(test_manifest)s" - ], - }, - }, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/jenkins_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/jenkins_config.py deleted file mode 100755 index 52de7221d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/jenkins_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -# Default configuration as used by Mozmill CI (Jenkins) - -import os -import platform -import sys - -import mozharness - - -external_tools_path = os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), - 'external_tools', -) - -config = { - # PIP - 'find_links': ['http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub'], - 'pip_index': False, - - # mozcrash support - 'download_minidump_stackwalk': True, - 'download_symbols': 'ondemand', - 'download_tooltool': True, - - # Default test suite - 'test_suite': 'media-tests', - - 'suite_definitions': { - 'media-tests': { - 'options': [], - }, - 'media-youtube-tests': { - 'options': [ - '%(test_manifest)s' - ], - }, - }, - - 'default_actions': [ - 'clobber', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-media-tests', - ], - -} - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/taskcluster_posix_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/taskcluster_posix_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index d02effa3d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/taskcluster_posix_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -import os -import mozharness - -external_tools_path = os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), - 'external_tools', -) - -config = { - # Python env - "virtualenv_path": 'venv', - "exes": { - 'python': '/tools/buildbot/bin/python', - 'virtualenv': ['/tools/buildbot/bin/python', '/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py'], - 'tooltool.py': "/tools/tooltool.py", - }, - - # PIP - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub", - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - "pip_index": False, - - #mozcrash support - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, - "download_symbols": "ondemand", - - "default_actions": [ - 'clobber', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-media-tests', - ], - - "suite_definitions": { - "media-tests": { - "options": [], - }, - "media-youtube-tests": { - "options": [ - "%(test_manifest)s" - ], - }, - }, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/taskcluster_windows_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/taskcluster_windows_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index 85bf8b525..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/mediatests/taskcluster_windows_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys -import mozharness - -external_tools_path = os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), - 'external_tools', -) - -config = { - "virtualenv_python_dll": os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'python27.dll'), - "virtualenv_path": 'venv', - "exes": { - 'python': sys.executable, - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'Lib', 'site-packages', 'virtualenv.py') - ], - 'mozinstall': ['build/venv/scripts/python', 'build/venv/scripts/mozinstall-script.py'], - 'tooltool.py': [sys.executable, os.path.join(os.environ['MOZILLABUILD'], 'tooltool.py')], - 'hg': os.path.join(os.environ['PROGRAMFILES'], 'Mercurial', 'hg') - }, - "proxxy": {}, - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - "pip_index": False, - - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, - "download_symbols": "ondemand", - - "default_actions": [ - 'clobber', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-media-tests', - ], - - "suite_definitions": { - "media-tests": { - "options": [], - }, - "media-youtube-tests": { - "options": [ - "%(test_manifest)s" - ], - 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"rules_to_update": ["esr52-cdntest", "esr52-localtest"], - "publish_rules": [521], - }, - }, - "balrog_use_dummy_suffix": False, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/updates_firefox_release.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/updates_firefox_release.py deleted file mode 100644 index 58210d371..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/updates_firefox_release.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ - -config = { - "log_name": "updates_release", - "repo": { - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "tools", - "vcs": "hg", - }, - "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", - "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - "shipped-locales-url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release/raw-file/{revision}/browser/locales/shipped-locales", - "ignore_no_changes": True, - "ssh_user": "ffxbld", - "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", - "archive_domain": "archive.mozilla.org", - "archive_prefix": "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", - "previous_archive_prefix": "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", - "download_domain": "download.mozilla.org", - "balrog_url": "https://aus5.mozilla.org", - "balrog_username": "balrog-ffxbld", - "update_channels": { - "beta": { - "version_regex": r"^(\d+\.\d+(b\d+)?)$", - "requires_mirrors": False, - "patcher_config": "mozBeta-branch-patcher2.cfg", - "update_verify_channel": "beta-localtest", - "mar_channel_ids": [ - "firefox-mozilla-beta", "firefox-mozilla-release", - ], - "channel_names": ["beta", "beta-localtest", "beta-cdntest"], - "rules_to_update": ["firefox-beta-cdntest", "firefox-beta-localtest"], - "publish_rules": ["firefox-beta"], - }, - "release": { - "version_regex": r"^\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?$", - "requires_mirrors": True, - "patcher_config": "mozRelease-branch-patcher2.cfg", - "update_verify_channel": "release-localtest", - "mar_channel_ids": [], - "channel_names": ["release", "release-localtest", "release-cdntest"], - "rules_to_update": ["firefox-release-cdntest", "firefox-release-localtest"], - "publish_rules": ["firefox-release"], - }, - }, - "balrog_use_dummy_suffix": False, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/builders.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/builders.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3a6a8b595..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/builders.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -# This config file has generic values needed for any job and any platform running -# on Release Engineering machines inside the VPN -from mozharness.base.script import platform_name - -# These are values specific to each platform on Release Engineering machines -PYTHON_WIN32 = 'c:/mozilla-build/python27/python.exe' -# These are values specific to running machines on Release Engineering machines -# to run it locally on your machines append --cfg developer_config.py -PLATFORM_CONFIG = { - 'linux64': { - 'exes': { - 'gittool.py': '/usr/local/bin/gittool.py', - 'python': '/tools/buildbot/bin/python', - 'virtualenv': ['/tools/buildbot/bin/python', '/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py'], - }, - 'env': { - 'DISPLAY': ':2', - } - }, - 'macosx': { - 'exes': { - 'gittool.py': '/usr/local/bin/gittool.py', - 'python': '/tools/buildbot/bin/python', - 'virtualenv': ['/tools/buildbot/bin/python', '/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py'], - }, - }, - 'win32': { - "exes": { - 'gittool.py': [PYTHON_WIN32, 'c:/builds/hg-shared/build/tools/buildfarm/utils/gittool.py'], - # Otherwise, depending on the PATH we can pick python 2.6 up - 'python': PYTHON_WIN32, - 'virtualenv': [PYTHON_WIN32, 'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py'], - } - } -} - -config = PLATFORM_CONFIG[platform_name()] -# Generic values -config.update({ - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub", - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - 'pip_index': False, - 'virtualenv_path': 'venv', -}) - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/linux.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/linux.py deleted file mode 100644 index dbac47935..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/linux.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'env': { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s/breakpad/linux/minidump_stackwalk', - } -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/linux64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/linux64.py deleted file mode 100644 index d7e97d6e8..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/linux64.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'env': { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s/breakpad/linux64/minidump_stackwalk', - } -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/macosx64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/macosx64.py deleted file mode 100644 index c0b5948cc..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/macosx64.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'env': { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s/breakpad/osx64/minidump_stackwalk', - } -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/testers.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/testers.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7f0ce2a7f..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/testers.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -# This config file has generic values needed for any job and any platform running -# on Release Engineering machines inside the VPN -import os - -import mozharness - -from mozharness.base.script import platform_name - -external_tools_path = os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), - 'external_tools', -) - -# These are values specific to each platform on Release Engineering machines -PYTHON_WIN32 = 'c:/mozilla-build/python27/python.exe' -# These are values specific to running machines on Release Engineering machines -# to run it locally on your machines append --cfg developer_config.py -PLATFORM_CONFIG = { - 'linux': { - 'exes': { - 'gittool.py': os.path.join(external_tools_path, 'gittool.py'), - 'virtualenv': ['/tools/buildbot/bin/python', '/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py'], - }, - 'env': { - 'DISPLAY': ':0', - 'PATH': '%(PATH)s:' + external_tools_path, - } - }, - 'linux64': { - 'exes': { - 'gittool.py': os.path.join(external_tools_path, 'gittool.py'), - 'virtualenv': ['/tools/buildbot/bin/python', '/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py'], - }, - 'env': { - 'DISPLAY': ':0', - 'PATH': '%(PATH)s:' + external_tools_path, - } - }, - 'macosx': { - 'exes': { - 'gittool.py': os.path.join(external_tools_path, 'gittool.py'), - 'virtualenv': ['/tools/buildbot/bin/python', '/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py'], - }, - 'env': { - 'PATH': '%(PATH)s:' + external_tools_path, - } - }, - 'win32': { - "exes": { - 'gittool.py': [PYTHON_WIN32, os.path.join(external_tools_path, 'gittool.py')], - # Otherwise, depending on the PATH we can pick python 2.6 up - 'python': PYTHON_WIN32, - 'virtualenv': [PYTHON_WIN32, 'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py'], - } - } -} - -config = PLATFORM_CONFIG[platform_name()] -# Generic values -config.update({ - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub", - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - 'pip_index': False, - 'virtualenv_path': 'venv', -}) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/win32.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/win32.py deleted file mode 100644 index 778fa00d9..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/win32.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'env': { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s/breakpad/win32/minidump_stackwalk', - } -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/win64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/win64.py deleted file mode 100644 index 97968793e..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/releng_infra_configs/win64.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 'env': { - 'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': '%(abs_tools_dir)s/breakpad/win64/minidump_stackwalk', - } -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/remove_executables.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/remove_executables.py deleted file mode 100644 index dec7a2965..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/remove_executables.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -config = { - # We bake this directly into the tester image now... - "download_minidump_stackwalk": False, - "minidump_stackwalk_path": "/usr/local/bin/linux64-minidump_stackwalk", - "download_nodejs": False, - "nodejs_path": "/usr/local/bin/node", - "exes": {} -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/routes.json b/testing/mozharness/configs/routes.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9596f4c97..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/routes.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -{ - "routes": [ - "{index}.gecko.v2.{project}.revision.{head_rev}.{build_product}.{build_name}-{build_type}", - "{index}.gecko.v2.{project}.pushdate.{year}.{month}.{day}.{pushdate}.{build_product}.{build_name}-{build_type}", - "{index}.gecko.v2.{project}.latest.{build_product}.{build_name}-{build_type}" - ], - "nightly": [ - "{index}.gecko.v2.{project}.nightly.{year}.{month}.{day}.revision.{head_rev}.{build_product}.{build_name}-{build_type}", - "{index}.gecko.v2.{project}.nightly.{year}.{month}.{day}.latest.{build_product}.{build_name}-{build_type}", - "{index}.gecko.v2.{project}.nightly.revision.{head_rev}.{build_product}.{build_name}-{build_type}", - "{index}.gecko.v2.{project}.nightly.latest.{build_product}.{build_name}-{build_type}" - ], - "l10n": [ - "{index}.gecko.v2.{project}.revision.{head_rev}.{build_product}-l10n.{build_name}-{build_type}.{locale}", - "{index}.gecko.v2.{project}.pushdate.{year}.{month}.{day}.{pushdate}.{build_product}-l10n.{build_name}-{build_type}.{locale}", - "{index}.gecko.v2.{project}.latest.{build_product}-l10n.{build_name}-{build_type}.{locale}" - ] -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/selfserve/production.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/selfserve/production.py deleted file mode 100644 index f28c6c1ff..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/selfserve/production.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -config = { - "selfserve_url": "https://secure.pub.build.mozilla.org/buildapi/self-serve", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/selfserve/staging.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/selfserve/staging.py deleted file mode 100644 index e0ab70090..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/selfserve/staging.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -config = { - "selfserve_url": "https://secure-pub-build.allizom.org/buildapi/self-serve", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/alder.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/alder.py deleted file mode 100644 index e2fc0e6a3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/alder.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -# This configuration uses mozilla-central binaries (en-US, localized complete -# mars) and urls but it generates 'alder' artifacts. With this setup, binaries -# generated on alder are NOT overwriting mozilla-central files. -# Using this configuration, on a successful build, artifacts will be uploaded -# here: -# -# * http://dev-stage01.srv.releng.scl3.mozilla.com/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-alder-l10n/ -# (in staging environment) -# * https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/nightly/latest-alder-l10n/ -# (in production environment) -# -# If you really want to have localized alder builds, use the use the following -# values: -# * "en_us_binary_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/alder-%(platform)s/latest/", -# * "mar_tools_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/alder-%(platform)s/latest/", -# * "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/alder", -# - -config = { - "nightly_build": True, - "branch": "alder", - "en_us_binary_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central/", - "update_channel": "nightly", - - # l10n - "hg_l10n_base": "https://hg.mozilla.org/l10n-central", - - # mar - "mar_tools_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central/mar-tools/%(platform)s", - - # repositories - "mozilla_dir": "alder", - "repos": [{ - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "tools", - }, { - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "alder", - }], - # purge options - 'is_automation': True, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/ash.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/ash.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3036d4fba..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/ash.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -# This configuration uses mozilla-central binaries (en-US, localized complete -# mars) and urls but it generates 'ash' artifacts. With this setup, binaries -# generated on ash are NOT overwriting mozilla-central files. -# Using this configuration, on a successful build, artifacts will be uploaded -# here: -# -# * http://dev-stage01.srv.releng.scl3.mozilla.com/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-ash-l10n/ -# (in staging environment) -# * https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/nightly/latest-ash-l10n/ -# (in production environment) -# -# If you really want to have localized ash builds, use the use the following -# values: -# * "en_us_binary_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/ash-%(platform)s/latest/", -# * "mar_tools_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tinderbox-builds/ash-%(platform)s/latest/", -# * "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/ash", -# - -config = { - "nightly_build": True, - "branch": "ash", - "en_us_binary_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central/", - "update_channel": "nightly", - - # l10n - "hg_l10n_base": "https://hg.mozilla.org/l10n-central", - - # mar - "mar_tools_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central/mar-tools/%(platform)s", - - # repositories - "mozilla_dir": "ash", - "repos": [{ - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "tools", - }, { - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "ash", - }], - # purge options - 'is_automation': True, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/dev-mozilla-beta.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/dev-mozilla-beta.py deleted file mode 100644 index ef96b9b7c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/dev-mozilla-beta.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -config = { - "branch": "date", - "nightly_build": True, - "update_channel": "beta-dev", - - # l10n - "hg_l10n_base": "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n/mozilla-beta", - - # repositories - # staging beta dev releases use date repo for now - "mozilla_dir": "date", - "repos": [{ - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "tools", - }, { - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/date", - "branch": "%(revision)s", - "dest": "date", - "clone_upstream_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified", - }], - # purge options - 'is_automation': True, - 'purge_minsize': 12, - 'default_actions': [ - "clobber", - "pull", - "clone-locales", - "list-locales", - "setup", - "repack", - "taskcluster-upload", - "summary", - ], -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/dev-mozilla-release.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/dev-mozilla-release.py deleted file mode 100644 index 09048310b..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/dev-mozilla-release.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -config = { - "branch": "jamun", - "nightly_build": True, - "update_channel": "release-dev", - - # l10n - "hg_l10n_base": "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n/mozilla-release", - - # repositories - # staging release uses jamun - "mozilla_dir": "jamun", - "repos": [{ - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "tools", - }, { - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/jamun", - "branch": "%(revision)s", - "dest": "jamun", - "clone_upstream_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified", - }], - # purge options - 'purge_minsize': 12, - 'is_automation': True, - 'default_actions': [ - "clobber", - "pull", - "clone-locales", - "list-locales", - "setup", - "repack", - "taskcluster-upload", - "summary", - ], -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3aa2c0349..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - "platform": "linux", - "stage_product": "firefox", - "update_platform": "Linux_x86-gcc3", - "mozconfig": "%(branch)s/browser/config/mozconfigs/linux32/l10n-mozconfig", - "bootstrap_env": { - "MOZ_OBJDIR": "obj-l10n", - "EN_US_BINARY_URL": "%(en_us_binary_url)s", - "LOCALE_MERGEDIR": "%(abs_merge_dir)s/", - "MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL": "%(update_channel)s", - "DIST": "%(abs_objdir)s", - "LOCALE_MERGEDIR": "%(abs_merge_dir)s/", - "L10NBASEDIR": "../../l10n", - "MOZ_MAKE_COMPLETE_MAR": "1", - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - }, - "ssh_key_dir": "/home/mock_mozilla/.ssh", - "log_name": "single_locale", - "objdir": "obj-l10n", - "js_src_dir": "js/src", - "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", - - # tooltool - 'tooltool_url': 'https://api.pub.build.mozilla.org/tooltool/', - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'tooltool_manifest_src': 'browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux32/releng.manifest', - # balrog credential file: - 'balrog_credentials_file': 'oauth.txt', - - # l10n - "ignore_locales": ["en-US", "ja-JP-mac"], - "l10n_dir": "l10n", - "locales_file": "%(branch)s/browser/locales/all-locales", - "locales_dir": "browser/locales", - "hg_l10n_tag": "default", - "merge_locales": True, - - # MAR - "previous_mar_dir": "dist/previous", - "current_mar_dir": "dist/current", - "update_mar_dir": "dist/update", # sure? - "previous_mar_filename": "previous.mar", - "current_work_mar_dir": "current.work", - "package_base_dir": "dist/l10n-stage", - "application_ini": "application.ini", - "buildid_section": 'App', - "buildid_option": "BuildID", - "unpack_script": "tools/update-packaging/unwrap_full_update.pl", - "incremental_update_script": "tools/update-packaging/make_incremental_update.sh", - "balrog_release_pusher_script": "scripts/updates/balrog-release-pusher.py", - "update_packaging_dir": "tools/update-packaging", - "local_mar_tool_dir": "dist/host/bin", - "mar": "mar", - "mbsdiff": "mbsdiff", - "current_mar_filename": "firefox-%(version)s.%(locale)s.linux-i686.complete.mar", - "complete_mar": "firefox-%(version)s.en-US.linux-i686.complete.mar", - "localized_mar": "firefox-%(version)s.%(locale)s.linux-i686.complete.mar", - "partial_mar": "firefox-%(version)s.%(locale)s.linux-i686.partial.%(from_buildid)s-%(to_buildid)s.mar", - 'installer_file': "firefox-%(version)s.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2", - - # Mock - 'mock_target': 'mozilla-centos6-x86_64', - 'mock_packages': [ - 'autoconf213', 'python', 'mozilla-python27', 'zip', 'mozilla-python27-mercurial', - 'git', 'ccache', 'perl-Test-Simple', 'perl-Config-General', - 'yasm', 'wget', - 'mpfr', # required for system compiler - 'xorg-x11-font*', # fonts required for PGO - 'imake', # required for makedepend!?! - ### <-- from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'valgrind', - ######## 32 bit specific ########### - 'glibc-static.i686', 'libstdc++-static.i686', - 'gtk2-devel.i686', 'libnotify-devel.i686', - 'alsa-lib-devel.i686', 'libcurl-devel.i686', - 'wireless-tools-devel.i686', 'libX11-devel.i686', - 'libXt-devel.i686', 'mesa-libGL-devel.i686', - 'gnome-vfs2-devel.i686', 'GConf2-devel.i686', - 'pulseaudio-libs-devel.i686', - 'gstreamer-devel.i686', 'gstreamer-plugins-base-devel.i686', - # Packages already installed in the mock environment, as x86_64 - # packages. - 'glibc-devel.i686', 'libgcc.i686', 'libstdc++-devel.i686', - # yum likes to install .x86_64 -devel packages that satisfy .i686 - # -devel packages dependencies. So manually install the dependencies - # of the above packages. - 'ORBit2-devel.i686', 'atk-devel.i686', 'cairo-devel.i686', - 'check-devel.i686', 'dbus-devel.i686', 'dbus-glib-devel.i686', - 'fontconfig-devel.i686', 'glib2-devel.i686', - 'hal-devel.i686', 'libICE-devel.i686', 'libIDL-devel.i686', - 'libSM-devel.i686', 'libXau-devel.i686', 'libXcomposite-devel.i686', - 'libXcursor-devel.i686', 'libXdamage-devel.i686', - 'libXdmcp-devel.i686', 'libXext-devel.i686', 'libXfixes-devel.i686', - 'libXft-devel.i686', 'libXi-devel.i686', 'libXinerama-devel.i686', - 'libXrandr-devel.i686', 'libXrender-devel.i686', - 'libXxf86vm-devel.i686', 'libdrm-devel.i686', 'libidn-devel.i686', - 'libpng-devel.i686', 'libxcb-devel.i686', 'libxml2-devel.i686', - 'pango-devel.i686', 'perl-devel.i686', 'pixman-devel.i686', - 'zlib-devel.i686', - # Freetype packages need to be installed be version, because a newer - # version is available, but we don't want it for Firefox builds. - 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.i686', - 'freetype-devel-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.i686', - 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64', - ######## 32 bit specific ########### - ], - 'mock_files': [ - ('/home/cltbld/.ssh', '/home/mock_mozilla/.ssh'), - ('/home/cltbld/.hgrc', '/builds/.hgrc'), - ('/home/cltbld/.boto', '/builds/.boto'), - ('/builds/gapi.data', '/builds/gapi.data'), - ('/builds/relengapi.tok', '/builds/relengapi.tok'), - ('/tools/tooltool.py', '/builds/tooltool.py'), - ('/usr/local/lib/hgext', '/usr/local/lib/hgext'), - ], -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux32.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux32.py deleted file mode 120000 index e9866bbbf..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux32.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -linux.py
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux64.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8a511e56d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux64.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - "platform": "linux64", - "stage_product": "firefox", - "update_platform": "Linux_x86_64-gcc3", - "mozconfig": "%(branch)s/browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/l10n-mozconfig", - "bootstrap_env": { - "MOZ_OBJDIR": "obj-l10n", - "EN_US_BINARY_URL": "%(en_us_binary_url)s", - "LOCALE_MERGEDIR": "%(abs_merge_dir)s/", - "MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL": "%(update_channel)s", - "DIST": "%(abs_objdir)s", - "LOCALE_MERGEDIR": "%(abs_merge_dir)s/", - "L10NBASEDIR": "../../l10n", - "MOZ_MAKE_COMPLETE_MAR": "1", - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - }, - "ssh_key_dir": "/home/mock_mozilla/.ssh", - "log_name": "single_locale", - "objdir": "obj-l10n", - "js_src_dir": "js/src", - "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", - - # tooltool - 'tooltool_url': 'https://api.pub.build.mozilla.org/tooltool/', - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'tooltool_manifest_src': 'browser/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/releng.manifest', - # balrog credential file: - 'balrog_credentials_file': 'oauth.txt', - - # l10n - "ignore_locales": ["en-US", "ja-JP-mac"], - "l10n_dir": "l10n", - "locales_file": "%(branch)s/browser/locales/all-locales", - "locales_dir": "browser/locales", - "hg_l10n_tag": "default", - "merge_locales": True, - - # MAR - "previous_mar_dir": "dist/previous", - "current_mar_dir": "dist/current", - "update_mar_dir": "dist/update", # sure? - "previous_mar_filename": "previous.mar", - "current_work_mar_dir": "current.work", - "package_base_dir": "dist/l10n-stage", - "application_ini": "application.ini", - "buildid_section": 'App', - "buildid_option": "BuildID", - "unpack_script": "tools/update-packaging/unwrap_full_update.pl", - "incremental_update_script": "tools/update-packaging/make_incremental_update.sh", - "balrog_release_pusher_script": "scripts/updates/balrog-release-pusher.py", - "update_packaging_dir": "tools/update-packaging", - "local_mar_tool_dir": "dist/host/bin", - "mar": "mar", - "mbsdiff": "mbsdiff", - "current_mar_filename": "firefox-%(version)s.%(locale)s.linux-x86_64.complete.mar", - "complete_mar": "firefox-%(version)s.en-US.linux-x86_64.complete.mar", - "localized_mar": "firefox-%(version)s.%(locale)s.linux-x86_64.complete.mar", - "partial_mar": "firefox-%(version)s.%(locale)s.linux-x86_64.partial.%(from_buildid)s-%(to_buildid)s.mar", - "installer_file": "firefox-%(version)s.en-US.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2", - - # Mock - 'mock_target': 'mozilla-centos6-x86_64', - - 'mock_packages': [ - 'autoconf213', 'python', 'mozilla-python27', 'zip', 'mozilla-python27-mercurial', - 'git', 'ccache', 'perl-Test-Simple', 'perl-Config-General', - 'yasm', 'wget', - 'mpfr', # required for system compiler - 'xorg-x11-font*', # fonts required for PGO - 'imake', # required for makedepend!?! - ### <-- from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'valgrind', 'dbus-x11', - ######## 64 bit specific ########### - 'glibc-static', 'libstdc++-static', - 'gtk2-devel', 'libnotify-devel', - 'alsa-lib-devel', 'libcurl-devel', 'wireless-tools-devel', - 'libX11-devel', 'libXt-devel', 'mesa-libGL-devel', 'gnome-vfs2-devel', - 'GConf2-devel', - ### from releng repo - 'gcc45_0moz3', 'gcc454_0moz1', 'gcc472_0moz1', 'gcc473_0moz1', - 'yasm', 'ccache', - ### - 'pulseaudio-libs-devel', 'gstreamer-devel', - 'gstreamer-plugins-base-devel', 'freetype-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64', - 'freetype-devel-2.3.11-6.el6_1.8.x86_64' - ], - 'mock_files': [ - ('/home/cltbld/.ssh', '/home/mock_mozilla/.ssh'), - ('/home/cltbld/.hgrc', '/builds/.hgrc'), - ('/home/cltbld/.boto', '/builds/.boto'), - ('/builds/gapi.data', '/builds/gapi.data'), - ('/builds/relengapi.tok', '/builds/relengapi.tok'), - ('/tools/tooltool.py', '/builds/tooltool.py'), - ('/usr/local/lib/hgext', '/usr/local/lib/hgext'), - ], -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/macosx64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/macosx64.py deleted file mode 100644 index c2ee47674..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/macosx64.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - # mozconfig file to use, it depends on branch and platform names - "platform": "macosx64", - "stage_product": "firefox", - "update_platform": "Darwin_x86_64-gcc3", - "mozconfig": "%(branch)s/browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx-universal/l10n-mozconfig", - "bootstrap_env": { - "SHELL": '/bin/bash', - "MOZ_OBJDIR": "obj-l10n", - "EN_US_BINARY_URL": "%(en_us_binary_url)s", - "MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL": "%(update_channel)s", - "MOZ_PKG_PLATFORM": "mac", - # "IS_NIGHTLY": "yes", - "DIST": "%(abs_objdir)s", - "LOCALE_MERGEDIR": "%(abs_merge_dir)s/", - "L10NBASEDIR": "../../l10n", - "MOZ_MAKE_COMPLETE_MAR": "1", - "LOCALE_MERGEDIR": "%(abs_merge_dir)s/", - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/builds', - }, - "ssh_key_dir": "~/.ssh", - "log_name": "single_locale", - "objdir": "obj-l10n", - "js_src_dir": "js/src", - "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", - - "upload_env_extra": { - "MOZ_PKG_PLATFORM": "mac", - }, - - # tooltool - 'tooltool_url': 'https://api.pub.build.mozilla.org/tooltool/', - 'tooltool_script': ["/builds/tooltool.py"], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'tooltool_manifest_src': 'browser/config/tooltool-manifests/macosx64/releng.manifest', - # balrog credential file: - 'balrog_credentials_file': 'oauth.txt', - - # l10n - "ignore_locales": ["en-US", "ja"], - "l10n_dir": "l10n", - "locales_file": "%(branch)s/browser/locales/all-locales", - "locales_dir": "browser/locales", - "hg_l10n_tag": "default", - "merge_locales": True, - - # MAR - "previous_mar_dir": "dist/previous", - "current_mar_dir": "dist/current", - "update_mar_dir": "dist/update", # sure? - "previous_mar_filename": "previous.mar", - "current_work_mar_dir": "current.work", - "package_base_dir": "dist/l10n-stage", - "application_ini": "Contents/Resources/application.ini", - "buildid_section": 'App', - "buildid_option": "BuildID", - "unpack_script": "tools/update-packaging/unwrap_full_update.pl", - "incremental_update_script": "tools/update-packaging/make_incremental_update.sh", - "balrog_release_pusher_script": "scripts/updates/balrog-release-pusher.py", - "update_packaging_dir": "tools/update-packaging", - "local_mar_tool_dir": "dist/host/bin", - "mar": "mar", - "mbsdiff": "mbsdiff", - "current_mar_filename": "firefox-%(version)s.%(locale)s.mac.complete.mar", - "complete_mar": "firefox-%(version)s.en-US.mac.complete.mar", - "localized_mar": "firefox-%(version)s.%(locale)s.mac.complete.mar", - "partial_mar": "firefox-%(version)s.%(locale)s.mac.partial.%(from_buildid)s-%(to_buildid)s.mar", - 'installer_file': "firefox-%(version)s.en-US.mac.dmg", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/mozilla-aurora.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/mozilla-aurora.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1ce85f726..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/mozilla-aurora.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -config = { - "nightly_build": True, - "branch": "mozilla-aurora", - "en_us_binary_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-aurora/", - "update_channel": "aurora", - - # l10n - "hg_l10n_base": "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n/mozilla-aurora", - - # mar - "mar_tools_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-aurora/mar-tools/%(platform)s", - - # repositories - "mozilla_dir": "mozilla-aurora", - "repos": [{ - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "tools", - }, { - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-aurora", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "mozilla-aurora", - "clone_upstream_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified", - }], - # purge options - 'is_automation': True, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/mozilla-beta.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/mozilla-beta.py deleted file mode 100644 index 90ff23027..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/mozilla-beta.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 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"nightly_build": True, - "branch": "mozilla-central", - "en_us_binary_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central/", - "update_channel": "nightly", - - # l10n - "hg_l10n_base": "https://hg.mozilla.org/l10n-central", - - # mar - "mar_tools_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central/mar-tools/%(platform)s", - - # repositories - "mozilla_dir": "mozilla-central", - "repos": [{ - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "tools", - }, { - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central", - "revision": "%(revision)s", - "dest": "mozilla-central", - "clone_upstream_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified", - }], - # purge options - 'is_automation': True, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/mozilla-esr52.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/mozilla-esr52.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0d01f1340..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/mozilla-esr52.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -config = { - 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"nightly_build": True, - "branch": "mozilla-release", - "en_us_binary_url": "http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-release/", - "update_channel": "release", - - # l10n - "hg_l10n_base": "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n/mozilla-release", - - # repositories - "mozilla_dir": "mozilla-release", - "repos": [{ - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "tools", - }, { - "vcs": "hg", - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release", - "revision": "%(revision)s", - "dest": "mozilla-release", - "clone_upstream_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified", - }], - # purge options - 'purge_minsize': 12, - 'is_automation': True, - 'default_actions': [ - "clobber", - "pull", - "clone-locales", - "list-locales", - "setup", - "repack", - "taskcluster-upload", - "summary", - ], -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/production.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/production.py deleted file mode 100644 index fe97fe361..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/production.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -config = { - "upload_environment": "prod", - "upload_env": { - "UPLOAD_USER": "ffxbld", - # ssh_key_dir is defined per platform: it is "~/.ssh" for every platform - # except when mock is in use, in this case, ssh_key_dir is - # /home/mock_mozilla/.ssh - "UPLOAD_SSH_KEY": "%(ssh_key_dir)s/ffxbld_rsa", - "UPLOAD_HOST": "upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net", - "POST_UPLOAD_CMD": "post_upload.py -b %(branch)s-l10n -p %(stage_product)s -i %(buildid)s --release-to-latest --release-to-dated", - "UPLOAD_TO_TEMP": "1" - }, - 'taskcluster_index': 'index', -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/staging.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/staging.py deleted file mode 100644 index 82caa8dda..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/staging.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -config = { - "upload_environment": "stage", - "upload_env": { - "UPLOAD_USER": "ffxbld", - # ssh_key_dir is defined per platform: it is "~/.ssh" for every platform - # except when mock is in use, in this case, ssh_key_dir is - # /home/mock_mozilla/.ssh - "UPLOAD_SSH_KEY": "%(ssh_key_dir)s/ffxbld_rsa", - "UPLOAD_HOST": "upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.stage.mozaws.net", - "POST_UPLOAD_CMD": "post_upload.py -b %(branch)s-l10n -p %(stage_product)s -i %(buildid)s --release-to-latest --release-to-dated %(post_upload_extra)s", - "UPLOAD_TO_TEMP": "1" - }, - 'taskcluster_index': 'index.garbage.staging', - 'post_upload_extra': ['--bucket-prefix', 'net-mozaws-stage-delivery', - '--url-prefix', 'http://ftp.stage.mozaws.net/', - ], -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_linux32.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_linux32.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3045138f8..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_linux32.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -import os - -config = { - "locales_file": "src/browser/locales/all-locales", - "tools_repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - "mozconfig": "src/browser/config/mozconfigs/linux32/l10n-mozconfig", - "bootstrap_env": { - 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"UPLOAD_TO_TEMP": "1" - }, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/win32.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/win32.py deleted file mode 100644 index ea07fff86..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/win32.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -config = { - "platform": "win32", - "stage_product": "firefox", - "update_platform": "WINNT_x86-msvc", - "mozconfig": "%(branch)s/browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/l10n-mozconfig", - "bootstrap_env": { - "MOZ_OBJDIR": "obj-l10n", - "EN_US_BINARY_URL": "%(en_us_binary_url)s", - "LOCALE_MERGEDIR": "%(abs_merge_dir)s", - "MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL": "%(update_channel)s", - "DIST": "%(abs_objdir)s", - "L10NBASEDIR": "../../l10n", - "MOZ_MAKE_COMPLETE_MAR": "1", - "PATH": 'C:\\mozilla-build\\nsis-3.01;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - }, - "ssh_key_dir": "~/.ssh", - "log_name": "single_locale", - "objdir": "obj-l10n", - 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-config = { - "platform": "win64", - "stage_product": "firefox", - "update_platform": "WINNT_x86_64-msvc", - "mozconfig": "%(branch)s/browser/config/mozconfigs/win64/l10n-mozconfig", - "bootstrap_env": { - "MOZ_OBJDIR": "obj-l10n", - "EN_US_BINARY_URL": "%(en_us_binary_url)s", - "MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL": "%(update_channel)s", - "DIST": "%(abs_objdir)s", - "LOCALE_MERGEDIR": "%(abs_merge_dir)s", - "L10NBASEDIR": "../../l10n", - "MOZ_MAKE_COMPLETE_MAR": "1", - "PATH": 'C:\\mozilla-build\\nsis-3.01;' - '%s' % (os.environ.get('path')), - 'TOOLTOOL_CACHE': '/c/builds/tooltool_cache', - 'TOOLTOOL_HOME': '/c/builds', - }, - "ssh_key_dir": "~/.ssh", - "log_name": "single_locale", - "objdir": "obj-l10n", - "js_src_dir": "js/src", - "vcs_share_base": "c:/builds/hg-shared", - - # tooltool - 'tooltool_url': 'https://api.pub.build.mozilla.org/tooltool/', - 'tooltool_script': [sys.executable, - 'C:/mozilla-build/tooltool.py'], - 'tooltool_bootstrap': "setup.sh", - 'tooltool_manifest_src': 'browser/config/tooltool-manifests/win64/releng.manifest', - 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TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST_PATH = "config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/releng.manifest" - MINIDUMP_STACKWALK_PATH = "linux64-minidump_stackwalk" -else: - TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST_PATH = "config/tooltool-manifests/linux32/releng.manifest" - MINIDUMP_STACKWALK_PATH = "linux32-minidump_stackwalk" - -config = { - "log_name": "talos", - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - "installer_path": "installer.exe", - "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub", - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - "pip_index": False, - "exes": { - 'python': PYTHON, - 'virtualenv': [PYTHON, '/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py'], - 'tooltool.py': "/tools/tooltool.py", - }, - "title": os.uname()[1].lower().split('.')[0], - "default_actions": [ - "clobber", - "read-buildbot-config", - "download-and-extract", - "populate-webroot", - "create-virtualenv", - "install", - "run-tests", - ], - "default_blob_upload_servers": [ - "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com", - ], - "blob_uploader_auth_file": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "oauth.txt"), - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, - "minidump_stackwalk_path": MINIDUMP_STACKWALK_PATH, - "minidump_tooltool_manifest_path": TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST_PATH, - "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/mac_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/mac_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index 56876dbdd..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/mac_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -ENABLE_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_CHECK = True - -SCREEN_RESOLUTION_CHECK = { - "name": "check_screen_resolution", - "cmd": ["bash", "-c", "screenresolution get && screenresolution list && system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType"], - "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], - "halt_on_failure": False, - "enabled": ENABLE_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_CHECK -} - -import os - -PYTHON = '/tools/buildbot/bin/python' -VENV_PATH = '%s/build/venv' % os.getcwd() - -config = { - "log_name": "talos", - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - "installer_path": "installer.exe", - "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, - 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-PYTHON = 'c:/mozilla-build/python27/python.exe' -PYTHON_DLL = 'c:/mozilla-build/python27/python27.dll' -VENV_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build/venv') - -config = { - "log_name": "talos", - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - "installer_path": "installer.exe", - "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, - "virtualenv_python_dll": PYTHON_DLL, - "pip_index": False, - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub", - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - "virtualenv_modules": ['pywin32', 'talos', 'mozinstall'], - "exes": { - 'python': PYTHON, - 'virtualenv': [PYTHON, 'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py'], - 'easy_install': ['%s/scripts/python' % VENV_PATH, - '%s/scripts/easy_install-2.7-script.py' % VENV_PATH], - 'mozinstall': ['%s/scripts/python' % VENV_PATH, - '%s/scripts/mozinstall-script.py' % VENV_PATH], - 'hg': 'c:/mozilla-build/hg/hg', - 'tooltool.py': [PYTHON, 'C:/mozilla-build/tooltool.py'], - }, - "title": socket.gethostname().split('.')[0], - "default_actions": [ - 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"opt_override": "new stuff", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_override.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_override.py deleted file mode 100644 index 00db5220a..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_override.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -config = { - "override_string": "TODO", - "override_list": ['to', 'do'], - "override_dict": {'to': 'do'}, - "keep_string": "don't change me", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_override2.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_override2.py deleted file mode 100644 index 27091d453..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_override2.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -config = { - "override_string": "yay", - "override_list": ["yay", 'worked'], - "override_dict": {"yay": 'worked'}, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/linux_unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/linux_unittest.py deleted file mode 100644 index b591fa559..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/linux_unittest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,307 +0,0 @@ -import os -import platform - -# OS Specifics -ABS_WORK_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build") -BINARY_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "application", "firefox", "firefox-bin") -INSTALLER_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "installer.tar.bz2") -XPCSHELL_NAME = "xpcshell" -EXE_SUFFIX = "" -DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = True -ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = False - -# Note: keep these Valgrind .sup file names consistent with those -# in testing/mochitest/mochitest_options.py. -VALGRIND_SUPP_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build/tests/mochitest") -VALGRIND_SUPP_CROSS_ARCH = os.path.join(VALGRIND_SUPP_DIR, - "cross-architecture.sup") -VALGRIND_SUPP_ARCH = None - -if platform.architecture()[0] == "64bit": - TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST_PATH = "config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/releng.manifest" - MINIDUMP_STACKWALK_PATH = "linux64-minidump_stackwalk" - VALGRIND_SUPP_ARCH = os.path.join(VALGRIND_SUPP_DIR, - "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu.sup") - NODEJS_PATH = "node-linux-x64/bin/node" - NODEJS_TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST_PATH = "config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/nodejs.manifest" -else: - TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST_PATH = "config/tooltool-manifests/linux32/releng.manifest" - MINIDUMP_STACKWALK_PATH = "linux32-minidump_stackwalk" - VALGRIND_SUPP_ARCH = os.path.join(VALGRIND_SUPP_DIR, - "i386-redhat-linux-gnu.sup") - NODEJS_PATH = "node-linux-x86/bin/node" - NODEJS_TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST_PATH = "config/tooltool-manifests/linux32/nodejs.manifest" - -##### -config = { - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - "exes": { - "python": "/tools/buildbot/bin/python", - "virtualenv": ["/tools/buildbot/bin/python", "/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py"], - "tooltool.py": "/tools/tooltool.py", - }, - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub", - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - "pip_index": False, - ### - "installer_path": INSTALLER_PATH, - "binary_path": BINARY_PATH, - "xpcshell_name": XPCSHELL_NAME, - "exe_suffix": EXE_SUFFIX, - "run_file_names": { - "mochitest": "runtests.py", - "reftest": "runreftest.py", - "xpcshell": "runxpcshelltests.py", - "cppunittest": "runcppunittests.py", - "gtest": "rungtests.py", - "jittest": "jit_test.py", - "mozbase": "test.py", - "mozmill": "runtestlist.py", - }, - "minimum_tests_zip_dirs": [ - "bin/*", - "certs/*", - "config/*", - "mach", - "marionette/*", - "modules/*", - "mozbase/*", - "tools/*", - ], - "specific_tests_zip_dirs": { - "mochitest": ["mochitest/*"], - "reftest": ["reftest/*", "jsreftest/*"], - "xpcshell": ["xpcshell/*"], - "cppunittest": ["cppunittest/*"], - "gtest": ["gtest/*"], - "jittest": ["jit-test/*"], - "mozbase": ["mozbase/*"], - "mozmill": ["mozmill/*"], - }, - "suite_definitions": { - "cppunittest": { - "options": [ - "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", - "--xre-path=%(abs_app_dir)s" - ], - "run_filename": "runcppunittests.py", - "testsdir": "cppunittest" - }, - "jittest": { - "options": [ - "tests/bin/js", - "--no-slow", - "--no-progress", - "--format=automation", - "--jitflags=all", - "--timeout=970" # Keep in sync with run_timeout below. - ], - "run_filename": "jit_test.py", - "testsdir": "jit-test/jit-test", - "run_timeout": 1000 # Keep in sync with --timeout above. - }, - "mochitest": { - "options": [ - "--appname=%(binary_path)s", - "--utility-path=tests/bin", - "--extra-profile-file=tests/bin/plugins", - "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", - "--certificate-path=tests/certs", - "--setpref=webgl.force-enabled=true", - "--quiet", - "--log-raw=%(raw_log_file)s", - "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", - "--use-test-media-devices", - "--screenshot-on-fail", - "--cleanup-crashes", - "--marionette-startup-timeout=180", - ], - "run_filename": "runtests.py", - "testsdir": "mochitest" - }, - "mozbase": { - "options": [ - "-b", - "%(binary_path)s" - ], - "run_filename": "test.py", - "testsdir": "mozbase" - }, - "mozmill": { - "options": [ - "--binary=%(binary_path)s", - "--testing-modules-dir=test/modules", - "--plugins-path=%(test_plugin_path)s", - "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s" - ], - "run_filename": "runtestlist.py", - "testsdir": "mozmill" - }, - "reftest": { - "options": [ - "--appname=%(binary_path)s", - 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"plain": [], - "plain-gpu": ["--subsuite=gpu"], - "plain-clipboard": ["--subsuite=clipboard"], - "plain-chunked": ["--chunk-by-dir=4"], - "mochitest-media": ["--subsuite=media"], - "chrome": ["--flavor=chrome"], - "chrome-gpu": ["--flavor=chrome", "--subsuite=gpu"], - "chrome-clipboard": ["--flavor=chrome", "--subsuite=clipboard"], - "chrome-chunked": ["--flavor=chrome", "--chunk-by-dir=4"], - "browser-chrome": ["--flavor=browser"], - "browser-chrome-gpu": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=gpu"], - "browser-chrome-clipboard": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=clipboard"], - "browser-chrome-chunked": ["--flavor=browser", "--chunk-by-runtime"], - "browser-chrome-addons": ["--flavor=browser", "--chunk-by-runtime", "--tag=addons"], - "browser-chrome-coverage": ["--flavor=browser", "--chunk-by-runtime", "--timeout=1200"], - "browser-chrome-screenshots": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=screenshots"], - "mochitest-gl": ["--subsuite=webgl"], - "mochitest-devtools-chrome": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=devtools"], - "mochitest-devtools-chrome-chunked": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=devtools", "--chunk-by-runtime"], - "mochitest-devtools-chrome-coverage": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=devtools", "--chunk-by-runtime", "--timeout=1200"], - "jetpack-package": ["--flavor=jetpack-package"], - "jetpack-package-clipboard": ["--flavor=jetpack-package", "--subsuite=clipboard"], - "jetpack-addon": ["--flavor=jetpack-addon"], - "a11y": ["--flavor=a11y"], - }, - # local reftest suites - "all_reftest_suites": { - "crashtest": { - "options": ["--suite=crashtest"], - "tests": ["tests/reftest/tests/testing/crashtest/crashtests.list"] - }, - "jsreftest": { - "options": ["--extra-profile-file=tests/jsreftest/tests/user.js", - "--suite=jstestbrowser"], - "tests": ["tests/jsreftest/tests/jstests.list"] - }, - "reftest": { - "options": ["--suite=reftest"], - "tests": ["tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/reftest.list"] - }, - "reftest-no-accel": { - "options": ["--suite=reftest", - "--setpref=layers.acceleration.enabled=disabled", - "--setpref=layers.acceleration.force=disabled"], - "tests": ["tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/reftest.list"]}, - }, - "all_xpcshell_suites": { - "xpcshell": { - "options": ["--xpcshell=%(abs_app_dir)s/" + XPCSHELL_NAME, - "--manifest=tests/xpcshell/tests/xpcshell.ini"], - "tests": [] - }, - "xpcshell-addons": { - "options": ["--xpcshell=%(abs_app_dir)s/" + XPCSHELL_NAME, - "--tag=addons", - "--manifest=tests/xpcshell/tests/xpcshell.ini"], - "tests": [] - }, - "xpcshell-coverage": { - "options": ["--xpcshell=%(abs_app_dir)s/" + XPCSHELL_NAME, - "--manifest=tests/xpcshell/tests/xpcshell.ini"], - "tests": [] - }, - }, - "all_cppunittest_suites": { - "cppunittest": {"tests": ["tests/cppunittest"]} - }, - "all_gtest_suites": { - "gtest": [] - }, - "all_jittest_suites": { - "jittest": [], - "jittest1": ["--total-chunks=2", "--this-chunk=1"], - "jittest2": ["--total-chunks=2", "--this-chunk=2"], - "jittest-chunked": [], - }, - "all_mozbase_suites": { - "mozbase": [] - }, - "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, - "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ - # NOTE 'enabled' is only here while we have unconsolidated configs - { - "name": "disable_screen_saver", - "cmd": ["xset", "s", "off", "s", "reset"], - "halt_on_failure": False, - "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], - "enabled": DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER - }, - { - "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", - "cmd": [ - # when configs are consolidated this python path will only show - # for windows. - "python", "../scripts/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", - "--configuration-file", - "../scripts/external_tools/machine-configuration.json"], - "architectures": ["32bit"], - "halt_on_failure": True, - "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN - }, - ], - "vcs_output_timeout": 1000, - "minidump_save_path": "%(abs_work_dir)s/../minidumps", - "buildbot_max_log_size": 52428800, - "default_blob_upload_servers": [ - "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com", - ], - "unstructured_flavors": {"mochitest": ['jetpack'], - "xpcshell": [], - "gtest": [], - "mozmill": [], - "cppunittest": [], - "jittest": [], - "mozbase": [], - }, - "blob_uploader_auth_file": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "oauth.txt"), - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, - "minidump_stackwalk_path": MINIDUMP_STACKWALK_PATH, - "minidump_tooltool_manifest_path": TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST_PATH, - "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", - "download_nodejs": True, - "nodejs_path": NODEJS_PATH, - "nodejs_tooltool_manifest_path": NODEJS_TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST_PATH, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/mac_unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/mac_unittest.py deleted file mode 100644 index 20bbcf9f5..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/mac_unittest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,257 +0,0 @@ -import os - -# OS Specifics -INSTALLER_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "installer.dmg") -XPCSHELL_NAME = 'xpcshell' -EXE_SUFFIX = '' -DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = False -ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = False -##### -config = { - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - "exes": { - 'python': '/tools/buildbot/bin/python', - 'virtualenv': ['/tools/buildbot/bin/python', '/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py'], - 'tooltool.py': "/tools/tooltool.py", - }, - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub", - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - "pip_index": False, - ### - "installer_path": INSTALLER_PATH, - "xpcshell_name": XPCSHELL_NAME, - "exe_suffix": EXE_SUFFIX, - "run_file_names": { - "mochitest": "runtests.py", - "reftest": "runreftest.py", - "xpcshell": "runxpcshelltests.py", - "cppunittest": "runcppunittests.py", - "gtest": "rungtests.py", - "jittest": "jit_test.py", - "mozbase": "test.py", - "mozmill": "runtestlist.py", - }, - "minimum_tests_zip_dirs": [ - "bin/*", - "certs/*", - "config/*", - "mach", - "marionette/*", - "modules/*", - "mozbase/*", - "tools/*", - ], - "specific_tests_zip_dirs": { - "mochitest": ["mochitest/*"], - "reftest": ["reftest/*", "jsreftest/*"], - "xpcshell": ["xpcshell/*"], - "cppunittest": ["cppunittest/*"], - "gtest": ["gtest/*"], - "jittest": ["jit-test/*"], - "mozbase": ["mozbase/*"], - "mozmill": ["mozmill/*"], - }, - "suite_definitions": { - "cppunittest": { - "options": [ - "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", - "--xre-path=%(abs_res_dir)s" - ], - "run_filename": "runcppunittests.py", - "testsdir": "cppunittest" - }, - "jittest": { - "options": [ - "tests/bin/js", - "--no-slow", - "--no-progress", - "--format=automation", - "--jitflags=all", - "--timeout=970" # Keep in sync with run_timeout below. - ], - "run_filename": "jit_test.py", - "testsdir": "jit-test/jit-test", - "run_timeout": 1000 # Keep in sync with --timeout above. - }, - "mochitest": { - "options": [ - "--appname=%(binary_path)s", - "--utility-path=tests/bin", - "--extra-profile-file=tests/bin/plugins", - "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", - "--certificate-path=tests/certs", - "--quiet", - "--log-raw=%(raw_log_file)s", - "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", - "--screenshot-on-fail", - "--cleanup-crashes", - ], - "run_filename": "runtests.py", - "testsdir": "mochitest" - }, - "mozbase": { - "options": [ - "-b", - "%(binary_path)s" - ], - "run_filename": "test.py", - "testsdir": "mozbase" - }, - "mozmill": { - "options": [ - "--binary=%(binary_path)s", - "--testing-modules-dir=test/modules", - "--plugins-path=%(test_plugin_path)s", - "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s" - ], - "run_filename": "runtestlist.py", - "testsdir": "mozmill" - }, - "reftest": { - "options": [ - "--appname=%(binary_path)s", - "--utility-path=tests/bin", - "--extra-profile-file=tests/bin/plugins", - "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", - "--log-raw=%(raw_log_file)s", - "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", - "--cleanup-crashes", - ], - "run_filename": "runreftest.py", - "testsdir": "reftest" - }, - "xpcshell": { - "options": [ - "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", - "--test-plugin-path=%(test_plugin_path)s", - "--log-raw=%(raw_log_file)s", - "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", - "--utility-path=tests/bin", - ], - "run_filename": "runxpcshelltests.py", - "testsdir": "xpcshell" - 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"browser-chrome-screenshots": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=screenshots"], - "mochitest-gl": ["--subsuite=webgl"], - "mochitest-devtools-chrome": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=devtools"], - "mochitest-devtools-chrome-chunked": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=devtools", "--chunk-by-runtime"], - "jetpack-package": ["--flavor=jetpack-package"], - "jetpack-package-clipboard": ["--flavor=jetpack-package", "--subsuite=clipboard"], - "jetpack-addon": ["--flavor=jetpack-addon"], - "a11y": ["--flavor=a11y"], - }, - # local reftest suites - "all_reftest_suites": { - "crashtest": { - 'options': ["--suite=crashtest"], - 'tests': ["tests/reftest/tests/testing/crashtest/crashtests.list"] - }, - "jsreftest": { - 'options':["--extra-profile-file=tests/jsreftest/tests/user.js"], - 'tests': ["tests/jsreftest/tests/jstests.list"] - }, - "reftest": { - 'options': ["--suite=reftest"], - 'tests': ["tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/reftest.list"] - }, - }, - "all_xpcshell_suites": { - "xpcshell": { - 'options': ["--xpcshell=%(abs_app_dir)s/" + XPCSHELL_NAME, - "--manifest=tests/xpcshell/tests/xpcshell.ini"], - 'tests': [] - }, - "xpcshell-addons": { - 'options': ["--xpcshell=%(abs_app_dir)s/" + XPCSHELL_NAME, - "--tag=addons", - "--manifest=tests/xpcshell/tests/xpcshell.ini"], - 'tests': [] - }, - }, - "all_cppunittest_suites": { - "cppunittest": ['tests/cppunittest'] - }, - "all_gtest_suites": { - "gtest": [] - }, - "all_jittest_suites": { - "jittest": [] - }, - "all_mozbase_suites": { - "mozbase": [] - }, - "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, - "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ - # NOTE 'enabled' is only here while we have unconsolidated configs - { - "name": "disable_screen_saver", - "cmd": ["xset", "s", "off", "s", "reset"], - "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], - "halt_on_failure": False, - "enabled": DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER - }, - { - "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", - "cmd": [ - # when configs are consolidated this python path will only show - # for windows. - "python", "../scripts/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", - "--configuration-file", - "../scripts/external_tools/machine-configuration.json"], - "architectures": ["32bit"], - "halt_on_failure": True, - "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN - }, - ], - "vcs_output_timeout": 1000, - "minidump_save_path": "%(abs_work_dir)s/../minidumps", - "buildbot_max_log_size": 52428800, - "default_blob_upload_servers": [ - "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com", - ], - "unstructured_flavors": {"mochitest": ['jetpack'], - "xpcshell": [], - "gtest": [], - "mozmill": [], - "cppunittest": [], - "jittest": [], - "mozbase": [], - }, - "blob_uploader_auth_file": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "oauth.txt"), - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, - "minidump_stackwalk_path": "macosx64-minidump_stackwalk", - "minidump_tooltool_manifest_path": "config/tooltool-manifests/macosx64/releng.manifest", - "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", - "download_nodejs": True, - "nodejs_path": "node-osx/bin/node", - "nodejs_tooltool_manifest_path": "config/tooltool-manifests/macosx64/nodejs.manifest", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/thunderbird_extra.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/thunderbird_extra.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2021b9d55..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/thunderbird_extra.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -##### -config = { - "application": "thunderbird", - "minimum_tests_zip_dirs": [ - "bin/*", - "certs/*", - "config/*", - "extensions/*", - "marionette/*", - "modules/*", - "mozbase/*", - "tools/*", - ], - "all_mozmill_suites": { - "mozmill": ["--list=tests/mozmill/mozmilltests.list"], - }, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/win_taskcluster_unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/win_taskcluster_unittest.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2eeae22e2..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/win_taskcluster_unittest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys - -# OS Specifics -ABS_WORK_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build") -BINARY_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "firefox", "firefox.exe") -INSTALLER_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "installer.zip") -XPCSHELL_NAME = 'xpcshell.exe' -EXE_SUFFIX = '.exe' -DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = False -ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = True -##### -config = { - "exes": { - 'python': sys.executable, - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - 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"architectures": ["32bit"], - "halt_on_failure": True, - "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN - }, - ], - "vcs_output_timeout": 1000, - "minidump_save_path": "%(abs_work_dir)s/../minidumps", - "buildbot_max_log_size": 52428800, - "default_blob_upload_servers": [ - "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com", - ], - "unstructured_flavors": {"mochitest": ['jetpack'], - "xpcshell": [], - "gtest": [], - "mozmill": [], - "cppunittest": [], - "jittest": [], - "mozbase": [], - }, - "blob_uploader_auth_file": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "oauth.txt"), - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, - "minidump_stackwalk_path": "win32-minidump_stackwalk.exe", - "minidump_tooltool_manifest_path": "config/tooltool-manifests/win32/releng.manifest", - "download_nodejs": True, - "nodejs_path": "node-win32.exe", - "nodejs_tooltool_manifest_path": "config/tooltool-manifests/win32/nodejs.manifest", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/users/aki/gaia_json.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/users/aki/gaia_json.py deleted file mode 100644 index 4263cc908..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/users/aki/gaia_json.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -config = { - "log_name": "gaia_bump", - "log_max_rotate": 99, - "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/id_rsa", - "ssh_user": "asasaki@mozilla.com", - "hg_user": "Test Pusher <aki@escapewindow.com>", - "revision_file": "b2g/config/gaia.json", - "exes": { - # Get around the https warnings - "hg": ['hg', "--config", "web.cacerts=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt"], - }, - "repo_list": [{ - "polling_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/gaia-central/json-pushes?full=1", - "branch": "default", - "repo_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/gaia-central", - "repo_name": "gaia-central", - "target_push_url": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/users/asasaki_mozilla.com/birch", - "target_pull_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/users/asasaki_mozilla.com/birch", - "target_tag": "default", - "target_repo_name": "birch", - }, { - "polling_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/gaia-1_2/json-pushes?full=1", - "branch": "default", - "repo_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/gaia-1_2", - "repo_name": "gaia-1_2", - "target_push_url": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/users/asasaki_mozilla.com/mozilla-aurora", - 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It provides -# the values that would otherwise be provided by buildbot. - -BRANCH = "local-src" -HOME = "/home/sfink" -REPO = HOME + "/src/MI-GC" - -config = { - "hgurl": "https://hg.mozilla.org/", - "python": "python", - "sixgill": HOME + "/src/sixgill", - "sixgill_bin": HOME + "/src/sixgill/bin", - - "repo": REPO, - "repos": [{ - "repo": REPO, - "branch": "default", - "dest": BRANCH, - }, { - "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - "branch": "default", - "dest": "tools" - }], - - "tools_dir": "/tools", - - "mock_target": "mozilla-centos6-x86_64", - - "upload_remote_basepath": "/tmp/upload-base", - "upload_ssh_server": "localhost", - "upload_ssh_key": "/home/sfink/.ssh/id_rsa", - "upload_ssh_user": "sfink", - "upload_label": "linux64-br-haz", - - # For testing tryserver uploads (directory structure is different) - #"branch": "try", - #"revision": "deadbeef1234", -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index f0fb0b074..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -import os - -config = { - "options": [ - "--prefs-root=%(test_path)s/prefs", - "--processes=1", - "--config=%(test_path)s/wptrunner.ini", - "--ca-cert-path=%(test_path)s/certs/cacert.pem", - "--host-key-path=%(test_path)s/certs/web-platform.test.key", - "--host-cert-path=%(test_path)s/certs/web-platform.test.pem", - "--certutil-binary=%(test_install_path)s/bin/certutil", - ], - - "exes": { - 'python': '/tools/buildbot/bin/python', - 'virtualenv': ['/tools/buildbot/bin/python', '/tools/misc-python/virtualenv.py'], - 'tooltool.py': "/tools/tooltool.py", - }, - - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub", - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - - "pip_index": False, - - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - - "default_blob_upload_servers": [ - "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com", - ], - - "blob_uploader_auth_file" : os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "oauth.txt"), - - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, - - "download_tooltool": True, - - "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", - -} - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_windows.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_windows.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7c0f525fe..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_windows.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
-# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-# This is a template config file for web-platform-tests test.
-import os
-import sys
-config = {
- "options": [
- "--prefs-root=%(test_path)s/prefs",
- "--processes=1",
- "--config=%(test_path)s/wptrunner.ini",
- "--ca-cert-path=%(test_path)s/certs/cacert.pem",
- "--host-key-path=%(test_path)s/certs/web-platform.test.key",
- "--host-cert-path=%(test_path)s/certs/web-platform.test.pem",
- "--certutil-binary=%(test_install_path)s/bin/certutil",
- ],
- "exes": {
- 'python': sys.executable,
- 'virtualenv': [sys.executable, 'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py'],
- 'hg': 'c:/mozilla-build/hg/hg',
- 'mozinstall': ['%s/build/venv/scripts/python' % os.getcwd(),
- '%s/build/venv/scripts/mozinstall-script.py' % os.getcwd()],
- 'tooltool.py': [sys.executable, 'C:/mozilla-build/tooltool.py'],
- },
- "find_links": [
- "http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org/pub",
- "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub",
- ],
- "pip_index": False,
- "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json",
- "default_blob_upload_servers": [
- "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com",
- ],
- "blob_uploader_auth_file" : os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "oauth.txt"),
- "download_minidump_stackwalk": True,
diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_windows_taskcluster.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_windows_taskcluster.py deleted file mode 100644 index 845c66f76..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_windows_taskcluster.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -# This is a template config file for web-platform-tests test. - -import os -import sys - -config = { - "options": [ - "--prefs-root=%(test_path)s/prefs", - "--processes=1", - "--config=%(test_path)s/wptrunner.ini", - "--ca-cert-path=%(test_path)s/certs/cacert.pem", - "--host-key-path=%(test_path)s/certs/web-platform.test.key", - "--host-cert-path=%(test_path)s/certs/web-platform.test.pem", - "--certutil-binary=%(test_install_path)s/bin/certutil", - ], - - "exes": { - 'python': sys.executable, - 'virtualenv': [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'Lib', 'site-packages', 'virtualenv.py') - ], - 'mozinstall': ['build/venv/scripts/python', 'build/venv/scripts/mozinstall-script.py'], - 'tooltool.py': [sys.executable, os.path.join(os.environ['MOZILLABUILD'], 'tooltool.py')], - 'hg': os.path.join(os.environ['PROGRAMFILES'], 'Mercurial', 'hg') - }, - - "proxxy": {}, - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - - "pip_index": False, - - "default_blob_upload_servers": [ - "https://blobupload.elasticbeanstalk.com", - ], - - "blob_uploader_auth_file" : 'C:/builds/oauth.txt', - - "download_minidump_stackwalk": True, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/test_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/test_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index 29dd8014b..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/test_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -config = { - "options": [ - "--prefs-root=%(test_path)s/prefs", - "--processes=1", - "--config=%(test_path)s/wptrunner.ini", - "--ca-cert-path=%(test_path)s/certs/cacert.pem", - "--host-key-path=%(test_path)s/certs/web-platform.test.key", - "--host-cert-path=%(test_path)s/certs/web-platform.test.pem", - "--certutil-binary=%(test_install_path)s/bin/certutil", - ], - - "default_actions": [ - 'clobber', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'pull', - 'install', - 'run-tests', - ], - - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - - "pip_index": False, -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/test_config_windows.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/test_config_windows.py deleted file mode 100644 index d83c136ea..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/test_config_windows.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
-# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-import os
-import sys
-config = {
- "options": [
- "--prefs-root=%(test_path)s/prefs",
- "--processes=1",
- "--config=%(test_path)s/wptrunner.ini",
- "--ca-cert-path=%(test_path)s/certs/cacert.pem",
- "--host-key-path=%(test_path)s/certs/web-platform.test.key",
- "--host-cert-path=%(test_path)s/certs/web-platform.test.pem",
- "--certutil-binary=%(test_install_path)s/bin/certutil",
- ],
- "exes": {
- 'python': sys.executable,
- 'virtualenv': [sys.executable, 'c:/mozilla-source/cedar/python/virtualenv/virtualenv.py'], #'c:/mozilla-build/buildbotve/virtualenv.py'],
- 'hg': 'c:/mozilla-build/hg/hg',
- 'mozinstall': ['%s/build/venv/scripts/python' % os.getcwd(),
- '%s/build/venv/scripts/mozinstall-script.py' % os.getcwd()],
- },
- "default_actions": [
- 'clobber',
- 'download-and-extract',
- 'create-virtualenv',
- 'pull',
- 'install',
- 'run-tests',
- ],
- "find_links": [
- "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub",
- ],
- "pip_index": False,
diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/Makefile b/testing/mozharness/docs/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 980ffbd3b..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,177 +0,0 @@ -# Makefile for Sphinx documentation -# - -# You can set these variables from the command line. -SPHINXOPTS = -SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build -PAPER = -BUILDDIR = _build - -# User-friendly check for sphinx-build -ifeq ($(shell which $(SPHINXBUILD) >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 1) -$(error The '$(SPHINXBUILD)' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point to the full path of the '$(SPHINXBUILD)' executable. Alternatively you can add the directory with the executable to your PATH. If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from http://sphinx-doc.org/) -endif - -# Internal variables. -PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4 -PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter -ALLSPHINXOPTS = -d $(BUILDDIR)/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) . -# the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others -I18NSPHINXOPTS = $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) . - -.PHONY: help clean html dirhtml singlehtml pickle json htmlhelp qthelp devhelp epub latex latexpdf text man changes linkcheck doctest gettext - -help: - @echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of" - @echo " html to make standalone HTML files" - @echo " dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories" - @echo " singlehtml to make a single large HTML file" - @echo " pickle to make pickle files" - @echo " json to make JSON files" - @echo " htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project" - @echo " qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project" - @echo " devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project" - @echo " epub to make an epub" - @echo " latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter" - @echo " latexpdf to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex" - @echo " latexpdfja to make LaTeX files and run them through platex/dvipdfmx" - @echo " text to make text files" - @echo " man to make manual pages" - @echo " texinfo to make Texinfo files" - @echo " info to make Texinfo files and run them through makeinfo" - @echo " gettext to make PO message catalogs" - @echo " changes to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items" - @echo " xml to make Docutils-native XML files" - @echo " pseudoxml to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes" - @echo " linkcheck to check all external links for integrity" - @echo " doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)" - -clean: - rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/* - -html: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b html $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/html - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html." - -dirhtml: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirhtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml." - -singlehtml: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b singlehtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The HTML page is in $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml." - -pickle: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b pickle $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/pickle - @echo - @echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files." - -json: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b json $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/json - @echo - @echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files." - -htmlhelp: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp - @echo - @echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \ - ".hhp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp." - -qthelp: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b qthelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp - @echo - @echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \ - ".qhcp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp, like this:" - @echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/MozHarness.qhcp" - @echo "To view the help file:" - @echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/MozHarness.qhc" - -devhelp: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b devhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp - @echo - @echo "Build finished." - @echo "To view the help file:" - @echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/MozHarness" - @echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/MozHarness" - @echo "# devhelp" - -epub: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b epub $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/epub - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The epub file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub." - -latex: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/latex - @echo - @echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex." - @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex" \ - "(use \`make latexpdf' here to do that automatically)." - -latexpdf: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/latex - @echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..." - $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf - @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex." - -latexpdfja: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/latex - @echo "Running LaTeX files through platex and dvipdfmx..." - $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf-ja - @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex." - -text: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b text $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/text - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The text files are in $(BUILDDIR)/text." - -man: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b man $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/man - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The manual pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/man." - -texinfo: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The Texinfo files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo." - @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through makeinfo" \ - "(use \`make info' here to do that automatically)." - -info: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo - @echo "Running Texinfo files through makeinfo..." - make -C $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo info - @echo "makeinfo finished; the Info files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo." - -gettext: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b gettext $(I18NSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/locale - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The message catalogs are in $(BUILDDIR)/locale." - -changes: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/changes - @echo - @echo "The overview file is in $(BUILDDIR)/changes." - -linkcheck: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck - @echo - @echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \ - "or in $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck/output.txt." - -doctest: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b doctest $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/doctest - @echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \ - "results in $(BUILDDIR)/doctest/output.txt." - -xml: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b xml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/xml - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/xml." - -pseudoxml: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b pseudoxml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml." diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/android_emulator_build.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/android_emulator_build.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 4087c64d4..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/android_emulator_build.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -android_emulator_build module -============================= - -.. automodule:: android_emulator_build - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/android_emulator_unittest.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/android_emulator_unittest.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 7a8c42c50..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/android_emulator_unittest.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -android_emulator_unittest module -================================ - -.. automodule:: android_emulator_unittest - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/bouncer_submitter.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/bouncer_submitter.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 5b71caca7..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/bouncer_submitter.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -bouncer_submitter module -======================== - -.. automodule:: bouncer_submitter - :members: - :undoc-members: - :private-members: - :special-members: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/bump_gaia_json.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/bump_gaia_json.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 81b84d3a9..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/bump_gaia_json.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -bump_gaia_json module -===================== - -.. automodule:: bump_gaia_json - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/conf.py b/testing/mozharness/docs/conf.py deleted file mode 100644 index e18c868a0..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/conf.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,268 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# -# Moz Harness documentation build configuration file, created by -# sphinx-quickstart on Mon Apr 14 17:35:24 2014. -# -# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its -# containing dir. -# -# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this -# autogenerated file. -# -# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out -# serve to show the default. - -import sys -import os - -# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, -# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the -# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. -#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) -sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../scripts')) -sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../mozharness')) - -# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ - -# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. -#needs_sphinx = '1.0' - -# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be -# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom -# ones. -extensions = [ - 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', - 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', - 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', -] - -# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. -templates_path = ['_templates'] - -# The suffix of source filenames. -source_suffix = '.rst' - -# The encoding of source files. -#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' - -# The master toctree document. -master_doc = 'index' - -# General information about the project. -project = u'Moz Harness' -copyright = u'2014, aki and a cast of tens!' - -# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for -# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the -# built documents. -# -# The short X.Y version. -version = '0.1' -# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. -release = '0.1' - -# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation -# for a list of supported languages. -#language = None - -# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some -# non-false value, then it is used: -#today = '' -# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. -#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' - -# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and -# directories to ignore when looking for source files. -exclude_patterns = ['_build'] - -# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all -# documents. -#default_role = None - -# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. -#add_function_parentheses = True - -# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description -# unit titles (such as .. function::). -#add_module_names = True - -# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the -# output. They are ignored by default. -#show_authors = False - -# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. -pygments_style = 'sphinx' - -# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. -#modindex_common_prefix = [] - -# If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents. -#keep_warnings = False - - -# -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- - -# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for -# a list of builtin themes. -html_theme = 'default' - -# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme -# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the -# documentation. -#html_theme_options = {} - -# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. -#html_theme_path = [] - -# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. 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Default is True. -#html_show_sphinx = True - -# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_copyright = True - -# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will -# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the -# base URL from which the finished HTML is served. -#html_use_opensearch = '' - -# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). -#html_file_suffix = None - -# Output file base name for HTML help builder. -htmlhelp_basename = 'MozHarnessdoc' - - -# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- - -latex_elements = { -# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). -#'papersize': 'letterpaper', - -# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). -#'pointsize': '10pt', - -# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. -#'preamble': '', -} - -# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. 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List of tuples -# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). -man_pages = [ - ('index', 'mozharness', u'Moz Harness Documentation', - [u'aki and a cast of tens!'], 1) -] - -# If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#man_show_urls = False - - -# -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- - -# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples -# (source start file, target name, title, author, -# dir menu entry, description, category) -texinfo_documents = [ - ('index', 'MozHarness', u'Moz Harness Documentation', - u'aki and a cast of tens!', 'MozHarness', 'One line description of project.', - 'Miscellaneous'), -] - -# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#texinfo_appendices = [] - -# If false, no module index is generated. -#texinfo_domain_indices = True - -# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' - -# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. -#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False - - -# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. -intersphinx_mapping = {'http://docs.python.org/': None} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/configtest.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/configtest.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 10e4a56c9..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/configtest.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -configtest module -================= - -.. automodule:: configtest - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/desktop_l10n.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/desktop_l10n.rst deleted file mode 100644 index b94dadedc..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/desktop_l10n.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -desktop_l10n module -=================== - -.. automodule:: desktop_l10n - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/desktop_unittest.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/desktop_unittest.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f70e8d8d9..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/desktop_unittest.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -desktop_unittest module -======================= - -.. automodule:: desktop_unittest - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/fx_desktop_build.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/fx_desktop_build.rst deleted file mode 100644 index b5d6ac21c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/fx_desktop_build.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -fx_desktop_build module -======================= - -.. automodule:: fx_desktop_build - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/gaia_build_integration.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/gaia_build_integration.rst deleted file mode 100644 index a2c15204c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/gaia_build_integration.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -gaia_build_integration module -============================= - -.. automodule:: gaia_build_integration - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/gaia_integration.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/gaia_integration.rst deleted file mode 100644 index da143919a..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/gaia_integration.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -gaia_integration module -======================= - -.. automodule:: gaia_integration - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/gaia_unit.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/gaia_unit.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 9212b288c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/gaia_unit.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -gaia_unit module -================ - -.. automodule:: gaia_unit - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/index.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/index.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e2c05d34a..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/index.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -.. Moz Harness documentation master file, created by - sphinx-quickstart on Mon Apr 14 17:35:24 2014. - You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least - contain the root `toctree` directive. - -Welcome to Moz Harness's documentation! -======================================= - -Contents: - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - modules.rst - scripts.rst - - -Indices and tables -================== - -* :ref:`genindex` -* :ref:`modindex` -* :ref:`search` - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/marionette.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/marionette.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 28763406b..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/marionette.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -marionette module -================= - -.. automodule:: marionette - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mobile_l10n.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mobile_l10n.rst deleted file mode 100644 index ed53d09d3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/mobile_l10n.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -mobile_l10n module -================== - -.. automodule:: mobile_l10n - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mobile_partner_repack.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mobile_partner_repack.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f8be0bef8..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/mobile_partner_repack.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -mobile_partner_repack module -============================ - -.. automodule:: mobile_partner_repack - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/modules.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/modules.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 73652563b..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/modules.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -mozharness -========== - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 4 - - mozharness - mozharness.base.rst - mozharness.base.vcs.rst - mozharness.mozilla.building.rst - mozharness.mozilla.l10n.rst - mozharness.mozilla.rst - mozharness.mozilla.testing.rst diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.base.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.base.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 923e5658d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.base.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -mozharness.base package -======================= - -Subpackages ------------ - -.. toctree:: - - mozharness.base.vcs - -Submodules ----------- - -mozharness.base.config module ------------------------------ - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.config - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.base.errors module ------------------------------ - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.errors - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.base.gaia_test module --------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.gaia_test - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.base.log module --------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.log - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.base.mar module --------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.mar - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.base.parallel module -------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.parallel - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.base.python module ------------------------------ - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.python - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.base.script module ------------------------------ - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.script - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.base.signing module ------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.signing - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.base.transfer module -------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.transfer - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - - -Module contents ---------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.base.vcs.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.base.vcs.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f262b3f7a..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.base.vcs.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -mozharness.base.vcs package -=========================== - -Submodules ----------- - -mozharness.base.vcs.gittool module ----------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.vcs.gittool - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.base.vcs.mercurial module ------------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.vcs.mercurial - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase module ----------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.base.vcs.vcssync module ----------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.vcs.vcssync - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - - -Module contents ---------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.base.vcs - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.building.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.building.rst deleted file mode 100644 index b8b6106c2..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.building.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -mozharness.mozilla.building package -=================================== - -Submodules ----------- - -mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase module --------------------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - - -Module contents ---------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.building - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.l10n.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.l10n.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 6951ec1a7..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.l10n.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -mozharness.mozilla.l10n package -=============================== - -Submodules ----------- - -mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales module --------------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.l10n.multi_locale_build module -------------------------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.l10n.multi_locale_build - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - - -Module contents ---------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.l10n - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 2a869db7b..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -mozharness.mozilla package -========================== - -Subpackages ------------ - -.. toctree:: - - mozharness.mozilla.building - mozharness.mozilla.l10n - mozharness.mozilla.testing - -Submodules ----------- - -mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload module -------------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.buildbot module ----------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.buildbot - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.gaia module ------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.gaia - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.mapper module --------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.mapper - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.mock module ------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.mock - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.mozbase module ---------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.mozbase - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.purge module -------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.purge - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.release module ---------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.release - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.repo_manifest module ---------------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.repo_manifest - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.signing module ---------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.signing - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.tooltool module ----------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.tooltool - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - - -Module contents ---------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.testing.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.testing.rst deleted file mode 100644 index ccb57a3dd..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.testing.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -mozharness.mozilla.testing package -================================== - -Submodules ----------- - -mozharness.mozilla.testing.device module ----------------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.testing.device - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors module ----------------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.testing.mozpool module ------------------------------------------ - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.testing.mozpool - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.testing.talos module ---------------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.testing.talos - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase module ------------------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - -mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest module ------------------------------------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: - - -Module contents ---------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.testing - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.rst deleted file mode 100644 index f14e6b91e..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -mozharness package -================== - -Subpackages ------------ - -.. toctree:: - - mozharness.base - mozharness.mozilla - -Module contents ---------------- - -.. automodule:: mozharness - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/multil10n.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/multil10n.rst deleted file mode 100644 index b14e62b78..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/multil10n.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -multil10n module -================ - -.. automodule:: multil10n - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/scripts.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/scripts.rst deleted file mode 100644 index b5258457e..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/scripts.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -scripts -======= - -.. toctree:: - android_emulator_build.rst - android_emulator_unittest.rst - bouncer_submitter.rst - bump_gaia_json.rst - configtest.rst - desktop_l10n.rst - desktop_unittest.rst - fx_desktop_build.rst - gaia_build_integration.rst - gaia_integration.rst - gaia_unit.rst - marionette.rst - mobile_l10n.rst - mobile_partner_repack.rst - multil10n.rst - spidermonkey_build.rst - talos_script.rst - web_platform_tests.rst diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/spidermonkey_build.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/spidermonkey_build.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 7e73c672e..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/spidermonkey_build.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -spidermonkey_build module -========================= - -.. automodule:: spidermonkey_build - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/talos_script.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/talos_script.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 509aac400..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/talos_script.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -talos_script module -=================== - -.. automodule:: talos_script - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/web_platform_tests.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/web_platform_tests.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 6a2887aa8..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/docs/web_platform_tests.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -web_platform_tests module -========================= - -.. automodule:: web_platform_tests - :members: - :undoc-members: - :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/examples/action_config_script.py b/testing/mozharness/examples/action_config_script.py deleted file mode 100755 index e1135771e..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/examples/action_config_script.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -u -"""action_config_script.py - -Demonstrate actions and config. -""" - -import os -import sys -import time - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript - - -# ActionsConfigExample {{{1 -class ActionsConfigExample(BaseScript): - config_options = [[ - ['--beverage', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "beverage", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify your beverage of choice", - } - ], [ - ['--ship-style', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "ship_style", - "type": "choice", - "choices": ["1", "2", "3"], - "help": "Specify the type of ship", - } - ], [ - ['--long-sleep-time', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "long_sleep_time", - "type": "int", - "help": "Specify how long to sleep", - } - ]] - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): - super(ActionsConfigExample, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - all_actions=[ - 'clobber', - 'nap', - 'ship-it', - ], - default_actions=[ - 'clobber', - 'nap', - 'ship-it', - ], - require_config_file=require_config_file, - config={ - 'beverage': "kool-aid", - 'long_sleep_time': 3600, - 'ship_style': "1", - } - ) - - def _sleep(self, sleep_length, interval=5): - self.info("Sleeping %d seconds..." % sleep_length) - counter = 0 - while counter + interval <= sleep_length: - sys.stdout.write(".") - try: - time.sleep(interval) - except: - print - self.error("Impatient, are we?") - sys.exit(1) - counter += interval - print - self.info("Ok, done.") - - def _ship1(self): - self.info(""" - _~ - _~ )_)_~ - )_))_))_) - _!__!__!_ - \______t/ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -""") - - def _ship2(self): - self.info(""" - _4 _4 - _)_))_) - _)_)_)_) - _)_))_))_)_ - \_=__=__=_/ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -""") - - def _ship3(self): - self.info(""" - ,;;:;, - ;;;;; - ,:;;:; ,'=. - ;:;:;' .=" ,'_\\ - ':;:;,/ ,__:=@ - ';;:; =./)_ - `"=\\_ )_"` - ``'"` -""") - - def nap(self): - for var_name in self.config.keys(): - if var_name.startswith("random_config_key"): - self.info("This is going to be %s!" % self.config[var_name]) - sleep_time = self.config['long_sleep_time'] - if sleep_time > 60: - self.info("Ok, grab a %s. This is going to take a while." % self.config['beverage']) - else: - self.info("This will be quick, but grab a %s anyway." % self.config['beverage']) - self._sleep(self.config['long_sleep_time']) - - def ship_it(self): - name = "_ship%s" % self.config['ship_style'] - if hasattr(self, name): - getattr(self, name)() - - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - actions_config_example = ActionsConfigExample() - actions_config_example.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/examples/silent_script.py b/testing/mozharness/examples/silent_script.py deleted file mode 100755 index c73298ed7..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/examples/silent_script.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -""" This script is an example of why I care so much about Mozharness' 2nd core -concept, logging. http://escapewindow.dreamwidth.org/230853.html -""" - -import os -import shutil - -#print "downloading foo.tar.bz2..." -os.system("curl -s -o foo.tar.bz2 http://people.mozilla.org/~asasaki/foo.tar.bz2") -#os.system("curl -v -o foo.tar.bz2 http://people.mozilla.org/~asasaki/foo.tar.bz2") - -#os.rename("foo.tar.bz2", "foo3.tar.bz2") -os.system("tar xjf foo.tar.bz2") - -#os.chdir("x") -os.remove("x/ship2") -os.remove("foo.tar.bz2") -os.system("tar cjf foo.tar.bz2 x") -shutil.rmtree("x") -#os.system("scp -q foo.tar.bz2 people.mozilla.org:public_html/foo2.tar.bz2") -os.remove("foo.tar.bz2") diff --git a/testing/mozharness/examples/venv.py b/testing/mozharness/examples/venv.py deleted file mode 100755 index 6b3c88f96..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/examples/venv.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -"""venv.py - -Test virtualenv creation. This installs talos in the local venv; that's it. -""" - -import os -import sys - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.errors import PythonErrorList -from mozharness.base.python import virtualenv_config_options, VirtualenvMixin -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript - -# VirtualenvExample {{{1 -class VirtualenvExample(VirtualenvMixin, BaseScript): - config_options = [[ - ["--talos-url"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "talos_url", - "default": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/talos/archive/tip.tar.gz", - "help": "Specify the talos pip url" - } - ]] + virtualenv_config_options - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): - super(VirtualenvExample, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - all_actions=['create-virtualenv', - ], - default_actions=['create-virtualenv', - ], - require_config_file=require_config_file, - config={"virtualenv_modules": ["talos"]}, - ) - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - venv_example = VirtualenvExample() - venv_example.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/examples/verbose_script.py b/testing/mozharness/examples/verbose_script.py deleted file mode 100755 index e8afd7567..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/examples/verbose_script.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -"""verbose_script.py - -Contrast to silent_script.py. -""" - -import os -import sys - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -#from mozharness.base.errors import TarErrorList, SSHErrorList -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript - - -# VerboseExample {{{1 -class VerboseExample(BaseScript): - def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): - super(VerboseExample, self).__init__( - all_actions=['verbosity', ], - require_config_file=require_config_file, - config={"tarball_name": "bar.tar.bz2"} - ) - - def verbosity(self): - tarball_name = self.config["tarball_name"] - self.download_file( - "http://people.mozilla.org/~asasaki/foo.tar.bz2", - file_name=tarball_name - ) - # the error_list adds more error checking. - # the halt_on_failure will kill the script at this point if - # unsuccessful. Be aware if you need to do any cleanup before you - # actually fatal(), though. If so, you may want to either use an - # |if self.run_command(...):| construct, or define a self._post_fatal() - # for a generic end-of-fatal-run method. - self.run_command( - ["tar", "xjvf", tarball_name], -# error_list=TarErrorList, -# halt_on_failure=True, -# fatal_exit_code=3, - ) - self.rmtree("x/ship2") - self.rmtree(tarball_name) - self.run_command( - ["tar", "cjvf", tarball_name, "x"], -# error_list=TarErrorList, -# halt_on_failure=True, -# fatal_exit_code=3, - ) - self.rmtree("x") - if self.run_command( - ["scp", tarball_name, "people.mozilla.org:public_html/foo2.tar.bz2"], -# error_list=SSHErrorList, - ): - self.error("There's been a problem with the scp. We're going to proceed anyway.") - self.rmtree(tarball_name) - - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - verbose_example = VerboseExample() - verbose_example.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/clobberer.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/clobberer.py deleted file mode 100755 index a58b00402..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/clobberer.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,280 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python -# vim:sts=2 sw=2 -import sys -import shutil -import urllib2 -import urllib -import os -import traceback -import time -if os.name == 'nt': - from win32file import RemoveDirectory, DeleteFile, \ - GetFileAttributesW, SetFileAttributesW, \ - FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY - from win32api import FindFiles - -clobber_suffix = '.deleteme' - - -def ts_to_str(ts): - if ts is None: - return None - return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(ts)) - - -def write_file(ts, fn): - assert isinstance(ts, int) - f = open(fn, "w") - f.write(str(ts)) - f.close() - - -def read_file(fn): - if not os.path.exists(fn): - return None - - data = open(fn).read().strip() - try: - return int(data) - except ValueError: - return None - -def rmdirRecursiveWindows(dir): - """Windows-specific version of rmdirRecursive that handles - path lengths longer than MAX_PATH. - """ - - dir = os.path.realpath(dir) - # Make sure directory is writable - SetFileAttributesW('\\\\?\\' + dir, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) - - for ffrec in FindFiles('\\\\?\\' + dir + '\\*.*'): - file_attr = ffrec[0] - name = ffrec[8] - if name == '.' or name == '..': - continue - full_name = os.path.join(dir, name) - - if file_attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY: - rmdirRecursiveWindows(full_name) - else: - SetFileAttributesW('\\\\?\\' + full_name, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) - DeleteFile('\\\\?\\' + full_name) - RemoveDirectory('\\\\?\\' + dir) - -def rmdirRecursive(dir): - """This is a replacement for shutil.rmtree that works better under - windows. Thanks to Bear at the OSAF for the code. - (Borrowed from buildbot.slave.commands)""" - if os.name == 'nt': - rmdirRecursiveWindows(dir) - return - - if not os.path.exists(dir): - # This handles broken links - if os.path.islink(dir): - os.remove(dir) - return - - if os.path.islink(dir): - os.remove(dir) - return - - # Verify the directory is read/write/execute for the current user - os.chmod(dir, 0700) - - for name in os.listdir(dir): - full_name = os.path.join(dir, name) - # on Windows, if we don't have write permission we can't remove - # the file/directory either, so turn that on - if os.name == 'nt': - if not os.access(full_name, os.W_OK): - # I think this is now redundant, but I don't have an NT - # machine to test on, so I'm going to leave it in place - # -warner - os.chmod(full_name, 0600) - - if os.path.isdir(full_name): - rmdirRecursive(full_name) - else: - # Don't try to chmod links - if not os.path.islink(full_name): - os.chmod(full_name, 0700) - os.remove(full_name) - os.rmdir(dir) - - -def do_clobber(dir, dryrun=False, skip=None): - try: - for f in os.listdir(dir): - if skip is not None and f in skip: - print "Skipping", f - continue - clobber_path = f + clobber_suffix - if os.path.isfile(f): - print "Removing", f - if not dryrun: - if os.path.exists(clobber_path): - os.unlink(clobber_path) - # Prevent repeated moving. - if f.endswith(clobber_suffix): - os.unlink(f) - else: - shutil.move(f, clobber_path) - os.unlink(clobber_path) - elif os.path.isdir(f): - print "Removing %s/" % f - if not dryrun: - if os.path.exists(clobber_path): - rmdirRecursive(clobber_path) - # Prevent repeated moving. - if f.endswith(clobber_suffix): - rmdirRecursive(f) - else: - shutil.move(f, clobber_path) - rmdirRecursive(clobber_path) - except: - print "Couldn't clobber properly, bailing out." - sys.exit(1) - - -def getClobberDates(clobberURL, branch, buildername, builddir, slave, master): - params = dict(branch=branch, buildername=buildername, - builddir=builddir, slave=slave, master=master) - url = "%s?%s" % (clobberURL, urllib.urlencode(params)) - print "Checking clobber URL: %s" % url - # The timeout arg was added to urlopen() at Python 2.6 - # Deprecate this test when esr17 reaches EOL - if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 6): - data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read().strip() - else: - data = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=30).read().strip() - - retval = {} - try: - for line in data.split("\n"): - line = line.strip() - if not line: - continue - builddir, builder_time, who = line.split(":") - builder_time = int(builder_time) - retval[builddir] = (builder_time, who) - return retval - except ValueError: - print "Error parsing response from server" - print data - raise - -if __name__ == "__main__": - from optparse import OptionParser - parser = OptionParser( - "%prog [options] clobberURL branch buildername builddir slave master") - parser.add_option("-n", "--dry-run", dest="dryrun", action="store_true", - default=False, help="don't actually delete anything") - parser.add_option("-t", "--periodic", dest="period", type="float", - default=None, help="hours between periodic clobbers") - parser.add_option('-s', '--skip', help='do not delete this file/directory', - action='append', dest='skip', default=['last-clobber']) - parser.add_option('-d', '--dir', help='clobber this directory', - dest='dir', default='.', type='string') - parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', help='be more verbose', - dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False) - - options, args = parser.parse_args() - if len(args) != 6: - parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments") - - if options.period: - periodicClobberTime = options.period * 3600 - else: - periodicClobberTime = None - - clobberURL, branch, builder, my_builddir, slave, master = args - - try: - server_clobber_dates = getClobberDates( - clobberURL, branch, builder, my_builddir, slave, master) - except: - if options.verbose: - traceback.print_exc() - print "Error contacting server" - sys.exit(1) - - if options.verbose: - print "Server gave us", server_clobber_dates - - now = int(time.time()) - - # Add ourself to the server_clobber_dates if it's not set - # This happens when this slave has never been clobbered - if my_builddir not in server_clobber_dates: - server_clobber_dates[my_builddir] = None, "" - - root_dir = os.path.abspath(options.dir) - - for builddir, (server_clobber_date, who) in server_clobber_dates.items(): - builder_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, builddir) - if not os.path.isdir(builder_dir): - print "%s doesn't exist, skipping" % builder_dir - continue - os.chdir(builder_dir) - - our_clobber_date = read_file("last-clobber") - - clobber = False - clobberType = None - - print "%s:Our last clobber date: " % builddir, ts_to_str(our_clobber_date) - print "%s:Server clobber date: " % builddir, ts_to_str(server_clobber_date) - - # If we don't have a last clobber date, then this is probably a fresh build. - # We should only do a forced server clobber if we know when our last clobber - # was, and if the server date is more recent than that. - if server_clobber_date is not None and our_clobber_date is not None: - # If the server is giving us a clobber date, compare the server's idea of - # the clobber date to our last clobber date - if server_clobber_date > our_clobber_date: - # If the server's clobber date is greater than our last clobber date, - # then we should clobber. - clobber = True - clobberType = "forced" - # We should also update our clobber date to match the server's - our_clobber_date = server_clobber_date - if who: - print "%s:Server is forcing a clobber, initiated by %s" % (builddir, who) - else: - print "%s:Server is forcing a clobber" % builddir - - if not clobber: - # Disable periodic clobbers for builders that aren't my_builddir - if builddir != my_builddir: - continue - - # Next, check if more than the periodicClobberTime period has passed since - # our last clobber - if our_clobber_date is None: - # We've never been clobbered - # Set our last clobber time to now, so that we'll clobber - # properly after periodicClobberTime - clobberType = "purged" - our_clobber_date = now - write_file(our_clobber_date, "last-clobber") - elif periodicClobberTime and now > our_clobber_date + periodicClobberTime: - # periodicClobberTime has passed since our last clobber - clobber = True - clobberType = "periodic" - # Update our clobber date to now - our_clobber_date = now - print "%s:More than %s seconds have passed since our last clobber" % (builddir, periodicClobberTime) - - if clobber: - # Finally, perform a clobber if we're supposed to - print "%s:Clobbering..." % builddir - do_clobber(builder_dir, options.dryrun, options.skip) - write_file(our_clobber_date, "last-clobber") - - # If this is the build dir for the current job, display the clobber type in TBPL. - # Note in the case of purged clobber, we output the clobber type even though no - # clobber was performed this time. - if clobberType and builddir == my_builddir: - print "TinderboxPrint: %s clobber" % clobberType diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/count_and_reboot.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/count_and_reboot.py deleted file mode 100755 index 9e8ae35a6..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/count_and_reboot.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# encoding: utf-8 -# Created by Chris AtLee on 2008-11-04 -"""count_and_reboot.py [-n maxcount] -f countfile - -Increments the value in countfile, and reboots the machine once the count -reaches or exceeds maxcount.""" - -import os, sys, time - -if sys.platform in ('darwin', 'linux2'): - def reboot(): - # -S means to accept password from stdin, which we then redirect from - # /dev/null - # This results in sudo not waiting forever for a password. If sudoers - # isn't set up properly, this will fail immediately - os.system("sudo -S reboot < /dev/null") - # After starting the shutdown, we go to sleep since the system can - # take a few minutes to shut everything down and reboot - time.sleep(600) - -elif sys.platform == "win32": - # Windows - def reboot(): - os.system("shutdown -f -r -t 0") - # After starting the shutdown, we go to sleep since the system can - # take a few minutes to shut everything down and reboot - time.sleep(600) - -def increment_count(fname): - try: - current_count = int(open(fname).read()) - except: - current_count = 0 - current_count += 1 - open(fname, "w").write("%i\n" % current_count) - return current_count - -if __name__ == '__main__': - from optparse import OptionParser - - parser = OptionParser(__doc__) - parser.add_option("-n", "--max-count", dest="maxcount", default=10, - help="reboot after <maxcount> runs", type="int") - parser.add_option("-f", "--count-file", dest="countfile", default=None, - help="file to record count in") - parser.add_option("-z", "--zero-count", dest="zero", default=False, - action="store_true", help="zero out the counter before rebooting") - - options, args = parser.parse_args() - - if not options.countfile: - parser.error("countfile is required") - - if increment_count(options.countfile) >= options.maxcount: - if options.zero: - open(options.countfile, "w").write("0\n") - print "************************************************************************************************" - print "*********** END OF RUN - NOW DOING SCHEDULED REBOOT; FOLLOWING ERROR MESSAGE EXPECTED **********" - print "************************************************************************************************" - sys.stdout.flush() - reboot() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/detect_repo.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/detect_repo.py deleted file mode 100644 index 67466a03e..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/detect_repo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# Stolen from taskcluster-vcs -# https://github.com/taskcluster/taskcluster-vcs/blob/master/src/vcs/detect_remote.js - -from urllib2 import Request, urlopen -from urlparse import urlsplit, urlunsplit -from os.path import exists, join - -def first(seq): - return next(iter(filter(lambda x: x, seq)), '') - -def all_first(*sequences): - return map(lambda x: first(x), sequences) - -# http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/13027/joining-url-path-components-intelligently -# I wonder why this is not a builtin feature in Python -def urljoin(*parts): - schemes, netlocs, paths, queries, fragments = zip(*(urlsplit(part) for part in parts)) - scheme, netloc, query, fragment = all_first(schemes, netlocs, queries, fragments) - path = '/'.join(p.strip('/') for p in paths if p) - return urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment)) - -def _detect_remote(url, content): - try: - response = urlopen(url) - except Exception: - return False - - if response.getcode() != 200: - return False - - content_type = response.headers.get('content-type', '') - return True if content in content_type else False - -def detect_git(url): - location = urljoin(url, '/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack') - req = Request(location, headers={'User-Agent':'git/2.0.1'}) - return _detect_remote(req, 'x-git') - -def detect_hg(url): - location = urljoin(url, '?cmd=lookup&key=0') - return _detect_remote(location, 'mercurial') - -def detect_local(url): - if exists(join(url, '.git')): - return 'git' - - if exists(join(url, '.hg')): - return 'hg' - - return '' - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/download_file.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/download_file.py deleted file mode 100755 index 91b0a4668..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/download_file.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -""" Helper script for download_file() - -We lose some mozharness functionality by splitting this out, but we gain output_timeout. -""" - -import os -import socket -import sys -import urllib2 -import urlparse - - -def download_file(url, file_name): - try: - f_length = None - f = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=30) - if f.info().get('content-length') is not None: - f_length = int(f.info()['content-length']) - got_length = 0 - local_file = open(file_name, 'wb') - while True: - block = f.read(1024 ** 2) - if not block: - if f_length is not None and got_length != f_length: - raise urllib2.URLError("Download incomplete; content-length was %d, but only received %d" % (f_length, got_length)) - break - local_file.write(block) - if f_length is not None: - got_length += len(block) - local_file.close() - print "%s downloaded to %s" % (url, file_name) - except urllib2.HTTPError, e: - print "Warning: Server returned status %s %s for %s" % (str(e.code), str(e), url) - raise - except urllib2.URLError, e: - print "URL Error: %s" % url - remote_host = urlparse.urlsplit(url)[1] - if remote_host: - os.system("nslookup %s" % remote_host) - raise - except socket.timeout, e: - print "Timed out accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e)) - raise - except socket.error, e: - print "Socket error when accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e)) - raise - -if __name__ == '__main__': - if len(sys.argv) != 3: - if len(sys.argv) != 2: - print "Usage: download_file.py URL [FILENAME]" - sys.exit(-1) - parts = urlparse.urlparse(sys.argv[1]) - file_name = parts[2].split('/')[-1] - else: - file_name = sys.argv[2] - if os.path.exists(file_name): - print "%s exists; removing" % file_name - os.remove(file_name) - if os.path.exists(file_name): - print "%s still exists; exiting" - sys.exit(-1) - download_file(sys.argv[1], file_name) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/extract_and_run_command.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/extract_and_run_command.py deleted file mode 100644 index ab48ee1df..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/extract_and_run_command.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -"""\ -Usage: extract_and_run_command.py [-j N] [command to run] -- [files and/or directories] - -j is the number of workers to start, defaulting to 1. - [command to run] must be a command that can accept one or many files - to process as arguments. - -WARNING: This script does NOT respond to SIGINT. You must use SIGQUIT or SIGKILL to - terminate it early. - """ - -### The canonical location for this file is -### https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/file/default/stage/extract_and_run_command.py -### -### Please update the copy in puppet to deploy new changes to -### stage.mozilla.org, see -# https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReleaseEngineering/How_To/Modify_scripts_on_stage - -import logging -import os -from os import path -import sys -from Queue import Queue -import shutil -import subprocess -import tempfile -from threading import Thread -import time - -logging.basicConfig( - stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s") -log = logging.getLogger(__name__) - -try: - # the future - https://github.com/mozilla/build-mar via a venv - from mardor.marfile import BZ2MarFile -except: - # the past - http://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/file/default/buildfarm/utils/mar.py - sys.path.append( - path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), "../buildfarm/utils")) - from mar import BZ2MarFile - -SEVENZIP = "7za" - - -def extractMar(filename, tempdir): - m = BZ2MarFile(filename) - m.extractall(path=tempdir) - - -def extractExe(filename, tempdir): - try: - # We don't actually care about output, put we redirect to a tempfile - # to avoid deadlocking in wait() when stdout=PIPE - fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() - proc = subprocess.Popen([SEVENZIP, 'x', '-o%s' % tempdir, filename], - stdout=fd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) - proc.wait() - except subprocess.CalledProcessError: - # Not all EXEs are 7-zip files, so we have to ignore extraction errors - pass - -# The keys here are matched against the last 3 characters of filenames. -# The values are callables that accept two string arguments. -EXTRACTORS = { - '.mar': extractMar, - '.exe': extractExe, -} - - -def find_files(d): - """yields all of the files in `d'""" - for root, dirs, files in os.walk(d): - for f in files: - yield path.abspath(path.join(root, f)) - - -def rchmod(d, mode=0755): - """chmods everything in `d' to `mode', including `d' itself""" - os.chmod(d, mode) - for root, dirs, files in os.walk(d): - for item in dirs: - os.chmod(path.join(root, item), mode) - for item in files: - os.chmod(path.join(root, item), mode) - - -def maybe_extract(filename): - """If an extractor is found for `filename', extracts it to a temporary - directory and chmods it. The consumer is responsible for removing - the extracted files, if desired.""" - ext = path.splitext(filename)[1] - if ext not in EXTRACTORS.keys(): - return None - # Append the full filepath to the tempdir - tempdir_root = tempfile.mkdtemp() - tempdir = path.join(tempdir_root, filename.lstrip('/')) - os.makedirs(tempdir) - EXTRACTORS[ext](filename, tempdir) - rchmod(tempdir_root) - return tempdir_root - - -def process(item, command): - def format_time(t): - return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(t)) - # Buffer output to avoid interleaving of multiple workers' - logs = [] - args = [item] - proc = None - start = time.time() - logs.append("START %s: %s" % (format_time(start), item)) - # If the file was extracted, we need to process all of its files, too. - tempdir = maybe_extract(item) - if tempdir: - for f in find_files(tempdir): - args.append(f) - - try: - fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile() - proc = subprocess.Popen(command + args, stdout=fd) - proc.wait() - if proc.returncode != 0: - raise Exception("returned %s" % proc.returncode) - finally: - if tempdir: - shutil.rmtree(tempdir) - fd.seek(0) - # rstrip() here to avoid an unnecessary newline, if it exists. - logs.append(fd.read().rstrip()) - end = time.time() - elapsed = end - start - logs.append("END %s (%d seconds elapsed): %s\n" % ( - format_time(end), elapsed, item)) - # Now that we've got all of our output, print it. It's important that - # the logging module is used for this, because "print" is not - # thread-safe. - log.info("\n".join(logs)) - - -def worker(command, errors): - item = q.get() - while item != None: - try: - process(item, command) - except: - errors.put(item) - item = q.get() - -if __name__ == '__main__': - # getopt is used in favour of optparse to enable "--" as a separator - # between the command and list of files. optparse doesn't allow that. - from getopt import getopt - options, args = getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'j:h', ['help']) - - concurrency = 1 - for o, a in options: - if o == '-j': - concurrency = int(a) - elif o in ('-h', '--help'): - log.info(__doc__) - sys.exit(0) - - if len(args) < 3 or '--' not in args: - log.error(__doc__) - sys.exit(1) - - command = [] - while args[0] != "--": - command.append(args.pop(0)) - args.pop(0) - - q = Queue() - errors = Queue() - threads = [] - for i in range(concurrency): - t = Thread(target=worker, args=(command, errors)) - t.start() - threads.append(t) - - # find_files is a generator, so work will begin prior to it finding - # all of the files - for arg in args: - if path.isfile(arg): - q.put(arg) - else: - for f in find_files(arg): - q.put(f) - # Because the workers are started before we start populating the q - # they can't use .empty() to determine whether or not their done. - # We also can't use q.join() or j.task_done(), because we need to - # support Python 2.4. We know that find_files won't yield None, - # so we can detect doneness by having workers die when they get None - # as an item. - for i in range(concurrency): - q.put(None) - - for t in threads: - t.join() - - if not errors.empty(): - log.error("Command failed for the following files:") - while not errors.empty(): - log.error(" %s" % errors.get()) - sys.exit(1) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/git-ssh-wrapper.sh b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/git-ssh-wrapper.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 86ea37088..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/git-ssh-wrapper.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# From http://www.reddit.com/r/git/comments/hdn1a/howto_using_the_git_ssh_variable_for_private_keys/ - -# In the example, this was -# if [ -e "$GIT_SSH_KEY" ]; then -# However, that broke on tilde expansion. -# Let's just assume if GIT_SSH_KEY is set, we want to use it. -if [ "x$GIT_SSH_KEY" != "x" ]; then - exec ssh -o IdentityFile="$GIT_SSH_KEY" -o ServerAliveInterval=600 "$@" -else - exec ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=600 "$@" -fi diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/gittool.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/gittool.py deleted file mode 100755 index 520aeaf38..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/gittool.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -### Compressed module sources ### -module_sources = [('util', 'eJxlkMEKgzAQRO/5isWTQhFaSg8Ff6LnQknM2ixoItmov1+T2FLb3DY7mZkXGkbnAxjJpiclKI+K\nrOSWSAihsQM28sjBk32WXF0FrKe4YZi8hWAwrZMDuC5fJC1wkaQ+K7eIOqpXm1rTEzmU1ZahLuc/\ncwYlGS9nQNs6jfoACwUDQVIf/RdDAXmULYK0Gpo1aXAz6l3sG6VWJ/nIdjHdx45jWTR3W3xVSKTT\n8NuEE9a+DMzomZz9QOencdyDJ7LvH6zEC9SEeBQ=\n'), ('util.file', 'eJzNVk2P2zYQvftXTF0sLC9ctTbaSwAfim2BFCjSIsktCLy0SFnMSqRAUuv1v+8MP0RZ3uTQU3Sw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\n'), ('util.commands', 'eJzdWW1v2zgS/u5fwXPQs9x1laDFvSBA9pDdJnfBtkkucS9XtIEgS+OYG4n0kVRc76+/GZKSKPkl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\nfNuowvsa/lug8V+mJBic\n'), ('util.retry', 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'eJzNW+uT27YR/66/ApF7IymWeEk/Xuam4/iReJrGntiZdMZ2JEoEJcQUIRPgyddM/vfuAyDAh+S7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\nIjom0SRyJ48ohwNW7ogyXnz79NETf2qP/yztPqeoXHw4czr03yOfFDU=\n')] - -### Load the compressed module sources ### -import sys, imp -for name, source in module_sources: - source = source.decode("base64").decode("zlib") - mod = imp.new_module(name) - exec source in mod.__dict__ - sys.modules[name] = mod - -### Original script follows ### -#!/usr/bin/python -"""%prog [-p|--props-file] [-r|--rev revision] [-b|--branch branch] - [-s|--shared-dir shared_dir] repo [dest] - -Tool to do safe operations with git. - -revision/branch on commandline will override those in props-file""" - -# Import snippet to find tools lib -import os -import site -import logging -site.addsitedir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), - "../../lib/python")) - -try: - import simplejson as json - assert json -except ImportError: - import json - -from util.git import git - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - from optparse import OptionParser - - parser = OptionParser(__doc__) - parser.set_defaults( - revision=os.environ.get('GIT_REV'), - branch=os.environ.get('GIT_BRANCH', None), - propsfile=os.environ.get('PROPERTIES_FILE'), - loglevel=logging.INFO, - shared_dir=os.environ.get('GIT_SHARE_BASE_DIR'), - mirrors=None, - clean=False, - ) - parser.add_option( - "-r", "--rev", dest="revision", help="which revision to update to") - parser.add_option( - "-b", "--branch", dest="branch", help="which branch to update to") - parser.add_option("-p", "--props-file", dest="propsfile", - help="build json file containing revision information") - parser.add_option("-s", "--shared-dir", dest="shared_dir", - help="clone to a shared directory") - parser.add_option("--mirror", dest="mirrors", action="append", - help="add a mirror to try cloning/pulling from before repo") - parser.add_option("--clean", dest="clean", action="store_true", default=False, - help="run 'git clean' after updating the local repository") - parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="loglevel", - action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG) - - options, args = parser.parse_args() - - logging.basicConfig( - level=options.loglevel, format="%(asctime)s %(message)s") - - if len(args) not in (1, 2): - parser.error("Invalid number of arguments") - - repo = args[0] - if len(args) == 2: - dest = args[1] - else: - dest = os.path.basename(repo) - - # Parse propsfile - if options.propsfile: - js = json.load(open(options.propsfile)) - if options.revision is None: - options.revision = js['sourcestamp']['revision'] - if options.branch is None: - options.branch = js['sourcestamp']['branch'] - - got_revision = git(repo, dest, options.branch, options.revision, - shareBase=options.shared_dir, - mirrors=options.mirrors, - clean_dest=options.clean, - ) - - print "Got revision %s" % got_revision diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/machine-configuration.json b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/machine-configuration.json deleted file mode 100644 index 29118c0fd..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/machine-configuration.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -{ - "win7": { - "screen_resolution": { - "x": 1280, - "y": 1024 - }, - "mouse_position": { - "x": 1010, - "y": 10 - } - } -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py deleted file mode 100755 index 29e46e1bc..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -#! /usr/bin/env python -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this -# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -# -# Script name: mouse_and_screen_resolution.py -# Purpose: Sets mouse position and screen resolution for Windows 7 32-bit slaves -# Author(s): Zambrano Gasparnian, Armen <armenzg@mozilla.com> -# Target: Python 2.5 or newer -# -from optparse import OptionParser -from ctypes import windll, Structure, c_ulong, byref -try: - import json -except: - import simplejson as json -import os -import sys -import urllib2 -import socket -import platform -import time - -default_screen_resolution = {"x": 1024, "y": 768} -default_mouse_position = {"x": 1010, "y": 10} - -def wfetch(url, retries=5): - while True: - try: - return urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=30).read() - except urllib2.HTTPError, e: - print("Failed to fetch '%s': %s" % (url, str(e))) - except urllib2.URLError, e: - print("Failed to fetch '%s': %s" % (url, str(e))) - except socket.timeout, e: - print("Time out accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e))) - except socket.error, e: - print("Socket error when accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e))) - if retries < 0: - raise Exception("Could not fetch url '%s'" % url) - retries -= 1 - print("Retrying") - time.sleep(60) - -def main(): - - if not (platform.version().startswith('6.1.760') and not 'PROGRAMFILES(X86)' in os.environ): - # We only want to run this for Windows 7 32-bit - print "INFO: This script was written to be used with Windows 7 32-bit machines." - return 0 - - parser = OptionParser() - parser.add_option( - "--configuration-url", dest="configuration_url", type="string", - help="Specifies the url of the configuration file.") - parser.add_option( - "--configuration-file", dest="configuration_file", type="string", - help="Specifies the path to the configuration file.") - (options, args) = parser.parse_args() - - if (options.configuration_url == None and - options.configuration_file == None): - print "You must specify --configuration-url or --configuration-file." - return 1 - - if options.configuration_file: - with open(options.configuration_file) as f: - conf_dict = json.load(f) - new_screen_resolution = conf_dict["win7"]["screen_resolution"] - new_mouse_position = conf_dict["win7"]["mouse_position"] - else: - try: - conf_dict = json.loads(wfetch(options.configuration_url)) - new_screen_resolution = conf_dict["win7"]["screen_resolution"] - new_mouse_position = conf_dict["win7"]["mouse_position"] - except urllib2.HTTPError, e: - print "This branch does not seem to have the configuration file %s" % str(e) - print "Let's fail over to 1024x768." - new_screen_resolution = default_screen_resolution - new_mouse_position = default_mouse_position - except urllib2.URLError, e: - print "INFRA-ERROR: We couldn't reach hg.mozilla.org: %s" % str(e) - return 1 - except Exception, e: - print "ERROR: We were not expecting any more exceptions: %s" % str(e) - return 1 - - current_screen_resolution = queryScreenResolution() - print "Screen resolution (current): (%(x)s, %(y)s)" % (current_screen_resolution) - - if current_screen_resolution == new_screen_resolution: - print "No need to change the screen resolution." - else: - print "Changing the screen resolution..." - try: - changeScreenResolution(new_screen_resolution["x"], new_screen_resolution["y"]) - except Exception, e: - print "INFRA-ERROR: We have attempted to change the screen resolution but " + \ - "something went wrong: %s" % str(e) - return 1 - time.sleep(3) # just in case - current_screen_resolution = queryScreenResolution() - print "Screen resolution (new): (%(x)s, %(y)s)" % current_screen_resolution - - print "Mouse position (current): (%(x)s, %(y)s)" % (queryMousePosition()) - setCursorPos(new_mouse_position["x"], new_mouse_position["y"]) - current_mouse_position = queryMousePosition() - print "Mouse position (new): (%(x)s, %(y)s)" % (current_mouse_position) - - if current_screen_resolution != new_screen_resolution or current_mouse_position != new_mouse_position: - print "INFRA-ERROR: The new screen resolution or mouse positions are not what we expected" - return 1 - else: - return 0 - -class POINT(Structure): - _fields_ = [("x", c_ulong), ("y", c_ulong)] - -def queryMousePosition(): - pt = POINT() - windll.user32.GetCursorPos(byref(pt)) - return { "x": pt.x, "y": pt.y} - -def setCursorPos(x, y): - windll.user32.SetCursorPos(x, y) - -def queryScreenResolution(): - return {"x": windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(0), - "y": windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(1)} - -def changeScreenResolution(xres = None, yres = None, BitsPerPixel = None): - import struct - - DM_BITSPERPEL = 0x00040000 - DM_PELSWIDTH = 0x00080000 - DM_PELSHEIGHT = 0x00100000 - CDS_FULLSCREEN = 0x00000004 - SIZEOF_DEVMODE = 148 - - DevModeData = struct.calcsize("32BHH") * '\x00' - DevModeData += struct.pack("H", SIZEOF_DEVMODE) - DevModeData += struct.calcsize("H") * '\x00' - dwFields = (xres and DM_PELSWIDTH or 0) | (yres and DM_PELSHEIGHT or 0) | (BitsPerPixel and DM_BITSPERPEL or 0) - DevModeData += struct.pack("L", dwFields) - DevModeData += struct.calcsize("l9h32BHL") * '\x00' - DevModeData += struct.pack("LLL", BitsPerPixel or 0, xres or 0, yres or 0) - DevModeData += struct.calcsize("8L") * '\x00' - - return windll.user32.ChangeDisplaySettingsA(DevModeData, 0) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - sys.exit(main()) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/performance-artifact-schema.json b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/performance-artifact-schema.json deleted file mode 100644 index f79a0419b..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/performance-artifact-schema.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,164 +0,0 @@ -{ - "definitions": { - "framework_schema": { - "properties": { - "name": { - "title": "Framework name", - "type": "string" - } - }, - "type": "object" - }, - "subtest_schema": { - "properties": { - "name": { - "title": "Subtest name", - "type": "string" - }, - "value": { - "description": "Summary value for subtest", - "title": "Subtest value", - "type": "number", - "minimum": -1000000000000.0, - "maximum": 1000000000000.0 - }, - "lowerIsBetter": { - "description": "Whether lower values are better for subtest", - "title": "Lower is better", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "shouldAlert": { - "description": "Whether we should alert", - "title": "Should alert", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "alertThreshold": { - "description": "% change threshold before alerting", - "title": "Alert threshold", - "type": "number", - "minimum": 0.0, - "maximum": 1000.0 - }, - "minBackWindow": { - "description": "Minimum back window to use for alerting", - "title": "Minimum back window", - "type": "number", - "minimum": 1, - "maximum": 255 - }, - "maxBackWindow": { - "description": "Maximum back window to use for alerting", - "title": "Maximum back window", - "type": "number", - "minimum": 1, - "maximum": 255 - }, - "foreWindow": { - "description": "Fore window to use for alerting", - "title": "Fore window", - "type": "number", - "minimum": 1, - "maximum": 255 - } - }, - "required": [ - "name", - "value" - ], - "type": "object" - }, - "suite_schema": { - "properties": { - "name": { - "title": "Suite name", - "type": "string" - }, - "extraOptions": { - "type": "array", - "title": "Extra options used in running suite", - "items": { - "type": "string" - }, - "uniqueItems": true - }, - "subtests": { - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/subtest_schema" - }, - "title": "Subtests", - "type": "array" - }, - "value": { - "title": "Suite value", - "type": "number", - "minimum": -1000000000000.0, - "maximum": 1000000000000.0 - }, - "lowerIsBetter": { - "description": "Whether lower values are better for suite", - "title": "Lower is better", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "shouldAlert": { - "description": "Whether we should alert on this suite (overrides default behaviour)", - "title": "Should alert", - "type": "boolean" - }, - "alertThreshold": { - "description": "% change threshold before alerting", - "title": "Alert threshold", - "type": "number", - "minimum": 0.0, - "maximum": 1000.0 - }, - "minBackWindow": { - "description": "Minimum back window to use for alerting", - "title": "Minimum back window", - "type": "integer", - "minimum": 1, - "maximum": 255 - }, - "maxBackWindow": { - "description": "Maximum back window to use for alerting", - "title": "Maximum back window", - "type": "integer", - "minimum": 1, - "maximum": 255 - }, - "foreWindow": { - "description": "Fore window to use for alerting", - "title": "Fore window", - "type": "integer", - "minimum": 1, - "maximum": 255 - } - }, - "required": [ - "name", - "subtests" - ], - "type": "object" - } - }, - "description": "Structure for submitting performance data as part of a job", - "id": "https://treeherder.mozilla.org/schemas/v1/performance-artifact.json#", - "properties": { - "framework": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/framework_schema" - }, - "suites": { - "description": "List of suite-level data submitted as part of this structure", - "items": { - "$ref": "#/definitions/suite_schema" - }, - "title": "Performance suites", - "type": "array" - } - }, - "required": [ - "framework", - "suites" - ], - "title": "Perfherder Schema", - "type": "object" -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/robustcheckout.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/robustcheckout.py deleted file mode 100644 index e801724c1..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/robustcheckout.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,451 +0,0 @@ -# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the -# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. - -"""Robustly perform a checkout. - -This extension provides the ``hg robustcheckout`` command for -ensuring a working directory is updated to the specified revision -from a source repo using best practices to ensure optimal clone -times and storage efficiency. -""" - -from __future__ import absolute_import - -import contextlib -import errno -import functools -import os -import random -import re -import socket -import ssl -import time -import urllib2 - -from mercurial.i18n import _ -from mercurial.node import hex -from mercurial import ( - commands, - error, - exchange, - extensions, - cmdutil, - hg, - registrar, - scmutil, - util, -) - -testedwith = '3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3' -minimumhgversion = '3.7' - -cmdtable = {} - -# Mercurial 4.3 introduced registrar.command as a replacement for -# cmdutil.command. -if util.safehasattr(registrar, 'command'): - command = registrar.command(cmdtable) -else: - command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable) - -# Mercurial 4.2 introduced the vfs module and deprecated the symbol in -# scmutil. -def getvfs(): - try: - from mercurial.vfs import vfs - return vfs - except ImportError: - return scmutil.vfs - - -if os.name == 'nt': - import ctypes - - # Get a reference to the DeleteFileW function - # DeleteFileW accepts filenames encoded as a null terminated sequence of - # wide chars (UTF-16). Python's ctypes.c_wchar_p correctly encodes unicode - # strings to null terminated UTF-16 strings. - # However, we receive (byte) strings from mercurial. When these are passed - # to DeleteFileW via the c_wchar_p type, they are implicitly decoded via - # the 'mbcs' encoding on windows. - kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 - DeleteFile = kernel32.DeleteFileW - DeleteFile.argtypes = [ctypes.c_wchar_p] - DeleteFile.restype = ctypes.c_bool - - def unlinklong(fn): - normalized_path = '\\\\?\\' + os.path.normpath(fn) - if not DeleteFile(normalized_path): - raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "couldn't remove long path", fn) - -# Not needed on other platforms, but is handy for testing -else: - def unlinklong(fn): - os.unlink(fn) - - -def unlinkwrapper(unlinkorig, fn, ui): - '''Calls unlink_long if original unlink function fails.''' - try: - ui.debug('calling unlink_orig %s\n' % fn) - return unlinkorig(fn) - except WindowsError as e: - # Windows error 3 corresponds to ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND - # only handle this case; re-raise the exception for other kinds of - # failures. - if e.winerror != 3: - raise - ui.debug('caught WindowsError ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; ' - 'calling unlink_long %s\n' % fn) - return unlinklong(fn) - - -@contextlib.contextmanager -def wrapunlink(ui): - '''Context manager that temporarily monkeypatches unlink functions.''' - purgemod = extensions.find('purge') - to_wrap = [(purgemod.util, 'unlink')] - - # Pass along the ui object to the unlink_wrapper so we can get logging out - # of it. - wrapped = functools.partial(unlinkwrapper, ui=ui) - - # Wrap the original function(s) with our unlink wrapper. - originals = {} - for mod, func in to_wrap: - ui.debug('wrapping %s %s\n' % (mod, func)) - originals[mod, func] = extensions.wrapfunction(mod, func, wrapped) - - try: - yield - finally: - # Restore the originals. - for mod, func in to_wrap: - ui.debug('restoring %s %s\n' % (mod, func)) - setattr(mod, func, originals[mod, func]) - - -def purgewrapper(orig, ui, *args, **kwargs): - '''Runs original purge() command with unlink monkeypatched.''' - with wrapunlink(ui): - return orig(ui, *args, **kwargs) - - -@command('robustcheckout', [ - ('', 'upstream', '', 'URL of upstream repo to clone from'), - ('r', 'revision', '', 'Revision to check out'), - ('b', 'branch', '', 'Branch to check out'), - ('', 'purge', False, 'Whether to purge the working directory'), - ('', 'sharebase', '', 'Directory where shared repos should be placed'), - ('', 'networkattempts', 3, 'Maximum number of attempts for network ' - 'operations'), - ], - '[OPTION]... URL DEST', - norepo=True) -def robustcheckout(ui, url, dest, upstream=None, revision=None, branch=None, - purge=False, sharebase=None, networkattempts=None): - """Ensure a working copy has the specified revision checked out.""" - if not revision and not branch: - raise error.Abort('must specify one of --revision or --branch') - - if revision and branch: - raise error.Abort('cannot specify both --revision and --branch') - - # Require revision to look like a SHA-1. - if revision: - if len(revision) < 12 or len(revision) > 40 or not re.match('^[a-f0-9]+$', revision): - raise error.Abort('--revision must be a SHA-1 fragment 12-40 ' - 'characters long') - - sharebase = sharebase or ui.config('share', 'pool') - if not sharebase: - raise error.Abort('share base directory not defined; refusing to operate', - hint='define share.pool config option or pass --sharebase') - - # worker.backgroundclose only makes things faster if running anti-virus, - # which our automation doesn't. Disable it. - ui.setconfig('worker', 'backgroundclose', False) - - # By default the progress bar starts after 3s and updates every 0.1s. We - # change this so it shows and updates every 1.0s. - # We also tell progress to assume a TTY is present so updates are printed - # even if there is no known TTY. - # We make the config change here instead of in a config file because - # otherwise we're at the whim of whatever configs are used in automation. - ui.setconfig('progress', 'delay', 1.0) - ui.setconfig('progress', 'refresh', 1.0) - ui.setconfig('progress', 'assume-tty', True) - - sharebase = os.path.realpath(sharebase) - - return _docheckout(ui, url, dest, upstream, revision, branch, purge, - sharebase, networkattempts) - -def _docheckout(ui, url, dest, upstream, revision, branch, purge, sharebase, - networkattemptlimit, networkattempts=None): - if not networkattempts: - networkattempts = [1] - - def callself(): - return _docheckout(ui, url, dest, upstream, revision, branch, purge, - sharebase, networkattemptlimit, networkattempts) - - ui.write('ensuring %s@%s is available at %s\n' % (url, revision or branch, - dest)) - - # We assume that we're the only process on the machine touching the - # repository paths that we were told to use. This means our recovery - # scenario when things aren't "right" is to just nuke things and start - # from scratch. This is easier to implement than verifying the state - # of the data and attempting recovery. And in some scenarios (such as - # potential repo corruption), it is probably faster, since verifying - # repos can take a while. - - destvfs = getvfs()(dest, audit=False, realpath=True) - - def deletesharedstore(path=None): - storepath = path or destvfs.read('.hg/sharedpath').strip() - if storepath.endswith('.hg'): - storepath = os.path.dirname(storepath) - - storevfs = getvfs()(storepath, audit=False) - storevfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) - - if destvfs.exists() and not destvfs.exists('.hg'): - raise error.Abort('destination exists but no .hg directory') - - # Require checkouts to be tied to shared storage because efficiency. - if destvfs.exists('.hg') and not destvfs.exists('.hg/sharedpath'): - ui.warn('(destination is not shared; deleting)\n') - destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) - - # Verify the shared path exists and is using modern pooled storage. - if destvfs.exists('.hg/sharedpath'): - storepath = destvfs.read('.hg/sharedpath').strip() - - ui.write('(existing repository shared store: %s)\n' % storepath) - - if not os.path.exists(storepath): - ui.warn('(shared store does not exist; deleting destination)\n') - destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) - elif not re.search('[a-f0-9]{40}/\.hg$', storepath.replace('\\', '/')): - ui.warn('(shared store does not belong to pooled storage; ' - 'deleting destination to improve efficiency)\n') - destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) - - storevfs = getvfs()(storepath, audit=False) - if storevfs.isfileorlink('store/lock'): - ui.warn('(shared store has an active lock; assuming it is left ' - 'over from a previous process and that the store is ' - 'corrupt; deleting store and destination just to be ' - 'sure)\n') - destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) - deletesharedstore(storepath) - - # FUTURE when we require generaldelta, this is where we can check - # for that. - - if destvfs.isfileorlink('.hg/wlock'): - ui.warn('(dest has an active working directory lock; assuming it is ' - 'left over from a previous process and that the destination ' - 'is corrupt; deleting it just to be sure)\n') - destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) - - def handlerepoerror(e): - if e.message == _('abandoned transaction found'): - ui.warn('(abandoned transaction found; trying to recover)\n') - repo = hg.repository(ui, dest) - if not repo.recover(): - ui.warn('(could not recover repo state; ' - 'deleting shared store)\n') - deletesharedstore() - - ui.warn('(attempting checkout from beginning)\n') - return callself() - - raise - - # At this point we either have an existing working directory using - # shared, pooled storage or we have nothing. - - def handlenetworkfailure(): - if networkattempts[0] >= networkattemptlimit: - raise error.Abort('reached maximum number of network attempts; ' - 'giving up\n') - - ui.warn('(retrying after network failure on attempt %d of %d)\n' % - (networkattempts[0], networkattemptlimit)) - - # Do a backoff on retries to mitigate the thundering herd - # problem. This is an exponential backoff with a multipler - # plus random jitter thrown in for good measure. - # With the default settings, backoffs will be: - # 1) 2.5 - 6.5 - # 2) 5.5 - 9.5 - # 3) 11.5 - 15.5 - backoff = (2 ** networkattempts[0] - 1) * 1.5 - jittermin = ui.configint('robustcheckout', 'retryjittermin', 1000) - jittermax = ui.configint('robustcheckout', 'retryjittermax', 5000) - backoff += float(random.randint(jittermin, jittermax)) / 1000.0 - ui.warn('(waiting %.2fs before retry)\n' % backoff) - time.sleep(backoff) - - networkattempts[0] += 1 - - def handlepullerror(e): - """Handle an exception raised during a pull. - - Returns True if caller should call ``callself()`` to retry. - """ - if isinstance(e, error.Abort): - if e.args[0] == _('repository is unrelated'): - ui.warn('(repository is unrelated; deleting)\n') - destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) - return True - elif e.args[0].startswith(_('stream ended unexpectedly')): - ui.warn('%s\n' % e.args[0]) - # Will raise if failure limit reached. - handlenetworkfailure() - return True - elif isinstance(e, ssl.SSLError): - # Assume all SSL errors are due to the network, as Mercurial - # should convert non-transport errors like cert validation failures - # to error.Abort. - ui.warn('ssl error: %s\n' % e) - handlenetworkfailure() - return True - elif isinstance(e, urllib2.URLError): - if isinstance(e.reason, socket.error): - ui.warn('socket error: %s\n' % e.reason) - handlenetworkfailure() - return True - - return False - - created = False - - if not destvfs.exists(): - # Ensure parent directories of destination exist. - # Mercurial 3.8 removed ensuredirs and made makedirs race safe. - if util.safehasattr(util, 'ensuredirs'): - makedirs = util.ensuredirs - else: - makedirs = util.makedirs - - makedirs(os.path.dirname(destvfs.base), notindexed=True) - makedirs(sharebase, notindexed=True) - - if upstream: - ui.write('(cloning from upstream repo %s)\n' % upstream) - cloneurl = upstream or url - - try: - res = hg.clone(ui, {}, cloneurl, dest=dest, update=False, - shareopts={'pool': sharebase, 'mode': 'identity'}) - except (error.Abort, ssl.SSLError, urllib2.URLError) as e: - if handlepullerror(e): - return callself() - raise - except error.RepoError as e: - return handlerepoerror(e) - except error.RevlogError as e: - ui.warn('(repo corruption: %s; deleting shared store)\n' % e.message) - deletesharedstore() - return callself() - - # TODO retry here. - if res is None: - raise error.Abort('clone failed') - - # Verify it is using shared pool storage. - if not destvfs.exists('.hg/sharedpath'): - raise error.Abort('clone did not create a shared repo') - - created = True - - # The destination .hg directory should exist. Now make sure we have the - # wanted revision. - - repo = hg.repository(ui, dest) - - # We only pull if we are using symbolic names or the requested revision - # doesn't exist. - havewantedrev = False - if revision and revision in repo: - ctx = repo[revision] - - if not ctx.hex().startswith(revision): - raise error.Abort('--revision argument is ambiguous', - hint='must be the first 12+ characters of a ' - 'SHA-1 fragment') - - checkoutrevision = ctx.hex() - havewantedrev = True - - if not havewantedrev: - ui.write('(pulling to obtain %s)\n' % (revision or branch,)) - - remote = None - try: - remote = hg.peer(repo, {}, url) - pullrevs = [remote.lookup(revision or branch)] - checkoutrevision = hex(pullrevs[0]) - if branch: - ui.warn('(remote resolved %s to %s; ' - 'result is not deterministic)\n' % - (branch, checkoutrevision)) - - if checkoutrevision in repo: - ui.warn('(revision already present locally; not pulling)\n') - else: - pullop = exchange.pull(repo, remote, heads=pullrevs) - if not pullop.rheads: - raise error.Abort('unable to pull requested revision') - except (error.Abort, ssl.SSLError, urllib2.URLError) as e: - if handlepullerror(e): - return callself() - raise - except error.RepoError as e: - return handlerepoerror(e) - except error.RevlogError as e: - ui.warn('(repo corruption: %s; deleting shared store)\n' % e.message) - deletesharedstore() - return callself() - finally: - if remote: - remote.close() - - # Now we should have the wanted revision in the store. Perform - # working directory manipulation. - - # Purge if requested. We purge before update because this way we're - # guaranteed to not have conflicts on `hg update`. - if purge and not created: - ui.write('(purging working directory)\n') - purgeext = extensions.find('purge') - - if purgeext.purge(ui, repo, all=True, abort_on_err=True, - # The function expects all arguments to be - # defined. - **{'print': None, 'print0': None, 'dirs': None, - 'files': None}): - raise error.Abort('error purging') - - # Update the working directory. - if commands.update(ui, repo, rev=checkoutrevision, clean=True): - raise error.Abort('error updating') - - ui.write('updated to %s\n' % checkoutrevision) - return None - - -def extsetup(ui): - # Ensure required extensions are loaded. - for ext in ('purge', 'share'): - try: - extensions.find(ext) - except KeyError: - extensions.load(ui, ext, None) - - purgemod = extensions.find('purge') - extensions.wrapcommand(purgemod.cmdtable, 'purge', purgewrapper) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/AUTHORS.txt b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/AUTHORS.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 272494163..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/AUTHORS.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -Author ------- - -Ian Bicking - -Maintainers ------------ - -Brian Rosner -Carl Meyer -Jannis Leidel -Paul Moore -Paul Nasrat -Marcus Smith - -Contributors ------------- - -Alex Grönholm -Anatoly Techtonik -Antonio Cuni -Antonio Valentino -Armin Ronacher -Barry Warsaw -Benjamin Root -Bradley Ayers -Branden Rolston -Brandon Carl -Brian Kearns -Cap Petschulat -CBWhiz -Chris Adams -Chris McDonough -Christos Kontas -Christian Hudon -Christian Stefanescu -Christopher Nilsson -Cliff Xuan -Curt Micol -Damien Nozay -Dan Sully -Daniel Hahler -Daniel Holth -David Schoonover -Denis Costa -Doug Hellmann -Doug Napoleone -Douglas Creager -Eduard-Cristian Stefan -Erik M. Bray -Ethan Jucovy -Gabriel de Perthuis -Gunnlaugur Thor Briem -Graham Dennis -Greg Haskins -Jason Penney -Jason R. Coombs -Jeff Hammel -Jeremy Orem -Jason Penney -Jason R. Coombs -John Kleint -Jonathan Griffin -Jonathan Hitchcock -Jorge Vargas -Josh Bronson -Kamil Kisiel -Kyle Gibson -Konstantin Zemlyak -Kumar McMillan -Lars Francke -Marc Abramowitz -Mika Laitio -Mike Hommey -Miki Tebeka -Philip Jenvey -Philippe Ombredanne -Piotr Dobrogost -Preston Holmes -Ralf Schmitt -Raul Leal -Ronny Pfannschmidt -Satrajit Ghosh -Sergio de Carvalho -Stefano Rivera -Tarek Ziadé -Thomas Aglassinger -Vinay Sajip -Vitaly Babiy -Vladimir Rutsky -Wang Xuerui
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/LICENSE.txt b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/LICENSE.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ab145001f..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/LICENSE.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2007 Ian Bicking and Contributors -Copyright (c) 2009 Ian Bicking, The Open Planning Project -Copyright (c) 2011-2016 The virtualenv developers - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to -permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to -the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be -included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, -EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND -NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE -LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION -OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION -WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/MANIFEST.in b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/MANIFEST.in deleted file mode 100644 index 49037ada6..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/MANIFEST.in +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -recursive-include docs * -recursive-include tests *.py *.sh *.expected -recursive-include virtualenv_support *.whl -recursive-include virtualenv_embedded * -recursive-exclude docs/_templates * -recursive-exclude docs/_build * -include virtualenv_support/__init__.py -include bin/* -include scripts/* -include *.py -include AUTHORS.txt -include LICENSE.txt diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/PKG-INFO b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/PKG-INFO deleted file mode 100644 index dbfda645d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/PKG-INFO +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -Metadata-Version: 1.1 -Name: virtualenv -Version: 15.0.1 -Summary: Virtual Python Environment builder -Home-page: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/ -Author: Jannis Leidel, Carl Meyer and Brian Rosner -Author-email: python-virtualenv@groups.google.com -License: MIT -Description: Virtualenv - ========== - - `Mailing list <http://groups.google.com/group/python-virtualenv>`_ | - `Issues <https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues>`_ | - `Github <https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv>`_ | - `PyPI <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv/>`_ | - User IRC: #pypa - Dev IRC: #pypa-dev - - Introduction - ------------ - - ``virtualenv`` is a tool to create isolated Python environments. - - The basic problem being addressed is one of dependencies and versions, - and indirectly permissions. Imagine you have an application that - needs version 1 of LibFoo, but another application requires version - 2. How can you use both these applications? If you install - everything into ``/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages`` (or whatever your - platform's standard location is), it's easy to end up in a situation - where you unintentionally upgrade an application that shouldn't be - upgraded. - - Or more generally, what if you want to install an application *and - leave it be*? If an application works, any change in its libraries or - the versions of those libraries can break the application. - - Also, what if you can't install packages into the global - ``site-packages`` directory? For instance, on a shared host. - - In all these cases, ``virtualenv`` can help you. It creates an - environment that has its own installation directories, that doesn't - share libraries with other virtualenv environments (and optionally - doesn't access the globally installed libraries either). - - .. comment: - - Release History - =============== - - 15.0.1 (2016-03-17) - ------------------- - - * Print error message when DEST_DIR exists and is a file - - * Upgrade setuptools to 20.3 - - * Upgrade pip to 8.1.1. - - - 15.0.0 (2016-03-05) - ------------------- - - * Remove the `virtualenv-N.N` script from the package; this can no longer be - correctly created from a wheel installation. - Resolves #851, #692 - - * Remove accidental runtime dependency on pip by extracting certificate in the - subprocess. - - * Upgrade setuptools 20.2.2. - - * Upgrade pip to 8.1.0. - - - `Full Changelog <https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/changes.html>`_. -Keywords: setuptools deployment installation distutils -Platform: UNKNOWN -Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable -Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers -Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/README.rst b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/README.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0d5984dce..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/README.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -virtualenv -========== - -A tool for creating isolated 'virtual' python environments. - -.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/virtualenv.svg - :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv - -.. image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/pypa/virtualenv/develop.svg - :target: http://travis-ci.org/pypa/virtualenv - -* `Installation <https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/installation.html>`_ -* `Documentation <https://virtualenv.pypa.io/>`_ -* `Changelog <https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/changes.html>`_ -* `Issues <https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues>`_ -* `PyPI <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv/>`_ -* `Github <https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv>`_ -* `User mailing list <http://groups.google.com/group/python-virtualenv>`_ -* `Dev mailing list <http://groups.google.com/group/pypa-dev>`_ -* User IRC: #pypa on Freenode. -* Dev IRC: #pypa-dev on Freenode. - - -Code of Conduct ---------------- - -Everyone interacting in the virtualenv project's codebases, issue trackers, -chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the -`PyPA Code of Conduct`_. - -.. _PyPA Code of Conduct: https://www.pypa.io/en/latest/code-of-conduct/ diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/bin/rebuild-script.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/bin/rebuild-script.py deleted file mode 100755 index a816af3eb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/bin/rebuild-script.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -""" -Helper script to rebuild virtualenv.py from virtualenv_support -""" -from __future__ import print_function - -import os -import re -import codecs -from zlib import crc32 - -here = os.path.dirname(__file__) -script = os.path.join(here, '..', 'virtualenv.py') - -gzip = codecs.lookup('zlib') -b64 = codecs.lookup('base64') - -file_regex = re.compile( - br'##file (.*?)\n([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*=\s*convert\("""\n(.*?)"""\)', - re.S) -file_template = b'##file %(filename)s\n%(varname)s = convert("""\n%(data)s""")' - -def rebuild(script_path): - with open(script_path, 'rb') as f: - script_content = f.read() - parts = [] - last_pos = 0 - match = None - for match in file_regex.finditer(script_content): - parts += [script_content[last_pos:match.start()]] - last_pos = match.end() - filename, fn_decoded = match.group(1), match.group(1).decode() - varname = match.group(2) - data = match.group(3) - - print('Found file %s' % fn_decoded) - pathname = os.path.join(here, '..', 'virtualenv_embedded', fn_decoded) - - with open(pathname, 'rb') as f: - embedded = f.read() - new_crc = crc32(embedded) - new_data = b64.encode(gzip.encode(embedded)[0])[0] - - if new_data == data: - print(' File up to date (crc: %s)' % new_crc) - parts += [match.group(0)] - continue - # Else: content has changed - crc = crc32(gzip.decode(b64.decode(data)[0])[0]) - print(' Content changed (crc: %s -> %s)' % - (crc, new_crc)) - new_match = file_template % { - b'filename': filename, - b'varname': varname, - b'data': new_data - } - parts += [new_match] - - parts += [script_content[last_pos:]] - new_content = b''.join(parts) - - if new_content != script_content: - print('Content updated; overwriting... ', end='') - with open(script_path, 'wb') as f: - f.write(new_content) - print('done.') - else: - print('No changes in content') - if match is None: - print('No variables were matched/found') - -if __name__ == '__main__': - rebuild(script) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/Makefile b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index e4de9f847..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -# Makefile for Sphinx documentation -# - -# You can set these variables from the command line. -SPHINXOPTS = -SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build -PAPER = -BUILDDIR = _build - -# Internal variables. -PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4 -PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter -ALLSPHINXOPTS = -d $(BUILDDIR)/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) . - -.PHONY: help clean html dirhtml singlehtml pickle json htmlhelp qthelp devhelp epub latex latexpdf text man changes linkcheck doctest - -help: - @echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of" - @echo " html to make standalone HTML files" - @echo " dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories" - @echo " singlehtml to make a single large HTML file" - @echo " pickle to make pickle files" - @echo " json to make JSON files" - @echo " htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project" - @echo " qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project" - @echo " devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project" - @echo " epub to make an epub" - @echo " latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter" - @echo " latexpdf to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex" - @echo " text to make text files" - @echo " man to make manual pages" - @echo " changes to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items" - @echo " linkcheck to check all external links for integrity" - @echo " doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)" - -clean: - -rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/* - -html: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b html $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/html - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html." - -dirhtml: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirhtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml." - -singlehtml: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b singlehtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The HTML page is in $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml." - -pickle: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b pickle $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/pickle - @echo - @echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files." - -json: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b json $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/json - @echo - @echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files." - -htmlhelp: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp - @echo - @echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \ - ".hhp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp." - -qthelp: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b qthelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp - @echo - @echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \ - ".qhcp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp, like this:" - @echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/django-compressor.qhcp" - @echo "To view the help file:" - @echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/django-compressor.qhc" - -devhelp: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b devhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp - @echo - @echo "Build finished." - @echo "To view the help file:" - @echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/django-compressor" - @echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/django-compressor" - @echo "# devhelp" - -epub: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b epub $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/epub - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The epub file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub." - -latex: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/latex - @echo - @echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex." - @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex" \ - "(use \`make latexpdf' here to do that automatically)." - -latexpdf: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/latex - @echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..." - make -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf - @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex." - -text: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b text $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/text - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The text files are in $(BUILDDIR)/text." - -man: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b man $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/man - @echo - @echo "Build finished. The manual pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/man." - -changes: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/changes - @echo - @echo "The overview file is in $(BUILDDIR)/changes." - -linkcheck: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck - @echo - @echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \ - "or in $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck/output.txt." - -doctest: - $(SPHINXBUILD) -b doctest $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/doctest - @echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \ - "results in $(BUILDDIR)/doctest/output.txt." diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/changes.rst b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/changes.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 2df19f666..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/changes.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,985 +0,0 @@ -Release History -=============== - -15.0.1 (2016-03-17) -------------------- - -* Print error message when DEST_DIR exists and is a file - -* Upgrade setuptools to 20.3 - -* Upgrade pip to 8.1.1. - - -15.0.0 (2016-03-05) -------------------- - -* Remove the `virtualenv-N.N` script from the package; this can no longer be - correctly created from a wheel installation. - Resolves :issue:`851`, :issue:`692` - -* Remove accidental runtime dependency on pip by extracting certificate in the - subprocess. - -* Upgrade setuptools 20.2.2. - -* Upgrade pip to 8.1.0. - - -14.0.6 (2016-02-07) -------------------- - -* Upgrade setuptools to 20.0 - -* Upgrade wheel to 0.29.0 - -* Fix an error where virtualenv didn't pass in a working ssl certificate for - pip, causing "weird" errors related to ssl. - - -14.0.5 (2016-02-01) -------------------- - -* Homogenize drive letter casing for both prefixes and filenames. :issue:`858` - - -14.0.4 (2016-01-31) -------------------- - -* Upgrade setuptools to 19.6.2 - -* Revert ac4ea65; only correct drive letter case. - Fixes :issue:`856`, :issue:`815` - - -14.0.3 (2016-01-28) -------------------- - -* Upgrade setuptools to 19.6.1 - - -14.0.2 (2016-01-28) -------------------- - -* Upgrade setuptools to 19.6 - -* Supress any errors from `unset` on different shells (:pull:`843`) - -* Normalize letter case for prefix path checking. Fixes :issue:`837` - - -14.0.1 (2016-01-21) -------------------- - -* Upgrade from pip 8.0.0 to 8.0.2. - -* Fix the default of ``--(no-)download`` to default to downloading. - - -14.0.0 (2016-01-19) -------------------- - -* **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE** Drop support for Python 3.2. - -* Upgrade setuptools to 19.4 - -* Upgrade wheel to 0.26.0 - -* Upgrade pip to 8.0.0 - -* Upgrade argparse to 1.4.0 - -* Added support for ``python-config`` script (:pull:`798`) - -* Updated activate.fish (:pull:`589`) (:pull:`799`) - -* Account for a ``site.pyo`` correctly in some python implementations (:pull:`759`) - -* Properly restore an empty PS1 (:issue:`407`) - -* Properly remove ``pydoc`` when deactivating - -* Remove workaround for very old Mageia / Mandriva linuxes (:pull:`472`) - -* Added a space after virtualenv name in the prompt: ``(env) $PS1`` - -* Make sure not to run a --user install when creating the virtualenv (:pull:`803`) - -* Remove virtualenv.py's path from sys.path when executing with a new - python. Fixes issue :issue:`779`, :issue:`763` (:pull:`805`) - -* Remove use of () in .bat files so ``Program Files (x86)`` works :issue:`35` - -* Download new releases of the preinstalled software from PyPI when there are - new releases available. This behavior can be disabled using - ``--no-download``. - -* Make ``--no-setuptools``, ``--no-pip``, and ``--no-wheel`` independent of - each other. - - -13.1.2 (2015-08-23) -------------------- - -* Upgrade pip to 7.1.2. - - -13.1.1 (2015-08-20) -------------------- - -* Upgrade pip to 7.1.1. - -* Upgrade setuptools to 18.2. - -* Make the activate script safe to use when bash is running with ``-u``. - - -13.1.0 (2015-06-30) -------------------- - -* Upgrade pip to 7.1.0 - -* Upgrade setuptools to 18.0.1 - - -13.0.3 (2015-06-01) -------------------- - -* Upgrade pip to 7.0.3 - - -13.0.2 (2015-06-01) -------------------- - -* Upgrade pip to 7.0.2 - -* Upgrade setuptools to 17.0 - - -13.0.1 (2015-05-22) -------------------- - -* Upgrade pip to 7.0.1 - - -13.0.0 (2015-05-21) -------------------- - -* Automatically install wheel when creating a new virutalenv. This can be - disabled by using the ``--no-wheel`` option. - -* Don't trust the current directory as a location to discover files to install - packages from. - -* Upgrade setuptools to 16.0. - -* Upgrade pip to 7.0.0. - - -12.1.1 (2015-04-07) -------------------- - -* Upgrade pip to 6.1.1 - - -12.1.0 (2015-04-07) -------------------- - -* Upgrade setuptools to 15.0 - -* Upgrade pip to 6.1.0 - - -12.0.7 (2015-02-04) -------------------- - -* Upgrade pip to 6.0.8 - - -12.0.6 (2015-01-28) -------------------- - -* Upgrade pip to 6.0.7 - -* Upgrade setuptools to 12.0.5 - - -12.0.5 (2015-01-03) -------------------- - -* Upgrade pip to 6.0.6 - -* Upgrade setuptools to 11.0 - - -12.0.4 (2014-12-23) -------------------- - -* Revert the fix to ``-p`` on Debian based pythons as it was broken in other - situations. - -* Revert several sys.path changes new in 12.0 which were breaking virtualenv. - -12.0.3 (2014-12-23) -------------------- - -* Fix an issue where Debian based Pythons would fail when using -p with the - host Python. - -* Upgrade pip to 6.0.3 - -12.0.2 (2014-12-23) -------------------- - -* Upgraded pip to 6.0.2 - -12.0.1 (2014-12-22) -------------------- - -* Upgraded pip to 6.0.1 - - -12.0 (2014-12-22) ------------------ - -* **PROCESS** Version numbers are now simply ``X.Y`` where the leading ``1`` - has been dropped. -* Split up documentation into structured pages -* Now using pytest framework -* Correct sys.path ordering for debian, issue #461 -* Correctly throws error on older Pythons, issue #619 -* Allow for empty $PATH, pull #601 -* Don't set prompt if $env:VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT is set for Powershell -* Updated setuptools to 7.0 - -1.11.6 (2014-05-16) -------------------- - -* Updated setuptools to 3.6 -* Updated pip to 1.5.6 - -1.11.5 (2014-05-03) -------------------- - -* Updated setuptools to 3.4.4 -* Updated documentation to use https://virtualenv.pypa.io/ -* Updated pip to 1.5.5 - -1.11.4 (2014-02-21) -------------------- - -* Updated pip to 1.5.4 - - -1.11.3 (2014-02-20) -------------------- - -* Updated setuptools to 2.2 -* Updated pip to 1.5.3 - - -1.11.2 (2014-01-26) -------------------- - -* Fixed easy_install installed virtualenvs by updated pip to 1.5.2 - -1.11.1 (2014-01-20) -------------------- - -* Fixed an issue where pip and setuptools were not getting installed when using - the ``--system-site-packages`` flag. -* Updated setuptools to fix an issue when installed with easy_install -* Fixed an issue with Python 3.4 and sys.stdout encoding being set to ascii -* Upgraded pip to v1.5.1 -* Upgraded setuptools to v2.1 - -1.11 (2014-01-02) ------------------ - -* **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE** Switched to using wheels for the bundled copies of - setuptools and pip. Using sdists is no longer supported - users supplying - their own versions of pip/setuptools will need to provide wheels. -* **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE** Modified the handling of ``--extra-search-dirs``. - This option now works like pip's ``--find-links`` option, in that it adds - extra directories to search for compatible wheels for pip and setuptools. - The actual wheel selected is chosen based on version and compatibility, using - the same algorithm as ``pip install setuptools``. -* Fixed #495, --always-copy was failing (#PR 511) -* Upgraded pip to v1.5 -* Upgraded setuptools to v1.4 - -1.10.1 (2013-08-07) -------------------- - -* **New Signing Key** Release 1.10.1 is using a different key than normal with - fingerprint: 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA -* Upgraded pip to v1.4.1 -* Upgraded setuptools to v0.9.8 - - -1.10 (2013-07-23) ------------------ - -* **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE** Dropped support for Python 2.5. The minimum - supported Python version is now Python 2.6. - -* **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE** Using ``virtualenv.py`` as an isolated script - (i.e. without an associated ``virtualenv_support`` directory) is no longer - supported for security reasons and will fail with an error. - - Along with this, ``--never-download`` is now always pinned to ``True``, and - is only being maintained in the short term for backward compatibility - (Pull #412). - -* **IMPORTANT** Switched to the new setuptools (v0.9.7) which has been merged - with Distribute_ again and works for Python 2 and 3 with one codebase. - The ``--distribute`` and ``--setuptools`` options are now no-op. - -* Updated to pip 1.4. - -* Added support for PyPy3k - -* Added the option to use a version number with the ``-p`` option to get the - system copy of that Python version (Windows only) - -* Removed embedded ``ez_setup.py``, ``distribute_setup.py`` and - ``distribute_from_egg.py`` files as part of switching to merged setuptools. - -* Fixed ``--relocatable`` to work better on Windows. - -* Fixed issue with readline on Windows. - -.. _Distribute: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute - -1.9.1 (2013-03-08) ------------------- - -* Updated to pip 1.3.1 that fixed a major backward incompatible change of - parsing URLs to externally hosted packages that got accidentily included - in pip 1.3. - -1.9 (2013-03-07) ----------------- - -* Unset VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable in deactivate.bat (Pull #364) -* Upgraded distribute to 0.6.34. -* Added ``--no-setuptools`` and ``--no-pip`` options (Pull #336). -* Fixed Issue #373. virtualenv-1.8.4 was failing in cygwin (Pull #382). -* Fixed Issue #378. virtualenv is now "multiarch" aware on debian/ubuntu (Pull #379). -* Fixed issue with readline module path on pypy and OSX (Pull #374). -* Made 64bit detection compatible with Python 2.5 (Pull #393). - - -1.8.4 (2012-11-25) ------------------- - -* Updated distribute to 0.6.31. This fixes #359 (numpy install regression) on - UTF-8 platforms, and provides a workaround on other platforms: - ``PYTHONIOENCODING=utf8 pip install numpy``. - -* When installing virtualenv via curl, don't forget to filter out arguments - the distribute setup script won't understand. Fixes #358. - -* Added some more integration tests. - -* Removed the unsupported embedded setuptools egg for Python 2.4 to reduce - file size. - -1.8.3 (2012-11-21) ------------------- - -* Fixed readline on OS X. Thanks minrk - -* Updated distribute to 0.6.30 (improves our error reporting, plus new - distribute features and fixes). Thanks Gabriel (g2p) - -* Added compatibility with multiarch Python (Python 3.3 for example). Added an - integration test. Thanks Gabriel (g2p) - -* Added ability to install distribute from a user-provided egg, rather than the - bundled sdist, for better speed. Thanks Paul Moore. - -* Make the creation of lib64 symlink smarter about already-existing symlink, - and more explicit about full paths. Fixes #334 and #330. Thanks Jeremy Orem. - -* Give lib64 site-dir preference over lib on 64-bit systems, to avoid wrong - 32-bit compiles in the venv. Fixes #328. Thanks Damien Nozay. - -* Fix a bug with prompt-handling in ``activate.csh`` in non-interactive csh - shells. Fixes #332. Thanks Benjamin Root for report and patch. - -* Make it possible to create a virtualenv from within a Python - 3.3. pyvenv. Thanks Chris McDonough for the report. - -* Add optional --setuptools option to be able to switch to it in case - distribute is the default (like in Debian). - -1.8.2 (2012-09-06) ------------------- - -* Updated the included pip version to 1.2.1 to fix regressions introduced - there in 1.2. - - -1.8.1 (2012-09-03) ------------------- - -* Fixed distribute version used with `--never-download`. Thanks michr for - report and patch. - -* Fix creating Python 3.3 based virtualenvs by unsetting the - ``__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__`` environment variable in subprocesses. - - -1.8 (2012-09-01) ----------------- - -* **Dropped support for Python 2.4** The minimum supported Python version is - now Python 2.5. - -* Fix `--relocatable` on systems that use lib64. Fixes #78. Thanks Branden - Rolston. - -* Symlink some additional modules under Python 3. Fixes #194. Thanks Vinay - Sajip, Ian Clelland, and Stefan Holek for the report. - -* Fix ``--relocatable`` when a script uses ``__future__`` imports. Thanks - Branden Rolston. - -* Fix a bug in the config option parser that prevented setting negative - options with environment variables. Thanks Ralf Schmitt. - -* Allow setting ``--no-site-packages`` from the config file. - -* Use ``/usr/bin/multiarch-platform`` if available to figure out the include - directory. Thanks for the patch, Mika Laitio. - -* Fix ``install_name_tool`` replacement to work on Python 3.X. - -* Handle paths of users' site-packages on Mac OS X correctly when changing - the prefix. - -* Updated the embedded version of distribute to 0.6.28 and pip to 1.2. - - -1.7.2 (2012-06-22) ------------------- - -* Updated to distribute 0.6.27. - -* Fix activate.fish on OS X. Fixes #8. Thanks David Schoonover. - -* Create a virtualenv-x.x script with the Python version when installing, so - virtualenv for multiple Python versions can be installed to the same - script location. Thanks Miki Tebeka. - -* Restored ability to create a virtualenv with a path longer than 78 - characters, without breaking creation of virtualenvs with non-ASCII paths. - Thanks, Bradley Ayers. - -* Added ability to create virtualenvs without having installed Apple's - developers tools (using an own implementation of ``install_name_tool``). - Thanks Mike Hommey. - -* Fixed PyPy and Jython support on Windows. Thanks Konstantin Zemlyak. - -* Added pydoc script to ease use. Thanks Marc Abramowitz. Fixes #149. - -* Fixed creating a bootstrap script on Python 3. Thanks Raul Leal. Fixes #280. - -* Fixed inconsistency when having set the ``PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE`` env var - with the --distribute option or the ``VIRTUALENV_USE_DISTRIBUTE`` env var. - ``VIRTUALENV_USE_DISTRIBUTE`` is now considered again as a legacy alias. - - - (2012-02-17) --------------------- - -* Fixed minor issue in `--relocatable`. Thanks, Cap Petschulat. - - - (2012-02-16) --------------------- - -* Bumped the version string in ``virtualenv.py`` up, too. - -* Fixed rST rendering bug of long description. - - -1.7.1 (2012-02-16) ------------------- - -* Update embedded pip to version 1.1. - -* Fix `--relocatable` under Python 3. Thanks Doug Hellmann. - -* Added environ PATH modification to activate_this.py. Thanks Doug - Napoleone. Fixes #14. - -* Support creating virtualenvs directly from a Python build directory on - Windows. Thanks CBWhiz. Fixes #139. - -* Use non-recursive symlinks to fix things up for posix_local install - scheme. Thanks michr. - -* Made activate script available for use with msys and cygwin on Windows. - Thanks Greg Haskins, Cliff Xuan, Jonathan Griffin and Doug Napoleone. - Fixes #176. - -* Fixed creation of virtualenvs on Windows when Python is not installed for - all users. Thanks Anatoly Techtonik for report and patch and Doug - Napoleone for testing and confirmation. Fixes #87. - -* Fixed creation of virtualenvs using -p in installs where some modules - that ought to be in the standard library (e.g. `readline`) are actually - installed in `site-packages` next to `virtualenv.py`. Thanks Greg Haskins - for report and fix. Fixes #167. - -* Added activation script for Powershell (signed by Jannis Leidel). Many - thanks to Jason R. Coombs. - - -1.7 (2011-11-30) ----------------- - -* Gave user-provided ``--extra-search-dir`` priority over default dirs for - finding setuptools/distribute (it already had priority for finding pip). - Thanks Ethan Jucovy. - -* Updated embedded Distribute release to 0.6.24. Thanks Alex Gronholm. - -* Made ``--no-site-packages`` behavior the default behavior. The - ``--no-site-packages`` flag is still permitted, but displays a warning when - used. Thanks Chris McDonough. - -* New flag: ``--system-site-packages``; this flag should be passed to get the - previous default global-site-package-including behavior back. - -* Added ability to set command options as environment variables and options - in a ``virtualenv.ini`` file. - -* Fixed various encoding related issues with paths. Thanks Gunnlaugur Thor Briem. - -* Made ``virtualenv.py`` script executable. - - -1.6.4 (2011-07-21) ------------------- - -* Restored ability to run on Python 2.4, too. - - -1.6.3 (2011-07-16) ------------------- - -* Restored ability to run on Python < 2.7. - - -1.6.2 (2011-07-16) ------------------- - -* Updated embedded distribute release to 0.6.19. - -* Updated embedded pip release to 1.0.2. - -* Fixed #141 - Be smarter about finding pkg_resources when using the - non-default Python interpreter (by using the ``-p`` option). - -* Fixed #112 - Fixed path in docs. - -* Fixed #109 - Corrected doctests of a Logger method. - -* Fixed #118 - Fixed creating virtualenvs on platforms that use the - "posix_local" install scheme, such as Ubuntu with Python 2.7. - -* Add missing library to Python 3 virtualenvs (``_dummy_thread``). - - -1.6.1 (2011-04-30) ------------------- - -* Start to use git-flow. - -* Added support for PyPy 1.5 - -* Fixed #121 -- added sanity-checking of the -p argument. Thanks Paul Nasrat. - -* Added progress meter for pip installation as well as setuptools. Thanks Ethan - Jucovy. - -* Added --never-download and --search-dir options. Thanks Ethan Jucovy. - - -1.6 ---- - -* Added Python 3 support! Huge thanks to Vinay Sajip and Vitaly Babiy. - -* Fixed creation of virtualenvs on Mac OS X when standard library modules - (readline) are installed outside the standard library. - -* Updated bundled pip to 1.0. - - -1.5.2 ------ - -* Moved main repository to Github: https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv - -* Transferred primary maintenance from Ian to Jannis Leidel, Carl Meyer and Brian Rosner - -* Fixed a few more pypy related bugs. - -* Updated bundled pip to 0.8.2. - -* Handed project over to new team of maintainers. - -* Moved virtualenv to Github at https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv - - -1.5.1 ------ - -* Added ``_weakrefset`` requirement for Python 2.7.1. - -* Fixed Windows regression in 1.5 - - -1.5 ---- - -* Include pip 0.8.1. - -* Add support for PyPy. - -* Uses a proper temporary dir when installing environment requirements. - -* Add ``--prompt`` option to be able to override the default prompt prefix. - -* Fix an issue with ``--relocatable`` on Windows. - -* Fix issue with installing the wrong version of distribute. - -* Add fish and csh activate scripts. - - -1.4.9 ------ - -* Include pip 0.7.2 - - -1.4.8 ------ - -* Fix for Mac OS X Framework builds that use - ``--universal-archs=intel`` - -* Fix ``activate_this.py`` on Windows. - -* Allow ``$PYTHONHOME`` to be set, so long as you use ``source - bin/activate`` it will get unset; if you leave it set and do not - activate the environment it will still break the environment. - -* Include pip 0.7.1 - - -1.4.7 ------ - -* Include pip 0.7 - - -1.4.6 ------ - -* Allow ``activate.sh`` to skip updating the prompt (by setting - ``$VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT``). - - -1.4.5 ------ - -* Include pip 0.6.3 - -* Fix ``activate.bat`` and ``deactivate.bat`` under Windows when - ``PATH`` contained a parenthesis - - -1.4.4 ------ - -* Include pip 0.6.2 and Distribute 0.6.10 - -* Create the ``virtualenv`` script even when Setuptools isn't - installed - -* Fix problem with ``virtualenv --relocate`` when ``bin/`` has - subdirectories (e.g., ``bin/.svn/``); from Alan Franzoni. - -* If you set ``$VIRTUALENV_DISTRIBUTE`` then virtualenv will use - Distribute by default (so you don't have to remember to use - ``--distribute``). - - -1.4.3 ------ - -* Include pip 0.6.1 - - -1.4.2 ------ - -* Fix pip installation on Windows - -* Fix use of stand-alone ``virtualenv.py`` (and boot scripts) - -* Exclude ~/.local (user site-packages) from environments when using - ``--no-site-packages`` - - -1.4.1 ------ - -* Include pip 0.6 - - -1.4 ---- - -* Updated setuptools to 0.6c11 - -* Added the --distribute option - -* Fixed packaging problem of support-files - - -1.3.4 ------ - -* Virtualenv now copies the actual embedded Python binary on - Mac OS X to fix a hang on Snow Leopard (10.6). - -* Fail more gracefully on Windows when ``win32api`` is not installed. - -* Fix site-packages taking precedent over Jython's ``__classpath__`` - and also specially handle the new ``__pyclasspath__`` entry in - ``sys.path``. - -* Now copies Jython's ``registry`` file to the virtualenv if it exists. - -* Better find libraries when compiling extensions on Windows. - -* Create ``Scripts\pythonw.exe`` on Windows. - -* Added support for the Debian/Ubuntu - ``/usr/lib/pythonX.Y/dist-packages`` directory. - -* Set ``distutils.sysconfig.get_config_vars()['LIBDIR']`` (based on - ``sys.real_prefix``) which is reported to help building on Windows. - -* Make ``deactivate`` work on ksh - -* Fixes for ``--python``: make it work with ``--relocatable`` and the - symlink created to the exact Python version. - - -1.3.3 ------ - -* Use Windows newlines in ``activate.bat``, which has been reported to help - when using non-ASCII directory names. - -* Fixed compatibility with Jython 2.5b1. - -* Added a function ``virtualenv.install_python`` for more fine-grained - access to what ``virtualenv.create_environment`` does. - -* Fix `a problem <https://bugs.launchpad.net/virtualenv/+bug/241581>`_ - with Windows and paths that contain spaces. - -* If ``/path/to/env/.pydistutils.cfg`` exists (or - ``/path/to/env/pydistutils.cfg`` on Windows systems) then ignore - ``~/.pydistutils.cfg`` and use that other file instead. - -* Fix ` a problem - <https://bugs.launchpad.net/virtualenv/+bug/340050>`_ picking up - some ``.so`` libraries in ``/usr/local``. - - -1.3.2 ------ - -* Remove the ``[install] prefix = ...`` setting from the virtualenv - ``distutils.cfg`` -- this has been causing problems for a lot of - people, in rather obscure ways. - -* If you use a boot script it will attempt to import ``virtualenv`` - and find a pre-downloaded Setuptools egg using that. - -* Added platform-specific paths, like ``/usr/lib/pythonX.Y/plat-linux2`` - - -1.3.1 ------ - -* Real Python 2.6 compatibility. Backported the Python 2.6 updates to - ``site.py``, including `user directories - <http://docs.python.org/dev/whatsnew/2.6.html#pep-370-per-user-site-packages-directory>`_ - (this means older versions of Python will support user directories, - whether intended or not). - -* Always set ``[install] prefix`` in ``distutils.cfg`` -- previously - on some platforms where a system-wide ``distutils.cfg`` was present - with a ``prefix`` setting, packages would be installed globally - (usually in ``/usr/local/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages``). - -* Sometimes Cygwin seems to leave ``.exe`` off ``sys.executable``; a - workaround is added. - -* Fix ``--python`` option. - -* Fixed handling of Jython environments that use a - jython-complete.jar. - - -1.3 ---- - -* Update to Setuptools 0.6c9 -* Added an option ``virtualenv --relocatable EXISTING_ENV``, which - will make an existing environment "relocatable" -- the paths will - not be absolute in scripts, ``.egg-info`` and ``.pth`` files. This - may assist in building environments that can be moved and copied. - You have to run this *after* any new packages installed. -* Added ``bin/activate_this.py``, a file you can use like - ``execfile("path_to/activate_this.py", - dict(__file__="path_to/activate_this.py"))`` -- this will activate - the environment in place, similar to what `the mod_wsgi example - does <http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/VirtualEnvironments>`_. -* For Mac framework builds of Python, the site-packages directory - ``/Library/Python/X.Y/site-packages`` is added to ``sys.path``, from - Andrea Rech. -* Some platform-specific modules in Macs are added to the path now - (``plat-darwin/``, ``plat-mac/``, ``plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages``), - from Andrea Rech. -* Fixed a small Bashism in the ``bin/activate`` shell script. -* Added ``__future__`` to the list of required modules, for Python - 2.3. You'll still need to backport your own ``subprocess`` module. -* Fixed the ``__classpath__`` entry in Jython's ``sys.path`` taking - precedent over virtualenv's libs. - - -1.2 ---- - -* Added a ``--python`` option to select the Python interpreter. -* Add ``warnings`` to the modules copied over, for Python 2.6 support. -* Add ``sets`` to the module copied over for Python 2.3 (though Python - 2.3 still probably doesn't work). - - -1.1.1 ------ - -* Added support for Jython 2.5. - - -1.1 ---- - -* Added support for Python 2.6. -* Fix a problem with missing ``DLLs/zlib.pyd`` on Windows. Create -* ``bin/python`` (or ``bin/python.exe``) even when you run virtualenv - with an interpreter named, e.g., ``python2.4`` -* Fix MacPorts Python -* Added --unzip-setuptools option -* Update to Setuptools 0.6c8 -* If the current directory is not writable, run ez_setup.py in ``/tmp`` -* Copy or symlink over the ``include`` directory so that packages will - more consistently compile. - - -1.0 ---- - -* Fix build on systems that use ``/usr/lib64``, distinct from - ``/usr/lib`` (specifically CentOS x64). -* Fixed bug in ``--clear``. -* Fixed typos in ``deactivate.bat``. -* Preserve ``$PYTHONPATH`` when calling subprocesses. - - -0.9.2 ------ - -* Fix include dir copying on Windows (makes compiling possible). -* Include the main ``lib-tk`` in the path. -* Patch ``distutils.sysconfig``: ``get_python_inc`` and - ``get_python_lib`` to point to the global locations. -* Install ``distutils.cfg`` before Setuptools, so that system - customizations of ``distutils.cfg`` won't effect the installation. -* Add ``bin/pythonX.Y`` to the virtualenv (in addition to - ``bin/python``). -* Fixed an issue with Mac Framework Python builds, and absolute paths - (from Ronald Oussoren). - - -0.9.1 ------ - -* Improve ability to create a virtualenv from inside a virtualenv. -* Fix a little bug in ``bin/activate``. -* Actually get ``distutils.cfg`` to work reliably. - - -0.9 ---- - -* Added ``lib-dynload`` and ``config`` to things that need to be - copied over in an environment. -* Copy over or symlink the ``include`` directory, so that you can - build packages that need the C headers. -* Include a ``distutils`` package, so you can locally update - ``distutils.cfg`` (in ``lib/pythonX.Y/distutils/distutils.cfg``). -* Better avoid downloading Setuptools, and hitting PyPI on environment - creation. -* Fix a problem creating a ``lib64/`` directory. -* Should work on MacOSX Framework builds (the default Python - installations on Mac). Thanks to Ronald Oussoren. - - -0.8.4 ------ - -* Windows installs would sometimes give errors about ``sys.prefix`` that - were inaccurate. -* Slightly prettier output. - - -0.8.3 ------ - -* Added support for Windows. - - -0.8.2 ------ - -* Give a better warning if you are on an unsupported platform (Mac - Framework Pythons, and Windows). -* Give error about running while inside a workingenv. -* Give better error message about Python 2.3. - - -0.8.1 ------ - -Fixed packaging of the library. - - -0.8 ---- - -Initial release. Everything is changed and new! diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/conf.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/conf.py deleted file mode 100644 index 9332aa1bc..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/conf.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- -# -# Paste documentation build configuration file, created by -# sphinx-quickstart on Tue Apr 22 22:08:49 2008. -# -# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir. -# -# The contents of this file are pickled, so don't put values in the namespace -# that aren't pickleable (module imports are okay, they're removed automatically). -# -# All configuration values have a default value; values that are commented out -# serve to show the default value. - -import os -import sys - -on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True' - -# If your extensions are in another directory, add it here. -sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.pardir)) - -# General configuration -# --------------------- - -# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions -# coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. -extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.extlinks'] - -# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. -#templates_path = ['_templates'] - -# The suffix of source filenames. -source_suffix = '.rst' - -# The master toctree document. -master_doc = 'index' - -# General substitutions. -project = 'virtualenv' -copyright = '2007-2014, Ian Bicking, The Open Planning Project, PyPA' - -# The default replacements for |version| and |release|, also used in various -# other places throughout the built documents. -try: - from virtualenv import __version__ - # The short X.Y version. - version = '.'.join(__version__.split('.')[:2]) - # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. - release = __version__ -except ImportError: - version = release = 'dev' - -# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some -# non-false value, then it is used: -#today = '' -# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. -today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' - -# List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build. -unused_docs = [] - -# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. -#add_function_parentheses = True - -# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description -# unit titles (such as .. function::). -#add_module_names = True - -# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the -# output. They are ignored by default. -#show_authors = False - -# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. -pygments_style = 'sphinx' - -extlinks = { - 'issue': ('https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/%s', '#'), - 'pull': ('https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/pull/%s', 'PR #'), -} - - -# Options for HTML output -# ----------------------- - -# The style sheet to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. A file of that name -# must exist either in Sphinx' static/ path, or in one of the custom paths -# given in html_static_path. -#html_style = 'default.css' - -html_theme = 'default' -if not on_rtd: - try: - import sphinx_rtd_theme - html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' - html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] - except ImportError: - pass - - -# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, -# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, -# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". -# html_static_path = ['_static'] - -# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, -# using the given strftime format. -html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' - -# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to -# typographically correct entities. -#html_use_smartypants = True - -# Content template for the index page. -#html_index = '' - -# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. -#html_sidebars = {} - -# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to -# template names. -#html_additional_pages = {} - -# If false, no module index is generated. -#html_use_modindex = True - -# If true, the reST sources are included in the HTML build as _sources/<name>. -#html_copy_source = True - -# Output file base name for HTML help builder. -htmlhelp_basename = 'Pastedoc' - - -# Options for LaTeX output -# ------------------------ - -# The paper size ('letter' or 'a4'). -#latex_paper_size = 'letter' - -# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). -#latex_font_size = '10pt' - -# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples -# (source start file, target name, title, author, document class [howto/manual]). -#latex_documents = [] - -# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. -#latex_preamble = '' - -# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#latex_appendices = [] - -# If false, no module index is generated. -#latex_use_modindex = True diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/development.rst b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/development.rst deleted file mode 100644 index aba2785a3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/development.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -Development -=========== - -Contributing ------------- - -Refer to the `pip development`_ documentation - it applies equally to -virtualenv, except that virtualenv issues should filed on the `virtualenv -repo`_ at GitHub. - -Virtualenv's release schedule is tied to pip's -- each time there's a new pip -release, there will be a new virtualenv release that bundles the new version of -pip. - -Files in the `virtualenv_embedded/` subdirectory are embedded into -`virtualenv.py` itself as base64-encoded strings (in order to support -single-file use of `virtualenv.py` without installing it). If your patch -changes any file in `virtualenv_embedded/`, run `bin/rebuild-script.py` to -update the embedded version of that file in `virtualenv.py`; commit that and -submit it as part of your patch / pull request. - -.. _pip development: http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/development.html -.. _virtualenv repo: https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/ - -Running the tests ------------------ - -Virtualenv's test suite is small and not yet at all comprehensive, but we aim -to grow it. - -The easy way to run tests (handles test dependencies automatically):: - - $ python setup.py test - -If you want to run only a selection of the tests, you'll need to run them -directly with pytest instead. Create a virtualenv, and install required -packages:: - - $ pip install pytest mock - -Run pytest:: - - $ pytest - -Or select just a single test file to run:: - - $ pytest tests/test_virtualenv - -Status and License ------------------- - -``virtualenv`` is a successor to `workingenv -<http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/workingenv.py>`_, and an extension -of `virtual-python -<http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#creating-a-virtual-python>`_. - -It was written by Ian Bicking, sponsored by the `Open Planning -Project <http://openplans.org>`_ and is now maintained by a -`group of developers <https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/raw/master/AUTHORS.txt>`_. -It is licensed under an -`MIT-style permissive license <https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/raw/master/LICENSE.txt>`_. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/index.rst b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/index.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e745a87b7..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/index.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ -Virtualenv -========== - -`Mailing list <http://groups.google.com/group/python-virtualenv>`_ | -`Issues <https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues>`_ | -`Github <https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv>`_ | -`PyPI <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv/>`_ | -User IRC: #pypa -Dev IRC: #pypa-dev - -Introduction ------------- - -``virtualenv`` is a tool to create isolated Python environments. - -The basic problem being addressed is one of dependencies and versions, -and indirectly permissions. Imagine you have an application that -needs version 1 of LibFoo, but another application requires version -2. How can you use both these applications? If you install -everything into ``/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages`` (or whatever your -platform's standard location is), it's easy to end up in a situation -where you unintentionally upgrade an application that shouldn't be -upgraded. - -Or more generally, what if you want to install an application *and -leave it be*? If an application works, any change in its libraries or -the versions of those libraries can break the application. - -Also, what if you can't install packages into the global -``site-packages`` directory? For instance, on a shared host. - -In all these cases, ``virtualenv`` can help you. It creates an -environment that has its own installation directories, that doesn't -share libraries with other virtualenv environments (and optionally -doesn't access the globally installed libraries either). - -.. comment: split here - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - installation - userguide - reference - development - changes - -.. warning:: - - Python bugfix releases 2.6.8, 2.7.3, 3.1.5 and 3.2.3 include a change that - will cause "import random" to fail with "cannot import name urandom" on any - virtualenv created on a Unix host with an earlier release of Python - 2.6/2.7/3.1/3.2, if the underlying system Python is upgraded. This is due to - the fact that a virtualenv uses the system Python's standard library but - contains its own copy of the Python interpreter, so an upgrade to the system - Python results in a mismatch between the version of the Python interpreter - and the version of the standard library. It can be fixed by removing - ``$ENV/bin/python`` and re-running virtualenv on the same target directory - with the upgraded Python. - -Other Documentation and Links ------------------------------ - -* `Blog announcement of virtualenv`__. - - .. __: http://blog.ianbicking.org/2007/10/10/workingenv-is-dead-long-live-virtualenv/ - -* James Gardner has written a tutorial on using `virtualenv with - Pylons - <http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonscookbook/Using+a+Virtualenv+Sandbox>`_. - -* Chris Perkins created a `showmedo video including virtualenv - <http://showmedo.com/videos/video?name=2910000&fromSeriesID=291>`_. - -* Doug Hellmann's `virtualenvwrapper`_ is a useful set of scripts to make - your workflow with many virtualenvs even easier. `His initial blog post on it`__. - He also wrote `an example of using virtualenv to try IPython`__. - - .. _virtualenvwrapper: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenvwrapper/ - .. __: https://doughellmann.com/blog/2008/05/01/virtualenvwrapper/ - .. __: https://doughellmann.com/blog/2008/02/01/ipython-and-virtualenv/ - -* `Pew`_ is another wrapper for virtualenv that makes use of a different - activation technique. - - .. _Pew: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pew/ - -* `Using virtualenv with mod_wsgi - <http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/VirtualEnvironments>`_. - -* `virtualenv commands - <https://github.com/thisismedium/virtualenv-commands>`_ for some more - workflow-related tools around virtualenv. - -* PyCon US 2011 talk: `Reverse-engineering Ian Bicking's brain: inside pip and virtualenv - <http://pyvideo.org/video/568/reverse-engineering-ian-bicking--39-s-brain--insi>`_. - By the end of the talk, you'll have a good idea exactly how pip - and virtualenv do their magic, and where to go looking in the source - for particular behaviors or bug fixes. - -Compare & Contrast with Alternatives ------------------------------------- - -There are several alternatives that create isolated environments: - -* ``workingenv`` (which I do not suggest you use anymore) is the - predecessor to this library. It used the main Python interpreter, - but relied on setting ``$PYTHONPATH`` to activate the environment. - This causes problems when running Python scripts that aren't part of - the environment (e.g., a globally installed ``hg`` or ``bzr``). It - also conflicted a lot with Setuptools. - -* `virtual-python - <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#creating-a-virtual-python>`_ - is also a predecessor to this library. It uses only symlinks, so it - couldn't work on Windows. It also symlinks over the *entire* - standard library and global ``site-packages``. As a result, it - won't see new additions to the global ``site-packages``. - - This script only symlinks a small portion of the standard library - into the environment, and so on Windows it is feasible to simply - copy these files over. Also, it creates a new/empty - ``site-packages`` and also adds the global ``site-packages`` to the - path, so updates are tracked separately. This script also installs - Setuptools automatically, saving a step and avoiding the need for - network access. - -* `zc.buildout <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout>`_ doesn't - create an isolated Python environment in the same style, but - achieves similar results through a declarative config file that sets - up scripts with very particular packages. As a declarative system, - it is somewhat easier to repeat and manage, but more difficult to - experiment with. ``zc.buildout`` includes the ability to setup - non-Python systems (e.g., a database server or an Apache instance). - -I *strongly* recommend anyone doing application development or -deployment use one of these tools. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/installation.rst b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/installation.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 3006d7617..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/installation.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -Installation -============ - -.. warning:: - - We advise installing virtualenv-1.9 or greater. Prior to version 1.9, the - pip included in virtualenv did not download from PyPI over SSL. - -.. warning:: - - When using pip to install virtualenv, we advise using pip 1.3 or greater. - Prior to version 1.3, pip did not download from PyPI over SSL. - -.. warning:: - - We advise against using easy_install to install virtualenv when using - setuptools < 0.9.7, because easy_install didn't download from PyPI over SSL - and was broken in some subtle ways. - -To install globally with `pip` (if you have pip 1.3 or greater installed globally): - -:: - - $ [sudo] pip install virtualenv - -Or to get the latest unreleased dev version: - -:: - - $ [sudo] pip install https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/tarball/develop - - -To install version X.X globally from source: - -:: - - $ curl -O https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/virtualenv-X.X.tar.gz - $ tar xvfz virtualenv-X.X.tar.gz - $ cd virtualenv-X.X - $ [sudo] python setup.py install - - -To *use* locally from source: - -:: - - $ curl -O https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/virtualenv-X.X.tar.gz - $ tar xvfz virtualenv-X.X.tar.gz - $ cd virtualenv-X.X - $ python virtualenv.py myVE - -.. note:: - - The ``virtualenv.py`` script is *not* supported if run without the - necessary pip/setuptools/virtualenv distributions available locally. All - of the installation methods above include a ``virtualenv_support`` - directory alongside ``virtualenv.py`` which contains a complete set of - pip and setuptools distributions, and so are fully supported. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/make.bat b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/make.bat deleted file mode 100644 index aa5c189fc..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/make.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -@ECHO OFF - -REM Command file for Sphinx documentation - -if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" ( - set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build -) -set BUILDDIR=_build -set ALLSPHINXOPTS=-d %BUILDDIR%/doctrees %SPHINXOPTS% . -if NOT "%PAPER%" == "" ( - set ALLSPHINXOPTS=-D latex_paper_size=%PAPER% %ALLSPHINXOPTS% -) - -if "%1" == "" goto help - -if "%1" == "help" ( - :help - echo.Please use `make ^<target^>` where ^<target^> is one of - echo. html to make standalone HTML files - echo. dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories - echo. singlehtml to make a single large HTML file - echo. pickle to make pickle files - echo. json to make JSON files - echo. htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project - echo. qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project - echo. devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project - echo. epub to make an epub - echo. latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter - echo. text to make text files - echo. man to make manual pages - echo. changes to make an overview over all changed/added/deprecated items - echo. linkcheck to check all external links for integrity - echo. doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation if enabled - goto end -) - -if "%1" == "clean" ( - for /d %%i in (%BUILDDIR%\*) do rmdir /q /s %%i - del /q /s %BUILDDIR%\* - goto end -) - -if "%1" == "html" ( - %SPHINXBUILD% -b html %ALLSPHINXOPTS% %BUILDDIR%/html - if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 - echo. - echo.Build finished. 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The manual pages are in %BUILDDIR%/man. - goto end -) - -if "%1" == "changes" ( - %SPHINXBUILD% -b changes %ALLSPHINXOPTS% %BUILDDIR%/changes - if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 - echo. - echo.The overview file is in %BUILDDIR%/changes. - goto end -) - -if "%1" == "linkcheck" ( - %SPHINXBUILD% -b linkcheck %ALLSPHINXOPTS% %BUILDDIR%/linkcheck - if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 - echo. - echo.Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output ^ -or in %BUILDDIR%/linkcheck/output.txt. - goto end -) - -if "%1" == "doctest" ( - %SPHINXBUILD% -b doctest %ALLSPHINXOPTS% %BUILDDIR%/doctest - if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1 - echo. - echo.Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the ^ -results in %BUILDDIR%/doctest/output.txt. - goto end -) - -:end diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/reference.rst b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/reference.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 9249473c9..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/reference.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,261 +0,0 @@ -Reference Guide -=============== - -``virtualenv`` Command ----------------------- - -.. _usage: - -Usage -~~~~~ - -:command:`virtualenv [OPTIONS] ENV_DIR` - - Where ``ENV_DIR`` is an absolute or relative path to a directory to create - the virtual environment in. - -.. _options: - -Options -~~~~~~~ - -.. program: virtualenv - -.. option:: --version - - show program's version number and exit - -.. option:: -h, --help - - show this help message and exit - -.. option:: -v, --verbose - - Increase verbosity. - -.. option:: -q, --quiet - - Decrease verbosity. - -.. option:: -p PYTHON_EXE, --python=PYTHON_EXE - - The Python interpreter to use, e.g., - --python=python2.5 will use the python2.5 interpreter - to create the new environment. The default is the - interpreter that virtualenv was installed with - (like ``/usr/bin/python``) - -.. option:: --clear - - Clear out the non-root install and start from scratch. - -.. option:: --system-site-packages - - Give the virtual environment access to the global - site-packages. - -.. option:: --always-copy - - Always copy files rather than symlinking. - -.. option:: --relocatable - - Make an EXISTING virtualenv environment relocatable. - This fixes up scripts and makes all .pth files relative. - -.. option:: --unzip-setuptools - - Unzip Setuptools when installing it. - -.. option:: --no-setuptools - - Do not install setuptools in the new virtualenv. - -.. option:: --no-pip - - Do not install pip in the new virtualenv. - -.. option:: --no-wheel - - Do not install wheel in the new virtualenv. - -.. option:: --extra-search-dir=DIR - - Directory to look for setuptools/pip distributions in. - This option can be specified multiple times. - -.. option:: --prompt=PROMPT - - Provides an alternative prompt prefix for this - environment. - -.. option:: --download - - Download preinstalled packages from PyPI. - -.. option:: --no-download - - Do not download preinstalled packages from PyPI. - -.. option:: --no-site-packages - - DEPRECATED. Retained only for backward compatibility. - Not having access to global site-packages is now the - default behavior. - -.. option:: --distribute -.. option:: --setuptools - - Legacy; now have no effect. Before version 1.10 these could be used - to choose whether to install Distribute_ or Setuptools_ into the created - virtualenv. Distribute has now been merged into Setuptools, and the - latter is always installed. - -.. _Distribute: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute -.. _Setuptools: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools - - -Configuration -------------- - -Environment Variables -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Each command line option is automatically used to look for environment -variables with the name format ``VIRTUALENV_<UPPER_NAME>``. That means -the name of the command line options are capitalized and have dashes -(``'-'``) replaced with underscores (``'_'``). - -For example, to automatically use a custom Python binary instead of the -one virtualenv is run with you can also set an environment variable:: - - $ export VIRTUALENV_PYTHON=/opt/python-3.3/bin/python - $ virtualenv ENV - -It's the same as passing the option to virtualenv directly:: - - $ virtualenv --python=/opt/python-3.3/bin/python ENV - -This also works for appending command line options, like ``--find-links``. -Just leave an empty space between the passed values, e.g.:: - - $ export VIRTUALENV_EXTRA_SEARCH_DIR="/path/to/dists /path/to/other/dists" - $ virtualenv ENV - -is the same as calling:: - - $ virtualenv --extra-search-dir=/path/to/dists --extra-search-dir=/path/to/other/dists ENV - -.. envvar:: VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT - - Any virtualenv created when this is set to a non-empty value will not have - it's :ref:`activate` modify the shell prompt. - - -Configuration File -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -virtualenv also looks for a standard ini config file. On Unix and Mac OS X -that's ``$HOME/.virtualenv/virtualenv.ini`` and on Windows, it's -``%APPDATA%\virtualenv\virtualenv.ini``. - -The names of the settings are derived from the long command line option, -e.g. the option :option:`--python <-p>` would look like this:: - - [virtualenv] - python = /opt/python-3.3/bin/python - -Appending options like :option:`--extra-search-dir` can be written on multiple -lines:: - - [virtualenv] - extra-search-dir = - /path/to/dists - /path/to/other/dists - -Please have a look at the output of :option:`--help <-h>` for a full list -of supported options. - - -Extending Virtualenv --------------------- - - -Creating Your Own Bootstrap Scripts -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -While this creates an environment, it doesn't put anything into the -environment. Developers may find it useful to distribute a script -that sets up a particular environment, for example a script that -installs a particular web application. - -To create a script like this, call -:py:func:`virtualenv.create_bootstrap_script`, and write the -result to your new bootstrapping script. - -.. py:function:: create_bootstrap_script(extra_text) - - Creates a bootstrap script from ``extra_text``, which is like - this script but with extend_parser, adjust_options, and after_install hooks. - -This returns a string that (written to disk of course) can be used -as a bootstrap script with your own customizations. The script -will be the standard virtualenv.py script, with your extra text -added (your extra text should be Python code). - -If you include these functions, they will be called: - -.. py:function:: extend_parser(optparse_parser) - - You can add or remove options from the parser here. - -.. py:function:: adjust_options(options, args) - - You can change options here, or change the args (if you accept - different kinds of arguments, be sure you modify ``args`` so it is - only ``[DEST_DIR]``). - -.. py:function:: after_install(options, home_dir) - - After everything is installed, this function is called. This - is probably the function you are most likely to use. An - example would be:: - - def after_install(options, home_dir): - if sys.platform == 'win32': - bin = 'Scripts' - else: - bin = 'bin' - subprocess.call([join(home_dir, bin, 'easy_install'), - 'MyPackage']) - subprocess.call([join(home_dir, bin, 'my-package-script'), - 'setup', home_dir]) - - This example immediately installs a package, and runs a setup - script from that package. - -Bootstrap Example -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Here's a more concrete example of how you could use this:: - - import virtualenv, textwrap - output = virtualenv.create_bootstrap_script(textwrap.dedent(""" - import os, subprocess - def after_install(options, home_dir): - etc = join(home_dir, 'etc') - if not os.path.exists(etc): - os.makedirs(etc) - subprocess.call([join(home_dir, 'bin', 'easy_install'), - 'BlogApplication']) - subprocess.call([join(home_dir, 'bin', 'paster'), - 'make-config', 'BlogApplication', - join(etc, 'blog.ini')]) - subprocess.call([join(home_dir, 'bin', 'paster'), - 'setup-app', join(etc, 'blog.ini')]) - """)) - f = open('blog-bootstrap.py', 'w').write(output) - -Another example is available `here`__. - -.. __: https://github.com/socialplanning/fassembler/blob/master/fassembler/create-venv-script.py diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/userguide.rst b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/userguide.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 35f0dc950..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/docs/userguide.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -User Guide -========== - - -Usage ------ - -Virtualenv has one basic command:: - - $ virtualenv ENV - -Where ``ENV`` is a directory to place the new virtual environment. It has -a number of usual effects (modifiable by many :ref:`options`): - - - :file:`ENV/lib/` and :file:`ENV/include/` are created, containing supporting - library files for a new virtualenv python. Packages installed in this - environment will live under :file:`ENV/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages/`. - - - :file:`ENV/bin` is created, where executables live - noticeably a new - :command:`python`. Thus running a script with ``#! /path/to/ENV/bin/python`` - would run that script under this virtualenv's python. - - - The crucial packages pip_ and setuptools_ are installed, which allow other - packages to be easily installed to the environment. This associated pip - can be run from :file:`ENV/bin/pip`. - -The python in your new virtualenv is effectively isolated from the python that -was used to create it. - -.. _pip: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip -.. _setuptools: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools - - -.. _activate: - -activate script -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -In a newly created virtualenv there will also be a :command:`activate` shell -script. For Windows systems, activation scripts are provided for -the Command Prompt and Powershell. - -On Posix systems, this resides in :file:`/ENV/bin/`, so you can run:: - - $ source bin/activate - -For some shells (e.g. the original Bourne Shell) you may need to use the -:command:`.` command, when :command:`source` does not exist. There are also -separate activate files for some other shells, like csh and fish. -:file:`bin/activate` should work for bash/zsh/dash. - -This will change your ``$PATH`` so its first entry is the virtualenv's -``bin/`` directory. (You have to use ``source`` because it changes your -shell environment in-place.) This is all it does; it's purely a -convenience. If you directly run a script or the python interpreter -from the virtualenv's ``bin/`` directory (e.g. ``path/to/ENV/bin/pip`` -or ``/path/to/ENV/bin/python-script.py``) there's no need for -activation. - -The ``activate`` script will also modify your shell prompt to indicate -which environment is currently active. To disable this behaviour, see -:envvar:`VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT`. - -To undo these changes to your path (and prompt), just run:: - - $ deactivate - -On Windows, the equivalent `activate` script is in the ``Scripts`` folder:: - - > \path\to\env\Scripts\activate - -And type ``deactivate`` to undo the changes. - -Based on your active shell (CMD.exe or Powershell.exe), Windows will use -either activate.bat or activate.ps1 (as appropriate) to activate the -virtual environment. If using Powershell, see the notes about code signing -below. - -.. note:: - - If using Powershell, the ``activate`` script is subject to the - `execution policies`_ on the system. By default on Windows 7, the system's - excution policy is set to ``Restricted``, meaning no scripts like the - ``activate`` script are allowed to be executed. But that can't stop us - from changing that slightly to allow it to be executed. - - In order to use the script, you can relax your system's execution - policy to ``AllSigned``, meaning all scripts on the system must be - digitally signed to be executed. Since the virtualenv activation - script is signed by one of the authors (Jannis Leidel) this level of - the execution policy suffices. As an administrator run:: - - PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned - - Then you'll be asked to trust the signer, when executing the script. - You will be prompted with the following:: - - PS C:\> virtualenv .\foo - New python executable in C:\foo\Scripts\python.exe - Installing setuptools................done. - Installing pip...................done. - PS C:\> .\foo\scripts\activate - - Do you want to run software from this untrusted publisher? - File C:\foo\scripts\activate.ps1 is published by E=jannis@leidel.info, - CN=Jannis Leidel, L=Berlin, S=Berlin, C=DE, Description=581796-Gh7xfJxkxQSIO4E0 - and is not trusted on your system. Only run scripts from trusted publishers. - [V] Never run [D] Do not run [R] Run once [A] Always run [?] Help - (default is "D"):A - (foo) PS C:\> - - If you select ``[A] Always Run``, the certificate will be added to the - Trusted Publishers of your user account, and will be trusted in this - user's context henceforth. If you select ``[R] Run Once``, the script will - be run, but you will be prometed on a subsequent invocation. Advanced users - can add the signer's certificate to the Trusted Publishers of the Computer - account to apply to all users (though this technique is out of scope of this - document). - - Alternatively, you may relax the system execution policy to allow running - of local scripts without verifying the code signature using the following:: - - PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned - - Since the ``activate.ps1`` script is generated locally for each virtualenv, - it is not considered a remote script and can then be executed. - -.. _`execution policies`: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd347641.aspx - -Removing an Environment -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Removing a virtual environment is simply done by deactivating it and deleting the -environment folder with all its contents:: - - (ENV)$ deactivate - $ rm -r /path/to/ENV - -The :option:`--system-site-packages` Option -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -If you build with ``virtualenv --system-site-packages ENV``, your virtual -environment will inherit packages from ``/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages`` -(or wherever your global site-packages directory is). - -This can be used if you have control over the global site-packages directory, -and you want to depend on the packages there. If you want isolation from the -global system, do not use this flag. - -Windows Notes -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Some paths within the virtualenv are slightly different on Windows: scripts and -executables on Windows go in ``ENV\Scripts\`` instead of ``ENV/bin/`` and -libraries go in ``ENV\Lib\`` rather than ``ENV/lib/``. - -To create a virtualenv under a path with spaces in it on Windows, you'll need -the `win32api <http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/>`_ library installed. - - -Using Virtualenv without ``bin/python`` ---------------------------------------- - -Sometimes you can't or don't want to use the Python interpreter -created by the virtualenv. For instance, in a `mod_python -<http://www.modpython.org/>`_ or `mod_wsgi <http://www.modwsgi.org/>`_ -environment, there is only one interpreter. - -Luckily, it's easy. You must use the custom Python interpreter to -*install* libraries. But to *use* libraries, you just have to be sure -the path is correct. A script is available to correct the path. You -can setup the environment like:: - - activate_this = '/path/to/env/bin/activate_this.py' - execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this)) - -This will change ``sys.path`` and even change ``sys.prefix``, but also allow -you to use an existing interpreter. Items in your environment will show up -first on ``sys.path``, before global items. However, global items will -always be accessible (as if the :option:`--system-site-packages` flag had been -used in creating the environment, whether it was or not). Also, this cannot undo -the activation of other environments, or modules that have been imported. -You shouldn't try to, for instance, activate an environment before a web -request; you should activate *one* environment as early as possible, and not -do it again in that process. - -Making Environments Relocatable -------------------------------- - -**Note:** this option is somewhat experimental, and there are probably -caveats that have not yet been identified. - -.. warning:: - - The ``--relocatable`` option currently has a number of issues, - and is not guaranteed to work in all circumstances. It is possible - that the option will be deprecated in a future version of ``virtualenv``. - -Normally environments are tied to a specific path. That means that -you cannot move an environment around or copy it to another computer. -You can fix up an environment to make it relocatable with the -command:: - - $ virtualenv --relocatable ENV - -This will make some of the files created by setuptools use relative paths, -and will change all the scripts to use ``activate_this.py`` instead of using -the location of the Python interpreter to select the environment. - -**Note:** scripts which have been made relocatable will only work if -the virtualenv is activated, specifically the python executable from -the virtualenv must be the first one on the system PATH. Also note that -the activate scripts are not currently made relocatable by -``virtualenv --relocatable``. - -**Note:** you must run this after you've installed *any* packages into -the environment. If you make an environment relocatable, then -install a new package, you must run ``virtualenv --relocatable`` -again. - -Also, this **does not make your packages cross-platform**. You can -move the directory around, but it can only be used on other similar -computers. Some known environmental differences that can cause -incompatibilities: a different version of Python, when one platform -uses UCS2 for its internal unicode representation and another uses -UCS4 (a compile-time option), obvious platform changes like Windows -vs. Linux, or Intel vs. ARM, and if you have libraries that bind to C -libraries on the system, if those C libraries are located somewhere -different (either different versions, or a different filesystem -layout). - -If you use this flag to create an environment, currently, the -:option:`--system-site-packages` option will be implied. - -The :option:`--extra-search-dir` option ---------------------------------------- - -This option allows you to provide your own versions of setuptools and/or -pip to use instead of the embedded versions that come with virtualenv. - -To use this feature, pass one or more ``--extra-search-dir`` options to -virtualenv like this:: - - $ virtualenv --extra-search-dir=/path/to/distributions ENV - -The ``/path/to/distributions`` path should point to a directory that contains -setuptools and/or pip wheels. - -virtualenv will look for wheels in the specified directories, but will use -pip's standard algorithm for selecting the wheel to install, which looks for -the latest compatible wheel. - -As well as the extra directories, the search order includes: - -#. The ``virtualenv_support`` directory relative to virtualenv.py -#. The directory where virtualenv.py is located. -#. The current directory. - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/scripts/virtualenv b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/scripts/virtualenv deleted file mode 100644 index c961dd7db..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/scripts/virtualenv +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -import virtualenv -virtualenv.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/setup.cfg b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/setup.cfg deleted file mode 100644 index 6662fa569..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/setup.cfg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -[bdist_wheel] -universal = 1 - -[egg_info] -tag_date = 0 -tag_build = -tag_svn_revision = 0 - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/setup.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/setup.py deleted file mode 100644 index ee03bc531..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/setup.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -import os -import re -import shutil -import sys - -if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 6): - sys.exit('virtualenv requires Python 2.6 or higher.') - -try: - from setuptools import setup - from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand - - class PyTest(TestCommand): - user_options = [('pytest-args=', 'a', "Arguments to pass to py.test")] - - def initialize_options(self): - TestCommand.initialize_options(self) - self.pytest_args = [] - - def finalize_options(self): - TestCommand.finalize_options(self) - #self.test_args = [] - #self.test_suite = True - - def run_tests(self): - # import here, because outside the eggs aren't loaded - import pytest - sys.exit(pytest.main(self.pytest_args)) - - setup_params = { - 'entry_points': { - 'console_scripts': ['virtualenv=virtualenv:main'], - }, - 'zip_safe': False, - 'cmdclass': {'test': PyTest}, - 'tests_require': ['pytest', 'mock'], - } -except ImportError: - from distutils.core import setup - if sys.platform == 'win32': - print('Note: without Setuptools installed you will ' - 'have to use "python -m virtualenv ENV"') - setup_params = {} - else: - script = 'scripts/virtualenv' - setup_params = {'scripts': [script]} - - -def read_file(*paths): - here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) - with open(os.path.join(here, *paths)) as f: - return f.read() - -# Get long_description from index.rst: -long_description = read_file('docs', 'index.rst') -long_description = long_description.strip().split('split here', 1)[0] -# Add release history -changes = read_file('docs', 'changes.rst') -# Only report last two releases for brevity -releases_found = 0 -change_lines = [] -for line in changes.splitlines(): - change_lines.append(line) - if line.startswith('--------------'): - releases_found += 1 - if releases_found > 2: - break - -changes = '\n'.join(change_lines[:-2]) + '\n' -changes += '`Full Changelog <https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/changes.html>`_.' -# Replace issue/pull directives -changes = re.sub(r':pull:`(\d+)`', r'PR #\1', changes) -changes = re.sub(r':issue:`(\d+)`', r'#\1', changes) - -long_description += '\n\n' + changes - - -def get_version(): - version_file = read_file('virtualenv.py') - version_match = re.search(r"^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]", - version_file, re.M) - if version_match: - return version_match.group(1) - raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string.") - - -# Hack to prevent stupid TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error on -# exit of python setup.py test # in multiprocessing/util.py _exit_function when -# running python setup.py test (see -# http://www.eby-sarna.com/pipermail/peak/2010-May/003357.html) -try: - import multiprocessing # noqa -except ImportError: - pass - -setup( - name='virtualenv', - version=get_version(), - description="Virtual Python Environment builder", - long_description=long_description, - classifiers=[ - 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', - 'Intended Audience :: Developers', - 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', - 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', - ], - keywords='setuptools deployment installation distutils', - author='Ian Bicking', - author_email='ianb@colorstudy.com', - maintainer='Jannis Leidel, Carl Meyer and Brian Rosner', - maintainer_email='python-virtualenv@groups.google.com', - url='https://virtualenv.pypa.io/', - license='MIT', - py_modules=['virtualenv'], - packages=['virtualenv_support'], - package_data={'virtualenv_support': ['*.whl']}, - **setup_params) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/site.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/site.py deleted file mode 100644 index 4e426cdb6..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/site.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,760 +0,0 @@ -"""Append module search paths for third-party packages to sys.path. - -**************************************************************** -* This module is automatically imported during initialization. * -**************************************************************** - -In earlier versions of Python (up to 1.5a3), scripts or modules that -needed to use site-specific modules would place ``import site'' -somewhere near the top of their code. Because of the automatic -import, this is no longer necessary (but code that does it still -works). - -This will append site-specific paths to the module search path. On -Unix, it starts with sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix (if different) and -appends lib/python<version>/site-packages as well as lib/site-python. -It also supports the Debian convention of -lib/python<version>/dist-packages. On other platforms (mainly Mac and -Windows), it uses just sys.prefix (and sys.exec_prefix, if different, -but this is unlikely). The resulting directories, if they exist, are -appended to sys.path, and also inspected for path configuration files. - -FOR DEBIAN, this sys.path is augmented with directories in /usr/local. -Local addons go into /usr/local/lib/python<version>/site-packages -(resp. /usr/local/lib/site-python), Debian addons install into -/usr/{lib,share}/python<version>/dist-packages. - -A path configuration file is a file whose name has the form -<package>.pth; its contents are additional directories (one per line) -to be added to sys.path. Non-existing directories (or -non-directories) are never added to sys.path; no directory is added to -sys.path more than once. Blank lines and lines beginning with -'#' are skipped. Lines starting with 'import' are executed. - -For example, suppose sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix are set to -/usr/local and there is a directory /usr/local/lib/python2.X/site-packages -with three subdirectories, foo, bar and spam, and two path -configuration files, foo.pth and bar.pth. Assume foo.pth contains the -following: - - # foo package configuration - foo - bar - bletch - -and bar.pth contains: - - # bar package configuration - bar - -Then the following directories are added to sys.path, in this order: - - /usr/local/lib/python2.X/site-packages/bar - /usr/local/lib/python2.X/site-packages/foo - -Note that bletch is omitted because it doesn't exist; bar precedes foo -because bar.pth comes alphabetically before foo.pth; and spam is -omitted because it is not mentioned in either path configuration file. - -After these path manipulations, an attempt is made to import a module -named sitecustomize, which can perform arbitrary additional -site-specific customizations. If this import fails with an -ImportError exception, it is silently ignored. - -""" - -import sys -import os - -try: - import __builtin__ as builtins -except ImportError: - import builtins -try: - set -except NameError: - from sets import Set as set - -# Prefixes for site-packages; add additional prefixes like /usr/local here -PREFIXES = [sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix] -# Enable per user site-packages directory -# set it to False to disable the feature or True to force the feature -ENABLE_USER_SITE = None -# for distutils.commands.install -USER_SITE = None -USER_BASE = None - -_is_64bit = (getattr(sys, 'maxsize', None) or getattr(sys, 'maxint')) > 2**32 -_is_pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') -_is_jython = sys.platform[:4] == 'java' -if _is_jython: - ModuleType = type(os) - -def makepath(*paths): - dir = os.path.join(*paths) - if _is_jython and (dir == '__classpath__' or - dir.startswith('__pyclasspath__')): - return dir, dir - dir = os.path.abspath(dir) - return dir, os.path.normcase(dir) - -def abs__file__(): - """Set all module' __file__ attribute to an absolute path""" - for m in sys.modules.values(): - if ((_is_jython and not isinstance(m, ModuleType)) or - hasattr(m, '__loader__')): - # only modules need the abspath in Jython. and don't mess - # with a PEP 302-supplied __file__ - continue - f = getattr(m, '__file__', None) - if f is None: - continue - m.__file__ = os.path.abspath(f) - -def removeduppaths(): - """ Remove duplicate entries from sys.path along with making them - absolute""" - # This ensures that the initial path provided by the interpreter contains - # only absolute pathnames, even if we're running from the build directory. - L = [] - known_paths = set() - for dir in sys.path: - # Filter out duplicate paths (on case-insensitive file systems also - # if they only differ in case); turn relative paths into absolute - # paths. - dir, dircase = makepath(dir) - if not dircase in known_paths: - L.append(dir) - known_paths.add(dircase) - sys.path[:] = L - return known_paths - -# XXX This should not be part of site.py, since it is needed even when -# using the -S option for Python. See http://www.python.org/sf/586680 -def addbuilddir(): - """Append ./build/lib.<platform> in case we're running in the build dir - (especially for Guido :-)""" - from distutils.util import get_platform - s = "build/lib.%s-%.3s" % (get_platform(), sys.version) - if hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'): - s += '-pydebug' - s = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.path[-1]), s) - sys.path.append(s) - -def _init_pathinfo(): - """Return a set containing all existing directory entries from sys.path""" - d = set() - for dir in sys.path: - try: - if os.path.isdir(dir): - dir, dircase = makepath(dir) - d.add(dircase) - except TypeError: - continue - return d - -def addpackage(sitedir, name, known_paths): - """Add a new path to known_paths by combining sitedir and 'name' or execute - sitedir if it starts with 'import'""" - if known_paths is None: - _init_pathinfo() - reset = 1 - else: - reset = 0 - fullname = os.path.join(sitedir, name) - try: - f = open(fullname, "rU") - except IOError: - return - try: - for line in f: - if line.startswith("#"): - continue - if line.startswith("import"): - exec(line) - continue - line = line.rstrip() - dir, dircase = makepath(sitedir, line) - if not dircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(dir): - sys.path.append(dir) - known_paths.add(dircase) - finally: - f.close() - if reset: - known_paths = None - return known_paths - -def addsitedir(sitedir, known_paths=None): - """Add 'sitedir' argument to sys.path if missing and handle .pth files in - 'sitedir'""" - if known_paths is None: - known_paths = _init_pathinfo() - reset = 1 - else: - reset = 0 - sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(sitedir) - if not sitedircase in known_paths: - sys.path.append(sitedir) # Add path component - try: - names = os.listdir(sitedir) - except os.error: - return - names.sort() - for name in names: - if name.endswith(os.extsep + "pth"): - addpackage(sitedir, name, known_paths) - if reset: - known_paths = None - return known_paths - -def addsitepackages(known_paths, sys_prefix=sys.prefix, exec_prefix=sys.exec_prefix): - """Add site-packages (and possibly site-python) to sys.path""" - prefixes = [os.path.join(sys_prefix, "local"), sys_prefix] - if exec_prefix != sys_prefix: - prefixes.append(os.path.join(exec_prefix, "local")) - - for prefix in prefixes: - if prefix: - if sys.platform in ('os2emx', 'riscos') or _is_jython: - sitedirs = [os.path.join(prefix, "Lib", "site-packages")] - elif _is_pypy: - sitedirs = [os.path.join(prefix, 'site-packages')] - elif sys.platform == 'darwin' and prefix == sys_prefix: - - if prefix.startswith("/System/Library/Frameworks/"): # Apple's Python - - sitedirs = [os.path.join("/Library/Python", sys.version[:3], "site-packages"), - os.path.join(prefix, "Extras", "lib", "python")] - - else: # any other Python distros on OSX work this way - sitedirs = [os.path.join(prefix, "lib", - "python" + sys.version[:3], "site-packages")] - - elif os.sep == '/': - sitedirs = [os.path.join(prefix, - "lib", - "python" + sys.version[:3], - "site-packages"), - os.path.join(prefix, "lib", "site-python"), - os.path.join(prefix, "python" + sys.version[:3], "lib-dynload")] - lib64_dir = os.path.join(prefix, "lib64", "python" + sys.version[:3], "site-packages") - if (os.path.exists(lib64_dir) and - os.path.realpath(lib64_dir) not in [os.path.realpath(p) for p in sitedirs]): - if _is_64bit: - sitedirs.insert(0, lib64_dir) - else: - sitedirs.append(lib64_dir) - try: - # sys.getobjects only available in --with-pydebug build - sys.getobjects - sitedirs.insert(0, os.path.join(sitedirs[0], 'debug')) - except AttributeError: - pass - # Debian-specific dist-packages directories: - sitedirs.append(os.path.join(prefix, "local/lib", - "python" + sys.version[:3], - "dist-packages")) - if sys.version[0] == '2': - sitedirs.append(os.path.join(prefix, "lib", - "python" + sys.version[:3], - "dist-packages")) - else: - sitedirs.append(os.path.join(prefix, "lib", - "python" + sys.version[0], - "dist-packages")) - sitedirs.append(os.path.join(prefix, "lib", "dist-python")) - else: - sitedirs = [prefix, os.path.join(prefix, "lib", "site-packages")] - if sys.platform == 'darwin': - # for framework builds *only* we add the standard Apple - # locations. Currently only per-user, but /Library and - # /Network/Library could be added too - if 'Python.framework' in prefix: - home = os.environ.get('HOME') - if home: - sitedirs.append( - os.path.join(home, - 'Library', - 'Python', - sys.version[:3], - 'site-packages')) - for sitedir in sitedirs: - if os.path.isdir(sitedir): - addsitedir(sitedir, known_paths) - return None - -def check_enableusersite(): - """Check if user site directory is safe for inclusion - - The function tests for the command line flag (including environment var), - process uid/gid equal to effective uid/gid. - - None: Disabled for security reasons - False: Disabled by user (command line option) - True: Safe and enabled - """ - if hasattr(sys, 'flags') and getattr(sys.flags, 'no_user_site', False): - return False - - if hasattr(os, "getuid") and hasattr(os, "geteuid"): - # check process uid == effective uid - if os.geteuid() != os.getuid(): - return None - if hasattr(os, "getgid") and hasattr(os, "getegid"): - # check process gid == effective gid - if os.getegid() != os.getgid(): - return None - - return True - -def addusersitepackages(known_paths): - """Add a per user site-package to sys.path - - Each user has its own python directory with site-packages in the - home directory. - - USER_BASE is the root directory for all Python versions - - USER_SITE is the user specific site-packages directory - - USER_SITE/.. can be used for data. - """ - global USER_BASE, USER_SITE, ENABLE_USER_SITE - env_base = os.environ.get("PYTHONUSERBASE", None) - - def joinuser(*args): - return os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(*args)) - - #if sys.platform in ('os2emx', 'riscos'): - # # Don't know what to put here - # USER_BASE = '' - # USER_SITE = '' - if os.name == "nt": - base = os.environ.get("APPDATA") or "~" - if env_base: - USER_BASE = env_base - else: - USER_BASE = joinuser(base, "Python") - USER_SITE = os.path.join(USER_BASE, - "Python" + sys.version[0] + sys.version[2], - "site-packages") - else: - if env_base: - USER_BASE = env_base - else: - USER_BASE = joinuser("~", ".local") - USER_SITE = os.path.join(USER_BASE, "lib", - "python" + sys.version[:3], - "site-packages") - - if ENABLE_USER_SITE and os.path.isdir(USER_SITE): - addsitedir(USER_SITE, known_paths) - if ENABLE_USER_SITE: - for dist_libdir in ("lib", "local/lib"): - user_site = os.path.join(USER_BASE, dist_libdir, - "python" + sys.version[:3], - "dist-packages") - if os.path.isdir(user_site): - addsitedir(user_site, known_paths) - return known_paths - - - -def setBEGINLIBPATH(): - """The OS/2 EMX port has optional extension modules that do double duty - as DLLs (and must use the .DLL file extension) for other extensions. - The library search path needs to be amended so these will be found - during module import. Use BEGINLIBPATH so that these are at the start - of the library search path. - - """ - dllpath = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Lib", "lib-dynload") - libpath = os.environ['BEGINLIBPATH'].split(';') - if libpath[-1]: - libpath.append(dllpath) - else: - libpath[-1] = dllpath - os.environ['BEGINLIBPATH'] = ';'.join(libpath) - - -def setquit(): - """Define new built-ins 'quit' and 'exit'. - These are simply strings that display a hint on how to exit. - - """ - if os.sep == ':': - eof = 'Cmd-Q' - elif os.sep == '\\': - eof = 'Ctrl-Z plus Return' - else: - eof = 'Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF)' - - class Quitter(object): - def __init__(self, name): - self.name = name - def __repr__(self): - return 'Use %s() or %s to exit' % (self.name, eof) - def __call__(self, code=None): - # Shells like IDLE catch the SystemExit, but listen when their - # stdin wrapper is closed. - try: - sys.stdin.close() - except: - pass - raise SystemExit(code) - builtins.quit = Quitter('quit') - builtins.exit = Quitter('exit') - - -class _Printer(object): - """interactive prompt objects for printing the license text, a list of - contributors and the copyright notice.""" - - MAXLINES = 23 - - def __init__(self, name, data, files=(), dirs=()): - self.__name = name - self.__data = data - self.__files = files - self.__dirs = dirs - self.__lines = None - - def __setup(self): - if self.__lines: - return - data = None - for dir in self.__dirs: - for filename in self.__files: - filename = os.path.join(dir, filename) - try: - fp = open(filename, "rU") - data = fp.read() - fp.close() - break - except IOError: - pass - if data: - break - if not data: - data = self.__data - self.__lines = data.split('\n') - self.__linecnt = len(self.__lines) - - def __repr__(self): - self.__setup() - if len(self.__lines) <= self.MAXLINES: - return "\n".join(self.__lines) - else: - return "Type %s() to see the full %s text" % ((self.__name,)*2) - - def __call__(self): - self.__setup() - prompt = 'Hit Return for more, or q (and Return) to quit: ' - lineno = 0 - while 1: - try: - for i in range(lineno, lineno + self.MAXLINES): - print(self.__lines[i]) - except IndexError: - break - else: - lineno += self.MAXLINES - key = None - while key is None: - try: - key = raw_input(prompt) - except NameError: - key = input(prompt) - if key not in ('', 'q'): - key = None - if key == 'q': - break - -def setcopyright(): - """Set 'copyright' and 'credits' in __builtin__""" - builtins.copyright = _Printer("copyright", sys.copyright) - if _is_jython: - builtins.credits = _Printer( - "credits", - "Jython is maintained by the Jython developers (www.jython.org).") - elif _is_pypy: - builtins.credits = _Printer( - "credits", - "PyPy is maintained by the PyPy developers: http://pypy.org/") - else: - builtins.credits = _Printer("credits", """\ - Thanks to CWI, CNRI, BeOpen.com, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands - for supporting Python development. See www.python.org for more information.""") - here = os.path.dirname(os.__file__) - builtins.license = _Printer( - "license", "See http://www.python.org/%.3s/license.html" % sys.version, - ["LICENSE.txt", "LICENSE"], - [os.path.join(here, os.pardir), here, os.curdir]) - - -class _Helper(object): - """Define the built-in 'help'. - This is a wrapper around pydoc.help (with a twist). - - """ - - def __repr__(self): - return "Type help() for interactive help, " \ - "or help(object) for help about object." - def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): - import pydoc - return pydoc.help(*args, **kwds) - -def sethelper(): - builtins.help = _Helper() - -def aliasmbcs(): - """On Windows, some default encodings are not provided by Python, - while they are always available as "mbcs" in each locale. Make - them usable by aliasing to "mbcs" in such a case.""" - if sys.platform == 'win32': - import locale, codecs - enc = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] - if enc.startswith('cp'): # "cp***" ? - try: - codecs.lookup(enc) - except LookupError: - import encodings - encodings._cache[enc] = encodings._unknown - encodings.aliases.aliases[enc] = 'mbcs' - -def setencoding(): - """Set the string encoding used by the Unicode implementation. The - default is 'ascii', but if you're willing to experiment, you can - change this.""" - encoding = "ascii" # Default value set by _PyUnicode_Init() - if 0: - # Enable to support locale aware default string encodings. - import locale - loc = locale.getdefaultlocale() - if loc[1]: - encoding = loc[1] - if 0: - # Enable to switch off string to Unicode coercion and implicit - # Unicode to string conversion. - encoding = "undefined" - if encoding != "ascii": - # On Non-Unicode builds this will raise an AttributeError... - sys.setdefaultencoding(encoding) # Needs Python Unicode build ! - - -def execsitecustomize(): - """Run custom site specific code, if available.""" - try: - import sitecustomize - except ImportError: - pass - -def virtual_install_main_packages(): - f = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'orig-prefix.txt')) - sys.real_prefix = f.read().strip() - f.close() - pos = 2 - hardcoded_relative_dirs = [] - if sys.path[0] == '': - pos += 1 - if _is_jython: - paths = [os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'Lib')] - elif _is_pypy: - if sys.version_info > (3, 2): - cpyver = '%d' % sys.version_info[0] - elif sys.pypy_version_info >= (1, 5): - cpyver = '%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2] - else: - cpyver = '%d.%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:3] - paths = [os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'lib_pypy'), - os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'lib-python', cpyver)] - if sys.pypy_version_info < (1, 9): - paths.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, - 'lib-python', 'modified-%s' % cpyver)) - hardcoded_relative_dirs = paths[:] # for the special 'darwin' case below - # - # This is hardcoded in the Python executable, but relative to sys.prefix: - for path in paths[:]: - plat_path = os.path.join(path, 'plat-%s' % sys.platform) - if os.path.exists(plat_path): - paths.append(plat_path) - # MOZ: The MSYS2 and MinGW versions of Python have their main packages in the UNIX directory this checks specifically for the native win32 python - elif sys.platform == 'win32' and os.sep == '\\': - paths = [os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'Lib'), os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'DLLs')] - else: - paths = [os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'lib', 'python'+sys.version[:3])] - hardcoded_relative_dirs = paths[:] # for the special 'darwin' case below - lib64_path = os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'lib64', 'python'+sys.version[:3]) - if os.path.exists(lib64_path): - if _is_64bit: - paths.insert(0, lib64_path) - else: - paths.append(lib64_path) - # This is hardcoded in the Python executable, but relative to - # sys.prefix. Debian change: we need to add the multiarch triplet - # here, which is where the real stuff lives. As per PEP 421, in - # Python 3.3+, this lives in sys.implementation, while in Python 2.7 - # it lives in sys. - try: - arch = getattr(sys, 'implementation', sys)._multiarch - except AttributeError: - # This is a non-multiarch aware Python. Fallback to the old way. - arch = sys.platform - plat_path = os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'lib', - 'python'+sys.version[:3], - 'plat-%s' % arch) - if os.path.exists(plat_path): - paths.append(plat_path) - # This is hardcoded in the Python executable, but - # relative to sys.prefix, so we have to fix up: - for path in list(paths): - tk_dir = os.path.join(path, 'lib-tk') - if os.path.exists(tk_dir): - paths.append(tk_dir) - - # These are hardcoded in the Apple's Python executable, - # but relative to sys.prefix, so we have to fix them up: - if sys.platform == 'darwin': - hardcoded_paths = [os.path.join(relative_dir, module) - for relative_dir in hardcoded_relative_dirs - for module in ('plat-darwin', 'plat-mac', 'plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages')] - - for path in hardcoded_paths: - if os.path.exists(path): - paths.append(path) - - sys.path.extend(paths) - -def force_global_eggs_after_local_site_packages(): - """ - Force easy_installed eggs in the global environment to get placed - in sys.path after all packages inside the virtualenv. This - maintains the "least surprise" result that packages in the - virtualenv always mask global packages, never the other way - around. - - """ - egginsert = getattr(sys, '__egginsert', 0) - for i, path in enumerate(sys.path): - if i > egginsert and path.startswith(sys.prefix): - egginsert = i - sys.__egginsert = egginsert + 1 - -def virtual_addsitepackages(known_paths): - force_global_eggs_after_local_site_packages() - return addsitepackages(known_paths, sys_prefix=sys.real_prefix) - -def fixclasspath(): - """Adjust the special classpath sys.path entries for Jython. These - entries should follow the base virtualenv lib directories. - """ - paths = [] - classpaths = [] - for path in sys.path: - if path == '__classpath__' or path.startswith('__pyclasspath__'): - classpaths.append(path) - else: - paths.append(path) - sys.path = paths - sys.path.extend(classpaths) - -def execusercustomize(): - """Run custom user specific code, if available.""" - try: - import usercustomize - except ImportError: - pass - - -def main(): - global ENABLE_USER_SITE - virtual_install_main_packages() - abs__file__() - paths_in_sys = removeduppaths() - if (os.name == "posix" and sys.path and - os.path.basename(sys.path[-1]) == "Modules"): - addbuilddir() - if _is_jython: - fixclasspath() - GLOBAL_SITE_PACKAGES = not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'no-global-site-packages.txt')) - if not GLOBAL_SITE_PACKAGES: - ENABLE_USER_SITE = False - if ENABLE_USER_SITE is None: - ENABLE_USER_SITE = check_enableusersite() - paths_in_sys = addsitepackages(paths_in_sys) - paths_in_sys = addusersitepackages(paths_in_sys) - if GLOBAL_SITE_PACKAGES: - paths_in_sys = virtual_addsitepackages(paths_in_sys) - if sys.platform == 'os2emx': - setBEGINLIBPATH() - setquit() - setcopyright() - sethelper() - aliasmbcs() - setencoding() - execsitecustomize() - if ENABLE_USER_SITE: - execusercustomize() - # Remove sys.setdefaultencoding() so that users cannot change the - # encoding after initialization. The test for presence is needed when - # this module is run as a script, because this code is executed twice. - if hasattr(sys, "setdefaultencoding"): - del sys.setdefaultencoding - -main() - -def _script(): - help = """\ - %s [--user-base] [--user-site] - - Without arguments print some useful information - With arguments print the value of USER_BASE and/or USER_SITE separated - by '%s'. - - Exit codes with --user-base or --user-site: - 0 - user site directory is enabled - 1 - user site directory is disabled by user - 2 - uses site directory is disabled by super user - or for security reasons - >2 - unknown error - """ - args = sys.argv[1:] - if not args: - print("sys.path = [") - for dir in sys.path: - print(" %r," % (dir,)) - print("]") - def exists(path): - if os.path.isdir(path): - return "exists" - else: - return "doesn't exist" - print("USER_BASE: %r (%s)" % (USER_BASE, exists(USER_BASE))) - print("USER_SITE: %r (%s)" % (USER_SITE, exists(USER_BASE))) - print("ENABLE_USER_SITE: %r" % ENABLE_USER_SITE) - sys.exit(0) - - buffer = [] - if '--user-base' in args: - buffer.append(USER_BASE) - if '--user-site' in args: - buffer.append(USER_SITE) - - if buffer: - print(os.pathsep.join(buffer)) - if ENABLE_USER_SITE: - sys.exit(0) - elif ENABLE_USER_SITE is False: - sys.exit(1) - elif ENABLE_USER_SITE is None: - sys.exit(2) - else: - sys.exit(3) - else: - import textwrap - print(textwrap.dedent(help % (sys.argv[0], os.pathsep))) - sys.exit(10) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - _script() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/test_activate.sh b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/test_activate.sh deleted file mode 100755 index e27727386..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/test_activate.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -set -u - -ROOT="$(dirname $0)/.." -VIRTUALENV="${ROOT}/virtualenv.py" -TESTENV="/tmp/test_virtualenv_activate.venv" - -rm -rf ${TESTENV} - -echo "$0: Creating virtualenv ${TESTENV}..." 1>&2 - -${VIRTUALENV} ${TESTENV} | tee ${ROOT}/tests/test_activate_output.actual -if ! diff ${ROOT}/tests/test_activate_output.expected ${ROOT}/tests/test_activate_output.actual; then - echo "$0: Failed to get expected output from ${VIRTUALENV}!" 1>&2 - exit 1 -fi - -echo "$0: Created virtualenv ${TESTENV}." 1>&2 - -echo "$0: Activating ${TESTENV}..." 1>&2 -. ${TESTENV}/bin/activate -echo "$0: Activated ${TESTENV}." 1>&2 - -echo "$0: Checking value of \$VIRTUAL_ENV..." 1>&2 - -if [ "$VIRTUAL_ENV" != "${TESTENV}" ]; then - echo "$0: Expected \$VIRTUAL_ENV to be set to \"${TESTENV}\"; actual value: \"${VIRTUAL_ENV}\"!" 1>&2 - exit 2 -fi - -echo "$0: \$VIRTUAL_ENV = \"${VIRTUAL_ENV}\" -- OK." 1>&2 - -echo "$0: Checking output of \$(which python)..." 1>&2 - -if [ "$(which python)" != "${TESTENV}/bin/python" ]; then - echo "$0: Expected \$(which python) to return \"${TESTENV}/bin/python\"; actual value: \"$(which python)\"!" 1>&2 - exit 3 -fi - -echo "$0: Output of \$(which python) is OK." 1>&2 - -echo "$0: Checking output of \$(which pip)..." 1>&2 - -if [ "$(which pip)" != "${TESTENV}/bin/pip" ]; then - echo "$0: Expected \$(which pip) to return \"${TESTENV}/bin/pip\"; actual value: \"$(which pip)\"!" 1>&2 - exit 4 -fi - -echo "$0: Output of \$(which pip) is OK." 1>&2 - -echo "$0: Checking output of \$(which easy_install)..." 1>&2 - -if [ "$(which easy_install)" != "${TESTENV}/bin/easy_install" ]; then - echo "$0: Expected \$(which easy_install) to return \"${TESTENV}/bin/easy_install\"; actual value: \"$(which easy_install)\"!" 1>&2 - exit 5 -fi - -echo "$0: Output of \$(which easy_install) is OK." 1>&2 - -echo "$0: Executing a simple Python program..." 1>&2 - -TESTENV=${TESTENV} python <<__END__ -import os, sys - -expected_site_packages = os.path.join(os.environ['TESTENV'], 'lib','python%s' % sys.version[:3], 'site-packages') -site_packages = os.path.join(os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'], 'lib', 'python%s' % sys.version[:3], 'site-packages') - -assert site_packages == expected_site_packages, 'site_packages did not have expected value; actual value: %r' % site_packages - -open(os.path.join(site_packages, 'pydoc_test.py'), 'w').write('"""This is pydoc_test.py"""\n') -__END__ - -if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then - echo "$0: Python script failed!" 1>&2 - exit 6 -fi - -echo "$0: Execution of a simple Python program -- OK." 1>&2 - -echo "$0: Testing pydoc..." 1>&2 - -if ! PAGER=cat pydoc pydoc_test | grep 'This is pydoc_test.py' > /dev/null; then - echo "$0: pydoc test failed!" 1>&2 - exit 7 -fi - -echo "$0: pydoc is OK." 1>&2 - -echo "$0: Deactivating ${TESTENV}..." 1>&2 -deactivate -echo "$0: Deactivated ${TESTENV}." 1>&2 -echo "$0: OK!" 1>&2 - -rm -rf ${TESTENV} - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/test_activate_output.expected b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/test_activate_output.expected deleted file mode 100644 index d49469feb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/test_activate_output.expected +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -New python executable in /tmp/test_virtualenv_activate.venv/bin/python -Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/test_cmdline.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/test_cmdline.py deleted file mode 100644 index 9682ef003..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/test_cmdline.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -import sys -import subprocess -import virtualenv -import pytest - -VIRTUALENV_SCRIPT = virtualenv.__file__ - -def test_commandline_basic(tmpdir): - """Simple command line usage should work""" - subprocess.check_call([ - sys.executable, - VIRTUALENV_SCRIPT, - str(tmpdir.join('venv')) - ]) - -def test_commandline_explicit_interp(tmpdir): - """Specifying the Python interpreter should work""" - subprocess.check_call([ - sys.executable, - VIRTUALENV_SCRIPT, - '-p', sys.executable, - str(tmpdir.join('venv')) - ]) - -# The registry lookups to support the abbreviated "-p 3.5" form of specifying -# a Python interpreter on Windows don't seem to work with Python 3.5. The -# registry layout is not well documented, and it's not clear that the feature -# is sufficiently widely used to be worth fixing. -# See https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/864 -@pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info[:2] >= (3,5)") -def test_commandline_abbrev_interp(tmpdir): - """Specifying abbreviated forms of the Python interpreter should work""" - if sys.platform == 'win32': - fmt = '%s.%s' - else: - fmt = 'python%s.%s' - abbrev = fmt % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) - subprocess.check_call([ - sys.executable, - VIRTUALENV_SCRIPT, - '-p', abbrev, - str(tmpdir.join('venv')) - ]) - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/test_virtualenv.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/test_virtualenv.py deleted file mode 100644 index 756cde936..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/tests/test_virtualenv.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ -import virtualenv -import optparse -import os -import shutil -import sys -import tempfile -import pytest -import platform # noqa - -from mock import patch, Mock - - -def test_version(): - """Should have a version string""" - assert virtualenv.virtualenv_version, "Should have version" - - -@patch('os.path.exists') -def test_resolve_interpreter_with_absolute_path(mock_exists): - """Should return absolute path if given and exists""" - mock_exists.return_value = True - virtualenv.is_executable = Mock(return_value=True) - test_abs_path = os.path.abspath("/usr/bin/python53") - - exe = virtualenv.resolve_interpreter(test_abs_path) - - assert exe == test_abs_path, "Absolute path should return as is" - mock_exists.assert_called_with(test_abs_path) - virtualenv.is_executable.assert_called_with(test_abs_path) - - -@patch('os.path.exists') -def test_resolve_interpreter_with_nonexistent_interpreter(mock_exists): - """Should SystemExit with an nonexistent python interpreter path""" - mock_exists.return_value = False - - with pytest.raises(SystemExit): - virtualenv.resolve_interpreter("/usr/bin/python53") - - mock_exists.assert_called_with("/usr/bin/python53") - - -@patch('os.path.exists') -def test_resolve_interpreter_with_invalid_interpreter(mock_exists): - """Should exit when with absolute path if not exists""" - mock_exists.return_value = True - virtualenv.is_executable = Mock(return_value=False) - invalid = os.path.abspath("/usr/bin/pyt_hon53") - - with pytest.raises(SystemExit): - virtualenv.resolve_interpreter(invalid) - - mock_exists.assert_called_with(invalid) - virtualenv.is_executable.assert_called_with(invalid) - - -def test_activate_after_future_statements(): - """Should insert activation line after last future statement""" - script = [ - '#!/usr/bin/env python', - 'from __future__ import with_statement', - 'from __future__ import print_function', - 'print("Hello, world!")' - ] - assert virtualenv.relative_script(script) == [ - '#!/usr/bin/env python', - 'from __future__ import with_statement', - 'from __future__ import print_function', - '', - "import os; activate_this=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'activate_this.py'); exec(compile(open(activate_this).read(), activate_this, 'exec'), dict(__file__=activate_this)); del os, activate_this", - '', - 'print("Hello, world!")' - ] - - -def test_cop_update_defaults_with_store_false(): - """store_false options need reverted logic""" - class MyConfigOptionParser(virtualenv.ConfigOptionParser): - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.config = virtualenv.ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() - self.files = [] - optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) - - def get_environ_vars(self, prefix='VIRTUALENV_'): - yield ("no_site_packages", "1") - - cop = MyConfigOptionParser() - cop.add_option( - '--no-site-packages', - dest='system_site_packages', - action='store_false', - help="Don't give access to the global site-packages dir to the " - "virtual environment (default)") - - defaults = {} - cop.update_defaults(defaults) - assert defaults == {'system_site_packages': 0} - -def test_install_python_bin(): - """Should create the right python executables and links""" - tmp_virtualenv = tempfile.mkdtemp() - try: - home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir = \ - virtualenv.path_locations(tmp_virtualenv) - virtualenv.install_python(home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir, False, - False) - - if virtualenv.is_win: - required_executables = [ 'python.exe', 'pythonw.exe'] - else: - py_exe_no_version = 'python' - py_exe_version_major = 'python%s' % sys.version_info[0] - py_exe_version_major_minor = 'python%s.%s' % ( - sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) - required_executables = [ py_exe_no_version, py_exe_version_major, - py_exe_version_major_minor ] - - for pth in required_executables: - assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(bin_dir, pth)), ("%s should " - "exist in bin_dir" % pth) - finally: - shutil.rmtree(tmp_virtualenv) - - -@pytest.mark.skipif("platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy'") -def test_always_copy_option(): - """Should be no symlinks in directory tree""" - tmp_virtualenv = tempfile.mkdtemp() - ve_path = os.path.join(tmp_virtualenv, 'venv') - try: - virtualenv.create_environment(ve_path, symlink=False) - - for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tmp_virtualenv): - for f in files + dirs: - full_name = os.path.join(root, f) - assert not os.path.islink(full_name), "%s should not be a" \ - " symlink (to %s)" % (full_name, os.readlink(full_name)) - finally: - shutil.rmtree(tmp_virtualenv) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv.py deleted file mode 100755 index e363021cc..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2329 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -"""Create a "virtual" Python installation""" - -import os -import sys - -# If we are running in a new interpreter to create a virtualenv, -# we do NOT want paths from our existing location interfering with anything, -# So we remove this file's directory from sys.path - most likely to be -# the previous interpreter's site-packages. Solves #705, #763, #779 -if os.environ.get('VIRTUALENV_INTERPRETER_RUNNING'): - for path in sys.path[:]: - if os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) == os.path.realpath(path): - sys.path.remove(path) - -import base64 -import codecs -import optparse -import re -import shutil -import logging -import zlib -import errno -import glob -import distutils.sysconfig -import struct -import subprocess -import pkgutil -import tempfile -import textwrap -from distutils.util import strtobool -from os.path import join - -try: - import ConfigParser -except ImportError: - import configparser as ConfigParser - -__version__ = "15.0.1" -virtualenv_version = __version__ # legacy - -if sys.version_info < (2, 6): - print('ERROR: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1]) - print('ERROR: this script requires Python 2.6 or greater.') - sys.exit(101) - -try: - basestring -except NameError: - basestring = str - -py_version = 'python%s.%s' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) - -is_jython = sys.platform.startswith('java') -is_pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') -is_win = (sys.platform == 'win32' and os.sep == '\\') -is_cygwin = (sys.platform == 'cygwin') -is_msys2 = (sys.platform == 'win32' and os.sep == '/') -is_darwin = (sys.platform == 'darwin') -abiflags = getattr(sys, 'abiflags', '') - -user_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') -if is_win: - default_storage_dir = os.path.join(user_dir, 'virtualenv') -else: - default_storage_dir = os.path.join(user_dir, '.virtualenv') -default_config_file = os.path.join(default_storage_dir, 'virtualenv.ini') - -if is_pypy: - expected_exe = 'pypy' -elif is_jython: - expected_exe = 'jython' -else: - expected_exe = 'python' - -# Return a mapping of version -> Python executable -# Only provided for Windows, where the information in the registry is used -if not is_win: - def get_installed_pythons(): - return {} -else: - try: - import winreg - except ImportError: - import _winreg as winreg - - def get_installed_pythons(): - try: - python_core = winreg.CreateKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, - "Software\\Python\\PythonCore") - except WindowsError: - # No registered Python installations - return {} - i = 0 - versions = [] - while True: - try: - versions.append(winreg.EnumKey(python_core, i)) - i = i + 1 - except WindowsError: - break - exes = dict() - for ver in versions: - try: - path = winreg.QueryValue(python_core, "%s\\InstallPath" % ver) - except WindowsError: - continue - exes[ver] = join(path, "python.exe") - - winreg.CloseKey(python_core) - - # Add the major versions - # Sort the keys, then repeatedly update the major version entry - # Last executable (i.e., highest version) wins with this approach - for ver in sorted(exes): - exes[ver[0]] = exes[ver] - - return exes - -REQUIRED_MODULES = ['os', 'posix', 'posixpath', 'nt', 'ntpath', 'genericpath', - 'fnmatch', 'locale', 'encodings', 'codecs', - 'stat', 'UserDict', 'readline', 'copy_reg', 'types', - 're', 'sre', 'sre_parse', 'sre_constants', 'sre_compile', - 'zlib'] - -REQUIRED_FILES = ['lib-dynload', 'config'] - -majver, minver = sys.version_info[:2] -if majver == 2: - if minver >= 6: - REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['warnings', 'linecache', '_abcoll', 'abc']) - if minver >= 7: - REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['_weakrefset']) - if is_msys2: - REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['functools']) -elif majver == 3: - # Some extra modules are needed for Python 3, but different ones - # for different versions. - REQUIRED_MODULES.extend([ - '_abcoll', 'warnings', 'linecache', 'abc', 'io', '_weakrefset', - 'copyreg', 'tempfile', 'random', '__future__', 'collections', - 'keyword', 'tarfile', 'shutil', 'struct', 'copy', 'tokenize', - 'token', 'functools', 'heapq', 'bisect', 'weakref', 'reprlib' - ]) - if minver >= 2: - REQUIRED_FILES[-1] = 'config-%s' % majver - if minver >= 3: - import sysconfig - platdir = sysconfig.get_config_var('PLATDIR') - REQUIRED_FILES.append(platdir) - REQUIRED_MODULES.extend([ - 'base64', '_dummy_thread', 'hashlib', 'hmac', - 'imp', 'importlib', 'rlcompleter' - ]) - if minver >= 4: - REQUIRED_MODULES.extend([ - 'operator', - '_collections_abc', - '_bootlocale', - ]) - -if is_pypy: - # these are needed to correctly display the exceptions that may happen - # during the bootstrap - REQUIRED_MODULES.extend(['traceback', 'linecache']) - - -class Logger(object): - - """ - Logging object for use in command-line script. Allows ranges of - levels, to avoid some redundancy of displayed information. - """ - - DEBUG = logging.DEBUG - INFO = logging.INFO - NOTIFY = (logging.INFO+logging.WARN)/2 - WARN = WARNING = logging.WARN - ERROR = logging.ERROR - FATAL = logging.FATAL - - LEVELS = [DEBUG, INFO, NOTIFY, WARN, ERROR, FATAL] - - def __init__(self, consumers): - self.consumers = consumers - self.indent = 0 - self.in_progress = None - self.in_progress_hanging = False - - def debug(self, msg, *args, **kw): - self.log(self.DEBUG, msg, *args, **kw) - - def info(self, msg, *args, **kw): - self.log(self.INFO, msg, *args, **kw) - - def notify(self, msg, *args, **kw): - self.log(self.NOTIFY, msg, *args, **kw) - - def warn(self, msg, *args, **kw): - self.log(self.WARN, msg, *args, **kw) - - def error(self, msg, *args, **kw): - self.log(self.ERROR, msg, *args, **kw) - - def fatal(self, msg, *args, **kw): - self.log(self.FATAL, msg, *args, **kw) - - def log(self, level, msg, *args, **kw): - if args: - if kw: - raise TypeError( - "You may give positional or keyword arguments, not both") - args = args or kw - rendered = None - for consumer_level, consumer in self.consumers: - if self.level_matches(level, consumer_level): - if (self.in_progress_hanging - and consumer in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr)): - self.in_progress_hanging = False - sys.stdout.write('\n') - sys.stdout.flush() - if rendered is None: - if args: - rendered = msg % args - else: - rendered = msg - rendered = ' '*self.indent + rendered - if hasattr(consumer, 'write'): - consumer.write(rendered+'\n') - else: - consumer(rendered) - - def start_progress(self, msg): - assert not self.in_progress, ( - "Tried to start_progress(%r) while in_progress %r" - % (msg, self.in_progress)) - if self.level_matches(self.NOTIFY, self._stdout_level()): - sys.stdout.write(msg) - sys.stdout.flush() - self.in_progress_hanging = True - else: - self.in_progress_hanging = False - self.in_progress = msg - - def end_progress(self, msg='done.'): - assert self.in_progress, ( - "Tried to end_progress without start_progress") - if self.stdout_level_matches(self.NOTIFY): - if not self.in_progress_hanging: - # Some message has been printed out since start_progress - sys.stdout.write('...' + self.in_progress + msg + '\n') - sys.stdout.flush() - else: - sys.stdout.write(msg + '\n') - sys.stdout.flush() - self.in_progress = None - self.in_progress_hanging = False - - def show_progress(self): - """If we are in a progress scope, and no log messages have been - shown, write out another '.'""" - if self.in_progress_hanging: - sys.stdout.write('.') - sys.stdout.flush() - - def stdout_level_matches(self, level): - """Returns true if a message at this level will go to stdout""" - return self.level_matches(level, self._stdout_level()) - - def _stdout_level(self): - """Returns the level that stdout runs at""" - for level, consumer in self.consumers: - if consumer is sys.stdout: - return level - return self.FATAL - - def level_matches(self, level, consumer_level): - """ - >>> l = Logger([]) - >>> l.level_matches(3, 4) - False - >>> l.level_matches(3, 2) - True - >>> l.level_matches(slice(None, 3), 3) - False - >>> l.level_matches(slice(None, 3), 2) - True - >>> l.level_matches(slice(1, 3), 1) - True - >>> l.level_matches(slice(2, 3), 1) - False - """ - if isinstance(level, slice): - start, stop = level.start, level.stop - if start is not None and start > consumer_level: - return False - if stop is not None and stop <= consumer_level: - return False - return True - else: - return level >= consumer_level - - #@classmethod - def level_for_integer(cls, level): - levels = cls.LEVELS - if level < 0: - return levels[0] - if level >= len(levels): - return levels[-1] - return levels[level] - - level_for_integer = classmethod(level_for_integer) - -# create a silent logger just to prevent this from being undefined -# will be overridden with requested verbosity main() is called. -logger = Logger([(Logger.LEVELS[-1], sys.stdout)]) - -def mkdir(path): - if not os.path.exists(path): - logger.info('Creating %s', path) - os.makedirs(path) - else: - logger.info('Directory %s already exists', path) - -def copyfileordir(src, dest, symlink=True): - if os.path.isdir(src): - shutil.copytree(src, dest, symlink) - else: - shutil.copy2(src, dest) - -def copyfile(src, dest, symlink=True): - if not os.path.exists(src): - # Some bad symlink in the src - logger.warn('Cannot find file %s (bad symlink)', src) - return - if os.path.exists(dest): - logger.debug('File %s already exists', dest) - return - if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)): - logger.info('Creating parent directories for %s', os.path.dirname(dest)) - os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest)) - if not os.path.islink(src): - srcpath = os.path.abspath(src) - else: - srcpath = os.readlink(src) - if symlink and hasattr(os, 'symlink') and not is_win: - logger.info('Symlinking %s', dest) - try: - os.symlink(srcpath, dest) - except (OSError, NotImplementedError): - logger.info('Symlinking failed, copying to %s', dest) - copyfileordir(src, dest, symlink) - else: - logger.info('Copying to %s', dest) - copyfileordir(src, dest, symlink) - -def writefile(dest, content, overwrite=True): - if not os.path.exists(dest): - logger.info('Writing %s', dest) - with open(dest, 'wb') as f: - f.write(content.encode('utf-8')) - return - else: - with open(dest, 'rb') as f: - c = f.read() - if c != content.encode("utf-8"): - if not overwrite: - logger.notify('File %s exists with different content; not overwriting', dest) - return - logger.notify('Overwriting %s with new content', dest) - with open(dest, 'wb') as f: - f.write(content.encode('utf-8')) - else: - logger.info('Content %s already in place', dest) - -def rmtree(dir): - if os.path.exists(dir): - logger.notify('Deleting tree %s', dir) - shutil.rmtree(dir) - else: - logger.info('Do not need to delete %s; already gone', dir) - -def make_exe(fn): - if hasattr(os, 'chmod'): - oldmode = os.stat(fn).st_mode & 0xFFF # 0o7777 - newmode = (oldmode | 0x16D) & 0xFFF # 0o555, 0o7777 - os.chmod(fn, newmode) - logger.info('Changed mode of %s to %s', fn, oct(newmode)) - -def _find_file(filename, dirs): - for dir in reversed(dirs): - files = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, filename)) - if files and os.path.isfile(files[0]): - return True, files[0] - return False, filename - -def file_search_dirs(): - here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) - dirs = [here, join(here, 'virtualenv_support')] - if os.path.splitext(os.path.dirname(__file__))[0] != 'virtualenv': - # Probably some boot script; just in case virtualenv is installed... - try: - import virtualenv - except ImportError: - pass - else: - dirs.append(os.path.join( - os.path.dirname(virtualenv.__file__), 'virtualenv_support')) - return [d for d in dirs if os.path.isdir(d)] - - -class UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter): - """ - Custom help formatter for use in ConfigOptionParser that updates - the defaults before expanding them, allowing them to show up correctly - in the help listing - """ - def expand_default(self, option): - if self.parser is not None: - self.parser.update_defaults(self.parser.defaults) - return optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter.expand_default(self, option) - - -class ConfigOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): - """ - Custom option parser which updates its defaults by checking the - configuration files and environmental variables - """ - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() - self.files = self.get_config_files() - self.config.read(self.files) - optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) - - def get_config_files(self): - config_file = os.environ.get('VIRTUALENV_CONFIG_FILE', False) - if config_file and os.path.exists(config_file): - return [config_file] - return [default_config_file] - - def update_defaults(self, defaults): - """ - Updates the given defaults with values from the config files and - the environ. Does a little special handling for certain types of - options (lists). - """ - # Then go and look for the other sources of configuration: - config = {} - # 1. config files - config.update(dict(self.get_config_section('virtualenv'))) - # 2. environmental variables - config.update(dict(self.get_environ_vars())) - # Then set the options with those values - for key, val in config.items(): - key = key.replace('_', '-') - if not key.startswith('--'): - key = '--%s' % key # only prefer long opts - option = self.get_option(key) - if option is not None: - # ignore empty values - if not val: - continue - # handle multiline configs - if option.action == 'append': - val = val.split() - else: - option.nargs = 1 - if option.action == 'store_false': - val = not strtobool(val) - elif option.action in ('store_true', 'count'): - val = strtobool(val) - try: - val = option.convert_value(key, val) - except optparse.OptionValueError: - e = sys.exc_info()[1] - print("An error occurred during configuration: %s" % e) - sys.exit(3) - defaults[option.dest] = val - return defaults - - def get_config_section(self, name): - """ - Get a section of a configuration - """ - if self.config.has_section(name): - return self.config.items(name) - return [] - - def get_environ_vars(self, prefix='VIRTUALENV_'): - """ - Returns a generator with all environmental vars with prefix VIRTUALENV - """ - for key, val in os.environ.items(): - if key.startswith(prefix): - yield (key.replace(prefix, '').lower(), val) - - def get_default_values(self): - """ - Overridding to make updating the defaults after instantiation of - the option parser possible, update_defaults() does the dirty work. - """ - if not self.process_default_values: - # Old, pre-Optik 1.5 behaviour. - return optparse.Values(self.defaults) - - defaults = self.update_defaults(self.defaults.copy()) # ours - for option in self._get_all_options(): - default = defaults.get(option.dest) - if isinstance(default, basestring): - opt_str = option.get_opt_string() - defaults[option.dest] = option.check_value(opt_str, default) - return optparse.Values(defaults) - - -def main(): - parser = ConfigOptionParser( - version=virtualenv_version, - usage="%prog [OPTIONS] DEST_DIR", - formatter=UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter()) - - parser.add_option( - '-v', '--verbose', - action='count', - dest='verbose', - default=0, - help="Increase verbosity.") - - parser.add_option( - '-q', '--quiet', - action='count', - dest='quiet', - default=0, - help='Decrease verbosity.') - - parser.add_option( - '-p', '--python', - dest='python', - metavar='PYTHON_EXE', - help='The Python interpreter to use, e.g., --python=python2.5 will use the python2.5 ' - 'interpreter to create the new environment. The default is the interpreter that ' - 'virtualenv was installed with (%s)' % sys.executable) - - parser.add_option( - '--clear', - dest='clear', - action='store_true', - help="Clear out the non-root install and start from scratch.") - - parser.set_defaults(system_site_packages=False) - parser.add_option( - '--no-site-packages', - dest='system_site_packages', - action='store_false', - help="DEPRECATED. Retained only for backward compatibility. " - "Not having access to global site-packages is now the default behavior.") - - parser.add_option( - '--system-site-packages', - dest='system_site_packages', - action='store_true', - help="Give the virtual environment access to the global site-packages.") - - parser.add_option( - '--always-copy', - dest='symlink', - action='store_false', - default=True, - help="Always copy files rather than symlinking.") - - parser.add_option( - '--unzip-setuptools', - dest='unzip_setuptools', - action='store_true', - help="Unzip Setuptools when installing it.") - - parser.add_option( - '--relocatable', - dest='relocatable', - action='store_true', - help='Make an EXISTING virtualenv environment relocatable. ' - 'This fixes up scripts and makes all .pth files relative.') - - parser.add_option( - '--no-setuptools', - dest='no_setuptools', - action='store_true', - help='Do not install setuptools in the new virtualenv.') - - parser.add_option( - '--no-pip', - dest='no_pip', - action='store_true', - help='Do not install pip in the new virtualenv.') - - parser.add_option( - '--no-wheel', - dest='no_wheel', - action='store_true', - help='Do not install wheel in the new virtualenv.') - - default_search_dirs = file_search_dirs() - parser.add_option( - '--extra-search-dir', - dest="search_dirs", - action="append", - metavar='DIR', - default=default_search_dirs, - help="Directory to look for setuptools/pip distributions in. " - "This option can be used multiple times.") - - parser.add_option( - "--download", - dest="download", - default=True, - action="store_true", - help="Download preinstalled packages from PyPI.", - ) - - parser.add_option( - "--no-download", - '--never-download', - dest="download", - action="store_false", - help="Do not download preinstalled packages from PyPI.", - ) - - parser.add_option( - '--prompt', - dest='prompt', - help='Provides an alternative prompt prefix for this environment.') - - parser.add_option( - '--setuptools', - dest='setuptools', - action='store_true', - help="DEPRECATED. Retained only for backward compatibility. This option has no effect.") - - parser.add_option( - '--distribute', - dest='distribute', - action='store_true', - help="DEPRECATED. Retained only for backward compatibility. This option has no effect.") - - if 'extend_parser' in globals(): - extend_parser(parser) - - options, args = parser.parse_args() - - global logger - - if 'adjust_options' in globals(): - adjust_options(options, args) - - verbosity = options.verbose - options.quiet - logger = Logger([(Logger.level_for_integer(2 - verbosity), sys.stdout)]) - - if options.python and not os.environ.get('VIRTUALENV_INTERPRETER_RUNNING'): - env = os.environ.copy() - interpreter = resolve_interpreter(options.python) - if interpreter == sys.executable: - logger.warn('Already using interpreter %s' % interpreter) - else: - logger.notify('Running virtualenv with interpreter %s' % interpreter) - env['VIRTUALENV_INTERPRETER_RUNNING'] = 'true' - file = __file__ - if file.endswith('.pyc'): - file = file[:-1] - popen = subprocess.Popen([interpreter, file] + sys.argv[1:], env=env) - raise SystemExit(popen.wait()) - - if not args: - print('You must provide a DEST_DIR') - parser.print_help() - sys.exit(2) - if len(args) > 1: - print('There must be only one argument: DEST_DIR (you gave %s)' % ( - ' '.join(args))) - parser.print_help() - sys.exit(2) - - home_dir = args[0] - - if os.path.exists(home_dir) and os.path.isfile(home_dir): - logger.fatal('ERROR: File already exists and is not a directory.') - logger.fatal('Please provide a different path or delete the file.') - sys.exit(3) - - if os.environ.get('WORKING_ENV'): - logger.fatal('ERROR: you cannot run virtualenv while in a workingenv') - logger.fatal('Please deactivate your workingenv, then re-run this script') - sys.exit(3) - - if 'PYTHONHOME' in os.environ: - logger.warn('PYTHONHOME is set. You *must* activate the virtualenv before using it') - del os.environ['PYTHONHOME'] - - if options.relocatable: - make_environment_relocatable(home_dir) - return - - create_environment(home_dir, - site_packages=options.system_site_packages, - clear=options.clear, - unzip_setuptools=options.unzip_setuptools, - prompt=options.prompt, - search_dirs=options.search_dirs, - download=options.download, - no_setuptools=options.no_setuptools, - no_pip=options.no_pip, - no_wheel=options.no_wheel, - symlink=options.symlink and hasattr(os, 'symlink')) # MOZ: Make sure we don't use symlink when we don't have it - if 'after_install' in globals(): - after_install(options, home_dir) - -def call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=True, - filter_stdout=None, cwd=None, - raise_on_returncode=True, extra_env=None, - remove_from_env=None, stdin=None): - cmd_parts = [] - for part in cmd: - if len(part) > 45: - part = part[:20]+"..."+part[-20:] - if ' ' in part or '\n' in part or '"' in part or "'" in part: - part = '"%s"' % part.replace('"', '\\"') - if hasattr(part, 'decode'): - try: - part = part.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()) - except UnicodeDecodeError: - part = part.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) - cmd_parts.append(part) - cmd_desc = ' '.join(cmd_parts) - if show_stdout: - stdout = None - else: - stdout = subprocess.PIPE - logger.debug("Running command %s" % cmd_desc) - if extra_env or remove_from_env: - env = os.environ.copy() - if extra_env: - env.update(extra_env) - if remove_from_env: - for varname in remove_from_env: - env.pop(varname, None) - else: - env = None - try: - proc = subprocess.Popen( - cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, - stdin=None if stdin is None else subprocess.PIPE, - stdout=stdout, - cwd=cwd, env=env) - except Exception: - e = sys.exc_info()[1] - logger.fatal( - "Error %s while executing command %s" % (e, cmd_desc)) - raise - all_output = [] - if stdout is not None: - if stdin is not None: - proc.stdin.write(stdin) - proc.stdin.close() - - stdout = proc.stdout - encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() - fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() - while 1: - line = stdout.readline() - try: - line = line.decode(encoding) - except UnicodeDecodeError: - line = line.decode(fs_encoding) - if not line: - break - line = line.rstrip() - all_output.append(line) - if filter_stdout: - level = filter_stdout(line) - if isinstance(level, tuple): - level, line = level - logger.log(level, line) - if not logger.stdout_level_matches(level): - logger.show_progress() - else: - logger.info(line) - else: - proc.communicate(stdin) - proc.wait() - if proc.returncode: - if raise_on_returncode: - if all_output: - logger.notify('Complete output from command %s:' % cmd_desc) - logger.notify('\n'.join(all_output) + '\n----------------------------------------') - raise OSError( - "Command %s failed with error code %s" - % (cmd_desc, proc.returncode)) - else: - logger.warn( - "Command %s had error code %s" - % (cmd_desc, proc.returncode)) - -def filter_install_output(line): - if line.strip().startswith('running'): - return Logger.INFO - return Logger.DEBUG - -def find_wheels(projects, search_dirs): - """Find wheels from which we can import PROJECTS. - - Scan through SEARCH_DIRS for a wheel for each PROJECT in turn. Return - a list of the first wheel found for each PROJECT - """ - - wheels = [] - - # Look through SEARCH_DIRS for the first suitable wheel. Don't bother - # about version checking here, as this is simply to get something we can - # then use to install the correct version. - for project in projects: - for dirname in search_dirs: - # This relies on only having "universal" wheels available. - # The pattern could be tightened to require -py2.py3-none-any.whl. - files = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, project + '-*.whl')) - if files: - wheels.append(os.path.abspath(files[0])) - break - else: - # We're out of luck, so quit with a suitable error - logger.fatal('Cannot find a wheel for %s' % (project,)) - - return wheels - -def install_wheel(project_names, py_executable, search_dirs=None, - download=False): - if search_dirs is None: - search_dirs = file_search_dirs() - - wheels = find_wheels(['setuptools', 'pip'], search_dirs) - pythonpath = os.pathsep.join(wheels) - - # PIP_FIND_LINKS uses space as the path separator and thus cannot have paths - # with spaces in them. Convert any of those to local file:// URL form. - try: - from urlparse import urljoin - from urllib import pathname2url - except ImportError: - from urllib.parse import urljoin - from urllib.request import pathname2url - def space_path2url(p): - if ' ' not in p: - return p - return urljoin('file:', pathname2url(os.path.abspath(p))) - findlinks = ' '.join(space_path2url(d) for d in search_dirs) - - SCRIPT = textwrap.dedent(""" - import sys - import pkgutil - import tempfile - import os - - import pip - - cert_data = pkgutil.get_data("pip._vendor.requests", "cacert.pem") - if cert_data is not None: - cert_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) - cert_file.write(cert_data) - cert_file.close() - else: - cert_file = None - - try: - args = ["install", "--ignore-installed"] - if cert_file is not None: - args += ["--cert", cert_file.name] - args += sys.argv[1:] - - sys.exit(pip.main(args)) - finally: - if cert_file is not None: - os.remove(cert_file.name) - """).encode("utf8") - - cmd = [py_executable, '-'] + project_names - logger.start_progress('Installing %s...' % (', '.join(project_names))) - logger.indent += 2 - - env = { - "PYTHONPATH": pythonpath, - "JYTHONPATH": pythonpath, # for Jython < 3.x - "PIP_FIND_LINKS": findlinks, - "PIP_USE_WHEEL": "1", - "PIP_ONLY_BINARY": ":all:", - "PIP_PRE": "1", - "PIP_USER": "0", - } - - if not download: - env["PIP_NO_INDEX"] = "1" - - try: - call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=False, extra_env=env, stdin=SCRIPT) - finally: - logger.indent -= 2 - logger.end_progress() - - -def create_environment(home_dir, site_packages=False, clear=False, - unzip_setuptools=False, - prompt=None, search_dirs=None, download=False, - no_setuptools=False, no_pip=False, no_wheel=False, - symlink=True): - """ - Creates a new environment in ``home_dir``. - - If ``site_packages`` is true, then the global ``site-packages/`` - directory will be on the path. - - If ``clear`` is true (default False) then the environment will - first be cleared. - """ - home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir = path_locations(home_dir) - - py_executable = os.path.abspath(install_python( - home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir, - site_packages=site_packages, clear=clear, symlink=symlink)) - - install_distutils(home_dir) - - to_install = [] - - if not no_setuptools: - to_install.append('setuptools') - - if not no_pip: - to_install.append('pip') - - if not no_wheel: - to_install.append('wheel') - - if to_install: - install_wheel( - to_install, - py_executable, - search_dirs, - download=download, - ) - - install_activate(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt) - - install_python_config(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt) - -def is_executable_file(fpath): - return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) - -def path_locations(home_dir): - """Return the path locations for the environment (where libraries are, - where scripts go, etc)""" - home_dir = os.path.abspath(home_dir) - # XXX: We'd use distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc/lib but its - # prefix arg is broken: http://bugs.python.org/issue3386 - if is_win: - # Windows has lots of problems with executables with spaces in - # the name; this function will remove them (using the ~1 - # format): - mkdir(home_dir) - if ' ' in home_dir: - import ctypes - GetShortPathName = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetShortPathNameW - size = max(len(home_dir)+1, 256) - buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(size) - try: - u = unicode - except NameError: - u = str - ret = GetShortPathName(u(home_dir), buf, size) - if not ret: - print('Error: the path "%s" has a space in it' % home_dir) - print('We could not determine the short pathname for it.') - print('Exiting.') - sys.exit(3) - home_dir = str(buf.value) - lib_dir = join(home_dir, 'Lib') - inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'Include') - bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'Scripts') - if is_jython: - lib_dir = join(home_dir, 'Lib') - inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'Include') - bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'bin') - elif is_pypy: - lib_dir = home_dir - inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'include') - bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'bin') - elif not is_win: - lib_dir = join(home_dir, 'lib', py_version) - inc_dir = join(home_dir, 'include', py_version + abiflags) - bin_dir = join(home_dir, 'bin') - return home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir - - -def change_prefix(filename, dst_prefix): - prefixes = [sys.prefix] - - if is_darwin: - prefixes.extend(( - os.path.join("/Library/Python", sys.version[:3], "site-packages"), - os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Extras", "lib", "python"), - os.path.join("~", "Library", "Python", sys.version[:3], "site-packages"), - # Python 2.6 no-frameworks - os.path.join("~", ".local", "lib","python", sys.version[:3], "site-packages"), - # System Python 2.7 on OSX Mountain Lion - os.path.join("~", "Library", "Python", sys.version[:3], "lib", "python", "site-packages"))) - - if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): - prefixes.append(sys.real_prefix) - if hasattr(sys, 'base_prefix'): - prefixes.append(sys.base_prefix) - prefixes = list(map(os.path.expanduser, prefixes)) - prefixes = list(map(os.path.abspath, prefixes)) - # Check longer prefixes first so we don't split in the middle of a filename - prefixes = sorted(prefixes, key=len, reverse=True) - filename = os.path.abspath(filename) - # On Windows, make sure drive letter is uppercase - if is_win and filename[0] in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz': - filename = filename[0].upper() + filename[1:] - for i, prefix in enumerate(prefixes): - if is_win and prefix[0] in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz': - prefixes[i] = prefix[0].upper() + prefix[1:] - for src_prefix in prefixes: - if filename.startswith(src_prefix): - _, relpath = filename.split(src_prefix, 1) - if src_prefix != os.sep: # sys.prefix == "/" - assert relpath[0] == os.sep - relpath = relpath[1:] - return join(dst_prefix, relpath) - assert False, "Filename %s does not start with any of these prefixes: %s" % \ - (filename, prefixes) - -def copy_required_modules(dst_prefix, symlink): - import imp - - for modname in REQUIRED_MODULES: - if modname in sys.builtin_module_names: - logger.info("Ignoring built-in bootstrap module: %s" % modname) - continue - try: - f, filename, _ = imp.find_module(modname) - except ImportError: - logger.info("Cannot import bootstrap module: %s" % modname) - else: - if f is not None: - f.close() - # special-case custom readline.so on OS X, but not for pypy: - if modname == 'readline' and sys.platform == 'darwin' and not ( - is_pypy or filename.endswith(join('lib-dynload', 'readline.so'))): - dst_filename = join(dst_prefix, 'lib', 'python%s' % sys.version[:3], 'readline.so') - elif modname == 'readline' and sys.platform == 'win32': - # special-case for Windows, where readline is not a - # standard module, though it may have been installed in - # site-packages by a third-party package - pass - else: - dst_filename = change_prefix(filename, dst_prefix) - copyfile(filename, dst_filename, symlink) - if filename.endswith('.pyc'): - pyfile = filename[:-1] - if os.path.exists(pyfile): - copyfile(pyfile, dst_filename[:-1], symlink) - - -def subst_path(prefix_path, prefix, home_dir): - prefix_path = os.path.normpath(prefix_path) - prefix = os.path.normpath(prefix) - home_dir = os.path.normpath(home_dir) - if not prefix_path.startswith(prefix): - logger.warn('Path not in prefix %r %r', prefix_path, prefix) - return - return prefix_path.replace(prefix, home_dir, 1) - - -def install_python(home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir, site_packages, clear, symlink=True): - """Install just the base environment, no distutils patches etc""" - if sys.executable.startswith(bin_dir): - print('Please use the *system* python to run this script') - return - - if clear: - rmtree(lib_dir) - ## FIXME: why not delete it? - ## Maybe it should delete everything with #!/path/to/venv/python in it - logger.notify('Not deleting %s', bin_dir) - - if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): - logger.notify('Using real prefix %r' % sys.real_prefix) - prefix = sys.real_prefix - elif hasattr(sys, 'base_prefix'): - logger.notify('Using base prefix %r' % sys.base_prefix) - prefix = sys.base_prefix - else: - prefix = sys.prefix - mkdir(lib_dir) - fix_lib64(lib_dir, symlink) - stdlib_dirs = [os.path.dirname(os.__file__)] - if is_win: - stdlib_dirs.append(join(os.path.dirname(stdlib_dirs[0]), 'DLLs')) - elif is_darwin: - stdlib_dirs.append(join(stdlib_dirs[0], 'site-packages')) - if hasattr(os, 'symlink'): - logger.info('Symlinking Python bootstrap modules') - else: - logger.info('Copying Python bootstrap modules') - logger.indent += 2 - try: - # copy required files... - for stdlib_dir in stdlib_dirs: - if not os.path.isdir(stdlib_dir): - continue - for fn in os.listdir(stdlib_dir): - bn = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] - if fn != 'site-packages' and bn in REQUIRED_FILES: - copyfile(join(stdlib_dir, fn), join(lib_dir, fn), symlink) - # ...and modules - copy_required_modules(home_dir, symlink) - finally: - logger.indent -= 2 - mkdir(join(lib_dir, 'site-packages')) - import site - site_filename = site.__file__ - if site_filename.endswith('.pyc') or site_filename.endswith('.pyo'): - site_filename = site_filename[:-1] - elif site_filename.endswith('$py.class'): - site_filename = site_filename.replace('$py.class', '.py') - site_filename_dst = change_prefix(site_filename, home_dir) - site_dir = os.path.dirname(site_filename_dst) - # MOZ: Copies a site.py if it exists instead of using the one hex encoded in - # this file. Necessary for some site.py fixes for MinGW64 version of python - site_py_src_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'site.py') - if os.path.isfile(site_py_src_path): - shutil.copy(site_py_src_path, site_filename_dst) - else: - writefile(site_filename_dst, SITE_PY) - writefile(join(site_dir, 'orig-prefix.txt'), prefix) - site_packages_filename = join(site_dir, 'no-global-site-packages.txt') - if not site_packages: - writefile(site_packages_filename, '') - - if is_pypy or is_win: - stdinc_dir = join(prefix, 'include') - else: - stdinc_dir = join(prefix, 'include', py_version + abiflags) - if os.path.exists(stdinc_dir): - copyfile(stdinc_dir, inc_dir, symlink) - else: - logger.debug('No include dir %s' % stdinc_dir) - - platinc_dir = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc(plat_specific=1) - if platinc_dir != stdinc_dir: - platinc_dest = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc( - plat_specific=1, prefix=home_dir) - if platinc_dir == platinc_dest: - # Do platinc_dest manually due to a CPython bug; - # not http://bugs.python.org/issue3386 but a close cousin - platinc_dest = subst_path(platinc_dir, prefix, home_dir) - if platinc_dest: - # PyPy's stdinc_dir and prefix are relative to the original binary - # (traversing virtualenvs), whereas the platinc_dir is relative to - # the inner virtualenv and ignores the prefix argument. - # This seems more evolved than designed. - copyfile(platinc_dir, platinc_dest, symlink) - - # pypy never uses exec_prefix, just ignore it - if sys.exec_prefix != prefix and not is_pypy: - if is_win: - exec_dir = join(sys.exec_prefix, 'lib') - elif is_jython: - exec_dir = join(sys.exec_prefix, 'Lib') - else: - exec_dir = join(sys.exec_prefix, 'lib', py_version) - for fn in os.listdir(exec_dir): - copyfile(join(exec_dir, fn), join(lib_dir, fn), symlink) - - if is_jython: - # Jython has either jython-dev.jar and javalib/ dir, or just - # jython.jar - for name in 'jython-dev.jar', 'javalib', 'jython.jar': - src = join(prefix, name) - if os.path.exists(src): - copyfile(src, join(home_dir, name), symlink) - # XXX: registry should always exist after Jython 2.5rc1 - src = join(prefix, 'registry') - if os.path.exists(src): - copyfile(src, join(home_dir, 'registry'), symlink=False) - copyfile(join(prefix, 'cachedir'), join(home_dir, 'cachedir'), - symlink=False) - - mkdir(bin_dir) - py_executable = join(bin_dir, os.path.basename(sys.executable)) - if 'Python.framework' in prefix: - # OS X framework builds cause validation to break - # https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/322 - if os.environ.get('__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__'): - del os.environ["__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__"] - if re.search(r'/Python(?:-32|-64)*$', py_executable): - # The name of the python executable is not quite what - # we want, rename it. - py_executable = os.path.join( - os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'python') - - logger.notify('New %s executable in %s', expected_exe, py_executable) - pcbuild_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) - pyd_pth = os.path.join(lib_dir, 'site-packages', 'virtualenv_builddir_pyd.pth') - if is_win and os.path.exists(os.path.join(pcbuild_dir, 'build.bat')): - logger.notify('Detected python running from build directory %s', pcbuild_dir) - logger.notify('Writing .pth file linking to build directory for *.pyd files') - writefile(pyd_pth, pcbuild_dir) - else: - pcbuild_dir = None - if os.path.exists(pyd_pth): - logger.info('Deleting %s (not Windows env or not build directory python)' % pyd_pth) - os.unlink(pyd_pth) - - if sys.executable != py_executable: - ## FIXME: could I just hard link? - executable = sys.executable - shutil.copyfile(executable, py_executable) - make_exe(py_executable) - if is_win or is_cygwin: - pythonw = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'pythonw.exe') - if os.path.exists(pythonw): - logger.info('Also created pythonw.exe') - shutil.copyfile(pythonw, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'pythonw.exe')) - python_d = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'python_d.exe') - python_d_dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'python_d.exe') - if os.path.exists(python_d): - logger.info('Also created python_d.exe') - shutil.copyfile(python_d, python_d_dest) - elif os.path.exists(python_d_dest): - logger.info('Removed python_d.exe as it is no longer at the source') - os.unlink(python_d_dest) - # we need to copy the DLL to enforce that windows will load the correct one. - # may not exist if we are cygwin. - py_executable_dll = 'python%s%s.dll' % ( - sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) - py_executable_dll_d = 'python%s%s_d.dll' % ( - sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) - pythondll = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), py_executable_dll) - pythondll_d = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), py_executable_dll_d) - pythondll_d_dest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), py_executable_dll_d) - if os.path.exists(pythondll): - logger.info('Also created %s' % py_executable_dll) - shutil.copyfile(pythondll, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), py_executable_dll)) - if os.path.exists(pythondll_d): - logger.info('Also created %s' % py_executable_dll_d) - shutil.copyfile(pythondll_d, pythondll_d_dest) - elif os.path.exists(pythondll_d_dest): - logger.info('Removed %s as the source does not exist' % pythondll_d_dest) - os.unlink(pythondll_d_dest) - if is_pypy: - # make a symlink python --> pypy-c - python_executable = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), 'python') - if sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'): - python_executable += '.exe' - logger.info('Also created executable %s' % python_executable) - copyfile(py_executable, python_executable, symlink) - - if is_win: - for name in ['libexpat.dll', 'libpypy.dll', 'libpypy-c.dll', - 'libeay32.dll', 'ssleay32.dll', 'sqlite3.dll', - 'tcl85.dll', 'tk85.dll']: - src = join(prefix, name) - if os.path.exists(src): - copyfile(src, join(bin_dir, name), symlink) - - for d in sys.path: - if d.endswith('lib_pypy'): - break - else: - logger.fatal('Could not find lib_pypy in sys.path') - raise SystemExit(3) - logger.info('Copying lib_pypy') - copyfile(d, os.path.join(home_dir, 'lib_pypy'), symlink) - - if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(py_executable))[0] != expected_exe: - secondary_exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(py_executable), - expected_exe) - py_executable_ext = os.path.splitext(py_executable)[1] - if py_executable_ext.lower() == '.exe': - # python2.4 gives an extension of '.4' :P - secondary_exe += py_executable_ext - if os.path.exists(secondary_exe): - logger.warn('Not overwriting existing %s script %s (you must use %s)' - % (expected_exe, secondary_exe, py_executable)) - else: - logger.notify('Also creating executable in %s' % secondary_exe) - shutil.copyfile(sys.executable, secondary_exe) - make_exe(secondary_exe) - - if '.framework' in prefix: - if 'Python.framework' in prefix: - logger.debug('MacOSX Python framework detected') - # Make sure we use the embedded interpreter inside - # the framework, even if sys.executable points to - # the stub executable in ${sys.prefix}/bin - # See http://groups.google.com/group/python-virtualenv/ - # browse_thread/thread/17cab2f85da75951 - original_python = os.path.join( - prefix, 'Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python') - if 'EPD' in prefix: - logger.debug('EPD framework detected') - original_python = os.path.join(prefix, 'bin/python') - shutil.copy(original_python, py_executable) - - # Copy the framework's dylib into the virtual - # environment - virtual_lib = os.path.join(home_dir, '.Python') - - if os.path.exists(virtual_lib): - os.unlink(virtual_lib) - copyfile( - os.path.join(prefix, 'Python'), - virtual_lib, - symlink) - - # And then change the install_name of the copied python executable - try: - mach_o_change(py_executable, - os.path.join(prefix, 'Python'), - '@executable_path/../.Python') - except: - e = sys.exc_info()[1] - logger.warn("Could not call mach_o_change: %s. " - "Trying to call install_name_tool instead." % e) - try: - call_subprocess( - ["install_name_tool", "-change", - os.path.join(prefix, 'Python'), - '@executable_path/../.Python', - py_executable]) - except: - logger.fatal("Could not call install_name_tool -- you must " - "have Apple's development tools installed") - raise - - if not is_win: - # Ensure that 'python', 'pythonX' and 'pythonX.Y' all exist - py_exe_version_major = 'python%s' % sys.version_info[0] - py_exe_version_major_minor = 'python%s.%s' % ( - sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) - py_exe_no_version = 'python' - required_symlinks = [ py_exe_no_version, py_exe_version_major, - py_exe_version_major_minor ] - - py_executable_base = os.path.basename(py_executable) - - if py_executable_base in required_symlinks: - # Don't try to symlink to yourself. - required_symlinks.remove(py_executable_base) - - for pth in required_symlinks: - full_pth = join(bin_dir, pth) - if os.path.exists(full_pth): - os.unlink(full_pth) - if symlink: - os.symlink(py_executable_base, full_pth) - else: - copyfile(py_executable, full_pth, symlink) - - if is_win and ' ' in py_executable: - # There's a bug with subprocess on Windows when using a first - # argument that has a space in it. Instead we have to quote - # the value: - py_executable = '"%s"' % py_executable - # NOTE: keep this check as one line, cmd.exe doesn't cope with line breaks - cmd = [py_executable, '-c', 'import sys;out=sys.stdout;' - 'getattr(out, "buffer", out).write(sys.prefix.encode("utf-8"))'] - logger.info('Testing executable with %s %s "%s"' % tuple(cmd)) - try: - proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, - stdout=subprocess.PIPE) - proc_stdout, proc_stderr = proc.communicate() - except OSError: - e = sys.exc_info()[1] - if e.errno == errno.EACCES: - logger.fatal('ERROR: The executable %s could not be run: %s' % (py_executable, e)) - sys.exit(100) - else: - raise e - - proc_stdout = proc_stdout.strip().decode("utf-8") - proc_stdout = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(proc_stdout)) - norm_home_dir = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(home_dir)) - if hasattr(norm_home_dir, 'decode'): - norm_home_dir = norm_home_dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) - if proc_stdout != norm_home_dir: - logger.fatal( - 'ERROR: The executable %s is not functioning' % py_executable) - logger.fatal( - 'ERROR: It thinks sys.prefix is %r (should be %r)' - % (proc_stdout, norm_home_dir)) - logger.fatal( - 'ERROR: virtualenv is not compatible with this system or executable') - if is_win: - logger.fatal( - 'Note: some Windows users have reported this error when they ' - 'installed Python for "Only this user" or have multiple ' - 'versions of Python installed. Copying the appropriate ' - 'PythonXX.dll to the virtualenv Scripts/ directory may fix ' - 'this problem.') - sys.exit(100) - else: - logger.info('Got sys.prefix result: %r' % proc_stdout) - - pydistutils = os.path.expanduser('~/.pydistutils.cfg') - if os.path.exists(pydistutils): - logger.notify('Please make sure you remove any previous custom paths from ' - 'your %s file.' % pydistutils) - ## FIXME: really this should be calculated earlier - - fix_local_scheme(home_dir, symlink) - - if site_packages: - if os.path.exists(site_packages_filename): - logger.info('Deleting %s' % site_packages_filename) - os.unlink(site_packages_filename) - - return py_executable - - -def install_activate(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt=None): - if is_win or is_jython and os._name == 'nt': - files = { - 'activate.bat': ACTIVATE_BAT, - 'deactivate.bat': DEACTIVATE_BAT, - 'activate.ps1': ACTIVATE_PS, - } - - # MSYS needs paths of the form /c/path/to/file - drive, tail = os.path.splitdrive(home_dir.replace(os.sep, '/')) - home_dir_msys = (drive and "/%s%s" or "%s%s") % (drive[:1], tail) - - # Run-time conditional enables (basic) Cygwin compatibility - home_dir_sh = ("""$(if [ "$OSTYPE" "==" "cygwin" ]; then cygpath -u '%s'; else echo '%s'; fi;)""" % - (home_dir, home_dir_msys)) - files['activate'] = ACTIVATE_SH.replace('__VIRTUAL_ENV__', home_dir_sh) - - else: - files = {'activate': ACTIVATE_SH} - - # suppling activate.fish in addition to, not instead of, the - # bash script support. - files['activate.fish'] = ACTIVATE_FISH - - # same for csh/tcsh support... - files['activate.csh'] = ACTIVATE_CSH - - files['activate_this.py'] = ACTIVATE_THIS - - install_files(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt, files) - -def install_files(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt, files): - if hasattr(home_dir, 'decode'): - home_dir = home_dir.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) - vname = os.path.basename(home_dir) - for name, content in files.items(): - content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_PROMPT__', prompt or '') - content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_WINPROMPT__', prompt or '(%s)' % vname) - content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_ENV__', home_dir) - content = content.replace('__VIRTUAL_NAME__', vname) - content = content.replace('__BIN_NAME__', os.path.basename(bin_dir)) - writefile(os.path.join(bin_dir, name), content) - -def install_python_config(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt=None): - if sys.platform == 'win32' or is_jython and os._name == 'nt': - files = {} - else: - files = {'python-config': PYTHON_CONFIG} - install_files(home_dir, bin_dir, prompt, files) - for name, content in files.items(): - make_exe(os.path.join(bin_dir, name)) - -def install_distutils(home_dir): - distutils_path = change_prefix(distutils.__path__[0], home_dir) - mkdir(distutils_path) - ## FIXME: maybe this prefix setting should only be put in place if - ## there's a local distutils.cfg with a prefix setting? - home_dir = os.path.abspath(home_dir) - ## FIXME: this is breaking things, removing for now: - #distutils_cfg = DISTUTILS_CFG + "\n[install]\nprefix=%s\n" % home_dir - writefile(os.path.join(distutils_path, '__init__.py'), DISTUTILS_INIT) - writefile(os.path.join(distutils_path, 'distutils.cfg'), DISTUTILS_CFG, overwrite=False) - -def fix_local_scheme(home_dir, symlink=True): - """ - Platforms that use the "posix_local" install scheme (like Ubuntu with - Python 2.7) need to be given an additional "local" location, sigh. - """ - try: - import sysconfig - except ImportError: - pass - else: - if sysconfig._get_default_scheme() == 'posix_local': - local_path = os.path.join(home_dir, 'local') - if not os.path.exists(local_path): - os.mkdir(local_path) - for subdir_name in os.listdir(home_dir): - if subdir_name == 'local': - continue - copyfile(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home_dir, subdir_name)), \ - os.path.join(local_path, subdir_name), symlink) - -def fix_lib64(lib_dir, symlink=True): - """ - Some platforms (particularly Gentoo on x64) put things in lib64/pythonX.Y - instead of lib/pythonX.Y. If this is such a platform we'll just create a - symlink so lib64 points to lib - """ - # PyPy's library path scheme is not affected by this. - # Return early or we will die on the following assert. - if is_pypy: - logger.debug('PyPy detected, skipping lib64 symlinking') - return - # Check we have a lib64 library path - if not [p for p in distutils.sysconfig.get_config_vars().values() - if isinstance(p, basestring) and 'lib64' in p]: - return - - logger.debug('This system uses lib64; symlinking lib64 to lib') - - assert os.path.basename(lib_dir) == 'python%s' % sys.version[:3], ( - "Unexpected python lib dir: %r" % lib_dir) - lib_parent = os.path.dirname(lib_dir) - top_level = os.path.dirname(lib_parent) - lib_dir = os.path.join(top_level, 'lib') - lib64_link = os.path.join(top_level, 'lib64') - assert os.path.basename(lib_parent) == 'lib', ( - "Unexpected parent dir: %r" % lib_parent) - if os.path.lexists(lib64_link): - return - if symlink: - os.symlink('lib', lib64_link) - else: - copyfile('lib', lib64_link) - -def resolve_interpreter(exe): - """ - If the executable given isn't an absolute path, search $PATH for the interpreter - """ - # If the "executable" is a version number, get the installed executable for - # that version - python_versions = get_installed_pythons() - if exe in python_versions: - exe = python_versions[exe] - - if os.path.abspath(exe) != exe: - paths = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) - for path in paths: - if os.path.exists(join(path, exe)): - exe = join(path, exe) - break - if not os.path.exists(exe): - logger.fatal('The executable %s (from --python=%s) does not exist' % (exe, exe)) - raise SystemExit(3) - if not is_executable(exe): - logger.fatal('The executable %s (from --python=%s) is not executable' % (exe, exe)) - raise SystemExit(3) - return exe - -def is_executable(exe): - """Checks a file is executable""" - return os.access(exe, os.X_OK) - -############################################################ -## Relocating the environment: - -def make_environment_relocatable(home_dir): - """ - Makes the already-existing environment use relative paths, and takes out - the #!-based environment selection in scripts. - """ - home_dir, lib_dir, inc_dir, bin_dir = path_locations(home_dir) - activate_this = os.path.join(bin_dir, 'activate_this.py') - if not os.path.exists(activate_this): - logger.fatal( - 'The environment doesn\'t have a file %s -- please re-run virtualenv ' - 'on this environment to update it' % activate_this) - fixup_scripts(home_dir, bin_dir) - fixup_pth_and_egg_link(home_dir) - ## FIXME: need to fix up distutils.cfg - -OK_ABS_SCRIPTS = ['python', 'python%s' % sys.version[:3], - 'activate', 'activate.bat', 'activate_this.py', - 'activate.fish', 'activate.csh'] - -def fixup_scripts(home_dir, bin_dir): - if is_win: - new_shebang_args = ( - '%s /c' % os.path.normcase(os.environ.get('COMSPEC', 'cmd.exe')), - '', '.exe') - else: - new_shebang_args = ('/usr/bin/env', sys.version[:3], '') - - # This is what we expect at the top of scripts: - shebang = '#!%s' % os.path.normcase(os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(bin_dir), 'python%s' % new_shebang_args[2])) - # This is what we'll put: - new_shebang = '#!%s python%s%s' % new_shebang_args - - for filename in os.listdir(bin_dir): - filename = os.path.join(bin_dir, filename) - if not os.path.isfile(filename): - # ignore subdirs, e.g. .svn ones. - continue - lines = None - with open(filename, 'rb') as f: - try: - lines = f.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines() - except UnicodeDecodeError: - # This is probably a binary program instead - # of a script, so just ignore it. - continue - if not lines: - logger.warn('Script %s is an empty file' % filename) - continue - - old_shebang = lines[0].strip() - old_shebang = old_shebang[0:2] + os.path.normcase(old_shebang[2:]) - - if not old_shebang.startswith(shebang): - if os.path.basename(filename) in OK_ABS_SCRIPTS: - logger.debug('Cannot make script %s relative' % filename) - elif lines[0].strip() == new_shebang: - logger.info('Script %s has already been made relative' % filename) - else: - logger.warn('Script %s cannot be made relative (it\'s not a normal script that starts with %s)' - % (filename, shebang)) - continue - logger.notify('Making script %s relative' % filename) - script = relative_script([new_shebang] + lines[1:]) - with open(filename, 'wb') as f: - f.write('\n'.join(script).encode('utf-8')) - - -def relative_script(lines): - "Return a script that'll work in a relocatable environment." - activate = "import os; activate_this=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'activate_this.py'); exec(compile(open(activate_this).read(), activate_this, 'exec'), dict(__file__=activate_this)); del os, activate_this" - # Find the last future statement in the script. If we insert the activation - # line before a future statement, Python will raise a SyntaxError. - activate_at = None - for idx, line in reversed(list(enumerate(lines))): - if line.split()[:3] == ['from', '__future__', 'import']: - activate_at = idx + 1 - break - if activate_at is None: - # Activate after the shebang. - activate_at = 1 - return lines[:activate_at] + ['', activate, ''] + lines[activate_at:] - -def fixup_pth_and_egg_link(home_dir, sys_path=None): - """Makes .pth and .egg-link files use relative paths""" - home_dir = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(home_dir)) - if sys_path is None: - sys_path = sys.path - for path in sys_path: - if not path: - path = '.' - if not os.path.isdir(path): - continue - path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path)) - if not path.startswith(home_dir): - logger.debug('Skipping system (non-environment) directory %s' % path) - continue - for filename in os.listdir(path): - filename = os.path.join(path, filename) - if filename.endswith('.pth'): - if not os.access(filename, os.W_OK): - logger.warn('Cannot write .pth file %s, skipping' % filename) - else: - fixup_pth_file(filename) - if filename.endswith('.egg-link'): - if not os.access(filename, os.W_OK): - logger.warn('Cannot write .egg-link file %s, skipping' % filename) - else: - fixup_egg_link(filename) - -def fixup_pth_file(filename): - lines = [] - prev_lines = [] - with open(filename) as f: - prev_lines = f.readlines() - for line in prev_lines: - line = line.strip() - if (not line or line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('import ') - or os.path.abspath(line) != line): - lines.append(line) - else: - new_value = make_relative_path(filename, line) - if line != new_value: - logger.debug('Rewriting path %s as %s (in %s)' % (line, new_value, filename)) - lines.append(new_value) - if lines == prev_lines: - logger.info('No changes to .pth file %s' % filename) - return - logger.notify('Making paths in .pth file %s relative' % filename) - with open(filename, 'w') as f: - f.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n') - -def fixup_egg_link(filename): - with open(filename) as f: - link = f.readline().strip() - if os.path.abspath(link) != link: - logger.debug('Link in %s already relative' % filename) - return - new_link = make_relative_path(filename, link) - logger.notify('Rewriting link %s in %s as %s' % (link, filename, new_link)) - with open(filename, 'w') as f: - f.write(new_link) - -def make_relative_path(source, dest, dest_is_directory=True): - """ - Make a filename relative, where the filename is dest, and it is - being referred to from the filename source. - - >>> make_relative_path('/usr/share/something/a-file.pth', - ... '/usr/share/another-place/src/Directory') - '../another-place/src/Directory' - >>> make_relative_path('/usr/share/something/a-file.pth', - ... '/home/user/src/Directory') - '../../../home/user/src/Directory' - >>> make_relative_path('/usr/share/a-file.pth', '/usr/share/') - './' - """ - source = os.path.dirname(source) - if not dest_is_directory: - dest_filename = os.path.basename(dest) - dest = os.path.dirname(dest) - dest = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(dest)) - source = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(source)) - dest_parts = dest.strip(os.path.sep).split(os.path.sep) - source_parts = source.strip(os.path.sep).split(os.path.sep) - while dest_parts and source_parts and dest_parts[0] == source_parts[0]: - dest_parts.pop(0) - source_parts.pop(0) - full_parts = ['..']*len(source_parts) + dest_parts - if not dest_is_directory: - full_parts.append(dest_filename) - if not full_parts: - # Special case for the current directory (otherwise it'd be '') - return './' - return os.path.sep.join(full_parts) - - - -############################################################ -## Bootstrap script creation: - -def create_bootstrap_script(extra_text, python_version=''): - """ - Creates a bootstrap script, which is like this script but with - extend_parser, adjust_options, and after_install hooks. - - This returns a string that (written to disk of course) can be used - as a bootstrap script with your own customizations. The script - will be the standard virtualenv.py script, with your extra text - added (your extra text should be Python code). - - If you include these functions, they will be called: - - ``extend_parser(optparse_parser)``: - You can add or remove options from the parser here. - - ``adjust_options(options, args)``: - You can change options here, or change the args (if you accept - different kinds of arguments, be sure you modify ``args`` so it is - only ``[DEST_DIR]``). - - ``after_install(options, home_dir)``: - - After everything is installed, this function is called. This - is probably the function you are most likely to use. An - example would be:: - - def after_install(options, home_dir): - subprocess.call([join(home_dir, 'bin', 'easy_install'), - 'MyPackage']) - subprocess.call([join(home_dir, 'bin', 'my-package-script'), - 'setup', home_dir]) - - This example immediately installs a package, and runs a setup - script from that package. - - If you provide something like ``python_version='2.5'`` then the - script will start with ``#!/usr/bin/env python2.5`` instead of - ``#!/usr/bin/env python``. You can use this when the script must - be run with a particular Python version. - """ - filename = __file__ - if filename.endswith('.pyc'): - filename = filename[:-1] - with codecs.open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: - content = f.read() - py_exe = 'python%s' % python_version - content = (('#!/usr/bin/env %s\n' % py_exe) - + '## WARNING: This file is generated\n' - + content) - return content.replace('##EXT' 'END##', extra_text) - -##EXTEND## - -def convert(s): - b = base64.b64decode(s.encode('ascii')) - return zlib.decompress(b).decode('utf-8') - -##file site.py -SITE_PY = convert(""" -eJzFPf1z2zaWv/OvwMqToZTKdOJ0e3tO3RsncVrfuYm3yc7m1vXoKAmyWFMkS5C2tTd3f/u9DwAE -+CHb2+6cphNLJPDw8PC+8PAeOhqNTopCZkuxyZd1KoWScblYiyKu1kqs8lJU66Rc7hdxWW3h6eIm -vpZKVLlQWxVhqygInv/GT/BcfF4nyqAA3+K6yjdxlSziNN2KZFPkZSWXYlmXSXYtkiypkjhN/g4t -8iwSz387BsFZJmDmaSJLcStLBXCVyFfiYlut80yM6wLn/DL6Y/xqMhVqUSZFBQ1KjTNQZB1XQSbl -EtCElrUCUiaV3FeFXCSrZGEb3uV1uhRFGi+k+K//4qlR0zAMVL6Rd2tZSpEBMgBTAqwC8YCvSSkW -+VJGQryRixgH4OcNsQKGNsU1U0jGLBdpnl3DnDK5kErF5VaM53VFgAhlscwBpwQwqJI0De7y8kZN -YElpPe7gkYiZPfzJMHvAPHH8LucAjh+z4C9Zcj9l2MA9CK5aM9uUcpXcixjBwk95Lxcz/WycrMQy -Wa2ABlk1wSYBI6BEmswPClqOb/UKfXdAWFmujGEMiShzY35JPaLgrBJxqoBt6wJppAjzd3KexBlQ -I7uF4QAikDToG2eZqMqOQ7MTOQAocR0rkJKNEuNNnGTArD/GC0L7r0m2zO/UhCgAq6XEL7Wq3PmP -ewgArR0CTANcLLOadZYmNzLdTgCBz4B9KVWdVigQy6SUiyovE6kIAKC2FfIekJ6KuJSahMyZRm6n -RH+iSZLhwqKAocDjSyTJKrmuS5IwsUqAc4Er3n/8Sbw7fXN28kHzmAHGMnu9AZwBCi20gxMMIA5q -VR6kOQh0FJzjHxEvlyhk1zg+4NU0OHhwpYMxzL2I2n2cBQey68XVw8AcK1AmNFZA/f4bukzVGujz -Pw+sdxCcDFGFJs7f7tY5yGQWb6RYx8xfyBnBtxrOd1FRrV8DNyiEUwGpFC4OIpggPCCJS7NxnklR -AIulSSYnAVBoTm39VQRW+JBn+7TWLU4ACGWQwUvn2YRGzCRMtAvrNeoL03hLM9NNArvOm7wkxQH8 -ny1IF6VxdkM4KmIo/jaX10mWIULIC0G4F9LA6iYBTlxG4pxakV4wjUTI2otbokjUwEvIdMCT8j7e -FKmcsviibt2tRmgwWQmz1ilzHLSsSL3SqjVT7eW9w+hLi+sIzWpdSgBezz2hW+X5VMxBZxM2Rbxh -8arucuKcoEeeqBPyBLWEvvgdKHqiVL2R9iXyCmgWYqhgladpfgckOwoCIfawkTHKPnPCW3gH/wJc 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-77YCyRXwO8P8wdzG/8489KwfFBZWI6Vvx76gmlOc03JI1HEfXYZEL4sNFQ3+bqf7e2hdSWQknwKF -ICJjGyDs3fdmnnxubKXebpQYLjPgEt9GTzKkUgTvOoQa1J7N3nv4sR6uvYFLhkXZ+pbCoU3K9bfq -gF7W82tNutRRZExad+k4GYYsCfmEbvizS4jsRr3fdzqjEthpEwm7pmN7OgVzRbrktjrFw1lc0vM8 -V7dyTJ71qlsd7v3KhmHzeJB35pqEOk2pEe5uPeCToNkmedmxcKbIj+MZzjFSsvCmimaMQB1uJJKa -+hoWUi7aEFLvIxKxJavqpggXBIk2hr0608dIgnfG5ZEprqmH0b0YSy6jVXTCuIB+WER4d5BPVy9Q -M4taX0RIlDYxQ2CjBuq78AAcHQf5qoKP8BXHnDnd/+ed5fS+csL4g3eWqECaL+8suy9r8hx7c+4L -EegEWdqAWN1w1NezP34xsxLkvRRI0DRzKOg0U+BKfQY128YlYsbwSczEg2LqKxRmcgiwHdhc9MQJ -IwKQHlgBejWeMGDYYxTOQUiJOmIjJbzIzHH6lAMP+y/fR0v1g4wx4St8fcqTt3gz5wc+xXFZZ3qI -JpXI5iJk7xmNL2tYsDpcqu0375Snd5EKsIvg8u5szTOyZ4v06Ny2TZXRpHUSinh4IFp8Eoi7GINJ -02lPJnS/9jSxolJwp2slPMIEbjleWw3eec4XaetyEnSSqTPRZ9fVA0cPXMqzrPYQQyrRux3LaAh1 -wujbgcObg1nt4iiJ5IMbc/WNPc280I2T4nTkdwG8H6iS5xO2WfsFsruBwf2QkgZlb6w7om2G65Lr -r2Gl4dk63F8rCEHoUJ3fW+pU2Srjlmcbp+JXY3DMifEI22HcHAvT7zzXiMTr7VbUR5a2lZtJkk4k 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-oh1kZzAFLaue2R6htPCtAda2nGlDSUJ4PZBgCJBGVcwKTAMz/vJiLD+Oin5Z5QlvDPdulC6EsiyE -NFzb7McNTKJzbJqzphx92VKRFY1idenzmq3K0emRcbWBD0ryqc4NZGmKOOOX9Pz5x+/l27tP797c -f/z0d+4NruGNai8uAM0bfsYaw8itFk8ny41jsfpyO+BWlpqfhcG4yxLdi/0tQqoT4a8Vby382mt8 -p7XSo7aWGdPBc+b6utaBmCQ7rQKQoWtAuthQCiold2KfJIPTT8xwg9blPumc+YDZC/wYGdAyHpJk -vUbHbHWAp5No6pK/WhhLEWrFjUwtPEv1Agf8YmnsuXUQYkeZoHm8ogP16gt2uHoxcEMdf2C6pmbw -hUMsWGhanboh4IzzmsIpWs134jVPqD/c74bZHdY69UKKSn/+KfVhxLgUlToemayLMYQOqfEC61bh -cbhwaqoGUzIyZRFHPmau5juaWqwRn3mpWmoEA5nhzS5gog/5jbcFQqOZvmBasZtwYlG93k5GEiyw -buHhMWLjDarEGpMGB2LFs5nIJkhp/nUmZneFaRth++lieJtHepIvKgx6PJqIlD9X2j6pG1i9x3pZ -5bHuCPFiirGHeO7McvoXkz786GaKVzC9DSpnOxJdc4xm6NSVq7lNEnKdVlnpu9BNYoKX2Iq3wvgh -gGEUM66kK6j4NiyoneuPLSwaCWDxczgaolEWpiMyDVDb7dNuLAbriL8ig8mmeju31oNvQdpnvEPC -1vAXbWacGRVrGt/uXN/gU0CDDwgooKRrHfTBb1/s9lYZ8ZqOBU0yLvpuP6+K9hLFsvIjeNhBi0KL -MlOuWRn3FRwx5oHXjl0YImUx0+gLzjGchrgzca026ETmYJzPD+IpuKzNi8AFn048Thd63OdD86M6 -84zE8yQm0VqXdbbgvub2pKVnS76icBGdeTHHXTKspUmr4NYo/furFLKiMdQzFjHJNcdAnMhltBJK -0/IKX3DVFqvPJ2dLE7bDBkH0l/PJ29074+F0CsGYOxsb7U3myTUncYfXqnLLfa6sJybX4g+hmcjO -kMRBfA1JellfRRKJcyRpxdS4rIl6FdmQCWjo/o9Qz7yKffoP4JHjOvABcRn4CZIT2RH4jnxmfpVG -qgLaAvQBNfuO6X0/Ux02nb4FKx3vgP+XnkX0QW9pLy/NsXgdN24dD3LxO2Nwil7Zlc1dqtP3d7/h -kzp1/+7hGBuY4pk0XD/0Ao/oTe/XGrfyM773aB7iUhgkpy+dwAMalxMP0DrBcsVw/6p25+/hobP9 -GBknrWExDhLJ1bwt1NcCNblaFbMKCyvmX0PeRaQ= -""") - -##file distutils.cfg -DISTUTILS_CFG = convert(""" -eJxNj00KwkAMhfc9xYNuxe4Ft57AjYiUtDO1wXSmNJnK3N5pdSEEAu8nH6lxHVlRhtDHMPATA4uH -xJ4EFmGbvfJiicSHFRzUSISMY6hq3GLCRLnIvSTnEefN0FIjw5tF0Hkk9Q5dRunBsVoyFi24aaLg -9FDOlL0FPGluf4QjcInLlxd6f6rqkgPu/5nHLg0cXCscXoozRrP51DRT3j9QNl99AP53T2Q= -""") - -##file activate_this.py -ACTIVATE_THIS = convert(""" -eJyNU01v2zAMvetXEB4K21jnDOstQA4dMGCHbeihlyEIDMWmE62yJEiKE//7kXKdpEWLzYBt8evx -kRSzLPs6wiEoswM8YdMpjUXcq1Dz6RZa1cSiTkJdr86GsoTRHuCotBayiWqQEYGtMCgfD1KjGYBe -5a3p0cRKiEe2NtLAFikftnDco0ko/SFEVgEZ8aRCZDIPY9xbA8pE9M4jfW/B2CjiHq9zbJVZuOQq -siwTIvpxKYCembPAU4Muwi/Z4zfvrZ/MXipKeB8C+qisSZYiWfjJfs+0/MFMdWn1hJcO5U7G/SLa -xVx8zU6VG/PXLXvfsyyzUqjeWR8hjGE+2iCE1W1tQ82hsCJN9dzKaoexyB/uH79TnjwvxcW0ntSb -yZ8jq1Z5Q1UXsyy3gf9nbjTEj7NzQMfCJa/YSmrQ+2D/BqfiOi6sclrGzvoeVivIj8rcfcmnIQRF -7XCyeZI7DFe5/lhlCs5PRf5QW66VXT/NrlQ46oD/D6InkOmi3IQcbhKxAX2g4a+Xd5s3UtCtG2py -m8eg6WYWqR6SL5OjKMGfSrYt/6kxxQtOpeAgj1LXBNmpE2ElmCSIy5H0zFd8gJ924HWijWhb2hRC -6wNEm1QdDZtuSZcEprIUBo/XRNcbQe1OUbQ/r3hPTaPJJDNtFLu8KHV5XoNr3Eo6h6YtOKw8e8yw -VF5PnJ+ts3a9/Mz38RpG/AUSzYUW -""") - -##file python-config -PYTHON_CONFIG = convert(""" -eJyNVV1P2zAUfc+v8ODBiSABxlulTipbO6p1LWqBgVhlhcZpPYUkctzSivHfd6+dpGloGH2Ja/ue -e+65Hz78xNhtf3x90xmw7vCWsRPGLvpDNuz87MKfdKMWSWxZ4ilNpCLZJiuWc66SVFUOZkkcirll -rfxIBAzOMtImDzSVPBRrekwoX/OZu/0r4lm0DHiG60g86u8sjPw5rCyy86NRkB8QuuBRSqfAKESn -3orLTCQxE3GYkC9tYp8fk89OSwNsmXgizrhUtnumeSgeo5GbLUMk49Rv+2nK48Cm/qMwfp333J2/ -dVcAGE0CIQHBsgIeEr4Wij0LtWDLzJ9ze5YEvH2WI6CHTAVcSu9ZCsXtgxu81CIvp6/k4eXsdfo7 -PvDCRD75yi41QitfzlcPp1OI7i/1/iQitqnr0iMgQ+A6wa+IKwwdxyk9IiXNAzgquTFU8NIxAVjM -osm1Zz526e+shQ4hKRVci69nPC3Kw4NQEmkQ65E7OodxorSvxjvpBjQHDmWFIQ1mlmzlS5vedseT -/mgIEsMJ7Lxz2bLAF9M5xeLEhdbHxpWOw0GdkJApMVBRF1y+a0z3c9WZPAXGFcFrJgCIB+024uad -0CrzmEoRa3Ub4swNIHPGf7QDV+2uj2OiFWsChgCwjKqN6rp5izpbH6Wc1O1TclQTP/XVwi6anTr1 -1sbubjZLI1+VptPSdCfwnFBrB1jvebrTA9uUhU2/9gad7xPqeFkaQcnnLbCViZK8d7R1kxzFrIJV -8EaLYmKYpvGVkig+3C5HCXbM1jGCGekiM2pRCVPyRyXYdPf6kcbWEQ36F5V4Gq9N7icNNw+JHwRE -LTgxRXACpvnQv/PuT0xCCAywY/K4hE6Now2qDwaSE5FB+1agsoUveYDepS83qFcF1NufvULD3fTl -g6Hgf7WBt6lzMeiyyWVn3P1WVbwaczHmTzE9A5SyItTVgFYyvs/L/fXlaNgbw8v3azT+0eikVlWD -/vBHbzQumP23uBCjsYdrL9OWARwxs/nuLOzeXbPJTa/Xv6sUmQir5pC1YRLz3eA+CD8Z0XpcW8v9 -MZWF36ryyXXf3yBIz6nzqz8Muyz0m5Qj7OexfYo/Ph3LqvkHUg7AuA== -""") - -MH_MAGIC = 0xfeedface -MH_CIGAM = 0xcefaedfe -MH_MAGIC_64 = 0xfeedfacf -MH_CIGAM_64 = 0xcffaedfe -FAT_MAGIC = 0xcafebabe -BIG_ENDIAN = '>' -LITTLE_ENDIAN = '<' -LC_LOAD_DYLIB = 0xc -maxint = majver == 3 and getattr(sys, 'maxsize') or getattr(sys, 'maxint') - - -class fileview(object): - """ - A proxy for file-like objects that exposes a given view of a file. - Modified from macholib. - """ - - def __init__(self, fileobj, start=0, size=maxint): - if isinstance(fileobj, fileview): - self._fileobj = fileobj._fileobj - else: - self._fileobj = fileobj - self._start = start - self._end = start + size - self._pos = 0 - - def __repr__(self): - return '<fileview [%d, %d] %r>' % ( - self._start, self._end, self._fileobj) - - def tell(self): - return self._pos - - def _checkwindow(self, seekto, op): - if not (self._start <= seekto <= self._end): - raise IOError("%s to offset %d is outside window [%d, %d]" % ( - op, seekto, self._start, self._end)) - - def seek(self, offset, whence=0): - seekto = offset - if whence == os.SEEK_SET: - seekto += self._start - elif whence == os.SEEK_CUR: - seekto += self._start + self._pos - elif whence == os.SEEK_END: - seekto += self._end - else: - raise IOError("Invalid whence argument to seek: %r" % (whence,)) - self._checkwindow(seekto, 'seek') - self._fileobj.seek(seekto) - self._pos = seekto - self._start - - def write(self, bytes): - here = self._start + self._pos - self._checkwindow(here, 'write') - self._checkwindow(here + len(bytes), 'write') - self._fileobj.seek(here, os.SEEK_SET) - self._fileobj.write(bytes) - self._pos += len(bytes) - - def read(self, size=maxint): - assert size >= 0 - here = self._start + self._pos - self._checkwindow(here, 'read') - size = min(size, self._end - here) - self._fileobj.seek(here, os.SEEK_SET) - bytes = self._fileobj.read(size) - self._pos += len(bytes) - return bytes - - -def read_data(file, endian, num=1): - """ - Read a given number of 32-bits unsigned integers from the given file - with the given endianness. - """ - res = struct.unpack(endian + 'L' * num, file.read(num * 4)) - if len(res) == 1: - return res[0] - return res - - -def mach_o_change(path, what, value): - """ - Replace a given name (what) in any LC_LOAD_DYLIB command found in - the given binary with a new name (value), provided it's shorter. - """ - - def do_macho(file, bits, endian): - # Read Mach-O header (the magic number is assumed read by the caller) - cputype, cpusubtype, filetype, ncmds, sizeofcmds, flags = read_data(file, endian, 6) - # 64-bits header has one more field. - if bits == 64: - read_data(file, endian) - # The header is followed by ncmds commands - for n in range(ncmds): - where = file.tell() - # Read command header - cmd, cmdsize = read_data(file, endian, 2) - if cmd == LC_LOAD_DYLIB: - # The first data field in LC_LOAD_DYLIB commands is the - # offset of the name, starting from the beginning of the - # command. - name_offset = read_data(file, endian) - file.seek(where + name_offset, os.SEEK_SET) - # Read the NUL terminated string - load = file.read(cmdsize - name_offset).decode() - load = load[:load.index('\0')] - # If the string is what is being replaced, overwrite it. - if load == what: - file.seek(where + name_offset, os.SEEK_SET) - file.write(value.encode() + '\0'.encode()) - # Seek to the next command - file.seek(where + cmdsize, os.SEEK_SET) - - def do_file(file, offset=0, size=maxint): - file = fileview(file, offset, size) - # Read magic number - magic = read_data(file, BIG_ENDIAN) - if magic == FAT_MAGIC: - # Fat binaries contain nfat_arch Mach-O binaries - nfat_arch = read_data(file, BIG_ENDIAN) - for n in range(nfat_arch): - # Read arch header - cputype, cpusubtype, offset, size, align = read_data(file, BIG_ENDIAN, 5) - do_file(file, offset, size) - elif magic == MH_MAGIC: - do_macho(file, 32, BIG_ENDIAN) - elif magic == MH_CIGAM: - do_macho(file, 32, LITTLE_ENDIAN) - elif magic == MH_MAGIC_64: - do_macho(file, 64, BIG_ENDIAN) - elif magic == MH_CIGAM_64: - do_macho(file, 64, LITTLE_ENDIAN) - - assert(len(what) >= len(value)) - - with open(path, 'r+b') as f: - do_file(f) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - main() - -# TODO: -# Copy python.exe.manifest -# Monkeypatch distutils.sysconfig diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.bat b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.bat deleted file mode 100644 index 529b9733c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -@echo off
-if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT (
-) else (
- if not defined PROMPT (
- set "PROMPT=$P$G"
- )
-REM Don't use () to avoid problems with them in %PATH%
-REM if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH (
-if not defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH goto ENDIFVPATH1
-REM ) else (
diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.csh b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.csh deleted file mode 100644 index 864865b17..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.csh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -# This file must be used with "source bin/activate.csh" *from csh*. -# You cannot run it directly. -# Created by Davide Di Blasi <davidedb@gmail.com>. - -alias deactivate 'test $?_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH != 0 && setenv PATH "$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH" && unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH; rehash; test $?_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT != 0 && set prompt="$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT" && unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT; unsetenv VIRTUAL_ENV; test "\!:*" != "nondestructive" && unalias deactivate && unalias pydoc' - -# Unset irrelevant variables. -deactivate nondestructive - -setenv VIRTUAL_ENV "__VIRTUAL_ENV__" - -set _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH="$PATH" -setenv PATH "$VIRTUAL_ENV/__BIN_NAME__:$PATH" - - - -if ("__VIRTUAL_PROMPT__" != "") then - set env_name = "__VIRTUAL_PROMPT__" -else - set env_name = `basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV"` -endif - -# Could be in a non-interactive environment, -# in which case, $prompt is undefined and we wouldn't -# care about the prompt anyway. -if ( $?prompt ) then - set _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT="$prompt" - set prompt = "[$env_name] $prompt" -endif - -unset env_name - -alias pydoc python -m pydoc - -rehash - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.fish b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.fish deleted file mode 100644 index f3d1797a3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.fish +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -# This file must be used using `. bin/activate.fish` *within a running fish ( http://fishshell.com ) session*. -# Do not run it directly. - -function deactivate -d 'Exit virtualenv mode and return to the normal environment.' - # reset old environment variables - if test -n "$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH" - set -gx PATH $_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH - set -e _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH - end - - if test -n "$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME" - set -gx PYTHONHOME $_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME - set -e _OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME - end - - if test -n "$_OLD_FISH_PROMPT_OVERRIDE" - # Set an empty local `$fish_function_path` to allow the removal of `fish_prompt` using `functions -e`. - set -l fish_function_path - - # Erase virtualenv's `fish_prompt` and restore the original. - functions -e fish_prompt - functions -c _old_fish_prompt fish_prompt - functions -e _old_fish_prompt - set -e _OLD_FISH_PROMPT_OVERRIDE - end - - set -e VIRTUAL_ENV - - if test "$argv[1]" != 'nondestructive' - # Self-destruct! - functions -e pydoc - functions -e deactivate - end -end - -# Unset irrelevant variables. -deactivate nondestructive - -set -gx VIRTUAL_ENV "__VIRTUAL_ENV__" - -set -gx _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH $PATH -set -gx PATH "$VIRTUAL_ENV/__BIN_NAME__" $PATH - -# Unset `$PYTHONHOME` if set. -if set -q PYTHONHOME - set -gx _OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME $PYTHONHOME - set -e PYTHONHOME -end - -function pydoc - python -m pydoc $argv -end - -if test -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT" - # Copy the current `fish_prompt` function as `_old_fish_prompt`. - functions -c fish_prompt _old_fish_prompt - - function fish_prompt - # Save the current $status, for fish_prompts that display it. - set -l old_status $status - - # Prompt override provided? - # If not, just prepend the environment name. - if test -n "__VIRTUAL_PROMPT__" - printf '%s%s' "__VIRTUAL_PROMPT__" (set_color normal) - else - printf '%s(%s%s%s) ' (set_color normal) (set_color -o white) (basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV") (set_color normal) - end - - # Restore the original $status - echo "exit $old_status" | source - _old_fish_prompt - end - - set -gx _OLD_FISH_PROMPT_OVERRIDE "$VIRTUAL_ENV" -end diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.ps1 b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.ps1 deleted file mode 100644 index 0f4adf19f..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.ps1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -# This file must be dot sourced from PoSh; you cannot run it
-# directly. Do this: . ./activate.ps1
-# FIXME: clean up unused vars.
-$script:THIS_PATH = $myinvocation.mycommand.path
-$script:BASE_DIR = split-path (resolve-path "$THIS_PATH/..") -Parent
-$script:DIR_NAME = split-path $BASE_DIR -Leaf
-function global:deactivate ( [switch] $NonDestructive ){
- if ( test-path variable:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH ) {
- $env:PATH = $variable:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
- remove-variable "_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH" -scope global
- }
- if ( test-path function:_old_virtual_prompt ) {
- $function:prompt = $function:_old_virtual_prompt
- remove-item function:\_old_virtual_prompt
- }
- if ($env:VIRTUAL_ENV) {
- $old_env = split-path $env:VIRTUAL_ENV -leaf
- remove-item env:VIRTUAL_ENV -erroraction silentlycontinue
- }
- if ( !$NonDestructive ) {
- # Self destruct!
- remove-item function:deactivate
- }
-# unset irrelevant variables
-deactivate -nondestructive
-$global:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH = $env:PATH
-$env:PATH = "$env:VIRTUAL_ENV/Scripts;" + $env:PATH
- function global:_old_virtual_prompt { "" }
- $function:_old_virtual_prompt = $function:prompt
- function global:prompt {
- # Add a prefix to the current prompt, but don't discard it.
- write-host "($(split-path $env:VIRTUAL_ENV -leaf)) " -nonewline
- & $function:_old_virtual_prompt
- }
-# SIG # Begin signature block
-# Z2l0YWwgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgU2lnbmluZzEpMCcGA1UEAxMgU3RhcnRDb20gQ2Vy
-# dGlmaWNhdGlvbiBBdXRob3JpdHkwHhcNMDcxMDI0MjIwMTQ2WhcNMTcxMDI0MjIw
-# 0D8MlzgWKbr4fYlbRVjvhHDtfhFN6RQxq0PjTQxRgWzwFQNKJCdU5ftKoM5N4YSj
-# Id6ZNavcSa6/McVnhDAQm+8H3HWoD030NVOxbjgD/Ih3HaV3/z9159nnvyxQEckR
-# ZfpJB2Kfk6aHqW3JnSvRe+XVZSufDVCe/vtxGSEwKCaNrsLc9pboUoYIC3oyzWoU
-# TZ65+c0H4paR8c8eK/mC914mBo6N0dQ512/bkSdaeY9YaQpGtW/h/W/FkbQRT3sC
-# pttLVlIjnkuY4r9+zvqhToPjxcfDYEf+XD8VGkAqle8Aa8hQ+M1qGdQjAye8OzbV
-# aHR0cDovL3d3dy5zdGFydHNzbC5jb20vc2ZzY2EuY3J0MFsGA1UdHwRUMFIwJ6Al
-# oCOGIWh0dHA6Ly93d3cuc3RhcnRzc2wuY29tL3Nmc2NhLmNybDAnoCWgI4YhaHR0
-# cDovL2NybC5zdGFydHNzbC5jb20vc2ZzY2EuY3JsMIGABgNVHSAEeTB3MHUGCysG
-# AQQBgbU3AQIBMGYwLgYIKwYBBQUHAgEWImh0dHA6Ly93d3cuc3RhcnRzc2wuY29t
-# L3BvbGljeS5wZGYwNAYIKwYBBQUHAgEWKGh0dHA6Ly93d3cuc3RhcnRzc2wuY29t
-# dCBTaWduaW5nIENlcnRpZmljYXRlczANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAgEAcnMLA3Va
-# N4OIE9l4QT5OEtZy5PByBit3oHiqQpgVEQo7DHRsjXD5H/IyTivpMikaaeRxIv95
-# baRd4hoUcMwDj4JIjC3WA9FoNFV31SMljEZa66G8RQECdMSSufgfDYu1XQ+cUKxh
-# D3EtLGGcFGjjML7EQv2Iol741rEsycXwIXcryxeiMbU2TPi7X3elbwQMc4JFlJ4B
-# y9FhBzuZB1DV2sN2irGVbC3G/1+S2doPDjL1CaElwRa/T0qkq2vvPxUgryAoCppU
-# FKViw5yoGYC+z1GaesWWiP1eFKAL0wI7IgSvLzU3y1Vp7vsYaxOVBqZtebFTWRHt
-# XjCsFrrQBngt0d33QbQRI5mwgzEp7XJ9xu5d6RVWM4TPRUsd+DDZpBHm9mszvi9g
-# VFb2ZG7qRRXCSqys4+u/NLBPbXi/m/lU00cODQTlC/euwjk9HQtRrXQ/zqsBJS6U
-# J+eLGw1qOfj+HVBl/ZQpfoLk7IoWlRQvRL1s7oirEaqPZUIWY/grXq9r6jDKAp3L
-# ZdKQpPOnnogtqlU4f7/kLjEJhrrc98mrOWmVMK/BuFRAfQ5oDUMnVmCzAzLMjKfG
-# cVW/iMew41yfhgKbwpfzm3LBr1Zv+pEBgcgW6onRLSAn3XHM0eNtz+AkxH6rRf6B
-# ZC4xKzApBgNVBAsTIlNlY3VyZSBEaWdpdGFsIENlcnRpZmljYXRlIFNpZ25pbmcx
-# ZWlkZWwxITAfBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWEmphbm5pc0BsZWlkZWwuaW5mbzCCAiIwDQYJ
-# Lfm8ZdLG0ulMb/kQL3fRY7sUjYPyn9S6PhqqlFnNoGHJvbbReCdUC9SIQYmOEjEA
-# raHfb7MZU10NjO4U2DdGucj2zuO5tYxKizizOJF0e4yRQZVxpUGdvkW/+GLjCNK5
-# L7mIv3Z1dagxDKHYZT74HXiS4VFUwHF1k36CwfM2vsetdm46bdgSwV+BCMmZICYT
-# IJAS9UQHD7kP4rik3bFWjUx08NtYYFAVOd/HwBnemUmJe4j3IhZHr0k1+eDG8hDH
-# KVvPgLJIoEjC4iMFk5GWsg5z2ngk0LLu3JZMtckHsnnmBPHQK8a3opUNd8hdMNJx
-# gOwKjQt2JZSGUdIEFCKVDqj0FmdnDMPfwy+FNRtpBMl1sz78dUFhSrnM0D8NXrqa
-# 4rG+2FoOXlmm1rb6AFtpjAKksHRpYcPk2DPGWp/1sWB+dUQkS3gOmwFzyqeTuXpT
-# 0juqd3iAxOGx1VRFQ1VHLLf3AzV4wljBau26I+tu7iXxesVucSdsdQu293jwc2kN
-# xK2JyHCoZH+RyytrwS0qw8t7rMOukU9gwP8mn3X6mgWlVUODMcHTULjSiCEtvyZ/
-# aafcwjUbt4ReEcnmuZtWIha86MTCX7U7e+cnpWG4sIHPnvVTaz9rm8RyBkIxtFCB
-# AQICMIIB/zAuBggrBgEFBQcCARYiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5zdGFydHNzbC5jb20vcG9s
-# aWN5LnBkZjA0BggrBgEFBQcCARYoaHR0cDovL3d3dy5zdGFydHNzbC5jb20vaW50
-# aWNhdGlvbiBBdXRob3JpdHkwAwIBARqBvlRoaXMgY2VydGlmaWNhdGUgd2FzIGlz
-# c3VlZCBhY2NvcmRpbmcgdG8gdGhlIENsYXNzIDIgVmFsaWRhdGlvbiByZXF1aXJl
-# bWVudHMgb2YgdGhlIFN0YXJ0Q29tIENBIHBvbGljeSwgcmVsaWFuY2Ugb25seSBm
-# b3IgdGhlIGludGVuZGVkIHB1cnBvc2UgaW4gY29tcGxpYW5jZSBvZiB0aGUgcmVs
-# Q29tIENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0aG9yaXR5MAMCAQIaZExpYWJpbGl0eSBhbmQg
-# d2FycmFudGllcyBhcmUgbGltaXRlZCEgU2VlIHNlY3Rpb24gIkxlZ2FsIGFuZCBM
-# aW1pdGF0aW9ucyIgb2YgdGhlIFN0YXJ0Q29tIENBIHBvbGljeS4wNgYDVR0fBC8w
-# LTAroCmgJ4YlaHR0cDovL2NybC5zdGFydHNzbC5jb20vY3J0YzItY3JsLmNybDCB
-# bC5jb20vc3ViL2NsYXNzMi9jb2RlL2NhMEAGCCsGAQUFBzAChjRodHRwOi8vYWlh
-# LnN0YXJ0c3NsLmNvbS9jZXJ0cy9zdWIuY2xhc3MyLmNvZGUuY2EuY3J0MCMGA1Ud
-# EgQcMBqGGGh0dHA6Ly93d3cuc3RhcnRzc2wuY29tLzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOC
-# AQEAhrzEV6zwoEtKjnFRhCsjwiPykVpo5Eiye77Ve801rQDiRKgSCCiW6g3HqedL
-# OtaSs65Sj2pm3Viea4KR0TECLcbCTgsdaHqw2x1yXwWBQWZEaV6EB05lIwfr94P1
-# SFpV43zkuc+bbmA3+CRK45LOcCNH5Tqq7VGTCAK5iM7tvHwFlbQRl+I6VEL2mjpF
-# NsuRjDOVrv/9qw/a22YJ9R7Y1D0vUSs3IqZx2KMUaYDP7H2mSRxJO2nADQZBtriF
-# gTyfD3lYV12MlIi5CQwe3QC6DrrfSMP33i5Wa/OFJiQ27WPxmScYVhiqozpImFT4
-# YWwgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgU2lnbmluZzE4MDYGA1UEAxMvU3RhcnRDb20gQ2xhc3Mg
-# FdaNFzbf6trmFDZKMojyx3UjKMCqNjHVBbuKY0qXwFC/ElYDV1ShJ2CBZbdurydO
-# OQ6cIQ0KREOCwmX/xB49IlLHHUxNhEkVv7HGU3EKAFf9IBt9Yr7jikiR9cjIsfHK
-# 4cjkoKJL7g28yEpLLkHt1eo37f1Ga9lDWEa5Zq3U5yX+IwXhrUBm1h8Xr033FhTR
-# VEpuSz6LHtbrL/zgJnCzJ2ahjtJoYevdcWiNXffosJHFaSfYDDbiNsPRDH/1avmb
-# 5j/7BhP8BcBaR6Fp8tFbNGIcWHHGcjqLMnTc4w13b7b4pDhypqElBa4+lCmwdvv9
-# GydYtRgPz8GHeoBoKj30YBlMzRIfFYaIFGIC4Ai3UEXkuH9TxYohVbGm/W0Kl4Lb
-# RJ1FwiVcLcTOJdgNId2vQvKc+jtNrjcg5SP9h2v/C4aTx8tyc6tE3TOPh2f9b8DL
-# S+SbVArJpuJqrPTxDDoO1QNjTgLcdVYeZDE+r/NjaGZ6cMSd8db3EaG3ijD/0bud
-# SItbm/OlNVbQOFRR76D+ZNgPcU5iNZ3bmvQQIg6aSB9MHUpIE/SeCkNl9YeVk1/1
-# GFULgNMRmIYP4KLvu9ylh5Gu3hvD5VNhH6+FlXANwFy07uXks5uF8mfZVxVCnodG
-# xkNCx+6PsrA5Z7WP4pXcmYnMn97npP/Q9EHJWw==
-# SIG # End signature block
diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.sh b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.sh deleted file mode 100644 index 477b7eca2..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -# This file must be used with "source bin/activate" *from bash* -# you cannot run it directly - -deactivate () { - unset -f pydoc >/dev/null 2>&1 - - # reset old environment variables - # ! [ -z ${VAR+_} ] returns true if VAR is declared at all - if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH+_}" ] ; then - PATH="$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH" - export PATH - unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH - fi - if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then - PYTHONHOME="$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME" - export PYTHONHOME - unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME - fi - - # This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must - # be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting - # past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected - if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then - hash -r 2>/dev/null - fi - - if ! [ -z "${_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1+_}" ] ; then - PS1="$_OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1" - export PS1 - unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1 - fi - - unset VIRTUAL_ENV - if [ ! "${1-}" = "nondestructive" ] ; then - # Self destruct! - unset -f deactivate - fi -} - -# unset irrelevant variables -deactivate nondestructive - -VIRTUAL_ENV="__VIRTUAL_ENV__" -export VIRTUAL_ENV - -_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH="$PATH" -PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/__BIN_NAME__:$PATH" -export PATH - -# unset PYTHONHOME if set -if ! [ -z "${PYTHONHOME+_}" ] ; then - _OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME="$PYTHONHOME" - unset PYTHONHOME -fi - -if [ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT-}" ] ; then - _OLD_VIRTUAL_PS1="$PS1" - if [ "x__VIRTUAL_PROMPT__" != x ] ; then - PS1="__VIRTUAL_PROMPT__$PS1" - else - PS1="(`basename \"$VIRTUAL_ENV\"`) $PS1" - fi - export PS1 -fi - -# Make sure to unalias pydoc if it's already there -alias pydoc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && unalias pydoc - -pydoc () { - python -m pydoc "$@" -} - -# This should detect bash and zsh, which have a hash command that must -# be called to get it to forget past commands. Without forgetting -# past commands the $PATH changes we made may not be respected -if [ -n "${BASH-}" ] || [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ] ; then - hash -r 2>/dev/null -fi diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate_this.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate_this.py deleted file mode 100644 index f18193bf8..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/activate_this.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -"""By using execfile(this_file, dict(__file__=this_file)) you will -activate this virtualenv environment. - -This can be used when you must use an existing Python interpreter, not -the virtualenv bin/python -""" - -try: - __file__ -except NameError: - raise AssertionError( - "You must run this like execfile('path/to/activate_this.py', dict(__file__='path/to/activate_this.py'))") -import sys -import os - -old_os_path = os.environ.get('PATH', '') -os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + os.pathsep + old_os_path -base = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) -if sys.platform == 'win32': - site_packages = os.path.join(base, 'Lib', 'site-packages') -else: - site_packages = os.path.join(base, 'lib', 'python%s' % sys.version[:3], 'site-packages') -prev_sys_path = list(sys.path) -import site -site.addsitedir(site_packages) -sys.real_prefix = sys.prefix -sys.prefix = base -# Move the added items to the front of the path: -new_sys_path = [] -for item in list(sys.path): - if item not in prev_sys_path: - new_sys_path.append(item) - sys.path.remove(item) -sys.path[:0] = new_sys_path diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/deactivate.bat b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/deactivate.bat deleted file mode 100644 index 9228d3171..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/deactivate.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -@echo off
-REM Don't use () to avoid problems with them in %PATH%
-if not defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH goto ENDIFVPATH
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/distutils-init.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/distutils-init.py deleted file mode 100644 index 29fc1da45..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/distutils-init.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -import os -import sys -import warnings -import imp -import opcode # opcode is not a virtualenv module, so we can use it to find the stdlib - # Important! To work on pypy, this must be a module that resides in the - # lib-python/modified-x.y.z directory - -dirname = os.path.dirname - -distutils_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(opcode.__file__), 'distutils') -if os.path.normpath(distutils_path) == os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(__file__)): - warnings.warn( - "The virtualenv distutils package at %s appears to be in the same location as the system distutils?") -else: - __path__.insert(0, distutils_path) - real_distutils = imp.load_module("_virtualenv_distutils", None, distutils_path, ('', '', imp.PKG_DIRECTORY)) - # Copy the relevant attributes - try: - __revision__ = real_distutils.__revision__ - except AttributeError: - pass - __version__ = real_distutils.__version__ - -from distutils import dist, sysconfig - -try: - basestring -except NameError: - basestring = str - -## patch build_ext (distutils doesn't know how to get the libs directory -## path on windows - it hardcodes the paths around the patched sys.prefix) - -if sys.platform == 'win32': - from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as old_build_ext - class build_ext(old_build_ext): - def finalize_options (self): - if self.library_dirs is None: - self.library_dirs = [] - elif isinstance(self.library_dirs, basestring): - self.library_dirs = self.library_dirs.split(os.pathsep) - - self.library_dirs.insert(0, os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, "Libs")) - old_build_ext.finalize_options(self) - - from distutils.command import build_ext as build_ext_module - build_ext_module.build_ext = build_ext - -## distutils.dist patches: - -old_find_config_files = dist.Distribution.find_config_files -def find_config_files(self): - found = old_find_config_files(self) - system_distutils = os.path.join(distutils_path, 'distutils.cfg') - #if os.path.exists(system_distutils): - # found.insert(0, system_distutils) - # What to call the per-user config file - if os.name == 'posix': - user_filename = ".pydistutils.cfg" - else: - user_filename = "pydistutils.cfg" - user_filename = os.path.join(sys.prefix, user_filename) - if os.path.isfile(user_filename): - for item in list(found): - if item.endswith('pydistutils.cfg'): - found.remove(item) - found.append(user_filename) - return found -dist.Distribution.find_config_files = find_config_files - -## distutils.sysconfig patches: - -old_get_python_inc = sysconfig.get_python_inc -def sysconfig_get_python_inc(plat_specific=0, prefix=None): - if prefix is None: - prefix = sys.real_prefix - return old_get_python_inc(plat_specific, prefix) -sysconfig_get_python_inc.__doc__ = old_get_python_inc.__doc__ -sysconfig.get_python_inc = sysconfig_get_python_inc - -old_get_python_lib = sysconfig.get_python_lib -def sysconfig_get_python_lib(plat_specific=0, standard_lib=0, prefix=None): - if standard_lib and prefix is None: - prefix = sys.real_prefix - return old_get_python_lib(plat_specific, standard_lib, prefix) -sysconfig_get_python_lib.__doc__ = old_get_python_lib.__doc__ -sysconfig.get_python_lib = sysconfig_get_python_lib - -old_get_config_vars = sysconfig.get_config_vars -def sysconfig_get_config_vars(*args): - real_vars = old_get_config_vars(*args) - if sys.platform == 'win32': - lib_dir = os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, "libs") - if isinstance(real_vars, dict) and 'LIBDIR' not in real_vars: - real_vars['LIBDIR'] = lib_dir # asked for all - elif isinstance(real_vars, list) and 'LIBDIR' in args: - real_vars = real_vars + [lib_dir] # asked for list - return real_vars -sysconfig_get_config_vars.__doc__ = old_get_config_vars.__doc__ -sysconfig.get_config_vars = sysconfig_get_config_vars diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/distutils.cfg b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/distutils.cfg deleted file mode 100644 index 1af230ec9..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/distutils.cfg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -# This is a config file local to this virtualenv installation -# You may include options that will be used by all distutils commands, -# and by easy_install. For instance: -# -# [easy_install] -# find_links = http://mylocalsite diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/python-config b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/python-config deleted file mode 100644 index 5e7a7c901..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/python-config +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -#!__VIRTUAL_ENV__/__BIN_NAME__/python - -import sys -import getopt -import sysconfig - -valid_opts = ['prefix', 'exec-prefix', 'includes', 'libs', 'cflags', - 'ldflags', 'help'] - -if sys.version_info >= (3, 2): - valid_opts.insert(-1, 'extension-suffix') - valid_opts.append('abiflags') -if sys.version_info >= (3, 3): - valid_opts.append('configdir') - - -def exit_with_usage(code=1): - sys.stderr.write("Usage: {0} [{1}]\n".format( - sys.argv[0], '|'.join('--'+opt for opt in valid_opts))) - sys.exit(code) - -try: - opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', valid_opts) -except getopt.error: - exit_with_usage() - -if not opts: - exit_with_usage() - -pyver = sysconfig.get_config_var('VERSION') -getvar = sysconfig.get_config_var - -opt_flags = [flag for (flag, val) in opts] - -if '--help' in opt_flags: - exit_with_usage(code=0) - -for opt in opt_flags: - if opt == '--prefix': - print(sysconfig.get_config_var('prefix')) - - elif opt == '--exec-prefix': - print(sysconfig.get_config_var('exec_prefix')) - - elif opt in ('--includes', '--cflags'): - flags = ['-I' + sysconfig.get_path('include'), - '-I' + sysconfig.get_path('platinclude')] - if opt == '--cflags': - flags.extend(getvar('CFLAGS').split()) - print(' '.join(flags)) - - elif opt in ('--libs', '--ldflags'): - abiflags = getattr(sys, 'abiflags', '') - libs = ['-lpython' + pyver + abiflags] - libs += getvar('LIBS').split() - libs += getvar('SYSLIBS').split() - # add the prefix/lib/pythonX.Y/config dir, but only if there is no - # shared library in prefix/lib/. - if opt == '--ldflags': - if not getvar('Py_ENABLE_SHARED'): - libs.insert(0, '-L' + getvar('LIBPL')) - if not getvar('PYTHONFRAMEWORK'): - libs.extend(getvar('LINKFORSHARED').split()) - print(' '.join(libs)) - - elif opt == '--extension-suffix': - ext_suffix = sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX') - if ext_suffix is None: - ext_suffix = sysconfig.get_config_var('SO') - print(ext_suffix) - - elif opt == '--abiflags': - if not getattr(sys, 'abiflags', None): - exit_with_usage() - print(sys.abiflags) - - elif opt == '--configdir': - print(sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBPL')) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/site.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/site.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7969769c3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_embedded/site.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,758 +0,0 @@ -"""Append module search paths for third-party packages to sys.path. - -**************************************************************** -* This module is automatically imported during initialization. * -**************************************************************** - -In earlier versions of Python (up to 1.5a3), scripts or modules that -needed to use site-specific modules would place ``import site'' -somewhere near the top of their code. Because of the automatic -import, this is no longer necessary (but code that does it still -works). - -This will append site-specific paths to the module search path. On -Unix, it starts with sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix (if different) and -appends lib/python<version>/site-packages as well as lib/site-python. -It also supports the Debian convention of -lib/python<version>/dist-packages. On other platforms (mainly Mac and -Windows), it uses just sys.prefix (and sys.exec_prefix, if different, -but this is unlikely). The resulting directories, if they exist, are -appended to sys.path, and also inspected for path configuration files. - -FOR DEBIAN, this sys.path is augmented with directories in /usr/local. -Local addons go into /usr/local/lib/python<version>/site-packages -(resp. /usr/local/lib/site-python), Debian addons install into -/usr/{lib,share}/python<version>/dist-packages. - -A path configuration file is a file whose name has the form -<package>.pth; its contents are additional directories (one per line) -to be added to sys.path. Non-existing directories (or -non-directories) are never added to sys.path; no directory is added to -sys.path more than once. Blank lines and lines beginning with -'#' are skipped. Lines starting with 'import' are executed. - -For example, suppose sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix are set to -/usr/local and there is a directory /usr/local/lib/python2.X/site-packages -with three subdirectories, foo, bar and spam, and two path -configuration files, foo.pth and bar.pth. Assume foo.pth contains the -following: - - # foo package configuration - foo - bar - bletch - -and bar.pth contains: - - # bar package configuration - bar - -Then the following directories are added to sys.path, in this order: - - /usr/local/lib/python2.X/site-packages/bar - /usr/local/lib/python2.X/site-packages/foo - -Note that bletch is omitted because it doesn't exist; bar precedes foo -because bar.pth comes alphabetically before foo.pth; and spam is -omitted because it is not mentioned in either path configuration file. - -After these path manipulations, an attempt is made to import a module -named sitecustomize, which can perform arbitrary additional -site-specific customizations. If this import fails with an -ImportError exception, it is silently ignored. - -""" - -import sys -import os -try: - import __builtin__ as builtins -except ImportError: - import builtins -try: - set -except NameError: - from sets import Set as set - -# Prefixes for site-packages; add additional prefixes like /usr/local here -PREFIXES = [sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix] -# Enable per user site-packages directory -# set it to False to disable the feature or True to force the feature -ENABLE_USER_SITE = None -# for distutils.commands.install -USER_SITE = None -USER_BASE = None - -_is_64bit = (getattr(sys, 'maxsize', None) or getattr(sys, 'maxint')) > 2**32 -_is_pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') -_is_jython = sys.platform[:4] == 'java' -if _is_jython: - ModuleType = type(os) - -def makepath(*paths): - dir = os.path.join(*paths) - if _is_jython and (dir == '__classpath__' or - dir.startswith('__pyclasspath__')): - return dir, dir - dir = os.path.abspath(dir) - return dir, os.path.normcase(dir) - -def abs__file__(): - """Set all module' __file__ attribute to an absolute path""" - for m in sys.modules.values(): - if ((_is_jython and not isinstance(m, ModuleType)) or - hasattr(m, '__loader__')): - # only modules need the abspath in Jython. and don't mess - # with a PEP 302-supplied __file__ - continue - f = getattr(m, '__file__', None) - if f is None: - continue - m.__file__ = os.path.abspath(f) - -def removeduppaths(): - """ Remove duplicate entries from sys.path along with making them - absolute""" - # This ensures that the initial path provided by the interpreter contains - # only absolute pathnames, even if we're running from the build directory. - L = [] - known_paths = set() - for dir in sys.path: - # Filter out duplicate paths (on case-insensitive file systems also - # if they only differ in case); turn relative paths into absolute - # paths. - dir, dircase = makepath(dir) - if not dircase in known_paths: - L.append(dir) - known_paths.add(dircase) - sys.path[:] = L - return known_paths - -# XXX This should not be part of site.py, since it is needed even when -# using the -S option for Python. See http://www.python.org/sf/586680 -def addbuilddir(): - """Append ./build/lib.<platform> in case we're running in the build dir - (especially for Guido :-)""" - from distutils.util import get_platform - s = "build/lib.%s-%.3s" % (get_platform(), sys.version) - if hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'): - s += '-pydebug' - s = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.path[-1]), s) - sys.path.append(s) - -def _init_pathinfo(): - """Return a set containing all existing directory entries from sys.path""" - d = set() - for dir in sys.path: - try: - if os.path.isdir(dir): - dir, dircase = makepath(dir) - d.add(dircase) - except TypeError: - continue - return d - -def addpackage(sitedir, name, known_paths): - """Add a new path to known_paths by combining sitedir and 'name' or execute - sitedir if it starts with 'import'""" - if known_paths is None: - _init_pathinfo() - reset = 1 - else: - reset = 0 - fullname = os.path.join(sitedir, name) - try: - f = open(fullname, "rU") - except IOError: - return - try: - for line in f: - if line.startswith("#"): - continue - if line.startswith("import"): - exec(line) - continue - line = line.rstrip() - dir, dircase = makepath(sitedir, line) - if not dircase in known_paths and os.path.exists(dir): - sys.path.append(dir) - known_paths.add(dircase) - finally: - f.close() - if reset: - known_paths = None - return known_paths - -def addsitedir(sitedir, known_paths=None): - """Add 'sitedir' argument to sys.path if missing and handle .pth files in - 'sitedir'""" - if known_paths is None: - known_paths = _init_pathinfo() - reset = 1 - else: - reset = 0 - sitedir, sitedircase = makepath(sitedir) - if not sitedircase in known_paths: - sys.path.append(sitedir) # Add path component - try: - names = os.listdir(sitedir) - except os.error: - return - names.sort() - for name in names: - if name.endswith(os.extsep + "pth"): - addpackage(sitedir, name, known_paths) - if reset: - known_paths = None - return known_paths - -def addsitepackages(known_paths, sys_prefix=sys.prefix, exec_prefix=sys.exec_prefix): - """Add site-packages (and possibly site-python) to sys.path""" - prefixes = [os.path.join(sys_prefix, "local"), sys_prefix] - if exec_prefix != sys_prefix: - prefixes.append(os.path.join(exec_prefix, "local")) - - for prefix in prefixes: - if prefix: - if sys.platform in ('os2emx', 'riscos') or _is_jython: - sitedirs = [os.path.join(prefix, "Lib", "site-packages")] - elif _is_pypy: - sitedirs = [os.path.join(prefix, 'site-packages')] - elif sys.platform == 'darwin' and prefix == sys_prefix: - - if prefix.startswith("/System/Library/Frameworks/"): # Apple's Python - - sitedirs = [os.path.join("/Library/Python", sys.version[:3], "site-packages"), - os.path.join(prefix, "Extras", "lib", "python")] - - else: # any other Python distros on OSX work this way - sitedirs = [os.path.join(prefix, "lib", - "python" + sys.version[:3], "site-packages")] - - elif os.sep == '/': - sitedirs = [os.path.join(prefix, - "lib", - "python" + sys.version[:3], - "site-packages"), - os.path.join(prefix, "lib", "site-python"), - os.path.join(prefix, "python" + sys.version[:3], "lib-dynload")] - lib64_dir = os.path.join(prefix, "lib64", "python" + sys.version[:3], "site-packages") - if (os.path.exists(lib64_dir) and - os.path.realpath(lib64_dir) not in [os.path.realpath(p) for p in sitedirs]): - if _is_64bit: - sitedirs.insert(0, lib64_dir) - else: - sitedirs.append(lib64_dir) - try: - # sys.getobjects only available in --with-pydebug build - sys.getobjects - sitedirs.insert(0, os.path.join(sitedirs[0], 'debug')) - except AttributeError: - pass - # Debian-specific dist-packages directories: - sitedirs.append(os.path.join(prefix, "local/lib", - "python" + sys.version[:3], - "dist-packages")) - if sys.version[0] == '2': - sitedirs.append(os.path.join(prefix, "lib", - "python" + sys.version[:3], - "dist-packages")) - else: - sitedirs.append(os.path.join(prefix, "lib", - "python" + sys.version[0], - "dist-packages")) - sitedirs.append(os.path.join(prefix, "lib", "dist-python")) - else: - sitedirs = [prefix, os.path.join(prefix, "lib", "site-packages")] - if sys.platform == 'darwin': - # for framework builds *only* we add the standard Apple - # locations. Currently only per-user, but /Library and - # /Network/Library could be added too - if 'Python.framework' in prefix: - home = os.environ.get('HOME') - if home: - sitedirs.append( - os.path.join(home, - 'Library', - 'Python', - sys.version[:3], - 'site-packages')) - for sitedir in sitedirs: - if os.path.isdir(sitedir): - addsitedir(sitedir, known_paths) - return None - -def check_enableusersite(): - """Check if user site directory is safe for inclusion - - The function tests for the command line flag (including environment var), - process uid/gid equal to effective uid/gid. - - None: Disabled for security reasons - False: Disabled by user (command line option) - True: Safe and enabled - """ - if hasattr(sys, 'flags') and getattr(sys.flags, 'no_user_site', False): - return False - - if hasattr(os, "getuid") and hasattr(os, "geteuid"): - # check process uid == effective uid - if os.geteuid() != os.getuid(): - return None - if hasattr(os, "getgid") and hasattr(os, "getegid"): - # check process gid == effective gid - if os.getegid() != os.getgid(): - return None - - return True - -def addusersitepackages(known_paths): - """Add a per user site-package to sys.path - - Each user has its own python directory with site-packages in the - home directory. - - USER_BASE is the root directory for all Python versions - - USER_SITE is the user specific site-packages directory - - USER_SITE/.. can be used for data. - """ - global USER_BASE, USER_SITE, ENABLE_USER_SITE - env_base = os.environ.get("PYTHONUSERBASE", None) - - def joinuser(*args): - return os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(*args)) - - #if sys.platform in ('os2emx', 'riscos'): - # # Don't know what to put here - # USER_BASE = '' - # USER_SITE = '' - if os.name == "nt": - base = os.environ.get("APPDATA") or "~" - if env_base: - USER_BASE = env_base - else: - USER_BASE = joinuser(base, "Python") - USER_SITE = os.path.join(USER_BASE, - "Python" + sys.version[0] + sys.version[2], - "site-packages") - else: - if env_base: - USER_BASE = env_base - else: - USER_BASE = joinuser("~", ".local") - USER_SITE = os.path.join(USER_BASE, "lib", - "python" + sys.version[:3], - "site-packages") - - if ENABLE_USER_SITE and os.path.isdir(USER_SITE): - addsitedir(USER_SITE, known_paths) - if ENABLE_USER_SITE: - for dist_libdir in ("lib", "local/lib"): - user_site = os.path.join(USER_BASE, dist_libdir, - "python" + sys.version[:3], - "dist-packages") - if os.path.isdir(user_site): - addsitedir(user_site, known_paths) - return known_paths - - - -def setBEGINLIBPATH(): - """The OS/2 EMX port has optional extension modules that do double duty - as DLLs (and must use the .DLL file extension) for other extensions. - The library search path needs to be amended so these will be found - during module import. Use BEGINLIBPATH so that these are at the start - of the library search path. - - """ - dllpath = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Lib", "lib-dynload") - libpath = os.environ['BEGINLIBPATH'].split(';') - if libpath[-1]: - libpath.append(dllpath) - else: - libpath[-1] = dllpath - os.environ['BEGINLIBPATH'] = ';'.join(libpath) - - -def setquit(): - """Define new built-ins 'quit' and 'exit'. - These are simply strings that display a hint on how to exit. - - """ - if os.sep == ':': - eof = 'Cmd-Q' - elif os.sep == '\\': - eof = 'Ctrl-Z plus Return' - else: - eof = 'Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF)' - - class Quitter(object): - def __init__(self, name): - self.name = name - def __repr__(self): - return 'Use %s() or %s to exit' % (self.name, eof) - def __call__(self, code=None): - # Shells like IDLE catch the SystemExit, but listen when their - # stdin wrapper is closed. - try: - sys.stdin.close() - except: - pass - raise SystemExit(code) - builtins.quit = Quitter('quit') - builtins.exit = Quitter('exit') - - -class _Printer(object): - """interactive prompt objects for printing the license text, a list of - contributors and the copyright notice.""" - - MAXLINES = 23 - - def __init__(self, name, data, files=(), dirs=()): - self.__name = name - self.__data = data - self.__files = files - self.__dirs = dirs - self.__lines = None - - def __setup(self): - if self.__lines: - return - data = None - for dir in self.__dirs: - for filename in self.__files: - filename = os.path.join(dir, filename) - try: - fp = open(filename, "rU") - data = fp.read() - fp.close() - break - except IOError: - pass - if data: - break - if not data: - data = self.__data - self.__lines = data.split('\n') - self.__linecnt = len(self.__lines) - - def __repr__(self): - self.__setup() - if len(self.__lines) <= self.MAXLINES: - return "\n".join(self.__lines) - else: - return "Type %s() to see the full %s text" % ((self.__name,)*2) - - def __call__(self): - self.__setup() - prompt = 'Hit Return for more, or q (and Return) to quit: ' - lineno = 0 - while 1: - try: - for i in range(lineno, lineno + self.MAXLINES): - print(self.__lines[i]) - except IndexError: - break - else: - lineno += self.MAXLINES - key = None - while key is None: - try: - key = raw_input(prompt) - except NameError: - key = input(prompt) - if key not in ('', 'q'): - key = None - if key == 'q': - break - -def setcopyright(): - """Set 'copyright' and 'credits' in __builtin__""" - builtins.copyright = _Printer("copyright", sys.copyright) - if _is_jython: - builtins.credits = _Printer( - "credits", - "Jython is maintained by the Jython developers (www.jython.org).") - elif _is_pypy: - builtins.credits = _Printer( - "credits", - "PyPy is maintained by the PyPy developers: http://pypy.org/") - else: - builtins.credits = _Printer("credits", """\ - Thanks to CWI, CNRI, BeOpen.com, Zope Corporation and a cast of thousands - for supporting Python development. See www.python.org for more information.""") - here = os.path.dirname(os.__file__) - builtins.license = _Printer( - "license", "See http://www.python.org/%.3s/license.html" % sys.version, - ["LICENSE.txt", "LICENSE"], - [os.path.join(here, os.pardir), here, os.curdir]) - - -class _Helper(object): - """Define the built-in 'help'. - This is a wrapper around pydoc.help (with a twist). - - """ - - def __repr__(self): - return "Type help() for interactive help, " \ - "or help(object) for help about object." - def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): - import pydoc - return pydoc.help(*args, **kwds) - -def sethelper(): - builtins.help = _Helper() - -def aliasmbcs(): - """On Windows, some default encodings are not provided by Python, - while they are always available as "mbcs" in each locale. Make - them usable by aliasing to "mbcs" in such a case.""" - if sys.platform == 'win32': - import locale, codecs - enc = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] - if enc.startswith('cp'): # "cp***" ? - try: - codecs.lookup(enc) - except LookupError: - import encodings - encodings._cache[enc] = encodings._unknown - encodings.aliases.aliases[enc] = 'mbcs' - -def setencoding(): - """Set the string encoding used by the Unicode implementation. The - default is 'ascii', but if you're willing to experiment, you can - change this.""" - encoding = "ascii" # Default value set by _PyUnicode_Init() - if 0: - # Enable to support locale aware default string encodings. - import locale - loc = locale.getdefaultlocale() - if loc[1]: - encoding = loc[1] - if 0: - # Enable to switch off string to Unicode coercion and implicit - # Unicode to string conversion. - encoding = "undefined" - if encoding != "ascii": - # On Non-Unicode builds this will raise an AttributeError... - sys.setdefaultencoding(encoding) # Needs Python Unicode build ! - - -def execsitecustomize(): - """Run custom site specific code, if available.""" - try: - import sitecustomize - except ImportError: - pass - -def virtual_install_main_packages(): - f = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'orig-prefix.txt')) - sys.real_prefix = f.read().strip() - f.close() - pos = 2 - hardcoded_relative_dirs = [] - if sys.path[0] == '': - pos += 1 - if _is_jython: - paths = [os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'Lib')] - elif _is_pypy: - if sys.version_info > (3, 2): - cpyver = '%d' % sys.version_info[0] - elif sys.pypy_version_info >= (1, 5): - cpyver = '%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2] - else: - cpyver = '%d.%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:3] - paths = [os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'lib_pypy'), - os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'lib-python', cpyver)] - if sys.pypy_version_info < (1, 9): - paths.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, - 'lib-python', 'modified-%s' % cpyver)) - hardcoded_relative_dirs = paths[:] # for the special 'darwin' case below - # - # This is hardcoded in the Python executable, but relative to sys.prefix: - for path in paths[:]: - plat_path = os.path.join(path, 'plat-%s' % sys.platform) - if os.path.exists(plat_path): - paths.append(plat_path) - elif sys.platform == 'win32': - paths = [os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'Lib'), os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'DLLs')] - else: - paths = [os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'lib', 'python'+sys.version[:3])] - hardcoded_relative_dirs = paths[:] # for the special 'darwin' case below - lib64_path = os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'lib64', 'python'+sys.version[:3]) - if os.path.exists(lib64_path): - if _is_64bit: - paths.insert(0, lib64_path) - else: - paths.append(lib64_path) - # This is hardcoded in the Python executable, but relative to - # sys.prefix. Debian change: we need to add the multiarch triplet - # here, which is where the real stuff lives. As per PEP 421, in - # Python 3.3+, this lives in sys.implementation, while in Python 2.7 - # it lives in sys. - try: - arch = getattr(sys, 'implementation', sys)._multiarch - except AttributeError: - # This is a non-multiarch aware Python. Fallback to the old way. - arch = sys.platform - plat_path = os.path.join(sys.real_prefix, 'lib', - 'python'+sys.version[:3], - 'plat-%s' % arch) - if os.path.exists(plat_path): - paths.append(plat_path) - # This is hardcoded in the Python executable, but - # relative to sys.prefix, so we have to fix up: - for path in list(paths): - tk_dir = os.path.join(path, 'lib-tk') - if os.path.exists(tk_dir): - paths.append(tk_dir) - - # These are hardcoded in the Apple's Python executable, - # but relative to sys.prefix, so we have to fix them up: - if sys.platform == 'darwin': - hardcoded_paths = [os.path.join(relative_dir, module) - for relative_dir in hardcoded_relative_dirs - for module in ('plat-darwin', 'plat-mac', 'plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages')] - - for path in hardcoded_paths: - if os.path.exists(path): - paths.append(path) - - sys.path.extend(paths) - -def force_global_eggs_after_local_site_packages(): - """ - Force easy_installed eggs in the global environment to get placed - in sys.path after all packages inside the virtualenv. This - maintains the "least surprise" result that packages in the - virtualenv always mask global packages, never the other way - around. - - """ - egginsert = getattr(sys, '__egginsert', 0) - for i, path in enumerate(sys.path): - if i > egginsert and path.startswith(sys.prefix): - egginsert = i - sys.__egginsert = egginsert + 1 - -def virtual_addsitepackages(known_paths): - force_global_eggs_after_local_site_packages() - return addsitepackages(known_paths, sys_prefix=sys.real_prefix) - -def fixclasspath(): - """Adjust the special classpath sys.path entries for Jython. These - entries should follow the base virtualenv lib directories. - """ - paths = [] - classpaths = [] - for path in sys.path: - if path == '__classpath__' or path.startswith('__pyclasspath__'): - classpaths.append(path) - else: - paths.append(path) - sys.path = paths - sys.path.extend(classpaths) - -def execusercustomize(): - """Run custom user specific code, if available.""" - try: - import usercustomize - except ImportError: - pass - - -def main(): - global ENABLE_USER_SITE - virtual_install_main_packages() - abs__file__() - paths_in_sys = removeduppaths() - if (os.name == "posix" and sys.path and - os.path.basename(sys.path[-1]) == "Modules"): - addbuilddir() - if _is_jython: - fixclasspath() - GLOBAL_SITE_PACKAGES = not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'no-global-site-packages.txt')) - if not GLOBAL_SITE_PACKAGES: - ENABLE_USER_SITE = False - if ENABLE_USER_SITE is None: - ENABLE_USER_SITE = check_enableusersite() - paths_in_sys = addsitepackages(paths_in_sys) - paths_in_sys = addusersitepackages(paths_in_sys) - if GLOBAL_SITE_PACKAGES: - paths_in_sys = virtual_addsitepackages(paths_in_sys) - if sys.platform == 'os2emx': - setBEGINLIBPATH() - setquit() - setcopyright() - sethelper() - aliasmbcs() - setencoding() - execsitecustomize() - if ENABLE_USER_SITE: - execusercustomize() - # Remove sys.setdefaultencoding() so that users cannot change the - # encoding after initialization. The test for presence is needed when - # this module is run as a script, because this code is executed twice. - if hasattr(sys, "setdefaultencoding"): - del sys.setdefaultencoding - -main() - -def _script(): - help = """\ - %s [--user-base] [--user-site] - - Without arguments print some useful information - With arguments print the value of USER_BASE and/or USER_SITE separated - by '%s'. - - Exit codes with --user-base or --user-site: - 0 - user site directory is enabled - 1 - user site directory is disabled by user - 2 - uses site directory is disabled by super user - or for security reasons - >2 - unknown error - """ - args = sys.argv[1:] - if not args: - print("sys.path = [") - for dir in sys.path: - print(" %r," % (dir,)) - print("]") - def exists(path): - if os.path.isdir(path): - return "exists" - else: - return "doesn't exist" - print("USER_BASE: %r (%s)" % (USER_BASE, exists(USER_BASE))) - print("USER_SITE: %r (%s)" % (USER_SITE, exists(USER_BASE))) - print("ENABLE_USER_SITE: %r" % ENABLE_USER_SITE) - sys.exit(0) - - buffer = [] - if '--user-base' in args: - buffer.append(USER_BASE) - if '--user-site' in args: - buffer.append(USER_SITE) - - if buffer: - print(os.pathsep.join(buffer)) - if ENABLE_USER_SITE: - sys.exit(0) - elif ENABLE_USER_SITE is False: - sys.exit(1) - elif ENABLE_USER_SITE is None: - sys.exit(2) - else: - sys.exit(3) - else: - import textwrap - print(textwrap.dedent(help % (sys.argv[0], os.pathsep))) - sys.exit(10) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - _script() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/argparse-1.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/argparse-1.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index dfef51d44..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/argparse-1.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/pip-8.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/pip-8.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index cc49227a0..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/pip-8.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/setuptools-25.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/setuptools-25.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 02c8ce873..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/setuptools-25.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/wheel-0.29.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/wheel-0.29.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 506d5e520..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/virtualenv/virtualenv_support/wheel-0.29.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mach_commands.py b/testing/mozharness/mach_commands.py deleted file mode 100644 index f453397db..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mach_commands.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this -# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals - -import argparse -import os -import re -import subprocess -import sys -import urllib -import urlparse - -import mozinfo - -from mach.decorators import ( - CommandArgument, - CommandProvider, - Command, -) - -from mozbuild.base import MachCommandBase, MozbuildObject -from mozbuild.base import MachCommandConditions as conditions -from argparse import ArgumentParser - -def get_parser(): - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument("suite_name", nargs=1, type=str, action="store", - help="Suite to run in mozharness") - parser.add_argument("mozharness_args", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, - help="Extra arguments to pass to mozharness") - return parser - -class MozharnessRunner(MozbuildObject): - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - MozbuildObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) - - - self.test_packages_url = self._test_packages_url() - self.installer_url = self._installer_url() - - desktop_unittest_config = [ - "--config-file", lambda: self.config_path("unittests", - "%s_unittest.py" % mozinfo.info['os']), - "--config-file", lambda: self.config_path("developer_config.py")] - - self.config = { - "__defaults__": { - "config": ["--no-read-buildbot-config", - "--download-symbols", "ondemand", - "--installer-url", self.installer_url, - "--test-packages-url", self.test_packages_url] - }, - - "mochitest-valgrind": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--mochitest-suite", "valgrind-plain"] - }, - "mochitest": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--mochitest-suite", "plain"] - }, - "mochitest-chrome": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--mochitest-suite", "chrome"] - }, - "mochitest-browser-chrome": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--mochitest-suite", "browser-chrome"] - }, - "mochitest-devtools-chrome": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--mochitest-suite", "mochitest-devtools-chrome"] - }, - "crashtest": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--reftest-suite", "crashtest"] - }, - "jsreftest": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--reftest-suite", "jsreftest"] - }, - "reftest": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--reftest-suite", "reftest"] - }, - "reftest-no-accel": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--reftest-suite", "reftest-no-accel"] - }, - "cppunittest": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--cppunittest-suite", "cppunittest"] - }, - "xpcshell": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--xpcshell-suite", "xpcshell"] - }, - "xpcshell-addons": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--xpcshell-suite", "xpcshell-addons"] - }, - "jittest": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--jittest-suite", "jittest"] - }, - "mozbase": { - "script": "desktop_unittest.py", - "config": desktop_unittest_config + [ - "--mozbase-suite", "mozbase"] - }, - "marionette": { - "script": "marionette.py", - "config": ["--config-file", self.config_path("marionette", - "test_config.py")] - }, - "web-platform-tests": { - "script": "web_platform_tests.py", - "config": ["--config-file", self.config_path("web_platform_tests", - self.wpt_config)] - }, - } - - - def path_to_url(self, path): - return urlparse.urljoin('file:', urllib.pathname2url(path)) - - def _installer_url(self): - package_re = { - "linux": re.compile("^firefox-\d+\..+\.tar\.bz2$"), - "win": re.compile("^firefox-\d+\..+\.installer\.exe$"), - "mac": re.compile("^firefox-\d+\..+\.mac(?:64)?\.dmg$"), - }[mozinfo.info['os']] - dist_path = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, "dist") - filenames = [item for item in os.listdir(dist_path) if - package_re.match(item)] - assert len(filenames) == 1 - return self.path_to_url(os.path.join(dist_path, filenames[0])) - - def _test_packages_url(self): - dist_path = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, "dist") - filenames = [item for item in os.listdir(dist_path) if - item.endswith('test_packages.json')] - assert len(filenames) == 1 - return self.path_to_url(os.path.join(dist_path, filenames[0])) - - def config_path(self, *parts): - return self.path_to_url(os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, "testing", "mozharness", - "configs", *parts)) - - @property - def wpt_config(self): - return "test_config.py" if mozinfo.info['os'] != "win" else "test_config_windows.py" - - def run_suite(self, suite, **kwargs): - default_config = self.config.get("__defaults__") - suite_config = self.config.get(suite) - - if suite_config is None: - print("Unknown suite %s" % suite) - return 1 - - script = os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, "testing", "mozharness", - "scripts", suite_config["script"]) - options = [item() if callable(item) else item - for item in default_config["config"] + suite_config["config"]] - - cmd = [script] + options - - rv = subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=os.path.dirname(script)) - return rv - - -@CommandProvider -class MozharnessCommands(MachCommandBase): - @Command('mozharness', category='testing', - description='Run tests using mozharness.', - conditions=[conditions.is_firefox], - parser=get_parser) - def mozharness(self, **kwargs): - runner = self._spawn(MozharnessRunner) - return runner.run_suite(kwargs.pop("suite_name")[0], **kwargs) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozfile/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozfile/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index 37b8babb8..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozfile/__init__.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this -# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -from mozfile import * diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozfile/mozfile.py b/testing/mozharness/mozfile/mozfile.py deleted file mode 100644 index ac0edcab4..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozfile/mozfile.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,372 +0,0 @@ -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- - -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this -# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -from contextlib import contextmanager -import os -import shutil -import stat -import tarfile -import tempfile -import urlparse -import urllib2 -import zipfile -import time - -__all__ = ['extract_tarball', - 'extract_zip', - 'extract', - 'is_url', - 'load', - 'remove', - 'rmtree', - 'tree', - 'NamedTemporaryFile', - 'TemporaryDirectory'] - -try: - WindowsError -except NameError: - WindowsError = None # so we can unconditionally catch it later... - - -### utilities for extracting archives - -def extract_tarball(src, dest): - """extract a .tar file""" - - bundle = tarfile.open(src) - namelist = bundle.getnames() - - for name in namelist: - bundle.extract(name, path=dest) - bundle.close() - return namelist - - -def extract_zip(src, dest): - """extract a zip file""" - - if isinstance(src, zipfile.ZipFile): - bundle = src - else: - try: - bundle = zipfile.ZipFile(src) - except Exception, e: - print "src: %s" % src - raise - - namelist = bundle.namelist() - - for name in namelist: - filename = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dest, name)) - if name.endswith('/'): - if not os.path.isdir(filename): - os.makedirs(filename) - else: - path = os.path.dirname(filename) - if not os.path.isdir(path): - os.makedirs(path) - _dest = open(filename, 'wb') - _dest.write(bundle.read(name)) - _dest.close() - mode = bundle.getinfo(name).external_attr >> 16 & 0x1FF - os.chmod(filename, mode) - bundle.close() - return namelist - - -def extract(src, dest=None): - """ - Takes in a tar or zip file and extracts it to dest - - If dest is not specified, extracts to os.path.dirname(src) - - Returns the list of top level files that were extracted - """ - - assert os.path.exists(src), "'%s' does not exist" % src - - if dest is None: - dest = os.path.dirname(src) - elif not os.path.isdir(dest): - os.makedirs(dest) - assert not os.path.isfile(dest), "dest cannot be a file" - - if zipfile.is_zipfile(src): - namelist = extract_zip(src, dest) - elif tarfile.is_tarfile(src): - namelist = extract_tarball(src, dest) - else: - raise Exception("mozfile.extract: no archive format found for '%s'" % - src) - - # namelist returns paths with forward slashes even in windows - top_level_files = [os.path.join(dest, name.rstrip('/')) for name in namelist - if len(name.rstrip('/').split('/')) == 1] - - # namelist doesn't include folders, append these to the list - for name in namelist: - index = name.find('/') - if index != -1: - root = os.path.join(dest, name[:index]) - if root not in top_level_files: - top_level_files.append(root) - - return top_level_files - - -### utilities for removal of files and directories - -def rmtree(dir): - """Deprecated wrapper method to remove a directory tree. - - Ensure to update your code to use mozfile.remove() directly - - :param dir: directory to be removed - """ - - return remove(dir) - - -def remove(path): - """Removes the specified file, link, or directory tree - - This is a replacement for shutil.rmtree that works better under - windows. - - :param path: path to be removed - """ - - def _call_with_windows_retry(func, path, retry_max=5, retry_delay=0.5): - """ - It's possible to see spurious errors on Windows due to various things - keeping a handle to the directory open (explorer, virus scanners, etc) - So we try a few times if it fails with a known error. - """ - retry_count = 0 - while True: - try: - func(path) - break - except WindowsError as e: - # Error 5 == Access is denied - # Error 32 == The process cannot access the file because it is - # being used by another process - # Error 145 == The directory is not empty - - if retry_count == retry_max or e.winerror not in [5, 32, 145]: - raise - retry_count += 1 - - print 'Retrying to remove "%s" because it is in use.' % path - time.sleep(retry_delay) - - if not os.path.exists(path): - return - - path_stats = os.stat(path) - - if os.path.isfile(path) or os.path.islink(path): - # Verify the file or link is read/write for the current user - os.chmod(path, path_stats.st_mode | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) - _call_with_windows_retry(os.remove, path) - - elif os.path.isdir(path): - # Verify the directory is read/write/execute for the current user - os.chmod(path, path_stats.st_mode | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR) - _call_with_windows_retry(shutil.rmtree, path) - -def depth(directory): - """returns the integer depth of a directory or path relative to '/' """ - - directory = os.path.abspath(directory) - level = 0 - while True: - directory, remainder = os.path.split(directory) - level += 1 - if not remainder: - break - return level - -# ASCII delimeters -ascii_delimeters = { - 'vertical_line' : '|', - 'item_marker' : '+', - 'last_child' : '\\' - } - -# unicode delimiters -unicode_delimeters = { - 'vertical_line' : '│', - 'item_marker' : '├', - 'last_child' : '└' - } - -def tree(directory, - item_marker=unicode_delimeters['item_marker'], - vertical_line=unicode_delimeters['vertical_line'], - last_child=unicode_delimeters['last_child'], - sort_key=lambda x: x.lower()): - """ - display tree directory structure for `directory` - """ - - retval = [] - indent = [] - last = {} - top = depth(directory) - - for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory, topdown=True): - - abspath = os.path.abspath(dirpath) - basename = os.path.basename(abspath) - parent = os.path.dirname(abspath) - level = depth(abspath) - top - - # sort articles of interest - for resource in (dirnames, filenames): - resource[:] = sorted(resource, key=sort_key) - - files_end = item_marker - dirpath_marker = item_marker - - if level > len(indent): - indent.append(vertical_line) - indent = indent[:level] - - if dirnames: - files_end = item_marker - last[abspath] = dirnames[-1] - else: - files_end = last_child - - if last.get(parent) == os.path.basename(abspath): - # last directory of parent - dirpath_mark = last_child - indent[-1] = ' ' - elif not indent: - dirpath_mark = '' - else: - dirpath_mark = item_marker - - # append the directory and piece of tree structure - # if the top-level entry directory, print as passed - retval.append('%s%s%s'% (''.join(indent[:-1]), - dirpath_mark, - basename if retval else directory)) - # add the files - if filenames: - last_file = filenames[-1] - retval.extend([('%s%s%s' % (''.join(indent), - files_end if filename == last_file else item_marker, - filename)) - for index, filename in enumerate(filenames)]) - - return '\n'.join(retval) - - -### utilities for temporary resources - -class NamedTemporaryFile(object): - """ - Like tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile except it works on Windows - in the case where you open the created file a second time. - - This behaves very similarly to tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile but may - not behave exactly the same. For example, this function does not - prevent fd inheritance by children. - - Example usage: - - with NamedTemporaryFile() as fh: - fh.write(b'foobar') - - print('Filename: %s' % fh.name) - - see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=821362 - """ - def __init__(self, mode='w+b', bufsize=-1, suffix='', prefix='tmp', - dir=None, delete=True): - - fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix, prefix, dir, 't' in mode) - os.close(fd) - - self.file = open(path, mode) - self._path = path - self._delete = delete - self._unlinked = False - - def __getattr__(self, k): - return getattr(self.__dict__['file'], k) - - def __iter__(self): - return self.__dict__['file'] - - def __enter__(self): - self.file.__enter__() - return self - - def __exit__(self, exc, value, tb): - self.file.__exit__(exc, value, tb) - if self.__dict__['_delete']: - os.unlink(self.__dict__['_path']) - self._unlinked = True - - def __del__(self): - if self.__dict__['_unlinked']: - return - self.file.__exit__(None, None, None) - if self.__dict__['_delete']: - os.unlink(self.__dict__['_path']) - - -@contextmanager -def TemporaryDirectory(): - """ - create a temporary directory using tempfile.mkdtemp, and then clean it up. - - Example usage: - with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: - open(os.path.join(tmp, "a_temp_file"), "w").write("data") - - """ - tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() - try: - yield tempdir - finally: - shutil.rmtree(tempdir) - - -### utilities dealing with URLs - -def is_url(thing): - """ - Return True if thing looks like a URL. - """ - - parsed = urlparse.urlparse(thing) - if 'scheme' in parsed: - return len(parsed.scheme) >= 2 - else: - return len(parsed[0]) >= 2 - -def load(resource): - """ - open a file or URL for reading. If the passed resource string is not a URL, - or begins with 'file://', return a ``file``. Otherwise, return the - result of urllib2.urlopen() - """ - - # handle file URLs separately due to python stdlib limitations - if resource.startswith('file://'): - resource = resource[len('file://'):] - - if not is_url(resource): - # if no scheme is given, it is a file path - return file(resource) - - return urllib2.urlopen(resource) - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index 609f98f33..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/__init__.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -version = (0, 7) -version_string = '.'.join(['%d' % i for i in version]) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/config.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/config.py deleted file mode 100644 index 9c17b3381..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,569 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Generic config parsing and dumping, the way I remember it from scripts -gone by. - -The config should be built from script-level defaults, overlaid by -config-file defaults, overlaid by command line options. - - (For buildbot-analogues that would be factory-level defaults, - builder-level defaults, and build request/scheduler settings.) - -The config should then be locked (set to read-only, to prevent runtime -alterations). Afterwards we should dump the config to a file that is -uploaded with the build, and can be used to debug or replicate the build -at a later time. - -TODO: - -* check_required_settings or something -- run at init, assert that - these settings are set. -""" - -from copy import deepcopy -from optparse import OptionParser, Option, OptionGroup -import os -import sys -import urllib2 -import socket -import time -try: - import simplejson as json -except ImportError: - import json - -from mozharness.base.log import DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL - - -# optparse {{{1 -class ExtendedOptionParser(OptionParser): - """OptionParser, but with ExtendOption as the option_class. - """ - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - kwargs['option_class'] = ExtendOption - OptionParser.__init__(self, **kwargs) - - -class ExtendOption(Option): - """from http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html?highlight=optparse#adding-new-actions""" - ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",) - STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",) - TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) - ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) - - def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser): - if action == "extend": - lvalue = value.split(",") - values.ensure_value(dest, []).extend(lvalue) - else: - Option.take_action( - self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser) - - -def make_immutable(item): - if isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple): - result = LockedTuple(item) - elif isinstance(item, dict): - result = ReadOnlyDict(item) - result.lock() - else: - result = item - return result - - -class LockedTuple(tuple): - def __new__(cls, items): - return tuple.__new__(cls, (make_immutable(x) for x in items)) - def __deepcopy__(self, memo): - return [deepcopy(elem, memo) for elem in self] - - -# ReadOnlyDict {{{1 -class ReadOnlyDict(dict): - def __init__(self, dictionary): - self._lock = False - self.update(dictionary.copy()) - - def _check_lock(self): - assert not self._lock, "ReadOnlyDict is locked!" - - def lock(self): - for (k, v) in self.items(): - self[k] = make_immutable(v) - self._lock = True - - def __setitem__(self, *args): - self._check_lock() - return dict.__setitem__(self, *args) - - def __delitem__(self, *args): - self._check_lock() - return dict.__delitem__(self, *args) - - def clear(self, *args): - self._check_lock() - return dict.clear(self, *args) - - def pop(self, *args): - self._check_lock() - return dict.pop(self, *args) - - def popitem(self, *args): - self._check_lock() - return dict.popitem(self, *args) - - def setdefault(self, *args): - self._check_lock() - return dict.setdefault(self, *args) - - def update(self, *args): - self._check_lock() - dict.update(self, *args) - - def __deepcopy__(self, memo): - cls = self.__class__ - result = cls.__new__(cls) - memo[id(self)] = result - for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): - setattr(result, k, deepcopy(v, memo)) - result._lock = False - for k, v in self.items(): - result[k] = deepcopy(v, memo) - return result - -# parse_config_file {{{1 -def parse_config_file(file_name, quiet=False, search_path=None, - config_dict_name="config"): - """Read a config file and return a dictionary. - """ - file_path = None - if os.path.exists(file_name): - file_path = file_name - else: - if not search_path: - search_path = ['.', os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..', 'configs'), - os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..', '..', 'configs')] - for path in search_path: - if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, file_name)): - file_path = os.path.join(path, file_name) - break - else: - raise IOError("Can't find %s in %s!" % (file_name, search_path)) - if file_name.endswith('.py'): - global_dict = {} - local_dict = {} - execfile(file_path, global_dict, local_dict) - config = local_dict[config_dict_name] - elif file_name.endswith('.json'): - fh = open(file_path) - config = {} - json_config = json.load(fh) - config = dict(json_config) - fh.close() - else: - raise RuntimeError("Unknown config file type %s!" % file_name) - # TODO return file_path - return config - - -def download_config_file(url, file_name): - n = 0 - attempts = 5 - sleeptime = 60 - max_sleeptime = 5 * 60 - while True: - if n >= attempts: - print "Failed to download from url %s after %d attempts, quiting..." % (url, attempts) - raise SystemError(-1) - try: - contents = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=30).read() - break - except urllib2.URLError, e: - print "Error downloading from url %s: %s" % (url, str(e)) - except socket.timeout, e: - print "Time out accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e)) - except socket.error, e: - print "Socket error when accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e)) - print "Sleeping %d seconds before retrying" % sleeptime - time.sleep(sleeptime) - sleeptime = sleeptime * 2 - if sleeptime > max_sleeptime: - sleeptime = max_sleeptime - n += 1 - - try: - f = open(file_name, 'w') - f.write(contents) - f.close() - except IOError, e: - print "Error writing downloaded contents to file %s: %s" % (file_name, str(e)) - raise SystemError(-1) - - -# BaseConfig {{{1 -class BaseConfig(object): - """Basic config setting/getting. - """ - def __init__(self, config=None, initial_config_file=None, config_options=None, - all_actions=None, default_actions=None, - volatile_config=None, option_args=None, - require_config_file=False, - append_env_variables_from_configs=False, - usage="usage: %prog [options]"): - self._config = {} - self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts = [] - self.actions = [] - self.config_lock = False - self.require_config_file = require_config_file - # It allows to append env variables from multiple config files - self.append_env_variables_from_configs = append_env_variables_from_configs - - if all_actions: - self.all_actions = all_actions[:] - else: - self.all_actions = ['clobber', 'build'] - if default_actions: - self.default_actions = default_actions[:] - else: - self.default_actions = self.all_actions[:] - if volatile_config is None: - self.volatile_config = { - 'actions': None, - 'add_actions': None, - 'no_actions': None, - } - else: - self.volatile_config = deepcopy(volatile_config) - - if config: - self.set_config(config) - if initial_config_file: - initial_config = parse_config_file(initial_config_file) - self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append( - (initial_config_file, initial_config) - ) - self.set_config(initial_config) - # Since initial_config_file is only set when running unit tests, - # if no option_args have been specified, then the parser will - # parse sys.argv which in this case would be the command line - # options specified to run the tests, e.g. nosetests -v. Clearly, - # the options passed to nosetests (such as -v) should not be - # interpreted by mozharness as mozharness options, so we specify - # a dummy command line with no options, so that the parser does - # not add anything from the test invocation command line - # arguments to the mozharness options. - if option_args is None: - option_args=['dummy_mozharness_script_with_no_command_line_options.py'] - if config_options is None: - config_options = [] - self._create_config_parser(config_options, usage) - # we allow manually passing of option args for things like nosetests - self.parse_args(args=option_args) - - def get_read_only_config(self): - return ReadOnlyDict(self._config) - - def _create_config_parser(self, config_options, usage): - self.config_parser = ExtendedOptionParser(usage=usage) - self.config_parser.add_option( - "--work-dir", action="store", dest="work_dir", - type="string", default="build", - help="Specify the work_dir (subdir of base_work_dir)" - ) - self.config_parser.add_option( - "--base-work-dir", action="store", dest="base_work_dir", - type="string", default=os.getcwd(), - help="Specify the absolute path of the parent of the working directory" - ) - self.config_parser.add_option( - "-c", "--config-file", "--cfg", action="extend", dest="config_files", - type="string", help="Specify a config file; can be repeated" - ) - self.config_parser.add_option( - "-C", "--opt-config-file", "--opt-cfg", action="extend", - dest="opt_config_files", type="string", default=[], - help="Specify an optional config file, like --config-file but with no " - "error if the file is missing; can be repeated" - ) - self.config_parser.add_option( - "--dump-config", action="store_true", - dest="dump_config", - help="List and dump the config generated from this run to " - "a JSON file." - ) - self.config_parser.add_option( - "--dump-config-hierarchy", action="store_true", - dest="dump_config_hierarchy", - help="Like --dump-config but will list and dump which config " - "files were used making up the config and specify their own " - "keys/values that were not overwritten by another cfg -- " - "held the highest hierarchy." - ) - - # Logging - log_option_group = OptionGroup(self.config_parser, "Logging") - log_option_group.add_option( - "--log-level", action="store", - type="choice", dest="log_level", default=INFO, - choices=[DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL], - help="Set log level (debug|info|warning|error|critical|fatal)" - ) - log_option_group.add_option( - "-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="log_to_console", - default=True, help="Don't log to the console" - ) - log_option_group.add_option( - "--append-to-log", action="store_true", - dest="append_to_log", default=False, - help="Append to the log" - ) - log_option_group.add_option( - "--multi-log", action="store_const", const="multi", - dest="log_type", help="Log using MultiFileLogger" - ) - log_option_group.add_option( - "--simple-log", action="store_const", const="simple", - dest="log_type", help="Log using SimpleFileLogger" - ) - self.config_parser.add_option_group(log_option_group) - - # Actions - action_option_group = OptionGroup( - self.config_parser, "Actions", - "Use these options to list or enable/disable actions." - ) - action_option_group.add_option( - "--list-actions", action="store_true", - dest="list_actions", - help="List all available actions, then exit" - ) - action_option_group.add_option( - "--add-action", action="extend", - dest="add_actions", metavar="ACTIONS", - help="Add action %s to the list of actions" % self.all_actions - ) - action_option_group.add_option( - "--no-action", action="extend", - dest="no_actions", metavar="ACTIONS", - help="Don't perform action" - ) - for action in self.all_actions: - action_option_group.add_option( - "--%s" % action, action="append_const", - dest="actions", const=action, - help="Add %s to the limited list of actions" % action - ) - action_option_group.add_option( - "--no-%s" % action, action="append_const", - dest="no_actions", const=action, - help="Remove %s from the list of actions to perform" % action - ) - self.config_parser.add_option_group(action_option_group) - # Child-specified options - # TODO error checking for overlapping options - if config_options: - for option in config_options: - self.config_parser.add_option(*option[0], **option[1]) - - # Initial-config-specified options - config_options = self._config.get('config_options', None) - if config_options: - for option in config_options: - self.config_parser.add_option(*option[0], **option[1]) - - def set_config(self, config, overwrite=False): - """This is probably doable some other way.""" - if self._config and not overwrite: - self._config.update(config) - else: - self._config = config - return self._config - - def get_actions(self): - return self.actions - - def verify_actions(self, action_list, quiet=False): - for action in action_list: - if action not in self.all_actions: - if not quiet: - print("Invalid action %s not in %s!" % (action, - self.all_actions)) - raise SystemExit(-1) - return action_list - - def verify_actions_order(self, action_list): - try: - indexes = [ self.all_actions.index(elt) for elt in action_list ] - sorted_indexes = sorted(indexes) - for i in range(len(indexes)): - if indexes[i] != sorted_indexes[i]: - print(("Action %s comes in different order in %s\n" + - "than in %s") % (action_list[i], action_list, self.all_actions)) - raise SystemExit(-1) - except ValueError as e: - print("Invalid action found: " + str(e)) - raise SystemExit(-1) - - def list_actions(self): - print "Actions available:" - for a in self.all_actions: - print " " + ("*" if a in self.default_actions else " "), a - raise SystemExit(0) - - def get_cfgs_from_files(self, all_config_files, options): - """Returns the configuration derived from the list of configuration - files. The result is represented as a list of `(filename, - config_dict)` tuples; they will be combined with keys in later - dictionaries taking precedence over earlier. - - `all_config_files` is all files specified with `--config-file` and - `--opt-config-file`; `options` is the argparse options object giving - access to any other command-line options. - - This function is also responsible for downloading any configuration - files specified by URL. It uses ``parse_config_file`` in this module - to parse individual files. - - This method can be overridden in a subclass to add extra logic to the - way that self.config is made up. See - `mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase.BuildingConfig` for an example. - """ - all_cfg_files_and_dicts = [] - for cf in all_config_files: - try: - if '://' in cf: # config file is an url - file_name = os.path.basename(cf) - file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), file_name) - download_config_file(cf, file_path) - all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append( - (file_path, parse_config_file(file_path)) - ) - else: - all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append((cf, parse_config_file(cf))) - except Exception: - if cf in options.opt_config_files: - print( - "WARNING: optional config file not found %s" % cf - ) - else: - raise - return all_cfg_files_and_dicts - - def parse_args(self, args=None): - """Parse command line arguments in a generic way. - Return the parser object after adding the basic options, so - child objects can manipulate it. - """ - self.command_line = ' '.join(sys.argv) - if args is None: - args = sys.argv[1:] - (options, args) = self.config_parser.parse_args(args) - - defaults = self.config_parser.defaults.copy() - - if not options.config_files: - if self.require_config_file: - if options.list_actions: - self.list_actions() - print("Required config file not set! (use --config-file option)") - raise SystemExit(-1) - else: - # this is what get_cfgs_from_files returns. It will represent each - # config file name and its assoctiated dict - # eg ('builds/branch_specifics.py', {'foo': 'bar'}) - # let's store this to self for things like --interpret-config-files - self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts.extend(self.get_cfgs_from_files( - # append opt_config to allow them to overwrite previous configs - options.config_files + options.opt_config_files, options=options - )) - config = {} - if self.append_env_variables_from_configs: - # We only append values from various configs for the 'env' entry - # For everything else we follow the standard behaviour - for i, (c_file, c_dict) in enumerate(self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts): - for v in c_dict.keys(): - if v == 'env' and v in config: - config[v].update(c_dict[v]) - else: - config[v] = c_dict[v] - else: - for i, (c_file, c_dict) in enumerate(self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts): - config.update(c_dict) - # assign or update self._config depending on if it exists or not - # NOTE self._config will be passed to ReadOnlyConfig's init -- a - # dict subclass with immutable locking capabilities -- and serve - # as the keys/values that make up that instance. Ultimately, - # this becomes self.config during BaseScript's init - self.set_config(config) - for key in defaults.keys(): - value = getattr(options, key) - if value is None: - continue - # Don't override config_file defaults with config_parser defaults - if key in defaults and value == defaults[key] and key in self._config: - continue - self._config[key] = value - - # The idea behind the volatile_config is we don't want to save this - # info over multiple runs. This defaults to the action-specific - # config options, but can be anything. - for key in self.volatile_config.keys(): - if self._config.get(key) is not None: - self.volatile_config[key] = self._config[key] - del(self._config[key]) - - self.update_actions() - if options.list_actions: - self.list_actions() - - # Keep? This is for saving the volatile config in the dump_config - self._config['volatile_config'] = self.volatile_config - - self.options = options - self.args = args - return (self.options, self.args) - - def update_actions(self): - """ Update actions after reading in config. - - Seems a little complex, but the logic goes: - - First, if default_actions is specified in the config, set our - default actions even if the script specifies other default actions. - - Without any other action-specific options, run with default actions. - - If we specify --ACTION or --only-ACTION once or multiple times, - we want to override the default_actions list with the one(s) we list. - - Otherwise, if we specify --add-action ACTION, we want to add an - action to the list. - - Finally, if we specify --no-ACTION, remove that from the list of - actions to perform. - """ - if self._config.get('default_actions'): - default_actions = self.verify_actions(self._config['default_actions']) - self.default_actions = default_actions - self.verify_actions_order(self.default_actions) - self.actions = self.default_actions[:] - if self.volatile_config['actions']: - actions = self.verify_actions(self.volatile_config['actions']) - self.actions = actions - elif self.volatile_config['add_actions']: - actions = self.verify_actions(self.volatile_config['add_actions']) - self.actions.extend(actions) - if self.volatile_config['no_actions']: - actions = self.verify_actions(self.volatile_config['no_actions']) - for action in actions: - if action in self.actions: - self.actions.remove(action) - - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/diskutils.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/diskutils.py deleted file mode 100644 index 745384ff9..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/diskutils.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,156 +0,0 @@ -"""Disk utility module, no mixins here! - - examples: - 1) get disk size - from mozharness.base.diskutils import DiskInfo, DiskutilsError - ... - try: - DiskSize().get_size(path='/', unit='Mb') - except DiskutilsError as e: - # manage the exception e.g: log.error(e) - pass - log.info("%s" % di) - - - 2) convert disk size: - from mozharness.base.diskutils import DiskutilsError, convert_to - ... - file_size = <function that gets file size in bytes> - # convert file_size to GB - try: - file_size = convert_to(file_size, from_unit='bytes', to_unit='GB') - except DiskutilsError as e: - # manage the exception e.g: log.error(e) - pass - -""" -import ctypes -import os -import sys -import logging -from mozharness.base.log import INFO, numeric_log_level - -# use mozharness log -log = logging.getLogger(__name__) - - -class DiskutilsError(Exception): - """Exception thrown by Diskutils module""" - pass - - -def convert_to(size, from_unit, to_unit): - """Helper method to convert filesystem sizes to kB/ MB/ GB/ TB/ - valid values for source_format and destination format are: - * bytes - * kB - * MB - * GB - * TB - returns: size converted from source_format to destination_format. - """ - sizes = {'bytes': 1, - 'kB': 1024, - 'MB': 1024 * 1024, - 'GB': 1024 * 1024 * 1024, - 'TB': 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024} - try: - df = sizes[to_unit] - sf = sizes[from_unit] - return size * sf / df - except KeyError: - raise DiskutilsError('conversion error: Invalid source or destination format') - except TypeError: - raise DiskutilsError('conversion error: size (%s) is not a number' % size) - - -class DiskInfo(object): - """Stores basic information about the disk""" - def __init__(self): - self.unit = 'bytes' - self.free = 0 - self.used = 0 - self.total = 0 - - def __str__(self): - string = ['Disk space info (in %s)' % self.unit] - string += ['total: %s' % self.total] - string += ['used: %s' % self.used] - string += ['free: %s' % self.free] - return " ".join(string) - - def _to(self, unit): - from_unit = self.unit - to_unit = unit - self.free = convert_to(self.free, from_unit=from_unit, to_unit=to_unit) - self.used = convert_to(self.used, from_unit=from_unit, to_unit=to_unit) - self.total = convert_to(self.total, from_unit=from_unit, to_unit=to_unit) - self.unit = unit - - -class DiskSize(object): - """DiskSize object - """ - @staticmethod - def _posix_size(path): - """returns the disk size in bytes - disk size is relative to path - """ - # we are on a POSIX system - st = os.statvfs(path) - disk_info = DiskInfo() - disk_info.free = st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize - disk_info.used = (st.f_blocks - st.f_bfree) * st.f_frsize - disk_info.total = st.f_blocks * st.f_frsize - return disk_info - - @staticmethod - def _windows_size(path): - """returns size in bytes, works only on windows platforms""" - # we're on a non POSIX system (windows) - # DLL call - disk_info = DiskInfo() - dummy = ctypes.c_ulonglong() # needed by the dll call but not used - total = ctypes.c_ulonglong() # stores the total space value - free = ctypes.c_ulonglong() # stores the free space value - # depending on path format (unicode or not) and python version (2 or 3) - # we need to call GetDiskFreeSpaceExW or GetDiskFreeSpaceExA - called_function = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExA - if isinstance(path, unicode) or sys.version_info >= (3,): - called_function = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW - # we're ready for the dll call. On error it returns 0 - if called_function(path, - ctypes.byref(dummy), - ctypes.byref(total), - ctypes.byref(free)) != 0: - # success, we can use the values returned by the dll call - disk_info.free = free.value - disk_info.total = total.value - disk_info.used = total.value - free.value - return disk_info - - @staticmethod - def get_size(path, unit, log_level=INFO): - """Disk info stats: - total => size of the disk - used => space used - free => free space - In case of error raises a DiskutilError Exception - """ - try: - # let's try to get the disk size using os module - disk_info = DiskSize()._posix_size(path) - except AttributeError: - try: - # os module failed. let's try to get the size using - # ctypes.windll... - disk_info = DiskSize()._windows_size(path) - except AttributeError: - # No luck! This is not a posix nor window platform - # raise an exception - raise DiskutilsError('Unsupported platform') - - disk_info._to(unit) - lvl = numeric_log_level(log_level) - log.log(lvl, msg="%s" % disk_info) - return disk_info diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/errors.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/errors.py deleted file mode 100755 index 9d2f3ebe1..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/errors.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,213 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Generic error lists. - -Error lists are used to parse output in mozharness.base.log.OutputParser. - -Each line of output is matched against each substring or regular expression -in the error list. On a match, we determine the 'level' of that line, -whether IGNORE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, or FATAL. - -TODO: Context lines (requires work on the OutputParser side) - -TODO: We could also create classes that generate these, but with the -appropriate level (please don't die on any errors; please die on any -warning; etc.) or platform or language or whatever. -""" - -import re - -from mozharness.base.log import DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL - - -# Exceptions -class VCSException(Exception): - pass - -# ErrorLists {{{1 -BaseErrorList = [{ - 'substr': r'''command not found''', - 'level': ERROR -}] - -# For ssh, scp, rsync over ssh -SSHErrorList = BaseErrorList + [{ - 'substr': r'''Name or service not known''', - 'level': ERROR -}, { - 'substr': r'''Could not resolve hostname''', - 'level': ERROR -}, { - 'substr': r'''POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT''', - 'level': WARNING -}, { - 'substr': r'''Network error:''', - 'level': ERROR -}, { - 'substr': r'''Access denied''', - 'level': ERROR -}, { - 'substr': r'''Authentication refused''', - 'level': ERROR -}, { - 'substr': r'''Out of memory''', - 'level': ERROR -}, { - 'substr': r'''Connection reset by peer''', - 'level': WARNING -}, { - 'substr': r'''Host key verification failed''', - 'level': ERROR -}, { - 'substr': r'''WARNING:''', - 'level': WARNING -}, { - 'substr': r'''rsync error:''', - 'level': ERROR -}, { - 'substr': r'''Broken pipe:''', - 'level': ERROR -}, { - 'substr': r'''Permission denied:''', - 'level': ERROR -}, { - 'substr': r'''connection unexpectedly closed''', - 'level': ERROR -}, { - 'substr': r'''Warning: Identity file''', - 'level': ERROR -}, { - 'substr': r'''command-line line 0: Missing argument''', - 'level': ERROR -}] - -HgErrorList = BaseErrorList + [{ - 'regex': re.compile(r'''^abort:'''), - 'level': ERROR, - 'explanation': 'Automation Error: hg not responding' -}, { - 'substr': r'''unknown exception encountered''', - 'level': ERROR, - 'explanation': 'Automation Error: python exception in hg' -}, { - 'substr': r'''failed to import extension''', - 'level': WARNING, - 'explanation': 'Automation Error: hg extension missing' -}] - -GitErrorList = BaseErrorList + [ - {'substr': r'''Permission denied (publickey).''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''does not appear to be a git repository''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''error: src refspec''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''invalid author/committer line -''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''remote: fatal: Error in object''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''fatal: sha1 file '<stdout>' write error: Broken pipe''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''error: failed to push some refs to ''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''remote: error: denying non-fast-forward ''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''! [remote rejected] ''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''remote:.*No such file or directory'''), 'level': ERROR}, -] - -PythonErrorList = BaseErrorList + [ - {'regex': re.compile(r'''Warning:.*Error: '''), 'level': WARNING}, - {'substr': r'''Traceback (most recent call last)''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''SyntaxError: ''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''TypeError: ''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''NameError: ''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''ZeroDivisionError: ''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''raise \w*Exception: '''), 'level': CRITICAL}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''raise \w*Error: '''), 'level': CRITICAL}, -] - -VirtualenvErrorList = [ - {'substr': r'''not found or a compiler error:''', 'level': WARNING}, - {'regex': re.compile('''\d+: error: '''), 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile('''\d+: warning: '''), 'level': WARNING}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''Downloading .* \(.*\): *([0-9]+%)? *[0-9\.]+[kmKM]b'''), 'level': DEBUG}, -] + PythonErrorList - - -# We may need to have various MakefileErrorLists for differing amounts of -# warning-ignoring-ness. -MakefileErrorList = BaseErrorList + PythonErrorList + [ - {'substr': r'''No rule to make target ''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''akefile.*was not found\.'''), 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''Stop\.$'''), 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r''':\d+: error:'''), 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''make\[\d+\]: \*\*\* \[.*\] Error \d+'''), 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r''':\d+: warning:'''), 'level': WARNING}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''make(?:\[\d+\])?: \*\*\*/'''), 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''Warning: ''', 'level': WARNING}, -] - -TarErrorList = BaseErrorList + [ - {'substr': r'''(stdin) is not a bzip2 file.''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''Child returned status [1-9]'''), 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''Error exit delayed from previous errors''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''stdin: unexpected end of file''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''stdin: not in gzip format''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''Cannot exec: No such file or directory''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r''': Error is not recoverable: exiting now''', 'level': ERROR}, -] - -ADBErrorList = BaseErrorList + [ - {'substr': r'''INSTALL_FAILED_''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''Android Debug Bridge version''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''error: protocol fault''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''unable to connect to ''', 'level': ERROR}, -] - -JarsignerErrorList = [{ - 'substr': r'''command not found''', - 'level': FATAL -}, { - 'substr': r'''jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: keystore load: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect''', - 'level': FATAL, - 'explanation': r'''The store passphrase is probably incorrect!''', -}, { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''jarsigner: key associated with .* not a private key'''), - 'level': FATAL, - 'explanation': r'''The key passphrase is probably incorrect!''', -}, { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: keystore load: .* .No such file or directory'''), - 'level': FATAL, - 'explanation': r'''The keystore doesn't exist!''', -}, { - 'substr': r'''jarsigner: unable to open jar file:''', - 'level': FATAL, - 'explanation': r'''The apk is missing!''', -}] - -ZipErrorList = BaseErrorList + [{ - 'substr': r'''zip warning:''', - 'level': WARNING, -}, { - 'substr': r'''zip error:''', - 'level': ERROR, -}, { - 'substr': r'''Cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive''', - 'level': ERROR, -}] - -ZipalignErrorList = BaseErrorList + [{ - 'regex': re.compile(r'''Unable to open .* as a zip archive'''), - 'level': ERROR, -}, { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''Output file .* exists'''), - 'level': ERROR, -}, { - 'substr': r'''Input and output can't be the same file''', - 'level': ERROR, -}] - - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - '''TODO: unit tests. - ''' - pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/log.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/log.py deleted file mode 100755 index 2c18b50c3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/log.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,694 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Generic logging classes and functionalities for single and multi file logging. -Capturing console output and providing general logging functionalities. - -Attributes: - FATAL_LEVEL (int): constant logging level value set based on the logging.CRITICAL - value - DEBUG (str): mozharness `debug` log name - INFO (str): mozharness `info` log name - WARNING (str): mozharness `warning` log name - CRITICAL (str): mozharness `critical` log name - FATAL (str): mozharness `fatal` log name - IGNORE (str): mozharness `ignore` log name - LOG_LEVELS (dict): mapping of the mozharness log level names to logging values - ROOT_LOGGER (logging.Logger): instance of a logging.Logger class - -TODO: -- network logging support. -- log rotation config -""" - -from datetime import datetime -import logging -import os -import sys -import traceback - -# Define our own FATAL_LEVEL -FATAL_LEVEL = logging.CRITICAL + 10 -logging.addLevelName(FATAL_LEVEL, 'FATAL') - -# mozharness log levels. -DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL, IGNORE = ( - 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical', 'fatal', 'ignore') - - -LOG_LEVELS = { - DEBUG: logging.DEBUG, - INFO: logging.INFO, - WARNING: logging.WARNING, - ERROR: logging.ERROR, - CRITICAL: logging.CRITICAL, - FATAL: FATAL_LEVEL -} - -# mozharness root logger -ROOT_LOGGER = logging.getLogger() - - -# LogMixin {{{1 -class LogMixin(object): - """This is a mixin for any object to access similar logging functionality - - The logging functionality described here is specially useful for those - objects with self.config and self.log_obj member variables - """ - - def _log_level_at_least(self, level): - """ Check if the current logging level is greater or equal than level - - Args: - level (str): log level name to compare against mozharness log levels - names - - Returns: - bool: True if the current logging level is great or equal than level, - False otherwise - """ - log_level = INFO - levels = [DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL] - if hasattr(self, 'config'): - log_level = self.config.get('log_level', INFO) - return levels.index(level) >= levels.index(log_level) - - def _print(self, message, stderr=False): - """ prints a message to the sys.stdout or sys.stderr according to the - value of the stderr argument. - - Args: - message (str): The message to be printed - stderr (bool, optional): if True, message will be printed to - sys.stderr. Defaults to False. - - Returns: - None - """ - if not hasattr(self, 'config') or self.config.get('log_to_console', True): - if stderr: - print >> sys.stderr, message - else: - print message - - def log(self, message, level=INFO, exit_code=-1): - """ log the message passed to it according to level, exit if level == FATAL - - Args: - message (str): message to be logged - level (str, optional): logging level of the message. Defaults to INFO - exit_code (int, optional): exit code to log before the scripts calls - SystemExit. - - Returns: - None - """ - if self.log_obj: - return self.log_obj.log_message( - message, level=level, - exit_code=exit_code, - post_fatal_callback=self._post_fatal, - ) - if level == INFO: - if self._log_level_at_least(level): - self._print(message) - elif level == DEBUG: - if self._log_level_at_least(level): - self._print('DEBUG: %s' % message) - elif level in (WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL): - if self._log_level_at_least(level): - self._print("%s: %s" % (level.upper(), message), stderr=True) - elif level == FATAL: - if self._log_level_at_least(level): - self._print("FATAL: %s" % message, stderr=True) - raise SystemExit(exit_code) - - def worst_level(self, target_level, existing_level, levels=None): - """Compare target_level with existing_level according to levels values - and return the worst among them. - - Args: - target_level (str): minimum logging level to which the current object - should be set - existing_level (str): current logging level - levels (list(str), optional): list of logging levels names to compare - target_level and existing_level against. - Defaults to mozharness log level - list sorted from most to less critical. - - Returns: - str: the logging lavel that is closest to the first levels value, - i.e. levels[0] - """ - if not levels: - levels = [FATAL, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, IGNORE] - if target_level not in levels: - self.fatal("'%s' not in %s'." % (target_level, levels)) - for l in levels: - if l in (target_level, existing_level): - return l - - # Copying Bear's dumpException(): - # https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/annotate/1485f23c38e0/sut_tools/sut_lib.py#l23 - def exception(self, message=None, level=ERROR): - """ log an exception message base on the log level passed to it. - - This function fetches the information of the current exception being handled and - adds it to the message argument. - - Args: - message (str, optional): message to be printed at the beginning of the log. - Default to an empty string. - level (str, optional): log level to use for the logging. Defaults to ERROR - - Returns: - None - """ - tb_type, tb_value, tb_traceback = sys.exc_info() - if message is None: - message = "" - else: - message = "%s\n" % message - for s in traceback.format_exception(tb_type, tb_value, tb_traceback): - message += "%s\n" % s - # Log at the end, as a fatal will attempt to exit after the 1st line. - self.log(message, level=level) - - def debug(self, message): - """ calls the log method with DEBUG as logging level - - Args: - message (str): message to log - """ - self.log(message, level=DEBUG) - - def info(self, message): - """ calls the log method with INFO as logging level - - Args: - message (str): message to log - """ - self.log(message, level=INFO) - - def warning(self, message): - """ calls the log method with WARNING as logging level - - Args: - message (str): message to log - """ - self.log(message, level=WARNING) - - def error(self, message): - """ calls the log method with ERROR as logging level - - Args: - message (str): message to log - """ - self.log(message, level=ERROR) - - def critical(self, message): - """ calls the log method with CRITICAL as logging level - - Args: - message (str): message to log - """ - self.log(message, level=CRITICAL) - - def fatal(self, message, exit_code=-1): - """ calls the log method with FATAL as logging level - - Args: - message (str): message to log - exit_code (int, optional): exit code to use for the SystemExit - exception to be raised. Default to -1. - """ - self.log(message, level=FATAL, exit_code=exit_code) - - def _post_fatal(self, message=None, exit_code=None): - """ Sometimes you want to create a report or cleanup - or notify on fatal(); override this method to do so. - - Please don't use this for anything significantly long-running. - - Args: - message (str, optional): message to report. Default to None - exit_code (int, optional): exit code to use for the SystemExit - exception to be raised. Default to None - """ - pass - - -# OutputParser {{{1 -class OutputParser(LogMixin): - """ Helper object to parse command output. - - This will buffer output if needed, so we can go back and mark - [(linenum - 10) : linenum+10] as errors if need be, without having to - get all the output first. - - linenum+10 will be easy; we can set self.num_post_context_lines to 10, - and self.num_post_context_lines-- as we mark each line to at least error - level X. - - linenum-10 will be trickier. We'll not only need to save the line - itself, but also the level that we've set for that line previously, - whether by matching on that line, or by a previous line's context. - We should only log that line if all output has ended (self.finish() ?); - otherwise store a list of dictionaries in self.context_buffer that is - buffered up to self.num_pre_context_lines (set to the largest - pre-context-line setting in error_list.) - """ - - def __init__(self, config=None, log_obj=None, error_list=None, log_output=True, **kwargs): - """Initialization method for the OutputParser class - - Args: - config (dict, optional): dictionary containing values such as `log_level` - or `log_to_console`. Defaults to `None`. - log_obj (BaseLogger, optional): instance of the BaseLogger class. Defaults - to `None`. - error_list (list, optional): list of the error to look for. Defaults to - `None`. - log_output (boolean, optional): flag for deciding if the commands - output should be logged or not. - Defaults to `True`. - """ - self.config = config - self.log_obj = log_obj - self.error_list = error_list or [] - self.log_output = log_output - self.num_errors = 0 - self.num_warnings = 0 - # TODO context_lines. - # Not in use yet, but will be based off error_list. - self.context_buffer = [] - self.num_pre_context_lines = 0 - self.num_post_context_lines = 0 - self.worst_log_level = INFO - - def parse_single_line(self, line): - """ parse a console output line and check if it matches one in `error_list`, - if so then log it according to `log_output`. - - Args: - line (str): command line output to parse. - """ - for error_check in self.error_list: - # TODO buffer for context_lines. - match = False - if 'substr' in error_check: - if error_check['substr'] in line: - match = True - elif 'regex' in error_check: - if error_check['regex'].search(line): - match = True - else: - self.warning("error_list: 'substr' and 'regex' not in %s" % - error_check) - if match: - log_level = error_check.get('level', INFO) - if self.log_output: - message = ' %s' % line - if error_check.get('explanation'): - message += '\n %s' % error_check['explanation'] - if error_check.get('summary'): - self.add_summary(message, level=log_level) - else: - self.log(message, level=log_level) - if log_level in (ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL): - self.num_errors += 1 - if log_level == WARNING: - self.num_warnings += 1 - self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(log_level, - self.worst_log_level) - break - else: - if self.log_output: - self.info(' %s' % line) - - def add_lines(self, output): - """ process a string or list of strings, decode them to utf-8,strip - them of any trailing whitespaces and parse them using `parse_single_line` - - strings consisting only of whitespaces are ignored. - - Args: - output (str | list): string or list of string to parse - """ - - if isinstance(output, basestring): - output = [output] - for line in output: - if not line or line.isspace(): - continue - line = line.decode("utf-8", 'replace').rstrip() - self.parse_single_line(line) - - -# BaseLogger {{{1 -class BaseLogger(object): - """ Base class in charge of logging handling logic such as creating logging - files, dirs, attaching to the console output and managing its output. - - Attributes: - LEVELS (dict): flat copy of the `LOG_LEVELS` attribute of the `log` module. - - TODO: status? There may be a status object or status capability in - either logging or config that allows you to count the number of - error,critical,fatal messages for us to count up at the end (aiming - for 0). - """ - LEVELS = LOG_LEVELS - - def __init__( - self, log_level=INFO, - log_format='%(message)s', - log_date_format='%H:%M:%S', - log_name='test', - log_to_console=True, - log_dir='.', - log_to_raw=False, - logger_name='', - append_to_log=False, - ): - """ BaseLogger constructor - - Args: - log_level (str, optional): mozharness log level name. Defaults to INFO. - log_format (str, optional): message format string to instantiate a - `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to '%(message)s' - log_date_format (str, optional): date format string to instantiate a - `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to '%H:%M:%S' - log_name (str, optional): name to use for the log files to be created. - Defaults to 'test' - log_to_console (bool, optional): set to True in order to create a Handler - instance base on the `Logger` - current instance. Defaults to True. - log_dir (str, optional): directory location to store the log files. - Defaults to '.', i.e. current working directory. - log_to_raw (bool, optional): set to True in order to create a *raw.log - file. Defaults to False. - logger_name (str, optional): currently useless parameter. According - to the code comments, it could be useful - if we were to have multiple logging - objects that don't trample each other. - append_to_log (bool, optional): set to True if the logging content should - be appended to old logging files. Defaults to False - """ - - self.log_format = log_format - self.log_date_format = log_date_format - self.log_to_console = log_to_console - self.log_to_raw = log_to_raw - self.log_level = log_level - self.log_name = log_name - self.log_dir = log_dir - self.append_to_log = append_to_log - - # Not sure what I'm going to use this for; useless unless we - # can have multiple logging objects that don't trample each other - self.logger_name = logger_name - - self.all_handlers = [] - self.log_files = {} - - self.create_log_dir() - - def create_log_dir(self): - """ create a logging directory if it doesn't exits. If there is a file with - same name as the future logging directory it will be deleted. - """ - - if os.path.exists(self.log_dir): - if not os.path.isdir(self.log_dir): - os.remove(self.log_dir) - if not os.path.exists(self.log_dir): - os.makedirs(self.log_dir) - self.abs_log_dir = os.path.abspath(self.log_dir) - - def init_message(self, name=None): - """ log an init message stating the name passed to it, the current date - and time and, the current working directory. - - Args: - name (str, optional): name to use for the init log message. Defaults to - the current instance class name. - """ - - if not name: - name = self.__class__.__name__ - self.log_message("%s online at %s in %s" % - (name, datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"), - os.getcwd())) - - def get_logger_level(self, level=None): - """ translate the level name passed to it and return its numeric value - according to `LEVELS` values. - - Args: - level (str, optional): level name to be translated. Defaults to the current - instance `log_level`. - - Returns: - int: numeric value of the log level name passed to it or 0 (NOTSET) if the - name doesn't exists - """ - - if not level: - level = self.log_level - return self.LEVELS.get(level, logging.NOTSET) - - def get_log_formatter(self, log_format=None, date_format=None): - """ create a `logging.Formatter` base on the log and date format. - - Args: - log_format (str, optional): log format to use for the Formatter constructor. - Defaults to the current instance log format. - date_format (str, optional): date format to use for the Formatter constructor. - Defaults to the current instance date format. - - Returns: - logging.Formatter: instance created base on the passed arguments - """ - - if not log_format: - log_format = self.log_format - if not date_format: - date_format = self.log_date_format - return logging.Formatter(log_format, date_format) - - def new_logger(self): - """ Create a new logger based on the ROOT_LOGGER instance. By default there are no handlers. - The new logger becomes a member variable of the current instance as `self.logger`. - """ - - self.logger = ROOT_LOGGER - self.logger.setLevel(self.get_logger_level()) - self._clear_handlers() - if self.log_to_console: - self.add_console_handler() - if self.log_to_raw: - self.log_files['raw'] = '%s_raw.log' % self.log_name - self.add_file_handler(os.path.join(self.abs_log_dir, - self.log_files['raw']), - log_format='%(message)s') - - def _clear_handlers(self): - """ remove all handlers stored in `self.all_handlers`. - - To prevent dups -- logging will preserve Handlers across - objects :( - """ - attrs = dir(self) - if 'all_handlers' in attrs and 'logger' in attrs: - for handler in self.all_handlers: - self.logger.removeHandler(handler) - self.all_handlers = [] - - def __del__(self): - """ BaseLogger class destructor; shutdown, flush and remove all handlers""" - logging.shutdown() - self._clear_handlers() - - def add_console_handler(self, log_level=None, log_format=None, - date_format=None): - """ create a `logging.StreamHandler` using `sys.stderr` for logging the console - output and add it to the `all_handlers` member variable - - Args: - log_level (str, optional): useless argument. Not used here. - Defaults to None. - log_format (str, optional): format used for the Formatter attached to the - StreamHandler. Defaults to None. - date_format (str, optional): format used for the Formatter attached to the - StreamHandler. Defaults to None. - """ - - console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() - console_handler.setFormatter(self.get_log_formatter(log_format=log_format, - date_format=date_format)) - self.logger.addHandler(console_handler) - self.all_handlers.append(console_handler) - - def add_file_handler(self, log_path, log_level=None, log_format=None, - date_format=None): - """ create a `logging.FileHandler` base on the path, log and date format - and add it to the `all_handlers` member variable. - - Args: - log_path (str): filepath to use for the `FileHandler`. - log_level (str, optional): useless argument. Not used here. - Defaults to None. - log_format (str, optional): log format to use for the Formatter constructor. - Defaults to the current instance log format. - date_format (str, optional): date format to use for the Formatter constructor. - Defaults to the current instance date format. - """ - - if not self.append_to_log and os.path.exists(log_path): - os.remove(log_path) - file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path) - file_handler.setLevel(self.get_logger_level(log_level)) - file_handler.setFormatter(self.get_log_formatter(log_format=log_format, - date_format=date_format)) - self.logger.addHandler(file_handler) - self.all_handlers.append(file_handler) - - def log_message(self, message, level=INFO, exit_code=-1, post_fatal_callback=None): - """ Generic log method. - There should be more options here -- do or don't split by line, - use os.linesep instead of assuming \n, be able to pass in log level - by name or number. - - Adding the IGNORE special level for runCommand. - - Args: - message (str): message to log using the current `logger` - level (str, optional): log level of the message. Defaults to INFO. - exit_code (int, optional): exit code to use in case of a FATAL level is used. - Defaults to -1. - post_fatal_callback (function, optional): function to callback in case of - of a fatal log level. Defaults None. - """ - - if level == IGNORE: - return - for line in message.splitlines(): - self.logger.log(self.get_logger_level(level), line) - if level == FATAL: - if callable(post_fatal_callback): - self.logger.log(FATAL_LEVEL, "Running post_fatal callback...") - post_fatal_callback(message=message, exit_code=exit_code) - self.logger.log(FATAL_LEVEL, 'Exiting %d' % exit_code) - raise SystemExit(exit_code) - - -# SimpleFileLogger {{{1 -class SimpleFileLogger(BaseLogger): - """ Subclass of the BaseLogger. - - Create one logFile. Possibly also output to the terminal and a raw log - (no prepending of level or date) - """ - - def __init__(self, - log_format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s', - logger_name='Simple', log_dir='logs', **kwargs): - """ SimpleFileLogger constructor. Calls its superclass constructor, - creates a new logger instance and log an init message. - - Args: - log_format (str, optional): message format string to instantiate a - `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to - '%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s' - log_name (str, optional): name to use for the log files to be created. - Defaults to 'Simple' - log_dir (str, optional): directory location to store the log files. - Defaults to 'logs' - **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to the BaseLogger constructor - """ - - BaseLogger.__init__(self, logger_name=logger_name, log_format=log_format, - log_dir=log_dir, **kwargs) - self.new_logger() - self.init_message() - - def new_logger(self): - """ calls the BaseLogger.new_logger method and adds a file handler to it.""" - - BaseLogger.new_logger(self) - self.log_path = os.path.join(self.abs_log_dir, '%s.log' % self.log_name) - self.log_files['default'] = self.log_path - self.add_file_handler(self.log_path) - - -# MultiFileLogger {{{1 -class MultiFileLogger(BaseLogger): - """Subclass of the BaseLogger class. Create a log per log level in log_dir. - Possibly also output to the terminal and a raw log (no prepending of level or date) - """ - - def __init__(self, logger_name='Multi', - log_format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s', - log_dir='logs', log_to_raw=True, **kwargs): - """ MultiFileLogger constructor. Calls its superclass constructor, - creates a new logger instance and log an init message. - - Args: - log_format (str, optional): message format string to instantiate a - `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to - '%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s' - log_name (str, optional): name to use for the log files to be created. - Defaults to 'Multi' - log_dir (str, optional): directory location to store the log files. - Defaults to 'logs' - log_to_raw (bool, optional): set to True in order to create a *raw.log - file. Defaults to False. - **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to the BaseLogger constructor - """ - - BaseLogger.__init__(self, logger_name=logger_name, - log_format=log_format, - log_to_raw=log_to_raw, log_dir=log_dir, - **kwargs) - - self.new_logger() - self.init_message() - - def new_logger(self): - """ calls the BaseLogger.new_logger method and adds a file handler per - logging level in the `LEVELS` class attribute. - """ - - BaseLogger.new_logger(self) - min_logger_level = self.get_logger_level(self.log_level) - for level in self.LEVELS.keys(): - if self.get_logger_level(level) >= min_logger_level: - self.log_files[level] = '%s_%s.log' % (self.log_name, - level) - self.add_file_handler(os.path.join(self.abs_log_dir, - self.log_files[level]), - log_level=level) - - -def numeric_log_level(level): - """Converts a mozharness log level (string) to the corresponding logger - level (number). This function makes possible to set the log level - in functions that do not inherit from LogMixin - - Args: - level (str): log level name to convert. - - Returns: - int: numeric value of the log level name. - """ - return LOG_LEVELS[level] - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - """ Useless comparison, due to the `pass` keyword on its body""" - pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/parallel.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/parallel.py deleted file mode 100755 index b20b9c97c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/parallel.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Generic ways to parallelize jobs. -""" - - -# ChunkingMixin {{{1 -class ChunkingMixin(object): - """Generic signing helper methods. - """ - def query_chunked_list(self, possible_list, this_chunk, total_chunks, - sort=False): - """Split a list of items into a certain number of chunks and - return the subset of that will occur in this chunk. - - Ported from build.l10n.getLocalesForChunk in build/tools. - """ - if sort: - possible_list = sorted(possible_list) - else: - # Copy to prevent altering - possible_list = possible_list[:] - length = len(possible_list) - for c in range(1, total_chunks + 1): - n = length / total_chunks - # If the total number of items isn't evenly divisible by the - # number of chunks, we need to append one more onto some chunks - if c <= (length % total_chunks): - n += 1 - if c == this_chunk: - return possible_list[0:n] - del possible_list[0:n] diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/python.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/python.py deleted file mode 100644 index cb5bfbc46..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/python.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,743 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -'''Python usage, esp. virtualenv. -''' - -import errno -import os -import subprocess -import sys -import json -import socket -import traceback -import urlparse - -import mozharness -from mozharness.base.script import ( - PostScriptAction, - PostScriptRun, - PreScriptAction, - ScriptMixin, -) -from mozharness.base.errors import VirtualenvErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import WARNING, FATAL -from mozharness.mozilla.proxxy import Proxxy - -external_tools_path = os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), - 'external_tools', -) - -def get_tlsv1_post(): - # Monkeypatch to work around SSL errors in non-bleeding-edge Python. - # Taken from https://lukasa.co.uk/2013/01/Choosing_SSL_Version_In_Requests/ - import requests - from requests.packages.urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager - import ssl - - class TLSV1Adapter(requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter): - def init_poolmanager(self, connections, maxsize, block=False): - self.poolmanager = PoolManager(num_pools=connections, - maxsize=maxsize, - block=block, - ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) - s = requests.Session() - s.mount('https://', TLSV1Adapter()) - return s.post - -# Virtualenv {{{1 -virtualenv_config_options = [ - [["--virtualenv-path"], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "virtualenv_path", - "default": "venv", - "help": "Specify the path to the virtualenv top level directory" - }], - [["--find-links"], { - "action": "extend", - "dest": "find_links", - "help": "URL to look for packages at" - }], - [["--pip-index"], { - "action": "store_true", - "default": True, - "dest": "pip_index", - "help": "Use pip indexes (default)" - }], - [["--no-pip-index"], { - "action": "store_false", - "dest": "pip_index", - "help": "Don't use pip indexes" - }], -] - - -class VirtualenvMixin(object): - '''BaseScript mixin, designed to create and use virtualenvs. - - Config items: - * virtualenv_path points to the virtualenv location on disk. - * virtualenv_modules lists the module names. - * MODULE_url list points to the module URLs (optional) - Requires virtualenv to be in PATH. - Depends on ScriptMixin - ''' - python_paths = {} - site_packages_path = None - - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - self._virtualenv_modules = [] - super(VirtualenvMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) - - def register_virtualenv_module(self, name=None, url=None, method=None, - requirements=None, optional=False, - two_pass=False, editable=False): - """Register a module to be installed with the virtualenv. - - This method can be called up until create_virtualenv() to register - modules that should be installed in the virtualenv. - - See the documentation for install_module for how the arguments are - applied. - """ - self._virtualenv_modules.append((name, url, method, requirements, - optional, two_pass, editable)) - - def query_virtualenv_path(self): - """Determine the absolute path to the virtualenv.""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - if 'abs_virtualenv_dir' in dirs: - return dirs['abs_virtualenv_dir'] - - p = self.config['virtualenv_path'] - if not p: - self.fatal('virtualenv_path config option not set; ' - 'this should never happen') - - if os.path.isabs(p): - return p - else: - return os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], p) - - def query_python_path(self, binary="python"): - """Return the path of a binary inside the virtualenv, if - c['virtualenv_path'] is set; otherwise return the binary name. - Otherwise return None - """ - if binary not in self.python_paths: - bin_dir = 'bin' - if self._is_windows(): - bin_dir = 'Scripts' - virtualenv_path = self.query_virtualenv_path() - self.python_paths[binary] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(virtualenv_path, bin_dir, binary)) - - return self.python_paths[binary] - - def query_python_site_packages_path(self): - if self.site_packages_path: - return self.site_packages_path - python = self.query_python_path() - self.site_packages_path = self.get_output_from_command( - [python, '-c', - 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; ' + - 'print(get_python_lib())']) - return self.site_packages_path - - def package_versions(self, pip_freeze_output=None, error_level=WARNING, log_output=False): - """ - reads packages from `pip freeze` output and returns a dict of - {package_name: 'version'} - """ - packages = {} - - if pip_freeze_output is None: - # get the output from `pip freeze` - pip = self.query_python_path("pip") - if not pip: - self.log("package_versions: Program pip not in path", level=error_level) - return {} - pip_freeze_output = self.get_output_from_command([pip, "freeze"], silent=True, ignore_errors=True) - if not isinstance(pip_freeze_output, basestring): - self.fatal("package_versions: Error encountered running `pip freeze`: %s" % pip_freeze_output) - - for line in pip_freeze_output.splitlines(): - # parse the output into package, version - line = line.strip() - if not line: - # whitespace - continue - if line.startswith('-'): - # not a package, probably like '-e http://example.com/path#egg=package-dev' - continue - if '==' not in line: - self.fatal("pip_freeze_packages: Unrecognized output line: %s" % line) - package, version = line.split('==', 1) - packages[package] = version - - if log_output: - self.info("Current package versions:") - for package in sorted(packages): - self.info(" %s == %s" % (package, packages[package])) - - return packages - - def is_python_package_installed(self, package_name, error_level=WARNING): - """ - Return whether the package is installed - """ - packages = self.package_versions(error_level=error_level).keys() - return package_name.lower() in [package.lower() for package in packages] - - def install_module(self, module=None, module_url=None, install_method=None, - requirements=(), optional=False, global_options=[], - no_deps=False, editable=False): - """ - Install module via pip. - - module_url can be a url to a python package tarball, a path to - a directory containing a setup.py (absolute or relative to work_dir) - or None, in which case it will default to the module name. - - requirements is a list of pip requirements files. If specified, these - will be combined with the module_url (if any), like so: - - pip install -r requirements1.txt -r requirements2.txt module_url - """ - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - env = self.query_env() - venv_path = self.query_virtualenv_path() - self.info("Installing %s into virtualenv %s" % (module, venv_path)) - if not module_url: - module_url = module - if install_method in (None, 'pip'): - if not module_url and not requirements: - self.fatal("Must specify module and/or requirements") - pip = self.query_python_path("pip") - if c.get("verbose_pip"): - command = [pip, "-v", "install"] - else: - command = [pip, "install"] - if no_deps: - command += ["--no-deps"] - # To avoid timeouts with our pypi server, increase default timeout: - # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1007230#c802 - command += ['--timeout', str(c.get('pip_timeout', 120))] - for requirement in requirements: - command += ["-r", requirement] - if c.get('find_links') and not c["pip_index"]: - command += ['--no-index'] - for opt in global_options: - command += ["--global-option", opt] - elif install_method == 'easy_install': - if not module: - self.fatal("module parameter required with install_method='easy_install'") - if requirements: - # Install pip requirements files separately, since they're - # not understood by easy_install. - self.install_module(requirements=requirements, - install_method='pip') - # Allow easy_install to be overridden by - # self.config['exes']['easy_install'] - default = 'easy_install' - command = self.query_exe('easy_install', default=default, return_type="list") - else: - self.fatal("install_module() doesn't understand an install_method of %s!" % install_method) - - # Add --find-links pages to look at. Add --trusted-host automatically if - # the host isn't secure. This allows modern versions of pip to connect - # without requiring an override. - proxxy = Proxxy(self.config, self.log_obj) - trusted_hosts = set() - for link in proxxy.get_proxies_and_urls(c.get('find_links', [])): - parsed = urlparse.urlparse(link) - - try: - socket.gethostbyname(parsed.hostname) - except socket.gaierror as e: - self.info('error resolving %s (ignoring): %s' % - (parsed.hostname, e.message)) - continue - - command.extend(["--find-links", link]) - if parsed.scheme != 'https': - trusted_hosts.add(parsed.hostname) - - if install_method != 'easy_install': - for host in sorted(trusted_hosts): - command.extend(['--trusted-host', host]) - - # module_url can be None if only specifying requirements files - if module_url: - if editable: - if install_method in (None, 'pip'): - command += ['-e'] - else: - self.fatal("editable installs not supported for install_method %s" % install_method) - command += [module_url] - - # If we're only installing a single requirements file, use - # the file's directory as cwd, so relative paths work correctly. - cwd = dirs['abs_work_dir'] - if not module and len(requirements) == 1: - cwd = os.path.dirname(requirements[0]) - - quoted_command = subprocess.list2cmdline(command) - # Allow for errors while building modules, but require a - # return status of 0. - self.retry( - self.run_command, - # None will cause default value to be used - attempts=1 if optional else None, - good_statuses=(0,), - error_level=WARNING if optional else FATAL, - error_message='Could not install python package: ' + quoted_command + ' failed after %(attempts)d tries!', - args=[command, ], - kwargs={ - 'error_list': VirtualenvErrorList, - 'cwd': cwd, - 'env': env, - # WARNING only since retry will raise final FATAL if all - # retry attempts are unsuccessful - and we only want - # an ERROR of FATAL if *no* retry attempt works - 'error_level': WARNING, - } - ) - - def create_virtualenv(self, modules=(), requirements=()): - """ - Create a python virtualenv. - - The virtualenv exe can be defined in c['virtualenv'] or - c['exes']['virtualenv'], as a string (path) or list (path + - arguments). - - c['virtualenv_python_dll'] is an optional config item that works - around an old windows virtualenv bug. - - virtualenv_modules can be a list of module names to install, e.g. - - virtualenv_modules = ['module1', 'module2'] - - or it can be a heterogeneous list of modules names and dicts that - define a module by its name, url-or-path, and a list of its global - options. - - virtualenv_modules = [ - { - 'name': 'module1', - 'url': None, - 'global_options': ['--opt', '--without-gcc'] - }, - { - 'name': 'module2', - 'url': 'http://url/to/package', - 'global_options': ['--use-clang'] - }, - { - 'name': 'module3', - 'url': os.path.join('path', 'to', 'setup_py', 'dir') - 'global_options': [] - }, - 'module4' - ] - - virtualenv_requirements is an optional list of pip requirements files to - use when invoking pip, e.g., - - virtualenv_requirements = [ - '/path/to/requirements1.txt', - '/path/to/requirements2.txt' - ] - """ - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - venv_path = self.query_virtualenv_path() - self.info("Creating virtualenv %s" % venv_path) - - # Always use the virtualenv that is vendored since that is deterministic. - # TODO Bug 1408051 - Use the copy of virtualenv under - # third_party/python/virtualenv once everything is off buildbot - virtualenv = [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join(external_tools_path, 'virtualenv', 'virtualenv.py'), - ] - virtualenv_options = c.get('virtualenv_options', []) - # Don't create symlinks. If we don't do this, permissions issues may - # hinder virtualenv creation or operation. - virtualenv_options.append('--always-copy') - - if os.path.exists(self.query_python_path()): - self.info("Virtualenv %s appears to already exist; skipping virtualenv creation." % self.query_python_path()) - else: - self.mkdir_p(dirs['abs_work_dir']) - self.run_command(virtualenv + virtualenv_options + [venv_path], - cwd=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - error_list=VirtualenvErrorList, - partial_env={'VIRTUALENV_NO_DOWNLOAD': "1"}, - halt_on_failure=True) - - if not modules: - modules = c.get('virtualenv_modules', []) - if not requirements: - requirements = c.get('virtualenv_requirements', []) - if not modules and requirements: - self.install_module(requirements=requirements, - install_method='pip') - for module in modules: - module_url = module - global_options = [] - if isinstance(module, dict): - if module.get('name', None): - module_name = module['name'] - else: - self.fatal("Can't install module without module name: %s" % - str(module)) - module_url = module.get('url', None) - global_options = module.get('global_options', []) - else: - module_url = self.config.get('%s_url' % module, module_url) - module_name = module - install_method = 'pip' - if module_name in ('pywin32',): - install_method = 'easy_install' - self.install_module(module=module_name, - module_url=module_url, - install_method=install_method, - requirements=requirements, - global_options=global_options) - - for module, url, method, requirements, optional, two_pass, editable in \ - self._virtualenv_modules: - if two_pass: - self.install_module( - module=module, module_url=url, - install_method=method, requirements=requirements or (), - optional=optional, no_deps=True, editable=editable - ) - self.install_module( - module=module, module_url=url, - install_method=method, requirements=requirements or (), - optional=optional, editable=editable - ) - - self.info("Done creating virtualenv %s." % venv_path) - - self.package_versions(log_output=True) - - def activate_virtualenv(self): - """Import the virtualenv's packages into this Python interpreter.""" - bin_dir = os.path.dirname(self.query_python_path()) - activate = os.path.join(bin_dir, 'activate_this.py') - execfile(activate, dict(__file__=activate)) - - -# This is (sadly) a mixin for logging methods. -class PerfherderResourceOptionsMixin(ScriptMixin): - def perfherder_resource_options(self): - """Obtain a list of extraOptions values to identify the env.""" - opts = [] - - if 'TASKCLUSTER_INSTANCE_TYPE' in os.environ: - # Include the instance type so results can be grouped. - opts.append('taskcluster-%s' % os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_INSTANCE_TYPE']) - else: - # We assume !taskcluster => buildbot. - instance = 'unknown' - - # Try to load EC2 instance type from metadata file. This file - # may not exist in many scenarios (including when inside a chroot). - # So treat it as optional. - # TODO support Windows. - try: - # This file should exist on Linux in EC2. - with open('/etc/instance_metadata.json', 'rb') as fh: - im = json.load(fh) - instance = im['aws_instance_type'].encode('ascii') - except IOError as e: - if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: - raise - self.info('instance_metadata.json not found; unable to ' - 'determine instance type') - except Exception: - self.warning('error reading instance_metadata: %s' % - traceback.format_exc()) - - opts.append('buildbot-%s' % instance) - - return opts - - -class ResourceMonitoringMixin(PerfherderResourceOptionsMixin): - """Provides resource monitoring capabilities to scripts. - - When this class is in the inheritance chain, resource usage stats of the - executing script will be recorded. - - This class requires the VirtualenvMixin in order to install a package used - for recording resource usage. - - While we would like to record resource usage for the entirety of a script, - since we require an external package, we can only record resource usage - after that package is installed (as part of creating the virtualenv). - That's just the way things have to be. - """ - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - super(ResourceMonitoringMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) - - self.register_virtualenv_module('psutil>=3.1.1', method='pip', - optional=True) - self.register_virtualenv_module('mozsystemmonitor==0.3', - method='pip', optional=True) - self.register_virtualenv_module('jsonschema==2.5.1', - method='pip') - # explicitly install functools32, because some slaves aren't using - # a version of pip recent enough to install it automatically with - # jsonschema (which depends on it) - # https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema/issues/233 - self.register_virtualenv_module('functools32==3.2.3-2', - method='pip') - self._resource_monitor = None - - # 2-tuple of (name, options) to assign Perfherder resource monitor - # metrics to. This needs to be assigned by a script in order for - # Perfherder metrics to be reported. - self.resource_monitor_perfherder_id = None - - @PostScriptAction('create-virtualenv') - def _start_resource_monitoring(self, action, success=None): - self.activate_virtualenv() - - # Resource Monitor requires Python 2.7, however it's currently optional. - # Remove when all machines have had their Python version updated (bug 711299). - if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 7): - self.warning('Resource monitoring will not be enabled! Python 2.7+ required.') - return - - try: - from mozsystemmonitor.resourcemonitor import SystemResourceMonitor - - self.info("Starting resource monitoring.") - self._resource_monitor = SystemResourceMonitor(poll_interval=1.0) - self._resource_monitor.start() - except Exception: - self.warning("Unable to start resource monitor: %s" % - traceback.format_exc()) - - @PreScriptAction - def _resource_record_pre_action(self, action): - # Resource monitor isn't available until after create-virtualenv. - if not self._resource_monitor: - return - - self._resource_monitor.begin_phase(action) - - @PostScriptAction - def _resource_record_post_action(self, action, success=None): - # Resource monitor isn't available until after create-virtualenv. - if not self._resource_monitor: - return - - self._resource_monitor.finish_phase(action) - - @PostScriptRun - def _resource_record_post_run(self): - if not self._resource_monitor: - return - - # This should never raise an exception. This is a workaround until - # mozsystemmonitor is fixed. See bug 895388. - try: - self._resource_monitor.stop() - self._log_resource_usage() - - # Upload a JSON file containing the raw resource data. - try: - upload_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - if not os.path.exists(upload_dir): - os.makedirs(upload_dir) - with open(os.path.join(upload_dir, 'resource-usage.json'), 'wb') as fh: - json.dump(self._resource_monitor.as_dict(), fh, - sort_keys=True, indent=4) - except (AttributeError, KeyError): - self.exception('could not upload resource usage JSON', - level=WARNING) - - except Exception: - self.warning("Exception when reporting resource usage: %s" % - traceback.format_exc()) - - def _log_resource_usage(self): - # Delay import because not available until virtualenv is populated. - import jsonschema - - rm = self._resource_monitor - - if rm.start_time is None: - return - - def resources(phase): - cpu_percent = rm.aggregate_cpu_percent(phase=phase, per_cpu=False) - cpu_times = rm.aggregate_cpu_times(phase=phase, per_cpu=False) - io = rm.aggregate_io(phase=phase) - - swap_in = sum(m.swap.sin for m in rm.measurements) - swap_out = sum(m.swap.sout for m in rm.measurements) - - return cpu_percent, cpu_times, io, (swap_in, swap_out) - - def log_usage(prefix, duration, cpu_percent, cpu_times, io): - message = '{prefix} - Wall time: {duration:.0f}s; ' \ - 'CPU: {cpu_percent}; ' \ - 'Read bytes: {io_read_bytes}; Write bytes: {io_write_bytes}; ' \ - 'Read time: {io_read_time}; Write time: {io_write_time}' - - # XXX Some test harnesses are complaining about a string being - # being fed into a 'f' formatter. This will help diagnose the - # issue. - cpu_percent_str = str(round(cpu_percent)) + '%' if cpu_percent else "Can't collect data" - - try: - self.info( - message.format( - prefix=prefix, duration=duration, - cpu_percent=cpu_percent_str, io_read_bytes=io.read_bytes, - io_write_bytes=io.write_bytes, io_read_time=io.read_time, - io_write_time=io.write_time - ) - ) - - except ValueError: - self.warning("Exception when formatting: %s" % - traceback.format_exc()) - - cpu_percent, cpu_times, io, (swap_in, swap_out) = resources(None) - duration = rm.end_time - rm.start_time - - # Write out Perfherder data if configured. - if self.resource_monitor_perfherder_id: - perfherder_name, perfherder_options = self.resource_monitor_perfherder_id - - suites = [] - overall = [] - - if cpu_percent: - overall.append({ - 'name': 'cpu_percent', - 'value': cpu_percent, - }) - - overall.extend([ - {'name': 'io_write_bytes', 'value': io.write_bytes}, - {'name': 'io.read_bytes', 'value': io.read_bytes}, - {'name': 'io_write_time', 'value': io.write_time}, - {'name': 'io_read_time', 'value': io.read_time}, - ]) - - suites.append({ - 'name': '%s.overall' % perfherder_name, - 'extraOptions': perfherder_options + self.perfherder_resource_options(), - 'subtests': overall, - - }) - - for phase in rm.phases.keys(): - phase_duration = rm.phases[phase][1] - rm.phases[phase][0] - subtests = [ - { - 'name': 'time', - 'value': phase_duration, - } - ] - cpu_percent = rm.aggregate_cpu_percent(phase=phase, - per_cpu=False) - if cpu_percent is not None: - subtests.append({ - 'name': 'cpu_percent', - 'value': rm.aggregate_cpu_percent(phase=phase, - per_cpu=False), - }) - - # We don't report I/O during each step because measured I/O - # is system I/O and that I/O can be delayed (e.g. writes will - # buffer before being flushed and recorded in our metrics). - suites.append({ - 'name': '%s.%s' % (perfherder_name, phase), - 'subtests': subtests, - }) - - data = { - 'framework': {'name': 'job_resource_usage'}, - 'suites': suites, - } - - schema_path = os.path.join(external_tools_path, - 'performance-artifact-schema.json') - with open(schema_path, 'rb') as fh: - schema = json.load(fh) - - # this will throw an exception that causes the job to fail if the - # perfherder data is not valid -- please don't change this - # behaviour, otherwise people will inadvertently break this - # functionality - self.info('Validating Perfherder data against %s' % schema_path) - jsonschema.validate(data, schema) - self.info('PERFHERDER_DATA: %s' % json.dumps(data)) - - log_usage('Total resource usage', duration, cpu_percent, cpu_times, io) - - # Print special messages so usage shows up in Treeherder. - if cpu_percent: - self._tinderbox_print('CPU usage<br/>{:,.1f}%'.format( - cpu_percent)) - - self._tinderbox_print('I/O read bytes / time<br/>{:,} / {:,}'.format( - io.read_bytes, io.read_time)) - self._tinderbox_print('I/O write bytes / time<br/>{:,} / {:,}'.format( - io.write_bytes, io.write_time)) - - # Print CPU components having >1%. "cpu_times" is a data structure - # whose attributes are measurements. Ideally we'd have an API that - # returned just the measurements as a dict or something. - cpu_attrs = [] - for attr in sorted(dir(cpu_times)): - if attr.startswith('_'): - continue - if attr in ('count', 'index'): - continue - cpu_attrs.append(attr) - - cpu_total = sum(getattr(cpu_times, attr) for attr in cpu_attrs) - - for attr in cpu_attrs: - value = getattr(cpu_times, attr) - percent = value / cpu_total * 100.0 - if percent > 1.00: - self._tinderbox_print('CPU {}<br/>{:,.1f} ({:,.1f}%)'.format( - attr, value, percent)) - - # Swap on Windows isn't reported by psutil. - if not self._is_windows(): - self._tinderbox_print('Swap in / out<br/>{:,} / {:,}'.format( - swap_in, swap_out)) - - for phase in rm.phases.keys(): - start_time, end_time = rm.phases[phase] - cpu_percent, cpu_times, io, swap = resources(phase) - log_usage(phase, end_time - start_time, cpu_percent, cpu_times, io) - - def _tinderbox_print(self, message): - self.info('TinderboxPrint: %s' % message) - - -# __main__ {{{1 - -if __name__ == '__main__': - '''TODO: unit tests. - ''' - pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/script.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/script.py deleted file mode 100755 index 828f4e39e..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/script.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2273 +0,0 @@ - -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Generic script objects. - -script.py, along with config.py and log.py, represents the core of -mozharness. -""" - -import codecs -from contextlib import contextmanager -import datetime -import errno -import fnmatch -import functools -import gzip -import inspect -import itertools -import os -import platform -import pprint -import re -import shutil -import socket -import subprocess -import sys -import tarfile -import time -import traceback -import urllib2 -import zipfile -import httplib -import urlparse -import hashlib -if os.name == 'nt': - try: - import win32file - import win32api - PYWIN32 = True - except ImportError: - PYWIN32 = False - -try: - import simplejson as json - assert json -except ImportError: - import json - -from io import BytesIO - -from mozprocess import ProcessHandler -from mozharness.base.config import BaseConfig -from mozharness.base.log import SimpleFileLogger, MultiFileLogger, \ - LogMixin, OutputParser, DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, FATAL - - -class FetchedIncorrectFilesize(Exception): - pass - - -def platform_name(): - pm = PlatformMixin() - - if pm._is_linux() and pm._is_64_bit(): - return 'linux64' - elif pm._is_linux() and not pm._is_64_bit(): - return 'linux' - elif pm._is_darwin(): - return 'macosx' - elif pm._is_windows() and pm._is_64_bit(): - return 'win64' - elif pm._is_windows() and not pm._is_64_bit(): - return 'win32' - else: - return None - - -class PlatformMixin(object): - def _is_windows(self): - """ check if the current operating system is Windows. - - Returns: - bool: True if the current platform is Windows, False otherwise - """ - system = platform.system() - if system in ("Windows", "Microsoft"): - return True - if system.startswith("CYGWIN"): - return True - if os.name == 'nt': - return True - - def _is_darwin(self): - """ check if the current operating system is Darwin. - - Returns: - bool: True if the current platform is Darwin, False otherwise - """ - if platform.system() in ("Darwin"): - return True - if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): - return True - - def _is_linux(self): - """ check if the current operating system is a Linux distribution. - - Returns: - bool: True if the current platform is a Linux distro, False otherwise - """ - if platform.system() in ("Linux"): - return True - if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): - return True - - def _is_64_bit(self): - if self._is_darwin(): - # osx is a special snowflake and to ensure the arch, it is better to use the following - return sys.maxsize > 2**32 # context: https://docs.python.org/2/library/platform.html - else: - return '64' in platform.architecture()[0] # architecture() returns (bits, linkage) - - -# ScriptMixin {{{1 -class ScriptMixin(PlatformMixin): - """This mixin contains simple filesystem commands and the like. - - It also contains some very special but very complex methods that, - together with logging and config, provide the base for all scripts - in this harness. - - WARNING !!! - This class depends entirely on `LogMixin` methods in such a way that it will - only works if a class inherits from both `ScriptMixin` and `LogMixin` - simultaneously. - - Depends on self.config of some sort. - - Attributes: - env (dict): a mapping object representing the string environment. - script_obj (ScriptMixin): reference to a ScriptMixin instance. - """ - - env = None - script_obj = None - - def platform_name(self): - """ Return the platform name on which the script is running on. - Returns: - None: for failure to determine the platform. - str: The name of the platform (e.g. linux64) - """ - return platform_name() - - # Simple filesystem commands {{{2 - def mkdir_p(self, path, error_level=ERROR): - """ Create a directory if it doesn't exists. - This method also logs the creation, error or current existence of the - directory to be created. - - Args: - path (str): path of the directory to be created. - error_level (str): log level name to be used in case of error. - - Returns: - None: for sucess. - int: -1 on error - """ - - if not os.path.exists(path): - self.info("mkdir: %s" % path) - try: - os.makedirs(path) - except OSError: - self.log("Can't create directory %s!" % path, - level=error_level) - return -1 - else: - self.debug("mkdir_p: %s Already exists." % path) - - def rmtree(self, path, log_level=INFO, error_level=ERROR, - exit_code=-1): - """ Delete an entire directory tree and log its result. - This method also logs the platform rmtree function, its retries, errors, - and current existence of the directory. - - Args: - path (str): path to the directory tree root to remove. - log_level (str, optional): log level name to for this operation. Defaults - to `INFO`. - error_level (str, optional): log level name to use in case of error. - Defaults to `ERROR`. - exit_code (int, optional): useless parameter, not use here. - Defaults to -1 - - Returns: - None: for success - """ - - self.log("rmtree: %s" % path, level=log_level) - error_message = "Unable to remove %s!" % path - if self._is_windows(): - # Call _rmtree_windows() directly, since even checking - # os.path.exists(path) will hang if path is longer than MAX_PATH. - self.info("Using _rmtree_windows ...") - return self.retry( - self._rmtree_windows, - error_level=error_level, - error_message=error_message, - args=(path, ), - log_level=log_level, - ) - if os.path.exists(path): - if os.path.isdir(path): - return self.retry( - shutil.rmtree, - error_level=error_level, - error_message=error_message, - retry_exceptions=(OSError, ), - args=(path, ), - log_level=log_level, - ) - else: - return self.retry( - os.remove, - error_level=error_level, - error_message=error_message, - retry_exceptions=(OSError, ), - args=(path, ), - log_level=log_level, - ) - else: - self.debug("%s doesn't exist." % path) - - def query_msys_path(self, path): - """ replaces the Windows harddrive letter path style with a linux - path style, e.g. C:// --> /C/ - Note: method, not used in any script. - - Args: - path (str?): path to convert to the linux path style. - Returns: - str: in case `path` is a string. The result is the path with the new notation. - type(path): `path` itself is returned in case `path` is not str type. - """ - if not isinstance(path, basestring): - return path - path = path.replace("\\", "/") - - def repl(m): - return '/%s/' % m.group(1) - path = re.sub(r'''^([a-zA-Z]):/''', repl, path) - return path - - def _rmtree_windows(self, path): - """ Windows-specific rmtree that handles path lengths longer than MAX_PATH. - Ported from clobberer.py. - - Args: - path (str): directory path to remove. - - Returns: - None: if the path doesn't exists. - int: the return number of calling `self.run_command` - int: in case the path specified is not a directory but a file. - 0 on success, non-zero on error. Note: The returned value - is the result of calling `win32file.DeleteFile` - """ - - assert self._is_windows() - path = os.path.realpath(path) - full_path = '\\\\?\\' + path - if not os.path.exists(full_path): - return - if not PYWIN32: - if not os.path.isdir(path): - return self.run_command('del /F /Q "%s"' % path) - else: - return self.run_command('rmdir /S /Q "%s"' % path) - # Make sure directory is writable - win32file.SetFileAttributesW('\\\\?\\' + path, win32file.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) - # Since we call rmtree() with a file, sometimes - if not os.path.isdir('\\\\?\\' + path): - return win32file.DeleteFile('\\\\?\\' + path) - - for ffrec in win32api.FindFiles('\\\\?\\' + path + '\\*.*'): - file_attr = ffrec[0] - name = ffrec[8] - if name == '.' or name == '..': - continue - full_name = os.path.join(path, name) - - if file_attr & win32file.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY: - self._rmtree_windows(full_name) - else: - try: - win32file.SetFileAttributesW('\\\\?\\' + full_name, win32file.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) - win32file.DeleteFile('\\\\?\\' + full_name) - except: - # DeleteFile fails on long paths, del /f /q works just fine - self.run_command('del /F /Q "%s"' % full_name) - - win32file.RemoveDirectory('\\\\?\\' + path) - - def get_filename_from_url(self, url): - """ parse a filename base on an url. - - Args: - url (str): url to parse for the filename - - Returns: - str: filename parsed from the url, or `netloc` network location part - of the url. - """ - - parsed = urlparse.urlsplit(url.rstrip('/')) - if parsed.path != '': - return parsed.path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] - else: - return parsed.netloc - - def _urlopen(self, url, **kwargs): - """ open the url `url` using `urllib2`. - This method can be overwritten to extend its complexity - - Args: - url (str | urllib2.Request): url to open - kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to the `urllib2.urlopen` function. - - Returns: - file-like: file-like object with additional methods as defined in - `urllib2.urlopen`_. - None: None may be returned if no handler handles the request. - - Raises: - urllib2.URLError: on errors - - .. _urllib2.urlopen: - https://docs.python.org/2/library/urllib2.html#urllib2.urlopen - """ - # http://bugs.python.org/issue13359 - urllib2 does not automatically quote the URL - url_quoted = urllib2.quote(url, safe='%/:=&?~#+!$,;\'@()*[]|') - return urllib2.urlopen(url_quoted, **kwargs) - - - - def fetch_url_into_memory(self, url): - ''' Downloads a file from a url into memory instead of disk. - - Args: - url (str): URL path where the file to be downloaded is located. - - Raises: - IOError: When the url points to a file on disk and cannot be found - FetchedIncorrectFilesize: When the size of the fetched file does not match the - expected file size. - ValueError: When the scheme of a url is not what is expected. - - Returns: - BytesIO: contents of url - ''' - self.info('Fetch {} into memory'.format(url)) - parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url) - - if parsed_url.scheme in ('', 'file'): - if not os.path.isfile(url): - raise IOError('Could not find file to extract: {}'.format(url)) - - expected_file_size = os.stat(url.replace('file://', '')).st_size - - # In case we're referrencing a file without file:// - if parsed_url.scheme == '': - url = 'file://%s' % os.path.abspath(url) - parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url) - - request = urllib2.Request(url) - # When calling fetch_url_into_memory() you should retry when we raise one of these exceptions: - # * Bug 1300663 - HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found - # * Bug 1300413 - HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error - # * Bug 1300943 - HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable - # * Bug 1300953 - URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known> - # * Bug 1301594 - URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 10054] An existing connection was ... - # * Bug 1301597 - URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 8] _ssl.c:504: EOF occurred in ... - # * Bug 1301855 - URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 60] Operation timed out> - # * Bug 1302237 - URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer> - # * Bug 1301807 - BadStatusLine: '' - # - # Bug 1309912 - Adding timeout in hopes to solve blocking on response.read() (bug 1300413) - response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=30) - - if parsed_url.scheme in ('http', 'https'): - expected_file_size = int(response.headers.get('Content-Length')) - - self.info('Http code: {}'.format(response.getcode())) - for k in sorted(response.headers.keys()): - if k.lower().startswith('x-amz-') or k in ('Content-Encoding', 'Content-Type', 'via'): - self.info('{}: {}'.format(k, response.headers.get(k))) - - file_contents = response.read() - obtained_file_size = len(file_contents) - self.info('Expected file size: {}'.format(expected_file_size)) - self.info('Obtained file size: {}'.format(obtained_file_size)) - - if obtained_file_size != expected_file_size: - raise FetchedIncorrectFilesize( - 'The expected file size is {} while we got instead {}'.format( - expected_file_size, obtained_file_size) - ) - - # Use BytesIO instead of StringIO - # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34162017/unzip-buffer-with-python/34162395#34162395 - return BytesIO(file_contents) - - - def _download_file(self, url, file_name): - """ Helper script for download_file() - Additionaly this function logs all exceptions as warnings before - re-raising them - - Args: - url (str): string containing the URL with the file location - file_name (str): name of the file where the downloaded file - is written. - - Returns: - str: filename of the written file on disk - - Raises: - urllib2.URLError: on incomplete download. - urllib2.HTTPError: on Http error code - socket.timeout: on connection timeout - socket.error: on socket error - """ - # If our URLs look like files, prefix them with file:// so they can - # be loaded like URLs. - if not (url.startswith("http") or url.startswith("file://")): - if not os.path.isfile(url): - self.fatal("The file %s does not exist" % url) - url = 'file://%s' % os.path.abspath(url) - - try: - f_length = None - f = self._urlopen(url, timeout=30) - - if f.info().get('content-length') is not None: - f_length = int(f.info()['content-length']) - got_length = 0 - local_file = open(file_name, 'wb') - while True: - block = f.read(1024 ** 2) - if not block: - if f_length is not None and got_length != f_length: - raise urllib2.URLError("Download incomplete; content-length was %d, but only received %d" % (f_length, got_length)) - break - local_file.write(block) - if f_length is not None: - got_length += len(block) - local_file.close() - return file_name - except urllib2.HTTPError, e: - self.warning("Server returned status %s %s for %s" % (str(e.code), str(e), url)) - raise - except urllib2.URLError, e: - self.warning("URL Error: %s" % url) - - # Failures due to missing local files won't benefit from retry. - # Raise the original OSError. - if isinstance(e.args[0], OSError) and e.args[0].errno == errno.ENOENT: - raise e.args[0] - - remote_host = urlparse.urlsplit(url)[1] - if remote_host: - nslookup = self.query_exe('nslookup') - error_list = [{ - 'substr': "server can't find %s" % remote_host, - 'level': ERROR, - 'explanation': "Either %s is an invalid hostname, or DNS is busted." % remote_host, - }] - self.run_command([nslookup, remote_host], - error_list=error_list) - raise - except socket.timeout, e: - self.warning("Timed out accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e))) - raise - except socket.error, e: - self.warning("Socket error when accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e))) - raise - - def _retry_download(self, url, error_level, file_name=None, retry_config=None): - """ Helper method to retry download methods. - - This method calls `self.retry` on `self._download_file` using the passed - parameters if a file_name is specified. If no file is specified, we will - instead call `self._urlopen`, which grabs the contents of a url but does - not create a file on disk. - - Args: - url (str): URL path where the file is located. - file_name (str): file_name where the file will be written to. - error_level (str): log level to use in case an error occurs. - retry_config (dict, optional): key-value pairs to be passed to - `self.retry`. Defaults to `None` - - Returns: - str: `self._download_file` return value is returned - unknown: `self.retry` `failure_status` is returned on failure, which - defaults to -1 - """ - retry_args = dict( - failure_status=None, - retry_exceptions=(urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError, - httplib.BadStatusLine, - socket.timeout, socket.error), - error_message="Can't download from %s to %s!" % (url, file_name), - error_level=error_level, - ) - - if retry_config: - retry_args.update(retry_config) - - download_func = self._urlopen - kwargs = {"url": url} - if file_name: - download_func = self._download_file - kwargs = {"url": url, "file_name": file_name} - - return self.retry( - download_func, - kwargs=kwargs, - **retry_args - ) - - - def _filter_entries(self, namelist, extract_dirs): - """Filter entries of the archive based on the specified list of to extract dirs.""" - filter_partial = functools.partial(fnmatch.filter, namelist) - entries = itertools.chain(*map(filter_partial, extract_dirs or ['*'])) - - for entry in entries: - yield entry - - - def unzip(self, compressed_file, extract_to, extract_dirs='*', verbose=False): - """This method allows to extract a zip file without writing to disk first. - - Args: - compressed_file (object): File-like object with the contents of a compressed zip file. - extract_to (str): where to extract the compressed file. - extract_dirs (list, optional): directories inside the archive file to extract. - Defaults to '*'. - verbose (bool, optional): whether or not extracted content should be displayed. - Defaults to False. - - Raises: - zipfile.BadZipfile: on contents of zipfile being invalid - """ - with zipfile.ZipFile(compressed_file) as bundle: - entries = self._filter_entries(bundle.namelist(), extract_dirs) - - for entry in entries: - if verbose: - self.info(' {}'.format(entry)) - - # Exception to be retried: - # Bug 1301645 - BadZipfile: Bad CRC-32 for file ... - # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5624669/strange-badzipfile-bad-crc-32-problem/5626098#5626098 - # Bug 1301802 - error: Error -3 while decompressing: invalid stored block lengths - bundle.extract(entry, path=extract_to) - - # ZipFile doesn't preserve permissions during extraction: - # http://bugs.python.org/issue15795 - fname = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(extract_to, entry)) - try: - # getinfo() can raise KeyError - mode = bundle.getinfo(entry).external_attr >> 16 & 0x1FF - # Only set permissions if attributes are available. Otherwise all - # permissions will be removed eg. on Windows. - if mode: - os.chmod(fname, mode) - - except KeyError: - self.warning('{} was not found in the zip file'.format(entry)) - - - def deflate(self, compressed_file, mode, extract_to='.', *args, **kwargs): - """This method allows to extract a compressed file from a tar, tar.bz2 and tar.gz files. - - Args: - compressed_file (object): File-like object with the contents of a compressed file. - mode (str): string of the form 'filemode[:compression]' (e.g. 'r:gz' or 'r:bz2') - extract_to (str, optional): where to extract the compressed file. - """ - t = tarfile.open(fileobj=compressed_file, mode=mode) - t.extractall(path=extract_to) - - - def download_unpack(self, url, extract_to='.', extract_dirs='*', verbose=False): - """Generic method to download and extract a compressed file without writing it to disk first. - - Args: - url (str): URL where the file to be downloaded is located. - extract_to (str, optional): directory where the downloaded file will - be extracted to. - extract_dirs (list, optional): directories inside the archive to extract. - Defaults to `*`. It currently only applies to zip files. - verbose (bool, optional): whether or not extracted content should be displayed. - Defaults to False. - - """ - def _determine_extraction_method_and_kwargs(url): - EXTENSION_TO_MIMETYPE = { - 'bz2': 'application/x-bzip2', - 'gz': 'application/x-gzip', - 'tar': 'application/x-tar', - 'zip': 'application/zip', - } - MIMETYPES = { - 'application/x-bzip2': { - 'function': self.deflate, - 'kwargs': {'mode': 'r:bz2'}, - }, - 'application/x-gzip': { - 'function': self.deflate, - 'kwargs': {'mode': 'r:gz'}, - }, - 'application/x-tar': { - 'function': self.deflate, - 'kwargs': {'mode': 'r'}, - }, - 'application/zip': { - 'function': self.unzip, - }, - 'application/x-zip-compressed': { - 'function': self.unzip, - }, - } - - filename = url.split('/')[-1] - # XXX: bz2/gz instead of tar.{bz2/gz} - extension = filename[filename.rfind('.')+1:] - mimetype = EXTENSION_TO_MIMETYPE[extension] - self.debug('Mimetype: {}'.format(mimetype)) - - function = MIMETYPES[mimetype]['function'] - kwargs = { - 'compressed_file': compressed_file, - 'extract_to': extract_to, - 'extract_dirs': extract_dirs, - 'verbose': verbose, - } - kwargs.update(MIMETYPES[mimetype].get('kwargs', {})) - - return function, kwargs - - # Many scripts overwrite this method and set extract_dirs to None - extract_dirs = '*' if extract_dirs is None else extract_dirs - self.info('Downloading and extracting to {} these dirs {} from {}'.format( - extract_to, - ', '.join(extract_dirs), - url, - )) - - # 1) Let's fetch the file - retry_args = dict( - retry_exceptions=( - urllib2.HTTPError, - urllib2.URLError, - httplib.BadStatusLine, - socket.timeout, - socket.error, - FetchedIncorrectFilesize, - ), - error_message="Can't download from {}".format(url), - error_level=FATAL, - ) - compressed_file = self.retry( - self.fetch_url_into_memory, - kwargs={'url': url}, - **retry_args - ) - - # 2) We're guaranteed to have download the file with error_level=FATAL - # Let's unpack the file - function, kwargs = _determine_extraction_method_and_kwargs(url) - try: - function(**kwargs) - except zipfile.BadZipfile: - # Bug 1306189 - Sometimes a good download turns out to be a - # corrupted zipfile. Let's create a signature that is easy to match - self.fatal('Check bug 1306189 for details on downloading a truncated zip file.') - - - def load_json_url(self, url, error_level=None, *args, **kwargs): - """ Returns a json object from a url (it retries). """ - contents = self._retry_download( - url=url, error_level=error_level, *args, **kwargs - ) - return json.loads(contents.read()) - - # http://www.techniqal.com/blog/2008/07/31/python-file-read-write-with-urllib2/ - # TODO thinking about creating a transfer object. - def download_file(self, url, file_name=None, parent_dir=None, - create_parent_dir=True, error_level=ERROR, - exit_code=3, retry_config=None): - """ Python wget. - Download the filename at `url` into `file_name` and put it on `parent_dir`. - On error log with the specified `error_level`, on fatal exit with `exit_code`. - Execute all the above based on `retry_config` parameter. - - Args: - url (str): URL path where the file to be downloaded is located. - file_name (str, optional): file_name where the file will be written to. - Defaults to urls' filename. - parent_dir (str, optional): directory where the downloaded file will - be written to. Defaults to current working - directory - create_parent_dir (bool, optional): create the parent directory if it - doesn't exist. Defaults to `True` - error_level (str, optional): log level to use in case an error occurs. - Defaults to `ERROR` - retry_config (dict, optional): key-value pairs to be passed to - `self.retry`. Defaults to `None` - - Returns: - str: filename where the downloaded file was written to. - unknown: on failure, `failure_status` is returned. - """ - if not file_name: - try: - file_name = self.get_filename_from_url(url) - except AttributeError: - self.log("Unable to get filename from %s; bad url?" % url, - level=error_level, exit_code=exit_code) - return - if parent_dir: - file_name = os.path.join(parent_dir, file_name) - if create_parent_dir: - self.mkdir_p(parent_dir, error_level=error_level) - self.info("Downloading %s to %s" % (url, file_name)) - status = self._retry_download( - url=url, - error_level=error_level, - file_name=file_name, - retry_config=retry_config - ) - if status == file_name: - self.info("Downloaded %d bytes." % os.path.getsize(file_name)) - return status - - def move(self, src, dest, log_level=INFO, error_level=ERROR, - exit_code=-1): - """ recursively move a file or directory (src) to another location (dest). - - Args: - src (str): file or directory path to move. - dest (str): file or directory path where to move the content to. - log_level (str): log level to use for normal operation. Defaults to - `INFO` - error_level (str): log level to use on error. Defaults to `ERROR` - - Returns: - int: 0 on success. -1 on error. - """ - self.log("Moving %s to %s" % (src, dest), level=log_level) - try: - shutil.move(src, dest) - # http://docs.python.org/tutorial/errors.html - except IOError, e: - self.log("IO error: %s" % str(e), - level=error_level, exit_code=exit_code) - return -1 - except shutil.Error, e: - self.log("shutil error: %s" % str(e), - level=error_level, exit_code=exit_code) - return -1 - return 0 - - def chmod(self, path, mode): - """ change `path` mode to `mode`. - - Args: - path (str): path whose mode will be modified. - mode (hex): one of the values defined at `stat`_ - - .. _stat: - https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.chmod - """ - - self.info("Chmoding %s to %s" % (path, str(oct(mode)))) - os.chmod(path, mode) - - def copyfile(self, src, dest, log_level=INFO, error_level=ERROR, copystat=False, compress=False): - """ copy or compress `src` into `dest`. - - Args: - src (str): filepath to copy. - dest (str): filepath where to move the content to. - log_level (str, optional): log level to use for normal operation. Defaults to - `INFO` - error_level (str, optional): log level to use on error. Defaults to `ERROR` - copystat (bool, optional): whether or not to copy the files metadata. - Defaults to `False`. - compress (bool, optional): whether or not to compress the destination file. - Defaults to `False`. - - Returns: - int: -1 on error - None: on success - """ - - if compress: - self.log("Compressing %s to %s" % (src, dest), level=log_level) - try: - infile = open(src, "rb") - outfile = gzip.open(dest, "wb") - outfile.writelines(infile) - outfile.close() - infile.close() - except IOError, e: - self.log("Can't compress %s to %s: %s!" % (src, dest, str(e)), - level=error_level) - return -1 - else: - self.log("Copying %s to %s" % (src, dest), level=log_level) - try: - shutil.copyfile(src, dest) - except (IOError, shutil.Error), e: - self.log("Can't copy %s to %s: %s!" % (src, dest, str(e)), - level=error_level) - return -1 - - if copystat: - try: - shutil.copystat(src, dest) - except (IOError, shutil.Error), e: - self.log("Can't copy attributes of %s to %s: %s!" % (src, dest, str(e)), - level=error_level) - return -1 - - def copytree(self, src, dest, overwrite='no_overwrite', log_level=INFO, - error_level=ERROR): - """ An implementation of `shutil.copytree` that allows for `dest` to exist - and implements different overwrite levels: - - 'no_overwrite' will keep all(any) existing files in destination tree - - 'overwrite_if_exists' will only overwrite destination paths that have - the same path names relative to the root of the - src and destination tree - - 'clobber' will replace the whole destination tree(clobber) if it exists - - Args: - src (str): directory path to move. - dest (str): directory path where to move the content to. - overwrite (str): string specifying the overwrite level. - log_level (str, optional): log level to use for normal operation. Defaults to - `INFO` - error_level (str, optional): log level to use on error. Defaults to `ERROR` - - Returns: - int: -1 on error - None: on success - """ - - self.info('copying tree: %s to %s' % (src, dest)) - try: - if overwrite == 'clobber' or not os.path.exists(dest): - self.rmtree(dest) - shutil.copytree(src, dest) - elif overwrite == 'no_overwrite' or overwrite == 'overwrite_if_exists': - files = os.listdir(src) - for f in files: - abs_src_f = os.path.join(src, f) - abs_dest_f = os.path.join(dest, f) - if not os.path.exists(abs_dest_f): - if os.path.isdir(abs_src_f): - self.mkdir_p(abs_dest_f) - self.copytree(abs_src_f, abs_dest_f, - overwrite='clobber') - else: - shutil.copy2(abs_src_f, abs_dest_f) - elif overwrite == 'no_overwrite': # destination path exists - if os.path.isdir(abs_src_f) and os.path.isdir(abs_dest_f): - self.copytree(abs_src_f, abs_dest_f, - overwrite='no_overwrite') - else: - self.debug('ignoring path: %s as destination: \ - %s exists' % (abs_src_f, abs_dest_f)) - else: # overwrite == 'overwrite_if_exists' and destination exists - self.debug('overwriting: %s with: %s' % - (abs_dest_f, abs_src_f)) - self.rmtree(abs_dest_f) - - if os.path.isdir(abs_src_f): - self.mkdir_p(abs_dest_f) - self.copytree(abs_src_f, abs_dest_f, - overwrite='overwrite_if_exists') - else: - shutil.copy2(abs_src_f, abs_dest_f) - else: - self.fatal("%s is not a valid argument for param overwrite" % (overwrite)) - except (IOError, shutil.Error): - self.exception("There was an error while copying %s to %s!" % (src, dest), - level=error_level) - return -1 - - def write_to_file(self, file_path, contents, verbose=True, - open_mode='w', create_parent_dir=False, - error_level=ERROR): - """ Write `contents` to `file_path`, according to `open_mode`. - - Args: - file_path (str): filepath where the content will be written to. - contents (str): content to write to the filepath. - verbose (bool, optional): whether or not to log `contents` value. - Defaults to `True` - open_mode (str, optional): open mode to use for openning the file. - Defaults to `w` - create_parent_dir (bool, optional): whether or not to create the - parent directory of `file_path` - error_level (str, optional): log level to use on error. Defaults to `ERROR` - - Returns: - str: `file_path` on success - None: on error. - """ - self.info("Writing to file %s" % file_path) - if verbose: - self.info("Contents:") - for line in contents.splitlines(): - self.info(" %s" % line) - if create_parent_dir: - parent_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) - self.mkdir_p(parent_dir, error_level=error_level) - try: - fh = open(file_path, open_mode) - try: - fh.write(contents) - except UnicodeEncodeError: - fh.write(contents.encode('utf-8', 'replace')) - fh.close() - return file_path - except IOError: - self.log("%s can't be opened for writing!" % file_path, - level=error_level) - - @contextmanager - def opened(self, file_path, verbose=True, open_mode='r', - error_level=ERROR): - """ Create a context manager to use on a with statement. - - Args: - file_path (str): filepath of the file to open. - verbose (bool, optional): useless parameter, not used here. - Defaults to True. - open_mode (str, optional): open mode to use for openning the file. - Defaults to `r` - error_level (str, optional): log level name to use on error. - Defaults to `ERROR` - - Yields: - tuple: (file object, error) pair. In case of error `None` is yielded - as file object, together with the corresponding error. - If there is no error, `None` is returned as the error. - """ - # See opened_w_error in http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0343/ - self.info("Reading from file %s" % file_path) - try: - fh = open(file_path, open_mode) - except IOError, err: - self.log("unable to open %s: %s" % (file_path, err.strerror), - level=error_level) - yield None, err - else: - try: - yield fh, None - finally: - fh.close() - - def read_from_file(self, file_path, verbose=True, open_mode='r', - error_level=ERROR): - """ Use `self.opened` context manager to open a file and read its - content. - - Args: - file_path (str): filepath of the file to read. - verbose (bool, optional): whether or not to log the file content. - Defaults to True. - open_mode (str, optional): open mode to use for openning the file. - Defaults to `r` - error_level (str, optional): log level name to use on error. - Defaults to `ERROR` - - Returns: - None: on error. - str: file content on success. - """ - with self.opened(file_path, verbose, open_mode, error_level) as (fh, err): - if err: - return None - contents = fh.read() - if verbose: - self.info("Contents:") - for line in contents.splitlines(): - self.info(" %s" % line) - return contents - - def chdir(self, dir_name): - self.log("Changing directory to %s." % dir_name) - os.chdir(dir_name) - - def is_exe(self, fpath): - """ - Determine if fpath is a file and if it is executable. - """ - return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) - - def which(self, program): - """ OS independent implementation of Unix's which command - - Args: - program (str): name or path to the program whose executable is - being searched. - - Returns: - None: if the executable was not found. - str: filepath of the executable file. - """ - if self._is_windows() and not program.endswith(".exe"): - program += ".exe" - fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) - if fpath: - if self.is_exe(program): - return program - else: - # If the exe file is defined in the configs let's use that - exe = self.query_exe(program) - if self.is_exe(exe): - return exe - - # If not defined, let's look for it in the $PATH - env = self.query_env() - for path in env["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): - exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) - if self.is_exe(exe_file): - return exe_file - return None - - # More complex commands {{{2 - def retry(self, action, attempts=None, sleeptime=60, max_sleeptime=5 * 60, - retry_exceptions=(Exception, ), good_statuses=None, cleanup=None, - error_level=ERROR, error_message="%(action)s failed after %(attempts)d tries!", - failure_status=-1, log_level=INFO, args=(), kwargs={}): - """ generic retry command. Ported from `util.retry`_ - - Args: - action (func): callable object to retry. - attempts (int, optinal): maximum number of times to call actions. - Defaults to `self.config.get('global_retries', 5)` - sleeptime (int, optional): number of seconds to wait between - attempts. Defaults to 60 and doubles each retry attempt, to - a maximum of `max_sleeptime' - max_sleeptime (int, optional): maximum value of sleeptime. Defaults - to 5 minutes - retry_exceptions (tuple, optional): Exceptions that should be caught. - If exceptions other than those listed in `retry_exceptions' are - raised from `action', they will be raised immediately. Defaults - to (Exception) - good_statuses (object, optional): return values which, if specified, - will result in retrying if the return value isn't listed. - Defaults to `None`. - cleanup (func, optional): If `cleanup' is provided and callable - it will be called immediately after an Exception is caught. - No arguments will be passed to it. If your cleanup function - requires arguments it is recommended that you wrap it in an - argumentless function. - Defaults to `None`. - error_level (str, optional): log level name in case of error. - Defaults to `ERROR`. - error_message (str, optional): string format to use in case - none of the attempts success. Defaults to - '%(action)s failed after %(attempts)d tries!' - failure_status (int, optional): flag to return in case the retries - were not successfull. Defaults to -1. - log_level (str, optional): log level name to use for normal activity. - Defaults to `INFO`. - args (tuple, optional): positional arguments to pass onto `action`. - kwargs (dict, optional): key-value arguments to pass onto `action`. - - Returns: - object: return value of `action`. - int: failure status in case of failure retries. - """ - if not callable(action): - self.fatal("retry() called with an uncallable method %s!" % action) - if cleanup and not callable(cleanup): - self.fatal("retry() called with an uncallable cleanup method %s!" % cleanup) - if not attempts: - attempts = self.config.get("global_retries", 5) - if max_sleeptime < sleeptime: - self.debug("max_sleeptime %d less than sleeptime %d" % ( - max_sleeptime, sleeptime)) - n = 0 - while n <= attempts: - retry = False - n += 1 - try: - self.log("retry: Calling %s with args: %s, kwargs: %s, attempt #%d" % - (action.__name__, str(args), str(kwargs), n), level=log_level) - status = action(*args, **kwargs) - if good_statuses and status not in good_statuses: - retry = True - except retry_exceptions, e: - retry = True - error_message = "%s\nCaught exception: %s" % (error_message, str(e)) - self.log('retry: attempt #%d caught exception: %s' % (n, str(e)), level=INFO) - - if not retry: - return status - else: - if cleanup: - cleanup() - if n == attempts: - self.log(error_message % {'action': action, 'attempts': n}, level=error_level) - return failure_status - if sleeptime > 0: - self.log("retry: Failed, sleeping %d seconds before retrying" % - sleeptime, level=log_level) - time.sleep(sleeptime) - sleeptime = sleeptime * 2 - if sleeptime > max_sleeptime: - sleeptime = max_sleeptime - - def query_env(self, partial_env=None, replace_dict=None, - purge_env=(), - set_self_env=None, log_level=DEBUG, - avoid_host_env=False): - """ Environment query/generation method. - The default, self.query_env(), will look for self.config['env'] - and replace any special strings in there ( %(PATH)s ). - It will then store it as self.env for speeding things up later. - - If you specify partial_env, partial_env will be used instead of - self.config['env'], and we don't save self.env as it's a one-off. - - - Args: - partial_env (dict, optional): key-value pairs of the name and value - of different environment variables. Defaults to an empty dictionary. - replace_dict (dict, optional): key-value pairs to replace the old - environment variables. - purge_env (list): environment names to delete from the final - environment dictionary. - set_self_env (boolean, optional): whether or not the environment - variables dictionary should be copied to `self`. - Defaults to True. - log_level (str, optional): log level name to use on normal operation. - Defaults to `DEBUG`. - avoid_host_env (boolean, optional): if set to True, we will not use - any environment variables set on the host except PATH. - Defaults to False. - - Returns: - dict: environment variables names with their values. - """ - if partial_env is None: - if self.env is not None: - return self.env - partial_env = self.config.get('env', None) - if partial_env is None: - partial_env = {} - if set_self_env is None: - set_self_env = True - - env = {'PATH': os.environ['PATH']} if avoid_host_env else os.environ.copy() - - default_replace_dict = self.query_abs_dirs() - default_replace_dict['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] - if not replace_dict: - replace_dict = default_replace_dict - else: - for key in default_replace_dict: - if key not in replace_dict: - replace_dict[key] = default_replace_dict[key] - for key in partial_env.keys(): - env[key] = partial_env[key] % replace_dict - self.log("ENV: %s is now %s" % (key, env[key]), level=log_level) - for k in purge_env: - if k in env: - del env[k] - if set_self_env: - self.env = env - return env - - def query_exe(self, exe_name, exe_dict='exes', default=None, - return_type=None, error_level=FATAL): - """One way to work around PATH rewrites. - - By default, return exe_name, and we'll fall through to searching - os.environ["PATH"]. - However, if self.config[exe_dict][exe_name] exists, return that. - This lets us override exe paths via config file. - - If we need runtime setting, we can build in self.exes support later. - - Args: - exe_name (str): name of the executable to search for. - exe_dict(str, optional): name of the dictionary of executables - present in `self.config`. Defaults to `exes`. - default (str, optional): default name of the executable to search - for. Defaults to `exe_name`. - return_type (str, optional): type to which the original return - value will be turn into. Only 'list', 'string' and `None` are - supported. Defaults to `None`. - error_level (str, optional): log level name to use on error. - - Returns: - list: in case return_type is 'list' - str: in case return_type is 'string' - None: in case return_type is `None` - Any: if the found executable is not of type list, tuple nor str. - """ - if default is None: - default = exe_name - exe = self.config.get(exe_dict, {}).get(exe_name, default) - repl_dict = {} - if hasattr(self.script_obj, 'query_abs_dirs'): - # allow for 'make': '%(abs_work_dir)s/...' etc. - dirs = self.script_obj.query_abs_dirs() - repl_dict.update(dirs) - if isinstance(exe, dict): - found = False - # allow for searchable paths of the buildbot exe - for name, path in exe.iteritems(): - if isinstance(path, list) or isinstance(path, tuple): - path = [x % repl_dict for x in path] - if all([os.path.exists(section) for section in path]): - found = True - elif isinstance(path, str): - path = path % repl_dict - if os.path.exists(path): - found = True - else: - self.log("a exes %s dict's value is not a string, list, or tuple. Got key " - "%s and value %s" % (exe_name, name, str(path)), level=error_level) - if found: - exe = path - break - else: - self.log("query_exe was a searchable dict but an existing path could not be " - "determined. Tried searching in paths: %s" % (str(exe)), level=error_level) - return None - elif isinstance(exe, list) or isinstance(exe, tuple): - exe = [x % repl_dict for x in exe] - elif isinstance(exe, str): - exe = exe % repl_dict - else: - self.log("query_exe: %s is not a list, tuple, dict, or string: " - "%s!" % (exe_name, str(exe)), level=error_level) - return exe - if return_type == "list": - if isinstance(exe, str): - exe = [exe] - elif return_type == "string": - if isinstance(exe, list): - exe = subprocess.list2cmdline(exe) - elif return_type is not None: - self.log("Unknown return_type type %s requested in query_exe!" % return_type, level=error_level) - return exe - - def run_command(self, command, cwd=None, error_list=None, - halt_on_failure=False, success_codes=None, - env=None, partial_env=None, return_type='status', - throw_exception=False, output_parser=None, - output_timeout=None, fatal_exit_code=2, - error_level=ERROR, **kwargs): - """Run a command, with logging and error parsing. - TODO: context_lines - - error_list example: - [{'regex': re.compile('^Error: LOL J/K'), level=IGNORE}, - {'regex': re.compile('^Error:'), level=ERROR, contextLines='5:5'}, - {'substr': 'THE WORLD IS ENDING', level=FATAL, contextLines='20:'} - ] - (context_lines isn't written yet) - - Args: - command (str | list | tuple): command or sequence of commands to - execute and log. - cwd (str, optional): directory path from where to execute the - command. Defaults to `None`. - error_list (list, optional): list of errors to pass to - `mozharness.base.log.OutputParser`. Defaults to `None`. - halt_on_failure (bool, optional): whether or not to redefine the - log level as `FATAL` on errors. Defaults to False. - success_codes (int, optional): numeric value to compare against - the command return value. - env (dict, optional): key-value of environment values to use to - run the command. Defaults to None. - partial_env (dict, optional): key-value of environment values to - replace from the current environment values. Defaults to None. - return_type (str, optional): if equal to 'num_errors' then the - amount of errors matched by `error_list` is returned. Defaults - to 'status'. - throw_exception (bool, optional): whether or not to raise an - exception if the return value of the command doesn't match - any of the `success_codes`. Defaults to False. - output_parser (OutputParser, optional): lets you provide an - instance of your own OutputParser subclass. Defaults to `OutputParser`. - output_timeout (int): amount of seconds to wait for output before - the process is killed. - fatal_exit_code (int, optional): call `self.fatal` if the return value - of the command is not in `success_codes`. Defaults to 2. - error_level (str, optional): log level name to use on error. Defaults - to `ERROR`. - **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. - - Returns: - int: -1 on error. - Any: `command` return value is returned otherwise. - """ - if success_codes is None: - success_codes = [0] - if cwd is not None: - if not os.path.isdir(cwd): - level = error_level - if halt_on_failure: - level = FATAL - self.log("Can't run command %s in non-existent directory '%s'!" % - (command, cwd), level=level) - return -1 - self.info("Running command: %s in %s" % (command, cwd)) - else: - self.info("Running command: %s" % command) - if isinstance(command, list) or isinstance(command, tuple): - self.info("Copy/paste: %s" % subprocess.list2cmdline(command)) - shell = True - if isinstance(command, list) or isinstance(command, tuple): - shell = False - if env is None: - if partial_env: - self.info("Using partial env: %s" % pprint.pformat(partial_env)) - env = self.query_env(partial_env=partial_env) - else: - self.info("Using env: %s" % pprint.pformat(env)) - - if output_parser is None: - parser = OutputParser(config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, - error_list=error_list) - else: - parser = output_parser - - try: - if output_timeout: - def processOutput(line): - parser.add_lines(line) - - def onTimeout(): - self.info("Automation Error: mozprocess timed out after %s seconds running %s" % (str(output_timeout), str(command))) - - p = ProcessHandler(command, - shell=shell, - env=env, - cwd=cwd, - storeOutput=False, - onTimeout=(onTimeout,), - processOutputLine=[processOutput]) - self.info("Calling %s with output_timeout %d" % (command, output_timeout)) - p.run(outputTimeout=output_timeout) - p.wait() - if p.timedOut: - self.log( - 'timed out after %s seconds of no output' % output_timeout, - level=error_level - ) - returncode = int(p.proc.returncode) - else: - p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - cwd=cwd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, - bufsize=0) - loop = True - while loop: - if p.poll() is not None: - """Avoid losing the final lines of the log?""" - loop = False - while True: - line = p.stdout.readline() - if not line: - break - parser.add_lines(line) - returncode = p.returncode - except OSError, e: - level = error_level - if halt_on_failure: - level = FATAL - self.log('caught OS error %s: %s while running %s' % (e.errno, - e.strerror, command), level=level) - return -1 - - return_level = INFO - if returncode not in success_codes: - return_level = error_level - if throw_exception: - raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode, command) - self.log("Return code: %d" % returncode, level=return_level) - - if halt_on_failure: - _fail = False - if returncode not in success_codes: - self.log( - "%s not in success codes: %s" % (returncode, success_codes), - level=error_level - ) - _fail = True - if parser.num_errors: - self.log("failures found while parsing output", level=error_level) - _fail = True - if _fail: - self.return_code = fatal_exit_code - self.fatal("Halting on failure while running %s" % command, - exit_code=fatal_exit_code) - if return_type == 'num_errors': - return parser.num_errors - return returncode - - def get_output_from_command(self, command, cwd=None, - halt_on_failure=False, env=None, - silent=False, log_level=INFO, - tmpfile_base_path='tmpfile', - return_type='output', save_tmpfiles=False, - throw_exception=False, fatal_exit_code=2, - ignore_errors=False, success_codes=None): - """Similar to run_command, but where run_command is an - os.system(command) analog, get_output_from_command is a `command` - analog. - - Less error checking by design, though if we figure out how to - do it without borking the output, great. - - TODO: binary mode? silent is kinda like that. - TODO: since p.wait() can take a long time, optionally log something - every N seconds? - TODO: optionally only keep the first or last (N) line(s) of output? - TODO: optionally only return the tmp_stdout_filename? - - ignore_errors=True is for the case where a command might produce standard - error output, but you don't particularly care; setting to True will - cause standard error to be logged at DEBUG rather than ERROR - - Args: - command (str | list): command or list of commands to - execute and log. - cwd (str, optional): directory path from where to execute the - command. Defaults to `None`. - halt_on_failure (bool, optional): whether or not to redefine the - log level as `FATAL` on error. Defaults to False. - env (dict, optional): key-value of environment values to use to - run the command. Defaults to None. - silent (bool, optional): whether or not to output the stdout of - executing the command. Defaults to False. - log_level (str, optional): log level name to use on normal execution. - Defaults to `INFO`. - tmpfile_base_path (str, optional): base path of the file to which - the output will be writen to. Defaults to 'tmpfile'. - return_type (str, optional): if equal to 'output' then the complete - output of the executed command is returned, otherwise the written - filenames are returned. Defaults to 'output'. - save_tmpfiles (bool, optional): whether or not to save the temporary - files created from the command output. Defaults to False. - throw_exception (bool, optional): whether or not to raise an - exception if the return value of the command is not zero. - Defaults to False. - fatal_exit_code (int, optional): call self.fatal if the return value - of the command match this value. - ignore_errors (bool, optional): whether or not to change the log - level to `ERROR` for the output of stderr. Defaults to False. - success_codes (int, optional): numeric value to compare against - the command return value. - - Returns: - None: if the cwd is not a directory. - None: on IOError. - tuple: stdout and stderr filenames. - str: stdout output. - """ - if cwd: - if not os.path.isdir(cwd): - level = ERROR - if halt_on_failure: - level = FATAL - self.log("Can't run command %s in non-existent directory %s!" % - (command, cwd), level=level) - return None - self.info("Getting output from command: %s in %s" % (command, cwd)) - else: - self.info("Getting output from command: %s" % command) - if isinstance(command, list): - self.info("Copy/paste: %s" % subprocess.list2cmdline(command)) - # This could potentially return something? - tmp_stdout = None - tmp_stderr = None - tmp_stdout_filename = '%s_stdout' % tmpfile_base_path - tmp_stderr_filename = '%s_stderr' % tmpfile_base_path - if success_codes is None: - success_codes = [0] - - # TODO probably some more elegant solution than 2 similar passes - try: - tmp_stdout = open(tmp_stdout_filename, 'w') - except IOError: - level = ERROR - if halt_on_failure: - level = FATAL - self.log("Can't open %s for writing!" % tmp_stdout_filename + - self.exception(), level=level) - return None - try: - tmp_stderr = open(tmp_stderr_filename, 'w') - except IOError: - level = ERROR - if halt_on_failure: - level = FATAL - self.log("Can't open %s for writing!" % tmp_stderr_filename + - self.exception(), level=level) - return None - shell = True - if isinstance(command, list): - shell = False - p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=shell, stdout=tmp_stdout, - cwd=cwd, stderr=tmp_stderr, env=env) - # XXX: changed from self.debug to self.log due to this error: - # TypeError: debug() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) - self.log("Temporary files: %s and %s" % (tmp_stdout_filename, tmp_stderr_filename), level=DEBUG) - p.wait() - tmp_stdout.close() - tmp_stderr.close() - return_level = DEBUG - output = None - if os.path.exists(tmp_stdout_filename) and os.path.getsize(tmp_stdout_filename): - output = self.read_from_file(tmp_stdout_filename, - verbose=False) - if not silent: - self.log("Output received:", level=log_level) - output_lines = output.rstrip().splitlines() - for line in output_lines: - if not line or line.isspace(): - continue - line = line.decode("utf-8") - self.log(' %s' % line, level=log_level) - output = '\n'.join(output_lines) - if os.path.exists(tmp_stderr_filename) and os.path.getsize(tmp_stderr_filename): - if not ignore_errors: - return_level = ERROR - self.log("Errors received:", level=return_level) - errors = self.read_from_file(tmp_stderr_filename, - verbose=False) - for line in errors.rstrip().splitlines(): - if not line or line.isspace(): - continue - line = line.decode("utf-8") - self.log(' %s' % line, level=return_level) - elif p.returncode not in success_codes and not ignore_errors: - return_level = ERROR - # Clean up. - if not save_tmpfiles: - self.rmtree(tmp_stderr_filename, log_level=DEBUG) - self.rmtree(tmp_stdout_filename, log_level=DEBUG) - if p.returncode and throw_exception: - raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, command) - self.log("Return code: %d" % p.returncode, level=return_level) - if halt_on_failure and return_level == ERROR: - self.return_code = fatal_exit_code - self.fatal("Halting on failure while running %s" % command, - exit_code=fatal_exit_code) - # Hm, options on how to return this? I bet often we'll want - # output_lines[0] with no newline. - if return_type != 'output': - return (tmp_stdout_filename, tmp_stderr_filename) - else: - return output - - def _touch_file(self, file_name, times=None, error_level=FATAL): - """touch a file. - - Args: - file_name (str): name of the file to touch. - times (tuple, optional): 2-tuple as specified by `os.utime`_ - Defaults to None. - error_level (str, optional): log level name in case of error. - Defaults to `FATAL`. - - .. _`os.utime`: - https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/os.html?highlight=os.utime#os.utime - """ - self.info("Touching: %s" % file_name) - try: - os.utime(file_name, times) - except OSError: - try: - open(file_name, 'w').close() - except IOError as e: - msg = "I/O error(%s): %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror) - self.log(msg, error_level=error_level) - os.utime(file_name, times) - - def unpack(self, filename, extract_to, extract_dirs=None, - error_level=ERROR, fatal_exit_code=2, verbose=False): - """The method allows to extract a file regardless of its extension. - - Args: - filename (str): filename of the compressed file. - extract_to (str): where to extract the compressed file. - extract_dirs (list, optional): directories inside the archive file to extract. - Defaults to `None`. - fatal_exit_code (int, optional): call `self.fatal` if the return value - of the command is not in `success_codes`. Defaults to 2. - verbose (bool, optional): whether or not extracted content should be displayed. - Defaults to False. - - Raises: - IOError: on `filename` file not found. - - """ - if not os.path.isfile(filename): - raise IOError('Could not find file to extract: %s' % filename) - - if zipfile.is_zipfile(filename): - try: - self.info('Using ZipFile to extract {} to {}'.format(filename, extract_to)) - with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as bundle: - for entry in self._filter_entries(bundle.namelist(), extract_dirs): - if verbose: - self.info(' %s' % entry) - bundle.extract(entry, path=extract_to) - - # ZipFile doesn't preserve permissions during extraction: - # http://bugs.python.org/issue15795 - fname = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(extract_to, entry)) - mode = bundle.getinfo(entry).external_attr >> 16 & 0x1FF - # Only set permissions if attributes are available. Otherwise all - # permissions will be removed eg. on Windows. - if mode: - os.chmod(fname, mode) - except zipfile.BadZipfile as e: - self.log('%s (%s)' % (e.message, filename), - level=error_level, exit_code=fatal_exit_code) - - # Bug 1211882 - is_tarfile cannot be trusted for dmg files - elif tarfile.is_tarfile(filename) and not filename.lower().endswith('.dmg'): - try: - self.info('Using TarFile to extract {} to {}'.format(filename, extract_to)) - with tarfile.open(filename) as bundle: - for entry in self._filter_entries(bundle.getnames(), extract_dirs): - if verbose: - self.info(' %s' % entry) - bundle.extract(entry, path=extract_to) - except tarfile.TarError as e: - self.log('%s (%s)' % (e.message, filename), - level=error_level, exit_code=fatal_exit_code) - else: - self.log('No extraction method found for: %s' % filename, - level=error_level, exit_code=fatal_exit_code) - - def is_taskcluster(self): - """Returns boolean indicating if we're running in TaskCluster.""" - # This may need expanding in the future to work on - return 'TASKCLUSTER_WORKER_TYPE' in os.environ - - -def PreScriptRun(func): - """Decorator for methods that will be called before script execution. - - Each method on a BaseScript having this decorator will be called at the - beginning of BaseScript.run(). - - The return value is ignored. Exceptions will abort execution. - """ - func._pre_run_listener = True - return func - - -def PostScriptRun(func): - """Decorator for methods that will be called after script execution. - - This is similar to PreScriptRun except it is called at the end of - execution. The method will always be fired, even if execution fails. - """ - func._post_run_listener = True - return func - - -def PreScriptAction(action=None): - """Decorator for methods that will be called at the beginning of each action. - - Each method on a BaseScript having this decorator will be called during - BaseScript.run() before an individual action is executed. The method will - receive the action's name as an argument. - - If no values are passed to the decorator, it will be applied to every - action. If a string is passed, the decorated function will only be called - for the action of that name. - - The return value of the method is ignored. Exceptions will abort execution. - """ - def _wrapped(func): - func._pre_action_listener = action - return func - - def _wrapped_none(func): - func._pre_action_listener = None - return func - - if type(action) == type(_wrapped): - return _wrapped_none(action) - - return _wrapped - - -def PostScriptAction(action=None): - """Decorator for methods that will be called at the end of each action. - - This behaves similarly to PreScriptAction. It varies in that it is called - after execution of the action. - - The decorated method will receive the action name as a positional argument. - It will then receive the following named arguments: - - success - Bool indicating whether the action finished successfully. - - The decorated method will always be called, even if the action threw an - exception. - - The return value is ignored. - """ - def _wrapped(func): - func._post_action_listener = action - return func - - def _wrapped_none(func): - func._post_action_listener = None - return func - - if type(action) == type(_wrapped): - return _wrapped_none(action) - - return _wrapped - - -# BaseScript {{{1 -class BaseScript(ScriptMixin, LogMixin, object): - def __init__(self, config_options=None, ConfigClass=BaseConfig, - default_log_level="info", **kwargs): - self._return_code = 0 - super(BaseScript, self).__init__() - - # Collect decorated methods. We simply iterate over the attributes of - # the current class instance and look for signatures deposited by - # the decorators. - self._listeners = dict( - pre_run=[], - pre_action=[], - post_action=[], - post_run=[], - ) - for k in dir(self): - item = getattr(self, k) - - # We only decorate methods, so ignore other types. - if not inspect.ismethod(item): - continue - - if hasattr(item, '_pre_run_listener'): - self._listeners['pre_run'].append(k) - - if hasattr(item, '_pre_action_listener'): - self._listeners['pre_action'].append(( - k, - item._pre_action_listener)) - - if hasattr(item, '_post_action_listener'): - self._listeners['post_action'].append(( - k, - item._post_action_listener)) - - if hasattr(item, '_post_run_listener'): - self._listeners['post_run'].append(k) - - self.log_obj = None - self.abs_dirs = None - if config_options is None: - config_options = [] - self.summary_list = [] - self.failures = [] - rw_config = ConfigClass(config_options=config_options, **kwargs) - self.config = rw_config.get_read_only_config() - self.actions = tuple(rw_config.actions) - self.all_actions = tuple(rw_config.all_actions) - self.env = None - self.new_log_obj(default_log_level=default_log_level) - self.script_obj = self - - # Indicate we're a source checkout if VCS directory is present at the - # appropriate place. This code will break if this file is ever moved - # to another directory. - self.topsrcdir = None - - srcreldir = 'testing/mozharness/mozharness/base' - here = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) - if here.replace('\\', '/').endswith(srcreldir): - topsrcdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(here, '..', '..', - '..', '..')) - hg_dir = os.path.join(topsrcdir, '.hg') - git_dir = os.path.join(topsrcdir, '.git') - if os.path.isdir(hg_dir) or os.path.isdir(git_dir): - self.topsrcdir = topsrcdir - - # Set self.config to read-only. - # - # We can create intermediate config info programmatically from - # this in a repeatable way, with logs; this is how we straddle the - # ideal-but-not-user-friendly static config and the - # easy-to-write-hard-to-debug writable config. - # - # To allow for other, script-specific configurations - # (e.g., buildbot props json parsing), before locking, - # call self._pre_config_lock(). If needed, this method can - # alter self.config. - self._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - self._config_lock() - - self.info("Run as %s" % rw_config.command_line) - if self.config.get("dump_config_hierarchy"): - # we only wish to dump and display what self.config is made up of, - # against the current script + args, without actually running any - # actions - self._dump_config_hierarchy(rw_config.all_cfg_files_and_dicts) - if self.config.get("dump_config"): - self.dump_config(exit_on_finish=True) - - def _dump_config_hierarchy(self, cfg_files): - """ interpret each config file used. - - This will show which keys/values are being added or overwritten by - other config files depending on their hierarchy (when they were added). - """ - # go through each config_file. We will start with the lowest and - # print its keys/values that are being used in self.config. If any - # keys/values are present in a config file with a higher precedence, - # ignore those. - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - cfg_files_dump_config = {} # we will dump this to file - # keep track of keys that did not come from a config file - keys_not_from_file = set(self.config.keys()) - if not cfg_files: - cfg_files = [] - self.info("Total config files: %d" % (len(cfg_files))) - if len(cfg_files): - self.info("cfg files used from lowest precedence to highest:") - for i, (target_file, target_dict) in enumerate(cfg_files): - unique_keys = set(target_dict.keys()) - unique_dict = {} - # iterate through the target_dicts remaining 'higher' cfg_files - remaining_cfgs = cfg_files[slice(i + 1, len(cfg_files))] - # where higher == more precedent - for ii, (higher_file, higher_dict) in enumerate(remaining_cfgs): - # now only keep keys/values that are not overwritten by a - # higher config - unique_keys = unique_keys.difference(set(higher_dict.keys())) - # unique_dict we know now has only keys/values that are unique to - # this config file. - unique_dict = dict( - (key, target_dict.get(key)) for key in unique_keys - ) - cfg_files_dump_config[target_file] = unique_dict - self.action_message("Config File %d: %s" % (i + 1, target_file)) - self.info(pprint.pformat(unique_dict)) - # let's also find out which keys/values from self.config are not - # from each target config file dict - keys_not_from_file = keys_not_from_file.difference( - set(target_dict.keys()) - ) - not_from_file_dict = dict( - (key, self.config.get(key)) for key in keys_not_from_file - ) - cfg_files_dump_config["not_from_cfg_file"] = not_from_file_dict - self.action_message("Not from any config file (default_config, " - "cmd line options, etc)") - self.info(pprint.pformat(not_from_file_dict)) - - # finally, let's dump this output as JSON and exit early - self.dump_config( - os.path.join(dirs['abs_log_dir'], "localconfigfiles.json"), - cfg_files_dump_config, console_output=False, exit_on_finish=True - ) - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - """This empty method can allow for config checking and manipulation - before the config lock, when overridden in scripts. - """ - pass - - def _config_lock(self): - """After this point, the config is locked and should not be - manipulated (based on mozharness.base.config.ReadOnlyDict) - """ - self.config.lock() - - def _possibly_run_method(self, method_name, error_if_missing=False): - """This is here for run(). - """ - if hasattr(self, method_name) and callable(getattr(self, method_name)): - return getattr(self, method_name)() - elif error_if_missing: - self.error("No such method %s!" % method_name) - - @PostScriptRun - def copy_logs_to_upload_dir(self): - """Copies logs to the upload directory""" - self.info("Copying logs to upload dir...") - log_files = ['localconfig.json'] - for log_name in self.log_obj.log_files.keys(): - log_files.append(self.log_obj.log_files[log_name]) - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - for log_file in log_files: - self.copy_to_upload_dir(os.path.join(dirs['abs_log_dir'], log_file), - dest=os.path.join('logs', log_file), - short_desc='%s log' % log_name, - long_desc='%s log' % log_name, - max_backups=self.config.get("log_max_rotate", 0)) - - def run_action(self, action): - if action not in self.actions: - self.action_message("Skipping %s step." % action) - return - - method_name = action.replace("-", "_") - self.action_message("Running %s step." % action) - - # An exception during a pre action listener should abort execution. - for fn, target in self._listeners['pre_action']: - if target is not None and target != action: - continue - - try: - self.info("Running pre-action listener: %s" % fn) - method = getattr(self, fn) - method(action) - except Exception: - self.error("Exception during pre-action for %s: %s" % ( - action, traceback.format_exc())) - - for fn, target in self._listeners['post_action']: - if target is not None and target != action: - continue - - try: - self.info("Running post-action listener: %s" % fn) - method = getattr(self, fn) - method(action, success=False) - except Exception: - self.error("An additional exception occurred during " - "post-action for %s: %s" % (action, - traceback.format_exc())) - - self.fatal("Aborting due to exception in pre-action listener.") - - # We always run post action listeners, even if the main routine failed. - success = False - try: - self.info("Running main action method: %s" % method_name) - self._possibly_run_method("preflight_%s" % method_name) - self._possibly_run_method(method_name, error_if_missing=True) - self._possibly_run_method("postflight_%s" % method_name) - success = True - finally: - post_success = True - for fn, target in self._listeners['post_action']: - if target is not None and target != action: - continue - - try: - self.info("Running post-action listener: %s" % fn) - method = getattr(self, fn) - method(action, success=success and self.return_code == 0) - except Exception: - post_success = False - self.error("Exception during post-action for %s: %s" % ( - action, traceback.format_exc())) - - step_result = 'success' if success else 'failed' - self.action_message("Finished %s step (%s)" % (action, step_result)) - - if not post_success: - self.fatal("Aborting due to failure in post-action listener.") - - def run(self): - """Default run method. - This is the "do everything" method, based on actions and all_actions. - - First run self.dump_config() if it exists. - Second, go through the list of all_actions. - If they're in the list of self.actions, try to run - self.preflight_ACTION(), self.ACTION(), and self.postflight_ACTION(). - - Preflight is sanity checking before doing anything time consuming or - destructive. - - Postflight is quick testing for success after an action. - - """ - for fn in self._listeners['pre_run']: - try: - self.info("Running pre-run listener: %s" % fn) - method = getattr(self, fn) - method() - except Exception: - self.error("Exception during pre-run listener: %s" % - traceback.format_exc()) - - for fn in self._listeners['post_run']: - try: - method = getattr(self, fn) - method() - except Exception: - self.error("An additional exception occurred during a " - "post-run listener: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) - - self.fatal("Aborting due to failure in pre-run listener.") - - self.dump_config() - try: - for action in self.all_actions: - self.run_action(action) - except Exception: - self.fatal("Uncaught exception: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) - finally: - post_success = True - for fn in self._listeners['post_run']: - try: - self.info("Running post-run listener: %s" % fn) - method = getattr(self, fn) - method() - except Exception: - post_success = False - self.error("Exception during post-run listener: %s" % - traceback.format_exc()) - - if not post_success: - self.fatal("Aborting due to failure in post-run listener.") - if self.config.get("copy_logs_post_run", True): - self.copy_logs_to_upload_dir() - - return self.return_code - - def run_and_exit(self): - """Runs the script and exits the current interpreter.""" - rc = self.run() - if rc != 0: - self.warning("returning nonzero exit status %d" % rc) - sys.exit(rc) - - def clobber(self): - """ - Delete the working directory - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.rmtree(dirs['abs_work_dir'], error_level=FATAL) - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - """We want to be able to determine where all the important things - are. Absolute paths lend themselves well to this, though I wouldn't - be surprised if this causes some issues somewhere. - - This should be overridden in any script that has additional dirs - to query. - - The query_* methods tend to set self.VAR variables as their - runtime cache. - """ - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - c = self.config - dirs = {} - dirs['base_work_dir'] = c['base_work_dir'] - dirs['abs_work_dir'] = os.path.join(c['base_work_dir'], c['work_dir']) - dirs['abs_upload_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'upload') - dirs['abs_log_dir'] = os.path.join(c['base_work_dir'], c.get('log_dir', 'logs')) - self.abs_dirs = dirs - return self.abs_dirs - - def dump_config(self, file_path=None, config=None, - console_output=True, exit_on_finish=False): - """Dump self.config to localconfig.json - """ - config = config or self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if not file_path: - file_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_log_dir'], "localconfig.json") - self.info("Dumping config to %s." % file_path) - self.mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(file_path)) - json_config = json.dumps(config, sort_keys=True, indent=4) - fh = codecs.open(file_path, encoding='utf-8', mode='w+') - fh.write(json_config) - fh.close() - if console_output: - self.info(pprint.pformat(config)) - if exit_on_finish: - sys.exit() - - # logging {{{2 - def new_log_obj(self, default_log_level="info"): - c = self.config - log_dir = os.path.join(c['base_work_dir'], c.get('log_dir', 'logs')) - log_config = { - "logger_name": 'Simple', - "log_name": 'log', - "log_dir": log_dir, - "log_level": default_log_level, - "log_format": '%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s', - "log_to_console": True, - "append_to_log": False, - } - log_type = self.config.get("log_type", "multi") - for key in log_config.keys(): - value = self.config.get(key, None) - if value is not None: - log_config[key] = value - if log_type == "multi": - self.log_obj = MultiFileLogger(**log_config) - else: - self.log_obj = SimpleFileLogger(**log_config) - - def action_message(self, message): - self.info("[mozharness: %sZ] %s" % ( - datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' '), message)) - - def summary(self): - """Print out all the summary lines added via add_summary() - throughout the script. - - I'd like to revisit how to do this in a prettier fashion. - """ - self.action_message("%s summary:" % self.__class__.__name__) - if self.summary_list: - for item in self.summary_list: - try: - self.log(item['message'], level=item['level']) - except ValueError: - """log is closed; print as a default. Ran into this - when calling from __del__()""" - print "### Log is closed! (%s)" % item['message'] - - def add_summary(self, message, level=INFO): - self.summary_list.append({'message': message, 'level': level}) - # TODO write to a summary-only log? - # Summaries need a lot more love. - self.log(message, level=level) - - def add_failure(self, key, message="%(key)s failed.", level=ERROR, - increment_return_code=True): - if key not in self.failures: - self.failures.append(key) - self.add_summary(message % {'key': key}, level=level) - if increment_return_code: - self.return_code += 1 - - def query_failure(self, key): - return key in self.failures - - def summarize_success_count(self, success_count, total_count, - message="%d of %d successful.", - level=None): - if level is None: - level = INFO - if success_count < total_count: - level = ERROR - self.add_summary(message % (success_count, total_count), - level=level) - - def copy_to_upload_dir(self, target, dest=None, short_desc="unknown", - long_desc="unknown", log_level=DEBUG, - error_level=ERROR, max_backups=None, - compress=False, upload_dir=None): - """Copy target file to upload_dir/dest. - - Potentially update a manifest in the future if we go that route. - - Currently only copies a single file; would be nice to allow for - recursive copying; that would probably done by creating a helper - _copy_file_to_upload_dir(). - - short_desc and long_desc are placeholders for if/when we add - upload_dir manifests. - """ - dest_filename_given = dest is not None - if upload_dir is None: - upload_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_upload_dir'] - if dest is None: - dest = os.path.basename(target) - if dest.endswith('/'): - dest_file = os.path.basename(target) - dest_dir = os.path.join(upload_dir, dest) - dest_filename_given = False - else: - dest_file = os.path.basename(dest) - dest_dir = os.path.join(upload_dir, os.path.dirname(dest)) - if compress and not dest_filename_given: - dest_file += ".gz" - dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, dest_file) - if not os.path.exists(target): - self.log("%s doesn't exist!" % target, level=error_level) - return None - self.mkdir_p(dest_dir) - if os.path.exists(dest): - if os.path.isdir(dest): - self.log("%s exists and is a directory!" % dest, level=error_level) - return -1 - if max_backups: - # Probably a better way to do this - oldest_backup = 0 - backup_regex = re.compile("^%s\.(\d+)$" % dest_file) - for filename in os.listdir(dest_dir): - r = backup_regex.match(filename) - if r and int(r.groups()[0]) > oldest_backup: - oldest_backup = int(r.groups()[0]) - for backup_num in range(oldest_backup, 0, -1): - # TODO more error checking? - if backup_num >= max_backups: - self.rmtree(os.path.join(dest_dir, "%s.%d" % (dest_file, backup_num)), - log_level=log_level) - else: - self.move(os.path.join(dest_dir, "%s.%d" % (dest_file, backup_num)), - os.path.join(dest_dir, "%s.%d" % (dest_file, backup_num + 1)), - log_level=log_level) - if self.move(dest, "%s.1" % dest, log_level=log_level): - self.log("Unable to move %s!" % dest, level=error_level) - return -1 - else: - if self.rmtree(dest, log_level=log_level): - self.log("Unable to remove %s!" % dest, level=error_level) - return -1 - self.copyfile(target, dest, log_level=log_level, compress=compress) - if os.path.exists(dest): - return dest - else: - self.log("%s doesn't exist after copy!" % dest, level=error_level) - return None - - def get_hash_for_file(self, file_path, hash_type="sha512"): - bs = 65536 - hasher = hashlib.new(hash_type) - with open(file_path, 'rb') as fh: - buf = fh.read(bs) - while len(buf) > 0: - hasher.update(buf) - buf = fh.read(bs) - return hasher.hexdigest() - - @property - def return_code(self): - return self._return_code - - @return_code.setter - def return_code(self, code): - old_return_code, self._return_code = self._return_code, code - if old_return_code != code: - self.warning("setting return code to %d" % code) - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - """ Useless comparison, due to the `pass` keyword on its body""" - pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/signing.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/signing.py deleted file mode 100755 index d0fe05da2..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/signing.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,164 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Generic signing methods. -""" - -import getpass -import hashlib -import os -import re -import subprocess - -from mozharness.base.errors import JarsignerErrorList, ZipErrorList, ZipalignErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import OutputParser, IGNORE, DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, FATAL - -UnsignApkErrorList = [{ - 'regex': re.compile(r'''zip warning: name not matched: '?META-INF/'''), - 'level': INFO, - 'explanation': r'''This apk is already unsigned.''', -}, { - 'substr': r'''zip error: Nothing to do!''', - 'level': IGNORE, -}] + ZipErrorList - -TestJarsignerErrorList = [{ - "substr": "jarsigner: unable to open jar file:", - "level": IGNORE, -}] + JarsignerErrorList - - -# BaseSigningMixin {{{1 -class BaseSigningMixin(object): - """Generic signing helper methods. - """ - def query_filesize(self, file_path): - self.info("Determining filesize for %s" % file_path) - length = os.path.getsize(file_path) - self.info(" %s" % str(length)) - return length - - # TODO this should be parallelized with the to-be-written BaseHelper! - def query_sha512sum(self, file_path): - self.info("Determining sha512sum for %s" % file_path) - m = hashlib.sha512() - contents = self.read_from_file(file_path, verbose=False, - open_mode='rb') - m.update(contents) - sha512 = m.hexdigest() - self.info(" %s" % sha512) - return sha512 - - -# AndroidSigningMixin {{{1 -class AndroidSigningMixin(object): - """ - Generic Android apk signing methods. - - Dependent on BaseScript. - """ - # TODO port build/tools/release/signing/verify-android-signature.sh here - - key_passphrase = os.environ.get('android_keypass') - store_passphrase = os.environ.get('android_storepass') - - def passphrase(self): - if not self.store_passphrase: - self.store_passphrase = getpass.getpass("Store passphrase: ") - if not self.key_passphrase: - self.key_passphrase = getpass.getpass("Key passphrase: ") - - def _verify_passphrases(self, keystore, key_alias, error_level=FATAL): - self.info("Verifying passphrases...") - status = self.sign_apk("NOTAREALAPK", keystore, - self.store_passphrase, self.key_passphrase, - key_alias, remove_signature=False, - log_level=DEBUG, error_level=DEBUG, - error_list=TestJarsignerErrorList) - if status == 0: - self.info("Passphrases are good.") - elif status < 0: - self.log("Encountered errors while trying to sign!", - level=error_level) - else: - self.log("Unable to verify passphrases!", - level=error_level) - return status - - def verify_passphrases(self): - c = self.config - self._verify_passphrases(c['keystore'], c['key_alias']) - - def postflight_passphrase(self): - self.verify_passphrases() - - def sign_apk(self, apk, keystore, storepass, keypass, key_alias, - remove_signature=True, error_list=None, - log_level=INFO, error_level=ERROR): - """ - Signs an apk with jarsigner. - """ - jarsigner = self.query_exe('jarsigner') - if remove_signature: - status = self.unsign_apk(apk) - if status: - self.error("Can't remove signature in %s!" % apk) - return -1 - if error_list is None: - error_list = JarsignerErrorList[:] - # This needs to run silently, so no run_command() or - # get_output_from_command() (though I could add a - # suppress_command_echo=True or something?) - self.log("(signing %s)" % apk, level=log_level) - try: - p = subprocess.Popen([jarsigner, "-keystore", keystore, - "-storepass", storepass, - "-keypass", keypass, - apk, key_alias], - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) - except OSError: - self.exception("Error while signing %s (missing %s?):" % (apk, jarsigner)) - return -2 - except ValueError: - self.exception("Popen called with invalid arguments during signing?") - return -3 - parser = OutputParser(config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, - error_list=error_list) - loop = True - while loop: - if p.poll() is not None: - """Avoid losing the final lines of the log?""" - loop = False - for line in p.stdout: - parser.add_lines(line) - if parser.num_errors: - self.log("(failure)", level=error_level) - else: - self.log("(success)", level=log_level) - return parser.num_errors - - def unsign_apk(self, apk, **kwargs): - zip_bin = self.query_exe("zip") - return self.run_command([zip_bin, apk, '-d', 'META-INF/*'], - error_list=UnsignApkErrorList, - success_codes=[0, 12], - return_type='num_errors', **kwargs) - - def align_apk(self, unaligned_apk, aligned_apk, error_level=ERROR): - """ - Zipalign apk. - Returns None on success, not None on failure. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - zipalign = self.query_exe("zipalign") - if self.run_command([zipalign, '-f', '4', - unaligned_apk, aligned_apk], - return_type='num_errors', - cwd=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - error_list=ZipalignErrorList): - self.log("Unable to zipalign %s to %s!" % (unaligned_apk, aligned_apk), level=error_level) - return -1 diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/transfer.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/transfer.py deleted file mode 100755 index 014c665a1..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/transfer.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Generic ways to upload + download files. -""" - -import os -import pprint -import urllib2 -try: - import simplejson as json - assert json -except ImportError: - import json - -from mozharness.base.errors import SSHErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import DEBUG, ERROR - - -# TransferMixin {{{1 -class TransferMixin(object): - """ - Generic transfer methods. - - Dependent on BaseScript. - """ - def rsync_upload_directory(self, local_path, ssh_key, ssh_user, - remote_host, remote_path, - rsync_options=None, - error_level=ERROR, - create_remote_directory=True, - ): - """ - Create a remote directory and upload the contents of - a local directory to it via rsync+ssh. - - Returns: - None: on success - -1: if local_path is not a directory - -2: if the remote_directory cannot be created - (it only makes sense if create_remote_directory is True) - -3: rsync fails to copy to the remote directory - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.info("Uploading the contents of %s to %s:%s" % (local_path, remote_host, remote_path)) - rsync = self.query_exe("rsync") - ssh = self.query_exe("ssh") - if rsync_options is None: - rsync_options = ['-azv'] - if not os.path.isdir(local_path): - self.log("%s isn't a directory!" % local_path, - level=ERROR) - return -1 - if create_remote_directory: - mkdir_error_list = [{ - 'substr': r'''exists but is not a directory''', - 'level': ERROR - }] + SSHErrorList - if self.run_command([ssh, '-oIdentityFile=%s' % ssh_key, - '%s@%s' % (ssh_user, remote_host), - 'mkdir', '-p', remote_path], - cwd=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - return_type='num_errors', - error_list=mkdir_error_list): - self.log("Unable to create remote directory %s:%s!" % (remote_host, remote_path), level=error_level) - return -2 - if self.run_command([rsync, '-e', - '%s -oIdentityFile=%s' % (ssh, ssh_key) - ] + rsync_options + ['.', - '%s@%s:%s/' % (ssh_user, remote_host, remote_path)], - cwd=local_path, - return_type='num_errors', - error_list=SSHErrorList): - self.log("Unable to rsync %s to %s:%s!" % (local_path, remote_host, remote_path), level=error_level) - return -3 - - def rsync_download_directory(self, ssh_key, ssh_user, remote_host, - remote_path, local_path, - rsync_options=None, - error_level=ERROR, - ): - """ - rsync+ssh the content of a remote directory to local_path - - Returns: - None: on success - -1: if local_path is not a directory - -3: rsync fails to download from the remote directory - """ - self.info("Downloading the contents of %s:%s to %s" % (remote_host, remote_path, local_path)) - rsync = self.query_exe("rsync") - ssh = self.query_exe("ssh") - if rsync_options is None: - rsync_options = ['-azv'] - if not os.path.isdir(local_path): - self.log("%s isn't a directory!" % local_path, - level=error_level) - return -1 - if self.run_command([rsync, '-e', - '%s -oIdentityFile=%s' % (ssh, ssh_key) - ] + rsync_options + [ - '%s@%s:%s/' % (ssh_user, remote_host, remote_path), - '.'], - cwd=local_path, - return_type='num_errors', - error_list=SSHErrorList): - self.log("Unable to rsync %s:%s to %s!" % (remote_host, remote_path, local_path), level=error_level) - return -3 - - def load_json_from_url(self, url, timeout=30, log_level=DEBUG): - self.log("Attempting to download %s; timeout=%i" % (url, timeout), - level=log_level) - try: - r = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=timeout) - j = json.load(r) - self.log(pprint.pformat(j), level=log_level) - except: - self.exception(message="Unable to download %s!" % url) - raise - return j diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/gittool.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/gittool.py deleted file mode 100644 index d6c609ea0..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/gittool.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -import os -import re -import urlparse - -from mozharness.base.script import ScriptMixin -from mozharness.base.log import LogMixin, OutputParser -from mozharness.base.errors import GitErrorList, VCSException - - -class GittoolParser(OutputParser): - """ - A class that extends OutputParser such that it can find the "Got revision" - string from gittool.py output - """ - - got_revision_exp = re.compile(r'Got revision (\w+)') - got_revision = None - - def parse_single_line(self, line): - m = self.got_revision_exp.match(line) - if m: - self.got_revision = m.group(1) - super(GittoolParser, self).parse_single_line(line) - - -class GittoolVCS(ScriptMixin, LogMixin): - def __init__(self, log_obj=None, config=None, vcs_config=None, - script_obj=None): - super(GittoolVCS, self).__init__() - - self.log_obj = log_obj - self.script_obj = script_obj - if config: - self.config = config - else: - self.config = {} - # vcs_config = { - # repo: repository, - # branch: branch, - # revision: revision, - # ssh_username: ssh_username, - # ssh_key: ssh_key, - # } - self.vcs_config = vcs_config - self.gittool = self.query_exe('gittool.py', return_type='list') - - def ensure_repo_and_revision(self): - """Makes sure that `dest` is has `revision` or `branch` checked out - from `repo`. - - Do what it takes to make that happen, including possibly clobbering - dest. - """ - c = self.vcs_config - for conf_item in ('dest', 'repo'): - assert self.vcs_config[conf_item] - dest = os.path.abspath(c['dest']) - repo = c['repo'] - revision = c.get('revision') - branch = c.get('branch') - clean = c.get('clean') - share_base = c.get('vcs_share_base', os.environ.get("GIT_SHARE_BASE_DIR", None)) - env = {'PATH': os.environ.get('PATH')} - env.update(c.get('env', {})) - if self._is_windows(): - # git.exe is not in the PATH by default - env['PATH'] = '%s;C:/mozilla-build/Git/bin' % env['PATH'] - # SYSTEMROOT is needed for 'import random' - if 'SYSTEMROOT' not in env: - env['SYSTEMROOT'] = os.environ.get('SYSTEMROOT') - if share_base is not None: - env['GIT_SHARE_BASE_DIR'] = share_base - - cmd = self.gittool[:] - if branch: - cmd.extend(['-b', branch]) - if revision: - cmd.extend(['-r', revision]) - if clean: - cmd.append('--clean') - - for base_mirror_url in self.config.get('gittool_base_mirror_urls', self.config.get('vcs_base_mirror_urls', [])): - bits = urlparse.urlparse(repo) - mirror_url = urlparse.urljoin(base_mirror_url, bits.path) - cmd.extend(['--mirror', mirror_url]) - - cmd.extend([repo, dest]) - parser = GittoolParser(config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, - error_list=GitErrorList) - retval = self.run_command(cmd, error_list=GitErrorList, env=env, output_parser=parser) - - if retval != 0: - raise VCSException("Unable to checkout") - - return parser.got_revision diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/mercurial.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/mercurial.py deleted file mode 100755 index 71e5e3ea0..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/mercurial.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,497 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Mercurial VCS support. -""" - -import os -import re -import subprocess -from collections import namedtuple -from urlparse import urlsplit -import hashlib - -import sys -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])))) - -import mozharness -from mozharness.base.errors import HgErrorList, VCSException -from mozharness.base.log import LogMixin, OutputParser -from mozharness.base.script import ScriptMixin -from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin - -external_tools_path = os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), - 'external_tools', -) - - -HG_OPTIONS = ['--config', 'ui.merge=internal:merge'] - -# MercurialVCS {{{1 -# TODO Make the remaining functions more mozharness-friendly. -# TODO Add the various tag functionality that are currently in -# build/tools/scripts to MercurialVCS -- generic tagging logic belongs here. -REVISION, BRANCH = 0, 1 - - -class RepositoryUpdateRevisionParser(OutputParser): - """Parse `hg pull` output for "repository unrelated" errors.""" - revision = None - RE_UPDATED = re.compile('^updated to ([a-f0-9]{40})$') - - def parse_single_line(self, line): - m = self.RE_UPDATED.match(line) - if m: - self.revision = m.group(1) - - return super(RepositoryUpdateRevisionParser, self).parse_single_line(line) - - -def make_hg_url(hg_host, repo_path, protocol='http', revision=None, - filename=None): - """Helper function. - - Construct a valid hg url from a base hg url (hg.mozilla.org), - repo_path, revision and possible filename - """ - base = '%s://%s' % (protocol, hg_host) - repo = '/'.join(p.strip('/') for p in [base, repo_path]) - if not filename: - if not revision: - return repo - else: - return '/'.join([p.strip('/') for p in [repo, 'rev', revision]]) - else: - assert revision - return '/'.join([p.strip('/') for p in [repo, 'raw-file', revision, filename]]) - - -class MercurialVCS(ScriptMixin, LogMixin, TransferMixin): - # For the most part, scripts import mercurial, update - # tag-release.py imports - # apply_and_push, update, get_revision, out, BRANCH, REVISION, - # get_branches, cleanOutgoingRevs - - def __init__(self, log_obj=None, config=None, vcs_config=None, - script_obj=None): - super(MercurialVCS, self).__init__() - self.can_share = None - self.log_obj = log_obj - self.script_obj = script_obj - if config: - self.config = config - else: - self.config = {} - # vcs_config = { - # hg_host: hg_host, - # repo: repository, - # branch: branch, - # revision: revision, - # ssh_username: ssh_username, - # ssh_key: ssh_key, - # } - self.vcs_config = vcs_config or {} - self.hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") + HG_OPTIONS - - def _make_absolute(self, repo): - if repo.startswith("file://"): - path = repo[len("file://"):] - repo = "file://%s" % os.path.abspath(path) - elif "://" not in repo: - repo = os.path.abspath(repo) - return repo - - def get_repo_name(self, repo): - return repo.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1] - - def get_repo_path(self, repo): - repo = self._make_absolute(repo) - if repo.startswith("/"): - return repo.lstrip("/") - else: - return urlsplit(repo).path.lstrip("/") - - def get_revision_from_path(self, path): - """Returns which revision directory `path` currently has checked out.""" - return self.get_output_from_command( - self.hg + ['parent', '--template', '{node}'], cwd=path - ) - - def get_branch_from_path(self, path): - branch = self.get_output_from_command(self.hg + ['branch'], cwd=path) - return str(branch).strip() - - def get_branches_from_path(self, path): - branches = [] - for line in self.get_output_from_command(self.hg + ['branches', '-c'], - cwd=path).splitlines(): - branches.append(line.split()[0]) - return branches - - def hg_ver(self): - """Returns the current version of hg, as a tuple of - (major, minor, build)""" - ver_string = self.get_output_from_command(self.hg + ['-q', 'version']) - match = re.search("\(version ([0-9.]+)\)", ver_string) - if match: - bits = match.group(1).split(".") - if len(bits) < 3: - bits += (0,) - ver = tuple(int(b) for b in bits) - else: - ver = (0, 0, 0) - self.debug("Running hg version %s" % str(ver)) - return ver - - def update(self, dest, branch=None, revision=None): - """Updates working copy `dest` to `branch` or `revision`. - If revision is set, branch will be ignored. - If neither is set then the working copy will be updated to the - latest revision on the current branch. Local changes will be - discarded. - """ - # If we have a revision, switch to that - msg = "Updating %s" % dest - if branch: - msg += " to branch %s" % branch - if revision: - msg += " revision %s" % revision - self.info("%s." % msg) - if revision is not None: - cmd = self.hg + ['update', '-C', '-r', revision] - if self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dest, error_list=HgErrorList): - raise VCSException("Unable to update %s to %s!" % (dest, revision)) - else: - # Check & switch branch - local_branch = self.get_branch_from_path(dest) - - cmd = self.hg + ['update', '-C'] - - # If this is different, checkout the other branch - if branch and branch != local_branch: - cmd.append(branch) - - if self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dest, error_list=HgErrorList): - raise VCSException("Unable to update %s!" % dest) - return self.get_revision_from_path(dest) - - def clone(self, repo, dest, branch=None, revision=None, update_dest=True): - """Clones hg repo and places it at `dest`, replacing whatever else - is there. The working copy will be empty. - - If `revision` is set, only the specified revision and its ancestors - will be cloned. If revision is set, branch is ignored. - - If `update_dest` is set, then `dest` will be updated to `revision` - if set, otherwise to `branch`, otherwise to the head of default. - """ - msg = "Cloning %s to %s" % (repo, dest) - if branch: - msg += " on branch %s" % branch - if revision: - msg += " to revision %s" % revision - self.info("%s." % msg) - parent_dest = os.path.dirname(dest) - if parent_dest and not os.path.exists(parent_dest): - self.mkdir_p(parent_dest) - if os.path.exists(dest): - self.info("Removing %s before clone." % dest) - self.rmtree(dest) - - cmd = self.hg + ['clone'] - if not update_dest: - cmd.append('-U') - - if revision: - cmd.extend(['-r', revision]) - elif branch: - # hg >= 1.6 supports -b branch for cloning - ver = self.hg_ver() - if ver >= (1, 6, 0): - cmd.extend(['-b', branch]) - - cmd.extend([repo, dest]) - output_timeout = self.config.get("vcs_output_timeout", - self.vcs_config.get("output_timeout")) - if self.run_command(cmd, error_list=HgErrorList, - output_timeout=output_timeout) != 0: - raise VCSException("Unable to clone %s to %s!" % (repo, dest)) - - if update_dest: - return self.update(dest, branch, revision) - - def common_args(self, revision=None, branch=None, ssh_username=None, - ssh_key=None): - """Fill in common hg arguments, encapsulating logic checks that - depend on mercurial versions and provided arguments - """ - args = [] - if ssh_username or ssh_key: - opt = ['-e', 'ssh'] - if ssh_username: - opt[1] += ' -l %s' % ssh_username - if ssh_key: - opt[1] += ' -i %s' % ssh_key - args.extend(opt) - if revision: - args.extend(['-r', revision]) - elif branch: - if self.hg_ver() >= (1, 6, 0): - args.extend(['-b', branch]) - return args - - def pull(self, repo, dest, update_dest=True, **kwargs): - """Pulls changes from hg repo and places it in `dest`. - - If `revision` is set, only the specified revision and its ancestors - will be pulled. - - If `update_dest` is set, then `dest` will be updated to `revision` - if set, otherwise to `branch`, otherwise to the head of default. - """ - msg = "Pulling %s to %s" % (repo, dest) - if update_dest: - msg += " and updating" - self.info("%s." % msg) - if not os.path.exists(dest): - # Error or clone? - # If error, should we have a halt_on_error=False above? - self.error("Can't hg pull in nonexistent directory %s." % dest) - return -1 - # Convert repo to an absolute path if it's a local repository - repo = self._make_absolute(repo) - cmd = self.hg + ['pull'] - cmd.extend(self.common_args(**kwargs)) - cmd.append(repo) - output_timeout = self.config.get("vcs_output_timeout", - self.vcs_config.get("output_timeout")) - if self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dest, error_list=HgErrorList, - output_timeout=output_timeout) != 0: - raise VCSException("Can't pull in %s!" % dest) - - if update_dest: - branch = self.vcs_config.get('branch') - revision = self.vcs_config.get('revision') - return self.update(dest, branch=branch, revision=revision) - - # Defines the places of attributes in the tuples returned by `out' - - def out(self, src, remote, **kwargs): - """Check for outgoing changesets present in a repo""" - self.info("Checking for outgoing changesets from %s to %s." % (src, remote)) - cmd = self.hg + ['-q', 'out', '--template', '{node} {branches}\n'] - cmd.extend(self.common_args(**kwargs)) - cmd.append(remote) - if os.path.exists(src): - try: - revs = [] - for line in self.get_output_from_command(cmd, cwd=src, throw_exception=True).rstrip().split("\n"): - try: - rev, branch = line.split() - # Mercurial displays no branch at all if the revision - # is on "default" - except ValueError: - rev = line.rstrip() - branch = "default" - revs.append((rev, branch)) - return revs - except subprocess.CalledProcessError, inst: - # In some situations, some versions of Mercurial return "1" - # if no changes are found, so we need to ignore this return - # code - if inst.returncode == 1: - return [] - raise - - def push(self, src, remote, push_new_branches=True, **kwargs): - # This doesn't appear to work with hg_ver < (1, 6, 0). - # Error out, or let you try? - self.info("Pushing new changes from %s to %s." % (src, remote)) - cmd = self.hg + ['push'] - cmd.extend(self.common_args(**kwargs)) - if push_new_branches and self.hg_ver() >= (1, 6, 0): - cmd.append('--new-branch') - cmd.append(remote) - status = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=src, error_list=HgErrorList, success_codes=(0, 1), - return_type="num_errors") - if status: - raise VCSException("Can't push %s to %s!" % (src, remote)) - return status - - @property - def robustcheckout_path(self): - """Path to the robustcheckout extension.""" - ext = os.path.join(external_tools_path, 'robustcheckout.py') - if os.path.exists(ext): - return ext - - def ensure_repo_and_revision(self): - """Makes sure that `dest` is has `revision` or `branch` checked out - from `repo`. - - Do what it takes to make that happen, including possibly clobbering - dest. - """ - c = self.vcs_config - dest = c['dest'] - repo_url = c['repo'] - rev = c.get('revision') - branch = c.get('branch') - purge = c.get('clone_with_purge', False) - upstream = c.get('clone_upstream_url') - - # The API here is kind of bad because we're relying on state in - # self.vcs_config instead of passing arguments. This confuses - # scripts that have multiple repos. This includes the clone_tools() - # step :( - - if not rev and not branch: - self.warning('did not specify revision or branch; assuming "default"') - branch = 'default' - - share_base = c.get('vcs_share_base') or os.environ.get('HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR') - if share_base and c.get('use_vcs_unique_share'): - # Bug 1277041 - update migration scripts to support robustcheckout - # fake a share but don't really share - share_base = os.path.join(share_base, hashlib.md5(dest).hexdigest()) - - # We require shared storage is configured because it guarantees we - # only have 1 local copy of logical repo stores. - if not share_base: - raise VCSException('vcs share base not defined; ' - 'refusing to operate sub-optimally') - - if not self.robustcheckout_path: - raise VCSException('could not find the robustcheckout Mercurial extension') - - # Log HG version and install info to aid debugging. - self.run_command(self.hg + ['--version']) - self.run_command(self.hg + ['debuginstall']) - - args = self.hg + [ - '--config', 'extensions.robustcheckout=%s' % self.robustcheckout_path, - 'robustcheckout', repo_url, dest, '--sharebase', share_base, - ] - if purge: - args.append('--purge') - if upstream: - args.extend(['--upstream', upstream]) - - if rev: - args.extend(['--revision', rev]) - if branch: - args.extend(['--branch', branch]) - - parser = RepositoryUpdateRevisionParser(config=self.config, - log_obj=self.log_obj) - if self.run_command(args, output_parser=parser): - raise VCSException('repo checkout failed!') - - if not parser.revision: - raise VCSException('could not identify revision updated to') - - return parser.revision - - def apply_and_push(self, localrepo, remote, changer, max_attempts=10, - ssh_username=None, ssh_key=None): - """This function calls `changer' to make changes to the repo, and - tries its hardest to get them to the origin repo. `changer' must be - a callable object that receives two arguments: the directory of the - local repository, and the attempt number. This function will push - ALL changesets missing from remote. - """ - self.info("Applying and pushing local changes from %s to %s." % (localrepo, remote)) - assert callable(changer) - branch = self.get_branch_from_path(localrepo) - changer(localrepo, 1) - for n in range(1, max_attempts + 1): - try: - new_revs = self.out(src=localrepo, remote=remote, - ssh_username=ssh_username, - ssh_key=ssh_key) - if len(new_revs) < 1: - raise VCSException("No revs to push") - self.push(src=localrepo, remote=remote, - ssh_username=ssh_username, - ssh_key=ssh_key) - return - except VCSException, e: - self.debug("Hit error when trying to push: %s" % str(e)) - if n == max_attempts: - self.debug("Tried %d times, giving up" % max_attempts) - for r in reversed(new_revs): - self.run_command(self.hg + ['strip', '-n', r[REVISION]], - cwd=localrepo, error_list=HgErrorList) - raise VCSException("Failed to push") - self.pull(remote, localrepo, update_dest=False, - ssh_username=ssh_username, ssh_key=ssh_key) - # After we successfully rebase or strip away heads the push - # is is attempted again at the start of the loop - try: - self.run_command(self.hg + ['rebase'], cwd=localrepo, - error_list=HgErrorList, - throw_exception=True) - except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: - self.debug("Failed to rebase: %s" % str(e)) - # clean up any hanging rebase. ignore errors if we aren't - # in the middle of a rebase. - self.run_command(self.hg + ['rebase', '--abort'], - cwd=localrepo, success_codes=[0, 255]) - self.update(localrepo, branch=branch) - for r in reversed(new_revs): - self.run_command(self.hg + ['strip', '-n', r[REVISION]], - cwd=localrepo, error_list=HgErrorList) - changer(localrepo, n + 1) - - def cleanOutgoingRevs(self, reponame, remote, username, sshKey): - # TODO retry - self.info("Wiping outgoing local changes from %s to %s." % (reponame, remote)) - outgoingRevs = self.out(src=reponame, remote=remote, - ssh_username=username, ssh_key=sshKey) - for r in reversed(outgoingRevs): - self.run_command(self.hg + ['strip', '-n', r[REVISION]], - cwd=reponame, error_list=HgErrorList) - - def query_pushinfo(self, repository, revision): - """Query the pushdate and pushid of a repository/revision. - This is intended to be used on hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central and - similar. It may or may not work for other hg repositories. - """ - PushInfo = namedtuple('PushInfo', ['pushid', 'pushdate']) - - try: - url = '%s/json-pushes?changeset=%s' % (repository, revision) - self.info('Pushdate URL is: %s' % url) - contents = self.retry(self.load_json_from_url, args=(url,)) - - # The contents should be something like: - # { - # "28537": { - # "changesets": [ - # "1d0a914ae676cc5ed203cdc05c16d8e0c22af7e5", - # ], - # "date": 1428072488, - # "user": "user@mozilla.com" - # } - # } - # - # So we grab the first element ("28537" in this case) and then pull - # out the 'date' field. - pushid = contents.iterkeys().next() - self.info('Pushid is: %s' % pushid) - pushdate = contents[pushid]['date'] - self.info('Pushdate is: %s' % pushdate) - return PushInfo(pushid, pushdate) - - except Exception: - self.exception("Failed to get push info from hg.mozilla.org") - raise - - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/tcvcs.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/tcvcs.py deleted file mode 100644 index 55fca4afd..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/tcvcs.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -import os.path -from mozharness.base.script import ScriptMixin -from mozharness.base.log import LogMixin - -class TcVCS(ScriptMixin, LogMixin): - def __init__(self, log_obj=None, config=None, vcs_config=None, - script_obj=None): - super(TcVCS, self).__init__() - - self.log_obj = log_obj - self.script_obj = script_obj - if config: - self.config = config - else: - self.config = {} - # vcs_config = { - # repo: repository, - # branch: branch, - # revision: revision, - # ssh_username: ssh_username, - # ssh_key: ssh_key, - # } - self.vcs_config = vcs_config - self.tc_vcs = self.query_exe('tc-vcs', return_type='list') - - def ensure_repo_and_revision(self): - """Makes sure that `dest` is has `revision` or `branch` checked out - from `repo`. - - Do what it takes to make that happen, including possibly clobbering - dest. - """ - c = self.vcs_config - for conf_item in ('dest', 'repo'): - assert self.vcs_config[conf_item] - - dest = os.path.abspath(c['dest']) - repo = c['repo'] - branch = c.get('branch', '') - revision = c.get('revision', '') - if revision is None: - revision = '' - base_repo = self.config.get('base_repo', repo) - - cmd = [self.tc_vcs[:][0], 'checkout', dest, base_repo, repo, revision, branch] - self.run_command(cmd) - - cmd = [self.tc_vcs[:][0], 'revision', dest] - return self.get_output_from_command(cmd) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/vcsbase.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/vcsbase.py deleted file mode 100755 index 60ba5b79c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/vcsbase.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Generic VCS support. -""" - -from copy import deepcopy -import os -import sys - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])))) - -from mozharness.base.errors import VCSException -from mozharness.base.log import FATAL -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript -from mozharness.base.vcs.mercurial import MercurialVCS -from mozharness.base.vcs.gittool import GittoolVCS -from mozharness.base.vcs.tcvcs import TcVCS - -# Update this with supported VCS name : VCS object -VCS_DICT = { - 'hg': MercurialVCS, - 'gittool': GittoolVCS, - 'tc-vcs': TcVCS, -} - - -# VCSMixin {{{1 -class VCSMixin(object): - """Basic VCS methods that are vcs-agnostic. - The vcs_class handles all the vcs-specific tasks. - """ - def query_dest(self, kwargs): - if 'dest' in kwargs: - return kwargs['dest'] - dest = os.path.basename(kwargs['repo']) - # Git fun - if dest.endswith('.git'): - dest = dest.replace('.git', '') - return dest - - def _get_revision(self, vcs_obj, dest): - try: - got_revision = vcs_obj.ensure_repo_and_revision() - if got_revision: - return got_revision - except VCSException: - self.rmtree(dest) - raise - - def _get_vcs_class(self, vcs): - vcs = vcs or self.config.get('default_vcs', getattr(self, 'default_vcs', None)) - vcs_class = VCS_DICT.get(vcs) - return vcs_class - - def vcs_checkout(self, vcs=None, error_level=FATAL, **kwargs): - """ Check out a single repo. - """ - c = self.config - vcs_class = self._get_vcs_class(vcs) - if not vcs_class: - self.error("Running vcs_checkout with kwargs %s" % str(kwargs)) - raise VCSException("No VCS set!") - # need a better way to do this. - if 'dest' not in kwargs: - kwargs['dest'] = self.query_dest(kwargs) - if 'vcs_share_base' not in kwargs: - kwargs['vcs_share_base'] = c.get('%s_share_base' % vcs, c.get('vcs_share_base')) - vcs_obj = vcs_class( - log_obj=self.log_obj, - config=self.config, - vcs_config=kwargs, - script_obj=self, - ) - return self.retry( - self._get_revision, - error_level=error_level, - error_message="Automation Error: Can't checkout %s!" % kwargs['repo'], - args=(vcs_obj, kwargs['dest']), - ) - - def vcs_checkout_repos(self, repo_list, parent_dir=None, - tag_override=None, **kwargs): - """Check out a list of repos. - """ - orig_dir = os.getcwd() - c = self.config - if not parent_dir: - parent_dir = os.path.join(c['base_work_dir'], c['work_dir']) - self.mkdir_p(parent_dir) - self.chdir(parent_dir) - revision_dict = {} - kwargs_orig = deepcopy(kwargs) - for repo_dict in repo_list: - kwargs = deepcopy(kwargs_orig) - kwargs.update(repo_dict) - if tag_override: - kwargs['branch'] = tag_override - dest = self.query_dest(kwargs) - revision_dict[dest] = {'repo': kwargs['repo']} - revision_dict[dest]['revision'] = self.vcs_checkout(**kwargs) - self.chdir(orig_dir) - return revision_dict - - def vcs_query_pushinfo(self, repository, revision, vcs=None): - """Query the pushid/pushdate of a repository/revision - Returns a namedtuple with "pushid" and "pushdate" elements - """ - vcs_class = self._get_vcs_class(vcs) - if not vcs_class: - raise VCSException("No VCS set in vcs_query_pushinfo!") - vcs_obj = vcs_class( - log_obj=self.log_obj, - config=self.config, - script_obj=self, - ) - return vcs_obj.query_pushinfo(repository, revision) - - -class VCSScript(VCSMixin, BaseScript): - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - super(VCSScript, self).__init__(**kwargs) - - def pull(self, repos=None, parent_dir=None): - repos = repos or self.config.get('repos') - if not repos: - self.info("Pull has nothing to do!") - return - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - parent_dir = parent_dir or dirs['abs_work_dir'] - return self.vcs_checkout_repos(repos, - parent_dir=parent_dir) - - -# Specific VCS stubs {{{1 -# For ease of use. -# This is here instead of mercurial.py because importing MercurialVCS into -# vcsbase from mercurial, and importing VCSScript into mercurial from -# vcsbase, was giving me issues. -class MercurialScript(VCSScript): - default_vcs = 'hg' - - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/vcssync.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/vcssync.py deleted file mode 100644 index ffecb16b7..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/vcssync.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Generic VCS support. -""" - -import os -import smtplib -import sys -import time - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])))) - -from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, INFO -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import VCSScript - - -# VCSSyncScript {{{1 -class VCSSyncScript(VCSScript): - start_time = time.time() - - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - super(VCSSyncScript, self).__init__(**kwargs) - - def notify(self, message=None, fatal=False): - """ Email people in the notify_config (depending on status and failure_only) - """ - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - job_name = c.get('job_name', c.get('conversion_dir', os.getcwd())) - end_time = time.time() - seconds = int(end_time - self.start_time) - self.info("Job took %d seconds." % seconds) - subject = "[vcs2vcs] Successful conversion for %s" % job_name - text = '' - error_contents = '' - max_log_sample_size = c.get('email_max_log_sample_size') # default defined in vcs_sync.py - error_log = os.path.join(dirs['abs_log_dir'], self.log_obj.log_files[ERROR]) - info_log = os.path.join(dirs['abs_log_dir'], self.log_obj.log_files[INFO]) - if os.path.exists(error_log) and os.path.getsize(error_log) > 0: - error_contents = self.get_output_from_command( - ["egrep", "-C5", "^[0-9:]+ +(ERROR|CRITICAL|FATAL) -", info_log], - silent=True, - ) - if fatal: - subject = "[vcs2vcs] Failed conversion for %s" % job_name - text = '' - if len(message) > max_log_sample_size: - text += '*** Message below has been truncated: it was %s characters, and has been reduced to %s characters:\n\n' % (len(message), max_log_sample_size) - text += message[0:max_log_sample_size] + '\n\n' # limit message to max_log_sample_size in size (large emails fail to send) - if not self.successful_repos: - subject = "[vcs2vcs] Successful no-op conversion for %s" % job_name - if error_contents and not fatal: - subject += " with warnings" - if self.successful_repos: - if len(self.successful_repos) <= 5: - subject += ' (' + ','.join(self.successful_repos) + ')' - else: - text += "Successful repos: %s\n\n" % ', '.join(self.successful_repos) - subject += ' (%ds)' % seconds - if self.summary_list: - text += 'Summary is non-zero:\n\n' - for item in self.summary_list: - text += '%s - %s\n' % (item['level'], item['message']) - if not fatal and error_contents and not self.summary_list: - text += 'Summary is empty; the below errors have probably been auto-corrected.\n\n' - if error_contents: - if len(error_contents) > max_log_sample_size: - text += '\n*** Message below has been truncated: it was %s characters, and has been reduced to %s characters:\n' % (len(error_contents), max_log_sample_size) - text += '\n%s\n\n' % error_contents[0:max_log_sample_size] # limit message to 100KB in size (large emails fail to send) - if not text: - subject += " <EOM>" - for notify_config in c.get('notify_config', []): - if not fatal: - if notify_config.get('failure_only'): - self.info("Skipping notification for %s (failure_only)" % notify_config['to']) - continue - if not text and notify_config.get('skip_empty_messages'): - self.info("Skipping notification for %s (skip_empty_messages)" % notify_config['to']) - continue - fromaddr = notify_config.get('from', c['default_notify_from']) - message = '\r\n'.join(( - "From: %s" % fromaddr, - "To: %s" % notify_config['to'], - "CC: %s" % ','.join(notify_config.get('cc', [])), - "Subject: %s" % subject, - "", - text - )) - toaddrs = [notify_config['to']] + notify_config.get('cc', []) - # TODO allow for a different smtp server - # TODO deal with failures - server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') - self.retry( - server.sendmail, - args=(fromaddr, toaddrs, message), - ) - server.quit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/python/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/python/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/python/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/python/authentication.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/python/authentication.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2e5f83f37..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/python/authentication.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -"""module for http authentication operations""" -import getpass -import os - -CREDENTIALS_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.mozilla/credentials.cfg") -DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(CREDENTIALS_PATH) -LDAP_PASSWORD = None - -def get_credentials(): - """ Returns http credentials. - - The user's email address is stored on disk (for convenience in the future) - while the password is requested from the user on first invocation. - """ - global LDAP_PASSWORD - if not os.path.exists(DIRNAME): - os.makedirs(DIRNAME) - - if os.path.isfile(CREDENTIALS_PATH): - with open(CREDENTIALS_PATH, 'r') as file_handler: - content = file_handler.read().splitlines() - - https_username = content[0].strip() - - if len(content) > 1: - # We want to remove files which contain the password - os.remove(CREDENTIALS_PATH) - else: - https_username = \ - raw_input("Please enter your full LDAP email address: ") - - with open(CREDENTIALS_PATH, "w+") as file_handler: - file_handler.write("%s\n" % https_username) - - os.chmod(CREDENTIALS_PATH, 0600) - - if not LDAP_PASSWORD: - print "Please enter your LDAP password (we won't store it):" - LDAP_PASSWORD = getpass.getpass() - - return https_username, LDAP_PASSWORD - -def get_credentials_path(): - if os.path.isfile(CREDENTIALS_PATH): - get_credentials() - - return CREDENTIALS_PATH diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/aws.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/aws.py deleted file mode 100644 index 264c39037..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/aws.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -import os - - -def pop_aws_auth_from_env(): - """ - retrieves aws creds and deletes them from os.environ if present. - """ - aws_key_id = os.environ.pop("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", None) - aws_secret_key = os.environ.pop("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", None) - - return aws_key_id, aws_secret_key diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/blob_upload.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/blob_upload.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1607ddf99..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/blob_upload.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -import os - -from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin -from mozharness.base.script import PostScriptRun - -blobupload_config_options = [ - [["--blob-upload-branch"], - {"dest": "blob_upload_branch", - "help": "Branch for blob server's metadata", - }], - [["--blob-upload-server"], - {"dest": "blob_upload_servers", - "action": "extend", - "help": "Blob servers's location", - }] - ] - - -class BlobUploadMixin(VirtualenvMixin): - """Provides mechanism to automatically upload files written in - MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR to the blobber upload server at the end of the - running script. - - This is dependent on ScriptMixin and BuildbotMixin. - The testing script inheriting this class is to specify as cmdline - options the <blob-upload-branch> and <blob-upload-server> - - """ - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - requirements = [ - 'blobuploader==1.2.4', - ] - super(BlobUploadMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) - for req in requirements: - self.register_virtualenv_module(req, method='pip') - - def upload_blobber_files(self): - self.debug("Check branch and server cmdline options.") - if self.config.get('blob_upload_branch') and \ - (self.config.get('blob_upload_servers') or - self.config.get('default_blob_upload_servers')) and \ - self.config.get('blob_uploader_auth_file'): - - self.info("Blob upload gear active.") - upload = [self.query_python_path(), self.query_python_path("blobberc.py")] - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.debug("Get the directory from which to upload the files.") - if dirs.get('abs_blob_upload_dir'): - blob_dir = dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - else: - self.warning("Couldn't find the blob upload folder's path!") - return - - if not os.path.isdir(blob_dir): - self.warning("Blob upload directory does not exist!") - return - - if not os.listdir(blob_dir): - self.info("There are no files to upload in the directory. " - "Skipping the blob upload mechanism ...") - return - - self.info("Preparing to upload files from %s." % blob_dir) - auth_file = self.config.get('blob_uploader_auth_file') - if not os.path.isfile(auth_file): - self.warning("Could not find the credentials files!") - return - blob_branch = self.config.get('blob_upload_branch') - blob_servers_list = self.config.get('blob_upload_servers', - self.config.get('default_blob_upload_servers')) - - servers = [] - for server in blob_servers_list: - servers.extend(['-u', server]) - auth = ['-a', auth_file] - branch = ['-b', blob_branch] - dir_to_upload = ['-d', blob_dir] - # We want blobberc to tell us if a summary file was uploaded through this manifest file - manifest_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'uploaded_files.json') - record_uploaded_files = ['--output-manifest', manifest_path] - self.info("Files from %s are to be uploaded with <%s> branch at " - "the following location(s): %s" % (blob_dir, blob_branch, - ", ".join(["%s" % s for s in blob_servers_list]))) - - # call blob client to upload files to server - self.run_command(upload + servers + auth + branch + dir_to_upload + record_uploaded_files) - - uploaded_files = '{}' - if os.path.isfile(manifest_path): - with open(manifest_path, 'r') as f: - uploaded_files = f.read() - self.rmtree(manifest_path) - - self.set_buildbot_property(prop_name='blobber_files', - prop_value=uploaded_files, write_to_file=True) - else: - self.warning("Blob upload gear skipped. Missing cmdline options.") - - @PostScriptRun - def _upload_blobber_files(self): - self.upload_blobber_files() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/bouncer/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/bouncer/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/bouncer/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/bouncer/submitter.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/bouncer/submitter.py deleted file mode 100644 index 43983dca8..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/bouncer/submitter.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -import base64 -import httplib -import socket -import sys -import traceback -import urllib -import urllib2 -from xml.dom.minidom import parseString - -from mozharness.base.log import FATAL - - -class BouncerSubmitterMixin(object): - def query_credentials(self): - if self.credentials: - return self.credentials - global_dict = {} - local_dict = {} - execfile(self.config["credentials_file"], global_dict, local_dict) - self.credentials = (local_dict["tuxedoUsername"], - local_dict["tuxedoPassword"]) - return self.credentials - - def api_call(self, route, data, error_level=FATAL, retry_config=None): - retry_args = dict( - failure_status=None, - retry_exceptions=(urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError, - httplib.BadStatusLine, - socket.timeout, socket.error), - error_message="call to %s failed" % (route), - error_level=error_level, - ) - - if retry_config: - retry_args.update(retry_config) - - return self.retry( - self._api_call, - args=(route, data), - **retry_args - ) - - def _api_call(self, route, data): - api_prefix = self.config["bouncer-api-prefix"] - api_url = "%s/%s" % (api_prefix, route) - request = urllib2.Request(api_url) - if data: - post_data = urllib.urlencode(data, doseq=True) - request.add_data(post_data) - self.info("POST data: %s" % post_data) - credentials = self.query_credentials() - if credentials: - auth = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % credentials) - request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % auth.strip()) - try: - self.info("Submitting to %s" % api_url) - res = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=60).read() - self.info("Server response") - self.info(res) - return res - except urllib2.HTTPError as e: - self.warning("Cannot access %s" % api_url) - traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) - self.warning("Returned page source:") - self.warning(e.read()) - raise - except urllib2.URLError: - traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) - self.warning("Cannot access %s" % api_url) - raise - except socket.timeout as e: - self.warning("Timed out accessing %s: %s" % (api_url, e)) - raise - except socket.error as e: - self.warning("Socket error when accessing %s: %s" % (api_url, e)) - raise - except httplib.BadStatusLine as e: - self.warning('BadStatusLine accessing %s: %s' % (api_url, e)) - raise - - def product_exists(self, product_name): - self.info("Checking if %s already exists" % product_name) - res = self.api_call("product_show?product=%s" % - urllib.quote(product_name), data=None) - try: - xml = parseString(res) - # API returns <products/> if the product doesn't exist - products_found = len(xml.getElementsByTagName("product")) - self.info("Products found: %s" % products_found) - return bool(products_found) - except Exception as e: - self.warning("Error parsing XML: %s" % e) - self.warning("Assuming %s does not exist" % product_name) - # ignore XML parsing errors - return False - - def api_add_product(self, product_name, add_locales, ssl_only=False): - data = { - "product": product_name, - } - if self.locales and add_locales: - data["languages"] = self.locales - if ssl_only: - # Send "true" as a string - data["ssl_only"] = "true" - self.api_call("product_add/", data) - - def api_add_location(self, product_name, bouncer_platform, path): - data = { - "product": product_name, - "os": bouncer_platform, - "path": path, - } - self.api_call("location_add/", data) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/buildbot.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/buildbot.py deleted file mode 100755 index e17343633..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/buildbot.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Code to tie into buildbot. -Ideally this will go away if and when we retire buildbot. -""" - -import copy -import os -import re -import sys - -try: - import simplejson as json - assert json -except ImportError: - import json - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.config import parse_config_file -from mozharness.base.log import INFO, WARNING, ERROR - -# BuildbotMixin {{{1 - -TBPL_SUCCESS = 'SUCCESS' -TBPL_WARNING = 'WARNING' -TBPL_FAILURE = 'FAILURE' -TBPL_EXCEPTION = 'EXCEPTION' -TBPL_RETRY = 'RETRY' -TBPL_STATUS_DICT = { - TBPL_SUCCESS: INFO, - TBPL_WARNING: WARNING, - TBPL_FAILURE: ERROR, - TBPL_EXCEPTION: ERROR, - TBPL_RETRY: WARNING, -} -EXIT_STATUS_DICT = { - TBPL_SUCCESS: 0, - TBPL_WARNING: 1, - TBPL_FAILURE: 2, - TBPL_EXCEPTION: 3, - TBPL_RETRY: 4, -} -TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE = (TBPL_RETRY, TBPL_EXCEPTION, TBPL_FAILURE, - TBPL_WARNING, TBPL_SUCCESS) - - -class BuildbotMixin(object): - buildbot_config = None - buildbot_properties = {} - worst_buildbot_status = TBPL_SUCCESS - - def read_buildbot_config(self): - c = self.config - if not c.get("buildbot_json_path"): - # If we need to fail out, add postflight_read_buildbot_config() - self.info("buildbot_json_path is not set. Skipping...") - else: - # TODO try/except? - self.buildbot_config = parse_config_file(c['buildbot_json_path']) - buildbot_properties = copy.deepcopy(self.buildbot_config.get('properties', {})) - if 'commit_titles' in buildbot_properties: - # Remove the commit messages since they can cause false positives with - # Treeherder log parsers. Eg: "Bug X - Fix TEST-UNEPXECTED-FAIL ...". - del buildbot_properties['commit_titles'] - self.info("Using buildbot properties:") - self.info(json.dumps(buildbot_properties, indent=4)) - - def tryserver_email(self): - pass - - def buildbot_status(self, tbpl_status, level=None, set_return_code=True): - if tbpl_status not in TBPL_STATUS_DICT: - self.error("buildbot_status() doesn't grok the status %s!" % tbpl_status) - else: - # Set failure if our log > buildbot_max_log_size (bug 876159) - if self.config.get("buildbot_max_log_size") and self.log_obj: - # Find the path to the default log - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - log_file = os.path.join( - dirs['abs_log_dir'], - self.log_obj.log_files[self.log_obj.log_level] - ) - if os.path.exists(log_file): - file_size = os.path.getsize(log_file) - if file_size > self.config['buildbot_max_log_size']: - self.error("Log file size %d is greater than max allowed %d! Setting TBPL_FAILURE (was %s)..." % (file_size, self.config['buildbot_max_log_size'], tbpl_status)) - tbpl_status = TBPL_FAILURE - if not level: - level = TBPL_STATUS_DICT[tbpl_status] - self.worst_buildbot_status = self.worst_level(tbpl_status, self.worst_buildbot_status, TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE) - if self.worst_buildbot_status != tbpl_status: - self.info("Current worst status %s is worse; keeping it." % self.worst_buildbot_status) - self.add_summary("# TBPL %s #" % self.worst_buildbot_status, level=level) - if set_return_code: - self.return_code = EXIT_STATUS_DICT[self.worst_buildbot_status] - - def set_buildbot_property(self, prop_name, prop_value, write_to_file=False): - self.info("Setting buildbot property %s to %s" % (prop_name, prop_value)) - self.buildbot_properties[prop_name] = prop_value - if write_to_file: - return self.dump_buildbot_properties(prop_list=[prop_name], file_name=prop_name) - return self.buildbot_properties[prop_name] - - def query_buildbot_property(self, prop_name): - return self.buildbot_properties.get(prop_name) - - def query_is_nightly(self): - """returns whether or not the script should run as a nightly build. - - First will check for 'nightly_build' in self.config and if that is - not True, we will also allow buildbot_config to determine - for us. Failing all of that, we default to False. - Note, dependancy on buildbot_config is being deprecated. - Putting everything in self.config is the preference. - """ - if self.config.get('nightly_build'): - return True - elif self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: - return self.buildbot_config['properties'].get('nightly_build', False) - else: - return False - - def dump_buildbot_properties(self, prop_list=None, file_name="properties", error_level=ERROR): - c = self.config - if not os.path.isabs(file_name): - file_name = os.path.join(c['base_work_dir'], "properties", file_name) - dir_name = os.path.dirname(file_name) - if not os.path.isdir(dir_name): - self.mkdir_p(dir_name) - if not prop_list: - prop_list = self.buildbot_properties.keys() - self.info("Writing buildbot properties to %s" % file_name) - else: - if not isinstance(prop_list, (list, tuple)): - self.log("dump_buildbot_properties: Can't dump non-list prop_list %s!" % str(prop_list), level=error_level) - return - self.info("Writing buildbot properties %s to %s" % (str(prop_list), file_name)) - contents = "" - for prop in prop_list: - contents += "%s:%s\n" % (prop, self.buildbot_properties.get(prop, "None")) - return self.write_to_file(file_name, contents) - - def invoke_sendchange(self, downloadables=None, branch=None, - username="sendchange-unittest", sendchange_props=None): - """ Generic sendchange, currently b2g- and unittest-specific. - """ - c = self.config - buildbot = self.query_exe("buildbot", return_type="list") - if branch is None: - if c.get("debug_build"): - platform = re.sub('[_-]debug', '', self.buildbot_config["properties"]["platform"]) - branch = '%s-%s-debug-unittest' % (self.buildbot_config["properties"]["branch"], platform) - else: - branch = '%s-%s-opt-unittest' % (self.buildbot_config["properties"]["branch"], self.buildbot_config["properties"]["platform"]) - sendchange = [ - 'sendchange', - '--master', c.get("sendchange_masters")[0], - '--username', username, - '--branch', branch, - ] - if self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp'].get("revision"): - sendchange += ['-r', self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']["revision"]] - if len(self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes']) > 0: - if self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes'][0].get('who'): - sendchange += ['--username', self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes'][0]['who']] - if self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes'][0].get('comments'): - sendchange += ['--comments', self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes'][0]['comments'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')] - if sendchange_props: - for key, value in sendchange_props.iteritems(): - sendchange.extend(['--property', '%s:%s' % (key, value)]) - else: - if self.buildbot_config["properties"].get("builduid"): - sendchange += ['--property', "builduid:%s" % self.buildbot_config["properties"]["builduid"]] - sendchange += [ - '--property', "buildid:%s" % self.query_buildid(), - '--property', 'pgo_build:False', - ] - - for d in downloadables: - sendchange += [d] - - retcode = self.run_command(buildbot + sendchange) - if retcode != 0: - self.info("The sendchange failed but we don't want to turn the build orange: %s" % retcode) - - def query_build_name(self): - build_name = self.config.get('platform') - if not build_name: - self.fatal('Must specify "platform" in the mozharness config for indexing') - - return build_name - - def query_build_type(self): - if self.config.get('build_type'): - build_type = self.config['build_type'] - elif self.config.get('pgo_build'): - build_type = 'pgo' - elif self.config.get('debug_build', False): - build_type = 'debug' - else: - build_type = 'opt' - return build_type - - def buildid_to_dict(self, buildid): - """Returns an dict with the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second - as keys, as parsed from the buildid""" - buildidDict = {} - try: - # strptime is no good here because it strips leading zeros - buildidDict['year'] = buildid[0:4] - buildidDict['month'] = buildid[4:6] - buildidDict['day'] = buildid[6:8] - buildidDict['hour'] = buildid[8:10] - buildidDict['minute'] = buildid[10:12] - buildidDict['second'] = buildid[12:14] - except: - self.fatal('Could not parse buildid into YYYYMMDDHHMMSS: %s' % buildid) - return buildidDict - - def query_who(self): - """ looks for who triggered the build with a change. - - This is used for things like try builds where the upload dir is - associated with who pushed to try. First it will look in self.config - and failing that, will poll buildbot_config - If nothing is found, it will default to returning "nobody@example.com" - """ - if self.config.get('who'): - return self.config['who'] - self.read_buildbot_config() - try: - return self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes'][0]['who'] - except (KeyError, IndexError): - # KeyError: "sourcestamp" or "changes" or "who" not in buildbot_config - # IndexError: buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes'] is empty - pass - try: - return str(self.buildbot_config['properties']['who']) - except KeyError: - pass - return "nobody@example.com" diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/buildbase.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/buildbase.py deleted file mode 100755 index 9fd507816..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/buildbase.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2153 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -""" buildbase.py. - -provides a base class for fx desktop builds -author: Jordan Lund - -""" -import json - -import os -import pprint -import subprocess -import time -import uuid -import copy -import glob -import shlex -from itertools import chain - -# import the power of mozharness ;) -import sys -from datetime import datetime -import re -from mozharness.base.config import BaseConfig, parse_config_file -from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, OutputParser, FATAL -from mozharness.base.script import PostScriptRun -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import ( - BuildbotMixin, - EXIT_STATUS_DICT, - TBPL_STATUS_DICT, - TBPL_EXCEPTION, - TBPL_FAILURE, - TBPL_RETRY, - TBPL_WARNING, - TBPL_SUCCESS, - TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE, -) -from mozharness.mozilla.purge import PurgeMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.mock import MockMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.secrets import SecretsMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.signing import SigningMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.mock import ERROR_MSGS as MOCK_ERROR_MSGS -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import TinderBoxPrintRe -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import tbox_print_summary -from mozharness.mozilla.updates.balrog import BalrogMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.taskcluster_helper import Taskcluster -from mozharness.base.python import ( - PerfherderResourceOptionsMixin, - VirtualenvMixin, -) - -AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES = EXIT_STATUS_DICT.values() -AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES.sort() - -MISSING_CFG_KEY_MSG = "The key '%s' could not be determined \ -Please add this to your config." - -ERROR_MSGS = { - 'undetermined_repo_path': 'The repo could not be determined. \ -Please make sure that either "repo" is in your config or, if \ -you are running this in buildbot, "repo_path" is in your buildbot_config.', - 'comments_undetermined': '"comments" could not be determined. This may be \ -because it was a forced build.', - 'tooltool_manifest_undetermined': '"tooltool_manifest_src" not set, \ -Skipping run_tooltool...', -} -ERROR_MSGS.update(MOCK_ERROR_MSGS) - - -### Output Parsers - -TBPL_UPLOAD_ERRORS = [ - { - 'regex': re.compile("Connection timed out"), - 'level': TBPL_RETRY, - }, - { - 'regex': re.compile("Connection reset by peer"), - 'level': TBPL_RETRY, - }, - { - 'regex': re.compile("Connection refused"), - 'level': TBPL_RETRY, - } -] - - -class MakeUploadOutputParser(OutputParser): - tbpl_error_list = TBPL_UPLOAD_ERRORS - # let's create a switch case using name-spaces/dict - # rather than a long if/else with duplicate code - property_conditions = [ - # key: property name, value: condition - ('symbolsUrl', "m.endswith('crashreporter-symbols.zip') or " - "m.endswith('crashreporter-symbols-full.zip')"), - ('testsUrl', "m.endswith(('tests.tar.bz2', 'tests.zip'))"), - ('jsshellUrl', "'jsshell-' in m and m.endswith('.zip')"), - ('partialMarUrl', "m.endswith('.mar') and '.partial.' in m"), - ('completeMarUrl', "m.endswith('.mar')"), - ('codeCoverageUrl', "m.endswith('code-coverage-gcno.zip')"), - ] - - def __init__(self, use_package_as_marfile=False, package_filename=None, **kwargs): - super(MakeUploadOutputParser, self).__init__(**kwargs) - self.matches = {} - self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS - self.use_package_as_marfile = use_package_as_marfile - self.package_filename = package_filename - - def parse_single_line(self, line): - prop_assigned = False - pat = r'''^(https?://.*?\.(?:tar\.bz2|dmg|zip|apk|rpm|mar|tar\.gz))$''' - m = re.compile(pat).match(line) - if m: - m = m.group(1) - for prop, condition in self.property_conditions: - if eval(condition): - self.matches[prop] = m - prop_assigned = True - break - if not prop_assigned: - # if we found a match but haven't identified the prop then this - # is the packageURL. Alternatively, if we already know the - # package filename, then use that explicitly so we don't pick up - # just any random file and assume it's the package. - if not self.package_filename or m.endswith(self.package_filename): - self.matches['packageUrl'] = m - - # For android builds, the package is also used as the mar file. - # Grab the first one, since that is the one in the - # nightly/YYYY/MM directory - if self.use_package_as_marfile: - if 'tinderbox-builds' in m or 'nightly/latest-' in m: - self.info("Skipping wrong packageUrl: %s" % m) - else: - if 'completeMarUrl' in self.matches: - self.fatal("Found multiple package URLs. Please update buildbase.py") - self.info("Using package as mar file: %s" % m) - self.matches['completeMarUrl'] = m - u, self.package_filename = os.path.split(m) - - if self.use_package_as_marfile and self.package_filename: - # The checksum file is also dumped during 'make upload'. Look - # through here to get the hash and filesize of the android package - # for balrog submission. - pat = r'''^([^ ]*) sha512 ([0-9]*) %s$''' % self.package_filename - m = re.compile(pat).match(line) - if m: - self.matches['completeMarHash'] = m.group(1) - self.matches['completeMarSize'] = m.group(2) - self.info("Using package as mar file and found package hash=%s size=%s" % (m.group(1), m.group(2))) - - # now let's check for retry errors which will give log levels: - # tbpl status as RETRY and mozharness status as WARNING - for error_check in self.tbpl_error_list: - if error_check['regex'].search(line): - self.num_warnings += 1 - self.warning(line) - self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level( - error_check['level'], self.tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE - ) - break - else: - self.info(line) - - -class CheckTestCompleteParser(OutputParser): - tbpl_error_list = TBPL_UPLOAD_ERRORS - - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - self.matches = {} - super(CheckTestCompleteParser, self).__init__(**kwargs) - self.pass_count = 0 - self.fail_count = 0 - self.leaked = False - self.harness_err_re = TinderBoxPrintRe['harness_error']['full_regex'] - self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS - - def parse_single_line(self, line): - # Counts and flags. - # Regular expression for crash and leak detections. - if "TEST-PASS" in line: - self.pass_count += 1 - return self.info(line) - if "TEST-UNEXPECTED-" in line: - # Set the error flags. - # Or set the failure count. - m = self.harness_err_re.match(line) - if m: - r = m.group(1) - if r == "missing output line for total leaks!": - self.leaked = None - else: - self.leaked = True - self.fail_count += 1 - return self.warning(line) - self.info(line) # else - - def evaluate_parser(self, return_code, success_codes=None): - success_codes = success_codes or [0] - - if self.num_errors: # ran into a script error - self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level(TBPL_FAILURE, self.tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE) - - if self.fail_count > 0: - self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level(TBPL_WARNING, self.tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE) - - # Account for the possibility that no test summary was output. - if self.pass_count == 0 and self.fail_count == 0: - self.error('No tests run or test summary not found') - self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level(TBPL_WARNING, self.tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE) - - if return_code not in success_codes: - self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level(TBPL_FAILURE, self.tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE) - - # Print the summary. - summary = tbox_print_summary(self.pass_count, - self.fail_count, - self.leaked) - self.info("TinderboxPrint: check<br/>%s\n" % summary) - - return self.tbpl_status - - -class BuildingConfig(BaseConfig): - # TODO add nosetests for this class - def get_cfgs_from_files(self, all_config_files, options): - """ - Determine the configuration from the normal options and from - `--branch`, `--build-pool`, and `--custom-build-variant-cfg`. If the - files for any of the latter options are also given with `--config-file` - or `--opt-config-file`, they are only parsed once. - - The build pool has highest precedence, followed by branch, build - variant, and any normally-specified configuration files. - """ - # override from BaseConfig - - # this is what we will return. It will represent each config - # file name and its associated dict - # eg ('builds/branch_specifics.py', {'foo': 'bar'}) - all_config_dicts = [] - # important config files - variant_cfg_file = branch_cfg_file = pool_cfg_file = '' - - # we want to make the order in which the options were given - # not matter. ie: you can supply --branch before --build-pool - # or vice versa and the hierarchy will not be different - - #### The order from highest precedence to lowest is: - ## There can only be one of these... - # 1) build_pool: this can be either staging, pre-prod, and prod cfgs - # 2) branch: eg: mozilla-central, cedar, cypress, etc - # 3) build_variant: these could be known like asan and debug - # or a custom config - ## - ## There can be many of these - # 4) all other configs: these are any configs that are passed with - # --cfg and --opt-cfg. There order is kept in - # which they were passed on the cmd line. This - # behaviour is maintains what happens by default - # in mozharness - ## - #### - - # so, let's first assign the configs that hold a known position of - # importance (1 through 3) - for i, cf in enumerate(all_config_files): - if options.build_pool: - if cf == BuildOptionParser.build_pool_cfg_file: - pool_cfg_file = all_config_files[i] - - if cf == BuildOptionParser.branch_cfg_file: - branch_cfg_file = all_config_files[i] - - if cf == options.build_variant: - variant_cfg_file = all_config_files[i] - - # now remove these from the list if there was any. - # we couldn't pop() these in the above loop as mutating a list while - # iterating through it causes spurious results :) - for cf in [pool_cfg_file, branch_cfg_file, variant_cfg_file]: - if cf: - all_config_files.remove(cf) - - # now let's update config with the remaining config files. - # this functionality is the same as the base class - all_config_dicts.extend( - super(BuildingConfig, self).get_cfgs_from_files(all_config_files, - options) - ) - - # stack variant, branch, and pool cfg files on top of that, - # if they are present, in that order - if variant_cfg_file: - # take the whole config - all_config_dicts.append( - (variant_cfg_file, parse_config_file(variant_cfg_file)) - ) - if branch_cfg_file: - # take only the specific branch, if present - branch_configs = parse_config_file(branch_cfg_file) - if branch_configs.get(options.branch or ""): - all_config_dicts.append( - (branch_cfg_file, branch_configs[options.branch]) - ) - if pool_cfg_file: - # take only the specific pool. If we are here, the pool - # must be present - build_pool_configs = parse_config_file(pool_cfg_file) - all_config_dicts.append( - (pool_cfg_file, build_pool_configs[options.build_pool]) - ) - return all_config_dicts - - -# noinspection PyUnusedLocal -class BuildOptionParser(object): - # TODO add nosetests for this class - platform = None - bits = None - config_file_search_path = [ - '.', os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..', 'configs'), - os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..', '..', 'configs') - ] - - # add to this list and you can automagically do things like - # --custom-build-variant-cfg asan - # and the script will pull up the appropriate path for the config - # against the current platform and bits. - # *It will warn and fail if there is not a config for the current - # platform/bits - build_variants = { - 'add-on-devel': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_add-on-devel.py', - 'asan': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_asan.py', - 'asan-tc': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_asan_tc.py', - 'tsan': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_tsan.py', - 'cross-debug': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_cross_debug.py', - 'cross-opt': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_cross_opt.py', - 'cross-universal': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_cross_universal.py', - 'debug': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_debug.py', - 'asan-and-debug': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_asan_and_debug.py', - 'asan-tc-and-debug': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_asan_tc_and_debug.py', - 'stat-and-debug': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_stat_and_debug.py', - 'code-coverage': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_code_coverage.py', - 'source': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_source.py', - 'api-15-gradle-dependencies': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_api_15_gradle_dependencies.py', - 'api-15': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_api_15.py', - 'api-15-debug': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_api_15_debug.py', - 'api-15-gradle': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_api_15_gradle.py', - 'x86': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_x86.py', - 'api-15-partner-sample1': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_api_15_partner_sample1.py', - 'android-test': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_test.py', - 'android-checkstyle': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_checkstyle.py', - 'android-lint': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_lint.py', - 'valgrind' : 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_valgrind.py', - 'artifact': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_artifact.py', - 'debug-artifact': 'builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/%s_debug_artifact.py', - } - build_pool_cfg_file = 'builds/build_pool_specifics.py' - branch_cfg_file = 'builds/branch_specifics.py' - - @classmethod - def _query_pltfrm_and_bits(cls, target_option, options): - """ determine platform and bits - - This can be from either from a supplied --platform and --bits - or parsed from given config file names. - """ - error_msg = ( - 'Whoops!\nYou are trying to pass a shortname for ' - '%s. \nHowever, I need to know the %s to find the appropriate ' - 'filename. You can tell me by passing:\n\t"%s" or a config ' - 'filename via "--config" with %s in it. \nIn either case, these ' - 'option arguments must come before --custom-build-variant.' - ) - current_config_files = options.config_files or [] - if not cls.bits: - # --bits has not been supplied - # lets parse given config file names for 32 or 64 - for cfg_file_name in current_config_files: - if '32' in cfg_file_name: - cls.bits = '32' - break - if '64' in cfg_file_name: - cls.bits = '64' - break - else: - sys.exit(error_msg % (target_option, 'bits', '--bits', - '"32" or "64"')) - - if not cls.platform: - # --platform has not been supplied - # lets parse given config file names for platform - for cfg_file_name in current_config_files: - if 'windows' in cfg_file_name: - cls.platform = 'windows' - break - if 'mac' in cfg_file_name: - cls.platform = 'mac' - break - if 'linux' in cfg_file_name: - cls.platform = 'linux' - break - if 'android' in cfg_file_name: - cls.platform = 'android' - break - else: - sys.exit(error_msg % (target_option, 'platform', '--platform', - '"linux", "windows", "mac", or "android"')) - return cls.bits, cls.platform - - @classmethod - def find_variant_cfg_path(cls, opt, value, parser): - valid_variant_cfg_path = None - # first let's see if we were given a valid short-name - if cls.build_variants.get(value): - bits, pltfrm = cls._query_pltfrm_and_bits(opt, parser.values) - prospective_cfg_path = cls.build_variants[value] % (pltfrm, bits) - else: - # this is either an incomplete path or an invalid key in - # build_variants - prospective_cfg_path = value - - if os.path.exists(prospective_cfg_path): - # now let's see if we were given a valid pathname - valid_variant_cfg_path = value - else: - # let's take our prospective_cfg_path and see if we can - # determine an existing file - for path in cls.config_file_search_path: - if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, prospective_cfg_path)): - # success! we found a config file - valid_variant_cfg_path = os.path.join(path, - prospective_cfg_path) - break - return valid_variant_cfg_path, prospective_cfg_path - - @classmethod - def set_build_variant(cls, option, opt, value, parser): - """ sets an extra config file. - - This is done by either taking an existing filepath or by taking a valid - shortname coupled with known platform/bits. - """ - valid_variant_cfg_path, prospective_cfg_path = cls.find_variant_cfg_path( - '--custom-build-variant-cfg', value, parser) - - if not valid_variant_cfg_path: - # either the value was an indeterminable path or an invalid short - # name - sys.exit("Whoops!\n'--custom-build-variant' was passed but an " - "appropriate config file could not be determined. Tried " - "using: '%s' but it was either not:\n\t-- a valid " - "shortname: %s \n\t-- a valid path in %s \n\t-- a " - "valid variant for the given platform and bits." % ( - prospective_cfg_path, - str(cls.build_variants.keys()), - str(cls.config_file_search_path))) - parser.values.config_files.append(valid_variant_cfg_path) - setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) # the pool - - @classmethod - def set_build_pool(cls, option, opt, value, parser): - # first let's add the build pool file where there may be pool - # specific keys/values. Then let's store the pool name - parser.values.config_files.append(cls.build_pool_cfg_file) - setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) # the pool - - @classmethod - def set_build_branch(cls, option, opt, value, parser): - # first let's add the branch_specific file where there may be branch - # specific keys/values. Then let's store the branch name we are using - parser.values.config_files.append(cls.branch_cfg_file) - setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) # the branch name - - @classmethod - def set_platform(cls, option, opt, value, parser): - cls.platform = value - setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) - - @classmethod - def set_bits(cls, option, opt, value, parser): - cls.bits = value - setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) - - -# this global depends on BuildOptionParser and therefore can not go at the -# top of the file -BUILD_BASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS = [ - [['--developer-run', '--skip-buildbot-actions'], { - "action": "store_false", - "dest": "is_automation", - "default": True, - "help": "If this is running outside of Mozilla's build" - "infrastructure, use this option. It ignores actions" - "that are not needed and adds config checks."}], - [['--platform'], { - "action": "callback", - "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_platform, - "type": "string", - "dest": "platform", - "help": "Sets the platform we are running this against" - " valid values: 'windows', 'mac', 'linux'"}], - [['--bits'], { - "action": "callback", - "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_bits, - "type": "string", - "dest": "bits", - "help": "Sets which bits we are building this against" - " valid values: '32', '64'"}], - [['--custom-build-variant-cfg'], { - "action": "callback", - "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_build_variant, - "type": "string", - "dest": "build_variant", - "help": "Sets the build type and will determine appropriate" - " additional config to use. Either pass a config path" - " or use a valid shortname from: " - "%s" % (BuildOptionParser.build_variants.keys(),)}], - [['--build-pool'], { - "action": "callback", - "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_build_pool, - "type": "string", - "dest": "build_pool", - "help": "This will update the config with specific pool" - " environment keys/values. The dicts for this are" - " in %s\nValid values: staging or" - " production" % ('builds/build_pool_specifics.py',)}], - [['--branch'], { - "action": "callback", - "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_build_branch, - "type": "string", - "dest": "branch", - "help": "This sets the branch we will be building this for." - " If this branch is in branch_specifics.py, update our" - " config with specific keys/values from that. See" - " %s for possibilites" % ( - BuildOptionParser.branch_cfg_file, - )}], - [['--scm-level'], { - "action": "store", - "type": "int", - "dest": "scm_level", - "default": 1, - "help": "This sets the SCM level for the branch being built." - " See https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/" - "governance/policies/commit/access-policy/"}], - [['--enable-pgo'], { - "action": "store_true", - "dest": "pgo_build", - "default": False, - "help": "Sets the build to run in PGO mode"}], - [['--enable-nightly'], { - "action": "store_true", - "dest": "nightly_build", - "default": False, - "help": "Sets the build to run in nightly mode"}], - [['--who'], { - "dest": "who", - "default": '', - "help": "stores who made the created the buildbot change."}], - [["--disable-mock"], { - "dest": "disable_mock", - "action": "store_true", - "help": "do not run under mock despite what gecko-config says", - }], - -] - - -def generate_build_ID(): - return time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime(time.time())) - - -def generate_build_UID(): - return uuid.uuid4().hex - - -class BuildScript(BuildbotMixin, PurgeMixin, MockMixin, BalrogMixin, - SigningMixin, VirtualenvMixin, MercurialScript, - SecretsMixin, PerfherderResourceOptionsMixin): - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - # objdir is referenced in _query_abs_dirs() so let's make sure we - # have that attribute before calling BaseScript.__init__ - self.objdir = None - super(BuildScript, self).__init__(**kwargs) - # epoch is only here to represent the start of the buildbot build - # that this mozharn script came from. until I can grab bbot's - # status.build.gettime()[0] this will have to do as a rough estimate - # although it is about 4s off from the time it would be if it was - # done through MBF. - # TODO find out if that time diff matters or if we just use it to - # separate each build - self.epoch_timestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.now().timetuple())) - self.branch = self.config.get('branch') - self.stage_platform = self.config.get('stage_platform') - if not self.branch or not self.stage_platform: - if not self.branch: - self.error("'branch' not determined and is required") - if not self.stage_platform: - self.error("'stage_platform' not determined and is required") - self.fatal("Please add missing items to your config") - self.repo_path = None - self.buildid = None - self.builduid = None - self.query_buildid() # sets self.buildid - self.query_builduid() # sets self.builduid - self.generated_build_props = False - self.client_id = None - self.access_token = None - - # Call this before creating the virtualenv so that we can support - # substituting config values with other config values. - self.query_build_env() - - # We need to create the virtualenv directly (without using an action) in - # order to use python modules in PreScriptRun/Action listeners - self.create_virtualenv() - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - c = self.config - cfg_files_and_dicts = rw_config.all_cfg_files_and_dicts - build_pool = c.get('build_pool', '') - build_variant = c.get('build_variant', '') - variant_cfg = '' - if build_variant: - variant_cfg = BuildOptionParser.build_variants[build_variant] % ( - BuildOptionParser.platform, - BuildOptionParser.bits - ) - build_pool_cfg = BuildOptionParser.build_pool_cfg_file - branch_cfg = BuildOptionParser.branch_cfg_file - - cfg_match_msg = "Script was run with '%(option)s %(type)s' and \ -'%(type)s' matches a key in '%(type_config_file)s'. Updating self.config with \ -items from that key's value." - pf_override_msg = "The branch '%(branch)s' has custom behavior for the \ -platform '%(platform)s'. Updating self.config with the following from \ -'platform_overrides' found in '%(pf_cfg_file)s':" - - for i, (target_file, target_dict) in enumerate(cfg_files_and_dicts): - if branch_cfg and branch_cfg in target_file: - self.info( - cfg_match_msg % { - 'option': '--branch', - 'type': c['branch'], - 'type_config_file': BuildOptionParser.branch_cfg_file - } - ) - if build_pool_cfg and build_pool_cfg in target_file: - self.info( - cfg_match_msg % { - 'option': '--build-pool', - 'type': build_pool, - 'type_config_file': build_pool_cfg, - } - ) - if variant_cfg and variant_cfg in target_file: - self.info( - cfg_match_msg % { - 'option': '--custom-build-variant-cfg', - 'type': build_variant, - 'type_config_file': variant_cfg, - } - ) - if c.get("platform_overrides"): - if c['stage_platform'] in c['platform_overrides'].keys(): - self.info( - pf_override_msg % { - 'branch': c['branch'], - 'platform': c['stage_platform'], - 'pf_cfg_file': BuildOptionParser.branch_cfg_file - } - ) - branch_pf_overrides = c['platform_overrides'][ - c['stage_platform'] - ] - self.info(pprint.pformat(branch_pf_overrides)) - c.update(branch_pf_overrides) - self.info('To generate a config file based upon options passed and ' - 'config files used, run script as before but extend options ' - 'with "--dump-config"') - self.info('For a diff of where self.config got its items, ' - 'run the script again as before but extend options with: ' - '"--dump-config-hierarchy"') - self.info("Both --dump-config and --dump-config-hierarchy don't " - "actually run any actions.") - - def _assert_cfg_valid_for_action(self, dependencies, action): - """ assert dependency keys are in config for given action. - - Takes a list of dependencies and ensures that each have an - assoctiated key in the config. Displays error messages as - appropriate. - - """ - # TODO add type and value checking, not just keys - # TODO solution should adhere to: bug 699343 - # TODO add this to BaseScript when the above is done - # for now, let's just use this as a way to save typing... - c = self.config - undetermined_keys = [] - err_template = "The key '%s' could not be determined \ -and is needed for the action '%s'. Please add this to your config \ -or run without that action (ie: --no-{action})" - for dep in dependencies: - if dep not in c: - undetermined_keys.append(dep) - if undetermined_keys: - fatal_msgs = [err_template % (key, action) - for key in undetermined_keys] - self.fatal("".join(fatal_msgs)) - # otherwise: - return # all good - - def _query_build_prop_from_app_ini(self, prop, app_ini_path=None): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - print_conf_setting_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_src_dir'], - 'config', - 'printconfigsetting.py') - if not app_ini_path: - # set the default - app_ini_path = dirs['abs_app_ini_path'] - if (os.path.exists(print_conf_setting_path) and - os.path.exists(app_ini_path)): - python = self.query_exe('python2.7') - cmd = [ - python, os.path.join(dirs['abs_src_dir'], 'mach'), 'python', - print_conf_setting_path, app_ini_path, - 'App', prop - ] - env = self.query_build_env() - # dirs['abs_obj_dir'] can be different from env['MOZ_OBJDIR'] on - # mac, and that confuses mach. - del env['MOZ_OBJDIR'] - return self.get_output_from_command_m(cmd, - cwd=dirs['abs_obj_dir'], env=env) - else: - return None - - def query_builduid(self): - c = self.config - if self.builduid: - return self.builduid - - builduid = None - if c.get("is_automation"): - if self.buildbot_config['properties'].get('builduid'): - self.info("Determining builduid from buildbot properties") - builduid = self.buildbot_config['properties']['builduid'].encode( - 'ascii', 'replace' - ) - - if not builduid: - self.info("Creating builduid through uuid hex") - builduid = generate_build_UID() - - if c.get('is_automation'): - self.set_buildbot_property('builduid', - builduid, - write_to_file=True) - self.builduid = builduid - return self.builduid - - def query_buildid(self): - c = self.config - if self.buildid: - return self.buildid - - buildid = None - if c.get("is_automation"): - if self.buildbot_config['properties'].get('buildid'): - self.info("Determining buildid from buildbot properties") - buildid = self.buildbot_config['properties']['buildid'].encode( - 'ascii', 'replace' - ) - else: - # for taskcluster, there are no buildbot properties, and we pass - # MOZ_BUILD_DATE into mozharness as an environment variable, only - # to have it pass the same value out with the same name. - buildid = os.environ.get('MOZ_BUILD_DATE') - - if not buildid: - self.info("Creating buildid through current time") - buildid = generate_build_ID() - - if c.get('is_automation'): - self.set_buildbot_property('buildid', - buildid, - write_to_file=True) - - self.buildid = buildid - return self.buildid - - def _query_objdir(self): - if self.objdir: - return self.objdir - - if not self.config.get('objdir'): - return self.fatal(MISSING_CFG_KEY_MSG % ('objdir',)) - self.objdir = self.config['objdir'] - return self.objdir - - def _query_repo(self): - if self.repo_path: - return self.repo_path - c = self.config - - # we actually supply the repo in mozharness so if it's in - # the config, we use that (automation does not require it in - # buildbot props) - if not c.get('repo_path'): - repo_path = 'projects/%s' % (self.branch,) - self.info( - "repo_path not in config. Using '%s' instead" % (repo_path,) - ) - else: - repo_path = c['repo_path'] - self.repo_path = '%s/%s' % (c['repo_base'], repo_path,) - return self.repo_path - - def _skip_buildbot_specific_action(self): - """ ignore actions from buildbot's infra.""" - self.info("This action is specific to buildbot's infrastructure") - self.info("Skipping......") - return - - def query_is_nightly_promotion(self): - platform_enabled = self.config.get('enable_nightly_promotion') - branch_enabled = self.branch in self.config.get('nightly_promotion_branches') - return platform_enabled and branch_enabled - - def query_build_env(self, **kwargs): - c = self.config - - # let's evoke the base query_env and make a copy of it - # as we don't always want every key below added to the same dict - env = copy.deepcopy( - super(BuildScript, self).query_env(**kwargs) - ) - - # first grab the buildid - env['MOZ_BUILD_DATE'] = self.query_buildid() - - # Set the source repository to what we're building from since - # the default is to query `hg paths` which isn't reliable with pooled - # storage - repo_path = self._query_repo() - assert repo_path - env['MOZ_SOURCE_REPO'] = repo_path - - if self.query_is_nightly() or self.query_is_nightly_promotion(): - if self.query_is_nightly(): - # nightly promotion needs to set update_channel but not do all the 'IS_NIGHTLY' - # automation parts like uploading symbols for now - env["IS_NIGHTLY"] = "yes" - # in branch_specifics.py we might set update_channel explicitly - if c.get('update_channel'): - env["MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL"] = c['update_channel'] - else: # let's just give the generic channel based on branch - env["MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL"] = "nightly-%s" % (self.branch,) - - if self.config.get('pgo_build') or self._compile_against_pgo(): - env['MOZ_PGO'] = '1' - - if c.get('enable_signing'): - if os.environ.get('MOZ_SIGNING_SERVERS'): - moz_sign_cmd = subprocess.list2cmdline( - self.query_moz_sign_cmd(formats=None) - ) - # windows fix. This is passed to mach build env and we call that - # with python, not with bash so we need to fix the slashes here - env['MOZ_SIGN_CMD'] = moz_sign_cmd.replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\') - else: - self.warning("signing disabled because MOZ_SIGNING_SERVERS is not set") - elif 'MOZ_SIGN_CMD' in env: - # Ensure that signing is truly disabled - # MOZ_SIGN_CMD may be defined by default in buildbot (see MozillaBuildFactory) - self.warning("Clearing MOZ_SIGN_CMD because we don't have config['enable_signing']") - del env['MOZ_SIGN_CMD'] - - # to activate the right behaviour in mozonfigs while we transition - if c.get('enable_release_promotion'): - env['ENABLE_RELEASE_PROMOTION'] = "1" - update_channel = c.get('update_channel', self.branch) - self.info("Release promotion update channel: %s" - % (update_channel,)) - env["MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL"] = update_channel - - # we can't make env an attribute of self because env can change on - # every call for reasons like MOZ_SIGN_CMD - return env - - def query_mach_build_env(self, multiLocale=None): - c = self.config - if multiLocale is None and self.query_is_nightly(): - multiLocale = c.get('multi_locale', False) - mach_env = {} - if c.get('upload_env'): - mach_env.update(c['upload_env']) - if 'UPLOAD_HOST' in mach_env and 'stage_server' in c: - mach_env['UPLOAD_HOST'] = mach_env['UPLOAD_HOST'] % { - 'stage_server': c['stage_server'] - } - if 'UPLOAD_USER' in mach_env and 'stage_username' in c: - mach_env['UPLOAD_USER'] = mach_env['UPLOAD_USER'] % { - 'stage_username': c['stage_username'] - } - if 'UPLOAD_SSH_KEY' in mach_env and 'stage_ssh_key' in c: - mach_env['UPLOAD_SSH_KEY'] = mach_env['UPLOAD_SSH_KEY'] % { - 'stage_ssh_key': c['stage_ssh_key'] - } - - # this prevents taskcluster from overwriting the target files with - # the multilocale files. Put everything from the en-US build in a - # separate folder. - if multiLocale and self.config.get('taskcluster_nightly'): - if 'UPLOAD_PATH' in mach_env: - mach_env['UPLOAD_PATH'] = os.path.join(mach_env['UPLOAD_PATH'], - 'en-US') - - # _query_post_upload_cmd returns a list (a cmd list), for env sake here - # let's make it a string - if c.get('is_automation'): - pst_up_cmd = ' '.join([str(i) for i in self._query_post_upload_cmd(multiLocale)]) - mach_env['POST_UPLOAD_CMD'] = pst_up_cmd - - return mach_env - - def _compile_against_pgo(self): - """determines whether a build should be run with pgo even if it is - not a classified as a 'pgo build'. - - requirements: - 1) must be a platform that can run against pgo - 2) either: - a) must be a nightly build - b) must be on a branch that runs pgo if it can everytime - """ - c = self.config - if self.stage_platform in c['pgo_platforms']: - if c.get('branch_uses_per_checkin_strategy') or self.query_is_nightly(): - return True - return False - - def query_check_test_env(self): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - check_test_env = {} - if c.get('check_test_env'): - for env_var, env_value in c['check_test_env'].iteritems(): - check_test_env[env_var] = env_value % dirs - return check_test_env - - def _query_post_upload_cmd(self, multiLocale): - c = self.config - post_upload_cmd = ["post_upload.py"] - buildid = self.query_buildid() - revision = self.query_revision() - platform = self.stage_platform - who = self.query_who() - if c.get('pgo_build'): - platform += '-pgo' - - if c.get('tinderbox_build_dir'): - # TODO find out if we should fail here like we are - if not who and not revision: - self.fatal("post upload failed. --tinderbox-builds-dir could " - "not be determined. 'who' and/or 'revision' unknown") - # branches like try will use 'tinderbox_build_dir - tinderbox_build_dir = c['tinderbox_build_dir'] % { - 'who': who, - 'got_revision': revision - } - else: - # the default - tinderbox_build_dir = "%s-%s" % (self.branch, platform) - - if who and self.branch == 'try': - post_upload_cmd.extend(["--who", who]) - if c.get('include_post_upload_builddir'): - post_upload_cmd.extend( - ["--builddir", "%s-%s" % (self.branch, platform)] - ) - elif multiLocale: - # Android builds with multilocale enabled upload the en-US builds - # to an en-US subdirectory, and the multilocale builds to the - # top-level directory. - post_upload_cmd.extend( - ["--builddir", "en-US"] - ) - - post_upload_cmd.extend(["--tinderbox-builds-dir", tinderbox_build_dir]) - post_upload_cmd.extend(["-p", c['stage_product']]) - post_upload_cmd.extend(['-i', buildid]) - if revision: - post_upload_cmd.extend(['--revision', revision]) - if c.get('to_tinderbox_dated'): - post_upload_cmd.append('--release-to-tinderbox-dated-builds') - if c.get('release_to_try_builds'): - post_upload_cmd.append('--release-to-try-builds') - if self.query_is_nightly(): - if c.get('post_upload_include_platform'): - post_upload_cmd.extend(['-b', '%s-%s' % (self.branch, platform)]) - else: - post_upload_cmd.extend(['-b', self.branch]) - post_upload_cmd.append('--release-to-dated') - if c['platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest']: - post_upload_cmd.append('--release-to-latest') - post_upload_cmd.extend(c.get('post_upload_extra', [])) - - return post_upload_cmd - - def _ccache_z(self): - """clear ccache stats.""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - env = self.query_build_env() - self.run_command(command=['ccache', '-z'], - cwd=dirs['base_work_dir'], - env=env) - - def _ccache_s(self): - """print ccache stats. only done for unix like platforms""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - env = self.query_build_env() - cmd = ['ccache', '-s'] - self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['abs_src_dir'], env=env) - - def _rm_old_package(self): - """rm the old package.""" - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - old_package_paths = [] - old_package_patterns = c.get('old_packages') - - self.info("removing old packages...") - if os.path.exists(dirs['abs_obj_dir']): - for product in old_package_patterns: - old_package_paths.extend( - glob.glob(product % {"objdir": dirs['abs_obj_dir']}) - ) - if old_package_paths: - for package_path in old_package_paths: - self.rmtree(package_path) - else: - self.info("There wasn't any old packages to remove.") - - def _get_mozconfig(self): - """assign mozconfig.""" - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - abs_mozconfig_path = '' - - # first determine the mozconfig path - if c.get('src_mozconfig') and not c.get('src_mozconfig_manifest'): - self.info('Using in-tree mozconfig') - abs_mozconfig_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_src_dir'], c.get('src_mozconfig')) - elif c.get('src_mozconfig_manifest') and not c.get('src_mozconfig'): - self.info('Using mozconfig based on manifest contents') - manifest = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], c['src_mozconfig_manifest']) - if not os.path.exists(manifest): - self.fatal('src_mozconfig_manifest: "%s" not found. Does it exist?' % (manifest,)) - with self.opened(manifest, error_level=ERROR) as (fh, err): - if err: - self.fatal("%s exists but coud not read properties" % manifest) - abs_mozconfig_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_src_dir'], json.load(fh)['gecko_path']) - else: - self.fatal("'src_mozconfig' or 'src_mozconfig_manifest' must be " - "in the config but not both in order to determine the mozconfig.") - - # print its contents - content = self.read_from_file(abs_mozconfig_path, error_level=FATAL) - self.info("mozconfig content:") - self.info(content) - - # finally, copy the mozconfig to a path that 'mach build' expects it to be - self.copyfile(abs_mozconfig_path, os.path.join(dirs['abs_src_dir'], '.mozconfig')) - - # TODO: replace with ToolToolMixin - def _get_tooltool_auth_file(self): - # set the default authentication file based on platform; this - # corresponds to where puppet puts the token - if 'tooltool_authentication_file' in self.config: - fn = self.config['tooltool_authentication_file'] - elif self._is_windows(): - fn = r'c:\builds\relengapi.tok' - else: - fn = '/builds/relengapi.tok' - - # if the file doesn't exist, don't pass it to tooltool (it will just - # fail). In taskcluster, this will work OK as the relengapi-proxy will - # take care of auth. Everywhere else, we'll get auth failures if - # necessary. - if os.path.exists(fn): - return fn - - def _run_tooltool(self): - self._assert_cfg_valid_for_action( - ['tooltool_script', 'tooltool_bootstrap', 'tooltool_url'], - 'build' - ) - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if not c.get('tooltool_manifest_src'): - return self.warning(ERROR_MSGS['tooltool_manifest_undetermined']) - fetch_script_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_tools_dir'], - 'scripts', - 'tooltool', - 'tooltool_wrapper.sh') - tooltool_manifest_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_src_dir'], - c['tooltool_manifest_src']) - cmd = [ - 'sh', - fetch_script_path, - tooltool_manifest_path, - c['tooltool_url'], - c['tooltool_bootstrap'], - ] - cmd.extend(c['tooltool_script']) - auth_file = self._get_tooltool_auth_file() - if auth_file: - cmd.extend(['--authentication-file', auth_file]) - cache = c['env'].get('TOOLTOOL_CACHE') - if cache: - cmd.extend(['-c', cache]) - self.info(str(cmd)) - self.run_command_m(cmd, cwd=dirs['abs_src_dir'], halt_on_failure=True) - - def query_revision(self, source_path=None): - """ returns the revision of the build - - first will look for it in buildbot_properties and then in - buildbot_config. Failing that, it will actually poll the source of - the repo if it exists yet. - - This method is used both to figure out what revision to check out and - to figure out what revision *was* checked out. - """ - revision = None - if 'revision' in self.buildbot_properties: - revision = self.buildbot_properties['revision'] - elif (self.buildbot_config and - self.buildbot_config.get('sourcestamp', {}).get('revision')): - revision = self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['revision'] - elif self.buildbot_config and self.buildbot_config.get('revision'): - revision = self.buildbot_config['revision'] - else: - if not source_path: - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - source_path = dirs['abs_src_dir'] # let's take the default - - # Look at what we have checked out - if os.path.exists(source_path): - hg = self.query_exe('hg', return_type='list') - revision = self.get_output_from_command( - hg + ['parent', '--template', '{node}'], cwd=source_path - ) - return revision.encode('ascii', 'replace') if revision else None - - def _checkout_source(self): - """use vcs_checkout to grab source needed for build.""" - # TODO make this method its own action - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - repo = self._query_repo() - vcs_checkout_kwargs = { - 'repo': repo, - 'dest': dirs['abs_src_dir'], - 'revision': self.query_revision(), - 'env': self.query_build_env() - } - if c.get('clone_by_revision'): - vcs_checkout_kwargs['clone_by_revision'] = True - - if c.get('clone_with_purge'): - vcs_checkout_kwargs['clone_with_purge'] = True - vcs_checkout_kwargs['clone_upstream_url'] = c.get('clone_upstream_url') - rev = self.vcs_checkout(**vcs_checkout_kwargs) - if c.get('is_automation'): - changes = self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes'] - if changes: - comments = changes[0].get('comments', '') - self.set_buildbot_property('comments', - comments, - write_to_file=True) - else: - self.warning(ERROR_MSGS['comments_undetermined']) - self.set_buildbot_property('got_revision', - rev, - write_to_file=True) - - def _count_ctors(self): - """count num of ctors and set testresults.""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - python_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'venv', 'bin', - 'python') - abs_count_ctors_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_src_dir'], - 'build', - 'util', - 'count_ctors.py') - abs_libxul_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_obj_dir'], - 'dist', - 'bin', - 'libxul.so') - - cmd = [python_path, abs_count_ctors_path, abs_libxul_path] - self.get_output_from_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['abs_src_dir'], - throw_exception=True) - - def _generate_properties_file(self, path): - # TODO it would be better to grab all the properties that were - # persisted to file rather than use whats in the buildbot_properties - # live object so we become less action dependant. - all_current_props = dict( - chain(self.buildbot_config['properties'].items(), - self.buildbot_properties.items()) - ) - # graph_server_post.py expects a file with 'properties' key - graph_props = dict(properties=all_current_props) - self.dump_config(path, graph_props) - - def _query_props_set_by_mach(self, console_output=True, error_level=FATAL): - mach_properties_path = os.path.join( - self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_obj_dir'], 'dist', 'mach_build_properties.json' - ) - self.info("setting properties set by mach build. Looking in path: %s" - % mach_properties_path) - if os.path.exists(mach_properties_path): - with self.opened(mach_properties_path, error_level=error_level) as (fh, err): - build_props = json.load(fh) - if err: - self.log("%s exists but there was an error reading the " - "properties. props: `%s` - error: " - "`%s`" % (mach_properties_path, - build_props or 'None', - err or 'No error'), - error_level) - if console_output: - self.info("Properties set from 'mach build'") - self.info(pprint.pformat(build_props)) - for key, prop in build_props.iteritems(): - if prop != 'UNKNOWN': - self.set_buildbot_property(key, prop, write_to_file=True) - else: - self.info("No mach_build_properties.json found - not importing properties.") - - def generate_build_props(self, console_output=True, halt_on_failure=False): - """sets props found from mach build and, in addition, buildid, - sourcestamp, appVersion, and appName.""" - - error_level = ERROR - if halt_on_failure: - error_level = FATAL - - if self.generated_build_props: - return - - # grab props set by mach if any - self._query_props_set_by_mach(console_output=console_output, - error_level=error_level) - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - print_conf_setting_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_src_dir'], - 'config', - 'printconfigsetting.py') - if (not os.path.exists(print_conf_setting_path) or - not os.path.exists(dirs['abs_app_ini_path'])): - self.log("Can't set the following properties: " - "buildid, sourcestamp, appVersion, and appName. " - "Required paths missing. Verify both %s and %s " - "exist. These paths require the 'build' action to be " - "run prior to this" % (print_conf_setting_path, - dirs['abs_app_ini_path']), - level=error_level) - self.info("Setting properties found in: %s" % dirs['abs_app_ini_path']) - python = self.query_exe('python2.7') - base_cmd = [ - python, os.path.join(dirs['abs_src_dir'], 'mach'), 'python', - print_conf_setting_path, dirs['abs_app_ini_path'], 'App' - ] - properties_needed = [ - {'ini_name': 'SourceStamp', 'prop_name': 'sourcestamp'}, - {'ini_name': 'Version', 'prop_name': 'appVersion'}, - {'ini_name': 'Name', 'prop_name': 'appName'} - ] - env = self.query_build_env() - # dirs['abs_obj_dir'] can be different from env['MOZ_OBJDIR'] on - # mac, and that confuses mach. - del env['MOZ_OBJDIR'] - for prop in properties_needed: - prop_val = self.get_output_from_command_m( - base_cmd + [prop['ini_name']], cwd=dirs['abs_obj_dir'], - halt_on_failure=halt_on_failure, env=env - ) - self.set_buildbot_property(prop['prop_name'], - prop_val, - write_to_file=True) - - if self.config.get('is_automation'): - self.info("Verifying buildid from application.ini matches buildid " - "from buildbot") - app_ini_buildid = self._query_build_prop_from_app_ini('BuildID') - # it would be hard to imagine query_buildid evaluating to a falsey - # value (e.g. 0), but incase it does, force it to None - buildbot_buildid = self.query_buildid() or None - self.info( - 'buildid from application.ini: "%s". buildid from buildbot ' - 'properties: "%s"' % (app_ini_buildid, buildbot_buildid) - ) - if app_ini_buildid == buildbot_buildid != None: - self.info('buildids match.') - else: - self.error( - 'buildids do not match or values could not be determined' - ) - # set the build to orange if not already worse - self.return_code = self.worst_level( - EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_WARNING], self.return_code, - AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES[::-1] - ) - - self.generated_build_props = True - - def _initialize_taskcluster(self): - if self.client_id and self.access_token: - # Already initialized - return - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - auth = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.config['taskcluster_credentials_file']) - credentials = {} - execfile(auth, credentials) - self.client_id = credentials.get('taskcluster_clientId') - self.access_token = credentials.get('taskcluster_accessToken') - - # We need to create & activate the virtualenv so that we can import - # taskcluster (and its dependent modules, like requests and hawk). - # Normally we could create the virtualenv as an action, but due to some - # odd dependencies with query_build_env() being called from build(), - # which is necessary before the virtualenv can be created. - self.create_virtualenv() - self.activate_virtualenv() - - routes_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_src_dir'], - 'testing', - 'mozharness', - 'configs', - 'routes.json') - with open(routes_file) as f: - self.routes_json = json.load(f) - - def _taskcluster_upload(self, files, templates, locale='en-US', - property_conditions=[]): - if not self.client_id or not self.access_token: - self.warning('Skipping S3 file upload: No taskcluster credentials.') - return - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - repo = self._query_repo() - revision = self.query_revision() - pushinfo = self.vcs_query_pushinfo(repo, revision) - pushdate = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime(pushinfo.pushdate)) - - index = self.config.get('taskcluster_index', 'index.garbage.staging') - fmt = { - 'index': index, - 'project': self.buildbot_config['properties']['branch'], - 'head_rev': revision, - 'pushdate': pushdate, - 'year': pushdate[0:4], - 'month': pushdate[4:6], - 'day': pushdate[6:8], - 'build_product': self.config['stage_product'], - 'build_name': self.query_build_name(), - 'build_type': self.query_build_type(), - 'locale': locale, - } - fmt.update(self.buildid_to_dict(self.query_buildid())) - routes = [] - for template in templates: - routes.append(template.format(**fmt)) - self.info("Using routes: %s" % routes) - - tc = Taskcluster( - branch=self.branch, - rank=pushinfo.pushdate, # Use pushdate as the rank - client_id=self.client_id, - access_token=self.access_token, - log_obj=self.log_obj, - # `upload_to_task_id` is used by mozci to have access to where the artifacts - # will be uploaded - task_id=self.buildbot_config['properties'].get('upload_to_task_id'), - ) - - # TODO: Bug 1165980 - these should be in tree - routes.extend([ - "%s.buildbot.branches.%s.%s" % (index, self.branch, self.stage_platform), - "%s.buildbot.revisions.%s.%s.%s" % (index, revision, self.branch, self.stage_platform), - ]) - task = tc.create_task(routes) - tc.claim_task(task) - - # Only those files uploaded with valid extensions are processed. - # This ensures that we get the correct packageUrl from the list. - valid_extensions = ( - '.apk', - '.dmg', - '.mar', - '.rpm', - '.tar.bz2', - '.tar.gz', - '.zip', - '.json', - ) - - for upload_file in files: - # Create an S3 artifact for each file that gets uploaded. We also - # check the uploaded file against the property conditions so that we - # can set the buildbot config with the correct URLs for package - # locations. - tc.create_artifact(task, upload_file) - if upload_file.endswith(valid_extensions): - for prop, condition in property_conditions: - if condition(upload_file): - self.set_buildbot_property(prop, tc.get_taskcluster_url(upload_file)) - break - - # Upload a file with all Buildbot properties - # This is necessary for Buildbot Bridge test jobs work properly - # until we can migrate to TaskCluster - properties_path = os.path.join( - dirs['base_work_dir'], - 'buildbot_properties.json' - ) - self._generate_properties_file(properties_path) - tc.create_artifact(task, properties_path) - - tc.report_completed(task) - - def upload_files(self): - self._initialize_taskcluster() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - if self.query_is_nightly(): - templates = self.routes_json['nightly'] - - # Nightly builds with l10n counterparts also publish to the - # 'en-US' locale. - if self.config.get('publish_nightly_en_US_routes'): - templates.extend(self.routes_json['l10n']) - else: - templates = self.routes_json['routes'] - - # Some trees may not be setting uploadFiles, so default to []. Normally - # we'd only expect to get here if the build completes successfully, - # which means we should have uploadFiles. - files = self.query_buildbot_property('uploadFiles') or [] - if not files: - self.warning('No files from the build system to upload to S3: uploadFiles property is missing or empty.') - - packageName = self.query_buildbot_property('packageFilename') - self.info('packageFilename is: %s' % packageName) - - if self.config.get('use_package_as_marfile'): - self.info('Using packageUrl for the MAR file') - self.set_buildbot_property('completeMarUrl', - self.query_buildbot_property('packageUrl'), - write_to_file=True) - - # Find the full path to the package in uploadFiles so we can - # get the size/hash of the mar - for upload_file in files: - if upload_file.endswith(packageName): - self.set_buildbot_property('completeMarSize', - self.query_filesize(upload_file), - write_to_file=True) - self.set_buildbot_property('completeMarHash', - self.query_sha512sum(upload_file), - write_to_file=True) - break - - property_conditions = [ - # key: property name, value: condition - ('symbolsUrl', lambda m: m.endswith('crashreporter-symbols.zip') or - m.endswith('crashreporter-symbols-full.zip')), - ('testsUrl', lambda m: m.endswith(('tests.tar.bz2', 'tests.zip'))), - ('jsshellUrl', lambda m: 'jsshell-' in m and m.endswith('.zip')), - # Temporarily use "TC" in MarUrl parameters. We don't want to - # override these to point to taskcluster just yet, and still - # need to use FTP. However, they can't be removed outright since - # that can affect packageUrl. See bug 1144985. - ('completeMarUrlTC', lambda m: m.endswith('.complete.mar')), - ('partialMarUrlTC', lambda m: m.endswith('.mar') and '.partial.' in m), - ('codeCoverageURL', lambda m: m.endswith('code-coverage-gcno.zip')), - ('sdkUrl', lambda m: m.endswith(('sdk.tar.bz2', 'sdk.zip'))), - ('testPackagesUrl', lambda m: m.endswith('test_packages.json')), - ('packageUrl', lambda m: m.endswith(packageName)), - ] - - # Also upload our mozharness log files - files.extend([os.path.join(self.log_obj.abs_log_dir, x) for x in self.log_obj.log_files.values()]) - - # Also upload our buildprops.json file. - files.extend([os.path.join(dirs['base_work_dir'], 'buildprops.json')]) - - self._taskcluster_upload(files, templates, - property_conditions=property_conditions) - - def _set_file_properties(self, file_name, find_dir, prop_type, - error_level=ERROR): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - # windows fix. even bash -c loses two single slashes. - find_dir = find_dir.replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\') - - error_msg = "Not setting props: %s{Filename, Size, Hash}" % prop_type - cmd = ["bash", "-c", - "find %s -maxdepth 1 -type f -name %s" % (find_dir, file_name)] - file_path = self.get_output_from_command(cmd, dirs['abs_work_dir']) - if not file_path: - self.error(error_msg) - self.error("Can't determine filepath with cmd: %s" % (str(cmd),)) - return - - cmd = [ - self.query_exe('openssl'), 'dgst', - '-%s' % (c.get("hash_type", "sha512"),), file_path - ] - hash_prop = self.get_output_from_command(cmd, dirs['abs_work_dir']) - if not hash_prop: - self.log("undetermined hash_prop with cmd: %s" % (str(cmd),), - level=error_level) - self.log(error_msg, level=error_level) - return - self.set_buildbot_property(prop_type + 'Filename', - os.path.split(file_path)[1], - write_to_file=True) - self.set_buildbot_property(prop_type + 'Size', - os.path.getsize(file_path), - write_to_file=True) - self.set_buildbot_property(prop_type + 'Hash', - hash_prop.strip().split(' ', 2)[1], - write_to_file=True) - - def clone_tools(self): - """clones the tools repo.""" - self._assert_cfg_valid_for_action(['tools_repo'], 'clone_tools') - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - repo = { - 'repo': c['tools_repo'], - 'vcs': 'hg', - 'dest': dirs['abs_tools_dir'], - 'output_timeout': 1200, - } - self.vcs_checkout(**repo) - - def _create_mozbuild_dir(self, mozbuild_path=None): - if not mozbuild_path: - env = self.query_build_env() - mozbuild_path = env.get('MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH') - if mozbuild_path: - self.mkdir_p(mozbuild_path) - else: - self.warning("mozbuild_path could not be determined. skipping " - "creating it.") - - def checkout_sources(self): - self._checkout_source() - - def preflight_build(self): - """set up machine state for a complete build.""" - c = self.config - if c.get('enable_ccache'): - self._ccache_z() - if not self.query_is_nightly(): - # the old package should live in source dir so we don't need to do - # this for nighties since we clobber the whole work_dir in - # clobber() - self._rm_old_package() - self._get_mozconfig() - self._run_tooltool() - self._create_mozbuild_dir() - mach_props = os.path.join( - self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_obj_dir'], 'dist', 'mach_build_properties.json' - ) - if os.path.exists(mach_props): - self.info("Removing previous mach property file: %s" % mach_props) - self.rmtree(mach_props) - - def build(self): - """builds application.""" - env = self.query_build_env() - env.update(self.query_mach_build_env()) - - # XXX Bug 1037883 - mozconfigs can not find buildprops.json when builds - # are through mozharness. This is not pretty but it is a stopgap - # until an alternative solution is made or all builds that touch - # mozconfig.cache are converted to mozharness. - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - buildprops = os.path.join(dirs['base_work_dir'], 'buildprops.json') - # not finding buildprops is not an error outside of buildbot - if os.path.exists(buildprops): - self.copyfile( - buildprops, - os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'buildprops.json')) - - # use mh config override for mach build wrapper, if it exists - python = self.query_exe('python2.7') - default_mach_build = [python, 'mach', '--log-no-times', 'build', '-v'] - mach_build = self.query_exe('mach-build', default=default_mach_build) - return_code = self.run_command_m( - command=mach_build, - cwd=dirs['abs_src_dir'], - env=env, - output_timeout=self.config.get('max_build_output_timeout', 60 * 40) - ) - if return_code: - self.return_code = self.worst_level( - EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_FAILURE], self.return_code, - AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES[::-1] - ) - self.fatal("'mach build' did not run successfully. Please check " - "log for errors.") - - def multi_l10n(self): - if not self.query_is_nightly(): - self.info("Not a nightly build, skipping multi l10n.") - return - self._initialize_taskcluster() - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - base_work_dir = dirs['base_work_dir'] - objdir = dirs['abs_obj_dir'] - branch = self.branch - - # Building a nightly with the try repository fails because a - # config-file does not exist for try. Default to mozilla-central - # settings (arbitrarily). - if branch == 'try': - branch = 'mozilla-central' - - # Some android versions share the same .json config - if - # multi_locale_config_platform is set, use that the .json name; - # otherwise, use the buildbot platform. - default_platform = self.buildbot_config['properties'].get('platform', - 'android') - - multi_config_pf = self.config.get('multi_locale_config_platform', - default_platform) - - # The l10n script location differs on buildbot and taskcluster - if self.config.get('taskcluster_nightly'): - multil10n_path = \ - 'build/src/testing/mozharness/scripts/multil10n.py' - base_work_dir = os.path.join(base_work_dir, 'workspace') - else: - multil10n_path = '%s/scripts/scripts/multil10n.py' % base_work_dir, - - cmd = [ - self.query_exe('python'), - multil10n_path, - '--config-file', - 'multi_locale/%s_%s.json' % (branch, multi_config_pf), - '--config-file', - 'multi_locale/android-mozharness-build.json', - '--merge-locales', - '--pull-locale-source', - '--add-locales', - '--package-multi', - '--summary', - ] - - self.run_command_m(cmd, env=self.query_build_env(), cwd=base_work_dir, - halt_on_failure=True) - - package_cmd = [ - 'make', - 'echo-variable-PACKAGE', - 'AB_CD=multi', - ] - package_filename = self.get_output_from_command_m( - package_cmd, - cwd=objdir, - ) - if not package_filename: - self.fatal("Unable to determine the package filename for the multi-l10n build. Was trying to run: %s" % package_cmd) - - self.info('Multi-l10n package filename is: %s' % package_filename) - - parser = MakeUploadOutputParser(config=self.config, - log_obj=self.log_obj, - use_package_as_marfile=True, - package_filename=package_filename, - ) - upload_cmd = ['make', 'upload', 'AB_CD=multi'] - self.run_command_m(upload_cmd, - env=self.query_mach_build_env(multiLocale=False), - cwd=objdir, halt_on_failure=True, - output_parser=parser) - for prop in parser.matches: - self.set_buildbot_property(prop, - parser.matches[prop], - write_to_file=True) - upload_files_cmd = [ - 'make', - 'echo-variable-UPLOAD_FILES', - 'AB_CD=multi', - ] - output = self.get_output_from_command_m( - upload_files_cmd, - cwd=objdir, - ) - files = shlex.split(output) - abs_files = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(objdir, f)) for f in files] - self._taskcluster_upload(abs_files, self.routes_json['l10n'], - locale='multi') - - def postflight_build(self, console_output=True): - """grabs properties from post build and calls ccache -s""" - self.generate_build_props(console_output=console_output, - halt_on_failure=True) - if self.config.get('enable_ccache'): - self._ccache_s() - - # A list of argument lists. Better names gratefully accepted! - mach_commands = self.config.get('postflight_build_mach_commands', []) - for mach_command in mach_commands: - self._execute_postflight_build_mach_command(mach_command) - - def _execute_postflight_build_mach_command(self, mach_command_args): - env = self.query_build_env() - env.update(self.query_mach_build_env()) - python = self.query_exe('python2.7') - - command = [python, 'mach', '--log-no-times'] - command.extend(mach_command_args) - - self.run_command_m( - command=command, - cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_src_dir'], - env=env, output_timeout=self.config.get('max_build_output_timeout', 60 * 20), - halt_on_failure=True, - ) - - def preflight_package_source(self): - self._get_mozconfig() - - def package_source(self): - """generates source archives and uploads them""" - env = self.query_build_env() - env.update(self.query_mach_build_env()) - python = self.query_exe('python2.7') - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - self.run_command_m( - command=[python, 'mach', '--log-no-times', 'configure'], - cwd=dirs['abs_src_dir'], - env=env, output_timeout=60*3, halt_on_failure=True, - ) - self.run_command_m( - command=[ - 'make', 'source-package', 'hg-bundle', 'source-upload', - 'HG_BUNDLE_REVISION=%s' % self.query_revision(), - 'UPLOAD_HG_BUNDLE=1', - ], - cwd=dirs['abs_obj_dir'], - env=env, output_timeout=60*45, halt_on_failure=True, - ) - - def generate_source_signing_manifest(self): - """Sign source checksum file""" - env = self.query_build_env() - env.update(self.query_mach_build_env()) - if env.get("UPLOAD_HOST") != "localhost": - self.warning("Skipping signing manifest generation. Set " - "UPLOAD_HOST to `localhost' to enable.") - return - - if not env.get("UPLOAD_PATH"): - self.warning("Skipping signing manifest generation. Set " - "UPLOAD_PATH to enable.") - return - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - objdir = dirs['abs_obj_dir'] - - output = self.get_output_from_command_m( - command=['make', 'echo-variable-SOURCE_CHECKSUM_FILE'], - cwd=objdir, - ) - files = shlex.split(output) - abs_files = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(objdir, f)) for f in files] - manifest_file = os.path.join(env["UPLOAD_PATH"], - "signing_manifest.json") - self.write_to_file(manifest_file, - self.generate_signing_manifest(abs_files)) - - def check_test(self): - if self.config.get('forced_artifact_build'): - self.info('Skipping due to forced artifact build.') - return - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - env = self.query_build_env() - env.update(self.query_check_test_env()) - - if c.get('enable_pymake'): # e.g. windows - pymake_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_src_dir'], 'build', - 'pymake', 'make.py') - cmd = ['python', pymake_path] - else: - cmd = ['make'] - cmd.extend(['-k', 'check']) - - parser = CheckTestCompleteParser(config=c, - log_obj=self.log_obj) - return_code = self.run_command_m(command=cmd, - cwd=dirs['abs_obj_dir'], - env=env, - output_parser=parser) - tbpl_status = parser.evaluate_parser(return_code) - return_code = EXIT_STATUS_DICT[tbpl_status] - - if return_code: - self.return_code = self.worst_level( - return_code, self.return_code, - AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES[::-1] - ) - self.error("'make -k check' did not run successfully. Please check " - "log for errors.") - - def _load_build_resources(self): - p = self.config.get('build_resources_path') % self.query_abs_dirs() - if not os.path.exists(p): - self.info('%s does not exist; not loading build resources' % p) - return None - - with open(p, 'rb') as fh: - resources = json.load(fh) - - if 'duration' not in resources: - self.info('resource usage lacks duration; ignoring') - return None - - data = { - 'name': 'build times', - 'value': resources['duration'], - 'extraOptions': self.perfherder_resource_options(), - 'subtests': [], - } - - for phase in resources['phases']: - if 'duration' not in phase: - continue - data['subtests'].append({ - 'name': phase['name'], - 'value': phase['duration'], - }) - - return data - - def generate_build_stats(self): - """grab build stats following a compile. - - This action handles all statistics from a build: 'count_ctors' - and then posts to graph server the results. - We only post to graph server for non nightly build - """ - if self.config.get('forced_artifact_build'): - self.info('Skipping due to forced artifact build.') - return - - import tarfile - import zipfile - c = self.config - - if c.get('enable_count_ctors'): - self.info("counting ctors...") - self._count_ctors() - else: - self.info("ctors counts are disabled for this build.") - - # Report some important file sizes for display in treeherder - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - packageName = self.query_buildbot_property('packageFilename') - - # if packageName is not set because we are not running in Buildbot, - # then assume we are using MOZ_SIMPLE_PACKAGE_NAME, which means the - # package is named one of target.{tar.bz2,zip,dmg}. - if not packageName: - dist_dir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_obj_dir'], 'dist') - for ext in ['apk', 'dmg', 'tar.bz2', 'zip']: - name = 'target.' + ext - if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dist_dir, name)): - packageName = name - break - else: - self.fatal("could not determine packageName") - - interests = ['libxul.so', 'classes.dex', 'omni.ja'] - installer = os.path.join(dirs['abs_obj_dir'], 'dist', packageName) - installer_size = 0 - size_measurements = [] - - if os.path.exists(installer): - installer_size = self.query_filesize(installer) - self.info('TinderboxPrint: Size of %s<br/>%s bytes\n' % ( - packageName, installer_size)) - try: - subtests = {} - if zipfile.is_zipfile(installer): - with zipfile.ZipFile(installer, 'r') as zf: - for zi in zf.infolist(): - name = os.path.basename(zi.filename) - size = zi.file_size - if name in interests: - if name in subtests: - # File seen twice in same archive; - # ignore to avoid confusion. - subtests[name] = None - else: - subtests[name] = size - elif tarfile.is_tarfile(installer): - with tarfile.open(installer, 'r:*') as tf: - for ti in tf: - name = os.path.basename(ti.name) - size = ti.size - if name in interests: - if name in subtests: - # File seen twice in same archive; - # ignore to avoid confusion. - subtests[name] = None - else: - subtests[name] = size - for name in subtests: - if subtests[name] is not None: - self.info('TinderboxPrint: Size of %s<br/>%s bytes\n' % ( - name, subtests[name])) - size_measurements.append({'name': name, 'value': subtests[name]}) - except: - self.info('Unable to search %s for component sizes.' % installer) - size_measurements = [] - - perfherder_data = { - "framework": { - "name": "build_metrics" - }, - "suites": [], - } - if installer_size or size_measurements: - perfherder_data["suites"].append({ - "name": "installer size", - "value": installer_size, - "alertThreshold": 0.25, - "subtests": size_measurements - }) - - build_metrics = self._load_build_resources() - if build_metrics: - perfherder_data['suites'].append(build_metrics) - - if perfherder_data["suites"]: - self.info('PERFHERDER_DATA: %s' % json.dumps(perfherder_data)) - - def sendchange(self): - if os.environ.get('TASK_ID'): - self.info("We are not running this in buildbot; skipping") - return - - if self.config.get('enable_talos_sendchange'): - self._do_sendchange('talos') - else: - self.info("'enable_talos_sendchange' is false; skipping") - - if self.config.get('enable_unittest_sendchange'): - self._do_sendchange('unittest') - else: - self.info("'enable_unittest_sendchange' is false; skipping") - - def _do_sendchange(self, test_type): - c = self.config - - # grab any props available from this or previous unclobbered runs - self.generate_build_props(console_output=False, - halt_on_failure=False) - - installer_url = self.query_buildbot_property('packageUrl') - if not installer_url: - # don't burn the job but we should turn orange - self.error("could not determine packageUrl property to use " - "against sendchange. Was it set after 'mach build'?") - self.return_code = self.worst_level( - 1, self.return_code, AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES[::-1] - ) - self.return_code = 1 - return - tests_url = self.query_buildbot_property('testsUrl') - # Contains the url to a manifest describing the test packages required - # for each unittest harness. - # For the moment this property is only set on desktop builds. Android - # builds find the packages manifest based on the upload - # directory of the installer. - test_packages_url = self.query_buildbot_property('testPackagesUrl') - pgo_build = c.get('pgo_build', False) or self._compile_against_pgo() - - # these cmds are sent to mach through env vars. We won't know the - # packageUrl or testsUrl until mach runs upload target so we let mach - # fill in the rest of the cmd - sendchange_props = { - 'buildid': self.query_buildid(), - 'builduid': self.query_builduid(), - 'pgo_build': pgo_build, - } - if self.query_is_nightly(): - sendchange_props['nightly_build'] = True - if test_type == 'talos': - if pgo_build: - build_type = 'pgo-' - else: # we don't do talos sendchange for debug so no need to check - build_type = '' # leave 'opt' out of branch for talos - talos_branch = "%s-%s-%s%s" % (self.branch, - self.stage_platform, - build_type, - 'talos') - self.invoke_sendchange(downloadables=[installer_url], - branch=talos_branch, - username='sendchange', - sendchange_props=sendchange_props) - elif test_type == 'unittest': - # do unittest sendchange - if c.get('debug_build'): - build_type = '' # for debug builds we append nothing - elif pgo_build: - build_type = '-pgo' - else: # generic opt build - build_type = '-opt' - - if c.get('unittest_platform'): - platform = c['unittest_platform'] - else: - platform = self.stage_platform - - platform_and_build_type = "%s%s" % (platform, build_type) - unittest_branch = "%s-%s-%s" % (self.branch, - platform_and_build_type, - 'unittest') - - downloadables = [installer_url] - if test_packages_url: - downloadables.append(test_packages_url) - else: - downloadables.append(tests_url) - - self.invoke_sendchange(downloadables=downloadables, - branch=unittest_branch, - sendchange_props=sendchange_props) - else: - self.fatal('type: "%s" is unknown for sendchange type. valid ' - 'strings are "unittest" or "talos"' % test_type) - - def update(self): - """ submit balrog update steps. """ - if self.config.get('forced_artifact_build'): - self.info('Skipping due to forced artifact build.') - return - if not self.query_is_nightly(): - self.info("Not a nightly build, skipping balrog submission.") - return - - # grab any props available from this or previous unclobbered runs - self.generate_build_props(console_output=False, - halt_on_failure=False) - - # generate balrog props as artifacts - if self.config.get('taskcluster_nightly'): - env = self.query_mach_build_env(multiLocale=False) - props_path = os.path.join(env["UPLOAD_PATH"], - 'balrog_props.json') - self.generate_balrog_props(props_path) - return - - if not self.config.get("balrog_servers"): - self.fatal("balrog_servers not set; skipping balrog submission.") - return - - if self.submit_balrog_updates(): - # set the build to orange so it is at least caught - self.return_code = self.worst_level( - EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_WARNING], self.return_code, - AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES[::-1] - ) - - def valgrind_test(self): - '''Execute mach's valgrind-test for memory leaks''' - env = self.query_build_env() - env.update(self.query_mach_build_env()) - - python = self.query_exe('python2.7') - return_code = self.run_command_m( - command=[python, 'mach', 'valgrind-test'], - cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_src_dir'], - env=env, output_timeout=self.config.get('max_build_output_timeout', 60 * 40) - ) - if return_code: - self.return_code = self.worst_level( - EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_FAILURE], self.return_code, - AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES[::-1] - ) - self.fatal("'mach valgrind-test' did not run successfully. Please check " - "log for errors.") - - - - def _post_fatal(self, message=None, exit_code=None): - if not self.return_code: # only overwrite return_code if it's 0 - self.error('setting return code to 2 because fatal was called') - self.return_code = 2 - - @PostScriptRun - def _summarize(self): - """ If this is run in automation, ensure the return code is valid and - set it to one if it's not. Finally, log any summaries we collected - from the script run. - """ - if self.config.get("is_automation"): - # let's ignore all mention of buildbot/tbpl status until this - # point so it will be easier to manage - if self.return_code not in AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES: - self.error("Return code is set to: %s and is outside of " - "automation's known values. Setting to 2(failure). " - "Valid return codes %s" % (self.return_code, - AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES)) - self.return_code = 2 - for status, return_code in EXIT_STATUS_DICT.iteritems(): - if return_code == self.return_code: - self.buildbot_status(status, TBPL_STATUS_DICT[status]) - self.summary() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/hazards.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/hazards.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6de235f89..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/hazards.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,241 +0,0 @@ -import os -import json -import re - -from mozharness.base.errors import MakefileErrorList -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import TBPL_WARNING - - -class HazardError(Exception): - def __init__(self, value): - self.value = value - - def __str__(self): - return repr(self.value) - - # Logging ends up calling splitlines directly on what is being logged, which would fail. - def splitlines(self): - return str(self).splitlines() - -class HazardAnalysis(object): - def clobber_shell(self, builder): - """Clobber the specially-built JS shell used to run the analysis""" - dirs = builder.query_abs_dirs() - builder.rmtree(dirs['shell_objdir']) - - def configure_shell(self, builder): - """Configure the specially-built JS shell used to run the analysis""" - dirs = builder.query_abs_dirs() - - if not os.path.exists(dirs['shell_objdir']): - builder.mkdir_p(dirs['shell_objdir']) - - js_src_dir = os.path.join(dirs['gecko_src'], 'js', 'src') - rc = builder.run_command(['autoconf-2.13'], - cwd=js_src_dir, - env=builder.env, - error_list=MakefileErrorList) - if rc != 0: - rc = builder.run_command(['autoconf2.13'], - cwd=js_src_dir, - env=builder.env, - error_list=MakefileErrorList) - if rc != 0: - raise HazardError("autoconf failed, can't continue.") - - rc = builder.run_command([os.path.join(js_src_dir, 'configure'), - '--enable-optimize', - '--disable-debug', - '--enable-ctypes', - '--with-system-nspr', - '--without-intl-api'], - cwd=dirs['shell_objdir'], - env=builder.env, - error_list=MakefileErrorList) - if rc != 0: - raise HazardError("Configure failed, can't continue.") - - def build_shell(self, builder): - """Build a JS shell specifically for running the analysis""" - dirs = builder.query_abs_dirs() - - rc = builder.run_command(['make', '-j', str(builder.config.get('concurrency', 4)), '-s'], - cwd=dirs['shell_objdir'], - env=builder.env, - error_list=MakefileErrorList) - if rc != 0: - raise HazardError("Build failed, can't continue.") - - def clobber(self, builder): - """Clobber all of the old analysis data. Note that theoretically we could do - incremental analyses, but they seem to still be buggy.""" - dirs = builder.query_abs_dirs() - builder.rmtree(dirs['abs_analysis_dir']) - builder.rmtree(dirs['abs_analyzed_objdir']) - - def setup(self, builder): - """Prepare the config files and scripts for running the analysis""" - dirs = builder.query_abs_dirs() - analysis_dir = dirs['abs_analysis_dir'] - - if not os.path.exists(analysis_dir): - builder.mkdir_p(analysis_dir) - - js_src_dir = os.path.join(dirs['gecko_src'], 'js', 'src') - - values = { - 'js': os.path.join(dirs['shell_objdir'], 'dist', 'bin', 'js'), - 'analysis_scriptdir': os.path.join(js_src_dir, 'devtools', 'rootAnalysis'), - 'source_objdir': dirs['abs_analyzed_objdir'], - 'source': os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'source'), - 'sixgill': os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], builder.config['sixgill']), - 'sixgill_bin': os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], builder.config['sixgill_bin']), - 'gcc_bin': os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'gcc'), - } - defaults = """ -js = '%(js)s' -analysis_scriptdir = '%(analysis_scriptdir)s' -objdir = '%(source_objdir)s' -source = '%(source)s' -sixgill = '%(sixgill)s' -sixgill_bin = '%(sixgill_bin)s' -gcc_bin = '%(gcc_bin)s' -jobs = 4 -""" % values - - defaults_path = os.path.join(analysis_dir, 'defaults.py') - file(defaults_path, "w").write(defaults) - builder.log("Wrote analysis config file " + defaults_path) - - build_script = builder.config['build_command'] - builder.copyfile(os.path.join(dirs['mozharness_scriptdir'], - os.path.join('spidermonkey', build_script)), - os.path.join(analysis_dir, build_script), - copystat=True) - - def run(self, builder, env, error_list): - """Execute the analysis, which consists of building all analyzed - source code with a GCC plugin active that siphons off the interesting - data, then running some JS scripts over the databases created by - the plugin.""" - dirs = builder.query_abs_dirs() - analysis_dir = dirs['abs_analysis_dir'] - analysis_scriptdir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], dirs['analysis_scriptdir']) - - build_script = builder.config['build_command'] - build_script = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(analysis_dir, build_script)) - - cmd = [ - builder.config['python'], - os.path.join(analysis_scriptdir, 'analyze.py'), - "--source", dirs['gecko_src'], - "--buildcommand", build_script, - ] - retval = builder.run_command(cmd, - cwd=analysis_dir, - env=env, - error_list=error_list) - if retval != 0: - raise HazardError("failed to build") - - def collect_output(self, builder): - """Gather up the analysis output and place in the upload dir.""" - dirs = builder.query_abs_dirs() - analysis_dir = dirs['abs_analysis_dir'] - upload_dir = dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - builder.mkdir_p(upload_dir) - files = (('rootingHazards.txt', - 'rooting_hazards', - 'list of rooting hazards, unsafe references, and extra roots'), - ('gcFunctions.txt', - 'gcFunctions', - 'list of functions that can gc, and why'), - ('allFunctions.txt', - 'allFunctions', - 'list of all functions that were compiled'), - ('gcTypes.txt', - 'gcTypes', - 'list of types containing unrooted gc pointers'), - ('unnecessary.txt', - 'extra', - 'list of extra roots (rooting with no GC function in scope)'), - ('refs.txt', - 'refs', - 'list of unsafe references to unrooted pointers'), - ('hazards.txt', - 'hazards', - 'list of just the hazards, together with gcFunction reason for each')) - for f, short, long in files: - builder.copy_to_upload_dir(os.path.join(analysis_dir, f), - short_desc=short, - long_desc=long, - compress=False, # blobber will compress - upload_dir=upload_dir) - print("== Hazards (temporarily inline here, beware weirdly interleaved output, see bug 1211402) ==") - print(file(os.path.join(analysis_dir, "hazards.txt")).read()) - - def upload_results(self, builder): - """Upload the results of the analysis.""" - pass - - def check_expectations(self, builder): - """Compare the actual to expected number of problems.""" - if 'expect_file' not in builder.config: - builder.info('No expect_file given; skipping comparison with expected hazard count') - return - - dirs = builder.query_abs_dirs() - analysis_dir = dirs['abs_analysis_dir'] - analysis_scriptdir = os.path.join(dirs['gecko_src'], 'js', 'src', 'devtools', 'rootAnalysis') - expect_file = os.path.join(analysis_scriptdir, builder.config['expect_file']) - expect = builder.read_from_file(expect_file) - if expect is None: - raise HazardError("could not load expectation file") - data = json.loads(expect) - - num_hazards = 0 - num_refs = 0 - with builder.opened(os.path.join(analysis_dir, "rootingHazards.txt")) as (hazards_fh, err): - if err: - raise HazardError("hazards file required") - for line in hazards_fh: - m = re.match(r"^Function.*has unrooted.*live across GC call", line) - if m: - num_hazards += 1 - - m = re.match(r'^Function.*takes unsafe address of unrooted', line) - if m: - num_refs += 1 - - expect_hazards = data.get('expect-hazards') - status = [] - if expect_hazards is None: - status.append("%d hazards" % num_hazards) - else: - status.append("%d/%d hazards allowed" % (num_hazards, expect_hazards)) - - if expect_hazards is not None and expect_hazards != num_hazards: - if expect_hazards < num_hazards: - builder.warning("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL %d more hazards than expected (expected %d, saw %d)" % - (num_hazards - expect_hazards, expect_hazards, num_hazards)) - builder.buildbot_status(TBPL_WARNING) - else: - builder.info("%d fewer hazards than expected! (expected %d, saw %d)" % - (expect_hazards - num_hazards, expect_hazards, num_hazards)) - - expect_refs = data.get('expect-refs') - if expect_refs is None: - status.append("%d unsafe refs" % num_refs) - else: - status.append("%d/%d unsafe refs allowed" % (num_refs, expect_refs)) - - if expect_refs is not None and expect_refs != num_refs: - if expect_refs < num_refs: - builder.warning("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL %d more unsafe refs than expected (expected %d, saw %d)" % - (num_refs - expect_refs, expect_refs, num_refs)) - builder.buildbot_status(TBPL_WARNING) - else: - builder.info("%d fewer unsafe refs than expected! (expected %d, saw %d)" % - (expect_refs - num_refs, expect_refs, num_refs)) - - builder.info("TinderboxPrint: " + ", ".join(status)) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/checksums.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/checksums.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6b8997375..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/checksums.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -def parse_checksums_file(checksums): - """Parses checksums files that the build system generates and uploads: - https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/default/build/checksums.py""" - fileInfo = {} - for line in checksums.splitlines(): - hash_, type_, size, file_ = line.split(None, 3) - size = int(size) - if size < 0: - raise ValueError("Found negative value (%d) for size." % size) - if file_ not in fileInfo: - fileInfo[file_] = {"hashes": {}} - # If the file already exists, make sure that the size matches the - # previous entry. - elif fileInfo[file_]['size'] != size: - raise ValueError("Found different sizes for same file %s (%s and %s)" % (file_, fileInfo[file_]['size'], size)) - # Same goes for the hash. - elif type_ in fileInfo[file_]['hashes'] and fileInfo[file_]['hashes'][type_] != hash_: - raise ValueError("Found different %s hashes for same file %s (%s and %s)" % (type_, file_, fileInfo[file_]['hashes'][type_], hash_)) - fileInfo[file_]['size'] = size - fileInfo[file_]['hashes'][type_] = hash_ - return fileInfo diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/locales.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/locales.py deleted file mode 100755 index 24920ae44..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/locales.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,280 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Localization. -""" - -import os -from urlparse import urljoin -import sys -from copy import deepcopy - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.config import parse_config_file -from mozharness.base.errors import PythonErrorList -from mozharness.base.parallel import ChunkingMixin - - -# LocalesMixin {{{1 -class LocalesMixin(ChunkingMixin): - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - """ Mixins generally don't have an __init__. - This breaks super().__init__() for children. - However, this is needed to override the query_abs_dirs() - """ - self.abs_dirs = None - self.locales = None - self.gecko_locale_revisions = None - self.l10n_revisions = {} - - def query_locales(self): - if self.locales is not None: - return self.locales - c = self.config - ignore_locales = c.get("ignore_locales", []) - additional_locales = c.get("additional_locales", []) - # List of locales can be set by using different methods in the - # following order: - # 1. "locales" buildbot property: a string of locale:revision separated - # by space - # 2. "MOZ_LOCALES" env variable: a string of locale:revision separated - # by space - # 3. self.config["locales"] which can be either coming from the config - # or from --locale command line argument - # 4. using self.config["locales_file"] l10n changesets file - locales = None - - # Buildbot property - if hasattr(self, 'read_buildbot_config'): - self.read_buildbot_config() - if self.buildbot_config: - locales = self.buildbot_config['properties'].get("locales") - if locales: - self.info("Using locales from buildbot: %s" % locales) - locales = locales.split() - else: - self.info("'read_buildbot_config()' is missing, ignoring buildbot" - " properties") - - # Environment variable - if not locales and "MOZ_LOCALES" in os.environ: - self.debug("Using locales from environment: %s" % - os.environ["MOZ_LOCALES"]) - locales = os.environ["MOZ_LOCALES"].split() - - # Command line or config - if not locales and c.get("locales", None): - locales = c["locales"] - self.debug("Using locales from config/CLI: %s" % locales) - - # parse locale:revision if set - if locales: - for l in locales: - if ":" in l: - # revision specified in locale string - locale, revision = l.split(":", 1) - self.debug("Using %s:%s" % (locale, revision)) - self.l10n_revisions[locale] = revision - # clean up locale by removing revisions - locales = [l.split(":")[0] for l in locales] - - if not locales and 'locales_file' in c: - locales_file = os.path.join(c['base_work_dir'], c['work_dir'], - c['locales_file']) - locales = self.parse_locales_file(locales_file) - - if not locales: - self.fatal("No locales set!") - - for locale in ignore_locales: - if locale in locales: - self.debug("Ignoring locale %s." % locale) - locales.remove(locale) - if locale in self.l10n_revisions: - del self.l10n_revisions[locale] - - for locale in additional_locales: - if locale not in locales: - self.debug("Adding locale %s." % locale) - locales.append(locale) - - if not locales: - return None - if 'total_locale_chunks' and 'this_locale_chunk' in c: - self.debug("Pre-chunking locale list: %s" % str(locales)) - locales = self.query_chunked_list(locales, - c['this_locale_chunk'], - c['total_locale_chunks'], - sort=True) - self.debug("Post-chunking locale list: %s" % locales) - self.locales = locales - return self.locales - - def list_locales(self): - """ Stub action method. - """ - self.info("Locale list: %s" % str(self.query_locales())) - - def parse_locales_file(self, locales_file): - locales = [] - c = self.config - platform = c.get("locales_platform", None) - - if locales_file.endswith('json'): - locales_json = parse_config_file(locales_file) - for locale in locales_json.keys(): - if isinstance(locales_json[locale], dict): - if platform and platform not in locales_json[locale]['platforms']: - continue - self.l10n_revisions[locale] = locales_json[locale]['revision'] - else: - # some other way of getting this? - self.l10n_revisions[locale] = 'default' - locales.append(locale) - else: - locales = self.read_from_file(locales_file).split() - return locales - - def run_compare_locales(self, locale, halt_on_failure=False): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - env = self.query_l10n_env() - python = self.query_exe('python2.7') - compare_locales_error_list = list(PythonErrorList) - self.rmtree(dirs['abs_merge_dir']) - self.mkdir_p(dirs['abs_merge_dir']) - command = [python, 'mach', 'compare-locales', - '--merge-dir', dirs['abs_merge_dir'], - '--l10n-ini', os.path.join(dirs['abs_locales_src_dir'], 'l10n.ini'), - '--l10n-base', dirs['abs_l10n_dir'], locale] - self.info("*** BEGIN compare-locales %s" % locale) - status = self.run_command(command, - halt_on_failure=halt_on_failure, - env=env, - cwd=dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], - error_list=compare_locales_error_list) - self.info("*** END compare-locales %s" % locale) - return status - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(LocalesMixin, self).query_abs_dirs() - c = self.config - dirs = {} - dirs['abs_work_dir'] = os.path.join(c['base_work_dir'], - c['work_dir']) - # TODO prettify this up later - if 'l10n_dir' in c: - dirs['abs_l10n_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], - c['l10n_dir']) - if 'mozilla_dir' in c: - dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], - c['mozilla_dir']) - dirs['abs_locales_src_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], - c['locales_dir']) - dirs['abs_compare_locales_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], - 'python', 'compare-locales', - 'compare_locales') - else: - # Use old-compare-locales if no mozilla_dir set, needed - # for clobberer, and existing mozharness tests. - dirs['abs_compare_locales_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], - 'compare-locales') - - if 'objdir' in c: - if os.path.isabs(c['objdir']): - dirs['abs_objdir'] = c['objdir'] - else: - dirs['abs_objdir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], - c['objdir']) - dirs['abs_merge_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_objdir'], - 'merged') - dirs['abs_locales_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_objdir'], - c['locales_dir']) - - for key in dirs.keys(): - if key not in abs_dirs: - abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - return self.abs_dirs - - # This requires self to inherit a VCSMixin. - def pull_locale_source(self, hg_l10n_base=None, parent_dir=None, vcs='hg'): - c = self.config - if not hg_l10n_base: - hg_l10n_base = c['hg_l10n_base'] - if parent_dir is None: - parent_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_l10n_dir'] - self.mkdir_p(parent_dir) - repos = [] - replace_dict = {} - # This block is to allow for pulling buildbot-configs in Fennec - # release builds, since we don't pull it in MBF anymore. - if c.get("l10n_repos"): - if c.get("user_repo_override"): - replace_dict['user_repo_override'] = c['user_repo_override'] - for repo_dict in deepcopy(c['l10n_repos']): - repo_dict['repo'] = repo_dict['repo'] % replace_dict - repos.append(repo_dict) - else: - repos = c.get("l10n_repos") - self.vcs_checkout_repos(repos, tag_override=c.get('tag_override')) - # Pull locales - locales = self.query_locales() - locale_repos = [] - if c.get("user_repo_override"): - hg_l10n_base = hg_l10n_base % {"user_repo_override": c["user_repo_override"]} - for locale in locales: - tag = c.get('hg_l10n_tag', 'default') - if self.l10n_revisions.get(locale): - tag = self.l10n_revisions[locale] - locale_repos.append({ - 'repo': "%s/%s" % (hg_l10n_base, locale), - 'branch': tag, - 'vcs': vcs - }) - revs = self.vcs_checkout_repos(repo_list=locale_repos, - parent_dir=parent_dir, - tag_override=c.get('tag_override')) - self.gecko_locale_revisions = revs - - def query_l10n_repo(self): - # Find the name of our repository - mozilla_dir = self.config['mozilla_dir'] - repo = None - for repository in self.config['repos']: - if repository.get('dest') == mozilla_dir: - repo = repository['repo'] - break - return repo - -# GaiaLocalesMixin {{{1 -class GaiaLocalesMixin(object): - gaia_locale_revisions = None - - def pull_gaia_locale_source(self, l10n_config, locales, base_dir): - root = l10n_config['root'] - # urljoin will strip the last part of root if it doesn't end with "/" - if not root.endswith('/'): - root = root + '/' - vcs = l10n_config['vcs'] - env = l10n_config.get('env', {}) - repos = [] - for locale in locales: - repos.append({ - 'repo': urljoin(root, locale), - 'dest': locale, - 'vcs': vcs, - 'env': env, - }) - self.gaia_locale_revisions = self.vcs_checkout_repos(repo_list=repos, parent_dir=base_dir) - - -# __main__ {{{1 - -if __name__ == '__main__': - pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/multi_locale_build.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/multi_locale_build.py deleted file mode 100755 index 5bdbc8011..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/multi_locale_build.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,254 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""multi_locale_build.py - -This should be a mostly generic multilocale build script. -""" - -from copy import deepcopy -import os -import sys - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) - -from mozharness.base.errors import MakefileErrorList, SSHErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import FATAL -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript -from mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales import LocalesMixin - - -# MultiLocaleBuild {{{1 -class MultiLocaleBuild(LocalesMixin, MercurialScript): - """ This class targets Fennec multilocale builds. - We were considering this for potential Firefox desktop multilocale. - Now that we have a different approach for B2G multilocale, - it's most likely misnamed. """ - config_options = [[ - ["--locale"], - {"action": "extend", - "dest": "locales", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the locale(s) to repack" - } - ], [ - ["--merge-locales"], - {"action": "store_true", - "dest": "merge_locales", - "default": False, - "help": "Use default [en-US] if there are missing strings" - } - ], [ - ["--no-merge-locales"], - {"action": "store_false", - "dest": "merge_locales", - "help": "Do not allow missing strings" - } - ], [ - ["--objdir"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "objdir", - "type": "string", - "default": "objdir", - "help": "Specify the objdir" - } - ], [ - ["--l10n-base"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "hg_l10n_base", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the L10n repo base directory" - } - ], [ - ["--l10n-tag"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "hg_l10n_tag", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the L10n tag" - } - ], [ - ["--tag-override"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "tag_override", - "type": "string", - "help": "Override the tags set for all repos" - } - ], [ - ["--user-repo-override"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "user_repo_override", - "type": "string", - "help": "Override the user repo path for all repos" - } - ], [ - ["--l10n-dir"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "l10n_dir", - "type": "string", - "default": "l10n", - "help": "Specify the l10n dir name" - } - ]] - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - LocalesMixin.__init__(self) - MercurialScript.__init__(self, config_options=self.config_options, - all_actions=['clobber', 'pull-build-source', - 'pull-locale-source', - 'build', 'package-en-US', - 'upload-en-US', - 'backup-objdir', - 'restore-objdir', - 'add-locales', 'package-multi', - 'upload-multi', 'summary'], - require_config_file=require_config_file) - - def query_l10n_env(self): - return self.query_env() - - def clobber(self): - c = self.config - if c['work_dir'] != '.': - path = os.path.join(c['base_work_dir'], c['work_dir']) - if os.path.exists(path): - self.rmtree(path, error_level=FATAL) - else: - self.info("work_dir is '.'; skipping for now.") - - def pull_build_source(self): - c = self.config - repos = [] - replace_dict = {} - # Replace %(user_repo_override)s with c['user_repo_override'] - if c.get("user_repo_override"): - replace_dict['user_repo_override'] = c['user_repo_override'] - for repo_dict in deepcopy(c['repos']): - repo_dict['repo'] = repo_dict['repo'] % replace_dict - repos.append(repo_dict) - else: - repos = c['repos'] - self.vcs_checkout_repos(repos, tag_override=c.get('tag_override')) - - # pull_locale_source() defined in LocalesMixin. - - def build(self): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.copyfile(os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], c['mozconfig']), - os.path.join(dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], 'mozconfig'), - error_level=FATAL) - command = "make -f client.mk build" - env = self.query_env() - if self._process_command(command=command, - cwd=dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], - env=env, error_list=MakefileErrorList): - self.fatal("Erroring out after the build failed.") - - def add_locales(self): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - locales = self.query_locales() - - for locale in locales: - self.run_compare_locales(locale, halt_on_failure=True) - command = 'make chrome-%s L10NBASEDIR=%s' % (locale, dirs['abs_l10n_dir']) - if c['merge_locales']: - command += " LOCALE_MERGEDIR=%s" % dirs['abs_merge_dir'].replace(os.sep, '/') - status = self._process_command(command=command, - cwd=dirs['abs_locales_dir'], - error_list=MakefileErrorList) - if status: - self.return_code += 1 - self.add_summary("Failed to add locale %s!" % locale, - level="error") - else: - self.add_summary("Added locale %s successfully." % locale) - - def package_en_US(self): - self.package(package_type='en-US') - - def preflight_package_multi(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.run_command("rm -rfv dist/fennec*", cwd=dirs['abs_objdir']) - # bug 933290 - self.run_command(["touch", "mobile/android/installer/Makefile"], cwd=dirs['abs_objdir']) - - def package_multi(self): - self.package(package_type='multi') - - def additional_packaging(self, package_type='en-US', env=None): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - command = "make package-tests" - if package_type == 'multi': - command += " AB_CD=multi" - self.run_command(command, cwd=dirs['abs_objdir'], env=env, - error_list=MakefileErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True) - # TODO deal with buildsymbols - - def package(self, package_type='en-US'): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - command = "make package" - env = self.query_env() - if env is None: - # This is for Maemo, where we don't want an env for builds - # but we do for packaging. self.query_env() will return None. - env = os.environ.copy() - if package_type == 'multi': - command += " AB_CD=multi" - env['MOZ_CHROME_MULTILOCALE'] = "en-US " + \ - ' '.join(self.query_locales()) - self.info("MOZ_CHROME_MULTILOCALE is %s" % env['MOZ_CHROME_MULTILOCALE']) - self._process_command(command=command, cwd=dirs['abs_objdir'], - env=env, error_list=MakefileErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True) - self.additional_packaging(package_type=package_type, env=env) - - def upload_en_US(self): - # TODO - self.info("Not written yet.") - - def backup_objdir(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if not os.path.isdir(dirs['abs_objdir']): - self.warning("%s doesn't exist! Skipping..." % dirs['abs_objdir']) - return - rsync = self.query_exe('rsync') - backup_dir = '%s-bak' % dirs['abs_objdir'] - self.rmtree(backup_dir) - self.mkdir_p(backup_dir) - self.run_command([rsync, '-a', '--delete', '--partial', - '%s/' % dirs['abs_objdir'], - '%s/' % backup_dir], - error_list=SSHErrorList) - - def restore_objdir(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - rsync = self.query_exe('rsync') - backup_dir = '%s-bak' % dirs['abs_objdir'] - if not os.path.isdir(dirs['abs_objdir']) or not os.path.isdir(backup_dir): - self.warning("Both %s and %s need to exist to restore the objdir! Skipping..." % (dirs['abs_objdir'], backup_dir)) - return - self.run_command([rsync, '-a', '--delete', '--partial', - '%s/' % backup_dir, - '%s/' % dirs['abs_objdir']], - error_list=SSHErrorList) - - def upload_multi(self): - # TODO - self.info("Not written yet.") - - def _process_command(self, **kwargs): - """Stub wrapper function that allows us to call scratchbox in - MaemoMultiLocaleBuild. - - """ - return self.run_command(**kwargs) - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mapper.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mapper.py deleted file mode 100644 index c5a2d4895..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mapper.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Support for hg/git mapper -""" -import urllib2 -import time -try: - import simplejson as json -except ImportError: - import json - - -class MapperMixin: - def query_mapper(self, mapper_url, project, vcs, rev, - require_answer=True, attempts=30, sleeptime=30, - project_name=None): - """ - Returns the mapped revision for the target vcs via a mapper service - - Args: - mapper_url (str): base url to use for the mapper service - project (str): The name of the mapper project to use for lookups - vcs (str): Which vcs you want the revision for. e.g. "git" to get - the git revision given an hg revision - rev (str): The original revision you want the mapping for. - require_answer (bool): Whether you require a valid answer or not. - If None is acceptable (meaning mapper doesn't know about the - revision you're asking about), then set this to False. If True, - then will return the revision, or cause a fatal error. - attempts (int): How many times to try to do the lookup - sleeptime (int): How long to sleep between attempts - project_name (str): Used for logging only to give a more - descriptive name to the project, otherwise just uses the - project parameter - - Returns: - A revision string, or None - """ - if project_name is None: - project_name = project - url = mapper_url.format(project=project, vcs=vcs, rev=rev) - self.info('Mapping %s revision to %s using %s' % (project_name, vcs, url)) - n = 1 - while n <= attempts: - try: - r = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=10) - j = json.loads(r.readline()) - if j['%s_rev' % vcs] is None: - if require_answer: - raise Exception("Mapper returned a revision of None; maybe it needs more time.") - else: - self.warning("Mapper returned a revision of None. Accepting because require_answer is False.") - return j['%s_rev' % vcs] - except Exception, err: - self.warning('Error: %s' % str(err)) - if n == attempts: - self.fatal('Giving up on %s %s revision for %s.' % (project_name, vcs, rev)) - if sleeptime > 0: - self.info('Sleeping %i seconds before retrying' % sleeptime) - time.sleep(sleeptime) - continue - finally: - n += 1 - - def query_mapper_git_revision(self, url, project, rev, **kwargs): - """ - Returns the git revision for the given hg revision `rev` - See query_mapper docs for supported parameters and docstrings - """ - return self.query_mapper(url, project, "git", rev, **kwargs) - - def query_mapper_hg_revision(self, url, project, rev, **kwargs): - """ - Returns the hg revision for the given git revision `rev` - See query_mapper docs for supported parameters and docstrings - """ - return self.query_mapper(url, project, "hg", rev, **kwargs) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mar.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mar.py deleted file mode 100644 index dbe3b96a0..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mar.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""MarMixin, manages mar files""" - -import os -import sys -import ConfigParser - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - - -CONFIG = { - "buildid_section": 'App', - "buildid_option": "BuildID", -} - - -def query_ini_file(ini_file, section, option): - ini = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() - ini.read(ini_file) - return ini.get(section, option) - - -def buildid_from_ini(ini_file): - """reads an ini_file and returns the buildid""" - return query_ini_file(ini_file, - CONFIG.get('buildid_section'), - CONFIG.get('buildid_option')) - - -# MarMixin {{{1 -class MarMixin(object): - def _mar_tool_dir(self): - """returns the path or the mar tool directory""" - config = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - return os.path.join(dirs['abs_objdir'], config["local_mar_tool_dir"]) - - def _incremental_update_script(self): - """returns the path of incremental update script""" - config = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - return os.path.join(dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], - config['incremental_update_script']) - - def download_mar_tools(self): - """downloads mar tools executables (mar,mbsdiff) - and stores them local_dir()""" - self.info("getting mar tools") - dst_dir = self._mar_tool_dir() - self.mkdir_p(dst_dir) - config = self.config - replace_dict = {'platform': config['platform'], - 'branch': config['branch']} - url = config['mar_tools_url'] % replace_dict - binaries = (config['mar'], config['mbsdiff']) - for binary in binaries: - from_url = "/".join((url, binary)) - full_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, binary) - if not os.path.exists(full_path): - self.download_file(from_url, file_name=full_path) - self.info("downloaded %s" % full_path) - else: - self.info("found %s, skipping download" % full_path) - self.chmod(full_path, 0755) - - def _temp_mar_base_dir(self): - """a base dir for unpacking mars""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - return dirs['abs_objdir'] - - def _unpack_mar(self, mar_file, dst_dir): - """unpacks a mar file into dst_dir""" - cmd = ['perl', self._unpack_script(), mar_file] - env = self.query_bootstrap_env() - self.info("unpacking %s" % mar_file) - self.mkdir_p(dst_dir) - return self.run_command(cmd, - cwd=dst_dir, - env=env, - halt_on_failure=True) - - def do_incremental_update(self, previous_dir, current_dir, partial_filename): - """create an incremental update from src_mar to dst_src. - It stores the result in partial_filename""" - # Usage: make_incremental_update.sh [OPTIONS] ARCHIVE FROMDIR TODIR - cmd = [self._incremental_update_script(), partial_filename, - previous_dir, current_dir] - env = self.query_bootstrap_env() - cwd = self._mar_dir('update_mar_dir') - self.mkdir_p(cwd) - result = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env) - return result - - def get_buildid_from_mar_dir(self, mar_unpack_dir): - """returns the buildid of the current mar file""" - config = self.config - ini_file = config['application_ini'] - ini_file = os.path.join(mar_unpack_dir, ini_file) - self.info("application.ini file: %s" % ini_file) - - # log the content of application.ini - with self.opened(ini_file, 'r') as (ini, error): - if error: - self.fatal('cannot open %s' % ini_file) - self.debug(ini.read()) - return buildid_from_ini(ini_file) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mock.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mock.py deleted file mode 100644 index f8587c0d6..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mock.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Code to integrate with mock -""" - -import os.path -import hashlib -import subprocess -import os - -ERROR_MSGS = { - 'undetermined_buildroot_lock': 'buildroot_lock_path does not exist.\ -Nothing to remove.' -} - - - -# MockMixin {{{1 -class MockMixin(object): - """Provides methods to setup and interact with mock environments. - https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReleaseEngineering/Applications/Mock - - This is dependent on ScriptMixin - """ - done_mock_setup = False - mock_enabled = False - default_mock_target = None - - def init_mock(self, mock_target): - "Initialize mock environment defined by `mock_target`" - cmd = ['mock_mozilla', '-r', mock_target, '--init'] - return super(MockMixin, self).run_command(cmd, halt_on_failure=True, - fatal_exit_code=3) - - def install_mock_packages(self, mock_target, packages): - "Install `packages` into mock environment `mock_target`" - cmd = ['mock_mozilla', '-r', mock_target, '--install'] + packages - # TODO: parse output to see if packages actually were installed - return super(MockMixin, self).run_command(cmd, halt_on_failure=True, - fatal_exit_code=3) - - def delete_mock_files(self, mock_target, files): - """Delete files from the mock environment `mock_target`. `files` should - be an iterable of 2-tuples: (src, dst). Only the dst component is - deleted.""" - cmd_base = ['mock_mozilla', '-r', mock_target, '--shell'] - for src, dest in files: - cmd = cmd_base + ['rm -rf %s' % dest] - super(MockMixin, self).run_command(cmd, halt_on_failure=True, - fatal_exit_code=3) - - def copy_mock_files(self, mock_target, files): - """Copy files into the mock environment `mock_target`. `files` should - be an iterable of 2-tuples: (src, dst)""" - cmd_base = ['mock_mozilla', '-r', mock_target, '--copyin', '--unpriv'] - for src, dest in files: - cmd = cmd_base + [src, dest] - super(MockMixin, self).run_command(cmd, halt_on_failure=True, - fatal_exit_code=3) - super(MockMixin, self).run_command( - ['mock_mozilla', '-r', mock_target, '--shell', - 'chown -R mock_mozilla %s' % dest], - halt_on_failure=True, - fatal_exit_code=3) - - def get_mock_target(self): - if self.config.get('disable_mock'): - return None - return self.default_mock_target or self.config.get('mock_target') - - def enable_mock(self): - """Wrap self.run_command and self.get_output_from_command to run inside - the mock environment given by self.config['mock_target']""" - if not self.get_mock_target(): - return - self.mock_enabled = True - self.run_command = self.run_command_m - self.get_output_from_command = self.get_output_from_command_m - - def disable_mock(self): - """Restore self.run_command and self.get_output_from_command to their - original versions. This is the opposite of self.enable_mock()""" - if not self.get_mock_target(): - return - self.mock_enabled = False - self.run_command = super(MockMixin, self).run_command - self.get_output_from_command = super(MockMixin, self).get_output_from_command - - def _do_mock_command(self, func, mock_target, command, cwd=None, env=None, **kwargs): - """Internal helper for preparing commands to run under mock. Used by - run_mock_command and get_mock_output_from_command.""" - cmd = ['mock_mozilla', '-r', mock_target, '-q'] - if cwd: - cmd += ['--cwd', cwd] - - if not kwargs.get('privileged'): - cmd += ['--unpriv'] - cmd += ['--shell'] - - if not isinstance(command, basestring): - command = subprocess.list2cmdline(command) - - # XXX - Hack - gets around AB_CD=%(locale)s type arguments - command = command.replace("(", "\\(") - command = command.replace(")", "\\)") - - if env: - env_cmd = ['/usr/bin/env'] - for key, value in env.items(): - # $HOME won't work inside the mock chroot - if key == 'HOME': - continue - value = value.replace(";", "\\;") - env_cmd += ['%s=%s' % (key, value)] - cmd.append(subprocess.list2cmdline(env_cmd) + " " + command) - else: - cmd.append(command) - return func(cmd, cwd=cwd, **kwargs) - - def run_mock_command(self, mock_target, command, cwd=None, env=None, **kwargs): - """Same as ScriptMixin.run_command, except runs command inside mock - environment `mock_target`.""" - return self._do_mock_command( - super(MockMixin, self).run_command, - mock_target, command, cwd, env, **kwargs) - - def get_mock_output_from_command(self, mock_target, command, cwd=None, env=None, **kwargs): - """Same as ScriptMixin.get_output_from_command, except runs command - inside mock environment `mock_target`.""" - return self._do_mock_command( - super(MockMixin, self).get_output_from_command, - mock_target, command, cwd, env, **kwargs) - - def reset_mock(self, mock_target=None): - """rm mock lock and reset""" - c = self.config - if mock_target is None: - if not c.get('mock_target'): - self.fatal("Cound not determine: 'mock_target'") - mock_target = c.get('mock_target') - buildroot_lock_path = os.path.join(c.get('mock_mozilla_dir', ''), - mock_target, - 'buildroot.lock') - self.info("Removing buildroot lock at path if exists:O") - self.info(buildroot_lock_path) - if not os.path.exists(buildroot_lock_path): - self.info(ERROR_MSGS['undetermined_buildroot_lock']) - else: - rm_lock_cmd = ['rm', '-f', buildroot_lock_path] - super(MockMixin, self).run_command(rm_lock_cmd, - halt_on_failure=True, - fatal_exit_code=3) - cmd = ['mock_mozilla', '-r', mock_target, '--orphanskill'] - return super(MockMixin, self).run_command(cmd, halt_on_failure=True, - fatal_exit_code=3) - - def setup_mock(self, mock_target=None, mock_packages=None, mock_files=None): - """Initializes and installs packages, copies files into mock - environment given by configuration in self.config. The mock - environment is given by self.config['mock_target'], the list of packges - to install given by self.config['mock_packages'], and the list of files - to copy in is self.config['mock_files'].""" - if self.done_mock_setup or self.config.get('disable_mock'): - return - - c = self.config - - if mock_target is None: - assert 'mock_target' in c - t = c['mock_target'] - else: - t = mock_target - self.default_mock_target = t - - # Don't re-initialize mock if we're using the same packages as before - # Put the cache inside the mock root so that if somebody else resets - # the environment, it invalidates the cache - mock_root = super(MockMixin, self).get_output_from_command( - ['mock_mozilla', '-r', t, '--print-root-path'] - ) - package_hash_file = os.path.join(mock_root, "builds/package_list.hash") - if os.path.exists(package_hash_file): - old_packages_hash = self.read_from_file(package_hash_file) - self.info("old package hash: %s" % old_packages_hash) - else: - self.info("no previous package list found") - old_packages_hash = None - - if mock_packages is None: - mock_packages = list(c.get('mock_packages')) - - package_list_hash = hashlib.new('sha1') - if mock_packages: - for p in sorted(mock_packages): - package_list_hash.update(p) - package_list_hash = package_list_hash.hexdigest() - - did_init = True - # This simple hash comparison doesn't take into account depedency - # changes. If you really care about dependencies, then they should be - # explicitly listed in the package list. - if old_packages_hash != package_list_hash: - self.init_mock(t) - else: - self.info("Our list of packages hasn't changed; skipping re-initialization") - did_init = False - - # Still try and install packages here since the package version may - # have been updated on the server - if mock_packages: - self.install_mock_packages(t, mock_packages) - - # Save our list of packages - self.write_to_file(package_hash_file, - package_list_hash) - - if mock_files is None: - mock_files = list(c.get('mock_files')) - if mock_files: - if not did_init: - # mock complains if you try and copy in files that already - # exist, so we need to delete them here first - self.info("Deleting old mock files") - self.delete_mock_files(t, mock_files) - self.copy_mock_files(t, mock_files) - - self.done_mock_setup = True - - def run_command_m(self, *args, **kwargs): - """Executes self.run_mock_command if we have a mock target set, - otherwise executes self.run_command.""" - mock_target = self.get_mock_target() - if mock_target: - self.setup_mock() - return self.run_mock_command(mock_target, *args, **kwargs) - else: - return super(MockMixin, self).run_command(*args, **kwargs) - - def get_output_from_command_m(self, *args, **kwargs): - """Executes self.get_mock_output_from_command if we have a mock target - set, otherwise executes self.get_output_from_command.""" - mock_target = self.get_mock_target() - if mock_target: - self.setup_mock() - return self.get_mock_output_from_command(mock_target, *args, **kwargs) - else: - return super(MockMixin, self).get_output_from_command(*args, **kwargs) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mozbase.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mozbase.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0201687d1..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mozbase.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -import os -from mozharness.base.script import PreScriptAction - - -class MozbaseMixin(object): - """Automatically set virtualenv requirements to use mozbase - from test package. - """ - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - super(MozbaseMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) - - @PreScriptAction('create-virtualenv') - def _install_mozbase(self, action): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - requirements = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], - 'config', - 'mozbase_requirements.txt') - if os.path.isfile(requirements): - self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], - two_pass=True) - return - - # XXX Bug 879765: Dependent modules need to be listed before parent - # modules, otherwise they will get installed from the pypi server. - # XXX Bug 908356: This block can be removed as soon as the - # in-tree requirements files propagate to all active trees. - mozbase_dir = os.path.join('tests', 'mozbase') - self.register_virtualenv_module( - 'manifestparser', - url=os.path.join(mozbase_dir, 'manifestdestiny') - ) - - for m in ('mozfile', 'mozlog', 'mozinfo', 'moznetwork', 'mozhttpd', - 'mozcrash', 'mozinstall', 'mozdevice', 'mozprofile', - 'mozprocess', 'mozrunner'): - self.register_virtualenv_module( - m, url=os.path.join(mozbase_dir, m) - ) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/proxxy.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/proxxy.py deleted file mode 100644 index b9f14d5f2..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/proxxy.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,167 +0,0 @@ -"""Proxxy module. Defines a Proxxy element that fetches files using local - proxxy instances (if available). The goal of Proxxy is to lower the traffic - from the cloud to internal servers. -""" -import urlparse -import socket -from mozharness.base.log import INFO, ERROR, LogMixin -from mozharness.base.script import ScriptMixin - - -# Proxxy {{{1 -class Proxxy(ScriptMixin, LogMixin): - """ - Support downloading files from HTTP caching proxies - - Current supports 'proxxy' instances, in which the caching proxy at - proxxy.domain.com will cache requests for ftp.mozilla.org when passed requests to - http://ftp.mozilla.org.proxxy.domain.com/... - - self.config['proxxy']['urls'] defines the list of backend hosts we are currently caching, and - the hostname prefix to use for proxxy - - self.config['proxxy']['instances'] lists current hostnames for proxxy instances. wildcard DNS - is set up so that *.proxxy.domain.com is a CNAME to the proxxy instance - """ - - # Default configuration. Can be overridden via self.config - PROXXY_CONFIG = { - "urls": [ - ('http://ftp.mozilla.org', 'ftp.mozilla.org'), - ('https://ftp.mozilla.org', 'ftp.mozilla.org'), - ('https://ftp-ssl.mozilla.org', 'ftp.mozilla.org'), - # pypi - ('http://pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org', 'pypi.pvt.build.mozilla.org'), - ('http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org', 'pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org'), - ], - "instances": [ - 'proxxy1.srv.releng.use1.mozilla.com', - 'proxxy1.srv.releng.usw2.mozilla.com', - ], - "regions": [".use1.", ".usw2."], - } - - def __init__(self, config, log_obj): - # proxxy does not need the need the full configuration, - # just the 'proxxy' element - # if configuration has no 'proxxy' section use the default - # configuration instead - default_config = {} if self.is_taskcluster() else self.PROXXY_CONFIG - self.config = config.get('proxxy', default_config) - self.log_obj = log_obj - - def get_proxies_for_url(self, url): - """Maps url to its proxxy urls - - Args: - url (str): url to be proxxied - Returns: - list: of proxy URLs to try, in sorted order. - please note that url is NOT included in this list. - """ - config = self.config - urls = [] - - self.info("proxxy config: %s" % config) - - proxxy_urls = config.get('urls', []) - proxxy_instances = config.get('instances', []) - - url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url) - url_path = url_parts.path - if url_parts.query: - url_path += "?" + url_parts.query - if url_parts.fragment: - url_path += "#" + url_parts.fragment - - for prefix, target in proxxy_urls: - if url.startswith(prefix): - self.info("%s matches %s" % (url, prefix)) - for instance in proxxy_instances: - if not self.query_is_proxxy_local(instance): - continue - new_url = "http://%s.%s%s" % (target, instance, url_path) - urls.append(new_url) - - for url in urls: - self.info("URL Candidate: %s" % url) - return urls - - def get_proxies_and_urls(self, urls): - """Gets a list of urls and returns a list of proxied urls, the list - of input urls is appended at the end of the return values - - Args: - urls (list, tuple): urls to be mapped to proxxy urls - - Returns: - list: proxxied urls and urls. urls are appended to the proxxied - urls list and they are the last elements of the list. - """ - proxxy_list = [] - for url in urls: - # get_proxies_for_url returns always a list... - proxxy_list.extend(self.get_proxies_for_url(url)) - proxxy_list.extend(urls) - return proxxy_list - - def query_is_proxxy_local(self, url): - """Checks is url is 'proxxable' for the local instance - - Args: - url (string): url to check - - Returns: - bool: True if url maps to a usable proxxy, - False in any other case - """ - fqdn = socket.getfqdn() - config = self.config - regions = config.get('regions', []) - - return any(r in fqdn and r in url for r in regions) - - def download_proxied_file(self, url, file_name, parent_dir=None, - create_parent_dir=True, error_level=ERROR, - exit_code=3): - """ - Wrapper around BaseScript.download_file that understands proxies - retry dict is set to 3 attempts, sleeping time 30 seconds. - - Args: - url (string): url to fetch - file_name (string, optional): output filename, defaults to None - if file_name is not defined, the output name is taken from - the url. - parent_dir (string, optional): name of the parent directory - create_parent_dir (bool, optional): if True, creates the parent - directory. Defaults to True - error_level (mozharness log level, optional): log error level - defaults to ERROR - exit_code (int, optional): return code to log if file_name - is not defined and it cannot be determined from the url - Returns: - string: file_name if the download has succeded, None in case of - error. In case of error, if error_level is set to FATAL, - this method interrupts the execution of the script - - """ - urls = self.get_proxies_and_urls([url]) - - for url in urls: - self.info("trying %s" % url) - retval = self.download_file( - url, file_name=file_name, parent_dir=parent_dir, - create_parent_dir=create_parent_dir, error_level=ERROR, - exit_code=exit_code, - retry_config=dict( - attempts=3, - sleeptime=30, - error_level=INFO, - )) - if retval: - return retval - - self.log("Failed to download from all available URLs, aborting", - level=error_level, exit_code=exit_code) - return retval diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/purge.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/purge.py deleted file mode 100644 index 23ffd9081..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/purge.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Purge/clobber support -""" - -# Figure out where our external_tools are -# These are in a sibling directory to the 'mozharness' module -import os -import mozharness -external_tools_path = os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), - 'external_tools', -) - -from mozharness.base.log import ERROR - - -# PurgeMixin {{{1 -# Depends on ScriptMixin for self.run_command, -# and BuildbotMixin for self.buildbot_config and self.query_is_nightly() -class PurgeMixin(object): - clobber_tool = os.path.join(external_tools_path, 'clobberer.py') - - default_skips = ['info', 'rel-*', 'tb-rel-*'] - default_maxage = 14 - default_periodic_clobber = 7 * 24 - - def clobberer(self): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if not self.buildbot_config: - self.fatal("clobberer requires self.buildbot_config (usually from $PROPERTIES_FILE)") - - periodic_clobber = c.get('periodic_clobber') or self.default_periodic_clobber - clobberer_url = c['clobberer_url'] - - builddir = os.path.basename(dirs['base_work_dir']) - branch = self.buildbot_config['properties']['branch'] - buildername = self.buildbot_config['properties']['buildername'] - slave = self.buildbot_config['properties']['slavename'] - master = self.buildbot_config['properties']['master'] - - cmd = [] - if self._is_windows(): - # The virtualenv isn't setup yet, so just use python directly. - cmd.append(self.query_exe('python')) - # Add --dry-run if you don't want to do this for realz - cmd.extend([self.clobber_tool]) - # TODO configurable list - cmd.extend(['-s', 'scripts']) - cmd.extend(['-s', 'logs']) - cmd.extend(['-s', 'buildprops.json']) - cmd.extend(['-s', 'token']) - cmd.extend(['-s', 'oauth.txt']) - - if periodic_clobber: - cmd.extend(['-t', str(periodic_clobber)]) - - cmd.extend([clobberer_url, branch, buildername, builddir, slave, master]) - error_list = [{ - 'substr': 'Error contacting server', 'level': ERROR, - 'explanation': 'Error contacting server for clobberer information.' - }] - - retval = self.retry(self.run_command, attempts=3, good_statuses=(0,), args=[cmd], - kwargs={'cwd':os.path.dirname(dirs['base_work_dir']), - 'error_list':error_list}) - if retval != 0: - self.fatal("failed to clobber build", exit_code=2) - - def clobber(self, always_clobber_dirs=None): - """ Mozilla clobberer-type clobber. - """ - c = self.config - if c.get('developer_mode'): - self.info("Suppressing clobber in developer mode for safety.") - return - if c.get('is_automation'): - # Nightly builds always clobber - do_clobber = False - if self.query_is_nightly(): - self.info("Clobbering because we're a nightly build") - do_clobber = True - if c.get('force_clobber'): - self.info("Clobbering because our config forced us to") - do_clobber = True - if do_clobber: - super(PurgeMixin, self).clobber() - else: - # Delete the upload dir so we don't upload previous stuff by - # accident - if always_clobber_dirs is None: - always_clobber_dirs = [] - for path in always_clobber_dirs: - self.rmtree(path) - if 'clobberer_url' in c and c.get('use_clobberer', True): - self.clobberer() - else: - super(PurgeMixin, self).clobber() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/release.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/release.py deleted file mode 100755 index 52a84cdba..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/release.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""release.py - -""" - -import os -from distutils.version import LooseVersion, StrictVersion - -from mozharness.base.config import parse_config_file - - -# SignAndroid {{{1 -class ReleaseMixin(): - release_config = {} - - def query_release_config(self): - if self.release_config: - return self.release_config - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if c.get("release_config_file"): - self.info("Getting release config from %s..." % c["release_config_file"]) - rc = None - try: - rc = parse_config_file( - os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], - c["release_config_file"]), - config_dict_name="releaseConfig" - ) - except IOError: - self.fatal("Release config file %s not found!" % c["release_config_file"]) - except RuntimeError: - self.fatal("Invalid release config file %s!" % c["release_config_file"]) - self.release_config['version'] = rc['version'] - self.release_config['buildnum'] = rc['buildNumber'] - self.release_config['ftp_server'] = rc['stagingServer'] - self.release_config['ftp_user'] = c.get('ftp_user', rc['hgUsername']) - self.release_config['ftp_ssh_key'] = c.get('ftp_ssh_key', rc['hgSshKey']) - self.release_config['release_channel'] = rc['releaseChannel'] - else: - self.info("No release config file; using default config.") - for key in ('version', 'buildnum', - 'ftp_server', 'ftp_user', 'ftp_ssh_key'): - self.release_config[key] = c[key] - self.info("Release config:\n%s" % self.release_config) - return self.release_config - - -def get_previous_version(version, partial_versions): - """ The patcher config bumper needs to know the exact previous version - We use LooseVersion for ESR because StrictVersion can't parse the trailing - 'esr', but StrictVersion otherwise because it can sort X.0bN lower than X.0. - The current version is excluded to avoid an error if build1 is aborted - before running the updates builder and now we're doing build2 - """ - if version.endswith('esr'): - return str(max(LooseVersion(v) for v in partial_versions if - v != version)) - else: - # StrictVersion truncates trailing zero in versions with more than 1 - # dot. Compose a structure that will be sorted by StrictVersion and - # return untouched version - composed = sorted([(v, StrictVersion(v)) for v in partial_versions if - v != version], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) - return composed[0][0] - - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/repo_manifest.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/repo_manifest.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2ffb34fe9..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/repo_manifest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,226 +0,0 @@ -""" -Module for handling repo style XML manifests -""" -import xml.dom.minidom -import os -import re - - -def load_manifest(filename): - """ - Loads manifest from `filename` and returns a single flattened manifest - Processes any <include name="..." /> nodes recursively - Removes projects referenced by <remove-project name="..." /> nodes - Abort on unsupported manifest tags - Returns the root node of the resulting DOM - """ - doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename) - - # Check that we don't have any unsupported tags - to_visit = list(doc.childNodes) - while to_visit: - node = to_visit.pop() - # Skip text nodes - if node.nodeType in (node.TEXT_NODE, node.COMMENT_NODE): - continue - - if node.tagName not in ('include', 'project', 'remote', 'default', 'manifest', 'copyfile', 'remove-project'): - raise ValueError("Unsupported tag: %s" % node.tagName) - to_visit.extend(node.childNodes) - - # Find all <include> nodes - for i in doc.getElementsByTagName('include'): - p = i.parentNode - - # The name attribute is relative to where the original manifest lives - inc_filename = i.getAttribute('name') - inc_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), inc_filename) - - # Parse the included file - inc_doc = load_manifest(inc_filename).documentElement - # For all the child nodes in the included manifest, insert into our - # manifest just before the include node - # We operate on a copy of childNodes because when we reparent `c`, the - # list of childNodes is modified. - for c in inc_doc.childNodes[:]: - p.insertBefore(c, i) - # Now we can remove the include node - p.removeChild(i) - - # Remove all projects referenced by <remove-project> - projects = {} - manifest = doc.documentElement - to_remove = [] - for node in manifest.childNodes: - # Skip text nodes - if node.nodeType in (node.TEXT_NODE, node.COMMENT_NODE): - continue - - if node.tagName == 'project': - projects[node.getAttribute('name')] = node - - elif node.tagName == 'remove-project': - project_node = projects[node.getAttribute('name')] - to_remove.append(project_node) - to_remove.append(node) - - for r in to_remove: - r.parentNode.removeChild(r) - - return doc - - -def rewrite_remotes(manifest, mapping_func, force_all=True): - """ - Rewrite manifest remotes in place - Returns the same manifest, with the remotes transformed by mapping_func - mapping_func should return a modified remote node, or None if no changes - are required - If force_all is True, then it is an error for mapping_func to return None; - a ValueError is raised in this case - """ - for r in manifest.getElementsByTagName('remote'): - m = mapping_func(r) - if not m: - if force_all: - raise ValueError("Wasn't able to map %s" % r.toxml()) - continue - - r.parentNode.replaceChild(m, r) - - -def add_project(manifest, name, path, remote=None, revision=None): - """ - Adds a project to the manifest in place - """ - - project = manifest.createElement("project") - project.setAttribute('name', name) - project.setAttribute('path', path) - if remote: - project.setAttribute('remote', remote) - if revision: - project.setAttribute('revision', revision) - - manifest.documentElement.appendChild(project) - - -def remove_project(manifest, name=None, path=None): - """ - Removes a project from manifest. - One of name or path must be set. If path is specified, then the project - with the given path is removed, otherwise the project with the given name - is removed. - """ - assert name or path - node = get_project(manifest, name, path) - if node: - node.parentNode.removeChild(node) - return node - - -def get_project(manifest, name=None, path=None): - """ - Gets a project node from the manifest. - One of name or path must be set. If path is specified, then the project - with the given path is returned, otherwise the project with the given name - is returned. - """ - assert name or path - for node in manifest.getElementsByTagName('project'): - if path is not None and node.getAttribute('path') == path: - return node - if node.getAttribute('name') == name: - return node - - -def get_remote(manifest, name): - for node in manifest.getElementsByTagName('remote'): - if node.getAttribute('name') == name: - return node - - -def get_default(manifest): - default = manifest.getElementsByTagName('default')[0] - return default - - -def get_project_remote_url(manifest, project): - """ - Gets the remote URL for the given project node. Will return the default - remote if the project doesn't explicitly specify one. - """ - if project.hasAttribute('remote'): - remote = get_remote(manifest, project.getAttribute('remote')) - else: - default = get_default(manifest) - remote = get_remote(manifest, default.getAttribute('remote')) - fetch = remote.getAttribute('fetch') - if not fetch.endswith('/'): - fetch += '/' - return "%s%s" % (fetch, project.getAttribute('name')) - - -def get_project_revision(manifest, project): - """ - Gets the revision for the given project node. Will return the default - revision if the project doesn't explicitly specify one. - """ - if project.hasAttribute('revision'): - return project.getAttribute('revision') - else: - default = get_default(manifest) - return default.getAttribute('revision') - - -def remove_group(manifest, group): - """ - Removes all projects with groups=`group` - """ - retval = [] - for node in manifest.getElementsByTagName('project'): - if group in node.getAttribute('groups').split(","): - node.parentNode.removeChild(node) - retval.append(node) - return retval - - -def map_remote(r, mappings): - """ - Helper function for mapping git remotes - """ - remote = r.getAttribute('fetch') - if remote in mappings: - r.setAttribute('fetch', mappings[remote]) - # Add a comment about where our original remote was - comment = r.ownerDocument.createComment("original fetch url was %s" % remote) - line = r.ownerDocument.createTextNode("\n") - r.parentNode.insertBefore(comment, r) - r.parentNode.insertBefore(line, r) - return r - return None - - -COMMIT_PATTERN = re.compile("[0-9a-f]{40}") - - -def is_commitid(revision): - """ - Returns True if revision looks like a commit id - i.e. 40 character string made up of 0-9a-f - """ - return bool(re.match(COMMIT_PATTERN, revision)) - - -def cleanup(manifest, depth=0): - """ - Remove any empty text nodes - """ - for n in manifest.childNodes[:]: - if n.childNodes: - n.normalize() - if n.nodeType == n.TEXT_NODE and not n.data.strip(): - if not n.nextSibling: - depth -= 2 - n.data = "\n" + (" " * depth) - cleanup(n, depth + 2) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/repo_manupulation.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/repo_manupulation.py deleted file mode 100644 index a2dfc46a2..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/repo_manupulation.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,164 +0,0 @@ -import os - -from mozharness.base.errors import HgErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import FATAL, INFO -from mozharness.base.vcs.mercurial import MercurialVCS - - -class MercurialRepoManipulationMixin(object): - - def get_version(self, repo_root, - version_file="browser/config/version.txt"): - version_path = os.path.join(repo_root, version_file) - contents = self.read_from_file(version_path, error_level=FATAL) - lines = [l for l in contents.splitlines() if l and - not l.startswith("#")] - return lines[-1].split(".") - - def replace(self, file_name, from_, to_): - """ Replace text in a file. - """ - text = self.read_from_file(file_name, error_level=FATAL) - new_text = text.replace(from_, to_) - if text == new_text: - self.fatal("Cannot replace '%s' to '%s' in '%s'" % - (from_, to_, file_name)) - self.write_to_file(file_name, new_text, error_level=FATAL) - - def query_hg_revision(self, path): - """ Avoid making 'pull' a required action every run, by being able - to fall back to figuring out the revision from the cloned repo - """ - m = MercurialVCS(log_obj=self.log_obj, config=self.config) - revision = m.get_revision_from_path(path) - return revision - - def hg_commit(self, cwd, message, user=None, ignore_no_changes=False): - """ Commit changes to hg. - """ - cmd = self.query_exe('hg', return_type='list') + [ - 'commit', '-m', message] - if user: - cmd.extend(['-u', user]) - success_codes = [0] - if ignore_no_changes: - success_codes.append(1) - self.run_command( - cmd, cwd=cwd, error_list=HgErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True, - success_codes=success_codes - ) - return self.query_hg_revision(cwd) - - def clean_repos(self): - """ We may end up with contaminated local repos at some point, but - we don't want to have to clobber and reclone from scratch every - time. - - This is an attempt to clean up the local repos without needing a - clobber. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") - hg_repos = self.query_repos() - hg_strip_error_list = [{ - 'substr': r'''abort: empty revision set''', 'level': INFO, - 'explanation': "Nothing to clean up; we're good!", - }] + HgErrorList - for repo_config in hg_repos: - repo_name = repo_config["dest"] - repo_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], repo_name) - if os.path.exists(repo_path): - # hg up -C to discard uncommitted changes - self.run_command( - hg + ["up", "-C", "-r", repo_config['branch']], - cwd=repo_path, - error_list=HgErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True, - ) - # discard unpushed commits - status = self.retry( - self.run_command, - args=(hg + ["--config", "extensions.mq=", "strip", - "--no-backup", "outgoing()"], ), - kwargs={ - 'cwd': repo_path, - 'error_list': hg_strip_error_list, - 'return_type': 'num_errors', - 'success_codes': (0, 255), - }, - ) - if status not in [0, 255]: - self.fatal("Issues stripping outgoing revisions!") - # 2nd hg up -C to make sure we're not on a stranded head - # which can happen when reverting debugsetparents - self.run_command( - hg + ["up", "-C", "-r", repo_config['branch']], - cwd=repo_path, - error_list=HgErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True, - ) - - def commit_changes(self): - """ Do the commit. - """ - hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") - for cwd in self.query_commit_dirs(): - self.run_command(hg + ["diff"], cwd=cwd) - self.hg_commit( - cwd, user=self.config['hg_user'], - message=self.query_commit_message(), - ignore_no_changes=self.config.get("ignore_no_changes", False) - ) - self.info("Now verify |hg out| and |hg out --patch| if you're paranoid, and --push") - - def hg_tag(self, cwd, tags, user=None, message=None, revision=None, - force=None, halt_on_failure=True): - if isinstance(tags, basestring): - tags = [tags] - cmd = self.query_exe('hg', return_type='list') + ['tag'] - if not message: - message = "No bug - Tagging %s" % os.path.basename(cwd) - if revision: - message = "%s %s" % (message, revision) - message = "%s with %s" % (message, ', '.join(tags)) - message += " a=release DONTBUILD CLOSED TREE" - self.info(message) - cmd.extend(['-m', message]) - if user: - cmd.extend(['-u', user]) - if revision: - cmd.extend(['-r', revision]) - if force: - cmd.append('-f') - cmd.extend(tags) - return self.run_command( - cmd, cwd=cwd, halt_on_failure=halt_on_failure, - error_list=HgErrorList - ) - - def push(self): - """ - """ - error_message = """Push failed! If there was a push race, try rerunning -the script (--clean-repos --pull --migrate). The second run will be faster.""" - hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") - for cwd in self.query_push_dirs(): - if not cwd: - self.warning("Skipping %s" % cwd) - continue - push_cmd = hg + ['push'] + self.query_push_args(cwd) - if self.config.get("push_dest"): - push_cmd.append(self.config["push_dest"]) - status = self.run_command( - push_cmd, - cwd=cwd, - error_list=HgErrorList, - success_codes=[0, 1], - ) - if status == 1: - self.warning("No changes for %s!" % cwd) - elif status: - self.fatal(error_message) - - diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/secrets.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/secrets.py deleted file mode 100644 index d40964bd6..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/secrets.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Support for fetching secrets from the secrets API -""" - -import os -import mozharness -import urllib2 -import json -from mozharness.base.log import ERROR - - -class SecretsMixin(object): - - def _fetch_secret(self, secret_name): - self.info("fetching secret {} from API".format(secret_name)) - # fetch from http://taskcluster, which points to the taskcluster proxy - # within a taskcluster task. Outside of that environment, do not - # use this action. - url = "http://taskcluster/secrets/v1/secret/" + secret_name - res = urllib2.urlopen(url) - if res.getcode() != 200: - self.fatal("Error fetching from secrets API:" + res.read()) - - return json.load(res)['secret']['content'] - - def get_secrets(self): - """ - Get the secrets specified by the `secret_files` configuration. This is - a list of dictionaries, one for each secret. The `secret_name` key - names the key in the TaskCluster secrets API to fetch (see - http://docs.taskcluster.net/services/secrets/). It can contain - %-substitutions based on the `subst` dictionary below. - - Since secrets must be JSON objects, the `content` property of the - secret is used as the value to be written to disk. - - The `filename` key in the dictionary gives the filename to which the - secret should be written. - - The optional `min_scm_level` key gives a minimum SCM level at which this - secret is required. For lower levels, the value of the 'default` key - is used, or no secret is written. - """ - if self.config.get('forced_artifact_build'): - self.info('Skipping due to forced artifact build.') - return - - secret_files = self.config.get('secret_files', []) - - scm_level = self.config.get('scm-level', 1) - subst = { - 'scm-level': scm_level, - } - - for sf in secret_files: - filename = sf['filename'] - secret_name = sf['secret_name'] % subst - min_scm_level = sf.get('min_scm_level', 0) - if scm_level <= min_scm_level: - if 'default' in sf: - self.info("Using default value for " + filename) - secret = sf['default'] - else: - self.info("No default for secret; not writing " + filename) - continue - else: - secret = self._fetch_secret(secret_name) - - open(filename, "w").write(secret) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/selfserve.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/selfserve.py deleted file mode 100644 index 69e243059..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/selfserve.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -import json -import site - -# SelfServeMixin {{{1 -class SelfServeMixin(object): - def _get_session(self): - site_packages_path = self.query_python_site_packages_path() - site.addsitedir(site_packages_path) - import requests - session = requests.Session() - adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=5) - session.mount("http://", adapter) - session.mount("https://", adapter) - return session - - def _get_base_url(self): - return self.config["selfserve_url"].rstrip("/") - - def trigger_nightly_builds(self, branch, revision, auth): - session = self._get_session() - - selfserve_base = self._get_base_url() - url = "%s/%s/rev/%s/nightly" % (selfserve_base, branch, revision) - - data = { - "revision": revision, - } - self.info("Triggering nightly builds via %s" % url) - return session.post(url, data=data, auth=auth).raise_for_status() - - def trigger_arbitrary_job(self, builder, branch, revision, auth, files=None): - session = self._get_session() - - selfserve_base = self._get_base_url() - url = "%s/%s/builders/%s/%s" % (selfserve_base, branch, builder, revision) - - data = { - "properties": json.dumps({ - "branch": branch, - "revision": revision - }), - } - if files: - data["files"] = json.dumps(files) - - self.info("Triggering arbritrary job at %s" % url) - return session.post(url, data=data, auth=auth).raise_for_status() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/signing.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/signing.py deleted file mode 100755 index 3b16ce595..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/signing.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Mozilla-specific signing methods. -""" - -import os -import re -import json - -from mozharness.base.errors import BaseErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, FATAL -from mozharness.base.signing import AndroidSigningMixin, BaseSigningMixin - -AndroidSignatureVerificationErrorList = BaseErrorList + [{ - "regex": re.compile(r'''^Invalid$'''), - "level": FATAL, - "explanation": "Signature is invalid!" -}, { - "substr": "filename not matched", - "level": ERROR, -}, { - "substr": "ERROR: Could not unzip", - "level": ERROR, -}, { - "regex": re.compile(r'''Are you sure this is a (nightly|release) package'''), - "level": FATAL, - "explanation": "Not signed!" -}] - - -# SigningMixin {{{1 - -class SigningMixin(BaseSigningMixin): - """Generic signing helper methods.""" - def query_moz_sign_cmd(self, formats=['gpg']): - if 'MOZ_SIGNING_SERVERS' not in os.environ: - self.fatal("MOZ_SIGNING_SERVERS not in env; no MOZ_SIGN_CMD for you!") - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - signing_dir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tools', 'release', 'signing') - cache_dir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'signing_cache') - token = os.path.join(dirs['base_work_dir'], 'token') - nonce = os.path.join(dirs['base_work_dir'], 'nonce') - host_cert = os.path.join(signing_dir, 'host.cert') - python = self.query_exe('python') - cmd = [ - python, - os.path.join(signing_dir, 'signtool.py'), - '--cachedir', cache_dir, - '-t', token, - '-n', nonce, - '-c', host_cert, - ] - if formats: - for f in formats: - cmd += ['-f', f] - for h in os.environ['MOZ_SIGNING_SERVERS'].split(","): - cmd += ['-H', h] - return cmd - - def generate_signing_manifest(self, files): - """Generate signing manifest for signingworkers - - Every entry in the manifest requires a dictionary of - "file_to_sign" (basename) and "hash" (SHA512) of every file to be - signed. Signing format is defined in the signing task. - """ - manifest_content = [ - { - "file_to_sign": os.path.basename(f), - "hash": self.query_sha512sum(f) - } - for f in files - ] - return json.dumps(manifest_content) - - -# MobileSigningMixin {{{1 -class MobileSigningMixin(AndroidSigningMixin, SigningMixin): - def verify_android_signature(self, apk, script=None, key_alias="nightly", - tools_dir="tools/", env=None): - """Runs mjessome's android signature verification script. - This currently doesn't check to see if the apk exists; you may want - to do that before calling the method. - """ - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if script is None: - script = c.get('signature_verification_script') - if env is None: - env = self.query_env() - return self.run_command( - [script, "--tools-dir=%s" % tools_dir, "--%s" % key_alias, - "--apk=%s" % apk], - cwd=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - env=env, - error_list=AndroidSignatureVerificationErrorList - ) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/structuredlog.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/structuredlog.py deleted file mode 100644 index d87c5ebdc..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/structuredlog.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,173 +0,0 @@ -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -import json - -from mozharness.base import log -from mozharness.base.log import OutputParser, WARNING, INFO, ERROR -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import TBPL_WARNING, TBPL_FAILURE -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import TBPL_SUCCESS, TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import tbox_print_summary - - -class StructuredOutputParser(OutputParser): - # The script class using this must inherit the MozbaseMixin to ensure - # that mozlog is available. - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - """Object that tracks the overall status of the test run""" - # The 'strict' argument dictates whether the presence of output - # from the harness process other than line-delimited json indicates - # failure. If it does not, the errors_list parameter may be used - # to detect additional failure output from the harness process. - if 'strict' in kwargs: - self.strict = kwargs.pop('strict') - else: - self.strict = True - - self.suite_category = kwargs.pop('suite_category', None) - - tbpl_compact = kwargs.pop("log_compact", False) - super(StructuredOutputParser, self).__init__(**kwargs) - - mozlog = self._get_mozlog_module() - self.formatter = mozlog.formatters.TbplFormatter(compact=tbpl_compact) - self.handler = mozlog.handlers.StatusHandler() - self.log_actions = mozlog.structuredlog.log_actions() - - self.worst_log_level = INFO - self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS - - def _get_mozlog_module(self): - try: - import mozlog - except ImportError: - self.fatal("A script class using structured logging must inherit " - "from the MozbaseMixin to ensure that mozlog is available.") - return mozlog - - def _handle_unstructured_output(self, line): - if self.strict: - self.critical(("Test harness output was not a valid structured log message: " - "\n%s") % line) - self.update_levels(TBPL_FAILURE, log.CRITICAL) - return - super(StructuredOutputParser, self).parse_single_line(line) - - - def parse_single_line(self, line): - """Parses a line of log output from the child process and passes - it to mozlog to update the overall status of the run. - Re-emits the logged line in human-readable format. - """ - level = INFO - tbpl_level = TBPL_SUCCESS - - data = None - try: - candidate_data = json.loads(line) - if (isinstance(candidate_data, dict) and - 'action' in candidate_data and candidate_data['action'] in self.log_actions): - data = candidate_data - except ValueError: - pass - - if data is None: - self._handle_unstructured_output(line) - return - - self.handler(data) - - action = data["action"] - if action == "log": - level = getattr(log, data["level"].upper()) - - log_data = self.formatter(data) - if log_data is not None: - self.log(log_data, level=level) - self.update_levels(tbpl_level, level) - - def evaluate_parser(self, return_code, success_codes=None): - success_codes = success_codes or [0] - summary = self.handler.summarize() - - fail_pair = TBPL_WARNING, WARNING - error_pair = TBPL_FAILURE, ERROR - - # These are warning/orange statuses. - failure_conditions = [ - sum(summary.unexpected_statuses.values()) > 0, - summary.action_counts.get('crash', 0) > summary.expected_statuses.get('CRASH', 0), - summary.action_counts.get('valgrind_error', 0) > 0 - ] - for condition in failure_conditions: - if condition: - self.update_levels(*fail_pair) - - # These are error/red statuses. A message is output here every time something - # wouldn't otherwise be highlighted in the UI. - required_actions = { - 'suite_end': 'No suite end message was emitted by this harness.', - 'test_end': 'No checks run.', - } - for action, diagnostic_message in required_actions.iteritems(): - if action not in summary.action_counts: - self.log(diagnostic_message, ERROR) - self.update_levels(*error_pair) - - failure_log_levels = ['ERROR', 'CRITICAL'] - for level in failure_log_levels: - if level in summary.log_level_counts: - self.update_levels(*error_pair) - - # If a superclass was used to detect errors with a regex based output parser, - # this will be reflected in the status here. - if self.num_errors: - self.update_levels(*error_pair) - - # Harnesses typically return non-zero on test failure, so don't promote - # to error if we already have a failing status. - if return_code not in success_codes and self.tbpl_status == TBPL_SUCCESS: - self.update_levels(*error_pair) - - return self.tbpl_status, self.worst_log_level - - def update_levels(self, tbpl_level, log_level): - self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(log_level, self.worst_log_level) - self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level(tbpl_level, self.tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE) - - def print_summary(self, suite_name): - # Summary text provided for compatibility. Counts are currently - # in the format <pass count>/<fail count>/<todo count>, - # <expected count>/<unexpected count>/<expected fail count> will yield the - # expected info from a structured log (fail count from the prior implementation - # includes unexpected passes from "todo" assertions). - summary = self.handler.summarize() - unexpected_count = sum(summary.unexpected_statuses.values()) - expected_count = sum(summary.expected_statuses.values()) - expected_failures = summary.expected_statuses.get('FAIL', 0) - - if unexpected_count: - fail_text = '<em class="testfail">%s</em>' % unexpected_count - else: - fail_text = '0' - - text_summary = "%s/%s/%s" % (expected_count, fail_text, expected_failures) - self.info("TinderboxPrint: %s<br/>%s\n" % (suite_name, text_summary)) - - def append_tinderboxprint_line(self, suite_name): - summary = self.handler.summarize() - unexpected_count = sum(summary.unexpected_statuses.values()) - expected_count = sum(summary.expected_statuses.values()) - expected_failures = summary.expected_statuses.get('FAIL', 0) - crashed = 0 - if 'crash' in summary.action_counts: - crashed = summary.action_counts['crash'] - text_summary = tbox_print_summary(expected_count, - unexpected_count, - expected_failures, - crashed > 0, - False) - self.info("TinderboxPrint: %s<br/>%s\n" % (suite_name, text_summary)) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/taskcluster_helper.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/taskcluster_helper.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6921b8938..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/taskcluster_helper.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ -"""Taskcluster module. Defines a few helper functions to call into the taskcluster - client. -""" -import os -from datetime import datetime, timedelta -from urlparse import urljoin - -from mozharness.base.log import LogMixin - - -# Taskcluster {{{1 -class Taskcluster(LogMixin): - """ - Helper functions to report data to Taskcluster - """ - def __init__(self, branch, rank, client_id, access_token, log_obj, - task_id=None): - self.rank = rank - self.log_obj = log_obj - - # Try builds use a different set of credentials which have access to the - # buildbot-try scope. - if branch == 'try': - self.buildbot = 'buildbot-try' - else: - self.buildbot = 'buildbot' - - # We can't import taskcluster at the top of the script because it is - # part of the virtualenv, so import it now. The virtualenv needs to be - # activated before this point by the mozharness script, or else we won't - # be able to find this module. - import taskcluster - taskcluster.config['credentials']['clientId'] = client_id - taskcluster.config['credentials']['accessToken'] = access_token - self.taskcluster_queue = taskcluster.Queue() - self.task_id = task_id or taskcluster.slugId() - self.put_file = taskcluster.utils.putFile - - def create_task(self, routes): - curdate = datetime.utcnow() - self.info("Taskcluster taskId: %s" % self.task_id) - self.info("Routes: %s" % routes) - task = self.taskcluster_queue.createTask({ - # The null-provisioner and buildbot worker type don't actually exist. - # So this task doesn't actually run - we just need to create the task so - # we have something to attach artifacts to. - "provisionerId": "null-provisioner", - "workerType": self.buildbot, - "created": curdate, - "deadline": curdate + timedelta(hours=1), - "routes": routes, - "payload": { - }, - "extra": { - "index": { - "rank": self.rank, - }, - }, - "metadata": { - "name": "Buildbot/mozharness S3 uploader", - "description": "Upload outputs of buildbot/mozharness builds to S3", - "owner": "mshal@mozilla.com", - "source": "http://hg.mozilla.org/build/mozharness/", - } - }, taskId=self.task_id) - return task - - def claim_task(self, task): - self.taskcluster_queue.claimTask( - task['status']['taskId'], - task['status']['runs'][-1]['runId'], - { - "workerGroup": self.buildbot, - "workerId": self.buildbot, - }) - - def get_task(self, task_id): - return self.taskcluster_queue.status(task_id) - - @staticmethod - def get_mime_type(ext, default='application/octet-stream'): - mime_types = { - ".asc": "text/plain", - ".checksums": "text/plain", - ".json": "application/json", - ".log": "text/plain", - ".tar.bz2": "application/x-gtar", - ".txt": "text/plain", - ".xpi": "application/x-xpinstall", - ".zip": "application/zip", - } - return mime_types.get(ext, default) - - @property - def expiration(self): - weeks = 52 - if self.buildbot == 'buildbot-try': - weeks = 3 - return datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(weeks=weeks) - - def create_artifact(self, task, filename): - mime_type = self.get_mime_type(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) - content_length = os.path.getsize(filename) - self.info("Uploading to S3: filename=%s mimetype=%s length=%s" % ( - filename, mime_type, content_length)) - # reclaim the task to avoid "claim-expired" errors - self.taskcluster_queue.reclaimTask( - task['status']['taskId'], task['status']['runs'][-1]['runId']) - artifact = self.taskcluster_queue.createArtifact( - task['status']['taskId'], - task['status']['runs'][-1]['runId'], - 'public/build/%s' % os.path.basename(filename), - { - "storageType": "s3", - "expires": self.expiration, - "contentType": mime_type, - }) - self.put_file(filename, artifact['putUrl'], mime_type) - return self.get_taskcluster_url(filename) - - def create_reference_artifact(self, task, filename, url): - mime_type = self.get_mime_type(os.path.splitext(filename)[1]) - self.info("Create reference artifact: filename=%s mimetype=%s url=%s" % - (filename, mime_type, url)) - # reclaim the task to avoid "claim-expired" errors - self.taskcluster_queue.reclaimTask( - task['status']['taskId'], task['status']['runs'][-1]['runId']) - self.taskcluster_queue.createArtifact( - task['status']['taskId'], - task['status']['runs'][-1]['runId'], - 'public/build/%s' % os.path.basename(filename), - { - "storageType": "reference", - "expires": self.expiration, - "contentType": mime_type, - "url": url, - }) - - def report_completed(self, task): - task_id = task['status']['taskId'] - run_id = task['status']['runs'][-1]['runId'] - self.info("Resolving %s, run %s. Full task:" % (task_id, run_id)) - self.info(str(task)) - self.taskcluster_queue.reportCompleted(task_id, run_id) - - def report_failed(self, task): - task_id = task['status']['taskId'] - run_id = task['status']['runs'][-1]['runId'] - self.info("Resolving %s as failed, run %s. Full task:" % - (task_id, run_id)) - self.info(str(task)) - self.taskcluster_queue.reportFailed(task_id, run_id) - - def get_taskcluster_url(self, filename): - return 'https://queue.taskcluster.net/v1/task/%s/artifacts/public/build/%s' % ( - self.task_id, - os.path.basename(filename) - ) - - -# TasckClusterArtifactFinderMixin {{{1 -class TaskClusterArtifactFinderMixin(object): - # This class depends that you have extended from the base script - QUEUE_URL = 'https://queue.taskcluster.net/v1/task/' - SCHEDULER_URL = 'https://scheduler.taskcluster.net/v1/task-graph/' - - def get_task(self, task_id): - """ Get Task Definition """ - # Signature: task(taskId) : result - return self.load_json_url(urljoin(self.QUEUE_URL, task_id)) - - def get_list_latest_artifacts(self, task_id): - """ Get Artifacts from Latest Run """ - # Signature: listLatestArtifacts(taskId) : result - - # Notice that this grabs the most recent run of a task since we don't - # know the run_id. This slightly slower, however, it is more convenient - return self.load_json_url(urljoin(self.QUEUE_URL, '{}/artifacts'.format(task_id))) - - def url_to_artifact(self, task_id, full_path): - """ Return a URL for an artifact. """ - return urljoin(self.QUEUE_URL, '{}/artifacts/{}'.format(task_id, full_path)) - - def get_inspect_graph(self, task_group_id): - """ Inspect Task Graph """ - # Signature: inspect(taskGraphId) : result - return self.load_json_url(urljoin(self.SCHEDULER_URL, '{}/inspect'.format(task_group_id))) - - def find_parent_task_id(self, task_id): - """ Returns the task_id of the parent task associated to the given task_id.""" - # Find group id to associated to all related tasks - task_group_id = self.get_task(task_id)['taskGroupId'] - - # Find child task and determine on which task it depends on - for task in self.get_inspect_graph(task_group_id)['tasks']: - if task['taskId'] == task_id: - parent_task_id = task['requires'][0] - - return parent_task_id - - def set_bbb_artifacts(self, task_id, properties_file_path): - """ Find BBB artifacts through properties_file_path and set them. """ - p = self.load_json_url( - self.url_to_artifact(task_id, properties_file_path))['properties'] - - # Set importants artifacts for test jobs - self.set_artifacts( - p['packageUrl'] if p.get('packageUrl') else None, - p['testPackagesUrl'] if p.get('testPackagesUrl') else None, - p['symbolsUrl'] if p.get('symbolsUrl') else None - ) - - def set_artifacts(self, installer, tests, symbols): - """ Sets installer, test and symbols URLs from the artifacts of BBB based task.""" - self.installer_url, self.test_url, self.symbols_url = installer, tests, symbols - self.info('Set installer_url: %s' % self.installer_url) - self.info('Set test_url: %s' % self.test_url) - self.info('Set symbols_url: %s' % self.symbols_url) - - def set_parent_artifacts(self, child_task_id): - """ Find and set installer_url, test_url and symbols_url by querying TaskCluster. - - In Buildbot Bridge's normal behaviour we can find the artifacts by inspecting - a child's taskId, determine the task in which it depends on and find the uploaded - artifacts. - - In order to support multi-tiered task graph scheduling for BBB triggered tasks, - we remove the assumption that the task which depends on is the one from which we - find the artifacts we need. Instead, we can set a parent_task_id which points to the - tasks from which to retrieve the artifacts. This decouples task dependency from task - from which to grab the artifacts. - - In-tree triggered BBB tasks do not use parent_task_id, once there is efforts to move - the scheduling into tree we can make parent_task_id as the only method. - - """ - # Task definition - child_task = self.get_task(child_task_id) - - # Case A: The parent_task_id is defined (mozci scheduling) - if child_task['payload']['properties'].get('parent_task_id'): - # parent_task_id is used to point to the task from which to grab artifacts - # rather than the one we depend on - parent_id = child_task['payload']['properties']['parent_task_id'] - - # Find out where the parent task uploaded the build - parent_task = self.get_task(parent_id) - - # Case 1: The parent task is a pure TC task - if parent_task['extra'].get('locations'): - # Build tasks generated under TC specify where they upload their builds - installer_path = parent_task['extra']['locations']['build'] - - self.set_artifacts( - self.url_to_artifact(parent_id, installer_path), - self.url_to_artifact(parent_id, 'public/build/test_packages.json'), - self.url_to_artifact(parent_id, 'public/build/target.crashreporter-symbols.zip') - ) - else: - # Case 2: The parent task has an associated BBB task - # graph_props.json is uploaded in buildbase.py - self.set_bbb_artifacts( - task_id=parent_id, - properties_file_path='public/build/buildbot_properties.json' - ) - - else: - # Case B: We need to query who the parent is since 'parent_task_id' - # was not defined as a Buildbot property - parent_id = self.find_parent_task_id(child_task_id) - self.set_bbb_artifacts( - task_id=parent_id, - properties_file_path='public/build/buildbot_properties.json' - ) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/codecoverage.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/codecoverage.py deleted file mode 100644 index 9cb824679..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/codecoverage.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -import os -import shutil -import tempfile - -from mozharness.base.script import ( - PreScriptAction, - PostScriptAction, -) - -code_coverage_config_options = [ - [["--code-coverage"], - {"action": "store_true", - "dest": "code_coverage", - "default": False, - "help": "Whether test run should package and upload code coverage data." - }], -] - - -class CodeCoverageMixin(object): - """ - Mixin for setting GCOV_PREFIX during test execution, packaging up - the resulting .gcda files and uploading them to blobber. - """ - gcov_dir = None - - @property - def code_coverage_enabled(self): - try: - if self.config.get('code_coverage'): - return True - - # XXX workaround because bug 1110465 is hard - return self.buildbot_config['properties']['stage_platform'] in ('linux64-ccov',) - except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): - return False - - - @PreScriptAction('run-tests') - def _set_gcov_prefix(self, action): - if not self.code_coverage_enabled: - return - self.gcov_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() - os.environ['GCOV_PREFIX'] = self.gcov_dir - - @PostScriptAction('run-tests') - def _package_coverage_data(self, action, success=None): - if not self.code_coverage_enabled: - return - del os.environ['GCOV_PREFIX'] - - # TODO This is fragile, find rel_topsrcdir properly somehow - # We need to find the path relative to the gecko topsrcdir. Use - # some known gecko directories as a test. - canary_dirs = ['browser', 'docshell', 'dom', 'js', 'layout', 'toolkit', 'xpcom', 'xpfe'] - rel_topsrcdir = None - for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.gcov_dir): - # need to use 'any' in case no gcda data was generated in that subdir. - if any(d in dirs for d in canary_dirs): - rel_topsrcdir = root - break - else: - # Unable to upload code coverage files. Since this is the whole - # point of code coverage, making this fatal. - self.fatal("Could not find relative topsrcdir in code coverage " - "data!") - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - file_path = os.path.join( - dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], 'code-coverage-gcda.zip') - command = ['zip', '-r', file_path, '.'] - self.run_command(command, cwd=rel_topsrcdir) - shutil.rmtree(self.gcov_dir) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/device.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/device.py deleted file mode 100644 index fea43ba20..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/device.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,738 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -'''Interact with a device via ADB or SUT. - -This code is largely from -https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/file/default/sut_tools -''' - -import datetime -import os -import re -import subprocess -import sys -import time - -from mozharness.base.errors import ADBErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import LogMixin, DEBUG -from mozharness.base.script import ScriptMixin - - -# Device flags -DEVICE_UNREACHABLE = 0x01 -DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED = 0x02 -DEVICE_MISSING_SDCARD = 0x03 -DEVICE_HOST_ERROR = 0x04 -# DEVICE_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR? -DEVICE_NOT_REBOOTED = 0x05 -DEVICE_CANT_REMOVE_DEVROOT = 0x06 -DEVICE_CANT_REMOVE_ETC_HOSTS = 0x07 -DEVICE_CANT_SET_TIME = 0x08 - - -class DeviceException(Exception): - pass - - -# BaseDeviceHandler {{{1 -class BaseDeviceHandler(ScriptMixin, LogMixin): - device_id = None - device_root = None - default_port = None - device_flags = [] - - def __init__(self, log_obj=None, config=None, script_obj=None): - super(BaseDeviceHandler, self).__init__() - self.config = config - self.log_obj = log_obj - self.script_obj = script_obj - - def add_device_flag(self, flag): - if flag not in self.device_flags: - self.device_flags.append(flag) - - def query_device_id(self): - if self.device_id: - return self.device_id - c = self.config - device_id = None - if c.get('device_id'): - device_id = c['device_id'] - elif c.get('device_ip'): - device_id = "%s:%s" % (c['device_ip'], - c.get('device_port', self.default_port)) - self.device_id = device_id - return self.device_id - - def query_download_filename(self, file_id=None): - pass - - def ping_device(self): - pass - - def check_device(self): - pass - - def cleanup_device(self, reboot=False): - pass - - def reboot_device(self): - pass - - def query_device_root(self): - pass - - def wait_for_device(self, interval=60, max_attempts=20): - pass - - def install_app(self, file_path): - pass - - -# ADBDeviceHandler {{{1 -class ADBDeviceHandler(BaseDeviceHandler): - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - super(ADBDeviceHandler, self).__init__(**kwargs) - self.default_port = 5555 - - def query_device_exe(self, exe_name): - return self.query_exe(exe_name, exe_dict="device_exes") - - def _query_config_device_id(self): - return BaseDeviceHandler.query_device_id(self) - - def query_device_id(self, auto_connect=True): - if self.device_id: - return self.device_id - device_id = self._query_config_device_id() - if device_id: - if auto_connect: - self.ping_device(auto_connect=True) - else: - self.info("Trying to find device...") - devices = self._query_attached_devices() - if not devices: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED) - self.fatal("No device connected via adb!\nUse 'adb connect' or specify a device_id or device_ip in config!") - elif len(devices) > 1: - self.warning("""More than one device detected; specify 'device_id' or\n'device_ip' to target a specific device!""") - device_id = devices[0] - self.info("Found %s." % device_id) - self.device_id = device_id - return self.device_id - - # maintenance {{{2 - def ping_device(self, auto_connect=False, silent=False): - if auto_connect and not self._query_attached_devices(): - self.connect_device() - if not silent: - self.info("Determining device connectivity over adb...") - device_id = self.query_device_id() - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - uptime = self.query_device_exe('uptime') - output = self.get_output_from_command([adb, "-s", device_id, - "shell", uptime], - silent=silent) - if str(output).startswith("up time:"): - if not silent: - self.info("Found %s." % device_id) - return True - elif auto_connect: - # TODO retry? - self.connect_device() - return self.ping_device() - else: - if not silent: - self.error("Can't find a device.") - return False - - def _query_attached_devices(self): - devices = [] - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - output = self.get_output_from_command([adb, "devices"]) - starting_list = False - if output is None: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_HOST_ERROR) - self.fatal("Can't get output from 'adb devices'; install the Android SDK!") - for line in output: - if 'adb: command not found' in line: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_HOST_ERROR) - self.fatal("Can't find adb; install the Android SDK!") - if line.startswith("* daemon"): - continue - if line.startswith("List of devices"): - starting_list = True - continue - # TODO somehow otherwise determine whether this is an actual - # device? - if starting_list: - devices.append(re.split('\s+', line)[0]) - return devices - - def connect_device(self): - self.info("Connecting device...") - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - cmd = [adb, "connect"] - device_id = self._query_config_device_id() - if device_id: - devices = self._query_attached_devices() - if device_id in devices: - # TODO is this the right behavior? - self.disconnect_device() - cmd.append(device_id) - # TODO error check - self.run_command(cmd, error_list=ADBErrorList) - - def disconnect_device(self): - self.info("Disconnecting device...") - device_id = self.query_device_id() - if device_id: - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - # TODO error check - self.run_command([adb, "-s", device_id, - "disconnect"], - error_list=ADBErrorList) - else: - self.info("No device found.") - - def check_device(self): - if not self.ping_device(auto_connect=True): - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED) - self.fatal("Can't find device!") - if self.query_device_root() is None: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED) - self.fatal("Can't connect to device!") - - def reboot_device(self): - if not self.ping_device(auto_connect=True): - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_NOT_REBOOTED) - self.error("Can't reboot disconnected device!") - return False - device_id = self.query_device_id() - self.info("Rebooting device...") - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - cmd = [adb, "-s", device_id, "reboot"] - self.info("Running command (in the background): %s" % cmd) - # This won't exit until much later, but we don't need to wait. - # However, some error checking would be good. - p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) - time.sleep(10) - self.disconnect_device() - status = False - try: - self.wait_for_device() - status = True - except DeviceException: - self.error("Can't reconnect to device!") - if p.poll() is None: - p.kill() - p.wait() - return status - - def cleanup_device(self, reboot=False): - self.info("Cleaning up device.") - c = self.config - device_id = self.query_device_id() - status = self.remove_device_root() - if not status: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_CANT_REMOVE_DEVROOT) - self.fatal("Can't remove device root!") - if c.get("enable_automation"): - self.remove_etc_hosts() - if c.get("device_package_name"): - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - killall = self.query_device_exe('killall') - self.run_command([adb, "-s", device_id, "shell", - killall, c["device_package_name"]], - error_list=ADBErrorList) - self.uninstall_app(c['device_package_name']) - if reboot: - self.reboot_device() - - # device calls {{{2 - def query_device_root(self, silent=False): - if self.device_root: - return self.device_root - device_root = None - device_id = self.query_device_id() - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - output = self.get_output_from_command("%s -s %s shell df" % (adb, device_id), - silent=silent) - # TODO this assumes we're connected; error checking? - if output is None or ' not found' in str(output): - self.error("Can't get output from 'adb shell df'!\n%s" % output) - return None - if "/mnt/sdcard" in output: - device_root = "/mnt/sdcard/tests" - else: - device_root = "/data/local/tmp/tests" - if not silent: - self.info("Device root is %s" % str(device_root)) - self.device_root = device_root - return self.device_root - - # TODO from here on down needs to be copied to Base+SUT - def wait_for_device(self, interval=60, max_attempts=20): - self.info("Waiting for device to come back...") - time.sleep(interval) - tries = 0 - while tries <= max_attempts: - tries += 1 - self.info("Try %d" % tries) - if self.ping_device(auto_connect=True, silent=True): - return self.ping_device() - time.sleep(interval) - raise DeviceException("Remote Device Error: waiting for device timed out.") - - def query_device_time(self): - device_id = self.query_device_id() - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - # adb shell 'date' will give a date string - date_string = self.get_output_from_command([adb, "-s", device_id, - "shell", "date"]) - # TODO what to do when we error? - return date_string - - def set_device_time(self, device_time=None, error_level='error'): - # adb shell date -s YYYYMMDD.hhmmss will set date - device_id = self.query_device_id() - if device_time is None: - device_time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M%S") - self.info(self.query_device_time()) - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - status = self.run_command([adb, "-s", device_id, "shell", "date", "-s", - str(device_time)], - error_list=ADBErrorList) - self.info(self.query_device_time()) - return status - - def query_device_file_exists(self, file_name): - device_id = self.query_device_id() - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - output = self.get_output_from_command([adb, "-s", device_id, - "shell", "ls", "-d", file_name]) - if str(output).rstrip() == file_name: - return True - return False - - def remove_device_root(self, error_level='error'): - device_root = self.query_device_root() - device_id = self.query_device_id() - if device_root is None: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_UNREACHABLE) - self.fatal("Can't connect to device!") - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - if self.query_device_file_exists(device_root): - self.info("Removing device root %s." % device_root) - self.run_command([adb, "-s", device_id, "shell", "rm", - "-r", device_root], error_list=ADBErrorList) - if self.query_device_file_exists(device_root): - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_CANT_REMOVE_DEVROOT) - self.log("Unable to remove device root!", level=error_level) - return False - return True - - def install_app(self, file_path): - c = self.config - device_id = self.query_device_id() - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - if self._log_level_at_least(DEBUG): - self.run_command([adb, "-s", device_id, "shell", "ps"], - error_list=ADBErrorList) - uptime = self.query_device_exe('uptime') - self.run_command([adb, "-s", "shell", uptime], - error_list=ADBErrorList) - if not c['enable_automation']: - # -s to install on sdcard? Needs to be config driven - self.run_command([adb, "-s", device_id, "install", '-r', - file_path], - error_list=ADBErrorList) - else: - # A slow-booting device may not allow installs, temporarily. - # Wait up to a few minutes if not immediately successful. - # Note that "adb install" typically writes status messages - # to stderr and the adb return code may not differentiate - # successful installations from failures; instead we check - # the command output. - install_complete = False - retries = 0 - while retries < 6: - output = self.get_output_from_command([adb, "-s", device_id, - "install", '-r', - file_path], - ignore_errors=True) - if output and output.lower().find("success") >= 0: - install_complete = True - break - self.warning("Failed to install %s" % file_path) - time.sleep(30) - retries = retries + 1 - if not install_complete: - self.fatal("Failed to install %s!" % file_path) - - def uninstall_app(self, package_name, package_root="/data/data", - error_level="error"): - c = self.config - device_id = self.query_device_id() - self.info("Uninstalling %s..." % package_name) - if self.query_device_file_exists('%s/%s' % (package_root, package_name)): - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - cmd = [adb, "-s", device_id, "uninstall"] - if not c.get('enable_automation'): - cmd.append("-k") - cmd.append(package_name) - status = self.run_command(cmd, error_list=ADBErrorList) - # TODO is this the right error check? - if status: - self.log("Failed to uninstall %s!" % package_name, - level=error_level) - - # Device-type-specific. {{{2 - def remove_etc_hosts(self, hosts_file="/system/etc/hosts"): - c = self.config - if c['device_type'] not in ("tegra250",): - self.debug("No need to remove /etc/hosts on a non-Tegra250.") - return - device_id = self.query_device_id() - if self.query_device_file_exists(hosts_file): - self.info("Removing %s file." % hosts_file) - adb = self.query_exe('adb') - self.run_command([adb, "-s", device_id, "shell", - "mount", "-o", "remount,rw", "-t", "yaffs2", - "/dev/block/mtdblock3", "/system"], - error_list=ADBErrorList) - self.run_command([adb, "-s", device_id, "shell", "rm", - hosts_file]) - if self.query_device_file_exists(hosts_file): - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_CANT_REMOVE_ETC_HOSTS) - self.fatal("Unable to remove %s!" % hosts_file) - else: - self.debug("%s file doesn't exist; skipping." % hosts_file) - - -# SUTDeviceHandler {{{1 -class SUTDeviceHandler(BaseDeviceHandler): - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - super(SUTDeviceHandler, self).__init__(**kwargs) - self.devicemanager = None - self.default_port = 20701 - self.default_heartbeat_port = 20700 - self.DMError = None - - def query_devicemanager(self): - if self.devicemanager: - return self.devicemanager - c = self.config - site_packages_path = self.script_obj.query_python_site_packages_path() - dm_path = os.path.join(site_packages_path, 'mozdevice') - sys.path.append(dm_path) - try: - from devicemanagerSUT import DeviceManagerSUT - from devicemanagerSUT import DMError - self.DMError = DMError - self.devicemanager = DeviceManagerSUT(c['device_ip']) - # TODO configurable? - self.devicemanager.debug = c.get('devicemanager_debug_level', 0) - except ImportError, e: - self.fatal("Can't import DeviceManagerSUT! %s\nDid you check out talos?" % str(e)) - return self.devicemanager - - # maintenance {{{2 - def ping_device(self): - #TODO writeme - pass - - def check_device(self): - self.info("Checking for device root to verify the device is alive.") - dev_root = self.query_device_root(strict=True) - if not dev_root: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_UNREACHABLE) - self.fatal("Can't get dev_root from devicemanager; is the device up?") - self.info("Found a dev_root of %s." % str(dev_root)) - - def wait_for_device(self, interval=60, max_attempts=20): - self.info("Waiting for device to come back...") - time.sleep(interval) - success = False - attempts = 0 - while attempts <= max_attempts: - attempts += 1 - self.info("Try %d" % attempts) - if self.query_device_root() is not None: - success = True - break - time.sleep(interval) - if not success: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_UNREACHABLE) - self.fatal("Waiting for tegra timed out.") - else: - self.info("Device came back.") - - def cleanup_device(self, reboot=False): - c = self.config - dev_root = self.query_device_root() - dm = self.query_devicemanager() - if dm.dirExists(dev_root): - self.info("Removing dev_root %s..." % dev_root) - try: - dm.removeDir(dev_root) - except self.DMError: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_CANT_REMOVE_DEVROOT) - self.fatal("Can't remove dev_root!") - if c.get("enable_automation"): - self.remove_etc_hosts() - # TODO I need to abstract this uninstall as we'll need to clean - # multiple packages off devices. - if c.get("device_package_name"): - if dm.dirExists('/data/data/%s' % c['device_package_name']): - self.info("Uninstalling %s..." % c['device_package_name']) - dm.uninstallAppAndReboot(c['device_package_name']) - self.wait_for_device() - elif reboot: - self.reboot_device() - - # device calls {{{2 - def query_device_root(self, strict=False): - c = self.config - dm = self.query_devicemanager() - dev_root = dm.getDeviceRoot() - if strict and c.get('enable_automation'): - if not str(dev_root).startswith("/mnt/sdcard"): - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_MISSING_SDCARD) - self.fatal("dev_root from devicemanager [%s] is not correct!" % - str(dev_root)) - if not dev_root or dev_root == "/tests": - return None - return dev_root - - def query_device_time(self): - dm = self.query_devicemanager() - timestamp = int(dm.getCurrentTime()) # epoch time in milliseconds - dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp / 1000) - self.info("Current device time is %s" % dt.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')) - return dt - - def set_device_time(self): - dm = self.query_devicemanager() - s = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') - self.info("Setting device time to %s" % s) - try: - dm.sendCMD(['settime %s' % s]) - return True - except self.DMError, e: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_CANT_SET_TIME) - self.fatal("Exception while setting device time: %s" % str(e)) - - def install_app(self, file_path): - dev_root = self.query_device_root(strict=True) - if not dev_root: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_UNREACHABLE) - # TODO wait_for_device? - self.fatal("dev_root %s not correct!" % str(dev_root)) - - dm = self.query_devicemanager() - - c = self.config - if c.get('enable_automation'): - self.query_device_time() - self.set_device_time() - self.query_device_time() - dm.getInfo('process') - dm.getInfo('memory') - dm.getInfo('uptime') - - # This target needs to not use os.path.join due to differences with win - # Paths vs. unix paths. - target = "/".join([dev_root, os.path.basename(file_path)]) - self.info("Installing %s on device..." % file_path) - dm.pushFile(file_path, target) - # TODO screen resolution - # TODO do something with status? - try: - dm.installApp(target) - self.info('-' * 42) - self.info("Sleeping for 90 seconds...") - time.sleep(90) - self.info('installApp(%s) done - gathering debug info' % target) - try: - self.info(repr(dm.getInfo('process'))) - self.info(repr(dm.getInfo('memory'))) - self.info(repr(dm.getInfo('uptime'))) - self.info(repr(dm.sendCMD(['exec su -c "logcat -d -v time *:W"']))) - except Exception, e: - self.info("Exception hit while trying to run logcat: %s" % str(e)) - self.fatal("Remote Device Error: can't run logcat") - except self.DMError: - self.fatal("Remote Device Error: installApp() call failed - exiting") - - def reboot_device(self): - dm = self.query_devicemanager() - # logcat? - self.info("Rebooting device...") - try: - dm.reboot() - except self.DMError: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_NOT_REBOOTED) - self.fatal("Can't reboot device!") - self.wait_for_device() - dm.getInfo('uptime') - - # device type specific {{{2 - def remove_etc_hosts(self, hosts_file="/system/etc/hosts"): - c = self.config - # TODO figure this out - if c['device_type'] not in ("tegra250",) or True: - self.debug("No need to remove /etc/hosts on a non-Tegra250.") - return - dm = self.query_devicemanager() - if dm.fileExists(hosts_file): - self.info("Removing %s file." % hosts_file) - try: - dm.sendCMD(['exec mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system']) - dm.sendCMD(['exec rm %s' % hosts_file]) - except self.DMError: - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_CANT_REMOVE_ETC_HOSTS) - self.fatal("Unable to remove %s!" % hosts_file) - if dm.fileExists(hosts_file): - self.add_device_flag(DEVICE_CANT_REMOVE_ETC_HOSTS) - self.fatal("Unable to remove %s!" % hosts_file) - else: - self.debug("%s file doesn't exist; skipping." % hosts_file) - - -# SUTDeviceMozdeviceMixin {{{1 -class SUTDeviceMozdeviceMixin(SUTDeviceHandler): - ''' - This SUT device manager class makes calls through mozdevice (from mozbase) [1] - directly rather than calling SUT tools. - - [1] https://github.com/mozilla/mozbase/blob/master/mozdevice/mozdevice/devicemanagerSUT.py - ''' - dm = None - - def query_devicemanager(self): - if self.dm: - return self.dm - sys.path.append(self.query_python_site_packages_path()) - from mozdevice.devicemanagerSUT import DeviceManagerSUT - self.info("Connecting to: %s" % self.mozpool_device) - self.dm = DeviceManagerSUT(self.mozpool_device) - # No need for 300 second SUT socket timeouts here - self.dm.default_timeout = 30 - return self.dm - - def query_file(self, filename): - dm = self.query_devicemanager() - if not dm.fileExists(filename): - raise Exception("Expected file (%s) not found" % filename) - - file_contents = dm.pullFile(filename) - if file_contents is None: - raise Exception("Unable to read file (%s)" % filename) - - return file_contents - - def set_device_epoch_time(self, timestamp=int(time.time())): - dm = self.query_devicemanager() - dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'setutime %s' % timestamp}]) - return dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'clok'}]) - - def get_logcat(self): - dm = self.query_devicemanager() - return dm.getLogcat() - - -# DeviceMixin {{{1 -DEVICE_PROTOCOL_DICT = { - 'adb': ADBDeviceHandler, - 'sut': SUTDeviceHandler, -} - -device_config_options = [[ - ["--device-ip"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "device_ip", - "help": "Specify the IP address of the device." - } -], [ - ["--device-port"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "device_port", - "help": "Specify the IP port of the device." - } -], [ - ["--device-heartbeat-port"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "device_heartbeat_port", - "help": "Specify the heartbeat port of the SUT device." - } -], [ - ["--device-protocol"], - {"action": "store", - "type": "choice", - "dest": "device_protocol", - "choices": DEVICE_PROTOCOL_DICT.keys(), - "help": "Specify the device communication protocol." - } -], [ - ["--device-type"], - # A bit useless atm, but we can add new device types as we add support - # for them. - {"action": "store", - "type": "choice", - "choices": ["non-tegra", "tegra250"], - "default": "non-tegra", - "dest": "device_type", - "help": "Specify the device type." - } -], [ - ["--devicemanager-path"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "devicemanager_path", - "help": "Specify the parent dir of devicemanagerSUT.py." - } -]] - - -class DeviceMixin(object): - '''BaseScript mixin, designed to interface with the device. - - ''' - device_handler = None - device_root = None - - def query_device_handler(self): - if self.device_handler: - return self.device_handler - c = self.config - device_protocol = c.get('device_protocol') - device_class = DEVICE_PROTOCOL_DICT.get(device_protocol) - if not device_class: - self.fatal("Unknown device_protocol %s; set via --device-protocol!" % str(device_protocol)) - self.device_handler = device_class( - log_obj=self.log_obj, - config=self.config, - script_obj=self, - ) - return self.device_handler - - def check_device(self): - dh = self.query_device_handler() - return dh.check_device() - - def cleanup_device(self, **kwargs): - dh = self.query_device_handler() - return dh.cleanup_device(**kwargs) - - def install_app(self): - dh = self.query_device_handler() - return dh.install_app(file_path=self.installer_path) - - def reboot_device(self): - dh = self.query_device_handler() - return dh.reboot_device() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/errors.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/errors.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3061b5f16..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/errors.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""Mozilla error lists for running tests. - -Error lists are used to parse output in mozharness.base.log.OutputParser. - -Each line of output is matched against each substring or regular expression -in the error list. On a match, we determine the 'level' of that line, -whether IGNORE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, or FATAL. - -""" - -import re -from mozharness.base.log import INFO, WARNING, ERROR - -# ErrorLists {{{1 -_mochitest_summary = { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''(\d+ INFO (Passed|Failed|Todo):\ +(\d+)|\t(Passed|Failed|Todo): (\d+))'''), - 'pass_group': "Passed", - 'fail_group': "Failed", - 'known_fail_group': "Todo", -} - -TinderBoxPrintRe = { - "mochitest_summary": _mochitest_summary, - "mochitest-chrome_summary": _mochitest_summary, - "mochitest-gl_summary": _mochitest_summary, - "mochitest-media_summary": _mochitest_summary, - "mochitest-plain-clipboard_summary": _mochitest_summary, - "mochitest-plain-gpu_summary": _mochitest_summary, - "marionette_summary": { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''(passed|failed|todo):\ +(\d+)'''), - 'pass_group': "passed", - 'fail_group': "failed", - 'known_fail_group': "todo", - }, - "reftest_summary": { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''REFTEST INFO \| (Successful|Unexpected|Known problems): (\d+) \('''), - 'pass_group': "Successful", - 'fail_group': "Unexpected", - 'known_fail_group': "Known problems", - }, - "crashtest_summary": { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''REFTEST INFO \| (Successful|Unexpected|Known problems): (\d+) \('''), - 'pass_group': "Successful", - 'fail_group': "Unexpected", - 'known_fail_group': "Known problems", - }, - "xpcshell_summary": { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''INFO \| (Passed|Failed): (\d+)'''), - 'pass_group': "Passed", - 'fail_group': "Failed", - 'known_fail_group': None, - }, - "jsreftest_summary": { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''REFTEST INFO \| (Successful|Unexpected|Known problems): (\d+) \('''), - 'pass_group': "Successful", - 'fail_group': "Unexpected", - 'known_fail_group': "Known problems", - }, - "instrumentation_summary": _mochitest_summary, - "cppunittest_summary": { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''cppunittests INFO \| (Passed|Failed): (\d+)'''), - 'pass_group': "Passed", - 'fail_group': "Failed", - 'known_fail_group': None, - }, - "gtest_summary": { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''(Passed|Failed): (\d+)'''), - 'pass_group': "Passed", - 'fail_group': "Failed", - 'known_fail_group': None, - }, - "jittest_summary": { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''(Passed|Failed): (\d+)'''), - 'pass_group': "Passed", - 'fail_group': "Failed", - 'known_fail_group': None, - }, - "mozbase_summary": { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''(OK)|(FAILED) \(errors=(\d+)'''), - 'pass_group': "OK", - 'fail_group': "FAILED", - 'known_fail_group': None, - }, - "mozmill_summary": { - 'regex': re.compile(r'''INFO (Passed|Failed|Skipped): (\d+)'''), - 'pass_group': "Passed", - 'fail_group': "Failed", - 'known_fail_group': "Skipped", - }, - - "harness_error": { - 'full_regex': re.compile(r"(?:TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL|PROCESS-CRASH) \| .* \| (application crashed|missing output line for total leaks!|negative leaks caught!|\d+ bytes leaked)"), - 'minimum_regex': re.compile(r'''(TEST-UNEXPECTED|PROCESS-CRASH)'''), - 'retry_regex': re.compile(r'''(FAIL-SHOULD-RETRY|No space left on device|DMError|Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion|program finished with exit code 80|INFRA-ERROR|twisted.spread.pb.PBConnectionLost|_dl_open: Assertion|Timeout exceeded for _runCmd call)''') - }, -} - -TestPassed = [ - {'regex': re.compile('''(TEST-INFO|TEST-KNOWN-FAIL|TEST-PASS|INFO \| )'''), 'level': INFO}, -] - -HarnessErrorList = [ - {'substr': 'TEST-UNEXPECTED', 'level': ERROR, }, - {'substr': 'PROCESS-CRASH', 'level': ERROR, }, -] - -LogcatErrorList = [ - {'substr': 'Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV)', 'level': ERROR, 'explanation': 'This usually indicates the B2G process has crashed'}, - {'substr': 'Fatal signal 7 (SIGBUS)', 'level': ERROR, 'explanation': 'This usually indicates the B2G process has crashed'}, - {'substr': '[JavaScript Error:', 'level': WARNING}, - {'substr': 'seccomp sandbox violation', 'level': ERROR, 'explanation': 'A content process has violated the system call sandbox (bug 790923)'}, -] diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/firefox_media_tests.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/firefox_media_tests.py deleted file mode 100644 index b1874fc13..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/firefox_media_tests.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,289 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this -# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -import copy -import os -import re -import urlparse - -from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, WARNING -from mozharness.base.script import PreScriptAction -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import (TestingMixin, - testing_config_options) -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import TestSummaryOutputParserHelper -from mozharness.mozilla.vcstools import VCSToolsScript - -BUSTED = 'busted' -TESTFAILED = 'testfailed' -UNKNOWN = 'unknown' -EXCEPTION = 'exception' -SUCCESS = 'success' - -media_test_config_options = [ - [["--media-urls"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "media_urls", - "help": "Path to ini file that lists media urls for tests.", - }], - [["--profile"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "profile", - "default": None, - "help": "Path to FF profile that should be used by Marionette", - }], - [["--test-timeout"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "test_timeout", - "default": 10000, - "help": ("Number of seconds without output before" - "firefox-media-tests is killed." - "Set this based on expected time for all media to play."), - }], - [["--tests"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "tests", - "default": None, - "help": ("Test(s) to run. Path to test_*.py or " - "test manifest (*.ini)"), - }], - [["--e10s"], - {"dest": "e10s", - "action": "store_true", - "default": False, - "help": "Enable e10s when running marionette tests." - }], - [["--suite"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "test_suite", - "default": "media-tests", - "help": "suite name", - }], - [['--browsermob-script'], - {'help': 'path to the browsermob-proxy shell script or batch file', - }], - [['--browsermob-port'], - {'help': 'port to run the browsermob proxy on', - }], - [["--allow-software-gl-layers"], - {"action": "store_true", - "dest": "allow_software_gl_layers", - "default": False, - "help": "Permits a software GL implementation (such as LLVMPipe) to use the GL compositor." - }], -] + (copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options)) - -class JobResultParser(TestSummaryOutputParserHelper): - """ Parses test output to determine overall result.""" - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - super(JobResultParser, self).__init__(**kwargs) - self.return_code = 0 - # External-resource errors that should not count as test failures - self.exception_re = re.compile(r'^TEST-UNEXPECTED-ERROR.*' - r'TimeoutException: Error loading page,' - r' timed out') - self.exceptions = [] - - def parse_single_line(self, line): - super(JobResultParser, self).parse_single_line(line) - if self.exception_re.match(line): - self.exceptions.append(line) - - @property - def status(self): - status = UNKNOWN - if self.passed and self.failed == 0: - status = SUCCESS - elif self.exceptions: - status = EXCEPTION - elif self.failed: - status = TESTFAILED - elif self.return_code: - status = BUSTED - return status - - -class FirefoxMediaTestsBase(TestingMixin, VCSToolsScript): - job_result_parser = None - - error_list = [ - {'substr': 'FAILED (errors=', 'level': WARNING}, - {'substr': r'''Could not successfully complete transport of message to Gecko, socket closed''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''Connection to Marionette server is lost. Check gecko''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': 'Timeout waiting for marionette on port', 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''(TEST-UNEXPECTED|PROCESS-CRASH|CRASH|ERROR|FAIL)'''), 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''(\b\w*Exception)'''), 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''(\b\w*Error)'''), 'level': ERROR}, - ] - - def __init__(self, config_options=None, all_actions=None, - default_actions=None, **kwargs): - self.config_options = media_test_config_options + (config_options or []) - actions = [ - 'clobber', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-media-tests', - ] - super(FirefoxMediaTestsBase, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - all_actions=all_actions or actions, - default_actions=default_actions or actions, - **kwargs - ) - c = self.config - - self.media_urls = c.get('media_urls') - self.profile = c.get('profile') - self.test_timeout = int(c.get('test_timeout')) - self.tests = c.get('tests') - self.e10s = c.get('e10s') - self.installer_url = c.get('installer_url') - self.installer_path = c.get('installer_path') - self.binary_path = c.get('binary_path') - self.test_packages_url = c.get('test_packages_url') - self.test_url = c.get('test_url') - self.browsermob_script = c.get('browsermob_script') - self.browsermob_port = c.get('browsermob_port') - - @PreScriptAction('create-virtualenv') - def _pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - media_tests_requirements = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], - 'config', - 'external-media-tests-requirements.txt') - - if os.access(media_tests_requirements, os.F_OK): - self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[media_tests_requirements], - two_pass=True) - - def download_and_extract(self): - """Overriding method from TestingMixin for more specific behavior. - - We use the test_packages_url command line argument to check where to get the - harness, puppeteer, and tests from and how to set them up. - - """ - extract_dirs = ['config/*', - 'external-media-tests/*', - 'marionette/*', - 'mozbase/*', - 'puppeteer/*', - 'tools/wptserve/*', - ] - super(FirefoxMediaTestsBase, self).download_and_extract(extract_dirs=extract_dirs) - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(FirefoxMediaTestsBase, self).query_abs_dirs() - dirs = { - 'abs_test_install_dir' : os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], - 'tests') - } - dirs['external-media-tests'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], - 'external-media-tests') - abs_dirs.update(dirs) - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - return self.abs_dirs - - def _query_cmd(self): - """ Determine how to call firefox-media-tests """ - if not self.binary_path: - self.fatal("Binary path could not be determined. " - "Should be set by default during 'install' action.") - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - import external_media_harness.runtests - - cmd = [ - self.query_python_path(), - external_media_harness.runtests.__file__ - ] - - cmd += ['--binary', self.binary_path] - if self.symbols_path: - cmd += ['--symbols-path', self.symbols_path] - if self.media_urls: - cmd += ['--urls', self.media_urls] - if self.profile: - cmd += ['--profile', self.profile] - if self.tests: - cmd.append(self.tests) - if not self.e10s: - cmd.append('--disable-e10s') - if self.browsermob_script: - cmd += ['--browsermob-script', self.browsermob_script] - if self.browsermob_port: - cmd += ['--browsermob-port', self.browsermob_port] - - test_suite = self.config.get('test_suite') - if test_suite not in self.config["suite_definitions"]: - self.fatal("%s is not defined in the config!" % test_suite) - - test_manifest = None if test_suite != 'media-youtube-tests' else \ - os.path.join(dirs['external-media-tests'], - 'external_media_tests', - 'playback', 'youtube', 'manifest.ini') - config_fmt_args = { - 'test_manifest': test_manifest, - } - - for s in self.config["suite_definitions"][test_suite]["options"]: - cmd.append(s % config_fmt_args) - - return cmd - - def query_minidump_stackwalk(self): - """We don't have an extracted test package available to get the manifest file. - - So we have to explicitely download the latest version of the manifest from the - mozilla-central repository and feed it into the query_minidump_stackwalk() method. - - We can remove this whole method once our tests are part of the tree. - - """ - manifest_path = None - - if os.environ.get('MINIDUMP_STACKWALK') or self.config.get('download_minidump_stackwalk'): - tooltool_manifest = self.query_minidump_tooltool_manifest() - url_base = 'https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/raw-file/default/testing/' - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - manifest_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'releng.manifest') - try: - self.download_file(urlparse.urljoin(url_base, tooltool_manifest), - manifest_path) - except Exception as e: - self.fatal('Download of tooltool manifest file failed: %s' % e.message) - - return super(FirefoxMediaTestsBase, self).query_minidump_stackwalk(manifest=manifest_path) - - def run_media_tests(self): - cmd = self._query_cmd() - self.job_result_parser = JobResultParser( - config=self.config, - log_obj=self.log_obj, - error_list=self.error_list - ) - - env = self.query_env() - if self.query_minidump_stackwalk(): - env['MINIDUMP_STACKWALK'] = self.minidump_stackwalk_path - - if self.config['allow_software_gl_layers']: - env['MOZ_LAYERS_ALLOW_SOFTWARE_GL'] = '1' - - return_code = self.run_command( - cmd, - output_timeout=self.test_timeout, - output_parser=self.job_result_parser, - env=env - ) - self.job_result_parser.return_code = return_code - return self.job_result_parser.status diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/firefox_ui_tests.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/firefox_ui_tests.py deleted file mode 100644 index 684ec3a73..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/firefox_ui_tests.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,300 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - - -import copy -import os -import sys - -from mozharness.base.log import FATAL, WARNING -from mozharness.base.python import PostScriptRun, PreScriptAction -from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import ( - TestingMixin, - testing_config_options, -) -from mozharness.mozilla.vcstools import VCSToolsScript - - -# General command line arguments for Firefox ui tests -firefox_ui_tests_config_options = [ - [["--allow-software-gl-layers"], { - "action": "store_true", - "dest": "allow_software_gl_layers", - "default": False, - "help": "Permits a software GL implementation (such as LLVMPipe) to use the GL compositor.", - }], - [['--dry-run'], { - 'dest': 'dry_run', - 'default': False, - 'help': 'Only show what was going to be tested.', - }], - [["--e10s"], { - 'dest': 'e10s', - 'action': 'store_true', - 'default': False, - 'help': 'Enable multi-process (e10s) mode when running tests.', - }], - [['--symbols-path=SYMBOLS_PATH'], { - 'dest': 'symbols_path', - 'help': 'absolute path to directory containing breakpad ' - 'symbols, or the url of a zip file containing symbols.', - }], - [['--tag=TAG'], { - 'dest': 'tag', - 'help': 'Subset of tests to run (local, remote).', - }], -] + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) - -# Command line arguments for update tests -firefox_ui_update_harness_config_options = [ - [['--update-allow-mar-channel'], { - 'dest': 'update_allow_mar_channel', - 'help': 'Additional MAR channel to be allowed for updates, e.g. ' - '"firefox-mozilla-beta" for updating a release build to ' - 'the latest beta build.', - }], - [['--update-channel'], { - 'dest': 'update_channel', - 'help': 'Update channel to use.', - }], - [['--update-direct-only'], { - 'action': 'store_true', - 'dest': 'update_direct_only', - 'help': 'Only perform a direct update.', - }], - [['--update-fallback-only'], { - 'action': 'store_true', - 'dest': 'update_fallback_only', - 'help': 'Only perform a fallback update.', - }], - [['--update-override-url'], { - 'dest': 'update_override_url', - 'help': 'Force specified URL to use for update checks.', - }], - [['--update-target-buildid'], { - 'dest': 'update_target_buildid', - 'help': 'Build ID of the updated build', - }], - [['--update-target-version'], { - 'dest': 'update_target_version', - 'help': 'Version of the updated build.', - }], -] - -firefox_ui_update_config_options = firefox_ui_update_harness_config_options \ - + copy.deepcopy(firefox_ui_tests_config_options) - - -class FirefoxUITests(TestingMixin, VCSToolsScript): - - # Needs to be overwritten in sub classes - cli_script = None - - def __init__(self, config_options=None, - all_actions=None, default_actions=None, - *args, **kwargs): - config_options = config_options or firefox_ui_tests_config_options - actions = [ - 'clobber', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-tests', - 'uninstall', - ] - - super(FirefoxUITests, self).__init__( - config_options=config_options, - all_actions=all_actions or actions, - default_actions=default_actions or actions, - *args, **kwargs) - - # Code which doesn't run on buildbot has to include the following properties - self.binary_path = self.config.get('binary_path') - self.installer_path = self.config.get('installer_path') - self.installer_url = self.config.get('installer_url') - self.test_packages_url = self.config.get('test_packages_url') - self.test_url = self.config.get('test_url') - - if not self.test_url and not self.test_packages_url: - self.fatal( - 'You must use --test-url, or --test-packages-url') - - @PreScriptAction('create-virtualenv') - def _pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - requirements = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], - 'config', 'firefox_ui_requirements.txt') - self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], two_pass=True) - - def download_and_extract(self): - """Override method from TestingMixin for more specific behavior.""" - extract_dirs = ['config/*', - 'firefox-ui/*', - 'marionette/*', - 'mozbase/*', - 'tools/wptserve/*', - ] - super(FirefoxUITests, self).download_and_extract(extract_dirs=extract_dirs) - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - - abs_dirs = super(FirefoxUITests, self).query_abs_dirs() - abs_tests_install_dir = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tests') - - dirs = { - 'abs_blob_upload_dir': os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'blobber_upload_dir'), - 'abs_test_install_dir': abs_tests_install_dir, - 'abs_fxui_dir': os.path.join(abs_tests_install_dir, 'firefox-ui'), - } - - for key in dirs: - if key not in abs_dirs: - abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - - return self.abs_dirs - - def query_harness_args(self, extra_harness_config_options=None): - """Collects specific test related command line arguments. - - Sub classes should override this method for their own specific arguments. - """ - config_options = extra_harness_config_options or [] - - args = [] - for option in config_options: - dest = option[1]['dest'] - name = self.config.get(dest) - - if name: - if type(name) is bool: - args.append(option[0][0]) - else: - args.extend([option[0][0], self.config[dest]]) - - return args - - def run_test(self, binary_path, env=None, marionette_port=2828): - """All required steps for running the tests against an installer.""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - # Import the harness to retrieve the location of the cli scripts - import firefox_ui_harness - - cmd = [ - self.query_python_path(), - os.path.join(os.path.dirname(firefox_ui_harness.__file__), - self.cli_script), - '--binary', binary_path, - '--address', 'localhost:{}'.format(marionette_port), - - # Resource files to serve via local webserver - '--server-root', os.path.join(dirs['abs_fxui_dir'], 'resources'), - - # Use the work dir to get temporary data stored - '--workspace', dirs['abs_work_dir'], - - # logging options - '--gecko-log=-', # output from the gecko process redirected to stdout - '--log-raw=-', # structured log for output parser redirected to stdout - - # additional reports helpful for Jenkins and inpection via Treeherder - '--log-html', os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], 'report.html'), - '--log-xunit', os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], 'report.xml'), - - # Enable tracing output to log transmission protocol - '-vv', - ] - - # Collect all pass-through harness options to the script - cmd.extend(self.query_harness_args()) - - # Translate deprecated --e10s flag - if not self.config.get('e10s'): - cmd.append('--disable-e10s') - - if self.symbols_url: - cmd.extend(['--symbols-path', self.symbols_url]) - - if self.config.get('tag'): - cmd.extend(['--tag', self.config['tag']]) - - parser = StructuredOutputParser(config=self.config, - log_obj=self.log_obj, - strict=False) - - # Add the default tests to run - tests = [os.path.join(dirs['abs_fxui_dir'], 'tests', test) for test in self.default_tests] - cmd.extend(tests) - - # Set further environment settings - env = env or self.query_env() - env.update({'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir']}) - if self.query_minidump_stackwalk(): - env.update({'MINIDUMP_STACKWALK': self.minidump_stackwalk_path}) - - if self.config['allow_software_gl_layers']: - env['MOZ_LAYERS_ALLOW_SOFTWARE_GL'] = '1' - - return_code = self.run_command(cmd, - cwd=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - output_timeout=300, - output_parser=parser, - env=env) - - tbpl_status, log_level = parser.evaluate_parser(return_code) - self.buildbot_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) - - return return_code - - @PreScriptAction('run-tests') - def _pre_run_tests(self, action): - if not self.installer_path and not self.installer_url: - self.critical('Please specify an installer via --installer-path or --installer-url.') - sys.exit(1) - - def run_tests(self): - """Run all the tests""" - return self.run_test( - binary_path=self.binary_path, - env=self.query_env(), - ) - - -class FirefoxUIFunctionalTests(FirefoxUITests): - - cli_script = 'cli_functional.py' - default_tests = [ - os.path.join('puppeteer', 'manifest.ini'), - os.path.join('functional', 'manifest.ini'), - ] - - -class FirefoxUIUpdateTests(FirefoxUITests): - - cli_script = 'cli_update.py' - default_tests = [ - os.path.join('update', 'manifest.ini') - ] - - def __init__(self, config_options=None, *args, **kwargs): - config_options = config_options or firefox_ui_update_config_options - - super(FirefoxUIUpdateTests, self).__init__( - config_options=config_options, - *args, **kwargs - ) - - def query_harness_args(self): - """Collects specific update test related command line arguments.""" - return super(FirefoxUIUpdateTests, self).query_harness_args( - firefox_ui_update_harness_config_options) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/mozpool.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/mozpool.py deleted file mode 100644 index f9da6c190..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/mozpool.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -'''Interact with mozpool/lifeguard/bmm. -''' - -import os -import socket -import sys - -from time import sleep -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import TBPL_RETRY, TBPL_EXCEPTION - -#TODO - adjust these values -MAX_RETRIES = 20 -RETRY_INTERVAL = 60 - -# MozpoolMixin {{{1 -class MozpoolMixin(object): - mozpool_handler = None - mobile_imaging_format= "http://mobile-imaging" - - def determine_mozpool_host(self, device): - if "mobile_imaging_format" in self.config: - self.mobile_imaging_format = self.config["mobile_imaging_format"] - hostname = str(self.mobile_imaging_format)[7:] - fqdn = socket.getfqdn(hostname) - imaging_server_fqdn = (str(self.mobile_imaging_format)).replace(hostname, fqdn) - return imaging_server_fqdn - - def query_mozpool_handler(self, device=None, mozpool_api_url=None): - if self.mozpool_handler != None: - return self.mozpool_handler - else: - self.mozpool_api_url = self.determine_mozpool_host(device) if device else mozpool_api_url - assert self.mozpool_api_url != None, \ - "query_mozpool_handler() requires either a device or mozpool_api_url!" - - site_packages_path = self.query_python_site_packages_path() - mph_path = os.path.join(site_packages_path, 'mozpoolclient') - sys.path.append(mph_path) - sys.path.append(site_packages_path) - try: - from mozpoolclient import MozpoolHandler, MozpoolException, MozpoolConflictException - self.MozpoolException = MozpoolException - self.MozpoolConflictException = MozpoolConflictException - self.mozpool_handler = MozpoolHandler(self.mozpool_api_url, log_obj=self) - except ImportError, e: - self.fatal("Can't instantiate MozpoolHandler until mozpoolclient python " - "package is installed! (VirtualenvMixin?): \n%s" % str(e)) - return self.mozpool_handler - - def retrieve_b2g_device(self, b2gbase): - mph = self.query_mozpool_handler(self.mozpool_device) - for retry in self._retry_sleep( - error_message="INFRA-ERROR: Could not request device '%s'" % self.mozpool_device, - tbpl_status=TBPL_EXCEPTION): - try: - image = 'b2g' - duration = 4 * 60 * 60 # request valid for 14400 seconds == 4 hours - response = mph.request_device(self.mozpool_device, image, assignee=self.mozpool_assignee, \ - b2gbase=b2gbase, pxe_config=None, duration=duration) - break - except self.MozpoolConflictException: - self.warning("Device unavailable. Retry#%i.." % retry) - except self.MozpoolException, e: - self.buildbot_status(TBPL_RETRY) - self.fatal("We could not request the device: %s" % str(e)) - - self.request_url = response['request']['url'] - self.info("Got request, url=%s" % self.request_url) - self._wait_for_request_ready() - - def retrieve_android_device(self, b2gbase): - mph = self.query_mozpool_handler(self.mozpool_device) - for retry in self._retry_sleep( - error_message="INFRA-ERROR: Could not request device '%s'" % self.mozpool_device, - tbpl_status=TBPL_RETRY): - try: - image = 'panda-android-4.0.4_v3.3' - duration = 4 * 60 * 60 # request valid for 14400 seconds == 4 hours - response = mph.request_device(self.mozpool_device, image, assignee=self.mozpool_assignee, \ - b2gbase=b2gbase, pxe_config=None, duration=duration) - break - except self.MozpoolConflictException: - self.warning("Device unavailable. Retry#%i.." % retry) - except self.MozpoolException, e: - self.buildbot_status(TBPL_RETRY) - self.fatal("We could not request the device: %s" % str(e)) - - self.request_url = response['request']['url'] - self.info("Got request, url=%s" % self.request_url) - self._wait_for_request_ready() - - def _retry_job_and_close_request(self, message, exception=None): - mph = self.query_mozpool_handler(self.mozpool_device) - exception_message = str(exception) if exception!=None and str(exception) != None else "" - self.error("%s -> %s" % (message, exception_message)) - if self.request_url: - mph.close_request(self.request_url) - self.buildbot_status(TBPL_RETRY) - self.fatal(message) - - def _retry_sleep(self, sleep_time=RETRY_INTERVAL, max_retries=MAX_RETRIES, - error_message=None, tbpl_status=None, fail_cb=None): - for x in range(1, max_retries + 1): - yield x - sleep(sleep_time) - if error_message: - self.error(error_message) - if tbpl_status: - self.buildbot_status(tbpl_status) - if fail_cb: - assert callable(fail_cb) - fail_cb() - self.fatal('Retries limit exceeded') - - def _wait_for_request_ready(self): - mph = self.query_mozpool_handler(self.mozpool_device) - def on_fail(): - # Device is not ready after retries... - self.info("Aborting mozpool request.") - self.close_request() - for retry in self._retry_sleep(sleep_time=RETRY_INTERVAL, max_retries=MAX_RETRIES, - error_message="INFRA-ERROR: Request did not become ready in time", - tbpl_status=TBPL_EXCEPTION, fail_cb=on_fail): - response = mph.query_request_status(self.request_url) - state = response['state'] - if state == 'ready': - return - self.info("Waiting for request 'ready' stage. Current state: '%s'" % state) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/talos.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/talos.py deleted file mode 100755 index 73f384ce7..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/talos.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,430 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -""" -run talos tests in a virtualenv -""" - -import os -import pprint -import copy -import re -import json - -import mozharness -from mozharness.base.config import parse_config_file -from mozharness.base.errors import PythonErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import OutputParser, DEBUG, ERROR, CRITICAL -from mozharness.base.log import INFO, WARNING -from mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload import BlobUploadMixin, blobupload_config_options -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import TinderBoxPrintRe -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import TBPL_SUCCESS, TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import TBPL_RETRY, TBPL_FAILURE, TBPL_WARNING - -external_tools_path = os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), - 'external_tools', -) - -TalosErrorList = PythonErrorList + [ - {'regex': re.compile(r'''run-as: Package '.*' is unknown'''), 'level': DEBUG}, - {'substr': r'''FAIL: Graph server unreachable''', 'level': CRITICAL}, - {'substr': r'''FAIL: Busted:''', 'level': CRITICAL}, - {'substr': r'''FAIL: failed to cleanup''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''erfConfigurator.py: Unknown error''', 'level': CRITICAL}, - {'substr': r'''talosError''', 'level': CRITICAL}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''No machine_name called '.*' can be found'''), 'level': CRITICAL}, - {'substr': r"""No such file or directory: 'browser_output.txt'""", - 'level': CRITICAL, - 'explanation': r"""Most likely the browser failed to launch, or the test was otherwise unsuccessful in even starting."""}, -] - -# TODO: check for running processes on script invocation - -class TalosOutputParser(OutputParser): - minidump_regex = re.compile(r'''talosError: "error executing: '(\S+) (\S+) (\S+)'"''') - RE_PERF_DATA = re.compile(r'.*PERFHERDER_DATA:\s+(\{.*\})') - worst_tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS - - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - super(TalosOutputParser, self).__init__(**kwargs) - self.minidump_output = None - self.found_perf_data = [] - - def update_worst_log_and_tbpl_levels(self, log_level, tbpl_level): - self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(log_level, - self.worst_log_level) - self.worst_tbpl_status = self.worst_level( - tbpl_level, self.worst_tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE - ) - - def parse_single_line(self, line): - """ In Talos land, every line that starts with RETURN: needs to be - printed with a TinderboxPrint:""" - if line.startswith("RETURN:"): - line.replace("RETURN:", "TinderboxPrint:") - m = self.minidump_regex.search(line) - if m: - self.minidump_output = (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)) - - m = self.RE_PERF_DATA.match(line) - if m: - self.found_perf_data.append(m.group(1)) - - # now let's check if buildbot should retry - harness_retry_re = TinderBoxPrintRe['harness_error']['retry_regex'] - if harness_retry_re.search(line): - self.critical(' %s' % line) - self.update_worst_log_and_tbpl_levels(CRITICAL, TBPL_RETRY) - return # skip base parse_single_line - super(TalosOutputParser, self).parse_single_line(line) - - -class Talos(TestingMixin, MercurialScript, BlobUploadMixin): - """ - install and run Talos tests: - https://wiki.mozilla.org/Buildbot/Talos - """ - config_options = [ - [["--use-talos-json"], - {"action": "store_true", - "dest": "use_talos_json", - "default": False, - "help": "Use talos config from talos.json" - }], - [["--suite"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "suite", - "help": "Talos suite to run (from talos json)" - }], - [["--branch-name"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "branch", - "help": "Graphserver branch to report to" - }], - [["--system-bits"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "system_bits", - "type": "choice", - "default": "32", - "choices": ['32', '64'], - "help": "Testing 32 or 64 (for talos json plugins)" - }], - [["--add-option"], - {"action": "extend", - "dest": "talos_extra_options", - "default": None, - "help": "extra options to talos" - }], - [["--spsProfile"], { - "dest": "sps_profile", - "action": "store_true", - "default": False, - "help": "Whether or not to profile the test run and save the profile results" - }], - [["--spsProfileInterval"], { - "dest": "sps_profile_interval", - "type": "int", - "default": 0, - "help": "The interval between samples taken by the profiler (milliseconds)" - }], - ] + testing_config_options + copy.deepcopy(blobupload_config_options) - - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - kwargs.setdefault('config_options', self.config_options) - kwargs.setdefault('all_actions', ['clobber', - 'read-buildbot-config', - 'download-and-extract', - 'populate-webroot', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-tests', - ]) - kwargs.setdefault('default_actions', ['clobber', - 'download-and-extract', - 'populate-webroot', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-tests', - ]) - kwargs.setdefault('config', {}) - super(Talos, self).__init__(**kwargs) - - self.workdir = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_work_dir'] # convenience - - self.run_local = self.config.get('run_local') - self.installer_url = self.config.get("installer_url") - self.talos_json_url = self.config.get("talos_json_url") - self.talos_json = self.config.get("talos_json") - self.talos_json_config = self.config.get("talos_json_config") - self.tests = None - self.pagesets_url = None - self.sps_profile = self.config.get('sps_profile') - self.sps_profile_interval = self.config.get('sps_profile_interval') - - # We accept some configuration options from the try commit message in the format mozharness: <options> - # Example try commit message: - # mozharness: --spsProfile try: <stuff> - def query_sps_profile_options(self): - sps_results = [] - if self.buildbot_config: - # this is inside automation - # now let's see if we added spsProfile specs in the commit message - try: - junk, junk, opts = self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes'][-1]['comments'].partition('mozharness:') - except IndexError: - # when we don't have comments on changes (bug 1255187) - opts = None - - if opts: - # In the case of a multi-line commit message, only examine - # the first line for mozharness options - opts = opts.split('\n')[0] - opts = re.sub(r'\w+:.*', '', opts).strip().split(' ') - if "--spsProfile" in opts: - # overwrite whatever was set here. - self.sps_profile = True - try: - idx = opts.index('--spsProfileInterval') - if len(opts) > idx + 1: - self.sps_profile_interval = opts[idx + 1] - except ValueError: - pass - # finally, if sps_profile is set, we add that to the talos options - if self.sps_profile: - sps_results.append('--spsProfile') - if self.sps_profile_interval: - sps_results.extend( - ['--spsProfileInterval', str(self.sps_profile_interval)] - ) - return sps_results - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(Talos, self).query_abs_dirs() - abs_dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'blobber_upload_dir') - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - return self.abs_dirs - - def query_talos_json_config(self): - """Return the talos json config.""" - if self.talos_json_config: - return self.talos_json_config - if not self.talos_json: - self.talos_json = os.path.join(self.talos_path, 'talos.json') - self.talos_json_config = parse_config_file(self.talos_json) - self.info(pprint.pformat(self.talos_json_config)) - return self.talos_json_config - - def query_pagesets_url(self): - """Certain suites require external pagesets to be downloaded and - extracted. - """ - if self.pagesets_url: - return self.pagesets_url - if self.query_talos_json_config() and 'suite' in self.config: - self.pagesets_url = self.talos_json_config['suites'][self.config['suite']].get('pagesets_url') - return self.pagesets_url - - def talos_options(self, args=None, **kw): - """return options to talos""" - # binary path - binary_path = self.binary_path or self.config.get('binary_path') - if not binary_path: - self.fatal("Talos requires a path to the binary. You can specify binary_path or add download-and-extract to your action list.") - - # talos options - options = [] - # talos can't gather data if the process name ends with '.exe' - if binary_path.endswith('.exe'): - binary_path = binary_path[:-4] - # options overwritten from **kw - kw_options = {'executablePath': binary_path} - if 'suite' in self.config: - kw_options['suite'] = self.config['suite'] - if self.config.get('title'): - kw_options['title'] = self.config['title'] - if self.config.get('branch'): - kw_options['branchName'] = self.config['branch'] - if self.symbols_path: - kw_options['symbolsPath'] = self.symbols_path - kw_options.update(kw) - # talos expects tests to be in the format (e.g.) 'ts:tp5:tsvg' - tests = kw_options.get('activeTests') - if tests and not isinstance(tests, basestring): - tests = ':'.join(tests) # Talos expects this format - kw_options['activeTests'] = tests - for key, value in kw_options.items(): - options.extend(['--%s' % key, value]) - # configure profiling options - options.extend(self.query_sps_profile_options()) - # extra arguments - if args is not None: - options += args - if 'talos_extra_options' in self.config: - options += self.config['talos_extra_options'] - return options - - def populate_webroot(self): - """Populate the production test slaves' webroots""" - c = self.config - - self.talos_path = os.path.join( - self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_work_dir'], 'tests', 'talos' - ) - if c.get('run_local'): - self.talos_path = os.path.dirname(self.talos_json) - - src_talos_webdir = os.path.join(self.talos_path, 'talos') - - if self.query_pagesets_url(): - self.info('Downloading pageset...') - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - src_talos_pageset = os.path.join(src_talos_webdir, 'tests') - archive = self.download_file(self.pagesets_url, parent_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir']) - unzip = self.query_exe('unzip') - unzip_cmd = [unzip, '-q', '-o', archive, '-d', src_talos_pageset] - self.run_command(unzip_cmd, halt_on_failure=True) - - # Action methods. {{{1 - # clobber defined in BaseScript - # read_buildbot_config defined in BuildbotMixin - - def download_and_extract(self, extract_dirs=None, suite_categories=None): - return super(Talos, self).download_and_extract( - suite_categories=['common', 'talos'] - ) - - def create_virtualenv(self, **kwargs): - """VirtualenvMixin.create_virtualenv() assuemes we're using - self.config['virtualenv_modules']. Since we are installing - talos from its source, we have to wrap that method here.""" - # install mozbase first, so we use in-tree versions - if not self.run_local: - mozbase_requirements = os.path.join( - self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_work_dir'], - 'tests', - 'config', - 'mozbase_requirements.txt' - ) - else: - mozbase_requirements = os.path.join( - os.path.dirname(self.talos_path), - 'config', - 'mozbase_requirements.txt' - ) - self.register_virtualenv_module( - requirements=[mozbase_requirements], - two_pass=True, - editable=True, - ) - # require pip >= 1.5 so pip will prefer .whl files to install - super(Talos, self).create_virtualenv( - modules=['pip>=1.5'] - ) - # talos in harness requires what else is - # listed in talos requirements.txt file. - self.install_module( - requirements=[os.path.join(self.talos_path, - 'requirements.txt')] - ) - # install jsonschema for perfherder validation - self.install_module(module="jsonschema") - - def _validate_treeherder_data(self, parser): - # late import is required, because install is done in create_virtualenv - import jsonschema - - if len(parser.found_perf_data) != 1: - self.critical("PERFHERDER_DATA was seen %d times, expected 1." - % len(parser.found_perf_data)) - parser.update_worst_log_and_tbpl_levels(WARNING, TBPL_WARNING) - return - - schema_path = os.path.join(external_tools_path, - 'performance-artifact-schema.json') - self.info("Validating PERFHERDER_DATA against %s" % schema_path) - try: - with open(schema_path) as f: - schema = json.load(f) - data = json.loads(parser.found_perf_data[0]) - jsonschema.validate(data, schema) - except: - self.exception("Error while validating PERFHERDER_DATA") - parser.update_worst_log_and_tbpl_levels(WARNING, TBPL_WARNING) - - def run_tests(self, args=None, **kw): - """run Talos tests""" - - # get talos options - options = self.talos_options(args=args, **kw) - - # XXX temporary python version check - python = self.query_python_path() - self.run_command([python, "--version"]) - parser = TalosOutputParser(config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, - error_list=TalosErrorList) - env = {} - env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'] = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - if not self.run_local: - env['MINIDUMP_STACKWALK'] = self.query_minidump_stackwalk() - env['MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH'] = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - if not os.path.isdir(env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR']): - self.mkdir_p(env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR']) - env = self.query_env(partial_env=env, log_level=INFO) - # adjust PYTHONPATH to be able to use talos as a python package - if 'PYTHONPATH' in env: - env['PYTHONPATH'] = self.talos_path + os.pathsep + env['PYTHONPATH'] - else: - env['PYTHONPATH'] = self.talos_path - - # sets a timeout for how long talos should run without output - output_timeout = self.config.get('talos_output_timeout', 3600) - # run talos tests - run_tests = os.path.join(self.talos_path, 'talos', 'run_tests.py') - - mozlog_opts = ['--log-tbpl-level=debug'] - if not self.run_local and 'suite' in self.config: - fname_pattern = '%s_%%s.log' % self.config['suite'] - mozlog_opts.append('--log-errorsummary=%s' - % os.path.join(env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'], - fname_pattern % 'errorsummary')) - mozlog_opts.append('--log-raw=%s' - % os.path.join(env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'], - fname_pattern % 'raw')) - - command = [python, run_tests] + options + mozlog_opts - self.return_code = self.run_command(command, cwd=self.workdir, - output_timeout=output_timeout, - output_parser=parser, - env=env) - if parser.minidump_output: - self.info("Looking at the minidump files for debugging purposes...") - for item in parser.minidump_output: - self.run_command(["ls", "-l", item]) - - if self.return_code not in [0]: - # update the worst log level and tbpl status - log_level = ERROR - tbpl_level = TBPL_FAILURE - if self.return_code == 1: - log_level = WARNING - tbpl_level = TBPL_WARNING - if self.return_code == 4: - log_level = WARNING - tbpl_level = TBPL_RETRY - - parser.update_worst_log_and_tbpl_levels(log_level, tbpl_level) - else: - if not self.sps_profile: - self._validate_treeherder_data(parser) - - self.buildbot_status(parser.worst_tbpl_status, - level=parser.worst_log_level) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/testbase.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/testbase.py deleted file mode 100755 index 2ab2b7e43..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/testbase.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,862 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -import copy -import os -import platform -import pprint -import re -import urllib2 -import json -import socket - -from mozharness.base.errors import BaseErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import FATAL, WARNING -from mozharness.base.python import ( - ResourceMonitoringMixin, - VirtualenvMixin, - virtualenv_config_options, -) -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin, TBPL_WARNING -from mozharness.mozilla.proxxy import Proxxy -from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser -from mozharness.mozilla.taskcluster_helper import TaskClusterArtifactFinderMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import DesktopUnittestOutputParser -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.try_tools import TryToolsMixin, try_config_options -from mozharness.mozilla.tooltool import TooltoolMixin - -from mozharness.lib.python.authentication import get_credentials - -INSTALLER_SUFFIXES = ('.apk', # Android - '.tar.bz2', '.tar.gz', # Linux - '.dmg', # Mac - '.installer-stub.exe', '.installer.exe', '.exe', '.zip', # Windows - ) - -# https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/testing/config/tooltool-manifests -TOOLTOOL_PLATFORM_DIR = { - 'linux': 'linux32', - 'linux64': 'linux64', - 'win32': 'win32', - 'win64': 'win32', - 'macosx': 'macosx64', -} - - -testing_config_options = [ - [["--installer-url"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "installer_url", - "default": None, - "help": "URL to the installer to install", - }], - [["--installer-path"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "installer_path", - "default": None, - "help": "Path to the installer to install. This is set automatically if run with --download-and-extract.", - }], - [["--binary-path"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "binary_path", - "default": None, - "help": "Path to installed binary. This is set automatically if run with --install.", - }], - [["--exe-suffix"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "exe_suffix", - "default": None, - "help": "Executable suffix for binaries on this platform", - }], - [["--test-url"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "test_url", - "default": None, - "help": "URL to the zip file containing the actual tests", - }], - [["--test-packages-url"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "test_packages_url", - "default": None, - "help": "URL to a json file describing which tests archives to download", - }], - [["--jsshell-url"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "jsshell_url", - "default": None, - "help": "URL to the jsshell to install", - }], - [["--download-symbols"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "download_symbols", - "type": "choice", - "choices": ['ondemand', 'true'], - "help": "Download and extract crash reporter symbols.", - }], -] + copy.deepcopy(virtualenv_config_options) + copy.deepcopy(try_config_options) - - -# TestingMixin {{{1 -class TestingMixin(VirtualenvMixin, BuildbotMixin, ResourceMonitoringMixin, - TaskClusterArtifactFinderMixin, TooltoolMixin, TryToolsMixin): - """ - The steps to identify + download the proper bits for [browser] unit - tests and Talos. - """ - - installer_url = None - installer_path = None - binary_path = None - test_url = None - test_packages_url = None - symbols_url = None - symbols_path = None - jsshell_url = None - minidump_stackwalk_path = None - nodejs_path = None - default_tools_repo = 'https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools' - proxxy = None - - def _query_proxxy(self): - """manages the proxxy""" - if not self.proxxy: - self.proxxy = Proxxy(self.config, self.log_obj) - return self.proxxy - - def download_proxied_file(self, url, file_name=None, parent_dir=None, - create_parent_dir=True, error_level=FATAL, - exit_code=3): - proxxy = self._query_proxxy() - return proxxy.download_proxied_file(url=url, file_name=file_name, - parent_dir=parent_dir, - create_parent_dir=create_parent_dir, - error_level=error_level, - exit_code=exit_code) - - def download_file(self, *args, **kwargs): - ''' - This function helps not to use download of proxied files - since it does not support authenticated downloads. - This could be re-factored and fixed in bug 1087664. - ''' - if self.config.get("developer_mode"): - return super(TestingMixin, self).download_file(*args, **kwargs) - else: - return self.download_proxied_file(*args, **kwargs) - - def query_build_dir_url(self, file_name): - """ - Resolve a file name to a potential url in the build upload directory where - that file can be found. - """ - if self.test_packages_url: - reference_url = self.test_packages_url - elif self.installer_url: - reference_url = self.installer_url - else: - self.fatal("Can't figure out build directory urls without an installer_url " - "or test_packages_url!") - - last_slash = reference_url.rfind('/') - base_url = reference_url[:last_slash] - - return '%s/%s' % (base_url, file_name) - - def query_prefixed_build_dir_url(self, suffix): - """Resolve a file name prefixed with platform and build details to a potential url - in the build upload directory where that file can be found. - """ - if self.test_packages_url: - reference_suffixes = ['.test_packages.json'] - reference_url = self.test_packages_url - elif self.installer_url: - reference_suffixes = INSTALLER_SUFFIXES - reference_url = self.installer_url - else: - self.fatal("Can't figure out build directory urls without an installer_url " - "or test_packages_url!") - - url = None - for reference_suffix in reference_suffixes: - if reference_url.endswith(reference_suffix): - url = reference_url[:-len(reference_suffix)] + suffix - break - - return url - - def query_symbols_url(self, raise_on_failure=False): - if self.symbols_url: - return self.symbols_url - - elif self.installer_url: - symbols_url = self.query_prefixed_build_dir_url('.crashreporter-symbols.zip') - - # Check if the URL exists. If not, use none to allow mozcrash to auto-check for symbols - try: - if symbols_url: - self._urlopen(symbols_url, timeout=120) - self.symbols_url = symbols_url - except Exception as ex: - self.warning("Cannot open symbols url %s (installer url: %s): %s" % - (symbols_url, self.installer_url, ex)) - if raise_on_failure: - raise - - # If no symbols URL can be determined let minidump_stackwalk query the symbols. - # As of now this only works for Nightly and release builds. - if not self.symbols_url: - self.warning("No symbols_url found. Let minidump_stackwalk query for symbols.") - - return self.symbols_url - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - for i, (target_file, target_dict) in enumerate(rw_config.all_cfg_files_and_dicts): - if 'developer_config' in target_file: - self._developer_mode_changes(rw_config) - - def _developer_mode_changes(self, rw_config): - """ This function is called when you append the config called - developer_config.py. This allows you to run a job - outside of the Release Engineering infrastructure. - - What this functions accomplishes is: - * read-buildbot-config is removed from the list of actions - * --installer-url is set - * --test-url is set if needed - * every url is substituted by another external to the - Release Engineering network - """ - c = self.config - orig_config = copy.deepcopy(c) - self.warning("When you use developer_config.py, we drop " - "'read-buildbot-config' from the list of actions.") - if "read-buildbot-config" in rw_config.actions: - rw_config.actions.remove("read-buildbot-config") - self.actions = tuple(rw_config.actions) - - def _replace_url(url, changes): - for from_, to_ in changes: - if url.startswith(from_): - new_url = url.replace(from_, to_) - self.info("Replacing url %s -> %s" % (url, new_url)) - return new_url - return url - - if c.get("installer_url") is None: - self.exception("You must use --installer-url with developer_config.py") - if c.get("require_test_zip"): - if not c.get('test_url') and not c.get('test_packages_url'): - self.exception("You must use --test-url or --test-packages-url with developer_config.py") - - c["installer_url"] = _replace_url(c["installer_url"], c["replace_urls"]) - if c.get("test_url"): - c["test_url"] = _replace_url(c["test_url"], c["replace_urls"]) - if c.get("test_packages_url"): - c["test_packages_url"] = _replace_url(c["test_packages_url"], c["replace_urls"]) - - for key, value in self.config.iteritems(): - if type(value) == str and value.startswith("http"): - self.config[key] = _replace_url(value, c["replace_urls"]) - - # Any changes to c means that we need credentials - if not c == orig_config: - get_credentials() - - def _urlopen(self, url, **kwargs): - ''' - This function helps dealing with downloading files while outside - of the releng network. - ''' - # Code based on http://code.activestate.com/recipes/305288-http-basic-authentication - def _urlopen_basic_auth(url, **kwargs): - self.info("We want to download this file %s" % url) - if not hasattr(self, "https_username"): - self.info("NOTICE: Files downloaded from outside of " - "Release Engineering network require LDAP " - "credentials.") - - self.https_username, self.https_password = get_credentials() - # This creates a password manager - passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() - # Because we have put None at the start it will use this username/password combination from here on - passman.add_password(None, url, self.https_username, self.https_password) - authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman) - - return urllib2.build_opener(authhandler).open(url, **kwargs) - - # If we have the developer_run flag enabled then we will switch - # URLs to the right place and enable http authentication - if "developer_config.py" in self.config["config_files"]: - return _urlopen_basic_auth(url, **kwargs) - else: - return urllib2.urlopen(url, **kwargs) - - # read_buildbot_config is in BuildbotMixin. - - def find_artifacts_from_buildbot_changes(self): - c = self.config - try: - files = self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes'][-1]['files'] - buildbot_prop_branch = self.buildbot_config['properties']['branch'] - - # Bug 868490 - Only require exactly two files if require_test_zip; - # otherwise accept either 1 or 2, since we'll be getting a - # test_zip url that we don't need. - expected_length = [1, 2, 3] - if c.get("require_test_zip") and not self.test_url: - expected_length = [2, 3] - if buildbot_prop_branch.startswith('gaia-try'): - expected_length = range(1, 1000) - actual_length = len(files) - if actual_length not in expected_length: - self.fatal("Unexpected number of files in buildbot config %s.\nExpected these number(s) of files: %s, but got: %d" % - (c['buildbot_json_path'], str(expected_length), actual_length)) - for f in files: - if f['name'].endswith('tests.zip'): # yuk - if not self.test_url: - # str() because of unicode issues on mac - self.test_url = str(f['name']) - self.info("Found test url %s." % self.test_url) - elif f['name'].endswith('crashreporter-symbols.zip'): # yuk - self.symbols_url = str(f['name']) - self.info("Found symbols url %s." % self.symbols_url) - elif f['name'].endswith('test_packages.json'): - self.test_packages_url = str(f['name']) - self.info("Found a test packages url %s." % self.test_packages_url) - elif not any(f['name'].endswith(s) for s in ('code-coverage-gcno.zip',)): - if not self.installer_url: - self.installer_url = str(f['name']) - self.info("Found installer url %s." % self.installer_url) - except IndexError, e: - self.error(str(e)) - - def find_artifacts_from_taskcluster(self): - self.info("Finding installer, test and symbols from parent task. ") - task_id = self.buildbot_config['properties']['taskId'] - self.set_parent_artifacts(task_id) - - def postflight_read_buildbot_config(self): - """ - Determine which files to download from the buildprops.json file - created via the buildbot ScriptFactory. - """ - if self.buildbot_config: - c = self.config - message = "Unable to set %s from the buildbot config" - if c.get("installer_url"): - self.installer_url = c['installer_url'] - if c.get("test_url"): - self.test_url = c['test_url'] - if c.get("test_packages_url"): - self.test_packages_url = c['test_packages_url'] - - # This supports original Buildbot to Buildbot mode - if self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes']: - self.find_artifacts_from_buildbot_changes() - - # This supports TaskCluster/BBB task to Buildbot job - elif 'testPackagesUrl' in self.buildbot_config['properties'] and \ - 'packageUrl' in self.buildbot_config['properties']: - self.installer_url = self.buildbot_config['properties']['packageUrl'] - self.test_packages_url = self.buildbot_config['properties']['testPackagesUrl'] - - # This supports TaskCluster/BBB task to TaskCluster/BBB task - elif 'taskId' in self.buildbot_config['properties']: - self.find_artifacts_from_taskcluster() - - missing = [] - if not self.installer_url: - missing.append("installer_url") - if c.get("require_test_zip") and not self.test_url and not self.test_packages_url: - missing.append("test_url") - if missing: - self.fatal("%s!" % (message % ('+'.join(missing)))) - else: - self.fatal("self.buildbot_config isn't set after running read_buildbot_config!") - - def _query_binary_version(self, regex, cmd): - output = self.get_output_from_command(cmd, silent=False) - return regex.search(output).group(0) - - def preflight_download_and_extract(self): - message = "" - if not self.installer_url: - message += """installer_url isn't set! - -You can set this by: - -1. specifying --installer-url URL, or -2. running via buildbot and running the read-buildbot-config action - -""" - if self.config.get("require_test_zip") and not self.test_url and not self.test_packages_url: - message += """test_url isn't set! - -You can set this by: - -1. specifying --test-url URL, or -2. running via buildbot and running the read-buildbot-config action - -""" - if message: - self.fatal(message + "Can't run download-and-extract... exiting") - - def _read_packages_manifest(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - source = self.download_file(self.test_packages_url, - parent_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - error_level=FATAL) - - with self.opened(os.path.realpath(source)) as (fh, err): - package_requirements = json.load(fh) - if not package_requirements or err: - self.fatal("There was an error reading test package requirements from %s " - "requirements: `%s` - error: `%s`" % (source, - package_requirements or 'None', - err or 'No error')) - self.info("Using the following test package requirements:\n%s" % - pprint.pformat(package_requirements)) - return package_requirements - - def _download_test_packages(self, suite_categories, extract_dirs): - # Some platforms define more suite categories/names than others. - # This is a difference in the convention of the configs more than - # to how these tests are run, so we pave over these differences here. - aliases = { - 'mochitest-chrome': 'mochitest', - 'mochitest-media': 'mochitest', - 'mochitest-plain-clipboard': 'mochitest', - 'mochitest-plain-gpu': 'mochitest', - 'mochitest-gl': 'mochitest', - 'jsreftest': 'reftest', - 'crashtest': 'reftest', - 'reftest-debug': 'reftest', - 'jsreftest-debug': 'reftest', - 'crashtest-debug': 'reftest', - } - suite_categories = [aliases.get(name, name) for name in suite_categories] - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - test_install_dir = dirs.get('abs_test_install_dir', - os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tests')) - self.mkdir_p(test_install_dir) - package_requirements = self._read_packages_manifest() - for category in suite_categories: - if category in package_requirements: - target_packages = package_requirements[category] - else: - # If we don't harness specific requirements, assume the common zip - # has everything we need to run tests for this suite. - target_packages = package_requirements['common'] - - self.info("Downloading packages: %s for test suite category: %s" % - (target_packages, category)) - for file_name in target_packages: - target_dir = test_install_dir - unpack_dirs = extract_dirs - - if "common.tests" in file_name and isinstance(unpack_dirs, list): - # Ensure that the following files are always getting extracted - required_files = ["mach", - "mozinfo.json", - ] - for req_file in required_files: - if req_file not in unpack_dirs: - self.info("Adding '{}' for extraction from common.tests zip file" - .format(req_file)) - unpack_dirs.append(req_file) - - if "jsshell-" in file_name or file_name == "target.jsshell.zip": - self.info("Special-casing the jsshell zip file") - unpack_dirs = None - target_dir = dirs['abs_test_bin_dir'] - - url = self.query_build_dir_url(file_name) - self.download_unpack(url, target_dir, - extract_dirs=unpack_dirs) - - def _download_test_zip(self, extract_dirs=None): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - test_install_dir = dirs.get('abs_test_install_dir', - os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tests')) - self.download_unpack(self.test_url, test_install_dir, - extract_dirs=extract_dirs) - - def structured_output(self, suite_category): - """Defines whether structured logging is in use in this configuration. This - may need to be replaced with data from a different config at the resolution - of bug 1070041 and related bugs. - """ - return ('structured_suites' in self.config and - suite_category in self.config['structured_suites']) - - def get_test_output_parser(self, suite_category, strict=False, - fallback_parser_class=DesktopUnittestOutputParser, - **kwargs): - """Derive and return an appropriate output parser, either the structured - output parser or a fallback based on the type of logging in use as determined by - configuration. - """ - if not self.structured_output(suite_category): - if fallback_parser_class is DesktopUnittestOutputParser: - return DesktopUnittestOutputParser(suite_category=suite_category, **kwargs) - return fallback_parser_class(**kwargs) - self.info("Structured output parser in use for %s." % suite_category) - return StructuredOutputParser(suite_category=suite_category, strict=strict, **kwargs) - - def _download_installer(self): - file_name = None - if self.installer_path: - file_name = self.installer_path - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - source = self.download_file(self.installer_url, - file_name=file_name, - parent_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - error_level=FATAL) - self.installer_path = os.path.realpath(source) - self.set_buildbot_property("build_url", self.installer_url, write_to_file=True) - - def _download_and_extract_symbols(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if self.config.get('download_symbols') == 'ondemand': - self.symbols_url = self.query_symbols_url() - self.symbols_path = self.symbols_url - return - - else: - # In the case for 'ondemand', we're OK to proceed without getting a hold of the - # symbols right this moment, however, in other cases we need to at least retry - # before being unable to proceed (e.g. debug tests need symbols) - self.symbols_url = self.retry( - action=self.query_symbols_url, - kwargs={'raise_on_failure': True}, - sleeptime=20, - error_level=FATAL, - error_message="We can't proceed without downloading symbols.", - ) - if not self.symbols_path: - self.symbols_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'symbols') - - self.set_buildbot_property("symbols_url", self.symbols_url, - write_to_file=True) - if self.symbols_url: - self.download_unpack(self.symbols_url, self.symbols_path) - - def download_and_extract(self, extract_dirs=None, suite_categories=None): - """ - download and extract test zip / download installer - """ - # Swap plain http for https when we're downloading from ftp - # See bug 957502 and friends - from_ = "http://ftp.mozilla.org" - to_ = "https://ftp-ssl.mozilla.org" - for attr in 'symbols_url', 'installer_url', 'test_packages_url', 'test_url': - url = getattr(self, attr) - if url and url.startswith(from_): - new_url = url.replace(from_, to_) - self.info("Replacing url %s -> %s" % (url, new_url)) - setattr(self, attr, new_url) - - if 'test_url' in self.config: - # A user has specified a test_url directly, any test_packages_url will - # be ignored. - if self.test_packages_url: - self.error('Test data will be downloaded from "%s", the specified test ' - ' package data at "%s" will be ignored.' % - (self.config.get('test_url'), self.test_packages_url)) - - self._download_test_zip(extract_dirs) - else: - if not self.test_packages_url: - # The caller intends to download harness specific packages, but doesn't know - # where the packages manifest is located. This is the case when the - # test package manifest isn't set as a buildbot property, which is true - # for some self-serve jobs and platforms using parse_make_upload. - self.test_packages_url = self.query_prefixed_build_dir_url('.test_packages.json') - - suite_categories = suite_categories or ['common'] - self._download_test_packages(suite_categories, extract_dirs) - - self._download_installer() - if self.config.get('download_symbols'): - self._download_and_extract_symbols() - - # create_virtualenv is in VirtualenvMixin. - - def preflight_install(self): - if not self.installer_path: - if self.config.get('installer_path'): - self.installer_path = self.config['installer_path'] - else: - self.fatal("""installer_path isn't set! - -You can set this by: - -1. specifying --installer-path PATH, or -2. running the download-and-extract action -""") - if not self.is_python_package_installed("mozInstall"): - self.fatal("""Can't call install() without mozinstall! -Did you run with --create-virtualenv? Is mozinstall in virtualenv_modules?""") - - def install_app(self, app=None, target_dir=None, installer_path=None): - """ Dependent on mozinstall """ - # install the application - cmd = self.query_exe("mozinstall", default=self.query_python_path("mozinstall"), return_type="list") - if app: - cmd.extend(['--app', app]) - # Remove the below when we no longer need to support mozinstall 0.3 - self.info("Detecting whether we're running mozinstall >=1.0...") - output = self.get_output_from_command(cmd + ['-h']) - if '--source' in output: - cmd.append('--source') - # End remove - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if not target_dir: - target_dir = dirs.get('abs_app_install_dir', - os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], - 'application')) - self.mkdir_p(target_dir) - if not installer_path: - installer_path = self.installer_path - cmd.extend([installer_path, - '--destination', target_dir]) - # TODO we'll need some error checking here - return self.get_output_from_command(cmd, halt_on_failure=True, - fatal_exit_code=3) - - def install(self): - self.binary_path = self.install_app(app=self.config.get('application')) - - def uninstall_app(self, install_dir=None): - """ Dependent on mozinstall """ - # uninstall the application - cmd = self.query_exe("mozuninstall", - default=self.query_python_path("mozuninstall"), - return_type="list") - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if not install_dir: - install_dir = dirs.get('abs_app_install_dir', - os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], - 'application')) - cmd.append(install_dir) - # TODO we'll need some error checking here - self.get_output_from_command(cmd, halt_on_failure=True, - fatal_exit_code=3) - - def uninstall(self): - self.uninstall_app() - - def query_minidump_tooltool_manifest(self): - if self.config.get('minidump_tooltool_manifest_path'): - return self.config['minidump_tooltool_manifest_path'] - - self.info('Minidump tooltool manifest unknown. Determining based upon ' - 'platform and architecture.') - platform_name = self.platform_name() - - if platform_name: - tooltool_path = "config/tooltool-manifests/%s/releng.manifest" % \ - TOOLTOOL_PLATFORM_DIR[platform_name] - return tooltool_path - else: - self.fatal('We could not determine the minidump\'s filename.') - - def query_minidump_filename(self): - if self.config.get('minidump_stackwalk_path'): - return self.config['minidump_stackwalk_path'] - - self.info('Minidump filename unknown. Determining based upon platform ' - 'and architecture.') - platform_name = self.platform_name() - if platform_name: - minidump_filename = '%s-minidump_stackwalk' % TOOLTOOL_PLATFORM_DIR[platform_name] - if platform_name in ('win32', 'win64'): - minidump_filename += '.exe' - return minidump_filename - else: - self.fatal('We could not determine the minidump\'s filename.') - - def query_nodejs_tooltool_manifest(self): - if self.config.get('nodejs_tooltool_manifest_path'): - return self.config['nodejs_tooltool_manifest_path'] - - self.info('NodeJS tooltool manifest unknown. Determining based upon ' - 'platform and architecture.') - platform_name = self.platform_name() - - if platform_name: - tooltool_path = "config/tooltool-manifests/%s/nodejs.manifest" % \ - TOOLTOOL_PLATFORM_DIR[platform_name] - return tooltool_path - else: - self.fatal('Could not determine nodejs manifest filename') - - def query_nodejs_filename(self): - if self.config.get('nodejs_path'): - return self.config['nodejs_path'] - - self.fatal('Could not determine nodejs filename') - - def query_nodejs(self, manifest=None): - if self.nodejs_path: - return self.nodejs_path - - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs(); - - nodejs_path = self.query_nodejs_filename() - if not self.config.get('download_nodejs'): - self.nodejs_path = nodejs_path - return self.nodejs_path - - if not manifest: - tooltool_manifest_path = self.query_nodejs_tooltool_manifest() - manifest = os.path.join(dirs.get('abs_test_install_dir', - os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tests')), - tooltool_manifest_path) - - self.info('grabbing nodejs binary from tooltool') - try: - self.tooltool_fetch( - manifest=manifest, - output_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - cache=c.get('tooltool_cache') - ) - except KeyError: - self.error('missing a required key') - - abs_nodejs_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], nodejs_path) - - if os.path.exists(abs_nodejs_path): - if self.platform_name() not in ('win32', 'win64'): - self.chmod(abs_nodejs_path, 0755) - self.nodejs_path = abs_nodejs_path - else: - self.warning("nodejs path was given but couldn't be found. Tried looking in '%s'" % abs_nodejs_path) - self.buildbot_status(TBPL_WARNING, WARNING) - - return self.nodejs_path - - def query_minidump_stackwalk(self, manifest=None): - if self.minidump_stackwalk_path: - return self.minidump_stackwalk_path - - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - # This is the path where we either download to or is already on the host - minidump_stackwalk_path = self.query_minidump_filename() - - if not c.get('download_minidump_stackwalk'): - self.minidump_stackwalk_path = minidump_stackwalk_path - else: - if not manifest: - tooltool_manifest_path = self.query_minidump_tooltool_manifest() - manifest = os.path.join(dirs.get('abs_test_install_dir', - os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tests')), - tooltool_manifest_path) - - self.info('grabbing minidump binary from tooltool') - try: - self.tooltool_fetch( - manifest=manifest, - output_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - cache=c.get('tooltool_cache') - ) - except KeyError: - self.error('missing a required key.') - - abs_minidump_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], - minidump_stackwalk_path) - if os.path.exists(abs_minidump_path): - self.chmod(abs_minidump_path, 0755) - self.minidump_stackwalk_path = abs_minidump_path - else: - self.warning("minidump stackwalk path was given but couldn't be found. " - "Tried looking in '%s'" % abs_minidump_path) - # don't burn the job but we should at least turn them orange so it is caught - self.buildbot_status(TBPL_WARNING, WARNING) - - return self.minidump_stackwalk_path - - def query_options(self, *args, **kwargs): - if "str_format_values" in kwargs: - str_format_values = kwargs.pop("str_format_values") - else: - str_format_values = {} - - arguments = [] - - for arg in args: - if arg is not None: - arguments.extend(argument % str_format_values for argument in arg) - - return arguments - - def query_tests_args(self, *args, **kwargs): - if "str_format_values" in kwargs: - str_format_values = kwargs.pop("str_format_values") - else: - str_format_values = {} - - arguments = [] - - for arg in reversed(args): - if arg: - arguments.append("--") - arguments.extend(argument % str_format_values for argument in arg) - break - - return arguments - - def _run_cmd_checks(self, suites): - if not suites: - return - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - for suite in suites: - # XXX platform.architecture() may give incorrect values for some - # platforms like mac as excutable files may be universal - # files containing multiple architectures - # NOTE 'enabled' is only here while we have unconsolidated configs - if not suite['enabled']: - continue - if suite.get('architectures'): - arch = platform.architecture()[0] - if arch not in suite['architectures']: - continue - cmd = suite['cmd'] - name = suite['name'] - self.info("Running pre test command %(name)s with '%(cmd)s'" - % {'name': name, 'cmd': ' '.join(cmd)}) - if self.buildbot_config: # this cmd is for buildbot - # TODO rather then checking for formatting on every string - # in every preflight enabled cmd: find a better solution! - # maybe I can implement WithProperties in mozharness? - cmd = [x % (self.buildbot_config.get('properties')) - for x in cmd] - self.run_command(cmd, - cwd=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - error_list=BaseErrorList, - halt_on_failure=suite['halt_on_failure'], - fatal_exit_code=suite.get('fatal_exit_code', 3)) - - def preflight_run_tests(self): - """preflight commands for all tests""" - c = self.config - if c.get('run_cmd_checks_enabled'): - self._run_cmd_checks(c.get('preflight_run_cmd_suites', [])) - elif c.get('preflight_run_cmd_suites'): - self.warning("Proceeding without running prerun test commands." - " These are often OS specific and disabling them may" - " result in spurious test results!") - - def postflight_run_tests(self): - """preflight commands for all tests""" - c = self.config - if c.get('run_cmd_checks_enabled'): - self._run_cmd_checks(c.get('postflight_run_cmd_suites', [])) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/try_tools.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/try_tools.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3708e71db..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/try_tools.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -import argparse -import os -import re -from collections import defaultdict - -from mozharness.base.script import PostScriptAction -from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin - -try_config_options = [ - [["--try-message"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "try_message", - "default": None, - "help": "try syntax string to select tests to run", - }], -] - -test_flavors = { - 'browser-chrome': {}, - 'chrome': {}, - 'devtools-chrome': {}, - 'mochitest': {}, - 'xpcshell' :{}, - 'reftest': { - "path": lambda x: os.path.join("tests", "reftest", "tests", x) - }, - 'crashtest': { - "path": lambda x: os.path.join("tests", "reftest", "tests", x) - }, - 'web-platform-tests': { - "path": lambda x: os.path.join("tests", x.split("testing" + os.path.sep)[1]) - } -} - -class TryToolsMixin(TransferMixin): - """Utility functions for an interface between try syntax and out test harnesses. - Requires log and script mixins.""" - - harness_extra_args = None - try_test_paths = {} - known_try_arguments = { - '--tag': ({ - 'action': 'append', - 'dest': 'tags', - 'default': None, - }, ( - 'browser-chrome', - 'chrome', - 'devtools-chrome', - 'marionette', - 'mochitest', - 'web-plaftform-tests', - 'xpcshell', - )), - '--setenv': ({ - 'action': 'append', - 'dest': 'setenv', - 'default': [], - 'metavar': 'NAME=VALUE', - }, ( - 'browser-chrome', - 'chrome', - 'crashtest', - 'devtools-chrome', - 'mochitest', - 'reftest', - )), - } - - def _extract_try_message(self): - msg = None - buildbot_config = self.buildbot_config or {} - if "try_message" in self.config and self.config["try_message"]: - msg = self.config["try_message"] - elif 'TRY_COMMIT_MSG' in os.environ: - msg = os.environ['TRY_COMMIT_MSG'] - elif self._is_try(): - if 'sourcestamp' in buildbot_config and buildbot_config['sourcestamp'].get('changes'): - msg = buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes'][-1].get('comments') - - if msg is None or len(msg) == 1024: - # This commit message was potentially truncated or not available in - # buildbot_config (e.g. if running in TaskCluster), get the full message - # from hg. - props = buildbot_config.get('properties', {}) - repo_url = 'https://hg.mozilla.org/%s/' - if 'revision' in props and 'repo_path' in props: - rev = props['revision'] - repo_path = props['repo_path'] - else: - # In TaskCluster we have no buildbot props, rely on env vars instead - rev = os.environ.get('GECKO_HEAD_REV') - repo_path = self.config.get('branch') - if repo_path: - repo_url = repo_url % repo_path - else: - repo_url = os.environ.get('GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY', - repo_url % 'try') - if not repo_url.endswith('/'): - repo_url += '/' - - url = '{}json-pushes?changeset={}&full=1'.format(repo_url, rev) - - pushinfo = self.load_json_from_url(url) - for k, v in pushinfo.items(): - if isinstance(v, dict) and 'changesets' in v: - msg = v['changesets'][-1]['desc'] - - if not msg and 'try_syntax' in buildbot_config.get('properties', {}): - # If we don't find try syntax in the usual place, check for it in an - # alternate property available to tools using self-serve. - msg = buildbot_config['properties']['try_syntax'] - if not msg: - self.warning('Try message not found.') - return msg - - def _extract_try_args(self, msg): - """ Returns a list of args from a try message, for parsing """ - if not msg: - return None - all_try_args = None - for line in msg.splitlines(): - if 'try: ' in line: - # Autoland adds quotes to try strings that will confuse our - # args later on. - if line.startswith('"') and line.endswith('"'): - line = line[1:-1] - # Allow spaces inside of [filter expressions] - try_message = line.strip().split('try: ', 1) - all_try_args = re.findall(r'(?:\[.*?\]|\S)+', try_message[1]) - break - if not all_try_args: - self.warning('Try syntax not found in: %s.' % msg ) - return all_try_args - - def try_message_has_flag(self, flag, message=None): - """ - Returns True if --`flag` is present in message. - """ - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('--' + flag, action='store_true') - message = message or self._extract_try_message() - if not message: - return False - msg_list = self._extract_try_args(message) - args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(msg_list) - return getattr(args, flag, False) - - def _is_try(self): - repo_path = None - if self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: - repo_path = self.buildbot_config['properties'].get('branch') - return (self.config.get('branch', repo_path) == 'try' or - 'TRY_COMMIT_MSG' in os.environ) - - @PostScriptAction('download-and-extract') - def set_extra_try_arguments(self, action, success=None): - """Finds a commit message and parses it for extra arguments to pass to the test - harness command line and test paths used to filter manifests. - - Extracting arguments from a commit message taken directly from the try_parser. - """ - if not self._is_try(): - return - - msg = self._extract_try_message() - if not msg: - return - - all_try_args = self._extract_try_args(msg) - if not all_try_args: - return - - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( - description=('Parse an additional subset of arguments passed to try syntax' - ' and forward them to the underlying test harness command.')) - - label_dict = {} - def label_from_val(val): - if val in label_dict: - return label_dict[val] - return '--%s' % val.replace('_', '-') - - for label, (opts, _) in self.known_try_arguments.iteritems(): - if 'action' in opts and opts['action'] not in ('append', 'store', - 'store_true', 'store_false'): - self.fatal('Try syntax does not support passing custom or store_const ' - 'arguments to the harness process.') - if 'dest' in opts: - label_dict[opts['dest']] = label - - parser.add_argument(label, **opts) - - parser.add_argument('--try-test-paths', nargs='*') - (args, _) = parser.parse_known_args(all_try_args) - self.try_test_paths = self._group_test_paths(args.try_test_paths) - del args.try_test_paths - - out_args = defaultdict(list) - # This is a pretty hacky way to echo arguments down to the harness. - # Hopefully this can be improved once we have a configuration system - # in tree for harnesses that relies less on a command line. - for arg, value in vars(args).iteritems(): - if value: - label = label_from_val(arg) - _, flavors = self.known_try_arguments[label] - - for f in flavors: - if isinstance(value, bool): - # A store_true or store_false argument. - out_args[f].append(label) - elif isinstance(value, list): - out_args[f].extend(['%s=%s' % (label, el) for el in value]) - else: - out_args[f].append('%s=%s' % (label, value)) - - self.harness_extra_args = dict(out_args) - - def _group_test_paths(self, args): - rv = defaultdict(list) - - if args is None: - return rv - - for item in args: - suite, path = item.split(":", 1) - rv[suite].append(path) - return rv - - def try_args(self, flavor): - """Get arguments, test_list derived from try syntax to apply to a command""" - args = [] - if self.harness_extra_args: - args = self.harness_extra_args.get(flavor, [])[:] - - if self.try_test_paths.get(flavor): - self.info('TinderboxPrint: Tests will be run from the following ' - 'files: %s.' % ','.join(self.try_test_paths[flavor])) - args.extend(['--this-chunk=1', '--total-chunks=1']) - - path_func = test_flavors[flavor].get("path", lambda x:x) - tests = [path_func(item) for item in self.try_test_paths[flavor]] - else: - tests = [] - - if args or tests: - self.info('TinderboxPrint: The following arguments were forwarded from mozharness ' - 'to the test command:\nTinderboxPrint: \t%s -- %s' % - (" ".join(args), " ".join(tests))) - - return args, tests diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/unittest.py deleted file mode 100755 index d935ff699..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/unittest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -import os -import re - -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import TinderBoxPrintRe -from mozharness.base.log import OutputParser, WARNING, INFO, CRITICAL, ERROR -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import TBPL_WARNING, TBPL_FAILURE, TBPL_RETRY -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import TBPL_SUCCESS, TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE - -SUITE_CATEGORIES = ['mochitest', 'reftest', 'xpcshell'] - - -def tbox_print_summary(pass_count, fail_count, known_fail_count=None, - crashed=False, leaked=False): - emphasize_fail_text = '<em class="testfail">%s</em>' - - if pass_count < 0 or fail_count < 0 or \ - (known_fail_count is not None and known_fail_count < 0): - summary = emphasize_fail_text % 'T-FAIL' - elif pass_count == 0 and fail_count == 0 and \ - (known_fail_count == 0 or known_fail_count is None): - summary = emphasize_fail_text % 'T-FAIL' - else: - str_fail_count = str(fail_count) - if fail_count > 0: - str_fail_count = emphasize_fail_text % str_fail_count - summary = "%d/%s" % (pass_count, str_fail_count) - if known_fail_count is not None: - summary += "/%d" % known_fail_count - # Format the crash status. - if crashed: - summary += " %s" % emphasize_fail_text % "CRASH" - # Format the leak status. - if leaked is not False: - summary += " %s" % emphasize_fail_text % ( - (leaked and "LEAK") or "L-FAIL") - return summary - - -class TestSummaryOutputParserHelper(OutputParser): - def __init__(self, regex=re.compile(r'(passed|failed|todo): (\d+)'), **kwargs): - self.regex = regex - self.failed = 0 - self.passed = 0 - self.todo = 0 - self.last_line = None - self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS - self.worst_log_level = INFO - super(TestSummaryOutputParserHelper, self).__init__(**kwargs) - - def parse_single_line(self, line): - super(TestSummaryOutputParserHelper, self).parse_single_line(line) - self.last_line = line - m = self.regex.search(line) - if m: - try: - setattr(self, m.group(1), int(m.group(2))) - except ValueError: - # ignore bad values - pass - - def evaluate_parser(self, return_code, success_codes=None): - if return_code == 0 and self.passed > 0 and self.failed == 0: - self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS - elif return_code == 10 and self.failed > 0: - self.tbpl_status = TBPL_WARNING - else: - self.tbpl_status = TBPL_FAILURE - self.worst_log_level = ERROR - - return (self.tbpl_status, self.worst_log_level) - - def print_summary(self, suite_name): - # generate the TinderboxPrint line for TBPL - emphasize_fail_text = '<em class="testfail">%s</em>' - failed = "0" - if self.passed == 0 and self.failed == 0: - self.tsummary = emphasize_fail_text % "T-FAIL" - else: - if self.failed > 0: - failed = emphasize_fail_text % str(self.failed) - self.tsummary = "%d/%s/%d" % (self.passed, failed, self.todo) - - self.info("TinderboxPrint: %s<br/>%s\n" % (suite_name, self.tsummary)) - - def append_tinderboxprint_line(self, suite_name): - self.print_summary(suite_name) - - -class DesktopUnittestOutputParser(OutputParser): - """ - A class that extends OutputParser such that it can parse the number of - passed/failed/todo tests from the output. - """ - - def __init__(self, suite_category, **kwargs): - # worst_log_level defined already in DesktopUnittestOutputParser - # but is here to make pylint happy - self.worst_log_level = INFO - super(DesktopUnittestOutputParser, self).__init__(**kwargs) - self.summary_suite_re = TinderBoxPrintRe.get('%s_summary' % suite_category, {}) - self.harness_error_re = TinderBoxPrintRe['harness_error']['minimum_regex'] - self.full_harness_error_re = TinderBoxPrintRe['harness_error']['full_regex'] - self.harness_retry_re = TinderBoxPrintRe['harness_error']['retry_regex'] - self.fail_count = -1 - self.pass_count = -1 - # known_fail_count does not exist for some suites - self.known_fail_count = self.summary_suite_re.get('known_fail_group') and -1 - self.crashed, self.leaked = False, False - self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS - - def parse_single_line(self, line): - if self.summary_suite_re: - summary_m = self.summary_suite_re['regex'].match(line) # pass/fail/todo - if summary_m: - message = ' %s' % line - log_level = INFO - # remove all the none values in groups() so this will work - # with all suites including mochitest browser-chrome - summary_match_list = [group for group in summary_m.groups() - if group is not None] - r = summary_match_list[0] - if self.summary_suite_re['pass_group'] in r: - if len(summary_match_list) > 1: - self.pass_count = int(summary_match_list[-1]) - else: - # This handles suites that either pass or report - # number of failures. We need to set both - # pass and fail count in the pass case. - self.pass_count = 1 - self.fail_count = 0 - elif self.summary_suite_re['fail_group'] in r: - self.fail_count = int(summary_match_list[-1]) - if self.fail_count > 0: - message += '\n One or more unittests failed.' - log_level = WARNING - # If self.summary_suite_re['known_fail_group'] == None, - # then r should not match it, # so this test is fine as is. - elif self.summary_suite_re['known_fail_group'] in r: - self.known_fail_count = int(summary_match_list[-1]) - self.log(message, log_level) - return # skip harness check and base parse_single_line - harness_match = self.harness_error_re.match(line) - if harness_match: - self.warning(' %s' % line) - self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(WARNING, self.worst_log_level) - self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level(TBPL_WARNING, self.tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE) - full_harness_match = self.full_harness_error_re.match(line) - if full_harness_match: - r = full_harness_match.group(1) - if r == "application crashed": - self.crashed = True - elif r == "missing output line for total leaks!": - self.leaked = None - else: - self.leaked = True - return # skip base parse_single_line - if self.harness_retry_re.search(line): - self.critical(' %s' % line) - self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(CRITICAL, self.worst_log_level) - self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level(TBPL_RETRY, self.tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE) - return # skip base parse_single_line - super(DesktopUnittestOutputParser, self).parse_single_line(line) - - def evaluate_parser(self, return_code, success_codes=None): - success_codes = success_codes or [0] - - if self.num_errors: # mozharness ran into a script error - self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level(TBPL_FAILURE, self.tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE) - - # I have to put this outside of parse_single_line because this checks not - # only if fail_count was more then 0 but also if fail_count is still -1 - # (no fail summary line was found) - if self.fail_count != 0: - self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(WARNING, self.worst_log_level) - self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level(TBPL_WARNING, self.tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE) - - # Account for the possibility that no test summary was output. - if self.pass_count <= 0 and self.fail_count <= 0 and \ - (self.known_fail_count is None or self.known_fail_count <= 0): - self.error('No tests run or test summary not found') - self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(WARNING, - self.worst_log_level) - self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level(TBPL_WARNING, - self.tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE) - - if return_code not in success_codes: - self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level(TBPL_FAILURE, self.tbpl_status, - levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE) - - # we can trust in parser.worst_log_level in either case - return (self.tbpl_status, self.worst_log_level) - - def append_tinderboxprint_line(self, suite_name): - # We are duplicating a condition (fail_count) from evaluate_parser and - # parse parse_single_line but at little cost since we are not parsing - # the log more then once. I figured this method should stay isolated as - # it is only here for tbpl highlighted summaries and is not part of - # buildbot evaluation or result status IIUC. - summary = tbox_print_summary(self.pass_count, - self.fail_count, - self.known_fail_count, - self.crashed, - self.leaked) - self.info("TinderboxPrint: %s<br/>%s\n" % (suite_name, summary)) - - -class EmulatorMixin(object): - """ Currently dependent on both TooltoolMixin and TestingMixin)""" - - def install_emulator_from_tooltool(self, manifest_path, do_unzip=True): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if self.tooltool_fetch(manifest_path, output_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - cache=self.config.get("tooltool_cache", None) - ): - self.fatal("Unable to download emulator via tooltool!") - if do_unzip: - unzip = self.query_exe("unzip") - unzip_cmd = [unzip, '-q', os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], "emulator.zip")] - self.run_command(unzip_cmd, cwd=dirs['abs_emulator_dir'], halt_on_failure=True, - fatal_exit_code=3) - - def install_emulator(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.mkdir_p(dirs['abs_emulator_dir']) - if self.config.get('emulator_url'): - self.download_unpack(self.config['emulator_url'], dirs['abs_emulator_dir']) - elif self.config.get('emulator_manifest'): - manifest_path = self.create_tooltool_manifest(self.config['emulator_manifest']) - do_unzip = True - if 'unpack' in self.config['emulator_manifest']: - do_unzip = False - self.install_emulator_from_tooltool(manifest_path, do_unzip) - elif self.buildbot_config: - props = self.buildbot_config.get('properties') - url = 'https://hg.mozilla.org/%s/raw-file/%s/b2g/test/emulator.manifest' % ( - props['repo_path'], props['revision']) - manifest_path = self.download_file(url, - file_name='tooltool.tt', - parent_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir']) - if not manifest_path: - self.fatal("Can't download emulator manifest from %s" % url) - self.install_emulator_from_tooltool(manifest_path) - else: - self.fatal("Can't get emulator; set emulator_url or emulator_manifest in the config!") - if self.config.get('tools_manifest'): - manifest_path = self.create_tooltool_manifest(self.config['tools_manifest']) - do_unzip = True - if 'unpack' in self.config['tools_manifest']: - do_unzip = False - self.install_emulator_from_tooltool(manifest_path, do_unzip) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/tooltool.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/tooltool.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0bd98e0a2..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/tooltool.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ -"""module for tooltool operations""" -import os -import sys - -from mozharness.base.errors import PythonErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, FATAL -from mozharness.mozilla.proxxy import Proxxy - -TooltoolErrorList = PythonErrorList + [{ - 'substr': 'ERROR - ', 'level': ERROR -}] - - -TOOLTOOL_PY_URL = \ - "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mozilla/build-tooltool/master/tooltool.py" - -TOOLTOOL_SERVERS = [ - 'https://api.pub.build.mozilla.org/tooltool/', -] - - -class TooltoolMixin(object): - """Mixin class for handling tooltool manifests. - To use a tooltool server other than the Mozilla server, override - config['tooltool_servers']. To specify a different authentication - file than that used in releng automation,override - config['tooltool_authentication_file']; set it to None to not pass - any authentication information (OK for public files) - """ - def _get_auth_file(self): - # set the default authentication file based on platform; this - # corresponds to where puppet puts the token - if 'tooltool_authentication_file' in self.config: - fn = self.config['tooltool_authentication_file'] - elif self._is_windows(): - fn = r'c:\builds\relengapi.tok' - else: - fn = '/builds/relengapi.tok' - - # if the file doesn't exist, don't pass it to tooltool (it will just - # fail). In taskcluster, this will work OK as the relengapi-proxy will - # take care of auth. Everywhere else, we'll get auth failures if - # necessary. - if os.path.exists(fn): - return fn - - def tooltool_fetch(self, manifest, - output_dir=None, privileged=False, cache=None): - """docstring for tooltool_fetch""" - # Use vendored tooltool.py if available. - if self.topsrcdir: - cmd = [ - sys.executable, - os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, 'testing', 'docker', 'recipes', - 'tooltool.py') - ] - elif self.config.get("download_tooltool"): - cmd = [sys.executable, self._fetch_tooltool_py()] - else: - cmd = self.query_exe('tooltool.py', return_type='list') - - # get the tooltool servers from configuration - default_urls = self.config.get('tooltool_servers', TOOLTOOL_SERVERS) - - # add slashes (bug 1155630) - def add_slash(url): - return url if url.endswith('/') else (url + '/') - default_urls = [add_slash(u) for u in default_urls] - - # proxxy-ify - proxxy = Proxxy(self.config, self.log_obj) - proxxy_urls = proxxy.get_proxies_and_urls(default_urls) - - for proxyied_url in proxxy_urls: - cmd.extend(['--url', proxyied_url]) - - # handle authentication file, if given - auth_file = self._get_auth_file() - if auth_file and os.path.exists(auth_file): - cmd.extend(['--authentication-file', auth_file]) - - cmd.extend(['fetch', '-m', manifest, '-o']) - - if cache: - cmd.extend(['-c', cache]) - - # when mock is enabled run tooltool in mock. We can't use - # run_command_m in all cases because it won't exist unless - # MockMixin is used on the parent class - if self.config.get('mock_target'): - cmd_runner = self.run_command_m - else: - cmd_runner = self.run_command - - timeout = self.config.get('tooltool_timeout', 10 * 60) - - self.retry( - cmd_runner, - args=(cmd, ), - kwargs={'cwd': output_dir, - 'error_list': TooltoolErrorList, - 'privileged': privileged, - 'output_timeout': timeout, - }, - good_statuses=(0, ), - error_message="Tooltool %s fetch failed!" % manifest, - error_level=FATAL, - ) - - def _fetch_tooltool_py(self): - """ Retrieve tooltool.py - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - file_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], "tooltool.py") - self.download_file(TOOLTOOL_PY_URL, file_path) - if not os.path.exists(file_path): - self.fatal("We can't get tooltool.py") - self.chmod(file_path, 0755) - return file_path - - def create_tooltool_manifest(self, contents, path=None): - """ Currently just creates a manifest, given the contents. - We may want a template and individual values in the future? - """ - if path is None: - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tooltool.tt') - self.write_to_file(path, contents, error_level=FATAL) - return path diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/updates/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/updates/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/updates/__init__.py +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/updates/balrog.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/updates/balrog.py deleted file mode 100644 index 26253283c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/updates/balrog.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -from itertools import chain -import os - -from mozharness.base.log import INFO - - -# BalrogMixin {{{1 -class BalrogMixin(object): - @staticmethod - def _query_balrog_username(server_config, product=None): - username = server_config["balrog_usernames"].get(product) - if username: - return username - else: - raise KeyError("Couldn't find balrog username.") - - def generate_balrog_props(self, props_path): - self.set_buildbot_property( - "hashType", self.config.get("hash_type", "sha512"), write_to_file=True - ) - - if self.buildbot_config and "properties" in self.buildbot_config: - buildbot_properties = self.buildbot_config["properties"].items() - else: - buildbot_properties = [] - - balrog_props = dict(properties=dict(chain( - buildbot_properties, - self.buildbot_properties.items(), - ))) - if self.config.get('balrog_platform'): - balrog_props["properties"]["platform"] = self.config['balrog_platform'] - if "branch" not in balrog_props["properties"]: - balrog_props["properties"]["branch"] = self.branch - - self.dump_config(props_path, balrog_props) - - def submit_balrog_updates(self, release_type="nightly", product=None): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - if self.buildbot_config and "properties" in self.buildbot_config: - product = self.buildbot_config["properties"]["product"] - - if product is None: - self.fatal('There is no valid product information.') - - props_path = os.path.join(dirs["base_work_dir"], "balrog_props.json") - credentials_file = os.path.join( - dirs["base_work_dir"], c["balrog_credentials_file"] - ) - submitter_script = os.path.join( - dirs["abs_tools_dir"], "scripts", "updates", "balrog-submitter.py" - ) - - self.generate_balrog_props(props_path) - - cmd = [ - self.query_exe("python"), - submitter_script, - "--build-properties", props_path, - "-t", release_type, - "--credentials-file", credentials_file, - ] - if self._log_level_at_least(INFO): - cmd.append("--verbose") - - return_codes = [] - for server in c["balrog_servers"]: - server_args = [ - "--api-root", server["balrog_api_root"], - "--username", self._query_balrog_username(server, product) - ] - if server.get("url_replacements"): - for replacement in server["url_replacements"]: - server_args.append("--url-replacement") - server_args.append(",".join(replacement)) - - self.info("Calling Balrog submission script") - return_code = self.retry( - self.run_command, attempts=5, args=(cmd + server_args,), - good_statuses=(0,), - ) - if server["ignore_failures"]: - self.info("Ignoring result, ignore_failures set to True") - else: - return_codes.append(return_code) - # return the worst (max) code - return max(return_codes) - - def submit_balrog_release_pusher(self, dirs): - product = self.buildbot_config["properties"]["product"] - cmd = [self.query_exe("python"), os.path.join(os.path.join(dirs['abs_tools_dir'], "scripts/updates/balrog-release-pusher.py"))] - cmd.extend(["--build-properties", os.path.join(dirs["base_work_dir"], "balrog_props.json")]) - cmd.extend(["--buildbot-configs", "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/buildbot-configs"]) - cmd.extend(["--release-config", os.path.join(dirs['build_dir'], self.config.get("release_config_file"))]) - cmd.extend(["--credentials-file", os.path.join(dirs['base_work_dir'], self.config.get("balrog_credentials_file"))]) - cmd.extend(["--release-channel", self.query_release_config()['release_channel']]) - - return_codes = [] - for server in self.config["balrog_servers"]: - - server_args = [ - "--api-root", server["balrog_api_root"], - "--username", self._query_balrog_username(server, product) - ] - - self.info("Calling Balrog release pusher script") - return_code = self.retry( - self.run_command, args=(cmd + server_args,), - kwargs={'cwd': dirs['abs_work_dir']}, - good_statuses=(0,), - ) - if server["ignore_failures"]: - self.info("Ignoring result, ignore_failures set to True") - else: - return_codes.append(return_code) - # return the worst (max) code - return max(return_codes) - - def lock_balrog_rules(self, rule_ids): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - submitter_script = os.path.join( - dirs["abs_tools_dir"], "scripts", "updates", - "balrog-nightly-locker.py" - ) - credentials_file = os.path.join( - dirs["base_work_dir"], c["balrog_credentials_file"] - ) - - cmd = [ - self.query_exe("python"), - submitter_script, - "--credentials-file", credentials_file, - "--api-root", c["balrog_api_root"], - "--username", c["balrog_username"], - ] - for r in rule_ids: - cmd.extend(["-r", str(r)]) - - if self._log_level_at_least(INFO): - cmd.append("--verbose") - - cmd.append("lock") - - self.info("Calling Balrog rule locking script.") - self.retry(self.run_command, attempts=5, args=cmd, - kwargs={"halt_on_failure": True}) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/vcstools.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/vcstools.py deleted file mode 100644 index b73a4767d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/vcstools.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""vcstools.py - -Author: Armen Zambrano G. -""" -import os - -from mozharness.base.script import PreScriptAction -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import VCSScript - -VCS_TOOLS = ('gittool.py',) - - -class VCSToolsScript(VCSScript): - ''' This script allows us to fetch gittool.py if - we're running the script on developer mode. - ''' - @PreScriptAction('checkout') - def _pre_checkout(self, action): - if self.config.get('developer_mode'): - # We put them on base_work_dir to prevent the clobber action - # to delete them before we use them - for vcs_tool in VCS_TOOLS: - file_path = self.query_exe(vcs_tool) - if not os.path.exists(file_path): - self.download_file( - url=self.config[vcs_tool], - file_name=file_path, - parent_dir=os.path.dirname(file_path), - create_parent_dir=True, - ) - self.chmod(file_path, 0755) - else: - # We simply verify that everything is in order - # or if the user forgot to specify developer mode - for vcs_tool in VCS_TOOLS: - file_path = self.which(vcs_tool) - - if not file_path: - file_path = self.query_exe(vcs_tool) - - # If the tool is specified and it is a list is - # because we're running on Windows and we won't check - if type(self.query_exe(vcs_tool)) is list: - continue - - if file_path is None: - self.fatal("This machine is missing %s, if this is your " - "local machine you can use --cfg " - "developer_config.py" % vcs_tool) - elif not self.is_exe(file_path): - self.critical("%s is not executable." % file_path) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozinfo/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozinfo/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index 904dfef71..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozinfo/__init__.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -""" -interface to transform introspected system information to a format palatable to -Mozilla - -Module variables: - -.. attribute:: bits - - 32 or 64 - -.. attribute:: isBsd - - Returns ``True`` if the operating system is BSD - -.. attribute:: isLinux - - Returns ``True`` if the operating system is Linux - -.. attribute:: isMac - - Returns ``True`` if the operating system is Mac - -.. attribute:: isWin - - Returns ``True`` if the operating system is Windows - -.. attribute:: os - - Operating system [``'win'``, ``'mac'``, ``'linux'``, ...] - -.. attribute:: processor - - Processor architecture [``'x86'``, ``'x86_64'``, ``'ppc'``, ...] - -.. attribute:: version - - Operating system version string. For windows, the service pack information is also included - -.. attribute:: info - - Returns information identifying the current system. - - * :attr:`bits` - * :attr:`os` - * :attr:`processor` - * :attr:`version` - -""" - -import mozinfo -from mozinfo import * -__all__ = mozinfo.__all__ diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozinfo/mozinfo.py b/testing/mozharness/mozinfo/mozinfo.py deleted file mode 100755 index 718e1a9d7..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozinfo/mozinfo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,209 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -# TODO: it might be a good idea of adding a system name (e.g. 'Ubuntu' for -# linux) to the information; I certainly wouldn't want anyone parsing this -# information and having behaviour depend on it - -import json -import os -import platform -import re -import sys - -import mozfile - -# keep a copy of the os module since updating globals overrides this -_os = os - -class unknown(object): - """marker class for unknown information""" - def __nonzero__(self): - return False - def __str__(self): - return 'UNKNOWN' -unknown = unknown() # singleton - -# get system information -info = {'os': unknown, - 'processor': unknown, - 'version': unknown, - 'bits': unknown } -(system, node, release, version, machine, processor) = platform.uname() -(bits, linkage) = platform.architecture() - -# get os information and related data -if system in ["Microsoft", "Windows"]: - info['os'] = 'win' - # There is a Python bug on Windows to determine platform values - # http://bugs.python.org/issue7860 - if "PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432" in os.environ: - processor = os.environ.get("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432", processor) - else: - processor = os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE', processor) - system = os.environ.get("OS", system).replace('_', ' ') - service_pack = os.sys.getwindowsversion()[4] - info['service_pack'] = service_pack -elif system == "Linux": - if hasattr(platform, "linux_distribution"): - (distro, version, codename) = platform.linux_distribution() - else: - (distro, version, codename) = platform.dist() - version = "%s %s" % (distro, version) - if not processor: - processor = machine - info['os'] = 'linux' -elif system in ['DragonFly', 'FreeBSD', 'NetBSD', 'OpenBSD']: - info['os'] = 'bsd' - version = sys.platform -elif system == "Darwin": - (release, versioninfo, machine) = platform.mac_ver() - version = "OS X %s" % release - info['os'] = 'mac' -elif sys.platform in ('solaris', 'sunos5'): - info['os'] = 'unix' - version = sys.platform -info['version'] = version # os version - -# processor type and bits -if processor in ["i386", "i686"]: - if bits == "32bit": - processor = "x86" - elif bits == "64bit": - processor = "x86_64" -elif processor.upper() == "AMD64": - bits = "64bit" - processor = "x86_64" -elif processor == "Power Macintosh": - processor = "ppc" -bits = re.search('(\d+)bit', bits).group(1) -info.update({'processor': processor, - 'bits': int(bits), - }) - -# standard value of choices, for easy inspection -choices = {'os': ['linux', 'bsd', 'win', 'mac', 'unix'], - 'bits': [32, 64], - 'processor': ['x86', 'x86_64', 'ppc']} - - -def sanitize(info): - """Do some sanitization of input values, primarily - to handle universal Mac builds.""" - if "processor" in info and info["processor"] == "universal-x86-x86_64": - # If we're running on OS X 10.6 or newer, assume 64-bit - if release[:4] >= "10.6": # Note this is a string comparison - info["processor"] = "x86_64" - info["bits"] = 64 - else: - info["processor"] = "x86" - info["bits"] = 32 - -# method for updating information -def update(new_info): - """ - Update the info. - - :param new_info: Either a dict containing the new info or a path/url - to a json file containing the new info. - """ - - if isinstance(new_info, basestring): - f = mozfile.load(new_info) - new_info = json.loads(f.read()) - f.close() - - info.update(new_info) - sanitize(info) - globals().update(info) - - # convenience data for os access - for os_name in choices['os']: - globals()['is' + os_name.title()] = info['os'] == os_name - # unix is special - if isLinux or isBsd: - globals()['isUnix'] = True - -def find_and_update_from_json(*dirs): - """ - Find a mozinfo.json file, load it, and update the info with the - contents. - - :param dirs: Directories in which to look for the file. They will be - searched after first looking in the root of the objdir - if the current script is being run from a Mozilla objdir. - - Returns the full path to mozinfo.json if it was found, or None otherwise. - """ - # First, see if we're in an objdir - try: - from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject - build = MozbuildObject.from_environment() - json_path = _os.path.join(build.topobjdir, "mozinfo.json") - if _os.path.isfile(json_path): - update(json_path) - return json_path - except ImportError: - pass - - for d in dirs: - d = _os.path.abspath(d) - json_path = _os.path.join(d, "mozinfo.json") - if _os.path.isfile(json_path): - update(json_path) - return json_path - - return None - -update({}) - -# exports -__all__ = info.keys() -__all__ += ['is' + os_name.title() for os_name in choices['os']] -__all__ += [ - 'info', - 'unknown', - 'main', - 'choices', - 'update', - 'find_and_update_from_json', - ] - -def main(args=None): - - # parse the command line - from optparse import OptionParser - parser = OptionParser(description=__doc__) - for key in choices: - parser.add_option('--%s' % key, dest=key, - action='store_true', default=False, - help="display choices for %s" % key) - options, args = parser.parse_args() - - # args are JSON blobs to override info - if args: - for arg in args: - if _os.path.exists(arg): - string = file(arg).read() - else: - string = arg - update(json.loads(string)) - - # print out choices if requested - flag = False - for key, value in options.__dict__.items(): - if value is True: - print '%s choices: %s' % (key, ' '.join([str(choice) - for choice in choices[key]])) - flag = True - if flag: return - - # otherwise, print out all info - for key, value in info.items(): - print '%s: %s' % (key, value) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/__init__.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6f4ae4945..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/__init__.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -from processhandler import * diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/pid.py b/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/pid.py deleted file mode 100755 index d1f0d9336..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/pid.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -import os -import mozinfo -import shlex -import subprocess -import sys - -# determine the platform-specific invocation of `ps` -if mozinfo.isMac: - psarg = '-Acj' -elif mozinfo.isLinux: - psarg = 'axwww' -else: - psarg = 'ax' - -def ps(arg=psarg): - """ - python front-end to `ps` - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ps_%28Unix%29 - returns a list of process dicts based on the `ps` header - """ - retval = [] - process = subprocess.Popen(['ps', arg], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) - stdout, _ = process.communicate() - header = None - for line in stdout.splitlines(): - line = line.strip() - if header is None: - # first line is the header - header = line.split() - continue - split = line.split(None, len(header)-1) - process_dict = dict(zip(header, split)) - retval.append(process_dict) - return retval - -def running_processes(name, psarg=psarg, defunct=True): - """ - returns a list of - {'PID': PID of process (int) - 'command': command line of process (list)} - with the executable named `name`. - - defunct: whether to return defunct processes - """ - retval = [] - for process in ps(psarg): - # Support for both BSD and UNIX syntax - # `ps aux` returns COMMAND, `ps -ef` returns CMD - try: - command = process['COMMAND'] - except KeyError: - command = process['CMD'] - - command = shlex.split(command) - if command[-1] == '<defunct>': - command = command[:-1] - if not command or not defunct: - continue - if 'STAT' in process and not defunct: - if process['STAT'] == 'Z+': - continue - prog = command[0] - basename = os.path.basename(prog) - if basename == name: - retval.append((int(process['PID']), command)) - return retval - -def get_pids(name): - """Get all the pids matching name""" - - if mozinfo.isWin: - # use the windows-specific implementation - import wpk - return wpk.get_pids(name) - else: - return [pid for pid,_ in running_processes(name)] - -if __name__ == '__main__': - pids = set() - for i in sys.argv[1:]: - pids.update(get_pids(i)) - for i in sorted(pids): - print i diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/processhandler.py b/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/processhandler.py deleted file mode 100644 index b89e17eb0..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/processhandler.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,921 +0,0 @@ -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -import os -import select -import signal -import subprocess -import sys -import threading -import time -import traceback -from Queue import Queue -from datetime import datetime, timedelta -__all__ = ['ProcessHandlerMixin', 'ProcessHandler'] - -# Set the MOZPROCESS_DEBUG environment variable to 1 to see some debugging output -MOZPROCESS_DEBUG = os.getenv("MOZPROCESS_DEBUG") - -# We dont use mozinfo because it is expensive to import, see bug 933558. -isWin = os.name == "nt" -isPosix = os.name == "posix" # includes MacOS X - -if isWin: - import ctypes, ctypes.wintypes, msvcrt - from ctypes import sizeof, addressof, c_ulong, byref, POINTER, WinError, c_longlong - import winprocess - from qijo import JobObjectAssociateCompletionPortInformation,\ - JOBOBJECT_ASSOCIATE_COMPLETION_PORT, JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation,\ - JOBOBJECT_BASIC_LIMIT_INFORMATION, JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_LIMIT_INFORMATION, IO_COUNTERS - -class ProcessHandlerMixin(object): - """ - A class for launching and manipulating local processes. - - :param cmd: command to run. May be a string or a list. If specified as a list, the first element will be interpreted as the command, and all additional elements will be interpreted as arguments to that command. - :param args: list of arguments to pass to the command (defaults to None). Must not be set when `cmd` is specified as a list. - :param cwd: working directory for command (defaults to None). - :param env: is the environment to use for the process (defaults to os.environ). - :param ignore_children: causes system to ignore child processes when True, defaults to False (which tracks child processes). - :param kill_on_timeout: when True, the process will be killed when a timeout is reached. When False, the caller is responsible for killing the process. Failure to do so could cause a call to wait() to hang indefinitely. (Defaults to True.) - :param processOutputLine: function to be called for each line of output produced by the process (defaults to None). - :param onTimeout: function to be called when the process times out. - :param onFinish: function to be called when the process terminates normally without timing out. - :param kwargs: additional keyword args to pass directly into Popen. - - NOTE: Child processes will be tracked by default. If for any reason - we are unable to track child processes and ignore_children is set to False, - then we will fall back to only tracking the root process. The fallback - will be logged. - """ - - class Process(subprocess.Popen): - """ - Represents our view of a subprocess. - It adds a kill() method which allows it to be stopped explicitly. - """ - - MAX_IOCOMPLETION_PORT_NOTIFICATION_DELAY = 180 - MAX_PROCESS_KILL_DELAY = 30 - - def __init__(self, - args, - bufsize=0, - executable=None, - stdin=None, - stdout=None, - stderr=None, - preexec_fn=None, - close_fds=False, - shell=False, - cwd=None, - env=None, - universal_newlines=False, - startupinfo=None, - creationflags=0, - ignore_children=False): - - # Parameter for whether or not we should attempt to track child processes - self._ignore_children = ignore_children - - if not self._ignore_children and not isWin: - # Set the process group id for linux systems - # Sets process group id to the pid of the parent process - # NOTE: This prevents you from using preexec_fn and managing - # child processes, TODO: Ideally, find a way around this - def setpgidfn(): - os.setpgid(0, 0) - preexec_fn = setpgidfn - - try: - subprocess.Popen.__init__(self, args, bufsize, executable, - stdin, stdout, stderr, - preexec_fn, close_fds, - shell, cwd, env, - universal_newlines, startupinfo, creationflags) - except OSError, e: - print >> sys.stderr, args - raise - - def __del__(self, _maxint=sys.maxint): - if isWin: - if self._handle: - if hasattr(self, '_internal_poll'): - self._internal_poll(_deadstate=_maxint) - else: - self.poll(_deadstate=sys.maxint) - if self._handle or self._job or self._io_port: - self._cleanup() - else: - subprocess.Popen.__del__(self) - - def kill(self, sig=None): - self.returncode = 0 - if isWin: - if not self._ignore_children and self._handle and self._job: - winprocess.TerminateJobObject(self._job, winprocess.ERROR_CONTROL_C_EXIT) - self.returncode = winprocess.GetExitCodeProcess(self._handle) - elif self._handle: - err = None - try: - winprocess.TerminateProcess(self._handle, winprocess.ERROR_CONTROL_C_EXIT) - except: - err = "Could not terminate process" - self.returncode = winprocess.GetExitCodeProcess(self._handle) - self._cleanup() - if err is not None: - raise OSError(err) - else: - sig = sig or signal.SIGKILL - if not self._ignore_children: - try: - os.killpg(self.pid, sig) - except BaseException, e: - if getattr(e, "errno", None) != 3: - # Error 3 is "no such process", which is ok - print >> sys.stdout, "Could not kill process, could not find pid: %s, assuming it's already dead" % self.pid - else: - os.kill(self.pid, sig) - self.returncode = -sig - - self._cleanup() - return self.returncode - - def wait(self): - """ Popen.wait - Called to wait for a running process to shut down and return - its exit code - Returns the main process's exit code - """ - # This call will be different for each OS - self.returncode = self._wait() - self._cleanup() - return self.returncode - - """ Private Members of Process class """ - - if isWin: - # Redefine the execute child so that we can track process groups - def _execute_child(self, *args_tuple): - # workaround for bug 950894 - if sys.hexversion < 0x02070600: # prior to 2.7.6 - (args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds, - cwd, env, universal_newlines, startupinfo, - creationflags, shell, - p2cread, p2cwrite, - c2pread, c2pwrite, - errread, errwrite) = args_tuple - to_close = set() - else: # 2.7.6 and later - (args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds, - cwd, env, universal_newlines, startupinfo, - creationflags, shell, to_close, - p2cread, p2cwrite, - c2pread, c2pwrite, - errread, errwrite) = args_tuple - if not isinstance(args, basestring): - args = subprocess.list2cmdline(args) - - # Always or in the create new process group - creationflags |= winprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP - - if startupinfo is None: - startupinfo = winprocess.STARTUPINFO() - - if None not in (p2cread, c2pwrite, errwrite): - startupinfo.dwFlags |= winprocess.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES - startupinfo.hStdInput = int(p2cread) - startupinfo.hStdOutput = int(c2pwrite) - startupinfo.hStdError = int(errwrite) - if shell: - startupinfo.dwFlags |= winprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW - startupinfo.wShowWindow = winprocess.SW_HIDE - comspec = os.environ.get("COMSPEC", "cmd.exe") - args = comspec + " /c " + args - - # determine if we can create create a job - canCreateJob = winprocess.CanCreateJobObject() - - # Ensure we write a warning message if we are falling back - if not canCreateJob and not self._ignore_children: - # We can't create job objects AND the user wanted us to - # Warn the user about this. - print >> sys.stderr, "ProcessManager UNABLE to use job objects to manage child processes" - - # set process creation flags - creationflags |= winprocess.CREATE_SUSPENDED - creationflags |= winprocess.CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT - if canCreateJob: - creationflags |= winprocess.CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB - else: - # Since we've warned, we just log info here to inform you - # of the consequence of setting ignore_children = True - print "ProcessManager NOT managing child processes" - - # create the process - hp, ht, pid, tid = winprocess.CreateProcess( - executable, args, - None, None, # No special security - 1, # Must inherit handles! - creationflags, - winprocess.EnvironmentBlock(env), - cwd, startupinfo) - self._child_created = True - self._handle = hp - self._thread = ht - self.pid = pid - self.tid = tid - - if not self._ignore_children and canCreateJob: - try: - # We create a new job for this process, so that we can kill - # the process and any sub-processes - # Create the IO Completion Port - self._io_port = winprocess.CreateIoCompletionPort() - self._job = winprocess.CreateJobObject() - - # Now associate the io comp port and the job object - joacp = JOBOBJECT_ASSOCIATE_COMPLETION_PORT(winprocess.COMPKEY_JOBOBJECT, - self._io_port) - winprocess.SetInformationJobObject(self._job, - JobObjectAssociateCompletionPortInformation, - addressof(joacp), - sizeof(joacp) - ) - - # Allow subprocesses to break away from us - necessary for - # flash with protected mode - jbli = JOBOBJECT_BASIC_LIMIT_INFORMATION( - c_longlong(0), # per process time limit (ignored) - c_longlong(0), # per job user time limit (ignored) - winprocess.JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_BREAKAWAY_OK, - 0, # min working set (ignored) - 0, # max working set (ignored) - 0, # active process limit (ignored) - None, # affinity (ignored) - 0, # Priority class (ignored) - 0, # Scheduling class (ignored) - ) - - iocntr = IO_COUNTERS() - jeli = JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_LIMIT_INFORMATION( - jbli, # basic limit info struct - iocntr, # io_counters (ignored) - 0, # process mem limit (ignored) - 0, # job mem limit (ignored) - 0, # peak process limit (ignored) - 0) # peak job limit (ignored) - - winprocess.SetInformationJobObject(self._job, - JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation, - addressof(jeli), - sizeof(jeli) - ) - - # Assign the job object to the process - winprocess.AssignProcessToJobObject(self._job, int(hp)) - - # It's overkill, but we use Queue to signal between threads - # because it handles errors more gracefully than event or condition. - self._process_events = Queue() - - # Spin up our thread for managing the IO Completion Port - self._procmgrthread = threading.Thread(target = self._procmgr) - except: - print >> sys.stderr, """Exception trying to use job objects; -falling back to not using job objects for managing child processes""" - tb = traceback.format_exc() - print >> sys.stderr, tb - # Ensure no dangling handles left behind - self._cleanup_job_io_port() - else: - self._job = None - - winprocess.ResumeThread(int(ht)) - if getattr(self, '_procmgrthread', None): - self._procmgrthread.start() - ht.Close() - - for i in (p2cread, c2pwrite, errwrite): - if i is not None: - i.Close() - - # Windows Process Manager - watches the IO Completion Port and - # keeps track of child processes - def _procmgr(self): - if not (self._io_port) or not (self._job): - return - - try: - self._poll_iocompletion_port() - except KeyboardInterrupt: - raise KeyboardInterrupt - - def _poll_iocompletion_port(self): - # Watch the IO Completion port for status - self._spawned_procs = {} - countdowntokill = 0 - - if MOZPROCESS_DEBUG: - print "DBG::MOZPROC Self.pid value is: %s" % self.pid - - while True: - msgid = c_ulong(0) - compkey = c_ulong(0) - pid = c_ulong(0) - portstatus = winprocess.GetQueuedCompletionStatus(self._io_port, - byref(msgid), - byref(compkey), - byref(pid), - 5000) - - # If the countdowntokill has been activated, we need to check - # if we should start killing the children or not. - if countdowntokill != 0: - diff = datetime.now() - countdowntokill - # Arbitrarily wait 3 minutes for windows to get its act together - # Windows sometimes takes a small nap between notifying the - # IO Completion port and actually killing the children, and we - # don't want to mistake that situation for the situation of an unexpected - # parent abort (which is what we're looking for here). - if diff.seconds > self.MAX_IOCOMPLETION_PORT_NOTIFICATION_DELAY: - print >> sys.stderr, "Parent process %s exited with children alive:" % self.pid - print >> sys.stderr, "PIDS: %s" % ', '.join([str(i) for i in self._spawned_procs]) - print >> sys.stderr, "Attempting to kill them..." - self.kill() - self._process_events.put({self.pid: 'FINISHED'}) - - if not portstatus: - # Check to see what happened - errcode = winprocess.GetLastError() - if errcode == winprocess.ERROR_ABANDONED_WAIT_0: - # Then something has killed the port, break the loop - print >> sys.stderr, "IO Completion Port unexpectedly closed" - break - elif errcode == winprocess.WAIT_TIMEOUT: - # Timeouts are expected, just keep on polling - continue - else: - print >> sys.stderr, "Error Code %s trying to query IO Completion Port, exiting" % errcode - raise WinError(errcode) - break - - if compkey.value == winprocess.COMPKEY_TERMINATE.value: - if MOZPROCESS_DEBUG: - print "DBG::MOZPROC compkeyterminate detected" - # Then we're done - break - - # Check the status of the IO Port and do things based on it - if compkey.value == winprocess.COMPKEY_JOBOBJECT.value: - if msgid.value == winprocess.JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ACTIVE_PROCESS_ZERO: - # No processes left, time to shut down - # Signal anyone waiting on us that it is safe to shut down - if MOZPROCESS_DEBUG: - print "DBG::MOZPROC job object msg active processes zero" - self._process_events.put({self.pid: 'FINISHED'}) - break - elif msgid.value == winprocess.JOB_OBJECT_MSG_NEW_PROCESS: - # New Process started - # Add the child proc to our list in case our parent flakes out on us - # without killing everything. - if pid.value != self.pid: - self._spawned_procs[pid.value] = 1 - if MOZPROCESS_DEBUG: - print "DBG::MOZPROC new process detected with pid value: %s" % pid.value - elif msgid.value == winprocess.JOB_OBJECT_MSG_EXIT_PROCESS: - if MOZPROCESS_DEBUG: - print "DBG::MOZPROC process id %s exited normally" % pid.value - # One process exited normally - if pid.value == self.pid and len(self._spawned_procs) > 0: - # Parent process dying, start countdown timer - countdowntokill = datetime.now() - elif pid.value in self._spawned_procs: - # Child Process died remove from list - del(self._spawned_procs[pid.value]) - elif msgid.value == winprocess.JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ABNORMAL_EXIT_PROCESS: - # One process existed abnormally - if MOZPROCESS_DEBUG: - print "DBG::MOZPROC process id %s existed abnormally" % pid.value - if pid.value == self.pid and len(self._spawned_procs) > 0: - # Parent process dying, start countdown timer - countdowntokill = datetime.now() - elif pid.value in self._spawned_procs: - # Child Process died remove from list - del self._spawned_procs[pid.value] - else: - # We don't care about anything else - if MOZPROCESS_DEBUG: - print "DBG::MOZPROC We got a message %s" % msgid.value - pass - - def _wait(self): - - # First, check to see if the process is still running - if self._handle: - self.returncode = winprocess.GetExitCodeProcess(self._handle) - else: - # Dude, the process is like totally dead! - return self.returncode - - # Python 2.5 uses isAlive versus is_alive use the proper one - threadalive = False - if hasattr(self, "_procmgrthread"): - if hasattr(self._procmgrthread, 'is_alive'): - threadalive = self._procmgrthread.is_alive() - else: - threadalive = self._procmgrthread.isAlive() - if self._job and threadalive: - # Then we are managing with IO Completion Ports - # wait on a signal so we know when we have seen the last - # process come through. - # We use queues to synchronize between the thread and this - # function because events just didn't have robust enough error - # handling on pre-2.7 versions - err = None - try: - # timeout is the max amount of time the procmgr thread will wait for - # child processes to shutdown before killing them with extreme prejudice. - item = self._process_events.get(timeout=self.MAX_IOCOMPLETION_PORT_NOTIFICATION_DELAY + - self.MAX_PROCESS_KILL_DELAY) - if item[self.pid] == 'FINISHED': - self._process_events.task_done() - except: - err = "IO Completion Port failed to signal process shutdown" - # Either way, let's try to get this code - if self._handle: - self.returncode = winprocess.GetExitCodeProcess(self._handle) - self._cleanup() - - if err is not None: - raise OSError(err) - - - else: - # Not managing with job objects, so all we can reasonably do - # is call waitforsingleobject and hope for the best - - if MOZPROCESS_DEBUG and not self._ignore_children: - print "DBG::MOZPROC NOT USING JOB OBJECTS!!!" - # First, make sure we have not already ended - if self.returncode != winprocess.STILL_ACTIVE: - self._cleanup() - return self.returncode - - rc = None - if self._handle: - rc = winprocess.WaitForSingleObject(self._handle, -1) - - if rc == winprocess.WAIT_TIMEOUT: - # The process isn't dead, so kill it - print "Timed out waiting for process to close, attempting TerminateProcess" - self.kill() - elif rc == winprocess.WAIT_OBJECT_0: - # We caught WAIT_OBJECT_0, which indicates all is well - print "Single process terminated successfully" - self.returncode = winprocess.GetExitCodeProcess(self._handle) - else: - # An error occured we should probably throw - rc = winprocess.GetLastError() - if rc: - raise WinError(rc) - - self._cleanup() - - return self.returncode - - def _cleanup_job_io_port(self): - """ Do the job and IO port cleanup separately because there are - cases where we want to clean these without killing _handle - (i.e. if we fail to create the job object in the first place) - """ - if getattr(self, '_job') and self._job != winprocess.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: - self._job.Close() - self._job = None - else: - # If windows already freed our handle just set it to none - # (saw this intermittently while testing) - self._job = None - - if getattr(self, '_io_port', None) and self._io_port != winprocess.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: - self._io_port.Close() - self._io_port = None - else: - self._io_port = None - - if getattr(self, '_procmgrthread', None): - self._procmgrthread = None - - def _cleanup(self): - self._cleanup_job_io_port() - if self._thread and self._thread != winprocess.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: - self._thread.Close() - self._thread = None - else: - self._thread = None - - if self._handle and self._handle != winprocess.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: - self._handle.Close() - self._handle = None - else: - self._handle = None - - elif isPosix: - - def _wait(self): - """ Haven't found any reason to differentiate between these platforms - so they all use the same wait callback. If it is necessary to - craft different styles of wait, then a new _wait method - could be easily implemented. - """ - - if not self._ignore_children: - try: - # os.waitpid return value: - # > [...] a tuple containing its pid and exit status - # > indication: a 16-bit number, whose low byte is the - # > signal number that killed the process, and whose - # > high byte is the exit status (if the signal number - # > is zero) - # - http://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.wait - status = os.waitpid(self.pid, 0)[1] - - # For consistency, format status the same as subprocess' - # returncode attribute - if status > 255: - return status >> 8 - return -status - except OSError, e: - if getattr(e, "errno", None) != 10: - # Error 10 is "no child process", which could indicate normal - # close - print >> sys.stderr, "Encountered error waiting for pid to close: %s" % e - raise - return 0 - - else: - # For non-group wait, call base class - subprocess.Popen.wait(self) - return self.returncode - - def _cleanup(self): - pass - - else: - # An unrecognized platform, we will call the base class for everything - print >> sys.stderr, "Unrecognized platform, process groups may not be managed properly" - - def _wait(self): - self.returncode = subprocess.Popen.wait(self) - return self.returncode - - def _cleanup(self): - pass - - def __init__(self, - cmd, - args=None, - cwd=None, - env=None, - ignore_children = False, - kill_on_timeout = True, - processOutputLine=(), - onTimeout=(), - onFinish=(), - **kwargs): - self.cmd = cmd - self.args = args - self.cwd = cwd - self.didTimeout = False - self._ignore_children = ignore_children - self._kill_on_timeout = kill_on_timeout - self.keywordargs = kwargs - self.outThread = None - self.read_buffer = '' - - if env is None: - env = os.environ.copy() - self.env = env - - # handlers - self.processOutputLineHandlers = list(processOutputLine) - self.onTimeoutHandlers = list(onTimeout) - self.onFinishHandlers = list(onFinish) - - # It is common for people to pass in the entire array with the cmd and - # the args together since this is how Popen uses it. Allow for that. - if isinstance(self.cmd, list): - if self.args != None: - raise TypeError("cmd and args must not both be lists") - (self.cmd, self.args) = (self.cmd[0], self.cmd[1:]) - elif self.args is None: - self.args = [] - - @property - def timedOut(self): - """True if the process has timed out.""" - return self.didTimeout - - @property - def commandline(self): - """the string value of the command line (command + args)""" - return subprocess.list2cmdline([self.cmd] + self.args) - - def run(self, timeout=None, outputTimeout=None): - """ - Starts the process. - - If timeout is not None, the process will be allowed to continue for - that number of seconds before being killed. If the process is killed - due to a timeout, the onTimeout handler will be called. - - If outputTimeout is not None, the process will be allowed to continue - for that number of seconds without producing any output before - being killed. - """ - self.didTimeout = False - self.startTime = datetime.now() - - # default arguments - args = dict(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, - cwd=self.cwd, - env=self.env, - ignore_children=self._ignore_children) - - # build process arguments - args.update(self.keywordargs) - - # launch the process - self.proc = self.Process([self.cmd] + self.args, **args) - - self.processOutput(timeout=timeout, outputTimeout=outputTimeout) - - def kill(self, sig=None): - """ - Kills the managed process. - - If you created the process with 'ignore_children=False' (the - default) then it will also also kill all child processes spawned by - it. If you specified 'ignore_children=True' when creating the - process, only the root process will be killed. - - Note that this does not manage any state, save any output etc, - it immediately kills the process. - - :param sig: Signal used to kill the process, defaults to SIGKILL - (has no effect on Windows) - """ - try: - return self.proc.kill(sig=sig) - except AttributeError: - # Try to print a relevant error message. - if not self.proc: - print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to kill Process because call to ProcessHandler constructor failed." - else: - raise - - def readWithTimeout(self, f, timeout): - """ - Try to read a line of output from the file object *f*. - - *f* must be a pipe, like the *stdout* member of a subprocess.Popen - object created with stdout=PIPE. If no output - is received within *timeout* seconds, return a blank line. - - Returns a tuple (line, did_timeout), where *did_timeout* is True - if the read timed out, and False otherwise. - """ - # Calls a private member because this is a different function based on - # the OS - return self._readWithTimeout(f, timeout) - - def processOutputLine(self, line): - """Called for each line of output that a process sends to stdout/stderr.""" - for handler in self.processOutputLineHandlers: - handler(line) - - def onTimeout(self): - """Called when a process times out.""" - for handler in self.onTimeoutHandlers: - handler() - - def onFinish(self): - """Called when a process finishes without a timeout.""" - for handler in self.onFinishHandlers: - handler() - - def processOutput(self, timeout=None, outputTimeout=None): - """ - Handle process output until the process terminates or times out. - - If timeout is not None, the process will be allowed to continue for - that number of seconds before being killed. - - If outputTimeout is not None, the process will be allowed to continue - for that number of seconds without producing any output before - being killed. - """ - def _processOutput(): - self.didTimeout = False - logsource = self.proc.stdout - - lineReadTimeout = None - if timeout: - lineReadTimeout = timeout - (datetime.now() - self.startTime).seconds - elif outputTimeout: - lineReadTimeout = outputTimeout - - (lines, self.didTimeout) = self.readWithTimeout(logsource, lineReadTimeout) - while lines != "": - for line in lines.splitlines(): - self.processOutputLine(line.rstrip()) - - if self.didTimeout: - break - - if timeout: - lineReadTimeout = timeout - (datetime.now() - self.startTime).seconds - (lines, self.didTimeout) = self.readWithTimeout(logsource, lineReadTimeout) - - if self.didTimeout: - if self._kill_on_timeout: - self.proc.kill() - self.onTimeout() - else: - self.onFinish() - - if not hasattr(self, 'proc'): - self.run() - - if not self.outThread: - self.outThread = threading.Thread(target=_processOutput) - self.outThread.daemon = True - self.outThread.start() - - - def wait(self, timeout=None): - """ - Waits until all output has been read and the process is - terminated. - - If timeout is not None, will return after timeout seconds. - This timeout only causes the wait function to return and - does not kill the process. - - Returns the process' exit code. A None value indicates the - process hasn't terminated yet. A negative value -N indicates - the process was killed by signal N (Unix only). - """ - if self.outThread: - # Thread.join() blocks the main thread until outThread is finished - # wake up once a second in case a keyboard interrupt is sent - count = 0 - while self.outThread.isAlive(): - self.outThread.join(timeout=1) - count += 1 - if timeout and count > timeout: - return None - - return self.proc.wait() - - # TODO Remove this method when consumers have been fixed - def waitForFinish(self, timeout=None): - print >> sys.stderr, "MOZPROCESS WARNING: ProcessHandler.waitForFinish() is deprecated, " \ - "use ProcessHandler.wait() instead" - return self.wait(timeout=timeout) - - - ### Private methods from here on down. Thar be dragons. - - if isWin: - # Windows Specific private functions are defined in this block - PeekNamedPipe = ctypes.windll.kernel32.PeekNamedPipe - GetLastError = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetLastError - - def _readWithTimeout(self, f, timeout): - if timeout is None: - # shortcut to allow callers to pass in "None" for no timeout. - return (f.readline(), False) - x = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(f.fileno()) - l = ctypes.c_long() - done = time.time() + timeout - while time.time() < done: - if self.PeekNamedPipe(x, None, 0, None, ctypes.byref(l), None) == 0: - err = self.GetLastError() - if err == 38 or err == 109: # ERROR_HANDLE_EOF || ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE - return ('', False) - else: - raise OSError("readWithTimeout got error: %d", err) - if l.value > 0: - # we're assuming that the output is line-buffered, - # which is not unreasonable - return (f.readline(), False) - time.sleep(0.01) - return ('', True) - - else: - # Generic - def _readWithTimeout(self, f, timeout): - while True: - try: - (r, w, e) = select.select([f], [], [], timeout) - except: - # return a blank line - return ('', True) - - if len(r) == 0: - return ('', True) - - output = os.read(f.fileno(), 4096) - if not output: - output = self.read_buffer - self.read_buffer = '' - return (output, False) - self.read_buffer += output - if '\n' not in self.read_buffer: - time.sleep(0.01) - continue - tmp = self.read_buffer.split('\n') - lines, self.read_buffer = tmp[:-1], tmp[-1] - real_lines = [x for x in lines if x != ''] - if not real_lines: - time.sleep(0.01) - continue - break - return ('\n'.join(lines), False) - - @property - def pid(self): - return self.proc.pid - - -### default output handlers -### these should be callables that take the output line - -def print_output(line): - print line - -class StoreOutput(object): - """accumulate stdout""" - - def __init__(self): - self.output = [] - - def __call__(self, line): - self.output.append(line) - -class LogOutput(object): - """pass output to a file""" - - def __init__(self, filename): - self.filename = filename - self.file = None - - def __call__(self, line): - if self.file is None: - self.file = file(self.filename, 'a') - self.file.write(line + '\n') - self.file.flush() - - def __del__(self): - if self.file is not None: - self.file.close() - -### front end class with the default handlers - -class ProcessHandler(ProcessHandlerMixin): - """ - Convenience class for handling processes with default output handlers. - - If no processOutputLine keyword argument is specified, write all - output to stdout. Otherwise, the function specified by this argument - will be called for each line of output; the output will not be written - to stdout automatically. - - If storeOutput==True, the output produced by the process will be saved - as self.output. - - If logfile is not None, the output produced by the process will be - appended to the given file. - """ - - def __init__(self, cmd, logfile=None, storeOutput=True, **kwargs): - kwargs.setdefault('processOutputLine', []) - - # Print to standard output only if no outputline provided - if not kwargs['processOutputLine']: - kwargs['processOutputLine'].append(print_output) - - if logfile: - logoutput = LogOutput(logfile) - kwargs['processOutputLine'].append(logoutput) - - self.output = None - if storeOutput: - storeoutput = StoreOutput() - self.output = storeoutput.output - kwargs['processOutputLine'].append(storeoutput) - - ProcessHandlerMixin.__init__(self, cmd, **kwargs) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/qijo.py b/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/qijo.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1ac88430c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/qijo.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -from ctypes import c_void_p, POINTER, sizeof, Structure, windll, WinError, WINFUNCTYPE, addressof, c_size_t, c_ulong -from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL, BYTE, DWORD, HANDLE, LARGE_INTEGER - -LPVOID = c_void_p -LPDWORD = POINTER(DWORD) -SIZE_T = c_size_t -ULONG_PTR = POINTER(c_ulong) - -# A ULONGLONG is a 64-bit unsigned integer. -# Thus there are 8 bytes in a ULONGLONG. -# XXX why not import c_ulonglong ? -ULONGLONG = BYTE * 8 - -class IO_COUNTERS(Structure): - # The IO_COUNTERS struct is 6 ULONGLONGs. - # TODO: Replace with non-dummy fields. - _fields_ = [('dummy', ULONGLONG * 6)] - -class JOBOBJECT_BASIC_ACCOUNTING_INFORMATION(Structure): - _fields_ = [('TotalUserTime', LARGE_INTEGER), - ('TotalKernelTime', LARGE_INTEGER), - ('ThisPeriodTotalUserTime', LARGE_INTEGER), - ('ThisPeriodTotalKernelTime', LARGE_INTEGER), - ('TotalPageFaultCount', DWORD), - ('TotalProcesses', DWORD), - ('ActiveProcesses', DWORD), - ('TotalTerminatedProcesses', DWORD)] - -class JOBOBJECT_BASIC_AND_IO_ACCOUNTING_INFORMATION(Structure): - _fields_ = [('BasicInfo', JOBOBJECT_BASIC_ACCOUNTING_INFORMATION), - ('IoInfo', IO_COUNTERS)] - -# see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684147%28VS.85%29.aspx -class JOBOBJECT_BASIC_LIMIT_INFORMATION(Structure): - _fields_ = [('PerProcessUserTimeLimit', LARGE_INTEGER), - ('PerJobUserTimeLimit', LARGE_INTEGER), - ('LimitFlags', DWORD), - ('MinimumWorkingSetSize', SIZE_T), - ('MaximumWorkingSetSize', SIZE_T), - ('ActiveProcessLimit', DWORD), - ('Affinity', ULONG_PTR), - ('PriorityClass', DWORD), - ('SchedulingClass', DWORD) - ] - -class JOBOBJECT_ASSOCIATE_COMPLETION_PORT(Structure): - _fields_ = [('CompletionKey', c_ulong), - ('CompletionPort', HANDLE)] - -# see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684156%28VS.85%29.aspx -class JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_LIMIT_INFORMATION(Structure): - _fields_ = [('BasicLimitInformation', JOBOBJECT_BASIC_LIMIT_INFORMATION), - ('IoInfo', IO_COUNTERS), - ('ProcessMemoryLimit', SIZE_T), - ('JobMemoryLimit', SIZE_T), - ('PeakProcessMemoryUsed', SIZE_T), - ('PeakJobMemoryUsed', SIZE_T)] - -# These numbers below come from: -# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms686216%28v=vs.85%29.aspx -JobObjectAssociateCompletionPortInformation = 7 -JobObjectBasicAndIoAccountingInformation = 8 -JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation = 9 - -class JobObjectInfo(object): - mapping = { 'JobObjectBasicAndIoAccountingInformation': 8, - 'JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation': 9, - 'JobObjectAssociateCompletionPortInformation': 7 - } - structures = { - 7: JOBOBJECT_ASSOCIATE_COMPLETION_PORT, - 8: JOBOBJECT_BASIC_AND_IO_ACCOUNTING_INFORMATION, - 9: JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_LIMIT_INFORMATION - } - def __init__(self, _class): - if isinstance(_class, basestring): - assert _class in self.mapping, 'Class should be one of %s; you gave %s' % (self.mapping, _class) - _class = self.mapping[_class] - assert _class in self.structures, 'Class should be one of %s; you gave %s' % (self.structures, _class) - self.code = _class - self.info = self.structures[_class]() - - -QueryInformationJobObjectProto = WINFUNCTYPE( - BOOL, # Return type - HANDLE, # hJob - DWORD, # JobObjectInfoClass - LPVOID, # lpJobObjectInfo - DWORD, # cbJobObjectInfoLength - LPDWORD # lpReturnLength - ) - -QueryInformationJobObjectFlags = ( - (1, 'hJob'), - (1, 'JobObjectInfoClass'), - (1, 'lpJobObjectInfo'), - (1, 'cbJobObjectInfoLength'), - (1, 'lpReturnLength', None) - ) - -_QueryInformationJobObject = QueryInformationJobObjectProto( - ('QueryInformationJobObject', windll.kernel32), - QueryInformationJobObjectFlags - ) - -class SubscriptableReadOnlyStruct(object): - def __init__(self, struct): - self._struct = struct - - def _delegate(self, name): - result = getattr(self._struct, name) - if isinstance(result, Structure): - return SubscriptableReadOnlyStruct(result) - return result - - def __getitem__(self, name): - match = [fname for fname, ftype in self._struct._fields_ - if fname == name] - if match: - return self._delegate(name) - raise KeyError(name) - - def __getattr__(self, name): - return self._delegate(name) - -def QueryInformationJobObject(hJob, JobObjectInfoClass): - jobinfo = JobObjectInfo(JobObjectInfoClass) - result = _QueryInformationJobObject( - hJob=hJob, - JobObjectInfoClass=jobinfo.code, - lpJobObjectInfo=addressof(jobinfo.info), - cbJobObjectInfoLength=sizeof(jobinfo.info) - ) - if not result: - raise WinError() - return SubscriptableReadOnlyStruct(jobinfo.info) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/winprocess.py b/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/winprocess.py deleted file mode 100644 index 6f3afc8de..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/winprocess.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,457 +0,0 @@ -# A module to expose various thread/process/job related structures and -# methods from kernel32 -# -# The MIT License -# -# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 by Peter Astrand <astrand@lysator.liu.se> -# -# Additions and modifications written by Benjamin Smedberg -# <benjamin@smedbergs.us> are Copyright (c) 2006 by the Mozilla Foundation -# <http://www.mozilla.org/> -# -# More Modifications -# Copyright (c) 2006-2007 by Mike Taylor <bear@code-bear.com> -# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 by Mikeal Rogers <mikeal@mozilla.com> -# -# By obtaining, using, and/or copying this software and/or its -# associated documentation, you agree that you have read, understood, -# and will comply with the following terms and conditions: -# -# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and -# its associated documentation for any purpose and without fee is -# hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in -# all copies, and that both that copyright notice and this permission -# notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the -# author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to -# distribution of the software without specific, written prior -# permission. -# -# THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, -# INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. -# IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR -# CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS -# OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, -# NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION -# WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - -from ctypes import c_void_p, POINTER, sizeof, Structure, Union, windll, WinError, WINFUNCTYPE, c_ulong -from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL, BYTE, DWORD, HANDLE, LPCWSTR, LPWSTR, UINT, WORD, ULONG -from qijo import QueryInformationJobObject - -LPVOID = c_void_p -LPBYTE = POINTER(BYTE) -LPDWORD = POINTER(DWORD) -LPBOOL = POINTER(BOOL) -LPULONG = POINTER(c_ulong) - -def ErrCheckBool(result, func, args): - """errcheck function for Windows functions that return a BOOL True - on success""" - if not result: - raise WinError() - return args - - -# AutoHANDLE - -class AutoHANDLE(HANDLE): - """Subclass of HANDLE which will call CloseHandle() on deletion.""" - - CloseHandleProto = WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HANDLE) - CloseHandle = CloseHandleProto(("CloseHandle", windll.kernel32)) - CloseHandle.errcheck = ErrCheckBool - - def Close(self): - if self.value and self.value != HANDLE(-1).value: - self.CloseHandle(self) - self.value = 0 - - def __del__(self): - self.Close() - - def __int__(self): - return self.value - -def ErrCheckHandle(result, func, args): - """errcheck function for Windows functions that return a HANDLE.""" - if not result: - raise WinError() - return AutoHANDLE(result) - -# PROCESS_INFORMATION structure - -class PROCESS_INFORMATION(Structure): - _fields_ = [("hProcess", HANDLE), - ("hThread", HANDLE), - ("dwProcessID", DWORD), - ("dwThreadID", DWORD)] - - def __init__(self): - Structure.__init__(self) - - self.cb = sizeof(self) - -LPPROCESS_INFORMATION = POINTER(PROCESS_INFORMATION) - -# STARTUPINFO structure - -class STARTUPINFO(Structure): - _fields_ = [("cb", DWORD), - ("lpReserved", LPWSTR), - ("lpDesktop", LPWSTR), - ("lpTitle", LPWSTR), - ("dwX", DWORD), - ("dwY", DWORD), - ("dwXSize", DWORD), - ("dwYSize", DWORD), - ("dwXCountChars", DWORD), - ("dwYCountChars", DWORD), - ("dwFillAttribute", DWORD), - ("dwFlags", DWORD), - ("wShowWindow", WORD), - ("cbReserved2", WORD), - ("lpReserved2", LPBYTE), - ("hStdInput", HANDLE), - ("hStdOutput", HANDLE), - ("hStdError", HANDLE) - ] -LPSTARTUPINFO = POINTER(STARTUPINFO) - -SW_HIDE = 0 - -STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW = 0x01 -STARTF_USESIZE = 0x02 -STARTF_USEPOSITION = 0x04 -STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS = 0x08 -STARTF_USEFILLATTRIBUTE = 0x10 -STARTF_RUNFULLSCREEN = 0x20 -STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK = 0x40 -STARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK = 0x80 -STARTF_USESTDHANDLES = 0x100 - -# EnvironmentBlock - -class EnvironmentBlock: - """An object which can be passed as the lpEnv parameter of CreateProcess. - It is initialized with a dictionary.""" - - def __init__(self, dict): - if not dict: - self._as_parameter_ = None - else: - values = ["%s=%s" % (key, value) - for (key, value) in dict.iteritems()] - values.append("") - self._as_parameter_ = LPCWSTR("\0".join(values)) - -# Error Messages we need to watch for go here -# See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms681388%28v=vs.85%29.aspx -ERROR_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 = 735 - -# GetLastError() -GetLastErrorProto = WINFUNCTYPE(DWORD # Return Type - ) -GetLastErrorFlags = () -GetLastError = GetLastErrorProto(("GetLastError", windll.kernel32), GetLastErrorFlags) - -# CreateProcess() - -CreateProcessProto = WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, # Return type - LPCWSTR, # lpApplicationName - LPWSTR, # lpCommandLine - LPVOID, # lpProcessAttributes - LPVOID, # lpThreadAttributes - BOOL, # bInheritHandles - DWORD, # dwCreationFlags - LPVOID, # lpEnvironment - LPCWSTR, # lpCurrentDirectory - LPSTARTUPINFO, # lpStartupInfo - LPPROCESS_INFORMATION # lpProcessInformation - ) - -CreateProcessFlags = ((1, "lpApplicationName", None), - (1, "lpCommandLine"), - (1, "lpProcessAttributes", None), - (1, "lpThreadAttributes", None), - (1, "bInheritHandles", True), - (1, "dwCreationFlags", 0), - (1, "lpEnvironment", None), - (1, "lpCurrentDirectory", None), - (1, "lpStartupInfo"), - (2, "lpProcessInformation")) - -def ErrCheckCreateProcess(result, func, args): - ErrCheckBool(result, func, args) - # return a tuple (hProcess, hThread, dwProcessID, dwThreadID) - pi = args[9] - return AutoHANDLE(pi.hProcess), AutoHANDLE(pi.hThread), pi.dwProcessID, pi.dwThreadID - -CreateProcess = CreateProcessProto(("CreateProcessW", windll.kernel32), - CreateProcessFlags) -CreateProcess.errcheck = ErrCheckCreateProcess - -# flags for CreateProcess -CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB = 0x01000000 -CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE = 0x04000000 -CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = 0x00000010 -CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP = 0x00000200 -CREATE_NO_WINDOW = 0x08000000 -CREATE_SUSPENDED = 0x00000004 -CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT = 0x00000400 - -# Flags for IOCompletion ports (some of these would probably be defined if -# we used the win32 extensions for python, but we don't want to do that if we -# can help it. -INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = HANDLE(-1) # From winbase.h - -# Self Defined Constants for IOPort <--> Job Object communication -COMPKEY_TERMINATE = c_ulong(0) -COMPKEY_JOBOBJECT = c_ulong(1) - -# flags for job limit information -# see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684147%28VS.85%29.aspx -JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_BREAKAWAY_OK = 0x00000800 -JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_SILENT_BREAKAWAY_OK = 0x00001000 - -# Flags for Job Object Completion Port Message IDs from winnt.h -# See also: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684141%28v=vs.85%29.aspx -JOB_OBJECT_MSG_END_OF_JOB_TIME = 1 -JOB_OBJECT_MSG_END_OF_PROCESS_TIME = 2 -JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ACTIVE_PROCESS_LIMIT = 3 -JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ACTIVE_PROCESS_ZERO = 4 -JOB_OBJECT_MSG_NEW_PROCESS = 6 -JOB_OBJECT_MSG_EXIT_PROCESS = 7 -JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ABNORMAL_EXIT_PROCESS = 8 -JOB_OBJECT_MSG_PROCESS_MEMORY_LIMIT = 9 -JOB_OBJECT_MSG_JOB_MEMORY_LIMIT = 10 - -# See winbase.h -DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS = 0x00000002 -DEBUG_PROCESS = 0x00000001 -DETACHED_PROCESS = 0x00000008 - -# GetQueuedCompletionPortStatus - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa364986%28v=vs.85%29.aspx -GetQueuedCompletionStatusProto = WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, # Return Type - HANDLE, # Completion Port - LPDWORD, # Msg ID - LPULONG, # Completion Key - LPULONG, # PID Returned from the call (may be null) - DWORD) # milliseconds to wait -GetQueuedCompletionStatusFlags = ((1, "CompletionPort", INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), - (1, "lpNumberOfBytes", None), - (1, "lpCompletionKey", None), - (1, "lpPID", None), - (1, "dwMilliseconds", 0)) -GetQueuedCompletionStatus = GetQueuedCompletionStatusProto(("GetQueuedCompletionStatus", - windll.kernel32), - GetQueuedCompletionStatusFlags) - -# CreateIOCompletionPort -# Note that the completion key is just a number, not a pointer. -CreateIoCompletionPortProto = WINFUNCTYPE(HANDLE, # Return Type - HANDLE, # File Handle - HANDLE, # Existing Completion Port - c_ulong, # Completion Key - DWORD # Number of Threads - ) -CreateIoCompletionPortFlags = ((1, "FileHandle", INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), - (1, "ExistingCompletionPort", 0), - (1, "CompletionKey", c_ulong(0)), - (1, "NumberOfConcurrentThreads", 0)) -CreateIoCompletionPort = CreateIoCompletionPortProto(("CreateIoCompletionPort", - windll.kernel32), - CreateIoCompletionPortFlags) -CreateIoCompletionPort.errcheck = ErrCheckHandle - -# SetInformationJobObject -SetInformationJobObjectProto = WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, # Return Type - HANDLE, # Job Handle - DWORD, # Type of Class next param is - LPVOID, # Job Object Class - DWORD # Job Object Class Length - ) -SetInformationJobObjectProtoFlags = ((1, "hJob", None), - (1, "JobObjectInfoClass", None), - (1, "lpJobObjectInfo", None), - (1, "cbJobObjectInfoLength", 0)) -SetInformationJobObject = SetInformationJobObjectProto(("SetInformationJobObject", - windll.kernel32), - SetInformationJobObjectProtoFlags) -SetInformationJobObject.errcheck = ErrCheckBool - -# CreateJobObject() -CreateJobObjectProto = WINFUNCTYPE(HANDLE, # Return type - LPVOID, # lpJobAttributes - LPCWSTR # lpName - ) - -CreateJobObjectFlags = ((1, "lpJobAttributes", None), - (1, "lpName", None)) - -CreateJobObject = CreateJobObjectProto(("CreateJobObjectW", windll.kernel32), - CreateJobObjectFlags) -CreateJobObject.errcheck = ErrCheckHandle - -# AssignProcessToJobObject() - -AssignProcessToJobObjectProto = WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, # Return type - HANDLE, # hJob - HANDLE # hProcess - ) -AssignProcessToJobObjectFlags = ((1, "hJob"), - (1, "hProcess")) -AssignProcessToJobObject = AssignProcessToJobObjectProto( - ("AssignProcessToJobObject", windll.kernel32), - AssignProcessToJobObjectFlags) -AssignProcessToJobObject.errcheck = ErrCheckBool - -# GetCurrentProcess() -# because os.getPid() is way too easy -GetCurrentProcessProto = WINFUNCTYPE(HANDLE # Return type - ) -GetCurrentProcessFlags = () -GetCurrentProcess = GetCurrentProcessProto( - ("GetCurrentProcess", windll.kernel32), - GetCurrentProcessFlags) -GetCurrentProcess.errcheck = ErrCheckHandle - -# IsProcessInJob() -try: - IsProcessInJobProto = WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, # Return type - HANDLE, # Process Handle - HANDLE, # Job Handle - LPBOOL # Result - ) - IsProcessInJobFlags = ((1, "ProcessHandle"), - (1, "JobHandle", HANDLE(0)), - (2, "Result")) - IsProcessInJob = IsProcessInJobProto( - ("IsProcessInJob", windll.kernel32), - IsProcessInJobFlags) - IsProcessInJob.errcheck = ErrCheckBool -except AttributeError: - # windows 2k doesn't have this API - def IsProcessInJob(process): - return False - - -# ResumeThread() - -def ErrCheckResumeThread(result, func, args): - if result == -1: - raise WinError() - - return args - -ResumeThreadProto = WINFUNCTYPE(DWORD, # Return type - HANDLE # hThread - ) -ResumeThreadFlags = ((1, "hThread"),) -ResumeThread = ResumeThreadProto(("ResumeThread", windll.kernel32), - ResumeThreadFlags) -ResumeThread.errcheck = ErrCheckResumeThread - -# TerminateProcess() - -TerminateProcessProto = WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, # Return type - HANDLE, # hProcess - UINT # uExitCode - ) -TerminateProcessFlags = ((1, "hProcess"), - (1, "uExitCode", 127)) -TerminateProcess = TerminateProcessProto( - ("TerminateProcess", windll.kernel32), - TerminateProcessFlags) -TerminateProcess.errcheck = ErrCheckBool - -# TerminateJobObject() - -TerminateJobObjectProto = WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, # Return type - HANDLE, # hJob - UINT # uExitCode - ) -TerminateJobObjectFlags = ((1, "hJob"), - (1, "uExitCode", 127)) -TerminateJobObject = TerminateJobObjectProto( - ("TerminateJobObject", windll.kernel32), - TerminateJobObjectFlags) -TerminateJobObject.errcheck = ErrCheckBool - -# WaitForSingleObject() - -WaitForSingleObjectProto = WINFUNCTYPE(DWORD, # Return type - HANDLE, # hHandle - DWORD, # dwMilliseconds - ) -WaitForSingleObjectFlags = ((1, "hHandle"), - (1, "dwMilliseconds", -1)) -WaitForSingleObject = WaitForSingleObjectProto( - ("WaitForSingleObject", windll.kernel32), - WaitForSingleObjectFlags) - -# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms681381%28v=vs.85%29.aspx -INFINITE = -1 -WAIT_TIMEOUT = 0x0102 -WAIT_OBJECT_0 = 0x0 -WAIT_ABANDONED = 0x0080 - -# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms683189%28VS.85%29.aspx -STILL_ACTIVE = 259 - -# Used when we terminate a process. -ERROR_CONTROL_C_EXIT = 0x23c - -# GetExitCodeProcess() - -GetExitCodeProcessProto = WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, # Return type - HANDLE, # hProcess - LPDWORD, # lpExitCode - ) -GetExitCodeProcessFlags = ((1, "hProcess"), - (2, "lpExitCode")) -GetExitCodeProcess = GetExitCodeProcessProto( - ("GetExitCodeProcess", windll.kernel32), - GetExitCodeProcessFlags) -GetExitCodeProcess.errcheck = ErrCheckBool - -def CanCreateJobObject(): - currentProc = GetCurrentProcess() - if IsProcessInJob(currentProc): - jobinfo = QueryInformationJobObject(HANDLE(0), 'JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation') - limitflags = jobinfo['BasicLimitInformation']['LimitFlags'] - return bool(limitflags & JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_BREAKAWAY_OK) or bool(limitflags & JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_SILENT_BREAKAWAY_OK) - else: - return True - -### testing functions - -def parent(): - print 'Starting parent' - currentProc = GetCurrentProcess() - if IsProcessInJob(currentProc): - print >> sys.stderr, "You should not be in a job object to test" - sys.exit(1) - assert CanCreateJobObject() - print 'File: %s' % __file__ - command = [sys.executable, __file__, '-child'] - print 'Running command: %s' % command - process = Popen(command) - process.kill() - code = process.returncode - print 'Child code: %s' % code - assert code == 127 - -def child(): - print 'Starting child' - currentProc = GetCurrentProcess() - injob = IsProcessInJob(currentProc) - print "Is in a job?: %s" % injob - can_create = CanCreateJobObject() - print 'Can create job?: %s' % can_create - process = Popen('c:\\windows\\notepad.exe') - assert process._job - jobinfo = QueryInformationJobObject(process._job, 'JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation') - print 'Job info: %s' % jobinfo - limitflags = jobinfo['BasicLimitInformation']['LimitFlags'] - print 'LimitFlags: %s' % limitflags - process.kill() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/wpk.py b/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/wpk.py deleted file mode 100644 index a86f9bf22..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/mozprocess/wpk.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -from ctypes import sizeof, windll, addressof, c_wchar, create_unicode_buffer -from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, HANDLE - -PROCESS_TERMINATE = 0x0001 -PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION = 0x0400 -PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010 - -def get_pids(process_name): - BIG_ARRAY = DWORD * 4096 - processes = BIG_ARRAY() - needed = DWORD() - - pids = [] - result = windll.psapi.EnumProcesses(processes, - sizeof(processes), - addressof(needed)) - if not result: - return pids - - num_results = needed.value / sizeof(DWORD) - - for i in range(num_results): - pid = processes[i] - process = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | - PROCESS_VM_READ, - 0, pid) - if process: - module = HANDLE() - result = windll.psapi.EnumProcessModules(process, - addressof(module), - sizeof(module), - addressof(needed)) - if result: - name = create_unicode_buffer(1024) - result = windll.psapi.GetModuleBaseNameW(process, module, - name, len(name)) - # TODO: This might not be the best way to - # match a process name; maybe use a regexp instead. - if name.value.startswith(process_name): - pids.append(pid) - windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(module) - windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(process) - - return pids - -def kill_pid(pid): - process = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, 0, pid) - if process: - windll.kernel32.TerminateProcess(process, 0) - windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(process) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/requirements.txt b/testing/mozharness/requirements.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 9314abfee..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/requirements.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -# These packages are needed for mozharness unit tests. -# Output from 'pip freeze'; we may be able to use other versions of the below packages. -Cython==0.14.1 -Fabric==1.6.0 -coverage==3.6 -distribute==0.6.35 -dulwich==0.8.7 -hg-git==0.4.0 -logilab-astng==0.24.2 -logilab-common==0.59.0 -mercurial ~> 4.1.3 -mock==1.0.1 -nose==1.2.1 -ordereddict==1.1 -paramiko ~> 1.17.6 -pycrypto > 2.6.1 -pyflakes==0.6.1 -pylint==0.27.0 -simplejson==2.1.1 -unittest2==0.5.1 -virtualenv==1.5.1 -wsgiref==0.1.2 -urllib3==1.9.1 -google-api-python-client==1.5.1 -oauth2client==1.4.2 diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_emulator_unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_emulator_unittest.py deleted file mode 100644 index 84c5447ed..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_emulator_unittest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,733 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -import copy -import datetime -import glob -import os -import re -import sys -import signal -import socket -import subprocess -import telnetlib -import time -import tempfile - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozprocess import ProcessHandler - -from mozharness.base.log import FATAL -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript, PreScriptAction, PostScriptAction -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import VCSMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload import BlobUploadMixin, blobupload_config_options -from mozharness.mozilla.mozbase import MozbaseMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import EmulatorMixin - - -class AndroidEmulatorTest(BlobUploadMixin, TestingMixin, EmulatorMixin, VCSMixin, BaseScript, MozbaseMixin): - config_options = [[ - ["--test-suite"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "test_suite", - } - ], [ - ["--adb-path"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "adb_path", - "default": None, - "help": "Path to adb", - } - ], [ - ["--total-chunk"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "total_chunks", - "default": None, - "help": "Number of total chunks", - } - ], [ - ["--this-chunk"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "this_chunk", - "default": None, - "help": "Number of this chunk", - } - ]] + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) + \ - copy.deepcopy(blobupload_config_options) - - error_list = [ - ] - - virtualenv_requirements = [ - ] - - virtualenv_modules = [ - ] - - app_name = None - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): - super(AndroidEmulatorTest, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - all_actions=['clobber', - 'read-buildbot-config', - 'setup-avds', - 'start-emulator', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'verify-emulator', - 'install', - 'run-tests', - ], - default_actions=['clobber', - 'start-emulator', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'verify-emulator', - 'install', - 'run-tests', - ], - require_config_file=require_config_file, - config={ - 'virtualenv_modules': self.virtualenv_modules, - 'virtualenv_requirements': self.virtualenv_requirements, - 'require_test_zip': True, - # IP address of the host as seen from the emulator - 'remote_webserver': '', - } - ) - - # these are necessary since self.config is read only - c = self.config - abs_dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.adb_path = self.query_exe('adb') - self.installer_url = c.get('installer_url') - self.installer_path = c.get('installer_path') - self.test_url = c.get('test_url') - self.test_packages_url = c.get('test_packages_url') - self.test_manifest = c.get('test_manifest') - self.minidump_stackwalk_path = c.get("minidump_stackwalk_path") - self.emulator = c.get('emulator') - self.test_suite = c.get('test_suite') - self.this_chunk = c.get('this_chunk') - self.total_chunks = c.get('total_chunks') - if self.test_suite not in self.config["suite_definitions"]: - # accept old-style test suite name like "mochitest-3" - m = re.match("(.*)-(\d*)", self.test_suite) - if m: - self.test_suite = m.group(1) - if self.this_chunk is None: - self.this_chunk = m.group(2) - self.sdk_level = None - self.xre_path = None - - def _query_tests_dir(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - try: - test_dir = self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite]["testsdir"] - except: - test_dir = self.test_suite - return os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], test_dir) - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(AndroidEmulatorTest, self).query_abs_dirs() - dirs = {} - dirs['abs_test_install_dir'] = os.path.join( - abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tests') - dirs['abs_xre_dir'] = os.path.join( - abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'hostutils') - dirs['abs_modules_dir'] = os.path.join( - dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'modules') - dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'] = os.path.join( - abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'blobber_upload_dir') - dirs['abs_emulator_dir'] = abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'] - dirs['abs_mochitest_dir'] = os.path.join( - dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'mochitest') - dirs['abs_marionette_dir'] = os.path.join( - dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'marionette', 'harness', 'marionette_harness') - dirs['abs_marionette_tests_dir'] = os.path.join( - dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'marionette', 'tests', 'testing', - 'marionette', 'harness', 'marionette_harness', 'tests') - dirs['abs_avds_dir'] = self.config.get("avds_dir", "/home/cltbld/.android") - - for key in dirs.keys(): - if key not in abs_dirs: - abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - return self.abs_dirs - - @PreScriptAction('create-virtualenv') - def _pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - requirements = None - if os.path.isdir(dirs['abs_mochitest_dir']): - # mochitest is the only thing that needs this - requirements = os.path.join(dirs['abs_mochitest_dir'], - 'websocketprocessbridge', - 'websocketprocessbridge_requirements.txt') - elif self.test_suite == 'marionette': - requirements = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], - 'config', 'marionette_requirements.txt') - if requirements: - self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], - two_pass=True) - - def _launch_emulator(self): - env = self.query_env() - - # Set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to self.dirs['abs_work_dir'] so that - # the emulator picks up the symlink to libGL.so.1 that we - # constructed in start_emulator. - env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = self.abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'] - - # Set environment variables to help emulator find the AVD. - # In newer versions of the emulator, ANDROID_AVD_HOME should - # point to the 'avd' directory. - # For older versions of the emulator, ANDROID_SDK_HOME should - # point to the directory containing the '.android' directory - # containing the 'avd' directory. - avd_home_dir = self.abs_dirs['abs_avds_dir'] - env['ANDROID_AVD_HOME'] = os.path.join(avd_home_dir, 'avd') - env['ANDROID_SDK_HOME'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(avd_home_dir, '..')) - - command = [ - "emulator", "-avd", self.emulator["name"], - "-port", str(self.emulator["emulator_port"]), - ] - if "emulator_extra_args" in self.config: - command += self.config["emulator_extra_args"].split() - - tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') - tmp_stdout = open(tmp_file.name, 'w') - self.info("Created temp file %s." % tmp_file.name) - self.info("Trying to start the emulator with this command: %s" % ' '.join(command)) - proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=tmp_stdout, stderr=tmp_stdout, env=env) - return { - "process": proc, - "tmp_file": tmp_file, - } - - def _retry(self, max_attempts, interval, func, description, max_time = 0): - ''' - Execute func until it returns True, up to max_attempts times, waiting for - interval seconds between each attempt. description is logged on each attempt. - If max_time is specified, no further attempts will be made once max_time - seconds have elapsed; this provides some protection for the case where - the run-time for func is long or highly variable. - ''' - status = False - attempts = 0 - if max_time > 0: - end_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds = max_time) - else: - end_time = None - while attempts < max_attempts and not status: - if (end_time is not None) and (datetime.datetime.now() > end_time): - self.info("Maximum retry run-time of %d seconds exceeded; remaining attempts abandoned" % max_time) - break - if attempts != 0: - self.info("Sleeping %d seconds" % interval) - time.sleep(interval) - attempts += 1 - self.info(">> %s: Attempt #%d of %d" % (description, attempts, max_attempts)) - status = func() - return status - - def _run_with_timeout(self, timeout, cmd): - timeout_cmd = ['timeout', '%s' % timeout] + cmd - return self._run_proc(timeout_cmd) - - def _run_proc(self, cmd): - self.info('Running %s' % subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)) - p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) - out, err = p.communicate() - if out: - self.info('%s' % str(out.strip())) - if err: - self.info('stderr: %s' % str(err.strip())) - return out - - def _telnet_cmd(self, telnet, command): - telnet.write('%s\n' % command) - result = telnet.read_until('OK', 10) - self.info('%s: %s' % (command, result)) - return result - - def _verify_adb(self): - self.info('Verifying adb connectivity') - self._run_with_timeout(180, [self.adb_path, 'wait-for-device']) - return True - - def _verify_adb_device(self): - out = self._run_with_timeout(30, [self.adb_path, 'devices']) - if (self.emulator['device_id'] in out) and ("device" in out): - return True - return False - - def _is_boot_completed(self): - boot_cmd = [self.adb_path, '-s', self.emulator['device_id'], - 'shell', 'getprop', 'sys.boot_completed'] - out = self._run_with_timeout(30, boot_cmd) - if out.strip() == '1': - return True - return False - - def _telnet_to_emulator(self): - port = self.emulator["emulator_port"] - telnet_ok = False - try: - tn = telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', port, 10) - if tn is not None: - self.info('Connected to port %d' % port) - res = tn.read_until('OK', 10) - self.info(res) - self._telnet_cmd(tn, 'avd status') - self._telnet_cmd(tn, 'redir list') - self._telnet_cmd(tn, 'network status') - tn.write('quit\n') - tn.read_all() - telnet_ok = True - else: - self.warning('Unable to connect to port %d' % port) - except socket.error, e: - self.info('Trying again after socket error: %s' % str(e)) - pass - except EOFError: - self.info('Trying again after EOF') - pass - except: - self.info('Trying again after unexpected exception') - pass - finally: - if tn is not None: - tn.close() - return telnet_ok - - def _verify_emulator(self): - adb_ok = self._verify_adb() - if not adb_ok: - self.warning('Unable to communicate with adb') - return False - adb_device_ok = self._retry(4, 30, self._verify_adb_device, "Verify emulator visible to adb") - if not adb_device_ok: - self.warning('Unable to communicate with emulator via adb') - return False - boot_ok = self._retry(30, 10, self._is_boot_completed, "Verify Android boot completed", max_time = 330) - if not boot_ok: - self.warning('Unable to verify Android boot completion') - return False - telnet_ok = self._retry(4, 30, self._telnet_to_emulator, "Verify telnet to emulator") - if not telnet_ok: - self.warning('Unable to telnet to emulator on port %d' % self.emulator["emulator_port"]) - return False - return True - - def _verify_emulator_and_restart_on_fail(self): - emulator_ok = self._verify_emulator() - if not emulator_ok: - self._dump_host_state() - self._screenshot("emulator-startup-screenshot-") - self._kill_processes(self.config["emulator_process_name"]) - self._run_proc(['ps', '-ef']) - self._dump_emulator_log() - # remove emulator tmp files - for dir in glob.glob("/tmp/android-*"): - self.rmtree(dir) - self._restart_adbd() - time.sleep(5) - self.emulator_proc = self._launch_emulator() - return emulator_ok - - def _install_fennec_apk(self): - install_ok = False - if int(self.sdk_level) >= 23: - cmd = [self.adb_path, '-s', self.emulator['device_id'], 'install', '-r', '-g', self.installer_path] - else: - cmd = [self.adb_path, '-s', self.emulator['device_id'], 'install', '-r', self.installer_path] - out = self._run_with_timeout(300, cmd) - if 'Success' in out: - install_ok = True - return install_ok - - def _dump_host_state(self): - self._run_proc(['ps', '-ef']) - self._run_proc(['netstat', '-a', '-p', '-n', '-t', '-u']) - - def _dump_emulator_log(self): - self.info("##### %s emulator log begins" % self.emulator["name"]) - output = self.read_from_file(self.emulator_proc["tmp_file"].name, verbose=False) - if output: - self.info(output) - self.info("##### %s emulator log ends" % self.emulator["name"]) - - def _kill_processes(self, process_name): - p = subprocess.Popen(['ps', '-A'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) - out, err = p.communicate() - self.info("Let's kill every process called %s" % process_name) - for line in out.splitlines(): - if process_name in line: - pid = int(line.split(None, 1)[0]) - self.info("Killing pid %d." % pid) - os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) - - def _restart_adbd(self): - self._run_with_timeout(30, [self.adb_path, 'kill-server']) - self._run_with_timeout(30, [self.adb_path, 'start-server']) - - def _screenshot(self, prefix): - """ - Save a screenshot of the entire screen to the blob upload directory. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - utility = os.path.join(self.xre_path, "screentopng") - if not os.path.exists(utility): - self.warning("Unable to take screenshot: %s does not exist" % utility) - return - try: - tmpfd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=prefix, suffix='.png', - dir=dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir']) - os.close(tmpfd) - self.info("Taking screenshot with %s; saving to %s" % (utility, filename)) - subprocess.call([utility, filename], env=self.query_env()) - except OSError, err: - self.warning("Failed to take screenshot: %s" % err.strerror) - - def _query_package_name(self): - if self.app_name is None: - #find appname from package-name.txt - assumes download-and-extract has completed successfully - apk_dir = self.abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'] - self.apk_path = os.path.join(apk_dir, self.installer_path) - unzip = self.query_exe("unzip") - package_path = os.path.join(apk_dir, 'package-name.txt') - unzip_cmd = [unzip, '-q', '-o', self.apk_path] - self.run_command(unzip_cmd, cwd=apk_dir, halt_on_failure=True) - self.app_name = str(self.read_from_file(package_path, verbose=True)).rstrip() - return self.app_name - - def preflight_install(self): - # in the base class, this checks for mozinstall, but we don't use it - pass - - def _build_command(self): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - if self.test_suite not in self.config["suite_definitions"]: - self.fatal("Key '%s' not defined in the config!" % self.test_suite) - - cmd = [ - self.query_python_path('python'), - '-u', - os.path.join( - self._query_tests_dir(), - self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite]["run_filename"] - ), - ] - - raw_log_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], - '%s_raw.log' % self.test_suite) - - error_summary_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], - '%s_errorsummary.log' % self.test_suite) - str_format_values = { - 'app': self._query_package_name(), - 'remote_webserver': c['remote_webserver'], - 'xre_path': self.xre_path, - 'utility_path': self.xre_path, - 'http_port': self.emulator['http_port'], - 'ssl_port': self.emulator['ssl_port'], - 'certs_path': os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tests/certs'), - # TestingMixin._download_and_extract_symbols() will set - # self.symbols_path when downloading/extracting. - 'symbols_path': self.symbols_path, - 'modules_dir': dirs['abs_modules_dir'], - 'installer_path': self.installer_path, - 'raw_log_file': raw_log_file, - 'error_summary_file': error_summary_file, - 'dm_trans': c['device_manager'], - # marionette options - 'address': c.get('marionette_address'), - 'gecko_log': os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], 'gecko.log'), - 'test_manifest': os.path.join( - dirs['abs_marionette_tests_dir'], - self.config.get('marionette_test_manifest', '') - ), - } - for option in self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite]["options"]: - opt = option.split('=')[0] - # override configured chunk options with script args, if specified - if opt == '--this-chunk' and self.this_chunk is not None: - continue - if opt == '--total-chunks' and self.total_chunks is not None: - continue - cmd.extend([option % str_format_values]) - - if self.this_chunk is not None: - cmd.extend(['--this-chunk', self.this_chunk]) - if self.total_chunks is not None: - cmd.extend(['--total-chunks', self.total_chunks]) - - try_options, try_tests = self.try_args(self.test_suite) - cmd.extend(try_options) - cmd.extend(self.query_tests_args( - self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite].get("tests"), - None, - try_tests)) - - return cmd - - def _get_repo_url(self, path): - """ - Return a url for a file (typically a tooltool manifest) in this hg repo - and using this revision (or mozilla-central/default if repo/rev cannot - be determined). - - :param path specifies the directory path to the file of interest. - """ - if 'GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY' in os.environ and 'GECKO_HEAD_REV' in os.environ: - # probably taskcluster - repo = os.environ['GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY'] - revision = os.environ['GECKO_HEAD_REV'] - elif self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: - # probably buildbot - repo = 'https://hg.mozilla.org/%s' % self.buildbot_config['properties']['repo_path'] - revision = self.buildbot_config['properties']['revision'] - else: - # something unexpected! - repo = 'https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central' - revision = 'default' - self.warning('Unable to find repo/revision for manifest; using mozilla-central/default') - url = '%s/raw-file/%s/%s' % ( - repo, - revision, - path) - return url - - def _tooltool_fetch(self, url, dir): - c = self.config - - manifest_path = self.download_file( - url, - file_name='releng.manifest', - parent_dir=dir - ) - - if not os.path.exists(manifest_path): - self.fatal("Could not retrieve manifest needed to retrieve " - "artifacts from %s" % manifest_path) - - self.tooltool_fetch(manifest_path, - output_dir=dir, - cache=c.get("tooltool_cache", None)) - - ########################################## - ### Actions for AndroidEmulatorTest ### - ########################################## - def setup_avds(self): - ''' - If tooltool cache mechanism is enabled, the cached version is used by - the fetch command. If the manifest includes an "unpack" field, tooltool - will unpack all compressed archives mentioned in the manifest. - ''' - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - # FIXME - # Clobbering and re-unpacking would not be needed if we had a way to - # check whether the unpacked content already present match the - # contents of the tar ball - self.rmtree(dirs['abs_avds_dir']) - self.mkdir_p(dirs['abs_avds_dir']) - if 'avd_url' in c: - # Intended for experimental setups to evaluate an avd prior to - # tooltool deployment. - url = c['avd_url'] - self.download_unpack(url, dirs['abs_avds_dir']) - else: - url = self._get_repo_url(c["tooltool_manifest_path"]) - self._tooltool_fetch(url, dirs['abs_avds_dir']) - - avd_home_dir = self.abs_dirs['abs_avds_dir'] - if avd_home_dir != "/home/cltbld/.android": - # Modify the downloaded avds to point to the right directory. - cmd = [ - 'bash', '-c', - 'sed -i "s|/home/cltbld/.android|%s|" %s/test-*.ini' % - (avd_home_dir, os.path.join(avd_home_dir, 'avd')) - ] - proc = ProcessHandler(cmd) - proc.run() - proc.wait() - - def start_emulator(self): - ''' - Starts the emulator - ''' - if 'emulator_url' in self.config or 'emulator_manifest' in self.config or 'tools_manifest' in self.config: - self.install_emulator() - - if not os.path.isfile(self.adb_path): - self.fatal("The adb binary '%s' is not a valid file!" % self.adb_path) - self._restart_adbd() - - if not self.config.get("developer_mode"): - # We kill compiz because it sometimes prevents us from starting the emulator - self._kill_processes("compiz") - self._kill_processes("xpcshell") - - # We add a symlink for libGL.so because the emulator dlopen()s it by that name - # even though the installed library on most systems without dev packages is - # libGL.so.1 - linkfile = os.path.join(self.abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], "libGL.so") - self.info("Attempting to establish symlink for %s" % linkfile) - try: - os.unlink(linkfile) - except OSError: - pass - for libdir in ["/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa", - "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa", - "/usr/lib/mesa"]: - libfile = os.path.join(libdir, "libGL.so.1") - if os.path.exists(libfile): - self.info("Symlinking %s -> %s" % (linkfile, libfile)) - self.mkdir_p(self.abs_dirs['abs_work_dir']) - os.symlink(libfile, linkfile) - break - self.emulator_proc = self._launch_emulator() - - def verify_emulator(self): - ''' - Check to see if the emulator can be contacted via adb and telnet. - If any communication attempt fails, kill the emulator, re-launch, and re-check. - ''' - self.mkdir_p(self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir']) - max_restarts = 5 - emulator_ok = self._retry(max_restarts, 10, self._verify_emulator_and_restart_on_fail, "Check emulator") - if not emulator_ok: - self.fatal('INFRA-ERROR: Unable to start emulator after %d attempts' % max_restarts) - # Start logcat for the emulator. The adb process runs until the - # corresponding emulator is killed. Output is written directly to - # the blobber upload directory so that it is uploaded automatically - # at the end of the job. - logcat_filename = 'logcat-%s.log' % self.emulator["device_id"] - logcat_path = os.path.join(self.abs_dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], logcat_filename) - logcat_cmd = '%s -s %s logcat -v threadtime Trace:S StrictMode:S ExchangeService:S > %s &' % \ - (self.adb_path, self.emulator["device_id"], logcat_path) - self.info(logcat_cmd) - os.system(logcat_cmd) - # Get a post-boot emulator process list for diagnostics - ps_cmd = [self.adb_path, '-s', self.emulator["device_id"], 'shell', 'ps'] - self._run_with_timeout(30, ps_cmd) - - def download_and_extract(self): - """ - Download and extract fennec APK, tests.zip, host utils (if required). - """ - super(AndroidEmulatorTest, self).download_and_extract(suite_categories=[self.test_suite]) - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.rmtree(dirs['abs_xre_dir']) - self.mkdir_p(dirs['abs_xre_dir']) - if self.config["hostutils_manifest_path"]: - url = self._get_repo_url(self.config["hostutils_manifest_path"]) - self._tooltool_fetch(url, dirs['abs_xre_dir']) - for p in glob.glob(os.path.join(dirs['abs_xre_dir'], 'host-utils-*')): - if os.path.isdir(p) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p, 'xpcshell')): - self.xre_path = p - if not self.xre_path: - self.fatal("xre path not found in %s" % dirs['abs_xre_dir']) - else: - self.fatal("configure hostutils_manifest_path!") - - def install(self): - """ - Install APKs on the emulator - """ - assert self.installer_path is not None, \ - "Either add installer_path to the config or use --installer-path." - install_needed = self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite].get("install") - if install_needed == False: - self.info("Skipping apk installation for %s" % self.test_suite) - return - - self.sdk_level = self._run_with_timeout(30, [self.adb_path, '-s', self.emulator['device_id'], - 'shell', 'getprop', 'ro.build.version.sdk']) - - # Install Fennec - install_ok = self._retry(3, 30, self._install_fennec_apk, "Install Fennec APK") - if not install_ok: - self.fatal('INFRA-ERROR: Failed to install %s on %s' % (self.installer_path, self.emulator["name"])) - - self.info("Finished installing apps for %s" % self.emulator["name"]) - - def run_tests(self): - """ - Run the tests - """ - cmd = self._build_command() - - try: - cwd = self._query_tests_dir() - except: - self.fatal("Don't know how to run --test-suite '%s'!" % self.test_suite) - env = self.query_env() - if self.query_minidump_stackwalk(): - env['MINIDUMP_STACKWALK'] = self.minidump_stackwalk_path - env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'] = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - env['MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH'] = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - - self.info("Running on %s the command %s" % (self.emulator["name"], subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd))) - self.info("##### %s log begins" % self.test_suite) - - # TinderBoxPrintRe does not know about the '-debug' categories - aliases = { - 'reftest-debug': 'reftest', - 'jsreftest-debug': 'jsreftest', - 'crashtest-debug': 'crashtest', - } - suite_category = aliases.get(self.test_suite, self.test_suite) - parser = self.get_test_output_parser( - suite_category, - config=self.config, - log_obj=self.log_obj, - error_list=self.error_list) - self.run_command(cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, output_parser=parser) - tbpl_status, log_level = parser.evaluate_parser(0) - parser.append_tinderboxprint_line(self.test_suite) - - self.info("##### %s log ends" % self.test_suite) - self._dump_emulator_log() - self.buildbot_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) - - @PostScriptAction('run-tests') - def stop_emulator(self, action, success=None): - ''' - Report emulator health, then make sure that the emulator has been stopped - ''' - self._verify_emulator() - self._kill_processes(self.config["emulator_process_name"]) - - def upload_blobber_files(self): - ''' - Override BlobUploadMixin.upload_blobber_files to ensure emulator is killed - first (if the emulator is still running, logcat may still be running, which - may lock the blob upload directory, causing a hang). - ''' - if self.config.get('blob_upload_branch'): - # Except on interactive workers, we want the emulator to keep running - # after the script is finished. So only kill it if blobber would otherwise - # have run anyway (it doesn't get run on interactive workers). - self._kill_processes(self.config["emulator_process_name"]) - super(AndroidEmulatorTest, self).upload_blobber_files() - -if __name__ == '__main__': - emulatorTest = AndroidEmulatorTest() - emulatorTest.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/bouncer_submitter.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/bouncer_submitter.py deleted file mode 100755 index eaa43e851..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/bouncer_submitter.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this -# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -import os -import sys - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript -from mozharness.mozilla.bouncer.submitter import BouncerSubmitterMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.purge import PurgeMixin - - -class BouncerSubmitter(BaseScript, PurgeMixin, BouncerSubmitterMixin, BuildbotMixin): - config_options = [ - [["--repo"], { - "dest": "repo", - "help": "Specify source repo, e.g. releases/mozilla-beta", - }], - [["--revision"], { - "dest": "revision", - "help": "Source revision/tag used to fetch shipped-locales", - }], - [["--version"], { - "dest": "version", - "help": "Current version", - }], - [["--previous-version"], { - "dest": "prev_versions", - "action": "extend", - "help": "Previous version(s)", - }], - [["--build-number"], { - "dest": "build_number", - "help": "Build number of version", - }], - [["--bouncer-api-prefix"], { - "dest": "bouncer-api-prefix", - "help": "Bouncer admin API URL prefix", - }], - [["--credentials-file"], { - "dest": "credentials_file", - "help": "File containing Bouncer credentials", - }], - ] - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - BaseScript.__init__(self, - config_options=self.config_options, - require_config_file=require_config_file, - # other stuff - all_actions=[ - 'clobber', - 'download-shipped-locales', - 'submit', - ], - default_actions=[ - 'clobber', - 'download-shipped-locales', - 'submit', - ], - config={ - 'buildbot_json_path' : 'buildprops.json' - } - ) - self.locales = None - self.credentials = None - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - super(BouncerSubmitter, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - - #override properties from buildbot properties here as defined by taskcluster properties - self.read_buildbot_config() - - #check if release promotion is true first before overwriting these properties - if self.buildbot_config["properties"].get("release_promotion"): - for prop in ['product', 'version', 'build_number', 'revision', 'bouncer_submitter_config', ]: - if self.buildbot_config["properties"].get(prop): - self.info("Overriding %s with %s" % (prop, self.buildbot_config["properties"].get(prop))) - self.config[prop] = self.buildbot_config["properties"].get(prop) - if self.buildbot_config["properties"].get("partial_versions"): - self.config["prev_versions"] = self.buildbot_config["properties"].get("partial_versions").split(", ") - - for opt in ["version", "credentials_file", "bouncer-api-prefix"]: - if opt not in self.config: - self.fatal("%s must be specified" % opt) - if self.need_shipped_locales(): - for opt in ["shipped-locales-url", "repo", "revision"]: - if opt not in self.config: - self.fatal("%s must be specified" % opt) - - def need_shipped_locales(self): - return any(e.get("add-locales") for e in - self.config["products"].values()) - - def query_shipped_locales_path(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - return os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "shipped-locales") - - def download_shipped_locales(self): - if not self.need_shipped_locales(): - self.info("No need to download shipped-locales") - return - - replace_dict = {"revision": self.config["revision"], - "repo": self.config["repo"]} - url = self.config["shipped-locales-url"] % replace_dict - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.mkdir_p(dirs["abs_work_dir"]) - if not self.download_file(url=url, - file_name=self.query_shipped_locales_path()): - self.fatal("Unable to fetch shipped-locales from %s" % url) - # populate the list - self.load_shipped_locales() - - def load_shipped_locales(self): - if self.locales: - return self.locales - content = self.read_from_file(self.query_shipped_locales_path()) - locales = [] - for line in content.splitlines(): - locale = line.split()[0] - if locale: - locales.append(locale) - self.locales = locales - return self.locales - - def submit(self): - subs = { - "version": self.config["version"] - } - if self.config.get("build_number"): - subs["build_number"] = self.config["build_number"] - - for product, pr_config in sorted(self.config["products"].items()): - product_name = pr_config["product-name"] % subs - if self.product_exists(product_name): - self.warning("Product %s already exists. Skipping..." % - product_name) - continue - self.info("Adding %s..." % product) - self.api_add_product( - product_name=product_name, - add_locales=pr_config.get("add-locales"), - ssl_only=pr_config.get("ssl-only")) - self.info("Adding paths...") - for platform, pl_config in sorted(pr_config["paths"].items()): - bouncer_platform = pl_config["bouncer-platform"] - path = pl_config["path"] % subs - self.info("%s (%s): %s" % (platform, bouncer_platform, path)) - self.api_add_location(product_name, bouncer_platform, path) - - # Add partial updates - if "partials" in self.config and self.config.get("prev_versions"): - self.submit_partials() - - def submit_partials(self): - subs = { - "version": self.config["version"] - } - if self.config.get("build_number"): - subs["build_number"] = self.config["build_number"] - prev_versions = self.config.get("prev_versions") - for product, part_config in sorted(self.config["partials"].items()): - product_name_tmpl = part_config["product-name"] - for prev_version in prev_versions: - prev_version, prev_build_number = prev_version.split("build") - subs["prev_version"] = prev_version - subs["prev_build_number"] = prev_build_number - product_name = product_name_tmpl % subs - if self.product_exists(product_name): - self.warning("Product %s already exists. Skipping..." % - product_name) - continue - self.info("Adding partial updates for %s" % product_name) - self.api_add_product( - product_name=product_name, - add_locales=part_config.get("add-locales"), - ssl_only=part_config.get("ssl-only")) - for platform, pl_config in sorted(part_config["paths"].items()): - bouncer_platform = pl_config["bouncer-platform"] - path = pl_config["path"] % subs - self.info("%s (%s): %s" % (platform, bouncer_platform, path)) - self.api_add_location(product_name, bouncer_platform, path) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - myScript = BouncerSubmitter() - myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/configtest.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/configtest.py deleted file mode 100755 index 5db684f0a..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/configtest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""configtest.py - -Verify the .json and .py files in the configs/ directory are well-formed. -Further tests to verify validity would be desirable. - -This is also a good example script to look at to understand mozharness. -""" - -import os -import pprint -import sys -try: - import simplejson as json -except ImportError: - import json - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript - -# ConfigTest {{{1 -class ConfigTest(BaseScript): - config_options = [[ - ["--test-file",], - {"action": "extend", - "dest": "test_files", - "help": "Specify which config files to test" - } - ]] - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): - self.config_files = [] - BaseScript.__init__(self, config_options=self.config_options, - all_actions=['list-config-files', - 'test-json-configs', - 'test-python-configs', - 'summary', - ], - default_actions=['test-json-configs', - 'test-python-configs', - 'summary', - ], - require_config_file=require_config_file) - - def query_config_files(self): - """This query method, much like others, caches its runtime - settings in self.VAR so we don't have to figure out config_files - multiple times. - """ - if self.config_files: - return self.config_files - c = self.config - if 'test_files' in c: - self.config_files = c['test_files'] - return self.config_files - self.debug("No --test-file(s) specified; defaulting to crawling the configs/ directory.") - config_files = [] - for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(sys.path[0], "..", - "configs")): - for name in files: - # Hardcode =P - if name.endswith(".json") or name.endswith(".py"): - if not name.startswith("test_malformed"): - config_files.append(os.path.join(root, name)) - self.config_files = config_files - return self.config_files - - def list_config_files(self): - """ Non-default action that is mainly here to demonstrate how - non-default actions work in a mozharness script. - """ - config_files = self.query_config_files() - for config_file in config_files: - self.info(config_file) - - def test_json_configs(self): - """ Currently only "is this well-formed json?" - - """ - config_files = self.query_config_files() - filecount = [0, 0] - for config_file in config_files: - if config_file.endswith(".json"): - filecount[0] += 1 - self.info("Testing %s." % config_file) - contents = self.read_from_file(config_file, verbose=False) - try: - json.loads(contents) - except ValueError: - self.add_summary("%s is invalid json." % config_file, - level="error") - self.error(pprint.pformat(sys.exc_info()[1])) - else: - self.info("Good.") - filecount[1] += 1 - if filecount[0]: - self.add_summary("%d of %d json config files were good." % - (filecount[1], filecount[0])) - else: - self.add_summary("No json config files to test.") - - def test_python_configs(self): - """Currently only "will this give me a config dictionary?" - - """ - config_files = self.query_config_files() - filecount = [0, 0] - for config_file in config_files: - if config_file.endswith(".py"): - filecount[0] += 1 - self.info("Testing %s." % config_file) - global_dict = {} - local_dict = {} - try: - execfile(config_file, global_dict, local_dict) - except: - self.add_summary("%s is invalid python." % config_file, - level="error") - self.error(pprint.pformat(sys.exc_info()[1])) - else: - if 'config' in local_dict and isinstance(local_dict['config'], dict): - self.info("Good.") - filecount[1] += 1 - else: - self.add_summary("%s is valid python, but doesn't create a config dictionary." % - config_file, level="error") - if filecount[0]: - self.add_summary("%d of %d python config files were good." % - (filecount[1], filecount[0])) - else: - self.add_summary("No python config files to test.") - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - config_test = ConfigTest() - config_test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_l10n.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_l10n.py deleted file mode 100755 index 0626ce35b..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_l10n.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1152 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""desktop_l10n.py - -This script manages Desktop repacks for nightly builds. -""" -import os -import re -import sys -import time -import shlex -import subprocess - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.errors import BaseErrorList, MakefileErrorList -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript -from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import VCSMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.purge import PurgeMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase import MakeUploadOutputParser -from mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales import LocalesMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.mar import MarMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.mock import MockMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.release import ReleaseMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.signing import SigningMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.updates.balrog import BalrogMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.taskcluster_helper import Taskcluster -from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.mock import ERROR_MSGS - -try: - import simplejson as json - assert json -except ImportError: - import json - - -# needed by _map -SUCCESS = 0 -FAILURE = 1 - -SUCCESS_STR = "Success" -FAILURE_STR = "Failed" - -# when running get_output_form_command, pymake has some extra output -# that needs to be filtered out -PyMakeIgnoreList = [ - re.compile(r'''.*make\.py(?:\[\d+\])?: Entering directory'''), - re.compile(r'''.*make\.py(?:\[\d+\])?: Leaving directory'''), -] - - -# mandatory configuration options, without them, this script will not work -# it's a list of values that are already known before starting a build -configuration_tokens = ('branch', - 'platform', - 'update_platform', - 'update_channel', - 'ssh_key_dir', - 'stage_product', - 'upload_environment', - ) -# some other values such as "%(version)s", "%(buildid)s", ... -# are defined at run time and they cannot be enforced in the _pre_config_lock -# phase -runtime_config_tokens = ('buildid', 'version', 'locale', 'from_buildid', - 'abs_objdir', 'abs_merge_dir', 'revision', - 'to_buildid', 'en_us_binary_url', 'mar_tools_url', - 'post_upload_extra', 'who') - -# DesktopSingleLocale {{{1 -class DesktopSingleLocale(LocalesMixin, ReleaseMixin, MockMixin, BuildbotMixin, - VCSMixin, SigningMixin, PurgeMixin, BaseScript, - BalrogMixin, MarMixin, VirtualenvMixin, TransferMixin): - """Manages desktop repacks""" - config_options = [[ - ['--balrog-config', ], - {"action": "extend", - "dest": "config_files", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the balrog configuration file"} - ], [ - ['--branch-config', ], - {"action": "extend", - "dest": "config_files", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the branch configuration file"} - ], [ - ['--environment-config', ], - {"action": "extend", - "dest": "config_files", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the environment (staging, production, ...) configuration file"} - ], [ - ['--platform-config', ], - {"action": "extend", - "dest": "config_files", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the platform configuration file"} - ], [ - ['--locale', ], - {"action": "extend", - "dest": "locales", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the locale(s) to sign and update. Optionally pass" - " revision separated by colon, en-GB:default."} - ], [ - ['--locales-file', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "locales_file", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify a file to determine which locales to sign and update"} - ], [ - ['--tag-override', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "tag_override", - "type": "string", - "help": "Override the tags set for all repos"} - ], [ - ['--revision', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "revision", - "type": "string", - "help": "Override the gecko revision to use (otherwise use buildbot supplied" - " value, or en-US revision) "} - ], [ - ['--user-repo-override', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "user_repo_override", - "type": "string", - "help": "Override the user repo path for all repos"} - ], [ - ['--release-config-file', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "release_config_file", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the release config file to use"} - ], [ - ['--this-chunk', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "this_locale_chunk", - "type": "int", - "help": "Specify which chunk of locales to run"} - ], [ - ['--total-chunks', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "total_locale_chunks", - "type": "int", - "help": "Specify the total number of chunks of locales"} - ], [ - ['--en-us-installer-url', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "en_us_installer_url", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the url of the en-us binary"} - ], [ - ["--disable-mock"], { - "dest": "disable_mock", - "action": "store_true", - "help": "do not run under mock despite what gecko-config says"} - ]] - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - # fxbuild style: - buildscript_kwargs = { - 'all_actions': [ - "clobber", - "pull", - "clone-locales", - "list-locales", - "setup", - "repack", - "taskcluster-upload", - "funsize-props", - "submit-to-balrog", - "summary", - ], - 'config': { - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - "ignore_locales": ["en-US"], - "locales_dir": "browser/locales", - "update_mar_dir": "dist/update", - "buildid_section": "App", - "buildid_option": "BuildID", - "application_ini": "application.ini", - "log_name": "single_locale", - "clobber_file": 'CLOBBER', - "appName": "Firefox", - "hashType": "sha512", - "taskcluster_credentials_file": "oauth.txt", - 'virtualenv_modules': [ - 'requests==2.8.1', - 'PyHawk-with-a-single-extra-commit==0.1.5', - 'taskcluster==0.0.26', - ], - 'virtualenv_path': 'venv', - }, - } - # - - LocalesMixin.__init__(self) - BaseScript.__init__( - self, - config_options=self.config_options, - require_config_file=require_config_file, - **buildscript_kwargs - ) - - self.buildid = None - self.make_ident_output = None - self.bootstrap_env = None - self.upload_env = None - self.revision = None - self.enUS_revision = None - self.version = None - self.upload_urls = {} - self.locales_property = {} - self.package_urls = {} - self.pushdate = None - # upload_files is a dictionary of files to upload, keyed by locale. - self.upload_files = {} - - if 'mock_target' in self.config: - self.enable_mock() - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - """replaces 'configuration_tokens' with their values, before the - configuration gets locked. If some of the configuration_tokens - are not present, stops the execution of the script""" - # since values as branch, platform are mandatory, can replace them in - # in the configuration before it is locked down - # mandatory tokens - for token in configuration_tokens: - if token not in self.config: - self.fatal('No %s in configuration!' % token) - - # all the important tokens are present in our configuration - for token in configuration_tokens: - # token_string '%(branch)s' - token_string = ''.join(('%(', token, ')s')) - # token_value => ash - token_value = self.config[token] - for element in self.config: - # old_value => https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/%(branch)s - old_value = self.config[element] - # new_value => https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/ash - new_value = self.__detokenise_element(self.config[element], - token_string, - token_value) - if new_value and new_value != old_value: - msg = "%s: replacing %s with %s" % (element, - old_value, - new_value) - self.debug(msg) - self.config[element] = new_value - - # now, only runtime_config_tokens should be present in config - # we should parse self.config and fail if any other we spot any - # other token - tokens_left = set(self._get_configuration_tokens(self.config)) - unknown_tokens = set(tokens_left) - set(runtime_config_tokens) - if unknown_tokens: - msg = ['unknown tokens in configuration:'] - for t in unknown_tokens: - msg.append(t) - self.fatal(' '.join(msg)) - self.info('configuration looks ok') - - self.read_buildbot_config() - if not self.buildbot_config: - self.warning("Skipping buildbot properties overrides") - return - props = self.buildbot_config["properties"] - for prop in ['mar_tools_url']: - if props.get(prop): - self.info("Overriding %s with %s" % (prop, props[prop])) - self.config[prop] = props.get(prop) - - def _get_configuration_tokens(self, iterable): - """gets a list of tokens in iterable""" - regex = re.compile('%\(\w+\)s') - results = [] - try: - for element in iterable: - if isinstance(iterable, str): - # this is a string, look for tokens - # self.debug("{0}".format(re.findall(regex, element))) - tokens = re.findall(regex, iterable) - for token in tokens: - # clean %(branch)s => branch - # remove %( - token_name = token.partition('%(')[2] - # remove )s - token_name = token_name.partition(')s')[0] - results.append(token_name) - break - - elif isinstance(iterable, (list, tuple)): - results.extend(self._get_configuration_tokens(element)) - - elif isinstance(iterable, dict): - results.extend(self._get_configuration_tokens(iterable[element])) - - except TypeError: - # element is a int/float/..., nothing to do here - pass - - # remove duplicates, and return results - - return list(set(results)) - - def __detokenise_element(self, config_option, token, value): - """reads config_options and returns a version of the same config_option - replacing token with value recursively""" - # config_option is a string, let's replace token with value - if isinstance(config_option, str): - # if token does not appear in this string, - # nothing happens and the original value is returned - return config_option.replace(token, value) - # it's a dictionary - elif isinstance(config_option, dict): - # replace token for each element of this dictionary - for element in config_option: - config_option[element] = self.__detokenise_element( - config_option[element], token, value) - return config_option - # it's a list - elif isinstance(config_option, list): - # create a new list and append the replaced elements - new_list = [] - for element in config_option: - new_list.append(self.__detokenise_element(element, token, value)) - return new_list - elif isinstance(config_option, tuple): - # create a new list and append the replaced elements - new_list = [] - for element in config_option: - new_list.append(self.__detokenise_element(element, token, value)) - return tuple(new_list) - else: - # everything else, bool, number, ... - return config_option - - # Helper methods {{{2 - def query_bootstrap_env(self): - """returns the env for repacks""" - if self.bootstrap_env: - return self.bootstrap_env - config = self.config - replace_dict = self.query_abs_dirs() - - replace_dict['en_us_binary_url'] = config.get('en_us_binary_url') - self.read_buildbot_config() - # Override en_us_binary_url if packageUrl is passed as a property from - # the en-US build - if self.buildbot_config["properties"].get("packageUrl"): - packageUrl = self.buildbot_config["properties"]["packageUrl"] - # trim off the filename, the build system wants a directory - packageUrl = packageUrl.rsplit('/', 1)[0] - self.info("Overriding en_us_binary_url with %s" % packageUrl) - replace_dict['en_us_binary_url'] = str(packageUrl) - # Override en_us_binary_url if passed as a buildbot property - if self.buildbot_config["properties"].get("en_us_binary_url"): - self.info("Overriding en_us_binary_url with %s" % - self.buildbot_config["properties"]["en_us_binary_url"]) - replace_dict['en_us_binary_url'] = \ - str(self.buildbot_config["properties"]["en_us_binary_url"]) - bootstrap_env = self.query_env(partial_env=config.get("bootstrap_env"), - replace_dict=replace_dict) - if 'MOZ_SIGNING_SERVERS' in os.environ: - sign_cmd = self.query_moz_sign_cmd(formats=None) - sign_cmd = subprocess.list2cmdline(sign_cmd) - # windows fix - bootstrap_env['MOZ_SIGN_CMD'] = sign_cmd.replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\') - for binary in self._mar_binaries(): - # "mar -> MAR" and 'mar.exe -> MAR' (windows) - name = binary.replace('.exe', '') - name = name.upper() - binary_path = os.path.join(self._mar_tool_dir(), binary) - # windows fix... - if binary.endswith('.exe'): - binary_path = binary_path.replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\') - bootstrap_env[name] = binary_path - if 'LOCALE_MERGEDIR' in bootstrap_env: - # windows fix - bootstrap_env['LOCALE_MERGEDIR'] = bootstrap_env['LOCALE_MERGEDIR'].replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\') - if self.query_is_nightly(): - bootstrap_env["IS_NIGHTLY"] = "yes" - self.bootstrap_env = bootstrap_env - return self.bootstrap_env - - def _query_upload_env(self): - """returns the environment used for the upload step""" - if self.upload_env: - return self.upload_env - config = self.config - - replace_dict = { - 'buildid': self._query_buildid(), - 'version': self.query_version(), - 'post_upload_extra': ' '.join(config.get('post_upload_extra', [])), - 'upload_environment': config['upload_environment'], - } - if config['branch'] == 'try': - replace_dict.update({ - 'who': self.query_who(), - 'revision': self._query_revision(), - }) - upload_env = self.query_env(partial_env=config.get("upload_env"), - replace_dict=replace_dict) - # check if there are any extra option from the platform configuration - # and append them to the env - - if 'upload_env_extra' in config: - for extra in config['upload_env_extra']: - upload_env[extra] = config['upload_env_extra'][extra] - - self.upload_env = upload_env - return self.upload_env - - def query_l10n_env(self): - l10n_env = self._query_upload_env().copy() - # both upload_env and bootstrap_env define MOZ_SIGN_CMD - # the one from upload_env is taken from os.environ, the one from - # bootstrap_env is set with query_moz_sign_cmd() - # we need to use the value provided my query_moz_sign_cmd or make upload - # will fail (signtool.py path is wrong) - l10n_env.update(self.query_bootstrap_env()) - return l10n_env - - def _query_make_ident_output(self): - """Get |make ident| output from the objdir. - Only valid after setup is run. - """ - if self.make_ident_output: - return self.make_ident_output - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.make_ident_output = self._get_output_from_make( - target=["ident"], - cwd=dirs['abs_locales_dir'], - env=self.query_bootstrap_env()) - return self.make_ident_output - - def _query_buildid(self): - """Get buildid from the objdir. - Only valid after setup is run. - """ - if self.buildid: - return self.buildid - r = re.compile(r"buildid (\d+)") - output = self._query_make_ident_output() - for line in output.splitlines(): - match = r.match(line) - if match: - self.buildid = match.groups()[0] - return self.buildid - - def _query_revision(self): - """ Get the gecko revision in this order of precedence - * cached value - * command line arg --revision (development, taskcluster) - * buildbot properties (try with buildbot forced build) - * buildbot change (try with buildbot scheduler) - * from the en-US build (m-c & m-a) - - This will fail the last case if the build hasn't been pulled yet. - """ - if self.revision: - return self.revision - - self.read_buildbot_config() - config = self.config - revision = None - if config.get("revision"): - revision = config["revision"] - elif 'revision' in self.buildbot_properties: - revision = self.buildbot_properties['revision'] - elif (self.buildbot_config and - self.buildbot_config.get('sourcestamp', {}).get('revision')): - revision = self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['revision'] - elif self.buildbot_config and self.buildbot_config.get('revision'): - revision = self.buildbot_config['revision'] - elif config.get("update_gecko_source_to_enUS", True): - revision = self._query_enUS_revision() - - if not revision: - self.fatal("Can't determine revision!") - self.revision = str(revision) - return self.revision - - def _query_enUS_revision(self): - """Get revision from the objdir. - Only valid after setup is run. - """ - if self.enUS_revision: - return self.enUS_revision - r = re.compile(r"^(gecko|fx)_revision ([0-9a-f]+\+?)$") - output = self._query_make_ident_output() - for line in output.splitlines(): - match = r.match(line) - if match: - self.enUS_revision = match.groups()[1] - return self.enUS_revision - - def _query_make_variable(self, variable, make_args=None, - exclude_lines=PyMakeIgnoreList): - """returns the value of make echo-variable-<variable> - it accepts extra make arguements (make_args) - it also has an exclude_lines from the output filer - exclude_lines defaults to PyMakeIgnoreList because - on windows, pymake writes extra output lines that need - to be filtered out. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - make_args = make_args or [] - exclude_lines = exclude_lines or [] - target = ["echo-variable-%s" % variable] + make_args - cwd = dirs['abs_locales_dir'] - raw_output = self._get_output_from_make(target, cwd=cwd, - env=self.query_bootstrap_env()) - # we want to log all the messages from make/pymake and - # exlcude some messages from the output ("Entering directory...") - output = [] - for line in raw_output.split("\n"): - discard = False - for element in exclude_lines: - if element.match(line): - discard = True - continue - if not discard: - output.append(line.strip()) - output = " ".join(output).strip() - self.info('echo-variable-%s: %s' % (variable, output)) - return output - - def query_version(self): - """Gets the version from the objdir. - Only valid after setup is run.""" - if self.version: - return self.version - config = self.config - if config.get('release_config_file'): - release_config = self.query_release_config() - self.version = release_config['version'] - else: - self.version = self._query_make_variable("MOZ_APP_VERSION") - return self.version - - def _map(self, func, items): - """runs func for any item in items, calls the add_failure() for each - error. It assumes that function returns 0 when successful. - returns a two element tuple with (success_count, total_count)""" - success_count = 0 - total_count = len(items) - name = func.__name__ - for item in items: - result = func(item) - if result == SUCCESS: - # success! - success_count += 1 - else: - # func failed... - message = 'failure: %s(%s)' % (name, item) - self._add_failure(item, message) - return (success_count, total_count) - - def _add_failure(self, locale, message, **kwargs): - """marks current step as failed""" - self.locales_property[locale] = FAILURE_STR - prop_key = "%s_failure" % locale - prop_value = self.query_buildbot_property(prop_key) - if prop_value: - prop_value = "%s %s" % (prop_value, message) - else: - prop_value = message - self.set_buildbot_property(prop_key, prop_value, write_to_file=True) - BaseScript.add_failure(self, locale, message=message, **kwargs) - - def query_failed_locales(self): - return [l for l, res in self.locales_property.items() if - res == FAILURE_STR] - - def summary(self): - """generates a summary""" - BaseScript.summary(self) - # TODO we probably want to make this configurable on/off - locales = self.query_locales() - for locale in locales: - self.locales_property.setdefault(locale, SUCCESS_STR) - self.set_buildbot_property("locales", - json.dumps(self.locales_property), - write_to_file=True) - - # Actions {{{2 - def clobber(self): - """clobber""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - clobber_dirs = (dirs['abs_objdir'], dirs['abs_upload_dir']) - PurgeMixin.clobber(self, always_clobber_dirs=clobber_dirs) - - def pull(self): - """pulls source code""" - config = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - repos = [] - # replace dictionary for repos - # we need to interpolate some values: - # branch, branch_repo - # and user_repo_override if exists - replace_dict = {} - if config.get("user_repo_override"): - replace_dict['user_repo_override'] = config['user_repo_override'] - # this is OK so early because we get it from buildbot, or - # the command line for local dev - replace_dict['revision'] = self._query_revision() - - for repository in config['repos']: - current_repo = {} - for key, value in repository.iteritems(): - try: - current_repo[key] = value % replace_dict - except TypeError: - # pass through non-interpolables, like booleans - current_repo[key] = value - except KeyError: - self.error('not all the values in "{0}" can be replaced. Check your configuration'.format(value)) - raise - repos.append(current_repo) - self.info("repositories: %s" % repos) - self.vcs_checkout_repos(repos, parent_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - tag_override=config.get('tag_override')) - - def clone_locales(self): - self.pull_locale_source() - - def setup(self): - """setup step""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self._run_tooltool() - self._copy_mozconfig() - self._mach_configure() - self._run_make_in_config_dir() - self.make_wget_en_US() - self.make_unpack_en_US() - self.download_mar_tools() - - # on try we want the source we already have, otherwise update to the - # same as the en-US binary - if self.config.get("update_gecko_source_to_enUS", True): - revision = self._query_enUS_revision() - # TODO do this through VCSMixin instead of hardcoding hg - # self.update(dest=dirs["abs_mozilla_dir"], revision=revision) - hg = self.query_exe("hg") - self.run_command([hg, "update", "-r", revision], - cwd=dirs["abs_mozilla_dir"], - env=self.query_bootstrap_env(), - error_list=BaseErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True, fatal_exit_code=3) - # if checkout updates CLOBBER file with a newer timestamp, - # next make -f client.mk configure will delete archives - # downloaded with make wget_en_US, so just touch CLOBBER file - _clobber_file = self._clobber_file() - if os.path.exists(_clobber_file): - self._touch_file(_clobber_file) - # and again... - # thanks to the last hg update, we can be on different firefox 'version' - # than the one on default, - self._mach_configure() - self._run_make_in_config_dir() - - def _run_make_in_config_dir(self): - """this step creates nsinstall, needed my make_wget_en_US() - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - config_dir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_objdir'], 'config') - env = self.query_bootstrap_env() - return self._make(target=['export'], cwd=config_dir, env=env) - - def _clobber_file(self): - """returns the full path of the clobber file""" - config = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - return os.path.join(dirs['abs_objdir'], config.get('clobber_file')) - - def _copy_mozconfig(self): - """copies the mozconfig file into abs_mozilla_dir/.mozconfig - and logs the content - """ - config = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - mozconfig = config['mozconfig'] - src = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], mozconfig) - dst = os.path.join(dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], '.mozconfig') - self.copyfile(src, dst) - self.read_from_file(dst, verbose=True) - - def _mach(self, target, env, halt_on_failure=True, output_parser=None): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - mach = self._get_mach_executable() - return self.run_command(mach + target, - halt_on_failure=True, - env=env, - cwd=dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], - output_parser=None) - - def _mach_configure(self): - """calls mach configure""" - env = self.query_bootstrap_env() - target = ["configure"] - return self._mach(target=target, env=env) - - def _get_mach_executable(self): - python = self.query_exe('python2.7') - return [python, 'mach'] - - def _get_make_executable(self): - config = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if config.get('enable_mozmake'): # e.g. windows - make = r"/".join([dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], 'mozmake.exe']) - # mysterious subprocess errors, let's try to fix this path... - make = make.replace('\\', '/') - make = [make] - else: - make = ['make'] - return make - - def _make(self, target, cwd, env, error_list=MakefileErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True, output_parser=None): - """Runs make. Returns the exit code""" - make = self._get_make_executable() - if target: - make = make + target - return self.run_command(make, - cwd=cwd, - env=env, - error_list=error_list, - halt_on_failure=halt_on_failure, - output_parser=output_parser) - - def _get_output_from_make(self, target, cwd, env, halt_on_failure=True, ignore_errors=False): - """runs make and returns the output of the command""" - make = self._get_make_executable() - return self.get_output_from_command(make + target, - cwd=cwd, - env=env, - silent=True, - halt_on_failure=halt_on_failure, - ignore_errors=ignore_errors) - - def make_unpack_en_US(self): - """wrapper for make unpack""" - config = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - env = self.query_bootstrap_env() - cwd = os.path.join(dirs['abs_objdir'], config['locales_dir']) - return self._make(target=["unpack"], cwd=cwd, env=env) - - def make_wget_en_US(self): - """wrapper for make wget-en-US""" - env = self.query_bootstrap_env() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - cwd = dirs['abs_locales_dir'] - return self._make(target=["wget-en-US"], cwd=cwd, env=env) - - def make_upload(self, locale): - """wrapper for make upload command""" - config = self.config - env = self.query_l10n_env() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - buildid = self._query_buildid() - replace_dict = { - 'buildid': buildid, - 'branch': config['branch'] - } - try: - env['POST_UPLOAD_CMD'] = config['base_post_upload_cmd'] % replace_dict - except KeyError: - # no base_post_upload_cmd in configuration, just skip it - pass - target = ['upload', 'AB_CD=%s' % (locale)] - cwd = dirs['abs_locales_dir'] - parser = MakeUploadOutputParser(config=self.config, - log_obj=self.log_obj) - retval = self._make(target=target, cwd=cwd, env=env, - halt_on_failure=False, output_parser=parser) - if locale not in self.package_urls: - self.package_urls[locale] = {} - self.package_urls[locale].update(parser.matches) - if retval == SUCCESS: - self.info('Upload successful (%s)' % locale) - ret = SUCCESS - else: - self.error('failed to upload %s' % locale) - ret = FAILURE - return ret - - def set_upload_files(self, locale): - # The tree doesn't have a good way of exporting the list of files - # created during locale generation, but we can grab them by echoing the - # UPLOAD_FILES variable for each locale. - env = self.query_l10n_env() - target = ['echo-variable-UPLOAD_FILES', 'echo-variable-CHECKSUM_FILES', - 'AB_CD=%s' % locale] - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - cwd = dirs['abs_locales_dir'] - # Bug 1242771 - echo-variable-UPLOAD_FILES via mozharness fails when stderr is found - # we should ignore stderr as unfortunately it's expected when parsing for values - output = self._get_output_from_make(target=target, cwd=cwd, env=env, - ignore_errors=True) - self.info('UPLOAD_FILES is "%s"' % output) - files = shlex.split(output) - if not files: - self.error('failed to get upload file list for locale %s' % locale) - return FAILURE - - self.upload_files[locale] = [ - os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, f)) for f in files - ] - return SUCCESS - - def make_installers(self, locale): - """wrapper for make installers-(locale)""" - env = self.query_l10n_env() - self._copy_mozconfig() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - cwd = os.path.join(dirs['abs_locales_dir']) - target = ["installers-%s" % locale, - "LOCALE_MERGEDIR=%s" % env["LOCALE_MERGEDIR"], ] - return self._make(target=target, cwd=cwd, - env=env, halt_on_failure=False) - - def repack_locale(self, locale): - """wraps the logic for compare locale, make installers and generating - complete updates.""" - - if self.run_compare_locales(locale) != SUCCESS: - self.error("compare locale %s failed" % (locale)) - return FAILURE - - # compare locale succeeded, run make installers - if self.make_installers(locale) != SUCCESS: - self.error("make installers-%s failed" % (locale)) - return FAILURE - - # now try to upload the artifacts - if self.make_upload(locale): - self.error("make upload for locale %s failed!" % (locale)) - return FAILURE - - # set_upload_files() should be called after make upload, to make sure - # we have all files in place (checksums, etc) - if self.set_upload_files(locale): - self.error("failed to get list of files to upload for locale %s" % locale) - return FAILURE - - return SUCCESS - - def repack(self): - """creates the repacks and udpates""" - self._map(self.repack_locale, self.query_locales()) - - def _query_objdir(self): - """returns objdir name from configuration""" - return self.config['objdir'] - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(DesktopSingleLocale, self).query_abs_dirs() - for directory in abs_dirs: - value = abs_dirs[directory] - abs_dirs[directory] = value - dirs = {} - dirs['abs_tools_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tools') - for key in dirs.keys(): - if key not in abs_dirs: - abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - return self.abs_dirs - - def submit_to_balrog(self): - """submit to balrog""" - if not self.config.get("balrog_servers"): - self.info("balrog_servers not set; skipping balrog submission.") - return - self.info("Reading buildbot build properties...") - self.read_buildbot_config() - # get platform, appName and hashType from configuration - # common values across different locales - config = self.config - platform = config["platform"] - hashType = config['hashType'] - appName = config['appName'] - branch = config['branch'] - # values from configuration - self.set_buildbot_property("branch", branch) - self.set_buildbot_property("appName", appName) - # it's hardcoded to sha512 in balrog.py - self.set_buildbot_property("hashType", hashType) - self.set_buildbot_property("platform", platform) - # values common to the current repacks - self.set_buildbot_property("buildid", self._query_buildid()) - self.set_buildbot_property("appVersion", self.query_version()) - - # submit complete mar to balrog - # clean up buildbot_properties - self._map(self.submit_repack_to_balrog, self.query_locales()) - - def submit_repack_to_balrog(self, locale): - """submit a single locale to balrog""" - # check if locale has been uploaded, if not just return a FAILURE - if locale not in self.package_urls: - self.error("%s is not present in package_urls. Did you run make upload?" % locale) - return FAILURE - - if not self.query_is_nightly(): - # remove this check when we extend this script to non-nightly builds - self.fatal("Not a nightly build") - return FAILURE - - # complete mar file - c_marfile = self._query_complete_mar_filename(locale) - c_mar_url = self._query_complete_mar_url(locale) - - # Set other necessary properties for Balrog submission. None need to - # be passed back to buildbot, so we won't write them to the properties - # files - # Locale is hardcoded to en-US, for silly reasons - # The Balrog submitter translates this platform into a build target - # via https://github.com/mozilla/build-tools/blob/master/lib/python/release/platforms.py#L23 - self.set_buildbot_property("completeMarSize", self.query_filesize(c_marfile)) - self.set_buildbot_property("completeMarHash", self.query_sha512sum(c_marfile)) - self.set_buildbot_property("completeMarUrl", c_mar_url) - self.set_buildbot_property("locale", locale) - if "partialInfo" in self.package_urls[locale]: - self.set_buildbot_property("partialInfo", - self.package_urls[locale]["partialInfo"]) - ret = FAILURE - try: - result = self.submit_balrog_updates() - self.info("balrog return code: %s" % (result)) - if result == 0: - ret = SUCCESS - except Exception as error: - self.error("submit repack to balrog failed: %s" % (str(error))) - return ret - - def _query_complete_mar_filename(self, locale): - """returns the full path to a localized complete mar file""" - config = self.config - version = self.query_version() - complete_mar_name = config['localized_mar'] % {'version': version, - 'locale': locale} - return os.path.join(self._update_mar_dir(), complete_mar_name) - - def _query_complete_mar_url(self, locale): - """returns the complete mar url taken from self.package_urls[locale] - this value is available only after make_upload""" - if "complete_mar_url" in self.config: - return self.config["complete_mar_url"] - if "completeMarUrl" in self.package_urls[locale]: - return self.package_urls[locale]["completeMarUrl"] - # url = self.config.get("update", {}).get("mar_base_url") - # if url: - # url += os.path.basename(self.query_marfile_path()) - # return url.format(branch=self.query_branch()) - self.fatal("Couldn't find complete mar url in config or package_urls") - - def _update_mar_dir(self): - """returns the full path of the update/ directory""" - return self._mar_dir('update_mar_dir') - - def _mar_binaries(self): - """returns a tuple with mar and mbsdiff paths""" - config = self.config - return (config['mar'], config['mbsdiff']) - - def _mar_dir(self, dirname): - """returns the full path of dirname; - dirname is an entry in configuration""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - return os.path.join(dirs['abs_objdir'], self.config[dirname]) - - # TODO: replace with ToolToolMixin - def _get_tooltool_auth_file(self): - # set the default authentication file based on platform; this - # corresponds to where puppet puts the token - if 'tooltool_authentication_file' in self.config: - fn = self.config['tooltool_authentication_file'] - elif self._is_windows(): - fn = r'c:\builds\relengapi.tok' - else: - fn = '/builds/relengapi.tok' - - # if the file doesn't exist, don't pass it to tooltool (it will just - # fail). In taskcluster, this will work OK as the relengapi-proxy will - # take care of auth. Everywhere else, we'll get auth failures if - # necessary. - if os.path.exists(fn): - return fn - - def _run_tooltool(self): - config = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if not config.get('tooltool_manifest_src'): - return self.warning(ERROR_MSGS['tooltool_manifest_undetermined']) - fetch_script_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_tools_dir'], - 'scripts/tooltool/tooltool_wrapper.sh') - tooltool_manifest_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], - config['tooltool_manifest_src']) - cmd = [ - 'sh', - fetch_script_path, - tooltool_manifest_path, - config['tooltool_url'], - config['tooltool_bootstrap'], - ] - cmd.extend(config['tooltool_script']) - auth_file = self._get_tooltool_auth_file() - if auth_file and os.path.exists(auth_file): - cmd.extend(['--authentication-file', auth_file]) - cache = config['bootstrap_env'].get('TOOLTOOL_CACHE') - if cache: - cmd.extend(['-c', cache]) - self.info(str(cmd)) - self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], halt_on_failure=True) - - def funsize_props(self): - """Set buildbot properties required to trigger funsize tasks - responsible to generate partial updates for successfully generated locales""" - locales = self.query_locales() - funsize_info = { - 'locales': locales, - 'branch': self.config['branch'], - 'appName': self.config['appName'], - 'platform': self.config['platform'], - 'completeMarUrls': {locale: self._query_complete_mar_url(locale) for locale in locales}, - } - self.info('funsize info: %s' % funsize_info) - self.set_buildbot_property('funsize_info', json.dumps(funsize_info), - write_to_file=True) - - def taskcluster_upload(self): - auth = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.config['taskcluster_credentials_file']) - credentials = {} - execfile(auth, credentials) - client_id = credentials.get('taskcluster_clientId') - access_token = credentials.get('taskcluster_accessToken') - if not client_id or not access_token: - self.warning('Skipping S3 file upload: No taskcluster credentials.') - return - - # We need to activate the virtualenv so that we can import taskcluster - # (and its dependent modules, like requests and hawk). Normally we - # could create the virtualenv as an action, but due to some odd - # dependencies with query_build_env() being called from build(), which - # is necessary before the virtualenv can be created. - self.disable_mock() - self.create_virtualenv() - self.enable_mock() - self.activate_virtualenv() - - branch = self.config['branch'] - revision = self._query_revision() - repo = self.query_l10n_repo() - if not repo: - self.fatal("Unable to determine repository for querying the push info.") - pushinfo = self.vcs_query_pushinfo(repo, revision, vcs='hg') - pushdate = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime(pushinfo.pushdate)) - - routes_json = os.path.join(self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_mozilla_dir'], - 'testing/mozharness/configs/routes.json') - with open(routes_json) as f: - contents = json.load(f) - templates = contents['l10n'] - - # Release promotion creates a special task to accumulate all artifacts - # under the same task - artifacts_task = None - self.read_buildbot_config() - if "artifactsTaskId" in self.buildbot_config.get("properties", {}): - artifacts_task_id = self.buildbot_config["properties"]["artifactsTaskId"] - artifacts_tc = Taskcluster( - branch=branch, rank=pushinfo.pushdate, client_id=client_id, - access_token=access_token, log_obj=self.log_obj, - task_id=artifacts_task_id) - artifacts_task = artifacts_tc.get_task(artifacts_task_id) - artifacts_tc.claim_task(artifacts_task) - - for locale, files in self.upload_files.iteritems(): - self.info("Uploading files to S3 for locale '%s': %s" % (locale, files)) - routes = [] - for template in templates: - fmt = { - 'index': self.config.get('taskcluster_index', 'index.garbage.staging'), - 'project': branch, - 'head_rev': revision, - 'pushdate': pushdate, - 'year': pushdate[0:4], - 'month': pushdate[4:6], - 'day': pushdate[6:8], - 'build_product': self.config['stage_product'], - 'build_name': self.query_build_name(), - 'build_type': self.query_build_type(), - 'locale': locale, - } - fmt.update(self.buildid_to_dict(self._query_buildid())) - routes.append(template.format(**fmt)) - - self.info('Using routes: %s' % routes) - tc = Taskcluster(branch, - pushinfo.pushdate, # Use pushdate as the rank - client_id, - access_token, - self.log_obj, - ) - task = tc.create_task(routes) - tc.claim_task(task) - - for upload_file in files: - # Create an S3 artifact for each file that gets uploaded. We also - # check the uploaded file against the property conditions so that we - # can set the buildbot config with the correct URLs for package - # locations. - artifact_url = tc.create_artifact(task, upload_file) - if artifacts_task: - artifacts_tc.create_reference_artifact( - artifacts_task, upload_file, artifact_url) - - tc.report_completed(task) - - if artifacts_task: - if not self.query_failed_locales(): - artifacts_tc.report_completed(artifacts_task) - else: - # If some locales fail, we want to mark the artifacts - # task failed, so a retry can reuse the same task ID - artifacts_tc.report_failed(artifacts_task) - - -# main {{{ -if __name__ == '__main__': - single_locale = DesktopSingleLocale() - single_locale.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_partner_repacks.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_partner_repacks.py deleted file mode 100755 index ff07dffc8..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_partner_repacks.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""desktop_partner_repacks.py - -This script manages Desktop partner repacks for beta/release builds. -""" -import os -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.purge import PurgeMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.release import ReleaseMixin -from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin -from mozharness.base.log import FATAL - - -# DesktopPartnerRepacks {{{1 -class DesktopPartnerRepacks(ReleaseMixin, BuildbotMixin, PurgeMixin, - BaseScript, VirtualenvMixin): - """Manages desktop partner repacks""" - actions = [ - "clobber", - "create-virtualenv", - "activate-virtualenv", - "setup", - "repack", - "summary", - ] - config_options = [ - [["--version", "-v"], { - "dest": "version", - "help": "Version of Firefox to repack", - }], - [["--build-number", "-n"], { - "dest": "build_number", - "help": "Build number of Firefox to repack", - }], - [["--platform"], { - "dest": "platform", - "help": "Platform to repack (e.g. linux64, macosx64, ...)", - }], - [["--partner", "-p"], { - "dest": "partner", - "help": "Limit repackaging to partners matching this string", - }], - [["--s3cfg"], { - "dest": "s3cfg", - "help": "Configuration file for uploading to S3 using s3cfg", - }], - [["--hgroot"], { - "dest": "hgroot", - "help": "Use a different hg server for retrieving files", - }], - [["--hgrepo"], { - "dest": "hgrepo", - "help": "Use a different base repo for retrieving files", - }], - [["--require-buildprops"], { - "action": "store_true", - "dest": "require_buildprops", - "default": False, - "help": "Read in config options (like partner) from the buildbot properties file." - }], - ] - - def __init__(self): - # fxbuild style: - buildscript_kwargs = { - 'all_actions': DesktopPartnerRepacks.actions, - 'default_actions': DesktopPartnerRepacks.actions, - 'config': { - 'buildbot_json_path': 'buildprops.json', - "log_name": "partner-repacks", - "hashType": "sha512", - 'virtualenv_modules': [ - 'requests==2.2.1', - 'PyHawk-with-a-single-extra-commit==0.1.5', - 'taskcluster==0.0.15', - 's3cmd==1.6.0', - ], - 'virtualenv_path': 'venv', - 'workdir': 'partner-repacks', - }, - } - # - - BaseScript.__init__( - self, - config_options=self.config_options, - **buildscript_kwargs - ) - - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - self.read_buildbot_config() - if not self.buildbot_config: - self.warning("Skipping buildbot properties overrides") - else: - if self.config.get('require_buildprops', False) is True: - if not self.buildbot_config: - self.fatal("Unable to load properties from file: %s" % self.config.get('buildbot_json_path')) - props = self.buildbot_config["properties"] - for prop in ['version', 'build_number', 'revision', 'repo_file', 'repack_manifests_url', 'partner']: - if props.get(prop): - self.info("Overriding %s with %s" % (prop, props[prop])) - self.config[prop] = props.get(prop) - - if 'version' not in self.config: - self.fatal("Version (-v) not supplied.") - if 'build_number' not in self.config: - self.fatal("Build number (-n) not supplied.") - if 'repo_file' not in self.config: - self.fatal("repo_file not supplied.") - if 'repack_manifests_url' not in self.config: - self.fatal("repack_manifests_url not supplied.") - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(DesktopPartnerRepacks, self).query_abs_dirs() - for directory in abs_dirs: - value = abs_dirs[directory] - abs_dirs[directory] = value - dirs = {} - dirs['abs_repo_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], '.repo') - dirs['abs_partners_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'partners') - dirs['abs_scripts_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'scripts') - for key in dirs.keys(): - if key not in abs_dirs: - abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - return self.abs_dirs - - # Actions {{{ - def _repo_cleanup(self): - self.rmtree(self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_repo_dir']) - self.rmtree(self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_partners_dir']) - self.rmtree(self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_scripts_dir']) - - def _repo_init(self, repo): - status = self.run_command([repo, "init", "--no-repo-verify", - "-u", self.config['repack_manifests_url']], - cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_work_dir']) - if status: - return status - return self.run_command([repo, "sync"], - cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_work_dir']) - - def setup(self): - """setup step""" - repo = self.download_file(self.config['repo_file'], - file_name='repo', - parent_dir=self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_work_dir'], - error_level=FATAL) - if not os.path.exists(repo): - self.fatal("Unable to download repo tool.") - self.chmod(repo, 0755) - self.retry(self._repo_init, - args=(repo,), - error_level=FATAL, - cleanup=self._repo_cleanup(), - good_statuses=[0], - sleeptime=5) - - def repack(self): - """creates the repacks""" - python = self.query_exe("python2.7") - repack_cmd = [python, "partner-repacks.py", - "-v", self.config['version'], - "-n", str(self.config['build_number'])] - if self.config.get('platform'): - repack_cmd.extend(["--platform", self.config['platform']]) - if self.config.get('partner'): - repack_cmd.extend(["--partner", self.config['partner']]) - if self.config.get('s3cfg'): - repack_cmd.extend(["--s3cfg", self.config['s3cfg']]) - if self.config.get('hgroot'): - repack_cmd.extend(["--hgroot", self.config['hgroot']]) - if self.config.get('hgrepo'): - repack_cmd.extend(["--repo", self.config['hgrepo']]) - if self.config.get('revision'): - repack_cmd.extend(["--tag", self.config["revision"]]) - - return self.run_command(repack_cmd, - cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_scripts_dir']) - -# main {{{ -if __name__ == '__main__': - partner_repacks = DesktopPartnerRepacks() - partner_repacks.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_unittest.py deleted file mode 100755 index b2e754567..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_unittest.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,742 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""desktop_unittest.py -The goal of this is to extract desktop unittesting from buildbot's factory.py - -author: Jordan Lund -""" - -import os -import re -import sys -import copy -import shutil -import glob -import imp - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.errors import BaseErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import INFO, ERROR -from mozharness.base.script import PreScriptAction -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript -from mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload import BlobUploadMixin, blobupload_config_options -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import TBPL_EXCEPTION -from mozharness.mozilla.mozbase import MozbaseMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import HarnessErrorList -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import DesktopUnittestOutputParser -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.codecoverage import ( - CodeCoverageMixin, - code_coverage_config_options -) -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options - -SUITE_CATEGORIES = ['gtest', 'cppunittest', 'jittest', 'mochitest', 'reftest', 'xpcshell', 'mozbase', 'mozmill'] -SUITE_DEFAULT_E10S = ['mochitest', 'reftest'] - - -# DesktopUnittest {{{1 -class DesktopUnittest(TestingMixin, MercurialScript, BlobUploadMixin, MozbaseMixin, CodeCoverageMixin): - config_options = [ - [['--mochitest-suite', ], { - "action": "extend", - "dest": "specified_mochitest_suites", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify which mochi suite to run. " - "Suites are defined in the config file.\n" - "Examples: 'all', 'plain1', 'plain5', 'chrome', or 'a11y'"} - ], - [['--reftest-suite', ], { - "action": "extend", - "dest": "specified_reftest_suites", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify which reftest suite to run. " - "Suites are defined in the config file.\n" - "Examples: 'all', 'crashplan', or 'jsreftest'"} - ], - [['--xpcshell-suite', ], { - "action": "extend", - "dest": "specified_xpcshell_suites", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify which xpcshell suite to run. " - "Suites are defined in the config file\n." - "Examples: 'xpcshell'"} - ], - [['--cppunittest-suite', ], { - "action": "extend", - "dest": "specified_cppunittest_suites", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify which cpp unittest suite to run. " - "Suites are defined in the config file\n." - "Examples: 'cppunittest'"} - ], - [['--gtest-suite', ], { - "action": "extend", - "dest": "specified_gtest_suites", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify which gtest suite to run. " - "Suites are defined in the config file\n." - "Examples: 'gtest'"} - ], - [['--jittest-suite', ], { - "action": "extend", - "dest": "specified_jittest_suites", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify which jit-test suite to run. " - "Suites are defined in the config file\n." - "Examples: 'jittest'"} - ], - [['--mozbase-suite', ], { - "action": "extend", - "dest": "specified_mozbase_suites", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify which mozbase suite to run. " - "Suites are defined in the config file\n." - "Examples: 'mozbase'"} - ], - [['--mozmill-suite', ], { - "action": "extend", - "dest": "specified_mozmill_suites", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify which mozmill suite to run. " - "Suites are defined in the config file\n." - "Examples: 'mozmill'"} - ], - [['--run-all-suites', ], { - "action": "store_true", - "dest": "run_all_suites", - "default": False, - "help": "This will run all suites that are specified " - "in the config file. You do not need to specify " - "any other suites.\nBeware, this may take a while ;)"} - ], - [['--e10s', ], { - "action": "store_true", - "dest": "e10s", - "default": False, - "help": "Run tests with multiple processes."} - ], - [['--strict-content-sandbox', ], { - "action": "store_true", - "dest": "strict_content_sandbox", - "default": False, - "help": "Run tests with a more strict content sandbox (Windows only)."} - ], - [['--no-random', ], { - "action": "store_true", - "dest": "no_random", - "default": False, - "help": "Run tests with no random intermittents and bisect in case of real failure."} - ], - [["--total-chunks"], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "total_chunks", - "help": "Number of total chunks"} - ], - [["--this-chunk"], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "this_chunk", - "help": "Number of this chunk"} - ], - [["--allow-software-gl-layers"], { - "action": "store_true", - "dest": "allow_software_gl_layers", - "default": False, - "help": "Permits a software GL implementation (such as LLVMPipe) to use the GL compositor."} - ], - ] + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) + \ - copy.deepcopy(blobupload_config_options) + \ - copy.deepcopy(code_coverage_config_options) - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - # abs_dirs defined already in BaseScript but is here to make pylint happy - self.abs_dirs = None - super(DesktopUnittest, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - all_actions=[ - 'clobber', - 'read-buildbot-config', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'stage-files', - 'run-tests', - ], - require_config_file=require_config_file, - config={'require_test_zip': True}) - - c = self.config - self.global_test_options = [] - self.installer_url = c.get('installer_url') - self.test_url = c.get('test_url') - self.test_packages_url = c.get('test_packages_url') - self.symbols_url = c.get('symbols_url') - # this is so mozinstall in install() doesn't bug out if we don't run - # the download_and_extract action - self.installer_path = c.get('installer_path') - self.binary_path = c.get('binary_path') - self.abs_app_dir = None - self.abs_res_dir = None - - # Construct an identifier to be used to identify Perfherder data - # for resource monitoring recording. This attempts to uniquely - # identify this test invocation configuration. - perfherder_parts = [] - perfherder_options = [] - suites = ( - ('specified_mochitest_suites', 'mochitest'), - ('specified_reftest_suites', 'reftest'), - ('specified_xpcshell_suites', 'xpcshell'), - ('specified_cppunittest_suites', 'cppunit'), - ('specified_gtest_suites', 'gtest'), - ('specified_jittest_suites', 'jittest'), - ('specified_mozbase_suites', 'mozbase'), - ('specified_mozmill_suites', 'mozmill'), - ) - for s, prefix in suites: - if s in c: - perfherder_parts.append(prefix) - perfherder_parts.extend(c[s]) - - if 'this_chunk' in c: - perfherder_parts.append(c['this_chunk']) - - if c['e10s']: - perfherder_options.append('e10s') - - self.resource_monitor_perfherder_id = ('.'.join(perfherder_parts), - perfherder_options) - - # helper methods {{{2 - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - super(DesktopUnittest, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - c = self.config - if not c.get('run_all_suites'): - return # configs are valid - for category in SUITE_CATEGORIES: - specific_suites = c.get('specified_%s_suites' % (category)) - if specific_suites: - if specific_suites != 'all': - self.fatal("Config options are not valid. Please ensure" - " that if the '--run-all-suites' flag was enabled," - " then do not specify to run only specific suites " - "like:\n '--mochitest-suite browser-chrome'") - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(DesktopUnittest, self).query_abs_dirs() - - c = self.config - dirs = {} - dirs['abs_app_install_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'application') - dirs['abs_test_install_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tests') - dirs['abs_test_extensions_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'extensions') - dirs['abs_test_bin_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'bin') - dirs['abs_test_bin_plugins_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_bin_dir'], - 'plugins') - dirs['abs_test_bin_components_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_bin_dir'], - 'components') - dirs['abs_mochitest_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], "mochitest") - dirs['abs_reftest_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], "reftest") - dirs['abs_xpcshell_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], "xpcshell") - dirs['abs_cppunittest_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], "cppunittest") - dirs['abs_gtest_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], "gtest") - dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'blobber_upload_dir') - dirs['abs_jittest_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], "jit-test", "jit-test") - dirs['abs_mozbase_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], "mozbase") - dirs['abs_mozmill_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], "mozmill") - - if os.path.isabs(c['virtualenv_path']): - dirs['abs_virtualenv_dir'] = c['virtualenv_path'] - else: - dirs['abs_virtualenv_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], - c['virtualenv_path']) - abs_dirs.update(dirs) - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - - return self.abs_dirs - - def query_abs_app_dir(self): - """We can't set this in advance, because OSX install directories - change depending on branding and opt/debug. - """ - if self.abs_app_dir: - return self.abs_app_dir - if not self.binary_path: - self.fatal("Can't determine abs_app_dir (binary_path not set!)") - self.abs_app_dir = os.path.dirname(self.binary_path) - return self.abs_app_dir - - def query_abs_res_dir(self): - """The directory containing resources like plugins and extensions. On - OSX this is Contents/Resources, on all other platforms its the same as - the app dir. - - As with the app dir, we can't set this in advance, because OSX install - directories change depending on branding and opt/debug. - """ - if self.abs_res_dir: - return self.abs_res_dir - - abs_app_dir = self.query_abs_app_dir() - if self._is_darwin(): - res_subdir = self.config.get("mac_res_subdir", "Resources") - self.abs_res_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(abs_app_dir), res_subdir) - else: - self.abs_res_dir = abs_app_dir - return self.abs_res_dir - - @PreScriptAction('create-virtualenv') - def _pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - self.register_virtualenv_module(name='pip>=1.5') - self.register_virtualenv_module('psutil==3.1.1', method='pip') - self.register_virtualenv_module(name='mock') - self.register_virtualenv_module(name='simplejson') - - requirements_files = [ - os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], - 'config', - 'marionette_requirements.txt')] - - if os.path.isdir(dirs['abs_mochitest_dir']): - # mochitest is the only thing that needs this - requirements_files.append( - os.path.join(dirs['abs_mochitest_dir'], - 'websocketprocessbridge', - 'websocketprocessbridge_requirements.txt')) - - for requirements_file in requirements_files: - self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements_file], - two_pass=True) - - def _query_symbols_url(self): - """query the full symbols URL based upon binary URL""" - # may break with name convention changes but is one less 'input' for script - if self.symbols_url: - return self.symbols_url - - symbols_url = None - self.info("finding symbols_url based upon self.installer_url") - if self.installer_url: - for ext in ['.zip', '.dmg', '.tar.bz2']: - if ext in self.installer_url: - symbols_url = self.installer_url.replace( - ext, '.crashreporter-symbols.zip') - if not symbols_url: - self.fatal("self.installer_url was found but symbols_url could \ - not be determined") - else: - self.fatal("self.installer_url was not found in self.config") - self.info("setting symbols_url as %s" % (symbols_url)) - self.symbols_url = symbols_url - return self.symbols_url - - def _query_abs_base_cmd(self, suite_category, suite): - if self.binary_path: - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - run_file = c['run_file_names'][suite_category] - base_cmd = [self.query_python_path('python'), '-u'] - base_cmd.append(os.path.join(dirs["abs_%s_dir" % suite_category], run_file)) - abs_app_dir = self.query_abs_app_dir() - abs_res_dir = self.query_abs_res_dir() - - raw_log_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], - '%s_raw.log' % suite) - - error_summary_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], - '%s_errorsummary.log' % suite) - str_format_values = { - 'binary_path': self.binary_path, - 'symbols_path': self._query_symbols_url(), - 'abs_app_dir': abs_app_dir, - 'abs_res_dir': abs_res_dir, - 'raw_log_file': raw_log_file, - 'error_summary_file': error_summary_file, - 'gtest_dir': os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], - 'gtest'), - } - - # TestingMixin._download_and_extract_symbols() will set - # self.symbols_path when downloading/extracting. - if self.symbols_path: - str_format_values['symbols_path'] = self.symbols_path - - if suite_category in SUITE_DEFAULT_E10S and not c['e10s']: - base_cmd.append('--disable-e10s') - elif suite_category not in SUITE_DEFAULT_E10S and c['e10s']: - base_cmd.append('--e10s') - - if c.get('strict_content_sandbox'): - if suite_category == "mochitest": - base_cmd.append('--strict-content-sandbox') - else: - self.fatal("--strict-content-sandbox only works with mochitest suites.") - - if c.get('total_chunks') and c.get('this_chunk'): - base_cmd.extend(['--total-chunks', c['total_chunks'], - '--this-chunk', c['this_chunk']]) - - if c['no_random']: - if suite_category == "mochitest": - base_cmd.append('--bisect-chunk=default') - else: - self.warning("--no-random does not currently work with suites other than mochitest.") - - # set pluginsPath - abs_res_plugins_dir = os.path.join(abs_res_dir, 'plugins') - str_format_values['test_plugin_path'] = abs_res_plugins_dir - - if suite_category not in c["suite_definitions"]: - self.fatal("'%s' not defined in the config!") - - if suite in ('browser-chrome-coverage', 'xpcshell-coverage', 'mochitest-devtools-chrome-coverage'): - base_cmd.append('--jscov-dir-prefix=%s' % - dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir']) - - options = c["suite_definitions"][suite_category]["options"] - if options: - for option in options: - option = option % str_format_values - if not option.endswith('None'): - base_cmd.append(option) - if self.structured_output( - suite_category, - self._query_try_flavor(suite_category, suite) - ): - base_cmd.append("--log-raw=-") - return base_cmd - else: - self.warning("Suite options for %s could not be determined." - "\nIf you meant to have options for this suite, " - "please make sure they are specified in your " - "config under %s_options" % - (suite_category, suite_category)) - - return base_cmd - else: - self.fatal("'binary_path' could not be determined.\n This should " - "be like '/path/build/application/firefox/firefox'" - "\nIf you are running this script without the 'install' " - "action (where binary_path is set), please ensure you are" - " either:\n(1) specifying it in the config file under " - "binary_path\n(2) specifying it on command line with the" - " '--binary-path' flag") - - def _query_specified_suites(self, category): - # logic goes: if at least one '--{category}-suite' was given, - # then run only that(those) given suite(s). Elif no suites were - # specified and the --run-all-suites flag was given, - # run all {category} suites. Anything else, run no suites. - c = self.config - all_suites = c.get('all_%s_suites' % (category)) - specified_suites = c.get('specified_%s_suites' % (category)) # list - suites = None - - if specified_suites: - if 'all' in specified_suites: - # useful if you want a quick way of saying run all suites - # of a specific category. - suites = all_suites - else: - # suites gets a dict of everything from all_suites where a key - # is also in specified_suites - suites = dict((key, all_suites.get(key)) for key in - specified_suites if key in all_suites.keys()) - else: - if c.get('run_all_suites'): # needed if you dont specify any suites - suites = all_suites - - return suites - - def _query_try_flavor(self, category, suite): - flavors = { - "mochitest": [("plain.*", "mochitest"), - ("browser-chrome.*", "browser-chrome"), - ("mochitest-devtools-chrome.*", "devtools-chrome"), - ("chrome", "chrome"), - ("jetpack.*", "jetpack")], - "xpcshell": [("xpcshell", "xpcshell")], - "reftest": [("reftest", "reftest"), - ("crashtest", "crashtest")] - } - for suite_pattern, flavor in flavors.get(category, []): - if re.compile(suite_pattern).match(suite): - return flavor - - def structured_output(self, suite_category, flavor=None): - unstructured_flavors = self.config.get('unstructured_flavors') - if not unstructured_flavors: - return False - if suite_category not in unstructured_flavors: - return True - if not unstructured_flavors.get(suite_category) or flavor in unstructured_flavors.get(suite_category): - return False - return True - - def get_test_output_parser(self, suite_category, flavor=None, strict=False, - **kwargs): - if not self.structured_output(suite_category, flavor): - return DesktopUnittestOutputParser(suite_category=suite_category, **kwargs) - self.info("Structured output parser in use for %s." % suite_category) - return StructuredOutputParser(suite_category=suite_category, strict=strict, **kwargs) - - # Actions {{{2 - - # clobber defined in BaseScript, deletes mozharness/build if exists - # read_buildbot_config is in BuildbotMixin. - # postflight_read_buildbot_config is in TestingMixin. - # preflight_download_and_extract is in TestingMixin. - # create_virtualenv is in VirtualenvMixin. - # preflight_install is in TestingMixin. - # install is in TestingMixin. - # upload_blobber_files is in BlobUploadMixin - - @PreScriptAction('download-and-extract') - def _pre_download_and_extract(self, action): - """Abort if --artifact try syntax is used with compiled-code tests""" - if not self.try_message_has_flag('artifact'): - return - self.info('Artifact build requested in try syntax.') - rejected = [] - compiled_code_suites = [ - "cppunit", - "gtest", - "jittest", - ] - for category in SUITE_CATEGORIES: - suites = self._query_specified_suites(category) or [] - for suite in suites: - if any([suite.startswith(c) for c in compiled_code_suites]): - rejected.append(suite) - break - if rejected: - self.buildbot_status(TBPL_EXCEPTION) - self.fatal("There are specified suites that are incompatible with " - "--artifact try syntax flag: {}".format(', '.join(rejected)), - exit_code=self.return_code) - - - def download_and_extract(self): - """ - download and extract test zip / download installer - optimizes which subfolders to extract from tests zip - """ - c = self.config - - extract_dirs = None - if c['specific_tests_zip_dirs']: - extract_dirs = list(c['minimum_tests_zip_dirs']) - for category in c['specific_tests_zip_dirs'].keys(): - if c['run_all_suites'] or self._query_specified_suites(category) \ - or 'run-tests' not in self.actions: - extract_dirs.extend(c['specific_tests_zip_dirs'][category]) - - if c.get('run_all_suites'): - target_categories = SUITE_CATEGORIES - else: - target_categories = [cat for cat in SUITE_CATEGORIES - if self._query_specified_suites(cat) is not None] - super(DesktopUnittest, self).download_and_extract(extract_dirs=extract_dirs, - suite_categories=target_categories) - - def stage_files(self): - for category in SUITE_CATEGORIES: - suites = self._query_specified_suites(category) - stage = getattr(self, '_stage_{}'.format(category), None) - if suites and stage: - stage(suites) - - def _stage_files(self, bin_name=None): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - abs_app_dir = self.query_abs_app_dir() - - # For mac these directories are in Contents/Resources, on other - # platforms abs_res_dir will point to abs_app_dir. - abs_res_dir = self.query_abs_res_dir() - abs_res_components_dir = os.path.join(abs_res_dir, 'components') - abs_res_plugins_dir = os.path.join(abs_res_dir, 'plugins') - abs_res_extensions_dir = os.path.join(abs_res_dir, 'extensions') - - if bin_name: - self.info('copying %s to %s' % (os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_bin_dir'], - bin_name), os.path.join(abs_app_dir, bin_name))) - shutil.copy2(os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_bin_dir'], bin_name), - os.path.join(abs_app_dir, bin_name)) - - self.copytree(dirs['abs_test_bin_components_dir'], - abs_res_components_dir, - overwrite='overwrite_if_exists') - self.mkdir_p(abs_res_plugins_dir) - self.copytree(dirs['abs_test_bin_plugins_dir'], - abs_res_plugins_dir, - overwrite='overwrite_if_exists') - if os.path.isdir(dirs['abs_test_extensions_dir']): - self.mkdir_p(abs_res_extensions_dir) - self.copytree(dirs['abs_test_extensions_dir'], - abs_res_extensions_dir, - overwrite='overwrite_if_exists') - - def _stage_xpcshell(self, suites): - self._stage_files(self.config['xpcshell_name']) - - def _stage_cppunittest(self, suites): - abs_res_dir = self.query_abs_res_dir() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - abs_cppunittest_dir = dirs['abs_cppunittest_dir'] - - # move manifest and js fils to resources dir, where tests expect them - files = glob.glob(os.path.join(abs_cppunittest_dir, '*.js')) - files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(abs_cppunittest_dir, '*.manifest'))) - for f in files: - self.move(f, abs_res_dir) - - def _stage_gtest(self, suites): - abs_res_dir = self.query_abs_res_dir() - abs_app_dir = self.query_abs_app_dir() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - abs_gtest_dir = dirs['abs_gtest_dir'] - dirs['abs_test_bin_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'bin') - - files = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_bin_plugins_dir'], 'gmp-*')) - files.append(os.path.join(abs_gtest_dir, 'dependentlibs.list.gtest')) - for f in files: - self.move(f, abs_res_dir) - - self.copytree(os.path.join(abs_gtest_dir, 'gtest_bin'), - os.path.join(abs_app_dir)) - - def _stage_mozmill(self, suites): - self._stage_files() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - modules = ['jsbridge', 'mozmill'] - for module in modules: - self.install_module(module=os.path.join(dirs['abs_mozmill_dir'], - 'resources', - module)) - - # pull defined in VCSScript. - # preflight_run_tests defined in TestingMixin. - - def run_tests(self): - for category in SUITE_CATEGORIES: - self._run_category_suites(category) - - def get_timeout_for_category(self, suite_category): - if suite_category == 'cppunittest': - return 2500 - return self.config["suite_definitions"][suite_category].get('run_timeout', 1000) - - def _run_category_suites(self, suite_category): - """run suite(s) to a specific category""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - suites = self._query_specified_suites(suite_category) - abs_app_dir = self.query_abs_app_dir() - abs_res_dir = self.query_abs_res_dir() - - if suites: - self.info('#### Running %s suites' % suite_category) - for suite in suites: - abs_base_cmd = self._query_abs_base_cmd(suite_category, suite) - cmd = abs_base_cmd[:] - replace_dict = { - 'abs_app_dir': abs_app_dir, - - # Mac specific, but points to abs_app_dir on other - # platforms. - 'abs_res_dir': abs_res_dir, - } - options_list = [] - env = {} - if isinstance(suites[suite], dict): - options_list = suites[suite].get('options', []) - tests_list = suites[suite].get('tests', []) - env = copy.deepcopy(suites[suite].get('env', {})) - else: - options_list = suites[suite] - tests_list = [] - - flavor = self._query_try_flavor(suite_category, suite) - try_options, try_tests = self.try_args(flavor) - - cmd.extend(self.query_options(options_list, - try_options, - str_format_values=replace_dict)) - cmd.extend(self.query_tests_args(tests_list, - try_tests, - str_format_values=replace_dict)) - - suite_name = suite_category + '-' + suite - tbpl_status, log_level = None, None - error_list = BaseErrorList + HarnessErrorList - parser = self.get_test_output_parser(suite_category, - flavor=flavor, - config=self.config, - error_list=error_list, - log_obj=self.log_obj) - - if suite_category == "reftest": - ref_formatter = imp.load_source( - "ReftestFormatter", - os.path.abspath( - os.path.join(dirs["abs_reftest_dir"], "output.py"))) - parser.formatter = ref_formatter.ReftestFormatter() - - if self.query_minidump_stackwalk(): - env['MINIDUMP_STACKWALK'] = self.minidump_stackwalk_path - if self.query_nodejs(): - env['MOZ_NODE_PATH'] = self.nodejs_path - env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'] = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - env['MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH'] = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - if not os.path.isdir(env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR']): - self.mkdir_p(env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR']) - - if self.config['allow_software_gl_layers']: - env['MOZ_LAYERS_ALLOW_SOFTWARE_GL'] = '1' - - env = self.query_env(partial_env=env, log_level=INFO) - cmd_timeout = self.get_timeout_for_category(suite_category) - return_code = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - output_timeout=cmd_timeout, - output_parser=parser, - env=env) - - # mochitest, reftest, and xpcshell suites do not return - # appropriate return codes. Therefore, we must parse the output - # to determine what the tbpl_status and worst_log_level must - # be. We do this by: - # 1) checking to see if our mozharness script ran into any - # errors itself with 'num_errors' <- OutputParser - # 2) if num_errors is 0 then we look in the subclassed 'parser' - # findings for harness/suite errors <- DesktopUnittestOutputParser - # 3) checking to see if the return code is in success_codes - - success_codes = None - if self._is_windows() and suite_category != 'gtest': - # bug 1120644 - success_codes = [0, 1] - - tbpl_status, log_level = parser.evaluate_parser(return_code, - success_codes=success_codes) - parser.append_tinderboxprint_line(suite_name) - - self.buildbot_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) - self.log("The %s suite: %s ran with return status: %s" % - (suite_category, suite, tbpl_status), level=log_level) - else: - self.debug('There were no suites to run for %s' % suite_category) - - -# main {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - desktop_unittest = DesktopUnittest() - desktop_unittest.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_media_tests_buildbot.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_media_tests_buildbot.py deleted file mode 100644 index 17b830f0f..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_media_tests_buildbot.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this -# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""firefox_media_tests_buildbot.py - -Author: Maja Frydrychowicz -""" -import copy -import glob -import os -import sys - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.log import DEBUG, ERROR, INFO -from mozharness.base.script import PostScriptAction -from mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload import ( - BlobUploadMixin, - blobupload_config_options -) -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import ( - TBPL_SUCCESS, TBPL_WARNING, TBPL_FAILURE -) -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.firefox_media_tests import ( - FirefoxMediaTestsBase, TESTFAILED, SUCCESS -) - - -class FirefoxMediaTestsBuildbot(FirefoxMediaTestsBase, BlobUploadMixin): - - def __init__(self): - config_options = copy.deepcopy(blobupload_config_options) - super(FirefoxMediaTestsBuildbot, self).__init__( - config_options=config_options, - all_actions=['clobber', - 'read-buildbot-config', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-media-tests', - ], - ) - - def run_media_tests(self): - status = super(FirefoxMediaTestsBuildbot, self).run_media_tests() - if status == SUCCESS: - tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS - else: - tbpl_status = TBPL_FAILURE - if status == TESTFAILED: - tbpl_status = TBPL_WARNING - self.buildbot_status(tbpl_status) - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(FirefoxMediaTestsBuildbot, self).query_abs_dirs() - dirs = { - 'abs_blob_upload_dir': os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], - 'blobber_upload_dir') - } - abs_dirs.update(dirs) - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - return self.abs_dirs - - def _query_cmd(self): - cmd = super(FirefoxMediaTestsBuildbot, self)._query_cmd() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - # configure logging - blob_upload_dir = dirs.get('abs_blob_upload_dir') - cmd += ['--gecko-log', os.path.join(blob_upload_dir, 'gecko.log')] - cmd += ['--log-html', os.path.join(blob_upload_dir, 'media_tests.html')] - cmd += ['--log-mach', os.path.join(blob_upload_dir, 'media_tests_mach.log')] - return cmd - - @PostScriptAction('run-media-tests') - def _collect_uploads(self, action, success=None): - """ Copy extra (log) files to blob upload dir. """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - log_dir = dirs.get('abs_log_dir') - blob_upload_dir = dirs.get('abs_blob_upload_dir') - if not log_dir or not blob_upload_dir: - return - self.mkdir_p(blob_upload_dir) - # Move firefox-media-test screenshots into log_dir - screenshots_dir = os.path.join(dirs['base_work_dir'], - 'screenshots') - log_screenshots_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, 'screenshots') - if os.access(log_screenshots_dir, os.F_OK): - self.rmtree(log_screenshots_dir) - if os.access(screenshots_dir, os.F_OK): - self.move(screenshots_dir, log_screenshots_dir) - - # logs to upload: broadest level (info), error, screenshots - uploads = glob.glob(os.path.join(log_screenshots_dir, '*')) - log_files = self.log_obj.log_files - log_level = self.log_obj.log_level - - def append_path(filename, dir=log_dir): - if filename: - uploads.append(os.path.join(dir, filename)) - - append_path(log_files.get(ERROR)) - # never upload debug logs - if log_level == DEBUG: - append_path(log_files.get(INFO)) - else: - append_path(log_files.get(log_level)) - # in case of SimpleFileLogger - append_path(log_files.get('default')) - for f in uploads: - if os.access(f, os.F_OK): - dest = os.path.join(blob_upload_dir, os.path.basename(f)) - self.copyfile(f, dest) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - media_test = FirefoxMediaTestsBuildbot() - media_test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_media_tests_jenkins.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_media_tests_jenkins.py deleted file mode 100755 index e35655257..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_media_tests_jenkins.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this -# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""firefox_media_tests_jenkins.py - -Author: Syd Polk -""" -import os -import sys - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.firefox_media_tests import ( - FirefoxMediaTestsBase -) - - -class FirefoxMediaTestsJenkins(FirefoxMediaTestsBase): - - def __init__(self): - super(FirefoxMediaTestsJenkins, self).__init__( - all_actions=['clobber', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-media-tests', - ], - ) - - def _query_cmd(self): - cmd = super(FirefoxMediaTestsJenkins, self)._query_cmd() - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - # configure logging - log_dir = dirs.get('abs_log_dir') - cmd += ['--gecko-log', os.path.join(log_dir, 'gecko.log')] - cmd += ['--log-html', os.path.join(log_dir, 'media_tests.html')] - cmd += ['--log-mach', os.path.join(log_dir, 'media_tests_mach.log')] - - return cmd - -if __name__ == '__main__': - media_test = FirefoxMediaTestsJenkins() - media_test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_media_tests_taskcluster.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_media_tests_taskcluster.py deleted file mode 100644 index 7a0121dca..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_media_tests_taskcluster.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this -# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""firefox_media_tests_taskcluster.py - -Adapted from firefox_media_tests_buildbot.py - -Author: Bryce Van Dyk -""" -import copy -import glob -import os -import sys - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.log import DEBUG, ERROR, INFO -from mozharness.base.script import PostScriptAction -from mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload import ( - BlobUploadMixin, - blobupload_config_options -) -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.firefox_media_tests import ( - FirefoxMediaTestsBase, TESTFAILED, SUCCESS -) - - -class FirefoxMediaTestsTaskcluster(FirefoxMediaTestsBase): - - def __init__(self): - config_options = copy.deepcopy(blobupload_config_options) - super(FirefoxMediaTestsTaskcluster, self).__init__( - config_options=config_options, - all_actions=['clobber', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-media-tests', - ], - ) - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(FirefoxMediaTestsTaskcluster, self).query_abs_dirs() - dirs = { - 'abs_blob_upload_dir': os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], - 'blobber_upload_dir') - } - abs_dirs.update(dirs) - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - return self.abs_dirs - - def _query_cmd(self): - cmd = super(FirefoxMediaTestsTaskcluster, self)._query_cmd() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - # configure logging - blob_upload_dir = dirs.get('abs_blob_upload_dir') - cmd += ['--gecko-log', os.path.join(blob_upload_dir, 'gecko.log')] - cmd += ['--log-html', os.path.join(blob_upload_dir, 'media_tests.html')] - cmd += ['--log-mach', os.path.join(blob_upload_dir, 'media_tests_mach.log')] - return cmd - - @PostScriptAction('run-media-tests') - def _collect_uploads(self, action, success=None): - """ Copy extra (log) files to blob upload dir. """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - log_dir = dirs.get('abs_log_dir') - blob_upload_dir = dirs.get('abs_blob_upload_dir') - if not log_dir or not blob_upload_dir: - return - self.mkdir_p(blob_upload_dir) - # Move firefox-media-test screenshots into log_dir - screenshots_dir = os.path.join(dirs['base_work_dir'], - 'screenshots') - log_screenshots_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, 'screenshots') - if os.access(log_screenshots_dir, os.F_OK): - self.rmtree(log_screenshots_dir) - if os.access(screenshots_dir, os.F_OK): - self.move(screenshots_dir, log_screenshots_dir) - - # logs to upload: broadest level (info), error, screenshots - uploads = glob.glob(os.path.join(log_screenshots_dir, '*')) - log_files = self.log_obj.log_files - log_level = self.log_obj.log_level - - def append_path(filename, dir=log_dir): - if filename: - uploads.append(os.path.join(dir, filename)) - - append_path(log_files.get(ERROR)) - # never upload debug logs - if log_level == DEBUG: - append_path(log_files.get(INFO)) - else: - append_path(log_files.get(log_level)) - # in case of SimpleFileLogger - append_path(log_files.get('default')) - for f in uploads: - if os.access(f, os.F_OK): - dest = os.path.join(blob_upload_dir, os.path.basename(f)) - self.copyfile(f, dest) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - media_test = FirefoxMediaTestsTaskcluster() - media_test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_ui_tests/functional.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_ui_tests/functional.py deleted file mode 100755 index 58048ad33..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_ui_tests/functional.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - - -import os -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) - -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.firefox_ui_tests import FirefoxUIFunctionalTests - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - myScript = FirefoxUIFunctionalTests() - myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_ui_tests/update.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_ui_tests/update.py deleted file mode 100755 index c8f5842b7..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_ui_tests/update.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - - -import os -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) - -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.firefox_ui_tests import FirefoxUIUpdateTests - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - myScript = FirefoxUIUpdateTests() - myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_ui_tests/update_release.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_ui_tests/update_release.py deleted file mode 100755 index f1ec81646..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_ui_tests/update_release.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,323 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - - -import copy -import os -import pprint -import sys -import urllib - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) - -from mozharness.base.python import PreScriptAction -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import TBPL_SUCCESS, TBPL_WARNING, EXIT_STATUS_DICT -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.firefox_ui_tests import ( - FirefoxUIUpdateTests, - firefox_ui_update_config_options -) - - -# Command line arguments for release update tests -firefox_ui_update_release_config_options = [ - [['--build-number'], { - 'dest': 'build_number', - 'help': 'Build number of release, eg: 2', - }], - [['--limit-locales'], { - 'dest': 'limit_locales', - 'default': -1, - 'type': int, - 'help': 'Limit the number of locales to run.', - }], - [['--release-update-config'], { - 'dest': 'release_update_config', - 'help': 'Name of the release update verification config file to use.', - }], - [['--this-chunk'], { - 'dest': 'this_chunk', - 'default': 1, - 'help': 'What chunk of locales to process.', - }], - [['--tools-repo'], { - 'dest': 'tools_repo', - 'default': 'http://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools', - 'help': 'Which tools repo to check out', - }], - [['--tools-tag'], { - 'dest': 'tools_tag', - 'help': 'Which revision/tag to use for the tools repository.', - }], - [['--total-chunks'], { - 'dest': 'total_chunks', - 'default': 1, - 'help': 'Total chunks to dive the locales into.', - }], -] + copy.deepcopy(firefox_ui_update_config_options) - - -class ReleaseFirefoxUIUpdateTests(FirefoxUIUpdateTests): - - def __init__(self): - all_actions = [ - 'clobber', - 'checkout', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'query_minidump_stackwalk', - 'read-release-update-config', - 'run-tests', - ] - - super(ReleaseFirefoxUIUpdateTests, self).__init__( - all_actions=all_actions, - default_actions=all_actions, - config_options=firefox_ui_update_release_config_options, - append_env_variables_from_configs=True, - ) - - self.tools_repo = self.config.get('tools_repo') - self.tools_tag = self.config.get('tools_tag') - - assert self.tools_repo and self.tools_tag, \ - 'Without the "--tools-tag" we can\'t clone the releng\'s tools repository.' - - self.limit_locales = int(self.config.get('limit_locales')) - - # This will be a list containing one item per release based on configs - # from tools/release/updates/*cfg - self.releases = None - - def checkout(self): - """ - We checkout the tools repository and update to the right branch - for it. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - super(ReleaseFirefoxUIUpdateTests, self).checkout() - - self.vcs_checkout( - repo=self.tools_repo, - dest=dirs['abs_tools_dir'], - branch=self.tools_tag, - vcs='hg' - ) - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - - abs_dirs = super(ReleaseFirefoxUIUpdateTests, self).query_abs_dirs() - dirs = { - 'abs_tools_dir': os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tools'), - } - - for key in dirs: - if key not in abs_dirs: - abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - - return self.abs_dirs - - def read_release_update_config(self): - ''' - Builds a testing matrix based on an update verification configuration - file under the tools repository (release/updates/*.cfg). - - Each release info line of the update verification files look similar to the following. - - NOTE: This shows each pair of information as a new line but in reality - there is one white space separting them. We only show the values we care for. - - release="38.0" - platform="Linux_x86_64-gcc3" - build_id="20150429135941" - locales="ach af ... zh-TW" - channel="beta-localtest" - from="/firefox/releases/38.0b9/linux-x86_64/%locale%/firefox-38.0b9.tar.bz2" - ftp_server_from="http://archive.mozilla.org/pub" - - We will store this information in self.releases as a list of releases. - - NOTE: We will talk of full and quick releases. Full release info normally contains a subset - of all locales (except for the most recent releases). A quick release has all locales, - however, it misses the fields 'from' and 'ftp_server_from'. - Both pairs of information complement each other but differ in such manner. - ''' - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - assert os.path.exists(dirs['abs_tools_dir']), \ - 'Without the tools/ checkout we can\'t use releng\'s config parser.' - - if self.config.get('release_update_config'): - # The config file is part of the tools repository. Make sure that if specified - # we force a revision of that repository to be set. - if self.tools_tag is None: - self.fatal('Make sure to specify the --tools-tag') - - self.release_update_config = self.config['release_update_config'] - - # Import the config parser - sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(dirs['abs_tools_dir'], 'lib', 'python')) - from release.updates.verify import UpdateVerifyConfig - - uvc = UpdateVerifyConfig() - config_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_tools_dir'], 'release', 'updates', - self.config['release_update_config']) - uvc.read(config_file) - if not hasattr(self, 'update_channel'): - self.update_channel = uvc.channel - - # Filter out any releases that are less than Gecko 38 - uvc.releases = [r for r in uvc.releases - if int(r['release'].split('.')[0]) >= 38] - - temp_releases = [] - for rel_info in uvc.releases: - # This is the full release info - if 'from' in rel_info and rel_info['from'] is not None: - # Let's find the associated quick release which contains the remaining locales - # for all releases except for the most recent release which contain all locales - quick_release = uvc.getRelease(build_id=rel_info['build_id'], from_path=None) - if quick_release != {}: - rel_info['locales'] = sorted(rel_info['locales'] + quick_release['locales']) - temp_releases.append(rel_info) - - uvc.releases = temp_releases - chunked_config = uvc.getChunk( - chunks=int(self.config['total_chunks']), - thisChunk=int(self.config['this_chunk']) - ) - - self.releases = chunked_config.releases - - @PreScriptAction('run-tests') - def _pre_run_tests(self, action): - assert ('release_update_config' in self.config or - self.installer_url or self.installer_path), \ - 'Either specify --update-verify-config, --installer-url or --installer-path.' - - def run_tests(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - # We don't want multiple outputs of the same environment information. To prevent - # that, we can't make it an argument of run_command and have to print it on our own. - self.info('Using env: {}'.format(pprint.pformat(self.query_env()))) - - results = {} - - locales_counter = 0 - for rel_info in sorted(self.releases, key=lambda release: release['build_id']): - build_id = rel_info['build_id'] - results[build_id] = {} - - self.info('About to run {buildid} {path} - {num_locales} locales'.format( - buildid=build_id, - path=rel_info['from'], - num_locales=len(rel_info['locales']) - )) - - # Each locale gets a fresh port to avoid address in use errors in case of - # tests that time out unexpectedly. - marionette_port = 2827 - for locale in rel_info['locales']: - locales_counter += 1 - self.info('Running {buildid} {locale}'.format(buildid=build_id, - locale=locale)) - - if self.limit_locales > -1 and locales_counter > self.limit_locales: - self.info('We have reached the limit of locales we were intending to run') - break - - if self.config['dry_run']: - continue - - # Determine from where to download the file - installer_url = '{server}/{fragment}'.format( - server=rel_info['ftp_server_from'], - fragment=urllib.quote(rel_info['from'].replace('%locale%', locale)) - ) - installer_path = self.download_file( - url=installer_url, - parent_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir'] - ) - - binary_path = self.install_app(app=self.config.get('application'), - installer_path=installer_path) - - marionette_port += 1 - - retcode = self.run_test( - binary_path=binary_path, - env=self.query_env(avoid_host_env=True), - marionette_port=marionette_port, - ) - - self.uninstall_app() - - # Remove installer which is not needed anymore - self.info('Removing {}'.format(installer_path)) - os.remove(installer_path) - - if retcode: - self.warning('FAIL: {} has failed.'.format(sys.argv[0])) - - base_cmd = 'python {command} --firefox-ui-branch {branch} ' \ - '--release-update-config {config} --tools-tag {tag}'.format( - command=sys.argv[0], - branch=self.firefox_ui_branch, - config=self.release_update_config, - tag=self.tools_tag - ) - - for config in self.config['config_files']: - base_cmd += ' --cfg {}'.format(config) - - if self.symbols_url: - base_cmd += ' --symbols-path {}'.format(self.symbols_url) - - base_cmd += ' --installer-url {}'.format(installer_url) - - self.info('You can run the *specific* locale on the same machine with:') - self.info(base_cmd) - - self.info('You can run the *specific* locale on *your* machine with:') - self.info('{} --cfg developer_config.py'.format(base_cmd)) - - results[build_id][locale] = retcode - - self.info('Completed {buildid} {locale} with return code: {retcode}'.format( - buildid=build_id, - locale=locale, - retcode=retcode)) - - if self.limit_locales > -1 and locales_counter > self.limit_locales: - break - - # Determine which locales have failed and set scripts exit code - exit_status = TBPL_SUCCESS - for build_id in sorted(results.keys()): - failed_locales = [] - for locale in sorted(results[build_id].keys()): - if results[build_id][locale] != 0: - failed_locales.append(locale) - - if failed_locales: - if exit_status == TBPL_SUCCESS: - self.info('\nSUMMARY - Failed locales for {}:'.format(self.cli_script)) - self.info('====================================================') - exit_status = TBPL_WARNING - - self.info(build_id) - self.info(' {}'.format(', '.join(failed_locales))) - - self.return_code = EXIT_STATUS_DICT[exit_status] - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - myScript = ReleaseFirefoxUIUpdateTests() - myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/fx_desktop_build.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/fx_desktop_build.py deleted file mode 100755 index 40f20442c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/fx_desktop_build.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,235 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""fx_desktop_build.py. - -script harness to build nightly firefox within Mozilla's build environment -and developer machines alike - -author: Jordan Lund - -""" - -import copy -import pprint -import sys -import os - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -import mozharness.base.script as script -from mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase import BUILD_BASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS, \ - BuildingConfig, BuildOptionParser, BuildScript -from mozharness.base.config import parse_config_file -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.try_tools import TryToolsMixin, try_config_options - - -class FxDesktopBuild(BuildScript, TryToolsMixin, object): - def __init__(self): - buildscript_kwargs = { - 'config_options': BUILD_BASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS + copy.deepcopy(try_config_options), - 'all_actions': [ - 'get-secrets', - 'clobber', - 'clone-tools', - 'checkout-sources', - 'setup-mock', - 'build', - 'upload-files', # upload from BB to TC - 'sendchange', - 'check-test', - 'valgrind-test', - 'package-source', - 'generate-source-signing-manifest', - 'multi-l10n', - 'generate-build-stats', - 'update', - ], - 'require_config_file': True, - # Default configuration - 'config': { - 'is_automation': True, - "pgo_build": False, - "debug_build": False, - "pgo_platforms": ['linux', 'linux64', 'win32', 'win64'], - # nightly stuff - "nightly_build": False, - 'balrog_credentials_file': 'oauth.txt', - 'taskcluster_credentials_file': 'oauth.txt', - 'periodic_clobber': 168, - # hg tool stuff - "tools_repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - # Seed all clones with mozilla-unified. This ensures subsequent - # jobs have a minimal `hg pull`. - "clone_upstream_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified", - "repo_base": "https://hg.mozilla.org", - 'tooltool_url': 'https://api.pub.build.mozilla.org/tooltool/', - "graph_selector": "/server/collect.cgi", - # only used for make uploadsymbols - 'old_packages': [ - "%(objdir)s/dist/firefox-*", - "%(objdir)s/dist/fennec*", - "%(objdir)s/dist/seamonkey*", - "%(objdir)s/dist/thunderbird*", - "%(objdir)s/dist/install/sea/*.exe" - ], - 'stage_product': 'firefox', - 'platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest': True, - 'build_resources_path': '%(abs_src_dir)s/obj-firefox/.mozbuild/build_resources.json', - 'nightly_promotion_branches': ['mozilla-central', 'mozilla-aurora'], - - # try will overwrite these - 'clone_with_purge': False, - 'clone_by_revision': False, - 'tinderbox_build_dir': None, - 'to_tinderbox_dated': True, - 'release_to_try_builds': False, - 'include_post_upload_builddir': False, - 'use_clobberer': True, - - 'stage_username': 'ffxbld', - 'stage_ssh_key': 'ffxbld_rsa', - 'virtualenv_modules': [ - 'requests==2.8.1', - 'PyHawk-with-a-single-extra-commit==0.1.5', - 'taskcluster==0.0.26', - ], - 'virtualenv_path': 'venv', - # - - }, - 'ConfigClass': BuildingConfig, - } - super(FxDesktopBuild, self).__init__(**buildscript_kwargs) - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - """grab buildbot props if we are running this in automation""" - super(FxDesktopBuild, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - c = self.config - if c['is_automation']: - # parse buildbot config and add it to self.config - self.info("We are running this in buildbot, grab the build props") - self.read_buildbot_config() - ### - if c.get('stage_platform'): - platform_for_log_url = c['stage_platform'] - if c.get('pgo_build'): - platform_for_log_url += '-pgo' - # postrun.py uses stage_platform buildbot prop as part of the log url - self.set_buildbot_property('stage_platform', - platform_for_log_url, - write_to_file=True) - else: - self.fatal("'stage_platform' not determined and is required in your config") - - if self.try_message_has_flag('artifact'): - self.info('Artifact build requested in try syntax.') - variant = 'artifact' - if c.get('build_variant') in ['debug', 'cross-debug']: - variant = 'debug-artifact' - self._update_build_variant(rw_config, variant) - - # helpers - def _update_build_variant(self, rw_config, variant='artifact'): - """ Intended for use in _pre_config_lock """ - c = self.config - variant_cfg_path, _ = BuildOptionParser.find_variant_cfg_path( - '--custom-build-variant-cfg', - variant, - rw_config.config_parser - ) - if not variant_cfg_path: - self.fatal('Could not find appropriate config file for variant %s' % variant) - # Update other parts of config to keep dump-config accurate - # Only dump-config is affected because most config info is set during - # initial parsing - variant_cfg_dict = parse_config_file(variant_cfg_path) - rw_config.all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append((variant_cfg_path, variant_cfg_dict)) - c.update({ - 'build_variant': variant, - 'config_files': c['config_files'] + [variant_cfg_path] - }) - - self.info("Updating self.config with the following from {}:".format(variant_cfg_path)) - self.info(pprint.pformat(variant_cfg_dict)) - c.update(variant_cfg_dict) - c['forced_artifact_build'] = True - # Bug 1231320 adds MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks to override default_actions - # We don't want that when forcing an artifact build. - if rw_config.volatile_config['actions']: - self.info("Updating volatile_config to include default_actions " - "from {}.".format(variant_cfg_path)) - # add default actions in correct order - combined_actions = [] - for a in rw_config.all_actions: - if a in c['default_actions'] or a in rw_config.volatile_config['actions']: - combined_actions.append(a) - rw_config.volatile_config['actions'] = combined_actions - self.info("Actions in volatile_config are now: {}".format( - rw_config.volatile_config['actions']) - ) - # replace rw_config as well to set actions as in BaseScript - rw_config.set_config(c, overwrite=True) - rw_config.update_actions() - self.actions = tuple(rw_config.actions) - self.all_actions = tuple(rw_config.all_actions) - - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - c = self.config - abs_dirs = super(FxDesktopBuild, self).query_abs_dirs() - if not c.get('app_ini_path'): - self.fatal('"app_ini_path" is needed in your config for this ' - 'script.') - - dirs = { - # BuildFactories in factory.py refer to a 'build' dir on the slave. - # This contains all the source code/objdir to compile. However, - # there is already a build dir in mozharness for every mh run. The - # 'build' that factory refers to I named: 'src' so - # there is a seperation in mh. for example, rather than having - # '{mozharness_repo}/build/build/', I have '{ - # mozharness_repo}/build/src/' - 'abs_src_dir': os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], - 'src'), - 'abs_obj_dir': os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], - 'src', - self._query_objdir()), - 'abs_tools_dir': os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tools'), - 'abs_app_ini_path': c['app_ini_path'] % { - 'obj_dir': os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], - 'src', - self._query_objdir()) - }, - } - abs_dirs.update(dirs) - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - return self.abs_dirs - - # Actions {{{2 - # read_buildbot_config in BuildingMixin - # clobber in BuildingMixin -> PurgeMixin - # if Linux config: - # reset_mock in BuildingMixing -> MockMixin - # setup_mock in BuildingMixing (overrides MockMixin.mock_setup) - - def set_extra_try_arguments(self, action, success=None): - """ Override unneeded method from TryToolsMixin """ - pass - - @script.PreScriptRun - def suppress_windows_modal_dialogs(self, *args, **kwargs): - if self._is_windows(): - # Suppress Windows modal dialogs to avoid hangs - import ctypes - ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(0x8001) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - fx_desktop_build = FxDesktopBuild() - fx_desktop_build.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_build_integration.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_build_integration.py deleted file mode 100755 index 32d188ffd..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_build_integration.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -import os -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.gaia_test import GaiaTest -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import TestSummaryOutputParserHelper - - -class GaiaBuildIntegrationTest(GaiaTest): - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): - GaiaTest.__init__(self, require_config_file) - - def run_tests(self): - """ - Run the integration test suite. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - self.node_setup() - - output_parser = TestSummaryOutputParserHelper( - config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, error_list=self.error_list) - - cmd = [ - 'make', - 'build-test-integration', - 'REPORTER=mocha-tbpl-reporter', - 'NODE_MODULES_SRC=npm-cache', - 'VIRTUALENV_EXISTS=1', - 'TRY_ENV=1' - ] - - # for Mulet - if 'firefox' in self.binary_path: - cmd += ['RUNTIME=%s' % self.binary_path] - - code = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['abs_gaia_dir'], - output_parser=output_parser, - output_timeout=600) - - output_parser.print_summary('gaia-build-integration-tests') - self.publish(code) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - gaia_build_integration_test = GaiaBuildIntegrationTest() - gaia_build_integration_test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_build_unit.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_build_unit.py deleted file mode 100755 index c16ce99fa..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_build_unit.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -import os -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.gaia_test import GaiaTest -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import TestSummaryOutputParserHelper - - -class GaiaBuildUnitTest(GaiaTest): - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): - GaiaTest.__init__(self, require_config_file) - - def run_tests(self): - """ - Run the gaia build unit test suite. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - self.node_setup() - - output_parser = TestSummaryOutputParserHelper( - config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, error_list=self.error_list) - - cmd = [ - 'make', - 'build-test-unit', - 'REPORTER=mocha-tbpl-reporter', - 'NODE_MODULES_SRC=npm-cache', - 'VIRTUALENV_EXISTS=1', - 'TRY_ENV=1' - ] - - # for Mulet - if 'firefox' in self.binary_path: - cmd += ['RUNTIME=%s' % self.binary_path] - - code = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['abs_gaia_dir'], - output_parser=output_parser, - output_timeout=330) - - output_parser.print_summary('gaia-build-unit-tests') - self.publish(code) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - gaia_build_unit_test = GaiaBuildUnitTest() - gaia_build_unit_test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_integration.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_integration.py deleted file mode 100644 index 3edb8b964..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_integration.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -import os -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.gaia_test import GaiaTest -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import TestSummaryOutputParserHelper - - -class GaiaIntegrationTest(GaiaTest): - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): - GaiaTest.__init__(self, require_config_file) - - def run_tests(self): - """ - Run the integration test suite. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - self.node_setup() - - output_parser = TestSummaryOutputParserHelper( - config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, error_list=self.error_list) - - # Bug 1046694 - add environment variables which govern test chunking - env = {} - if self.config.get('this_chunk') and self.config.get('total_chunks'): - env["PART"] = self.config.get('this_chunk') - env["NBPARTS"] = self.config.get('total_chunks') - env = self.query_env(partial_env=env) - - # Bug 1137884 - marionette-js-runner needs to know about virtualenv - gaia_runner_service = ( - dirs['abs_gaia_dir'] + - '/node_modules/marionette-js-runner/host/python/runner-service') - # Check whether python package is around since there exist versions - # of gaia that depend on versions of marionette-js-runner without - # the python stuff. - if os.path.exists(gaia_runner_service): - self.install_module('gaia-runner-service', gaia_runner_service) - env['VIRTUALENV_PATH'] = self.query_virtualenv_path() - env['HOST_LOG'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_log_dir'], 'gecko_output.log') - - cmd = [ - 'make', - 'test-integration', - 'REPORTER=mocha-tbpl-reporter', - 'TEST_MANIFEST=./shared/test/integration/tbpl-manifest.json', - 'NODE_MODULE_SRC=npm-cache', - 'VIRTUALENV_EXISTS=1' - ] - - # for Mulet - if 'firefox' in self.binary_path: - cmd += ['RUNTIME=%s' % self.binary_path] - - code = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['abs_gaia_dir'], env=env, - output_parser=output_parser, - output_timeout=330) - - output_parser.print_summary('gaia-integration-tests') - self.publish(code, passed=output_parser.passed, failed=output_parser.failed) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - gaia_integration_test = GaiaIntegrationTest() - gaia_integration_test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_linter.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_linter.py deleted file mode 100755 index e4441b92b..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_linter.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,148 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -import os -import re -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.log import OutputParser, ERROR -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.gaia_test import GaiaTest - - -class GaiaLinterOutputParser(OutputParser): - - JSHINT_START = "Running jshint..." - JSHINT_DONE = "xfailed)" - JSHINT_ERROR = re.compile('(.+): (.*?) \(ERROR\)') - - LAST_FILE = re.compile('----- FILE : (.*?) -----') - - GJSLINT_START = "Running gjslint..." - GJSLINT_ERROR = re.compile('Line (\d+), E:(\d+):') - - GENERAL_ERRORS = (re.compile('make(.*?)\*\*\*(.*?)Error'),) - - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - self.base_dir = kwargs.pop('base_dir') - super(GaiaLinterOutputParser, self).__init__(**kwargs) - self.in_jshint = False - self.in_gjslint = False - self.last_file = 'unknown' - - def log_error(self, message, filename=None): - if not filename: - self.log('TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | make lint | %s' % message) - else: - path = filename - if self.base_dir in path: - path = os.path.relpath(filename, self.base_dir) - self.log('TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | %s' % (path, message), - level=ERROR) - self.num_errors += 1 - self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(ERROR, - self.worst_log_level) - - def parse_single_line(self, line): - if not self.in_jshint: - if self.JSHINT_START in line: - self.in_jshint = True - self.in_gjslint = False - else: - if self.JSHINT_DONE in line: - self.in_jshint = False - - if not self.in_gjslint: - if self.GJSLINT_START in line: - self.in_gjslint = True - - if self.in_jshint: - m = self.JSHINT_ERROR.search(line) - if m: - self.log_error(m.groups()[1], m.groups()[0]) - - if self.in_gjslint: - m = self.LAST_FILE.search(line) - if m: - self.last_file = m.groups()[0] - - m = self.GJSLINT_ERROR.search(line) - if m: - self.log_error(line, self.last_file) - - for an_error in self.GENERAL_ERRORS: - if an_error.search(line): - self.log_error(line) - - if self.log_output: - self.info(' %s' % line) - - def evaluate_parser(self): - # generate the TinderboxPrint line for TBPL - if self.num_errors: - self.tsummary = '<em class="testfail">%d errors</em>' % self.num_errors - else: - self.tsummary = "0 errors" - - def print_summary(self, suite_name): - self.evaluate_parser() - self.info("TinderboxPrint: %s: %s\n" % (suite_name, self.tsummary)) - - -class GaiaIntegrationTest(GaiaTest): - - virtualenv_modules = ['closure_linter==2.3.13', - 'python-gflags', - ] - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): - GaiaTest.__init__(self, require_config_file) - - def run_tests(self): - """ - Run the integration test suite. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - # Copy the b2g desktop we built to the gaia directory so that it - # gets used by the marionette-js-runner. - self.copytree( - os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.binary_path)), - os.path.join(dirs['abs_gaia_dir'], 'b2g'), - overwrite='clobber' - ) - - cmd = [ - 'make', - 'lint', - 'NODE_MODULES_SRC=npm-cache', - 'VIRTUALENV_EXISTS=1' - ] - - # for Mulet - if 'firefox' in self.binary_path: - cmd += ['RUNTIME=%s' % self.binary_path] - - self.make_node_modules() - - output_parser = GaiaLinterOutputParser( - base_dir=dirs['abs_gaia_dir'], - config=self.config, - log_obj=self.log_obj) - - code = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs['abs_gaia_dir'], - output_parser=output_parser, - output_timeout=600) - - output_parser.print_summary('gaia-lint') - self.publish(code) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - gaia_integration_test = GaiaIntegrationTest() - gaia_integration_test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_unit.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_unit.py deleted file mode 100755 index 660643b74..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/gaia_unit.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -import os -import sys -import glob -import subprocess -import json - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.gaia_test import GaiaTest -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import TestSummaryOutputParserHelper - - -class GaiaUnitTest(GaiaTest): - def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): - GaiaTest.__init__(self, require_config_file) - - def pull(self, **kwargs): - GaiaTest.pull(self, **kwargs) - - def run_tests(self): - """ - Run the unit test suite. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - self.make_node_modules() - - # make the gaia profile - self.make_gaia(dirs['abs_gaia_dir'], - self.config.get('xre_path'), - xre_url=self.config.get('xre_url'), - debug=True) - - # build the testrunner command arguments - python = self.query_python_path('python') - cmd = [python, '-u', os.path.join(dirs['abs_runner_dir'], - 'gaia_unit_test', - 'main.py')] - executable = 'firefox' - if 'b2g' in self.binary_path: - executable = 'b2g-bin' - - profile = os.path.join(dirs['abs_gaia_dir'], 'profile-debug') - binary = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.binary_path), executable) - cmd.extend(self._build_arg('--binary', binary)) - cmd.extend(self._build_arg('--profile', profile)) - cmd.extend(self._build_arg('--symbols-path', self.symbols_path)) - cmd.extend(self._build_arg('--browser-arg', self.config.get('browser_arg'))) - - # Add support for chunking - if self.config.get('total_chunks') and self.config.get('this_chunk'): - chunker = [ os.path.join(dirs['abs_gaia_dir'], 'bin', 'chunk'), - self.config.get('total_chunks'), self.config.get('this_chunk') ] - - disabled_tests = [] - disabled_manifest = os.path.join(dirs['abs_runner_dir'], - 'gaia_unit_test', - 'disabled.json') - with open(disabled_manifest, 'r') as m: - try: - disabled_tests = json.loads(m.read()) - except: - print "Error while decoding disabled.json; please make sure this file has valid JSON syntax." - sys.exit(1) - - # Construct a list of all tests - unit_tests = [] - for path in ('apps', 'tv_apps'): - test_root = os.path.join(dirs['abs_gaia_dir'], path) - full_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(test_root, '*/test/unit/*_test.js')) - unit_tests += map(lambda x: os.path.relpath(x, test_root), full_paths) - - # Remove the tests that are disabled - active_unit_tests = filter(lambda x: x not in disabled_tests, unit_tests) - - # Chunk the list as requested - tests_to_run = subprocess.check_output(chunker + active_unit_tests).strip().split(' ') - - cmd.extend(tests_to_run) - - output_parser = TestSummaryOutputParserHelper(config=self.config, - log_obj=self.log_obj, - error_list=self.error_list) - - upload_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - if not os.path.isdir(upload_dir): - self.mkdir_p(upload_dir) - - env = self.query_env() - env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'] = upload_dir - # I don't like this output_timeout hardcode, but bug 920153 - code = self.run_command(cmd, env=env, - output_parser=output_parser, - output_timeout=1760) - - output_parser.print_summary('gaia-unit-tests') - self.publish(code) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - gaia_unit_test = GaiaUnitTest() - gaia_unit_test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/marionette.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/marionette.py deleted file mode 100755 index b7f9c2765..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/marionette.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,358 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** - -import copy -import os -import re -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.errors import TarErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import INFO, ERROR, WARNING -from mozharness.base.script import PreScriptAction -from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript -from mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload import BlobUploadMixin, blobupload_config_options -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import LogcatErrorList -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import TestSummaryOutputParserHelper -from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser - -# TODO: we could remove emulator specific code after B2G ICS emulator buildbot -# builds is turned off, Bug 1209180. - - -class MarionetteTest(TestingMixin, MercurialScript, BlobUploadMixin, TransferMixin): - config_options = [[ - ["--application"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "application", - "default": None, - "help": "application name of binary" - } - ], [ - ["--app-arg"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "app_arg", - "default": None, - "help": "Optional command-line argument to pass to the browser" - } - ], [ - ["--marionette-address"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "marionette_address", - "default": None, - "help": "The host:port of the Marionette server running inside Gecko. Unused for emulator testing", - } - ], [ - ["--emulator"], - {"action": "store", - "type": "choice", - "choices": ['arm', 'x86'], - "dest": "emulator", - "default": None, - "help": "Use an emulator for testing", - } - ], [ - ["--test-manifest"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "test_manifest", - "default": "unit-tests.ini", - "help": "Path to test manifest to run relative to the Marionette " - "tests directory", - } - ], [ - ["--total-chunks"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "total_chunks", - "help": "Number of total chunks", - } - ], [ - ["--this-chunk"], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "this_chunk", - "help": "Number of this chunk", - } - ], [ - ["--e10s"], - {"action": "store_true", - "dest": "e10s", - "default": False, - "help": "Run tests with multiple processes. (Desktop builds only)", - } - ], [ - ["--allow-software-gl-layers"], - {"action": "store_true", - "dest": "allow_software_gl_layers", - "default": False, - "help": "Permits a software GL implementation (such as LLVMPipe) to use the GL compositor." - } - ]] + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) \ - + copy.deepcopy(blobupload_config_options) - - error_list = [ - {'substr': 'FAILED (errors=', 'level': WARNING}, - {'substr': r'''Could not successfully complete transport of message to Gecko, socket closed''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': r'''Connection to Marionette server is lost. Check gecko''', 'level': ERROR}, - {'substr': 'Timeout waiting for marionette on port', 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''(TEST-UNEXPECTED|PROCESS-CRASH)'''), 'level': ERROR}, - {'regex': re.compile(r'''(\b((?!Marionette|TestMarionette|NoSuchElement|XPathLookup|NoSuchWindow|StaleElement|ScriptTimeout|ElementNotVisible|NoSuchFrame|InvalidResponse|Javascript|Timeout|InvalidElementState|NoAlertPresent|InvalidCookieDomain|UnableToSetCookie|InvalidSelector|MoveTargetOutOfBounds)\w*)Exception)'''), 'level': ERROR}, - ] - - repos = [] - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): - super(MarionetteTest, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - all_actions=['clobber', - 'read-buildbot-config', - 'pull', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-tests'], - default_actions=['clobber', - 'pull', - 'download-and-extract', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'install', - 'run-tests'], - require_config_file=require_config_file, - config={'require_test_zip': True}) - - # these are necessary since self.config is read only - c = self.config - self.installer_url = c.get('installer_url') - self.installer_path = c.get('installer_path') - self.binary_path = c.get('binary_path') - self.test_url = c.get('test_url') - self.test_packages_url = c.get('test_packages_url') - - if c.get('structured_output'): - self.parser_class = StructuredOutputParser - else: - self.parser_class = TestSummaryOutputParserHelper - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - super(MarionetteTest, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - if not self.config.get('emulator') and not self.config.get('marionette_address'): - self.fatal("You need to specify a --marionette-address for non-emulator tests! (Try --marionette-address localhost:2828 )") - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(MarionetteTest, self).query_abs_dirs() - dirs = {} - dirs['abs_test_install_dir'] = os.path.join( - abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tests') - dirs['abs_marionette_dir'] = os.path.join( - dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'marionette', 'harness', 'marionette_harness') - dirs['abs_marionette_tests_dir'] = os.path.join( - dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'marionette', 'tests', 'testing', - 'marionette', 'harness', 'marionette_harness', 'tests') - dirs['abs_gecko_dir'] = os.path.join( - abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'gecko') - dirs['abs_emulator_dir'] = os.path.join( - abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'emulator') - - dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'blobber_upload_dir') - - for key in dirs.keys(): - if key not in abs_dirs: - abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - return self.abs_dirs - - @PreScriptAction('create-virtualenv') - def _configure_marionette_virtualenv(self, action): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - requirements = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], - 'config', - 'marionette_requirements.txt') - if os.access(requirements, os.F_OK): - self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], - two_pass=True) - else: - # XXX Bug 879765: Dependent modules need to be listed before parent - # modules, otherwise they will get installed from the pypi server. - # XXX Bug 908356: This block can be removed as soon as the - # in-tree requirements files propagate to all active trees. - mozbase_dir = os.path.join('tests', 'mozbase') - self.register_virtualenv_module( - 'manifestparser', os.path.join(mozbase_dir, 'manifestdestiny')) - for m in ('mozfile', 'mozlog', 'mozinfo', 'moznetwork', 'mozhttpd', - 'mozcrash', 'mozinstall', 'mozdevice', 'mozprofile', - 'mozprocess', 'mozrunner'): - self.register_virtualenv_module( - m, os.path.join(mozbase_dir, m)) - - self.register_virtualenv_module( - 'marionette', os.path.join('tests', 'marionette')) - - def _get_options_group(self, is_emulator): - """ - Determine which in tree options group to use and return the - appropriate key. - """ - platform = 'emulator' if is_emulator else 'desktop' - # Currently running marionette on an emulator means webapi - # tests. This method will need to change if this does. - testsuite = 'webapi' if is_emulator else 'marionette' - return '{}_{}'.format(testsuite, platform) - - def download_and_extract(self): - super(MarionetteTest, self).download_and_extract() - - if self.config.get('emulator'): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - self.mkdir_p(dirs['abs_emulator_dir']) - tar = self.query_exe('tar', return_type='list') - self.run_command(tar + ['zxf', self.installer_path], - cwd=dirs['abs_emulator_dir'], - error_list=TarErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True, fatal_exit_code=3) - - def install(self): - if self.config.get('emulator'): - self.info("Emulator tests; skipping.") - else: - super(MarionetteTest, self).install() - - def run_tests(self): - """ - Run the Marionette tests - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - raw_log_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], - 'marionette_raw.log') - error_summary_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], - 'marionette_errorsummary.log') - html_report_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], - 'report.html') - - config_fmt_args = { - # emulator builds require a longer timeout - 'timeout': 60000 if self.config.get('emulator') else 10000, - 'profile': os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'profile'), - 'xml_output': os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'output.xml'), - 'html_output': os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], 'output.html'), - 'logcat_dir': dirs['abs_work_dir'], - 'emulator': 'arm', - 'symbols_path': self.symbols_path, - 'binary': self.binary_path, - 'address': self.config.get('marionette_address'), - 'raw_log_file': raw_log_file, - 'error_summary_file': error_summary_file, - 'html_report_file': html_report_file, - 'gecko_log': dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], - 'this_chunk': self.config.get('this_chunk', 1), - 'total_chunks': self.config.get('total_chunks', 1) - } - - self.info("The emulator type: %s" % config_fmt_args["emulator"]) - # build the marionette command arguments - python = self.query_python_path('python') - - cmd = [python, '-u', os.path.join(dirs['abs_marionette_dir'], - 'runtests.py')] - - manifest = os.path.join(dirs['abs_marionette_tests_dir'], - self.config['test_manifest']) - - if self.config.get('app_arg'): - config_fmt_args['app_arg'] = self.config['app_arg'] - - if not self.config['e10s']: - cmd.append('--disable-e10s') - - cmd.append('--gecko-log=%s' % os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], - 'gecko.log')) - - if self.config.get("structured_output"): - cmd.append("--log-raw=-") - - options_group = self._get_options_group(self.config.get('emulator')) - - if options_group not in self.config["suite_definitions"]: - self.fatal("%s is not defined in the config!" % options_group) - - for s in self.config["suite_definitions"][options_group]["options"]: - cmd.append(s % config_fmt_args) - - if self.mkdir_p(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"]) == -1: - # Make sure that the logging directory exists - self.fatal("Could not create blobber upload directory") - - cmd.append(manifest) - - try_options, try_tests = self.try_args("marionette") - cmd.extend(self.query_tests_args(try_tests, - str_format_values=config_fmt_args)) - - env = {} - if self.query_minidump_stackwalk(): - env['MINIDUMP_STACKWALK'] = self.minidump_stackwalk_path - env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'] = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - env['MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH'] = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - - if self.config['allow_software_gl_layers']: - env['MOZ_LAYERS_ALLOW_SOFTWARE_GL'] = '1' - - if not os.path.isdir(env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR']): - self.mkdir_p(env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR']) - env = self.query_env(partial_env=env) - - marionette_parser = self.parser_class(config=self.config, - log_obj=self.log_obj, - error_list=self.error_list, - strict=False) - return_code = self.run_command(cmd, env=env, - output_timeout=1000, - output_parser=marionette_parser) - level = INFO - tbpl_status, log_level = marionette_parser.evaluate_parser( - return_code=return_code) - marionette_parser.append_tinderboxprint_line("marionette") - - qemu = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'qemu.log') - if os.path.isfile(qemu): - self.copyfile(qemu, os.path.join(dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'], - 'qemu.log')) - - # dump logcat output if there were failures - if self.config.get('emulator'): - if marionette_parser.failed != "0" or 'T-FAIL' in marionette_parser.tsummary: - logcat = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'emulator-5554.log') - if os.access(logcat, os.F_OK): - self.info('dumping logcat') - self.run_command(['cat', logcat], error_list=LogcatErrorList) - else: - self.info('no logcat file found') - else: - # .. or gecko.log if it exists - gecko_log = os.path.join(self.config['base_work_dir'], 'gecko.log') - if os.access(gecko_log, os.F_OK): - self.info('dumping gecko.log') - self.run_command(['cat', gecko_log]) - self.rmtree(gecko_log) - else: - self.info('gecko.log not found') - - marionette_parser.print_summary('marionette') - - self.log("Marionette exited with return code %s: %s" % (return_code, tbpl_status), - level=level) - self.buildbot_status(tbpl_status) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - marionetteTest = MarionetteTest() - marionetteTest.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/marionette_harness_tests.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/marionette_harness_tests.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0811bef9c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/marionette_harness_tests.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -import copy -import os -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.python import PreScriptAction -from mozharness.base.python import ( - VirtualenvMixin, - virtualenv_config_options, -) -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import ( - BuildbotMixin, TBPL_SUCCESS, TBPL_WARNING, TBPL_FAILURE, - TBPL_EXCEPTION -) - -marionette_harness_tests_config_options = [ - [['--tests'], { - 'dest': 'test_path', - 'default': None, - 'help': 'Path to test_*.py or directory relative to src root.', - }], - [['--src-dir'], { - 'dest': 'rel_src_dir', - 'default': None, - 'help': 'Path to hg.mo source checkout relative to work dir.', - }], - -] + copy.deepcopy(virtualenv_config_options) - -marionette_harness_tests_config = { - "find_links": [ - "http://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub", - ], - "pip_index": False, - # relative to workspace - "rel_src_dir": os.path.join("build", "src"), -} - -class MarionetteHarnessTests(VirtualenvMixin, BuildbotMixin, BaseScript): - - def __init__(self, config_options=None, - all_actions=None, default_actions=None, - *args, **kwargs): - config_options = config_options or marionette_harness_tests_config_options - actions = [ - 'clobber', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'run-tests', - ] - super(MarionetteHarnessTests, self).__init__( - config_options=config_options, - all_actions=all_actions or actions, - default_actions=default_actions or actions, - config=marionette_harness_tests_config, - *args, **kwargs) - - @PreScriptAction('create-virtualenv') - def _pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - c = self.config - requirements = os.path.join( - dirs['abs_src_dir'], - 'testing', 'config', - 'marionette_harness_test_requirements.txt' - ) - self.register_virtualenv_module( - requirements=[requirements], - two_pass=True - ) - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - c = self.config - abs_dirs = super(MarionetteHarnessTests, self).query_abs_dirs() - dirs = { - 'abs_src_dir': os.path.abspath( - os.path.join(abs_dirs['base_work_dir'], c['rel_src_dir']) - ), - } - - for key in dirs: - if key not in abs_dirs: - abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - - return self.abs_dirs - - def _get_pytest_status(self, code): - """ - Translate pytest exit code to TH status - - Based on https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/blob/master/_pytest/main.py#L21-L26 - """ - if code == 0: - return TBPL_SUCCESS - elif code == 1: - return TBPL_WARNING - elif 1 < code < 6: - self.error("pytest returned exit code: %s" % code) - return TBPL_FAILURE - else: - return TBPL_EXCEPTION - - def run_tests(self): - """Run all the tests""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - test_relpath = self.config.get( - 'test_path', - os.path.join('testing', 'marionette', - 'harness', 'marionette_harness', 'tests', - 'harness_unit') - ) - test_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_src_dir'], test_relpath) - self.activate_virtualenv() - import pytest - command = ['-p', 'no:terminalreporter', # disable pytest logging - test_path] - logs = {} - for fmt in ['tbpl', 'mach', 'raw']: - logs[fmt] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_log_dir'], - 'mn-harness_{}.log'.format(fmt)) - command.extend(['--log-'+fmt, logs[fmt]]) - self.info('Calling pytest.main with the following arguments: %s' % command) - status = self._get_pytest_status(pytest.main(command)) - self.read_from_file(logs['tbpl']) - for log in logs.values(): - self.copy_to_upload_dir(log, dest='logs/') - self.buildbot_status(status) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - script = MarionetteHarnessTests() - script.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/merge_day/gecko_migration.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/merge_day/gecko_migration.py deleted file mode 100755 index 7208630e0..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/merge_day/gecko_migration.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,545 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# lint_ignore=E501 -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -""" gecko_migration.py - -Merge day script for gecko (mozilla-central -> mozilla-aurora, -mozilla-aurora -> mozilla-beta, mozilla-beta -> mozilla-release). - -Ported largely from -http://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/file/084bc4e2fc76/release/beta2release.py -and -http://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/file/084bc4e2fc76/release/merge_helper.py -""" - -import os -import pprint -import subprocess -import sys -from getpass import getpass - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) - -from mozharness.base.errors import HgErrorList -from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin, virtualenv_config_options -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript -from mozharness.mozilla.selfserve import SelfServeMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.updates.balrog import BalrogMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.repo_manupulation import MercurialRepoManipulationMixin - -VALID_MIGRATION_BEHAVIORS = ( - "beta_to_release", "aurora_to_beta", "central_to_aurora", "release_to_esr", - "bump_second_digit", -) - - -# GeckoMigration {{{1 -class GeckoMigration(MercurialScript, BalrogMixin, VirtualenvMixin, - SelfServeMixin, BuildbotMixin, - MercurialRepoManipulationMixin): - config_options = [ - [['--hg-user', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "hg_user", - "type": "string", - "default": "ffxbld <release@mozilla.com>", - "help": "Specify what user to use to commit to hg.", - }], - [['--balrog-api-root', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "balrog_api_root", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify Balrog API root URL.", - }], - [['--balrog-username', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "balrog_username", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify what user to connect to Balrog with.", - }], - [['--balrog-credentials-file', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "balrog_credentials_file", - "type": "string", - "help": "The file containing the Balrog credentials.", - }], - [['--remove-locale', ], { - "action": "extend", - "dest": "remove_locales", - "type": "string", - "help": "Comma separated list of locales to remove from the 'to' repo.", - }], - ] - gecko_repos = None - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - super(GeckoMigration, self).__init__( - config_options=virtualenv_config_options + self.config_options, - all_actions=[ - 'clobber', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'clean-repos', - 'pull', - 'lock-update-paths', - 'migrate', - 'bump_second_digit', - 'commit-changes', - 'push', - 'trigger-builders', - ], - default_actions=[ - 'clean-repos', - 'pull', - 'migrate', - ], - require_config_file=require_config_file - ) - self.run_sanity_check() - -# Helper methods {{{1 - def run_sanity_check(self): - """ Verify the configs look sane before proceeding. - """ - message = "" - if self.config['migration_behavior'] not in VALID_MIGRATION_BEHAVIORS: - message += "%s must be one of %s!\n" % (self.config['migration_behavior'], VALID_MIGRATION_BEHAVIORS) - if self.config['migration_behavior'] == 'beta_to_release': - if self.config.get("require_remove_locales") and not self.config.get("remove_locales") and 'migrate' in self.actions: - message += "You must specify --remove-locale!\n" - else: - if self.config.get("require_remove_locales") or self.config.get("remove_locales"): - self.warning("--remove-locale isn't valid unless you're using beta_to_release migration_behavior!\n") - if message: - self.fatal(message) - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - """ Allow for abs_from_dir and abs_to_dir - """ - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - dirs = super(GeckoMigration, self).query_abs_dirs() - self.abs_dirs['abs_tools_dir'] = os.path.join( - dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tools' - ) - self.abs_dirs['abs_tools_lib_dir'] = os.path.join( - dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tools', 'lib', 'python' - ) - for k in ('from', 'to'): - url = self.config.get("%s_repo_url" % k) - if url: - dir_name = self.get_filename_from_url(url) - self.info("adding %s" % dir_name) - self.abs_dirs['abs_%s_dir' % k] = os.path.join( - dirs['abs_work_dir'], dir_name - ) - return self.abs_dirs - - def query_repos(self): - """ Build a list of repos to clone. - """ - if self.gecko_repos: - return self.gecko_repos - self.info("Building gecko_repos list...") - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.gecko_repos = [] - for k in ('from', 'to'): - repo_key = "%s_repo_url" % k - url = self.config.get(repo_key) - if url: - self.gecko_repos.append({ - "repo": url, - "branch": self.config.get("%s_repo_branch" % (k,), "default"), - "dest": dirs['abs_%s_dir' % k], - "vcs": "hg", - # "hg" vcs uses robustcheckout extension requires the use of a share - # but having a share breaks migration logic when merging repos. - # Solution: tell hg vcs to create a unique share directory for each - # gecko repo. see mozharness/base/vcs/mercurial.py for implementation - "use_vcs_unique_share": True, - }) - else: - self.warning("Skipping %s" % repo_key) - self.info(pprint.pformat(self.gecko_repos)) - return self.gecko_repos - - def query_commit_dirs(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - commit_dirs = [dirs['abs_to_dir']] - if self.config['migration_behavior'] == 'central_to_aurora': - commit_dirs.append(dirs['abs_from_dir']) - return commit_dirs - - def query_commit_message(self): - return "Update configs. IGNORE BROKEN CHANGESETS CLOSED TREE NO BUG a=release ba=release" - - def query_push_dirs(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - return dirs.get('abs_from_dir'), dirs.get('abs_to_dir') - - def query_push_args(self, cwd): - if cwd == self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_to_dir'] and \ - self.config['migration_behavior'] == 'beta_to_release': - return ['--new-branch', '-r', '.'] - else: - return ['-r', '.'] - - def query_from_revision(self): - """ Shortcut to get the revision for the from repo - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - return self.query_hg_revision(dirs['abs_from_dir']) - - def query_to_revision(self): - """ Shortcut to get the revision for the to repo - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - return self.query_hg_revision(dirs['abs_to_dir']) - - def hg_merge_via_debugsetparents(self, cwd, old_head, new_head, - preserve_tags=True, user=None): - """ Merge 2 heads avoiding non-fastforward commits - """ - hg = self.query_exe('hg', return_type='list') - cmd = hg + ['debugsetparents', new_head, old_head] - self.run_command(cmd, cwd=cwd, error_list=HgErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True) - self.hg_commit( - cwd, - message="Merge old head via |hg debugsetparents %s %s|. " - "CLOSED TREE DONTBUILD a=release" % (new_head, old_head), - user=user - ) - if preserve_tags: - # I don't know how to do this elegantly. - # I'm reverting .hgtags to old_head, then appending the new tags - # from new_head to .hgtags, and hoping nothing goes wrong. - # I'd rather not write patch files from scratch, so this seems - # like a slightly more complex but less objectionable method? - self.info("Trying to preserve tags from before debugsetparents...") - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - patch_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'patch_file') - self.run_command( - subprocess.list2cmdline(hg + ['diff', '-r', old_head, '.hgtags', '-U9', '>', patch_file]), - cwd=cwd, - ) - self.run_command( - ['patch', '-R', '-p1', '-i', patch_file], - cwd=cwd, - halt_on_failure=True, - ) - tag_diff = self.read_from_file(patch_file) - with self.opened(os.path.join(cwd, '.hgtags'), open_mode='a') as (fh, err): - if err: - self.fatal("Can't append to .hgtags!") - for n, line in enumerate(tag_diff.splitlines()): - # The first 4 lines of a patch are headers, so we ignore them. - if n < 5: - continue - # Even after that, the only lines we really care about are - # additions to the file. - # TODO: why do we only care about additions? I couldn't - # figure that out by reading this code. - if not line.startswith('+'): - continue - line = line.replace('+', '') - (changeset, tag) = line.split(' ') - if len(changeset) != 40: - continue - fh.write("%s\n" % line) - out = self.get_output_from_command(['hg', 'status', '.hgtags'], - cwd=cwd) - if out: - self.hg_commit( - cwd, - message="Preserve old tags after debugsetparents. " - "CLOSED TREE DONTBUILD a=release", - user=user, - ) - else: - self.info(".hgtags file is identical, no need to commit") - - def remove_locales(self, file_name, locales): - """ Remove locales from shipped-locales (m-r only) - """ - contents = self.read_from_file(file_name) - new_contents = "" - for line in contents.splitlines(): - locale = line.split()[0] - if locale not in locales: - new_contents += "%s\n" % line - else: - self.info("Removed locale: %s" % locale) - self.write_to_file(file_name, new_contents) - - def touch_clobber_file(self, cwd): - clobber_file = os.path.join(cwd, 'CLOBBER') - contents = self.read_from_file(clobber_file) - new_contents = "" - for line in contents.splitlines(): - line = line.strip() - if line.startswith("#") or line == '': - new_contents += "%s\n" % line - new_contents += "Merge day clobber" - self.write_to_file(clobber_file, new_contents) - - def bump_version(self, cwd, curr_version, next_version, curr_suffix, - next_suffix, bump_major=False): - """ Bump versions (m-c, m-a, m-b). - - At some point we may want to unhardcode these filenames into config - """ - curr_weave_version = str(int(curr_version) + 2) - next_weave_version = str(int(curr_weave_version) + 1) - for f in self.config["version_files"]: - from_ = "%s.0%s" % (curr_version, curr_suffix) - to = "%s.0%s%s" % (next_version, next_suffix, f["suffix"]) - self.replace(os.path.join(cwd, f["file"]), from_, to) - - # only applicable for m-c - if bump_major: - self.replace( - os.path.join(cwd, "xpcom/components/Module.h"), - "static const unsigned int kVersion = %s;" % curr_version, - "static const unsigned int kVersion = %s;" % next_version - ) - self.replace( - os.path.join(cwd, "services/sync/moz.build"), - "DEFINES['weave_version'] = '1.%s.0'" % curr_weave_version, - "DEFINES['weave_version'] = '1.%s.0'" % next_weave_version - ) - - # Branch-specific workflow helper methods {{{1 - def central_to_aurora(self, end_tag): - """ mozilla-central -> mozilla-aurora behavior. - - We could have all of these individually toggled by flags, but - by separating into workflow methods we can be more precise about - what happens in each workflow, while allowing for things like - staging beta user repo migrations. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.info("Reverting locales") - hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") - for f in self.config["locale_files"]: - self.run_command( - hg + ["revert", "-r", end_tag, f], - cwd=dirs['abs_to_dir'], - error_list=HgErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True, - ) - next_ma_version = self.get_version(dirs['abs_to_dir'])[0] - self.bump_version(dirs['abs_to_dir'], next_ma_version, next_ma_version, "a1", "a2") - self.apply_replacements() - # bump m-c version - curr_mc_version = self.get_version(dirs['abs_from_dir'])[0] - next_mc_version = str(int(curr_mc_version) + 1) - self.bump_version( - dirs['abs_from_dir'], curr_mc_version, next_mc_version, "a1", "a1", - bump_major=True - ) - # touch clobber files - self.touch_clobber_file(dirs['abs_from_dir']) - self.touch_clobber_file(dirs['abs_to_dir']) - - def aurora_to_beta(self, *args, **kwargs): - """ mozilla-aurora -> mozilla-beta behavior. - - We could have all of these individually toggled by flags, but - by separating into workflow methods we can be more precise about - what happens in each workflow, while allowing for things like - staging beta user repo migrations. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - mb_version = self.get_version(dirs['abs_to_dir'])[0] - self.bump_version(dirs['abs_to_dir'], mb_version, mb_version, "a2", "") - self.apply_replacements() - self.touch_clobber_file(dirs['abs_to_dir']) - # TODO mozconfig diffing - # The build/tools version only checks the mozconfigs from hgweb, so - # can't help pre-push. The in-tree mozconfig diffing requires a mach - # virtualenv to be installed. If we want this sooner we can put this - # in the push action; otherwise we may just wait until we have in-tree - # mozconfig checking. - - def beta_to_release(self, *args, **kwargs): - """ mozilla-beta -> mozilla-release behavior. - - We could have all of these individually toggled by flags, but - by separating into workflow methods we can be more precise about - what happens in each workflow, while allowing for things like - staging beta user repo migrations. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - # Reset display_version.txt - for f in self.config["copy_files"]: - self.copyfile( - os.path.join(dirs['abs_to_dir'], f["src"]), - os.path.join(dirs['abs_to_dir'], f["dst"])) - - self.apply_replacements() - if self.config.get("remove_locales"): - self.remove_locales( - os.path.join(dirs['abs_to_dir'], "browser/locales/shipped-locales"), - self.config['remove_locales'] - ) - self.touch_clobber_file(dirs['abs_to_dir']) - - def release_to_esr(self, *args, **kwargs): - """ mozilla-release -> mozilla-esrNN behavior. """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - for to_transplant in self.config.get("transplant_patches", []): - self.transplant(repo=to_transplant["repo"], - changeset=to_transplant["changeset"], - cwd=dirs['abs_to_dir']) - self.apply_replacements() - self.touch_clobber_file(dirs['abs_to_dir']) - - def apply_replacements(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - for f, from_, to in self.config["replacements"]: - self.replace(os.path.join(dirs['abs_to_dir'], f), from_, to) - - def transplant(self, repo, changeset, cwd): - """Transplant a Mercurial changeset from a remote repository.""" - hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") - cmd = hg + ["--config", "extensions.transplant=", "transplant", - "--source", repo, changeset] - self.info("Transplanting %s from %s" % (changeset, repo)) - status = self.run_command( - cmd, - cwd=cwd, - error_list=HgErrorList, - ) - if status != 0: - self.fatal("Cannot transplant %s from %s properly" % - (changeset, repo)) - - def pull_from_repo(self, from_dir, to_dir, revision=None, branch=None): - """ Pull from one repo to another. """ - hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") - cmd = hg + ["pull"] - if revision: - cmd.extend(["-r", revision]) - cmd.append(from_dir) - self.run_command( - cmd, - cwd=to_dir, - error_list=HgErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True, - ) - cmd = hg + ["update", "-C"] - if branch or revision: - cmd.extend(["-r", branch or revision]) - self.run_command( - cmd, - cwd=to_dir, - error_list=HgErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True, - ) - -# Actions {{{1 - def bump_second_digit(self, *args, **kwargs): - """Bump second digit. - - ESR need only the second digit bumped as a part of merge day.""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - version = self.get_version(dirs['abs_to_dir']) - curr_version = ".".join(version) - next_version = list(version) - # bump the second digit - next_version[1] = str(int(next_version[1]) + 1) - # Take major+minor and append '0' accordng to Firefox version schema. - # 52.0 will become 52.1.0, not 52.1 - next_version = ".".join(next_version[:2] + ['0']) - for f in self.config["version_files"]: - self.replace(os.path.join(dirs['abs_to_dir'], f["file"]), - curr_version, next_version + f["suffix"]) - self.touch_clobber_file(dirs['abs_to_dir']) - - def pull(self): - """ Pull tools first, then clone the gecko repos - """ - repos = [{ - "repo": self.config["tools_repo_url"], - "branch": self.config["tools_repo_branch"], - "dest": "tools", - "vcs": "hg", - }] + self.query_repos() - super(GeckoMigration, self).pull(repos=repos) - - def lock_update_paths(self): - self.lock_balrog_rules(self.config["balrog_rules_to_lock"]) - - def migrate(self): - """ Perform the migration. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - from_fx_major_version = self.get_version(dirs['abs_from_dir'])[0] - to_fx_major_version = self.get_version(dirs['abs_to_dir'])[0] - base_from_rev = self.query_from_revision() - base_to_rev = self.query_to_revision() - base_tag = self.config['base_tag'] % {'major_version': from_fx_major_version} - end_tag = self.config['end_tag'] % {'major_version': to_fx_major_version} - self.hg_tag( - dirs['abs_from_dir'], base_tag, user=self.config['hg_user'], - revision=base_from_rev, - ) - new_from_rev = self.query_from_revision() - self.info("New revision %s" % new_from_rev) - pull_revision = None - if not self.config.get("pull_all_branches"): - pull_revision = new_from_rev - self.pull_from_repo( - dirs['abs_from_dir'], dirs['abs_to_dir'], - revision=pull_revision, - branch="default", - ) - if self.config.get("requires_head_merge") is not False: - self.hg_merge_via_debugsetparents( - dirs['abs_to_dir'], old_head=base_to_rev, new_head=new_from_rev, - user=self.config['hg_user'], - ) - self.hg_tag( - dirs['abs_to_dir'], end_tag, user=self.config['hg_user'], - revision=base_to_rev, force=True, - ) - # Call beta_to_release etc. - if not hasattr(self, self.config['migration_behavior']): - self.fatal("Don't know how to proceed with migration_behavior %s !" % self.config['migration_behavior']) - getattr(self, self.config['migration_behavior'])(end_tag=end_tag) - self.info("Verify the diff, and apply any manual changes, such as disabling features, and --commit-changes") - - def trigger_builders(self): - """Triggers builders that should be run directly after a merge. - There are two different types of things we trigger: - 1) Nightly builds ("post_merge_nightly_branches" in the config). - These are triggered with buildapi's nightly build endpoint to avoid - duplicating all of the nightly builder names into the gecko - migration mozharness configs. (Which would surely get out of date - very quickly). - 2) Arbitrary builders ("post_merge_builders"). These are additional - builders to trigger that aren't part of the nightly builder set. - Previous example: hg bundle generation builders. - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - branch = self.config["to_repo_url"].rstrip("/").split("/")[-1] - revision = self.query_to_revision() - # Horrible hack because our internal buildapi interface doesn't let us - # actually do anything. Need to use the public one w/ auth. - username = raw_input("LDAP Username: ") - password = getpass(prompt="LDAP Password: ") - auth = (username, password) - for builder in self.config["post_merge_builders"]: - self.trigger_arbitrary_job(builder, branch, revision, auth) - for nightly_branch in self.config["post_merge_nightly_branches"]: - nightly_revision = self.query_hg_revision(os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], nightly_branch)) - self.trigger_nightly_builds(nightly_branch, nightly_revision, auth) - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - GeckoMigration().run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/mobile_l10n.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/mobile_l10n.py deleted file mode 100755 index cbac6fa67..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/mobile_l10n.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,714 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""mobile_l10n.py - -This currently supports nightly and release single locale repacks for -Android. This also creates nightly updates. -""" - -from copy import deepcopy -import os -import re -import subprocess -import sys -import time -import shlex - -try: - import simplejson as json - assert json -except ImportError: - import json - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.errors import BaseErrorList, MakefileErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import OutputParser -from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.purge import PurgeMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.release import ReleaseMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.signing import MobileSigningMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.tooltool import TooltoolMixin -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript -from mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales import LocalesMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.mock import MockMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.updates.balrog import BalrogMixin -from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.taskcluster_helper import Taskcluster - - -# MobileSingleLocale {{{1 -class MobileSingleLocale(MockMixin, LocalesMixin, ReleaseMixin, - MobileSigningMixin, TransferMixin, TooltoolMixin, - BuildbotMixin, PurgeMixin, MercurialScript, BalrogMixin, - VirtualenvMixin): - config_options = [[ - ['--locale', ], - {"action": "extend", - "dest": "locales", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the locale(s) to sign and update" - } - ], [ - ['--locales-file', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "locales_file", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify a file to determine which locales to sign and update" - } - ], [ - ['--tag-override', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "tag_override", - "type": "string", - "help": "Override the tags set for all repos" - } - ], [ - ['--user-repo-override', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "user_repo_override", - "type": "string", - "help": "Override the user repo path for all repos" - } - ], [ - ['--release-config-file', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "release_config_file", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the release config file to use" - } - ], [ - ['--key-alias', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "key_alias", - "type": "choice", - "default": "nightly", - "choices": ["nightly", "release"], - "help": "Specify the signing key alias" - } - ], [ - ['--this-chunk', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "this_locale_chunk", - "type": "int", - "help": "Specify which chunk of locales to run" - } - ], [ - ['--total-chunks', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "total_locale_chunks", - "type": "int", - "help": "Specify the total number of chunks of locales" - } - ], [ - ["--disable-mock"], - {"dest": "disable_mock", - "action": "store_true", - "help": "do not run under mock despite what gecko-config says", - } - ], [ - ['--revision', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "revision", - "type": "string", - "help": "Override the gecko revision to use (otherwise use buildbot supplied" - " value, or en-US revision) "} - ]] - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - buildscript_kwargs = { - 'all_actions': [ - "clobber", - "pull", - "clone-locales", - "list-locales", - "setup", - "repack", - "validate-repacks-signed", - "upload-repacks", - "create-virtualenv", - "taskcluster-upload", - "submit-to-balrog", - "summary", - ], - 'config': { - 'taskcluster_credentials_file': 'oauth.txt', - 'virtualenv_modules': [ - 'requests==2.8.1', - 'PyHawk-with-a-single-extra-commit==0.1.5', - 'taskcluster==0.0.26', - ], - 'virtualenv_path': 'venv', - }, - } - LocalesMixin.__init__(self) - MercurialScript.__init__( - self, - config_options=self.config_options, - require_config_file=require_config_file, - **buildscript_kwargs - ) - self.base_package_name = None - self.buildid = None - self.make_ident_output = None - self.repack_env = None - self.revision = None - self.upload_env = None - self.version = None - self.upload_urls = {} - self.locales_property = {} - - # Helper methods {{{2 - def query_repack_env(self): - if self.repack_env: - return self.repack_env - c = self.config - replace_dict = {} - if c.get('release_config_file'): - rc = self.query_release_config() - replace_dict = { - 'version': rc['version'], - 'buildnum': rc['buildnum'] - } - repack_env = self.query_env(partial_env=c.get("repack_env"), - replace_dict=replace_dict) - if c.get('base_en_us_binary_url') and c.get('release_config_file'): - rc = self.query_release_config() - repack_env['EN_US_BINARY_URL'] = c['base_en_us_binary_url'] % replace_dict - if 'MOZ_SIGNING_SERVERS' in os.environ: - repack_env['MOZ_SIGN_CMD'] = subprocess.list2cmdline(self.query_moz_sign_cmd(formats=['jar'])) - self.repack_env = repack_env - return self.repack_env - - def query_l10n_env(self): - return self.query_env() - - def query_upload_env(self): - if self.upload_env: - return self.upload_env - c = self.config - replace_dict = { - 'buildid': self.query_buildid(), - 'version': self.query_version(), - } - replace_dict.update(c) - - # Android l10n builds use a non-standard location for l10n files. Other - # builds go to 'mozilla-central-l10n', while android builds add part of - # the platform name as well, like 'mozilla-central-android-api-15-l10n'. - # So we override the branch with something that contains the platform - # name. - replace_dict['branch'] = c['upload_branch'] - replace_dict['post_upload_extra'] = ' '.join(c.get('post_upload_extra', [])) - - upload_env = self.query_env(partial_env=c.get("upload_env"), - replace_dict=replace_dict) - if 'MOZ_SIGNING_SERVERS' in os.environ: - upload_env['MOZ_SIGN_CMD'] = subprocess.list2cmdline(self.query_moz_sign_cmd()) - if self.query_is_release_or_beta(): - upload_env['MOZ_PKG_VERSION'] = '%(version)s' % replace_dict - self.upload_env = upload_env - return self.upload_env - - def _query_make_ident_output(self): - """Get |make ident| output from the objdir. - Only valid after setup is run. - """ - if self.make_ident_output: - return self.make_ident_output - env = self.query_repack_env() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - output = self.get_output_from_command_m(["make", "ident"], - cwd=dirs['abs_locales_dir'], - env=env, - silent=True, - halt_on_failure=True) - parser = OutputParser(config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, - error_list=MakefileErrorList) - parser.add_lines(output) - self.make_ident_output = output - return output - - def query_buildid(self): - """Get buildid from the objdir. - Only valid after setup is run. - """ - if self.buildid: - return self.buildid - r = re.compile("buildid (\d+)") - output = self._query_make_ident_output() - for line in output.splitlines(): - m = r.match(line) - if m: - self.buildid = m.groups()[0] - return self.buildid - - def query_revision(self): - """Get revision from the objdir. - Only valid after setup is run. - """ - if self.revision: - return self.revision - r = re.compile(r"gecko_revision ([0-9a-f]+\+?)") - output = self._query_make_ident_output() - for line in output.splitlines(): - m = r.match(line) - if m: - self.revision = m.groups()[0] - return self.revision - - def _query_make_variable(self, variable, make_args=None): - make = self.query_exe('make') - env = self.query_repack_env() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - if make_args is None: - make_args = [] - # TODO error checking - output = self.get_output_from_command_m( - [make, "echo-variable-%s" % variable] + make_args, - cwd=dirs['abs_locales_dir'], silent=True, - env=env - ) - parser = OutputParser(config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, - error_list=MakefileErrorList) - parser.add_lines(output) - return output.strip() - - def query_base_package_name(self): - """Get the package name from the objdir. - Only valid after setup is run. - """ - if self.base_package_name: - return self.base_package_name - self.base_package_name = self._query_make_variable( - "PACKAGE", - make_args=['AB_CD=%(locale)s'] - ) - return self.base_package_name - - def query_version(self): - """Get the package name from the objdir. - Only valid after setup is run. - """ - if self.version: - return self.version - c = self.config - if c.get('release_config_file'): - rc = self.query_release_config() - self.version = rc['version'] - else: - self.version = self._query_make_variable("MOZ_APP_VERSION") - return self.version - - def query_upload_url(self, locale): - if locale in self.upload_urls: - return self.upload_urls[locale] - else: - self.error("Can't determine the upload url for %s!" % locale) - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(MobileSingleLocale, self).query_abs_dirs() - - dirs = { - 'abs_tools_dir': - os.path.join(abs_dirs['base_work_dir'], 'tools'), - 'build_dir': - os.path.join(abs_dirs['base_work_dir'], 'build'), - } - - abs_dirs.update(dirs) - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - return self.abs_dirs - - def add_failure(self, locale, message, **kwargs): - self.locales_property[locale] = "Failed" - prop_key = "%s_failure" % locale - prop_value = self.query_buildbot_property(prop_key) - if prop_value: - prop_value = "%s %s" % (prop_value, message) - else: - prop_value = message - self.set_buildbot_property(prop_key, prop_value, write_to_file=True) - MercurialScript.add_failure(self, locale, message=message, **kwargs) - - def summary(self): - MercurialScript.summary(self) - # TODO we probably want to make this configurable on/off - locales = self.query_locales() - for locale in locales: - self.locales_property.setdefault(locale, "Success") - self.set_buildbot_property("locales", json.dumps(self.locales_property), write_to_file=True) - - # Actions {{{2 - def clobber(self): - self.read_buildbot_config() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - c = self.config - objdir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], c['mozilla_dir'], - c['objdir']) - super(MobileSingleLocale, self).clobber(always_clobber_dirs=[objdir]) - - def pull(self): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - repos = [] - replace_dict = {} - if c.get("user_repo_override"): - replace_dict['user_repo_override'] = c['user_repo_override'] - # deepcopy() needed because of self.config lock bug :( - for repo_dict in deepcopy(c['repos']): - repo_dict['repo'] = repo_dict['repo'] % replace_dict - repos.append(repo_dict) - else: - repos = c['repos'] - self.vcs_checkout_repos(repos, parent_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - tag_override=c.get('tag_override')) - - def clone_locales(self): - self.pull_locale_source() - - # list_locales() is defined in LocalesMixin. - - def _setup_configure(self, buildid=None): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - env = self.query_repack_env() - make = self.query_exe("make") - if self.run_command_m([make, "-f", "client.mk", "configure"], - cwd=dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], - env=env, - error_list=MakefileErrorList): - self.fatal("Configure failed!") - - # Run 'make export' in objdir/config to get nsinstall - self.run_command_m([make, 'export'], - cwd=os.path.join(dirs['abs_objdir'], 'config'), - env=env, - error_list=MakefileErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True) - - # Run 'make buildid.h' in objdir/ to get the buildid.h file - cmd = [make, 'buildid.h'] - if buildid: - cmd.append('MOZ_BUILD_DATE=%s' % str(buildid)) - self.run_command_m(cmd, - cwd=dirs['abs_objdir'], - env=env, - error_list=MakefileErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True) - - def setup(self): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - mozconfig_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'], '.mozconfig') - self.copyfile(os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], c['mozconfig']), - mozconfig_path) - # TODO stop using cat - cat = self.query_exe("cat") - make = self.query_exe("make") - self.run_command_m([cat, mozconfig_path]) - env = self.query_repack_env() - if self.config.get("tooltool_config"): - self.tooltool_fetch( - self.config['tooltool_config']['manifest'], - output_dir=self.config['tooltool_config']['output_dir'] % self.query_abs_dirs(), - ) - self._setup_configure() - self.run_command_m([make, "wget-en-US"], - cwd=dirs['abs_locales_dir'], - env=env, - error_list=MakefileErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True) - self.run_command_m([make, "unpack"], - cwd=dirs['abs_locales_dir'], - env=env, - error_list=MakefileErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True) - - # on try we want the source we already have, otherwise update to the - # same as the en-US binary - if self.config.get("update_gecko_source_to_enUS", True): - revision = self.query_revision() - if not revision: - self.fatal("Can't determine revision!") - hg = self.query_exe("hg") - # TODO do this through VCSMixin instead of hardcoding hg - self.run_command_m([hg, "update", "-r", revision], - cwd=dirs["abs_mozilla_dir"], - env=env, - error_list=BaseErrorList, - halt_on_failure=True) - self.set_buildbot_property('revision', revision, write_to_file=True) - # Configure again since the hg update may have invalidated it. - buildid = self.query_buildid() - self._setup_configure(buildid=buildid) - - def repack(self): - # TODO per-locale logs and reporting. - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - locales = self.query_locales() - make = self.query_exe("make") - repack_env = self.query_repack_env() - success_count = total_count = 0 - for locale in locales: - total_count += 1 - self.enable_mock() - result = self.run_compare_locales(locale) - self.disable_mock() - if result: - self.add_failure(locale, message="%s failed in compare-locales!" % locale) - continue - if self.run_command_m([make, "installers-%s" % locale], - cwd=dirs['abs_locales_dir'], - env=repack_env, - error_list=MakefileErrorList, - halt_on_failure=False): - self.add_failure(locale, message="%s failed in make installers-%s!" % (locale, locale)) - continue - success_count += 1 - self.summarize_success_count(success_count, total_count, - message="Repacked %d of %d binaries successfully.") - - def validate_repacks_signed(self): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - locales = self.query_locales() - base_package_name = self.query_base_package_name() - base_package_dir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_objdir'], 'dist') - repack_env = self.query_repack_env() - success_count = total_count = 0 - for locale in locales: - total_count += 1 - signed_path = os.path.join(base_package_dir, - base_package_name % {'locale': locale}) - # We need to wrap what this function does with mock, since - # MobileSigningMixin doesn't know about mock - self.enable_mock() - status = self.verify_android_signature( - signed_path, - script=c['signature_verification_script'], - env=repack_env, - key_alias=c['key_alias'], - ) - self.disable_mock() - if status: - self.add_failure(locale, message="Errors verifying %s binary!" % locale) - # No need to rm because upload is per-locale - continue - success_count += 1 - self.summarize_success_count(success_count, total_count, - message="Validated signatures on %d of %d binaries successfully.") - - def taskcluster_upload(self): - auth = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.config['taskcluster_credentials_file']) - credentials = {} - execfile(auth, credentials) - client_id = credentials.get('taskcluster_clientId') - access_token = credentials.get('taskcluster_accessToken') - if not client_id or not access_token: - self.warning('Skipping S3 file upload: No taskcluster credentials.') - return - - self.activate_virtualenv() - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - locales = self.query_locales() - make = self.query_exe("make") - upload_env = self.query_upload_env() - cwd = dirs['abs_locales_dir'] - branch = self.config['branch'] - revision = self.query_revision() - repo = self.query_l10n_repo() - pushinfo = self.vcs_query_pushinfo(repo, revision, vcs='hg') - pushdate = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.gmtime(pushinfo.pushdate)) - routes_json = os.path.join(self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_mozilla_dir'], - 'testing/mozharness/configs/routes.json') - with open(routes_json) as routes_file: - contents = json.load(routes_file) - templates = contents['l10n'] - - for locale in locales: - output = self.get_output_from_command_m( - "%s echo-variable-UPLOAD_FILES AB_CD=%s" % (make, locale), - cwd=cwd, - env=upload_env, - ) - files = shlex.split(output) - abs_files = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, f)) for f in files] - - routes = [] - fmt = { - 'index': self.config.get('taskcluster_index', 'index.garbage.staging'), - 'project': branch, - 'head_rev': revision, - 'pushdate': pushdate, - 'year': pushdate[0:4], - 'month': pushdate[4:6], - 'day': pushdate[6:8], - 'build_product': self.config['stage_product'], - 'build_name': self.query_build_name(), - 'build_type': self.query_build_type(), - 'locale': locale, - } - for template in templates: - routes.append(template.format(**fmt)) - - self.info('Using routes: %s' % routes) - tc = Taskcluster(branch, - pushinfo.pushdate, # Use pushdate as the rank - client_id, - access_token, - self.log_obj, - ) - task = tc.create_task(routes) - tc.claim_task(task) - - for upload_file in abs_files: - tc.create_artifact(task, upload_file) - tc.report_completed(task) - - def upload_repacks(self): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - locales = self.query_locales() - make = self.query_exe("make") - base_package_name = self.query_base_package_name() - version = self.query_version() - upload_env = self.query_upload_env() - success_count = total_count = 0 - buildnum = None - if c.get('release_config_file'): - rc = self.query_release_config() - buildnum = rc['buildnum'] - for locale in locales: - if self.query_failure(locale): - self.warning("Skipping previously failed locale %s." % locale) - continue - total_count += 1 - if c.get('base_post_upload_cmd'): - upload_env['POST_UPLOAD_CMD'] = c['base_post_upload_cmd'] % {'version': version, 'locale': locale, 'buildnum': str(buildnum), 'post_upload_extra': ' '.join(c.get('post_upload_extra', []))} - output = self.get_output_from_command_m( - # Ugly hack to avoid |make upload| stderr from showing up - # as get_output_from_command errors - "%s upload AB_CD=%s 2>&1" % (make, locale), - cwd=dirs['abs_locales_dir'], - env=upload_env, - silent=True - ) - parser = OutputParser(config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, - error_list=MakefileErrorList) - parser.add_lines(output) - if parser.num_errors: - self.add_failure(locale, message="%s failed in make upload!" % (locale)) - continue - package_name = base_package_name % {'locale': locale} - r = re.compile("(http.*%s)" % package_name) - for line in output.splitlines(): - m = r.match(line) - if m: - self.upload_urls[locale] = m.groups()[0] - self.info("Found upload url %s" % self.upload_urls[locale]) - success_count += 1 - self.summarize_success_count(success_count, total_count, - message="Make Upload for %d of %d locales successful.") - - def checkout_tools(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - # We need hg.m.o/build/tools checked out - self.info("Checking out tools") - repos = [{ - 'repo': self.config['tools_repo'], - 'vcs': "hg", - 'branch': "default", - 'dest': dirs['abs_tools_dir'], - }] - rev = self.vcs_checkout(**repos[0]) - self.set_buildbot_property("tools_revision", rev, write_to_file=True) - - def query_apkfile_path(self,locale): - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - apkdir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_objdir'], 'dist') - r = r"(\.)" + re.escape(locale) + r"(\.*)" - - apks = [] - for f in os.listdir(apkdir): - if f.endswith(".apk") and re.search(r, f): - apks.append(f) - if len(apks) == 0: - self.fatal("Found no apks files in %s, don't know what to do:\n%s" % (apkdir, apks), exit_code=1) - - return os.path.join(apkdir, apks[0]) - - def query_is_release_or_beta(self): - - return bool(self.config.get("is_release_or_beta")) - - def submit_to_balrog(self): - - if not self.query_is_nightly() and not self.query_is_release_or_beta(): - self.info("Not a nightly or release build, skipping balrog submission.") - return - - if not self.config.get("balrog_servers"): - self.info("balrog_servers not set; skipping balrog submission.") - return - - self.checkout_tools() - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - locales = self.query_locales() - balrogReady = True - for locale in locales: - apk_url = self.query_upload_url(locale) - if not apk_url: - self.add_failure(locale, message="Failed to detect %s url in make upload!" % (locale)) - balrogReady = False - continue - if not balrogReady: - return self.fatal(message="Not all repacks successful, abort without submitting to balrog") - - for locale in locales: - apkfile = self.query_apkfile_path(locale) - apk_url = self.query_upload_url(locale) - - # Set other necessary properties for Balrog submission. None need to - # be passed back to buildbot, so we won't write them to the properties - #files. - self.set_buildbot_property("locale", locale) - - self.set_buildbot_property("appVersion", self.query_version()) - # The Balrog submitter translates this platform into a build target - # via https://github.com/mozilla/build-tools/blob/master/lib/python/release/platforms.py#L23 - self.set_buildbot_property("platform", self.buildbot_config["properties"]["platform"]) - #TODO: Is there a better way to get this? - - self.set_buildbot_property("appName", "Fennec") - # TODO: don't hardcode - self.set_buildbot_property("hashType", "sha512") - self.set_buildbot_property("completeMarSize", self.query_filesize(apkfile)) - self.set_buildbot_property("completeMarHash", self.query_sha512sum(apkfile)) - self.set_buildbot_property("completeMarUrl", apk_url) - self.set_buildbot_property("isOSUpdate", False) - self.set_buildbot_property("buildid", self.query_buildid()) - - if self.query_is_nightly(): - self.submit_balrog_updates(release_type="nightly") - else: - self.submit_balrog_updates(release_type="release") - if not self.query_is_nightly(): - self.submit_balrog_release_pusher(dirs) - -# main {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - single_locale = MobileSingleLocale() - single_locale.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/mobile_partner_repack.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/mobile_partner_repack.py deleted file mode 100755 index 8d99f825a..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/mobile_partner_repack.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,327 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""mobile_partner_repack.py - -""" - -from copy import deepcopy -import os -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.errors import ZipErrorList -from mozharness.base.log import FATAL -from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript -from mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales import LocalesMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.release import ReleaseMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.signing import MobileSigningMixin - -SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = ["android"] - - -# MobilePartnerRepack {{{1 -class MobilePartnerRepack(LocalesMixin, ReleaseMixin, MobileSigningMixin, - TransferMixin, MercurialScript): - config_options = [[ - ['--locale', ], - {"action": "extend", - "dest": "locales", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the locale(s) to repack" - } - ], [ - ['--partner', ], - {"action": "extend", - "dest": "partners", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the partner(s) to repack" - } - ], [ - ['--locales-file', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "locales_file", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify a json file to determine which locales to repack" - } - ], [ - ['--tag-override', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "tag_override", - "type": "string", - "help": "Override the tags set for all repos" - } - ], [ - ['--platform', ], - {"action": "extend", - "dest": "platforms", - "type": "choice", - "choices": SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS, - "help": "Specify the platform(s) to repack" - } - ], [ - ['--user-repo-override', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "user_repo_override", - "type": "string", - "help": "Override the user repo path for all repos" - } - ], [ - ['--release-config-file', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "release_config_file", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the release config file to use" - } - ], [ - ['--version', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "version", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the current version" - } - ], [ - ['--buildnum', ], - {"action": "store", - "dest": "buildnum", - "type": "int", - "default": 1, - "metavar": "INT", - "help": "Specify the current release build num (e.g. build1, build2)" - } - ]] - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - self.release_config = {} - LocalesMixin.__init__(self) - MercurialScript.__init__( - self, - config_options=self.config_options, - all_actions=[ - "passphrase", - "clobber", - "pull", - "download", - "repack", - "upload-unsigned-bits", - "sign", - "upload-signed-bits", - "summary", - ], - require_config_file=require_config_file - ) - - # Helper methods {{{2 - def add_failure(self, platform, locale, **kwargs): - s = "%s:%s" % (platform, locale) - if 'message' in kwargs: - kwargs['message'] = kwargs['message'] % {'platform': platform, 'locale': locale} - super(MobilePartnerRepack, self).add_failure(s, **kwargs) - - def query_failure(self, platform, locale): - s = "%s:%s" % (platform, locale) - return super(MobilePartnerRepack, self).query_failure(s) - - # Actions {{{2 - - def pull(self): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - repos = [] - replace_dict = {} - if c.get("user_repo_override"): - replace_dict['user_repo_override'] = c['user_repo_override'] - # deepcopy() needed because of self.config lock bug :( - for repo_dict in deepcopy(c['repos']): - repo_dict['repo'] = repo_dict['repo'] % replace_dict - repos.append(repo_dict) - else: - repos = c['repos'] - self.vcs_checkout_repos(repos, parent_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - tag_override=c.get('tag_override')) - - def download(self): - c = self.config - rc = self.query_release_config() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - locales = self.query_locales() - replace_dict = { - 'buildnum': rc['buildnum'], - 'version': rc['version'], - } - success_count = total_count = 0 - for platform in c['platforms']: - base_installer_name = c['installer_base_names'][platform] - base_url = c['download_base_url'] + '/' + \ - c['download_unsigned_base_subdir'] + '/' + \ - base_installer_name - replace_dict['platform'] = platform - for locale in locales: - replace_dict['locale'] = locale - url = base_url % replace_dict - installer_name = base_installer_name % replace_dict - parent_dir = '%s/original/%s/%s' % (dirs['abs_work_dir'], - platform, locale) - file_path = '%s/%s' % (parent_dir, installer_name) - self.mkdir_p(parent_dir) - total_count += 1 - if not self.download_file(url, file_path): - self.add_failure(platform, locale, - message="Unable to download %(platform)s:%(locale)s installer!") - else: - success_count += 1 - self.summarize_success_count(success_count, total_count, - message="Downloaded %d of %d installers successfully.") - - def _repack_apk(self, partner, orig_path, repack_path): - """ Repack the apk with a partner update channel. - Returns True for success, None for failure - """ - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - zip_bin = self.query_exe("zip") - unzip_bin = self.query_exe("unzip") - file_name = os.path.basename(orig_path) - tmp_dir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tmp') - tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, file_name) - tmp_prefs_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'defaults', 'pref') - # Error checking for each step. - # Ignoring the mkdir_p()s since the subsequent copyfile()s will - # error out if unsuccessful. - if self.rmtree(tmp_dir): - return - self.mkdir_p(tmp_prefs_dir) - if self.copyfile(orig_path, tmp_file): - return - if self.write_to_file(os.path.join(tmp_prefs_dir, 'partner.js'), - 'pref("app.partner.%s", "%s");' % (partner, partner) - ) is None: - return - if self.run_command([unzip_bin, '-q', file_name, 'omni.ja'], - error_list=ZipErrorList, - return_type='num_errors', - cwd=tmp_dir): - self.error("Can't extract omni.ja from %s!" % file_name) - return - if self.run_command([zip_bin, '-9r', 'omni.ja', - 'defaults/pref/partner.js'], - error_list=ZipErrorList, - return_type='num_errors', - cwd=tmp_dir): - self.error("Can't add partner.js to omni.ja!") - return - if self.run_command([zip_bin, '-9r', file_name, 'omni.ja'], - error_list=ZipErrorList, - return_type='num_errors', - cwd=tmp_dir): - self.error("Can't re-add omni.ja to %s!" % file_name) - return - if self.unsign_apk(tmp_file): - return - repack_dir = os.path.dirname(repack_path) - self.mkdir_p(repack_dir) - if self.copyfile(tmp_file, repack_path): - return - return True - - def repack(self): - c = self.config - rc = self.query_release_config() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - locales = self.query_locales() - success_count = total_count = 0 - for platform in c['platforms']: - for locale in locales: - installer_name = c['installer_base_names'][platform] % {'version': rc['version'], 'locale': locale} - if self.query_failure(platform, locale): - self.warning("%s:%s had previous issues; skipping!" % (platform, locale)) - continue - original_path = '%s/original/%s/%s/%s' % (dirs['abs_work_dir'], platform, locale, installer_name) - for partner in c['partner_config'].keys(): - repack_path = '%s/unsigned/partner-repacks/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (dirs['abs_work_dir'], partner, platform, locale, installer_name) - total_count += 1 - if self._repack_apk(partner, original_path, repack_path): - success_count += 1 - else: - self.add_failure(platform, locale, - message="Unable to repack %(platform)s:%(locale)s installer!") - self.summarize_success_count(success_count, total_count, - message="Repacked %d of %d installers successfully.") - - def _upload(self, dir_name="unsigned/partner-repacks"): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - local_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], dir_name) - rc = self.query_release_config() - replace_dict = { - 'buildnum': rc['buildnum'], - 'version': rc['version'], - } - remote_path = '%s/%s' % (c['ftp_upload_base_dir'] % replace_dict, dir_name) - if self.rsync_upload_directory(local_path, c['ftp_ssh_key'], - c['ftp_user'], c['ftp_server'], - remote_path): - self.return_code += 1 - - def upload_unsigned_bits(self): - self._upload() - - # passphrase() in AndroidSigningMixin - # verify_passphrases() in AndroidSigningMixin - - def preflight_sign(self): - if 'passphrase' not in self.actions: - self.passphrase() - self.verify_passphrases() - - def sign(self): - c = self.config - rc = self.query_release_config() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - locales = self.query_locales() - success_count = total_count = 0 - for platform in c['platforms']: - for locale in locales: - installer_name = c['installer_base_names'][platform] % {'version': rc['version'], 'locale': locale} - if self.query_failure(platform, locale): - self.warning("%s:%s had previous issues; skipping!" % (platform, locale)) - continue - for partner in c['partner_config'].keys(): - unsigned_path = '%s/unsigned/partner-repacks/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (dirs['abs_work_dir'], partner, platform, locale, installer_name) - signed_dir = '%s/partner-repacks/%s/%s/%s' % (dirs['abs_work_dir'], partner, platform, locale) - signed_path = "%s/%s" % (signed_dir, installer_name) - total_count += 1 - self.info("Signing %s %s." % (platform, locale)) - if not os.path.exists(unsigned_path): - self.error("Missing apk %s!" % unsigned_path) - continue - if self.sign_apk(unsigned_path, c['keystore'], - self.store_passphrase, self.key_passphrase, - c['key_alias']) != 0: - self.add_summary("Unable to sign %s:%s apk!" % (platform, locale), level=FATAL) - else: - self.mkdir_p(signed_dir) - if self.align_apk(unsigned_path, signed_path): - self.add_failure(platform, locale, - message="Unable to align %(platform)s%(locale)s apk!") - self.rmtree(signed_dir) - else: - success_count += 1 - self.summarize_success_count(success_count, total_count, - message="Signed %d of %d apks successfully.") - - # TODO verify signatures. - - def upload_signed_bits(self): - self._upload(dir_name="partner-repacks") - - -# main {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - mobile_partner_repack = MobilePartnerRepack() - mobile_partner_repack.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/multil10n.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/multil10n.py deleted file mode 100755 index c89caf7c6..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/multil10n.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""multil10n.py - -""" - -import os -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.mozilla.l10n.multi_locale_build import MultiLocaleBuild - -if __name__ == '__main__': - multi_locale_build = MultiLocaleBuild() - multi_locale_build.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/openh264_build.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/openh264_build.py deleted file mode 100644 index 072d102d5..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/openh264_build.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,250 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -import sys -import os -import glob - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -# import the guts -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import VCSScript -from mozharness.base.log import ERROR -from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.mock import MockMixin - - -class OpenH264Build(MockMixin, TransferMixin, VCSScript): - all_actions = [ - 'clobber', - 'checkout-sources', - 'build', - 'test', - 'package', - 'upload', - ] - - default_actions = [ - 'checkout-sources', - 'build', - 'test', - 'package', - ] - - config_options = [ - [["--repo"], { - "dest": "repo", - "help": "OpenH264 repository to use", - "default": "https://github.com/cisco/openh264.git" - }], - [["--rev"], { - "dest": "revision", - "help": "revision to checkout", - "default": "master" - }], - [["--debug"], { - "dest": "debug_build", - "action": "store_true", - "help": "Do a debug build", - }], - [["--64"], { - "dest": "64bit", - "action": "store_true", - "help": "Do a 64-bit build", - "default": True, - }], - [["--32"], { - "dest": "64bit", - "action": "store_false", - "help": "Do a 32-bit build", - }], - [["--os"], { - "dest": "operating_system", - "help": "Specify the operating system to build for", - }], - [["--use-mock"], { - "dest": "use_mock", - "help": "use mock to set up build environment", - "action": "store_true", - "default": False, - }], - [["--use-yasm"], { - "dest": "use_yasm", - "help": "use yasm instead of nasm", - "action": "store_true", - "default": False, - }], - ] - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=False, config={}, - all_actions=all_actions, - default_actions=default_actions): - - # Default configuration - default_config = { - 'debug_build': False, - 'mock_target': 'mozilla-centos6-x86_64', - 'mock_packages': ['make', 'git', 'nasm', 'glibc-devel.i686', 'libstdc++-devel.i686', 'zip', 'yasm'], - 'mock_files': [], - 'upload_ssh_key': os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa"), - 'upload_ssh_user': 'ffxbld', - 'upload_ssh_host': 'stage.mozilla.org', - 'upload_path_base': '/home/ffxbld/openh264', - 'use_yasm': False, - } - default_config.update(config) - - VCSScript.__init__( - self, - config_options=self.config_options, - require_config_file=require_config_file, - config=default_config, - all_actions=all_actions, - default_actions=default_actions, - ) - - if self.config['use_mock']: - self.setup_mock() - self.enable_mock() - - def query_package_name(self): - if self.config['64bit']: - bits = '64' - else: - bits = '32' - - version = self.config['revision'] - - if sys.platform == 'linux2': - if self.config.get('operating_system') == 'android': - return 'openh264-android-{version}.zip'.format(version=version, bits=bits) - else: - return 'openh264-linux{bits}-{version}.zip'.format(version=version, bits=bits) - elif sys.platform == 'darwin': - return 'openh264-macosx{bits}-{version}.zip'.format(version=version, bits=bits) - elif sys.platform == 'win32': - return 'openh264-win{bits}-{version}.zip'.format(version=version, bits=bits) - self.fatal("can't determine platform") - - def query_make_params(self): - retval = [] - if self.config['debug_build']: - retval.append('BUILDTYPE=Debug') - - if self.config['64bit']: - retval.append('ENABLE64BIT=Yes') - else: - retval.append('ENABLE64BIT=No') - - if "operating_system" in self.config: - retval.append("OS=%s" % self.config['operating_system']) - - if self.config['use_yasm']: - retval.append('ASM=yasm') - - return retval - - def query_upload_ssh_key(self): - return self.config['upload_ssh_key'] - - def query_upload_ssh_host(self): - return self.config['upload_ssh_host'] - - def query_upload_ssh_user(self): - return self.config['upload_ssh_user'] - - def query_upload_ssh_path(self): - return "%s/%s" % (self.config['upload_path_base'], self.config['revision']) - - def run_make(self, target): - cmd = ['make', target] + self.query_make_params() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - repo_dir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'src') - return self.run_command(cmd, cwd=repo_dir) - - def checkout_sources(self): - repo = self.config['repo'] - rev = self.config['revision'] - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - repo_dir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'src') - - repos = [ - {'vcs': 'gittool', 'repo': repo, 'dest': repo_dir, 'revision': rev}, - ] - - # self.vcs_checkout already retries, so no need to wrap it in - # self.retry. We set the error_level to ERROR to prevent it going fatal - # so we can do our own handling here. - retval = self.vcs_checkout_repos(repos, error_level=ERROR) - if not retval: - self.rmtree(repo_dir) - self.fatal("Automation Error: couldn't clone repo", exit_code=4) - - # Checkout gmp-api - # TODO: Nothing here updates it yet, or enforces versions! - if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo_dir, 'gmp-api')): - retval = self.run_make('gmp-bootstrap') - if retval != 0: - self.fatal("couldn't bootstrap gmp") - else: - self.info("skipping gmp bootstrap - we have it locally") - - # Checkout gtest - # TODO: Requires svn! - if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo_dir, 'gtest')): - retval = self.run_make('gtest-bootstrap') - if retval != 0: - self.fatal("couldn't bootstrap gtest") - else: - self.info("skipping gtest bootstrap - we have it locally") - - return retval - - def build(self): - retval = self.run_make('plugin') - if retval != 0: - self.fatal("couldn't build plugin") - - def package(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - srcdir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'src') - package_name = self.query_package_name() - package_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], package_name) - if os.path.exists(package_file): - os.unlink(package_file) - to_package = [os.path.basename(f) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(srcdir, "*gmpopenh264*"))] - cmd = ['zip', package_file] + to_package - retval = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=srcdir) - if retval != 0: - self.fatal("couldn't make package") - self.copy_to_upload_dir(package_file) - - def upload(self): - if self.config['use_mock']: - self.disable_mock() - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.rsync_upload_directory( - dirs['abs_upload_dir'], - self.query_upload_ssh_key(), - self.query_upload_ssh_user(), - self.query_upload_ssh_host(), - self.query_upload_ssh_path(), - ) - if self.config['use_mock']: - self.enable_mock() - - def test(self): - retval = self.run_make('test') - if retval != 0: - self.fatal("test failures") - - -# main {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - myScript = OpenH264Build() - myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/antivirus.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/antivirus.py deleted file mode 100644 index a28c3fd2f..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/antivirus.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool -import os -import re -import sys -import shutil - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) - -from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin, virtualenv_config_options -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript - - -class AntivirusScan(BaseScript, VirtualenvMixin): - config_options = [ - [["--product"], { - "dest": "product", - "help": "Product being released, eg: firefox, thunderbird", - }], - [["--version"], { - "dest": "version", - "help": "Version of release, eg: 39.0b5", - }], - [["--build-number"], { - "dest": "build_number", - "help": "Build number of release, eg: 2", - }], - [["--bucket-name"], { - "dest": "bucket_name", - "help": "S3 Bucket to retrieve files from", - }], - [["--exclude"], { - "dest": "excludes", - "action": "append", - "help": "List of filename patterns to exclude. See script source for default", - }], - [["-d", "--download-parallelization"], { - "dest": "download_parallelization", - "default": 6, - "type": "int", - "help": "Number of concurrent file downloads", - }], - [["-s", "--scan-parallelization"], { - "dest": "scan_parallelization", - "default": 4, - "type": "int", - "help": "Number of concurrent file scans", - }], - [["--tools-repo"], { - "dest": "tools_repo", - "default": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - }], - [["--tools-revision"], { - "dest": "tools_revision", - "help": "Revision of tools repo to use when downloading extract_and_run_command.py", - }], - ] + virtualenv_config_options - - DEFAULT_EXCLUDES = [ - r"^.*tests.*$", - r"^.*crashreporter.*$", - r"^.*\.zip(\.asc)?$", - r"^.*\.log$", - r"^.*\.txt$", - r"^.*\.asc$", - r"^.*/partner-repacks.*$", - r"^.*.checksums(\.asc)?$", - r"^.*/logs/.*$", - r"^.*/jsshell.*$", - r"^.*json$", - r"^.*/host.*$", - r"^.*/mar-tools/.*$", - r"^.*contrib.*" - ] - CACHE_DIR = 'cache' - - def __init__(self): - BaseScript.__init__(self, - config_options=self.config_options, - require_config_file=False, - config={ - "virtualenv_modules": [ - "boto", - "redo", - "mar", - ], - "virtualenv_path": "venv", - }, - all_actions=[ - "create-virtualenv", - "activate-virtualenv", - "get-extract-script", - "get-files", - "scan-files", - "cleanup-cache", - ], - default_actions=[ - "create-virtualenv", - "activate-virtualenv", - "get-extract-script", - "get-files", - "scan-files", - "cleanup-cache", - ], - ) - self.excludes = self.config.get('excludes', self.DEFAULT_EXCLUDES) - self.dest_dir = self.CACHE_DIR - - def _get_candidates_prefix(self): - return "pub/{}/candidates/{}-candidates/build{}/".format( - self.config['product'], - self.config["version"], - self.config["build_number"] - ) - - def _matches_exclude(self, keyname): - for exclude in self.excludes: - if re.search(exclude, keyname): - return True - return False - - def get_extract_script(self): - """Gets a copy of extract_and_run_command.py from tools, and the supporting mar.py, - so that we can unpack various files for clam to scan them.""" - remote_file = "{}/raw-file/{}/stage/extract_and_run_command.py".format(self.config["tools_repo"], - self.config["tools_revision"]) - self.download_file(remote_file, file_name="extract_and_run_command.py") - - def get_files(self): - """Pull the candidate files down from S3 for scanning, using parallel requests""" - from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection - from boto.exception import S3CopyError, S3ResponseError - from redo import retry - from httplib import HTTPException - - # suppress boto debug logging, it's too verbose with --loglevel=debug - import logging - logging.getLogger('boto').setLevel(logging.INFO) - - self.info("Connecting to S3") - conn = S3Connection(anon=True) - self.info("Getting bucket {}".format(self.config["bucket_name"])) - bucket = conn.get_bucket(self.config["bucket_name"]) - - if os.path.exists(self.dest_dir): - self.info('Emptying {}'.format(self.dest_dir)) - shutil.rmtree(self.dest_dir) - os.makedirs(self.dest_dir) - - def worker(item): - source, destination = item - - self.info("Downloading {} to {}".format(source, destination)) - key = bucket.get_key(source) - return retry(key.get_contents_to_filename, - args=(destination, ), - sleeptime=30, max_sleeptime=150, - retry_exceptions=(S3CopyError, S3ResponseError, - IOError, HTTPException)) - - def find_release_files(): - candidates_prefix = self._get_candidates_prefix() - self.info("Getting key names from candidates") - for key in bucket.list(prefix=candidates_prefix): - keyname = key.name - if self._matches_exclude(keyname): - self.debug("Excluding {}".format(keyname)) - else: - destination = os.path.join(self.dest_dir, keyname.replace(candidates_prefix, '')) - dest_dir = os.path.dirname(destination) - if not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): - os.makedirs(dest_dir) - yield (keyname, destination) - - pool = ThreadPool(self.config["download_parallelization"]) - pool.map(worker, find_release_files()) - - def scan_files(self): - """Scan the files we've collected. We do the download and scan concurrently to make - it easier to have a coherent log afterwards. Uses the venv python.""" - self.run_command([self.query_python_path(), 'extract_and_run_command.py', - '-j{}'.format(self.config['scan_parallelization']), - 'clamdscan', '-m', '--no-summary', '--', self.dest_dir]) - - def cleanup_cache(self): - """If we have simultaneous releases in flight an av slave may end up doing another - av job before being recycled, and we need to make sure the full disk is available.""" - shutil.rmtree(self.dest_dir) - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - myScript = AntivirusScan() - myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/beet_mover.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/beet_mover.py deleted file mode 100755 index 0f3c18753..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/beet_mover.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,371 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""beet_mover.py. - -downloads artifacts, scans them and uploads them to s3 -""" -import hashlib -import sys -import os -import pprint -import re -from os import listdir -from os.path import isfile, join -import sh -import redo - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) -from mozharness.base.log import FATAL -from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript -from mozharness.mozilla.aws import pop_aws_auth_from_env -import mozharness -import mimetypes - - -def get_hash(content, hash_type="md5"): - h = hashlib.new(hash_type) - h.update(content) - return h.hexdigest() - - -CONFIG_OPTIONS = [ - [["--template"], { - "dest": "template", - "help": "Specify jinja2 template file", - }], - [['--locale', ], { - "action": "extend", - "dest": "locales", - "type": "string", - "help": "Specify the locale(s) to upload."}], - [["--platform"], { - "dest": "platform", - "help": "Specify the platform of the build", - }], - [["--version"], { - "dest": "version", - "help": "full release version based on gecko and tag/stage identifier. e.g. '44.0b1'" - }], - [["--app-version"], { - "dest": "app_version", - "help": "numbered version based on gecko. e.g. '44.0'" - }], - [["--partial-version"], { - "dest": "partial_version", - "help": "the partial version the mar is based off of" - }], - [["--artifact-subdir"], { - "dest": "artifact_subdir", - "default": 'build', - "help": "subdir location for taskcluster artifacts after public/ base.", - }], - [["--build-num"], { - "dest": "build_num", - "help": "the release build identifier" - }], - [["--taskid"], { - "dest": "taskid", - "help": "taskcluster task id to download artifacts from", - }], - [["--bucket"], { - "dest": "bucket", - "help": "s3 bucket to move beets to.", - }], - [["--product"], { - "dest": "product", - "help": "product for which artifacts are beetmoved", - }], - [["--exclude"], { - "dest": "excludes", - "action": "append", - "help": "List of filename patterns to exclude. See script source for default", - }], - [["-s", "--scan-parallelization"], { - "dest": "scan_parallelization", - "default": 4, - "type": "int", - "help": "Number of concurrent file scans", - }], -] - -DEFAULT_EXCLUDES = [ - r"^.*tests.*$", - r"^.*crashreporter.*$", - r"^.*\.zip(\.asc)?$", - r"^.*\.log$", - r"^.*\.txt$", - r"^.*\.asc$", - r"^.*/partner-repacks.*$", - r"^.*.checksums(\.asc)?$", - r"^.*/logs/.*$", - r"^.*/jsshell.*$", - r"^.*json$", - r"^.*/host.*$", - r"^.*/mar-tools/.*$", - r"^.*contrib.*" -] -CACHE_DIR = 'cache' - -MIME_MAP = { - '': 'text/plain', - '.asc': 'text/plain', - '.beet': 'text/plain', - '.bundle': 'application/octet-stream', - '.bz2': 'application/octet-stream', - '.checksums': 'text/plain', - '.dmg': 'application/x-iso9660-image', - '.mar': 'application/octet-stream', - '.xpi': 'application/x-xpinstall' -} - -HASH_FORMATS = ["sha512", "sha256"] - - -class BeetMover(BaseScript, VirtualenvMixin, object): - def __init__(self, aws_creds): - beetmover_kwargs = { - 'config_options': CONFIG_OPTIONS, - 'all_actions': [ - # 'clobber', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'activate-virtualenv', - 'generate-candidates-manifest', - 'refresh-antivirus', - 'verify-bits', # beets - 'download-bits', # beets - 'scan-bits', # beets - 'upload-bits', # beets - ], - 'require_config_file': False, - # Default configuration - 'config': { - # base index url where to find taskcluster artifact based on taskid - "artifact_base_url": 'https://queue.taskcluster.net/v1/task/{taskid}/artifacts/public/{subdir}', - "virtualenv_modules": [ - "boto", - "PyYAML", - "Jinja2", - "redo", - "cryptography==2.0.3", - "mar", - ], - "virtualenv_path": "venv", - }, - } - #todo do excludes need to be configured via command line for specific builds? - super(BeetMover, self).__init__(**beetmover_kwargs) - - c = self.config - self.manifest = {} - # assigned in _post_create_virtualenv - self.virtualenv_imports = None - self.bucket = c['bucket'] - if not all(aws_creds): - self.fatal('credentials must be passed in env: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"') - self.aws_key_id, self.aws_secret_key = aws_creds - # if excludes is set from command line, use it otherwise use defaults - self.excludes = self.config.get('excludes', DEFAULT_EXCLUDES) - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.dest_dir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], CACHE_DIR) - self.mime_fix() - - def activate_virtualenv(self): - """ - activates virtualenv and adds module imports to a instance wide namespace. - - creating and activating a virtualenv onto the currently executing python interpreter is a - bit black magic. Rather than having import statements added in various places within the - script, we import them here immediately after we activate the newly created virtualenv - """ - VirtualenvMixin.activate_virtualenv(self) - - import boto - import yaml - import jinja2 - self.virtualenv_imports = { - 'boto': boto, - 'yaml': yaml, - 'jinja2': jinja2, - } - self.log("activated virtualenv with the modules: {}".format(str(self.virtualenv_imports))) - - def _get_template_vars(self): - return { - "platform": self.config['platform'], - "locales": self.config.get('locales'), - "version": self.config['version'], - "app_version": self.config.get('app_version', ''), - "partial_version": self.config.get('partial_version', ''), - "build_num": self.config['build_num'], - # keep the trailing slash - "s3_prefix": 'pub/{prod}/candidates/{ver}-candidates/{n}/'.format( - prod=self.config['product'], ver=self.config['version'], - n=self.config['build_num'] - ), - "artifact_base_url": self.config['artifact_base_url'].format( - taskid=self.config['taskid'], subdir=self.config['artifact_subdir'] - ) - } - - def generate_candidates_manifest(self): - """ - generates and outputs a manifest that maps expected Taskcluster artifact names - to release deliverable names - """ - self.log('generating manifest from {}...'.format(self.config['template'])) - template_dir, template_file = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(self.config['template'])) - jinja2 = self.virtualenv_imports['jinja2'] - yaml = self.virtualenv_imports['yaml'] - - jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dir), - undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined) - template = jinja_env.get_template(template_file) - self.manifest = yaml.safe_load(template.render(**self._get_template_vars())) - - self.log("manifest generated:") - self.log(pprint.pformat(self.manifest['mapping'])) - - def verify_bits(self): - """ - inspects each artifact and verifies that they were created by trustworthy tasks - """ - # TODO - self.log('skipping verification. unimplemented...') - - def refresh_antivirus(self): - self.info("Refreshing clamav db...") - try: - redo.retry(lambda: - sh.freshclam("--stdout", "--verbose", _timeout=300, - _err_to_out=True)) - self.info("Done.") - except sh.ErrorReturnCode: - self.warning("Freshclam failed, skipping DB update") - - def download_bits(self): - """ - downloads list of artifacts to self.dest_dir dir based on a given manifest - """ - self.log('downloading and uploading artifacts to self_dest_dir...') - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - for locale in self.manifest['mapping']: - for deliverable in self.manifest['mapping'][locale]: - self.log("downloading '{}' deliverable for '{}' locale".format(deliverable, locale)) - source = self.manifest['mapping'][locale][deliverable]['artifact'] - self.retry( - self.download_file, - args=[source], - kwargs={'parent_dir': dirs['abs_work_dir']}, - error_level=FATAL) - self.log('Success!') - - def _strip_prefix(self, s3_key): - """Return file name relative to prefix""" - # "abc/def/hfg".split("abc/de")[-1] == "f/hfg" - return s3_key.split(self._get_template_vars()["s3_prefix"])[-1] - - def upload_bits(self): - """ - uploads list of artifacts to s3 candidates dir based on a given manifest - """ - self.log('uploading artifacts to s3...') - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - # connect to s3 - boto = self.virtualenv_imports['boto'] - conn = boto.connect_s3(self.aws_key_id, self.aws_secret_key) - bucket = conn.get_bucket(self.bucket) - - for locale in self.manifest['mapping']: - for deliverable in self.manifest['mapping'][locale]: - self.log("uploading '{}' deliverable for '{}' locale".format(deliverable, locale)) - # we have already downloaded the files locally so we can use that version - source = self.manifest['mapping'][locale][deliverable]['artifact'] - s3_key = self.manifest['mapping'][locale][deliverable]['s3_key'] - downloaded_file = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], self.get_filename_from_url(source)) - # generate checksums for every uploaded file - beet_file_name = '{}.beet'.format(downloaded_file) - # upload checksums to a separate subdirectory - beet_dest = '{prefix}beetmover-checksums/{f}.beet'.format( - prefix=self._get_template_vars()["s3_prefix"], - f=self._strip_prefix(s3_key) - ) - beet_contents = '\n'.join([ - '{hash} {fmt} {size} {name}'.format( - hash=self.get_hash_for_file(downloaded_file, hash_type=fmt), - fmt=fmt, - size=os.path.getsize(downloaded_file), - name=self._strip_prefix(s3_key)) for fmt in HASH_FORMATS - ]) - self.write_to_file(beet_file_name, beet_contents) - self.upload_bit(source=downloaded_file, s3_key=s3_key, - bucket=bucket) - self.upload_bit(source=beet_file_name, s3_key=beet_dest, - bucket=bucket) - self.log('Success!') - - - def upload_bit(self, source, s3_key, bucket): - boto = self.virtualenv_imports['boto'] - self.info('uploading to s3 with key: {}'.format(s3_key)) - key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket) # create new key - key.key = s3_key # set key name - - self.info("Checking if `{}` already exists".format(s3_key)) - key = bucket.get_key(s3_key) - if not key: - self.info("Uploading to `{}`".format(s3_key)) - key = bucket.new_key(s3_key) - # set key value - mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(source) - self.retry(lambda: key.set_contents_from_filename(source, headers={'Content-Type': mime_type}), - error_level=FATAL), - else: - if not get_hash(key.get_contents_as_string()) == get_hash(open(source).read()): - # for now, let's halt. If necessary, we can revisit this and allow for overwrites - # to the same buildnum release with different bits - self.fatal("`{}` already exists with different checksum.".format(s3_key)) - self.log("`{}` has the same MD5 checksum, not uploading".format(s3_key)) - - def scan_bits(self): - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - filenames = [f for f in listdir(dirs['abs_work_dir']) if isfile(join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], f))] - self.mkdir_p(self.dest_dir) - for file_name in filenames: - if self._matches_exclude(file_name): - self.info("Excluding {} from virus scan".format(file_name)) - else: - self.info('Copying {} to {}'.format(file_name,self.dest_dir)) - self.copyfile(os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], file_name), os.path.join(self.dest_dir,file_name)) - self._scan_files() - self.info('Emptying {}'.format(self.dest_dir)) - self.rmtree(self.dest_dir) - - def _scan_files(self): - """Scan the files we've collected. We do the download and scan concurrently to make - it easier to have a coherent log afterwards. Uses the venv python.""" - external_tools_path = os.path.join( - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), 'external_tools') - self.run_command([self.query_python_path(), os.path.join(external_tools_path,'extract_and_run_command.py'), - '-j{}'.format(self.config['scan_parallelization']), - 'clamscan', '--no-summary', '--', self.dest_dir]) - - def _matches_exclude(self, keyname): - return any(re.search(exclude, keyname) for exclude in self.excludes) - - def mime_fix(self): - """ Add mimetypes for custom extensions """ - mimetypes.init() - map(lambda (ext, mime_type,): mimetypes.add_type(mime_type, ext), MIME_MAP.items()) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - beet_mover = BeetMover(pop_aws_auth_from_env()) - beet_mover.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/generate-checksums.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/generate-checksums.py deleted file mode 100644 index 61a1c43d2..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/generate-checksums.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,284 +0,0 @@ -from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool -import os -from os import path -import re -import sys -import posixpath - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) - -from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin, virtualenv_config_options -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import VCSMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.checksums import parse_checksums_file -from mozharness.mozilla.signing import SigningMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin - -class ChecksumsGenerator(BaseScript, VirtualenvMixin, SigningMixin, VCSMixin, BuildbotMixin): - config_options = [ - [["--stage-product"], { - "dest": "stage_product", - "help": "Name of product used in file server's directory structure, eg: firefox, mobile", - }], - [["--version"], { - "dest": "version", - "help": "Version of release, eg: 39.0b5", - }], - [["--build-number"], { - "dest": "build_number", - "help": "Build number of release, eg: 2", - }], - [["--bucket-name-prefix"], { - "dest": "bucket_name_prefix", - "help": "Prefix of bucket name, eg: net-mozaws-prod-delivery. This will be used to generate a full bucket name (such as net-mozaws-prod-delivery-{firefox,archive}.", - }], - [["--bucket-name-full"], { - "dest": "bucket_name_full", - "help": "Full bucket name, eg: net-mozaws-prod-delivery-firefox", - }], - [["-j", "--parallelization"], { - "dest": "parallelization", - "default": 20, - "type": int, - "help": "Number of checksums file to download concurrently", - }], - [["-f", "--format"], { - "dest": "formats", - "default": [], - "action": "append", - "help": "Format(s) to generate big checksums file for. Default: sha512", - }], - [["--include"], { - "dest": "includes", - "default": [], - "action": "append", - "help": "List of patterns to include in big checksums file. See script source for default.", - }], - [["--tools-repo"], { - "dest": "tools_repo", - "default": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", - }], - [["--credentials"], { - "dest": "credentials", - "help": "File containing access key and secret access key for S3", - }], - ] + virtualenv_config_options - - def __init__(self): - BaseScript.__init__(self, - config_options=self.config_options, - require_config_file=False, - config={ - "virtualenv_modules": [ - "pip==1.5.5", - "boto", - ], - "virtualenv_path": "venv", - 'buildbot_json_path': 'buildprops.json', - }, - all_actions=[ - "create-virtualenv", - "collect-individual-checksums", - "create-big-checksums", - "sign", - "upload", - "copy-info-files", - ], - default_actions=[ - "create-virtualenv", - "collect-individual-checksums", - "create-big-checksums", - "sign", - "upload", - ], - ) - - self.checksums = {} - self.bucket = None - self.bucket_name = self._get_bucket_name() - self.file_prefix = self._get_file_prefix() - # set the env var for boto to read our special config file - # rather than anything else we have at ~/.boto - os.environ["BOTO_CONFIG"] = os.path.abspath(self.config["credentials"]) - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - super(ChecksumsGenerator, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - - # override properties from buildbot properties here as defined by - # taskcluster properties - self.read_buildbot_config() - if not self.buildbot_config: - self.warning("Skipping buildbot properties overrides") - return - # TODO: version should come from repo - props = self.buildbot_config["properties"] - for prop in ['version', 'build_number']: - if props.get(prop): - self.info("Overriding %s with %s" % (prop, props[prop])) - self.config[prop] = props.get(prop) - - # These defaults are set here rather in the config because default - # lists cannot be completely overidden, only appended to. - if not self.config.get("formats"): - self.config["formats"] = ["sha512", "sha256"] - - if not self.config.get("includes"): - self.config["includes"] = [ - r"^.*\.tar\.bz2$", - r"^.*\.tar\.xz$", - r"^.*\.dmg$", - r"^.*\.bundle$", - r"^.*\.mar$", - r"^.*Setup.*\.exe$", - r"^.*\.xpi$", - r"^.*fennec.*\.apk$", - ] - - def _get_bucket_name(self): - if self.config.get('bucket_name_full'): - return self.config['bucket_name_full'] - - suffix = "archive" - # Firefox has a special bucket, per https://github.com/mozilla-services/product-delivery-tools/blob/master/bucketmap.go - if self.config["stage_product"] == "firefox": - suffix = "firefox" - - return "{}-{}".format(self.config["bucket_name_prefix"], suffix) - - def _get_file_prefix(self): - return "pub/{}/candidates/{}-candidates/build{}/".format( - self.config["stage_product"], self.config["version"], self.config["build_number"] - ) - - def _get_sums_filename(self, format_): - return "{}SUMS".format(format_.upper()) - - def _get_bucket(self): - if not self.bucket: - self.activate_virtualenv() - from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection - - self.info("Connecting to S3") - conn = S3Connection() - self.debug("Successfully connected to S3") - self.info("Connecting to bucket {}".format(self.bucket_name)) - self.bucket = conn.get_bucket(self.bucket_name) - return self.bucket - - def collect_individual_checksums(self): - """This step grabs all of the small checksums files for the release, - filters out any unwanted files from within them, and adds the remainder - to self.checksums for subsequent steps to use.""" - bucket = self._get_bucket() - self.info("File prefix is: {}".format(self.file_prefix)) - - # Temporary holding place for checksums - raw_checksums = [] - def worker(item): - self.debug("Downloading {}".format(item)) - # TODO: It would be nice to download the associated .asc file - # and verify against it. - sums = bucket.get_key(item).get_contents_as_string() - raw_checksums.append(sums) - - def find_checksums_files(): - self.info("Getting key names from bucket") - checksum_files = {"beets": [], "checksums": []} - for key in bucket.list(prefix=self.file_prefix): - if key.key.endswith(".checksums"): - self.debug("Found checksums file: {}".format(key.key)) - checksum_files["checksums"].append(key.key) - elif key.key.endswith(".beet"): - self.debug("Found beet file: {}".format(key.key)) - checksum_files["beets"].append(key.key) - else: - self.debug("Ignoring non-checksums file: {}".format(key.key)) - if checksum_files["beets"]: - self.log("Using beet format") - return checksum_files["beets"] - else: - self.log("Using checksums format") - return checksum_files["checksums"] - - pool = ThreadPool(self.config["parallelization"]) - pool.map(worker, find_checksums_files()) - - for c in raw_checksums: - for f, info in parse_checksums_file(c).iteritems(): - for pattern in self.config["includes"]: - if re.search(pattern, f): - if f in self.checksums: - self.fatal("Found duplicate checksum entry for {}, don't know which one to pick.".format(f)) - if not set(self.config["formats"]) <= set(info["hashes"]): - self.fatal("Missing necessary format for file {}".format(f)) - self.debug("Adding checksums for file: {}".format(f)) - self.checksums[f] = info - break - else: - self.debug("Ignoring checksums for file: {}".format(f)) - - def create_big_checksums(self): - for fmt in self.config["formats"]: - sums = self._get_sums_filename(fmt) - self.info("Creating big checksums file: {}".format(sums)) - with open(sums, "w+") as output_file: - for fn in sorted(self.checksums): - output_file.write("{} {}\n".format(self.checksums[fn]["hashes"][fmt], fn)) - - def sign(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - tools_dir = path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tools") - self.vcs_checkout( - repo=self.config["tools_repo"], - branch="default", - vcs="hg", - dest=tools_dir, - ) - - sign_cmd = self.query_moz_sign_cmd(formats=["gpg"]) - - for fmt in self.config["formats"]: - sums = self._get_sums_filename(fmt) - self.info("Signing big checksums file: {}".format(sums)) - retval = self.run_command(sign_cmd + [sums]) - if retval != 0: - self.fatal("Failed to sign {}".format(sums)) - - def upload(self): - # we need to provide the public side of the gpg key so that people can - # verify the detached signatures - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - tools_dir = path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tools") - self.copyfile(os.path.join(tools_dir, 'scripts', 'release', 'KEY'), - 'KEY') - files = ['KEY'] - - for fmt in self.config["formats"]: - files.append(self._get_sums_filename(fmt)) - files.append("{}.asc".format(self._get_sums_filename(fmt))) - - bucket = self._get_bucket() - for f in files: - dest = posixpath.join(self.file_prefix, f) - self.info("Uploading {} to {}".format(f, dest)) - key = bucket.new_key(dest) - key.set_contents_from_filename(f, headers={'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) - - def copy_info_files(self): - bucket = self._get_bucket() - - for key in bucket.list(prefix=self.file_prefix): - if re.search(r'/en-US/android.*_info\.txt$', key.name): - self.info("Found {}".format(key.name)) - dest = posixpath.join(self.file_prefix, posixpath.basename(key.name)) - self.info("Copying to {}".format(dest)) - bucket.copy_key(new_key_name=dest, - src_bucket_name=self.bucket_name, - src_key_name=key.name, - metadata={'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - myScript = ChecksumsGenerator() - myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/postrelease_bouncer_aliases.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/postrelease_bouncer_aliases.py deleted file mode 100644 index 78a60b4bc..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/postrelease_bouncer_aliases.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# lint_ignore=E501 -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -""" postrelease_bouncer_aliases.py - -A script to replace the old-fashion way of updating the bouncer aliaes through -tools script. -""" - -import os -import sys - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) - -from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin, virtualenv_config_options -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin - - -# PostReleaseBouncerAliases {{{1 -class PostReleaseBouncerAliases(BaseScript, VirtualenvMixin, BuildbotMixin): - config_options = virtualenv_config_options - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - super(PostReleaseBouncerAliases, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - require_config_file=require_config_file, - config={ - "virtualenv_modules": [ - "redo", - "requests", - ], - "virtualenv_path": "venv", - 'credentials_file': 'oauth.txt', - 'buildbot_json_path': 'buildprops.json', - }, - all_actions=[ - "create-virtualenv", - "activate-virtualenv", - "update-bouncer-aliases", - ], - default_actions=[ - "create-virtualenv", - "activate-virtualenv", - "update-bouncer-aliases", - ], - ) - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - super(PostReleaseBouncerAliases, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - # override properties from buildbot properties here as defined by - # taskcluster properties - self.read_buildbot_config() - if not self.buildbot_config: - self.warning("Skipping buildbot properties overrides") - return - props = self.buildbot_config["properties"] - for prop in ['tuxedo_server_url', 'version']: - if props.get(prop): - self.info("Overriding %s with %s" % (prop, props[prop])) - self.config[prop] = props.get(prop) - else: - self.warning("%s could not be found within buildprops" % prop) - return - - def _update_bouncer_alias(self, tuxedo_server_url, auth, - related_product, alias): - from redo import retry - import requests - - url = "%s/create_update_alias" % tuxedo_server_url - data = {"alias": alias, "related_product": related_product} - self.log("Updating {} to point to {} using {}".format(alias, - related_product, - url)) - - # Wrap the real call to hide credentials from retry's logging - def do_update_bouncer_alias(): - r = requests.post(url, data=data, auth=auth, - verify=False, timeout=60) - r.raise_for_status() - - retry(do_update_bouncer_alias) - - def update_bouncer_aliases(self): - tuxedo_server_url = self.config['tuxedo_server_url'] - credentials_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), - self.config['credentials_file']) - credentials = {} - execfile(credentials_file, credentials) - auth = (credentials['tuxedoUsername'], credentials['tuxedoPassword']) - version = self.config['version'] - for product, info in self.config["products"].iteritems(): - if "alias" in info: - product_template = info["product-name"] - related_product = product_template % {"version": version} - self._update_bouncer_alias(tuxedo_server_url, auth, - related_product, info["alias"]) - - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - PostReleaseBouncerAliases().run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/postrelease_mark_as_shipped.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/postrelease_mark_as_shipped.py deleted file mode 100644 index f84b5771c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/postrelease_mark_as_shipped.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# lint_ignore=E501 -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -""" postrelease_mark_as_shipped.py - -A script to automate the manual way of updating a release as shipped in Ship-it -following its successful ship-to-the-door opertion. -""" -import os -import sys -from datetime import datetime - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) - -from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin, virtualenv_config_options -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin - - -def build_release_name(product, version, buildno): - """Function to reconstruct the name of the release based on product, - version and buildnumber - """ - return "{}-{}-build{}".format(product.capitalize(), - str(version), str(buildno)) - - -class MarkReleaseAsShipped(BaseScript, VirtualenvMixin, BuildbotMixin): - config_options = virtualenv_config_options - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - super(MarkReleaseAsShipped, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - require_config_file=require_config_file, - config={ - "virtualenv_modules": [ - "shipitapi", - ], - "virtualenv_path": "venv", - "credentials_file": "oauth.txt", - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - "timeout": 60, - }, - all_actions=[ - "create-virtualenv", - "activate-virtualenv", - "mark-as-shipped", - ], - default_actions=[ - "create-virtualenv", - "activate-virtualenv", - "mark-as-shipped", - ], - ) - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - super(MarkReleaseAsShipped, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - # override properties from buildbot properties here as defined by - # taskcluster properties - self.read_buildbot_config() - if not self.buildbot_config: - self.warning("Skipping buildbot properties overrides") - return - props = self.buildbot_config['properties'] - mandatory_props = ['product', 'version', 'build_number'] - missing_props = [] - for prop in mandatory_props: - if prop in props: - self.info("Overriding %s with %s" % (prop, props[prop])) - self.config[prop] = props.get(prop) - else: - self.warning("%s could not be found within buildprops" % prop) - missing_props.append(prop) - - if missing_props: - raise Exception("%s not found in configs" % missing_props) - - self.config['name'] = build_release_name(self.config['product'], - self.config['version'], - self.config['build_number']) - - def mark_as_shipped(self): - """Method to make a simple call to Ship-it API to change a release - status to 'shipped' - """ - credentials_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), - self.config["credentials_file"]) - credentials = {} - execfile(credentials_file, credentials) - ship_it_credentials = credentials["ship_it_credentials"] - auth = (self.config["ship_it_username"], - ship_it_credentials.get(self.config["ship_it_username"])) - api_root = self.config['ship_it_root'] - - from shipitapi import Release - release_api = Release(auth, api_root=api_root, - timeout=self.config['timeout']) - shipped_at = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - - self.info("Mark the release as shipped with %s timestamp" % shipped_at) - release_api.update(self.config['name'], - status='shipped', shippedAt=shipped_at) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - MarkReleaseAsShipped().run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/postrelease_version_bump.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/postrelease_version_bump.py deleted file mode 100644 index dfffa699a..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/postrelease_version_bump.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,184 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# lint_ignore=E501 -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -""" postrelease_version_bump.py - -A script to increase in-tree version number after shipping a release. -""" - -import os -import sys - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.repo_manupulation import MercurialRepoManipulationMixin - - -# PostReleaseVersionBump {{{1 -class PostReleaseVersionBump(MercurialScript, BuildbotMixin, - MercurialRepoManipulationMixin): - config_options = [ - [['--hg-user', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "hg_user", - "type": "string", - "default": "ffxbld <release@mozilla.com>", - "help": "Specify what user to use to commit to hg.", - }], - [['--next-version', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "next_version", - "type": "string", - "help": "Next version used in version bump", - }], - [['--ssh-user', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "ssh_user", - "type": "string", - "help": "SSH username with hg.mozilla.org permissions", - }], - [['--ssh-key', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "ssh_key", - "type": "string", - "help": "Path to SSH key.", - }], - [['--product', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "product", - "type": "string", - "help": "Product name", - }], - [['--version', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "version", - "type": "string", - "help": "Version", - }], - [['--build-number', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "build_number", - "type": "string", - "help": "Build number", - }], - [['--revision', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "revision", - "type": "string", - "help": "HG revision to tag", - }], - ] - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - super(PostReleaseVersionBump, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - all_actions=[ - 'clobber', - 'clean-repos', - 'pull', - 'bump_postrelease', - 'commit-changes', - 'tag', - 'push', - ], - default_actions=[ - 'clean-repos', - 'pull', - 'bump_postrelease', - 'commit-changes', - 'tag', - 'push', - ], - config={ - 'buildbot_json_path': 'buildprops.json', - }, - require_config_file=require_config_file - ) - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - super(PostReleaseVersionBump, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - # override properties from buildbot properties here as defined by - # taskcluster properties - self.read_buildbot_config() - if not self.buildbot_config: - self.warning("Skipping buildbot properties overrides") - else: - props = self.buildbot_config["properties"] - for prop in ['next_version', 'product', 'version', 'build_number', - 'revision']: - if props.get(prop): - self.info("Overriding %s with %s" % (prop, props[prop])) - self.config[prop] = props.get(prop) - - if not self.config.get("next_version"): - self.fatal("Next version has to be set. Use --next-version or " - "pass `next_version' via buildbot properties.") - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - """ Allow for abs_from_dir and abs_to_dir - """ - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - self.abs_dirs = super(PostReleaseVersionBump, self).query_abs_dirs() - self.abs_dirs["abs_gecko_dir"] = os.path.join( - self.abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], self.config["repo"]["dest"]) - return self.abs_dirs - - def query_repos(self): - """Build a list of repos to clone.""" - return [self.config["repo"]] - - def query_commit_dirs(self): - return [self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_gecko_dir"]] - - def query_commit_message(self): - return "Automatic version bump. CLOSED TREE NO BUG a=release" - - def query_push_dirs(self): - return self.query_commit_dirs() - - def query_push_args(self, cwd): - # cwd is not used here - hg_ssh_opts = "ssh -l {user} -i {key}".format( - user=self.config["ssh_user"], - key=os.path.expanduser(self.config["ssh_key"]) - ) - return ["-e", hg_ssh_opts, "-r", "."] - - def pull(self): - super(PostReleaseVersionBump, self).pull( - repos=self.query_repos()) - - def bump_postrelease(self, *args, **kwargs): - """Bump version""" - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - for f in self.config["version_files"]: - curr_version = ".".join( - self.get_version(dirs['abs_gecko_dir'], f["file"])) - self.replace(os.path.join(dirs['abs_gecko_dir'], f["file"]), - curr_version, self.config["next_version"]) - - def tag(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - tags = ["{product}_{version}_BUILD{build_number}", - "{product}_{version}_RELEASE"] - tags = [t.format(product=self.config["product"].upper(), - version=self.config["version"].replace(".", "_"), - build_number=self.config["build_number"]) - for t in tags] - message = "No bug - Tagging {revision} with {tags} a=release CLOSED TREE" - message = message.format( - revision=self.config["revision"], - tags=', '.join(tags)) - self.hg_tag(cwd=dirs["abs_gecko_dir"], tags=tags, - revision=self.config["revision"], message=message, - user=self.config["hg_user"], force=True) - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - PostReleaseVersionBump().run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/publish_balrog.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/publish_balrog.py deleted file mode 100644 index edb381311..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/publish_balrog.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# lint_ignore=E501 -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -""" updates.py - -A script publish a release to Balrog. - -""" - -import os -import sys - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin - -# PublishBalrog {{{1 - - -class PublishBalrog(MercurialScript, BuildbotMixin): - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - super(PublishBalrog, self).__init__( - all_actions=[ - 'clobber', - 'pull', - 'submit-to-balrog', - ], - default_actions=[ - 'clobber', - 'pull', - 'submit-to-balrog', - ], - config={ - 'buildbot_json_path': 'buildprops.json', - 'credentials_file': 'oauth.txt', - }, - require_config_file=require_config_file - ) - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - super(PublishBalrog, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - # override properties from buildbot properties here as defined by - # taskcluster properties - self.read_buildbot_config() - if not self.buildbot_config: - self.warning("Skipping buildbot properties overrides") - return - # TODO: version and appVersion should come from repo - props = self.buildbot_config["properties"] - for prop in ['product', 'version', 'build_number', 'channels', - 'balrog_api_root', 'schedule_at', 'background_rate']: - if props.get(prop): - self.info("Overriding %s with %s" % (prop, props[prop])) - self.config[prop] = props.get(prop) - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - self.abs_dirs = super(PublishBalrog, self).query_abs_dirs() - self.abs_dirs["abs_tools_dir"] = os.path.join( - self.abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], self.config["repo"]["dest"]) - return self.abs_dirs - - def query_channel_configs(self): - """Return a list of channel configs. - For RC builds it returns "release" and "beta" using - "enabled_if_version_matches" to match RC. - - :return: list - """ - return [(n, c) for n, c in self.config["update_channels"].items() if - n in self.config["channels"]] - - def query_repos(self): - """Build a list of repos to clone.""" - return [self.config["repo"]] - - def pull(self): - super(PublishBalrog, self).pull( - repos=self.query_repos()) - - - def submit_to_balrog(self): - for _, channel_config in self.query_channel_configs(): - self._submit_to_balrog(channel_config) - - def _submit_to_balrog(self, channel_config): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - auth = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.config['credentials_file']) - cmd = [ - self.query_exe("python"), - os.path.join(dirs["abs_tools_dir"], - "scripts/build-promotion/balrog-release-shipper.py")] - cmd.extend([ - "--api-root", self.config["balrog_api_root"], - "--credentials-file", auth, - "--username", self.config["balrog_username"], - "--version", self.config["version"], - "--product", self.config["product"], - "--build-number", str(self.config["build_number"]), - "--verbose", - ]) - for r in channel_config["publish_rules"]: - cmd.extend(["--rules", r]) - if self.config.get("schedule_at"): - cmd.extend(["--schedule-at", self.config["schedule_at"]]) - if self.config.get("background_rate"): - cmd.extend(["--background-rate", str(self.config["background_rate"])]) - - self.retry(lambda: self.run_command(cmd, halt_on_failure=True)) - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - PublishBalrog().run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/push-candidate-to-releases.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/push-candidate-to-releases.py deleted file mode 100644 index 977a26c48..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/push-candidate-to-releases.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ -from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool -import os -import re -import sys - - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) - -from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin, virtualenv_config_options -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript -from mozharness.mozilla.aws import pop_aws_auth_from_env - - -class ReleasePusher(BaseScript, VirtualenvMixin): - config_options = [ - [["--product"], { - "dest": "product", - "help": "Product being released, eg: firefox, thunderbird", - }], - [["--version"], { - "dest": "version", - "help": "Version of release, eg: 39.0b5", - }], - [["--build-number"], { - "dest": "build_number", - "help": "Build number of release, eg: 2", - }], - [["--bucket-name"], { - "dest": "bucket_name", - "help": "Bucket to copy files from candidates/ to releases/", - }], - [["--credentials"], { - "dest": "credentials", - "help": "File containing access key and secret access key", - }], - [["--exclude"], { - "dest": "excludes", - "default": [ - r"^.*tests.*$", - r"^.*crashreporter.*$", - r"^.*[^k]\.zip(\.asc)?$", - r"^.*\.log$", - r"^.*\.txt$", - r"^.*/partner-repacks.*$", - r"^.*.checksums(\.asc)?$", - r"^.*/logs/.*$", - r"^.*/jsshell.*$", - r"^.*json$", - r"^.*/host.*$", - r"^.*/mar-tools/.*$", - r"^.*bouncer.apk$", - r"^.*contrib.*", - r"^.*/beetmover-checksums/.*$", - ], - "action": "append", - "help": "List of patterns to exclude from copy. The list can be " - "extended by passing multiple --exclude arguments.", - }], - [["-j", "--parallelization"], { - "dest": "parallelization", - "default": 20, - "type": "int", - "help": "Number of copy requests to run concurrently", - }], - ] + virtualenv_config_options - - def __init__(self, aws_creds): - BaseScript.__init__(self, - config_options=self.config_options, - require_config_file=False, - config={ - "virtualenv_modules": [ - "boto", - "redo", - ], - "virtualenv_path": "venv", - }, - all_actions=[ - "create-virtualenv", - "activate-virtualenv", - "push-to-releases", - ], - default_actions=[ - "create-virtualenv", - "activate-virtualenv", - "push-to-releases", - ], - ) - - # validate aws credentials - if not (all(aws_creds) or self.config.get('credentials')): - self.fatal("aws creds not defined. please add them to your config or env.") - if any(aws_creds) and self.config.get('credentials'): - self.fatal("aws creds found in env and self.config. please declare in one place only.") - - # set aws credentials - if all(aws_creds): - self.aws_key_id, self.aws_secret_key = aws_creds - else: # use - self.aws_key_id, self.aws_secret_key = None, None - # set the env var for boto to read our special config file - # rather than anything else we have at ~/.boto - os.environ["BOTO_CONFIG"] = os.path.abspath(self.config["credentials"]) - - def _get_candidates_prefix(self): - return "pub/{}/candidates/{}-candidates/build{}/".format( - self.config['product'], - self.config["version"], - self.config["build_number"] - ) - - def _get_releases_prefix(self): - return "pub/{}/releases/{}/".format( - self.config["product"], - self.config["version"] - ) - - def _matches_exclude(self, keyname): - for exclude in self.config["excludes"]: - if re.search(exclude, keyname): - return True - return False - - def push_to_releases(self): - """This step grabs the list of files in the candidates dir, - filters out any unwanted files from within them, and copies - the remainder.""" - from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection - from boto.exception import S3CopyError, S3ResponseError - from redo import retry - - # suppress boto debug logging, it's too verbose with --loglevel=debug - import logging - logging.getLogger('boto').setLevel(logging.INFO) - - self.info("Connecting to S3") - conn = S3Connection(aws_access_key_id=self.aws_key_id, - aws_secret_access_key=self.aws_secret_key) - self.info("Getting bucket {}".format(self.config["bucket_name"])) - bucket = conn.get_bucket(self.config["bucket_name"]) - - # ensure the destination is empty - self.info("Checking destination {} is empty".format(self._get_releases_prefix())) - keys = [k for k in bucket.list(prefix=self._get_releases_prefix())] - if keys: - self.warning("Destination already exists with %s keys" % len(keys)) - - def worker(item): - source, destination = item - - def copy_key(): - source_key = bucket.get_key(source) - dest_key = bucket.get_key(destination) - # According to http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTCommonResponseHeaders.html - # S3 key MD5 is represented as ETag, except when objects are - # uploaded using multipart method. In this case objects's ETag - # is constructed using its MD5, minus symbol, and number of - # part. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12186993/what-is-the-algorithm-to-compute-the-amazon-s3-etag-for-a-file-larger-than-5gb#answer-19896823 - source_md5 = source_key.etag.split("-")[0] - if dest_key: - dest_md5 = dest_key.etag.split("-")[0] - else: - dest_md5 = None - - if not dest_key: - self.info("Copying {} to {}".format(source, destination)) - bucket.copy_key(destination, self.config["bucket_name"], - source) - elif source_md5 == dest_md5: - self.warning( - "{} already exists with the same content ({}), skipping copy".format( - destination, dest_md5)) - else: - self.fatal( - "{} already exists with the different content (src ETag: {}, dest ETag: {}), aborting".format( - destination, source_key.etag, dest_key.etag)) - - return retry(copy_key, sleeptime=5, max_sleeptime=60, - retry_exceptions=(S3CopyError, S3ResponseError)) - - def find_release_files(): - candidates_prefix = self._get_candidates_prefix() - release_prefix = self._get_releases_prefix() - self.info("Getting key names from candidates") - for key in bucket.list(prefix=candidates_prefix): - keyname = key.name - if self._matches_exclude(keyname): - self.debug("Excluding {}".format(keyname)) - else: - destination = keyname.replace(candidates_prefix, - release_prefix) - yield (keyname, destination) - - pool = ThreadPool(self.config["parallelization"]) - pool.map(worker, find_release_files()) - -if __name__ == "__main__": - myScript = ReleasePusher(pop_aws_auth_from_env()) - myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/updates.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/updates.py deleted file mode 100644 index 4b660a67b..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/updates.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,299 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# lint_ignore=E501 -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -""" updates.py - -A script to bump patcher configs, generate update verification configs, and -publish top-level release blob information to Balrog. - -It clones the tools repo, modifies the existing patcher config to include -current release build information, generates update verification configs, -commits the changes and tags the repo using tags by Releng convention. -After the changes are pushed to the repo, the script submits top-level release -information to Balrog. -""" - -import os -import re -import sys - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.repo_manupulation import MercurialRepoManipulationMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.release import get_previous_version - - -# UpdatesBumper {{{1 -class UpdatesBumper(MercurialScript, BuildbotMixin, - MercurialRepoManipulationMixin): - config_options = [ - [['--hg-user', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "hg_user", - "type": "string", - "default": "ffxbld <release@mozilla.com>", - "help": "Specify what user to use to commit to hg.", - }], - [['--ssh-user', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "ssh_user", - "type": "string", - "help": "SSH username with hg.mozilla.org permissions", - }], - [['--ssh-key', ], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "ssh_key", - "type": "string", - "help": "Path to SSH key.", - }], - ] - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - super(UpdatesBumper, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - all_actions=[ - 'clobber', - 'pull', - 'download-shipped-locales', - 'bump-configs', - 'commit-changes', - 'tag', - 'push', - 'submit-to-balrog', - ], - default_actions=[ - 'clobber', - 'pull', - 'download-shipped-locales', - 'bump-configs', - 'commit-changes', - 'tag', - 'push', - 'submit-to-balrog', - ], - config={ - 'buildbot_json_path': 'buildprops.json', - 'credentials_file': 'oauth.txt', - }, - require_config_file=require_config_file - ) - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - super(UpdatesBumper, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - # override properties from buildbot properties here as defined by - # taskcluster properties - self.read_buildbot_config() - if not self.buildbot_config: - self.warning("Skipping buildbot properties overrides") - return - # TODO: version and appVersion should come from repo - props = self.buildbot_config["properties"] - for prop in ['product', 'version', 'build_number', 'revision', - 'appVersion', 'balrog_api_root', "channels"]: - if props.get(prop): - self.info("Overriding %s with %s" % (prop, props[prop])) - self.config[prop] = props.get(prop) - - partials = [v.strip() for v in props["partial_versions"].split(",")] - self.config["partial_versions"] = [v.split("build") for v in partials] - self.config["platforms"] = [p.strip() for p in - props["platforms"].split(",")] - self.config["channels"] = [c.strip() for c in - props["channels"].split(",")] - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - self.abs_dirs = super(UpdatesBumper, self).query_abs_dirs() - self.abs_dirs["abs_tools_dir"] = os.path.join( - self.abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], self.config["repo"]["dest"]) - return self.abs_dirs - - def query_repos(self): - """Build a list of repos to clone.""" - return [self.config["repo"]] - - def query_commit_dirs(self): - return [self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_tools_dir"]] - - def query_commit_message(self): - return "Automated configuration bump" - - def query_push_dirs(self): - return self.query_commit_dirs() - - def query_push_args(self, cwd): - # cwd is not used here - hg_ssh_opts = "ssh -l {user} -i {key}".format( - user=self.config["ssh_user"], - key=os.path.expanduser(self.config["ssh_key"]) - ) - return ["-e", hg_ssh_opts] - - def query_shipped_locales_path(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - return os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "shipped-locales") - - def query_channel_configs(self): - """Return a list of channel configs. - For RC builds it returns "release" and "beta" using - "enabled_if_version_matches" to match RC. - - :return: list - """ - return [(n, c) for n, c in self.config["update_channels"].items() if - n in self.config["channels"]] - - def pull(self): - super(UpdatesBumper, self).pull( - repos=self.query_repos()) - - def download_shipped_locales(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.mkdir_p(dirs["abs_work_dir"]) - url = self.config["shipped-locales-url"].format( - revision=self.config["revision"]) - if not self.download_file(url=url, - file_name=self.query_shipped_locales_path()): - self.fatal("Unable to fetch shipped-locales from %s" % url) - - def bump_configs(self): - for channel, channel_config in self.query_channel_configs(): - self.bump_patcher_config(channel_config) - self.bump_update_verify_configs(channel, channel_config) - - def query_matching_partials(self, channel_config): - return [(v, b) for v, b in self.config["partial_versions"] if - re.match(channel_config["version_regex"], v)] - - def query_patcher_config(self, channel_config): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - patcher_config = os.path.join( - dirs["abs_tools_dir"], "release/patcher-configs", - channel_config["patcher_config"]) - return patcher_config - - def query_update_verify_config(self, channel, platform): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - uvc = os.path.join( - dirs["abs_tools_dir"], "release/updates", - "{}-{}-{}.cfg".format(channel, self.config["product"], platform)) - return uvc - - def bump_patcher_config(self, channel_config): - # TODO: to make it possible to run this before we have files copied to - # the candidates directory, we need to add support to fetch build IDs - # from tasks. - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - env = {"PERL5LIB": os.path.join(dirs["abs_tools_dir"], "lib/perl")} - partial_versions = [v[0] for v in - self.query_matching_partials(channel_config)] - script = os.path.join( - dirs["abs_tools_dir"], "release/patcher-config-bump.pl") - patcher_config = self.query_patcher_config(channel_config) - cmd = [self.query_exe("perl"), script] - cmd.extend([ - "-p", self.config["product"], - "-r", self.config["product"].capitalize(), - "-v", self.config["version"], - "-a", self.config["appVersion"], - "-o", get_previous_version( - self.config["version"], partial_versions), - "-b", str(self.config["build_number"]), - "-c", patcher_config, - "-f", self.config["archive_domain"], - "-d", self.config["download_domain"], - "-l", self.query_shipped_locales_path(), - ]) - for v in partial_versions: - cmd.extend(["--partial-version", v]) - for p in self.config["platforms"]: - cmd.extend(["--platform", p]) - for mar_channel_id in channel_config["mar_channel_ids"]: - cmd.extend(["--mar-channel-id", mar_channel_id]) - self.run_command(cmd, halt_on_failure=True, env=env) - - def bump_update_verify_configs(self, channel, channel_config): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - script = os.path.join( - dirs["abs_tools_dir"], - "scripts/build-promotion/create-update-verify-config.py") - patcher_config = self.query_patcher_config(channel_config) - for platform in self.config["platforms"]: - cmd = [self.query_exe("python"), script] - output = self.query_update_verify_config(channel, platform) - cmd.extend([ - "--config", patcher_config, - "--platform", platform, - "--update-verify-channel", - channel_config["update_verify_channel"], - "--output", output, - "--archive-prefix", self.config["archive_prefix"], - "--previous-archive-prefix", - self.config["previous_archive_prefix"], - "--product", self.config["product"], - "--balrog-url", self.config["balrog_url"], - "--build-number", str(self.config["build_number"]), - ]) - - self.run_command(cmd, halt_on_failure=True) - - def tag(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - tags = ["{product}_{version}_BUILD{build_number}_RUNTIME", - "{product}_{version}_RELEASE_RUNTIME"] - tags = [t.format(product=self.config["product"].upper(), - version=self.config["version"].replace(".", "_"), - build_number=self.config["build_number"]) - for t in tags] - self.hg_tag(cwd=dirs["abs_tools_dir"], tags=tags, - user=self.config["hg_user"], force=True) - - def submit_to_balrog(self): - for _, channel_config in self.query_channel_configs(): - self._submit_to_balrog(channel_config) - - def _submit_to_balrog(self, channel_config): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - auth = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.config['credentials_file']) - cmd = [ - self.query_exe("python"), - os.path.join(dirs["abs_tools_dir"], - "scripts/build-promotion/balrog-release-pusher.py")] - cmd.extend([ - "--api-root", self.config["balrog_api_root"], - "--download-domain", self.config["download_domain"], - "--archive-domain", self.config["archive_domain"], - "--credentials-file", auth, - "--product", self.config["product"], - "--version", self.config["version"], - "--build-number", str(self.config["build_number"]), - "--app-version", self.config["appVersion"], - "--username", self.config["balrog_username"], - "--verbose", - ]) - for c in channel_config["channel_names"]: - cmd.extend(["--channel", c]) - for r in channel_config["rules_to_update"]: - cmd.extend(["--rule-to-update", r]) - for p in self.config["platforms"]: - cmd.extend(["--platform", p]) - for v, build_number in self.query_matching_partials(channel_config): - partial = "{version}build{build_number}".format( - version=v, build_number=build_number) - cmd.extend(["--partial-update", partial]) - if channel_config["requires_mirrors"]: - cmd.append("--requires-mirrors") - if self.config["balrog_use_dummy_suffix"]: - cmd.append("--dummy") - - self.retry(lambda: self.run_command(cmd, halt_on_failure=True)) - -# __main__ {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - UpdatesBumper().run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/uptake_monitoring.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/uptake_monitoring.py deleted file mode 100644 index 9ec24621f..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/uptake_monitoring.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,188 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# lint_ignore=E501 -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -""" uptake_monitoring.py - -A script to replace the old-fashion way of computing the uptake monitoring -from the scheduler within the slaves. -""" - -import os -import sys -import datetime -import time -import xml.dom.minidom - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) - -from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin, virtualenv_config_options -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin - - -def get_tuxedo_uptake_url(tuxedo_server_url, related_product, os): - return '%s/uptake/?product=%s&os=%s' % (tuxedo_server_url, - related_product, os) - - -class UptakeMonitoring(BaseScript, VirtualenvMixin, BuildbotMixin): - config_options = virtualenv_config_options - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - super(UptakeMonitoring, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - require_config_file=require_config_file, - config={ - "virtualenv_modules": [ - "redo", - "requests", - ], - - "virtualenv_path": "venv", - "credentials_file": "oauth.txt", - "buildbot_json_path": "buildprops.json", - "poll_interval": 60, - "poll_timeout": 20*60, - "min_uptake": 10000, - }, - all_actions=[ - "create-virtualenv", - "activate-virtualenv", - "monitor-uptake", - ], - default_actions=[ - "create-virtualenv", - "activate-virtualenv", - "monitor-uptake", - ], - ) - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - super(UptakeMonitoring, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - # override properties from buildbot properties here as defined by - # taskcluster properties - self.read_buildbot_config() - if not self.buildbot_config: - self.warning("Skipping buildbot properties overrides") - return - props = self.buildbot_config["properties"] - for prop in ['tuxedo_server_url', 'version']: - if props.get(prop): - self.info("Overriding %s with %s" % (prop, props[prop])) - self.config[prop] = props.get(prop) - else: - self.warning("%s could not be found within buildprops" % prop) - return - partials = [v.strip() for v in props["partial_versions"].split(",")] - self.config["partial_versions"] = [v.split("build")[0] for v in partials] - self.config["platforms"] = [p.strip() for p in - props["platforms"].split(",")] - - def _get_product_uptake(self, tuxedo_server_url, auth, - related_product, os): - from redo import retry - import requests - - url = get_tuxedo_uptake_url(tuxedo_server_url, related_product, os) - self.info("Requesting {} from tuxedo".format(url)) - - def get_tuxedo_page(): - r = requests.get(url, auth=auth, - verify=False, timeout=60) - r.raise_for_status() - return r.content - - def calculateUptake(page): - doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(page) - uptake_values = [] - - for element in doc.getElementsByTagName('available'): - for node in element.childNodes: - if node.nodeType == xml.dom.minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE and \ - node.data.isdigit(): - uptake_values.append(int(node.data)) - if not uptake_values: - uptake_values = [0] - return min(uptake_values) - - page = retry(get_tuxedo_page) - uptake = calculateUptake(page) - self.info("Current uptake for {} is {}".format(related_product, uptake)) - return uptake - - def _get_release_uptake(self, auth): - assert isinstance(self.config["platforms"], (list, tuple)) - - # handle the products first - tuxedo_server_url = self.config["tuxedo_server_url"] - version = self.config["version"] - dl = [] - - for product, info in self.config["products"].iteritems(): - if info.get("check_uptake"): - product_template = info["product-name"] - related_product = product_template % {"version": version} - - enUS_platforms = set(self.config["platforms"]) - paths_platforms = set(info["paths"].keys()) - platforms = enUS_platforms.intersection(paths_platforms) - - for platform in platforms: - bouncer_platform = info["paths"].get(platform).get('bouncer-platform') - dl.append(self._get_product_uptake(tuxedo_server_url, auth, - related_product, bouncer_platform)) - # handle the partials as well - prev_versions = self.config["partial_versions"] - for product, info in self.config["partials"].iteritems(): - if info.get("check_uptake"): - product_template = info["product-name"] - for prev_version in prev_versions: - subs = { - "version": version, - "prev_version": prev_version - } - related_product = product_template % subs - - enUS_platforms = set(self.config["platforms"]) - paths_platforms = set(info["paths"].keys()) - platforms = enUS_platforms.intersection(paths_platforms) - - for platform in platforms: - bouncer_platform = info["paths"].get(platform).get('bouncer-platform') - dl.append(self._get_product_uptake(tuxedo_server_url, auth, - related_product, bouncer_platform)) - return min(dl) - - def monitor_uptake(self): - credentials_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), - self.config["credentials_file"]) - credentials = {} - execfile(credentials_file, credentials) - auth = (credentials['tuxedoUsername'], credentials['tuxedoPassword']) - self.info("Starting the loop to determine the uptake monitoring ...") - - start_time = datetime.datetime.now() - while True: - delta = (datetime.datetime.now() - start_time).seconds - if delta > self.config["poll_timeout"]: - self.error("Uptake monitoring sadly timed-out") - raise Exception("Time-out during uptake monitoring") - - uptake = self._get_release_uptake(auth) - self.info("Current uptake value to check is {}".format(uptake)) - - if uptake >= self.config["min_uptake"]: - self.info("Uptake monitoring is complete!") - break - else: - self.info("Mirrors not yet updated, sleeping for a bit ...") - time.sleep(self.config["poll_interval"]) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - myScript = UptakeMonitoring() - myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/spidermonkey/build.b2g b/testing/mozharness/scripts/spidermonkey/build.b2g deleted file mode 100755 index 958946230..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/spidermonkey/build.b2g +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -e - -cd $SOURCE -TOP=$(cd .. && echo $PWD) -export MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH=$TOP/mozbuild-state -[ -d $MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH ] || mkdir $MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH - -exec ./mach build -v -j8 diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/spidermonkey/build.browser b/testing/mozharness/scripts/spidermonkey/build.browser deleted file mode 100755 index 645d2ae86..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/spidermonkey/build.browser +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -e - -cd $SOURCE -TOP=$(cd ..; pwd) -export MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH=$TOP/mozbuild-state -[ -d $MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH ] || mkdir $MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH - -export MOZCONFIG=$SOURCE/browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/hazards - -exec ./mach build -v -j8 diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/spidermonkey/build.shell b/testing/mozharness/scripts/spidermonkey/build.shell deleted file mode 100755 index 7aad477ea..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/spidermonkey/build.shell +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -ex - -mkdir -p "$ANALYZED_OBJDIR" -cd "$ANALYZED_OBJDIR" -$SOURCE/js/src/configure --enable-debug --enable-optimize --enable-stdcxx-compat --enable-ctypes --enable-nspr-build -make -j12 -s diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/spidermonkey_build.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/spidermonkey_build.py deleted file mode 100755 index 5522545da..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/spidermonkey_build.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,482 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this -# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. - -import os -import sys -import copy -from datetime import datetime -from functools import wraps - -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.errors import MakefileErrorList -from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript -from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import VCSMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload import BlobUploadMixin, blobupload_config_options -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.building.hazards import HazardError, HazardAnalysis -from mozharness.mozilla.purge import PurgeMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.mock import MockMixin -from mozharness.mozilla.tooltool import TooltoolMixin - -SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE, EXCEPTION, RETRY = xrange(5) - - -def requires(*queries): - """Wrapper for detecting problems where some bit of information - required by the wrapped step is unavailable. Use it put prepending - @requires("foo"), which will check whether self.query_foo() returns - something useful.""" - def make_wrapper(f): - @wraps(f) - def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): - for query in queries: - val = query(self) - goodval = not (val is None or "None" in str(val)) - assert goodval, f.__name__ + " requires " + query.__name__ + " to return a value" - return f(self, *args, **kwargs) - return wrapper - return make_wrapper - - -nuisance_env_vars = ['TERMCAP', 'LS_COLORS', 'PWD', '_'] - - -class SpidermonkeyBuild(MockMixin, - PurgeMixin, BaseScript, - VCSMixin, BuildbotMixin, TooltoolMixin, TransferMixin, BlobUploadMixin): - config_options = [ - [["--repo"], { - "dest": "repo", - "help": "which gecko repo to get spidermonkey from", - }], - [["--source"], { - "dest": "source", - "help": "directory containing gecko source tree (instead of --repo)", - }], - [["--revision"], { - "dest": "revision", - }], - [["--branch"], { - "dest": "branch", - }], - [["--vcs-share-base"], { - "dest": "vcs_share_base", - "help": "base directory for shared repositories", - }], - [["-j"], { - "dest": "concurrency", - "type": int, - "default": 4, - "help": "number of simultaneous jobs used while building the shell " + - "(currently ignored for the analyzed build", - }] + copy.deepcopy(blobupload_config_options) - ] - - def __init__(self): - super(SpidermonkeyBuild, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - # other stuff - all_actions=[ - 'purge', - 'checkout-tools', - - # First, build an optimized JS shell for running the analysis - 'checkout-source', - 'get-blobs', - 'clobber-shell', - 'configure-shell', - 'build-shell', - - # Next, build a tree with the analysis plugin active. Note that - # we are using the same checkout for the JS shell build and the - # build of the source to be analyzed, which is a little - # unnecessary (no need to rebuild the JS shell all the time). - # (Different objdir, though.) - - 'clobber-analysis', - 'setup-analysis', - 'run-analysis', - 'collect-analysis-output', - 'upload-analysis', - 'check-expectations', - ], - default_actions=[ - 'purge', - 'checkout-tools', - 'checkout-source', - 'get-blobs', - 'clobber-shell', - 'configure-shell', - 'build-shell', - 'clobber-analysis', - 'setup-analysis', - 'run-analysis', - 'collect-analysis-output', - # Temporarily disabled, see bug 1211402 - # 'upload-analysis', - 'check-expectations', - ], - config={ - 'default_vcs': 'hg', - 'vcs_share_base': os.environ.get('HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR'), - 'ccache': True, - 'buildbot_json_path': os.environ.get('PROPERTIES_FILE'), - 'tools_repo': 'https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools', - - 'upload_ssh_server': None, - 'upload_remote_basepath': None, - 'enable_try_uploads': True, - 'source': None, - 'stage_product': 'firefox', - }, - ) - - self.buildid = None - self.create_virtualenv() - self.analysis = HazardAnalysis() - - def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): - if self.config['source']: - self.config['srcdir'] = self.config['source'] - super(SpidermonkeyBuild, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) - - if self.buildbot_config is None: - self.info("Reading buildbot build properties...") - self.read_buildbot_config() - - if self.buildbot_config: - bb_props = [('mock_target', 'mock_target', None), - ('hgurl', 'hgurl', None), - ('clobberer_url', 'clobberer_url', 'https://api.pub.build.mozilla.org/clobberer/lastclobber'), - ('force_clobber', 'force_clobber', None), - ('branch', 'blob_upload_branch', None), - ] - buildbot_props = self.buildbot_config.get('properties', {}) - for bb_prop, cfg_prop, default in bb_props: - if not self.config.get(cfg_prop) and buildbot_props.get(bb_prop, default): - self.config[cfg_prop] = buildbot_props.get(bb_prop, default) - self.config['is_automation'] = True - else: - self.config['is_automation'] = False - self.config.setdefault('blob_upload_branch', 'devel') - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - replacements = self.config['env_replacements'].copy() - for k,v in replacements.items(): - replacements[k] = v % dirs - - self.env = self.query_env(replace_dict=replacements, - partial_env=self.config['partial_env'], - purge_env=nuisance_env_vars) - self.env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'] = dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - self.env['TOOLTOOL_DIR'] = dirs['abs_work_dir'] - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = BaseScript.query_abs_dirs(self) - - abs_work_dir = abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'] - dirs = { - 'shell_objdir': - os.path.join(abs_work_dir, self.config['shell-objdir']), - 'mozharness_scriptdir': - os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), - 'abs_analysis_dir': - os.path.join(abs_work_dir, self.config['analysis-dir']), - 'abs_analyzed_objdir': - os.path.join(abs_work_dir, self.config['srcdir'], self.config['analysis-objdir']), - 'analysis_scriptdir': - os.path.join(self.config['srcdir'], self.config['analysis-scriptdir']), - 'abs_tools_dir': - os.path.join(abs_dirs['base_work_dir'], 'tools'), - 'gecko_src': - os.path.join(abs_work_dir, self.config['srcdir']), - 'abs_blob_upload_dir': - os.path.join(abs_work_dir, 'blobber_upload_dir'), - } - - abs_dirs.update(dirs) - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - - return self.abs_dirs - - def query_repo(self): - if self.config.get('repo'): - return self.config['repo'] - elif self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: - return self.config['hgurl'] + self.buildbot_config['properties']['repo_path'] - else: - return None - - def query_revision(self): - if 'revision' in self.buildbot_properties: - revision = self.buildbot_properties['revision'] - elif self.buildbot_config and 'sourcestamp' in self.buildbot_config: - revision = self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['revision'] - else: - # Useful for local testing. In actual use, this would always be - # None. - revision = self.config.get('revision') - - return revision - - def query_branch(self): - if self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: - return self.buildbot_config['properties']['branch'] - elif 'branch' in self.config: - # Used for locally testing try vs non-try - return self.config['branch'] - else: - return os.path.basename(self.query_repo()) - - def query_compiler_manifest(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - manifest = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], dirs['analysis_scriptdir'], self.config['compiler_manifest']) - if os.path.exists(manifest): - return manifest - return os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], self.config['compiler_manifest']) - - def query_sixgill_manifest(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - manifest = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], dirs['analysis_scriptdir'], self.config['sixgill_manifest']) - if os.path.exists(manifest): - return manifest - return os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], self.config['sixgill_manifest']) - - def query_buildid(self): - if self.buildid: - return self.buildid - if self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: - self.buildid = self.buildbot_config['properties'].get('buildid') - if not self.buildid: - self.buildid = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") - return self.buildid - - def query_upload_ssh_server(self): - if self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: - return self.buildbot_config['properties']['upload_ssh_server'] - else: - return self.config['upload_ssh_server'] - - def query_upload_ssh_key(self): - if self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: - key = self.buildbot_config['properties']['upload_ssh_key'] - else: - key = self.config['upload_ssh_key'] - if self.mock_enabled and not key.startswith("/"): - key = "/home/mock_mozilla/.ssh/" + key - return key - - def query_upload_ssh_user(self): - if self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: - return self.buildbot_config['properties']['upload_ssh_user'] - else: - return self.config['upload_ssh_user'] - - def query_product(self): - if self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: - return self.buildbot_config['properties']['product'] - else: - return self.config['product'] - - def query_upload_remote_basepath(self): - if self.config.get('upload_remote_basepath'): - return self.config['upload_remote_basepath'] - else: - return "/pub/mozilla.org/{product}".format( - product=self.query_product(), - ) - - def query_upload_remote_baseuri(self): - baseuri = self.config.get('upload_remote_baseuri') - if self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: - buildprops = self.buildbot_config['properties'] - if 'upload_remote_baseuri' in buildprops: - baseuri = buildprops['upload_remote_baseuri'] - return baseuri.strip("/") if baseuri else None - - def query_target(self): - if self.buildbot_config and 'properties' in self.buildbot_config: - return self.buildbot_config['properties']['platform'] - else: - return self.config.get('target') - - def query_upload_path(self): - branch = self.query_branch() - - common = { - 'basepath': self.query_upload_remote_basepath(), - 'branch': branch, - 'target': self.query_target(), - } - - if branch == 'try': - if not self.config['enable_try_uploads']: - return None - try: - user = self.buildbot_config['sourcestamp']['changes'][0]['who'] - except (KeyError, TypeError): - user = "unknown" - return "{basepath}/try-builds/{user}-{rev}/{branch}-{target}".format( - user=user, - rev=self.query_revision(), - **common - ) - else: - return "{basepath}/tinderbox-builds/{branch}-{target}/{buildid}".format( - buildid=self.query_buildid(), - **common - ) - - def query_do_upload(self): - if self.query_branch() == 'try': - return self.config.get('enable_try_uploads') - return True - - # Actions {{{2 - def purge(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - self.info("purging, abs_upload_dir=" + dirs['abs_upload_dir']) - PurgeMixin.clobber( - self, - always_clobber_dirs=[ - dirs['abs_upload_dir'], - ], - ) - - def checkout_tools(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - # If running from within a directory also passed as the --source dir, - # this has the danger of clobbering <source>/tools/ - if self.config['source']: - srcdir = self.config['source'] - if os.path.samefile(srcdir, os.path.dirname(dirs['abs_tools_dir'])): - raise Exception("Cannot run from source checkout to avoid overwriting subdirs") - - rev = self.vcs_checkout( - vcs='hg', - branch="default", - repo=self.config['tools_repo'], - clean=False, - dest=dirs['abs_tools_dir'], - ) - self.set_buildbot_property("tools_revision", rev, write_to_file=True) - - def do_checkout_source(self): - # --source option means to use an existing source directory instead of checking one out. - if self.config['source']: - return - - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - dest = dirs['gecko_src'] - - # Pre-create the directory to appease the share extension - if not os.path.exists(dest): - self.mkdir_p(dest) - - rev = self.vcs_checkout( - repo=self.query_repo(), - dest=dest, - revision=self.query_revision(), - branch=self.config.get('branch'), - clean=True, - ) - self.set_buildbot_property('source_revision', rev, write_to_file=True) - - def checkout_source(self): - try: - self.do_checkout_source() - except Exception as e: - self.fatal("checkout failed: " + str(e), exit_code=RETRY) - - def get_blobs(self): - work_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_work_dir'] - if not os.path.exists(work_dir): - self.mkdir_p(work_dir) - self.tooltool_fetch(self.query_compiler_manifest(), output_dir=work_dir) - self.tooltool_fetch(self.query_sixgill_manifest(), output_dir=work_dir) - - def clobber_shell(self): - self.analysis.clobber_shell(self) - - def configure_shell(self): - self.enable_mock() - - try: - self.analysis.configure_shell(self) - except HazardError as e: - self.fatal(e, exit_code=FAILURE) - - self.disable_mock() - - def build_shell(self): - self.enable_mock() - - try: - self.analysis.build_shell(self) - except HazardError as e: - self.fatal(e, exit_code=FAILURE) - - self.disable_mock() - - def clobber_analysis(self): - self.analysis.clobber(self) - - def setup_analysis(self): - self.analysis.setup(self) - - def run_analysis(self): - self.enable_mock() - - upload_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - if not os.path.exists(upload_dir): - self.mkdir_p(upload_dir) - - env = self.env.copy() - env['MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR'] = upload_dir - - try: - self.analysis.run(self, env=env, error_list=MakefileErrorList) - except HazardError as e: - self.fatal(e, exit_code=FAILURE) - - self.disable_mock() - - def collect_analysis_output(self): - self.analysis.collect_output(self) - - def upload_analysis(self): - if not self.config['is_automation']: - return - - if not self.query_do_upload(): - self.info("Uploads disabled for this build. Skipping...") - return - - self.enable_mock() - - try: - self.analysis.upload_results(self) - except HazardError as e: - self.error(e) - self.return_code = WARNINGS - - self.disable_mock() - - def check_expectations(self): - try: - self.analysis.check_expectations(self) - except HazardError as e: - self.fatal(e, exit_code=FAILURE) - - -# main {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - myScript = SpidermonkeyBuild() - myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/talos_script.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/talos_script.py deleted file mode 100755 index dc4161193..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/talos_script.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -"""talos - -""" - -import os -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.talos import Talos - -if __name__ == '__main__': - talos = Talos() - talos.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/web_platform_tests.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/web_platform_tests.py deleted file mode 100755 index 7cd0e3842..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/scripts/web_platform_tests.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, -# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -import copy -import glob -import json -import os -import sys - -# load modules from parent dir -sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) - -from mozharness.base.script import PreScriptAction -from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript -from mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload import BlobUploadMixin, blobupload_config_options -from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options, TOOLTOOL_PLATFORM_DIR - -from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser -from mozharness.base.log import INFO - -class WebPlatformTest(TestingMixin, MercurialScript, BlobUploadMixin): - config_options = [ - [['--test-type'], { - "action": "extend", - "dest": "test_type", - "help": "Specify the test types to run."} - ], - [['--e10s'], { - "action": "store_true", - "dest": "e10s", - "default": False, - "help": "Run with e10s enabled"} - ], - [["--total-chunks"], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "total_chunks", - "help": "Number of total chunks"} - ], - [["--this-chunk"], { - "action": "store", - "dest": "this_chunk", - "help": "Number of this chunk"} - ], - [["--allow-software-gl-layers"], { - "action": "store_true", - "dest": "allow_software_gl_layers", - "default": False, - "help": "Permits a software GL implementation (such as LLVMPipe) to use the GL compositor."}] - ] + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) + \ - copy.deepcopy(blobupload_config_options) - - def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): - super(WebPlatformTest, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - all_actions=[ - 'clobber', - 'read-buildbot-config', - 'download-and-extract', - 'fetch-geckodriver', - 'create-virtualenv', - 'pull', - 'install', - 'run-tests', - ], - require_config_file=require_config_file, - config={'require_test_zip': True}) - - # Surely this should be in the superclass - c = self.config - self.installer_url = c.get('installer_url') - self.test_url = c.get('test_url') - self.test_packages_url = c.get('test_packages_url') - self.installer_path = c.get('installer_path') - self.binary_path = c.get('binary_path') - self.abs_app_dir = None - self.geckodriver_path = None - - def query_abs_app_dir(self): - """We can't set this in advance, because OSX install directories - change depending on branding and opt/debug. - """ - if self.abs_app_dir: - return self.abs_app_dir - if not self.binary_path: - self.fatal("Can't determine abs_app_dir (binary_path not set!)") - self.abs_app_dir = os.path.dirname(self.binary_path) - return self.abs_app_dir - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(WebPlatformTest, self).query_abs_dirs() - - dirs = {} - dirs['abs_app_install_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'application') - dirs['abs_test_install_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'tests') - dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], "web-platform") - dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], 'blobber_upload_dir') - - abs_dirs.update(dirs) - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - - return self.abs_dirs - - @PreScriptAction('create-virtualenv') - def _pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - requirements = os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], - 'config', - 'marionette_requirements.txt') - - self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], - two_pass=True) - - def _query_cmd(self): - if not self.binary_path: - self.fatal("Binary path could not be determined") - #And exit - - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - abs_app_dir = self.query_abs_app_dir() - run_file_name = "runtests.py" - - cmd = [self.query_python_path('python'), '-u'] - cmd.append(os.path.join(dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"], run_file_name)) - - # Make sure that the logging directory exists - if self.mkdir_p(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"]) == -1: - self.fatal("Could not create blobber upload directory") - # Exit - - cmd += ["--log-raw=-", - "--log-raw=%s" % os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], - "wpt_raw.log"), - "--log-errorsummary=%s" % os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], - "wpt_errorsummary.log"), - "--binary=%s" % self.binary_path, - "--symbols-path=%s" % self.query_symbols_url(), - "--stackwalk-binary=%s" % self.query_minidump_stackwalk(), - "--stackfix-dir=%s" % os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "bin")] - - for test_type in c.get("test_type", []): - cmd.append("--test-type=%s" % test_type) - - if not c["e10s"]: - cmd.append("--disable-e10s") - - for opt in ["total_chunks", "this_chunk"]: - val = c.get(opt) - if val: - cmd.append("--%s=%s" % (opt.replace("_", "-"), val)) - - if "wdspec" in c.get("test_type", []): - assert self.geckodriver_path is not None - cmd.append("--webdriver-binary=%s" % self.geckodriver_path) - - options = list(c.get("options", [])) - - str_format_values = { - 'binary_path': self.binary_path, - 'test_path': dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"], - 'test_install_path': dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], - 'abs_app_dir': abs_app_dir, - 'abs_work_dir': dirs["abs_work_dir"] - } - - try_options, try_tests = self.try_args("web-platform-tests") - - cmd.extend(self.query_options(options, - try_options, - str_format_values=str_format_values)) - cmd.extend(self.query_tests_args(try_tests, - str_format_values=str_format_values)) - - return cmd - - def download_and_extract(self): - super(WebPlatformTest, self).download_and_extract( - extract_dirs=["bin/*", - "config/*", - "mozbase/*", - "marionette/*", - "tools/wptserve/*", - "web-platform/*"], - suite_categories=["web-platform"]) - - def fetch_geckodriver(self): - c = self.config - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - - platform_name = self.platform_name() - - if "wdspec" not in c.get("test_type", []): - return - - if platform_name != "linux64": - self.fatal("Don't have a geckodriver for %s" % platform_name) - - tooltool_path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], - "config", - "tooltool-manifests", - TOOLTOOL_PLATFORM_DIR[platform_name], - "geckodriver.manifest") - - with open(tooltool_path) as f: - manifest = json.load(f) - - assert len(manifest) == 1 - geckodriver_filename = manifest[0]["filename"] - assert geckodriver_filename.endswith(".tar.gz") - - self.tooltool_fetch( - manifest=tooltool_path, - output_dir=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - cache=c.get('tooltool_cache') - ) - - compressed_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], geckodriver_filename) - tar = self.query_exe('tar', return_type="list") - self.run_command(tar + ["xf", compressed_path], cwd=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - halt_on_failure=True, fatal_exit_code=3) - self.geckodriver_path = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'], "geckodriver") - - def run_tests(self): - dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() - cmd = self._query_cmd() - - parser = StructuredOutputParser(config=self.config, - log_obj=self.log_obj, - log_compact=True) - - env = {'MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH': dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir']} - - if self.config['allow_software_gl_layers']: - env['MOZ_LAYERS_ALLOW_SOFTWARE_GL'] = '1' - - env = self.query_env(partial_env=env, log_level=INFO) - - return_code = self.run_command(cmd, - cwd=dirs['abs_work_dir'], - output_timeout=1000, - output_parser=parser, - env=env) - - tbpl_status, log_level = parser.evaluate_parser(return_code) - - self.buildbot_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) - - -# main {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - web_platform_tests = WebPlatformTest() - web_platform_tests.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/setup.cfg b/testing/mozharness/setup.cfg deleted file mode 100644 index d8057aec1..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/setup.cfg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -[nosetests] -exclude=TestingMixin diff --git a/testing/mozharness/setup.py b/testing/mozharness/setup.py deleted file mode 100644 index 5bcb36d63..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/setup.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -import os -from setuptools import setup, find_packages - -try: - here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) - description = open(os.path.join(here, 'README.txt')).read() -except IOError: - description = '' - -import mozharness -version = mozharness.version_string - -dependencies = ['virtualenv', 'mock', "coverage", "nose", "pylint", "pyflakes"] -try: - import json -except ImportError: - dependencies.append('simplejson') - -setup(name='mozharness', - version=version, - description="Mozharness is a configuration-driven script harness with full logging that allows production infrastructure and individual developers to use the same scripts. ", - long_description=description, - classifiers=[], # Get strings from http://www.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers - author='Aki Sasaki', - author_email='aki@mozilla.com', - url='https://hg.mozilla.org/build/mozharness/', - license='MPL', - packages=find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup', 'examples', 'tests']), - include_package_data=True, - zip_safe=False, - install_requires=dependencies, - entry_points=""" - # -*- Entry points: -*- - """, - ) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/README b/testing/mozharness/test/README deleted file mode 100644 index 889c8a83d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/README +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -test/ : non-network-dependent unit tests -test/networked/ : network-dependent unit tests. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/.noserc b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/.noserc deleted file mode 100644 index e6f21cf31..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/.noserc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -[nosetests] -with-xunit=1 diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 1dc094198..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar.bz2 b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar.bz2 Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index c393ea4b8..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar.bz2 +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar.gz b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar.gz Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 0fbfa39b1..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar.gz +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.zip b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.zip Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index aa2fb34c1..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.zip +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive_invalid_filename.zip b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive_invalid_filename.zip Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 20bdc5acd..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive_invalid_filename.zip +++ /dev/null diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/reference/bin/script.sh b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/reference/bin/script.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 134f2933c..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/reference/bin/script.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash - -echo Hello world! diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/reference/lorem.txt b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/reference/lorem.txt deleted file mode 100644 index d2cf010d3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/reference/lorem.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/create_archives.sh b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/create_archives.sh deleted file mode 100755 index 314b55d27..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/create_archives.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -# Script to auto-generate the different archive types under the archives directory. - -cd archives - -rm archive.* - -tar cf archive.tar -C reference . -gzip -fk archive.tar >archive.tar.gz -bzip2 -fk archive.tar >archive.tar.bz2 -cd reference && zip ../archive.zip -r * && cd .. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/init_hgrepo.sh b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/init_hgrepo.sh deleted file mode 100755 index c978ebe73..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/init_hgrepo.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -# Set up an hg repo for testing -dest=$1 -if [ -z "$dest" ]; then - echo You must specify a destination directory 1>&2 - exit 1 -fi - -rm -rf $dest -mkdir $dest -cd $dest -hg init - -echo "Hello world $RANDOM" > hello.txt -hg add hello.txt -hg commit -m "Adding hello" - -hg branch branch2 > /dev/null -echo "So long, farewell" >> hello.txt -hg commit -m "Changing hello on branch" - -hg checkout default -echo "Is this thing on?" >> hello.txt -hg commit -m "Last change on default" diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/locales.json b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/locales.json deleted file mode 100644 index c9056b1d1..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/locales.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -{ - "ar": { - "revision": "default", - "platforms": ["maemo"] - }, - "be": { - "revision": "default", - "platforms": ["maemo"] - }, - "de": { - "revision": "default", - "platforms": ["maemo", "maemo-multilocale", "android-multilocale"] - }, - "es-ES": { - "revision": "default", - "platforms": ["maemo", "maemo-multilocale", "android-multilocale"] - } -} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/locales.txt b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/locales.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 0b65ab76d..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/locales.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -ar -be -de -es-ES diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/hgrc b/testing/mozharness/test/hgrc deleted file mode 100644 index 85e670518..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/hgrc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -[extensions] -mq = -purge = -rebase = -share = -transplant = - -[ui] -username = tester <tester@example.com> diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/pip-freeze.example.txt b/testing/mozharness/test/pip-freeze.example.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 56e06923f..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/pip-freeze.example.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -MakeItSo==0.2.6 -PyYAML==3.10 -Tempita==0.5.1 -WebOb==1.2b3 --e hg+http://k0s.org/mozilla/hg/configuration@35416ad140982c11eba0a2d6b96d683f53429e94#egg=configuration-dev -coverage==3.5.1 --e hg+http://k0s.org/mozilla/hg/jetperf@4645ae34d2c41a353dcdbd856b486b6d3faabb99#egg=jetperf-dev -logilab-astng==0.23.1 -logilab-common==0.57.1 -mozdevice==0.2 --e hg+https://hg.mozilla.org/build/mozharness@df6b7f1e14d8c472125ef7a77b8a3b40c96ae181#egg=mozharness-jetperf -mozhttpd==0.3 -mozinfo==0.3.3 -nose==1.1.2 -pyflakes==0.5.0 -pylint==0.25.1 --e hg+https://hg.mozilla.org/build/talos@ee5c0b090d808e81a8fc5ba5f96b012797b3e785#egg=talos-dev -virtualenv== -wsgiref==0.1.2 diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_config.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_config.py deleted file mode 100644 index 42ec7a641..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,308 +0,0 @@ -import os -import unittest - -JSON_TYPE = None -try: - import simplejson as json - assert json -except ImportError: - import json - JSON_TYPE = 'json' -else: - JSON_TYPE = 'simplejson' - -import mozharness.base.config as config -from copy import deepcopy - -MH_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) - - -class TestParseConfigFile(unittest.TestCase): - def _get_json_config(self, filename=os.path.join(MH_DIR, "configs", "test", "test.json"), - output='dict'): - fh = open(filename) - contents = json.load(fh) - fh.close() - if 'output' == 'dict': - return dict(contents) - else: - return contents - - def _get_python_config(self, filename=os.path.join(MH_DIR, "configs", "test", "test.py"), - output='dict'): - global_dict = {} - local_dict = {} - execfile(filename, global_dict, local_dict) - return local_dict['config'] - - def test_json_config(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - content_dict = self._get_json_config() - for key in content_dict.keys(): - self.assertEqual(content_dict[key], c._config[key]) - - def test_python_config(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file='test/test.py') - config_dict = self._get_python_config() - for key in config_dict.keys(): - self.assertEqual(config_dict[key], c._config[key]) - - def test_illegal_config(self): - self.assertRaises(IOError, config.parse_config_file, "this_file_does_not_exist.py", search_path="yadda") - - def test_illegal_suffix(self): - self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, config.parse_config_file, "test/test.illegal_suffix") - - def test_malformed_json(self): - if JSON_TYPE == 'simplejson': - self.assertRaises(json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, config.parse_config_file, "test/test_malformed.json") - else: - self.assertRaises(ValueError, config.parse_config_file, "test/test_malformed.json") - - def test_malformed_python(self): - self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, config.parse_config_file, "test/test_malformed.py") - - def test_multiple_config_files_override_string(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file='test/test.py') - c.parse_args(['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py']) - self.assertEqual(c._config['override_string'], 'yay') - - def test_multiple_config_files_override_list(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file='test/test.py') - c.parse_args(['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py']) - self.assertEqual(c._config['override_list'], ['yay', 'worked']) - - def test_multiple_config_files_override_dict(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file='test/test.py') - c.parse_args(['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py']) - self.assertEqual(c._config['override_dict'], {'yay': 'worked'}) - - def test_multiple_config_files_keep_string(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file='test/test.py') - c.parse_args(['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py']) - self.assertEqual(c._config['keep_string'], "don't change me") - - def test_optional_config_files_override_value(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file='test/test.py') - c.parse_args(['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py', - '--opt-cfg', 'test/test_optional.py']) - self.assertEqual(c._config['opt_override'], "new stuff") - - def test_optional_config_files_missing_config(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file='test/test.py') - c.parse_args(['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py', - '--opt-cfg', 'test/test_optional.py,does_not_exist.py']) - self.assertEqual(c._config['opt_override'], "new stuff") - - def test_optional_config_files_keep_string(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file='test/test.py') - c.parse_args(['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py', - '--opt-cfg', 'test/test_optional.py']) - self.assertEqual(c._config['keep_string'], "don't change me") - - -class TestReadOnlyDict(unittest.TestCase): - control_dict = { - 'b': '2', - 'c': {'d': '4'}, - 'e': ['f', 'g'], - 'e': ['f', 'g', {'turtles': ['turtle1']}], - 'd': { - 'turtles': ['turtle1'] - } - } - - def get_unlocked_ROD(self): - r = config.ReadOnlyDict(self.control_dict) - return r - - def get_locked_ROD(self): - r = config.ReadOnlyDict(self.control_dict) - r.lock() - return r - - def test_create_ROD(self): - r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() - self.assertEqual(r, self.control_dict, - msg="can't transfer dict to ReadOnlyDict") - - def test_pop_item(self): - r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() - r.popitem() - self.assertEqual(len(r), len(self.control_dict) - 1, - msg="can't popitem() ReadOnlyDict when unlocked") - - def test_pop(self): - r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() - r.pop('e') - self.assertEqual(len(r), len(self.control_dict) - 1, - msg="can't pop() ReadOnlyDict when unlocked") - - def test_set(self): - r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() - r['e'] = 'yarrr' - self.assertEqual(r['e'], 'yarrr', - msg="can't set var in ReadOnlyDict when unlocked") - - def test_del(self): - r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() - del r['e'] - self.assertEqual(len(r), len(self.control_dict) - 1, - msg="can't del in ReadOnlyDict when unlocked") - - def test_clear(self): - r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() - r.clear() - self.assertEqual(r, {}, - msg="can't clear() ReadOnlyDict when unlocked") - - def test_set_default(self): - r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() - for key in self.control_dict.keys(): - r.setdefault(key, self.control_dict[key]) - self.assertEqual(r, self.control_dict, - msg="can't setdefault() ReadOnlyDict when unlocked") - - def test_locked_set(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - # TODO use |with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):| if/when we're - # all on 2.7. - try: - r['e'] = 2 - except: - pass - else: - self.assertEqual(0, 1, msg="can set r['e'] when locked") - - def test_locked_del(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - try: - del r['e'] - except: - pass - else: - self.assertEqual(0, 1, "can del r['e'] when locked") - - def test_locked_popitem(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r.popitem) - - def test_locked_update(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r.update, {}) - - def test_locked_set_default(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r.setdefault, {}) - - def test_locked_pop(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r.pop) - - def test_locked_clear(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r.clear) - - def test_locked_second_level_dict_pop(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r['c'].update, {}) - - def test_locked_second_level_list_pop(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): - r['e'].pop() - - def test_locked_third_level_mutate(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): - r['d']['turtles'].append('turtle2') - - def test_locked_object_in_tuple_mutate(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): - r['e'][2]['turtles'].append('turtle2') - - def test_locked_second_level_dict_pop2(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r['c'].update, {}) - - def test_locked_second_level_list_pop2(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): - r['e'].pop() - - def test_locked_third_level_mutate2(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): - r['d']['turtles'].append('turtle2') - - def test_locked_object_in_tuple_mutate2(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): - r['e'][2]['turtles'].append('turtle2') - - def test_locked_deepcopy_set(self): - r = self.get_locked_ROD() - c = deepcopy(r) - c['e'] = 'hey' - self.assertEqual(c['e'], 'hey', "can't set var in ROD after deepcopy") - - -class TestActions(unittest.TestCase): - all_actions = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] - default_actions = ['b', 'c', 'd'] - - def test_verify_actions(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - try: - c.verify_actions(['not_a_real_action']) - except: - pass - else: - self.assertEqual(0, 1, msg="verify_actions() didn't die on invalid action") - c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - returned_actions = c.verify_actions(c.all_actions) - self.assertEqual(c.all_actions, returned_actions, - msg="returned actions from verify_actions() changed") - - def test_default_actions(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(default_actions=self.default_actions, - all_actions=self.all_actions, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.assertEqual(self.default_actions, c.get_actions(), - msg="default_actions broken") - - def test_no_action1(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(default_actions=self.default_actions, - all_actions=self.all_actions, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - c.parse_args(args=['foo', '--no-action', 'a']) - self.assertEqual(self.default_actions, c.get_actions(), - msg="--no-ACTION broken") - - def test_no_action2(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(default_actions=self.default_actions, - all_actions=self.all_actions, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - c.parse_args(args=['foo', '--no-c']) - self.assertEqual(['b', 'd'], c.get_actions(), - msg="--no-ACTION broken") - - def test_add_action(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(default_actions=self.default_actions, - all_actions=self.all_actions, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - c.parse_args(args=['foo', '--add-action', 'e']) - self.assertEqual(['b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], c.get_actions(), - msg="--add-action ACTION broken") - - def test_only_action(self): - c = config.BaseConfig(default_actions=self.default_actions, - all_actions=self.all_actions, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - c.parse_args(args=['foo', '--a', '--e']) - self.assertEqual(['a', 'e'], c.get_actions(), - msg="--ACTION broken") - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_diskutils.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_diskutils.py deleted file mode 100644 index 79d36692f..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_diskutils.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -import mock -import unittest -from mozharness.base.diskutils import convert_to, DiskutilsError, DiskSize, DiskInfo - - -class TestDiskutils(unittest.TestCase): - def test_convert_to(self): - # 0 is 0 regardless from_unit/to_unit - self.assertTrue(convert_to(size=0, from_unit='GB', to_unit='MB') == 0) - size = 524288 # 512 * 1024 - # converting from/to same unit - self.assertTrue(convert_to(size=size, from_unit='MB', to_unit='MB') == size) - - self.assertTrue(convert_to(size=size, from_unit='MB', to_unit='GB') == 512) - - self.assertRaises(DiskutilsError, - lambda: convert_to(size='a string', from_unit='MB', to_unit='MB')) - self.assertRaises(DiskutilsError, - lambda: convert_to(size=0, from_unit='foo', to_unit='MB')) - self.assertRaises(DiskutilsError, - lambda: convert_to(size=0, from_unit='MB', to_unit='foo')) - - -class TestDiskInfo(unittest.TestCase): - - def testDiskinfo_to(self): - di = DiskInfo() - self.assertTrue(di.unit == 'bytes') - self.assertTrue(di.free == 0) - self.assertTrue(di.used == 0) - self.assertTrue(di.total == 0) - # convert to GB - di._to('GB') - self.assertTrue(di.unit == 'GB') - self.assertTrue(di.free == 0) - self.assertTrue(di.used == 0) - self.assertTrue(di.total == 0) - - -class MockStatvfs(object): - def __init__(self): - self.f_bsize = 0 - self.f_frsize = 0 - self.f_blocks = 0 - self.f_bfree = 0 - self.f_bavail = 0 - self.f_files = 0 - self.f_ffree = 0 - self.f_favail = 0 - self.f_flag = 0 - self.f_namemax = 0 - - -class TestDiskSpace(unittest.TestCase): - - @mock.patch('mozharness.base.diskutils.os') - def testDiskSpacePosix(self, mock_os): - ds = MockStatvfs() - mock_os.statvfs.return_value = ds - di = DiskSize()._posix_size('/') - self.assertTrue(di.unit == 'bytes') - self.assertTrue(di.free == 0) - self.assertTrue(di.used == 0) - self.assertTrue(di.total == 0) - - @mock.patch('mozharness.base.diskutils.ctypes') - def testDiskSpaceWindows(self, mock_ctypes): - mock_ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExA.return_value = 0 - mock_ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW.return_value = 0 - di = DiskSize()._windows_size('/c/') - self.assertTrue(di.unit == 'bytes') - self.assertTrue(di.free == 0) - self.assertTrue(di.used == 0) - self.assertTrue(di.total == 0) - - @mock.patch('mozharness.base.diskutils.os') - @mock.patch('mozharness.base.diskutils.ctypes') - def testUnspportedPlafrom(self, mock_ctypes, mock_os): - mock_os.statvfs.side_effect = AttributeError('') - self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: DiskSize()._posix_size('/')) - mock_ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW.side_effect = AttributeError('') - mock_ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExA.side_effect = AttributeError('') - self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: DiskSize()._windows_size('/')) - self.assertRaises(DiskutilsError, lambda: DiskSize().get_size(path='/', unit='GB')) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_log.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_log.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0947834f7..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_log.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -import os -import shutil -import subprocess -import unittest - -import mozharness.base.log as log - -tmp_dir = "test_log_dir" -log_name = "test" - - -def clean_log_dir(): - if os.path.exists(tmp_dir): - shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) - - -def get_log_file_path(level=None): - if level: - return os.path.join(tmp_dir, "%s_%s.log" % (log_name, level)) - return os.path.join(tmp_dir, "%s.log" % log_name) - - -class TestLog(unittest.TestCase): - def setUp(self): - clean_log_dir() - - def tearDown(self): - clean_log_dir() - - def test_log_dir(self): - fh = open(tmp_dir, 'w') - fh.write("foo") - fh.close() - l = log.SimpleFileLogger(log_dir=tmp_dir, log_name=log_name, - log_to_console=False) - self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(tmp_dir)) - l.log_message('blah') - self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(get_log_file_path())) - del(l) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_parallel.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_parallel.py deleted file mode 100644 index 8302be43a..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_parallel.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -import unittest - -from mozharness.base.parallel import ChunkingMixin - - -class TestChunkingMixin(unittest.TestCase): - def setUp(self): - self.c = ChunkingMixin() - - def test_one_chunk(self): - self.assertEquals(self.c.query_chunked_list([1, 3, 2], 1, 1), [1, 3, 2]) - - def test_sorted(self): - self.assertEquals(self.c.query_chunked_list([1, 3, 2], 1, 1, sort=True), [1, 2, 3]) - - def test_first_chunk(self): - self.assertEquals(self.c.query_chunked_list([4, 5, 4, 3], 1, 2), [4, 5]) - - def test_last_chunk(self): - self.assertEquals(self.c.query_chunked_list([1, 4, 5, 7, 5, 6], 3, 3), [5, 6]) - - def test_not_evenly_divisble(self): - thing = [1, 3, 6, 4, 3, 2, 6] - self.assertEquals(self.c.query_chunked_list(thing, 1, 3), [1, 3, 6]) - self.assertEquals(self.c.query_chunked_list(thing, 2, 3), [4, 3]) - self.assertEquals(self.c.query_chunked_list(thing, 3, 3), [2, 6]) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_python.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_python.py deleted file mode 100644 index c013576f0..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_python.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -import os -import unittest - -import mozharness.base.python as python - -here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) - - -class TestVirtualenvMixin(unittest.TestCase): - def test_package_versions(self): - example = os.path.join(here, 'pip-freeze.example.txt') - output = file(example).read() - mixin = python.VirtualenvMixin() - packages = mixin.package_versions(output) - - # from the file - expected = {'MakeItSo': '0.2.6', - 'PyYAML': '3.10', - 'Tempita': '0.5.1', - 'WebOb': '1.2b3', - 'coverage': '3.5.1', - 'logilab-astng': '0.23.1', - 'logilab-common': '0.57.1', - 'mozdevice': '0.2', - 'mozhttpd': '0.3', - 'mozinfo': '0.3.3', - 'nose': '1.1.2', - 'pyflakes': '0.5.0', - 'pylint': '0.25.1', - 'virtualenv': '', - 'wsgiref': '0.1.2'} - - self.assertEqual(packages, expected) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_script.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_script.py deleted file mode 100644 index c069a82f3..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_script.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,898 +0,0 @@ -import gc -import mock -import os -import re -import shutil -import tempfile -import types -import unittest -PYWIN32 = False -if os.name == 'nt': - try: - import win32file - PYWIN32 = True - except: - pass - - -import mozharness.base.errors as errors -import mozharness.base.log as log -from mozharness.base.log import DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL, IGNORE -import mozharness.base.script as script -from mozharness.base.config import parse_config_file - - -here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) - -test_string = '''foo -bar -baz''' - - -class CleanupObj(script.ScriptMixin, log.LogMixin): - def __init__(self): - super(CleanupObj, self).__init__() - self.log_obj = None - self.config = {'log_level': ERROR} - - -def cleanup(files=None): - files = files or [] - files.extend(('test_logs', 'test_dir', 'tmpfile_stdout', 'tmpfile_stderr')) - gc.collect() - c = CleanupObj() - for f in files: - c.rmtree(f) - - -def get_debug_script_obj(): - s = script.BaseScript(config={'log_type': 'multi', - 'log_level': DEBUG}, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - return s - - -def _post_fatal(self, **kwargs): - fh = open('tmpfile_stdout', 'w') - print >>fh, test_string - fh.close() - - -# TestScript {{{1 -class TestScript(unittest.TestCase): - def setUp(self): - cleanup() - self.s = None - self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.mozharness') - - def tearDown(self): - # Close the logfile handles, or windows can't remove the logs - if hasattr(self, 's') and isinstance(self.s, object): - del(self.s) - cleanup([self.tmpdir]) - - # test _dump_config_hierarchy() when --dump-config-hierarchy is passed - def test_dump_config_hierarchy_valid_files_len(self): - try: - self.s = script.BaseScript( - initial_config_file='test/test.json', - option_args=['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py'], - config={'dump_config_hierarchy': True} - ) - except SystemExit: - local_cfg_files = parse_config_file('test_logs/localconfigfiles.json') - # first let's see if the correct number of config files were - # realized - self.assertEqual( - len(local_cfg_files), 4, - msg="--dump-config-hierarchy dumped wrong number of config files" - ) - - def test_dump_config_hierarchy_keys_unique_and_valid(self): - try: - self.s = script.BaseScript( - initial_config_file='test/test.json', - option_args=['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py'], - config={'dump_config_hierarchy': True} - ) - except SystemExit: - local_cfg_files = parse_config_file('test_logs/localconfigfiles.json') - # now let's see if only unique items were added from each config - t_override = local_cfg_files.get('test/test_override.py', {}) - self.assertTrue( - t_override.get('keep_string') == "don't change me" and len(t_override.keys()) == 1, - msg="--dump-config-hierarchy dumped wrong keys/value for " - "`test/test_override.py`. There should only be one " - "item and it should be unique to all the other " - "items in test_log/localconfigfiles.json." - ) - - def test_dump_config_hierarchy_matches_self_config(self): - try: - ###### - # we need temp_cfg because self.s will be gcollected (NoneType) by - # the time we get to SystemExit exception - # temp_cfg will differ from self.s.config because of - # 'dump_config_hierarchy'. we have to make a deepcopy because - # config is a locked dict - temp_s = script.BaseScript( - initial_config_file='test/test.json', - option_args=['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py'], - ) - from copy import deepcopy - temp_cfg = deepcopy(temp_s.config) - temp_cfg.update({'dump_config_hierarchy': True}) - ###### - self.s = script.BaseScript( - initial_config_file='test/test.json', - option_args=['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py'], - config={'dump_config_hierarchy': True} - ) - except SystemExit: - local_cfg_files = parse_config_file('test_logs/localconfigfiles.json') - # finally let's just make sure that all the items added up, equals - # what we started with: self.config - target_cfg = {} - for cfg_file in local_cfg_files: - target_cfg.update(local_cfg_files[cfg_file]) - self.assertEqual( - target_cfg, temp_cfg, - msg="all of the items (combined) in each cfg file dumped via " - "--dump-config-hierarchy does not equal self.config " - ) - - # test _dump_config() when --dump-config is passed - def test_dump_config_equals_self_config(self): - try: - ###### - # we need temp_cfg because self.s will be gcollected (NoneType) by - # the time we get to SystemExit exception - # temp_cfg will differ from self.s.config because of - # 'dump_config_hierarchy'. we have to make a deepcopy because - # config is a locked dict - temp_s = script.BaseScript( - initial_config_file='test/test.json', - option_args=['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py'], - ) - from copy import deepcopy - temp_cfg = deepcopy(temp_s.config) - temp_cfg.update({'dump_config': True}) - ###### - self.s = script.BaseScript( - initial_config_file='test/test.json', - option_args=['--cfg', 'test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py'], - config={'dump_config': True} - ) - except SystemExit: - target_cfg = parse_config_file('test_logs/localconfig.json') - self.assertEqual( - target_cfg, temp_cfg, - msg="all of the items (combined) in each cfg file dumped via " - "--dump-config does not equal self.config " - ) - - def test_nonexistent_mkdir_p(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.mkdir_p('test_dir/foo/bar/baz') - self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir('test_dir/foo/bar/baz'), - msg="mkdir_p error") - - def test_existing_mkdir_p(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - os.makedirs('test_dir/foo/bar/baz') - self.s.mkdir_p('test_dir/foo/bar/baz') - self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir('test_dir/foo/bar/baz'), - msg="mkdir_p error when dir exists") - - def test_chdir(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - cwd = os.getcwd() - self.s.chdir('test_logs') - self.assertEqual(os.path.join(cwd, "test_logs"), os.getcwd(), - msg="chdir error") - self.s.chdir(cwd) - - def _test_log_helper(self, obj): - obj.debug("Testing DEBUG") - obj.warning("Testing WARNING") - obj.error("Testing ERROR") - obj.critical("Testing CRITICAL") - try: - obj.fatal("Testing FATAL") - except SystemExit: - pass - else: - self.assertTrue(False, msg="fatal() didn't SystemExit!") - - def test_log(self): - self.s = get_debug_script_obj() - self.s.log_obj = None - self._test_log_helper(self.s) - del(self.s) - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self._test_log_helper(self.s) - - def test_run_nonexistent_command(self): - self.s = get_debug_script_obj() - self.s.run_command(command="this_cmd_should_not_exist --help", - env={'GARBLE': 'FARG'}, - error_list=errors.PythonErrorList) - error_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_error.log") - self.assertTrue(error_logsize > 0, - msg="command not found error not hit") - - def test_run_command_in_bad_dir(self): - self.s = get_debug_script_obj() - self.s.run_command(command="ls", - cwd='/this_dir_should_not_exist', - error_list=errors.PythonErrorList) - error_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_error.log") - self.assertTrue(error_logsize > 0, - msg="bad dir error not hit") - - def test_get_output_from_command_in_bad_dir(self): - self.s = get_debug_script_obj() - self.s.get_output_from_command(command="ls", cwd='/this_dir_should_not_exist') - error_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_error.log") - self.assertTrue(error_logsize > 0, - msg="bad dir error not hit") - - def test_get_output_from_command_with_missing_file(self): - self.s = get_debug_script_obj() - self.s.get_output_from_command(command="ls /this_file_should_not_exist") - error_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_error.log") - self.assertTrue(error_logsize > 0, - msg="bad file error not hit") - - def test_get_output_from_command_with_missing_file2(self): - self.s = get_debug_script_obj() - self.s.run_command( - command="cat mozharness/base/errors.py", - error_list=[{ - 'substr': "error", 'level': ERROR - }, { - 'regex': re.compile(',$'), 'level': IGNORE, - }, { - 'substr': ']$', 'level': WARNING, - }]) - error_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_error.log") - self.assertTrue(error_logsize > 0, - msg="error list not working properly") - - def test_download_unpack(self): - # NOTE: The action is called *download*, however, it can work for files in disk - self.s = get_debug_script_obj() - - archives_path = os.path.join(here, 'helper_files', 'archives') - - # Test basic decompression - for archive in ('archive.tar', 'archive.tar.bz2', 'archive.tar.gz', 'archive.zip'): - self.s.download_unpack( - url=os.path.join(archives_path, archive), - extract_to=self.tmpdir - ) - self.assertIn('script.sh', os.listdir(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'bin'))) - self.assertIn('lorem.txt', os.listdir(self.tmpdir)) - shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) - - # Test permissions for extracted entries from zip archive - self.s.download_unpack( - url=os.path.join(archives_path, 'archive.zip'), - extract_to=self.tmpdir, - ) - file_stats = os.stat(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'bin', 'script.sh')) - orig_fstats = os.stat(os.path.join(archives_path, 'reference', 'bin', 'script.sh')) - self.assertEqual(file_stats.st_mode, orig_fstats.st_mode) - shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) - - # Test unzip specific dirs only - self.s.download_unpack( - url=os.path.join(archives_path, 'archive.zip'), - extract_to=self.tmpdir, - extract_dirs=['bin/*'] - ) - self.assertIn('bin', os.listdir(self.tmpdir)) - self.assertNotIn('lorem.txt', os.listdir(self.tmpdir)) - shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) - - # Test for invalid filenames (Windows only) - if PYWIN32: - with self.assertRaises(IOError): - self.s.download_unpack( - url=os.path.join(archives_path, 'archive_invalid_filename.zip'), - extract_to=self.tmpdir - ) - - def test_unpack(self): - self.s = get_debug_script_obj() - - archives_path = os.path.join(here, 'helper_files', 'archives') - - # Test basic decompression - for archive in ('archive.tar', 'archive.tar.bz2', 'archive.tar.gz', 'archive.zip'): - self.s.unpack(os.path.join(archives_path, archive), self.tmpdir) - self.assertIn('script.sh', os.listdir(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'bin'))) - self.assertIn('lorem.txt', os.listdir(self.tmpdir)) - shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) - - # Test permissions for extracted entries from zip archive - self.s.unpack(os.path.join(archives_path, 'archive.zip'), self.tmpdir) - file_stats = os.stat(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'bin', 'script.sh')) - orig_fstats = os.stat(os.path.join(archives_path, 'reference', 'bin', 'script.sh')) - self.assertEqual(file_stats.st_mode, orig_fstats.st_mode) - shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) - - # Test extract specific dirs only - self.s.unpack(os.path.join(archives_path, 'archive.zip'), self.tmpdir, - extract_dirs=['bin/*']) - self.assertIn('bin', os.listdir(self.tmpdir)) - self.assertNotIn('lorem.txt', os.listdir(self.tmpdir)) - shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) - - # Test for invalid filenames (Windows only) - if PYWIN32: - with self.assertRaises(IOError): - self.s.unpack(os.path.join(archives_path, 'archive_invalid_filename.zip'), - self.tmpdir) - - -# TestHelperFunctions {{{1 -class TestHelperFunctions(unittest.TestCase): - temp_file = "test_dir/mozilla" - - def setUp(self): - cleanup() - self.s = None - - def tearDown(self): - # Close the logfile handles, or windows can't remove the logs - if hasattr(self, 's') and isinstance(self.s, object): - del(self.s) - cleanup() - - def _create_temp_file(self, contents=test_string): - os.mkdir('test_dir') - fh = open(self.temp_file, "w+") - fh.write(contents) - fh.close - - def test_mkdir_p(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.mkdir_p('test_dir') - self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir('test_dir'), - msg="mkdir_p error") - - def test_get_output_from_command(self): - self._create_temp_file() - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - contents = self.s.get_output_from_command(["bash", "-c", "cat %s" % self.temp_file]) - self.assertEqual(test_string, contents, - msg="get_output_from_command('cat file') differs from fh.write") - - def test_run_command(self): - self._create_temp_file() - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - temp_file_name = os.path.basename(self.temp_file) - self.assertEqual(self.s.run_command("cat %s" % temp_file_name, - cwd="test_dir"), 0, - msg="run_command('cat file') did not exit 0") - - def test_move1(self): - self._create_temp_file() - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - temp_file2 = '%s2' % self.temp_file - self.s.move(self.temp_file, temp_file2) - self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.temp_file), - msg="%s still exists after move()" % self.temp_file) - - def test_move2(self): - self._create_temp_file() - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - temp_file2 = '%s2' % self.temp_file - self.s.move(self.temp_file, temp_file2) - self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(temp_file2), - msg="%s doesn't exist after move()" % temp_file2) - - def test_copyfile(self): - self._create_temp_file() - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - temp_file2 = '%s2' % self.temp_file - self.s.copyfile(self.temp_file, temp_file2) - self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize(self.temp_file), - os.path.getsize(temp_file2), - msg="%s and %s are different sizes after copyfile()" % - (self.temp_file, temp_file2)) - - def test_existing_rmtree(self): - self._create_temp_file() - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.mkdir_p('test_dir/foo/bar/baz') - self.s.rmtree('test_dir') - self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('test_dir'), - msg="rmtree unsuccessful") - - def test_nonexistent_rmtree(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - status = self.s.rmtree('test_dir') - self.assertFalse(status, msg="nonexistent rmtree error") - - @unittest.skipUnless(PYWIN32, "PyWin32 specific") - def test_long_dir_rmtree(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - # create a very long path that the command-prompt cannot delete - # by using unicode format (max path length 32000) - path = u'\\\\?\\%s\\test_dir' % os.getcwd() - win32file.CreateDirectoryExW(u'.', path) - - for x in range(0, 20): - print("path=%s" % path) - path = path + u'\\%sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' % x - win32file.CreateDirectoryExW(u'.', path) - self.s.rmtree('test_dir') - self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('test_dir'), - msg="rmtree unsuccessful") - - @unittest.skipUnless(PYWIN32, "PyWin32 specific") - def test_chmod_rmtree(self): - self._create_temp_file() - win32file.SetFileAttributesW(self.temp_file, win32file.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.rmtree('test_dir') - self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('test_dir'), - msg="rmtree unsuccessful") - - @unittest.skipIf(os.name == "nt", "Not for Windows") - def test_chmod(self): - self._create_temp_file() - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.chmod(self.temp_file, 0100700) - self.assertEqual(os.stat(self.temp_file)[0], 33216, - msg="chmod unsuccessful") - - def test_env_normal(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - script_env = self.s.query_env() - self.assertEqual(script_env, os.environ, - msg="query_env() != env\n%s\n%s" % (script_env, os.environ)) - - def test_env_normal2(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.query_env() - script_env = self.s.query_env() - self.assertEqual(script_env, os.environ, - msg="Second query_env() != env\n%s\n%s" % (script_env, os.environ)) - - def test_env_partial(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - script_env = self.s.query_env(partial_env={'foo': 'bar'}) - self.assertTrue('foo' in script_env and script_env['foo'] == 'bar') - - def test_env_path(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - partial_path = "yaddayadda:%(PATH)s" - full_path = partial_path % {'PATH': os.environ['PATH']} - script_env = self.s.query_env(partial_env={'PATH': partial_path}) - self.assertEqual(script_env['PATH'], full_path) - - def test_query_exe(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript( - initial_config_file='test/test.json', - config={'exes': {'foo': 'bar'}}, - ) - path = self.s.query_exe('foo') - self.assertEqual(path, 'bar') - - def test_query_exe_string_replacement(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript( - initial_config_file='test/test.json', - config={ - 'base_work_dir': 'foo', - 'work_dir': 'bar', - 'exes': {'foo': os.path.join('%(abs_work_dir)s', 'baz')}, - }, - ) - path = self.s.query_exe('foo') - self.assertEqual(path, os.path.join('foo', 'bar', 'baz')) - - def test_read_from_file(self): - self._create_temp_file() - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - contents = self.s.read_from_file(self.temp_file) - self.assertEqual(contents, test_string) - - def test_read_from_nonexistent_file(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - contents = self.s.read_from_file("nonexistent_file!!!") - self.assertEqual(contents, None) - - -# TestScriptLogging {{{1 -class TestScriptLogging(unittest.TestCase): - # I need a log watcher helper function, here and in test_log. - def setUp(self): - cleanup() - self.s = None - - def tearDown(self): - # Close the logfile handles, or windows can't remove the logs - if hasattr(self, 's') and isinstance(self.s, object): - del(self.s) - cleanup() - - def test_info_logsize(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(config={'log_type': 'multi'}, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - info_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_info.log") - self.assertTrue(info_logsize > 0, - msg="initial info logfile missing/size 0") - - def test_add_summary_info(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(config={'log_type': 'multi'}, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - info_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_info.log") - self.s.add_summary('one') - info_logsize2 = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_info.log") - self.assertTrue(info_logsize < info_logsize2, - msg="add_summary() info not logged") - - def test_add_summary_warning(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(config={'log_type': 'multi'}, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - warning_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_warning.log") - self.s.add_summary('two', level=WARNING) - warning_logsize2 = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_warning.log") - self.assertTrue(warning_logsize < warning_logsize2, - msg="add_summary(level=%s) not logged in warning log" % WARNING) - - def test_summary(self): - self.s = script.BaseScript(config={'log_type': 'multi'}, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.add_summary('one') - self.s.add_summary('two', level=WARNING) - info_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_info.log") - warning_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_warning.log") - self.s.summary() - info_logsize2 = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_info.log") - warning_logsize2 = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_warning.log") - msg = "" - if info_logsize >= info_logsize2: - msg += "summary() didn't log to info!\n" - if warning_logsize >= warning_logsize2: - msg += "summary() didn't log to warning!\n" - self.assertEqual(msg, "", msg=msg) - - def _test_log_level(self, log_level, log_level_file_list): - self.s = script.BaseScript(config={'log_type': 'multi'}, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - if log_level != FATAL: - self.s.log('testing', level=log_level) - else: - self.s._post_fatal = types.MethodType(_post_fatal, self.s) - try: - self.s.fatal('testing') - except SystemExit: - contents = None - if os.path.exists('tmpfile_stdout'): - fh = open('tmpfile_stdout') - contents = fh.read() - fh.close() - self.assertEqual(contents.rstrip(), test_string, "_post_fatal failed!") - del(self.s) - msg = "" - for level in log_level_file_list: - log_path = "test_logs/test_%s.log" % level - if not os.path.exists(log_path): - msg += "%s doesn't exist!\n" % log_path - else: - filesize = os.path.getsize(log_path) - if not filesize > 0: - msg += "%s is size 0!\n" % log_path - self.assertEqual(msg, "", msg=msg) - - def test_debug(self): - self._test_log_level(DEBUG, []) - - def test_ignore(self): - self._test_log_level(IGNORE, []) - - def test_info(self): - self._test_log_level(INFO, [INFO]) - - def test_warning(self): - self._test_log_level(WARNING, [INFO, WARNING]) - - def test_error(self): - self._test_log_level(ERROR, [INFO, WARNING, ERROR]) - - def test_critical(self): - self._test_log_level(CRITICAL, [INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL]) - - def test_fatal(self): - self._test_log_level(FATAL, [INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL]) - - -# TestRetry {{{1 -class NewError(Exception): - pass - - -class OtherError(Exception): - pass - - -class TestRetry(unittest.TestCase): - def setUp(self): - self.ATTEMPT_N = 1 - self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - - def tearDown(self): - # Close the logfile handles, or windows can't remove the logs - if hasattr(self, 's') and isinstance(self.s, object): - del(self.s) - cleanup() - - def _succeedOnSecondAttempt(self, foo=None, exception=Exception): - if self.ATTEMPT_N == 2: - self.ATTEMPT_N += 1 - return - self.ATTEMPT_N += 1 - raise exception("Fail") - - def _raiseCustomException(self): - return self._succeedOnSecondAttempt(exception=NewError) - - def _alwaysPass(self): - self.ATTEMPT_N += 1 - return True - - def _mirrorArgs(self, *args, **kwargs): - return args, kwargs - - def _alwaysFail(self): - raise Exception("Fail") - - def testRetrySucceed(self): - # Will raise if anything goes wrong - self.s.retry(self._succeedOnSecondAttempt, attempts=2, sleeptime=0) - - def testRetryFailWithoutCatching(self): - self.assertRaises(Exception, self.s.retry, self._alwaysFail, sleeptime=0, - exceptions=()) - - def testRetryFailEnsureRaisesLastException(self): - self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self.s.retry, self._alwaysFail, sleeptime=0, - error_level=FATAL) - - def testRetrySelectiveExceptionSucceed(self): - self.s.retry(self._raiseCustomException, attempts=2, sleeptime=0, - retry_exceptions=(NewError,)) - - def testRetrySelectiveExceptionFail(self): - self.assertRaises(NewError, self.s.retry, self._raiseCustomException, attempts=2, - sleeptime=0, retry_exceptions=(OtherError,)) - - # TODO: figure out a way to test that the sleep actually happened - def testRetryWithSleep(self): - self.s.retry(self._succeedOnSecondAttempt, attempts=2, sleeptime=1) - - def testRetryOnlyRunOnce(self): - """Tests that retry() doesn't call the action again after success""" - self.s.retry(self._alwaysPass, attempts=3, sleeptime=0) - # self.ATTEMPT_N gets increased regardless of pass/fail - self.assertEquals(2, self.ATTEMPT_N) - - def testRetryReturns(self): - ret = self.s.retry(self._alwaysPass, sleeptime=0) - self.assertEquals(ret, True) - - def testRetryCleanupIsCalled(self): - cleanup = mock.Mock() - self.s.retry(self._succeedOnSecondAttempt, cleanup=cleanup, sleeptime=0) - self.assertEquals(cleanup.call_count, 1) - - def testRetryArgsPassed(self): - args = (1, 'two', 3) - kwargs = dict(foo='a', bar=7) - ret = self.s.retry(self._mirrorArgs, args=args, kwargs=kwargs.copy(), sleeptime=0) - print ret - self.assertEqual(ret[0], args) - self.assertEqual(ret[1], kwargs) - - -class BaseScriptWithDecorators(script.BaseScript): - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - super(BaseScriptWithDecorators, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) - - self.pre_run_1_args = [] - self.raise_during_pre_run_1 = False - self.pre_action_1_args = [] - self.raise_during_pre_action_1 = False - self.pre_action_2_args = [] - self.pre_action_3_args = [] - self.post_action_1_args = [] - self.raise_during_post_action_1 = False - self.post_action_2_args = [] - self.post_action_3_args = [] - self.post_run_1_args = [] - self.raise_during_post_run_1 = False - self.post_run_2_args = [] - self.raise_during_build = False - - @script.PreScriptRun - def pre_run_1(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.pre_run_1_args.append((args, kwargs)) - - if self.raise_during_pre_run_1: - raise Exception(self.raise_during_pre_run_1) - - @script.PreScriptAction - def pre_action_1(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.pre_action_1_args.append((args, kwargs)) - - if self.raise_during_pre_action_1: - raise Exception(self.raise_during_pre_action_1) - - @script.PreScriptAction - def pre_action_2(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.pre_action_2_args.append((args, kwargs)) - - @script.PreScriptAction('clobber') - def pre_action_3(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.pre_action_3_args.append((args, kwargs)) - - @script.PostScriptAction - def post_action_1(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.post_action_1_args.append((args, kwargs)) - - if self.raise_during_post_action_1: - raise Exception(self.raise_during_post_action_1) - - @script.PostScriptAction - def post_action_2(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.post_action_2_args.append((args, kwargs)) - - @script.PostScriptAction('build') - def post_action_3(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.post_action_3_args.append((args, kwargs)) - - @script.PostScriptRun - def post_run_1(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.post_run_1_args.append((args, kwargs)) - - if self.raise_during_post_run_1: - raise Exception(self.raise_during_post_run_1) - - @script.PostScriptRun - def post_run_2(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.post_run_2_args.append((args, kwargs)) - - def build(self): - if self.raise_during_build: - raise Exception(self.raise_during_build) - - -class TestScriptDecorators(unittest.TestCase): - def setUp(self): - cleanup() - self.s = None - - def tearDown(self): - if hasattr(self, 's') and isinstance(self.s, object): - del self.s - - cleanup() - - def test_decorators_registered(self): - self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - - self.assertEqual(len(self.s._listeners['pre_run']), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s._listeners['pre_action']), 3) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s._listeners['post_action']), 3) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s._listeners['post_run']), 3) - - def test_pre_post_fired(self): - self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.run() - - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_run_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_1_args), 2) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_2_args), 2) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_3_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_1_args), 2) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_2_args), 2) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_3_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_1_args), 1) - - self.assertEqual(self.s.pre_run_1_args[0], ((), {})) - - self.assertEqual(self.s.pre_action_1_args[0], (('clobber',), {})) - self.assertEqual(self.s.pre_action_1_args[1], (('build',), {})) - - # pre_action_3 should only get called for the action it is registered - # with. - self.assertEqual(self.s.pre_action_3_args[0], (('clobber',), {})) - - self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_1_args[0][0], ('clobber',)) - self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_1_args[0][1], dict(success=True)) - self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_1_args[1][0], ('build',)) - self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_1_args[1][1], dict(success=True)) - - # post_action_3 should only get called for the action it is registered - # with. - self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_3_args[0], (('build',), - dict(success=True))) - - self.assertEqual(self.s.post_run_1_args[0], ((), {})) - - def test_post_always_fired(self): - self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.raise_during_build = 'Testing post always fired.' - - with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): - self.s.run() - - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_run_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_1_args), 2) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_1_args), 2) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_2_args), 2) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_2_args), 1) - - self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_1_args[0][1], dict(success=True)) - self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_1_args[1][1], dict(success=False)) - self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_2_args[1][1], dict(success=False)) - - def test_pre_run_exception(self): - self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.raise_during_pre_run_1 = 'Error during pre run 1' - - with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): - self.s.run() - - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_run_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_1_args), 0) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_2_args), 1) - - def test_pre_action_exception(self): - self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.raise_during_pre_action_1 = 'Error during pre 1' - - with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): - self.s.run() - - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_run_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_2_args), 0) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_2_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_2_args), 1) - - def test_post_action_exception(self): - self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.raise_during_post_action_1 = 'Error during post 1' - - with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): - self.s.run() - - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_run_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_2_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_2_args), 1) - - def test_post_run_exception(self): - self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.raise_during_post_run_1 = 'Error during post run 1' - - with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): - self.s.run() - - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_1_args), 1) - self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_2_args), 1) - - -# main {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_transfer.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_transfer.py deleted file mode 100644 index f3f907254..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_transfer.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@ -import unittest -import mock - -from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin - - -class GoodMockMixin(object): - def query_abs_dirs(self): - return {'abs_work_dir': ''} - - def query_exe(self, exe): - return exe - - def info(self, msg): - pass - - def log(self, msg, level): - pass - - def run_command(*args, **kwargs): - return 0 - - -class BadMockMixin(GoodMockMixin): - def run_command(*args, **kwargs): - return 1 - - -class GoodTransferMixin(TransferMixin, GoodMockMixin): - pass - - -class BadTransferMixin(TransferMixin, BadMockMixin): - pass - - -class TestTranferMixin(unittest.TestCase): - @mock.patch('mozharness.base.transfer.os') - def test_rsync_upload_dir_not_a_dir(self, os_mock): - # simulates upload dir but dir is a file - os_mock.path.isdir.return_value = False - tm = GoodTransferMixin() - self.assertEqual(tm.rsync_upload_directory( - local_path='', - ssh_key='my ssh key', - ssh_user='my ssh user', - remote_host='remote host', - remote_path='remote path',), -1) - - @mock.patch('mozharness.base.transfer.os') - def test_rsync_upload_fails_create_remote_dir(self, os_mock): - # we cannot create the remote directory - os_mock.path.isdir.return_value = True - tm = BadTransferMixin() - self.assertEqual(tm.rsync_upload_directory( - local_path='', - ssh_key='my ssh key', - ssh_user='my ssh user', - remote_host='remote host', - remote_path='remote path', - create_remote_directory=True), -2) - - @mock.patch('mozharness.base.transfer.os') - def test_rsync_upload_fails_do_not_create_remote_dir(self, os_mock): - # upload fails, remote directory is not created - os_mock.path.isdir.return_value = True - tm = BadTransferMixin() - self.assertEqual(tm.rsync_upload_directory( - local_path='', - ssh_key='my ssh key', - ssh_user='my ssh user', - remote_host='remote host', - remote_path='remote path', - create_remote_directory=False), -3) - - @mock.patch('mozharness.base.transfer.os') - def test_rsync_upload(self, os_mock): - # simulates an upload with no errors - os_mock.path.isdir.return_value = True - tm = GoodTransferMixin() - self.assertEqual(tm.rsync_upload_directory( - local_path='', - ssh_key='my ssh key', - ssh_user='my ssh user', - remote_host='remote host', - remote_path='remote path', - create_remote_directory=False), None) - - @mock.patch('mozharness.base.transfer.os') - def test_rsync_download_in_not_a_dir(self, os_mock): - # local path is not a directory - os_mock.path.isdir.return_value = False - tm = GoodTransferMixin() - self.assertEqual(tm.rsync_download_directory( - local_path='', - ssh_key='my ssh key', - ssh_user='my ssh user', - remote_host='remote host', - remote_path='remote path',), -1) - - @mock.patch('mozharness.base.transfer.os') - def test_rsync_download(self, os_mock): - # successful rsync - os_mock.path.isdir.return_value = True - tm = GoodTransferMixin() - self.assertEqual(tm.rsync_download_directory( - local_path='', - ssh_key='my ssh key', - ssh_user='my ssh user', - remote_host='remote host', - remote_path='remote path',), None) - - @mock.patch('mozharness.base.transfer.os') - def test_rsync_download_fail(self, os_mock): - # ops download has failed - os_mock.path.isdir.return_value = True - tm = BadTransferMixin() - self.assertEqual(tm.rsync_download_directory( - local_path='', - ssh_key='my ssh key', - ssh_user='my ssh user', - remote_host='remote host', - remote_path='remote path',), -3) - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_vcs_mercurial.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_vcs_mercurial.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1463d8963..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_vcs_mercurial.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,440 +0,0 @@ -import os -import platform -import shutil -import tempfile -import unittest - -import mozharness.base.errors as errors -import mozharness.base.vcs.mercurial as mercurial - -test_string = '''foo -bar -baz''' - -HG = ['hg'] + mercurial.HG_OPTIONS - -# Known default .hgrc -os.environ['HGRCPATH'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'helper_files', '.hgrc')) - - -def cleanup(): - if os.path.exists('test_logs'): - shutil.rmtree('test_logs') - if os.path.exists('test_dir'): - if os.path.isdir('test_dir'): - shutil.rmtree('test_dir') - else: - os.remove('test_dir') - for filename in ('localconfig.json', 'localconfig.json.bak'): - if os.path.exists(filename): - os.remove(filename) - - -def get_mercurial_vcs_obj(): - m = mercurial.MercurialVCS() - m.config = {} - return m - - -def get_revisions(dest): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - retval = [] - for rev in m.get_output_from_command(HG + ['log', '-R', dest, '--template', '{node}\n']).split('\n'): - rev = rev.strip() - if not rev: - continue - retval.append(rev) - return retval - - -class TestMakeAbsolute(unittest.TestCase): - # _make_absolute() doesn't play nicely with windows/msys paths. - # TODO: fix _make_absolute, write it out of the picture, or determine - # that it's not needed on windows. - if platform.system() not in ("Windows",): - def test_absolute_path(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - self.assertEquals(m._make_absolute("/foo/bar"), "/foo/bar") - - def test_relative_path(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - self.assertEquals(m._make_absolute("foo/bar"), os.path.abspath("foo/bar")) - - def test_HTTP_paths(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - self.assertEquals(m._make_absolute("http://foo/bar"), "http://foo/bar") - - def test_absolute_file_path(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - self.assertEquals(m._make_absolute("file:///foo/bar"), "file:///foo/bar") - - def test_relative_file_path(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - self.assertEquals(m._make_absolute("file://foo/bar"), "file://%s/foo/bar" % os.getcwd()) - - -class TestHg(unittest.TestCase): - def _init_hg_repo(self, hg_obj, repodir): - hg_obj.run_command(["bash", - os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), - "helper_files", "init_hgrepo.sh"), - repodir]) - - def setUp(self): - self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() - self.repodir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'repo') - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - self._init_hg_repo(m, self.repodir) - self.revisions = get_revisions(self.repodir) - self.wc = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'wc') - self.pwd = os.getcwd() - - def tearDown(self): - shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) - os.chdir(self.pwd) - - def test_get_branch(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc) - b = m.get_branch_from_path(self.wc) - self.assertEquals(b, 'default') - - def test_get_branches(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc) - branches = m.get_branches_from_path(self.wc) - self.assertEquals(sorted(branches), sorted(["branch2", "default"])) - - def test_clone(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - rev = m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, update_dest=False) - self.assertEquals(rev, None) - self.assertEquals(self.revisions, get_revisions(self.wc)) - self.assertEquals(sorted(os.listdir(self.wc)), ['.hg']) - - def test_clone_into_non_empty_dir(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.mkdir_p(self.wc) - open(os.path.join(self.wc, 'test.txt'), 'w').write('hello') - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, update_dest=False) - self.failUnless(not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.wc, 'test.txt'))) - - def test_clone_update(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - rev = m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, update_dest=True) - self.assertEquals(rev, self.revisions[0]) - - def test_clone_branch(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, branch='branch2', - update_dest=False) - # On hg 1.6, we should only have a subset of the revisions - if m.hg_ver() >= (1, 6, 0): - self.assertEquals(self.revisions[1:], - get_revisions(self.wc)) - else: - self.assertEquals(self.revisions, - get_revisions(self.wc)) - - def test_clone_update_branch(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - rev = m.clone(self.repodir, os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'wc'), - branch="branch2", update_dest=True) - self.assertEquals(rev, self.revisions[1], self.revisions) - - def test_clone_revision(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, - revision=self.revisions[0], update_dest=False) - # We'll only get a subset of the revisions - self.assertEquals(self.revisions[:1] + self.revisions[2:], - get_revisions(self.wc)) - - def test_update_revision(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - rev = m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, update_dest=False) - self.assertEquals(rev, None) - - rev = m.update(self.wc, revision=self.revisions[1]) - self.assertEquals(rev, self.revisions[1]) - - def test_pull(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - # Clone just the first rev - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-1], update_dest=False) - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions[-1:]) - - # Now pull in new changes - rev = m.pull(self.repodir, self.wc, update_dest=False) - self.assertEquals(rev, None) - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions) - - def test_pull_revision(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - # Clone just the first rev - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-1], update_dest=False) - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions[-1:]) - - # Now pull in just the last revision - rev = m.pull(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[0], update_dest=False) - self.assertEquals(rev, None) - - # We'll be missing the middle revision (on another branch) - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions[:1] + self.revisions[2:]) - - def test_pull_branch(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - # Clone just the first rev - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-1], update_dest=False) - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions[-1:]) - - # Now pull in the other branch - rev = m.pull(self.repodir, self.wc, branch="branch2", update_dest=False) - self.assertEquals(rev, None) - - # On hg 1.6, we'll be missing the last revision (on another branch) - if m.hg_ver() >= (1, 6, 0): - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions[1:]) - else: - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions) - - def test_pull_unrelated(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - # Create a new repo - repo2 = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'repo2') - self._init_hg_repo(m, repo2) - - self.assertNotEqual(self.revisions, get_revisions(repo2)) - - # Clone the original repo - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, update_dest=False) - # Hide the wanted error - m.config = {'log_to_console': False} - # Try and pull in changes from the new repo - self.assertRaises(mercurial.VCSException, m.pull, repo2, self.wc, update_dest=False) - - def test_push(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-2]) - m.push(src=self.repodir, remote=self.wc) - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions) - - def test_push_with_branch(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - if m.hg_ver() >= (1, 6, 0): - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-1]) - m.push(src=self.repodir, remote=self.wc, branch='branch2') - m.push(src=self.repodir, remote=self.wc, branch='default') - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions) - - def test_push_with_revision(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-2]) - m.push(src=self.repodir, remote=self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-1]) - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions[-2:]) - - def test_mercurial(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.vcs_config = { - 'repo': self.repodir, - 'dest': self.wc, - 'vcs_share_base': os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'share'), - } - m.ensure_repo_and_revision() - rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() - self.assertEquals(rev, self.revisions[0]) - - def test_push_new_branches_not_allowed(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[0]) - # Hide the wanted error - m.config = {'log_to_console': False} - self.assertRaises(Exception, m.push, self.repodir, self.wc, push_new_branches=False) - - def test_mercurial_relative_dir(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - repo = os.path.basename(self.repodir) - wc = os.path.basename(self.wc) - m.vcs_config = { - 'repo': repo, - 'dest': wc, - 'revision': self.revisions[-1], - 'vcs_share_base': os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'share'), - } - m.chdir(os.path.dirname(self.repodir)) - try: - rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() - self.assertEquals(rev, self.revisions[-1]) - m.info("Creating test.txt") - open(os.path.join(self.wc, 'test.txt'), 'w').write("hello!") - - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.vcs_config = { - 'repo': repo, - 'dest': wc, - 'revision': self.revisions[0], - 'vcs_share_base': os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'share'), - } - rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() - self.assertEquals(rev, self.revisions[0]) - # Make sure our local file didn't go away - self.failUnless(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.wc, 'test.txt'))) - finally: - m.chdir(self.pwd) - - def test_mercurial_update_tip(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.vcs_config = { - 'repo': self.repodir, - 'dest': self.wc, - 'revision': self.revisions[-1], - 'vcs_share_base': os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'share'), - } - rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() - self.assertEquals(rev, self.revisions[-1]) - open(os.path.join(self.wc, 'test.txt'), 'w').write("hello!") - - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.vcs_config = { - 'repo': self.repodir, - 'dest': self.wc, - 'vcs_share_base': os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'share'), - } - rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() - self.assertEquals(rev, self.revisions[0]) - # Make sure our local file didn't go away - self.failUnless(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.wc, 'test.txt'))) - - def test_mercurial_update_rev(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.vcs_config = { - 'repo': self.repodir, - 'dest': self.wc, - 'revision': self.revisions[-1], - 'vcs_share_base': os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'share'), - } - rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() - self.assertEquals(rev, self.revisions[-1]) - open(os.path.join(self.wc, 'test.txt'), 'w').write("hello!") - - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.vcs_config = { - 'repo': self.repodir, - 'dest': self.wc, - 'revision': self.revisions[0], - 'vcs_share_base': os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'share'), - } - rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() - self.assertEquals(rev, self.revisions[0]) - # Make sure our local file didn't go away - self.failUnless(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.wc, 'test.txt'))) - - def test_make_hg_url(self): - #construct an hg url specific to revision, branch and filename and try to pull it down - file_url = mercurial.make_hg_url( - "hg.mozilla.org", - '//build/tools/', - revision='FIREFOX_3_6_12_RELEASE', - filename="/lib/python/util/hg.py", - protocol='https', - ) - expected_url = "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/raw-file/FIREFOX_3_6_12_RELEASE/lib/python/util/hg.py" - self.assertEquals(file_url, expected_url) - - def test_make_hg_url_no_filename(self): - file_url = mercurial.make_hg_url( - "hg.mozilla.org", - "/build/tools", - revision="default", - protocol='https', - ) - expected_url = "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/rev/default" - self.assertEquals(file_url, expected_url) - - def test_make_hg_url_no_revision_no_filename(self): - repo_url = mercurial.make_hg_url( - "hg.mozilla.org", - "/build/tools", - protocol='https', - ) - expected_url = "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools" - self.assertEquals(repo_url, expected_url) - - def test_make_hg_url_different_protocol(self): - repo_url = mercurial.make_hg_url( - "hg.mozilla.org", - "/build/tools", - protocol='ssh', - ) - expected_url = "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools" - self.assertEquals(repo_url, expected_url) - - def test_apply_and_push(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc) - - def c(repo, attempt): - m.run_command(HG + ['tag', '-f', 'TEST'], cwd=repo) - m.apply_and_push(self.wc, self.repodir, c) - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), get_revisions(self.repodir)) - - def test_apply_and_push_fail(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc) - - def c(repo, attempt, remote): - m.run_command(HG + ['tag', '-f', 'TEST'], cwd=repo) - m.run_command(HG + ['tag', '-f', 'CONFLICTING_TAG'], cwd=remote) - m.config = {'log_to_console': False} - self.assertRaises(errors.VCSException, m.apply_and_push, self.wc, - self.repodir, lambda r, a: c(r, a, self.repodir), - max_attempts=2) - - def test_apply_and_push_with_rebase(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc) - m.config = {'log_to_console': False} - - def c(repo, attempt, remote): - m.run_command(HG + ['tag', '-f', 'TEST'], cwd=repo) - if attempt == 1: - m.run_command(HG + ['rm', 'hello.txt'], cwd=remote) - m.run_command(HG + ['commit', '-m', 'test'], cwd=remote) - m.apply_and_push(self.wc, self.repodir, - lambda r, a: c(r, a, self.repodir), max_attempts=2) - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), get_revisions(self.repodir)) - - def test_apply_and_push_rebase_fails(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc) - m.config = {'log_to_console': False} - - def c(repo, attempt, remote): - m.run_command(HG + ['tag', '-f', 'TEST'], cwd=repo) - if attempt in (1, 2): - m.run_command(HG + ['tag', '-f', 'CONFLICTING_TAG'], cwd=remote) - m.apply_and_push(self.wc, self.repodir, - lambda r, a: c(r, a, self.repodir), max_attempts=4) - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), get_revisions(self.repodir)) - - def test_apply_and_push_on_branch(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - if m.hg_ver() >= (1, 6, 0): - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc) - - def c(repo, attempt): - m.run_command(HG + ['branch', 'branch3'], cwd=repo) - m.run_command(HG + ['tag', '-f', 'TEST'], cwd=repo) - m.apply_and_push(self.wc, self.repodir, c) - self.assertEquals(get_revisions(self.wc), get_revisions(self.repodir)) - - def test_apply_and_push_with_no_change(self): - m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() - m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc) - - def c(r, a): - pass - self.assertRaises(errors.VCSException, m.apply_and_push, self.wc, self.repodir, c) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_l10n_locales.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_l10n_locales.py deleted file mode 100644 index e8372a9fb..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_l10n_locales.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ -import os -import shutil -import subprocess -import sys -import unittest - -import mozharness.base.log as log -import mozharness.base.script as script -import mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales as locales - -ALL_LOCALES = ['ar', 'be', 'de', 'es-ES'] - -MH_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) - -def cleanup(): - if os.path.exists('test_logs'): - shutil.rmtree('test_logs') - -class LocalesTest(locales.LocalesMixin, script.BaseScript): - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - if 'config' not in kwargs: - kwargs['config'] = {'log_type': 'simple', - 'log_level': 'error'} - if 'initial_config_file' not in kwargs: - kwargs['initial_config_file'] = 'test/test.json' - super(LocalesTest, self).__init__(**kwargs) - self.config = {} - self.log_obj = None - -class TestLocalesMixin(unittest.TestCase): - BASE_ABS_DIRS = ['abs_compare_locales_dir', 'abs_log_dir', - 'abs_upload_dir', 'abs_work_dir', 'base_work_dir'] - def setUp(self): - cleanup() - - def tearDown(self): - cleanup() - - def test_query_locales_locales(self): - l = LocalesTest() - l.locales = ['a', 'b', 'c'] - self.assertEqual(l.locales, l.query_locales()) - - def test_query_locales_ignore_locales(self): - l = LocalesTest() - l.config['locales'] = ['a', 'b', 'c'] - l.config['ignore_locales'] = ['a', 'c'] - self.assertEqual(['b'], l.query_locales()) - - def test_query_locales_config(self): - l = LocalesTest() - l.config['locales'] = ['a', 'b', 'c'] - self.assertEqual(l.config['locales'], l.query_locales()) - - def test_query_locales_json(self): - l = LocalesTest() - l.config['locales_file'] = os.path.join(MH_DIR, "test/helper_files/locales.json") - l.config['base_work_dir'] = '.' - l.config['work_dir'] = '.' - locales = l.query_locales() - locales.sort() - self.assertEqual(ALL_LOCALES, locales) - -# Commenting out til we can hide the FATAL ? -# def test_query_locales_no_file(self): -# l = LocalesTest() -# l.config['base_work_dir'] = '.' -# l.config['work_dir'] = '.' -# try: -# l.query_locales() -# except SystemExit: -# pass # Good -# else: -# self.assertTrue(False, "query_locales with no file doesn't fatal()!") - - def test_parse_locales_file(self): - l = LocalesTest() - self.assertEqual(ALL_LOCALES, l.parse_locales_file(os.path.join(MH_DIR, 'test/helper_files/locales.txt'))) - - def _get_query_abs_dirs_obj(self): - l = LocalesTest() - l.config['base_work_dir'] = "base_work_dir" - l.config['work_dir'] = "work_dir" - return l - - def test_query_abs_dirs_base(self): - l = self._get_query_abs_dirs_obj() - dirs = l.query_abs_dirs().keys() - dirs.sort() - self.assertEqual(dirs, self.BASE_ABS_DIRS) - - def test_query_abs_dirs_base2(self): - l = self._get_query_abs_dirs_obj() - l.query_abs_dirs().keys() - dirs = l.query_abs_dirs().keys() - dirs.sort() - self.assertEqual(dirs, self.BASE_ABS_DIRS) - - def test_query_abs_dirs_l10n(self): - l = self._get_query_abs_dirs_obj() - l.config['l10n_dir'] = "l10n_dir" - dirs = l.query_abs_dirs().keys() - dirs.sort() - expected_dirs = self.BASE_ABS_DIRS + ['abs_l10n_dir'] - expected_dirs.sort() - self.assertEqual(dirs, expected_dirs) - - def test_query_abs_dirs_mozilla(self): - l = self._get_query_abs_dirs_obj() - l.config['l10n_dir'] = "l10n_dir" - l.config['mozilla_dir'] = "mozilla_dir" - l.config['locales_dir'] = "locales_dir" - dirs = l.query_abs_dirs().keys() - dirs.sort() - expected_dirs = self.BASE_ABS_DIRS + ['abs_mozilla_dir', 'abs_locales_src_dir', 'abs_l10n_dir'] - expected_dirs.sort() - self.assertEqual(dirs, expected_dirs) - - def test_query_abs_dirs_objdir(self): - l = self._get_query_abs_dirs_obj() - l.config['l10n_dir'] = "l10n_dir" - l.config['mozilla_dir'] = "mozilla_dir" - l.config['locales_dir'] = "locales_dir" - l.config['objdir'] = "objdir" - dirs = l.query_abs_dirs().keys() - dirs.sort() - expected_dirs = self.BASE_ABS_DIRS + ['abs_mozilla_dir', 'abs_locales_src_dir', 'abs_l10n_dir', 'abs_objdir', 'abs_merge_dir', 'abs_locales_dir'] - expected_dirs.sort() - self.assertEqual(dirs, expected_dirs) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_blob_upload.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_blob_upload.py deleted file mode 100644 index 4918d6c73..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_blob_upload.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -import os -import gc -import unittest -import copy -import mock - -import mozharness.base.log as log -from mozharness.base.log import ERROR -import mozharness.base.script as script -from mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload import BlobUploadMixin, \ - blobupload_config_options - -class CleanupObj(script.ScriptMixin, log.LogMixin): - def __init__(self): - super(CleanupObj, self).__init__() - self.log_obj = None - self.config = {'log_level': ERROR} - - -def cleanup(): - gc.collect() - c = CleanupObj() - for f in ('test_logs', 'test_dir', 'tmpfile_stdout', 'tmpfile_stderr'): - c.rmtree(f) - - -class BlobUploadScript(BlobUploadMixin, script.BaseScript): - config_options = copy.deepcopy(blobupload_config_options) - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - self.abs_dirs = None - self.set_buildbot_property = mock.Mock() - super(BlobUploadScript, self).__init__( - config_options=self.config_options, - **kwargs - ) - - def query_python_path(self, binary="python"): - if binary == "blobberc.py": - return mock.Mock(return_value='/path/to/blobberc').return_value - elif binary == "python": - return mock.Mock(return_value='/path/to/python').return_value - - def query_abs_dirs(self): - if self.abs_dirs: - return self.abs_dirs - abs_dirs = super(BlobUploadScript, self).query_abs_dirs() - dirs = {} - dirs['abs_blob_upload_dir'] = os.path.join(abs_dirs['abs_work_dir'], - 'blobber_upload_dir') - abs_dirs.update(dirs) - self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs - - return self.abs_dirs - - def run_command(self, command): - self.command = command - -# TestBlobUploadMechanism {{{1 -class TestBlobUploadMechanism(unittest.TestCase): - # I need a log watcher helper function, here and in test_log. - def setUp(self): - cleanup() - self.s = None - - def tearDown(self): - # Close the logfile handles, or windows can't remove the logs - if hasattr(self, 's') and isinstance(self.s, object): - del(self.s) - cleanup() - - def test_blob_upload_mechanism(self): - self.s = BlobUploadScript(config={'log_type': 'multi', - 'blob_upload_branch': 'test-branch', - 'default_blob_upload_servers': - ['http://blob_server.me'], - 'blob_uploader_auth_file': - os.path.abspath(__file__)}, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - - content = "Hello world!" - parent_dir = self.s.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir'] - if not os.path.isdir(parent_dir): - self.s.mkdir_p(parent_dir) - - file_name = os.path.join(parent_dir, 'test_mock_blob_file') - self.s.write_to_file(file_name, content) - self.s.upload_blobber_files() - self.assertTrue(self.s.set_buildbot_property.called) - - expected_result = ['/path/to/python', '/path/to/blobberc', '-u', - 'http://blob_server.me', '-a', - os.path.abspath(__file__), '-b', 'test-branch', '-d'] - expected_result.append(self.s.query_abs_dirs()['abs_blob_upload_dir']) - expected_result += [ - '--output-manifest', - os.path.join(self.s.query_abs_dirs()['abs_work_dir'], "uploaded_files.json") - ] - self.assertEqual(expected_result, self.s.command) - - -# main {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_buildbot.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_buildbot.py deleted file mode 100644 index afc715026..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_buildbot.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -import gc -import unittest - - -import mozharness.base.log as log -from mozharness.base.log import ERROR -import mozharness.base.script as script -from mozharness.mozilla.buildbot import BuildbotMixin, TBPL_SUCCESS, \ - TBPL_FAILURE, EXIT_STATUS_DICT - - -class CleanupObj(script.ScriptMixin, log.LogMixin): - def __init__(self): - super(CleanupObj, self).__init__() - self.log_obj = None - self.config = {'log_level': ERROR} - - -def cleanup(): - gc.collect() - c = CleanupObj() - for f in ('test_logs', 'test_dir', 'tmpfile_stdout', 'tmpfile_stderr'): - c.rmtree(f) - - -class BuildbotScript(BuildbotMixin, script.BaseScript): - def __init__(self, **kwargs): - super(BuildbotScript, self).__init__(**kwargs) - - -# TestBuildbotStatus {{{1 -class TestBuildbotStatus(unittest.TestCase): - # I need a log watcher helper function, here and in test_log. - def setUp(self): - cleanup() - self.s = None - - def tearDown(self): - # Close the logfile handles, or windows can't remove the logs - if hasattr(self, 's') and isinstance(self.s, object): - del(self.s) - cleanup() - - def test_over_max_log_size(self): - self.s = BuildbotScript(config={'log_type': 'multi', - 'buildbot_max_log_size': 200}, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.info("foo!") - self.s.buildbot_status(TBPL_SUCCESS) - self.assertEqual(self.s.return_code, EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_FAILURE]) - - def test_under_max_log_size(self): - self.s = BuildbotScript(config={'log_type': 'multi', - 'buildbot_max_log_size': 20000}, - initial_config_file='test/test.json') - self.s.info("foo!") - self.s.buildbot_status(TBPL_SUCCESS) - self.assertEqual(self.s.return_code, EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_SUCCESS]) - -# main {{{1 -if __name__ == '__main__': - unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_release.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_release.py deleted file mode 100644 index adbe322c4..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_release.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -import unittest -from mozharness.mozilla.release import get_previous_version - - -class TestGetPreviousVersion(unittest.TestCase): - def testESR(self): - self.assertEquals( - '31.5.3esr', - get_previous_version('31.6.0esr', - ['31.5.3esr', '31.5.2esr', '31.4.0esr'])) - - def testReleaseBuild1(self): - self.assertEquals( - '36.0.4', - get_previous_version('37.0', ['36.0.4', '36.0.1', '35.0.1'])) - - def testReleaseBuild2(self): - self.assertEquals( - '36.0.4', - get_previous_version('37.0', - ['37.0', '36.0.4', '36.0.1', '35.0.1'])) - - def testBetaMidCycle(self): - self.assertEquals( - '37.0b4', - get_previous_version('37.0b5', ['37.0b4', '37.0b3'])) - - def testBetaEarlyCycle(self): - # 37.0 is the RC build - self.assertEquals( - '38.0b1', - get_previous_version('38.0b2', ['38.0b1', '37.0'])) - - def testBetaFirstInCycle(self): - self.assertEquals( - '37.0', - get_previous_version('38.0b1', ['37.0', '37.0b7'])) - - def testTwoDots(self): - self.assertEquals( - '37.1.0', - get_previous_version('38.0b1', ['37.1.0', '36.0'])) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/tox.ini b/testing/mozharness/tox.ini deleted file mode 100644 index e2e1c3009..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/tox.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -[tox] -envlist = py27-hg3.7 - -[base] -deps = - coverage - nose - rednose - -[testenv] -basepython = python2.7 -setenv = - HGRCPATH = {toxinidir}/test/hgrc - -commands = - coverage run --source configs,mozharness,scripts --branch {envbindir}/nosetests -v --with-xunit --rednose --force-color {posargs} - -[testenv:py27-hg3.7] -deps = - {[base]deps} - mercurial==3.7.3 - -[testenv:py27-coveralls] -deps= - python-coveralls==2.4.3 -commands= - coveralls diff --git a/testing/mozharness/unit.sh b/testing/mozharness/unit.sh deleted file mode 100755 index a4a27a837..000000000 --- a/testing/mozharness/unit.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -########################################################################### -# This requires coverage and nosetests: -# -# pip install -r requirements.txt -# -# test_base_vcs_mercurial.py requires hg >= 1.6.0 with mq, rebase, share -# extensions to fully test. -########################################################################### - -COVERAGE_ARGS="--omit='/usr/*,/opt/*'" -OS_TYPE='linux' -uname -v | grep -q Darwin -if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then - OS_TYPE='osx' - COVERAGE_ARGS="--omit='/Library/*,/usr/*,/opt/*'" -fi -uname -s | egrep -q MINGW32 # Cygwin will be linux in this case? -if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then - OS_TYPE='windows' -fi -NOSETESTS=`env which nosetests` - -echo "### Finding mozharness/ .py files..." -files=`find mozharness -name [a-z]\*.py` -if [ $OS_TYPE == 'windows' ] ; then - MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES="" - for f in $files; do - file $f | grep -q "Assembler source" - if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then - MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES="$MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES $f" - fi - done -else - MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES=$files -fi -echo "### Finding scripts/ .py files..." -files=`find scripts -name [a-z]\*.py` -if [ $OS_TYPE == 'windows' ] ; then - SCRIPTS_PY_FILES="" - for f in $files; do - file $f | grep -q "Assembler source" - if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then - SCRIPTS_PY_FILES="$SCRIPTS_PY_FILES $f" - fi - done -else - SCRIPTS_PY_FILES=$files -fi -export PYTHONPATH=`env pwd`:$PYTHONPATH - -echo "### Running pyflakes" -pyflakes $MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES $SCRIPTS_PY_FILES | grep -v "local variable 'url' is assigned to" | grep -v "redefinition of unused 'json'" | egrep -v "mozharness/mozilla/testing/mozpool\.py.*undefined name 'requests'" - -echo "### Running pylint" -pylint -E -e F -f parseable $MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES $SCRIPTS_PY_FILES 2>&1 | egrep -v '(No config file found, using default configuration|Instance of .* has no .* member|Unable to import .devicemanager|Undefined variable .DMError|Module .hashlib. has no .sha512. member)' - -rm -rf build logs -if [ $OS_TYPE != 'windows' ] ; then - echo "### Testing non-networked unit tests" - coverage run -a --branch $COVERAGE_ARGS $NOSETESTS test/test_*.py - echo "### Running *.py [--list-actions]" - for filename in $MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES; do - coverage run -a --branch $COVERAGE_ARGS $filename - done - for filename in $SCRIPTS_PY_FILES ; do - coverage run -a --branch $COVERAGE_ARGS $filename --list-actions > /dev/null - done - echo "### Running scripts/configtest.py --log-level warning" - coverage run -a --branch $COVERAGE_ARGS scripts/configtest.py --log-level warning - - echo "### Creating coverage html" - coverage html $COVERAGE_ARGS -d coverage.new - if [ -e coverage ] ; then - mv coverage coverage.old - mv coverage.new coverage - rm -rf coverage.old - else - mv coverage.new coverage - fi -else - echo "### Running nosetests..." - nosetests test/ -fi -rm -rf build logs |