path: root/components
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2022-04-18 17:01:41 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2022-04-18 17:01:41 -0500
commitbe1f005cffbb29b815a7aee659fb05bb32cb9793 (patch)
tree4c86c90ef347ab706efb0cbea76d0e63762ef84d /components
parent94cdb9cf08e0848afc901424498c4be5a2ae6d40 (diff)
Issue #10 - Move Weave CommonUtils to its own JSM
Diffstat (limited to 'components')
15 files changed, 13 insertions, 663 deletions
diff --git a/components/reader/ReaderMode.jsm b/components/reader/ReaderMode.jsm
index a1d2c5643..262a1f823 100644
--- a/components/reader/ReaderMode.jsm
+++ b/components/reader/ReaderMode.jsm
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "CommonUtils", "resource://services-common/utils.js");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "CommonUtils", "resource://gre/CommonUtils.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "EventDispatcher", "resource://gre/modules/Messaging.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "OS", "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ReaderWorker", "resource://gre/modules/reader/ReaderWorker.jsm");
diff --git a/components/weave/content/aboutSyncTabs.js b/components/weave/content/aboutSyncTabs.js
index 410494b5b..dafb79b9d 100644
--- a/components/weave/content/aboutSyncTabs.js
+++ b/components/weave/content/aboutSyncTabs.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
var Cu = Components.utils;
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm", this);
diff --git a/components/weave/ b/components/weave/
index 9f7f9590f..35c98f16c 100644
--- a/components/weave/
+++ b/components/weave/
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ EXTRA_JS_MODULES['services-common'] += [
- 'src/common/utils.js',
EXTRA_JS_MODULES['services-crypto'] += [
diff --git a/components/weave/src/common/hawkrequest.js b/components/weave/src/common/hawkrequest.js
index 454960b7b..ecedb0147 100644
--- a/components/weave/src/common/hawkrequest.js
+++ b/components/weave/src/common/hawkrequest.js
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "CryptoUtils",
diff --git a/components/weave/src/common/logmanager.js b/components/weave/src/common/logmanager.js
index 17e47f9e3..c501229a9 100644
--- a/components/weave/src/common/logmanager.js
+++ b/components/weave/src/common/logmanager.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Log",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "OS",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "CommonUtils",
- "resource://services-common/utils.js");
+ "resource://gre/CommonUtils.jsm");
diff --git a/components/weave/src/common/rest.js b/components/weave/src/common/rest.js
index 5474dd947..22b2ebbba 100644
--- a/components/weave/src/common/rest.js
+++ b/components/weave/src/common/rest.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "CryptoUtils",
diff --git a/components/weave/src/common/utils.js b/components/weave/src/common/utils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c90600ef4..000000000
--- a/components/weave/src/common/utils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,649 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at */
-var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["CommonUtils"];
-this.CommonUtils = {
- /*
- * Set manipulation methods. These should be lifted into toolkit, or added to
- * `Set` itself.
- */
- /**
- * Return elements of `a` or `b`.
- */
- union: function (a, b) {
- let out = new Set(a);
- for (let x of b) {
- out.add(x);
- }
- return out;
- },
- /**
- * Return elements of `a` that are not present in `b`.
- */
- difference: function (a, b) {
- let out = new Set(a);
- for (let x of b) {
- out.delete(x);
- }
- return out;
- },
- /**
- * Return elements of `a` that are also in `b`.
- */
- intersection: function (a, b) {
- let out = new Set();
- for (let x of a) {
- if (b.has(x)) {
- out.add(x);
- }
- }
- return out;
- },
- /**
- * Return true if `a` and `b` are the same size, and
- * every element of `a` is in `b`.
- */
- setEqual: function (a, b) {
- if (a.size != b.size) {
- return false;
- }
- for (let x of a) {
- if (!b.has(x)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- // Import these from Log.jsm for backward compatibility
- exceptionStr: Log.exceptionStr,
- stackTrace: Log.stackTrace,
- /**
- * Encode byte string as base64URL (RFC 4648).
- *
- * @param bytes
- * (string) Raw byte string to encode.
- * @param pad
- * (bool) Whether to include padding characters (=). Defaults
- * to true for historical reasons.
- */
- encodeBase64URL: function encodeBase64URL(bytes, pad=true) {
- let s = btoa(bytes).replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_");
- if (!pad) {
- return s.replace(/=+$/, "");
- }
- return s;
- },
- /**
- * Create a nsIURI instance from a string.
- */
- makeURI: function makeURI(URIString) {
- if (!URIString)
- return null;
- try {
- return, null, null);
- } catch (e) {
- let log = Log.repository.getLogger("Common.Utils");
- log.debug("Could not create URI", e);
- return null;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Execute a function on the next event loop tick.
- *
- * @param callback
- * Function to invoke.
- * @param thisObj [optional]
- * Object to bind the callback to.
- */
- nextTick: function nextTick(callback, thisObj) {
- if (thisObj) {
- callback = callback.bind(thisObj);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Return a promise resolving on some later tick.
- *
- * This a wrapper around Promise.resolve() that prevents stack
- * accumulation and prevents callers from accidentally relying on
- * same-tick promise resolution.
- */
- laterTickResolvingPromise: function (value, prototype) {
- let deferred = Promise.defer(prototype);
- this.nextTick(deferred.resolve.bind(deferred, value));
- return deferred.promise;
- },
- /**
- * Spin the event loop and return once the next tick is executed.
- *
- * This is an evil function and should not be used in production code. It
- * exists in this module for ease-of-use.
- */
- waitForNextTick: function waitForNextTick() {
- let cb = Async.makeSyncCallback();
- this.nextTick(cb);
- Async.waitForSyncCallback(cb);
- return;
- },
- /**
- * Return a timer that is scheduled to call the callback after waiting the
- * provided time or as soon as possible. The timer will be set as a property
- * of the provided object with the given timer name.
- */
- namedTimer: function namedTimer(callback, wait, thisObj, name) {
- if (!thisObj || !name) {
- throw "You must provide both an object and a property name for the timer!";
- }
- // Delay an existing timer if it exists
- if (name in thisObj && thisObj[name] instanceof Ci.nsITimer) {
- thisObj[name].delay = wait;
- return;
- }
- // Create a special timer that we can add extra properties
- let timer = Object.create(Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer));
- // Provide an easy way to clear out the timer
- timer.clear = function() {
- thisObj[name] = null;
- timer.cancel();
- };
- // Initialize the timer with a smart callback
- timer.initWithCallback({
- notify: function notify() {
- // Clear out the timer once it's been triggered
- timer.clear();
-, timer);
- }
- }, wait, timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
- return thisObj[name] = timer;
- },
- encodeUTF8: function encodeUTF8(str) {
- try {
- str = this._utf8Converter.ConvertFromUnicode(str);
- return str + this._utf8Converter.Finish();
- } catch (ex) {
- return null;
- }
- },
- decodeUTF8: function decodeUTF8(str) {
- try {
- str = this._utf8Converter.ConvertToUnicode(str);
- return str + this._utf8Converter.Finish();
- } catch (ex) {
- return null;
- }
- },
- byteArrayToString: function byteArrayToString(bytes) {
- return => String.fromCharCode(byte)).join("");
- },
- stringToByteArray: function stringToByteArray(bytesString) {
- return => c.charCodeAt(0));
- },
- bytesAsHex: function bytesAsHex(bytes) {
- return => ("0" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2)).join("");
- },
- stringAsHex: function stringAsHex(str) {
- return CommonUtils.bytesAsHex(CommonUtils.encodeUTF8(str));
- },
- stringToBytes: function stringToBytes(str) {
- return CommonUtils.hexToBytes(CommonUtils.stringAsHex(str));
- },
- hexToBytes: function hexToBytes(str) {
- let bytes = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < str.length - 1; i += 2) {
- bytes.push(parseInt(str.substr(i, 2), 16));
- }
- return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, bytes);
- },
- hexAsString: function hexAsString(hex) {
- return CommonUtils.decodeUTF8(CommonUtils.hexToBytes(hex));
- },
- /**
- * Base32 encode (RFC 4648) a string
- */
- encodeBase32: function encodeBase32(bytes) {
- let quanta = Math.floor(bytes.length / 5);
- let leftover = bytes.length % 5;
- // Pad the last quantum with zeros so the length is a multiple of 5.
- if (leftover) {
- quanta += 1;
- for (let i = leftover; i < 5; i++)
- bytes += "\0";
- }
- // Chop the string into quanta of 5 bytes (40 bits). Each quantum
- // is turned into 8 characters from the 32 character base.
- let ret = "";
- for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 5) {
- let c =, i + 5)).map(byte => byte.charCodeAt(0));
- ret += key[c[0] >> 3]
- + key[((c[0] << 2) & 0x1f) | (c[1] >> 6)]
- + key[(c[1] >> 1) & 0x1f]
- + key[((c[1] << 4) & 0x1f) | (c[2] >> 4)]
- + key[((c[2] << 1) & 0x1f) | (c[3] >> 7)]
- + key[(c[3] >> 2) & 0x1f]
- + key[((c[3] << 3) & 0x1f) | (c[4] >> 5)]
- + key[c[4] & 0x1f];
- }
- switch (leftover) {
- case 1:
- return ret.slice(0, -6) + "======";
- case 2:
- return ret.slice(0, -4) + "====";
- case 3:
- return ret.slice(0, -3) + "===";
- case 4:
- return ret.slice(0, -1) + "=";
- default:
- return ret;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Base32 decode (RFC 4648) a string.
- */
- decodeBase32: function decodeBase32(str) {
- let padChar = str.indexOf("=");
- let chars = (padChar == -1) ? str.length : padChar;
- let bytes = Math.floor(chars * 5 / 8);
- let blocks = Math.ceil(chars / 8);
- // Process a chunk of 5 bytes / 8 characters.
- // The processing of this is known in advance,
- // so avoid arithmetic!
- function processBlock(ret, cOffset, rOffset) {
- let c, val;
- // N.B., this relies on
- // undefined | foo == foo.
- function accumulate(val) {
- ret[rOffset] |= val;
- }
- function advance() {
- c = str[cOffset++];
- if (!c || c == "" || c == "=") // Easier than range checking.
- throw "Done"; // Will be caught far away.
- val = key.indexOf(c);
- if (val == -1)
- throw "Unknown character in base32: " + c;
- }
- // Handle a left shift, restricted to bytes.
- function left(octet, shift) {
- return (octet << shift) & 0xff;
- }
- advance();
- accumulate(left(val, 3));
- advance();
- accumulate(val >> 2);
- ++rOffset;
- accumulate(left(val, 6));
- advance();
- accumulate(left(val, 1));
- advance();
- accumulate(val >> 4);
- ++rOffset;
- accumulate(left(val, 4));
- advance();
- accumulate(val >> 1);
- ++rOffset;
- accumulate(left(val, 7));
- advance();
- accumulate(left(val, 2));
- advance();
- accumulate(val >> 3);
- ++rOffset;
- accumulate(left(val, 5));
- advance();
- accumulate(val);
- ++rOffset;
- }
- // Our output. Define to be explicit (and maybe the compiler will be smart).
- let ret = new Array(bytes);
- let i = 0;
- let cOff = 0;
- let rOff = 0;
- for (; i < blocks; ++i) {
- try {
- processBlock(ret, cOff, rOff);
- } catch (ex) {
- // Handle the detection of padding.
- if (ex == "Done")
- break;
- throw ex;
- }
- cOff += 8;
- rOff += 5;
- }
- // Slice in case our shift overflowed to the right.
- return CommonUtils.byteArrayToString(ret.slice(0, bytes));
- },
- /**
- * Trim excess padding from a Base64 string and atob().
- *
- * See bug 562431 comment 4.
- */
- safeAtoB: function safeAtoB(b64) {
- let len = b64.length;
- let over = len % 4;
- return over ? atob(b64.substr(0, len - over)) : atob(b64);
- },
- /**
- * Parses a JSON file from disk using OS.File and promises.
- *
- * @param path the file to read. Will be passed to ``.
- * @return a promise that resolves to the JSON contents of the named file.
- */
- readJSON: function(path) {
- return, { encoding: "utf-8" }).then((data) => {
- return JSON.parse(data);
- });
- },
- /**
- * Write a JSON object to the named file using OS.File and promises.
- *
- * @param contents a JS object. Will be serialized.
- * @param path the path of the file to write.
- * @return a promise, as produced by OS.File.writeAtomic.
- */
- writeJSON: function(contents, path) {
- let data = JSON.stringify(contents);
- return OS.File.writeAtomic(path, data, {encoding: "utf-8", tmpPath: path + ".tmp"});
- },
- /**
- * Ensure that the specified value is defined in integer milliseconds since
- * UNIX epoch.
- *
- * This throws an error if the value is not an integer, is negative, or looks
- * like seconds, not milliseconds.
- *
- * If the value is null or 0, no exception is raised.
- *
- * @param value
- * Value to validate.
- */
- ensureMillisecondsTimestamp: function ensureMillisecondsTimestamp(value) {
- if (!value) {
- return;
- }
- if (!/^[0-9]+$/.test(value)) {
- throw new Error("Timestamp value is not a positive integer: " + value);
- }
- let intValue = parseInt(value, 10);
- if (!intValue) {
- return;
- }
- // Catch what looks like seconds, not milliseconds.
- if (intValue < 10000000000) {
- throw new Error("Timestamp appears to be in seconds: " + intValue);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Read bytes from an nsIInputStream into a string.
- *
- * @param stream
- * (nsIInputStream) Stream to read from.
- * @param count
- * (number) Integer number of bytes to read. If not defined, or
- * 0, all available input is read.
- */
- readBytesFromInputStream: function readBytesFromInputStream(stream, count) {
- let BinaryInputStream = Components.Constructor(
- ";1",
- "nsIBinaryInputStream",
- "setInputStream");
- if (!count) {
- count = stream.available();
- }
- return new BinaryInputStream(stream).readBytes(count);
- },
- /**
- * Generate a new UUID using nsIUUIDGenerator.
- *
- * Example value: "1e00a2e2-1570-443e-bf5e-000354124234"
- *
- * @return string A hex-formatted UUID string.
- */
- generateUUID: function generateUUID() {
- let uuid = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator)
- .generateUUID()
- .toString();
- return uuid.substring(1, uuid.length - 1);
- },
- /**
- * Obtain an epoch value from a preference.
- *
- * This reads a string preference and returns an integer. The string
- * preference is expected to contain the integer milliseconds since epoch.
- * For best results, only read preferences that have been saved with
- * setDatePref().
- *
- * We need to store times as strings because integer preferences are only
- * 32 bits and likely overflow most dates.
- *
- * If the pref contains a non-integer value, the specified default value will
- * be returned.
- *
- * @param branch
- * (Preferences) Branch from which to retrieve preference.
- * @param pref
- * (string) The preference to read from.
- * @param def
- * (Number) The default value to use if the preference is not defined.
- * @param log
- * (Log.Logger) Logger to write warnings to.
- */
- getEpochPref: function getEpochPref(branch, pref, def=0, log=null) {
- if (!Number.isInteger(def)) {
- throw new Error("Default value is not a number: " + def);
- }
- let valueStr = branch.get(pref, null);
- if (valueStr !== null) {
- let valueInt = parseInt(valueStr, 10);
- if (Number.isNaN(valueInt)) {
- if (log) {
- log.warn("Preference value is not an integer. Using default. " +
- pref + "=" + valueStr + " -> " + def);
- }
- return def;
- }
- return valueInt;
- }
- return def;
- },
- /**
- * Obtain a Date from a preference.
- *
- * This is a wrapper around getEpochPref. It converts the value to a Date
- * instance and performs simple range checking.
- *
- * The range checking ensures the date is newer than the oldestYear
- * parameter.
- *
- * @param branch
- * (Preferences) Branch from which to read preference.
- * @param pref
- * (string) The preference from which to read.
- * @param def
- * (Number) The default value (in milliseconds) if the preference is
- * not defined or invalid.
- * @param log
- * (Log.Logger) Logger to write warnings to.
- * @param oldestYear
- * (Number) Oldest year to accept in read values.
- */
- getDatePref: function getDatePref(branch, pref, def=0, log=null,
- oldestYear=2010) {
- let valueInt = this.getEpochPref(branch, pref, def, log);
- let date = new Date(valueInt);
- if (valueInt == def || date.getFullYear() >= oldestYear) {
- return date;
- }
- if (log) {
- log.warn("Unexpected old date seen in pref. Returning default: " +
- pref + "=" + date + " -> " + def);
- }
- return new Date(def);
- },
- /**
- * Store a Date in a preference.
- *
- * This is the opposite of getDatePref(). The same notes apply.
- *
- * If the range check fails, an Error will be thrown instead of a default
- * value silently being used.
- *
- * @param branch
- * (Preference) Branch from which to read preference.
- * @param pref
- * (string) Name of preference to write to.
- * @param date
- * (Date) The value to save.
- * @param oldestYear
- * (Number) The oldest year to accept for values.
- */
- setDatePref: function setDatePref(branch, pref, date, oldestYear=2010) {
- if (date.getFullYear() < oldestYear) {
- throw new Error("Trying to set " + pref + " to a very old time: " +
- date + ". The current time is " + new Date() +
- ". Is the system clock wrong?");
- }
- branch.set(pref, "" + date.getTime());
- },
- /**
- * Convert a string between two encodings.
- *
- * Output is only guaranteed if the input stream is composed of octets. If
- * the input string has characters with values larger than 255, data loss
- * will occur.
- *
- * The returned string is guaranteed to consist of character codes no greater
- * than 255.
- *
- * @param s
- * (string) The source string to convert.
- * @param source
- * (string) The current encoding of the string.
- * @param dest
- * (string) The target encoding of the string.
- *
- * @return string
- */
- convertString: function convertString(s, source, dest) {
- if (!s) {
- throw new Error("Input string must be defined.");
- }
- let is = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIStringInputStream);
- is.setData(s, s.length);
- let listener = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIStreamLoader);
- let result;
- listener.init({
- onStreamComplete: function onStreamComplete(loader, context, status,
- length, data) {
- result = String.fromCharCode.apply(this, data);
- },
- });
- let converter = this._converterService.asyncConvertData(source, dest,
- listener, null);
- converter.onStartRequest(null, null);
- converter.onDataAvailable(null, null, is, 0, s.length);
- converter.onStopRequest(null, null, null);
- return result;
- },
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(CommonUtils, "_utf8Converter", function() {
- let converter = Cc[""]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter);
- converter.charset = "UTF-8";
- return converter;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(CommonUtils, "_converterService", function() {
- return Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIStreamConverterService);
diff --git a/components/weave/src/crypto/utils.js b/components/weave/src/crypto/utils.js
index e3a77ad0a..17d6155fb 100644
--- a/components/weave/src/crypto/utils.js
+++ b/components/weave/src/crypto/utils.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu} = Components;
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["CryptoUtils"];
this.CryptoUtils = {
diff --git a/components/weave/src/engines/prefs.js b/components/weave/src/engines/prefs.js
index 792e0c66a..1a61c517d 100644
--- a/components/weave/src/engines/prefs.js
+++ b/components/weave/src/engines/prefs.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Cu.import("resource://services-sync/engines.js");
diff --git a/components/weave/src/stages/declined.js b/components/weave/src/stages/declined.js
index ff8a14181..e74a45c6e 100644
--- a/components/weave/src/stages/declined.js
+++ b/components/weave/src/stages/declined.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ var {utils: Cu} = Components;
diff --git a/components/weave/src/sync/engines.js b/components/weave/src/sync/engines.js
index edb406857..cdc6812e0 100644
--- a/components/weave/src/sync/engines.js
+++ b/components/weave/src/sync/engines.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu} = Components;
diff --git a/components/weave/src/sync/resource.js b/components/weave/src/sync/resource.js
index f670a42a9..bc1d639f6 100644
--- a/components/weave/src/sync/resource.js
+++ b/components/weave/src/sync/resource.js
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm");
diff --git a/components/weave/src/sync/service.js b/components/weave/src/sync/service.js
index 804eb20cd..1ced636d1 100644
--- a/components/weave/src/sync/service.js
+++ b/components/weave/src/sync/service.js
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ const KEYS_WBO = "keys";
diff --git a/components/weave/src/sync/userapi.js b/components/weave/src/sync/userapi.js
index e906440bd..4c3cdd43f 100644
--- a/components/weave/src/sync/userapi.js
+++ b/components/weave/src/sync/userapi.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ var {utils: Cu} = Components;
diff --git a/components/weave/src/sync/util.js b/components/weave/src/sync/util.js
index 08e4e1dfc..b26d0837e 100644
--- a/components/weave/src/sync/util.js
+++ b/components/weave/src/sync/util.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu} = Components;
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Async.jsm", this);