; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #if MOZ_APP_STATIC_INI ; This file is not used. If you modify it and want the application to use ; your modifications, start with the "-app /path/to/application.ini" ; argument. #endif #filter substitution #include @TOPOBJDIR@/buildid.h #include @TOPOBJDIR@/source-repo.h [App] Vendor=@MOZ_APP_VENDOR@ Name=@MOZ_APP_BASENAME@ RemotingName=@MOZ_APP_REMOTINGNAME@ #ifdef MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME CodeName=@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME@ #endif Version=@MOZ_APP_VERSION@ #ifdef MOZ_APP_PROFILE Profile=@MOZ_APP_PROFILE@ #endif BuildID=@MOZ_BUILDID@ #ifdef MOZ_SOURCE_REPO SourceRepository=@MOZ_SOURCE_REPO@ #endif #ifdef MOZ_SOURCE_STAMP SourceStamp=@MOZ_SOURCE_STAMP@ #endif ID=@MOZ_APP_ID@ [Gecko] MinVersion=@GRE_MILESTONE@ MaxVersion=@GRE_MILESTONE@ [XRE] #ifdef MOZ_PROFILE_MIGRATOR EnableProfileMigrator=1 #endif